WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 JAMADA ALTHANI 23, 1435 AH Philippines New Syria Bader Al-Kharafi Atletico embassy doing chemical appointed to frustrated by everything to claims Coutts Mideast defence-minded help deportees3 emerge7 Advisory25 Board Chelsea20 Barrak claims billions in Max 40º Min 26º public funds siphoned off High Tide 06:50 & 17:57 Court to decide next week on closure of newspapers Low Tide 11:46 40 PAGES NO: 16144 150 FILS By Staff Reporter

KUWAIT: Coordinator of the Opposition Coalition and for- mer MP Musallam Al-Barrak revealed during an interview on Man United fire Moyes Al-Youm satellite channel that a former senior official’s cash holdings swelled from $235 million in June 2007 to as much as $23 billion in Dec 2013, attributing this to massive corrup- MANCHESTER: Manchester United yesterday sacked tion of public funds. He however did not reveal the name of manager David Moyes after a disastrous 10-month the official but insisted that he has documents to prove his spell that left the world-famous Premier League club claims. Barrak also strongly lashed out at the government in turmoil. The English giants followed the stunning for causing the closure of Al-Watan and Alam Al-Youm news- announcement by naming veteran midfielder Ryan papers for two weeks, claiming this is a move to stifle free- Giggs as interim manager. Moyes, 50, succeeded Alex doms. Ferguson at the Old Trafford helm last July, but the In a related development, the lower court yesterday set season quickly became a nightmare as the team next Tuesday as the date to issue its verdict on a petition slumped to a series of embarrassing defeats. After against the closure of the newspapers, but refused to allow feverish speculation, United confirmed the sacking in the papers to resume publication. A judge on Sunday a brief statement. ordered the two papers shut for two weeks for allegedly vio- “Manchester United announces that David Moyes lating a news blackout slapped by the attorney general. The has left the club,” it said. “The club would like to place two newspapers challenged the order on Monday demand- on record its thanks for the hard work, honesty and ing that it should be scrapped and urgently asked the court integrity he brought to the role.” A second statement to allow the papers to resume publication until the court added that the 40-year-old Giggs, “the club’s most has issued a decision. decorated player, will assume responsibility for the Defense lawyers blamed the government lawyer for first team until a permanent appointment can be causing the papers to remain shut after he demanded a made”. United’s players reported for training as usual delay in the ruling until he had read the case and prepared yesterday beneath an intense media spotlight, but his defense. The new decision means that the two newspa- the club said that no further comment would be pers will not be able to publish their print edition at least made “on this process until it is concluded”. until April 30. The original order expires on May 3. Al-Watan Experienced Dutch coach Louis van Gaal emerged newspaper is owned by Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa Al-Sabah, a for- as the British bookmakers’ favourite to succeed mer minister and a senior member of the ruling family, while Moyes on a permanent basis. The 62-year-old, whose Alam Al-Youm is close to the opposition. previous clubs include Ajax, Barcelona and Bayern Opposition MP Riyadh Al-Adasani threatened on Monday Munich, recently expressed a desire to work in that he could include the closure of the two newspapers in a England. His contract as manager of the Netherlands MANCHESTER: In this file photo taken on Oct 1, 2013, Manchester United manager David Moyes (right) planned grilling against the prime minister in cooperation expires after this year’s World Cup in Brazil. speaks to Manchester United’s Welsh midfielder Ryan Giggs during a training session at the team’s with MPs Abdulkarim Al-Kandari and Hussein Quwaiaan. Continued on Page 15 Carrington training complex. — AFP (See Pages 14 &19) Continued on Page 15 PLO delegation in Gaza for talks

GAZA: Palestine Liberation Organization resolution to the seemingly endless duel. delegates arrived in Gaza yesterday to A deal could restore a measure of sover- Watchdog to discuss unity with militant group Hamas eignty to Abbas in Gaza and boost his for the first time since their 2007 conflict, negotiating power with Israel in any regulate Saudi in a potential boost for Palestinian presi- future peace talks, although such a part- dent Mahmoud Abbas. Few Palestinians nership could also provoke a backlash expect a breakthrough in the deadlock from Israel against the PLO in the occu- YouTube shows that has paralysed Palestinian politics, pied West Bank. DUBAI: Saudi Arabia plans to regulate local companies and many have low expectations of any Continued on Page 15 that screen shows on YouTube, a senior official was quot- ed as saying in local media yesterday - a move that could stifle its nascent creative industries. The kingdom is the world’s top per capita user of YouTube. Dissatisfaction over state broadcasters’ staid programming and societal restrictions have created a uniquely captive audience for web-based entertainment, in a country where nearly half the population is under 25. But YouTube’s popularity has now brought Saudi Arabia’s homegrown production houses under the gaze of the General Authority for JEDDAH: A foreign woman wears a mask as she leaves a local hospital’s emer- Audiovisual Media, a recently formed watchdog. gency department in this Red Sea coastal city yesterday. — AFP Riyadh Najm, the Authority’s president, told the pan- Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat that his organization would soon issue a manifesto to organize - or regulate - Saudi MERS deaths hit 81 the work of YouTube channels. It will include rules and RIYADH: The MERS death toll has climbed The World Health Organisation said on conditions that would be “in accordance with the nature to 81 in Saudi Arabia, which sacked its April 17 that it has been informed of 243 of society and laws in this context”, Najm said. “We are health minister as cases of infection by the laboratory-confirmed cases of infection working on embracing these talents and developing coronavirus mount in the country. A 73- with MERS worldwide, including 93 deaths. their artistic and technical abilities.” Licensing would help year-old Saudi who suffered from chronic Saudi Arabia on Monday dismissed its guarantee quality, he said. illnesses died in Riyadh and a compatriot health minister, Abdullah Al-Rabiah, with- This follows a new Saudi law that defines terrorist diagnosed with the virus, aged 54, died in out any explanation. Rabiah last week visit- crimes as any act that “disturbs public order, shakes the security of society, or subjects its national unity to dan- GAZA: Hamas deputy leader Musa Abu Marzouq (left) looks on while the head of the port city of Jeddah, the health ministry ed hospitals in Jeddah to calm a public hit the delegation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and senior figure in said late Monday. The ministry said it has by panic over the spread of the virus ger, or obstructs the primary system of rule or harms the the mainstream Fatah party Abbas Azzam Al-Ahmad (second left), Hamas Prime registered 261 cases of infection across the among medical staff that triggered the reputation of the state”. kingdom since the discovery of the Middle temporary closure of a hospital emergency Continued on Page15 Minister in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniya (second right) and deputy head of the East Respiratory Syndrome in Sept 2012. room. — AFP (See Page 28) Palestinian parliament Ahmad Bahar chat during a meeting yesterday. — AFP Shake-up in pharma world Novartis, GSK announce mega-deals GENEVA: Drugmakers Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline In the biggest of the deals announced yesterday, announced an extreme makeover yesterday, unveiling Novartis said it plans to buy GSK’s oncology (cancer treat- multibillion-dollar deals also involving US group Eli Lilly in a ment) business for $16 billion in cash, including $1.5 billion major shakeup of the pharmaceutical sector. The string of that would depend on future performance. In exchange, the takeovers and ventures by the three giant healthcare groups Swiss group would sell its vaccines division, excluding flu will see Novartis sharpen its focus on the high-grossing can- vaccines, to the British company for up to $7.1 billion, also in cer sector, GSK boost its share in vaccines and Eli Lilly cash. The two groups further announced a joint venture to strengthen its animal health unit. The mega deals come as create “a world-leading consumer healthcare business” the global pharmaceutical industry is quickly shifting to deal focused on wellness, oral health, nutrition and skin health with a raft of challenges, including deep cuts in government and expected to book around $10 billion in annual sales. healthcare spending worldwide. Non-prescription drugs like Novartis’s Nicotinell prod- The fast-changing sector was also abuzz yesteray with ucts aimed at helping people stop smoking and its speculation that the biggest deal in pharma history could be Voltaran Dolo back pain relief medication, and GSK’s in the making after a report that US giant Pfizer was interest- Panadol pain-relief tablets will fall under the joint venture. ed in buying its British competitor AstraZeneca for a report- “The geographic footprint would span all regions, with ed $100 billion, sending the latter’s share price soaring more scale and commercial presence in the developed world as ZAATARI REFUGEE CAMP, Jordan: Saudi billionaire Prince Waleed bin Talal visits this camp that hosts more than 6.0 percent. While that remains a rumour, market well as in key emerging markets, such as Brazil, China, than 100,000 Syrian refugees yesterday. Prince Waleed described the situation of the refugees as “heart- observers said yesterday’s deals were a logical rejigging of Mexico and Russia,” Novartis said. breaking”. — AFP the market. Continued on Page 15

LOCAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Philippines embassy doing everything to help deportees Kuwaiti lawmaker comments unfair By Ben Garcia detention are being given adequate and also urged Philippine officials to “look sanitary accommodations by the immi- after” their citizens by cooperating in pris- KUWAIT: Two days ago, a Kuwaiti law- gration authorities. Through the interces- oner exchange arrangements with maker accused the Philippine and Indian sion of the embassy, they are given free Kuwait’s foreign ministry. embassies in Kuwait of not cooperating to tickets home. The embassy also buys Philippine Labor Attache to Kuwait help with the deportation of runaway these tickets,” he said. Cesar Chavez said they have never neg- housemaids detained at the Talha depor- The embassy expressed gratitude to lected their housemaids. “We respect the tation center. But the Philippine Embassy the Kuwait government for their humani- opinion of lawmaker, but as far as I know, yesterday strongly denied the accusation, tarian assistance in repatriating their as labor attache of the Philippine saying the embassy is doing everything workers back home. The Philippine Embassy and under the rules of the for OFWs at the deportation center with Embassy in Kuwait is working on case by embassy, all of our workers undergoing daily official communications with the case basis regarding the workers’ situa- deportation proceedings are being taken care of. The Philippine Embassy’s role is just to issue travel documents and the rest of the process must be done by the host government. If the employers do not surrender their passports, we provide them travel documents. Probably the report that came out recently was not verified. We do not keep pending any case more than 24 hours at the embassy,” Chavez said. “If the workers are ready for repatria- KUWAIT: Qatari Foreign Minister Dr Khaled bin Mohammad Al-Attiyah arrived tion, we immediately send them to the here yesterday to take part in the 3rd meetings of the joint Higher Cooperation deportation center, and the rest of the Committee. He was received at the airport by First Deputy Prime Minister and work is done by the host government. If Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and senior Foreign they are endorsed at the deportation cen- Ministry officials. ter, they are in control, not us,” he explained. According to Chavez, the timetable for processing runaways is not their concern, as it depend on the num- ber of deportees since the detainees are WANTED not only Filipinos but of other nationali- Atty Dado Atty Chavez ties as well. chiefs of the deportation centers and reg- tion. Daily newspaper Al-Jarida said in a “Most of the problems that take time ular visits to them. report on Sunday that MP Abdulkareem (at deportation centers) are cases of run- Philippine Consul General Raul Dado Al-Kandari, chief of the National away housemaids who are not from the said the normal process of deportation is Assembly’s human rights committee, said embassy but people who were arrested Editors & Reporters ongoing at all times with Filipinos being that Filipinos and Indians make the by the police at checkpoints. They should repatriated on a regular basis. “Some of majority of inmates at the deportation be reported to us too. The local authori- them, like the ones who went home last center. The parliamentary panel conduct- ties are doing that, but sometimes it takes week in a mass repatriation did not even ed unscheduled tours of jails and deten- a long time since their employers file cas- have to go through detention. The ones tion centers around Kuwait. The deporta- es against runaways,” he mentioned. Full time, must be in Kuwait, who have to go through administrative tion center alone holds 1,047 men and “Once our kababayans (countrymen) are 385 women, many of whom are under their custody, the process and have transferrable 18 visa Filipino workers awaiting com- everything is being taken care of by the pletion of their documents. “The host government.” reason behind this is a lack of Kuwaiti lawmakers are seeking to and writing experience proper concern from the deport 1.1 million of the country’s 2.5 mil- inmates’ respective embassies to lion expatriates as a way to address return them home,” Kandari told demographic issues. “The fact that Kuwait Send CV, letters of reference Al-Jarida. is home to twice as many foreigners as Kandari claimed that the locals is a dangerous indication of the Philippine embassy has not socioeconomic conditions in the country,” and 3 writing samples to cooperated with Kuwaiti authori- MP Khalil Abdullah said in previous ties to finalize the deportation reports. [email protected] procedures for Filipino nationals The Indian Embassy did not respond to locked up in the facilities. He a request for comment. Only those who are shortlisted will be contacted LOCAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013

