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NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER A.VEKAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Forecast of D. S. Weather Bureau, Hartford tor the Montti of December, 19S0 5,593 Fair and warmer tonight and Members of the Audit Bureau IwEttittg Saturday. of Circulations.


“DEVIL” SCARES AT 3, HE’S MENTAL GIANT JOBS HERE BACK YOUNG AUTOTSTS AUTO TRAVEL ■ V- CONTROVERSY MARKS Farm Boy With Horns, Tail TO NORMAL IN and Hoofs Cavorts Along ON DECREASE, Highways in the Moonlight. NEXTjMONTHS Hltterdal, Minn., Jan. 16.— RETOTSAYS (AP.)—Washington Irving’s SESSION OF CONGRESS Headless Horseman’s reign over Sleepy Hollow has had a Accidents In Nation In­ Sub-Bodies’ Reports To modern counterpart on the - Night Sessions Proposed As terdal-Ulen highway lor two weeks creased 12 Per Cent and City of 50 Thousand Emergency Committee In Midnight motorists and Means of Avoiding An youths returning from country Accord On Early Restora­ dances reported seeing a “ dev­ Deaths Four — Increased il" with horns, tail and cloven Destroyed by Quakes Extra Term— Democrats hoofs, leaping and cavorting Speed the Cause. tion of Good Business. along the highway in the moon­ In Senate Propose |25,- light. Several young men re­ Mexico City, Jan. 16.— (A P )— Oaxaca three deaths were reported ported to clay county officials Pretty Oaxaca, four centuries old all these were in Mexico City where That the employment situation in they lost control of their cars, Hartford, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Statis-' Spanish and Indian city of fifty an old woman was buried under 000,000 Fund For Red which were ditched, while the tics on automobile accidents cover­ thousand lay in ruins today. Sol­ falling masonry, a four pear old girl Manchester will return to close to ; received injuries from which she nerves of feminine companions ing the entire country for last year, diers searched the debris of its normal within two months was the buildings for victims of Wednes­ died yesterday, and Nicolas Peni- Cross To Provide Food were shattered. prepared by statisticians of the consensus at a meeting of the Investigation revealed the day’s earthquakes. aqua, a chemist, was fatally injured. Travelers Insurance Company and executive committee, municipal con­ ‘‘devil’’ appeared one and a Eleven bodies were in morgues Six others here are gravely injured and estimates on the number of and some of the six probably will and Clothing For Needy; tact committee, and chairmen of a ll, half miles north of here. A completed today for public use, in­ deaths ran as high as 48. The injur­ die. Fifty persons received minor sub-committees of the Emergency' farm youth who admitted a dicate decreased motor vehicle penchant for mimicking the ed list was much larger and esti­ injuries. Dry Fund Bill Starts Bitter Employment Committee, held at the ! mileage of at least fifteen billion mates of damage to the city ranged From ' Mazattan, South Sinaloa, ‘‘Satanic spirit" was taken into Hotel Sheridan this noon. A gen- > miles or about 10 percent while ac­ came reports today that a sub­ custody, and produced a close- from fifty to ninety percent. eral tone of optimism pervaded the About 24 miles of the railroad be­ marine volcano was belching smoke fitting costum.e, horns, tail, cidents increased about twelve per­ Dispute. reports made at ‘the meeting, called tween Oaxaca and Puebla and Mexi­ and steam' some distance ftom the hoofs and all. No charges have cent, deaths more than four per­ by the general chairman, Stephen C. cent and the injured 13 percent. co City were torn up or covered with shore. Dead fish, believed to have Hale. been preferred. earth and stones by landslides which been killed by the fumes or shock The greater number of deaths and Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP) — The meeting w‘as called to dis------—------injured and damage to property was j caused damage in every state of of the seismeic disturbances have cover the amount of progress that _ _ _ _ reflected in fully $300,000,000 in I Southern Mexico but seemed to cen- been thrown up on the beaches for Night sessions were proposed in the has been made since the committee , W A T K \ IMpDCACrC claims paid by the insurance com­ ter in Oaxaca state. Outside of ten days. Senate today by Senator McNary was organized and to discuss the ; I ^ ^ 1 lllvlI'ljrttJLikJ prospects for further alleviation of j panies writing automobile, casualty, of Oregon, assistant RepublicEin life and accident insurance. the unemployment problem. It was leader as a means of avoiding an reported that 416 persons were reg-1 BECAUSE OF TIMES On State Highways extra session. istered at the Unemployment Regis-1 From the figures it is shown that WEALTHY PACKER SHEPPARD DEFENDS He presented an unanimous con­ tration Bureau of the Chamber of although more than 40 percent of sent agreement, the adoption of Commerce as being out of work. Of ; all accidents causing death last which he will ask tomorrow, calling this number 171 have been supplied C l l P P year, of 32,500 persons occurred at FALLS TO DEATH PROHIBmON LAWS tor sessions three nights a week be­ with work, although a number were ^ M2lt6 uO VBm O r odi^S street intersections, nearly twice as ginning Monday. short time jobs. many persons were killed m mis­ Meanwhile, issues bristling with It was brought out that the Board I haps on state highways as imder controversy absorbed the attention of Selectmen have done particularly \ Public Works To Create any other single set of conditions. A of both branches of Congress. fine work in aiding the situation, j Three-year-old Van Dyke Tiers of Downers Grove, 111., a Chicago study of the occurrence of automo­ Head of Armour & Co. Top­ Tells Senate 18th Amend­ In the Senate, Democratic leaders having employed 127 men, in addi- j suburb, is acclaimed as one of the most brilliant youngsters in the nation bile accidents as to locations show­ prepared to seek approval of a pro­ tion to the regular force of about, Jobs Will Not Raise Rates, i —and for reason enough, too. He can read and write English extensive­ ed that about 22 per cent was by posal to provide the Red Cross ^ t h forty. These men have been put to ly, is studying Greek and Latin, is familiar with mathematics and knows mishaps between street intersections ples Out of Seven Story ment Will Stay In Consti­ work in rebuilding roads, in Center ^ a good deal about georgraphy Above, he is shown demonstrating his $25,000,000 for food and clothing to and 21 percent at street intersec­ be distributed to the needy. Springs park, and in snow removal, i Boston, Jan. 36.— (A P .)—Gover­ ability to point out any place cn the map; in the inset, he is shown prac­ tions. Under the same classifica­ under the $50,000 appropriation' ticing the Greek alphabet. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tiers. Window— Had Been 111. tution Forever. In the House nor Joseph B. Ely is confident that tion it was shown that nearly 70 The House began general debate voted at a special town meeting. taxes in Massachusetts will not be percent of the more than 960,000 Improvement at Mills i on the appropriation bill for the increased as a result of expendi­ persons injured became accident vic­ Justice, State, Labor and Commerce A report from Cheney Brothers i Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP) — tures in public w'orks to relieve un­ tims within corporate limits of Chicago, Jan. 16.— (AP) — The Departments. The first of these, in­ showed that conditions at the plant employment. towns and cities. career of F. Edson White, multi-mil­ Marking the eleventh anniversary of have been improving steadily and in-1 cludes prohibition enforcemept The governor expressed this con- PRINCE OF WALES HOPS With exact figures as to speed at lionaire who worked his way up National prohibition one of the au­ funds, bitterly opposed by the ene­ dications are that they wdll continue members of the Massa- to do so. Although there is still time accident incomplete the indi­ from the ranks to the presidency of thors of the Eighteenth Amendment mies of the dry laws. chusetts Real Estate Exchange at a cation was that increased rates of much unemployment, it has been Armour & Company, packers, was told the Senate today the dry clause Meeting at I I —an hour earllfir i , -., __ _ . dinner last night. He also said that speed played a part in the occur­ than usual—the Senate ordered an ON FIRST LEG OF TRIP rence of fatal mishaps in rural sec­ ended last night in a seven-story fall would stay in the Constitution for­ and the BoardnrH ofnf Selectmenlpctr^pn to pronro -1' „ ,,believed that the administration . .. .. Inquiry into bread prices voted the tions. from a window of a bedroom in his ever. penniless Nye campaign funds com­ vide work for the neediest cases, a relieve the present situation. He was Senator Sheppard, Demo­ policy that met with the hearty ap- ^ President Hoover, he said rec- Most On Sunday North Side home. mittee $50,000 to continue its inves­ crat, Texas, making the first Senate proval of the General Emergency i °n^n^e°ds ^ a t m times of depres- His neck was broken and many tigation and resumed its argument More accidents resulting in both speech on the liquor question this Committee at this noon’s meeting. is .he duty of the govern- Flies To Paris With Brother CRASH IN SUBWAY dea'h ao-r Injury happened upon bones ffactured. His death. Deputy over relief measures. Coroner P. J. Dwyer and P. L. Reed, session, with a fighting defense of The commerce committee wEis en­ The com...tttee expressed Its ap- ™“rit to put its resource.. In the Sunday than any other days of the prohibition. . predation of the co-operaUon o b -, building of great public works in To Attend Expositioi^ week an analysis showed, notwith­ tresLsurer of Armouf ■ & Opmpany, trusted with the bread inquiry. It tained from manufacturing concerns i order to raise the guage of indus- HURTS NINETEEN standing there is less traffic conges­ said, was an accident. Den3dng it bad caused an increase was directed to determine why bread and employes of labor in Manches-1 try. His advice is sound and worth tion in towns and cities and fewer Reed, who was expected to testify in crime or of drinking among young prices have not fallen in conformity ter, with special references to ' following. Next He Will Start On pedestrians abroad than on any today at a coroner’s inquest, ex­ people, Sheppard '•old his colleagues with wheat and flour quotations. Cheney Brothers and the Board of “When this program is completed other day. Eighteen out of every pressed belief that a fall White suf­ that repeal of the Eighteenth All its money spent, the Nye com­ Amendment would “let loose upon Selectmen. in Massachusetts and the emergen­ 100 motor vehicle accidents hap­ fered last Wednesday night when he mittee was threatened with a dis­ It was decided that the commit­ cy over, and the wheels of industry Journey To So. America. Car Splits Switch and Pan^ pened on Sunday with each of the arose to address company employ­ your country evils which will mean continuation of its inquiry. tee should hold meetings at least are put in motion then you can de­ next four days showing an average ees at a dinner was responsible for the arrest of its progress, the wreck After the Senate had given it once a week in order to keep in con­ pend on the state withdrawing from of about 13 out of 100 accidents. On the accident. He believed the pre­ of its glory, the pollution of its more funds, Chairman Nye called stant touch with the work being the construction field and adhering icky Passengers Try To Friday there was a pickup in the vious accident caused White to be­ name and fame.” the committee together for a re­ Le Bourget, France, Jan. 16. — come dizzy and lose his balance last Short Memories done to bring the employment situ­ to a program < ' economy.” The Prince of Wales and his brother number of mishaps, increasing on sumption of its inquiry into the last ation back to normalcy. Lighter tax Burden Saturday to 17 out of every 100 ac­ night. “Those who clamor for the res­ Pennsylvania elections later In the Get Out In Darkness. toration of legalized liquor have He promised ^ support any meas- Prjnce George, landed here this af- cidents. Affairs In Shape day. short memories or no knowledge of ure that would lighten the burden i ternoon after a flight from the Hen- More than a fifth of all fatalities Reed said White’s financial af­ Senator Copeland, Democrat, the lawlessness and corruption for happened on Sunday with Saturday, fairs were In excellent shape and New York, urged the elimination of of real estate and home owners. i don Airport, England, on the first which legalized liquor stood,” Shep­ New York, Jan. 16.— (A P )—The Friday and Monday ranking next there was no reason why he should BRITAIN STUDIES Governor Ely said that plans now stage of their 18,000 miles journey pard said. red tape in the. administration of first car of a crow’ded seven-car in order. The same lineup of days take his life. His statement, that in process call for ant’ dpating the ■ America, “'The fight against beverage alco- unemployment relief. held for number of persons hurt, al­ the death was an accident was con­ program of the Public W’orks De- * ^ train from Jersey City split a switch curred in by the deputy coroner, He asked that the public building partment for two and a half years, i airport commander and the though the percentage of non-fatal today and virtually.cut itself in two Dwyer. White’s body was found on (Continued On Page '£.) program be expedited and reminded ELECTION REFORM accidents by days of the week was “We hope to complete one high- 1 Embassy against a curtain wall of steel and a plot of grround six feet wide and the Senate that Chairman Woods, of way in this state,” he said, “ con- more in keeping with the percen­ the President’s employment com­ (Continued On Page 14.) concrete in Hudson tubes terminal, necting Boston .and Worcester and and Dwyer concluded its closeness to mittee, had asked for legislation to the number of fatalities. providing a by-pass for the latter 33rd street and Sixth avenue. the structure indicated clearly death free government building from some I( Bill Is Passed It Will Make city so that a single four-lane mod­ Of the 50 passengers in the car, WEIS accidentEil. Otherwise he said CROSS INTERESTED of its present restrictions. ern highway graded at crossing and 19 were injured—four of them seri­ the body would have been found at Senator Sheppard, Democrat, Texas, a co-author of the Eight­ Greatest Change In Sys­ with ample room at the sides will CAMPAIGN PROBES ously enough to require hospital at a greater distance from the build­ be available between Boston and WITNESS STABBED ing. IN PRISON REFORM eenth Amendment, observed prohi­ Albany. N. Y." tention. Only the fact the train Reed’s Story bition's eleventh birthday with Ein tem Since 1832. He said that motor registration TO BE GIVEN UP was running slowly prevented a long White yesterday complained of a address defending the dry laws. fees and gasoline taxes would pay death list, officials said. FOR SECOND TIME headache, Reed said. Banking Commiltee for the highway. Confusion and fright sent soot-be- “I arrived at the apartment at Governor Tells Executives The House banking committee de­ “ The people of Massachusetts are grimed passengers scrambling for 5:30 p. m., he said. “We chatted cided to determine whether it is London, Jan. 16.— (AP)—The gov­ ■with Mrs. White in the living room. legally empowered to compel the ernment today published the text entitled to know all the details of the doors in the darkness as broken Senator Nye Says He Has To Then she suggested we could talk production of information denied it of an electoral reform which, if what is proposed.” he concluded, glass showered around them. Quick He Will Co-operate In Im­ Officials Puzzled Over At­ better in the master chamber occu­ by two New York bankers. passed by Parliament, will effect the “and as for the results. T will take action by attendants who opened the responsibility and I am willing the doors and assisted the injured to pied by Mr. White. They are Charles A. Mitchell of greatest changes in the British elec­ Excuse Witness As Fund “ The French windows there are in proving Our Institutions. tion svstem since the reform acts to do so.” the mezzanine floor prevented a tempts To Kill Woman the National City Bank and George more serious panic. W. Davison of the Central Hsmover of 1832. (Continued On Page 2.) The basis of the new measure is Is Depleted. 19 Are Injured Trust Company. They declined to proportional representation, which Seven women and twelve men Who Is Aiding the State. Hartford, Jan. 16.— (A P.)—Gov­ supply the committee with certain the Liberty Party long has fought FASTEST, LARGEST were hurt. All except Motorman ernor Cross promised “full opera­ financial statements in its investi­ for. By seeking its adoption the Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP.)—All Stephen Larkin, who suffered imde- tion” to the extent of his powers m gation of chain banking. Labor Party is considered to have it.s money gone, the Nye Senate termined injuries, were residents of Portland, Oregon, Jan. 16— (AP) MELLON AHACKED an address this morning before a A decision to begin taking testi­ meeting of the Connecticut Society mony on proposals to prevent farm a definite bid for continued Liberal campaign funds committee was New Jersey. Most of the injuries —An attempt to kill Mrs. H. W. support in maintaining the Mac­ SHIP TO BE BUILT w'ere cuts, contusions and shock. of State Executives meeting at the foreclo.sures by Federal land banks stuck high and dry today with op­ Howard, prosecution witness in the Donald government. position already formed to its re­ The crash resembled the Times state prison In Wethersfield, as the through the suspension of interest forthcoming trial of Nelson C. BY OIL PRODUCER The chief proposal of the new launching on a voyage of further in- Square subway wreck of 1928 in guests of Warden Charles S. Reed. requirements was reached by the measure to bring about proportional ve;i”«s *8- that Kingston had been trading use of vehicles at Parliamentary tania all are capable of an excess of c.ause of the expenditures made on for a tariff on oil was formulated by ^60,166.»4> 0 ,1 ' balanee, 5261,286,644.- ■without any corporate action elections. thirty knots. behatlf of bis ticlAt. M special ctimmittee. . . > 571 authorize it.


Shining Light Circle of Junior Baldwin ...... 22 Kings Daughters will meet tomor­ S. L’s MONEY WIZARD B and ...... 74% FINDS 950 FAILED ' l e a g u e h a s ABOUT TOWN row afternoon at 2 o’clock at Center Bendix ...... 18% OBITUARY Church house. Local Stocks Beth S te e l...... ^8% Principal Clarence P. Quimby and COMES IffiRE SUNDAY Canadian P a c ...... 39% TO PAY FOR SEALS n e w w o r k in g g r o u p s Art Supervisor Miss Harriet B. Seven members of the Manches­ Case Thresh ...... 84 Condon of Manchester High School ter Lions Club went to Rockville (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) Chi and N orw est...... 89 attended the visual educational con­ Wednesday night and visited the Lieutenant-Colonel Edward B. Central Bow, Hartford, Conn. Chrysler ...... 16% Personnel of 12 Standing Com­ Underwood of the Salvation Army, DEATHS ference at the Hartford State Trade Lions Club there. They were: 1 P. M. Stocks Colum Gas and El ...... 83% mittees Selected By League’s school today. George H. Williams, Howard Cros­ New York City, who will conduct Colum Graph ...... 8 the morning and afternoon services Bank Stocks Edacational Club Puts On Executive Body. by, Lincoln Carter, George Bagley, Bid Asked Coml Solv ...... 15% Mrs. Sarah Kington at the local Citadel this coming Alex Jarvis, Garfield Keeney, and Trust. — 250 (jomwlth and Sou ...... 8% Mrs. Sarah Templeton Kington, of i Archie Kilpatrick of The Herald Sunday is known as the financial City Bank and The personnel of the twelve Peter Salmonsen. This was the — 250 Consol Gas ...... 83% FoDow-up Drive To Gel Rockville, widow of Fred Kington, staff addressed the pupils of the wizard of that organization. He Cap Nat B&T . standing committees of the Luther first in a series of visitations sche­ 50C — Contin (Jan ...... 49 died at the Hartford hospital yes­ Hollister street school at assembly directs the Army’s appeals and League of the Swedish Lutheran this morning on the subject, “Life duled for 1931. Htfd Conn. Trust . — 130 Com Pred ...... 77% terday after a long Illness. She was drives for funds in the eleven E p st­ church was chosen at a meeting of in the Philippines.” First Nat Hartford 185 205 Du Pont De N em ...... 84% And T. B. Funds. well known in Manchester and G. Albert Pearson will be the as- ; em States, known as the Eastern .Eastman Kodak ...... 147% the executive committee last night, Land Mtg and Title — 40 Talcottville where she lived for 1 sisting artist with the Ross Trio, ' Territory. He usually has on hand Elec Pow and L t ...... 42 which lasted three hours. Plans Town laborers working on pick- New Brit Trust . . — ISO many years. She also lived in Burn- j which goes on the air from Station two or three million dollars. Fox Film A ...... 26% were also begun for the annual ban­ and-shovel jobs at various points West Htfd Trust . 265 — Mrs. James A. Irvine, treasurer side for a time. Mrs. Kington was a WDRC at 9 o’clock tomorrow night. 1 Colonel Underwood, for 35 years Gen Elec ...... 42% quet in February, which will be In about town are discussing among Insurance Stocks for the Christmas seal campaign, sister of Mrs. Alexander Massey of served the Salvation Army as an Gen F o o d s ...... 49% charge of Miss Anna Lindberg and themselves the extraordinary differ­ x Aetna Ca.sualty . 75 79 which has been conducted for the Hudson street and Mrs. Willis H. Pupils of the upper grades of the , officer, entering the work from Bay Gen Motors ...... 36 Miss Eva Freeburg. ences discovered in the depth of X Aetna Fire ...... 48 50 second time through mail solicita­ White of Parker street. The funeral Eighth District schools were plan- : City, Mich. He has been attached Gold Dust ...... 33% The complete committees are: frost in the ground in different X Aetna L ife ...... 56% 58’ -. tion, announced today that a total service will take place tomorrow ning the presentation of a show i to the New York City Headquarters Grigsby Grunow ...... 3% Junior committee, Herbert Brandt, localities. Men working on the bit X Automobile .... 29 31 chairman; Raymond Benson, Laura afternoon at 2 o’clock at the chapel early next month or possibly the to various capacities for twenty Hershey Choc ...... 87'% of 950 follow-up cards have just of ornamental ground between Conn. General ...... 110 Nelson, Elsie Berggren, Filmore in Grove Hill cemetery, Rockville. latter part of this month. At the I years, and for the last ten it has Int Harve.st ...... 48% gone out to as many Manchester Woodbridge street and the railroad Hartford Fire ...... 61 Gustafson, Gladys Johnson, and time of the presentation of the show 1 been finding the wherewithal to Int Nick Can ...... 14% people who have not yet returned tracks at the north end found three Hartford Steam Boiler . 56 the seals or sent their donations. It Esther Andreson. Music commit­ Educational Club members will be keep the machine running. He is I T and T ...... 22% inches of frost in one spot while five invited to attend. proCably the best known Salvation National Fire ...... 55 costs the committee considerable in tee, Mildred Berggren, chairman; COLLECTION AT MILLS Phoenix F ire ...... 66 Johns Manv ...... 58% Margaret Parsons, Helge Pearson, yards away the frost extended dowm Army officer in the city’s political Kennecott ...... 24% postage, stationery and time to do six inches. “It’s all owing to whether and social welfare circles. During X Travelers ...... 1000 1 this follow-up work but they be­ Elmore Anderson, Erland Johnson, FOR JOBLESS CONTINUES Public Utilities Stocks i Kreuger and T o ll...... 21 % Eva M. Johnson. Social committee, the snow has been piled up on a OBSERVE 40TH YEAR the Great War the Colonel served as i Loew’s, Inc ...... 46% lieve it will be well worth while if spot and kept it warm,” one of them one of the Army’s leading war Conn. Ellec Serv ...... 70 th« majority of the appeals meets Anna Lindberg, chairman; Esther Conn. P o w e r ...... 64 ' Lorillard ...... 14% Johnson, West Center street; Clar­ The collection of subscriptions for , explained. “Oh, yeah?” commented workers in France, and in the oc­ I Mo Kan T e x ...... 24% with some response. another with scorn. | cupied territory after the war. Greenwich, W&G, pfd. — ence Anderson, Norma Erickson, the unemployed needy of Manches­ OF KING’ S DAUGHTERS ■ Mont Ward ...... 17 The committee expresses its __ j The Evangeline Quartette, com­ X Hartford Elec Lt ... 73 Lennart Johnson, and Frank Lar­ ter, which has been taking place Nat Ca.'^h Reg A ...... 32 gratitude to all who have helped it posed of four lassie officers from Hartford Gas ...... 70 son. Finance committee, Eva Free­ this week throughout the Cheney January 21 is the date set for i Nat Dairy ...... 40% to reach the amount in hand at the Ever Ready Circle Celebrates New York City, will accompany the do, pfd ...... 42 burg, chairman; Fred Soderburg, Boys’ Night at the Eighth school ' Nat Pow and Lt ...... 32% present time, $1,641.17. Last year Brothers plant, will be continued Colonel and assist in the services. S N E T C o ...... 16-4 Raymond Erickson, Esther Pearson, district when the pupils will meet in | Its Fourth Decade of Exist­ Nev C opper...... 11% the amount raised was nearly $2,- until Saturday noon of next week, it ’They are said to be very remarkable Manufacturing Stocks Edith Johnson, Fred Lavey, and | the Hollister street school between 6 ence At North Congrega­ N Y Central ...... 117% 000, and while the committee does was announced today. Envelopes singers. Am Hardware ...... 50 52 Rose Anderson. Athletic committee. for donations were distributed Mon­ o’clock and 8 o’clock for a program NY NH and H T F ...... 84 not expect to reach that goal when tional. Amer Hosiery...... 25 G. Albert Pearson, chairman; Irving | day and posters put up stating the of sports. The boys are to report Amer Silver ...... — Nor Am A v ia t ...... 6’4 so many people are affected by un­ with t!'eir athletic uniforms and Carlson, Ernest Benson, Margaret | purpose of the collection and em- Ever Ready Circle of Kings | Arrow H and H, co m .. S'" North Amer ...... 85% employment, it would remind those Johnson, Ida Anderson, Ruth John- | “sneaks.” There will be a division of > MACCABEES INSTALL phakzlng that all contributions are Daughters celebrated its fortieth; do, pfd ...... 102 Packard ...... 914 who have not paid for the seals that son, and Everett Swanson. Mission j voluntary. If they wish, employes classes arranged according to years Param Publlx...... 41% the need this year is greater than anniversary with an appropriate, Automatic Refrig .... — committee, Herman Johnson, chair- j may sign their names and write the and weight in the various events. Billings and Spencer . 114 Penn Rwy ...... 69% ever. program at the Second Congrega- | Manchester Tent No. 2, Knights man; Ruth Benson, Louise Johnson, , amount given on the envelope, but Bristol Brass ...... 10 Phil a Bead C and I ...... 8% Needs More Money Lawrence Anderson, Lilldln Hultin, I The Center church annual supper tional church last evening. A chick- i of the Maccabees, seated its new this is not required. Donations may en supper was served in the vestry ! officers last night at the Balch and do. pfd ...... 90 Pub Serv N J ...... 74 The Educational Club, which Elmer Thoren, and Hazel B. John- | be placed anonymously in the col­ and meeting will take place in the under the direction of Mrs. Joseph ^ Brown hall. The ceremony was in Case, Lockwood and B 350 Radio ...... 13% sponsors the sale, finds that more son. i lection boxes located in various de­ bdnquet hall next Wednesday eve­ Radio Keith ...... 16% money will be needed for the North Dramatic committee. Austin John- | Wright and a large committee. The charge of Great Commander W. K Collins Co ...... — partments. Additional contribution ning at 6:30. Printed reports of the Colt’s Firearms ...... 19’ i Rem R a n d ...... 15% End Open Air school, and more is son. chairman; Beatrice Johnson, | decorations, in charge of Mrs. W. Blewett of this town, assisted by envelopes may be obtained from the various organizations of the church Eagle Lock ...... 35 Sears R oebu ck ...... 47 needed for milk at the other schools. Dorothy Hultman, Gunnar Johnson, | W. Eells, were in purple and white. Great Master-at-Arms Dohm of Industrial Relations Division. will be fiistrlbuted and verbal re­ Fafnir Bearings...... Sinclair Oil ...... 47 Carl Matson, Florence Johnson, and Mrs. Gerald Risley made and deco­ Hartford. The officers are Com­ 60 The Christmas seals work for the ports given by Rev. Mr. Woodruff Fuller Brush, Class A. Sinclair Oil ...... ll% prevention of tuberculosis long aft­ Mabel Olson. Flower committee, and several of the officers. Mrs. rated the birthday cake with its mander, George M. Bidwell: lieuten­ South Pac ...... 100% Esther Johnson, Clinton street, 40 lighted tapers. Mrs. W. C. Brown, ant commander, Walter B. Coolidge: Hart and Cooley ...... er the package or greeting cards ou FINISH WHIST-DANCES Bert Knight and the women whose Hartmann Tob, com .. Southern Rwy ...... 57% chairman; Clara Lindberg, Ruth names begin with the letters G to who founded the circle on January record keeper, Alvin L. Brown; ser­ which they were pasted has been do, pfd ...... 19 j Stand B ran ds...... 171 a Rupdeen, Hilding Bolin, Herbert M. will be in charge of the supper. 15, 1891, cut the cake. Other char­ geant William Tallon; chaplain, thrown away; 85 per cent of the Inter S ilv e r...... 35 I Stand Gas and E le c ...... 69% money raised locally by the seal Johnson, Henderson Road, Ralph The final whist-dance of the series Mrs. Stephen Hale will be toast­ ter members who occupied seats at William J. Burke; first master of Stand Oil Cal ...... 46% Swanson, and Inez Olson. Decorat­ started before and continuing since do, pfd ...... 85 sale goes to under-nourished chil­ master and music will be furnished the head table were Mrs. C. W. Hoi- i the guards. Burdette Dickinson: Landers, Frary & Clk. 61 ' Stand Oil N J ...... 47 dren in the schools, for preventive ing committee, Faith Fallow, chair­ the holidays by committees from by the Hollyw'ood quartet. man, Mrs. George H. Hall. Jr., and ■ second master of the guards, Dra- Stand Oil N Y ...... 23’4’ man; Pavil Erick.son, Eleanor Cas- Sunset Rebekah and King David Man & Bow. Class A. . 3'o tw)rk. It is said to be a fact that in Mrs. Lizzie Edgar Long. Mrs. J. A. ; per Benson; sentinel. Louis Laine; do. Class B ...... — ! Tex Corp ...... 81 % person, Mildred Noren, David Nel­ Lodges in Odd Fellows hall last Eight pupils are to be graduated the United States 96 per cent of the Hood of Loyal Circle and her ex ecu- j picket, Leroy Chapman: trustee for New Brit, Mch. co m ... 14 I Timken Roll B e a r ...... 44% amount spent on health work is for son, Roy Johnson, and Helen Gustaf­ night was enjoyed by a large num­ from the Hollister street school of live hoard were guests, as also were three years, George M. Bidwell; i Union G a r b ...... 56% son. Library committee, Carl Gus­ ber. The prizes of $2.50 gold pieces do. pfd ...... 90 care and cure and only 4 per cent the Eighth district and enter Man­ county officers and Sunnyside Jun- trustee for one year, Ernest F. I Unit Aircraft ...... 24% tafson, chairman; Anna A. Johnson, for the highest score made by tlie North & Judd ...... 15 tor preventive work. chester High school in the first mid­ ior Circle, founded a year ago by ; Blown. Niles Bern Pond ...... 19’ i ' Unit Corp ...... 18% Clinton .street, Fbnest Berggren, men and women for the series w^as year class to be admitted to that It makes no difference whether Ever Ready. A number of the visit- j Ralph C. Brown, son of A. L. Peck, Stow and Wilcox — Unit Gas and Imp ...... 28% Eval Erickson, Alice Benson, Doris awarded to Mrs. Cleon Chapman of school. They ai’o Frederick Sweet, ors made remarks when called on , B’-own, the latter record keeper of ' IT S Pipe and F d r y ...... 28% the seals are paid weeks before Johnson, and Russell Anderson. Strickland street and Griswold Ru.ssell Mfg Co ...... 34 j lido Enrico, George Clarke, Rich- by the president, Mrs. E. E. Edgar. U S R ubber...... 12 Christmas or weeks after, if only Lookout committee, Leonard John­ the tent for more than 30 years, Scovill ...... 33 Chappell of Manchester Green. I ard Black, Dorothy Brown, Eliza- The Junior Circle presented an U S S te e l...... 189%' ^ose who have received them will son, chairman; Frideborg Thoren. Prize winners of gold pieces last was elected to membership last Seth Thom Co. com . . . 30 i beth Filbig, Marion Reid and Adella impressive candle ceremonial and Util Pow and Lt A ...... 23% iittend to the matter now. Anna Johnson, Fairfield street, Carl night. Standard Screw ...... 90 100 evening were Mrs. C. E. Wrisley and I Zuruaskas. From the Buckland, or ‘ Warner Bros P iet ...... 15% Larson, Laurel Place, Evan Nyquist, W. H. Cowles; second prizes fell to dui’ing the evening a one-act com -, The business of the meeting over, do, pfd., guar “ A” .. 100 ' Seventh district, there will be one edy. “ Sewing for the Heathen” was i Westing El and M f g ...... 85 Isabel Bjorkman, and Ethel John­ Mrs. Thora Stoehr and Fred Sadler ' pupil, Elizabeth Polyatte. the members passed the reraaindei Stanley W orks ...... 35 37 son. Publicity committee, Erik and consolation to Mrs. John Hay­ I played by the following seniors'. of the time at setback Refresh­ S my the Mfg ...... 80 I Wool worth ...... 56 Modean, chairman; Linnea Johnson, den and L. A. Cleveland. Sand­ I Mrs. F. C. Allen, Mrs. C. B. Loomis, ments were served by the social Taylor & Fenn ...... 100 Yellow Truck ...... 9% HOSPITAL NOTES The series of classes in soap j Mrs. C. E. Wilson, Mrs. W. W. Torrington ...... 45 Ivar Scott, Viola Bjorkman, Dexter wiches, cake and coffee were served, sculpture sponsored by the Hartford committee. Peterson, Viola Larson, and Elin followed by general dancing. Gris­ Eells, Mrs. E. P. Walton. Mrs. Allan Underwood Mfg Co .. 54 County Y.M.C.A. is continued with Coe, Mrs. C. R. Burr, Mrs. I. P. Union Mfg Co ...... — Nielson. wold Chappell announced the old- the first lessons of the new year to I A daughter was born this mom- ■ Campbell Mrs. George F. BorsL U S Envelope, com . . . — time numbers, Walter Joyner play­ be held this afternoon and evening PLANS VESPER PROGRAM ^ g at Memorial hospital to Mr. and do. pfd ...... 112 f u g it iv f : a r r e s t e d ed the violin and Irving Wickham at the headquarters of the County I, Mrs. R. K. Anderson was coach for ; Mrs. Charles Bunzel of Center the piano. Y.M.C.A., 93 Elm Street. Hartford. ! the P'av and the amusing speeches. Veeder Root ...... 25 street. Carl McKinley, acting organist STATE Middletown, Jan. 16.— (A P.)— The evening classes will be from ! i'leident to the packing of a box toi , Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . — 1 Harold Forrest of 22 Wadsworth and choirmaster at the South Meth­ X--Ex-dividend. itreet and Mrs. Vena Jones of 30 ■William Donovan, 33. an attendant 7 to 8 o’clock. The schedule for the created a lot of fun. |odist church, is arranging an at­ Three Days balance of the season is as follows; \ Mrs. Segar in behalf of the Circle f*helps Road have been admitted. at the Connecticut State hospital SHEPPARD DEFENDS tractive program for the vesper ser­ Friday, Jan. 30; Friday, Feb. 13; j presented to “Mother ’ Brown a Starting Sunday Discharged patients include Mrs. was arrested today as fugitive from vice at 4:30 Sunday afternoon, Jan­ feenry Muraake and daughter of 43 justice. Friday, Feb. 27 and Friday, March I houquet of carnations uary 25. The selections will be The Department of Correction at PROHIBITION LAWS 13th. $trtckland street. Mrs. Michael Paul I from noted English comjxisers. 4nd daughter of Burnside, Mrs. Boston will return him. He had been among them Elgar, Barnby, Bair- Pauline Komse of 603 Center street, employed here under the name of (Continued From Page 1.) Contractor Arthur Hutchinson of D. OF V. INSTALL stow. The chorus numbers have N. Y. Stocks Ceorge Flavell of 93 Spruce street William Allen. He had been under i North Elm street is making altera­ been chosen for variety and set sentence for nine months for a mis­ tions at the home of his mother, ind Mrs. Mary Lupacchlno of 36 hoi reached an Intensive status,” he Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters forth outstanding features of these demeanor in Massachusetts. Mrs. Lovina Hutchinson of Gilead. Adams Exj^'...... 18% Birch street. said, “when increased population, of Union War Veterans, installed well kno\^m composers. In one of X X X X X increased chances for gain Air Reduction ...... 94 officers last evening at a meeting at I these “Go Forth Upon Thy Jour­ made possible by the machine age The entertainment at the High­ ney” from Elgar’s “ Dream of Ger- Allegheny ...... 8 ’4 land Park Community clubhouse to­ the State Armopy. A supper at . Am Can ...... 108 united to bring about the manufac­ 6:30 featuring roast pork, was serv­ ontius,” the bass solo part will be ture of intoxicants to an extent that morrow evening promises to be one 1 taken by Robert Gordon. Another I Power ...... 29 of unusual interest, featuring as it ed under tlie direction of Mrs. Har- j ' Am Internat ...... 18% threatened the permanent corrup­ riet Skewes, Mrs. Jennie Cook and number decided upon by Mr. Mc­ tion and control of government, the does two plays by talant from the Kinley is Barnby’s “Hosanna in the Am Pow and Lt ...... 46% Columbia Congregational church Miss Edith Maxwell. Mrs. Maude Am Rad Stand S a n ...... 17 general Impairment of health and Shearer arranged the pink and Highest.” His organ numbers will morals and efficiency.” and special orchestral music. The include compositlon.s calculated, to Am Pow and L t ...... 46% white decorations. Guests were p . g g p BLACK COATS Wets Divided program is open to all whether resi­ Am Rad Stand San ...... 17 present from Hartford, Norwich i interest the most critical audience. Pointing to what he called hope­ dents of Highland Park or any other Am Roll Mills ...... 29% with the most wanted part of the town, and will begin at and Glastonbury. The installing of- 1 Am Smelt ...... 43'2 less di-vlslon among the wets, Shep­ j fleer was the department president. ; pard said “some of them advocate 8:15. PUBLIC RECORDS A T and T ...... 186"^ M orm tbmn Mrs. Alice Slater of Hartford and j Am Tob B ...... 109’ 4 the complete entry of the Federal staff. ' a picturm — government into the liquor busi­ As December is the month that Am Water W ks ...... 54•’’4 most of the fraternal societies elect 1 The new officers are: President, ' Warrantee Deed Anaconda Cop ...... 32% ness, others suggest each state be ■ Mrs. Azella I. Hampton; senior-vicn. h t 9 an Black Furs authorized to engage in the liquor their officers so is January the Edwin T. Ferris o Knieht H. Fer- Atchison T and S Fe ...... 187’ 4 month when the installation of the I Mi.ss Beatrice Dart; junior-vice, lot of land on upper Oak street. Atlantic Ref ...... 20 tg experienca business if it should so desire and I Mrs. Helen Henry; chaplain, Mrs. Distinctive Models still others would leave the situation new board of officers takes place. b r im m in g According to the Manchester town I Jennie L. Cook; treasurer, Mrs. as it was before the Eighteenth Ethel Carter; council members, Mrs. w ith ib a vary Perfectly Tailored Amendment was adopted.” directory there are eighty-five lodges and societies in Manchester, ! Merrill Davis, Mrs. Minnie Weeder Government control has demon­ ; and Mrs. Maude Shearer; patriotic ; eaaenca of Ufa You will marvel at the strated elsewhere, he said, that it but this does not include many of the church societies. ■ instructor, Mrs. Neva L. Laine; sec- I Today Today increases the consumption of liquor I retary, Mrs. Grace Ames; guide. ' HOWARD HUGHES’ values at this exception­ and re.sults in “ unspeakable political and and ThriHing Air Speefad* The business depression has not Mrs. Etta Loveland: press corres­ corruption and degradation of the pondent, Mrs. Luna M. Hutchinson: Saturda' Saturday ally low price. government.” had any pronounced eect on the . » m , “The principal foundation on number of inmates at the Manches- , Mrs. Hlorenc^ A Trask; as- ter Almshou.se. The number of in­ I .sistant guard, Mr.s. Sylvia McLougli- which prohibition rests today.” lin; musician, Mrs. Maude Shearer; Broadcasting Th rills, Regular $39.50 and $45. mates now being cared for is twen­ Sheppard continued, “ is the volun­ color bearer.s. Miss Lilliam A. ty-two, and of these one is not a Values. tary obedience of the great mass of Keenej3 Mrs. Harriet Skewes, Mrs. the American people. town charge but is having the ex­ Minnie Weeder, Miss Edith Max­ Laughter and Romance! Sizes 14 to 50. “ The comparative handful of pro­ pense paid by relatives. Of the well; floral committee, Mrs. Flor­ hibition enforcement officials, a ^ u t twenty-two inmates five are women ence Trask: entertainment commit­ 1,700, x x X X X scattered among and seventeen are men. The aver­ tee, Miss Beatrice Dart, Mrs. Ethel 123,000,000 American people would age number of inmates at the Alms­ Carter, Mrs. Maude Shearer. be overwhelmed but for the fact house for several years has been $ 2 4 . 9 5 that they must cope with but a com­ seventeen. Early In the month there paratively small and lawless was twenty-three, but death remov­ minority. ed one and another was taken in WEALTHY PACKER “To call this enforcement group charge by friends. an army threatening the home, mm FALLS TO DLATH The first multi- Our Finest menacing privacy, and Imperiling A,ll tho.se who assisted, directly or the liberty of the American people is Indirectly, in the production of the million dollor another wet absurdity.” Lions Club musical comedy “The (( ontinued From Page 1.) | talking picture Hand Tailored Aeroplane Girl,” have been invited to attend the dance at the Hollister a spacious bay with a bench seat with Street School at 8 o’clock tonight. concealed In a radiator. Mr. White Because of the difficulty In extend­ who had been complaining that the JEAN HARLOW C oats ing personal invitations to everyone apartment was too warm, opened "Th* sermtn'i ht»st (•ntofian* the Lfons Club have extended a gen­ the windows and sat in the seat Sport and Dress eral invitation. Each member may swinging his feet and laughing as WILLIAM •IN lYON — JAMIS HAU Styles bring a friend with him. Music will we talked. I wanted him and Mrs. i be furnished by Francis Hart and White to accompany me and Mrs. ' his Call of the North Syncopators. Reed to a hockey match, but Mr. ! Authentic to the Entertainment will be presented White said he thought he should i HAINES minutest detail — it’s Finest Furs of and refreshments served in the rest. So I told him goodbye. While ! With course of the evening. I was talking with Mrs. White In ' realism will leave you Beaver, Raccoon the living room her sister, Miss j MARY DORAN The regular monthly meeting of Kathleen Pearson went to answer Chas. King, Polly Moran thrilled and breathless and Skunk We Loan You Hose Company No. 2 of the Man­ the telephone and discovered Mr. I —ALSU— chester Fire Department held last White was gone.” | —it belongs among Money night was followed by an oyster He was bom In Peoria, Illinois, supper, served in the social rooms. September 9, 1873, and began his I the great experiences Formerly Priced You have 20 months to pay it back career as a packer in 1890, with I The Picture You Will Always Remember of life because it is so $59.50 to $95. A special rehearsal of the Beeth­ only a common school education as ' Easy to Pay oven Glee Club will be held Sunday his background. I veal! NOW $ C Per Month, Plus Interest, afternoon at 2 o’clock in prepara­ ^^TOL'ABLE DAVID'* tion for the annual concert. No re­ NOTED AITTHOR’S MEET Repays a $100 Loan ------VVitli------hearsal will be held Monday evening New Haven, Jan. 16— (AP) — A United ArtiM Picture $ 1 A Per Month, Plus Interest, as the Swedish Lutheran church luncheon given by Prof. William L. •LL/ Repays a $200 Loan will hold its annual meeting. Phelps of Yale this noon, brought RICHARD CROMWELL together Gilbert K. Chesterton, a $ 5 2 . 5 0 $55 $ 1 C Per Month, Plus Interest, NOAH BEERY JOAN PEEARS ■L-' Repays a $300 Loan The junior boy’.s glee club social, noted Briti.sh author and George ! scheduled for Monday evening, has Russell, Irish author who write.s The average monthly cost of a been postponed but the regular re­ under the pen name of A. E. both of $100 loan, repaid as per the above hearsal will be held at 6 o’clock, at whom today had speaking engage­ *ECIALTONIGHT ONLY k and $59.50 table, is only $1.84. This is based the Swedish Lutheran church. ments here. Mr. Chesterton will de­ SNAPPY, PEPPY upon the legal interest rate o f three bate with Clarence Darrow, and A. and one-half per cent per month While Hugo Pearson of 815 Main E. lectures in the Bergen Course at VAUDEVILLE ACTS on unpaid balances. street, who was working for Walter Yale. No Delay—No Red Tape Olson In Bolton yesterday after­ Mr. Chesteton was accompanied SILENT MORA JOCK HARRIS noon, was chopping wood for a fire, by Mrs. Chesterton, and his secre­ Chinese Man of Mystery Famous Scotch Comedian the axe cut through his left foot to tary and at the luncheon also were the bone. The wound bled profuse­ Rev. Father T. L. Riggs, chaplain of FRANKLIN PLAN ly. After first aid was administer­ the Yale Catholic Club and Profes­ MACK AND JONES HARRY BURT Fast Stepping Dance Team Back on the Job Again ‘..vuC 'K P nom 214 92 Pratt Street ed, Hugo was brought to Memorial sor and Mrs. N. B. Paradise of the hospital here for treatment. Later University. They with others,also *No Advance ia Hartford Fhone 7-8496 he went to his home In the Podrove will attend a tea in the late after­ Admission Prices. w building. noon. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 16,1931, PAGBTHRED ASKS GOVERNOR CROSS COILECTDR PAYS D P I REPUBLICAN RAPS Ship Arrivals Mary Brian Turns Sophisticate and Wall Street FOR A JOB AS FOOTPAD New Britain, Jan. 16.^(AP.)'—. LUCAS IN SENATE Arrived: Shell Be Wee Bit Bad in New Film Briefs Albert Ballin, New 'S'ork, January Ta-x Collector Charles F. Lewis of German Professor Makes Odd 16, from Hamburg. , who is also prosecutor of the Request Which Causes New Conte Biancamano, New York, town court, yesterday made p^- New York. Jan, 1 6 .—Stocks of »Y DAN THOMAS January 16, from Genoa. to confess in the picture but I hope crude rubber on hand in the United I Cutting, of New Mexico, At­ Executive To Chuckle. New Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Jan­ ment of approximately $4,200 -*to they make it good," Mary told me. I States Dec. 31, amounted to 203,2211 uary 16, from New York. Arthur L. Woodruff, town clerk and Hollyv,"5>J. — Introducing Mary “ In fact, 1 don't know much about ' long tons, the highest on record, i Hartford, Jan. 16.— (AP) — The treasurer, having been ordered to Brian. tacks Him For Sending Conte Grande, Naples, January the picture as 1 haven’t read the against 189,925 on Nov. 30 and 105,- most difficult assignment that has 16, from New 'York. do so not later than noon today by There's something about that cript yet. H ow evo, l understand : 137 Dec. 31, 1929, the Rubber Manu-1 been given to Governor Cross comes the Board of Selectmen through a name which sounds familiar. You Majestic, Cherbourg, January 16, i,y part will be .piite a bit different I facturers Association reports. Crude | Letters To Old Employes. from a distinguished professor in from New York. letter from Judge B. F. Gaffney of might even think you know thi^ tom anything i ever have done be- ' rubber afloat for United States ports j the University of Berlin, Germany. New Britain, counsel for the town beautiful young screen actress. Bu' Oscar n , Christiansand, JEmuary ore. 1 nope so as 1 think most of was estimated at 56,035 tons as of i All the professor wants is an hon­ 16, from New York. of Berlin. you don’t—at least not the one wt the roles 1 have played in the past Dec? 31, as against 52,538 tons Nov. j orary place In the Governor’s irn- Collector Lewis failed to turn in have in mind. 'Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP) — Sailed: uave been rather uninteresting.’’ 30 and 62,388 tons Dec. 31, 1929. mediate circle. He asks to be ap­ Carinthia, Kingston, January 15, tax receipts on January 5 and the The Mary Brian about whom this And then the brunet beauty Consumption of crude rubber in De- Robert H. Lucas, executive director pointed to the Governor’s “ staff of story is being written is a brand new for the Republican National commit­ (from New York), Colon (on Board of Selectmen began an in­ .'unched irto an account of her ‘ cember totaled 21,493 tons, against foot-pads.” quiry. Town Treasurer Woodruff gift to the silver screen. "1p to New York. While she was tee, was denounced by some Repub- cruise). 23,479 in November and 23,531 in Governor Cross enjoyed a pro­ Hellig Olav, Oslo, January 15, for said the collector told him he was A few months ago. Mary was 'orking in the picture life wasn't : December 1929. Concumption in icans in the Senate today for send­ longed chuckle today over this re- New York. unable to withdraw money in Ijis known is the sweetest, prettiest i uch different than it is right here ' 1930 totaled 372,628 tons. Against ing a letter to his former subor- fun-makingest girl in all Hollywood dinates in the Internal Revenue President Roosevelt, Cherbourg, account as collector from the Com­ ! Hollywood. She drove from her 469,805 tons in 1929 and 441,338 in . the German professor who lived in Then she went to New York to reau asking them .o keep him January 16, for New York. mercial Trust Company of New hotel to he studi'i ir the morning 1928. this country until the World War make the film version of “The Royal ind from the studio to her hotel at formed of political conditions. Western World, Buenos Aires, Britain, which is in the hands of a I-amily." And when she stepped off The letter was dated October 6, broke out. Though the governor is January 16, for New York. receiver and was obliged to borrow night. Then she went to bed-which The National Tube Co., a subsid­ given extraordinary powers in the train here the other day she was shortly after Lucas resigned as com­ American Shipper, London, Janu­ enough money to make payment at i.s about all a girl can do when she iary of United States Steel Corp., emergencies, he gives no indication, different. She still is the sweetest, IS working. has received an order for 80,000 tons missioner of internal revenue to ac­ ary 15, for New York. this time. prettiest, fun - makingest girl in cept his present position. for the present, at least, that he is Collector Lewis is employed In , a Went to Shows of seamless pipe. town. But New York did something It was read to the Senate by Sen­ even contemplating designating any responsible capacity in a factory in. group either in the Legislature or The fact that wheat consump­ to her—broadened hei and made her But after the picture was finished ator Cutting, Repubttcan, New Mex­ tion has greatly declined in Kensington and has been tax col­ well, things started to pop. 1 The creditors committee of in the state offices as his staff of more sophisticated. ico, who said he believed the issue America leads C3mical Sadie to lector for more than ten years. His “ I was on the go every single Brockway Motor Truck Corp., has foot-pads. The Co-Ed Confesses raised Involved the question of party observe that conditions have gone compensation for the position is on minute, ' she declares. “ 1 W'as so addressed a letter to creditors of The Governor, besieged by applir As a result Mary's nex* picture the corporation requesting them to government. against the grain. a commission basis. and incidentally her first starring afraid the studio was going to call Senator Couzens, Republican, cations for appointment to state me back here before 1 had time to sign an agreement to refrain from office, said he was surprised that one. will be “The Confessions of a acting on the debt over a three- Michigan, asked if this letter was t^o-Ed, ' supposedly taken from a see anything that i vvas almost ■lent to the men who check the In­ none has applied to him as yet for afraid to go to bed at all for fear of I year period subject to further ex­ a place on the board of examiners co-ed's diary. Mary is supposed to tension if approved by a majority, in come tax returns of citizens all over be just a wee bit bac in this film missing something. i went to a show the country. for embalmers. every night and almost every after- amount of creditors. In return “I have received numerous appli­ a role studio executives would not creditors will receive 6 per cent “I understand so," Cutting re­ oon as well. Ami 1 went to night plied. cations for appointments,” the Gov­ have dared give her a few month.*^ non-negotiable notes for the face ago. They don't need to worry. cuibs and a lot of other places, just Couzens called attention to state­ ernor said, "bm. none for the board • ightseeing. too. Gee, I'll bet a per­ value of their accounts. The agree­ ot examiners of embalmers. How­ I owever. 'Shc'll carry it all right ment also w’ill provide for advances ments which have been made in the because in addition to her other son could spend a thousand years in nast that “the commissioner of in­ ever, a distinguished professor in Hits the Bullseye of > ew York and still not see every­ ! from banks totaling more than the University of Berlin has written Dualities she also is a good actress. Mary Brian I $500,000 to furnish working capital. ternal revenue can control the poli­ thing." tics of the nation.” for a place on his staff of foot-pads.” “I don't know what I'm supposed I enabling the corporation to continue Johnson’s Remarks Value ; its operations. Senator Johnson, Republican, LEVY BOROUGH PRESIDENT California, also interrupted, saying BUSINESS OUTLOOK I “ it is obvious the internal revenue New York, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Saip^ Noted Business Heads Rode LATEST STOCKS I collectors, acting for the depart- uei Levy, president of the City I jnent in Washington, through inter- Board of Education, was elected MThe 33rd I nal revenue taxation attempt to ' borough president of Manhattan to­ BRIGHTENING UP Old Auto, Now a Curio New York, Jan. 16— (AP) The do control the politics of the na­ stock market paused for breath to­ tion.” day by the Board of Aldermen. day, after its abrupt decline of the =01,4 u ,4-j 4 . i ^6 succceds Julius Miller, elected previous session, and recovered a i a Supreme Court justice last No­ draw any conclusions along that; vember. The only dissenting votes lOoldenArnowSpeiiall little in spots, as bears grew nerv­ line. Editor of Trade Journal De­ ous and drew in their short lines. in the balloting were cast by the The letter read by Cutting was on three Republican aldermen. The market grew extremely dull on stationery of the Republican N a -; the advance, however, and neither Mr. Levy is an active philan­ tional committee. In it. Lucas said thropic worker and president of clares Bottom of Depres­ speculative faction manifested much “you can be of great help to me by ' Yeshiva college. Orthodox Jewish courage. Trading was desultory and keeping me advised of political con­ 6 Days Only light and price movements in the ditions in your section.” ! institution. He is a lawyer and re­ sion Has Been Reached. putedly wealthy. 1 main were narrow. Fresh heavi­ The New Mexico Senator read ness of wheat had a dampening ef­ further from the Lucas letter and I fect upon stocks. MAY BE DEPORTED St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 16.— said the collectors he had appealed i Such stocks as U. S. Steel, Ameri­ to might be termed “political spies” i (AP)—Marc C. Rose of New York, can Can, American Telephone, for Lucas. ] Stamford, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Grati­ editor of “Business Week," today tude for a night’s lodging in the American Water Works, Public ber- Cutting said he thought Alfred E. said the bottom of the business de­ local jail, provided by Chief John : vice of New Jersey. Westinghouse Smith, Democratic presidential ca n -: pression has been reached, the tide Dupont and Air Reduction sold u| lidate in 1928, vvas entitled to a ' B Brennan, today led to a confes­ has turned and the year 1931 will sion from Walter C. Keywood, 29 1 a point or so, but advances were nc “square deal" and that Lucas had' mark the beginning of a gradual re­ 1 well maintained. Allied Chemica evaded the issue in replying to I year old Scotchman, who admitted turn to normalcy the world over. I rose nearly four points, then losi to having taken French leave from At the mid-winter meeting of the Smith’s demand for an apology from | I much of its gain. Bethlehem Stec' the Republican committee for “per­ the ship on which he served as a Natinal Association of Real Estate ' was under pressure and slipped mitting” Lucas to send out a bar-1 steward in 1925. Boards, Mr. Rose spoke optimistical­ I close to its 1930 low as brokerage room cartoon in the last election' “ America is all right but I’d ly of the future, but warned “ the I gossip had it that its fourth quarter with a “false” quotation, rather face the music now than go greatest factor in recovery will be I net left little if anything for tae j “ I hold no brief for Alfred E. on the street corner as a bum," the Initiative, the courage, the in­ common stock. Some of the mer­ Keywood told police. Keywood is Baron Rothschild’s Pan hard cost 16,000! j Smith,” said Cutting, “but he is en- genuity of the American business chandizing shares were under pres­ j titled to a square deal aji . . . ! being detained and will be returned man.” sure, notably Sears. The Armour i to be lied about. ; to England by immigration authori­ “ Business will improve durins the (By NE.\ Service) store fame, who took it to New stocks eased, possibly reflecting the ties. I first quarter,” Mr. Rose predicted. York and used it for a year. I sudden death of the company s “The start^.jMdged by past cycles, Reno, Nev., Jan. 16.— An automo­ Colonel W. S. Proskey, prominent president. A light meter has been invented will be,,§jQiw—although there is a bile built ofiginally for . Baron Nevada mining man, bought the car 1 News of a character to influence A bag for carrying bathing suits for motion-picture studios to chance it may surprise us. Rothschild, and which .saw service in from Woolworth in 1905 and orought the security markets was almost has been invented that can be in­ measure the intensity of the light March, April, May should show this state for more than 20 years, it to Nevada. For 20 years it was completely lacking, and traders in flated to serve as a pillow or float from high-power electric lamps in an upturn plain to everyone. We is again in the limelight, but this used in traveling to all parts of the the main were content to stay on to support a person’s head in wa­ any part of a room as a guide to shall have a summe- let-down which time as a curio. Hauled in from a state, road conditions, or the lack the sidelines. It was generally ter. cameramen. may discourage the faint hearted. mining camp near the old Comstock of a road, failing to stop the old acknowledged in brokerage circles Better In Fall lode, this old car was used at a dis­ Panhard. When it was retired five that yesterday’s decline was ac­ “Business should turn upward play of 1931 car.s, and it attracted years ago it was still in running companied by extensive bear selling again in the fall. The fall peak more attention than the new models. I condition, and mechanics declare it but it was sharp enough to inspire should be higher than the spring This old car was built by Pan- ' could be put in order again. i caution. j peak. Business will taper off at the hard & Levassor in France in 1902 The car, has four cylinders. It In addition to wheat, silver was i year-end. at a cost of $16,000. Baron Roths­ • is said to b ethe last model to use again under pressure, slipping back , “We are at the bottom of a world­ child entered it in the Paris-Madrid : automatic intake valves, which 5-8 of a cent to 28 1-2 cents an ; wide business depression which, road race the following year. How it worked by the suction of the pis ounce, duplicating the historical low ! measured by many of the statistical came out in this contest is not tons. Transmission anc'. differential 'established a week ago. yardsticks commonly relied upon, is known. In 1904, it was purchased are one unit, and the rear wheels The talk of plans to make an in- ! th^ worst ever known. But measured by F. W. Woolworth of ten-cent are chain-driven. ternational loan to China to stabi-1 in'terms of human hardship and lize the metal appears to have ^ S lr a d iits suffering, it is far from the worst brought out considerable opposition °#ir- ever known. This is due in part to in banking circles where feasinility i th8 fact that the American people of such action is questioned. 1 jvere, I believe, in better shape, to New Air Tie-Up May Lead On the other hand export copper j Winding Up Oar withstand a seige from the wolf at prices for March and April ship-1 the door in some previous depres­ ment were increased .05 and .10 of | o sions. To Far East Mail Route a cent a pound respectively. Export ; '[Second, I think it is due to a sales continued in fair volume but ! January much more enlightened policy on domestic buving was still quiet and [ the part, of employers. it was said in trade circles that the , •'It was the wrecking of the ex­ Wa.shington— (A P )—An air route Somewhere along the northern situation during the next few weeks | ceedingly complex and delicate near the top of the world to the line. Mr. Glover said, a route could will depend upon continued demand j be branched across Alask.a and Ber­ credit machine that plunged us off Orient is envisioned by W. Irving ♦ ing Stait into Soviet Russia and j from abroad. th^ rails. Periods of depres.sion are Glover, assistant postmaster gen­ It was notable that the annalist preceded by periods of wild specula­ down to China and Japan. I weekly index of commodity prices ' eral in charge of air mail. “This is not an improbable route i Clearance tion. This time it was Wall street", He termed his idea "nebulous" by any means," he said. “ Careful ^ showed a neg’igib’.e change from the he isaid. and lying far in the future but sees study has been given the proposi­ previous week. For five weeks it the first step undertaken in the pro­ tion by the postoffice departments has fluctuated within a range of less ; Beginning Saturday posed tie-up of American and Cana­ of Canada and the United States than half a point, the narrowest nW est secret? dian lines by air mail service be­ and they do not intend to stand movement in a year. This lends sup- idly by and permit this opportunity port to the hope that stability is Sale tween Winnipeg and St. Paul and Minneapolis. for a direct hookup with the far ' being or has been achieved. This line would join America's east to be supplied by any other Furthermore the analyist Index WITH BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES of business activity, as announced in iOF SEA ARE TOLD network of mail routes with exist­ countries.” THAN EVER. ing Canadian services iivhich run With inauguration of proposed preliminary form for December, HOUSE from Winnipeg to Regina, Calgary transatlantic service connecting showed a reduction of only 1-5 of a ’ BY MATHEMATICS and Edmonton. There is a gap be­ through United States mail lines point from November w’hich is de­ tween Edmonton and Fort Mc- with a route crossing into Asia, scribed as “a tentative sign that Murray, which is to be closed and he said, mail from (Ireat Britain we have reached the bottom of the present depression.” This index is La Jolla, Calif. (A P.)—Mathe- a line continues due north to to China and Japan could be COATS Aklavik, beynod the Arctic circle. speeded up two weeks. weighed for several trends. ^DRESSES : matics is taking over the depths of The foreign exchange markets the sea as one of its late.st field.i gave further evidence that the ef­ ' of usefulness. COUNTERFEIT CHECKS ■Vela De Corro to Norfolk, 'Va. She forts to relieve the strain on sterl­ An oceanographer, sitting in his Providence, Jan. 16.— (AP) — was first sighted by the steamer El ing exchange on Paris were meet­ laboratory, can plot wind veloci­ Police here believe they have un­ Capitan, which sent out a wireless $2 1.50 ing with success and news of fur­ y In Advance New ties, temperatures and the amount earthed a plot to flood southern New call for assistance. ther negotiations toward that end of salt in ocean water to map ocean England with counterfeit American was regarded as constructive. The Beautifully furred models now selling at about half travellers checks. Two of the coun­ 4' currents with fair accuracy. financial community was interested price. Buy your coat now if you want to economize. '' Spring Styles And he can predict velocities and terfeits have been passed on store­ in the League of Nations meeting directions of these currents at vari­ keepers here. They are said to be to examine the Briand Pan-Euro- Sizes 16 to 46. ous depths with considerable cer­ good immitations with the exception r-n pean Federation plan, but scarcely tainty. of a misp/int in the word “counter­ looked for immediate developments. 'The mathematical method is con­ signed" over the space for the sec­ Credit rates remained stationary. sidered especially appropriate for ond signature of the payee. In this dealing with large-.scale ocean cur­ word the firrrt: “ n” is omitted. GOES BACK TO BASE Two men and two women in an DRESSES rents, especially drift.s which regu­ ff^lR L9 U)H0 put TMElR- New London, Jan. 16.— (AP) — automobile are believed by the police late climates of nation.s and even of w m o n e y IM CLOTHES Coast Guard destroyer Porter, continents, and which affect the to be persons who are working the which was damaged when she counterfeit check game Two drug­ COLLECT i n t e r e s t FROM Gay flowered and pin dot prints, smart polka fertility of the sea in food products. -The mem- struck B, submerged object in dots and fancy checks— every one a suggestion How these indirect mathematical gists here each cashed one of the Napeague Bay off the north shore checks to the amount of $10 and $8-85 of Spring itself! Smart new styles in vat dye methods have been developed is de­ of Long Island Sunday left today for were not aware of the deception un­ prints that will stand many a tubbing. Pleated scribed by Dr. George F. McEwen New York her regular base. til banks returned them marked and flared skirts___ princess, waist-coat and sur­ of the Scripps Institution of Ocean­ A board of investigation which Is These dresses are far superior to any dress value “counterfeit.” plice styles with set-in sleeves. Becomingly ography of La Jolla. inquiring Into the accident has com­ being offered at anywhere near this price. Replenish trimmed with pert pique bows and ties, dainty . The ocean rivers are so huge and pleted its work so far as the tak­ frills, tailored collors and buckle belts. complicated that complete o'bserva- SCHOONER IN DISTRESS ing of testimony is concerned but a your wardobe with one of these fine frocks. tions of them upon and under the Boston, Jan. 16. — (A P .)—The final report on the accident will not 'surface have been impossible. four-ma.sted schooner Lieutenant be made until examination of the Resourceful oceanographers have Samuel Mengel laden with 1,100 vessel's hull is made in dry-dock. largely overcome this handicap by tons of guano was in distress off •discovering the laws of motion of the Delaware capes her owmers. TO P.\Y OFFICER HATS both .surface and deep waters. Foss and Crabtree were informed Stamford, Jan. 16.— (A P .)—P ‘ Winds give surface water a mo­ today. She carried a crew’ of eleven spite the fact that the board of i nance refused Tuesday to approp. tion of about two per cent of the men. The Coast Guard cutter Men- ate $2,500 as her salary. Judge G Montgomery Ivind •'■velocity. This is modified by dota was standing by. J. Fennell today announced that depth', friction, temperature, coast Heavy seas prevented the Men- L o m HOKUM $ 1.69 Miss Mabel Sprague would continue ajid bottom contours and the vary­ dota from taking the schooner in I vl^v^'T UJMT to function as juvenile probation of­ Ward & C o w ing: weight or den.sity of the water. tow and another Coast Guard ves ficer and that the judges would ex­ Just the right hats to finish up the season with at this Even the earth’s motion is a sel, the Carrabasset was going to until 1 6ET pect the city to pay her salary. He factor. It causes ocean currents to the scene. The schooner’s sails were iMV iN C oiew very special price. And hundreds of other good values pointed out that the general stat­ deflect to the right in the northern torn away, reports to hef ow’ners ■••Bl-MslK- 824-828 Main S t, Fhone SSO^ Sontki 0ME/k utes give the judges the right to scattered throughout the store in every department. hemisphere and to the left in the said. 7b 0.0), B. southern hemisphere. iRONiTbN/OHiO appoint probation officers and fix The craft was bound from La their salaries.

