SAINT JOAN OF ARC CHURCH Sunday, August 8, 2021 MASS SCHEDULE Nineteenth Sunday in Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am Saturday: 4:00 pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) Ordinary Time Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:00 am Holy Days: See schedule in the bulletin

CONFESSIONS Saturday: Noon-12:30 pm


Monday-Friday: 7:00 am & 9:00 am Saturday: 9:00 am & 6:00 pm (Sunday Vigil Mass) Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon & 4:30 pm Holy Days: See schedule in the bulletin

Saint Louise Church is equipped with a Hearing Loop: Hearing Aid users switch hearing aid to T-coil

CONFESSIONS Tuesday: 6:30 - 7:30 pm Saturday: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

SACRAMENTAL LIFE Baptism: Baptisms are typically scheduled on Sundays, following the 11:00 am Mass at Saint Joan church, and following the Noon Mass at Saint Louise church. Pre-Baptism instruction (a one-hour class) is required for both parents. Please call the particular PARISH CLERGY church office to schedule baptisms. Reverend Daniel J. Maurer, Pastor Marriage: Arrangements must be made with the Reverend Jon Brzek, Parochial Vicar parish priest at least six months prior to the Very Reverend Joseph E. Sioli VE, In Residence anticipated celebration. Deacon William F. Strathmann, Permanent Deacon Sacrament of the Sick: The parish priests are available for home visitation for the Sacraments of the SAINT JOAN OF ARC CHURCH Eucharist, Confession and Anointing of the Sick. 6414 MONTOUR STREET Eucharistic Ministers are available on Sundays following the 8:00am Mass for distribution of the SOUTH PARK, PA 15129, 412-833-2400 Holy Communion. To arrange for a visit please call the parish office. SAINT LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH 320 MCMURRAY ROAD Facebook: PITTSBURGH, PA 15241-1616, 412-833-1010 WORSHIP AID

2 GLORIA First Reading 1 Kgs 19:4-8 Glory to God in the highest, Elijah went a day’s journey into the desert, until he came to a broom tree and sat beneath it. and on earth peace to people of good will. He prayed for death saying: We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, “This is enough, O LORD! Take my life, for I am no we give you thanks for your great glory, better than my fathers.” He lay down and fell asleep Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. under the broom tree, but then an angel touched him Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, and ordered him to get up and eat. Elijah looked and Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, there at his head was a hearth cake and a jug of water. you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; After he ate and drank, he lay down again, but the angel of the LORD came back a second time, touched him, you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; and ordered, “Get up and eat, else the journey will be you are seated at the right hand of the Father, too long for you!” He got up, ate, and drank; then have mercy on us. strengthened by that food, he walked forty days and For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb. you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Second Reading Eph 4:30—5:2 Brothers and : PROFESSION OF FAITH (Nicene Creed) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you I believe in one God, the Father almighty, were sealed for the day of redemption. All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one invisible. another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, has forgiven you in Christ. So be imitators of God, as the Only Begotten Son of God, beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us born of the Father before all ages. and handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering God from God, Light from Light, to God for a fragrant aroma.

true God from true God, begotten, not made,

consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. Gospel Jn 6:41-51 For us men and for our salvation he came down from The Jews murmured about Jesus because he said, heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the “I am the bread that came down from heaven, ” Virgin Mary, and became man. and they said, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph? For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, Do we not know his father and mother? Then how can he say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” he suffered death and was buried, and rose again Jesus answered and said to them, “Stop murmuring on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. among yourselves. No one can come to me unless the He ascended into heaven Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise him on and is seated at the right hand of the Father. the last day. It is written in the prophets: They shall all He will come again in glory to judge the living and the be taught by God. Everyone who listens to my Father dead and his kingdom will have no end. and learns from him comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God; he has I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, seen the Father. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever who proceeds from the Father and the Son, believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your who with the Father and the Son ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died; is adored and glorified, this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that who has spoken through the prophets. one may eat it and not die. I am the living bread that c I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. ame down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins for the life of the world.” and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. 3 From Fr. Dan….  Next Sunday is August 15, The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This event is the celebration of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, being taken body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life. It emphasizes the sanctity of our Blessed Mother and, given the fact that she was spared the affects of original sin (recall her Immaculate Conception) corruption did not touch her body. Although anyone who shares in Christ’s resurrection will oneRday have a glorified body, Mary enjoyed this special grace of God in advance, due to her role as the Mother of God.   When it falls on other days of the week, this is “a holy day of obligation.” Also, as we experience this year, this celebration is a solemnity that replaces the normal Sunday celebration (this year it is celebrated in place of the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time) so there will be special readings and hymns honoring our Blessed Mother. And, very appropriately THIS YEAR, it is the date on which the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is reinstated.    Participating in the celebration of Mass for Sunday (which includes the “anticipated Masses” on Saturday evening) not only is one of the important ways that we as Catholic Christians “keep holy the Lord’s day,” but it is also where we regularly encounter the fullness of Christ’s presence V in the gathering of the members of His Body, the Church; in the words of Sacred Scripture; and most profoundly in Holy Communion! Participating in Sunday Mass is also being faithful to the precepts of the Church. The “obligation” gives us a weekly gauge as to how we are doing in our relationship to God. If participating at Mass is a chore, something we need to check off our list, something we drag ourselves to and can’t wait for it to be over, or something we skip completely, then our relationship to God may be in serious trouble and we may, perhaps, be in a darker place than we realize. We SHOULD ideally see participating in the Mass for Sunday as a joy and a privilege, a source of strength, an opportunity to refocus and reRground ourselves in the amazing gift of Christ’s presence in our world V not something we do because we HAVE to, but because we CAN! (And all of those things can be realized even if we don’t care for every particular hymn at a given Mass, even if the homily is not an emotional, lifeRchanging experience every week, and even if some other aspect competes for our attention or is not to our individual liking.) This year in particular, after so long a time of isolation, participating at Mass can also be better appreciated as a chance to connect with something bigger than ourselves and affirm the fact that each of us are not meant to be out there in the world, alone, but we are a member of Christ’s Body, here and now, and share an intimate connection, a profound “oneness,” with all the other members of the Body throughout the world. That perspective can change our lives for the better in many ways.   The celebration of the Assumption focuses us in a special way, in that while we recognize the privilege that our Blessed Mother already enjoys, we reflect on the fact that we have an opportunity to enjoy the same thing one day RR being body and soul in the presence of our Savior, Jesus Christ. However, while many people may hope to spend eternity with God, some don’t make it a priority to spend 1 hour with Him on Sunday.   ‘Hail, Mary, full of grace, ….. pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death!!”  (It should be noted, in any discussion of the reinstatement of the Sunday Obligation, that given the pandemic that we’ve been through, and the ongoing threat of Covid and variants there of, there are situations in which the obligation does not apply. As the Bishops of Pennsylvania emphasized in their recent statement on the matter: “As always, people who are ill, who suspect that they may have been exposed to a contagious disease, have caregiver obligations or have serious anxiety about being in a large group at this time are not required to attend Mass. People who are ill or who may carry a contagious illness are strongly encouraged to stay home.” For those with health concerns and need to avoid crowds, participating at Mass on a weekday may still, for the time being, be a viable alternative. )

