Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England : Printed

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Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England : Printed Ib^ S&C StX. fid ^ t sJ RECORDS OF PLYMOUTH COLONY. COURT 111) E lis. „| YOL. III. 1651-1661. i RECORDS OF THE COLONY OF NEW PLYMOUTH IN NEW ENGLAND. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. EDITED r, Y NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, M.D., MEMBER or THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAt SOCIETY, FELLOW Of TUB AMERICAN ACADEMI Of ARTS AND SCIENCES, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ANTHJUARIAN SOCIETY, FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, ETC. COURT OPtDEllS: YOL. IIL 1651-lOGL BOSTON: FROM THE PRESS OF WILLIAM WHITE, PRINTER TO THE CO.M.MONVVE.V.TH. 185 5. AMS Press • 1968 • New York AMS Press, Inc. New York, N.Y. 10003 1968 BOSTON WBUC LIBi?ARYj %^Sci R^ Manufactured in the United States of America REMARKS. THE third volume of Court Orders of the Colony of New Plymouth is contained in a manuscript of about three hundred and forty pages, all in the handwriting of Mr. Nathaniel Morton, secretary of the colony. It comprises the records of the latter part of the administration of Governor William Bradford, and the first part of that of Governor Thomas Prence, including a period of ten j-ears, counnencing on the second day of March, 1051-2, and ending on the twenty-third day of July, IGGl. Occasionally matter of a miscellaneous character will be found entered in various parts of the volume ; and in some instances this will be found out of chronological order. Care has been taken to make the indexes as full and perfect as possible. N. B. S. Decembku, 1855. ; MARKS AND CONTRACTIONS. A Dash " (or straight linej over a letter indinates the omission of the letter following the one marked. A Curved Line ~ indicates the onrission of one or more letters next to the one marked. A Superior Letter indicates the omission of contiguous letters, either pre- ceding or following it. A Caret ^ indicates an omission in the original record. A Cross X indicates a lost or unintelligible word. editor are included between brackets, All doubtful words supplied by the [ ]. Some redundancies in the original record are printed in Italics. Some interlineations, that occur in the original record, are put between parallels, || 1|. Some words and paragraphs, which have been cancelled in the original record, are put between + + . Several characters have special significations, namely : — @,- annum, anno, o, — mo, month. curia, par, por, — pt, part ption, por- Ji, an, am, — curiam, p, — ; a, matrate, magistrate, tion. tj, ber, Rofet, — per, — pson, person. — numt», number ; p, Robert. p, — pro, — pporcbn, proportion. • ci, ti, — accon, action. p>, — pre, — psent, present. CO, tlo, — jurisdiccbn, jurisdiction. q, — qstion, question. ^, ere, ccr, — ads, acres. ^, — es^, esquire. dd, delivered. r, — Apr, April. e, • Trer, Treasurer. s, — s, session ; sd, said. - committe, committee. s, — ser, — svants, servants. • glial, general ; Georg, George. ?, — ter, — neuf, neuter. hi - chr, charter. t, — capt, captain. - begTg, beginig, beginningig- vi, — uer, — seQal, seueral. ire, letter. ij, — abou, aboue, above. iTi, - mm, mn, — coinittee, commit- ^, — ver, — se9al, several. tee. w, — wn, when. - then m, recoindacon, recommendation. y% the ; y", them ; y", ; y% their in!, - mer, — formlly, formerly. y% this; y', that. o m, - month. 5, — us, — vilib-,, vilibus. ii, - nn, — Peii, Penn ; auo, anno. ^, — es, et, — statut^, statutes. n, - Dili, Domini. ^5, &d, &c*, — et CKtcra. u. - ner, — manfi, manner. vizj, — videlicet, namely. - on, — mcntio, mention. ./ — full point. (V) CONTENTS OF VOLUME III. PAGE COURT ORDERS, IGol— 16G1, GENERAL INDEX, 221 PLYMOUTH COURT ORDERS. 1651-1661 PLYMOUTH RECORDS. THE RECORDS OF THE COLONY OF NEW PLYMOUTH IN NEW ENGLAND. [The third volume, commencing with the record of the General Court held on the second day of March, 16ol-2, and ending with a record bearing date the twenty-third of July, 1661, is entirely in the handwriting of Secretary Morton. As in the case of the preceding volumes, the original indexes are not printed as written in the manuscript, but are incorporated with that expressly prepared for the printed copy.] ACTS AND PASSAGES OF COURT AND GRANTS OF LAND FROM THE YEAR 1651 UNTIL THE YEAR 1661. New Plym. Br.\dford, Gou". *Att a Genevan Court holden at JS^ew Plym, the 2"'"^ of March, 1651-2. ^~~" 1651. ' 2 March. Before Wiliam Bradford, gen, Goucr'', John Browne, l 'J Wiliam Collyare, John Alden, and Captaine Miles Standish, Captaine Tho Willet Timothy Hatherley, Gent, Assistants. A T this Court open proclamacon was made, that whereas Edmond Weston JIjL had letters of adminestration graunted -vnto him att the Generall Court holden at Plym aforsaid, the 7"" of June, 1648, to adminester vpon y* estate of Thomas Howell, deceassed, and hath continewed admines as aforsaid heth- crto, that if any can claime any just debt from the estate of Thomas Howell aforsaid, they are to coin in and demaund it betwixt this and the Generall Court to bee holden at Plym aforsaid the first Tusday in June next, or other- wise the Coiu-t will then graimt vnto the said Edmond Weston a quietus est. 3 4 PLYMOUTH COLONY EECORDS. 