f Vi, - V. [ jy . ■MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931. PAGE FOUK U. S. Navy Man BREAD BOOTLEGGED Hiss Arlyne C. Horiarty iTO ENLARGE SHELTER FOR SUN AND SEA BATHING SAILING FOR SWEDEN PXTILE WAGES Freed by Peru INSTRUCTOR IN PIANO, AH ER LONG DELAY FROM BELGIUM IRKS VOICE AND HARMONY Beginners and Advanced I BEING REDUCED i BAKES OF EANCE Pupils. Woman Whose Infected Hand 38 Florence Street IMal S07‘j Capacity Taxed When Ice Is Prevented Ocean Trip Final Good So Park Department Iv Leaves For Homeland. Decides To Make It Bigger. Lille, France. (A P .)—The boot­ lower Rates Becoming Ef- legging of bread from Belgium into Delayed seven .v^eeks from the Plans have been made to widen France has reached such propor­ i fective In New England; the building owned by the town at original date pf sailing by an infect­ tions that the recent Congress of i Center Springs Pond used for the ed hand, Mrs. Ivar E. Carlson and French Millers and Bakers asked THE NEW I convenience of skaters during the five children of 32 Essex street, the government to stop it. ■ Done Quietly. j skating season. F(?r the past two leave tomorrow on the Swedisb- Frenchmen residing along the I years the wooden building erected Belgian frontier for some years American liner “Gripsholm, ’ for ------I after the dam was built on the w'est have been authorized to purchase Sweden, where they plan to reside two pounds of bread in Belgium. 7 ,3 n 1 R irnr isnmp weeks ' shore of the pond has beer found in- permanently. Mrs. Carlson’s hus­ COUEGE -Boston, Jan. 1 6 -F o r some convenience of the / As long as the price in Belgium & tendency towards lower wage in , skaters. band, a carpenter, intends to join his ani France remained about at par. wife in their native country in the the textile mills of New England ^-^6 Park Department will detail these purchases were insignificant. near future. has been asserting itself, with the men to widen the building about Passage to Sweden had been book­ Recently, however. French bread result that a few of the larger units ^ four feet on the front or east side soared, and with the difference in COATS ed for Saturday, November 29, but and it is believed, several of the j which will bring the front of the two weeks before Mrs. Carlson’s relative value of the currencies, in the popular High School smaller mills have effected a lower building nearer the shore of the helping the bootleggers, a whole­ right hand was infected by a sliver color. schedule affecting varying proper- pond. of steel in the index finger. The sale traffic in loaves was organized. tions of their personnel. j Frank Wallett, custodian of the infection became so painful that she Proprietors of some large hotels The present movement has pro- j building and special constable ap- was removed to the Memorial hos­ and restaurants have been using ceeded quietly, attracting little at- j pointed during the skating season pital on November 18. remaining Belgian bread exclusively. tention. There has been a complete on duty at Center Springs Pond, has there for about two weeks. Since change in method from that pre- ] maintained a check room for skates Seaplanes to spot wales are the $8-50 then she has been awaiting the time viously pursued, the last prior in- | and outer clothing at one end of the when the injury will have healed latest development in the whaling dent of which was a Hat 10 per cent j building, and on Sundays and enough to allow traveling, and ob­ industry. cut almost universally effected in ■ periods of good skating *he checking tained passage on the “ Gripsholm” New England cotton mills in late ! space was completely filled. With for tomorrow. Captured and imprisoned for three Interwoven Hose 1927 and early 1928. The most spec- | the new' addition to be completed im- Mrs. Carlson’s five children are all tacular feature of this^ wave of i mediately, patrons of Center Springs months In the recent Peruvian revo­ six months’ ; pond will find more room available girls, ranging in age from 14 50c, 75c and $1.00 wage reductions was a months to eleven years. They are: lution, Commander Harold B. strike at New Bedford. for checking skates and a larger Grow, U. S. N., retired, is pictured removing Gerda, fourteen months; Louise, Workers Willing room for putting on and three years: Margaret, seven years; above as he returned to New York In the present case the lower R E A D Y ? skates. Lilly, nine years, and Anna, eleven after his deportation from Peru. levels have usually been put into ef­ years. He organized a military air force fect with the consent of, and follow­ under President Leguia before the SYMINGTON ing consultation with, the opera­ revolt, and was arrested by rebel You’re NOT ready for tives. Not infrequently the manage­ RADIO ADAPTER FEROCIOUS BUNNIES troops while on a flight to drop ment has promised the workers em­ propaganda pamphlets in the in­ dread SHOP ployment at full time, or at con­ FRIEND: You look ill. terests of the doomed government. ACUTE INDIGESTION siderably advanced operating sche­ SHOWS AVIATOR The white bathing suit is having a vogue all its own at southern re­ FURRIER: Yes, I dreamed that unless YOU have Bell-ans. At the Center dules, if lower wages were accepted. sorts this winter. This stunning white suit, displayed al a fashion show all the animals who go to make my As far as a woman is concerned, In a few cases operatives have not at Miami Beach. Fla., has the new camisole sun-back, is one-piece, fitted, furs were standing around my bed. “ taking it on the chin’’ means, mere­ acceded willingly to the cuts. replete with little tuckings and feminized with a bow-knot ornament in FRIEND: But you are not afraid ly another application of the powder Currently lower piece rates are ROUTE TO PORT Bell-ans H oi w « m both the back and the front. A three-quarters jersey coat of white, of a few rabbits?—Travaso, Rome. puff. FOR INDIGESTION fumMM effected in the Nashua Manufactur­ lined with gay gold color, tops it, and a small, knitted beret and clogs ing Co. plant at Lowell, affecting complete the ensemble. ’y— . ■ — . . . _ 150 hands. Operations are being Washington. (A P .)—A radio ex- increased to a 5 1-2-day week, how­ i pert who became indebted to air- ever. At this company’s plant at I craft for aid in test work has paid Nashua, N. H., piece rates have in kind to the aviation world. Hovo’s She Hitting? been lowered, affecting 350 opera­ He developed a homing device tives who are now working full time for lost airmen and envisions other as against three days per week. I uses for the direction finder in By ISRAEL KLEIN This scheme will probably be ex­ 1 guiding watercraft to port and Science Editor, NEA Ser\1ce tended at Nashua. war-time functions of spotting ene­ 10 P. C. Cuts At the Amoskeag Manufacturing my ships at great distances by A break in the cold, stormy Co. plants at Manchester, N. H. their radio broadcasts. weather should be the occasion The expert is G. G. Kruesi, of gradual cuts averaging around 10 for checking over the important cent have been effected in vari- Western Air Express. Aircraft had come to his rescue when, as an em­ parts of the automobile and im­ departments in the cotton mills, proving its operation. During win­ the saving would permit substan- ploye of a commercial radio com- I pany, he worked on developing di­ ter the chassis particularly seems ^ nl orders to be accepted. At the to be neglected to the extent of icific Mills plant in Dover, N. H. a rective Dcam transmitters. He was unable to test the in­ finding frozen spring shackles, dry per cent reduction was affected joints and thickly encrusted spring visible beams on the ground, so le time ago. leaves w'hen the job finally is i^tSmaller cotton and woolen nulls upended them to the sky and em­ various communities in Massa- tackled. ployed planes with special equip­ Winter is just the time w'hen the Jigiusetts and New Hampshire have WORLDS ment that flashed a light which i chassis requires special attention, ^ t into effect cuts of varying beams were intercepted. j when every joint should be kept ^ lo u n ts. In some cases the move- I Plis taste of flying led to avia­ ! well lubricated, in order to enjoy ■Wfjpnt has been initiated by the oper- tion radio work, supplemented with the comforts of motoring. Yet the i^ves, who would prefer to work at lessons in piloting. 'The homing de­ car more often is neglected at this jSpv’er wages than to have the mill vice was worked out in three 3but down entirely. One method of time than in summer. months under direction of Herbert Cold weather is not conducive to iffiducing wages has been to name Hoover, Jr. working on the car, of course, but -j^ver piece prices on new construc- Tlie finder connects to any radio ^ns, particularly in fine goods there should be no excuse for neg­ receiver so that an airman using lecting it when a warm .‘-pell ar­ f 11s. In many mills payment for a broadcast set may be guided to per cent to 75 per cent of the rives. / his destination by the broadcast of Sjmrk is made on a piece basis. STARTING great many mills have been a station sending entertainment. The first thing to do is to clean i^ liz in g low'cr labor costs by in- The pilot who has a short-wave re­ the body and chassi.s. Mud is ifitalling “ labor extension’’ systems ceiver is led to the radio beacons. harmful lo the paint and leaves th ereby the skilled help has done Connecting to a set by three spots that are indelible if allowed S ^ re work. This has resulted in wires, the device consists of a loop to dry. Mud on the chassis is al­ jSigher wages to the skilled opera- antenna, an adapter containing most like rust — it eats into the AT NO :6ve, particularly those engaged in tubes and coils, and a dial with a joints and w'eakens the essential Weaving, and has permitted elimina- needle. parts of the car. It should be ■Won of some unskilled help. At the The equipment weighs 10 pounds, washed off thoroughly. Caked un­ iPequot Mills at Salem the system though Kruesi expects to cut the derneath the fenders, it is harm­ been worked out with the as- weight in Ijalf. It has a probable ful to these parts and. if allowed to remain there, would eventually EXTRA COST 'jristance of representatives of the range, he said, of 120-150 miles cause their rusting and breakdown. GASOLINE tihion. when tuned to a program broad­ Outside of the wholesome feeling ''' Some Opposed casting station or 125 miles with a y There are certain large and im- that a clean car produces, it helps federal radio beacon. to lengthen its life. ijortant mills which have not re­ Its chief purpose, Kruesi said, duced wages. Among this number will lie in guiding itinerant avia­ jire Pepperell Manufacturing Co., After being cleaned, the car tors who fly between points not on should go through an entire Pequot Mills and Wamsutta Mills, regular airways and pilots on terge sheeting producers. The lat­ greasing and change of oil. Many a scheduled routes who are forced ’ y ter is situated in New Bedford, at car, ordinarily greased every 1000 storm or wind from the “ path’’ de- which city no w'age cuts have been 1 miles in summer, is hardly touched effected. Some manufacturers | by radio beacon broadcasts. over the entire winter. Yet it is KICKS OVER MOTOR ;*trongly oppose any reductions. now when the chassis needs lubrica­ -■ The chief significance of the pres­ SAVES HIS CHILDREN tion if at all. ent trend is that it is taking place ------If the car has been neglected, the 4 Without dissension, as reflected in | Norwalk, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Dash- spring shackles may be found strikes. On the contrary, agree- j inc from a next-door house, into his frozen and immovable. These, how­ ZERO 10 SECONDS! jnent of the operative has in many | own home, which had burst into ever, should be loosened and fresh rases been secured. What reduc­ flames while he and his wife were grease shot through from one side tions have taken place have come making a neigiiboiiy visit, Albert to the otlicr. Otherwise the manu­ after declines in commodity prices Mola, late last night rescued his two facturer should not be blamed for which have helped lower the cost of children, tlirce and five year.s of age the resulting lack of riding com­ living. as the fire was eating its way into fort. Actual Stop-Watch Test with 12 their bed room on the second floor. The springs also should be The .stairway collapsed but a few cleaned and given an oil bath, UND.WNTED seconds after the father reached while a shot of graphited oil might Competing Brands Proves New the street with a child in either be injected between the leaves in Of all the important industries in arm. order to help lessen the shock of Hi-test TYDO L Easy Winner! the United States, the automotive The blaze started from an over- riding bumps. industry has been foremost in rec­ ! heated furnace and completely gut- Every joint in the chassis, in the ognizing and submitting to the I ted the two-family structure at 9 brake rods, at the w'heels, the uni­ changing economic conditions of the i Burrit avenue. Loss, set at $12,000, versal and steering gear should be country. j is not covered by insurance, as Mola lubricated for easier and better The last year has been hard on was forced to allow the policies to operation. That will help the engine Hats off! To the new champion! But it’s quicker on the trigger! pull the car more easily and will practically all branches of domestic 'apse on account of being jobless for help the driver stop it more effec­ and foreign business, but it seems to six months. Out today ... to take the worry have struck the automobile business j tively. And once started, it’s started to out of winter! hardest of all. Production dropped j stay! nearly one-half and sales fell ac Over the winter, the motor - 1 Gangster Chief might have become covered CLOCKED! cordingly. Prices were reduced in | It’s the New H i-test t y d o l . Faces Pen with oil. When the motor is hot, Those are strong claims . . . but far greater proportion than in mosi | this oil heats up and throws its AND FOUND FASTEST! other industries. i flames hack into the body. A warm World’s fastest starting gas by Yet the surprising thing, despite ! they’re provable! The table at By actual, impartial stop-watch day might be the time for the mo­ actual test. Starts in less than this severe blow, is that every or­ torist to clean off this oil with the right shows how the New test, H i-test tydol started at ganization in this business contin­ some kerosene. four watch ticks at zero . . . zero in ued to add improvements to its While the hood is up the spark Hi-test TYDOL led all others in 34/10 SECONDSI products and to spend more money plugs might be removed and takes the splutter out of get­ fnr further helpful research. Motor- cleaned of carbon, and the points a quick-starting test of 12 gaso­ 15% faster than Brand A h(ts this year are reaping the bene­ away . . . gives roaring, surging, ii 44 set so that the gap is equal to the lines at zero . . . 18.9% Brand B fits of last year’s improvements in 44 44 thickness of a thin dime. If the flashing acceleration. 26.0% Brand C the face of a general price decline, points are worn seriously, the spark 31.0% 44 44 Brand D JO tire so than ever before. plugs should be renewed. Try it, at least! You can’t lose For your Motor’s Sake use 35.3% 44 44 Brand E ^i'Truly, today, we are getting a lot At the same time the distributor And costs you not a penny extra! 42.5% 44 44 Brand F automobile for the money. And cover should be removed and the . . . for the price tags on every 14 44 ■^e are getting it in better form. contacts cleaned. Every connection 45.7% Brand G 44 44 Brand H j s in the ignition system should he The New Hi-test i y d o l is still TYDOL pump show that it WINTER VEEDOL 50.0% ^•^A a result, economists predict, 44 44 automotive industry will be the cleaned and tightened so as to as­ 52.0% Brand I 4i 44 fifrst to rise out of the abyss of de- sure perfect contact. TY D O L. That means premium costs no more than every-day The low-pour point of VEEDOL Winter 56.7% Brand J 44 p^ssion. and it wiP be one of the The cylinder head may need Medium assures easy starting in the cold­ 58.2% 44 Brand K quality. That means super­ fuel . . . A premium product 44 44 fijost influential forces in helping tightening and the pack nut in the est weather. It flows freely at zero. Saves 59.0% Brand L water pump taken up a bit. The fan Ipier industries upward. power. That means freedom at not a penny premium in your motor bearings in the wintriest cold, ^ ^ o t only is this America’s great- should get a touch of oil or grease, industry, from a production as provided for, and a few' drops of from knocks. price. but retains its body at all motor heats. idpoint, but It seems to be the light oil should be put into the gen 3t important from a general in- erator. The battery, too, should be filled ential viewpoint. with water and the terminals cleaned and tightened. A fresh coat soMU t r a v e l i n g : of grease or vaseline on the ter­ minals will prevent their corrosion This Is one of the few photographs Thus the car can be prepared for Total mileage covered by automo- ever taken of Jack Guzik, for years »s in the United States during easy and comfortable motoring for one of the “big shots” in Al Ca­ JO was more thau 156,000,000,000 the rest of the winter, or at least pone's Chicago gang, who will soon les, according to the California until the next warm spell comes ite Automobile Association. be just another convict in a federal a’ ong. Such care prolongs the life penitentiary. Convicted of failing to of the car. TEST pay income taxes on more than $1,- NEW TYDOL 1 0 such executive as “president” 000,000 in income for 1927, 1928 and In British India 222 languages the head of a nation has ever 1929, Guzik has been sentenced to are .spoken. Only 82 persons in evei"y Bted until the United States pro- five years in prison and has been 1000 are able to read or write a 1390 MAIN ST., HARTFORD, CONN., TEL. 2-2134 < and adopted the idea. fined $17,50Q. letter. TIDE WATER OIL SALES CORPORATION •A* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16. 1931. PAGE FIVE

