Phytogeography of the Fucales and Their Seasonal Growth MOHAMMED NIZAMUDDIN Institut Für Meereskunde, Kiel*} (Received: 18.12.1969}

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Phytogeography of the Fucales and Their Seasonal Growth MOHAMMED NIZAMUDDIN Institut Für Meereskunde, Kiel*} (Received: 18.12.1969} Nizamuddin: Phytogcography of the Fucales and their Seasona] Growth 131 Botanica Marina Vol. XIII, p. 131—139, 1970 Phytogeography of the Fucales and their Seasonal Growth MOHAMMED NIZAMUDDIN Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel*} (Received: 18.12.1969} L Introduction New Zealand inhabiting far North and fewer in the The order Fucales KYLIN emended PETROV comprises south of Cook Strait. to date 36 genera and six families. All the genera are Landsburgia comprises two species, L. wyricaeforwts }> confined to littoral and sublittoral regions. Cysioseira AGARDH and L. qmrcifotia (HOOKER et HARVEY) HARVEY C. AGARDH, Sargassum C. AGARDH are widely distrib- which are endemic to New Zealand including Chatham uted and Titrbinaria LAMOUROUX is confined to trop- Island. Marginaricl/a is also a small genus comprising two ical and sub-tropical regions. Other genera are re- species, M. boryana (A. RICHARD) TANDY and Äf. stricted in their geographical distribution. Most of the urmlliana (A. RICHARD) TANDY, They grow off rocky Fucalean genera and three families — Himanthaliaceae, coast and in sheltered pools in sub-littoral regions. Hormosiraceae and Seirococcaceae are limited to The former species is a deep water alga whereas the small regions. Such Isolation and restriction of the latter one is of shallow watet (LINDAUER et al, 1961). families and genera or few species to a particular place There are two genera, Horwosira (ENDLICHER) MENE- are of considerable biogeographical interest. GHINI and Xiphophora MONTAGNE, which are confined The World distribution of the Fucalean families and to Australia and New Zealand. Among the two species genera are shown in figs. l — 3. The known distribution of Xiphophora^ X. chondrophylia (R, BRÖ\VN ex TURNER) of the genera may be extended by collecting from other MONTAGNE ex HARVEY is confined to southern coast of regions* The summary of their distribution may give a Australia and New Zealand whereas X. gladiata (LA- correct picture of their biogeography. Even there are BILLARDIERE) MONTAGNE ex KJELLMAN is confined to regions that require a careful observation and recording south-eastern coast of Australia. This species varies before a complete picture of biogeography is obtained. with age and in different habitats. Both the species of The distribution given may mean that particular genus Xiphophora are sub-littoral* Hormos/ra is monotypic or species grow in suitable ecological habitats within and essentially intertidal (WOMERSLEY, 1959) and the regions. represented by H. banksü (TURNER) DECAISNE. BERG- Here an attempt has been made to catalogue the re- QUIST (1959) made an extensive study on the ecology of ported occurrences and distribution of all the families this species. and their genera to see whether a definite pattern of In Australien waters Cystophora J. AGARDH is the largest biogeographical control is evident. Further work may genus in the Cystoseiraceae and comprises 23 species distort or make this pattern more clear. The biogeog- and the biogeography of which has already been desc- raphy of the families and genera are grouped in three ribed by WOMERSLEY (1964), Almost all the