Adapting the Portuguese Braille System to Formal Semantics Luís Filipe Cunha Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto / Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto (Unidade FCT PEst-OE/LIN/UI0022/2011) Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150-564, Porto, Portugal luisfi
[email protected] Abstract account for various aspects of meaning in nat- Since the seminal work of Richard Montague in the ural language. Although the initial task of for- 1970s, mathematical and logic tools have successfully mal semantics was to describe and resolve am- been used to model several aspects of the meaning of biguities regarding quantification in the nomi- natural language. However, visually impaired people continue to face serious difficulties in getting full ac- nal domain, it was rapidly expanded to cover cess to this important instrument. Our paper aims to other areas of interest to semanticists, from present a work in progress whose main goal is to pro- tense and aspect relations (e.g., Dowty, 1979; vide blind students and researchers with an adequate Bach, 1986; Moens, 1987; Parsons, 1990) method to deal with the different resources that are used to complex modal descriptions involving the in formal semantics. In particular, we intend to adapt the Portuguese Braille system in order to accommodate the interaction of time, situations, and possible most common symbols and formulas used in this kind worlds (cf. Portner, 2009 and the papers col- of approach and to develop pedagogical procedures to lected in Kratzer, 2012, for example). facilitate its learnability. By making this formalisation compatible with the Braille coding (either traditional The adoption of formal outlines in the context and electronic), we hope to help blind people to learn of the semantic descriptions for natural lan- and use this notation, essential to acquire a better under- guages has the advantage of giving rise to un- standing of a great number of semantic properties dis- ambiguous representations for the meaning of played by natural language.