as starchy as the Hubbard ing near the heate; when the ex­ 4 squash?” OIL HEATER EXPLODES plosion occurred. He was thrown OUR OPERA STAR 1 Answer; Milk combines well with Condition Of into a comer of the cellar by its dates, raisins, figs or, in fact, any force, but not seriously hurt. No fire MENUS I Bridgeport, Jan. 16.— (A P.)—An INC. other fruit. Banana squash is prac­ followed the explosion. IN “LA TRAVIATA” tically as starchy as the Hubbard State Roads oil heater explosion this morning Style Shop For Good Health squash. in the basement of the George B. HURT GOING TO FIRE. (Stinging Tongue) Clark’s building, Fairfield avenue For Style and Value. Question: R. H. writes: ‘T have Road conditions and detours in and Broad street, tossed a 68 year Meriden, .Ian. 16.— (AP.)—Two 825 Main Street, South Manchester been troubled with a stinging in my the State of Connecticut made nec­ old janitor nearly 20 feet and rock­ firemen, Lieut. Robert M. O’Leary Rosa Ponsella Sings Difficult Week’s Supply A tongue for a long time. It is getting essary by Highway construction, ed the structure, shattering or and driver George H. Keeney and Recommended By on my nerves until I can’t stand it repairs and oiling, announced by cracking five plate glass store win­ George E. Deno of Chase street, a Exceptional Values for Thrifty Shoppers. Role For the First Time In Dr. Frank B. McCoy much longer. I have tried the best the Connecticut Highway Depart­ dows and more than .. dozen small special policeman, were injured in a ______, doctors and they can’t help me, so ment as of January 14, 1931. windows in upstairs apartments. collision between a fire department I they told me to write to you.” Route No. 3—Woodbury-Middle- Damage was estimated at several pumper and a sedan at about 9:30 thousand dollars. o’clock this morning on Hanover Her Native land. Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested for Answer: There may be a number bury road. Steam shovel grading i Terry Larkin, the janitor, who street near Hemlock Grove. the week beginning Sunday, Janu- } °f causes for the stinging sensation and culvert construction on new lo­ COATS! was almost overcome with carbon The injuries occurred when the ary 18th: your tongue. I appreciate the ex- cation. Detour around bridge work. monoxide gas with three other pumper was answering an alarm New York, Jan. 16— (AP) — For Sunday I pression of confidence from your Route No. U. S. 7—Canaan and Salisbury. Lime Rock bridge, grade members of his family about two for a fire at the home of Edward F. the first time in her native country i Breakfast—Baked Eggs; Melba ' ^•’^tors and if you will send me weeks ago at his home, was stand­ SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY I their diagnosis of your case I will crossing elimination is under con­ Tracy on Highland avenue. Rosa Ponselle essayed today the dif- ; Toast; Stewed Figs, struction. Open to traffic. ficult role of Violette in the opera j Lunch—Asparagus; S t r i n g I very pleased to give you my ad 50 DRESS COATS vice. Route No. 12—Norwdch-Jewett "La Traviata.” j Beams; Salad of Watercress and City road is under construction. ^ The role has been prized by many I Lettuce. | Grading is being done and culverts j Complete assortment of famous sopranos—Patti, Tetrazzini, I Dinner—Broiled Chicken; Baked i are being installed. Traffic can pass. i sizes. All wool trico Melba, Hempel, Galli Curd, Farrar, ; Egg Plant; Spinach: Celery; Route No. 17—East Hartford, j Sembrich and Bori among them, but : *Peaches a la mode. ; Bridge over Hockanum river is un- ^ broadcloths, warmly in­ Miss Ponselle who was born in I Monday i UOTATIO^S der construction but open to traf- | $19.95 terlined. Sizes 14 to 48. Value $35.00 Meriden, Conn., has sung the role j Breakfast—Broiled Bacon; Crisp fic. (one-way) j only once before. That was in Lon­ ' Waffle with Maple Syrup. Routes Nos. 111. US and 3— | don last spring. Her appearance in ; Lunch—Potato Soup; Buttered Southington. Intersection of the it this afternoon was at the Metro­ New Arrivals in I Okra; Salad of Shredded Spinach Milldale road is under construction. . SILK politan Opera House. Porto Rico has a role to play in i and Cabbage. Open to traffic. i The first Violetta was Savini Don- Dinner—Boiled fresh Beef Tongue; the future of an importance out of DRESSES DRESSES atelli at the La Fenice theater in all proportion to its size and popu­ Route No. 134—Cornwall bridge ! Prints and flat crepes in one baked Squash; Combination Salad project. Approach grading on new ; Venice in 1853. She was more than : of cooked Carrots and Peas; Celery; lation. and two piece models portly, and in the last act when the — Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., location. No detours. i A special shipment of new Pear Sauce. governor of Porto Rico. Route No. 135—New Haven. Ex- | Boleros, Flares and other new doctor announced she was dying of Tuesday consumption the audience burst into tension of the Foxon road is under | styles prints and flat crepes in up to Breakfast—Coddled Egg; toasted construction.' No delay to traffic. ; Special for This Week prolonged laughter. The leading Shredded Wheat Biscuit: Stew’ed The condition of unemployment tenor was hoarse, too, and the affair Route No. 202—Harwinton. Har- the minute styles for business I Raisins. is going to be worse before it is PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM AND PLUM was a fiasco. over. winton-Terryville road is under i or street wear. Sizes 14 to 46. But Verdi, composer of the opera, j Lunch—Cooked Lettuce; Buttered construction. | PUDDING $ ^ • 4 9 and I Beets; Salad of grated Carrots, —Rev. Dr John .V. Ryan. remained tranquil. He wrote to a No Route Numbers ! FANCY FORMS AND MELONS j Dinner—Tomato Jelly, served in friend: “The failure was due either ! The mind is like the stomach. It Danbury: Clapboard Ridge road. ' BULK AND PACKAGE ICE CREAM to the singers or me. The public and i cubes; broiled Lamb Chops; Cream­ I is not how much you put into No work being done on this project. time will decide.” ed Cucumbers; String Beans; ripe 1 it that counts, but how much you Eastford: Kenyonville-North Ash- | For sale by the following local dealers: $ 9 * ^ 5 Director Gat‘ti-Casazza of the Olives; Pineapple Whip. ford road is under construction. I digest. Farr Brothers Packard’s Pharmacy $ 5 . 9 5 Metropolitan, who knew Verdi in his j Wednesday I — Albert Joy Nocks. Grading is being done. Traffic can ^ later years, indicates with a shrug Breakfast—Cottage Cheese; bak­ pass. 981 Main Street At the Center of the shoulders that the public and ed Apple. Even in a time of nation-wide East Hampton, Haddam and East ^ Duffy and Robinson Edward J. Murphy time made enthusiastic decision in Lunch—Buttered Macaroni; Spin­ pessimism it is entirely possible Haddam: Haddam Neck-East Had-, favor of the composer. The opera ach; Salad of Head Lettuce. to turn out a product that people dam road is under construction. ; 111 Center Street Depot Square rivals ‘‘H Travatore” in popularity. Dinner—Vegetable Soup: Roast will readily buy. Through traffic advised to avoid Story of Camille Memorial Corner Store Beef: Tomatoes; Escalloped Celery; — Lawrence P. Fisher, motor mag­ this road. Corner Haynes and Main Street “ La Traviata is based on the book Salad of grated raw Beets: minced nate. New Fairfield: Balls Pond road. .ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS “ La Dame aux Camelias” by the Prunes in Gelatin; Whipped Cream. No work being done on this project. younger Dumas, who wove the Thursday story about the life of Marie i Breakfast—Coddled Egg; Whole­ Duplessis, famous demi mondaine of wheat Muffins; Stewed Raisins. UNION LEAGUE CLUB NOTED AUTHOR’S WIFE the Third Empire. It often is play­ Lunch—Raw Apples as desired. ed in English as “ Camille.” Dinner—Mutton Chops; Parsnips; TO MOVE QUARTERS The first performance in the cooked Lettuce: String Bean Salad; SUING FOR DIVORCE United States was at the New York Stewed Apricots. Academy of Music December 3, Friday 1856. It was revived at the Metro­ New York, Jan. 16— (AP) — The Los Angeles, Jan. 16.— (AP) — politan in 1909 for Caruso and Semr Breakfast—Glass of Fruit Juice Union League Club will pick up its Gertrude Van Loan, who charged H. brich. Galli Curci’s first American before breakfast; toasted dry Cere­ Republican traditions next month H. Van Loan, author and scenarist, appearance in it was 1916. Notable al with Cream (no sugar). and move them to a new home on married her “for publicity pur­ sopranos who sang it abroad were Lunch—Rice en casserole; As­ What Punch! Park avenue. poses,” pressed court action today Spezia, Piciolonini, Bellincioui and paragus; Salad of Shredded Let­ The Brownstone building on Fifth to obtain from him S500 a month Storchio. tuce. avenue at 39th street, where in fifty separate maintenance. Mile. Duplessis was a tall woman Dinner—Tomato and Celery years the members watched the It was Van Loan’s idea, she alleg­ of ample physical charm, and the Soup: baked White Fish; Spinach; transition of the section from gentle ed, that their child should be born Violetta she suggested is usually Stuffed Tomatoes: Jello or Jell- dignity befitting the club’s atmos­ in an airplane several thousand feet assigned to singers of like propor­ Well. phere to a commercial surge that above New York City to promote tions. The most difficult part is the Saturday hemmed them in with imposing publicity for himself. She asserted for death scene. All the singers, save Breakfast—Poached Egg on Mel­ structures, will be wrecked and a he had an income of $1,500 weekly possibly Bori, have had to apply ba Toast; Stewed Peaches. skyscraper will replace it. She charged he caused rumors to be powder plentifully to make them­ Lunch—Generous dish of Junket. There \^ill be many modern fea­ circulated that he was engaged to selves pale enough. Dinner—Vegetable Soup; Salis­ tures in the new clubhouse, notably marry Marjorie Rambeau and then bury Steak; buttered Beets; Avoca­ the ladies’ dining room. Virginia Brown Faire, actresses. do Salad; Apple Whip. There will be squash courts, a Van Loan, suing her for divorce, ♦PEACHES A LA MODE: Place gymnasium, a Turkish bath, a bil­ charged she flirted w'ith other men halves of canned peaches, center liard hall, a golf practise courJt and and repeatedly declared before SATURDAY side up, in a hot oven for about five all the latest inventions for the use guests she was “ the brains of the minutes or until heated through, of such rays as ultra-violet and family.” then heap each half with m.eringue infra-red. The principles of the The writer was ordered to appear and turn the oven dovm low until club will go marching on “ to pro­ in Superior Court January 23 to Ten $200 to $400 Three«Pc. browned. Remove, let cool, and mote, encourage and sustain by all show cause why he should not be proper means absolute and un- SPENSER’S BIRTH when ready to serve indent center restrained from disposing of com­ of meringue with a spoonful of ice j qualified loyalty to the government munity property. cream or whipped cream, and gar­ of the United States; to discounten­ On Jan. 16, 1552, Edmund Spen­ ance and rebuke any moral and Living Room Suites ser, called “ the prince of poets in nish with a bit of candied fruit or a cherry if desired. social influence, all disloyalty to said STATE FLIERS HOP his time,” was born in London. government and every attempt He graduated from Pembroke I QUESTIONS .AND .ANSWERS against the integrity of the nation.” Now Priced From College, Cambridge, at the age of The new quarter will be opened St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 15 — 24. Two years later he went to Lon­ — (AP) Four bombing planes of the don and found a place in the house­ (Nephritis) February 2. , i Leading patriots of New \ork. Connecticut National Guard took off hold of the Earl of Leicester, who Question. Mrs. W. _G. asks: ^ organized the Should a wmman over sixty who ! ^ here today for Hartford, en route later brought him to the attention home from the All-American air of Queen Elizabeth. has albumin use eggs in any form? ^he organizers wire Republicans. races in Miami. The fliers made a In 1579, at 27, he wrote and pub­ Should she use cream of tartar in j The club’s 1,800 present members 16S stop in St. Petersburg to visit John lished “The Shepherd’s Calendar,” the drinking: water, and is sugar | Republicans. Republican presi- H. Trumbull, former governor of which marks an epoch in the de­ harmful in this complaint? She has j dents since Lincoln have been hon- Connectciut, who is vacationing velopment of English poetry. It is been advised to drink a tea made | orary members and not a few active here. Puppy D oor Every suite is the product of a high grade manufacturer and built of the said to excel the rhythm of Chaucer. from the digitalis plant. Is it good i members. Former President Coo- Plans for a non-stop flight to best materials and workmanship. You have a beautiful selection in these Through the influence of Leicester, for her?” lidge is an active member. Herbert Hartford were abandoned and stops suites. Spenser was appointed chief sec­ Answer: The albumin found in 1 Hoover is on the honorary list. will be made at Jacksonville, Fla., Stops retary to the lord lieutenant of Ire­ eggs w'hile similar to the albumin and Columbia, S. C. land. Queen Elizabeth conferred on found in the urine is not the same SQUELCHED Governor Trumbull was at the > Decorated in him an estate at Kilcolman, where and has no special bearing upon airport and bade farewell to the realistic colors. Other Suites As Low As $32. he wrote his greatest work, “The nephritis— the usual cause of albu­ HECKLER: Tell them all you fleet w'hich is in charge of Captain Have collar and Faery Queen.” min in the urine. I do not advise know. It won’t take you long. Clarence M. Knox, Connecticut In October, 1598, his castle w'as leash. 7 5 ‘ cream of tartar in the drinking wa­ STREET CORNER ORATOR: Commissioner of Aviation, and sacked and burned by Irish rebels ter, nor sugar, for this condition. I'll tell them all we both knowu It Major H. E. Johnson, flight com­ and his infant child perished in the Digitalis is a poison and a tea won’t take any longer!—Tit-Bits. mander. flames. Spenser returned to London made from it could not be beneficial broken-hearted and impoverished. in nephritis. The best thing for you 3-Pc. Maple Finished Colonial He died a j’ear later and was buried to do would be to send me your near Chaucer in Westminster Ab­ name and address on a large stamp­ bey. ed envelope so I can send you my articles on the subject, with com­ Bedroom Suites plete instructions. Bayer-Tablets FIGHT ON FREIGHTER This suite usually sells for $85. It consists -f the (Milk and Stewed Fruit) A s p ir in Question: Mrs. R. D. H. asks: 4-poster bed, large dresser W’ith Chippendale design ENDS IN A MURDER “Does milk combine with raisins, mirror and spacious chest. dates and figs, and is banana squash $1.00 WEEKLY Philadelphia, Jan. 16.— (AP.) — With one man aboard dead and an­ UPHOLSTERING Card other, his alleged slayer, in irons, “We Make Them Like New.” the coastwise freighter S. S. Nan­ SAFE Strong and Other Suites $33 to $195 tucket returned to port today. well -braced. The dead seaman, Julius Walker, Rigid when in 29, negro fireman, of Savannah, Georgia, was killed during a fight, FOR SORE THROATS use. which grew' into such proportions that a wireless call for Coast Guard Great Reductions On All assistance was sent. Walker died shortly after his jugular vein had Prompt relief from been severed by a pocket-knife. The trouble started over posses­ HEADACHES, Dining Room Suites sion of a coat hanger three hours COLDS, LUMBAGO after the freighter had cleared this port for Boston, Mass. A second R H E UM AT I S M wireless message sent shortly after We Feature An 8-Piece Suite the .first read: “Never mind Coast NEURALGIA Guard, man dead, returning to NEURITIS, SORE Our stock represents many beautiful and high grade port.” After surrendering Robert Par­ THROATS, ACHES suites in 8, 9 and 10 pieces. We select a suite to offer for son, 29, the alleged slayer, and four >L\TTRESS RENOVATING ~ only $56 that is a remarkable bargain. The values are i This is the time to have that old and PAINS All Wool Filled other negro stokers, who are held as great now. Buy! ^ mattress refinished, refluffed and material witnesses, the Nantucket, made just like new for restful slum­ owned by the Merchants and Miners ber. New ticking, new filling. Wc Mattress $1.00 WEEKLY line, cleared again for Boston. take out the holes and the lumps. Does not harm Filled with all Special $9.50. ! wool, serviceable Day and Evenings, Phone 3615 | the heart Called for and delivered. No | ticking, roll edge. »4-9S Other Suites $76 to $249 ATHOUtM charge. | Reupholstering 15 Days Special | You may have your .old furni­ Wine is a mocker, strong drink ture rebuilt, recovered from a fs raging and whosoever is deceived large line of new goods, tapes­ thereby is not wise.— Proverbs tries, velours, denims, da­ 20: 1. masks. Special this 15 days BAYE for $25.00. Square samples Wine is an abomination.—Ptah gladly submitted. Hotep. MANCHESTER A woman in Illinois is reported UPHOLSTERING CO. to have cut up $2000 and sewed 244 Main St., Manchester, Conn. the pieces on a crazy quilt. Custom-Made Upholstered Furniture There’s one woman, at least, who Mattress Rebuilding. Corner Main and Morgan Sts., Hartford. Open Saturday Nights had. no difficulty making both AcceptASPIRIN onty “ B m er” package which contains proven directions. Handy ‘ Bayer" Furniture Restoring and Polishing. ends meet. Interiors. boxes <^12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100—All druggists. PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931.

DAILY RADIO PROGRAM BLUE IS POPULAR Overnight CONFESSES MURDER QUESTION ANH ANSWER SERIES Friday, January 16. 7:30—Skylarkers; Brothers team. Leading DX Stations. Do You Know Connecticut? 8:00—Musical talkies; entertainers. JcEfi-a soprano, will 9:00—Organ; watchmakers. 405.2—WSB, ATLANTA- /40. IN WOMEN’S GOWNS A, P. News OF STATE WITNESS Compiled fcy THE CONNECIKHIT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 1 ^ sing hs iti'.upst "My Hero” from 9:45—Team; instrumental fancies. 9:00—W.IZ programs (li h.:-.; 4 1 0 ASYLUM STOEET. HARTFORD StiBU'-s' operetta, "The Chocolate Sol­ 10:45—Globe Trotter’s program. 12:00—Kimo Kaiohl’s Haw;' i.iii music dier" as a feature solo during tlie pro- Washington.—Hoover signs $45,- 11:00—Late dance orchestra. 12:30—NKC dance orchestra. Q. In whose memory was the groin from WEAF and associated sta­ 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. 1:00—Studio artists reglstery. 000,000 drought relief bill. A. Yes: Connecticut was once tions Friday night at 8 o’clock. She 308.2— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. Independence, Kansas, Jan. 16.— monument placed at Groton 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. Chicago.—F. Edison White, head famous for its woodworking indus­ will also sing selections from "Nina 7:00—WJZ .\mos ’n’ Andy. 8:00—NBC programs. Black No Longer Holds Its (AP.)—The story of a deliberately | Heights? tries. The great trees that once Rose,” and she and Leo O’Rourke, 7:15—Musical hits. 11:,30—King’s orchestra. of Armour and Company, killed in planned assassination to remove .a A. Benedict Arnold and defend- tenor, will sing the duet “ Softly 7:30—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 12:00—Late dance music. seven-story fall from apartment covered so much of the state were Through the Summer Night” from 10:30—Studio drama. state witness was attributed by | ers who were massacred after tak- splendid sources of fuel and shelter, 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. Place In Spring Fashions; window. Ivalman’s "Sari." Harriet Lee< con­ 11:04—Tom Cline’s orchestra. county officers today to Muriel ing Fort Griswold for the British in material for household utensils and tralto, and William Hain, tenor, fea­ 348.6—WABC, NEW YORK—860. 9:00—Spelling bee; musicians. Washington.—Nye says he must ture soloi.sts of the program from 7:00—Dinner dance music. 12:15—Around the town. Sullivan, 20-year-old waitress, one 1781. furniture, farm tools, machinery, WABC and the Columbia network to 7:30—Evangeline Adams, astrologer. 344.6— WENR, CHICAGO—870. The New Styles. exduse 20 campaign fund witnesses of four persons charged with mur­ Q. What town is called “The shipbuilding. be heard at 8:30, wil present a varied 7:45—Deutch’s orchestra. 7:30—Farm programs with play. for lack of funds to pay expenses. dering Mrs. Maude Martin, 40, of Hardware City?” program including song hits of 1917. A 8:00—Grand opera miniatures. 10:Oi)—Travelogue, variety. Portland, Ore.—Mrs. W. H. How­ A. New Britain, which for many Q. How many square miles of medley number by the orchestra under 8:30—Marie Gerard, soprano, WIMlam 11:00—Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. Ckiffeyvl'le. land comprise Connecticut? the direction ofr Freddie Rich. ^11 be HaIn, tenor. 12:00—DX air vaudeville. ard, ■witness in slaying of Mrs. Officers said the Sullivan girl years has been the leading city of composed of "Rain.” "Garden in the 9:00—Drama, "She Isn’t Neglected 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGD-113a Lob Angeles, Jan. 16— (A P )—A Leone Bowles, is mysteriously stab­ the world in the production of hard­ Q. What work is done by the Rain,” 'it Ain’t Gonna Rain No More," Now.” 9:30—I'rairie music hour. confessed she shot and fatally 10:00—Male chorus; nit wits. challenge of Hollywood and Los bed. ware. Conn. Forest & Park Assoc.? " i ’m Alway Chasing Ralnbaws,’ and 461.4— WGN, CHICAGO—72a woimded Mrs. Martin in the latter’s "Singing in the Rain.” Feature selec­ 11:00—Three dance orchestras. Angeles to Paris in the creation of Chicago.—Many candidates for home after making an unsuccessful Q. Is it true that Conn, was once (Answers to these questions will tions during the program from WJZ 12:30—Midnight organ melodies. 8:30—Serenade: orchestra. mayor revealed as time for filing a great producer of timber? 454.3—WEAF. NEW YORK—660. 9:15—Syncopators; orchestra. world styles was seen in a fashion attempt to poison her. be published in Monday’s paper.) and associated stations at 10 o’clock 10:00—Troupers; girls trio. papers expires. Include a solo by Lois Bennett, so­ 6:20—Ludwig Laurier’s orchestra. show in which several young screen The alleged confession stated prano. "I Love Thee" by Grieg, a con­ 6:45—Uncle Abe and David. 11:10—I’ianist; male quinteL Washington. — Independent oil 7:15—College songs, male quartet. 11:03—S\luphony orch: syncopator. Mrs. Martin was slain to prevent The signatures forged are G. F. tralto solo, "Can’t We Be Friend.s” by 12:00—Two dance orchestras. actresses appeared last night. Swift, sung by Mary Hopple, and se­ 7:30—American Singers male quartet. proi^cers prepare to campaign for : jjgj. f j-om appearing in court against CHECK FORGER PASSES Koyper of the Capitol City Lumber lections by the Orchestra under the di­ 8:00—Cavaliers, soloists, orchestra. 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO—87a It waa a part of the entertain­ tariff on petroleum. Dr. S. A. Brainard, 45, charged Co. All the checks are for $27 and rection of Don Vorhees. 9:00—Eskimos dance music. 8:00—I’arty; variety. Pasadena, Calif.—Einstein is 8:30—Marching men’s chorus. ment provided for more than six i with murder in connection with an made payable to “Emroy Rodgers.” 9:30—Negro sketch; music. , i guest at dinner of scientists. Wave lengths In meters on left of 10:00—Crime prevention sketch. 9:00—Prairie I’lesident’s hour. thousand buyers here this alleged illegal operation on Esther PAPER IN HARTFORD He is described as being about 40 station title, kilocycle.^ on the right. 10:30—Vaudeville artists hour with 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. Miami, Fla.—Miami Herald says O’Dare Nidiffer, 18, who died in the years old, five feet 11 inches tall Times are all Eastern Standard. Black theater st.ars. 8:30—WABC programs (2 hrs.) from all over the country. Some of Capone has sold Palm Island home face type indicates best features. 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians. Martin home. weighing about 185 pounds, dark 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. the style pronouncements of the for $100,000 and is leaving Florida Hartford, Jan. 16.— (A P )—A fast­ hair and complexion and wearing a 11:30—Dan and Sylvia. Dr. Brainard, Paul R. Jones, 22, working check forger has left a Leading East Stations. 6:00—Skit. "Raising Junior.” 12:00—Dance music. Los Angeles-Hollywood allegiance for good. motor car salesman, and Dale black leather jacket, a cap and dark 6:45—Lowell Thomas, reporter. 379.8—WFAA, DALLAS—800. are: Mexico City.—H. Thomas Hibben, long trail of worthless paper in trousers. 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1000. 7:00—Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. 11:00—Date dance music. (Slim) Orrison, taxicab driver, were Hartford and in Springfield, Mass., 8:on—Concert orchestra. 7:30—Phil Cook program. 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. “Color schemes are overshadow­ New York architect, says 48 were j arrested with the Sullivan girl. Their 8:30—Popular harmonies. 7;45_Vocal trio: orchestra. 11:15—Old Wagon Tonguer. killed by earthquake at Oaxaca; ; preliminary hearing on murder it was learned here today. In one 8:30—Violinist, pianist, harpist. S:00—Collett’s dual trio. 12:30—Modern melodists music. ing the everything-to-match idea. hunters say smoke was een nsmg charges was set for January 23. day he passed fifteen bad checks in As the word corpulent was 10:00—Glee dub; nit wits. 8:45—Male trio, orchestra. 1:0')—-Mystery serial drama. this city. That was last Tuesday. 11:00—Organist; dance orchestra. S;00—Bill Jones and Ernie Hare. But contrasts must be cleverly em­ from Pacific ocean. heard used in a sentnece at the 1:30—Pacific nomands hour. Was Paid $75 Yesterday he worked in Springfield 283—WBAL. BALTIMORE—1060. 9:30—Irvin S. Cobb, guest speaker, 374.8—WBAP. FORT WORTH—800. ployed to be effective. London.—Strike of 150,000 miners The girl was quoted as confessing police station the other day: C:00—Pianist and tenor solos. orchestra, chorus. and, according to the police of that 10:30—Orchestra concert. in South Wales is settled. that Orrison paid her $75 for kill­ “Who is that corpulent five bucks 6:15—NBC programs (% hrs.) 10:00—Lois Bennett, soprano; Mary 11:00—Artists entertainment. “Black no longer retains its im- : city, the stranger had a “big day.” to the other day?” 234.8—WNAC, BOSTON—1280. Hopple, contralto: orchestra. 11:30—Mu.sical programs (21^ hrs.) portant position in the field of i Havana.—John T Wilford, pub­ ing Mrs. Martin and that Jones en­ g;00—Orchestra: birthday greetings. 10:30—Sketch, "Jolly Roger.” 288.3—KTHS. HOT SPRI NGS—1040. lisher of Havana American, is or­ listed her services and was present 8:30—W..\BC programs f41i hr.«.) 11:00—Slumber music hour. 11:30—I.ate dance orchestra. color. Blues of many hues and ; 333.1—WBEN, BUFFALO—900. 12:00—Two dance orchestras. 12:00—Studio entertainment. soft grays are bidding for a place dered deported. when the slaying occurref’ 491.5— WIP. PHILADELPHIA—610. 6:15—WE.4F programs hrs.) 299.8—WOC-WHO, IOWA—1C00. in the springtime fashion sun, along Rome.—United States govern­ To make it appear the death was 6:30—ptndio program. 7:C0—Children’s hour: orchestra. 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) ment buys new embassy site for a suicide, the waitress said she 6:45—M.'EAF programs (4M. hrs.) 8:00—Studio program: orchestra. 10:.S0—NEC programs (14 hr.) with lovely pastels. Red seems to 545.1—WGR, BUFFALO—550. 9:00—State concert orchestra. 12:01)—Harn.stormers dance music. about $1,000,000. penned the note found with a re­ 10:00—"Two dance orchestras. continue in high regard. Brown 7:30—WABC progfams {IV2 hrs.) 333.1— WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—900. has taken a new lease on life. White London.—Ministers attend Spirit­ volver beside the body of Mrs. Mar­ 10:30—Three dance orchestras. 535.4—WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. 7:15—Orclicstra and songs. tin, who died from a bullet woimd in 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 7:S0— WE.4.F programs (21A hrs.) 8:4.5—NBC programs (214 hrs.) is shown in everj* collection, and is ist meeting in All Souls church. 7:00—WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. 10:00—Studio hour, "stardust.” 11:30—I'Nchange Club: studio. Burlington, Vt.—Vermont Dairy­ the head without regaining con­ 10:30—WEAF programs (It hr.) expected to hold first place a bit 7:15—Studio musical program. 491.5— WDAF. KANSAS CITY—610. later and throughout the summer. men’s Association endorses proposal sciousness. 7:30—^WJZ programs. 305.9—KDKA. PITTSBURGH—980. 8:30—WE.-IF programs (IIA hr».) The note read: 8:3(1—Editor: program. 6:00—Studio music. 10:00—Studio dance orchestra. “The feminine continues to dom­ for a central co-operative milk mar­ 9:30—WJZ programs. 7:00—WJZ Amos ’ n’ Andy. 11:45—The .Nighthawk frolic. inate dress fashions. Emphasis is keting agency—New England Dair­ “I am guilty of Esther’s death. I 10:00—Sonnetters. 7:15—Tellers musical program. 365.6—WHAS. LOUISVILLE—820. PURCHASE placed on simplicity. The silhouette ies, Inc. am too miserable to live. Mrs. Ipoo—Variety program. 7:30—WJZ programs (3It hrs.) 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) Maude Martin.” 12:(t0—Two orchestras. 11:30—Don Bestor’s orchestra. 465.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. follows the lines of the figure rather Boston.—American Board of Com­ 280.2—WTAM. CLEVELAND—1070. 245.3— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 11:00—Sketch: Doughboys. insistently, lo a low hip line and missioners of Foreign Missions re- Officers were not satisfied the 7:00—Team: velveteers. 6:45—WEAF programs (U hr.) 12:1.0—I'Imv. "F.mppror of Crime.” parts death by broncho-pneumonia note was written by Mrs. Martin S:00—Songs: Fridav frolic. 7:00—Studio trio: music hour. 370.2— WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—310. even to the knees. However, the 10:30—Theater vaudeville artists. 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) normal waistline is often indicated in Tunghsien, North China, of Ed­ and were suspicious about other de­ 8:00—W.-\BC programs fl hr.) tails of the case. 11:30—Orchestra: midnight melodies. 11:00—Lopez orchestra. 9:30—Follies: revue. with a slight bloused effect. |ward Bosworth Casel, 20, of Cort­ 12:30—T.ate dance music. 260.7—WHAM. ROCHESTER—1150. 11:30—Dance, concert orchestra land, Nebraska. 399.8—WJR. DETROIT—750, 7:30—Minstrels. 461.3—WSM, NASHVILLE—650. Peplums Popular j 7:30—WZ programs (1 hr.) 8:00—W.TZ programs (3 hrs.) 8:15—Story and songs. “ Peplums are sponsored in one St. Albans, Vt. — Commander 8 :00—studio artists entertainment. 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 9:00—NBC programs (2’ i hrs.) form or another, with flares and ! Whitehill reports Customs patrols U. S. GIRL WINS 9:30—WJZ dance orchestra, artists. 12:00—Farm, stocks, weather. 11:30—rin.semblp. novelty players. seized 222 automobiles engaged in 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—106a 6:00—Markets: dinner music. 12:15—Dance music, piano twin.s. pleats finding almost equal favor. 7 :00—Norman Clouter’s orchestra. 6:45—Uncle Abe and David. 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. liquor smuggling along the Vermont- 7:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 7:00—Tariff talks, music. “Individual preference may be ' BRITISH HONORS 11:00—Stage coachers music. allowed to govern the neckline, al- | Canada border during 1930. and 9:35— Krien’s concert orchestra with 7:30—Studio music program. 1:30—Green room: fireplace. Springfield, Mass.—Clifford Bow­ artists. 8:30—Players program. 2:30—Pacific nomads program. though the new boatneck seems to ' 11:00—Glub orchestra. 9:00—WEAF programs fl hr.) 270.1—WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. en, 23, Lake Ariel, Pa., senior at 422.3—WOR. NEWARK—71a 10:00—Studio program: musical. have first place in more formal ' London, Jan. 16.— (A P.)—Maribel i 9:00—NBC program.s (2 hrs.) gowns. Y. M. C. A. college, arrested for Vinson, 19-year-old daughter of a ' 7:15—Dinner dance orchestra. 11:00—Txjpez orchestra. 11:0a—Studio dance orche.itra. thefts from fellow students. Secondary Eastern Stations. Secon(3ary DX Stations, “ Short sleeves are making mani- ! Boston lawyer, spun across the ice fold bids for favor. ' Bangor, Me.—Ralph W. Nason, 44, of the fashionable London rink this i 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—6?0. 202.6— WORD. BATAVIA—1480. bitten by stray cat five days ago, 6:30—Studio musical program. 6:15—Southern Songs. “Lace will play a leading role afternoon to win the gold medal of , 8:0:'—Big Brother Club. 8:01)—Concert: agricultural talk. dies. 6:30—French lessons. 9:00 —Musical program, artists. throughout the spring and summer, ; Great Britain’s National Skating; OVERCOATS 274.8—WSAI. CINCINNATI—800. 7:10—Museum of Natural History. Portland, Me.—Mrs. Catherine S:0(i—Artists feature hour. 202.6— WHT. CHICAGO—1480. especially in lingerie type dresses Association. i From a large Boston manufacturer who makes only 215.7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 319—WeSH, PORTLAND—940. Jordan, 51, of Cape Elizabeth, dies This is the trophy awarded the ' 9:30—Artists entertainment. 11:0!'—Studio musical program. and blouses.” 6:45—Studio musical program. 12:00—Voiir hour league. of bums sustained last Friday when winner of one of the most rigorous 7 :(in—WABC programs (4 hrs.) 10:00—Studio concert program. Andre-Ani, costume designer for j the finest hand tailored clothes. 285.5— KNX, HOLLYWOOD —1050. a gasoline heater exploded. skating competitions in Europe. The ' 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 425.8—CKGW. TORONTO—690. a large motion picture company, Boston.—Two Boston University 272.6—WLWL. NEW YORK—1100. 6:45—WE.\F rural sketch. 11:011—Royal optimistic hour. predicts the romantic, picturesque young woman from Radcliffe Col­ W’e bought their surplus stock at about half price 6:00—Tenor, orchestra. 7:00—WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. 12:00—Dion Tamer.s program. students arrested on charges of 6:30—Soprano; address. 7:30—NBC programs (IV2 hrs.) 12:45—I.egion Stadium events. and quaint will predominate in lege took it with one of the highest stealing antiques to furnish their averages ever received in a similar and we will put the entire lot on sale Saturday all at just 7:20—Address: orchestra music. 9:00—Instrumental trio. 1:45—Dance orchestra. spring styles, with dinner and eve­ room. competition. She was the first ning skirts remaining long with ; Boston.—Six hundred attending one price. full hemlines. ! American since the war to win Communist mass meeting vote to Britain’s premier skating prize. Tenor; Crane Calder, Bass; and' hold unemployment parade Monday Columbia Symphony Orchestra, i She dazzled the onlookers with WTIC PROGRAMS despite refusal of permit by city offi- variations of fancy skating, a dizzy Selections from “Martha” and' MOVIEDOM’S STARS cials. Travelers Broadcasting Service speed, and exquisite gracefulness, from Gounod’s operas. (CBS) ! Boston.—Bill filed in Legislature Your Choice Hartford, Conn. 8:30— Weed Tire Chain Program; finishing with an average of 302.8 WAPPING seeks convention in Worcester dur­ out of a possible 360 points. After ; 60,000 W „ 1000 K. C„ 282.8 5L Freddie Rich’s Orchestra; Weed TO TALK ON AIR ing last week of August to super­ Singers; Harriet Lee, Contralto. I The Evergreen Lodge of Masons this there was a display of free | sede the Republican state conven­ style skating in which Miss Vinson (CBS) I I A. F. and A. M. No. 114 of South tion. Fridav, January 16 scored 9.6 out of a possible 12. Now 9:00— True Story Hour; “ She Isn’t' I Windsor, held their meeting at their Boston.—Massachusetts Supreme (E. S. T.) Neglected Now.” (CBS) ! I Temple at East Windsor Hill, last she is going to St. Moritz to look Coast To Coast Broadcast Court finds that Guy McLaughlin, over the rivals she will meet next P. M. 10:00— Sessions Clock Time. Monday evening, it being their in­ who accepted compensation from an 7:00— Fro Joy Dinner Dance Or­ 10:01—Columbia Male Chorus; The stallation service. The following of­ month in the international com peti-' insurance company for an injury in tion. ’ chestra—Norman CHoutier, di­ Strollers; The Roundtowners; On Columbia Net Work ficers were installed: Worshipful New Hampshire and gave a release, rector. Frank Ruhf, Tenor; Charles Car­ Master, Franklin G. Welles, Jr.; Her father is T. M. Vinson, of is not barred from receiving com­ Boston. 7:30—Old Company Songalogue— lisle, Tenor; Crane Calder, Bass; , senior wardem, Ralph E. Collins; pensation in Massachusetts. NBC. and Chester Tallman, Baritone; d i-: Week From Tomorrow, junior warden, George M. Nevers, 8:00— Cities Service Concert — rected by Andre Kostelanetz treasurer, John S. Clapp; secretary, NBC. (CBS) James M. Crickmore; senior deacon, BOY SCOUT NEWS 9:00—The Eskimos— NBC. 10:30—Weather Report. Walden V. Collins; junior deacon, 'S RETURN 9:30—Travelers Hour— Christiaan 10:30— Nit Wit Hour. (CBS) New York, Jan. 16 — (AP) — Many of moviedom’s stars are to be Andrew C. Johnson; senior steward, Troop 1 I Kriens, director; with Fred 11:00— California Melodies. (CBS) Emil Goehring; junior steward, Al­ 11:30 to Mid.—Romanelli and His heard in a two-hour program a Troop One held its regular meet- j Patton, bass-baritone. week from Saturday. fred Stone; marshal, Earl F. Hayes; BAD NEWS TO U. S. 10:30— R-K-O Theater of the Air— King Edward Orchestra from ing at the Second Congregational The C. B. S. network announced chaplain, Lewis R. Brock; tyler, NBC. Toronto. (CBS) church Monday night at 7:15. The today it would make a coast to Robert J. Risley; organist, Horace Wimbledon, Eng., Jan. 16.— (AP.) 11:00— News; Weather. C. Vibberts. meeting was opened with Scout j coast broadcast from the annual —Major Larcombe, secretary of the Oath. Time was passed by practic- j 11:05— Club Hollywood Orchestra. luncheon of the National board of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Battey of New : 12:00 Midn.—Silent. Friday, January 16. All-England Association, ing inter-troop contest events, i review of motion picture at which a Britain and Mr. and Mrs. Henry said today he had heard unofficially (Eastern Standard Time) Spafford of Glastonbury were Sun­ Morse and Samaphore signaling, i number of screen actors will appear Rene Lacoste, French star who re­ patrol rescue race, skin the snake | Fred Patton, Operatic Luminary, before the “ mike” . The program day visitors at the home of Mr. and Guest Soloist in WTIC Concert P. M. tired from the tennis wars several and knot tying. Meeting was closed also is to include addresses by Wil­ Mrs. Walter N. Battey of Wapping. years ago, had quite recovered his 4:00— Radio Guild— “Romeo and The Federated Church Choir will I with Scout prayer at 9:15. ; Fred Patton, bass-baritone of the Juliet” (NY). liam N. Doak, secretary of labor; health and wouid play in this year’s Metropolitan Opera Company, will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. : Notes 5:00—Tetley Tea Hour (NY). Bert Balchen, D. W. Griffith and tournament at Wimbledon. be guest soloist of “The Travelers Henry S. Nevers next Friday eve­ I Troop One defeated Troop Five in 5:30—Stock Exchange Quota­ many others. Major Larcombe mentioned La­ Hour” scheduled for 9:30 o’clock to­ ning at eight o’clock for their re­ an inter-troop contest Wednesday i tions—Tifft Brothers (S). Among the movie stars will be coste while speaking of the pros­ night from Station WTIC. He will hearsal. night by a score of 19 to 0. We had ; 5:45—Agricultural Markets (2). Maurice Chevalier, Claudette Col­ pect for a good entry list in the be, supported by a concert orchestra bert, Talluah Bankhead, Fred Marsh The Harmony Whist and Bring e a better attendance there than at 6:00—Time; Champion W'eather- club met at the home of Mrs. Wil­ 1931 tournament of tennis tourna­ i Scout meeting. Keep working : unider the conductorship of Chris­ and Charles Ruggles, The trans­ ments. tiaan Kriens, who has arranged an man (B). mission vrill be made by WABC and bur C. Hills, last Tuesday afternoon. ! Scouts and we will have the cup in | 6:03—Dinner Music (B). “ Of course everybody is sorry orchestral program comprised of stations from two to four p. m. Mrs. Agusta Brink of Manchester j our troop before long. We had nice Blue overcoats — fancy coats. Fleece coats. Rag­ 6:15—Sallinger’s Keyboard Vaga­ j received the first prize, and Mrs. William T. Tilden is not coming,” : calendars given to us in the meet- I classical masterpieces and modem he said, “because he is such a great symphonic jazz tunes. bonds—Just a Gigolo, I Hate Myself, Another of next weeks broadcasts ' Mary A. Hills the consolation. I ing Monday, thanks to the Meehan-! lan shoulders, regular set-in sleeves. I’m So Afraid of You, Loving You I Announcement cards of the wed­ player and such a draw but there ics Bank. | In addition to his participation in is to present Ruth Etting as guest are many new players coming along productions by the Metropolitan the Way I Do, We’re Friends Again singer on WJZ and stations from ding of Miss Lydia A. Jones and Acting Scribe Howard Smith. Men’s Coats, Young Men’s Coats. Dark, light, a (B). Chicago at 9 p. m, E. S. T, Jan. 20. Kenneth A. Norton have been re­ to keep up interest in the games.” Opera Company, Patton has ap­ The English official said he had a peared in operas staged by com­ 6:30—Tom Cline’s Statler Orches­ Looking a little farther into the ceived by her many friends in Wap­ Georgia farms last year produced great assortment at just about half price I tra (B). future a bi-weekly series of char­ ping. Miss Jones was a teacher of letter from Mrs. Helen Wills Moody, 50.453.000 bushels of com and 89,- panies in San Francisco, Philadel­ leading woman player of the world, phia, Cincinnati and toured with the 6:44—Temperature (B). acter readings by Lorna Fantin, the Wapping school. 870.000 pounds of tobacco. This well known Boston concern makes only pure 6:45— Topics in Brief — Lowell numerologist starts on WABC chain The Wapping Parent-Teacher As­ just before Christmas in which she San Carlo troupe. He has been solo­ said “she hoped to play this year. wool and hand tailored goods that retail at §25 to $35. ist of several of the leading sym­ Thomas (NY). at 8:15 p. m. E.S.T. Jan. 27. The sociation held its regular monthly 7:00—Bulova Time; Amos ’n’ second broadcast is set for 9:15 p. meeting at the school hall last Mon­ However, I have had no confirma­ phony orchestras and oratorio tion since.” societies of America and Canada. Andy (B-NY). m., Jan. 29. day afternoon. A report of the soup He has been re-engaged many times, 7:15—Prudence Musical Hits (B). kitchen was that it was paying for The return of Lacoste to tourna­ FUNERAL one notable example being his 25 7:30— Phil Cook, the Quaker Man Try these on your radio set to- itself and there was also a report (NY). night: of the whist which was given for ment play would be bad news for concert appearances under the di­ the American squad, rection of Walter Damrosch. Among 7:45—Brownbilt Footlites (NY). Jessica Dragonette soprano and the benefit of the Children’s Christ­ Your Choice Entire Lot At which had renewed hope this year, the radio features in which he has 8:00—Nestle Program (NY). others as soloists in the orchestra mas Fund, which showed a profit of 8:30—Ivanhoe Saladiers (NY). .. and Cavaliers Hour WEAF and $12.75. The committee, Mrs. Mary with apparently fad­ been starred as guest performer are ing, that they might bring the fa­ the Atwater Kent Hour, the Gen­ 8:45— Natural Bridge Review— network at 8. A. Hills, Mrs. Agusta M. Burger, Cheerful Little Earful, He's Not Nancy Carroll of the movies as and Mrs. Maude Belcher wish to mous cup back to the United States. eral Motors Party, the Everready thank all those who worked to Hour, and the programs of the A Worth Your Tears, Peach of a Pair guest artist in the review, WJZ and With Henri Cochet apparently de­ ♦i;.: make this a success. termined to remain an amateur de­ and P Gypsies and Walter Dam- (NY). others at 8:45. Wapping Grange held Its first rosch’s symphony orchestra. 9:00— Bulova Time (B). The Nit Wits at 10:30 followed by spite tempting offers to turn profes­ 9:01—Interwoven Pair — Billy California Melodies at 11 via WBAC regular meeting this year at the sional and Lacoste coming back In Wapping Center school hall *is Jones and Ernie Hare (NY). and stations. last I anything even approaching his best 9:30—Armour Program—Torea­ Tuesday evening with fifty mem­ form the United States team would 225— WDRC dor Song, Bizet; Kerry Dance, Mol- Tomorrow: bers present. An interesting report have little chance of defeating the Our Window Display loy; Play Gypsies Dance Gypsies, Sigismond Stojowsky, Polish was given by the secretary Walden French. Hartford— 1330 “Countess Maritza,” Kalman; Sleep­ pianist as guest artist in Keys to V. Collins. There are one hundred ing Beauty waltz, Tschaikowsky; In Happiness, WEAF and stations at and twenty-three members at the Also included— Our lOC^ Alpaca Heavy REFINISHING LINOLEUM Program for Friday, January 16 a Monastery Garden, Ketelbey; Bar­ 11:30 a. m. E.S.T. present time. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Sharp and Miss Harriett E. celona, Adams; Hallelujah, You- Henry Burbig in the surprise Pile Overcoats. P. M. If your kitchen linoleum is hard mans (N Y). party on WBAC and Chain at 7:30. Sharp have taken their demits to 4:00—Chirtis Institute of Music; Mystic Grange where they have to keep clean, scrub it thoroughly 10:00— Armstrong Quakers—The Bugs Baer as master of cere­ Symphony Orchestra; Philip been living for the past year. We and when dry give it a good coat One Girl, I Love Thee, Grieg; You’re monies for the Varieties Period, Frank, ■violinist. (