Our life journeys can have many twists and turns, ups and downs. The events of the past two years have caused some people to reRexamine their priorities and their relationship with God. While God is always calling us to a deeper, stronger, fuller relationship, our response to that call can vary greatly during the course of our lives. God can and does work through the events of our lives to sometimes wake us up to the significance of a relationship to Him and the difference that it can make for us. If you, a lovedRone, friend, neighbor, etc., feel the stirring of God in your heart and want to experience a deeper level of God’s presence, the Catholic Faith has so much to offer! Through the Church, God has communicated to us everything we need to know to grow as God’s children. An understanding of scripture, knowledge of the ways and teachings of Christ, and sharing in the Sacraments, all help us to take our faith to a new level. If these gifts have not been a significant part of your past but you would like them to be part of your future (or that of a lovedRone), the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults can help. The R.C.I.A. program is for those not baptized, those baptized in a Christian denomination but would now like to be part of the Catholic Church, or those baptized as Catholic but never Confirmed. It is designed to help one appreciate all the gifts of our Catholic Faith so that they can play a bigger part in one’s life! This annual program takes place in Catholic parishes throughout the world and we will soon be beginning a new session here. For further information, please contact Rebecca Pettigrew (at 412R770R 7635) or Fr. Dan (at 412R833R1010 or by email at [email protected]). 4 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE & MASS INTENTIONS SAINT JOAN CHURCH SAINT LOUISE CHURCH

Saturday, August 7 Saint Sixtus II; Saint Cajetan Monday, August 9 Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

4:00pm David Wenslovas (Wife and Children) 7:00am In Thanksgiving Samuel A. Basile III (Jude & Kristen Sunday, August 8 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am Michaels) 9:00am Gabriel Paul (Family) 9:30am Morning Prayer 11:00am People of Saint Catherine Labouré Parish 6:45pm Holy Hour (Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet) Monday, August 9 Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Tuesday, August 10 Saint Lawrence 8:00am Raymond Ostronic (Tom & Mary Lou Kobus) 7:00am Joseph R. Walsh (Pamela A. & Robert Walsh) Tuesday, August 10 Saint Lawrence 8:30am Morning Prayer Edward J. Vodzak (Lamb of God Chapel 8:00am Alexis Kearney (M/M James Bronder) 9:00am Adoration Committee) Wednesday, August 11 Saint Clare Wednesday, August 11 Saint Clare

8:00am Diane Hirak (Frank & Donna Ravella) 7:00am Elizabeth Larlick (David & Donna Brown)

Thursday, August 12 Saint Jane Frances de Chantal 9:00am Joseph Hufnagel (Dick & Adrienne Hufnagel) 9:30am Morning Prayer 8:00am Grace Hanley (Mesinere Family) Friday, August 13—No Mass Thursday, August 12 Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Saints Pontian and Hippolytus 7:00am John Derochis (Dobrosielski Family) Saturday, August 14 Saint Maximilian Kolbe 9:00am Ron Bargiband (DeMarillac Guild) 4:00pm Gilbert DeBor (Lynda & Al Bilec) 9:30am Morning Prayer Sunday, August 15 Friday, August 13 Saints Pontian and Hippolytus The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00am Gregory A. Castelli (Valerie A. Castelli) 9:00am Evelyn Turner (Burnes & Turner Families) 9:00am Genevieve Kenny (Nancy Hartwig) 11:00am Bill Tosic (Dot Turley) Saturday, August 14 Saint Maximilian Kolbe 9:00am Tom McGarvey (Family) After Mass Mother of Perpetual Help Novena