Travel Market organizers eye Kuwait tourism improvement

KUWAIT: The Leaders Group continues to eye improvement of al strategic plan to improve the tourism sector since it was pre- Kuwait’s tourism sector as the main topic of the company’s con- sented back in 2005. Al-Anjari said that building airports and exe- cern, General Manager Nabila Al-Anjari said yesterday. Her state- cuting touristic projects at Kuwait’s islands can transform Kuwait ments came during a press conference to make the official into a touristic attraction not only for tourists from the region, but announcement of the Kuwait Travel Market, an exhibition on trav- from around the world. “We hope that Kuwait, which exports el, tourism, medical tourism and entertainment, which takes place tourists to countries around the world will eventually become an between April 28 and 30. attractive touristic destination,” she said. More than 60 companies from Kuwait and the Gulf region are Leaders Group, which provides consultation and exhibition set to take part in the event, set to be held at the Kuwait management services in Kuwait and the region, joins the organiz- International Fairground in Mishref, under the patronage of ing group for the Travel Market for the first time. It hopes to copy Minister of Information Sheikh Salman Al-Hmoud Al-Sabah. successful examples for exhibitions it organized, such as the 2014 Despite expressing concern that Kuwait is losing many oppor- HORECA Kuwait that was held earlier this week, in the upcoming tunities in the tourism field, Al-Anjari expressed faith that the event. Travel Market is sponsored by Saudi Tourism - which partici- country’s tourism sector will feature great improvements in the pates with a large pavilion featuring 30 Saudi travel agencies - as near future. well as the Touristic Enterprises Company, Kuwait Airways, and the But that achievement still depends on active steps from the Tourism Department at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Nabilah Al-Anjari and Mohammed Najia government which Al-Anjari says has failed to implement a nation- among others. Homicide probe in woman’s death Policeman detained for illegal racing

KUWAIT: A murder investigation was opened in the death check which revealed the suspect is wanted to serve a 7- of a woman whose body was found in South Surra on year jail sentence over a criminal case. The man was Monday. Police and criminal detectives headed to the referred to the authorities for further action. scene Monday afternoon in response to an emergency call made by a Kuwaiti woman who reported discovering ‘an Hand grenade Asian woman’s dead body’ in an open dirt yard. Crime A man was arrested in Sulaibikhat after police found a scene investigators were summoned to examine the body. hand grenade and ammunition inside his car. Officers con- The examination revealed beat marks on various places ducting a checkpoint on the coastal road Sunday night across the victim’s body. The woman was later identified as noticed a driver who tried to change route instead of stop- an Asian woman who was reported missing a month and a ping in line. Police forced the man to stop and searched his half ago. The body was taken to the forensic department vehicle as a precautionary measure. They found 10 bullets for an autopsy to reveal the cause and time of death. A and a grenade inside the car, and placed the Syrian man homicide case was filed, and investigations are ongoing to under arrest. He was taken for questioning to explain why determine the circumstances behind the crime. he had the contrabands with his possession.

Cop detained Suicide attempt A police officer and a state employee were arrested A teenager was hospitalized in a critical condition after after they were caught racing on Balajat Street Sunday she attempted suicide at her family’s house in Abdullah Al- night. The two were stopped after a traffic police officer Mubarak. The 19-year-old was admitted in the intensive who witnessed the race called for backup. They were first care unit shortly after she arrived at the Farwaniya Hospital. taken to the Salmiya police station and issued tickets for Her father, who rushed her to the hospital, said that the girl illegal racing, breaking the speed limit and endangering consumed a large number of medications in a bid to kill CBK sponsors production public safety. They were held there for two hours before herself. Police were informed, and they are waiting for the being transferred to the Kuwait City Traffic Department. girl’s condition to stabilize in order to get her side of the Further investigations later revealed that one of the drivers story. of helmets for KU students is a first lieutenant in the Interior Ministry’s State Facilities Protection Department, while the other works in the public Student injured KUWAIT: The Commercial Bank of Kuwait sponsored the 2014 FIFA world cup that will be held in Brazil by using sector. The two remain in detention pending further legal A student was injured after he fell into the basement at the production of safety helmets used by students who their prepaid card locally or abroad. procedures. the New Al-Marefa School in Mishref Monday morning. are part of the American Concrete Institute at the Additionally, sales team marketed @Tijari account that is According to a letter sent by the school principal to the College of Engineering and Petroleum in Kuwait especially designed for Youth from the age of 15 till 21 Fugitive arrested Ministry of Education following the case, the boy managed University. where many benefits are offered in addition to great dis- A criminal offender wanted to serve time in jail was leave school during class hours, and while he was walking The bank’s sales department set up a booth for two count in several stores, restaurants and youth places. arrested after he sexually harassed a woman in a mall in towards the back corridor near the school fence, he days at the university and were present to familiarize stu- Commercial Bank of Kuwait reaffirm its continuous sup- Jahra. The woman was reportedly accompanied by her stepped on a glass skylight and fell in the basement. The dents with the current prepaid campaign “with al Tijari Visa port for all activities and events that contribute in support- husband when she noticed that a man was following her. kid was hospitalized after he complained of back pain and card ...... FIFA World cup is at your fingertips” where cus- ing and educating the youth community and focus on the She told her husband, who called the police. The youth hand injury. The incident revealed a ‘passage’ that students tomers have the chance to win one of the three all inclu- importance of learning to develop better community with tried to run away when he saw police approaching, but used to escape from school, the principal wrote in his let- sive trip for two persons to attend a quarter final games for a brighter future. officers were able to catch him. They performed an identity ter.

kuwait digest kuwait digest American role in Syrian conflict Freedom of By Dr Shamlan Y Al-Essa opinion he United States of America is paying an increasing inter- Gen Assad Al-Zubi, a pilot who fled to Jordan in a plane, find peaceful political solutions”. The US state Department and est in the Syrian conflict. America declared a clear policy and is leading military operations in the south, said most of CIA deny that they interfere with the Jordan front. By Abdullatif Al-Duaij Tof supporting the Syrian resistance, while the New York the American support goes to the northern front near the The main dispute between the Syrian resistance and the Times announced in its April 11 issue by its correspondent in Turkish borders, as operations in the southern front are limit- United States revolves around the resistance’s request for Amman about the American-Jordanian-Saudi cooperation in ed, and there is control and interference in the resistance heavy weapons and antiaircraft missiles, and other advanced hat if we truly had democrats? What if we had supporting the resistance. Jordan, despite its weak finances, action. arms. The resistance also complains of scarce financing, as real defenders of freedom of opinion and hosts thousands of Syrian refugees, and provided all facilities to The reporter met tens of resistance leaders in the southern each fighter receives $50 a month, and they all have families Wexpression? What if public opinion was molded help refugees and the Syrian resistance at the same time, as the front who complained because of the stagnant situation at to care for. It is worth mentioning that Saudi Arabia supports to monitor and guide ‘democratic’ authorities in the Syrian resistance opened a front on the south near Jordan’s the Jordan front, as the operations room in Amman controls the resistance financially and is demanding more support to country? What if we had true journalists who live for the borders with Syria. There is an Arab-American coordination in the situation. For Jordan, the most important thing is to pre- the resistance. These differences between the resistance and word, not through it, and professional newspapers with the operations room in Amman, the capital, and the team’s vent the influence of extreme Islamism from spreading inside the American and Arab sides forced some of the resistance true media direction, not posters dedicated to promote mission is to facilitate military operations inside Syria by provid- Jordan because there is a fear of the Syrian situation influenc- men to join the extreme jihadi forces who are supported by their owners? ing information and military equipment as well as fighters’ ing events inside Jordan. As for the Americans, according to foreign powers that have money and weapons and care for If we had all that, or at least some of it, would free- salaries and other logistics. the Syrian resistance views, removing President Assad is not fighters’ families. dom of opinion and expression still be going from bad Despite all this support, there are differences in policies among their duties. It seems that the situation in Syria is influencing events, to worse like what happened today, a few years ago and towards the Syrian resistance, as its military leaders are com- Officially, the American aid to the resistance is estimated at directly and indirectly, in the entire region. Moderate Arab what will definitely happen again in the future? Would plaining that the US aid is very limited, and accuse President $260 million for non-military purposes, and this assistance is countries including Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Arab Gulf that happen while everyone is still concerned with cor- Obama’s administration of being hesitant and afraid and pro- given to moderate powers inside Syria, yet the size of military countries want to support the Syrian resistance but they are ruption allegations and biased reporting towards certain viding limited assistance that keeps the resistance going but assistance is not declared. The White House spokesman afraid of the increased influence of the jihadi Islamic resistance politicians against others? without achieving any victory. The coordination team designat- defended the American policy by confirming that it did not that is supported by Iran. What are the options for the moder- Freedom of expression has been killed when it was ed certain areas that can be destroyed by the resistance, and change as “we are supporting moderate Syrian resistance, and ate countries, other than agreeing with the US and the West to ignored, and when the siege around it was ignored as they do not allow them to hit some of the strategic locations, seek to end the bloody conflict and the suffering of the Syrian find peaceful solutions for the Syrian conflict that satisfies all well. That siege was easy to place when the government and the reason for this is to keep the war going without achiev- people, because we do not think that there is a military solu- powers, ethnicities and sects in Syria. — Translated by Kuwait allied with backward groups that have been and still are ing any victory. tion to the crisis, and what we need in Syria are negotiations to Times from Al-Watan concerned with protecting outdated heritage. Unfortunately, everyone took part in burying free- dom of opinion and expression, including some who went as far as filing grilling motions against ministers for ‘failure’ to prosecute media personnel and close down kuwait digest media outlets. Kuwait might be the only country in the world where the elected parliament incites the govern- ment against the people, and pushes them to take arbi- trary measures against media outlets. Two racist proposals Defending freedom of opinion and expression and supporting the right of publishing and standing behind the general opinion’s power to be able to fully monitor By Dr Hassan Abbas all authorities demand first and foremost complete rejection of any kind of immunity given to an ideology o one can blame lawmakers for acting towards the to be recognized as such, or those who have no hope of tion, but who said that they are reason behind traffic jams or belief (except for the Amiri immunity). It also requires benefit of citizens and the nation. But at the same being naturalized. My question is this: How does Fadhl plan and money wastage? Waste of public funds is a result of freeing freedom of opinion from restrictions. There are Ntime, that does not give them the right to practice to deal with bedoons who are soon to become Kuwaitis? greedy companies and visa traffickers who brought poor no constants in democratic systems, because there is discrimination against others. Last week saw two proj- How is he going to justify banishing them from their own people from the ends of the world, which adds pressure on pluralism, right of being different and right of circulation ects proposed by MPs that can be classified as discrimi- country? public services and damages Kuwait’s international image in of power. natory. The first proposes that the government set up And with regards to the second part, does nationality jus- the process. All these things become impossible - or undemocrat- camps on the borders where bedoons who create chaos tify humiliating people? Protesters can either be peaceful Let us put traffic jams aside and focus on the economy ic - if freedom of opinion and expression is restricted. I through demonstrations can be banished to, and the demonstrators, in which case they should be left alone, or and waste. When Kuwaitis put their houses for rent, isn’t that stopped writing a number of decades ago when the second calls for removing subsidies from energy con- lawbreakers in which case they are put on trial and jailed by a cause of waste? When Kuwaitis sell their subsidized food, Information Ministry banned local press from discussing sumed by expatriates. court orders if found guilty. isn’t that a cause of waste? When Kuwaitis are paid hand- the parliament’s unconstitutional dissolution in 1976. I MP Nabeel Al-Fadhl’s proposal to banish bedoon ‘trou- Now we move to the proposal of lifting subsidies, or as I somely to stay at home while leaving work for foreigners to stopped a few days ago as well following the public blemakers’ to border camps reminds me of the Nazi concen- call it, a group of laws meant to create restrictions on for- do, isn’t that a cause of waste? Isn’t weak management a prosecution’s decision. I refuse to write about marginal tration camps when it comes to the racist sentiment behind eigners. I do not understand the meaning of this suggestion. cause of waste? When senior posts are monopolized, when topics while readers are looking for articles that address it. What else is left for bedoons other than protests? If they I was confused by MPs’ statements who sometimes say that administrative development is frozen because of outdated the main topic of public concern. remain silent, their decades-old miserable situation will con- removing subsidies on fuel helps reduce traffic, and other mindsets, isn’t that a cause of waste? Isn’t treatment abroad The main topic of public concern right now is free- tinue for years to come. And when they call for help, they are times they say that this decision would save Kuwait almost a cause of waste? Aren’t the failed multibillion deals a cause dom of opinion, and the fate of democracy in Kuwait. threatened with banishment to Kuwait’s version of the KD 1.5 billion annually. Which is the right justification? of waste? That is why I found it necessary to write this column in Auschwitz-Birkenau camp! Regardless of the answer to that question, I do not If all those are reasons for wastage of public funds, then support of freedom of expression, and the right of fellow The bedoons’ dilemma is divided into two parts: One part understand why we expect that foreigners are always the why are MPs encouraged to take action only against expatri- journalists who insisted to practice their right of publica- includes those who are either Kuwaitis but are still waiting problem. I know that Kuwait has a large expatriate popula- ates?! — Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Rai tion. — Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Qabas


