The Kutztown Patriot Vol
THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT VOL. LXIX KUTZTOWN, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 NO. 45 === Rev. Kline To Confirm FINAL RESULTS The Forest Prince 32 At Dryville Church Full Military Honors At Arlington FOURTH WAR LOAN DRIVE Kutztown May Have BERKS COUNTY Will Be Presented On Saturday, April first, at 2 p. m., Berks County-Quota..$ 16,801,000 Individual Locker thc Rev. W. H. Kline will confirm a Accorded Captain Harold Trenchard Total sales—all securi class of 32 catechumens at Christ Full military honors at Arlington iris, bearing the Air Corps insignia of ties $19,422,100 (Mertz) Lutheran Church, Dryville. AtKHSMon.-Tues. Cemetery, Washington, D. C, were ac the Marines, sent by the California Berks County-116% Cold Storage Plant The 32 include the following: Lois corded Captain Harold Trenchard, of Squadron of the dead hero. Berks County-Quota.. $ 7,300,000 Miriam Behm, Doris Ellen Boone, thc "Forty Thieves" Squadron 452 of "Thread of Sacrifice" Sales to individuals $ 7,602,000 Seventy-four Pupils In Cast; Catherine R. Carl, Beatrice Gene the Marines, who met sudden death "Life is a beautiful pattern but no Berks County-104% Christman, Josephine Mary Cronrath, WPB To Release Materials Mary Croll, Willis Dietrich in California, in performance of his fabric is complete without the scarlet Berks County-Quota.. $ 4,500,000 Madeline R. Heffner, Miriam Kathryn For Construction If Enough duty. thread of sacrifice," declared the Rev. "E" Bond sales $ 4,090,000 Have Leading Parts Hilbert, Anna Quillman Kramer, Mary Services were conducted in the ceme Mr. Renoll, who paid high tribute to Berks County-91% Subscribers Are Secured On Monday and Tuesday nights, Quillman Kramer, Elizabeth Rosamond tery chapel, by the Navy chaplain, after the character, valiant spirit and lead Total Sales by Areas: A cold storage plant with individual March 27th and 28th, a cast of 74 Miller, Eleanor Jane Mover, Jean which the flag-draped casket was ership qualities of Captain Trenchard.
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