1:30pm Confirmation

Monday: Dt 10:12-22; Ps 147; Mt 17:22-27 6:00pm Norma Rach (Joan Fordeley & Family) Tuesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112; Jn 12:24-26 Sunday, August 15 Wednesday: Dt 34:1-12; Ps 66; Mt 18:15-20 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114; Mt 18:21—19:1 8:00am Bill & Peg Kuenzig (Maureen Strathmann) Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136; Mt 19:3-12 John L. Griffin (Mary Elizabeth Griffin & 10:00am Saturday: Jos 24:14-29; Ps 16; Mt 19:13-15 Family) Next Sunday: Noon Rose & Guido Agostinelli (Family) Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45, 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 4:30pm People of Saint Catherine Labouré Parish


Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell, Satan and the other evil spirits, who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.  Pope Leo XIII 

O M+29?> =38, :<+C 09< ?= A29 2+@/ 9 T2//! SAINT CATHERINE LABOURÉ PARISH Names can be added to this list at any time by notifying Philly Sysak, 412-853-1151. Please note that out of respect for a person’s privacy, the request to have a name added to our published prayer list must come from the individual themselves or an immediate family member. Also, as people often recover from illness or difficult situations by the aid of prayer, names will stay on the prayer list for a maximum of four weeks, but then can be resubmitted if there is still a need. *Note: Prayers continue after names are removed.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE WHO ARE SICK. Ministers of Prayer are asked to pray for: Betty Mahr, Jerry Conboy, Beth Ann Cicchino, Dorothy Cingoli, David Varney and Julie Carmassi.  Help, save, pity and defend your servants, O God, by your grace.


ARE COMING TO Sam Basile (Family) SAINT CATHERINE LABOURÉ PARISH Ann Killeen Muldoon (Janet) The Little Sisters of the Poor are a Catholic religious order founded by Jerry Conboy (L) (George & Jetta Svaranowic) Saint Jeanne Jugan. Their work among the elderly poor began in Pittsburgh 150 years ago. Since that time they have depended on the support of people in parishes and others to continue their work.  They operate a home for the aged on Benton Avenue in REST IN PEACE Pittsburgh. It is truly a “home” for those who are most Irene Boyd, mother of Richard Boyd in need.

The Sisters and volunteers will be at the doors of Dorothy Hunt, mother of Joanne Fornear Saint Louise de Marillac Church August 7-8. Please  be as generous as possible to them and their incredible Pat Mastandrea, brother of Carmen Mastandrea work for the poor. Mary Minick, mother of George Minick

NEW ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED Vicki Pivarnik, sister of Andrew Sivak

We would like to resume having the girls and boys of our parish assisting at Mass as Altar Servers. If you Donald P. Remlinger, Sr., father of were on our list of servers prior to Covid, you should Donald P. Remlinger, Jr. and grandfather of have received an email survey of your interest and Donald P. Remlinger, III availability for being scheduled. If you were not an Altar Server before, but would like to become one (4th Virginia Torchia, mother of Richard Torchia grade through high school) please contact Jason Zych, Altar Server Coordinator at [email protected] Richard A. “Ricky” Werner, Sr., brother of Sandra Roberto 6 FAITH COMMUNITY NEWS & ANNOUCEMENTS STEWARDSHIP


Monday, August 9

Tuesday, August 10 7:00pm Catholic Women’s Fellowship (LeGras Conf Rm) SAINT CATHERINE LABOURÉ PARISH

Offertory* Budget Over/Under Wednesday, August 11 6:15am Catholic Men’s Fellowship (Bishop Leonard Rm) August 1 $38,662.00 $27,885.00 $10,777.00 10:00am Mass Readings Explained (LeGras Conf Rm) *includes online giving 7:00pm Youth Ministry Meeting (LeGras Conf Rm) School Collection $3,340.00 Thursday, August 12 Little Sisters of the Poor Collection August 7/8 (STL)

Friday, August 13 Repairs & Replacements Collection August 7/8 4:00pm Men’s Golf (LeGras 2,3) 7:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group (Church) Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, August 14 7:30am Catholic Men’s Fellowship (LeGras Conf Rm)

Sunday, August 15 8:00pm Men’s Basketball Group (Gymnasium)

NEWLY BAPTIZED Alexandra Mary Anderson, daughter of Erik & Rebecca (Olesky) Anderson

Vincent James Siciliano III, son of Vincent & Melanie (Stanziana) Siciliano, Jr.

Please pray for these children, their parents & GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP godparents. A support group for those who have lost a loved one to the disease of addiction meets every first and third Monday starting at 7:00pm in the Saint Louise LeGras Conference Room. Join facilitator, Glenn Phillips in this opportunity which provides those who have lost a loved one a safe place to share and listen to others who are experiencing this as well.

Please contact Glenn at [email protected] or 412- 316-7670. This grief support group is sponsored by the Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM) of the Pittsburgh Diocese. It is open to all persons regardless of their faith or religion.