species of major regions: — (i) distribution in southern hemi- this genus except C. torulosa (R. BROWN ex TURNER) sphere (ii) distribution in norhern hemisphere and J. AGARDH are sub-littoral; some occur under rough (in) distribution in both hemispheres. conditions while others in sheltered waters. Only a few species of this genus also grow in New Zealand C. platylobittw (MERTENS) J. AGARDH, C. torulosa, C. II. Distribution in Southern Hemisphere congesta WOMERSLEY and NIZAMUDDIN and C. retroflexa The genera Carpophyllum GREVILLE, Marginartella TANDY (LABILLARDIERE) J. AGARDH whereas C. scalaris J. and Landsburgia HARVEY are endemic to New Zealand AGARDH and C. distenta J. AGARDH are endemic to inhabiting sub-littoral region. Among five species of New Zealand. Carpöphyllum^ one species C. scalare SUHRING is con- The genus Acrocarpia ARESCHOUG comprises two spe- fined to South Africa and abundant at Port Alfred and cies, A. paniculata (TURNER) ARESCHOUG and A. Dwsea (IsAAC, 1953) and is sub-littoral. This is a robusta (J. AGARDH) WOMERSLEY. The genus is endemic unique species in this genus and to my opinion it to Australian waters. A. paniculata extends from Cape hardly resembles New Zealand species. A detailed Spencer, South Australia> around the south east coast study is needed to determine its systematic position. C. (including Tasmania) to Port Stephens, N, S. W, angustifolium J. AGARDH, C. maschalocarpum (TURNER) (WOMERSLEY, 1964; NIZAMUDDIN, 1960). A. robusta is GREVILLE, C. ßexuosum (£SPER) GREVILLE and C. known only from the southern part of Western (A, RICHARD) J. AGARDH are endemic to Austraüa. *) Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi-32, The genus Caulocystis ARESCHOUG is endemic to Austra- Pakistan* lian waters and comprises two species, C. mifera (C. Botaoica Marina / Vol. / 1970 / Fase. 2 17* Brought to you by | Universidad Nacional Autonoma Authenticated Download Date | 2/12/19 7:03 PM 132 Nizamuddin: Phytogeography of the Fucales and their Seasonal Growth \ ATLANTIC OCEAN INDIAN OCEAN PACIFIC OCEAN ANTARCTIC \ PacificCout ^ \ sf America vi * M. \ 1 AiabianSea^ ^ 5 1 ΐ i 1 1 ™« «y 1U «3 n a ¹ *" rt Sc «Elbt c C ÊË^ c — 5ί τ/ if c ™ Ë ·™ ^ c i— ^ c -^ ^ ^i c 32 ^ ^ i^l^^wn^C'3g^^m^ 111 Adriati GENERA \ Mcditrranca 51! Acrocarpia + 4- + 4- 4- + Acystis + Ascophyllum 4- Axillariella + Bifurcaria 4- + •h Bifurcariopsis + Carpoglossum + + Ψ Carpophyllum ·*· 4· 4- Caulocystis 4- + 4- 4- + Coccopbora 4- + 4- + 4- 4- + Cystopbora + + 4· Cystophyllurn Cystoscira + 4- 4- 4- + 4 4- 4- 4· + -*· 4- Cystosphaera 4- Fucus + 4· 4- + + + 4· Halidrys -1-4 + •1- Hesperophycus 4- Himanthalia 4- 4- -h + 4 Kizikia 4-4- 4- Hormophysa 44+ 4-4 Hormos-ira 4- + 4- 4- 4- 4- Landsburgia 4- Marginarielto 4· 4- Myriodcsma -*- + 4- +· ?elvetia + 4- 4· Pelvetiopsis + Phyllospora + + 4- 4· Platythalia Sargassum T-t" T-^* T4- T^ ^-U· TJ^ ~ér Scabena 4· + 4- + Scylolhalia 4- 4- Seirococcus + 4-4 Stokeyia + +· Stolonophora 4- W Turbinaria + 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- 4- + + + + 4· H- 4- Xiphophora 4- -h + H- 4- 4- Tab. l Distribution of the fucalean genera in the World Fig. 2 Distribution of the fucalean families in the world, showing densities Botanica Marina / Vol. ΧΙÐ / 1970 / Fase. 2 Brought to you by | Universidad Nacional Autonoma Authenticated Download Date | 2/12/19 7:03 PM Nizamuddin: Phytogeography of the Eucales and their Seasonal Growth 133 20 c. £· Fig. 3 Distribution of the fucalean genera shown along the