Kuwait Fire Services Directorate yesterday conducted a fire drill at the Muhallab mall in Hawalli. The drill comprised of responding to a fire report in one of the stores, evacuating the whole building, controlling the fire and tending to injured people on the site. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun Vice chairman voted Several tons of expired, out of ICSK board

KUWAIT: Vice chairman of the Indian secretary for several years and later became spoiled food busted Community School, Kuwait (ICSK) Rajan the vice-chairman. Daniel, who remained on the board for more The ICSK board of trustees consists of 12 than a decade, was voted out of the board of members including chairman, vice chair- trustees of the school on Monday at its man, secretary, joint secretary and treasurer, Largest in food inspection history annual meeting. Dr Narayan Nampoory was two ex-students members and five members the other member who also had to go out of of the Parent Advisory Council. In addition, a the board following the election. five-member Council of Elders is also there KUWAIT: The Ministry of Commerce and Follow up threatening the managers to close the restau- According to ICSK constitution, two to advise the board. The present board con- Industry inspectors busted several tons of The case received strong attention from rants, according to sources quoted in the board members are expected to retire volun- sists of Ashok Kalra (chairman), Rajan Daneil expired and spoiled food in an operation Abdulmohsen Al-Mudej, Deputy Prime report. The officers took advantage of author- tarily every year before April 21. No board (vice chairman), Vijayan Karayil (secretary), member was ready to retire voluntarily Kamaleshkumari (joint secretary), Dinesh considered the largest in food inspection his- Minister and Minister of Commerce and ities given to them that enable them to close before the stipulated date prompting the Kammath (treasurer) and members D R tory in the country in terms of the size of the Industry, who assigned a ministry consultant restaurants for violations, the sources said. election, sources said. In the election, Daniel Narayan Nampoory, C Sunil Kumar, Bobby A material seized in a single raid. to follow up with the procedures of inspec- The managers decided to approach a law and Dr Nampoory garnered the highest Mathew, Dr S Neelamani, Dr C G Suresh, The operation carried out Sunday covered tion and taking samples to the public prose- firm and file a complaint directly to Mudej number of negatives votes - nine each- Sherin Thomas Mani and Nasar Mashoor four warehouses owned by a single compa- cution. “The consultant’s job is to ensure that over the issue. Preliminary investigations con- paving the way for their exit, the sources Thangal, Ex-student members Saji Varghese ny, said sources with knowledge of the infor- ministry personnel avoid procedural mistakes ducted afterwards led three of the employees added. The election was held in the presence and Benoy Thomas, nominated parent mem- mation. that could be used in court to drop charges to confess and apologize for their actions. of Indian Embassy Second Secretary ber A V Shamsuddeen, PAC members Ajay (Community and Education) J S Danky. George, George Mathew, K V Nizar and And while they indicated that the volume against the company,” said the sources. “They were released with a warning after Daniel took over as the secretary of the Mathews C John. In accordance with the of the seized amount is yet to be fully deter- The monitoring process that preceded the explaining that they did what they did once ICSK board of trustees in 1999 following a constitution, a new board must be constitut- mined, the sources noted that so far it is raid also revealed that workers inside the four or two times without being aware of the revamp of the school administration after a ed by May with the induction of two new clear that the amount is the largest that min- warehouses used to change expiry date implications of their actions,” the sources said. corruption scandal rocked the school — for- members, four PAC representatives and one istry inspectors have ever dealt with. labels on food boxes, the sources added. The Meanwhile, the other two were taken for merly called Indian School. He continued as nominated parent representative. In fact, the amount was so large that the operation came as part of extensive cam- further investigations after denying the accu- ministry used help from Kuwait Municipality paigns on markets and suppliers to detect sations. Environmental fuel projects mark and others to sort items in the four ware- irregularities, including bad food and fake They later admitted to the allegations after houses and destroy the bad food products. prices increases before the holy month of they were confronted with information Kuwait’s rebound to mega projects The shipments were separated into parts, Ramadan, which starts late June. obtained through investigations which indi- one sent to the MCI’s laboratories for testing cate that they ‘missed work for extended peri- KUWAIT: A report issued by KFH-Research yester- which to do business, said the report. However, and the other taken to Kuwait Municipality Blackmail ods of time’. The two face accusations that day noted that the projects’ market in Kuwait wit- the report added, there are good reasons to labs. The operation lasted from Sunday night In other news, the same newspaper could lead them to get fired, the sources said. nesses a new dawn through the launch of numer- believe this year will be different with the new until Monday afternoon, said the sources reported that the Ministry of Commerce and According to the sources, the employees ous infrastructure and construction projects, such parliament. The significance of this change in who were quoted anonymously in an Al-Rai Industry took legal action against two female obtained the license that gives them authori- as environmental fuel projects worth $ 12 billion, Kuwait’s political landscape for the projects daily report yesterday. employees and warned three others over ty to order restaurants closed after passing a in addition to other mega projects in the fields of market was confirmed on 10 February 2014, The warehouses belonged to a local food accusations that they abused their authority ministry-sponsored training course. Al-Rai roads and bridges, including Al-Sabbiya Bridge when the Central Tenders Committee con- supplier that provides various food products to avoid paying bills at two restaurants. had reported last week that the ministry’s and Kuwait Metro projects. firmed the award of three engineering, procure- to restaurants around Kuwait. Items seized The employees dropped by the two Consumer Protection Department had plans For much of the past decade, international ment and construction (EPC) deals worth a companies operating in the major projects sec- combined $12bn for the long delayed Clean include meat products, fish, poultry and oth- restaurants for lunch or dinner almost daily, not to renew licenses of 140 employees “after tor have found Kuwait a challenging market in Fuel Projects (CFP). —KUNA er ingredients, the sources said. then avoided paying the bill every time by they proved incompetent” for the job. Panel postpones ‘Investigations Department’ reassignment move

By A Saleh establish a public authority for crimi- role in moving the scrapyard follow- nal investigations and prosecution. ing years of delay. KUWAIT: The parliament’s legislative In other news, MP Mohammad Al- In other news, head of the parlia- and legal committee postponed a Enizy announced that he received ment’s financial committee MP Faisal proposal to move the Criminal word from Crown Prince His Highness Al-Shaya refuted allegations claiming Investigations Department from the Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, that amendments to the build-oper- Interior Ministry to the Public and Prime Minister His Highness ate-transfer (BOT) law that were Prosecution in order to give the gov- Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, recently approved were designed to ernment a chance to provide its final that the current location of the allow ‘theft’ of Kuwait lands. response on the matter. The commit- Amghara scrapyard will be used to “Those are baseless accusations tee discussed the issue among other establish a ‘model public park.’ and repeated remarks without proper proposals during its meeting yester- The scrapyard, a chain of car repair knowledge of the new law,” Al-Shaya day, said repporteur MP Dr. garages and body parts shops, was said in statements to Annahar daily. Abdulkareem Al-Kandari. relocated to Al-Naayem area (west) for He further challenged the criticizers The panel also postponed a pro- environmental reasons. Al-Enizy said to provide proof regarding allega- posed draft law to achieve full inde- during a ceremony held in Saad Al- tions that some articles in the new pendence of the judiciary and public Abdullah to celebrate the relocation, law contain violations or facilitate prosecution, and a similar proposal to that the prime minister played a key profiteering. More countries added to list of foreign scholarships

KUWAIT: The Ministry of Higher Education has added more countries to its list of desti- nations for overseas Kuwaiti scholarships, the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education Ahmad Al-Mulaifi said on Monday. Allowances for Kuwaiti students abroad have also received increments, and the deci- sion was made according to the increasing costs of living in these countries, he explained during a speech at a ministry func- tion aimed at showcasing the various sub- jects and destinations on offer. The event is aiding new high-school graduates choose the field of study that is most suited to their abilities and wishes, while shedding light on the global educa- tional establishments which have been adopted by the ministry, he added. KUWAIT: The Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education The Ministry of Higher Education is com- Ahmad Al-Mulaifi. mitted to keeping the foreign scholarship programme’s strategy in line with that of He also emphasized how the graduates bringing on board the expertise of academ- Kuwait’s development plan, referring to the of these programmes can benefit the local ics at cultural bureaus in these countries in ministry’s five-year strategy which starts on economy and increase the effectivity of the light of the increasing number of scholar- the following 2014-15 fiscal year. local workforce. Meanwhile, he welcomed ships as a benefit to these students. — KUNA Girl raped at Julaia camp

By Hanan Al-Saadoun does not own or use. A case was filed and further investiga- tions are in progress. KUWAIT: A stateless girl told Mina Abdullah police that a * A university student living in Rumathiya filed a complaint young man whom she named lured her into accompanying against someone she knows, accusing him of stealing jewelry, him to a Julaia camp where he raped her, said security sources, watches, various garments and shoes from her bedroom. A noting that a case was filed and that the girl was referred to case was filed. the forensic medicine department pending summoning the * A citizen reported that he received an anonymous call suspect. from someone who claimed to be a police detective and * A female citizen also filed a complaint at Salwa police sta- threatened to kill him. tion against her neighbor - a citizen living in the same building * A citizen in his thirties was arrested in Ahmadi with the - of urging her to commit ‘vice’ and visit him at his apartment. possession of drugs, said security sources. Case papers indi- A case was filed. cate that a police patrol had suspected a vehicle, and on stop- * In Mubarak Al-Kabeer, a citizen reported that an unidenti- ping and searching it, the police found the drugs. fied person had used her daughter’s identity to purchase two * A fire broke out at the currently under-demolition mobile phone lines and that the concerned telecom company Amghara scrap market site, said security sources, noting that called her demanding overdue bills for lines her daughter the fire was still ablaze at the time this report was made. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

India’s Modi condemns Rapper-turned-jihadist reported killed in Syria ‘evict Muslims’ remark

Page 10 Page 11 New Syria chemical claims emerge UN, oppn slam June 3 presidential poll as ‘farce’

BEIRUT: New claims have emerged that President submit its stockpiles to the OPCW, a chemical weapons regime’s announcement today that a ‘presidential elec- there is no electorate in Syria in a condition to exer- Bashar Al-Assad’s regime may have launched attacks expert said. tion’ would be held in June should be treated as a cise its right to vote.” Syria’s conflict began as a with an industrial chemical earlier this month, despite “However, as a chemical weapon it is prohibited farce,” said the office of opposition National Coalition peaceful protest movement demanding democratic an international agreement to eliminate Syria’s chemical under the Chemical Weapons Convention,” which Syria leader Ahmad Jarba. reform, but descended into war after Assad’s regime arsenal. The latest evidence, cited by US and French joined last year, said Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, CEO of “With vast parts of Syria completely destroyed by unleashed a massive crackdown on dissent. Half of authorities, comes as Syria plans to hold a June 3 presi- SecureBio, a British chemical weapons consultancy. “The Assad’s air force, army and militias over the last three the population has been forced to flee their homes, dential poll, which the United Nations and the Syrian opposition could very easily get ahold of chlorine... years, and with a third of Syria’s population dis- and more than nine million people need humanitari- opposition have slammed as a “farce” that flies in the However the delivery method that we’ve seen-the use placed internally or in refugee camps in the region, an assistance.— AFP face of efforts to end the country’s three-year war. of helicopters-I am certain the opposition don’t have “We have indications of the use of a toxic industrial any helicopters.” He also said that although chlorine is a chemical, probably chlorine, in Syria this month, in the weak agent, its use would be “very effective in this kind opposition-dominated village of Kafr Zita,” White House of warfare, in urban, built-up areas, as chemical spokesman Jay Carney said Monday. “We are examining weapons find their ways into the nooks and crannies.” allegations that the government was responsible.” The revelation follows Sunday’s announcement by French Election amid war President Francois Hollande that his country had “infor- Syria meanwhile announced Monday that it will mation”-but no proof-that Assad’s regime was still using hold a June 3 presidential election, expected to return chemical weapons. Assad to office. Syria’s first presidential election-after There have been conflicting accounts of an alleged constitutional amendments scrapped a referendum chlorine gas attack in opposition-held Kafr Zita in the system-is to go ahead despite violence which has central Hama province earlier this month, with the gov- killed more than 150,000 people since March 2011. ernment and the opposition trading blame. Activists Speaker Mohammad al-Lahham announced the date have also reported other chlorine gas attacks, most in parliament, saying Syrians living outside the country recently on Monday in the northwestern Idlib province. would vote on May 28 and candidates would be able The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical to register from yesterday until May 1. Voting would be Weapons and other experts have spent months work- “free and fair... and under full judicial supervision,” he ing to remove Syria’s chemical stockpiles, following an said. However, the United Nations condemned the agreement reached after deadly chemical attacks near announcement, warning it would torpedo a political Damascus last August that killed hundreds. resolution of the conflict. Western nations blamed those attacks on the Assad “Such elections are incompatible with the letter and regime and the United States threatened military action spirit of the Geneva communique,” UN spokesman before backing down and reaching a deal with Russia to Stephane Dujarric said in New York. He was referring eliminate the chemical weapons. The OPCW said last to an agreement on a transition to democracy as the week that 65 percent of Syria’s stated chemical weapons basis for negotiations between the government and HAMA: An image grab taken from a video released by the Syrian activist group shows children being treated after have been removed from the country. Although chlo- the opposition. The opposition, which insists Assad purportedly chocking from inhaling poison released after a barrel bomb was allegedly dropped from an aircraft in rine is a toxic chemical, it is widely used for commercial step down and play no role in Syria’s future, rejected Karf Zita, in Hama province. — AFP and domestic purposes, so Syria was not required to the election as nothing more than a “farce.” “The Assad INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