. of the family are on the stage and rine. Rear Admiral - Eldgardo van a meeting in the Chapter rooms on j I god old fashioned house warming I Dad wants him to be in business. Schroeders, lists 814 officers of party was held. Mr. and Mfs. Con- Tuesday night, January 20. The j CHILEANS REVAMP whom 455 are line officers, with a I Santiago, Chile—John S. Culbert­ social committee has planned a pro­ URGES A BOYCOn I rady entered into the spirit of the son, American ambassador, Is plan­ total salary roll of 16,500,000 pesos. gram which will consist of three I occasion and a delightful evening' Queer Twists ning to fly with Captain R^ph W. A British mission of naval con­ ROCKVILLE ! was spent by all present. During short sketches by several young NAVY AS GUARDIAN sultants recently completed an as­ ON SUBSTITUTES women in Vernon. Refreshments Wooton over wild jungle areas and I the course of the evening the couple In Day*s News down to Tierra del Fuego to look signment here, acting in an ad­ will be served, with Mrs. Joseph visory capacity to Chilean officers. Auxiliary To Present Gift were presented with a beautiful hall at Terrain never seen by man from OF SOUTH PACIFIC mirror, the presentation being made Prichard as chairman of the com­ At the regular meeting of the the air. Farm Bureau Head Wants by Mrs. Herbert Hewitt. mittee in charge. American Legion auxiliary held in Second Whist Held Buffalo—Tough on Notre Dame. Santiago, Chile — (A P )— “ Guard G. A. R. hall on Wednesday night Whist was played and prizes were awarded the following guests: Mrs. The second whist in the series un­ It’s going to lose at least three ian of the South Pacific” is the title' I it was announced that Mrs. Mary Public To Buy Real Butter John Coleman, Mrs. Thomas Lar­ der the auspices of the Rock-ville games of next fall’s suicide sched­ SLOW EMOTIONS applied to the reVampod Chilean ! Brigham, Rockville’s grand old lady, kin, Mrs, Alfred Rosenberg, Fred Loyal Order of Moose, was held on ule. Knute Rockne said so in a navy,, now one of the outstanding I 94, widov of George Brigham, Ci^dl Leinhos, Thomas Larkin and Mel­ Wednesday evening, January 14. speech here. He thinks too much HINDER CUARDS, fleets among the minor naval War veteran, has made an afghan NEED M O N EY To Aid Farmers. ville Chapman. Those in the party Prizes were awarded the following: success is bad,'for “if you keep on powers. ! for the auxiliary, to send to the included Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Irene North, Mrs. Minnie winning the alumni will not have TESTS INDICATE Largest in the Pacific, except for I Veteran’s Hospital at Newington, for CoQCord, N. H.. Jan. 16— (AP) — Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, Wendhiser, Mrs. Alma Newmarker, anything to talk about,”- armadas of the United States and j which is to open soon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott, Mr. and Carl Schenetsky, John Hammond New York—Members of the Stove New Wilmington, Pa. (AP.)— Japan, the Chilean navy is just CX)AL — ULOTHING The boycotting of butter substitutes The Sewing Club of the organiza- by state institutions and the New I Mrs. Fred Leinhos, Mr. and Mrs. and James Brennan. The third whist League figure that John J. McGraw Why a star basketball forward can completing a three-year program of PAST HUE BILLS OB j tion has disbanded as the girls have Mrs. Karl Conrady, Mr. and Mrs. in the series will be held on .Wednes­ is the Knute Rockne of . flash over the court and cage a modernization and expansion. England public was offered today 1 not shown enough interest to con- ANY OTHER PURPOSE. by George M. Putnam, veteran rural John Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur day evening, January 21. Notre Dame stars become football basket before the guards of his The Almirante Latorre, a battle­ ! tinue with the work. leader, as one plan to aid the farmer Ludke, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosen­ Whist Club Winners coaches and McGraw’s graduates opponents’ team can reach him is ship built in England before the You will be surprised how A National Defense Convention berg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Larkin, The Afternoon Whist Club met baseball teams. explained by a psychologist who is World war, is being refinished in easy it is to arrange a loan to recover his “economic equilib­ will be held in Washington the lat­ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Prichard, Mr. at the home of Mrs. Thomas Regan Newark, N. J.—Our greatest en­ also a coach. English yards and sobn will steam of any amount from 510 to rium.” ter part of January, and it is ex­ Putnam, for 13 years president of and Mrs. Walter Lanz, Mr. and Mrs. of Windsor avenue this week and gineer, in the words of the Rev. Men who play the forward posi­ back to this country. 5300. pected one of the delegates to this the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Melville Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. prizes went to Mrs. Frank Balkner Frank Kingdon, is running the gov­ tions in basketball have a quicker Carrying ten 14-inch guns, in ad­ convention will be invited to speak Federation, is one of the oldest Herbert Hewitt and Mr. and Mrs. of South Manchester, Mrs. James ernment and our greatest politician physical reaction and are more dition to smaller bore rifles, the No Endorsers Required Farm Bureau leaders in point of ser­ here late in February. William Conrady. Murphy and Mrs. Stephen Connors. is building a sky scraper. Mr. King­ emotional and- impulsive than j battleship has been refitted with oil No Publicity or Delay A report was given at the meet­ has been given vice in the country. Refreshments were served by the don, Methodist, characterized Her­ guards, says J. D. Lawther, psychol- burning engines i ing by Miss Jennie Batz, Americani­ D. A. R. Meeting “ I question the wdsdom,” he said hostess, assisted by Mrs. William C. bert Hoover and Alfred E. Smith in ogy professor and head basketDail 1 new battle control equipment and j Repayments Are Arranged zation chairman and prizes will be The regular meeting of Sabra has generally been revamped at a j to Suit your Income. in his annual report today, “of Trumbull Chapter D. A. R. was held Pfunder. The next meeting will be a Rotary speech. coach at Westminster college here. | awarded for various programs. cost of 56.000>000- ' using any substitutes for dairy pro­ at the home of Mrs. William Pray held on Tuesday afternoon, January Falls City, Neb.—Perhaps Frank He learned this by testing a th -: The Only Charge is Three ducts at any time. There certainly After the meeting whist w’as play­ 20, at the home of Mrs. Walter Camblin wishes he were back on the When the Almirante Latorre gets • ed and prizes were won by Mrs. at 73 Talcottr avenue of Wednesday, letes with special apparatus. An I home the Chilean navy will count | and a Half Per Cent, on the is no justification for it under pres­ January 14. Mrs. Arthur Hewell, Burke of West street. police force. In his 20 years as a cop electric tapping machine showed! Unpaid Monthly Balance. ent conditions, when good grades of Alice Backofen and Mrs. Mary Mrs. Sarah Kington he was never hurt. Shortly after one battleship, four cruisers, eleven i Sloan. The next meeting will be held Regent, presided at the meeting, their physical reaction speed. j destroyers, nine submarines, a new j butter are selling at 28 to 30 cents after which the members enjoyed Mrs. Sarah Kington of East resigning he crushed a foot while Forwards could average 240 taps You’ll Like Our Friendly on January 28. j submarine tender, two new oil tank­ Way of Doing Business. a pound, the lowest price since 1910. playing bridge. After the meeting street, died at the Hartford hospital trimming a tree, lost two fingers in in 30 seconds while gpiards aver­ Arnold Re-elected President ers, a subnqarine mothership, two j “ Under existing conditions, I be- delicious refreshments were served on Thursday. She had been in ill a saw and received a broken leg aged about 217 taps, Lawther said. | Icave the state should give prefer­ George Arnold was re-elected when struck by an automobile. mine sweepers, a large schoolship , by the hostess and the following health for a long period. She was Changes in the electric conduc several lesser craft. j IDEAL FINANCING ence to products produced by its president of the Rockville Visiting New York—A citizen of New -1 committee: Mrs. L. W. Martin, Mrs. born in County Down, Ireland and tivity of the skin showed why for- | destroyers and three sub- ! own citizens and taxpayers.” Nurse Association at its annual resided in Talcottville in her young­ York state who cut nin. evergreens ASSOCIATION, INC. Kingston, Mrs. Frank Brigham, wards are more emotional than j marines are brand new and follow 1 Farming Problem meeting held in the Prescott block er days. on forest preserve for Christmas Boom 3, Park Building Mrs. George McLean, Miss Ada Vib- guards. These changes reflect the' the latest designs in naval engi- | In his consideration of the nation­ on Wednesday night. Other officers Mrs. Kington was a member of trees is replacing them with 1,000. 833 Main St. berts, Mrs. Malcolm Chapman, Mrs. effect of an outside emotional stim- neering. 1 al farming problem, he said: “ I fear elected are as follows: vice-presi­ the Methodist church. She is sur­ This is revealed in the communica­ Metcalf and Mrs. Fiske. The navy has about 10,000 enlisted ^ South Manchester we have all failed to accept what we dents, Frederick N. Belding, Mrs. vived by two sons, William T. King- tion of the state conservation au­ ulus upon a person. Mrs. L. W. Martin, chairman of men, including the coast guard and Phone 7281 know to be a fact, that with an in­ Francis T. Maxw’ell and Herbert ton and Frederick O. Kington; four thorities to the American Game As­ A machine that tests the changes the Patriotic Education committee the personnel at the naval academy ■ dustry in distress which represents J. Regan; secretary, L. Maud sisters, Mrs. Alex Massey and Mrs. sociation. Indicated forwards are much more nearly one-third of the population wishes members having contribu­ susceptible to these stimuli than and naval stations. The 1931 budget' Weyhe; treasurer, S. C. Cummings; tions for the box for Pine Mountain Willis White of Manchester, Mrs. Montreal—There shall be jobs in of the nation and a capital invest­ executive committee, Lebeeus F. the less flashy guards. submitted by the minister of ma- D- 11 r-. T-. Ill ju „ 1 School to leave them with Mrs. Clyde Smith of West Hartford and St. Cunegonde ward if possible no ment greater than 554,000,000, as Bissell, George P. Wendhiser Arthu^ ^ jj^^ean of Talcott avenue Mrs. William Lockett of Lyme, matter how long it takes to remove does agriculture, we cannot have Draycott telephone Mrs. Martin Tel. 672. Conn. The funeral will be held on the snow. Up to date equipment general prosperity. and Mrs. Thomas W. Sykes; medi- „ , ,,, , Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock which clears the streets quickly was Dr T F Rockwell -I Tomlinson Heads Club “ I firmly believe that the first cal advisor, Dr. 1. t. KocKweii. ! meeting of the Rock- from the Lucina Memorial Chapel, at work. A crowd of unemployed great step is to put our own house finance committee, Mrs. Walter with burial in Grove Hill cemetery. swarmed around saying things. in order; as producers to take pos­ ville Fish and Game Club, Edward Drycott, chairman and Mrs. Leb- Tomlinson was elected president. John Schiffer Alderman Gabias had the equipment session of the orderly distribution bens Bissell, vice chairman. The other officers are: First vice- John Schiffer, 83, a veteran of the removed and men put to work with of the commodities w'e produce, so The annual nurses report w-as president, Leo Flaherty; second vice- Civil War, formerly of this city, shovels. that we may have a large portion of read by Miss Katherine McCarthy, KEM P’ S, Inc. president, Kenneth Little; secretary, died at his home in Hartford Wed­ Washington—Joseph W. Tolbert, the consumer’s dollar.” which showed excellent work has J. Andrew 'Traill; treasurer, Archie nesday night. He leaves four sons, Republican National committeeman The Tax Burden been done during the past year, 937 Hewitt; trustee for three years. Dr. John and Edward of Hartford and for South Carolina, never wears a Discussing taxation, he said, cases were discharged and 83 are John E. Flaherty; trustee for two William and Arthur Schiffer of this necktie. He appeared at the White “ while our present taxation sj'stem still under their care. A total of years, Frederick W. Stengel; audi­ city: two daughters, Mrs. Charles House reception to Senators with­ places undue hardship on owners of 6,619 visits were made and the total tangible property, it bears especial­ tor, John B. Tl^pmas and Neal Ben­ Cota and Mrs. Henry Schubert of out one. Ties, he holds, are useless. amount taken in from paying pa­ ton. Hartford. The funeral will be held Berlin—Daniel Prenn, tennis star, See The New 1931 Line ly har4 on the farmer. With the tients, Metropolitan Life and John The club will hold its annual ban­ from the funeral home of Farley has been fined 300 marks. A com­ declining farm income, and the Hancock Life Insurance companies, quet shortly and the following com­ and Molloy at UN Capitol Avenue, pany averred he demanded 2,060 great increase in taxes, it is a self and the Rock-ville Chapters, Ameri­ mittee has been appointed to make Saturday afternoon. marks for using its brand of rac­ evident fact that relief in some form can Red Cross, amounted to 53,- is not only desirable, but absolutely arrangements; Leo Flaherty, Ken­ N otes quet. He Said it Was a lie. The com­ 194.50. The Metropolitan Life In­ necessary to the future success of neth Little, J. Andrew Traill, Ed­ Rev. Paul Regan ot LaSallette pany took the matter to court. surance alone paid 51,790.25. the agricultural industry.” ward Kellum and Neal Benton. Mission was in this city on Wednes­ Atlanta—George Jolson, brother Tax revision to equalize burdens Chest clinics and well baby con­ day and visited at the home of Mrs. of Al, is a pharmacist. He has re­ ferences were held and two classes Committees Named Thomas Regan of Windsor avenue. and lessen levies on farm property At the last meeting of the Ladies ceived theatrical offers and has in Home Hygiene and care of the John Furfey, w-ho was injured in and timber land. Auxiliary A. O. H., held in the some talent, but he believes enough sick were graduated during the a coasting accident several weeks Further development of coopera­ Prescott Block the following com­ y^r. ago, has returned from St. Francis tive marketing. mittees were appointed by the presi­ Immediate completion of tuber­ Various organizations and indivi­ hospital, where he has been under- ' duals in the city make surgical dent: Mrs. Hannah Pressler, audit­ ■going treatment. i culosis tests of cattle. ing committee, Mrs. Margaret Mc- dressings and assisted at Christmas Dr. George Dwyer of Boston was Enlargement of scope of Agricul­ Cartin, Mrs. Annie Phillips and Mrs. time in bringing cheer to others. a Rockville visitor on Thursday, at­ tural Department’s Bureau of Mar­ Annie Willeke; sick and relief com­ kets. Funeral Of Thomas Garvan tending the funeral of Thomas Gar­ StartDizzi] thorongh bowel ectlon*^^ Marvelous 11 Tube Superheterodyne— Plus! The funeral of Thomas F. Garvan, mittee, Mrs. Walter Burke, Mrs. T. van. when yon feel dizzy, headachy. F. Hefferon and Mrs. Rose Hannon. for many years a successful real Mrs. Mildred Yost has been ap­ biliouB. Take NATURK’i It was voted at the meeting to REMEDT—m Tablets. It’ l estate dealer, who died at his home pointed administrator of the estate hold a social the second meeting i mild, oaf e, purely vegetable, a _ _ ||W TOLLAND on Monday night, was held from of her mother, the late Mrs. Wilhel- each month for the next three i and far better than ordi- § lU'INIUlil his late home on Prospect street on mina Martin. nary laxatives. Keeps yon — TO-AiORROW Tolland residents, more especially Thursday morning at 9 o’clock and months. Plans are also underway I feeling right. 26c. 9 A L fiic j;T the Older inhabitants, are much from St. Bernard’s church at 9:30. to present Miss Daisy Lord, State ! The All-Vegetable Laxative pleased in the gift of Mrs. Alice There were many people from all Organization Chairman, with a gold ' The first seaplane, “The Loon,” Holman Hall, daughter of the late walks of life present to pay their piece in appreciation of her recent was tried out "by its inventor, Glen William Durand Holman and Mrs. last respects to Mr. Garvan. The trip to the local lodge. Curtiss, in December, 1908, but it Holman of the Holman homestead floral tributes were numerous and Hope Chapter Meeting was not until 1911 that the machine beautiful. Hope Chapter O. E. S., will hold functioned well enough for a flight. of 186 acres of land to the state 1 forestry department. The property, Dr. George Dwyer of Boston, which is given in memory of her , Mass., was the soloist and as the parents, will be known as the Nye- : body was being carried into the Holman demonstration forest. This j church he sang “Abide With Me” I farm is situated mostly in Tolland and as the body was borne from the bordering on the Willimantic river church he rendered “ Lead Kindly TO-MORROW, SATURDAY—LAST DAY •with a small acreage of meadow Light” . Mr. Dwyer also sang J. P. across the river in Willimantic. AL Whalen’s Requiem Mass. one time 'when Mr. Holman was Rev. Francis Hinchey, assistant alive it w'as a noted stock farm pastor of St. Bernard’s church offi­ knovm far and •wide for the prize ciated, and burial w'as in St. Ber­ MARLOWS Devon stock raised and sold by Mr. nard’s cemetery. Holman for •which he took great The bearers were, T. F. Rady, pride in their growth and beauty, George Forster, George Hammond’, exhibiting at many of the fairs and Michael Cosgrove, Edward Colum, carrying home the ribbons. The and John Dailey. Delegates from the local lodge of Elks included Michael tract given 'will he used by the Conway, David Horgan, John P. State Forestry department for dem­ Cameron and Herbert H. Clough. onstrating forestry planting and Court Snipsic F. of A. delegates, CLEARANCE SALE care. were Thomas Farrell, Edward Below are a few items typical of the values to be found, Seasonable merchandise Mr.=. L. Ernest Hall and Mrs. Ronan, George Dunn and Charles John H. Steele attended the Sabra Scholl. at worthwhile savings. Come to Marlows tomorrow. Trumbull Chapter, D. A. R. meeting Lions Club Meeting held at the home of Mrs. William N. The Rockville Lions Club regular Pray on Talcott avenue, Rockville, meeting was held at the Rockville Sheets Full Fashioned Grace Mae Hosiery Wednesday afternoon. House on Wednesday evening, and of good quaiity musUn seamieBS. Seryice weight—perfect new­ Next Sunday, January 18, Rev. the members were surprised to re­ 81x90 Hosiery est shades John Peter, a student at the Hart­ ceive a visit from a group of Man­ Service weight, first quality, ford Seminary will occupy the chester Lions, headed by District 69c newest shades $1.09 pulpit at the Federated church. Governor George Williams, Presi­ Rev. Peter is completing his studies dent George Bagley, Secretary H. so that he can return this coming j Crosby and Treasurer Garfield 79c Rayon Undies Pillow Cases Non-run rayon bloomers, summer to India to work there. j Keeney. There was a program of 42x36 The next regular meeting of Tol­ songs following the supper hour. Boys’ Sox vests, panties, step-ins land Grange 'will be held in the Fed­ The speaker of the evening was New patterns in a heavy erated church vestry next Tuesday Seth Jones of the Connecticut Hu­ 12ic weight 39c evening, Jan. 20, -when the officers mane society, who gave a splendid Hemstitched pUlow cases for the coming Grange year will be address on “Children’s Protective 19c, 29c installed. Work”. Brief addresses were also Big Yank Work The Cradle Roll mothers met given by the Deputy District Gover­ 19c Wednesday evening at the home of nor and the Manchester group. Much Men’s Dress Shirts Shirts Mrs. Sarah West for their weekly interest is being taken in the plans of broadcloth in white, blue, tan full cut and well made— blue, .=^ev,ing meeting with a good num­ for the play “Corporal Eagen” to Boys’ Knickers and green black, khaki less tubes ber present. Mrs. West and Mrs. be presented here on Tuesday £ind Lined corduroy Weingartner acted as hostesses. Friday, February 5 and 6. 83c 79c Mrs. Charles F. Budd is in Hart­ President of the club, Rev. Geo. Blue Work Shirts ...... 69c ford visiting friends. S Brookes announced that George 79c 11 Tubes, Tone Control, Automatic Volume Control, Mrs. Ellen B. West is a guest at W’. Douglas of Springfield, Mass., Leather Coats the home of her daughter, Mrs. will be the speaker at the next meet­ for girls in red, green, tan and Bathrobes Recording Dial Charles Gunther and family of 'Ver­ ing on January 28, and he will have Sale of Men’s Sox navy reduced to for men and women. Sizes 38 Heavy wool and cotton sox, non. as his subject, “The Importance of to 46 For sheer performance and exceptional value nothing has even approached the an International Mind.” plain and fancy patterns all re­ duced. $7.45, $8.45 new Philco Super-Heterodyne-Plus in this beautiful Louis XVI cabinet! hand rubbed Berry Auxiliary Whist $2.49 km TREASURES Ellen G. Berry auxiliary -will hold satin finish and American Gobelin tapestry over the speaker. This new Super-Hetero­ a public whist in the dining room Flannel Underwear dyne will not interfere with neighboring sets. of G. A. R. Hall on Monday evening, Sleeping Garments for men, women and children Girls’ Raincoats OF PERSIAN SHAH January 26, following the social Part wool. Sizes 2 to 6. reduced. Made of jersey cloth water­ IN LOWBOY CABINET AT $129.50 LESS TUBES meeting. Playing will start at 8 BOYS’ 2-PC. PAJAMAS proof. Bed, green and blue. GET FIRST DISPLAY o’clock. Prizes 'will be awarded and 74c Sizes 6 to 14. SOLD ON EASY TERMS refreshments •will be served. The Or. Denton sleeping garments 79c committee in charge includes Miss reduced. $2.47 London— (AP)—Dazzling jeweled Ruth Beumont, Mrs. Heqrrietta armor and plate from t}je royal Winchell, Miss Gladys Hewitt, Mrs. Garbage Cans New Philco Baby Grand treasuries of the Shah of Persia is Emma Hemmann, Mrs. Bertha Brooms step-on to lift covers, enam­ Cups and Saucers being showm here at the Interna­ Schaefer and Mrs. Clara Hewitt. Good quality No. 7 eled all pastel colors W’ith decorations tional Exhibition of Persian Art. To Hold Banquet Set The jewels reputedly were part of The Men’s Guild of St. John’s 89c 15c $ 4 9 . 5 0 less tubes the loot of Nadir Shah when he in­ Episcopal church will hold its an­ 39c nual banquet in the parish rooms vaded India in 1724. A wonderful little set and going strorig. Lots o f One piece is a golden bowl with of the church on Thursday evening, Bread Boxes Shelf Paper an emerald an inch and half in di­ February 12. The committee in Clothes Pins Boll top enameled In colors Linen finish, newest design volume, fine tone at a remarkably lOw price, i ameter in the bottom. Another is a charge announced on Thursday that necklace of solid diamonds with the speakers will be Rev. George 60'" ^ 10c 5 c ' ’" pendants of rubies and emeralds. Took of Philadelphia and W. E. 89c A ceremonial shield, hea-vdly en- Feller of Yonkers, N. Y., connect­ Call In and See the New 1931 Philco Line crusted with rubies, emeralds and ed with the Westchester Lighting COM E TO diamonds, set into a backgroimd of j Co. The festivities will open 'with a vari-colored enamel, is another 1 turkey dinner and all the fixings to treasure. In addition a vase solidly ] be served by the Silver Cross encrusted with diamonds on a society. Full details will be announc­ Tj right enameled background is ed later. showm. House Warming Party These have never been seen be­ WilHam Conrady assistajat fire KEMP’ S, Inc fore outside Persia. 'They are not, chief and Mrs. Conrady were sur­ 9^ however, used by the present Shah, prised by a number of friends at FOR VALUES “Manchester’s Radio He^qiiarters who does not care for splendors of their new home on Earl street on monarchs who preceded him. Wednesday evening, and a regular PACK EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931.

flHnrlftHtrt ties. We wonder If at some time or governor could accomplish under other the Post’s own business office the circumstances. — Eupning HmUb has not entered into an agreement At all events Governor Cross with other creditors of some adver­ isn’t holding out any golden prom­ HEALTH<*IHEr ADVICE PUBUSHBD BY I'Hifi HEBALiD PRINTING COMPANY, INC. tiser, fallen into trouble, to accept ises on which to default later. DrFWuiKMeCov^ . 13 Blssell Street a settlement on a basis of a mere South Manchester, Conn. THOMAS Fl.RGUSON fraction of the face of the account NEW HAVEN CULTURE General Manager Chairs in the —so that the involved debtor might ’The cultured New Haven Journal w c io t M o n fe to P M M BePLY y^ashingion Pounded October i. 1881 (have a chance to work himself out Courier fairly bubbles over with Published t£very (Svenlng blscept {of his difficulties and, in the mean- pardonable civic pride as it points Letter Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the i time, keejv on advertising. And out that all in the same week the WHAT TO DO FOR BLACK EYES ■rubbing it in gently with the fingers, Post Ortlce at South Manchester. but no rubbing should be done the By RODNEY DUTCHER Semh Annual Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. I whether the fvindaraental purpose Elm City is to entertain such in­ SUBSCRIPI'ION RATES Once in awhile the newspapers first day, as it would cause further NEA Service Writer One Year, by mall ...... J6.0UI of the bankruptcy laws was not, tellectual topnoddies as Walter print the picture of a famous per­ bleeding. Per Month, by mall ...... j 60 I primarily, to promote the interest Lippman, journalist; Maurice Hin­ son who has been given a black eye Delivered, one year ...... 39.00 j Washington—Recent guerilla out- 1 Single copies ...... 3 03 ! of general business by preventing dus, lecturer on Bolshie Russia; in a fistic encounter. For example, a QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS I breaks in Nicaragua, in which eight j the cluttering up of the avenues of The Ben Greet Players; “Up Pops lot of free publicity was given a MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED girl belonging to a noted sister team (Pyorrhea) ] American marines have been killed PRESS j trade with financial wreckage, the Devil”; George Russell (AE), and also to the mother of a well Question; J. K. asks: “Would , and several wounded, do not presage SALE The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication j At all events, despite the Post’s and Chesterton and Darrow in a de­ known female evangelist on account pyorrhea cause redness and twitch­ , ci-vil strike in that republic or even : any general disturbance, according ' of all news dispatches credited to It cavalier dismissal of the idea as bate on religion. of black eyes. While a black eye, in ing of the eyes and numbness of the or not otherwise credited In this I a case like this, may be worth thou­ nose? Is ^ere any cure for pyor­ to Dr. Juan B. Sacasa, the Nicara­ paper and also the local news pub­ i preposterous, debt erasing is a very With all these diversions for guan minister. | lished herein. sands of dollars in damage suits or rhea without having the teeth ex­ All right.? or republication ot I important factor in business right “those New Haveners who live free publicity, the majority of peo­ tracted?” ' I Dr. Sacasa speaks with some special dispatche.'! herein are also re­ ! here in America and right at this actively in the mind” (quoting the ple are unable to profit by black Answer: The poisoning from ' authority about Nicaraguan war- served. ; fare. When he was constitutional (Right) Chippendale wing j very moment. The courts, when Journal Courier) the second city in eyes. In many cases, the ridicule pyorrhea may produce the symp­ chair with solid mahog­ which lasts as long as the eye is dis­ toms you have described. It is pos­ , president one of the generals of his SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRB- I they find a debtor incapable of pay­ the state ought to be able, so far any. carved ball-and-claw SE.NTa TI VE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. colored is much more painful than sible to bring about a complete cure army was Augustino Sandino, serv- Inc.. 2S6 Madison Ave., New York. N. ing, relieve him of the obligation to at least as its superior classes are the injury itself. of pyorrhea at certain stages, but ; ing then imder General Jose Mon- feet. Tapette covered. V.. and 6li! North Michigan Ave.. 1 cada, now president of Nicaragua. Formerly $59.00 Chicago. Ula pay. And very often the creditors, concerned, to pry its thoughts loose Nature endeavored to protect the you must go to a dentist who is a eye with a bony defense consisting specialist in this line of treatment I Sandino refused to capitulate when by anticipating such action, make from the sour fact that a holdup a ' the United States guartmteed free Full service client of N E A Ser­ day takes the money away. of the cheekbone and the bone un­ £ind who will treat the teeth and vice. Inc. it unnecessary for the debtor to der the eyebrow, so that a blow gums over a period of several : and fair elections to^ Sacasa and , — I t . ■ Moncada and it is he who is cred- Member. Audit Bureau ot Circula­ appeal to the courts. So that, aimed for the eye. Over this hard months. At the same time, your $ 3 9 . 7 5 tions. BABY BOLSHEVTSM I ited in dispatches with being be­ after all, the reduction of war debts bony defense is laid a rich supply diet m ust be well balanced to avoid hind the recent slaughter of ma­ The Herald Printing Company. Inc., as between nations is not so com­ Frankly, we don’t know much of blood vessels and also a supply acidosis and over-acidity of the assumes no financial responsibility of soft tissues and skin. When the rines in the remote northern moun­ for typographical errors appearing In pletely without parallel/ks between about this Jones-Capper maternity stomach, which is doubtless a funda­ tainous wilderness of the country. advertisements In the Manchester tissues and skin over the bony mental cause in addition to the Evening Herald. individuals. bill beyond the fact that it is an­ ridges are struck focibly, the small pyorrhea infection. The dry season has just begun, other piece of federal meddling with blood vessels are mashed between enabling marauding bands to move FRIDAY, JANUARY 16. Most successful business men are about more freely, Dr. Sacasa points the affairs of the people, this time the bone and the outer covering. (Wholewheat) (Left) EInglish lounging agreed that about the least useful Thus the blood vessel walls are Question: Mrs. T. D. asks; “Where out. The coffee crop is beginning NOT A BIG MATTER thing that can be done to a strug­ to promote the care and well being to come in, resulting in increased chair with cut-back arms. damaged and the blood seeps out in­ can one buy the wholewheat for agricultural activity and an obvious Choice of henna or tan For the preservation of consist­ gling customer is to put him out of of mothers and infants in such to the nearby tissues. mush that you mention from time states as will accept the bill’s terms incentive for trouble-makers. figured tapestry covers. ency and perhaps for the obtaining business by insisting on the pound A black and blue eye is like a to time in your weekly menus? Also Says Guards Are Capable Formerly $39.50 —which Connecticut will not. But bruise. It is painful when touched, the wholewheat spaghetti? I have of a slight percentage of improve­ of flesh when he gets into a hole. may throb, and the length of time inquired all over town and no one There are still about a thousand ment in the quality of the appoint­ And it is a rare community indeed we do know that an endless amoimt marines in Nicaragua, but the gov­ it may exist depends upon the ex­ ha^ ever heard of it.” ernment with its 1800 marine- ees it would perhaps be just as well which can say that none of its big­ of promotion work has been done tent of the injury. The best thing Answer: You can buy the clean­ by uplifters to effect its passage; trained members of the Guardia Na- if the Legislature were to adopt the gest and best customers for goods to do when you have received a blow ed wheat from any health food store cional is able to take care of any recommendation of the Judicial or labor was ever purged of his and we can't help wondering why upon the region of the eye Is to use and even from a feed and grain organized banditry, in Dr. Sacasa’s cold applications as soon as possible store. Wholewheat spaghetti is sold Council and change the method of debts by law or by creditors’ agree­ busybody federalists should be so opinion. Although banditry has deeply interested in seeing to it and continue them for the first hour. in many stores. I do not recommend naturally been stimulated as Ni­ selecting police court judges to ap­ ment. » If you are unable to treat the eye any special brands of prepared food caragua suffered with other coun­ (Right) Bracked - back pointment by the governor, as is that the nation’s babies successfully with cold until it is already dis­ articles in this column, but I will be Colonial Windsor chair in tries in the world-wide depression, either maple or mahog­ the case with the judges of the A SCHOOL BOGEY grow up when they are so utterly colored, then use hot applications for glad to send you the names of cer­ the minister’s government is exer­ indifferent to the problem of how a half hour at a time, applying them tain stores handling these products any finished birch. For­ higher courts. But that the gain so ^Tiere is one feature of the pro­ cising what it considers adequate merly $7.50 the infants shall get a living after as often as four or five times a day, if you will send me your name and activity to cope with the present made would be of great importance, cess of consolidating school districts as this will assist in taking down address on a large stamped en­ they have achieved manhood and threat. as some advocates of the change under the general statutes of thus the swelling and reducing the con­ velope. The querillas, Sacasa explains, womanhood. seem to believe, is an assumption state which was not brought out at gestion. Cold water, when used right can cross and recross the Nicara- away is of value in lessening the (Sarcoma) somewhat lacking in evidence. the mass meeting on 'Wednesday Strangely enough many of the guan-Honduran border at will. But same people who are almost madly amount of blood which oozes in un­ Question: Mrs. L. G. W. asks: they did not hold a Single town and The notion that by making the night but which might be expected der the skin from the capillaries. "Can sarcoma be cured without must depend for their semi-security governor rather than the Legisla­ to have an important influence on enthusiastic about purely socialistic The old standby was raw beefsteak; medical treatment, and how?” on the almost impenetrable nature ture the appointive power over city, the decision of some voters on the details of government are the most however, I am sure that you will Answer: The sarcoma is a kind of the wilds in which they operate. town and borough judges we should subject. violent enemies of the general idea find cold water applications -will do of tumor and may form in any part The leader of the few score of socialism. If Bolshevism as a more good. of the body. The treatment, whether guerillas who recently attacked the be “taking the courts out of poli­ It is not usually advisable to drain medical, surgical or dietetic, would That is the provision that what­ whole is a horror, why Bolshevize marines is said to have been Mi­ tics” is probably nothing but a ever so-called equalization tax the blood by piercing the skin, as in­ depend upon the type and location guel Ortez, an old Sandino lieuten­ the babies ? These folks puzzle us fection may result unless great care notion. Is there anything about might be levied on the voters of a of sarcoma. It would be unwise for ant, but Sandino himself has not the job of governor of thi.s state profoundly. is used. After three days, if the dis­ me to attempt to give you any been officially or infinitely located district may be spread over a period coloration persists, the eye may be definite advice in this column about since nearly a year ago when he (Left) Martha Washing­ which guarantees* that its holder of years and need not be collected, gently massaged wth cold cream. such a condition. left Mexico. ton arm chairs with solid may not be subject to political in­ as might be supposed, in a single Several factors contribute to sav­ mahogany frames. Small fluences just a's well as the Legisla­ payment in the year following the IN NEW YORK ing Nicaragua from the political figured tapestry covers. magazines and book publisher.^ has been heard from upon the stage upheavals experienced by other Formerly $39.00 ture? Or anything about the past vote to consolidate. Latin American republics. Dr. Sa­ performances of the Legislature to didn’t lasso him while there was .a in recent years. She was as good a Section 963 of the General Stat­ chance. Perhaps it wasn’t the right variety trouper as ever in "Sweet casa says. The presence of the indicate that it is more amenable to New York, Jan. 16.—The other marines, presumably, would be suf­ utes provides; day M. Sime Silverman, who an­ moment In time. But had he remain­ Adeline.” Marie Dressier has done politcial steering than an adminis­ ed alive, he would certainly have ficient. But it is also true that, Whenever any town shall swers to the name of Sime and one amazing comeback in the films. with those free and fair elections, tration ? have assumed control of and challenged certain slang tossers And Eva Tanguay, threatened with came from at least one of our very who appear to have been nursed up­ the Libera] government of Mon­ But that is less the point in this appraised its school property it better universities, celebrated the possible blindness, was reported re­ cada has been t'wice voted into may, by vote in town meeting, on his knee. And, at least to this tiring to a country place somewhere discussion than th« fact that the 25th birthday of his periodical scribe, Conway and the late Tad power by large popular majorities extend the time in which the Variety, which is referred to as “the in New York state. Gertrude Hoff­ and has had the support of the police courts of the state have been, taxpayers of any district or dis­ were responsible for some of the man has turned out many groups (Right) Cape Cod wing for many years, rather well con­ actor's bible.” most colorful slang creations of the people. tricts shall be required to pay Amd, scanning the contents, it’s of dancers and has a grown son in Plan Many Improvements chair in a small figured ducted under the existing system of the excess of assessment over era. the theater. "Most importantly,” the minister glazed chintz. Arms and possible to find a brief and rather As for the paper itself, here are a appointments. We are not in the the appraised value of the prop­ ■wistful history of a Broadway that continues, “Nicaragua has had her legs of maple. Formerly erty in such district for a period few examples of its headline class­ WRINKLED VELVET civil war and is now going in for $35.00 least sure that within their spheres changes as often and as quickly as ics; “Ballyhooey on Beauty by Mme. not exceeding five years • • » its famous lights and signs. peace and rapid but orderly de­ of action their administration will Under this provision of the law as Glorified Boloney at $10 per.” . If you hang your velvet frock or velopment. The development of not compare favorably with that of It’s seemed to me for a long time . . And what do you make of that it is obvious that arrangement that Variety, because it belonged coat in the bathroom, far enough public >vorks on a large scale is pro- the higher courts. one, my fellow professors of Eng­ from the tub so it won’t get wet, voiding employment and the exten­ could easily be made for the in­ so definitely to “the profesh,” has lish? sion of communications and roads The demand for some sort of re­ never qhite been given its proper and turn on the hot water in the stallment payment of the tax in Or "Night Club Hostesses in shower and shut the bathroom to hitherto remote points is tending form of the police courts in this place in Americana. Some day we’li Panic., as Dime Chiseling Gets to increase national unity as well five equal portions. This would re­ be going to it, as we go today to door, the steam arising will do state is a comparatively new lieve the situation of smy fear of Tougher ”... Or “Chattering Dirt wonders to get the wrinkles out and as to build for prosperity. the ancient copies of Police Gazette, Diggers Kill Twilight Festi-vity.” “Our external and internal debt growth and its seeds are not easily an undue burden falling on property make your velvet look as if it had for tips-on the times. Or “Wives Squawk at Office Hint.” been scientifically steamed and is only $4,000,000 and the govern­ identifiable. Where and when have owners in those districts which The lingo—argot, if you prefer— ment owns both the railroad sys­ there been such abuses in the lower . . . Or “Flat Scale to Re-ediicatc pressed. Perform this process some have the smallest amount of pro­ alone has been worthy of an etymol­ Crashers.” . . . Or “Phllly’s Legit time before you want to wear the tem and the national bank, plus a courts as to require the making portionate net assets to contribute ogist or philologist. To the unini­ From 10 to Six Houses.” garment, as it should be allowed to new mortgage bank recently estab­ tiate. its word coinage must have lished to aid agriculture and indus­ (Left) Hitchcock arid* over of the system in favor of an to the consolidation jackpot. If you know the language it’s hang in a dry room after the steam­ experimental one? What is all the seemed like some hieroglyphic lan­ simple. But if- you don’t, run out ing is over. try. 'With Moncada’s honest, able chairs with genuine rush As the districts on which the guage. And if one cared to go high­ and buy a slangtionary. administration we have been able seats. Mahogany finish­ shooting about, anyway? brow, it would be possible to write to avoid what other-wise might have ed birch. (Arm chaira Is it possible that some Connecti­ assessment falls heaviest are those STICKING DOORS been disastrous effects of the slump can be had to match) which have the heaviest debts and quite a sizable essay on its reflec­ Nor can anything stress the cut citizens who follow the New tion of certain social aspects—a transient quality of the “big street” If doors tend to stick, especially in our coffee, banana, cattle and as these debts would have to be livelier comment than many are sugar industries. York papers more closely than thev quite so much as a reference to the swinging door into the dining “The fine new presidnetial palace do their own are contracting an at­ liquidated anyhow, the division of likely to suspect. This isn’t acci­ something that was “something” a room, first try soaping all the outer the assessment into five parts dental—for behind the slangeries mere 25 years ago. edges. If this doesn’t work, look the at Managua is nearly completed. It $ 11.75 tack of suspicion of police courts in and twisted English are some of stands on the site once occupied by leaves the property owner in a posi­ Thus Lillian Russell is on the door over, discover just where it the razed fortress. La Loma. Pre­ this state merely because they have the cleverest and mo.st intelligent cover with the slogan: “The World’s sticks and shave off a little of the tion robbed of all its terrors. surface. viously anyone who captured stra­ learned that a bunch of crooks have young men to be found in Manhat­ Most Beautiful Woman.” tegic La Loma automatically domi­ been obtaining appointments as Nobody, even in the heaviest tan’s writing crews. T recall hav­ And in a boxscore of the most nated Managua: it always stood as police magistrates in New York assessed districts, would be even ing met several who. so it was popular performers of the moment, SKATE AT HOME a temptation to any ambitious mal­ seriously inconvenienced, let alone whispered, were college degree men the vote shows Irene Franklin to Come winter, aind many fortunate content who thought he might be (Right) Fine Coxwell City” . having a swell time. chair with solid mahog­ being burdened, by the shifting of head the vaildeville list, Eva Tan- householders have found that they able to seize it. New York and Connecticut may Nor should the discovery of the guay to be second and Alice Lloyd, can convert their back yards into Build New Roads any arms. Figured tapes­ be geographical neighbors but they ownership and debts to the shoul­ late Jack Conway to pass casually. 'Vesta Victoria, Gertrude Hoffman ice-skating rinks for the children. “The new road from Managua to try cover with green arc as far apart as the poles in ders of the town. Conway seemed to me the slang and Marie Dressier to be in Ine If there’s a hollow in the ground, the Atlantic coast has been begun backgroimd. Formerly classic of our time.s, and T hav< heavy running. water from the garden hose will and General Moncada hopes to fin­ $85.00 their political methods. In this never figured out just why the CONN. JOB BODY Of the group, only Irene Franklin nro'vide the ice on a freezing day. ish it during his administration. It .'^tate the police court judges, as a will bring the capital within a day’s whole and with very few excep­ There is nothing very revolution­ travel from the coast and far nearer tions indeed, over a period of many ary about Governor Cross’ employ­ the United States. The trip from $ 3 9 . 5 0 years have been diligent, fair and ment ideas, so far as they have been “This Is Baby’s Birthday Party Day!” Managua to the coast is now made i expressed. In fact the appropria­ dangerously in gasoline river boats. very little inilucnced by political “Many other new roads are being friendships in the discharge of their tion of 510,000 fo r the expenses of built, including one asphalt high­ dutie.'i. i the (jovemor’s Committee on Un- way into the department of Ca- razo. Railroad extensions are being It .seems to us that the proposed I employment, figuring as a major (Left) Windsor arm chair I achievement in that line, is not MOW/VWiUlE.! constructed and dams for power alteration in our system of appoint­ and light as well as water supplies. 'With shaped seat. Mahog­ ments. while not particularly objec­ j likely to agitate the people of the Nbo 5 ro P / Railroad extensions are being laid any finished over Urclb tionable. would work neither anv I state very deeply in any direction. out with thought to tourist travel, Formerly $13.50 great improvement nor any great which we expect to be stimulated, J Not that the appointment of such and we will develop an entirely harm. That, in other words, it is a committee and its financing by new port—Nacascolo— on the Gulf a matter of far less importance ! the Legislature is an insignificant of Fonseca which will give Nicara­ than is being attributed to it. ! action, for it is not. The stale gua a commercial outlet to Salva­ dor, Honduras and Guatemala.” ! should have such a body. In view Although most of Nicaragua’s de­ FORGn'EN DEBT.S j of recent developments perhaps we velopment program has' been con- Wo take it that the Bridgeport I should always have had such a V' tlAied in the face of the depres­ To.st thinks Albert H. Wiggin, head j body. But we take it that its major sion, salaries of her officials —In­ cluding diplomats — have been cut of the Cha.se National Bank, doesn't I significance is that Governor Cross r 20 per cent. President Moncada know very much about business I does not come into office under the has sought a reduction of the principles. Air. Chase has been j impression that it Is up to him and llriiiT- Guardia, which now costs more CLAlMS Of,-|T-—I,..- than a million dollars a year, and (Right) Boudoir chair arguing that war debt reduction on the Connecticut Legislature to cure with ruffled valance and cm substitution of less expensive mu­ a large scale would be good for in­ the business depression in this state nicipal guards in many towns. upholstery of chintz hav­ ternational trade and for all con­ aJ3d that he has no panacea to offer. ing green background. N iU N ' cerned. The Post, while granting Well, nobody expected the new WEALTHY INDUSTRY that some measure of reduction governor to wave a wand and con­ might possibly be claimed with jus­ jure up jobs for a good m ^ y thou­ The net tangible assets of the tice because of the increased value' automobile industry in the United sand unemployed, any more than States at the end of 1929 totaled of the dollar since the debts were they expected Govemor Trumbull to $1,956,687,650. contracted, is of the opinion that do that sort of thing. It would 1 otherwise the idea is an economic take more than one year of indus­ HARD WORK absurdity. “If it would work abroad trial deprei