coast of the world (for detail see the list of the abbrevi- 6fl ation of the genera) a) Distribution of the genera alontj the Pacific coast b) Distribution of the genera along the north-east coast of Asia c) Distribution of the genera in Australian waters A-l = Acrocarpia H-4 Hizikia A-2 =* Acystis H-5 Hormophysn A-3 = Ascophyüum H-6 Hormosira A-4 = Axillar iella L Landsburgia B-I - Bifurcaria M*l Marginariella B-2 = Bifurcariopsis /Vi-2 Mvriodesma C-l = Carpoglossam p. l C-2 — Carpophyllum P-2 Pelveiiopsis C-3 = Caalocystis P-3 Phyllospora C*4 = Coccophora PiatythQlia C-5 = Cystophora S- 1 Sargassum C-6 = Cystophyllum S-2 Scaberia C-7 = Cystoseira S-3 Scytöthalia C-8 = Cystosphaera S-4 Seirococcus F = FUCLTS S-5 Stokeyia H-1 - Haliärys S-6 Stolonophora H-2 = Hesperophycus T Turbinnria H-3 = Himanthalia X Xiphophora 32 - Flg. 3a Botanica Marina / Vol. XIII / 1970 / Fase, 2 Brought to you by | Universidad Nacional Autonoma Authenticated Download Date | 2/12/19 7:03 PM 134 Nizamuddin: Phytogeography of the Fucales and thcir Scasooal Growth 20 N 100 110 120 130 150 Fig. 3b t i f 1 «'S, 15 - Ë . N 11t) 120 130 ISO 160 170 190 Fig. 3c Botanica Marina / Vol. ΧΙÐ / 1970 / Fase, 2 Brought to you by | Universidad Nacional Autonoma Authenticated Download Date | 2/12/19 7:03 PM Nizamuddin: Phytogeography of the Fucalcs and their Seasonal Growth 135 AGARDH) ARESCH. and C. ctphalornithos (LABILLARDIERE) folium SONDER and P. qtitrcifolium (TURNER) SONDER. ARESCH, These two species are separated mainiy on the Each inhabit sub-littoral region. shape of the vesicles. They inhabit generally calm to Scabtria GREVILLE is a unique fucalean member which medium rough coasts, from low tide level down but is monotypic and endemic to Australia extending from sometimes they may occur in pools. C. wifera extends Geraldton Bay, Western Australia, along the south east from Shark Bay, W, Australia around southern Austra- coast to Bondi, N.S.W., including Kangaroo Island and lia (including Tasmania) to Long Bay, N. S- W. C. northern coast of Tasmania and also in Lord Howe cephalornithos is distributed from Elision, S- Australia, Island. It is represented ^S.agardhii GREVILLE which around south eastern coast to Bondi, N. S- W., includ- grows in littoral to sub-littoral region (NIZAMUDDIN, ing Tasmania. 1962). Carpoglos$t4m KÜTZING i s monotypic and represented by Antarctica and sub-Antarctica are represented by a single one species, C confluens (R. BROWN ex TURNER) KÜTZING genus, Cystosphatra SKOTTSBERG which is endemic äs in Australian waters extending from Eliston, South well äs monotypic, represented by C. jacqtiinotn SKOTTS- Australia, around south eastern coast (including Tas- BERG. This is confined to West Antarctica growing along mania) to Western Port, Victoria. This species inhabits the steep rocks, It occurs in Bransfield Strait Harmony sub-littoral region (NIZAMUDDIN, I960, 1964). Cove on Nelson Island. Aiyrhdesma DECAISNE extraaustralian genus comprises South Africa is represented by two monotypic and to date eight species which are endemic to Australian endemic genera, Axillaridla (GRÜBER) SILVA and Bifur- watcrs extending from Western Australia around cariopsis PAPENFUSS, A. consfricta (GRÜBER) SILVA and southern Australia including Tasmania to Victoria B. capensis (ARESCHOUG) PAPENFUSS grow along the (NIZAMUDDIN and WOMERSLEY, 1966). M. harveyanum south western corner of the Cape Province (!SAAC, 1942.
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