Palestinians play down threat to dismantle PA

RAMALLAH: The Palestinians yesterday played responsibility for governing the occupied territo- woman Jennifer Psaki criticized the threat as peace talks with Israel. “The Palestinian Authority, down a threat to dismantle the Western-backed ries back to Israel if peace talks remain stalled, a “extreme” and warned that any such move would which yesterday was talking about its dismantle- Palestinian Authority (PA), which is Israel’s inter- senior Palestinian official said Sunday. affect American aid to the Palestinians. On the ment, is today talking about unity with Hamas,” locutor, if US-sponsored peace talks remain dead- He said the Palestinians had told US peace Israeli side, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Netanyahu said. “They need to decide... Do they locked. “No Palestinian is speaking of an initiative envoy Martin Indyk that unless Israel releases accused the PA of endangering the peace want to dismantle themselves or to unite with to dismantle the Palestinian Authority (PA),” chief Palestinian prisoners as agreed and freezes set- process. Hamas? When they want peace (with Israel) they negotiator Saeb Erakat said. “But Israel’s actions tlement building, they could dismantle the The warning from the Palestinians came ahead should let us know.” Indyk is to take part in a fresh have annulled all the legal, political, security, eco- Authority, which was set up following the Oslo of planned unity talks between the Palestine attempt to salvage the peace talks at a meeting in nomic and operational aspects of the preroga- peace accords in the 1990s and was intended to Liberation Organization, which like the PA is head- Jerusalem later on Tuesday with Israeli and tives of the Palestinian Authority.” Palestinian pave the way towards the establishment of an ed by president Mahmud Abbas, and the Islamist Palestinian negotiators, according to a Palestinian negotiators had warned that they may hand independent state. US State Department spokes- Hamas movement ruling Gaza, which rejects any source. — AFP Iraqi parliament hopeful fought in Syria civil war

BAGHDAD: An Iraqi Shiite who proudly fought Other pictures include a montage of the Sayida Sunni rebels in Syria’s civil war is now running for Zainab shrine, Khazali in battle dress giving a victo- parliament in his home country, where the conflict ry sign, and a campaign poster with pictures of has raised already-high sectarian tensions. Faleh him and Maliki and the slogan: “We build Iraq.” Al-Khazali is one of an unknown number of Iraqi He is also shown lying in a hospital bed with a Shiites who have gone to fight on the side of bandage over his right eye. “Our national security, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against a Sunni- as Iraqis, requires that we go there (to Syria) to led rebellion. There are Iraqi Sunnis fighting on the defend the holy places first, and second to defend other side of the war, including for the Islamic Iraq,” Khazali said. The Syrian civil broke out in 2011 State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), one of two pow- when Assad’s forces carried out a bloody crack- erful jihadist groups in Syria with roots in Iraq. down on protesters calling for reform. Foreign The civil war has destroyed swathes of Syrian fighters from various Arab states and as far afield cities and claimed over 150,000 lives, and in Iraq as Afghanistan and Chechnya have played a key has sharpened sectarian tensions that have con- role in the Syrian conflict, first on behalf of the tributed to the worst surge in bloodshed since the rebels, but also on the side of the regime. height of the violence that followed the 2003 US- Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah has led invasion. Khazali, a 39-year-old father of four, acknowledged sending thousands of fighters into commanded the first group of Iraqi Shiite forces Syria and contributing to a string of regime victo- that travelled to Syria “to free the area surrounding ries. the Sayida Zainab (shrine) from the takfiris,” he told AFP in the southern port city of Basra, referring to ‘Ready to go again’ Sunni extremists. “There are hundreds of offices belonging to The shrine to the daughter of Imam Ali, located Shiite movements in all Iraq that welcome recruits near Damascus, is a revered site for Shiite Muslims, to fight in Syria,” Abu Ammar, who has twice been which Iraqis who go to Syria say they are fighting to Syria to fight on the side of Assad’s regime, each to defend. “We entered Syria a year and three time for several weeks, told AFP in Baghdad. “I am months ago ... in a preemptive war to eradicate” ready to go again at the first chance,” he said. “The the extremists, said Khazali, who is running on first time there were many Iraqis and Syrians with Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki’s State of Law list in me. We fought the ISIL organization and expelled the April 30 parliamentary election. Iraq’s Shiite- them from areas near the Sayida Zainab shrine.” He led government has publicly sought to remain said he fought ISIL during his second trip as well, neutral, but privately seems to favour Assad, who but did not specify where. HOMS: Syrian citizens walk in a destroyed street that was attacked by Syrian forces warplanes, at Abu Al-Hol street in Homs is a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Pictures of Iraqi Shiites killed in Syria hang province, Syria. — AP Shiite Islam. around Baghdad, while jihadist forums feature images of Iraqi Sunnis who died fighting for Fight for ‘national security’ groups including ISIL. In Najaf, south of Baghdad, a “I was wounded in my eye in front of Sayida steady stream of Iraqi Shiites killed in Syria are Syrian rebels make Zainab and lost it, and I am delighted and proud of buried in the massive cemetery known as “the this, and I will return to Syria as the situation Valley of Peace” that surrounds the shrine of Imam requires,” Khazali said. Khazali, a government Ali, one of the holiest sites for Shiite Muslims. A employee, was also wounded in his right leg while special area has been allocated for the burial of fighting in Syria. His public Facebook page makes “the martyrs who fought to defend the Sayida no secret of his involvement in Syria, featuring pic- last stand for Homs Zainab shrine,” Mahdi al-Assadi, who runs a burial tures of him clad in camouflage, including one service in the cemetery said. “Between 10 to 15 slightly blurred shot that appears to show him martyrs a week (are buried in) the Najaf cemetery,” holding a Kalashnikov assault rifle in each hand. Assadi said.— AFP Assad troops launch their harshest assault