f 1 PA G E N IK S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16. 1931. ^ ______WHAT GOVERNMENT DOES Fox Firm Bans High-Priced Shows Special Bargains in Men*s FOR VETS OF WORLD WAR a b a n d o n T p r a c t i c ^ 'g i v i n g i t s p i c t u r e s b ig o p e n i n g s

essary may receive domiciliary care | BY DAN THOMAS Lillian Gish, Greta Garbo, Eleanor NBA Service Writer Boardman, Renee Adoree, Genevieve and treatment in the hospital con- _____ / Here’ s List of Services Sup­ nected with these homes. Applica­ Tobin, Catherine Dale Owen, Loretta Hollywood.—-Is the day of the tion for entrance to a National ^ oung, Anita Page, May McAvoy, OVERCOATS $1.50 motion picture drawing to a Home should be made through the Lila Lee, Myma Loy, June CoUyer, plied To Those Who close? Ljeila Hyams, Kay Johnson and Ber­ Regional Manager of the United That is what Hollywood is w on -' nice Clairs. States Veterans Bureau. The gov­ oering as a result of the Fox studio’s Fought For Country By ernment will lurnish the transporta­ recent act ot canceling the opening “Oh boy, it seems good to get the tion. for the veteran's initial en­ oi Will Rogers latest picture. old war paint on again.” Sizes 36 to 44 Federal and State Agen­ trance into the Home. In case a “ Lightnin’, ’ scheduled for the Car- The speaker was Norma Shearer veteran leaves any of the .National thay Circle Theater here. The film and she nad just finished posing for Homes and desires at a later date has been advertised for some time as a newsreel shot in her first appear­ 25 Coats In This Lot cies. to return, he will then have to pay the next attraction at the Carthay, ance before a movie camera since his own transportation. If a veteran when its booking was suddenly can- the birth ot her son, Irving ] desires to re-enter a Home, it is , celled and “Min and Bill,” an “1 am feeling wonderfully well The following information will be possible sometimes to secure a re- IM-G-M picture featuring Marie I and am awrfully anxious to get duced rate from the railroads. This | Dressier and Wallace Beery, sub­ I started on my next picture, ‘Strang­ NOW ONLY of interest to all veterans of the applies, however, only from New j ptituted. ers May Kiss’,” Miss Shearer con­ World War and particularly those York to Homes in the South o r ; The Carthay and Chinese, both tinued. who were disabled in the service or West, and it does not apply to Fox controlled theateis. are the only , who have since become disabled due Lransportation to the National houses in Los Angeles giving two The next time Wally Beery goes to sickness or other causes: Home at Togus, Maine. shows a day at $1.50 a seat. And the bunting ue’s going to first make Federal Compensation: This is Fitch's Home for Soldiers, Noro- next attraction at the Chinese is to sure that ne has some place to keep the most widely known of all phases ton, Connecticut: Any veteran who be a Paramount film, “Morroco.” bis game before he shoota it. of relief and is the principal source is a resident of this state and who Further impetus was given the A few days %o, Wally took a of relief. It is paid by the Veterans served in the Military or Naval rumor that both of these theaters bttle hunting trip down to the Grand Bureau for disabilities due to serv- i forces in the United States in time will be turned into popular priced, Canyon and came back with three ice and proven as such, to the sat- i of any war, in any Indian campaign continuous run theaters by the an­ deer, only to disccwer that not a nouncement of Fox officials that no played In 31 single cold storage plant in Los isfaction of the Bureau. In general, j or the Philippine insurrection, the Conrad Nagel Fix picture would ever again be Angeles could keep them for him, as China Relief Expedition, the Mexi­ I'lras in two years. the disability, if not incurred m given a big opening in Los Angeles. r one of hem has a license to keep service, must have been in evidence can Border Service in 1916, or the When no explanation was forthcom­ wild game. The venison now is at within one year from discharge. forces of any government associat- j Wally’s bouse packed away in salt There are, however, several dis­ ed with the United States in .the i ing with the announcement, those on the inside tock it to mean that Fox brine and the actor is wondering eases, among them tuberculosis, World War is eligible for entrance ; ST. MARY’S MASQUE what he is going to do with it. neuropsychiatric disease, spinal to this Home. If a veteran of any | executives had suddenly come to the meningitis, paralysis and amoebic j of the wars or campaigns noted ; TO GO TO THE ARMORY conclusion that the public no longer dysentery, which are automatically above served in any of the cam-1 is willing to pay such high prices for presumed to have service connec­ paigns or wars, but was not a resi-1 its screen entertainment. SARGEANT tion if they caused a disability of dent of Connecticut at time of his After Thirty Years This His- While looking over some statistics Electrical Company 10 per cent or mors prior to ,Tanu- enlistment, he is eligible to enter toric Social Event Changes out at the Metro-GoldwTU-Mayer lot WIRING, FIXTURES, REtAJRS ary 1, 1925. In all cases where dis­ Noroton Home provided he has liv- ; 274 Sargeant Street (2-4563) ed continuously in the state of Con- i Tft Tto HelH F eb 11.' Ibe other day we discovered that ability is the result of service appli­ Locale; 10 He tieig re u . , g^ck soared Hartford Values up to $30.00 cation should be made, if it has not necticut for at least two years, j ■D 11 I quite a bit with the coming of Phone Manchester 5303 already been done. The commission will furnish the : The 35th annual Masquerate Bai , .^^g hung up a picture-mak- Federal Disability Allowance: veteran with transportation to the . gt. Mary’s Young Men s Club i record that is several jumps This was the bill passed July 3, Home and if it is a case that r e -: be held at the State -Armory, j featured player 1930 and provides an allowance for quires an ambulance, that will be , Wednesday evening, February 11, it | fiimdom. —FOR— ^______permanent disabilities not due to furnished by the Veterans Home ! ^as announced today by James | During the past two years Nagel THAT UTTLE REPAIR JOB Men's and Young Men's service, if over 25 per cent. The a p -' Commission at no cost to the veter- Dickson, general chairman of the , played in 31 pictures. And ! DON’T FORGET plication form is much simpler than an. If, how'ever, a veteran does not affair, which *is ------■regarded as one of listed among the recipients of his —to— that for compensation. The rates . de.sire to make application, he may the outstanding social events of the Ifve-making in those films are CALL 7773 are as follows: 25 per cent, $12.00 | present hirn.self at the Home and year in Manchester. This will be Dolores Costello, Norma Talmadge, OVERCOATS VVM. KANEH L per month; 50 per cent, $18.00 per j upon presenting his honorable dis- the first time in over thirty years Norma Shearer, Pauline Frederick, month; 75 per cent, $24.00 per | charge from service, he will be giv- that the masquerade has not been month; 100 per cent, $40.00 per j en admittance. held at Cheney Hall, which has been month. No veteran is eligible who j Adjusted Service Certificate or converted into a salesroom by Coats N o w ___ $25,75 has not served ninety days between ' Bonus: 'A e Congress of the United Cheney Brothers. dates of April 7, 1917 and Novem­ States has passed legislation which Last year the masquerade was at­ ber 11, 1918, or one who has paid an will permit the veteran to make ap­ tended by over 700 persons from all THIS WEEK’S CANDY SPECIAL income tax the year prior to appli­ plication for this certificate up to parts of Connecticut and Cheney ' Coats Now ... $29.75 Hall proved a bit crowded. Bids are cation. I recommend that this ap­ and including January 1935. All vet­ now being received from a number plication be filed for every veteran erans who have not made applica­ tion for this bonus should get in of orchestras. whose compensation claim is in As usual, prizes will be awarded, S cHRAFi^S 1 Coats Now .. $33 75 doubt of favorable action, as one touch with the W^elfafe officer of totaling $35 in gold. Ten dollars won’t interfere with the other. Dis­ the Dilv/orth-Cornell Post. will be awarded for the most comi­ f e ' : ability allowance never goes back Citizenship: Congress at various cal men’s costume. This prize that prior to the time of filing applica­ times has passed certain laws by has gone to Harold Clemson for the > Coats Now ... $38.75 tions, hence the argument for filing which citizenship is offered under past five years and to the Clemson SOUR ORANGE at once. It is interesting to note certain conditions to citizens of oth­ family for the last eight years. that there have been cases where er countries w'ho served in our arm- Clemson had to extend himself to veterans have filed for disability al­ ed forces during the late war. The j^gt year and there is talk of A delicious chocolate with oranjje flavored cream filling. lowance and upon receipt, of their expirationA date of 4 this 4^ ^ W privilege^as ^ I A an upheave!a « this year______which1 ..ala. will aa 1 1 A. G. O. record at the Veterans Bu­ been extended up to March 1, 1931. leave the crown perched on some­ reau, it has been possible to connect Any veteran of the World War in one’s else head. | in Furnishings their disability under the old Act. Manchester who wishes to take ad­ Ten dollars will be awarded for i which is, of course, a distinct ad­ vantage of becoming a citizen the most beautiful woman’s cos- | lb . vantage to the veteran. should get in touch with the Wel­ tume, with a second prize of five Outing Flannel One Lot of Plain Colored Disability Claims: The Veterans fare officer of the Dilworth-Comell dollars. Ten dollars will also be Bureau in Hartford to date have re­ Post. given for the best group. PAJAMAS AND NIGHT SHIRTS...... ceived Disability Alloiwance applica­ The necessary banks for making Mr. Dickson is being assisted by V’alues to $2.50. $1.00 tions from 2;071 veterans and these application for various forms of re­ the following sub-committee chair­ applications have been disposed of lief can be secured by writing or man: Raymond Trueman, refresh­ SHIRTS as follows: 1,126 have been acted ! calling at the Veterans Bureau in ments; Herman Hill, floor; Dexter upon favorably, 464 have been di Hartford or by getting in touch [ Peterson, Cloak room; Earl Ander- allowed and 481 are still pending. with the Welfare officer of the Dil-1 son, prizes; Ken Smith, publicity. PACKARD’S PHARMACY 'nrr $2.00 Heavy Weight Flannel Shirts The ratings on the claims allowed worth-Cornell Post, American Le­ William Mercer, tickets; Raymond are as follows: 25 per cent, 674; 50 gion, James A. Irvine, at Cheney Chambers, raffle. At the Center. $2.00 Value, (t 1 Clf\ $2.50 Value per cent, 265; 75 per cent, 66, and i Brothers employment office. The three most outstanding social N o w ...... attractions of the year in Manches­ Now ...... ijp 1 , O U $2.00 100 per cent, 121. These figures a.re ' ter will held in February within a $3.00 Value, as of November 30, 1930. space of nine days. The first is the Interesting Information Gathered Junior Prom, Saturday, February 7, $1.50 alue, Now ...... From Veterans Bureau Records: LEGGE 0. K.’s EMBARGO \ 1 O $2.25 at the High School Auditorium. The Now ...... ^ '' M V f Number of examinations made dur­ second is the St. Mary’s Masquer­ X $4.00 Value, ing November, 978; number of ON WHEAT AND FEED ade. The third is the Masonic Ball Now ...... treatments rendered during Novem­ on Monday evening, February 16, : $3 00 ber, 1,216; amount granted on at the Armory. bonus loans since April 1, 1927, $1,- Sage Allen & Co. Duo Fold 2 Pc. Underwear ^ O O Ct $5.00 Value, Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP) — 986,528.57; number of loans granted $2.75 Value, n o w ...... N o w ...... $3.50 during November 1930 (bonus Chairman Legge today indorsed the BUCKLAND SETBACK INC. loans), 454; amount granted on Burtness bill for a two year em­ V iRTFORD bonus loans during November, $49,- bargo on wheat, feed, grains and The Buckland Setback tourna­ 203.85; number of insurance loans butter. granted during November, 1930, 90; ment, sessions of which are held In a letter to Representative amoimt granted on insurance loans each Thursday night in the Buck- Burtness of North Dakota, Legge during November, 1930, $32,359.54; i land school hall, is being led by the From the Misses' 'Shop 1 & SON, Inc. said the bill “is along the right lines amount of insurance premiums col­ Optimists with a store of 1,347. as affording perhaps the quickest, T^ey have not as yet been called to lected during November, checks, method of dealing with the situa- j the floor to punch as have all but cash and money orders, $61,355.14; tion.” j one other team, the Democrats. The amount of compensation paid out during the month of November, “ However,” the Farm Board head All Stars, in third position have had $208,616.14; amount of disability al­ continued, “it is immaterial to us j their night to pimch and, only 99 how this result is arrived at but points behind the leaders, are in a lowance paid during November. present conditions certainly justify good position to jump into first or (Pension), $18,293.42. action on the part of Congress to second place after the sitting next Federal Allowance to Dependents meet the present emergency. week. The standing today is as of Deceased Veterans: This is pay­ able to dependents of deceased vet­ “Just how this relief is to be af- erans, when the death of the veter­ forded is perhaps not material. Some an was due to service connected time ago in writing Senator Capper, disability. If the veteran died from I suggested that unless there was nf AND NOW IT’S any other cause than that for which an improvement in world conditions he drew compensation, nothing will we would ask for a temporary em -1 PP. ^ bargo on wheat imports; however, Buckland, 1,060. be paid to dependents. This is an in­ justice and probably will be correct­ iust as strong an argument could be made on other grains, including i ed at the next session of Congress, b > b sitting Magnuson and Carroll rolled but it is the law now. I up a score of 105, which is only 1 CONTRACT BRIDGE F’ederal Hospitalization: All vet­ “ Some Qf these commodities are , point less than that set by the Burr erans of any war are entitled to coming into the country on a basis players in the Community club free hospitalization in a government that seems as though the price ob­ league. hospital for treatment of any dis­ tained for them would hardly pay ability, providing there are facilities the cost of transportation of the FINED FOR INTOXICATION available. This includes railroad and areas in which they are produced. That’s what they’re playing afternoons now and you might say, sleeper fares to and from the hospi­ “ So far there has been no im-1 Meriden, Jan. 16.— (AP) —Wilbur tal. provement in world prices. Many | Butterfield, 35, a garage man resid­ ‘‘What has that to do witji ice cream?” But it has a distmet con­ Federal Burial Allowance: The i students of the situation seem to i ing at 49 Nowles avenue, Middle- total allowance is $107.00. The sum think that there is a probability that town, today paid $19.25 in fines In of $100.00 is a burial allowance giv­ they will go still lower. I therefore Police Court here after pleading nection inasmuch as you naturally plan to serve a luncheon fol­ en in cases where a veteran’s estate hope that before the present Con­ guilty to counts of intoxication and is less than $1,000. The sum of gress adjourns they will find it pos­ breach of peace. Judgment was sus­ lowing the game. It should include MANCHESTER DAIRY $7.00 is allowed for the flag and is sible to pass such legislation as will pended on an added charge of re­ allowed in every instance, whether protect the American producer dur­ sistance. He was arrested here ICE CREAM. the veteran’s death is due to a serv­ ing this period of distress.” yesterday afternoon. W ool Frocks $2.98 ice connected disability or not. Connecticut Funeral Allowance' They’re so very smart, these lightweight woolen frocks of The State of Connecticut allows the kasha, covert and such, that we’re sure you’ll love them. AH the ACID THROWER JAILED To “ Poinl-Up” Appetite M M M tc H ^ re a sum of $100.00 toward the funeral rest of the winter and well into the spring you can wear them. expenses of a veteran whose estate Boleros and lingerie touches and touches of embroidery to make THE MANCHESTER DAIRY is insufficient to pay the necessary Just Stimulate Bowels them different from the rest. Sizes 7-14. expenses of his last sickness and N^w York, Jan. 16 — (AP) — Henry R. Kennard, 33, was sen­ Especially for burial. Whenever the end of the day finds Tweed and Alpaca :DAIRY’” ICE CREAM CO. Federal Grave Marker: If the vet­ tenced to six to twelve years in Graduation prison in General Sessions Court you out-of-sorts; food doesn’t tempt Coats eran’s family desire the State today. On September 20 he threw you and won’t digest; breath is bad; White Crepe Frocks M ark^, it will be furnished by the acid on his mother-in-law and she tongue coated, just chew a candy (Values to P tA L 5250 Adjutant General of Connecticut died. He pleaded guilty to second tablet before bedtime. Tomorrow $ 1 3 . 7 5 $19.75) and it will be marked with the degree manslaughter. youll be a new person! $ 1 0 . 7 5 Always Obtainable. At Ita Best, at name of the deceased, date of his Kennard, who was from New A candy Cascaret clears up a Adorable crepe de chine Those popular alpaca coats, death and the organization to which Bedford, Mass., was separated from bilious, gassy, headachy condition frocks which will be just the trimly belted and warmly lined Your Neighborhood Store or Favorite he belonged, if the same is furnish­ his wife. He entered her apart­ every time. Puts appetite on edge. thing for graduation and In Kasha suede. And cute Soda Fountain...... ed the Adjutant General. If the ment by a fire escape and finding 'Helps digestion. Activates bowels which you can wear aU next little tweeds, well tailored and stone is to be erected in the State his wife in bed with her mother, I Cascarets are made from cascara, summer. Pleats and flares lined in crepe, with soft fur of Connecticut, transportation of Mrs. Albina Black, threw acid on which authorities say actually and exciting little touches to collars and smart lines. Many the stone will be paid by the State, them. When he returned a week strengthens bowel muscles. So, make them very new and very colors but broken size range. to the town in which the stone is to later for his mail he was arrested. take these delightful tablets as attractive. Sizes 13 to 17. Size 8-14. be erected. He admitted he had thrown, the often as you please; or glye them National Homes: Any veteran acid, saying he was jealous of his freely to children. All drug stores serving in the wars of foreign expe­ v’fe and had tried to prevail on her sell Cascarets for a dime, and no Misses’ Shop— Second Floor ditions of the United States is eligi- o move to Troy, N. Y. The wife dollar preparation could do better tila to enter these homes and if nec- vas also burned by the acid. work.—^Advt. PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931.

! Evening Herald Pattern Daily Health Service By Annebelle Worthington (w/'i i ✓ tr yw jO ’ (Tx' CO j ^ o i j L Q f c , ETHEL HVESTON Hints On How io Keep Well © y 1950 THE60BBS-ME!?R}iL CO A modish peplum dress of flat hy World Earned Authority ©t93l BY N£A SERVICE.INC. crepe silk, gracious and lovely in every detail. “I should think lhat family of ■ His mother, however, has fallen I , It favors the youthful plaits across Mrs. Smith’s would go crazy. She into a habit that she cannot break. the front of the skirt. They are APPENDICITIS OFTEN IS FATAL nags at those poor children from When he was little he had to be told stitched to a depth just above the DUE TO DELAY IN T.IEATMENT' morning to night.” daily of the mid-day ablutions, but knees so as to keep the silhouette How many mothers have said this, with the routine fairly established slender. Sudden Disappearance of Pain never stopping to think that they it was time to break off. Perhaps he The cowl drape of the bodice is Doesn’t Mean Sufferer Has Re­ themselves may not have escaped will forget occasionaJly, but what is soft and pretty. The long sleeves are covered from Attack. I the poison. a little mussed hair to peace - of also given a soft touch through a It is so easy to nag. We all do spirit ? frill below the elbow. BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN It occasionally. It comes of respon­ Multiply this episode by the hun­ A light navy blue flat crepe silk Editor, Journal of The American i sibility. or rather from an exagger­ dred little things a day he does and made the original model. Medical Association, and of ated idea of responsibility. The habit who can blame him if his disposition Style No. 3005 may be had in sizes Hygeia, the Health Magazine of correction grows and we become turns sour? 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches naggers before we know Here’s a Common Fault bust. Almost every person now knows It is customary to think of nag­ Another form of nagging is to Printed flat crepe with the sleeve what is meant by the term appen­ ging as scolding in some form or trip the children up by ferreting out frill of plain crepe in blending tone dicitis. The little offshoot from the other, but this is only a fraction of the things they have forgotten to the whole picture. Indirect forms of is attractive. bowel becomes inflamed or infected do or have done wrong. W j overlook Crepy woolens may also be used it are more irritating to our families | the dozen things they have remem­ for its development. and then sets up a disturbance and than the direct explosion. ; bered to do, the good things they You will see one attractive style has been made known to the public We do not think we are wearing have accomplished and pick out one after another as ■^ou turn over the through Jest and anecdote and in the nerves of the children to a fringe little forlorn flaw. I’hen we pounce. pages of the new Spring Fashion many other ways. when we keep reminding them over “Johnny, did you take that book Book. , ^ Nevertheless, the disease con­ and over of unimportant things, or over to Mrs. Brown?” Styles for children or the miss, the tinues to take a high toll of human of things they would do anyway We know very well that he did matron, the stout—and a series of beings, both in terms of severe sick­ without remin^ng, but I know that not, but what a kick we get out of dressmaking articles. It is a book ness and in death, for the simple nothing breeds resentment in small watching him squirm. that will save you money. reason that proper treatment is un­ breasts half so fast as this very When we repeat certain, thingfs Be sure to fill in the size of the dertaken too late to give the patient course. automatically day after day iinijl pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin full advantage of what medicine can An Over-Zealous Mother they are threadbare, the children preferred). do to help him. For instance, Johnny has had his listen automatically. In fact they The story of an attack of appen­ limch. It Is time to start to school. don’t hear us at all. Too many com­ dicitis is relatively simple. The per­ He goes to the stairs. mands, too many reminders, too Manchester Herald son who is concerned suddenly feels “Be sure to wash your hands and many questions all come under the Pattern Service a pain in his abdomen which may brush your hair,” calls his mother. same head. “Aw, I was just goin’ to,” retorts 3005 be slight and rather general. Gradu­ Tactful suggestions, or an occa­ ally the pain becomes more severe Johnny. “ Dam it all, I don’t have to sional downright plain talk that For a Herald pattern of tJie be told everything,” he grumbles to means business are entirely differ­ model illustrated, send 15c in and establishes itself in the right lower side of the abdomen. himself. “I wish Mom would, leave ent things. It is the constant drop­ stamps or coin directly to Fash­ me alone.” ping that wears away the souL ion Bureau, Manchester Evening The spot is tender and sore, some­ Herald, Fifth Avenue and 29tb times so tender that the person Street, New York City. cannot even bear the weight of the “ V\hat Price Is I t? ” Jenky asked the question in simple interest, but Jopiin took it for a sly defense. clothing on the skin. Associated with Price 15 Cents the pain is a certain amount'of nau­ BEGIN HERE TODAY Name ...... sea with vomiting. The vomiting SISTER MARY3 failure, he had let the farm go to the worst wood lane of which even GINGER ELLA TOLLIVER was does not relieve the pain, which usu­ Joplin Westbury on a mortgage and Iowa is capable. i Size ...... ally continues to grow worse. The bored. Ginger's father was a minis­ returned to his home in the East. ter, and her stepmother, the former 3005 fever may be fairly high, but infre­ And Joplin, realizing that a farm He spoke guardedly. “Well, there’s Addresti ...... “ PHIL” \.AN DOORN, a very quently is slight. endowed with an artistic, charming about 10 acres,” he said. “Right on Price of book 10 cents. If the appendicitis is mild, the KITCHEN wealthy woman, but life in the little cottage with a small impractical the river woods— ” Price of pattern 15 cents. symptoms may disappear after two town of Red Thrush, Iowa, ran too stable, located at a picturesque and BY SIS'TER MART > fled makes an excellent fat for aH« slowly to suit Ginger and her set. So “ Isn’t it too bad about the rocks?” or three days. They are likely in inaccessible point on Rabbit River, Mrs. Brooks spoke from her heart, such instances to recur at various spice cakes and cookies. At this she announced to her friends, EDDY It is not always the cost that was not in any sense an agricultural for 10 acres of garden would mean time of year fowl is apt to be quits JACKSON, PATTY SEARS and intervals. Sometimes instead of dis­ makes a dish palatable, but the skill prize in Iowa, had -ileverly managed almost wealth. But Joplin thought NON-FlCTlON BOOKS appearing the pain becomes worse, fat, but if the fat Is used in place WESLEY MEEKER, that she was in cooking or combining materials. the sale of the valuable farm land, it was just her slick way of remind­ GLORIFYING vomiting becomes serious and the of other shortening for baking, going to start a Home for the Bored. bit by bit, leaving the house and its Simple, inexpensive dishes that have waste is avoided. To JENKY BROOKS, former ing him that the place was no good.; fever rises. 10 acres of scattered brushwood, IN PUBLIC LIBRARY Even in such cases, if the person the advantage of appetizing com­ school teacher, wife of old BENNY “It’s a very nice house,” he said! YOURSELF binations of flavors are often more Pineapple Tapioca rocky bluffs and scattered bits of vaguely. j goes to bed and weathers the at­ BROOKS, and an ally whom she garden land to fall into complete and popular than expensive dishes 1 cup pineapple could trust implicitly, she confided tack, he may get well in eight or 10 becoming decay. ; “Is it indeed?” she demanded ^ Non-fiction books recently cata­ thoughtlessly prepared. % cup powdered sugar her intention of organizing a Junior hopefully. “I was afraid it would' There are tricks to every trade, days. However, he is taking the As soon as Joplin realized that it i and making up the eyes is no excep­ same chance that he would take if Plain fare does not mean that 1 cup minute tapioca Country Club. She asked Jenky to be all tumble-down by thi time.” ( logued at the Manchester public ii- Boiling water was indeed that very useless bit of i tion. he walked about with a bundle of tempting food cannot be served. act as her agent in the purchase of Plainly those inquiries of hers dis-1 orary on North School street in­ The meals can be just as interesting % cup sugar the Mill Kush farm, a 10-acre tract rocky, brush-grown land that Mrs. [ A touch of rouge to the lids, a explosives in his back pocket. Brooks was interested in. the natu­ played but a moderate interest. | very gentle touch, may give a clude the following; Not infrequently, after two or and attractive and the family as V2 teaspoon salt. with an old farm house, from JOP­ well nourished when stews and pot Drain the pineapple, sprinkle •with LIN WESTBURY. The rest of her ral enthusiasm of the realtor sw ept' “Well, of course it’s run down a ' healthy glow and make the eyes Aiken, Conrad, Selected Poems; three days, the pain will suddenly roasts take the place of steaks and the powdered sugar, and let stand plans were still in her head, unfor­ into his voice. i bit,” he agreed. “Chimneys down | look bigger. But this must be done Hill. F. E.. Winged Horse; Winged become less, the fever will go down, I chops and' simple greens replace 1 hour. Soak the tapioca 1 hour in mulated. maybe and some windows out. | skillfully or you will give the im­ Horse Anthology; Beard, C. A. and and the person will think that he is elaborate salads. cold water to cover. Add to the “ And,” she told Jenky, “ be sure “Mill Rush—sure I know where Needs painting and plastering and pression of inflamed eyes. M. R., Rise of American Civiliza­ well. What actually happens is that what-not. Foundations have to be As a last finishing touch, a touch tion; Beard, C. A., and M. R., To­ the severely Inflamed appendix, Ginger breads and spice cakes are pineapple syrup enough boiling and bring him down in his price. you mean—out on the Rabbit! Gosh, water to make 3 cups; heat to boil­ .About half of «h a t he asks will be what a site! What a view! It's a tightened up, I suppose, and roof ot rouge at the very inner corner of ward Civilization; Bradford's His­ pushed to the bursting point by the especially acceptable during the cold repaired. But it’s a good house, and the top eye lid often gives the eyes pus and other material within it, has months and usually are very cheap ing point. Add the tapioca drained right.” swell place! Ideal location. Mill tory “Of Plymouth Plantation;” from cold water, sugar and salt. To Jenky, who, with her husband, Rush is, right on the rocks, right in that’s the main thing.” themselves a brilliance otherwise Burnham, F. R.. Scouting on Two burst open and releases the infection t o . make. Apples and dried fruits missed. into the abdominal cavity. This can be used in numberless ways to Line a pudding dish with the pine­ was to be chaperon, the venture the woods, right by the river. Falls “ Oh, dear,” said Jenky. “ It it’s Continents: Byrd, R. S., Little apple, cut in small pieces, pour over promised a great many dollars just a little above the house, and got to be painted and plastered, and Jade eye shade may do wonders •America; Cades, H. R., Jobs for means peritonitis. make delicious desserts. Scalloped codfish with macaroni tapioca mixture. Cook covered in saved, as a summer on the farm the best fishing pool on the river have new doors and windows and a for the very fair, fragile blonde. Girls; Chamberlin, W. H., Soviet If the infection is held in the re­ And if you happen to be a red­ gion of the appendix, there is still furnishes much food value at small oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour. would mean a trimming of li\'ing ex­ right behind it. Ideal for a summer new foundation and a new roof you Russia: Cheney, Sheldon, The Thea­ Serve with a creamy sauce or top penses. ; home for a town w'oman like your­ might as well build a new house. head, a natural Titian redhead, you an opportimity to save the patient cost. Served with stewed canned to­ ter; Evans, Mary. Costume matoes, cabbage and carrot salad, of bottle. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY self.” Nothing there but the walls.” may find that you can stand a blue Throughout the Ages; Ghent, W. J., by having the tissues wall off the CHAPTER III Her voice was anxious, because eye shadow twice as thick and twice infection or by having the abdomen pineapple tapioca or Norwegian ^ “ Can—it be farm ed?” asked Mrs. Road to Oregon; Gibson, Katharine, prune pudding a simple inexpensive Jenky set her small bobbed head Brooks anxiously. she was wondering what Ginger as effectively as your paler sister Goldsmith ot Florence: Graves opened and the infection cleaned POLITE ENVrrA'HON determinedly. Joplin Westbury had would say to that. who has merely blond hair. out. If the tissues fail to wall off meal is provided. Vitamins, mineral ' “ Farmed? Sure it can be farmed. Robert. Goodbye to All That; Hin­ salts and calories are supplied in the reputation of being pretty Joplin thought it was sarcasm Artists of the stage often do the infection, the peritonitis spreads VERA (to her boy friend): : All Iowa can be farmed. Greatest wonders in elongating the appear­ dus, Maurice, Humanity Uprooted; and the person dies not of the ap­ abundance. crafty, but Jenky was going to ex­ little farming state in the Union!” which edged her voice. Humohr’ev, S. K., Loafing Through Would you put yourself out for me, He smiled good-naturedly. "But ance of the eye by heavily coloring, pendicitis but of the secondary peri­ ercise some craft on her o's^n ac­ the Pacific; James, Will, Lone Cow- Ernest? * “I thought it would be too rocky,” my dear woman,” he said, “at th at' in little V-shaped dabs, the lids at tonitis. Scalloped Codfish with Macaroni count. In her anxiety to '^obtain noy. My Life Story: Johnson. Mar­ ERNEST: I certainly would, terms which would be satisfactory to she said slowly. She was relieved, price you can afford to fix up the the corners of the eye. both by the Of course, a competent physician Two cups flaked cooked salt cod­ tin. ('amera Trails in Africa; Lew- Vera. Ginger Ella, she showed a troubled and it was gratitude that slowed old house.” nose and on the outside of the eye. makes certain of his diagnosis by fish, 114 cups broken macaroni, 4 isohn, Ludwig, Mid-Channel; Lin- VERA: Then do it. It’s after imcertainty which Mr. Westbury her voice. Ten acres of beans and He considered carefully. “ Well, All of these tricks are variables. making sure that no other condi­ tablespoons grated cheese, 1 table­ derman, F. B.. American, the Life midnight and I’m tired.—Pele Mele, took for personal dissatisfaction ; peas and garden truck—and a sum­ now, there’s about 10 acres—good You may find them workable for tion which resembles appendicitis, spoon butter, 1 tab'espoon flour, 1 Paris. with his terms, and she could not mer to can it for her winter’s use! Iowa farm land—” you and not at all practical for the Story of a Great Indian: Llndsav, such as inflammation of the gall­ cup milk, few grains pepper. have assumed a more effective way ' “ I'm glad it can be farmed,” she “ If it can just be farmed,” she friend who goes about with you. Vachel. Selected Poems; Luehr, El­ bladder, of the kidney, or of the Cook macaroni in boiling salted of dealing with him. , added. said hopefully. Remember that the more obvious mer. New German Republic: Narod- tubes in women, is responsible. Ke water until tender. Melt butter In WHY LEARN? To tell the truth. Mill Rush was “Well, of course it can’t all be “ Lots of Iowa farm land brings your own coloring, the bigger your nv. Ti'an, American Artists; Risley, may also examine the blood to make saucepan, stir in flour and slowly of so little value, and had been hope­ ■ farmed, not every foot of it,” ex­ five hundred an acre.” own eyes and the niore beautiful, C. de la V.. Road to Wildcat: certain that there is infection, as is add milk, stirring constantly. Bring FRIEND (who has been admiring lessly for sale so long, that he had plained Joplin Westbury. “What can Jenky shivered. He mistook the the more of a task you have mak­ Sforza, Carlo. Makers of Modern shown by the fact that the white to the boiling point and remove from baby): Can he walk yet? forgotten all about it. It was not you expect at that price?” gesture for a shudder of dissent. ing them up, for it must be done Europe: Teasdalc, Sara. Rainbow blood cells are greatly increased in fire. Stir in cheese and add pepper EXTREMELY RICH MOTHER: a farm—not as farms go in low'a. i “ What price is it ? ” She asked the “ Well, now, I tell you what. Of so subtly. Obvious make-up is out Gold: Zitcker, A. E., Ibsen, th-'! number. and prepared fish. Put a layer of Not yet, but of course there will It comprised about 10 acres of land question in simple interest, but Jop­ course, some of this land can’t be this winter. Obvious eye make-up is Master Builder. One of the most dangerous things macaroni in buttered baking dish, never be any real necessity for him which could not possibly be farmed lin took it for a sly defense. farmed. Pretty, yes. Picturesque,' in twice as bad taste as obvious lip­ that a person can do when con­ add sauce and fish and cover wdth to do much walking.—Tit-Bits. with the exception of a few small His soul as a realtor was tom yes. House, yes. But it can’t be stick and rouge. fronted with symptoms of pain remaining macaroni. Bake in a mod­ separated garden spots. The tillable within him. He wished to obtain farmed—not all of it can’t. Say If you want to place a bit of H.\RD ON THE EYES here described is to take a cathar­ erate oven for 20 minutes. Serve laild had been sold away from the every available cent for the place, $3000—” i brown or black mascara at the out­ tic. This irritates the bowl, forces very hot. house in every direction, 20, 40, or but he knew that Mrs. Brooks had er edge of your eyes to elongate PAUL: So you met your pet it to motion, and promotes fairly Gingerbread can be baked in a 60 acres at a time, to enlarge good very little money at best, and that Jenky stood up. It was a mere them, do it very carefully with a enemy today? I’ll bet you argued early rupture of the infected ap­ sheet and cut in squares for serv­ farms adjoining. she—the only nibbler at this none- instinctive matter of respect in her, small brush. If you want to use the with him until you were black in pendix. ing or baked in individual cup-cakes. The house on Mill Rush was not too-tempting bait—might be easily for she could not consider the ex­ eyebrow tone to these important the face. For a rather festive dessert and THE a farmhouse, either. It was imprac­ I deterred from purchase. * penditure of thousands in a sitting spots, your regular eyebrow pencil PETER: No; just around the SUCH BIGOTRY! when fat is otherwise lacking from tical, rambling and attractive, built He did not wish to scare her off. posture. But Joplin Westbury felt may serve you. You must have eves.—AnSwers. the menu, a wedge-shaped piece can SMART of gray stone and time-stained I He knew only too well that from that she was going to walk deliber­ something smaller at the point than “ Yes,” remarked the young typist be cut from the top of each cup­ shingles, with queer porches here : the common utilitarian standards of ately out of his office and abandon a mere finger to draw these little to her girl friend, “I like the new Job cake, the cake filled with whipped and there, and with an oddly southeastern Iowa the place was the project. arrows right. Even when you use FROM EXPERIENCE and the boss, but he seems a bit cream and the top replaced. SHOP gabled attic. worthless. The house had fallen into “ Oh, well, now,” he laughed your eye shadowing in heavy quan­ bigoted to me.” state Theater Building The house, indeed the entire estab­ disrepair, the place was all ^ ow n pleasantly, “let’s not quibble. Twen­ tity to give you this color. WIFE: John, there’s a burglar “Bigoted? In what way?” Hot Water Gingerbread lishment, was the work of a man up to weeds and brush, and it lay ty-five hundred— ” at the silver and another in the “He seems to think that words can One cup molasses, % cup boiling AGAIN who had greater lalent for life than entirely off the good state road at “ Oh, you can have it on terms. The fellow who leads the col­ pantry eating my pies. Get up and only be spelled his way.”—Newcastle water 2t^ cups flour, 1 teaspoon LEADS IN VALUE agriculture. And upon his inevitable the end of about a mile and a half of You don’t have to pay 2500 down. lege yells, says the office sage, call for help! (England) Chronicle. soda, 1% teaspoons ginger, % tea­ Look! Say—uh— ” he stole an appraising would do well to observe the HUBBY (at window): Police! spoon cinnamon, ^ teaspoon salt, look at her, noted the modest gown, cheer throughout the year.” Doctor!—Pathfinder. FOLLOWING ORDERS % cup melted butter. with bits of thread from the tear­ Add water to molasses. Add soda. ing of rags, noted the anxious line “ So you have been bedridden Mix and sift flour, ginger, cinnamon between her eyes— “ say 500 down for three years?” and salt. Add to first mixture •with and—uh— 25 a month.” “ Yes, the doctor came .three melted butter. Beat well for one “I’ll think it < ver.” Her voice years ago and said I was not to get minute and turn into an oiled and was faint. “I’ll have to ask Ginger BE SURE YOU’RE RIGHT- up imtil he came again, and he floured shallow pan. Bake 25 min­ Ella.” has never been here since.”—Ka- utes in a moderate oven. His eyes narrowed. He knew Gin­ rikaturen, Oslo. Chicken fat tried out and clari- ger Ella. “Oh, yeh, she’s a great little pal of yours, isn’t she? And OAT Sale she’s a great kid, too. Well, if she’s Tiot jnjjtby pom a friend of yours she’ll advise you to sng^n it up quick. At Give Away Prices. Only a few left. We are going “I tell you what I’ll do— seeing i b y e c < \ o f the place is just standing Idle and 900 Dropv out of the coat business. Buy! Save! doing nobody any good—I’ll let you have that place for $2000, 300 down and 25 a month. You can’t ask bet­ SPORT DRESS ter than that. You see what Miss Ginger has to say to that kind of proDOsition.” “I will,” promised Jenky eagerly. — C O A T S — “I’ll ask her this very night.” TEETHING (To Be Oontinaed) Values to $9.95 (Staefie, CHEAP TALK troubles F R I D A Y q C SATURDAY “Really, gentlemen,” said the >S.95 political candidate, “with all this uproar, I can hardly hear myself F u s s y , fretful . . of course Finest Quality speak.” babies are uncomfortable at teeto- “Well, cheer up,” shouted a ing time! And mothers are worried Non-Run Rayon FUR TRIMMED man, “you aren’t missing much.” because of the little upsets which —Passing show. Pant'es. Bloomers Regular values come so suddenly then. But there’s to $35.00 ...... $10.95, $19.95 one sure way to comfort a restless, FERN TONIC ym people itis teething child. C!astoria — made daviciei’ous \o Sleep iri- espie^ly for babies and children! CHILDREN’S COATS If you treat your potted ferns It’s perfectly harmless, as the to a bath of left-over coffee or tea t o icaac' formula on the wrapper tells you. Values to $15 ...... $2.95, $9.95 once in a while, it is a good tonic -wiVl aHecc injYidL It’s mild in taste and action. Yet calls for a few drops to •ward off for the plant. aM siqWu Tdedical it ri^ts little upsets with a never- constipation; so does any suggestion failing effectiveness. of bad breath. Whenever older children don’t eat well, don’t rest SMOOTH IRONS That’s the beauty of this speciah DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON DRESSES children’s remedy! It may be gi'ven well, or have any little upset, a to tiny infants— as often as there more liberal dose of this pure Regular 95c. OQ#* Values to Keep the waxed paper that comes Now, each ...... C around bread. Use it to run your is no is need. In cases of ralic and similar vegetable preparation is usually all $14.95 ...... $3.95, $4.95, $7.95 SATURDAY ONLY iron over before you begin the basis t o disturbances, it is in'valuable. But that’s needed, (^nuine Castoria has week’s wash and see how it smooths it has every-day uses all mothers Chas. H . Fletcher’s signature on the ONE TO A CUSTOMER : siocK SLbelkf. off the iron like magic. • IMI tr NIA««KV*Cb should undentajj|i. A coated tongue wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931. PAGE B L E I ^