Come Join Us to watch brief video talks explaining the upcoming Sunday Mass readings every Wednesday in LeGras conference room 10-11:30am. Dr. Brant Pitre of Catholic provides the historical and theological context and practical applications of the Bible readings. Dr. Pitre, an experienced seminary and college instructor, shares his vast knowledge in clear language. Enrich your weekly experience of scripture! No sign up necessary just come when you can. Questions? Contact Sarah Wildenhain at [email protected]

Compassionate and Loving Father,

In the face of confusion and concern impart to us the calm of Your presence. In You allow us to find hope and healing. Be with those who serve the sick and give them Your caring hands. Be with those who lead and give them Your spirit of wisdom. Be with those who have fallen ill and give them Your THE LADIES OF CHARITY ARE comforting heart. Wrap Your arms HERE FOR YOU around our world and hold us in Your The Catherine Labouré Parish food pantries are love. Allow us at this time of trial to available to help you or someone you know with then serve as instruments of that love to non-perishable food items and other essentials. all we meet.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 412- 833-1010, 412-833-2400 or you may email We ask this in Your Name. Amen [email protected] for Saint Joan or [email protected] for Saint Louise.

As always, we practice confidentiality with all of our clients.

PARISH MEMBERSHIP CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! A frequent inquiry to our parish office is requesting a sponsor eligibility form. These Keep up with our events by liking and require active parish membership. In order to following our Facebook Page be considered a member of the parish a Saint Joan of Arc & Saint Louise de Marillac registration form must be completed and brought back to the parish office. Also in (@SJASTL). order to keep our census up to date, if you have any changes to your information like name, address, telephone number, email address, members of household, etc. please contact the parish office at 412-833-1010, 412-833-2400 or you may send an email to [email protected] with your updates.

8 FAITH COMMUNITY NEWS YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS WEEKLY WEDNESDAY MEETING! We have moved our weekly meeting day to Wednesday! Join us for our next Youth Group gathering on Wednesday, August 11 from 7:00pm- 9:00pm at Saint Louise in the LeGras Conference Room. We'll be able to hang out, play games, dive into God's word and pray with one another! Students entering grades 9 through 12 are invited. A special invite goes out to all our current 8th graders…you are invited to join us too! A text reminder will be sent each Wednesday afternoon; see details below on how to get those messages. ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Do you know someone who wants to receive When, for any reason, we cannot participate in Mass, text message updates about Youth Ministry? the Church invites us to unite with Christ through They can be added to the group by texting SJA1954 to this prayer of Spiritual Communion. Praying this 84576 or STL2016 to 84576. If your friend does not prayer is a beautiful way to unite our hearts to get the text message updates, simply have them text Christ's when we cannot receive him physically in the one of those codes to the number above. Make sure to Eucharist. select High School Youth Ministry from the list of groups to join so they receive our updates!

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Hello to all of you gardeners out there! You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my The Saint Joan of Arc garden is well under way again heart. As though You have already come, I embrace this year. The “regular” workers (about 15-20 You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit individuals) are looking for some more help in the me to be separated from You. Amen. garden. We usually work on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00PM until dark. Work is followed by a brief “social hour” where we share snacks and beverages. Current “CDC Guidelines” are followed.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The vegetables that are produced are shared with four Happy Summer All! As we are getting Food Pantries in the area. The garden was started in back to normal we are planning on 2013, and, for the last several years the garden resuming our monthly meetings. We are volunteers have produced between 4,000 and 6,000 pounds of fresh vegetables each summer. looking at dates in September and hope to see you back and we welcome anyone If you are interested in helping us with this work and that would like to join us. Stay tuned for would like to enjoy the camaraderie that is generated, dates but looking to be around 3rd Tuesday -pencil it in. please contact Ron Boron, a retired surgeon and a Any questions, please contact me. Anyone needing certified Penn State Master Gardener, who is the shawls or blankets, please contact Nancy at the Coordinator of the garden. He can be reached by email office. We pray daily for all the names in our book of at [email protected]

the recipients of our shawls and blankets. This year we have another, new, Penn State Master Bless you all - Karen Urbanowicz Gardener, Jim Lawrence. Jim earned his Master Gardener status this fall and winter through the Washington County Penn State Master Gardener program. He brings fresh, new ideas to the garden at Saint Joan of Arc. You do not need to be an expert or experienced gardener. So, come and join us while we “play in the dirt”.


Mr. Ken Klase, Principal [email protected] 412-835-0600

Mrs. Christine Makowski, Secretary [email protected] 412-835-0600

School Website JOIN OUR FAMILY! Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions a family will make. At Saint Louise School, we are dedicated to excellence in education of each child within the framework of the Gospel and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Student life at Saint Louise is AFTER CARE challenging, creative, engaging, and rewarding. We are proud to DIRECTOR provide an outstanding learning environment where children can NEEDED grow in faith and reach their full academic potential. We encourage Saint Louise de you to visit our website at or call Marillac School is 412.835.0600 to schedule a tour. We would love to show you all the searching for an great things Saint Louise School has to offer! aftercare director for our school students. If you are interested please contact our school principal, Ken Klase at [email protected] RECERTIFICATION—“Protecting God’s Children Hours are 3:00pm-6:00pm Monday Maltreatment 3.2 and Vulnerable Adults Combined” through Friday, while school is in Recently you may have received an email from the Help Desk of session. about the newly required online training recertification course, “Protecting God’s Children Maltreatment 3.2 and Vulnerable TEACHER’S AIDES Adults Combined.” This training is required for all clergy, staff, and Saint Louise de Marillac School is volunteers as a follow-up to the Protecting God’s Children course. searching for three teacher's aides for the 2021-2022 school year. Are you a This new online training will take just over an hour to complete and certified teacher who would like to will be recertified every three years. To complete the video training, work as a co-teacher in one of our K-2 log in at If you don’t know your login classrooms? Email your resume to Ken information, click the “need login information” link under the Klase at [email protected]. password box. The access code is protect. All volunteers have an All clearances must be completed prior account regardless of whether they have accessed the system in the to start date. past. Please contact [email protected] if you need to change your email address for your account.