BEIRUT: Weakened Syrian rebels are making their last desperate stand weakened the spirits of others struggling to bear the blockade. “They in Homs, as forces loyal to President Bashar Assad launch their harshest tempted them with food and drink, and saying, ‘Don’t you want to see assault yet to expel them from the central city, once known as the capi- your families?’” he said over Skype from the city. “(It) really did weaken tal of the revolution. Some among the hundreds of rebels remaining in hundreds of them, and it affected the morale of the rest of the rebels.” the city talk of surrender, according to opposition activists there. Others have lashed back against the siege with suicide car bombings in districts Trying to surrender under government control. Some fighters are turning on comrades they Dozens more fighters are now trying to surrender, according to Abu suspect want to desert, pushing them into battle. Rami and Khalidiya. The fighters reached out to contact the governor of “We expect Homs to fall,” said an activist who uses the name Thaer Homs, Talal Barazi, and Reconciliation Minister Ali Haidar, who handles Khalidiya in an online interview with The Associated Press. “In the next such cases. “We asked the regime if we could surrender and leave for the few days, it could be under the regime’s control.” The fight for Homs countryside,” said Khalidiya. “So far we don’t have a clear answer,” said underscores Assad’s determination to rout rebels ahead of presidential Abu Rami, who is opposed to leaving but is helping mediate for the oth- elections now set for June 3, aiming to scatter fighters back further ers. Barazi’s office said there was “absolutely no contact” with gunmen. It north toward their supply lines on the Turkish borders. Assad’s forces are wasn’t immediately possible to contact Haidar. Some rebels have esca- building on gains elsewhere - they have been able to almost clear rebels lated suicide car bombings in government-controlled areas dominated from a broad swath of territory south of Homs between the capital, by Alawites, the minority Shiite offshoot sect that Assad belongs to. At Damascus, and the Lebanese border, breaking important rebel supply least five such bombings in April killed more than 60 people, one of the lines there. Rebels have also capitulated in several towns around bloodiest months for residents in government controlled areas, a local Damascus after blockades that caused widespread hunger and suffer- reporter there estimated. The most recent, on Friday, killed 14. “We are BASRA: Election posters showing Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki (right) and parliamentary candidate ing. killing them, those rotting carcasses,” said Abu Bilal, the fighter. Faleh Al-Khazali are seen in the southern port city of Basra. — AFP The bombings have another aim, sparking fighting that prevents any Crucial target truce that would allow rebels to desert, Abu Bilal said. “Some of us are Homs, Syria’s third largest city, is a crucial target. Located in the coun- against those deserting. We are fighting so they can die in it,” said Abu try’s center, about 80 miles north of Damascus, it links the capital with Bilal. Homs’ saga traces the arc of Syria’s uprising. It quickly embraced N Korea ‘set’ for nuke test Aleppo in the north - the country’s largest city and another key battle- the uprising against Assad’s rule after it began in southern Daraa ground. But rebels still control large areas of the countryside in the province in March 2011. Tens of thousands joined anti-Assad protests in SEOUL: North Korea could well be preparing to carry tion. On Monday, Pyongyang slammed Obama’s north and south and have consolidated around the Turkish and Homs, winning it the nickname of “the revolution’s capital.” “We carried out a fourth nuclear test, South Korea said yesterday, upcoming trip as a “dangerous” move that would Jordanian borders. “A total loss of Homs would represent a serious loss the spark of the revolution and made it a flame,” Abu Rami said. After citing increased activity at its main test site just days escalate military tension and bring the “dark clouds of to the opposition,” said Charles Lister, visiting fellow at the Brookings pro-Assad forces violently cracked down on demonstrations, some pro- ahead of a visit to Seoul by US President Barack a nuclear arms race” over the Korean peninsula. Doha Center. testers took up arms, transforming the uprising into an armed rebellion. Obama. “Our military is currently detecting a lot of Several analysts said they were sceptical that North “The military has maintained a steadily significant focus on Homs Homs has also seen the ever-increasing religious dimension of the activity in and around the Punggye-ri nuclear test Korea would carry out a test at the current time, and precisely due to this importance,” said Lister. “This has been all been part conflict, with tit-for-tat sectarian killings in the city where majority Sunni site,” defense ministry spokesman Kim Min-Seok told said Pyongyang was just seeking to rattle a few cages. of a very conscious strategy of encircling, besieging and capturing areas Muslims live alongside Christians and Alawites. Most recently, on April 7, a press briefing. Kim stressed that North Korea’s of strategic importance,” particularly urban areas. For well over a year, a masked gunman killed a beloved, elderly Dutch priest, Jesuit Father nuclear weapons program was at a stage where it Slap in the face for China? government forces have been besieging rebels in the string of districts Francis Van Der Lugt, who lived in a monastery in a rebel-held district, could conduct a test “at any moment” once the order Professor Yang Moo-Jin of the University of North they hold in the city center, around its ancient bazaars. Just over a week staying alongside civilians who were unable to leave. Khalidiya, the was given by the leadership in Pyongyang. Korean Studies in Seoul, said a test now would risk ago, troops loyal to Assad escalated their assaults on rebel districts, bar- activists, said Homs is lost, now they have to save the fighters. “We are North Korea has conducted three nuclear tests-in permanently alienating the North’s only major ally raging them with tank and mortar fire and bombs dropped from mili- more scared that the regime (forces) will kill everybody than we are wor- 2006, 2009 and 2013 - all at the Punggye-ri site in the and chief economic benefactor, China. “It would be a tary aircraft. Syrian forces have so far advanced into two areas, Wadi Al- ried about the fall of Homs.” But Abu Rami said he’d rather die. “If they northeast of the country. Kim declined to give details huge slap in the face for China and North Korea may Sayih and Bab Houd. come, then we are all going to be martyrs. We can lose an area, and we of the monitored activity, but cautioned that it may not feel confident enough to deal with the backlash can regain it. But the most important thing is not to kneel.”— AP be no more than a “deception tactic” to raise tensions from Beijing,” Yang said. A nuclear test would extin- Fiercest assault ahead of Obama’s visit which is due to begin on guish any chance of a resumption of six-country talks Online video footage showed explosions as projectiles smashed into Friday. “We are thinking of possibilities that the North on North Korea’s nuclear program that China has buildings, sending up columns of white smoke. Angry rebels are heard may stage a surprise nuclear test or just pretend to been pushing for. Other parties to the stalled discus- shouting that they have been abandoned and singing that only God Lost codes spark stage a nuclear test,” Kim said. sions-most notably a skeptical South Korea and the could help them. The footage corresponded to other AP reporting on Obama is visiting Seoul as part of an Asia tour, and US-insist Pyongyang must first make a tangible step the events. Activists said it was the fiercest assault since last summer, there has been widespread speculation that the towards denuclearization. “The diplomatic backlash when Syrian forces retook the rebel-held Homs neighborhood of airport scramble North may stage a provocation to coincide with the from another nuclear test might be hard for the North Khalidiya. The death toll from fighting isn’t known, because neither side trip. Kim said the South Korean and US militaries were to cope with,” agreed Kim Yong-Hyun, a North Korean reports losses. TOKYO: Airport authorities in Japan launched a frantic scram- closely sharing intelligence and Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of expert at DongGuk University. “I think this is more If Assad’s forces take Homs, it would be a major boost as he prepares ble to change security pass codes, an official said yesterday, Staff had set up a special task force in case likely North Korea posturing to get some internation- for the upcoming election, fueling the image his government has the day before Barack Obama arrives, after an airline employ- Pyongyang goes ahead with an underground detona- al attention,” Kim said.—AFP sought to promote that he is capable of eventually winning the relent- ee dropped a memo containing the details. The news came as less conflict. The war is now in its fourth year, with more than 150,000 security in the Japanese capital was dramatically ramped up, people killed and a third of Syria’s population driven from their homes. with 16,000 police officers deployed in readiness for the first Assad is expected to easily win another seven-year term in the June 3 state visit by a US president in nearly two decades. A Skymark election, which the opposition and the United States have already Airlines employee at the busy Haneda airport in Tokyo lost a declared a farce aimed at giving Assad a veneer of popular support. piece of paper bearing security codes on Sunday afternoon, a Inside Homs, rebels have been deeply weakened by months of transport ministry official said. blockade around their strongholds and the loss of their supply lines The note was found on the floor of the departure lobby from Lebanon in March, after Syrian forces seized the border town of around half-an-hour later, he said. The ministry instructed the Zara. Hundreds of fighters surrendered during a series of UN mediated firm that manages the airport to immediately change the pass truces that began in November. An estimated 800 to 1,000 fighters left codes, to avoid any danger of a security breach, the official alongside hundreds of civilians who were evacuated from rebel-held said. In the city proper, a heightened police presence has parts of the city, according to activists and an official in the Homs made the sight of officers patrolling streets and stations com- province. The rebels remaining in the city are predominantly from the monplace. Local media said a full third of Tokyo’s police force Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, and other Islamist factions. had been pressed into service for Obama’s two-night visit, One rebel fighter in the city, who uses the nickname Abu Bilal, esti- which begins today. Left luggage lockers and rubbish bins mated there are 1,000 rebels who remain in Homs, but the number have been sealed in some stations and thousands of security could not be confirmed. Like Khalidiya and other activists and rebels, he cameras have been put into operation. Obama is due to leave North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un (center) inspects the January 8 fishery station of the Korean People’s spoke on condition he be identified only by his nickname for fear of ret- Tokyo bound for Seoul on Friday morning. — AFP Army (KPA) at an undisclosed place in North Korea. — AFP ribution. An activist in Homs, Abu Rami, said rebels wanting to leave had INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Death highlights violence at US courthouses SALT LAKE CITY: When a pen-wielding the lobby of the Las Vegas federal court- al, absent extraordinary circumstances, by his street name “C-Down,” was a mem- accused of robbing convenience stores defendant rushed a witness during his house, killing a court security officer and making their outbursts unpredictable. ber of the Tongan Crips, a group of men and assaulting clerks in Salt Lake City on racketeering trial Monday, authorities wounding a deputy US marshal. The gun- Courts have held that it’s unfair to defen- of mostly Tongan descent that are aligned five occasions from 2002 to 2007. A clerk said, an armed US marshal fatally shot man was killed in a shootout. dants for jurors to see them restrained. It’s with a larger Crip culture in the western was shot in the final robbery. He was also him. The shooting came just a week after Shootings in courtrooms themselves unclear whether the US Marshals Service, United States. They have rivalries with accused of assaulting a federal officer Utah’s new federal courthouse opened are even less common, largely because which provides security for judges and “Blood” gangs and a gang of ex-members with a weapon on Aug 11, 2007. Angilau’s last week, with security improvements metal detectors ensure armed spectators federal courthouses, had any unusual known as the “Tongan Crip Regulators,” trial was among the first at the new $185 that in the end could not prevent the don’t reach them. But defendants usually concerns about security in Angilau’s case. court records show. The last defendant in million federal courthouse in downtown deadly incident. Shootings at federal are not shackled when they appear at tri- Prosecutors say Angilau, also known the case to stand trial, Angilau was Salt Lake City, next door to the century- courthouses are rare, though not unheard old federal facility it replaced. of, around the United States. Security US District Judge Tena Campbell enhancements at the Utah courthouse declared a mistrial after the shooting, not- are becoming standard around the coun- ing in her order that jurors were visibly try: separate entrances and elevators for shaken and upset. She issued a separate judges, defendants and the public; bullet- order extending the jurors’ term of service resistant glass and paneling; and vehicle “until counseling is no longer needed.” barricades to keep car bombs at bay. Angilau’s attorney, Michael Langford, Even the design of the courtrooms, declined to take questions as he left the with plenty of sunlight and space, can courthouse. Angilau was arrested in help calm witnesses or defendants in August 2007 for a probation violation and high-stress cases, some judges believe. pleaded guilty a year later to obstruction Siale Angilau, 25, was shot several times of justice and failure to respond to a com- in front of stunned jurors, lawyers and mand of a police officer, court records courtroom watchers. He was one of 17 show. He remained in Utah state prison people named in a 2010 indictment until he was handed over to US marshals accusing “Tongan Crip” gang members of on Friday, said Utah Department of assault, conspiracy, robbery and weapons Corrections spokeswoman Brooke Adams. offenses. Marsha Pechman, the chief US district The unidentified witness, who was judge in Seattle, noted that although unhurt, had been testifying about gang state courts handle many of the most initiation when Angilau charged him, said emotionally charged cases, including Perry Cardwell, who was in the court- family-law matters, security is never far room. Cardwell was there to support his from the minds of federal judges. In 2005, mother, Sandra Keyser, who was punched six weeks after Seattle’s federal court- in the face during a holdup in 2002. Last house opened, Seattle police shot and year, a former police officer who told killed a man who walked into the lobby friends he was dying of cancer was killed with an inert grenade. That same year, a by law enforcement after he sprayed bul- delusional man angry over the dismissal lets into a federal courthouse in West of his medical malpractice case shot and Virginia. In 2012, a man committed sui- killed the mother and husband of cide at a federal courthouse in Alabama, SALT LAKE CITY: Federal Courthouse employees evacuate as police investigate a shooting inside the Federal Courthouse Chicago US District Judge Joan Lefkow at and in 2010, a man started shooting in in Salt Lake City. — AP the judge’s home. — AP Rapper-turned-jihadist killed US government weighs

BEIRUT: A German former rapper who joined jihadists added. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a fighting in Syria has been killed in a suicide bombing car- British-based monitoring group, also reported the sui- curbing deportations ried out by rival fighters, jihadist sources and a monitor cide attack carried out on Sunday. “Two members of Al- said yesterday. Denis Mamadou Cuspert, who rapped Nusra Front blew themselves up the day before yester- under the name Deso Dogg but took on the name Abu day, killing 16 ISIL fighters,” Observatory director Rami Talha Al-Almani in Syria, was reported to have been Abdel Rahman said. Abdel Rahman said a fighter known White House mulls new policy killed in a suicide attack Sunday in an eastern province. as Abu Talha was among those killed in the attack in Deir He was a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Ezzor province near the boundary with Hasakeh WASHINGTON: Tens of thousands of Johnson. An immigration advocate who have been convicted of crimes. Some of Levant (ISIL) and was reportedly killed in a double sui- province. Since early January, ISIL has been in open com- immigrants who are in the US illegally has discussed the review with the admin- those categories might also be refined or cide bombing carried out by Al-Nusra Front, a rival bat with Al-Nusra and other Islamist and moderate rebel but don’t have serious criminal records istration also confirmed the change was changed, and others could be added. jihadist group that is Al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate. groups, who accuse it of abuses against rival opposition could be shielded from deportation under consideration. The advocate spoke “The time had come to focus ICE’s efforts Messages posted on jihadist Internet forums fighters as well as civilians. Both ISIL and Al-Nusra have under a policy change being weighed by on condition of anonymity because the exclusively on public safety and national announced his death. “The Islamic nation is bleeding reportedly targeted each other with suicide attacks. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh proceedings are confidential. security,” Sandweg said in explaining why with the news of the martyrdom of the jihadist fighter, The role of Al-Almani-Arabic for “The German”-in Syria Johnson. The change, if adopted follow- he pushed for the change. He estimated brother Abu Talha Al-Almani. May he be accepted by attracted widespread attention and he appeared in mul- ing a review ordered by President Barack Priority list that some 20,000 deported immigrants God,” one message read. “His death is the result of a sui- tiple videos and photos promoting the jihadist fight in Obama, could limit removals of people “Any report of specific considerations fell into the categories in question last cide bombing carried out by the traitorous soldiers of Syria. In September 2013, he was reported to have been who have little or no criminal record but at this time would be premature,” Clark year. (Nusra chief Abu Mohammed Al-) Jolani against a house wounded in a regime air strike on a home where he was have committed repeat immigration vio- Stevens, a spokesman for the Homeland in which a number of ISIL brothers were staying,” it staying. —AFP lations such as re-entering the country Security Department, said Monday. Deportation policy illegally after having been deported, or Stevens said Johnson “has undergone a The potential changes come as failing to comply with a deportation very rigorous and inclusive process to Johnson proceeds with a review ordered order. The possible move, confirmed by best inform the review,” including seek- by Obama on how to make deportation two people with knowledge of the ing input from people within DHS as well policy more humane. With comprehen- review, would fall short of the sweeping as lawmakers of both parties and other sive immigration legislation stalled in the changes sought by activists. stakeholders. The approach outlined by Republican-led House after passing the They want Obama to expand a two- Sandweg and the immigration advocate Senate last year, Obama has come under year-old program that grants work per- would change the existing priority cate- intense election-year pressure to stem mits to certain immigrants brought here gories that now include immigrants who deportations, which have neared 2 mil- illegally as children to include other have re-entered the country after having lion on his watch, and allow more of the groups, such as the parents of any chil- been deported previously, and those 11.5 million immigrants living here ille- dren born in the US. John Sandweg, who who are fugitives from immigration pro- gally to stay. until February served as acting director ceedings. Such people would be taken Many activists want sweeping action of US Immigration and Customs off the priority list. by Obama to give legal certainty and Enforcement, said he had promoted the The remaining priority categories work permits to millions more immi- policy change for immigrants without focus on recent border-crossers and grants, like he did for those who arrived serious criminal records before his depar- immigrants who pose a danger to illegally as children and attended school ture and said it was being weighed by national security or public safety or who or served in the military. —AP Washington, Moscow trade blame over Ukrainian crisis ‘We stand by you’, Biden tells Ukraine leaders