GOLDEN CLINGS ! Nearly Ninety Recruits MAJORS DEFEAT Knights of Lithuania TO LEADERSHIP! NO-KNOgS, 21-10 High School Picked I In The

Play Here On Tuesday Dudley Only One Stroke Be-j New York, Jan. 16.— (A P .)—The Take 8-0 Lead First Quarter To Triumph Tonight eight clubs of the National Baseball Grammar School ' hind At End of Halfway League will give trials to nearly 90 and Coast Along To Well LEAGUE STANDING ity that McGrath’s team will turn New B r it a i n '^ e CanceUed GREENWICH COACH new men this spring with the Inter­ Basketball to the opposite side of the ledger, national and Deserved Victory. W. L. T. P. Pet. Meriden being one of the strongest Point At Agua Caliente. Manchester ...... 4 0 0 8 1.000 teams m the league. furnishing the most promising re­ Because Club Has Discon­ Two teams are tied for first place Middletown ...... 2 0 0 4 1.000 There is much interest In the out­ cruits. The Majors basketball team de­ E'ive regulars of Rochester, Inter­ in the Eighth and outlying districts Bristol ...... 2 1 0 4 .667 come of the Bristol Middletown Agua Caliente, Mexico, Jan. 16.— feated the Franklin No-Knocks of (AP)—Johnny Golden’s remunera­ national pennant winner, will seek grammar school basketball league Meriden ...... 1 1 0 2 .500 game in the latter city. Middletown, tinued Home Games; K. of with seven victories out of eight New Britain at the Harding gym on W. Hartford .... 1 3 0 2 .250 like Manchester, is undefeated and tion for the golf he played in the berths. “ Rip” Collins, first baseman, Hollister street last night by a 21 Agua Caliente $25,000 Open tourna­ and Paul Derringer, pitcher, go to games played. ' hey are Buckland E. H a rtford ...... 0 5 0 0 .000 may give Bristol a close battle. and Eight-C from Hollister. to 10 score. The teamwork of the ment a year ago was $100, yet to­ the St. Louis Cards. George Grant, Manchester, however, is worrying L. and Rec Battle Is a The league standing and scores local combination was so good that day ifae passed the half-way mark of another pitcher will get a chance TONIGHT’S GAMES more about Bristol than Middletown of the latest games follow: there w'as no outstanding star. The Manchester at West Hartford. and therefore would shed no tears the second renewal with a one with the Pittsburgh Pirates, an'l scoring was well divided. Jackson “ Natural” stroke lead in the quest for the Jan. 12—Eight C 24, Seven B 3; Bristol at Middletown. if Middletown continued unbeaten ■ t John Berly, another flinger, with the Eight A 16, Eight B 15. played best for the Hardware City $10,000 first place money. New York Giants. Outfielder “ Red” Meriden at East Hartford. tonight. Tomorrow evening Bristol : Jan. 15— Buckland 34, Seven A 2; quintet. The Majors took an 8 to has another tough nut to crack Playing a steady and frequently Worthington, gets a chance with 0 lead the first quarter and were up k Green 23, Seven ,C 23. Manchester High school will jour­ when it goes to Willimantic to clash A basketball attraction that Man­ brilliant game during the first two the Boston Braves. 14 to 5 at halftime and 16 to 7 at LEAGCE STANDING against Windham High. If Bristol chester fans have long been clamor­ rounds, this rotund professional From Baltimore, Stewart Bolen, the termination of the third quar­ ney to West Hartford tonight for from Noroton, Conn., wrote his Won Lost Pet. can win both of these games, it ing for has finally been arranged. It crack righthander, goes to the Phil­ ter. Majors (21) the first of its five straight road name at the head of the list in the Buckland ...... 7 1 .875 will have accomplished a praise­ features the Rec Five and Hartford lies and Outfielder Vince Barton ^will P. B. F. T. games during which its chances for world’s richest championship with Hollister 8C ...... 7 1 .875 worthy feat. Windham, of course, is Knights of Lithuania and will be try to crowd into the Chicago Cubs ' 1 Layne, If ...... 2 l 5 a C. C. I. L. pennant will be in scores of 70 and 73 for 143. This was Hollister 7 C ...... 5 1 .833 not in the league. played here next Tuesday night. lineup. Reading’s star catcher. Bob i 1 Chamber, r f ...... 0 0 0 jeopardy. Manchester is favored to 11 strokes better than he was able , Green ...... 5 3 .625 win tonight’s game but there is no The probable starting lineups for Manchester was originally sched­ Grace gets a chance with the Cubs. j 0 Lanky, c ...... 2 0 4 to do in 1930, although the course ■ Hollister 8B ...... 3 5 .375 tonight’s Manchester-West Hartford uled to meet New Britain’s National The leading coast league recruits I 0 Massey, rg ...... 1 0 2 telling how the other four contests since that date has been increased Hollister 8A ...... 2 6 .250 with Middletown, Willimantic, Bris­ game to be played in the William H. Guard quintet here but this game are Wesley Schulm.erich, who hit I Hollister 7 B ...... 2 6 .250 ! I Wells, Ig ...... 0 0 0 from par 71 to par 72. tol and Meriden will come out. An Hall High school building on South was cancelled last night by Manager .380 for Los Angeles last season, I Hollister 7 A ...... l 7 .125 0 Allen, rf ...... 1 1 3 Benny Clune when he learned that Another spectacular finish yesteP- 1 Reid, c ...... 2 0 4 upset tonight is also entirely within Main street in West Hartford are day gave Golden the privilege of and would like to approach that as follows: New Britain had decided to quit mark with the Braves. S. Hath, 1 McCarthy, r g ...... 0 1 1 the realm of possibility. leading. He had completed the first Manchester W. Hartford playing home games and pick up a Hollywood first baseman goes to the is up with the Phillies from Mil­ 0 Wright, If ...... 1 0 2 Manchester is favored simply be­ little easy cash on the road before nine in 38, two over par, due partly waukee. cause West Hartford has already O’Leary ...... r f ...... Parsons to a six on the eighth. Then he came Cincinnati Reds and Johnny Vergez, definitely disbanding. Clifford H. Gustafson The Giants will try out Tom 5 0 3 21 dropped three league games, losing Tierney ...... I f...... Huntting back with a rousing finish, bagging clever infielder, purchased by the While New Britain admittedly has Nash, former University of Georgia New Britain (10) to Bristol, Meriden and Middletown Turkington...... c ...... Leahey Many friends of Clifford “Curly” two birdies on the last two holes for New York Giants from Oakland. a very powerful team, one that The American Association also football star who batted .354 with 1 Jackson, If ...... 3 0 6 and winning only from East Hart­ Squatrito ...... r g ...... ■ Sperry could or should, give th^ Rec Five Gustafson read with interest notice 35, one under and a 73. W'ill not lack for representation. Asheville in the Sally League last 0 Stevens, rf ...... 0 0 0 ford which has not won a game in Hedlund ...... Ig ...... Hedlund a real run for their money, Manager in yesterday’s Herald of his appoint­ Second among the 52 of 89 start­ 2 Walters, c ...... 1 1 3 two seasons during which it has ment as director of physical educa­ ing professionals was Ed Dudley Brooklyn has purchased Clyde Day. year. Howard Grosskloss, an all- Referee: Bill Coyle of Walling­ Clune felt that under existing condi­ around athlete at Amherst, wnll try 1 Edwards, r g ...... 0 1 1 compiled a record of something like ford. Time 8:30. Preliminary be­ tions the public would not warm up tion of the new Greenwich High from Wilmihgtoh, Del., who stepped veteran righthander, from Kansas City, and Hal Wiltse, former Red out for a place in the Pirates in­ 1 Paulino, Ig ...... 0 0 0 two dozen consecutive defeats. tween junior and varsity teams at to such a game. Consequently he school in Greenwich, Conn. He is into the role of a major money win- Meriden invades East Hartford to­ ; ner only a few days ago by taking Sox and St. Louis Browns pitcher. field. 7:.30. got in touch with the Knights of widely known here, especially in ath­ 10 night and there isn’t much probabil­ Lithuania and succeeded in reaching letic circles, having achieved con­ ; the Los Angeles Open. By sinking terms. siderable prowess in both basketball long putts with abandon, Dudley No Other Games and track at Manchester High clicked off a 73 yesterday and finish­ With Manchester High booked out school. He still holds the school ed in second place with 144. of town for five mccessive weeks, record for the 100 yard dash here Tied for third was the Scot, Mac­ there will be no other basketball at­ with 10.2. Gustafson w’as a mem­ Donald Smith, New York and the tractions in town for Manchester ber of the class of 1921. Spaniard Mortie Dutra, Long fans to witness. This fact, coupled , Beach, California, with 146. Five with the splendid reputation of the ' others were clustered at fifth. They Hartford team should attract a ca­ I were the defending champion, Gere pacity crowd. 15,500 FANS SEE Sarazen, Horton Smith, George Von Manager Benny Clune said today I Elm, Ralph Guldhal, Dallas, and Mid-Winter Clearance Sale that he realizes several of the BRUINS LOSE, 2 0 I Willard Hutchinson, Chicago. They games played here this season have each had 147. Again we come to this big annual sales event in our business—a time not started on time and the result Chicago, Jan. 16.— (A P )— Chi­ ' Johnny Dawson, Chicago, and L. has been disappointing to the fans. cago’s Black Hawks n'oved two Byerly, Portland, Ore., topped when quality is put “on the spot” at prices that you would hardly believe. This fault will be remedied in future points closer to Boston in the battle the list of 11 surviving amateurs games. Manager Clune declares. for the leadership of the American with 154. A sale at this store is a real event for you know that the merchandise is new “ Under no circumstances will I division of the National Hockey The final round will be played and fresh and is our regular stock. It will pay you to replenish your ward­ tolerate a repetition of such prac­ League, whipping the Bruins, 2 to 0, Saturday. tice.” Clune told The Herald today. in an ice-melting struggle that kept robe at these prices. Read every item carefully for savings. Visiting teams will be warned to be more than 15,500 fans in constant here on time or else their guarantees uproar here last night. will-be reduced. The habit of waiv­ Duke Kutkowski took a pass from FRESHMEN BEAT ing personal fouls will also be dis­ Tommy Cook near the end of the continued, visiting teams being fore­ second period for Chicago’s first EAST HARTFORD warned that they must bring score and early in the third session. Overcoats Suits enough players to make no such Mush March staged a beautiful sin­ drastic action necessary. Manchester High’s freshman bas- gle-handed drive to count the sec etball team squared accounts with Many fans have been heard to ex­ ond. The first two periods were press disapproval of overlooking ■last Hartford here yesterday win- sensational enough, but hardly com '.ing in a masterly fashion 39 to 19.* $25.00, now $20.00 $30.00, now . $21.95 personal fouls. They argue that pared with the final six minutes > this is part of basketball and that lorna and Johnston led the attack the match, when the Hawks, penal or Manchester and Tureck also to eliminate ejecting players on four ized five times in short order, put iij personal fouls is a strict -violation of layed a leading role. $27.50, now a great defensive effort. Goalli $22 00 $35.00, now . the rules which govern the game. East Hartford won 21 to 16 in a $25.95 Chuck Gardiner made almost im revious game at East Hartford but Williard Eddy of Simsbury, former possible saves, thwarting a five-mai Connecticut Aggie basketball star, .as no match for the improved Silk $30.00, now Bruin offense, while the Hawk 'ity Yearlings yesterday. Man­ $24.00 will referee the Manchester-Hart- were twm men shy. $37.50, now . ford tussle. chester has played one other game, $27.95 The contest was rough but the losing to Bristol, 22 to 19. Deadly Rivals officials called few penalties until $35.00, now The Rec Five and K. of L. are Manchester Freshmen (39) $28.00 they had to bear down on the Hawks deadly rivals. They have met sev­ P « B F T for flagrant exhibitions of tripping 2 Coma, rf ...... 5 0-1 10 $40.00, now ., $31.95 eral times in the past few years and and careless stick handling. exceptionally close games have in­ 0 Fheiheit, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 $40.00, now $31.50 LE.\GUE ST.\NDING variably resulted. No ballyhoo is 0 Smith, If ...... 0 0-1 0 American Section being indulged in when it is report­ 1 Tureck, If ...... 3 2-4 8 Boston .. .15 6 3 17 49 2 Johnston, c ...... 5 1-4 11 $42.50, now $45.00, now ., $34.95 ed that the feeling between these o o $32.00 Chicago .. .14 7 2 56 OO 3 Ornadea, r g ...... 1 1-4 3 two clubs is tense. There is no O Rangers ...... 10 o 6 60 59 team either would rather beat than 3 Saimond, r g ...... 1 1-1 3 Detroit ...... 9 10 3 54 49 1 Haberern, Ig .... 1 0-0 2 $45.00, now the other. Philadelphia .. 2 20 1 35 94 $36,00 $49.50, now . . The game here Tuesday will be 1 Leone, Ig ...... 0 0-1 0 $39.95 International Section 1 Lupien, Ig ...... 1 0-1 2 the first of a home and home series. Games Goals Both teams are composed of the $49.50, now $39.50 most experienced of the younger W L T F A 14 17 5-17 39 Canadians . . .12 6 3 64 50 players in the state. The Knights East Hartford Freshmen (19) Maroons . . .11 10 3 54 54 M ost Suits With have won five of the seven games P B F $57.50, now Toronto . . .10 7 5 45 47 $46.00 they have played to date, losing one 1 Bermani. rf ...... 3 3-6 Americans . . . 8 8 6 36 31 in Long Island and the other to the 1 Chopus, If ...... 2 0-1 Ottawa . .. 5 15 2 41 66 Two Pairs o f strengthened K. of C. the other 3 Danaley, If ...... l 0-1 $62.50, now $50.00 night in a Hartford city titular Last Night’s R e^ts 1 Hockey, c ...... l 0-2 Rangers 1, Toronto 1. 3 Sarter, r g ...... 1 0-2 series contest. Canadians 4, Maroons 1. Trousers The Knights have beaten the Hol­ 2 Galagher, r g ...... 0 0-0 $65.00, now $52.00 yoke Mohawks. Hartford Y. M. H. Americans 2, Ottawa 1. O Keeler, I g ...... 0 0-4 Chicago 2, Bruins 0. A., All-Hartfords, Broad Brook and Glastonbury. The Y. M. H. A. is C.ANADIAN-.AMERICAN 11 8 3-16 19 one of the two teams that sports HOCKEY ST.ANDING Score at end of periods a victory over the Rec. The thing Games Goals Manchester ...... 8 18 30- which makes the Knights such a W L T F A Pts East Hartford ...... 6 8 15 Extra Special Extra Special formidable attraction is the fact Springfield . . . .16 2 0 77 32 32 Providence . . .11 4 4 61 37 26 that they have played together now One lot of Men’s Suits. Values for close onto five years. Boston . . . 7 13 0 45 60 14 CASEIS HICKS CHASED 20 dozen Whitney White Earl Bennet, the coach, plays one New Haven . . 6 11 2 32 65 14 Shirts, collar attached, $2 values up to $42.50 to close out at forward position and the other is Philadelphia .. 5 12 2 32 53 12 taken care of by that energetic Result Last Night BACK INTO THE STICKS young star, “Shorty” Malinowski. Indians 1, Arrows 0. Stan Shimkus plays center with his Casey’s Hicks were chased back brother Charlie and the ever relia­ in the “sticks” Wednesday night by ble “Red” Mazotas in guard posi­ $ BASKETBALL the Victors who emerged from a 21.95 tions. The Knights carry plenty of basketball clash in a manner befit­ $ 1.29 Not all sizes. substitutes so there will be no waiv­ ting their name. The score, 34-30. PROFESSIONAL ing of personal fouls next Tuesday Ernie Viot, Trade School star, ran Plainfield Pros 39, New York night. wild for the Victors, accounting for Glastonbury Prelim Hakoaks 28. 20 of the 34 points. Happeny also Manchester, with 11 wins in 13 Pittsfield, Mass., Eagles 25, Ol­ played a splendid game for the Vic­ games, is undefeated on its home son’s Terrible Swedes 21. tors. His passwork and defensive floor and it w'ill be most interesting COLLEGE play were very instrumental in the FURNISHINGS REDUCED!! to see if the Knights can be the first Pitt 22, Fordham 14. victory. team to trip up the Clunites. A Alfred 36, Hamilton 26. large following of Hartford fans Courtney and Magnuson starred Maryland 32, Duke 24. for the Hicks. OUTING FLANNEL PAJAMAS always trail along after the Bucknell 36, Lafayette 27. NECKWEAR Casey’s Hicks (30) Knights when they come to Man­ Dartmouth 45, Vermont 19. chester. Johns Hopkins 20, Washington 18. P- B.. F. T. 3 Courtney, If, I g ...... 5 1 11 $2 Neckwear $l.o0 Neckwear $2.00 Q uality $2.50 Q uality The West Sides wdll play Glaston­ AMERICAN LE.AGUE BASKET- $1.15 ...... 99c _ $1.29 -- $1.65 0 Simler, I f ...... 0 1 1 bury in the preliminary and Mana­ B.ALL. 1 Snow, rf ...... 3 1 7 ger Clune emphatically declares Fort Wayne 24, Chicago 19. $1 Neckwear that the main game wall start 0 West, c ...... 0 1 1 69c LEATHER JACKETS 3 Magnuson, I g ...... 4 1 9 promptly at 8:45 so that there will COLLEGE HOCKEY 0 Swanson, rg ...... 0 1 1 be almost double the time for danc­ M. A. C. 6, St. Stephens 3. 0 Jewell, rg, c ...... 0 0 0 ing than there has been during the Dartm.outh 10, Vermont 0. $21.00 QuEility $16.95 $18.00 Quality $13.75 past few games. The preliminary is AMERICAN LEAGUE HOCKEY to get under way at 7:45 or have 7 12 6 30 FLANNEL SHIRTS Buffalo 3, Tulsa 2. its progress shut off abruptly at Victors (34) Minneapolis 1, St. Louis 0. * $15.00 Quality $11.50 8:30. P. B. F. T. $5.00 Quality . . . . $3.00 Quality .... Duluth 2, Kansas City 0. 0 Viot. I f ...... 9 2 20 $3.75 $2.15 3 W. Vince, r f ...... 2 1 5 POLICEMEN WEN 1 Kovis, c ...... 3 1 7 $2.50 Quality .. SHIRTS 4 Rossi, I g ...... 0 0 0 $1.65 CLARA JACKMORE The Knofla brothers bowling team 0 P. Vince, Ig ...... 1 0 2 lost two out of three games in a 3 Happeny, r g ...... 0 0 0 $1.15 Quality . $2.50 Quality .. $1.69 special match -with the Police De­ . 89c HITS 128 SCORE partment team at Farr’s alleys last night. The Knoflas were one man 11 15 4 34 Mallory Hats Milton Hats $1.65 Quality . . .. $1.29 $3.00 Quality .. $2.15 shy, so used Walter Cassells, a Score at halftime: Victors 18, Hicks 14. Whitney White Shirts includ­ member of the Police Department. ed in this sale. Miss Clara Jackmore, one of the Joe Prenfice was the big pin getter. $7 Grade .. $5.15 $5.00 Grade $3.75 $2.00 Quality .... $1.49 lea.ding bowlers in the league con­ Knofla Brothers ducted by Cheney Brothers Girls’ H. Willis ...... 96 89 113 DeMOLAY PRACTICE Athletic Association, rolled a score W. K n ofla ...... 90 124 112 Beacon Blanket Robes, Silk Dressing Gowns, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Sweaters. All reduced in ^ c e of 128 in a special match at the Cassells ...... 87 93 92 There will be practice for candi­ 20%. Special Reductions on all Boys’ Shoes, Rubbers and Arctics to clean out as we are discontinuing these Charter Oak alleys in Hartford last A1 Knofla ...... 93 96 96 dates for the DeMolay basketball night. It was the highest score Miss Art Knofla ...... 126 109 96 team at 2 o’clock tomorrow after­ lines. Florsheim Shoes $8.85. Jackmore has ever made and she noon at the School street Rec. A came within a hair's breadth of get­ 492 511 509 game has been booked With the ting a couple of additional spares Police Department Springfield chapter here on Febru­ which would have boosted her total Cavagnaro ...... 121 98 100 ary 14. Any member of the organ- considerably higher. The town rec­ Cap Schendle ...... 93 89 90 iza^on may report for j>ractice, but ord here is in the early 130’s. Inci­ G alligan...... 94 114 106 the followdt^ are especially re­ dentally, Clara’s sister. Nan Tag­ McGlinn ...... 91 99 106 quested to be on hand: Dowd, Cub- gart, hjpjds the league record Prentice ...... 114 95 133 berlv, Fisher, Jobn.^n, McConkey, here for this season with the same Ruddell, Snow, T ilc^ , West, Shie- identical score, 128, 513 495 521 bel and Hadden. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931. page twelve

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by Harry Taylor, taxi driver, as the THRf ATEN TROOPERS men he was to take from Yonkers, MohKs SjJmy fVo nVChaplin’s ianli-n'e latest nlc- pic Faugnut state forest in Torrington, lure, not yet released. Macaroni, 8-ounce package, 2 packages f o r ...... 15c 12 men employed by the city of Tor­ Virginia attracted considerable at­ 25c Listerine Shaving Cream ...... 1^- rington and transported by the tention, as have all of Chaplin’s lead­ Fresh Prunes in Syrup, large No. 2 1-2 tin s ...... 17c city. ing ladies. That all happened two ...... THE PINE STREET This week additional crews are jears ago, but the public still is Eagle Brand Milk ...... being taken on. at Natchaug forest waiUng to see the new discovery it in Eastford. 12 men from Williman- heard so much about. And the rea­ Hershey Cocoa, half-pound tins, 2 f o r ...... 25c tic, six from Portland, three from son is that Chaplin followed his Libby Potted Meat, small 4c; la r g e ...... 8c MARKET Hartford. Fachaug forest in Volun usual custom in taking two years to town, six men from the village ^-omplete his film which is scheduled Grange Tobacco, 3 packages f o r ...... 25c of X'oluntov.n. There are 11 men fj^st showing next month. Eagle Mustard Sardines, large tins, 2 f o r ...... 25c 144 PINE STREET working near high rock in Nauga­ Now that she is off the Chaplin tuck who arc being paid by a pri­ payroll, however, the young actress Selox, package ...... vate party but their work is super­ leally is getting busy. She w'as Post’s Whole Bran, package ...... 12c vised bv a forester. The city of Wa- signed to a long term contract by terhury is paying ten men who are the Fox studio a few weeks ago and Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes f o r ...... 22c working the Mattatuck forest already has completed her first pic­ Salada Tea, half-pound package ...... 45c there. ture, "Girls Demand Excitement,” The pay is forty cents an hour, v-hich incidentally is also her first Sweet Gherkins, quart glass j a r ...... 39c eight hour day. five days a week. talking film. A t present she is play­ Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 2 packages...... 25c DIAL 3170 ing one of the featured roles m "Three Girls Lost.” ] Cut Red Beets, large No. 3 tin ...... 14c " I am very glad to have had the Swans Down Cake Flour, package...... 29c and dictate your order. W e will fiH if opportunity of working with Charlie Here yon see charming Virginia Cherill who has been Chaplin’s lead­ ing lady for two years but who has never been seen on the screen. Lard, 2 pounds f o r ...... 25c Advance Guards as he is a remarkable man and I promptly from our stock of high grade think I learned more from him than Telephone orders respectfully solicited. I could nave in any other way,” Vir- Free Delivery Service. Thrusts and Counters ' ginia remarked. “But at the same groceries, fine meats and fresh fruits and i time I am glad to be on the Fox lot SENATE TO PROBE Interest to Local Soldiers ' now because I am being kept busy Manchester’s ! and I think it will be good for me to vegetables. Our delivery service will ! have a few pictures out. D a t e B o o k PRICES OF BREAD HOWITZER COMP.ANY ! “I was scared to death when we MAHIEU grocery CO. have it at your door in a very short time. The annual meeting of the Howit- j started on ‘Girls Demand Excite- I zer Company Association was held i ment’ because I was afraid I would South Manchester TONIGHT 183 Spruce Street last Tuesday night in the Company ; forget my lines. I never had mem- Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP.)— || If you have not enjoyed the advantage of Rec Night at School street Rec, Telephone 6476 roora in the Armory. The new con-1 crized anything in my life. Even in The Senate today adopted without j Swedish and German churches, at I stitution W'as read by Lieut. Helma'-; school I always rnanaged to get ny debate a resolution for investigation these services let us serve you tomorrow. G. Anderson and with the exception ; .some way wdthout 7:30 o’clock. enough of t.he rea.sons for the failure of the i of a few minor changes was accept- - thing. ^ But strangely COMING EVENTS I price of bread to reflect the decline ed by the members. The matter of .taven't nad a bit of trouble in re­ Monday, Jan. 19— All membership loans W'as discussed but no action * membering------=> 7all of . . my lines so meeting 'of Chamber of Commerce m the price of wheat and flour. ‘ With the training she had under Inquiry also will be made to as­ will be taken until a further dat(-,, . considered Holly­ at Hotel Sheridan. Annual meeting at Sw’edish Luth­ certain whether bread prices are probably at the next monthly meet-1 wood’s outstanding genius p,„3 ne, eran church. at their present level because of ...... I mafiirai tnient for acting, Miss Cher- “combination in restrain trade.” C A S H V A L U E S j Due to the prevalent hard times | f lo S g w ly. A t least Friday, Jan. 23—Mother’s Club Service - Quality - Low Prices and unemployment of many mem- Ipinion expressed by Fox annual party at Vernon Grange. The Senate interstate commerce Quality meats at the lo west prices in town. Save 1 committee w'as given $15,000 from hers of the Company, the regular officials after seeing the first pic­ Sunday, Feb. 1— Annual Skating money, yet buy the best. monthly feeds and the annual ban­ carnival at Center Springs. the Senate’s contingent fund for the ture she made for them. .study. quet have been indefinitely post -' Virginia_ has__ no pet hobby, does I Saturday, Feb. 7—Junior Prom at The resolution was a combination Short Steak 3 5 C 1 PORK SPECTAL poned. not excel in any particular sport and High school. of proposals offered by Senators iiSib. 30c, 35c Congratulations are in order for has no special boy friend. Wed. Feb. 11th, St. Mary’s Young _____ -______- 1 1 Small Lean Fresh Shoulders...... lb. Private Anthony Mozzer, better Men’s Club 35th Annual Masquer­ Wagner, Democrat, New York, and Shoulder Steak O C ^ i 1 Our Home Made Sausage Meat made from Pure Pork Brookhart, Republican, Iowa. Round O C /» known to the boys as “ Tony,” is Lo ade at State Armory. Steak, lb...... lb...... ^ O C J and spiced to s u it...... 25c IK be married next Wednesday. The Tuesday. Feb. 13—The Mikado. It said the price of wheat and Company officcr.i and enlisted men ELLSWORTH HONORED Giltaert-Sullivan operetta presented flour had undergone a precipitate Lamb Chops 3 0 C 1 Fresh Pork to roast, rib e n d ...... 19c lb. decline during the past year, that 1 8 c , 2 5 c wish ’’Tony” all the luck in the by combined Glee club.s, orche.stra ______j 1 Fresh Pork Spare Ribs ...... 18c lb. world when he '.eaves the ranlns of and Sock and Buskin club of Higt: the price of bread had not gone do'wn in proportion; that the price Veal Chops 3 0 C 1 the bachelors to join the married Washington, Jan. 16.— (AP) school. Leg of Lamb 3 0 C A STEAK SALE men. Lincoln Ellsworth, American explor­ Monday, Feb. 16—Masonic Ball ai of whole w'heat flour was now high­ 1 1 The basketball team made it er than white flour, and that the Tender Sirloin Steak, best of b e e f...... 49c lb. er, came to the White House today State Armory. Veal Cutlets 3 0 C four straight when they beat the to’ be presented with the gold medal Tue.sday, Feb. 17—Second annual price of brown and unrefined sugars 1 8 c , 2 2 c Holy Trinity team in a fast ' voted *by Congress after his famous Herald Cooking school at Masonic was now higher than white and re­ V E A L SPECIAL hard played game Tuesday night. Polar flights of 1925 and 1926. Temple opens for four days, closing fined sugars. Pork Chops 2 5 C Best Hamburg 2 5 C 1 Boneless Rolled Roast Veal, fancy milk f e d ...... 32c Ib. All of these contentions would be Immadiately after the game. Ches-'| He was invited to lunch with the Friday. Fancy Rib Veal Chops...... 32c lb. ter Sendrowski was elected captain President and Mrs. Hoover. investigated. SPECIAL ■or l he will direct the destinies of ‘ In 1929, Congress voted special The study concerning sugar 1 1 the in the future. j gold medals for Ellsworth, Roald Jointed pairs of wires, so tiny that prices will be conducted simultane­ Sunlight Country Roll Butter ' 1 POULTRY SPEQAL Co’-pnral Bober wa.s not satisfied 1 Amundsen and Umberto Nobile. it would take a thousand of them ously with that into bread prices. Home Dressed Fowl, 4 to 6 lbs. ea ch ...... 39c lb. with playing a quarter of the game] Both participated with Ellsworth in to equal the weight of a drop of Fancy Tender Chickens to roa st...... 35c-45c lb. the other night, .so he put the 1 the trans-Polar flight of 1926. water, measure a star’s heat in a 3 4 c ”’ 2 " " ' ” 6 7 c 1 Week-end Chocolate Special! One 1 1 gloves on with Private "Sailor” | Nobile has never been to the new super-sensitive instrument de­ pound of our high grade chocolates Fresh Dressed Chickens Mozzer. Sergeant Fat.scher acted as [ United States to receive the medal veloped by C. Hawley Cartwright, Home Smoked Bacon 11 Fancy Legs Spring Lamb ...... 32c lb. at 59c and an extra pound for Ic. referee and after taking one look at: and Amundsen was lost in the Polar of the California Institute of Tech­ Boneless Rolled Roast of L a m b ...... 28c lb. The Princess Candy Kitchen.—Adv. Bober he awarde-t the fight to Moz-1 wastes during a search for part of nology. 2 8 c 3 5 c " ” i| Forequarters of Lamb, w h ole...... 18c lb. zcr. Nobile’s party when the Italian’s All members arc expected to at-j dirigible cracked up on another Tender Shoulder Clod Pot Roast Beef, tend the next drill, when the Com-1 polar flight. 5 to 7 lbs. ea ch ...... 29c lb. pany will be in.=pected by Major i President Hoover received In the NORTH END CASH MARKET Buck The men will wear melton ' name of the nation the American Boneless Rolled Pot Roast B e e f...... 34c lb. unifoi-m, white shirts and black flag w'hich Ellsworth took over the 246 North Main St. Depot Square Ijps. ' top of the world from Kings Bay to Campbell’s Quality Grocery ■ ATOURBAKERYDEPT^ Company G ha.= finally accepted * Point Barrow, Alaska. stuffed and Baked Chickens...... $1.50 and $2.00 each fhe Challenge of the Howitzer Com-1 ------Phones 4169, 4160 30 Depot Square pany ff^r a mixed series of games, i ------1 Fig Squares...... 20c dozen ROB LUNCH CART the first gam^ to lake place next Peach P ie s ...... 25c each Monday nie-ht. Milford, Jan. 16.— (AP.)—Two MEATS Pecan R o ll...... 25c each bandits early today leisurely enter­ Butter Biscuits...... 1®® dozen ed a diner on the Milford turnpike, Fresh Pork Shoulders, 4 to 6 lbs. ea ch ...... 15c lb. Baked Beans, hot all d a y ...... 25c qL CUTS HAND WITH AXE held up the attendant, rifled the Best Rib Roast Pork ...... 21c lb. Taylor’s Quality Bakery Cherry Cakes ...... ca_sh register of $25, helped them­ Home Made Sausage M e a t...... 29c lb. Cranberry Tods ...... 25c dozen selves to a cruller each and escaped. Rib Roast B e e f...... 28c-35c lb. 881 Main St. Tel. 5540 Chicken P ie s ...... 15c each Mrs. r.lsic Taylor. 19. of I I North John Zaheensti, counterman and Corned B e e f...... 10c-25c lb. the only occupant of the place re­ Cocoanut Cup Cakes...... srhonl street is suffering from the Short Steak or Sirloin Steak cut from effect rif a painful accident. She ported that a third man watched undertook to chop some kindlings, outside while another sat in their Heavy Steer Beef ...... 45c lb. Don’t forget to order some of our delicious MEAT GROCERY SPECIALS car and kept the motor running Lamb S te w ...... 13c lb. Imlding a piece of wood wdth one strictly Fresh Large E g g s ...... 45c dozen hand and swinging the axe with the during the holdup. Beef L iv e r ...... 22c ib. PIES SATURDAY. They will be ready at 11 o’clock. Land O’ Lakes Roll B u tter...... 33c lb. other. The axe hit the hand and Native Chicken and Fowl These pies are made of the best of meats nicely flavored the tip of the index finger w'as cut Our Boy Tender Sweet Peas, 2 cans f o r ...... 35c DOLLAR 'VALUE DROPS and make a delicious lunch. Last week we sent 500 of off almost to the first joint. A small Best Pure Lard in package, 2 lbs...... • 25c bti wa.s also chipped out of the mid­ GROCERIES Shanghai, Jan. 16.— (A P .)—The these pies to Hartford. We mention this to prove their Mascot Peaches, large s iz e ...... 25c can, 2 for 45c dle finger. Mexican dollar plunged to a new Package Lard, 2 lbs...... 25c popularity. If you wish them during the week we will Finest Native Potatoes...... 35c peck low level of 21.8 gold cents here to Fresh Eggs, medium s iz e ...... 35c dozen make them on special order. Campbell’s Tomato Soup, 4 cans f o r ...... —_ljlj_ 2 ^ FIND CHIEF’S BONES day. Nationalist government postal Large Fresh E ggs ...... ,---- 45c dozen Sarnia, Ont., Jan. 16.— (A P )— authorities said as a result of the Nathan Hale C offee...... 45c lb. f r u i t s a n d f r e s h VEGETABLES Discovery on Walpole island of what persistent decline in silver they Try Our Special Brand C offee...... 35c lb. We are having a big sale on our oat cakes. These Fancy Head Lettuce, 2 f o r ...... 19c are believed to be the bones of Te- were considering a further advance New Bunch Beets, 2 bunches f o r ...... 19c cumseh, famous Indian chief and in the international postal rates. Large package Quaker O a ts...... 25c cakes are considered very healthful. Give them a trial. New Bunch Carrots, 2 bunches f o r ...... 19c ally of the British forces In the war 'These rates were increased 50 per Mueller’s Macaroni, 2 f o r ...... • 25c or 1812, was reported today by cent last July as a result of the sil­ We make our whipped cream puffs and eclairs fresh Fancy Cauliflower members of the Walpole Island Sol­ ver slump. Large cans Tom atoes...... 13c Fancy Sealdsweet Oranges, sweet and juicy • .25c dozen every morning. diers’ Club. Sealdsweet Grape F ru it...... 7c each, 4 for 25c The find was made a week ago at FRUITS AND VEGETABLES the residence of Sarah White, 85- d i e s f r o m f a l l We carry a complete line of Goebel’s products. For early morning delivery please phone your order Fine Baldwin A pples...... 65c basket year-old widow of a former chief, They cost a little more but they are worth it. this evening. but the Information was withheld Danbury, Jan. 16.— (A P .)— Sam­ Oranges, Tangerines, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Bananas, pending partial authentication uel Sayles, a trainman, of Pough­ We cater to particular people— not “ How cheap?’* \ keepsie, N. Y„ was fatally injured Figs, Dates, Cranberries. which the members of the club now but “ How good?” believe they have. last evening when he slipped on the 2 Bunches Carrots ...... 13c L. - ■ ■■■ " ice in New Haven railroad yard Manchester Public Market here as he alighted from a freight Turnips, Cabbage, Spinach, Lettuce, Soup Bunches, We have a large supply of good flour bags to sell #t X ^vriter want* to know what D IAL 5111 ' has beeoma of ell the dime novels. train and fell striking his head up­ Celery, Onions. 60c a dozen. Free delivery. 1 T h e y ^ probably running as serial on the ground. He died later in the Utoeies In some of the 26-cent Danbury hospital as the re.'iult of a fractured akuU. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 193t. PAGE THER'pBiEN^