165 1-2. Fines and Scnsiires. -. Gorg Pidcock, for vnadvised taking of an oath, and for insolent carriage Bradford, towards M'' Hatherley, then maiestrate, was fined thirty sliillings, to bee paid betwixt this and the next June Court, or otherways to suffer bodily punish- ment. Nathaniell Bassett and Josepth Prior, for desturbing the chui-ch of Dux- burrow on the Lords day, were sentenced each of them to pay twenty shil- lings fine, or, the next towne meeting or training day, both of them to bee bound vnto a post for the space of two houres, in som put) place, with a paper on theire heades on which theire capital crime shalbc Mritten pspecusly, soe as may bee read. Samuell Eaton, for pilfering and stealing, sentenced to sit in the stockes, and accordingly executed. Nicolas Hide, for selling a gun to an Indian, fined twenty fine pound, the time of paiment whereof is refered to the considcrac&n of Captaine Standish and ^P Browne ; further, the said Nicolas Hide is to satisfy Vssamequin about a peece hee had of him. The Court have deputed Captaine Standish to rectify the bounds betwixt Barnstable and Sandwidge as soone as conveniently hee can. Lfes of adminestracttn are graunted vnto Captaine Standish, Treasurer, to adminester vpon the estate of Henery Dreaton, dec. [*2.] *Ralph Allen, Sen!, and Richard Kerbey, for speaking vild and deriding speaches against Gods word and ordinances, were fined fine pounds a peece, to be paied betwixt this and June Court next, or if not, then to suflfer bodily punishment by whiping. Whcras complaint is made vnto the Court that sofn of the towne of Duxborrow have felled and spoylcd soin timber in sofn such swampes as be- longe to the cinitry, — The Court haue ordered, that noe pson or psons shall henceforth fell or make spoyle of any such timber, in any such swampes belonging to the cun- try in generall, vntell further order bee taken about the same at the next June Court. A warrant was dijccted to Gorge Pidcocke, cuntstable of Scittuate, to warn Peeter Collymore psonally to appeere at the Generall Court, to bee holden at Plym aforsaid, the first Tusday in June next, to answare for such scandalus and reproachfuU speaches as hee hath spoken against M' Hatherley, Assistant to the gouerment. Wheras John "\\'illis, of Duxborrow, complained that his daughter iii COURT ORDERS. 5 law, Eebeckah Palmer, was molested and hindered in pfenning falthfull ser- 1 G 5 1-2. ' vice vnto her m'', -vizj, Samuell INIayo, of Barnstable by the wife of Trustrum 2 March. sent order by Roger Hull, of Barnstable aforsaid, the Court haue downe jjjt^npojm, Goodspeed, grand iuiyman, of Barnstable aforsaid, to warn the wife of y« ^°^- said Trustrum Hull to desist firom such practises any further, as shee or any other that shall soe doe will answare it at theire perill ; and allsoe that the said wife of Trustrum Hull doe giue answare for her not appeering at this Comt nor her attornie, to answare the suite cofiienced against her by the said John Willis. Mcmorand: that ^Slcrcy Tubbs bee warned by warrant to appeere at June Mercy Tubbs Com-t, to answare for mixed dauncing, whereof shee is accused. admonition. The Comt haue desired that a publicke day of thanksgiving thi'oughout the coUonie may bee obserued therin to giue thankes to God for the great vic- tories graunted to the army in the behalfe of the ParUament and comonwealth of England. •Presentments by the Grand Enauest, on March the 2™°"*, 1651. ^ March. [*3.] Wee ^sent Jonathan Couentrey, of the towne of Marshfeild, for makeing Departed the g''"'^""^"^- a mocion of marriage vnto Katheren Bradberey, servant vnto M' Burne, of the same towne, without her masters consent, contrary to Court order. Wee further f^sent the towne of Marshfeild for not haueing a banell of Engage to pro- ,-. , Tij cure it accord- lead in towne stock, according to order. powder and ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Wee fiuther ^sent Edward Williams, of the towne of Scittuate, for tak- ing away and fraudulently detaining of a sacke of Gilbert Brooks his, after Edward Wil- liums fined demaund1 1 ofJ- theii same. ^^^^ ^^^^.^^^^ Wee further psent the aforsaid Edward Williams for pilfering of wood to be paid by the next Court from Goodman Pinchins dore. of Assistants. Wee further ^sent the towne of Scittuate for not haueing a barrell of Promised to ledd in store according to order. powder & ^^ ^^^^ Wee further ^sent Katheren Winter, of Scittuate, for comitting y* siiine Could not ap- in law, Turner. of fornication with her father James ^^^|^^^^ ^^'^^ Wee further ©sent Abraham Peirse, of the towne of Duxburrow, for sence punished _ att Scittuate.
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