Christmas Gifts Wedding Celebration
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of marriages nevertheless, saw one of the prettiest weddings of the year last Wednesday at the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, when two of Al- AUTOMOBILE DIREgC Call up The Herald. Algiers 503, JA'n-r.enetrati*a giers' best and oldest families were will be arranged to ,. your conv • Fe The united through the marriage of John 1_Algerines at Law. Turner Morrison to Miss Gladys Short. Name of Car Distributor The church, and especially the sanctuary, were tastefully and beau. CIVIL DISTRICT COURT. Hlarding, lot Opelousas. Slidell. Belle- D.H.Holmes Co. tifully decorated. Fr. ('assagne had Succession of ienry P. Frazer. pos- ville and Vallette; another Iortion Reo "rI': 'nc Circle this in charge and as usual the re- session- E. A. Parsons. same square $:3t,0l terms --O'Connor. I------. - Limited suits were most gratifying to all pres- Emancipation of \\'alter Lee Frazer. State of Louisiana (James D)onnel- ent. judgment of emancipation. ly) to James l)onnelly. lot Webster. Circleod The bridal party entered the church Succession of Peter Clement. tutor- Wagnor. .\lix and Eliza $20 _t cash "t " (' announces its and marched down the main aisle to ship-Robt. O'Connor. IRedemption )-Treasurer. Premier the strains of Mendelsshon's Wedding CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGES. IHettye Levy ('ahn to Southern Park preparedness to .March. played by Prof. llerbert. lease of property No. 4"1 Mrs. .Jhn It. Norman to Bankers Itealty ('o.. 7 The bride looked charming and street corner Alix street, for S Loan & Securities ('o. Inc.. $1.'.(S1 Vallette Chalmers "I s serve you with digni,'ied. She worme a beautiful crea- 12 months, ending Sept. :.'. 191i, at tract of land on right bank of Mlissis- tion of the tailor's art. of grey satin Pi'rivate. sippi river formerly known as Au- $•;:N' per month c(ombined with Georgette crepe, and Matthew L. IHowe and John W. Franklin " 1 I 7t complete rora or Eliska Plantation--Milling. carried a large bouquet of bridal to J. Edw. Iluckins, lot Mrs. J.lhi R. Norman to Bankers Ilowe. Jr.. roses and lillies of the valley. She .\tlantic. 'acific, Opelousas and Eve- assortments of Loan & Securities $25.0s0O was given away by her father. ('apt. Co. Inc.. lina. $1,00 terms-- Mahoney. tract of land on right bank of Mis- Wp. Short. The bridesmaid. Miss WIFE UNFAITHFUL. sissippi river known as Aurora CHARGES 7 Mamie Morrison, was demurely at- or El- G(eorme W. Brown charges his wife., Cole 8 i r o8St. tractive in a suit of bleaubird blue iska I'lantation-Mlilling. f;ussie IDurand. to whom he was mar- Enmil,J. Mothe to lowell t'arter. satin combined also with Georgette ried Nov. 2:'. 1l9,5. with infidelity in New Fall Jr... 5111, lot Tyulouse. Bourbon. l)au- crepe. She also carried a bouquet of his petition for divorce tiled in the ,Al!en bridal roses. phine and St. Peter Stafford. civil court Saturday. lie alleges that ei F I. V"tQt. r, 708 St. D)r. L. B. Landry- to Peter Rupp,. The best man was one of Algiers wife introduced the co-respondent. $2.s101.2 lots Newton. Nunez, his Merchandise most popular young men. Peter Mc- Teche whose name is not mentioned in the IBuiC IPrTlt i (;h nnv and HIomer - (;ivney. Mahoney. petition. into the home of a respect- On arriving in the sanctuary they REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. able family, and subsequently visited [Buick " C 2 Howa,, were met by Fr. ('assagt•e and Very Interstate Land C'o. to Hlerbert L. this man in his apartments there. Rev. Fr. l.arkin, who perfornmed the Bernal-in to -ny ceremony which opened a new chap- t- S2282 ter in the lives of two of .\lgiers pop- Stearns HoWa.d ular youn1g people. A pretty and interesting feature of the wedding was the fact that the bride used the same handkerchief that her mother used on her wedding day; SCHOOL NOTES and, the bride's father, ('apt. Short, wore the some tie that he wore on Bollwinkle s ' his own wedding day. McDONOGH No. 4 ROL LOF HONOR tBELLEVILLE NOTES. During the ceremotry Mr. Aubrey 'Medical Inspectors to Visit School Gainnie sang with feeling and strength Eighth (;radt- A-Scholarship and DIVERSIFIED "Endless l)ay." and Miss Nellie Ready del.ortment: George Rau and Hllr- Friday. man Frtench. rendered with artistic tinish the The medical inspectors are going "'Melody of Love." .Many relatives Eighth Grade I--Scholarshi p and to save the parents a trip across the SEEDS and friends. among whom were Mrs. dportn'ent: Gerald Cooper. Felix river, as they are going to visit the Behrman and Mrs. Nat Bond, were McAnespy and Melfourd l'itre. school on Friday morning to vaccin- D. Seventh Conquered the H. Grade Holmes A-Scholarship Co. and present to bid the young couple God- ate any child that desires to be vac- speed in their new life. d1-potnrltent: Milton A.ker, lPhilip cinated. Uk..