KIEV: Vice President Joe Biden said the United States stood by Ukraine’s new pro-Western leaders yesterday in the face of “humiliating threats” as Washington and Moscow traded blame over the crisis in the ex-Soviet country. “You face very daunting problems, and some might say, humiliating threats,” Biden told a group of lawmakers in a meeting at Ukraine’s parliament. The US would “stand with” Ukraine ahead of a presidential poll scheduled for May 25 that “may be the most important election in Ukrainian history,” he said. Biden’s symbolic two-day visit to Kiev came as US officials said that the onus was firmly on Moscow to fulfill an accord struck last week aimed at reducing ten- sions in the worst East-West confronta- tion since the Cold War. Under the deal signed by Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the European Union in Geneva, all militias in the country were KIEV: Ukraine’s acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (right) shakes supposed to disarm and give up control hands with US Vice President Joe Biden before their meeting in Kiev yester- over seized state property. day. — AFP Washington and Kiev have put the should include “publicly calling on sepa- group the separatists blamed for a dead- onus on pro-Kremlin militants holding ratists to vacate illegal buildings and ly attack Sunday on one of their check- buildings in the east, while Moscow said checkpoints, accept amnesty and points near the flashpoint town of the responsibility fell to pro-Western address their grievances politically”, said Slavyansk. Funerals of at least two pro- nationalists camping out in Kiev. The split State Department spokeswoman Jen Moscow rebels killed in the gunbattle over Ukraine was on display in a crunch Psaki. US ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey were set to take place in the town yester- phone call between American and Pyatt told journalists Monday that “the day in an emotive ceremony that could Russian diplomatic chiefs, with each side ball is really in Moscow’s court” over mak- stoke additional anger in the east. putting a radically different spin on the ing the agreement work and said conversation aimed at reviving the Washington would take “days not weeks” Military moves, sanctions Geneva accord. US Secretary of State to assess the implementation of the US President Barack Obama has John Kerry called on Moscow to put pres- accord. threatened more sanctions on Moscow if sure on the pro-Russian separatists, In Moscow, the foreign ministry said the Geneva accord is not implemented which Washington sees as backed by the Lavrov had asked Kerry to “pressure Kiev soon, beyond those already imposed by Kremlin. to stop hotheads from provoking a the United States and the European But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei bloody conflict and to encourage the Union. White House press secretary Jay Lavrov urged Washington to influence Ukrainian authorities to strictly fulfil their Carney said Monday that Washington the Ukrainian government, which obligations”. Lavrov also accused was ready to make good on its threat, Moscow accuses of “grossly breaching” Ukraine’s government of an “inability and warning that “if progress is not made in the Geneva deal. Kerry told Lavrov that unwillingness” to rein in Pravy Sektor coming days we will impose further “concrete steps” to defuse the crisis (“Right Sector”), an ultra-nationalist costs”. —AFP INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 India’s children suffer discrimination in classroom

NEW DELHI: Some Indian teachers force children from ents and students in four states which have large popula- were among those often made to sit at the back of class- Islamic cleric, instead of by their names. India’s parliament lower castes and minority religions to clean toilets and sit tions of low-caste poor, indigenous tribals and Muslims. rooms or in separate rooms. They were called derogatory passed landmark legislation in 2009 that guarantees state separately from their classmates as part of “persistent” dis- “India’s immense project to educate all its children risks names, were denied leadership roles and were served schooling for children aged six to 14 and enrolments have crimination in classrooms, a rights group said yesterday. falling victim to deeply rooted discrimination by teachers food last, the report said. The report comes as a mam- reached more than 90 percent nationally. But HRW said Human Rights Watch said pupils from marginalized com- and other school staff against the poor and marginalized,” moth general election is underway which is likely to vault the law does not contain punishments for those who dis- munities often dropped out of school and started work- said the report’s author Jayshree Bajoria. Hindu nationalist hardliner Narendra Modi and his party criminate in the classroom. Most education authorities ing as laborers rather than face continued humiliation at “Instead of encouraging children from at-risk commu- to power after a decade of centre-left Congress party rule. have failed to establish proper mechanisms to monitor the hands of teachers and principals. nities who are often the first in their families to ever step Some children said they were segregated and neg- and track children, who were at risk of dropping out, and The 77-page study on schools was compiled through inside a classroom, teachers often neglect or even mis- lected because they were considered dirty, while Muslim acting to ensure they were able to remain in school, the interviews with more than 160 teachers, principals, par- treat them,” she said. Children from Muslim communities students said they were called “mullahs”, a term for an report said. — AFP Nexus between politics, crime plays out in India mining town Voters town torn between ideals, pragmatism

BELLARY: Stooping to feed grain to a black cow as a religious offering at his unfinished mansion, Indian politician and rags-to-riches millionaire B Sreeramulu may need help from the gods if he is to win a hard-fought race for the parliamentary seat of Bellary. He faces criminal charges, including attempted murder in a case dating back to 2007, and has close links with a jailed mining tycoon from the southern Indian town where the scandal has put thousands of miners out of work. Sreeramulu’s bid for office comes as India’s 815 ISLAMABAD: Pakistani woman Mirjan stands in the rubble of her destroyed house at million-strong electorate votes in a staggered elec- a slum area of Islamabad. — AFP tion ending on May 12 that looks set to oust the rul- ing Congress party, in part because of anger over Pakistan capital cracks corruption that is estimated to have cost the coun- try billions of dollars in lost revenue. The anti-graft Aam Aadmi (“Common Man”) Party came to power down on illegal slums in local elections in New Delhi last year in a stun- ning debut, and the opposition Bharatiya Janata ISLAMABAD: Wrapped in a purple shawl, Mirjan ing. Some are located on drainage cuts Party (BJP), likely to lead the next government, has wanders downcast among the ruins of the designed to channel away the heavy rains of the made tackling corruption a priority. Yet it is the BJP Islamabad slum where she lived, newly demol- monsoon, and many have no access to electrici- who chose Sreeramulu as its candidate in a sign ished. The authorities in Pakistan’s leafy, affluent ty, gas or mains water supplies. The CDA, the that, for all the rhetoric about cleaning up politics, capital have declared war on the slums, largely city’s administration, has now drawn up a list of parties are willing to back figures facing criminal MAHABOOBNAGAR: Indian Congress Party Vice President Rahul Gandhi sits in a helicopter as populated by Christians and Afghan refugees, 14 such settlements it says are illegal and plans charges. Decades of experience show they fre- he waits to leave an election rally in Mahaboobnagar, some 110 kms from Hyderabad. — AFP saying they are illegal and havens for militants. to clear-with no compensation or rehousing quently win. Such candidates often have deep The bulldozers came for Mirjan’s slum by a rail- plan for the residents. The demolition of Mirjan’s pockets and a reputation for getting things done in convicted of any crime. “I’m just a poor man. My benefits, protection and justice without bias, ‘taint- way line in the city’s south last Monday, trans- slum came after a bombing at a nearby fruit and parts of the country where the state is weak, mak- father was a luggage porter,” he said, standing ed politicians’ can and will find support,” said Milan forming hundreds of shacks into a sea of rubble. vegetable market killed 22 people-the deadliest ing them popular with parties and voters. Election beneath a picture of his children smiling next to a Vaishnav, a South Asia expert at the Carnegie The 70-year-old, with grey hair and pale blue attack in Islamabad since 2008. spending, much of it to bribe voters, can exceed gold, jewel-encrusted crown that was donated to a Endowment for International Peace. eyes, saw the city’s Capital Development Pervaiz Masih, who lives in a Christian legal limits tenfold, officials say. Bellary, where an temple by his jailed associate. In fact, Sreeramulu Whether locals support Sreeramulu and others Authority (CDA) demolish her meagre world in a slum, says the community is frightened. “We iron ore boom swelled politicians’ funds, is known declared assets of $2.5 million when he registered like him could have a major impact on the outcome matter of minutes. “I have been living here for have no land or other property to move to, we for lavish campaigns. Ahead of last Thursday’s vote, as a candidate in 2014, a fortune by Indian stan- of the vote, and signs on the ground are that the the past 40 years. The CDA has completely cannot build houses even if the government election officers in the town raided the homes of dards. When finished, his imposing house will be contest for Bellary is desperately close. At the last ruined me. I am a widow, my husband died 20 gives us land as we have no money,” Masih Sreeramulu allies after seizing $1.4 million from a the size of a hotel and feature a swimming pool. parliamentary election in 2009, the BJP won by only years ago, my two elder sons also died,” she told told AFP, tears rolling down his cheeks. “This money lender that was destined, they said, to buy Data compiled by the Association for around 2,000 votes in the district of 2.5 million peo- AFP, stifling sobs. “I am a poor woman-why did locality was not built overnight. If it is illegal, votes. It was the biggest haul of suspected slush Democratic Reforms, a civil society group, shows ple. This time Sreeramulu is up against an elderly for- the CDA not listen to me?” More than two dozen why did CDA officials not stop the people that one in six candidates registered for the first five mer judge with a clean image representing slums, known as “katchi abadis” in Urdu and when they started building?” he said, accusing money so far out of election-related seizures of $36 stages of the 2014 general election faces criminal Congress. “The Congress candidate is new, but he’s a often euphemistically called “colonies”, are officials of taking bribes to let the settlement million nationwide. tucked into the corners of Islamabad’s neat grid stay. Aasim Sajjad, chairman of the All charges, slightly more than in the 2009 ballot. These judge with no scandals,” said Shivaji Rao, an unem- pattern. Pakistan Katchi Abadi Alliance, said the city’s Just a poor man candidates have a far higher win rate than others, ployed mine operator in a Bellary town called They house tens of thousands of people elite enjoy a cossetted life waited on by maids, The son of a railway station worker in Bellary, in meaning nearly one in three lawmakers in the out- Sandur, who said the BJP candidate had little support unable to afford the city’s high rents, in flimsy cooks and chauffeurs drawn from the ranks of the state of Karnataka, Sreeramulu told Reuters that going parliament face pending criminal cases. “In there. “Sreeramulu has too many scandals, although dwellings put up with concrete, bricks and sack- the slum-dwellers. —AFP all charges against him were false. He has not been the absence of an impartial state which can deliver it’s not proven, and Reddy is in jail.” —Reuters India’s Modi condemns ‘evict Muslims’ remark

NEW DELHI: Indian election fron- But half-way through a five-week disputes involving Muslims. The trunner Narendra Modi yesterday campaign to win over the country’s statements, however, have re-ignit- condemned virulent anti-Muslim 815 million voters, some members ed concern about religious minori- remarks by a one-time associate as of the BJP and its hardline affiliates ties under a BJP government, which he sought to keep attention on his are facing accusations of trying to rivals say has a deep-seated bias core message of development and whip up a partisan agenda. “Petty against India’s 150 million Muslims. corruption-free administration. statements by those claiming to be Praveen Togadia, head of the right- BJP’s well wishers are deviating the Crocodile tears wing Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World campaign from the issues of devel- Modi himself is tainted by accu- Hindu Council), faces a police inves- opment & good governance,” Modi, sations that he encouraged or tigation after a video appeared to the biggest campaigner for the par- turned a blind eye to Hindu-Muslim show him urging Hindus to evict ty, said in a Twitter post. “I disap- riots in 2002 in Gujarat, the state he Muslims from their neighborhoods prove any such irresponsible state- has governed for 13 years. More in western Gujarat state. ment & appeal to those making than 1,000 people, most of them Muslims, were killed in the violence. He has always denied the accusa- tions and a Supreme Court inquiry did not find evidence to prosecute him. “These crocodile tears ... will not do,” said Abhishek Manu Singhvi, a leader of the ruling Congress party, referring to Modi’s Twitter posts criticizing colleagues’ statements.