PROflIBmONLAW \ Musical Aviators* Radio Orchestra ISIIYEARSOLDI Made Up Of Bonafide Plane Pilots • ■R E •-a DIVISION N OFa______v ' New York— (AP) 'roin Tnie.sdale, , II FtKSB NATtUlSAL StUHeS. hailing from the .soulliland. nmv be Just As Much Controversy just another of New York’s ladio it orchestra leaders. | Over It Today As When It But that’s not all. .-M heaii he s . an aviator, as are all ten members ; of his orchestra. Went Into Effect. So air minded is this group of ' young instrumentalists that they even carry out the idea in their at- , Washington, Jan. 16— (AP) — tire. They wear flying apparel of the dress-uniform type. It was eleven years ago today that Besides, in the New York hotel the liquids usually associated with where they daily send cnit their )DS the swinging door and the brass rail tunes they have rigged up a lull- lost their legality. sized replica of a Fokker plane As prohibition stretched into its against one wall of the room. ’’Ihe 12th year, there appeared little cabin, open on the side, sei'ves as w diminution in the conflict that has the orchestra pit, while a wing i marked its histoiy since midnight stretches over the dance floor. January 16, 1920 when the The Musical Aviators sprang into ‘ Nebraska Legislature placed the toeing somewhat in this way; ^ ^ j 18th Amendment into effect by sub­ Truesdale, born in Columbia, S. C^., mitting the necessary 36th state in 1904, the son of the Rev. Dr. R. S. , ■^2 ratification. Truesdale, now pastor at Hawthorne j There was expectancy today in Lane church, Charlottec, N. C., ' fact, among leaders of both the wet started playing the violin at seven. ; /• and dry forces concerning the im­ When he was fen bio made his first SALE PRICE SALE PRICE minent prohibition report of the public appearance in a student con­ SINGLE TIN QUANTITIES Wickersham Law Enforcement cert. ! commission. From both camps have Interested in travel, be came to ; H n a s t ^ ic come expressed hopes that the long New' York to study music. Then he PCSIS awaited document will bolster their made a concert tour in the south. That wasn't enough travel, b.e ; contentions. V v , 4 i i &ieen G'ont Debate Today thought. He left for F.urope. He met i n 20c 6t-*I.I7 Further tumult along the prohibi­ several musicians also (raveling | * \ 1 ( \ X. \ « \ ; XX V ' ' S tion path was seen in the more than just to satisfy the wanderlust. ' None-So-Good Tins $2,000,000 added appropriation re­ Tom decidei.l to form a band. ■ M s' :? . J., f . . !>.. X 17c quested by the Prohibition Bureau toured Eun'pc and pla\cd in such | to place 500 new dry agents in the cities as Paris. Berlin and Madrid. | Choice^ ^ Tins 81® field. The House was to start de­ Meanwhile he uiade side (rips to 14® bate on that today. The Africa. Supreme Cuort is to enter the field Returning to America, lii.s “bug'' ^ soon by considering the Clark de­ on flying developed c insidcrably. ; PCAS Q u a lity 12® cision holding the I8th Amendment He started training in an airplane, ! invalid. joined by each member (>f his or- j Tom 'ITuesdale, as much aviator a-s musician, attires his orchestra in Just as prohibition’s 12th year chestra. ; 1 PC^S C hoice starts with prospective debate over Then came the decision to develop ^ fliers’ uniforms. a Wickersham commission report, a fliers’ band. There followed a | m SALE PRICE SALE PRICE so did the 11th year. From the vaudeville tour, an engagement in i SINGLE TIN QUANTITIES recommendations then submitted al­ New York and almost daily pro­ ready have come among other grams on the WABC network. ' things, the transfer of the Pro­ These musicians, headed by their Joan of Arc 8 T n s 75® hibition Bureau from the Treasury leader, spend all their spare time 13® to the Justice Department, and and even their spare change in aero­ THE “ BEAUTY" Tins modification of the Jones “five and nautics. Golden Bantam ten” prohibition law. approved by They tell this story aboirt one of 15® President Hoover only yesterday. the boys: During a nightly performance, THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN! COFtl f=oncy W h ite ^ Tins 81® DRUG STOKE ROBBED this musician suddenly slumped off 14® his chair. Fresh SALE PRICE SALE PRICE New Britain, Jan. 16.— (AP)— The doctor’s diagnosis indicated Nothing is sadder than a girl SINGL TIN QUANTITIES Police today were without a clue to lack of sleep and too much air who just misses being beautiful. the identity of three unmasked travel. Often the reason is simple— hn- m proper elimination. f^ofugee String Tins holdup men who covered James R. Fruits and 3 67® Halloran, owner of a pharmacy at The poisons from constipation 23® 149 Lafayette street last night often cause pimples, sallow skin, while he was preparing to close the dull eyes— headaches and even W a x S tring 23® Tins ^7® store and stole $15 from the cash serious disease. Vegetables register. They overlooked the day’s !j Alfred W. Stone,_ the lecturer- ;j But every girl can banish the Tins receipts, which had been placed in : elect, of Wapping Grange for the I evils of constipation by eating Q u t S tring 15® 8 87® a safe. coming year, is attending the forty- i Kellogg’s A ll-B ran regularly. One man W'alked in and pointing sixth annual meeting of the State Its bulk sweeps the system clean. R A L E PRICE SALE PRICE a gun at Halloran, ordered him to Grange which is being held this Two tablespoonfuls daily are Visit our Produce De­ SINGLE TIN QUANTITIES hold up his hands. Holloran advanc­ week at Stratfield hotel. Bridge-' a wonderful health prescription. ed toward him belligerntly but was port. Try it with milk. Add fruits or partment Daily. We halted when tw^o other men, both Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wells of East honey. Delicious when combined Tom atoes Q u a lity 8® 8 45® armed, entered. The first man Windsor are on an automobile trip with canned peaches. A ll-Bran emptied the drawer of the cash through the south. They plan to is non-fattening. offer you the pick of the register and the trio then fled, call on several friends in Florida, Ask for Kellogg’s— the orig­ Tom atoes quouwT?; 12® 8 89® jumping into an automobile which and plan to be gone about ,a month. ' inal A ll-Bran. In the red- market. You can choOse was parked at the curb, with a At the South Windsor Wednesday 1 and-green package. Made by fourth man at the wheel. Afternoon club whieh was held at Kellogg in Battle Creek. your vegetables from a the home fjf Mrs. Horace Viberts, Pineapple si .d ^rif 15® 8 T'"’^ 87® REPORT 6.5 BELOW Mrs. Edith Hancock of N-xw-ington. gave a talk on licr trip to the Ober- wide variety of selected Harbin, Jan. 16.— (AP)—Siberia, ammergau Passion Play, which was Pineapple o ^ 8 Tins 87® Mongolia and North Manchuria greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. items. Our Produce de­ '^;:''*I5® were swept today by the severest H. S. Martin and Mrs. Harohl New­ cold of thirty years, Mongolia re­ bury were in charge of the pro­ porting a temperature of 65 below gram. All-Bran partments carry a full Strawberries n 3 83® freezing. Seven men froze to death I Albert Phelps who has been quite ' »„^29« in the region of Manchuli. I ill at his home, is gaining slowly. line of fresh fruits and Asparagus 25c 3 Tins 71® vegetables at lowest FRESH KILLED SATURDAY ONLY market prices. Salm on 27® 3 Tins 77c Lima Beans 23® 3 Tins 87® 55® 2 '*■ ’ $ 1 SUNKIST GRAMMES FRESH ROAST RIB END OF PORK WEEK-END SPECIALS 3 THIN SKINNED 25 SPECIAL ! doz. 2 1 3 DOZEN LIMIT JUICY SPECIAL : B u t t e r 2 one lb. rolls Eggs I S c * ” - Brookside Creamery White “Pep” Brand SELECTED EGGS COUNTRY ROLL SUGAR BUTTER PURE LARD Guaranteed 10 POUNDS 2 one lb. rolls B a c o n ib. 29® Every pound perfect. Land O’ Lakes Sweet Cream Finast Sliced 2 1 c 2 9 c lb. ioy2< DOZEN POT’ND Nationally advertised. 10-Pound Limit. Angel Cake 15® Sugar 10 lbs. 49® Each Jack Frost Puritan and Black FRESH ROAST NATIVE VEAL Hawk Hams Milk Fed 2 S c lb. aiB ENO OF FORK Legs, Rump, Shoulder AT OUR MEA T MARKETS 8-10 lb. average 2 3 c lb. B E E F * TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES ON QUALITY MERCHANDISE Boneless Pot 15 FOR S.ATUKDAY ONT.Y ! FRESH HAMS ROAST OF BEEF Whole or Halves R ib R o a st istcut ib. Chuck Rib Roast 2 3® I 6c lb. Genuine Spring 18c lb. Oven Roast Noted for Flavor Boneless— No Waste lb. LAMB Smoked and Fresh PURITAN BACON R i b R o a s t 2nd cut lb. 23^ Leg of Lamb...... 111 Face Rump ib. 26® Shoulders A Popular Oven-Roast 4 to 6 lb. average. Rib Lamb Chops .. .. • 28c lb. Forequarter Lamb...... 14c lb. Sliced Cross Rib Roast 29® 1 4 c lb. Noted Pot. Roast lb. PIGS’ FEET Hamburg ib. 22® Cloverbloom 3 LBS. C ube Minute S tcak 3 9 ® Freshly Ground CHOPS! SPECIAL! Roasting Chicken 25c CENTER CUT B riskett R olls ib. 9 ' 30c lb. PORK CHOPS...... ^ 1 Sausage-Hamburg Pork Loin ib. 20® Corned Jost Right VEAL STEW VEAL CHOPS...... lt». MEAT Bib or Loin End UOIN 3 lbs. 2 $ c LAMB CHOPS ...... 15c lb. Lean Ends ib. 29® Shoulders ib. 1 %c Corned Meat— Cut From Finest Quality THE PURITAN MARKET Always Lowest Prices for Highest Quality Foods CORNER wAlN AND ELDKIDOE STREETS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16,1981. PAGE FOURTEEN


the passenger plane when it took to Santander, Spain, where they | r n A Cfl lU ClTDIir A V PRINCE OF WALES HOPS off at 1 p. m. (8 a. ni., E. S. T.) will board the liner Oropese for the 111 u U 0T l A i The Duke of York and the Duke trans-Atlantic voyage. Before they j MERGER NEEDED of Gloucester were at the airdrome finish this tour the princes will use | ON FIRST LEG OF TRIP to bid their brothers good-bye. almost every means of travel, in- i HURTS NINETEEN Mis Own Plane eluding train, lake steamer, automo- , (Continued From Page 1.) ■ OR ALL EUROPE This first stage in the long jour­ bile and even the humble mule. i (Continued from Page 1.) ney of the royal "salesmen” was ! scene a huge crowd gathered on the ------■ in the prince’s own plane with his FOUND DEAD IN BED i street above to watch. One hundred CANNOT EXIST met the princes as they climbed out i personal pilot at the controls. It is Meriden, Jan. 16— (AP) — Miss 1 workmen began to clear away th# Viola Macomic, 21, who came here GOLD MEDAL FLOUR of the ship. i a “Puss Moth” painted in the wreckage of the first c ta r and right Pork Is Low SUGAR The heir to the throne, saw a : brigade of guards colors, red and recently from Chicago, was found the second car, which was deraUed 1-8 Sacks. group of photographers and motion blue. dead in bed in her room at the Y. W. and damaged. and we have 10-Pound Bags C. A. here today. Dr. DeForest some “tender as chicken, Briand Tells Delegates At picture men being held back by sol- The prince was wearing an every- diers. He waved his hand to them day business suit with a long Lookwood, mdeical examiner, pro­ well trimmed and absolutely nounced death due to natural causes 89e fresh. Roasts, boned and and grinned. ! astrakhan-lined coat and derby hat. HOLLYWOOD Geneva That Nations Must “Let them come,” he told the port{^^\^ brother wore a gray lounge and probably from a heart attack. rolled, If you tell us. S3* I Miss Macomic came east with her 10-12-Pound Strips of PORK 5-Pound Boxes, 29c. commander. “But you’ve got to be jSU't, a fur-lined coat and a derby. quick about it,” he added for the ' It is in the capacity of merchant aunt. Miss Margaret Macomic of MARKET Chicken I Unite If They Are To Live; princes, with British good will their Center street, Wallingford, follow­ L ilt I ■ 11JlL! lb benefit of the camera men. ing her father’s second marriage. 381 East Center St. Royal Baking For five minutes the cameras chief commodity of sale, that the A La royal brothers set out on their trip, i She was a ,ptudent at the Laurel Coiner Parker Dial 4233 ' Hard Road Ahead. clicked as the two princes posed, Business School here. Powder then they climbed into the air at­ which will take them from England ' Large 12 Oz. Can for more than two months and in­ King Rib Pork Roast tache’s car and started for Paris. Knox College students raised a Geneva, Jan. .—(AP)—Europe Major Fielden, their pilot, said the volves visits to most of the impor­ Free Bond Bread i 16 tant South American cities. fimd of S400 to maintain their ' has come to the belief that her na- weather had been “pretty soupy” baseball team. Is this the stitch in WITH EVTCRY TWO DOLLAR 24c lb I tions must unite if they are to live. and at times they had to climb to His Chief Task time that saved nine? PURCHASE or OVER SATURDAY 49c G Oz. Can Aristide Briand today told delegates 5,000 feet. The British heir’s chief task will We also have Fancy Loin i from twenty-six European states | be the inauguration of the British NATIVE FOWL. .75c-95c each 2 for 97c Pork Roasts at 28c—and ! gathered here under the auspices o f ; START OF FLIGHT Empire Trade Exhibition at Buenos Rib End PORK ROAST, 18c lb. the Leagrue of Nations to examine i Aires, March 14. RE-UPHOLSTERING | Strictly Center Roasts his plan for a pan-European Federa- j London, Jan. 16.— (AP) -- The The prince has spent long hours The living room ensemble need l FRESH SHOULDERS. .15c lb. at 30c to 35c lb. Tom Collins Junior tion. IPrince of Wales got off to a flying of studying Spanish and in inter­ not forever mean three greatly over- FRESH HAM, Sliced ..38c lb. Lobster “We have a long road to travel,” i start today on his tour to South views with business men returned stuffed pieces all of the same de­ Pickled America. With his brother. Prince sign. We will give your room .an ROASTING CHICKENS Weber Ducklings. he told the Assembly as he opened | from South America, in general A La Watermelon Rind its sessions, “and we must map it j George, he left Hendon Airport in a making a close study of the pro­ up-to-date and fashionable living 32c Pound Small Turkeys. Spiced Pears out. We must never be swerved j plane bound for Paris on the first blems which he will be called upon room ensemble at a small cost. Let Newburg: leg of a tour which will take them to face. His younger brother. us submit prices. Top Roneless Shoulder BEEF Roasting Chickens. from our purpose and in our task ROASTS ...... 35c 1»L 11 ()/.. Tin Fricassee Fowl. we will reject the co-operation of j over 18,000 miles. Prince George, has shared to a con- Day and evening phones JOl.T. Collcjjc Inn Brand Veal Chops and Roasts. Large Toddy none.’' Apparently Prince decid- ' sidcrable extent in his studies. Dr. Julius Curtius, Germany’s for- j ed at the last minute to accompany Before the princes left York “It Pleases Us to Please You.” i EXTRA SPECIAL ! Veal Ground, 39c lb. eign minister, echoed the French I brother on the airplane journey, House both of them talked by tele- I \Miite Beans ...... 8c lb. 5 3 c Fresh Shoulders. chairman’s declaration, asserting | gbortly before they left it had been phone with the I^ing and Queen at . MANCHESTER Uirge Grapefruit...... 6 for 25<| 49c that his nation, supporting any pro- j announced that the King's younger Sandringham. '• Ul’HOLSTERINt; CO. Native Potatoes. 2 cans $1.00 tvitii One Improved gram of co-operation and peace, 13^^ would cross the channel by Tonight and tomorrow they will 1 244 Main Street. Native Fresh Ess*- SAUSAGE MEAT Glass Shaker. agrees that in these first meetings j steamer. They were together in remain in Paris proceeding thence [ Manchester Native Fresh Pork from RockvlU% I economic collaboration among the lb nations must be emphasized. Tomato Juice 1 Pie Pan FREE with Reports as Guides each purchase of 1 pound I For the commi.ssion’s guidance, b - Can Calumet Baking I Briand said, the league secretariat HAM SHANKS Powder. j has prepared a report on the College Inn Special ! 1 league’s work for European organ- j ization during the past decade and a •3KI! 39c Jars, Special No. 2 cans Pineapple 1 similar report has been made avail- 9 9 c and Tidbits. i able by the international labor union. These data, he said, will Comb Honey, 30c. j form a basis for this commission’s $1.19 each Strained Honey. j economic discussions. I Dr. Curtius seized upon Briand’s 3 for 99c I assertion that the commission would Tender Pot Roasts Pecans or Walnuts I reject no one’s co-operation and ESTABLISHED j asked when Germany’s proposal to 1859 16 oz. Cocktail, 2.5c, 2 for 45c Legs of Lamb j invite Russia and Turkey to sit with Class jars of plain juice of to- Rib Roast Beef lb ! the commission would be considered. 39c Briand replied that he already had nritocs, for invalids and babies. 2 Pounds. 75c. indicated he wanted to call on all WHERF/ 25c, 2 for 45c. Ground Beef governments to participate but that for Balls or Meal Loaf there still was a question as to the College Inn TOMATO SOUP proper time for inviting these non­ mm Campbell’s members of the League of Nations. lbs. 3 Cans for 25c The commi.^sion must decide Soups this, he saiil. U' 1 pound of Onions or 2 Green Not Represented All Kinds Peppers FREE wifli eaeh 2 .$1.25 .lohnson's Turkey and the Soviet Union are n Oz. ( an pound order. the only European nations not now DUST MOPS. S9c Each represented at this meeting. Shoulders of Lamb Dino Grandi, Italy’s foreign min- 1 5 c Cranberries i.ster, supported the contention of Boned and Rolled (ireen Beiins Curtius that both Turkey and Rus­ % 2 for 25c Spinach sia be asked to sit in. Del Monte Fruits need no introduction, — you know how Celery Italy, he said, favors a European $1>59 to Eeltuee union which would include all the good they are, — and you know what they ordinadly cost COLLEGE INN Rutabaga Turnips countries which make up Europe. Welsh Rarebit or Mushroom Fancy Beets Otherwise a union excluding some Just look at these trices, — and then stock up your pantry $1.89 each Mushrooms nations merely would divide Europe Chop Suey—32c jar. into two camps. shelves. — at A &.’ savings. Arthur Henderson, for Great NO. Britain, suggested that this question other items at A&P's CAN Creamery Kraut Baldwin Sliced be decided by a small committee. Del Monte Apricots 15' ^ Apples Bacon His proposal was adopted. usuai savings ------Butter Before the delegates dispersed, Fruit for Salad lONTt 13 Pound Peek Rind Off staples you*ll need 3 lbs. 25® however, the bearded Italian foreign Wrigley's Gum 3 pkgs 10c - - - Try It \rith Spare Ribs minister told them that Italy re­ Wheatena pkg 22c Del Monte Cherries today’s price 35® or Mettwurst. gards disarmament as essential to The Best Roll 59® 39® any plan for European union and Ann Page Preserves 16 oz jar 25c NO. 1 CAN> SELECTED FRESH the basis of European security. Encore Spaghetti 3 tins 20c Peaches «onti 2 Ivory Soap Flakes ‘'^*^21c 2^ 17c NO. -ly, Dial Peaches 3 CANS Frozen Phone Service WITNESS STABBED Fleischmann’s Yeast cake 3c EGGS Kt>r -lorr o«3p tid ihnr cnkr> o NO. I'A Raspberries and 4151 Until 8:30 '*‘lf^i .rhmanD'a Del Monte Pears 2 :an- ““®* 29c FOR SECOND TIME R&R Chicken 99c CAN 53c Straw Iierries Tonight 1,1 W >. 1 t NO. :r u .uLu t>] Pineapple .GICID CAN." Silver brook (Continued From Page 1.) Quaker Oats, quick and GOOD THINGS TO EAT regular small pkg...... 9c ;ilU SBhD < ] NO. Howard was found by neighbors Pineap|]le iL-OD 2 CAN BUTTER who had heard her screams. She large pkg...... 21c .lo sn ^ OK JUfl-iii had been stabbed twice above the Hermits, dozen ...... • 15c Pineapple CRUSHED S lZ t CADETS TO CRUISE heart, slashed across the face and CAN> 2 lbs...... 6 3 C CLARA BOW REPLACED beaten on the head. She was re­ TALES OF PRINCE New London, Jan. 16.—(AP) — ported in a critical condition but P & G Soap, 5 c a k e s...... Fine Granulated Coast Guard cadets will leave th is; police said they expected to inter­ ^ Pillsbury’s AS STAR IN PICTURE port for a foreign cruise aboard the view her today. Sparkle Gelatine Dessert, 4 pkgs...... 25c cutters Sebago and Mendota, June Mrs. Bowles died from a knife r Pancake SUGAR IN LATEST BOOK 19, with Gibraltar as the first port wound inflicted while she was in Rumor Says Star's Present of call, according to tentative plans Miss Louck’s apartment last Nov­ Flour Legal Troubles Is Behind as approved service headquarters at ember. Both Bowles and Miss MEAT 10 lbs...... 49 c London, Jan. 16— (AP) — Once PANfAhb 3 Move of Film Company. Washington, the Academy an­ Loucks who were present, told po­ PKGS upon a time—this is a true story ap­ nounced today. lice Mrs. Bowles had stabbed her­ 23 White or Colored self after a conversation over Hollywood, Calif., Jan. 16.—(AP) pearing in a book called “South of The cruise will extend until Au­ CHOICE STEER BEEF gust 31, with 12 days at the end be­ domestic affairs involving Miss —Clara Bow was removed from Suez,’’ by the South African, Wil­ Loucks. the position of a co-star with Gary ing devoted to maneuvers in Boneless Undercut Roasts—No waste, \‘ery CHEESE liam J. Makin—there was a Prince Gardiners Bay. Discrepancies in the statement of economical, cut any weight, lb...... Cooper in the film, ‘City Streets,” who danced with a golden haired a physician who had been called to by officials of the Paramount-Pub- The cadets who will make the show girl in a desolate town on the cruise will leave here May 20, attend Mrs. Bowles and who admit­ Lean, Fresh Shoulder Clod Pot Roast, lb...... 25c lix Corporation today. Her place tedly ordered the body removed FR U ITS & will be taken by Sylvia Sidney, re­ coast of Africa. aboard the cutters, for Parris Is­ A very low price, lb...... land, S. C., where small arms target from the apartment before notify­ fresh VEGETABLES cently of the New York stage. “How’s business with your ing the police, led to the arrest of Sunnyfield Pastry The announcement marked the practice will be held. They will re­ troupe?” the Prince asked her, turn here aboard the cutters June Bowles and Miss Loucks. Iceberg Lettuce, large Porterhouse Steak— first time .since Clara became a “Rotten,” the little girl answered. 16, to complete arrangements for Z heads ...... 19c Large Tenderloin, lb. starring figure that she has been re­ “Well,” said he “if you’re playing BIG HOSPITAL GIFT FLOUR placed in a picture. in any town where I happen to be, the cruise. Studio officiaLs would not com­ let me know and I'll come to your BRIDEGROOM SENTENCED Baltimore, Jan. 16— (AP) — A Iceberg Lettuce, medium 24 1-2 lb. bag . . 59c ment on testimony which was writ­ theater. That ought to help busi­ New Haven, Jem. 16 — (AP) — gift of $700,000 which eventually S heads ...... 25c ten into the trial of Daisy De Voe, ness.” Ernest F. Jacobs of New Haven, a will go to Johns Hopkins hospital ex-secretary to the actrcs.s. on grand I The Prince, of course, was the was revealed today in the 'will of Sunnyfield Family bridegroom of two weeks was sen­ Spinach ...... Very Low Price Top Round Steak, lb. theft charges. I Prince of Wales, and this is only one tenced to one to four years in state 'William A. Marburg, former vice- It was: I of the stories aljout him in Makin’s president of the American Tobacco book which was published today. prison and his compemion and FLOUR “I wanted to keep Clara out of brother-in-law, Arnold Handy was Company, which was filed for pro­ the papers because one more slam } A Newspaperman bate in Orphans’ Court. The will Yellow Turnii)s Fresh Ground Hamburg, lb. In another anecdote he discloses given a suspended reformatory sen­ 4 lbs...... in the papers and Clara is through tence on charges of robbery with disposed of an estate estimated at lOc 24 1-2 lb. bag . in pictures.” that the heir to the British throne $2,100,000. F'resh Rib End Roast Pork— 1 Q C 69c would like to be a newspaper man violence when they appeared today Studio officials said they knew before Judge A. (j. Baldwin in Su­ The $700,000 was left in a trust ,\n exceptionally low price, l b ...... nothing about a report Miss Bow de­ if he didn’t have to be a prince. fund, to go to Johns Hopkins upon York State Cabbage “If I were not the Prince of perior Court. 4 lbs...... lOc sired to go on a vacation because Jacobs entered a plea of guilty. the death of the last surviving child P'resh Rib Ehd Pork'Chops she W'as in a nervous condition from Wales,” Makin says he heard him of Theodore Marburg, former min­ say one time,” there is one job I The pair were arrested by State lb...... 21c the rigors of the trial. The actress police of the IVestbrook Barracks ister to Belgium and brother of Wil­ Yellow Onions (Penonsl) is under contract to Paramount but would be delighted to tackle—spec­ liam Marburg. Another trust of 5 lbs...... ial correspondent to a newspaper. upon the complaint of Samuel Mos- 10c Fresh Pork Shoulders—Makes an elegant Pork '1 C p no announcement was made con­ lowitz, a poultry dealer who said $50,000 for his sister, Emma Mar­ Women who ozrionslly inipeci the Going out after a story must be one burg was to go to the hospital upon Roast at a very low cost, lb...... 1 sJ V* cerning her future activities with they had robbed him of $68 and his ooJ :• • e? '• w '' ' ‘ ill' from an island in Barnstable Har­ trucks and partly telescoped the points were reported today from fruit. 4 lb. average, lb. .. s - ' ...... th i money that I not ^ent bor early today, suffering from first car. nearby western Massachusetts ^osf bite and exposure. He was The accident occurred at the line’s points. The U. S. Armory hospital NO m nm ak taken to the Cape Cod hospital New York terminus, Sixth avenue thermometer, conservative and re­ $1.25 Ivbere his condition was said not to and 33d street. The force of the garded as somewhat official, regis­ SIMONIZING ke serious. impact threw the first car against tered two below zero compared to Wright lost his boat yesterday the row of girders. Five other cars even zero yesterday. Brimfleld $8.00 ivhUe duck hunting and was strand- remained on the rails. which had four below yesterday was A&P FOOD STORES id on Jewel Island. It was midnight None of the injuries was believed eight below today. Places nearer WILSON’S AUTO WASH OF NEW ENGLAND Vhen his cries for help were heard. to be serious. this city had five and eight helow. Bear of Jotansoo Block MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY X6, 1931. PAGE FIFTEEN FOOD 6 MARKET I^GE Drivers were handed summons to plained deficit” in Fenton’s ac­ priation of $400, made at the No­ State Henry L. Stlmson at Washing­ lightened education,” the protest to MAIL TRUCK DRIVERS be in court yesterday but their FENTON SAYS AUDIT counts as treasurer of $87,476.68. vember town meeting. ton by the Press Congress of the President Machado said. Fenton says the auditor did not The protest to Secretary Stimson FINANCIERS REFUSE cases were continued for a week. Mr. Fen ion said that with the re­ World against the suppression and fully examine the records and many said, “Surely our interest In the wel­ The conference today was a port of the town’s auditing in hand censorship of Havana newspapers. HELD IN BRIDGEPORT means taken to see if the com­ OF BOOKS IS WRONG he w'ould arrange to have his own essential accounts were not includ­ fare of the people of Cuba well justi­ The messages, signed by Presi­ plaints can be quieted by stopping audit and he forecast that it would ed. fies vigorous representations by our REQUEST OF HOUSE dent Walter Williams of the Univer­ the parking of trucks. show no deficit. State Department to the govern­ Bridgeport, Jan. 16.— (A PI— A John street Is narrow but it is a ! Willim.sntic, Jan. 16.— (.\P.) — sity of Missouri on behalf of the ment of Cuba. It is also encumbent conference was held today between The town officials expect to look Press Congress, were made public upon leaders of the press In this highly used way for persons in that I Frank P Fenton, former Windham to the company which bonded Fen­ STIMSON PROTESTS Washington, Jan. 16.— (A P )—The Thomas J. Mallalieu of Wa.sliington. section. here by James W right Brown, of country to protest vigorously the House banking coromitlee today D. C., superintendent of the motor ! town treasurer and town clerk to- ton as Ireasurer, for town reim the executive committee. autocratic policies of dictatorship ordered an investigation of the re­ vehicle department of the postal ; liav said that the printed report of bursement. Prior to tw'o years ago as exercised in the case of the sup­ NOTED SURGEON DIES PRESS CENSORSHIP “ Censorship of newspapers in any fusal of Charles A. Mitchell of the service Mayor Buckingham, and an audit made in the fall of his ac- the bond was $10,000 but by reason form disturbing or restraining dis­ pression of these Cuban news­ National City Bank and George W. Archibald McNeil Jr., president of , counts and which was distributed of a change in the law in 1929 his papers.” i Baltimore, Jan. 16.— (A P .l— Dr. semination of news or freedom of Davison, of the CenUral Hanover police board, over the arrests of la.'^t night wa.s the fir.st time he had bond later was $36,800. New York, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Pro­ comment on news, to say nothing of Hiram Woods, 73, one of the pio- Trust Company to supply certain eleven mail truck drivers. j I seen the figure.s of that audit. The printed audit distriiuited to­ tests were sent today to President ■suppression of all such publication, Iodine has been found in coed by ! ncers in the field of ophthalmology financial statements. The trouble arose over complaints The audit would make the "unex- day wa.s provided under an appro­ Machado of Cuba and Secretary of is inconceivable in this day of en­ German scientists. A motion by Representative Bce- of pedestrians that they were I and a nationally known eye surgeon dy, Republican, Maine, to name a obliged to walk in the roadway of was dead at his home here today, a sub-committee of live to determine John street at the postal station, be­ i victim of pneumonia, the legal rights of the committee cause mail trucks were parked so i The death of Dr. Woods ' cut to in forcing the New York bankers to as to obstruct the sidewalks. A ' three the surviving members of th.’ supply information demanded dur­ count was made of the number of Princeton University graduating Packed in sanitary pound cartons. ing the investigation of chain and persons who were forced off the J class of 1879, which numbered Pres­ group banking was unanimously sidewalks and as complaints con­ ident Wilson as one of its eight adopted. tinued the police department was 1 members. He was a pall-bearer at Mitchell declined to supply a instructed to enforce traffic orders. i Wilson’s funeral. Pure Lard Ttihs. 21c separate ttnancial statement of the National City Company, an affiliate of the bank of which he is chairman SOUTH MRNCHESTER-CONN of the board. Davison, Chairman McFadden said, also refused certain detailed financial data requested duHng the inquiry. Mitchell wrote the committee it It's Wise To Be Thrifty and Particular! was “a settled policy” of his Insti­ tution not to publish a separate statement for the National City When you buy at the Self-Serve it not only proves that you are partic­ Company. The issue of requiring Mitchell ular about the food you eat, but that you also derive the benefits of thrift in FRESH FRUITS and Davison to furnish information was raised by Representative Stea­ the highest sense of the word. Be among the thousands who shop here gall, Alabama, ranking Democrat each Saturday! and on the committee. It was brought out, that the speciEd investigating powers of the committee, which in­ AGAIN SATURDAY! 3.000 LOAVES cluded the right of subpoena, expir­ VEGETARLES ed last December 1. large *T do not want anything publish­ ’’ 0-oz. ed to hurt anybody.” Steagall said. HALE'S FAMOUS MILK BREAD loaf “ But the committee should be the If you relish your food it The quality of this loaf is exceeded only by that which you make at home.1,000 loaves of hot bread at noon. Florida Sealdsweet judge of that.” Beedy contended that "the only GOOD is better for yon^ medical way for the committee to retain its authorides state. Improve The best value in food today! GRAPEFRUIT self respect is to insist on com­ the taste of what you serve pliance with its request.” APPETITES with Ivory Salt. Of high­ AID GOOD est quality, Ivory Salt sea­ COFFEE RINGS 3 10> sons quickly. F ree flowing, Large size, individual rings. Four kinds and they arc very delicious. These are a one da> Ir.at— Saliirday 6 only! 25® ALFARO BACK HOME HEALTH it seasons evenly. And it's the cleanest, finest salt E.vtra Fancy, Sugar Cured Florida Sweet that money can buy. Look for the orange Colon, Panama, Jan. 16.— (A P .)— Dr. Ricardo Alfaro, former minister carton with the special pouring spout. to the United States and now presi­ Write for booklet of recipes and other SHOULDER HAM >b 17. ! Oranges 2 d o z . 31« dent-designate of the new Panama household uses for salt. AddreM government, arrived here today WORCESTER SALT CO. Shanklcss, small size and very lean. ! These are not a large size. They are ex- from New York for his inaugura­ 71 Murray St., New York Confectlonerv and Powdered ’ ceptionally sweet and juicy. tion. The pier was thronged with cheering crowd which followed him Sealdsw eet (Jood Size through the city to the government building where he held a reception SUGAR 3 1 ■prior to his departure for Panama In sanitary pound cartons. City, where the inauguration cere­ IVDRY Tangerines ea. Ic mony is to take place this after­ Sugar Cured, Honed and Rolled noon. (iood size and full of Juice. A heavy guard of Canal Zone po­ lice accompanied him to the boun­ alt S (No Bones— No Waste) lb. Fancy California dary line. HAM 29' Another Shipment 500 Dozen Large Size Lemons d o z . 19« Country Boll Strictly Fresh, Native I Fancy California LEADING ’EM ALL BY A MILE! BUTTER FARM EGGS We are going to prove CONCLUSIVELY’ to our host of followers that in order to be able to * ( Celery give you the following specials that you see plus our daily prices, we must have a turnover that Is quicker by far than anybody else’s and an output much larger. Our buying capacity exceeds any­ Fresh, crisp and excellent eating. body’s. Volume plus an almost immediate turnover Is the reason why our prices lead! W e don’t care 2 lbs. 61c how skeptical you are! Give us a chance and you will be convinced. In one pound rolls. Every pound of tliis but­ “\j c dozen ter Is made of pure, sweet eream. Every pound ^ ellow W e consider our store the nicest, most sanitary, and most modern market <)f its kind around! (Hite everything else in the Sell-Serve) is guaran­ They couldn’t be better even it they came right Quality incomparable! Service! Absolutely the most courteous attention te all! Come on down teed to satisfy or your money will be refunded. out of your own cliicken coup. Clean, large size. and get acquainted at Onions $ ibs. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS The People's Market Native Green Mountain Armour’s and Campbell’s Pork and Beans, \ an Camp’s Golden Pumpkin, 2 f o r ...... 23c “OF THE PEOPLE—FOR THE PEOPLE—AND BY THE PEOPLE” 3 ca n s...... 23c Large No. 2 1-2 can. 856 MAIN STREET—CORNER PARK SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. Battle Creek Fig and Bran. 2 pkgs...... 25c Diamond Crystal Shaker Salt, 3 f o r ...... 25c Potatoes LOUIS L. FOSTER, Manager A delicious and highly efficient health food laxa­ Plain or iodized. tive. Ivory Soap, 3 f o r ...... 21c 60 lb. bushel 59« Burt Gluey's Sauer Kraut, 2 f o r ...... 29c Medium size. t Large cans. Educator .Assorted Cookies, 2 lbs...... 27c Seconds. Saturday’s Surprise Specials!! Octagon Soap. 5 bars ...... 29c Five varieties. 2 pound box.

Butter! Butter! Fresh EGGS! EGGS! ORANGES! ORANGES Another Carload! Famous Jack Frost Brand Arizona Iceberg Churned Country Roll strictly fresh Native Eggs BUTTER! Juicy Florida Oranges 2 LBS. FOR 2 DOZEN FOR GRANULATED SUGAR LETTUCE i f head Peck 100lb,.«4*79 25 lbs. »1.22 10 lbs. 49. Guaranteed regular 89c dozen Our buying capacity talks for Ask anybody whose had them sire. Very large. .A peck has Lower than today’s refinery prices delivered here. Fresh and crisp. itself. Compare! how good they are! about 2 dozen!

SPINACH! MUSHROOMS! TANGERINES! SUNKIST You will also find good var iety of King oranges. Fresh Clean Spinach! MUSHROOMS! Delicious LEMONS TODAY GROTE A N D WEIGEL'S PROVISIONS California oranges (several sizes), extra fancy Sweet Tangerines! grapefruit, pears, Washington apples, extra ONLY As everyone knows Grote and W eigel’s products are made of only the best ingredients and they are made under the most sanitary conditions. fancy white mushrooms, tomatoes, Italian and French endive, egg plants, horseradish roots, Pure Pork Fresh new carrots, new beets, Texas spinach and caul­ Peck lb. iflower. Dozen Sausages ^ le I Frankfurters lb 3 lbs. to peck and its ’fhe finest quality 'rhey*re worth a lot Dozen real good! we’ve ever had! more but not with us! Regular Z9c doz. value. POTATOES! Nativp Potatoes! APPLES! Fancy Varieties! 16 qt. baskets, about 25 lbs. Not weight The finest cookers ever offered! Guaranteed W hy pay 25o for 6 lbs. Health Market Week-End Specials Fancy No. 1 Grade

FRESH, IVnLK FED TENDER. LEAN TOP R O U N D Basket Fowl lb 32c l b 39c $1.05 Buy a basket. Steak 4 to 5 lbs. Pork Roast 18c The beat cut. Peck Bushel Baldwins, Russetts, Greenings, Hubbardson’a English Beauties and Parraeln’s! They’re won­ No dealers! 5 bushel limit. derful ! FRESH, MILK FED FRESH, PURE PORK TENDER SHOULDER Our stock will be complete. These prices should convince the most skeptical that Roasting Chicken ib 34< it is your duty to look us over. Ask your neighbor about our quality! Its the talk Sausage Meat «> Roast Beef "• 25« of the town! Everybody will be in our store Saturday so take advantage! Follow 4 1-2 to 5 pounds. the crowds to TENDER, MILK FED FRESH FR ESH R U M P - The People's Market Capons th 43c Beef Tongue 25c Roast Beef » 34c W e are a member of the “ Tri Auction Trade Plan.” Get your tokens here and save TENDER, LEAN, FRESH FRESH, TE N D E R , L E A N FRESH SIRLOIN them. Pork Shoulders »> ig c Pot Roast ib 2 1 c Steak f t