-- r.,,. LIMITED Saleehy and The happy couple were the recip- Marcel Serpas. The time for the admissions of be- Boll-weevil Terror / ients of numerous and valuable pres- Seventh Grade B- Richard Bieh- ginners in school has been extended ents. which were much admired at a lr, l. on Duffy. Otto Metder. .lames to the The nama "BOLLWINKLE" stands fr all that third week in view of the is superior in reception given at the home of the tP-,ler. .Marion Crawford. Ed Newell, the agricultural world. Bellwlkle I storm which may have prevented seeds, fertilers, and farm Implements, sprays sad carnations and asparagus ferns. Mr. bride after the wedding. .lohn Roberts. John ('icutat and some from entering last week. insecticides, are recognized as among the greatest factors in the South's farmin prosperity. MARRIAGES ('ostello had as his best man. Samuel The honeymoon was spent at Long Ililary Schroeder. Beach. Miss. Giordana. Miss Payard was given Sixth Grade A-Scholarship and BUY YOUR SEEDS FROM' CO8TELLO-FAYARD. away by her cousin Mr. Emile L. The couple reside at the bride's deportment: Hugh lhilly, Joseph A wedding of the past week. was Stiedel. with whom she entered. The. home on Seguin street, where they are 1Magio. iMat Crawford. Roland hriel. that of Miss ('orine Fayard, of Bay bride was charming in her gown of now receiving their numerous friends. Olin Cooper. Frank Ol)onnell. Nor- SISTERS PASS EACH BOLLWINKLE St. Louis, Miss., to Mr. .. 1). Costel- silk and her tulle veil in the latest -man Ramnos. Melbourne Reed. Ira What to Pleant in the Montr of Octeber: - lo of Algiers, La.. which took place style was very becoming. She car- KISSINGER-FREICHE. Olroyd. .lohn Ruiz. Walter Scott. "<.,w()!u n Se'eds ,,- all trn l - "t .,-,ag.:"('aul: on Wedn sday afternoon at 5:::0 o'- ried a bouquet of Illlies of the val-. The wedding of Miss Adrienne F'rei- Clifford Swart and John Talluto. OTHER INGULF ti a r, fir.r,,,,;. bale. Leek-. fMu tard. clock at St. John the Baptist Church. ley. little Arhtelia Stleffel acted as che, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sixth (;rade Ii--Scholarship and Chervil. Rada-ws. L.ttuce. Enh•r.. I'ar•n• Sal :/f in I)rydes street. The church was rdel.ortment: G. C. Emory. ('harle.- t , .' flower girl and was gowned in white Freiche. and Mr. Oliver G. Kissinger Pra,.' et ,at sh.II:- and Ar,,'h k, and Straw . beautifully and artistically decorated voille hand embroidered and white was solemnized on Monday. Sept. 24. Christiansen. Louis ('ronan, George berry plant. and was filled with large numbers over pink silk. and carried a basket. at 5::io p. m. in Our Lady of the Holy Hengert, Albert Monroe. Mark Hlynes. ONE DEAl) SEND FOR OUR GARDENERS' CATALOGUE. of relatives and friends. Reverend of pink flowers. Immediately after Rosary Church by the Rev. W'illiah IJoseph Trauth, ILouis Fernandez, F•ather F'rohn officiated at the cere- the ceremony there was a reception J. Vincent. Irvin Campbell and Horace Harris. Bollwinkle Seed Co. mony. The bride had as her attend- at the home of the bridal couple. The groom is well known here, Fifth Grade A-Scholarship and de- IR•S. T. V. CA('SANOVA, R., I)IFS ant her cousin. Miss Evelyn Ltd. Payard. having been a valued employe of the portment: .lames Calvin. William 510 Dumalne who was lovely in a gown IN PANAMA. Street. Phone Healoeck of flesh MORRISON-SHORT. Southern Pacific Co. for many years. Kassner, Milton Henry. Peter Ander- NEW ORLEANS, LA. colored voile with pink ribbons and Mr. Clayton t'mbach was one of son, Joseph Brune. Malcolm Schwar- News was received here Monday rosebuds. She wore a hat of pink September. though not reputed to the groomsmen and Messrs. E. Hard- zenbach. Floyd I'mbach and Alvin morning by cable of the death of tulle and carried a bouquet of pink. he as o)pular as June in the matter ng and1. Ryan ushers. Covell. Mrs. Toulme V. Casanova. Sr.. at Balboa, ('anal Zone. Panama. Fifth Grade H--Scholarship and de- i *'SEE WHITE TO BUY RIGHT" pertnuent: Stanford Willmore, Royal Mrs. Casanova is well known Williams. Iouis Broussard, Roy Ilin- here. where she resided many years tle. Albert Newberry and John Cur- and her death will be a great shock ran. to her many friends. She was a most estimable woman whose many Fourth i(rade A--Scholarslip and charitable deeds are well known A CONSULTATI1I It,tjortllent: William Entwistle. Lies- here. lie Kirkpatrick. .loep!l Sutherland.