People know the truth While opinion polls are predict- ing Modi’s BJP-led alliance will win the biggest chunk of the 543 parlia- mentary seats being contested in the election, that ends on May 12, most of them show he will need allies after the polls for a majority. An anti-Muslim pitch is not only expected to make it tougher for him to find coalition partners, but could also drive away some of middle- class voters, whose support Modi is banking on to unseat the Congress party. But some of Modi’s col- leagues remain defiant. BJP leader MUMBAI: Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat and Bharatiya Janata Singh, who is contesting the elec- Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi poses for a photo- tion in the northern state of Bihar, graph as party candidate from Mumbai Poonam Mahajan takes a ‘selfie’ said he stood by his statement. “I with him at an election rally in Mumbai. — AFP have said what I felt. I will give my explanation.” Speaking in Gujarat on Saturday, them to kindly refrain from doing This month, the election commis- Togadia is heard saying: “We so.” On Saturday, Giriraj Singh, a sion banned one of Modi’s top aides (Hindus) are in a majority-we should leader of the Bihar state wing of the from election rallies on charges of have the courage to intimidate party, said those opposed to Modi making inflammatory speeches them by taking the law in our own would have to leave India and go to against Muslims. The ban was lifted hands.” A lawyer for Togadia said the Pakistan after the BJP won the elec- last week after the aide, Amit Shah, clip was “false, malafide and mis- tion and formed a government. vowed not to use abusive or chievous”. Modi, a hardliner from Television channels showed a derogatory language. The commis- the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya video in which Praveen Togadia, a sion said that it would monitor his Janata Party (BJP), said he “disap- firebrand member of the Vishwa campaigning. Separately, a leader of proved” of the statement from Hindu Parishad, a sister organization the BJP’s alliance partner in the Togadia, an associate when both of the BJP, seen offering advice on Western state of Maharashtra said men were in grassroots Hindu how to prevent Muslims from buy- on Monday Modi would teach a les- groups in the 1980s. Modi is run- ing property in Hindus-dominated son to Muslim rioters. Shiv Sena ning on a platform to revive an areas. Togadia denied that, saying leader Ramdas Kadam made the economy going through the worst he only asked Hindus to seek the comments at a joint election rally slowdown since 1980s. help of police to resolve property with Modi in Mumbai. — Agencies WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Opposition no-show hinders Thai election talks

BANGKOK: Negotiations on a roadmap to elections in Thailand following months of News political turmoil suffered a major setback yesterday as the opposition pulled out of in brief rare multi-party talks at the last minute. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is Militants kill three pushing for new polls as soon as possible in Indian Kashmir to bolster her precarious position in the SRINAGAR: Militants killed two local officials and face of a series of legal threats that could another man in Indian Kashmir before issuing a warn- force her from office. The kingdom has ing to Kashmiris against voting this week in the coun- been without a fully functioning govern- try’s mammoth election, police and residents said yes- ment or parliament since December, and a terday. The militants targeted two village council general election held in February was void- heads in separate attacks late on Monday in Pulwana ed after opposition demonstrators disrupt- district south of the main city of Srinagar, a senior ed voting. police officer said. “Three people including two vil- The nation has been shaken by months lage heads were killed by local militants active in the of political violence that has left 25 people area and the attack is aimed to keep the voters away dead and hundreds wounded, including from polling,” Inspector General of Police AG Mir said. many anti-government protesters, in “The attackers belong to the local militant organiza- grenade attacks and shootings. The tion Hizbul Mujahideen, they were two in number Election Commission (EC) called the talks and we have identified them,” Mir said. Police were to discuss a new election date with politi- hunting for the attackers, who entered the home of cal rivals including the main opposition one village head and shot him dead in Tral area of Democrat Party, which boycotted the last Pulwana district. They killed another senior village round of voting. But a day after describing official and his 24-year-old son about an hour later in the talks as “the most opportune time to the same area. Separatists have called for a boycott put aside our party views”, Democrat Party of the general election which ends next month when leader Abhisit Vejjajiva announced shortly hardline Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi and his before the meeting began that he would party are expected to vault to power after a decade not be going. of Congress-party rule. “I will not attend the meeting because of security,” he told AFP without specifying the nature of the concerns. “No one from the Democrats will attend.” On the eve of the meeting, Yingluck’s Puea Thai Party decried a “conspiracy” by her opponents to BODHGAYA: Visiting Thai army, air force and police personnel pray as they hold their newly-issued monk’s robes during a ritual thwart new polls. In a statement the party at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya yesterday. The Thailand defense personnel are spending two weeks at the temple as prac- said certain groups and political parties ticing Buddhist monks.— AFP “don’t want democracy” and are trying to disrupt any new polls. Dozens of anti-gov- Her supporters see the moves as an ment, Thida Thavornseth, urged followers create a political vacuum so they can ernment demonstrators rallied outside the attempted power grab. The backdrop is yesterday to be ready for another “long appoint their own unelected leader. The Bangkok hotel where the talks were taking an eight-year struggle between a royalist protest”. The opposition protesters want EC-which has been accused by govern- place, demanding “reform before election”. establishment-backed by parts of the Yingluck to resign to make way for an ment supporters of siding with the opposi- judiciary and the military-and Yingluck’s unelected “people’s council” to oversee tion-says it needs several months at least Justice or power grab? family, which has traditionally enjoyed political reforms. They have vowed to to organize new polls, leaving the country Yingluck, who won a landslide elec- strong support in the northern half of purge the kingdom of the influence of in legislative limbo. tion victory in 2011, could be ordered to Thailand. Yingluck’s “Red Shirt” support- her brother Thaksin Shinawatra, who was KASHMIR: Unidentified relatives wail during a EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen said step down within weeks in connection ers have vowed to take to the streets ousted in a coup in 2006 but looms large joint funeral procession of Ghulam Nabi, a rural at the start of the talks that the meeting with two legal cases under consideration again to defend her administration, rais- over Thai politics from self-exile in Dubai body head of a pro-Indian party, and his son would be “important for solving the coun- by the Constitutional Court and an anti- ing fears of a bloody new chapter in where he lives to avoid prison for a cor- Firdous Ahmad at Batgund village, some 40 kilo- try problems”. But without the participa- corruption panel. Thailand’s first female Thailand’s long political crisis. Mass ruption conviction. Asked yesterday meters south of Srinagar yesterday. — AP tion of the opposition, hopes of a break- premier is accused of the alleged improp- protests by the Red Shirts in 2010 trig- about reports that the Shinawatra family Afghan campaign through were fading. Representatives of er transfer of a top civil servant as well as gered a military crackdown under had offered to quit politics if the opposi- worker shot dead more than 50 other political parties joined dereliction of duty linked to a loss-mak- Abhisit’s government that left dozens tion respected the democratic process, KABUL: A prominent campaign worker in the talks, according to election officials. ing rice subsidy scheme that critics say is dead. Yingluck said only that she was “not Afghanistan’s presidential election was shot dead out- Opposition protesters have threatened to infested with corruption. A senior figure in the red-clad move- clinging to her position”.— AFP side his home in the country’s east, officials said yes- terday. The Taleban denied they were involved in the killing. Campaign worker Esmatullah, who like many Afghan men uses only one name, was returning home from visiting a friend on Monday afternoon when Obama’s Asian trip seen as unknown gunmen opened fire outside his house in Logar province, provincial spokesman Din Mohammad Darwish said. Esmatullah - known as Commandor Tor for his role in the struggle against the 1990s Soviet occupation - was killed instantly while counterweight to China his two bodyguards were wounded, Darwish said Esmatullah worked as an election observer for presi- dential candidate Abdul Rab Rassoul Sayyaf, a promi- nent Islamic cleric who is currently running fourth in Crimea crisis sharpens concerns ‘US lacks the will’ the race for the top post, according to the partial results that have been released. A spokesman for TOKYO: President Barack Obama’s travels through Asia in Sayyaf’s campaign, Mohammad Fahim Kadamani, coming days aim to reassure partners about the renewed confirmed that Esmatullah was an election observer US commitment to the region, with an eye both to and blamed the Taleban for his death. China’s rising assertiveness and the fast-growing markets that are the center of gravity for global growth. The ques- Zimbabwean President tion: Will it be enough? Nearly seven months after he accepts $4,000 salary cancelled an Asian tour due to the US government shut- HARARE: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has down, Obama’s failure to prevent Russia from annexing said he gets by on a modest salary of $4,000 a month Crimea has sharpened concerns that America lacks the because of the “hard times” facing the country, state will or wherewithal to follow through on its much-touted media reported yesterday. Zimbabwe is still recover- “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific. ing from years of economic collapse attributed mainly “Words come easy,” said Philippine political analyst to government policies under Mugabe, who has run Ramon Casiple. “But US allies would want to know what the country since independence in 1980. “I am earning help they can get when things reach a point of no $4,000 (2,900 euros) just now, because of the hard return.” The United States has been stepping up regional times. This is what we decided on, that we should rec- military deployments, but has made less progress on ognize the hard times at the moment,” Mugabe said in rebalancing through broader diplomatic and economic a BBC interview at the weekend, according to excerpts initiatives, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a Pacific published in state media. The average wage in Rim free trade agreement. Obama arrives in Tokyo on Zimbabwe is $300 a month, but unemployment runs Wednesday for the first state visit to America’s closest ally at 80 percent and most of the population of 13 million in Asia by a US president since Bill and Hillary Clinton live in poverty. The report did not say how much the came in 1996. He will be the first sitting US president to 90-year-old president, who favors designer suits and visit Malaysia since Lyndon Johnson in 1966. Rolex watches, might receive in allowances or what he earns outside government. Mugabe has interests in Territorial rifts farming among known business entities under his Allies South Korea and the Philippines, the two other name. The president built a plush private mansion on stops on his agenda, are also keen to shore up security the outskirts of the capital Harare, reportedly worth ties. US allies wonder if America has adequate capability MANILA: A protester is prevented by police from placing a sticker at the logo of the US Embassy during a rally in more than $10 million. to back them up in territorial rifts with China, Caspile Manila to protest next weekís four-country visit of US President Barack Obama, that includes the Philippines. —AP says, given Washington’s budget problems and preoccu- Italian Navy rescues pation with crises elsewhere. “The American objective is eignty over the islands. Tokyo is hoping for more in the Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Park Geun-hye over 1,000 migrants to reassure countries that ... America is here to stay and is way of confidence building, says Hitoshi Tanaka, chair- together for their first face-to-face meeting since they ROME: Italy has rescued over 1,000 migrants over the going to keep a strong interest in dealing with China man of the Institute for International Strategy in Tokyo. both took office over a year ago, on the sidelines of a past 48 hours, the navy said yesterday, amid rising crit- together with those countries,” said Koichi Nakano, a “We would like to see the president make a strong, recent nuclear security summit in The Hague. A visit by icism from the political right over the high cost of the political science professor at Tokyo’s Sophia University. clear statement about the Senkaku,” said Tanaka. “There Abe in December to Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine, which operation. The “Mare Nostrum” (Our Sea) operation, A report released last week by the US Senate Foreign is a need for Japan and the US to work to improve the enshrines 14 convicted war criminals among 2.5 million launched last October, plucks people from flounder- Relations Committee urged that more effort and money security situation in East Asia.” Obama’s two-night stay in war dead, irked the US and angered both South Korea ing vessels in the Mediterranean almost daily, at a cost be devoted to upgrading alliances in the Asia-Pacific. “A Tokyo - just enough for the state visit the Japanese had and China. of nine million euros ($12.4 million) a month accord- successful rebalance must underscore the strategic mes- pushed for in itself sends a good message, said Matake At least two members of Abe’s Cabinet, and dozens ing to Italian media reports. “This expensive and mani- sage that the policy represents an enduring US commit- Kamiya, a professor at the National Defense Academy in of other lawmakers, paid respects at the shrine just acal operation must be immediately stopped,” said ment to the region, assuring our partners that we are in Yokosuka, near Tokyo. “It’s important not only for the psy- days before Obama’s arrival in visits the South Korean Maurizio Gasparri from the centre-right Forza Italia it for the long haul,” it said. Striving to allay Japan’s wor- chology of the Japanese but also for the impression giv- side described as “deplorable.” But the leaders’ atten- party, describing Mare Nostrum as “a taxi... with peo- ries over its territorial dispute with China and missile en to the Chinese and North Koreans,” he said. tion may well be diverted by a tragic ferry sinking, ple smugglers alerting the Italian navy, which then launches by North Korea, during a recent Asian tour US which left more than 300 missing or dead, most of brings in endless numbers of illegal immigrants.” The Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel pledged two more ballis- Tokyo, Seoul at odds them teenagers. The United States already has a free- government has warned that the landings are set to tic missile defense destroyers for Japan by 2017. The US has 50,000 troops in Japan and about 28,500 trade agreement with South Korea, which is likely to increase, estimating this month that up to 600,000 In a further show of solidarity, Hagel rebuked Beijing deployed in South Korea, where it just concluded joint eventually join the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Both the migrants from Africa and the Middle East are ready to for escalating its territorial dispute with Tokyo over US-South Korean exercises. But Tokyo and Seoul remain US and Japan had hoped to announce “substantial set off from Libyan shores. Matteo Salvini, head of the Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea that at odds over a separate territorial dispute and lingering progress” on the pact by the time of Obama’s visit anti-immigration Northern League party, has also Japan calls the Senkaku islands and China calls the Korean resentment of Japanese aggression before and despite conflicts over tariffs on farm products and called for the operation to be scrapped, saying “Italian Diaoyu islands. The US is obligated to protect Japan from during World War II. Getting an early start on fence- automobiles. Officials signaled Tuesday that a break- citizens end up financing the people smugglers and attack, but has sought to avoid taking a stand on sover- mending, Obama brought Japanese Prime Minister through was unlikely.— AP an invasion of our coasts.” The arrival in Sicily yester- day of 321 migrants, including 62 women and five children, brought the number of people saved over Boy ‘sexually assaulted’ at the past 48 hours to 1,149 according to the navy, which did not specify their nationalities.

