Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 113, No. 05
< 3? ^ Advertisement PRODUCTIONS Representing the "bands of . Luther Allison Buddy Guy J. B. Hutto Magic Sam * Junior Wells Representing the solo artistry of . Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup Son House Mississippi John Hurt * Skip James * Mance Lipscomb Fred McDowell Johnny Shines Robert Pete Williams ^ Listed in memorium Telephone 617 625 7200 november 12, 1971 notre dame Indiana scholastic special blues issue volume 113, no. 5 bob koester 4 home sweet Chicago richard bizot 8 caught in the act biographies 10 the artists 11 mississippi fred mcdowejl 12 homesicl< james carey bell eddie taylor 13 howlin' wolf Shirley griffith 14 little brother montgomery Otis rush 15 muddy waters mance lipscomb 16 buddy guy & junior wells 18 johnny littlejohn & jimmy casey pocius 21 london howlin' wolf sessions richard bizot 22 digging blues ricfiard a. waterman 24 blues collections micfiael francis 26 blues in east texas kevin cassidy cherri weismantel 28 coming distractions phii & marie glotzbacii 30 movie reviews special blues editor: mike mccabe editors-in-ciiief: joe hotz, mary ellen stoltz / managing editor: greg chinchar / art director: rick fitzgerald / editors: mike mooney, greg stidham, jim fanto, mike mccabe, tom macken copy editor: jim palenchar / sports editor: don kennedy / assistant managing editor: joe runde / business: howie sutton / circulation: cliff zmick / faculty advisor: frank o'malley staff: george block, ed bower, John banks-brooks, kevin cassidy, john flannigan, marie glotzbach, phil glotzbach, mike givler, robert hamilton, marty head, bruce hooper, jim jendryk, dave jones, jerry koshinski, john linsky, mat mccarthy, fred monsour, john moore, John moran, mark o'connel, dan o'donnel, jim pearce, pete peterson, peggy perkinson, bob rizzuti, jim sitzman, pat smith, mimi v/heeler, cheri weismantel, jeff wyszkowski business and circulation: joe leahy, ron hein, jack reschauer, marty zone / art and photography: jim hunt, michael lonier, bob mcmahon, joe raymond, pam seifert.
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