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do a lot of things, but it hasn't changed the importance of checking in on your child's overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, the trend has been to avoid physical exams. Noting this trend, the American Let Us Gather Together to Pray Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) stresses that routine baby and child Liturgy of the Hours checkups are still essential — especially in-person visits and vaccines for children aged 24 months and younger. Morning Prayer Liturgy of the Hours as the official A healthy immune system starts with a healthy kid and checkups are liturgical prayer of the Church finds its more important than ever right now. Your child’s pediatrician is source in the Eucharist to sanctify all your best resource for up-to-date information on vaccines and how hours of our day. The Church invites the best to keep your child healthy and safe, especially as schools open. laity to join as one in the Body of Christ to pray the Liturgy of the Hours so that God’s Word may be integrated into our daily lives in a prayer that is truly both ancient and ever new. Morning Prayer with group recitation is held at Saint Louise Church after the 9:00am Mass on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and at 8:30am before the 9:00am Mass on Tuesdays. Easy to follow booklets are provided.


Join us on Tuesday, August 10 for Healing and Deliverance NOCTURNAL ADORATION Prayers and Marian Devotions. Looking for peace? Want to An introductory session grow spiritually? Join us each Tuesday at Saint Louise for will be offered at Confessions 6:30pm-7:30pm, Novena Devotions in honor of Our Saint Louise Church on Lady of the Miraculous Medal at 7:30pm followed Friday, September 10 by healing prayers and prayers for deliverance and from 9:30pm-10:00pm Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. For in the church, just prior additional information please go to to the first hour of or check out the QR code.

Nocturnal Adoration. You are welcome to TUESDAY ROSARY remain and adore our Lord during the Tuesday, August 10 at 6:30pm, at Saint Louise Church where 10:00pm to 11:00pm. Nocturnal Adoration the DeMarillac Guild will lead us in praying for our parish at Saint Louise is scheduled for the first Friday of every month from 10:00pm intentions and for Pope Francis’ intention for the month of through Saturday at 7:00am unless otherwise August: Let us pray for the Church, that She may receive from noted. the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.

Come, draw near to adore Jesus. “Could Come to place your personal needs and those of our community you not keep watch with me for one and Church before the Lord, through the intercession of the hour?” Blessed Mother.


SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROCESS CUSTODIAN NEEDED—Full time custodian Obtaining Clearances for is needed at Saint Catherine Labouré, Saint Louise de Employees and Volunteers (Parish & School) Marillac site. Duties include but not limited to Church, Parish Office, and School cleaning, parish and school

Go to and click event set ups and teardown, grounds garbage collection and sidewalk snow removal. Position is 40 “First-Time Registrant” to begin the registration hours a week with benefits. Weekend and weekday process. Use the access code ‘protect’ hours. Potential for additional earnings by working party set up and cleanup.

In order to be eligible to volunteer or work in the If interested, please contact Mike Buechel at 412-833- parish or school it is mandatory that you complete 1010 to set up an interview. You must have the the Diocesan Safe Environment Process. required diocesan clearances before starting the position.

SAINT LOUISE SCHOOL FOOTBALL PROGRAM The Saint Louise School Football program will be holding equipment distribution on Sunday, August 8, 2021 at the garages adjacent to the game field (Centimark Field) in the lower parking lot.

Distribution times are as follows: 7th & 8th grades at 12:00 noon. Grades 3-6 at 1:00 p.m. The only equipment you will need to supply are football shoes. Saint Louise supplies all else including mouth pieces.

Our suppliers who are professional fitters will be there to ensure a proper fit. If you will be out of town on August 8, please contact Joe Luvara at [email protected] or 412-398-5600 to make arrangements to attend the make-up sessions which will be some time during the week of August 9-15.

All boys enrolled in a Catholic Grade school in grades 3-8 are eligible to play. Please contact Susan Reese at [email protected] or 412-443-6400 to register. Practice begins on Monday, August 16, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. on the upper field. Details about the mandatory parents’ meeting will be forthcoming.

Attention parishioners of Saint UPCOMING BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Catherine Labouré. In the hope Baptisms are held Sundays immediately following the of expanding our health ministry, 11:00a.m. Mass at Saint Joan or following the 12:00 we are seeking a few caring and Noon Mass at Saint Louise and are by appointment compassionate souls who would only. Baptism Preparation is required for parents who be interested in using their gifts have not previously attended. Upcoming Baptism in serving our fellow parishioners Preparation classes will be held on September 12 and and the greater community in November 14. All classes will be at 1:30 pm in the need. Could you provide respite care for a caregiver for LeGras Parish Center Conference Room. Couples an hour or two? Perhaps drive another to a doctor’s should attend this class between the fifth and seventh appointment or needed test? Or maybe just visit the month of pregnancy. Registration is required for the homebound to read or pray? No experience is needed Baptism Preparation Class. Please register by other than a kind and caring heart. Training will be calling 412-833-1010. To arrange a baptism please provided. If this is something you are called to in contact the Parish Office at least one month prior to service to our Lord, please contact Kathy Bonessi at intended date. It is suggested that the child be baptized 412-427-9232 or at [email protected]. within a month of their birth.