\ ■ ,4s


LOST AND FOUND GARDEN—FARM- 09104669 Want Ad Information DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 LOST—BOSTON BULL PUPPY, ACCIDENTS GAVE last seen at High school. Please M n ^ K S BOWLING FOR SALE— APPLES Baldwins Manchester And dial 3006, 8 Ridgewood street. and Greenings $1.00 per bushel. W. CARDED CHANCE Evening Herald H. Cowles. Telephone 5909. IS NOW DESERTED LOST— COMBINATION fountain > 1 I I I I ^ V M.4NCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. CLASSIFIED pen and pencil, in or near Home ^AUAN GOULD FOR RE^GNITION Bank and Trust Company. Reward HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Team No. 4: H. Cheney, 80; E. a s s o c ia t e d i»RESS SPORTS EDITOR ADVERTISEMENTS if returned to Home Bank acd bjj WILLIAM BRAUCHER Doellner, 114; J. Behrend, 83; C. It Is no longer “cricket” in foot­ Trust Co. FOR SALE — SPECIAL RANGE Famous Gambling Casino Dwire, 83; total 360. Count six average words to * ""*• IT IS JUST TOO MUCH ball to insert the ball under a je r -' Initials, numbers and abbreviations burner. Oil for all makes of burn­ Team No. 1; J. Sheekey, 60; F. Says He Got His Biggest ers at 9 l-2c per gallon. Prompt Wohllebe, 76; J. McCaw, Sr., 87; E. sey and thereby deceive the oppo- i eacli count as a word and compound .AUTOMOBILES FOR SAl.E 4 Empty Except For a Few The spectacle of the Naw York words as two words. Minimum coat la delivery. Grezel-Johnson Company, Mon tie, 109; total 332. sition, but the origin of this fa- ; priceoftbreellnes. 1 Purnell Place. Phone 7167. Boxing Commission handling the I Team No. 4; H. Cheney, 79; E. Thrill Out of His First Tune rales per day for transient FOR SALE — 1928 CHE'VROLET mous stunt, first tried in the good j heavyweight championship of the I Doellner, 86; J. Behrend, 108; C. ^ __ Coach, good condition $150. 50 FOR SALE—A FEW Universal Pikers; Prince Louis Talks old days of the Mauve Decade, has Effective Nnrch 17, J«-7 world as though it were a political i Dwire, 84; total 357. Cash Charge Oxford street, telephone 3280. Washers, used as demonstrators, been the subject of some debate this ! Tackle; Pays To Take 9 cts committee chairmanship would be Team No. 1: J. Sheekey, 74; F. fi Consecutive Days .. 7 cts at a reduction; also two Maytag Wohllebe, 88; J. McCaw, Sr., 77; winter. | " Consecutive Days ..I 9 cts 11 CtB FOR SALE—1926 ESSEX Coach Due to the combined sleuthing of IS cts Washers to be sold at bargain Monte Carlo, Monaco — (AP) — funny enough to knock the custom­ E. Montie, 101; total 340. 1 Pay ...... I $25, all good tires. Simon Hilde­ Penn State’s sports e.xpert, Wes Chances. All'orders for Irregular Insertions prices. 4328, Paul Millcry Inc., While Prince Luis i.s attempting to ers out of their seats if the result Team No. 3: C. Tyler, 125; R. brand, 94 Spruce street. Tel. 5961. re.storc order in this tiny principal- j Dunlap, and Cornell’s publicity will be charged at the one time rale. Hotel Sheridan Building. were not so tragic. ! Harrison, 76; J. Moore, 89; H. Bid- Special rales for long term every ity, its Casino is nearly empty and j charge d'affaires, Lou Boochever, it South Bend, Ind., Jan. 16— (AI*) day advertising given upon request. The commission made Max I well, 100; total 390. GARAGES—SERVICE- the little marble clicks mournfully has been established that “Pop" —Frank Carideo marshalled two of \cls ordered for three or six da>8 Schmeling champion on the strength I Team No. 2: C. Krob, 69; R. and stopped before the third or fifth MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 around roulette tables bare of Warner did not first teach the hid­ the mightiest teams in football his­ STORAGE 10 gamblers. of a synthetic victory over Jack ‘ Warren, 71; G. Duncan, 91; J. Mc- day will be charged only for the ac­ Caw, Jr., 127; total 358. den ball trick to his Carlisle Indi­ tory, won unanimous selection tual number'of times the ad appear­ FOR SALE—CONSOLE Victrola Sharkey, a victory the German i HEATED GARAGE SPACES for The few that are there are what ans but originated it in a game be­ the All-American quarterback twp ed chargir - at the rate earned, but just like new. Call at 137 Henry plainly did not deserve. Now, to j Team No. 2: C. Krob, 78; R. the croupiers call under their tween Cornell and Penn State in i years straight, heard more than ' 'j^ no allowance, or refunds c.an be made rent. Midland Filling Station. VV. street, Manchester. gratify an overweening presumption ; Warren, 81; G. Duncan, 99; J. Me-j on six time ads stopped after the S. Grant, Mgr., 311 Main street, breath “ pikers.” Ten francs —forty 1897. ! million fans cheer his exploits and cents—extended with a trembling that justice shall be the creation of Caw, Jr., 83; total 341. | fifth day. South Manchester, Conn. I Team No. 3: C. Tyler, 83; R .! Warner was coaching Cornell yet—his greatest thrill of all capje No “till forbids": display lines not 5S hand on the red or black appear to their hands alone, they take it away. sold. ... WANTED—TO BUY I Harrison. 84; J. Moore, 86; H. Bid- and the play, as executed by Half­ on the first play he ever made for The Herald will not be responsible be their limit, both maximum and back Allen E. (Mike) Whiting, now Old Notre Dame—a play that didn't minimum. SUCH T.ALK! ^ well, 98; total 351. for more than one Incorrect Insertion MOVING—TRUCKING- WANTEL TO BUY second hand ! Games a resident of Philadelphia and Quar­ even muster a cheer. The plAy of any advertisement ordered for furniture, ranges, and stoves. Granting his first interview in In effect, it is like saying: “ You, more than one time. STORAGE 20 I Played Won Lost terback C. 'V. P. (Tar) Young, now his first tackle. James H. Hopkins, 81 West JMa i many years. Prince Louis of Max Schmeling, are the heavyweight “My thrill of thrills in football The Inadvertent omission of Incor­ Monaco told the press after the re­ Team No. 4 ...... 8 6 2 head of Cornell’s department of rect publicalion of advertising will be PERRE'l’T & GLENNEY me.—Mov­ .street. Telephone Rockville 17-2. champion of the world only so long i Team No. 3 ...... 8 5 3 physical education, resulted in an came on an afternoon in Octobb'f, rectitied only I'.v cancellation of the ing, packing and shipping. Daily cent trouble in the principality, that as you do what we say you must. charge made for the service ■.■endered. i Team No. 1 ...... 8 4 4 easy touchdown against the Nittany 1928" said Carideo. "We were b'eMg service to and from New York. 14 “ the partial suspension of the con­ Violate our program for the handl­ pushed all over the field by litlSe All advcrt’seniants must conform ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 stitution and dissolution of the na­ I Team No. 2 ...... 8 1 " Lions. In style, copy and typography with trucks at your service. Agents tor ing of the heavyweight champion­ i High Single: J. O. McCaw, Jr., The documentary proof comes Loyola college and Coach focli^e, regulations enforced by the putillsh- tional and municipal councils would ship and the title shall be snatched United Van Service, one ot the FOR RENT— HEATED furnished 127. from Mr. Whiting, who writes: perhaps in desperation, sent me into ers and they reserve the right to last until complete calm has re­ from your hands. Y"ou must tight edit, revise or reject any copy con­ leading long distance moving com­ rooms at Edge wood House, 281 ! High Average; J. Behrend, 99.25. “As far as I know. Pop Warner the game with a flock of subs. , No panies. Connection In 162 cities. turned." Sharkey or relinquish the heritage sidered objectionable. Center street, rates $3 to $3.50 per absolutely originated this trick. One sooner had I staggered stage-strucjfe CLOSING nOUUS—Classified ads to Phone SOVo, 8860, 8864. Greeted by a Mob which John L. Sullivan handed week. Apply to M. L. Stacy. Cheney M.4CHINE SHOP LEAGUE day Pop arranged to have a strong into the game when a Loyola b'a^ be published same day must be re­ When Prince Louis came back down.’’ wriggled through and charged §rt ceived by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and Brother.s. from Paris recently, he was greeted Judging by the actions of the elastic placed in the bottom of my 10:30 a. m. Amos ’n’ .-\ndv me— the last obstacle between him piano moving, modem equipment, at the station here by thousands of commission, the heavyweight cham­ jersey. He then got us out on the Roth ...... 81 86 and a touchdown. I lunged'at hirp TELEPHONE YOUR experienced help, public store­ manifestants shrieking: “Liberty pionship which came down through 90 field to coach us on the new play. It APARTMEN'IS— FLATS— Dion ...... 82 79 wildly with everything I had arid WANT ADS. house. Phone 4496. and Abdication.” the years from Sullivan to Tunney, 88 could be used only on kickoffs. TENEMENTS 63 Alley ...... 104 121 119 downed him. I hugged him for Ads are accepted over the telephone The army of Monaco, three of­ has been placed in the hands of a “Young was designated the re­ what seemed to me to be an hour^ at the CHARGE KATE given above ficers and 82 carabineers, charged FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM FLAT. little group of politicians for ad­ ceiver. As he caught the ball I he must have thought I was a mad as a convenience to advertisers, but REPAIRING 23 the disturbers, arrested eleven, Total ...... 267 286 2971 placed myself directly ahead of him, the CASH R.A.TES will be accepted as All modern improvements. Tele­ ministration. Whether this be as- IMadante Queen man—and got my big thrill wheri l''ULL P.W'.MIO.NT If paid at the busi­ •, I seven of whom were sentenced to ininity of the most egregious sort or with the other nine men in a circle MATTRESS AND BOX springs phone C7G0. Richards ...... 91 101 the referee pried me away. 1% ness office on or before the seventh jail terms ranging from one to nine plain premeditated murder is hard 110 ahead of me. ‘Tar’ would stuff the never forget it. day following the first Insertion of renovated. Your health and even Kleinart ...... 96 80 93 ’ FOR RENT—THREE ROOM tene­ months the next day. Two cara­ to decide. This, however, is evident: ball up my back and as soon as I A quarterback who calls a play each ad otherwise the CHARGE your income depends upon the rest bineers were wounded. Morse ...... 110 100 104 KATE will be collected. No responsi­ and complete relaxation you have ment at 30 Church street, all im­ IT IS JUST TOO MUCH. realized it was well placed I would and then backs down from it at the bility for errors in telephoned ads provements. Inquire at above ad­ Prince Louis then dissolved both The New York Boxing Commis­ yell and the whole team would yell insistance of his dubious rriates neve.r will be assumed and their s.^curacy in sleeping. We scientifically reno­ the national and municipal councils Total ...... 287 281 307 dress any time. sion has tried to make the heavy­ and start fan shape in all directions. will be a success, Cariedo believea, cannot be guaranteed. vate your old mattress to give com­ and informed the citizens that there fort. Day and evening phone 3615. weight championship of the world King Fish 1 I would go straight down the field; “ Once you decide on a play, cairry INDEX OF FOR RENT—3 ROOM SINGLE would be no further election until its political plaything, the piece de both of my hands being free, it was it through,” he explained'. "Eveiy Manchester Upholstering Co., 246 Durfee ...... 97 86 85 CLASSIFICATIONS about February 1st. $15 per pence reigned among them. resistance of a rousing racket. Tra­ •ibvious I did not have the ball. quarterback sometime will exper­ Main street. Ruben ...... 99 75 88 month. William Kanehl, 7773. “ From now on I am going to in­ “Time and again in different ience a mild rebellion among hjs Births ...... ^ dition that time has honored, tradi­ Murphy ...... 83 97 99 VACUUM CLEANER, gun; phono­ sure peace in this principality,” tion that even thugs have always games I would go between two op­ team mates. Duning the game with Marriages ...... ^ FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all im­ Prince Louis continued. “Under no graph, clock repairing. Key mak­ respected, the commission hsus flout­ ponents close enough almost to the Navy last fall I had mine. The Deaths ...... ^ provements, garage. Apply 62 circumstances, will we again permit Total ...... 279 258 272 Card of Thanks ^ . E ing. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. ed to satisfy personal political con­ touch me and they would stand ball was in midfield In our posses­ Norman street. our foreign guests to be disturbed." Snoops In Memorlam ...... ceit. Burke . . open-eyed. Generally we would go sion. It was fourth down and tliire Lost and Found ...... J ...... 98 100 106 feet to go. I decided to try foe a Announcements ...... • FOR RENT—3 ROOM suite in the Von Hone ...... 79 straight for a touchdown. ( OURSES AND CLASSES 27 80 106 first down instead of punting safe­ I'ersonals ...... • new Johnson Block, Main street. FALSE AUTHORITY Gleason ...... 109 91 84 ‘ After the season, Prof. L. M. Automobiles All modern improvements includ­ The commission has even gone so Dennis, who was our representative ly. Several of the fellows told me" I Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 BARBER TRADE taught In day 4RE CHIEF KILLED wa.s crazy to risk it. But I stuck ing heat. Apply Aaron Johnson. far as to reverse its own brazen pre­ Total . on the football rules committee, at­ Automobiles for Exchange . . . . . 9 and evening classes. Low tuition ...... 286 271 296 by my guns, we made the first down Auto Accessories—Tires ...... * rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 Tel. 3726 or janitor 7635. sumption with an even greater tended the annual meeting and 1 Auto Repairing— Painting ...... " .by the unexpected thrust and Market street, Hartford. IN AUTO ACCIDENT show of false authority. By what SPECIAL MATCH believe it was Walter Camp \\'ho Auto Schools ...... FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room right did the commission decide in i asked him pleasantly if it would be marched down for the first touch­ Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 Y'alvoline down. In the Carnegie Tech game Autos— For Hire ...... 9 flat, first floor on Lilley street, the first place that either Sharkey Gado . . . necessary to insert a new rule to East Port Chester, Conn., Jan. 16 ...... Il8 108 84--310 ’ when we had the ball on the Ade­ darages—Service— Storage ...... 10 SITUATIONS WANTED— garage, near Center. Inquire 21 1 or Schmeling should be champion of Chanda ...... 94 104 112 the effect that the ball should not .Motorcycles— Bicycles ...... 11 i -(A P )—Eugene Conway, chief of —310 line. second down and nine to go, I MALE 39 Elro street. the world? Borowski ...... 103 86 be hidden. Professor Dennis prom­ Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . . . . 12 the East Port Chester fire depart-, 124-—313 called for a drive right along the Uusiness and Professional Services Having assumed that authority, Cervini ised we would not again be guiltj' FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat up­ ment was instantly killed and Har­ ...... 116 117 107--340 line instead of the custonaary sweep Business Services Offered ...... 13 WANTED-r ELECTRICAL repair­ however, and lifting the foul pen­ Beletti ...... 139 121 117--377 but a season or two later hidden Household Services Offered ...... IS-A stairs $22, garage, 5 Ridgewood old O. MacDonald of Petersburg. to the other side or the conventional ing appliances called for and de­ alty ruling to make it easy for either ball p'av crept up all over the coun­ Building— Contracting ...... 14 livered, reasonable prices. Dial street, ready February 1st. Inquire Va., was critically injured early to­ Schmeling or Sharkey to draw their sten-out and the bovs pla'ved so per­ Florists—Nurseries ...... IB 178 Parker street or telephone 570 536 544 1650 try so it was finally necessary to in- fectly that I slide along the line for Funeral Directors ...... 16 6777. day when they were struck by an swag despite any foul, the commis­ 5623. automobile on the Boston Post road Bristol a firstdown—one play that beat the Heating— Plumbing— Roofing .m 17 sion sonorously asserted last sum­ Bassar ...... 104 153 128 —385 Insurance ...... 18 near Millbrook Junction. mer that Max Schmeling was cham­ Tartans.” Millinery— Dressmaking ...... 19 1 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room William C. Krupman, Jr., of West Bradigo ...... 103 85 103 —291 Harvard and Princeton have not Carideo attributes his whole foot- Moving—Trucking— Storage . . . iO pion of the world. Now the com­ flat, 1st floor, 37 Delmont street. Haven, driver of the car was ar­ C'arrucci ...... 122 125 123 —370 yet been able to patch up their ba'l career—a career that will be Painting;—Papering ...... 21 FOR SALEl— CINDERS— Inquire Phone 8039. mission just as boldly asserts that Murphy ...... 130 140 120-—390 I break of over four years ago, ex­ Professional Services ...... 22 rested on charge ot driving while in­ Schmeling is not champion. He was e” tcndad as a teacher next fall Repairing ...... 23 j Mr. Alvord at The Manchester Peters ...... I l l 97 95 —303 cept in what Prof C. W. Kennedy whan h? drills Purdue’s backfield — toxicated. Mrs. Phyliss MacDonald champion through part of the sum­ Tailoring— Dyeing—Cleaning . . . 24 ! Trust Company. FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, regards as “ non-combative” sports, to “ a'’ cidents.’’ He accidentally got Toilet Goods and Service ...... 25 wife of the injured man and William mer. the fall and earlv winter. If all’ improvements, garage if desir­ 570 600 569 1739 but Baylor and the Texas Aggies of into footba'l at Mount 'Vernon, N. ■Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 ed. Apply 93 Foster street. Tel. Weising of East Port Chester re-' he w'as champion at all, is he not Educational ceived slight injuries. ; the Southwest conference have con­ Y., high school when 15 years old; ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 5230. champion now? Doesn’t a champ'on Courses and Classes ...... IT I The group was standing at the tributed to the policy of harmony he accidentally started his quarter­ Private Instruction ...... 28 I — RADIO 49 have to lose his title in the ring’’ back career at Dean Aca.demy, Dancing ...... 3 8 -A 6 ROOM TENEMENT. 26 Walker edge of the Boston Post road dis-1 by resuming relations again after a It becomes a question of wonder­ RESCUED AT FIRE Frank’in. Mass., when the .coach Musical— Dramatic • • • e • e •OKI* • • • • 29 street, all improvements, garage, cussing a previous minor accident ing how long the men and v men five-year lapse. Wanted—Instruction ...... 10 ' f o r s a l e — ONE ATWATER- used him because the other quarter­ good location, rent reasonable. In­ when Krupman's car crashed into Their basketbaU game, booked Financial I KENT all electric Console model, who like boxing are going to .stand backs forgot signals and Frank Bonds— Stocks—Mortgagee :u ... *1 quire 30 Walker. Geo. Murdock. them. The earlier accident hap­ for this sort of cheap racket. With for February 3 at Waco, is the first good as new $50. One Clarion Mid- Bridgeport, Jan. 16.— (AP) — always corrected them and he was Business Opportunities ...... 13 ; get radio, very reasonable. Also pened when Weising with Conway such a spectacle as this, how can meeting in any branch of sport Money to Loan ...... 88 Firemen protected by smoke hel­ transformed to quarter from half- several PhUco radios, very reason­ FOR RENT —SEVER.VL FIRS'l' as a passenger, attempted to turn an admirer of boxing hope for any­ since rival student factions took Help and Sltnatlons class rents. Apply Edward J. from the Boston Post road into the mets felt their way through the possession of the gridiron between hack at Notre Dame by Rocknc;for Help Wanted— Female ...... 16 able. Grezel-Johnson Company, 1 thing from the ringsters themselves ju=t the same reason. But no ac­ Help Wanted—Male ...... -■ 16 Hoil, 865 Main street. Telephone Millbrook road and collided with dense clouds blocking the passages halves of a football game in 1925 Purnell Place. Phone 7167. except treachery, skull-duggery and cident will cause Notre Uame to Help W^anted—Male or Female .. 87 4642. MacDonald's car, coming from the low larceny? and safely evacuated nine children and warred a batt'e resulting in one Agents Wanted ...... 17,-A direction of New Y'ork. I and their parents roused from sleep death. With good feeling restored, forget him. He is one of the smart­ Situations Wanted—Female...... ,j38 FUEL AND FEED 4 ^ when fire early today gutted th. cel­ the conference athletic slate again est players Notre Dame fiver bad. Situations Wanted—M a le...... 29 HOUSFS KOK SALE 72 LIKE LOAD OF BEER Employment Agencies...... 40 The heavyweight championship lar of a four family house on Hal- is complete. Live Stock—Pets— Poultry—Vehicles FOR SALE—HARP WOOD $6 load One of the largest mechanical SUSPECT BOUND OVER before the davs of boxing commis­ lett street. Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 or slabs $5; also light trucking FOR SALE—10 ROOM house, on Mrs. Edith Onderko was partly units of its kind has been built in Live Stock—"Vehicles ...... 42 sions, was held in some esteem. But Westphalia. Germany. It is a turn­ Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 done. V. Firpo, 116 Wells street. Spruce street, with all improve­ overcome as she tried to carry out ments, large lot. Telephone 5952. Greenwich, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Wil­ as a plaything of pusillanimous poli­ The Nat Cracker ing lathe about 32 feet long, and Wanted — Pels— Poultry—Stock 44 Dial 6U8. tics, it amounts to no more than a her three year old son. Firemen For Sale— Miscellaneous liam Highsmith, 23, of Rocky rescued her and the boy and sent its heavy work requires 1(W horse­ Articles for Sale...... 45 FOR SALE—BEST SEASONED 168 Benton street, five room bunga­ truckload of beer being made the power for the running. Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Mount, N. C.. was bound over to her to emergency hospital for treat­ hard wood, 1-2 cord load $5.00. 1-4 low, steam heat, garage, all im­ the Superior Court on charges of subject of a quarrel between rival A rattlesnake chased Johnny Far-, Building Materials ...... 47 ganersters. ment. Diamonds— Watches— Jewelry .. 48 cord load $3.00. Prompt delivery. provements, easy terms; also new carrying concealed weapons and at­ rcll at Miami the other day. Up t o ! Edicts like the New York Boxing Clouds of smoke rolling up from Electrical Appliances— Radio ... 49 Phone Rosedale 25-4. Geo. Buck. 6 room house. Telephone 8713. tempted robbery when Judge Wil­ that time we had thought everybody Fuel and Feed ...... t''-A Commission hands nut have done the burning rubbish in the base­ liam S. Hirschberg of Borough immune from those Florida rattlers' Garden — Farm —Dairy Products 60 HARD WOOD, STOVE length $5 a much to kill a splendid sport. ment prevented the use of the single Household Goods ...... 51 Court found probable cause against except Babe Ruth. load. Special chunks for furnace or entrance. Firemen passed the en­ Machinery and T ools...... 63 him. Bond was set at $10,000. Musical Instruments...... 63 fire place $6. Hardwood slabs $4. dangered persons through the win­ Last Night s Fights Highsmith, witnesses said, was Rattlesnakes shouldn’t bother i Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 F. O. Giesecke, telephone Rosedale BETTER WE.ATHER REPORTS dows to the arms of policemen Specials at the Stores ...... 66 one of the two men, w'ho on Janu­ ' golfers, says O’Goofty, because most: 36-12. waiting on the outside. Efforts of Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 67 Pittsburgh.—Billy Rose, Cincin­ ary 8, attempted to rob a tailor Bridgeport, Jan. 16.— (A P i—The parents and neighbors to aid in the i of them are hard-bitten. | Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 nati, outpointed Benny McArthur, Hooms— Board—Hotels—Resorts FOR SALE—HARD WOOD and shop. His companion in the at­ Connecticut State Grange was to­ rescue work were prevented by the Kestaurants hard wood slabs sawed stove Saginaw, Michigan, 10. tempted robbery, Montie Rowe, 21, day on record as opposing the day­ smoke. One man In New York located] Rooms Wllnout Board ...... 69 length and under cover. Cash price Philadelphia.—Arthur De Beve, also of Rocky Mount, was bound light saving plan and favoring more eight missing persons during 1930.; Boarders 'Wanted ...... 69-A for hard wood $6.u0 per load, slabs Washington, D. C., outpointed Eddie over under the same bonds Satur­ specific weather broadcasts for Con­ None of them, however, was a Country Board— Resorts...... 60 heavyweight boxer. , Hotels— Restaurants ...... 61 $5.00. L. T. Wood Co. Reed, Philadelphia, 8. day when he pleaded guilty in Bor­ necticut. STR.ANGLED TO DE.ATH Wanted— Rooms— Board ...... 62 ough Court. Resolutions to this effect were Real Estate For Rent SPECIAL—50 CORDS OF season­ Ii>lPORT.\NT AUTO LAW The two were surprised during the passed at the closing sessions of the Chicago, Jan. 16.— (A P )—Mrs. They used to be known as prize ^ Apartments, Flats. Tenements .. 68 fighters. Now they are price fight- ^ Business Locations for Rent . . . 64 ed birch wood $4.00 load, good jobbery by police and attempted to 46th annual convention here yes­ Eppie Moss, 41, a divorcee and a de­ Houses for Rent ...... (6 measure; also hard wood $6.00 per A motorist, charged with reck­ escape in the car in which they had terday afternoon. A copy of the partment manager for a wholesale ers. Suburban for Rent ...... 66 load. Thomas Wilson, Phone 8581 less driving so as to endanger life driven from North Carolina. Two resolution favoring separate weather jewelry, was found strangled to Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 or Rosedale 37-4. and property, is entitled to trial by miles from town the car left the forecasts for the state, and evening death yesterday in a garage at the Swathmore agrees with several Wanted to R en t...... 63 other colleges that football was over­ Heal Estate For Sale jury, according to a recent decision road, plunged over a stone wall and broadcasts of the forecast was sent rear of her home. A piece of rope Apartment Building for Sals . . . 69 HARD WOOD $5 LOAD, contains of the U. S. Supreme Court. turned over. to Senator Hiram Bingham. was wound tightly about her throat. emphasized. There isn’t any doubt Business Properly for Sale . . . . . 70 chunks for furnace, slabs $5. Highsmith received injuries to his In the discussion, delegates de­ Three persons, including her of it, so far as Pennsylvania was Farms and I.and for S a le ...... 71 special chunks $6. Chas. Palmer, concerned. We seem to remember Houses for Sale ...... 72 SHIPPING THExM SOUTH right hip which prevented him from clared that the weather broadcast roommate. Mrs. Belleta Morse, told I.ots for Sale ...... 73 telephone 6273. attending court. in which Connecticut is given as police they saw her slayer, a youth reading some such score as Penn 63, Resort Property for S a ls ...... 74 According to a railroad report, portion of southern New England is about 20 years old, leave the garage. Swarthmore 0. Suburban for Sale ...... 7,s b’OR SALE — HARDWOOD and The police were unable to fix a Real Estate for Eichangs...... 76 slabs, Hardwood $9.00 per cord; hundreds of south-bound vacation­ The market may give some in­ too general and sometimes inac­ 'The above face of a grandfather^ definite motive. The victim’s purse, How does it happen nobody has Wanted—Real Estate...... 77 slabs $8.00 per cord. Satisfaction ists are shipping their cars by rail vestors a pain, but even holders of curate. The day light savings plan, clock has ietten.^inste:d of nutnfeen oo Auction-Legal Notices containing a small amount of suggested a charity ski-jumping guaranteed. Lathrop Brothers. Tel. in order to save the long and tire­ seats on the Stock Exchange have it was reported, disrupts farm it Start coontitjg at the proper point Legal Notices...... 78 some drives. ' had to stand for it. schedules. money, was found near the body. tournament? Such an event would 3149. Prompt delivery. be cold enough for the most ardent aitd count a certain number around die lover of charity to watch. circle, clockwise, and check off the let­ ter. Continue doing this around and GAS BUGGIES—Homeward Bound By FRANK BECK In his new film, Art Shires is flat­ around the clock, dtraong off a letter at tened by a rival ringster. O’Goofty the same interval each tinw, until you THAT TENDER CARESS says he’d bet Lena Blackbume would have checked off the 11 letters. Thetj, W / r / / WHICH A LOVING KJEXr STOP have loved to have played opposite if you have picked the right starting FOGG MAY BE I’D RISK THOSE " THS I W IS H Art in the picture. WIFE GREETS HER RIGHT, BUT I'D P e r i l s point and the ri|^ interv^ you wiU V/,- . EVILS THAT HE FOGG HAD have spelled out an appropriate word. RETURNING HUSBAND FEEL■“ A LOT MORE CLAIMS GO H A N D -IN - O F V AST HANDED AMV. (T ^ N ^ T H E IS WORTH MORE COMFORTABLE F M Y HAND WITH BIG WEALTH.”. A N EARFUL O T O P W f i WAV THAN ALL THE / SATCHEL WAS BULGING DOUGH. MONEY MAY r KNOW ONE OF HIS l i n e NOTICE! TO TELL GOLD IN THE ' ■WITH SOME OF TH A T WRECK SOME FOLKS' HOME WHERE ABOUT HAPPINESS A M V HE WORLD.” KALE r FIGURED AMBITION, BUT IT W EALTH CA N BEING MORE .d To settle the Estate of Sarah •WAS ’"f i r e d ON. GETTING AS SURE WOULDN'T M O V E IN VALUABLE THAN ’ Jane Hadden, late of Manchester, BY HORN, A REWARD FOR S IN K M IN E . WITHOUT GOLD. SHE MAY deceased, we will sell at public sale Fire Insurance HEM FINDING HIS CROWDING NOT GET THE at the office of The Manchester FA IL E D TO WALLET. HAPPINESS ^^-1 POINT FROM Trust Company, 923 Main Street, Automobile F IN D MUCH OUT. South Manchester, Connecticut, on Insurance COMFORT IN ■ r January 23, 1931, at 10 A. M., an CAPTAIN undivided one-half interest of said <<1res 9nd lujctduot^ conafi FOGG'S deceased in the Property known as vvithnut W a rn in g . PECULIAR 99-101 Laurel Street, South Man­ Arc you |>repared? THEORY chester, Connecticut. Particulars t 'iiH 31.50 or R74f>. REGARDING of the sale may be obtained at the Service n ith rellabla com­ THE office of The Manchester Trust panies. RELATIVE Company, on or before the date of VALUES OF the sale. MANCHESTER Robert J. Smith GOLD. TRUST COMPANY, 1008 Mala St. Administrator. Real Estate SteamsUp Hokata - R. M. REID & SON, M 6 U Auctioneers. / -V-'


'F l a p f e r F a n n y i^a y s : SKIPFY SENSE AND nonsense REG. U. ». PAT. OFF.

H air Oh, brother mine, can’st thou divine The rDVSteriea of hair? A/OT A Q a O, PAiWT At time of birth we come to earth h o w 's t m a t ? 006, SOT HOW With heads completely bare! \ \ Our hair appears! To listening ears j We boast about our tresses! , w fet., IF vA. RCAttv ttJreResreo The years roll on; and lo! ’tis gone IM 6ciVlw' MV (T'tt 6€ 'Neath Father Time’s caresses! ] At.ow6 Heae awv a kio'o It disappears mid furtive fears: i IT U P Top And tho we should be wiser; , i V OP f n e MILL pKfRe For years we buy and vainly try 1 TO *ive Hfp All sorts of fertilizers! 1 A T R S With merry quips, the barber snips And shears our ears and hair. To suit his whims, he hacks and 1 trim s Our tresses, soft and fair. ) PercT I, Cro.'»by Greni Britain rigtHs le^er^ed And tho we say, "Kind barber, I tcl ].oi I Ring Feaiares F.yadl/ate. __ ___ — pray Trim neat and close.” Alack. He gets us wrong, and leaves it OUR BOARDING HOUSE long: Cucih The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Foa All hanging down the back. Onea____ By Gene Ahem Or if we cry, “Be careful guy, Reading stuff to polish the mind 1 v^lll often dull the evening. Ancitrim the edge alone;” E T uM E P . wisecracker ), c a m e : r i g h t t o b a t 5AY -- I TH i MK ^ He deftly snips, and cuts and clips; HAvO Ai^P Voa ASkT I PoAiV world combined in a week. Surely Ti^AT (PEA IS A ^ Till naught is left but bone! some one is wise enough to tell us WHEN THE CAR JUMPEP THE RAILS AT PEPOT PARK. •'Xo e H 2 E .^ A P 5 1 R 7 i I R(MC»ER‘— T H ^ So, every week, when forced to why it is thus. A BRAlM Vi0T5KlAi<3 A/^P The Jolly barber’s chair; 7 \5 M(^-r limi-Te p b y -the e io H-T-Ho ur / <30X PT?ivj(MO* TquJARP Another thing never seen these V o u KX m io H T w o l l p Wo surely wish we were a fish- days is a reporter listening to a po­ LAB^^”P L-A^ ( PoR iKiSTAMCET LAS~f Wlth scales Instead of hair! litical speech over the radio. B E P , I THOUGHT O^F AU K/u o W w HaT Yo u A radio engineer predicts the de­ WERE eoiMcSt To A woman who was working a \ Ali^TLm o b il e s a f e t y m e a s u r e , F<3R velopment of a new musical instru- D o ! — R E P ment “capable of shattering the cross-word puzzle, asked her hus­ ^ PRlUlMa ,-TFlA-r I s Ho u l p Li o H T ONE THING'S CERTAIN, BW S. HE’S A ^ 1 DON’T THINK SO, ^ HUM'. V O B O N ' . i dUST H O PE 'j 10/ the time. TH6 Y TqERE’S ^ CMCH To \J THO, PERFESSOR. 1 HftVlE DOUBLE-CROSSVNG CROOK, AMO NOT TD BETRUSTER ■a \ EAS'y. 1 THiNVA HE'LL SOUNDS t h a t \ s h i s r a c k e t , PRESIDENT AM \DEP>i W S dOST ^ RUSE To GET US To REBUlUO \xiE GOT TO B^SMARTER THAN H6 iS, THAT’S A ^ Traveler (to hotel proprietor in j ACTUMUV AGREED IT-T hen HE'LL Pull SOME t r \ch to steal \t. RE^.LLV 6UV VT, BUT SMART, h e DOESlV’T KN OW W E small town) — How much are | ■Tn -ObS \xlHEN VlOE’RE TRAMEUN' podner g o t t a a v r p l a m e H \ D C'MOM. LET'S rooms ? I AVOW WITH THE MONEV OUST OUT Si D A TOVJM , get sta r ted , me Hotel proprietor—Two dollars and i HE'LL HAVE BANDITS ROB PORTH' HUNPR.ED’N’ three dollars. US. THAT WAV HE'D PlFTV MILLION Traveller—What’s the difference? y 8 get H)S m o n e y BWiK, B U C K S A*?) S O O N Hotel Proprietor—The two dollar j rooms are all taken. ) AN’ HE'D STILL HAVE A S POSSIBLE. ____ I THE INVENTION. She—John, the paper says the Hatfields are back from Florida. He—Well, let’s hurry over and By starting at the star and counting see them before they have their seven lelten lo the right, you will c o m e films developed. to G. C jntinue around the clock, check- £ 5 ine off each seventh letter and you will Birds of a Feather Flock To­ spell out the word GRANDFATHER. gether. And That Applies to the , Birds That Have No Feathers.

k>^COCHRAK'—*PICTUraCS5/7*lfllN By Blosser FRECKLES AND fflS FRIENDS Champion



MO. U.«. P*T. Off-© 1S31 »V WCA WVICg. IWC By Small (READ THE STORY TH EN COLOR THE PICTLRE) SALESMAN SAM Good Bringing Up Now that the tent was fixed up | feeling slick. I’ll cook a bit of I N eveR -“TAioe. a n y SHE OOG.S,I V/ON'T O W , Y A breakfast,” said the fri/ndly Travel i W ’VER-TAIMC) PuIT iM' PfAptBR. AROOHoS) IF OO, VOUR. ■ NoTice OF vmATCxOfes o n right, the Tinles turned in for j p(AV AMV AT-rElslTlON *Tb W O N 'T , e w ? Man. “We’ll build a fire of sticks TM’ ONM(AtAOM 130NS HOVJOV- ( M0THe(2.'S Ufvet-E. the night. Each had a little blan­ and stakes and then I’ll make some IT AT ALLl ket which made up a dandy bed. fine pancakes. What? You don’t I'LL NlBBLe ON'e.t-') OW J Xb VA'. The lads were tired as they could think that possible? I’ll show you WAV HocAe.1 — — (/ (dovis. 9 o r be. “Good night! It’s slumberland that f can.” 1.1/ I THC BttSr for me,” cried Clowny. Then he And, sure enough, the cakc.s were Pf^sTte. USED (Covered up his little sleepy head. cooked and on them every Tiny ^Cofl-7-kunk IMOUlt. The other Tinies turned in, too, looked with longing eyes. Then R//2 Sflcey pft«.TW V which WM the proper thing to do. Rcouty cried, “Pay! I just heard a The Travel Man sat up a while to inoi.se! And, look! An elephants breathe in cooling air. Outside the ■ back there. That gave me quite a / tent he dozed a bit. It was a comfy I sudden scare.” The Tra-vel Man place to sit. A viild bird whistled 'jumped up and said. “Ill try to FAH<-Y Fr/Dt, loudly and it brought a sudden I catch him, boys.” f is h I iBcare. ' “He’s just a baby, I feel sure. The Travel Man then laughed. You’ll find my lasso aim ’s not poor.” Thought he, “Gee whiz! I let a ■ He grabbed a rope and fixed a knot bird scare me. And birds are very i and shouted, “Watch my peg! The harmless things.- If you let them {rope flew out and did the fVick alone. I guess I’d better crawl in­ ; 'Wee Clowny cried, "You sure are side the tent and rest my weary I slick.” The rope had caught the hide.” Real shortly he was snoring ■ elephant around a big, fat leg. In a debp and throbbing tone. “It seemed the night passed very 1 (The Tinym ites have liia uitli ^ W >y WM tgtnicM. uiie. ** *• % * ^oick. The whole buach v.-nke i:p I I he elephant in the next story.) PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, JANUARY 16,19S1.

OLD FASHIONED and MODERN "’#11 MODERN DANCING DANCING ! DANCING ! TINKER HALL Hale’s Circulating Library Tomorrow, 8 P. M. SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 17 Contract Bridge Le.ssons Music by The Old Time Fiddlers and All the newest and most popular books can The Blind Men’s Orchestra be found at Hale’s. Rental 2c per day. Contract bridge lessons each Tuesday by Crtven by of VVillimantic. Mrs. N. Howard Brewer. Time Pilling fasL Bfanchestcr Green Community Club Front Entrance Phone Advt. Dept, for appointment. A t SOU TH fin NCHESTE Charles Sweet, who recently re­ tired from the taxi business in Man- , Manchester Green School Chester, left yesterday for Provi-1 dence, where he will be employed in Bill Waddell’s Orchestra the Rhode Island General Hospital. : -, —. i Admission 60 cents. At 7:30 o’clock tonight the Swed-: Tomorrow, Saturday, Wc End Our January ish Lutheran, Swedish Congrega-! tional, Zion Lutheran and Concordia Lutheran churches will hold a Rec ABOUT TOWN Night at the School Street Rec. An extensive athletic program has been Clearance Sale With Our Annual Store-Wide There is to be an important meet­ ing of the Polish Co-operative Cor­ arranged. poration this evening in their hall on North street which all members The American Insurance Union ^ of the corporation are asked to at­ will hold its monthly meeting in ' tend. The meeting will be called ai Tinker hall Monday evening when : officers for 1931 will be installed i 7:30 and at that time there will be by Stephen Beebe, assisted by J. I a report on the resources and as­ Watson Goslee. Following, a chicken | sets of the corporation, which will supper will be served under the di- j include a complete inventory of the rection of Mrs. Fred Trowbridge. ; store conducted by the corporation To assist her in making plans, she , and the amount of outstanding un­ would like all who intend to be ; paid bills due. The store which is present to notify her before Mon- | conducted by this organization has day. found it necessary to extend credit j to their regular patrons and in some j cases, due to the shortage of work­ Harold Forrest of 22 Wadsw'orth ' ing hours, there have been some ex­ street underwent an operation this ceptionally large bills contracted for morning at Memorial hospital. He is reported to be in as favorable a groceries and meats. condition as could be expected. Mr. The actual digging for the new Forrest is one of the junior clerks building on Golway street to be at the Packard Pharmacy. erected by the Lithuanian Co-opera­ tive Association will be started on Manchester Camp No. 2640, Royal Neighbors, will hold installation of Monday. The W’ork so far accom­ Narragansett and Extra Large Women’s 50c Women’s Dainty plished has been the staking out of officers at the home of Mrs. E. S. I 300 Pieces! Women’s Quality Edgerton, 655 North Main street?; “Slumber-Well” the building and soundings have Tuesday evening of next week. Mrs. | Rayon-Worsted Cotton Frocks been taken to see just what can be Edgerton will serve a chicken din- i Turkish Towels found in the w'ay of sand and grav­ ner at 6:30. Members planning to | Pillow Cases el. There is considerable gravel that attend should notify Mrs. Margaret Silk Crepe Undies Hose can be used in the mixing of the Griffin, or the chairman, Mrs. Mar­ cement that will form the founda­ garet Shea. The officers will be in­ $1.00 tion and there will probably be stalled after the supper by State 3 ' “ $ 1 . 0 0 6 ' " $ 1 . 0 0 Featured Tomorrow! enough sand for the plastering that Oracle Mrs. Rachel Munsie assist­ 3 ' ’"” $ 1 . 0 0 New Spring styles and color­ will have to be done in the building. ed by Mrs. Emma Bengs, past The kind of pillow cases that Extra large, good weight ings in women’s home frocks. oracle of Manchester camp. will give good wear from 3 to 5 turkish towels with colored bor­ Each Women’s 50c stock of rayon Smart enough to grace the Burton E. Hagenow, who has years. Sizes: 42x36 and 45x36 ders in blue, gold, rose and and worsted stockings in want­ breakfast table and for market­ been employed as a taxi driver and inches. green. 20x40 inches. ed tan and brown tones. ing. was the former manager of the lo­ Liquid Vapon, the perfect sham­ $1.00 cal business when the taxis w'ere poo, eliminates the danger of catch­ Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, right. Main Floor, rear. ing cold. Vapon shampoos are Especially fine quality silk crepe un­ owmed by James Tatem and who dergarments that under normal market has been employed by Foley and given at the Weldon Beauty Parlor. —Adv. conditions would be retailing at double Burke since they took over the this price. Tailored, embroidered and business is to leave the employ of 45x36-Inch Fast Color lace trimmed garments. White, flesh Boys’ Children’s the latter at the end of the week. “Perfectly Satisfied’’ is the an­ and peach. Excellent for daily use! He is to be succeeded by Paul swer to our oil customers. The Man­ Sport Socks Wash Frocks Johnson, who was also a former chester Lumber Co. Phone 5145. Pillow Cases Percale Prints taxi driver in towm. Coal and Fuel Oil.—Adv. Slips Chemises Yards 4 ' " $ 1 . 0 0 $ 6 ' “ $ 1 . 0 0 $1.00 Dance Sets Panties 1.00 Purchase active boys these Neat, practical wash frocks Large size cotton pillow cases 25c grade fast color percale Bloomers tor school days. A variety of made of good quality cotton. prints in fine assortment of pat­ sports socks for school and play. attractive models with long and Tirm a^ oi^ tiSnc. One size only—45x36 inches. terns. 36 inches wide. P’ast Assorted designs and colorings. short sleeves. 7 to 14. color. Silk Underwear—Main Floor, rear. H artford'S Chopping Qeniett Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, right. Main Floor, rear.

Fine Pure Linen $1.00 Color Fast Cannon’s Porto Rican Smart Misses’ and Women’s White Batiste Lunch Cloths Printed Silks Bath Rugs Muslin Gowns Printed Pajamas • Yards $1.00 $1.00 Yards $1.00 $ 1.00 $1.00 $1.00 An extra fine quality batiste Another group of those pop­ Dainty hand made and hand Smart enough for lounging as well as for slumber hours. in fine checks suitable for un- ular large, 60x60-inch, pure H-egular $1.00 grade ol print­ Large size, heavy bath rugs appliqued muslin gowns in the linen lunch cloths with colored ed silks in neat Spring designs of the well known Cannon qual­ best-looking styles. Dainty Gay printed crepe and broad­ derw'ear, children’s frocks, etc. borders in wanted shades. Plain for street and afternoon trocks. ity. Floral designs in blue, cloth pajamas with tuck-in COATS 36 inches wide. and plaid centers. Color fast. green, orchid, gold and peach. blue, peach, flesh, and white. blouses and wide trows. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, rear. Main Floor, rear.

36-Inch Heav'y VVashanrede Pure Heavy $1.49 Folding Girls’ 2 and 3 “Wear-Ever” $1,75 REDUCED Outing Flannel Windsor Crepe Linen Toweling Card Tables Print Frocks Roasting Pots Yards $ L 0 0 8'^"‘■^$1.00 8 $1.00 $1.00 2 ' " $ 1 . 0 0 $1.00 Good quality Irish linen tow­ Replace those worn, spotted Better and Bigger Values Heavy striped and plain white The well known Windsor card tables now with one of Dainty little print frocks for “Wear-Ever” self-basting outing flannel for comfy, warm crepe practical for pajamas, eling with colored borders in roasting pots. 4 quart size. these attractively covered, col­ girls 2 and 3. Blue, green and sleeping garments. 36 inches gowns and undergarments. gold, green and rose. Special ored frame tables. Special Steam sections $1.00 extra. Plain colors of white, peach and —6 yards $1.00. $ 1.00. orange prints. Color fast. Regular $1.75 grade. than ever... wide. flesh. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Basement Main Floor, rear. Basement

40-Inch Plain Colored 81x99 and 63x99 Children’s “Dandy” Wool Sweaters Juice Extractors $39*50 $58*00 Unbleached Cotton Broadcloth Cotton Sheets $ 1 . 0 0 ' " ' ' $ L 0 0 $1.00 10 $1.00 6 ^"‘'* $ 1 . 0 0 Dollar Day w-e are featuring a heavy Clamps on table when m use. quality cotton s’ueet, seamless, in single All-wool sweaters in navy, Make up practical school and buff and red. Excellent to wear Metal bowl With glass contain­ Extra heavy quality unbleach­ and full bed sizes. Guaranteed to wear er in assorted colors. A use­ home frocks from this plain col­ and wash well. Purchase sheets for under coats on cold Winter 68*00 85*00 ed cotton that has many uses days. 2 to 6 years. ful item in the home! $ $ ored broadcloth. 36 inches every day w'ear now at a saving. in the home. 40 inches wide. wide. Fine quality. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Sheets—Main Floor, left. Main Floor, rear. Basement lianging in values up to $149.50 54-Inch Bleached 89c and 45c Braided 75c and $1.25 Mahogany Finished Wool Tweeds Oil Cloth Rag Rugs Wool Caps Colonial Mirrors JJoautifully furred models, just the type found in Cotton Cloth the above four price groups. Now is the time to buy Yard Yards your coat if you want to economize. Excellent collec­ $1.00 8''"''’$ 1 .0 0 $1.00 $1.00 2 ' " $ 1 . 0 0 $1.00 tion of fabrics and colors, decidedly smart in detail. Smart Spring suits and top­ Heavy, white cotton cloth for A number of attractive pat­ Attractive braided rag rugs Children’s and babies’ wool Colonial styled mirrors with coats can be fashioned from rich mahogany finished frames. these all-wool tweeds in tan, undergarments. 36 inches terns as well as plain white. in wanted hit and miss color­ caps in pink, yellow, tan, blue wide. Special Dollar Day 11-4 yards -wide. Special to­ and green. Formerly sold as Special tomorrow while they blue and gray and green color­ morrow—4 yards $1.00. ings. Size 24x42 inches. high as $1.25 each. last—$1.00. Second Floor ings. only—8 yards $1.00. Main Floor, left. Main Floor, left. Basement Basement Main Floor, rear. Basement

Women’s Heavy 50c Stock Folding Sheer Grenadine and Silk Service Linen Hankies Ironing Tables WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc, Rayon Underwear Pure Silk Hose ' “ $ $ Funeral Directors 2 1.00 S'" $1.00 1.00 $1.00'^"' Tomorrow! Heavy quality, well tailor­ Regular stock of 50c linen Strong, well made ironing ESTABLISHED 56 YEARS ed rayon vests and bloomers will be fea­ handkerchiefs in colored bor­ tables easily folded when not in ^ Tomorrow! Women’s sheer grenadine and tured at 2 for $1.00. Excellent to wear ders, embroidered comers, solid use. Adjustable. 48 inches silk service-weight stockings in smart Wmicr CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. under the new fitted frocks. Flesh and long by 13 inches wide. shades for street and afternoon wear. Full peach. Full cut; expertly tailored. colors and novelty patterns. Robert K Anderson Phone: Office 5171 fashioned; pure silk with smart French heels. Funeral Director Residence 7494 Rayon Underwear—^Main Floor, right. Main Floor, front. Basenieni Hosiery—Main Floor, right.


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