JavaScript and CSS for Geographers Patrick Arlt, Allison Davis & Nate Bedortha Slides: This talk is all fundamentals. First, Some Notes Lots of supplemental info in these slides.

Designed to help you keep learning beyond this talk. Pretty much everything is a link. Slides: Web Development is Hard

It's ok to feel overwhelmed Good news: you're more equipped than you think! Scripted with ArcPy? Scripted with Python? Congured an app? Used Arcade? A quick note on web servers

HTML, CSS, and JS all go in your web server How to set up a local web server Install Node > Terminal/Command Line/Windows Bash/Powershell npx http-server . For fast prototyping use CodePen or StackBlitz HTML



Here's some unstyled content.
Try it in CodePen MDN's HTML docs and guides CSS html, body, #map { margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Where does CSS go?

Inside a . le that is loaded with a tag.

Inside a Inside an element’s style attribute. ⚠

Blue text!

What does CSS look like?

html, body, #map { margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } The "C" is for Cascading Styles cascade into the nal styles for the HTML elements that match their selectors. Browser and user styles