12 NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Livestream Schedule for Saint Catherine Labouré Parish

The Masses will be live-streamed from Saint Joan of Arc Church AND Saint Louise de Marillac Church on the following days and times:

Monday - 8:00am from Saint Joan Tuesday - 8:00am from Saint Joan Wednesday - 8:00am from Saint Joan Thursday - 8:00am from Saint Joan Friday - 9:00am from Saint Louise Saturday - 9:00am from Saint Louise Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm from Saint Louise Sunday - 11:00am from Saint Joan

The live stream of Masses can now be viewed in many places, including on our website! Sometimes technology gives us issues, so please check any of the following sites if you experience streaming issues:


TO KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST Obtaining Clearances for PARISH NEWS Employees and Volunteers (Parish & School)

Saint Joan sign up: text SJA1954 to 84576 Go to and click Saint Louise sign up: text STL2016 to 84576 “First-Time Registrant” to begin the registration process. Use the access code ‘protect’ If you want to sign up for emails and not text messages from Flocknote please go to: In order to be eligible to volunteer or work in the parish or school it is mandatory that you complete the Diocesan Safe Environment Process. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY

The Prayer Shawl Ministry has beautiful handmade prayer shawls available for anyone experiencing a health crisis or Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline concern that would be comforted by having a shawl. Each 1-888-808-1235 shawl has been blessed by a priest and has various adornment attached whose special meaning is explained in Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator an enclosed prayer that details the care and prayers that went into creating the shawls. 412-456-3093 (Office)

The shawls are available for men or women and can be PA Child Line 1-800-932-0313 obtained by calling the Parish Office at 412-833-1010. Call 911 immediately if a child is in danger

13 14 MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Altar Servers Fish Fry (Saint Joan of Arc) Prayer Shawl Ministry Jason Zych | 412-833-1010 Mary Ann Ault | 412-780-3017 Liz Seibert-Saint Louise [email protected] 412-855-5207 Athletic Director-Saint Louise School Karen Urbanowicz-Saint Joan RJ Soeder | 412-841-0228 Good Old Boys 412-833-4456 Art Messina | 412-835-0705 Baptism Preparation Pre-Cana Marian Pokrywka | 412-835-0194 Hospitality/Greeters Julie Cugini Mary Jane Leach | [email protected] Bible Study [email protected] (Tuesday): Mary Campbell Mary Pat Suchy | [email protected] RCIA 412-257-2789 Rebecca Pettigrew  [email protected] Knights of Columbus (Thursday A.M.): Rita Liebegott Ryan McNamara | 412-360-9402 724-514-7471 Respect Life Committee

Tom Natali Labouré Ladies Guild Book Club [email protected]  Bev Nemeth | 412-400-0332 Kathy Zukowski | 412-831-6982  [email protected] Retreats  Bowling (Men): Ladies of Charity Esther Hartsell | 412-831-0703 Bob Garland-Saint Louise Karen Radu 412-627-9923 [email protected] Boy Scouts Ian Valenta-Saint Joan |412-559-8903

Tom O’Brien | 412-854-3153 Life Enrichment (Women): Chris Lauterbach |412-833-2400 Catholic Men’s Fellowship Kathy Bonessi—Saint Louise (Sat): Brad Tupi | [email protected] [email protected] Men’s Fish Fry Club (Wed): Chris Pritz | 724-503-7552 Melissa Coe—Saint Joan Bill Luckasevic | 412-802-5521 melissacoe3@gmail (Volunteering): Andy Hays 724-350-6671 Men’s Golf League  Tony Andreaggi | 412-965-5178 Substance Addiction Ministry Joanne Mace Catholic Women’s Fellowship [email protected] [email protected] Jeanne Rowles | 724-941-6329  Linda Sustich | 412-951-9272 Men’s Basketball Thursday A.M. Prayer Group  Jarrod Turner | 412-833-1561 Marie Byrne | 412-257-4733 Charismatic Prayer Meeting

Lee Matelan | 412-833-4760 Mother’s Prayer and Share Ushers—Saint Joan of Arc Laura Bianco Dignity Robes [email protected] Ed Strauss Sr., Head Usher Karen Radu | [email protected] 412-719-9963 New Beginnings Disabilities Awareness Committee Norma Derrick |412-221-4779 Wedding Coordinators-Saint Louise Barb Breier | 412-720-6661 Marcella Lantzman | 412-833-1010 Pat Maxwell | 724-941-9229 Nocturnal Adoration Brian Murdy | 724-554-5759 or Welcome Ministry Divine Mercy Apostolate [email protected] Charlene Plachecki Patti Lorenzi | 412-780-4255 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Nurse Ministry Kathy Bonessi | 412-427-9232 Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Sacristans, Ushers Marcella Lantzman [email protected] 15 CONTACT INFORMATION

Father Daniel J. Maurer Mrs. Nancy Matter Pastor Secretary SAINT JOAN [email protected] [email protected] OFFICE HOURS

Father Jon Brzek Ms. Renee Pollice Monday—Thursday Parochial Vicar Office Manager 8:30am to 3:00pm [email protected] [email protected] (Please note the parish office is closed every Friday) Deacon William F. Strathmann Mr. Petar Pranjic, Maintenance Permanent Deacon [email protected] Phone: 412-833-2400 Mrs. Virginia Rockenstein Fax: 412-835-1764 Evening Receptionist-Saint Louise Sr. M. Faith Balawejder, CSSF Pastoral Associate Mrs. Lisa Ruggieri [email protected] Faith Formation Secretary 412-833-1240 [email protected] SAINT LOUISE Mrs. Nancy Beaver OFFICE HOURS Faith Formation Receptionist Mrs. Dolores Shipe [email protected] Associate Faith Formation Director M,T,W,TH | 8:00am-7:00pm [email protected] The parish office is closed every Mrs. Tracey Buckley 412-835-1155 Wednesday from Noon-1:00pm Advancement Director Friday | 8:00am-5:00pm [email protected] Mr. Michael Shipe Saturday | 9:00am-3:00pm

Mr. Michael Buechel Director of Faith Formation Sunday | 9:00am-2:00pm [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor (For holiday & summer hours 412835-1155 [email protected] please consult the bulletin)

Mrs. Sandra Dulski Mrs. Mary Tracey Parish Office: 412-833-1010 Weekend Sacristan—Saint Louise Church Sacristan—Saint Joan Fax: 412-833-6624

Mrs. Laurie Edington Mr. Jason Zych Secretary Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 412-833-5757 Pastoral Associate Office Mr. Gregory Fincham 412-833-1240 Music Director [email protected] Religious Education Office Ms. Kathy Kalcevich 412-835-1155 Business Manager Fax: 412-833-6624 [email protected]

Marcella M. Dalton-Lantzman Saint Louise School Office Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries Phone: 412-835-0600 SAINT LOUISE SUMMER [email protected] Fax: 412-835-2898 OFFICE HOURS

Ms. Gerre Lorincy Beginning on Friday, June 4 and each Friday throughout the Youth Ministry Office Secretary summer, the parish office will be 412-833-5757 [email protected] open from 8:00am to Noon.

16 Home of the Infinity from Marvin® Fiberglass Window TAX PLANNING & PREPARATION BUSINESS CONSULTING & VALUATION Windows • Doors 412-655-8411 QUICKBOOKS ACCOUNTING John, Justin, Maggie Schmotzer 4672 Clairton Blvd. (Rt. 51), Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Richard J. Alfera, CPA President [email protected] (412) 885-5045

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Brian O'Neill Experienced • Affordable 2415 Kings Lane Convenient McMURRAY Pittsburgh Joseph L. Gurecka, DMD GARAGE DOORS Garage Door & Opener 724.695.5600 VALLEY BROOK Installation & Service 412-848-8455 Mulching • Hardscape KRAH Family Dentistry DENTAL LLC Free Estimates Thomas R. Krah, D.M.D., Parishioner Senior Discounts • Fully Insured Lawn Maintenance Bulk Materials • Topsoil • Mulches & More! Gentle 607 East McMurray Road 180 Gallery Drive, McMurray Catholic Owned & Operated Landscape Redesign Upper St. Clair, PA | 412-221-2577 General McMurray, PA 15317 PA# 075490 Dentistry (724) 942-8982 Bridgeville, PA | 412-221-0505 724-941-2929 ~ Servicing the South Hills 412.841.6422 Evening & Saturday Appts. and Surrounding Areas~

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ROBERT'S THIS SPACE IS JIM VERLATO Robert A. Bartusiak, D.M.D. Income Tax – Cosmetic, Family and Implant Dentistry – TREE AND CPA 2000 Waterdam Plaza Dr. • Ste. 280 724-941-3090 LANDSCAPE & Accounting McMurray, PA 15317 Tree Removal / Storm Damage 412-831-5411 Fellow Parishioners Welcome Pruning • Mulching • Stump Grinding For All Your Gift Catering Needs! Certificates Senior Living Community 412-892-8200 THISFamily SPAAvailable!CE IS 45 McMurray Rd. Fully insured Italian Restaurant Upper St. Clair, PA FREE Estimates 412-831-3400 412.833.2500 Senior Discounts DECKED OUT BY DON CONSTRUCTION CO. • Custom Decks & Railings • Trex Trancends • Game Rooms /Expert Drywall • Swimming Pool, Hot tub Decks & Gazebos • Windows, Doors, Roofing, Soffit & Fascia • Outdoor Kitchens & Firepits • Concrete Driveways, Sidewalks & All Kinds of Walls • Room Additions • Stamped Concrete Over Lay Systems • Screened in Porches • Stone & Brick Piers • Outdoor Fireplaces Thousands of Satisfied Customers in W. PA / 31 Years in Business 412-831-9008 Bethel Park South Hills | 412-369-8722 North Hills | 412-373-8222 Monroeville | THEDEXPERTS.COM | PA#3613 VALLEY HEATING AND Primary Care South Accepting New Patients Colleen E. Murphy, D.O. AIR CONDITIONING William P. Coyle, MD., F.A.C.P. 24 Hr. Service - 724-941-9793 • Chuck Rauch Nicole Terling, C.R.N.P. $5 Off Your Purchase of $30 Amy Miller, C.R.N.P. Code SLDM2020 • Exp. 8-31-20 145 McMurray Rd • Upper St. Clair Mon, Tue and Wed evening appointments, Saturday morning, and early morning appointments available. Please contact (412) 283-4124 staff for availability. Convenience and flexibility to meet your schedule. Providing excellent healthcare for those in • Upper St. Clair the Canonsburg, Bethel Park, McMurray, Peters Township, $35 Monthly • Bethel Park Upper St. Clair, and the surrounding areas. Unlimited Allegheny Health Network • Castle Shannon Subscriptions (724) 348-5518 724-941-2018 • Call or Text 412-427-3811 1000 Waterdam Plaza Drive Ste. 240, McMurray, PA Dr. Anthony Pinter • Dr. Mindy McKee Dr. Joseph Falbo • Dr. Robert Hartsock Contact Mike McAleer 681 McMurray Rd., Bethel Park to place an ad today! [email protected] or (412) 835-7474 (800) 477-4574 x6307

Where pets are treated like family. Bradley W. Carmichael, DVM and Associates 211 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317 (724) 941-5484 Office Hours Monday through Saturday by Appointment Only

Need a primary care physician? FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Thomas Sisk, M.D. Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Martik Plaza, 6108 Brownsville Road Ext., Suite 204, Finleyville 412-595-8204 John Oakes - Registered Master Plumber 724-782-0723 COMPLETE HOME REMODELING WE DO OUR OWN WORK Roofing Bathrooms Siding Windows Pools, Spas & Hot Tubs Kitchens • Gamerooms Porches 412.854.2202 Roof Cleaning Decks 6070 Library Rd. (Rt 88) Bethel Park, PA 412-653-0850 724-776-0805 Free In-Home Estimates • Fully Insured • Over 30 Years Experience 3-P-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-1380 Dr. Terra Mauro, PhD, LPD Licensed Professional Counselor Fully Counseling Works for Wellness Landscape Insured Specialty in Christian Counseling 161 Waterdam Road & Design Kristal A. Suite 260, McMurray, PA 15317 SANTEL 724-986-4160 “Watch Your [email protected] Quality work at value pricing! Izydorczyk, DMD Investment Grow” general & cosmetic OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: dentistry Call Now for Free Estimates: New Landscape Designs & Shrubbery 2376 Brownsville Rd South Park 412-835-1854 412-835-0666 Hardscape: Retaining Walls, Concrete or Paver Patios and Visit our website at Sidewalks, Concrete Driveways, Firepits and Seatwalls

CommercIal & Residential • New & Old Work • Bucket Truck Free Estimates • Fully Insured • 24 hr. Service STALEY ELECTRIC INC. Registered Electrical Contractor 412-851-0314 • Gary Staley - parishioner 412•831•7430 (724) 809-3782 Registered Master Plumber 4149 Washington Rd. – Complete Line Of Products & Services – High Efficient Tankless & Storage Hot Water Heaters Fixture Replacement • Dye Tests PA# 007941 HP# 2086

Caring guidance and compassion HEATING & AIR from our family to yours.TM CONDITIONING 412-655-4600

Erin Musciano, Realtor William E. Griffith, Jr., Supervisor Five Star Premium Agent Multi-Million Dollar Producer Funeral & Cremation Services Certified Relocation Specialist 412.221.2248 C. 412-400-8966 O. 724-941-1427 • [email protected] [email protected] 5636 Brownsville Rd., South Park Your friends and neighbors at Spitzer Acura 412.564.5733 412.835.4887 3716 Washington Rd. McMurray (724) 731-0772 • Breakfast All Day Every Day Doug Hyrb realtor® Sat. & Sun. 8a • Mon. - Thurs. 11a Monday – Saturday: 7:30am – 9:00pm Champion Plaza - Across from Library Fire Hall Sunday: 8:00am – 8:00pm 25 Years Experience in 4114 Brownsville Road - South Park PA 15129 (724) 941-8250 • Construction & Real Estate c: 412.780.3021 KUDLA’S o: 412.833.3600 x245 Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation SERVICE CENTER, LLC Inspections, Tires, [email protected] 100 Trich Dr., Ste. 2, Washington Patrick McCulloch, MD Batteries, General Repairs 724.225.8657 Board Certified Hand Surgeon 412-831-1630 Parishioner & Supporter of St. Louise de Marillac 412-835-9789 “Serving the South Hills since 1957” Shop: 7-5 M-F • 7-2 Sat Proud Supporter of Paul R. Pekney, President Gas: 6am-9pm M-F Convenience: 7am-9pm Sat-Sun St. Louise de Marillac We also offer Professional Handyman and Remodeling Services. 2733 South Park Road Parish and School “Serving Bethel Park Since 1972” Life • Auto • Home 412-977-2236 Business • Annuities • IRA’s DAVID J. HENNEY 412.833.5351 [email protected] 2754 South Park Rd • Bethel Park 118 Cidar Lane, Canonsburg, PA 15317 FUNERAL HOME [email protected] PA License # 087795 6364 Library Rd., Library, PA • 412-835-0616

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MARIA LANE Parishioner & Supporter 412-833-5405 x3715 of St. Catherine Labouré Parish REAL ESTATE SERVICES 724-554-8771 DIRECT 3-P-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-1380