Indonesia nursery school Iran MPs seek probe into prison beatings JAKARTA: Indonesia has ordered at the Jakarta International School, that the alleged assault also “called TEHRAN: Iran’s official news agency says seven law- the nursery of a prestigious Jakarta where many of the city’s expatriate for a thorough investigation”. The makers have demanded a probe into alleged beatings international school to close follow- community send their children. Two school confirmed the closure had of several political prisoners held at Tehran’s Evin ing an alleged sexual assault on a cleaners, who were contracted from been ordered but said students prison. IRNA reported yesterday that the families of six-year-old boy by cleaning staff, an an outside company, have been would be allowed to remain at the the inmates met with the lawmakers on Monday, official said yesterday. The case has arrested and named suspects over nursery until the end of the current seeking clarification on what happened to their kin. sparked widespread public anger the alleged sex assault. academic year in June. “We are fully Foreign-based Farsi language media have reported and focused attention on the high Lydia Freyani Hawadi, a senior committed to working with the min- that the prisoners were beaten during a snap inspec- incidence of child abuse at educa- education ministry official said istry to resolve the matter of our tion by prison authorities last Thursday. Prison officials tional institutions across the coun- authorities had ordered the closure longstanding licenses fully so that have denied any beatings, saying several prisoners cut JAKARTA: Regular police and private security person- try. Police said the youngster was of the nursery. She said the official we can resume the operation of our their hands on glass as they were breaking windows nel are posted at the main entrance of Jakarta allegedly assaulted twice in recent grounds were that it did not have a early childhood program,” it said in a to protest the inspection. International School in Jakarta. — AFP months in the toilets of the nursery proper license to operate but added statement—.AFP



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Issues Czech party gets tough on immigrants

By Jan Marchal

new Czech party founded by a Japan-born entrepreneur is pinning its hopes on anti-immi- Agrant rhetoric in its campaign for next month’s European elections. It is a strategy that helped sweep the Usvit (Dawn) party into parliament last October, when it scored nearly seven percent of the vote in a snap election just months after its launch. The party has only nine regular members, including founder China overhaul quietly moves forward Tomio Okamura, a well-known half-Czech, half- Japanese businessman who counts a travel agency By Matthew Miller and Yan Huang That is on top of 32 trillion yuan borrowed by 110,000 firms form two state firms into investment holding companies and for cuddly toys among his successful ventures. Usvit owned by local governments, which raised total state enter- Shanghai is set to transfer more state-owned assets to three has tapped energetic lawyer Klara Samkova as its top ar from the spotlight, in secretive high-level meetings prise debt to about half of the country’s GDP. asset management companies the city has set up since 2000. candidate for the European Parliament poll. and company boardrooms, Beijing is drawing up one of Economists expect those local initiatives to serve as a tem- “We have to say no to the kind of immigration that Fthe country’s thorniest reforms: an overhaul of China’s Scaling Back plate for national-level reforms. Eventually, China’s central asset seeks to take advantage of Europe’s social system,” the hugely inefficient state-owned industry. It shapes up as an “The financial leverage at SOEs is too high,” said Steven administrator could morph into an investment arm with a 51-year-old said this month at a party rally in the eclectic mix of pilot projects and initiatives rather than a sin- Sun, head of China equity strategy at HSBC Global Research. degree of independence similar to Singapore’s Temasek northern town of Jablonec, famous for its costume gle blueprint, which makes it harder to judge their progress Sun calculates China’s state-owned firms have spent all the Holdings , said Li Daokui, a Tsinghua University professor and jewellery. “Don’t board your boats, we won’t welcome than, for example, regulation-driven financial liberalisation. cash flow generated from business operations in the past five former central bank adviser. you,” she cried, stressing the need to “protect Yet taken together they probably mark the beginning of the years on capacity expansion, double the ratio for non-finan- European values that are above all Christian values.” biggest revamp of China’s state sector since late 1990s, when cial S&P 500 companies. “They need to scale back, and one of Progress and Resistance “Immigrants bring over a completely different set of Beijing set out to shore up the nation’s industry ahead of join- the best ways to do that is selling stakes to strategic investors Some of China’s strongest conglomerates are already values that threaten to one day destroy Europe,” she ing the World Trade Organization. and private capital,” said Sun. reshaping their operations and ownership. Besides CITIC, China said while distributing leaflets. In recent weeks, some of China’s top conglomerates have Spearheading the government’s restructuring efforts is Petroleum and Chemical Corp, or Sinopec, has announced a announced spin-offs and restructuring plans, local authorities one of six teams named by Xi Jinping as part of his compre- planned spin-off of part of its marketing arm that could raise up have begun experimenting with new management struc- hensive reform office. The team has already held several to $20 billion. China’s state rail operator has said it will seek ‘Too Many Foreigners’ tures, and political sources say a group focused on state meetings, people familiar with its activities say. Membership more outside investment and other big firms such as China Her words have fertile ground in a nation where 51 enterprises plays a prominent role among six teams that form of the group hasn’t been made public, but analysts say that Power Investment Corp, and Baoshan Iron & Steel Co are also percent of the population believes there are too many President Xi Jinping’s economic brain trust. Last week, CITIC vice premier Zhang Gaoli may be in charge. “This economic preparing restructuring plans. “There are many sources of foreigners, according to a March survey by the CVVM Group Corp, China’s flagship investment company, detailed reform team is most important, no matter who is leading the income that SOEs can draw on, but if they don’t reform then agency. Around 430,000 foreigners live in the EU plans to inject its main operating business into the firm’s team,” said Zhang Chunxiao, an adviser to a state body that income and profit will...probably fall,” He Wenbo, Baosteel’s member of 10.5 million people, according to official Hong Kong-listed subsidiary CITIC Pacific Ltd in a $36.5 billion oversees the top conglomerates. chairman, told reporters last month. data. That includes some 113,000 Ukrainians, 82,000 deal that should improve the management and outside Provinces and major cities are already running trials aim- The pace of the overhaul will largely depend on Xi’s success Slovaks, 52,000 Vietnamese and 32,000 Russians. Usvit scrutiny of the conglomerate. ing to bring more non-government capital to the firms they in firming his grip on power and overcoming opposition within hopes to send at least one representative to the During the last reform push, the government sold off or control and embracing new management structures and political and economic elites. A political source who met Xi in European Parliament to sit alongside peers from closed thousands of firms, laying off 30 million workers and incentives. The provinces of Guangdong, Anhui, Hunan, private this year quoted him as saying implementing reforms France’s National Front, the Dutch Party for Freedom cutting the number of state firms to around 110,000 from Guizhou and Shaanxi along with the municipalities of had been “very difficult” due in part to resistance from state- and the UK Independence Party. “I’m optimistic,” said 260,000. That boosted efficiency, opened room for private Shanghai, Chongqing and Tianjin and the city of Zhuhai have owned firms. Dong Minzhu, the chairwoman and president of Samkova, who if elected wants to work on the parlia- businesses and cemented China’s position as the world’s fac- all announced privatisation plans that are likely to vary state-controlled household appliance maker Zhuhai Gree ment’s Human Rights Committee, which she says is tory floor. This time, however, there is no one-size-fits-all solu- depending on firms’ role and market position. Group, now being restructured by the Zhuhai government, currently “cluttered with leftists”. tion. “The situation is now different,” Li Yining, a Peking In Guangdong, where state administrators oversee over 4 voiced state managers’ misgivings about being cast as those At the top of the party’s agenda are a tougher University economist and a leading advocate of privatisation, trillion yuan in assets, provincial leaders have announced who stand in the way of progress. “What is right or what is immigration policy and the defence of national sover- told reporters last month. He said resistance from interest they will diversify ownership in 13 sectors, including trans- wrong, I really can’t say,” Dong told Reuters in an interview last eignty. Since its founding last May, Usvit has relied on groups and institutional inertia were the hardest nuts to portation, electricity, healthcare and mining. The goal is to month. “But if look at (who’s) paying taxes and improving the strong support in borderland regions hit hard by crack. bring 100 billion yuan in private investment by 2020. livelihood of our country, then I have to tell you that state enter- unemployment and social problems - concerns less There is no question that it is time for another overhaul. In Guangdong, Hunan and Guizhou are also allowing for the prises may be better.” present in the wealthier capital. “In Prague, there are the five years since the global financial crisis, state firms have first time senior executives to own shares in firms they man- Despite the pushback, many economists are convinced many intellectuals who are out of touch with reality,” grown bigger and more dominant but also more indebted age. there is no turning back. “Structural transformation is a huge said Samkova, who used to be married to an activist and plagued by overcapacity. China’s 113 central govern- Local governments are also experimenting with using undertaking for any economy,” said Stephen Roach, a senior fel- for the country’s impoverished Roma minority. ment-controlled conglomerates alone have borrowed 18 tril- asset management companies to act like value-driven institu- low at Yale University and former Chairman of Morgan Stanley “People in the countryside better appreciate our poli- lion yuan ($2.89 trillion) between 2008 and 2013, raising their tional shareholders rather than an extension of government Asia. “In China it needs to be viewed as a journey. The train has debt-to-equity ratio 40 percentage points to 192 percent. bureaucracy. In Chongqing, the government aims to trans- left the station.” — Reuters cy of telling it like it is.”

‘Impossible to Stop’ Led by the 41-year-old Okamura, Usvit has 14 seats in the 200-member Czech parliament. Its deputies Moyes pays price for self-inflicted blunders often echo the fiery rhetoric on display at the Jablonec rally. “I’m going to vote in the European elec- By Zoran Milosavljevic er Robin Van Persie when he was clearly in Alien Mentality United’s mentality. The manner of a meek 4- tions and Usvit is among my favourites,” said Jaroslav, poor form at the expense of goal-hungry Mindful that Moyes had been given a 2 aggregate defeat by Bayern Munich in the ore than a decade of perceived Mexican Javier Hernandez and shunning huge pair of boots to fill and a squad in Champions League quarter-finals, in which an attendee in his sixties. “I like their focus on referen- over-achievement at Everton Japan midfielder Shinji Kagawa also need of an overhaul, the board and most United were thoroughly dominated by the dums. I also agree with them on the immigration Mhelped propel David Moyes into looked poor decisions when United lacked fans were still behind him at the turn of the German title holders, epitomised just how issue,” he added, before complaining about his the Manchester United hot-seat but in a far midfield guile and spark up front. year, despite giving up on any realistic far a side once feared in Europe had fallen. monthly pension of 8,000 koruna ($400). more complex and unforgiving environ- Accustomed to a conservative approach chance of winning domestic silverware. The Confident and assured when he rode in to But postal worker Alena Zeniskova slammed ment his shortcomings were ruthlessly at Everton which produced few spectacu- humiliating home losses to Liverpool and replace Ferguson last July, Moyes soon Usvit’s efforts to organise a referendum on adopting exposed. Having come from a club where lar achievements but kept the club firmly Manchester City in March turned most of struck an uncomfortable and confused- the euro, fearing the proposal will be rejected since expectations were modest and the budget afloat in the top tier, Moyes never quite the hard core supporters against the 51- looking figure when he admitted that the most Czechs are opposed. “I don’t want this beggar’s slim, Moyes suddenly found himself at a seemed aware of the bold, attack-minded year old Glaswegian, whose tame accept- job of managing a club with the highest currency, the koruna. I want the euro. If we join the club where second best had never been an legacy left by Ferguson. ance of being second best was alien to ambitions was harder than he thought. eurozone, we’ll soon have the same wages as western acceptable option in 26 years under the It hardly helped that Moyes also report- Europe,” the 39-year-old told AFP. A supporter of the iconic Alex Ferguson. edly ignored advice from his assistant and governing leftist Social Democrats, she said she does After 10 torturous months and with now the caretaker manager Ryan Giggs, not view “every immigrant as a parasite”. Hana, a United not even second, but a distant sev- asked to perform in a dual role amid a woman in her seventies, added that Usvit’s policy is enth in the Premier League, Moyes was string of poor results while still keeping his “neither positive nor constructive”. “Immigration is a sacked on Tuesday, paying the price for a place in the squad. It came across as a des- natural thing, it’s impossible to stop.” series of self-inflicted blunders that began perate measure aimed at placating the fans On its website, Usvit calls for “a stricter immigration almost as soon as he took charge. In an as much as the January purchase of Juan policy” that closes the EU’s door to “unadaptable attempt to show himself as his own man, Mata, a Chelsea reserve bought for 37 mil- immigrants and religious fanatics” but stops short of Moyes cleared out Ferguson’s entire back- lion pounds to rescue a dreadful season demanding a blanket ban on immigration. Even room staff, robbing himself of men who despite the fact he was ineligible to play in Samkova ultimately takes a softer stance, admitting could have provided the mortar between the Champions League. that she has nothing against “those who enter legally the bricks as he set about building his own Moyes also apparently failed to stamp and earn an honest living”. “We have to refer to empire. his authority in the dressing room, where human rights by what they really are, that is, an indi- While that was perhaps understand- Ferguson’s firm hand and strict tutelage visible union of rights and duties.” — AFP able, his next move to sign former Everton was replaced by a manager who offered stalwart Marouane Fellaini for £27.5 million too many lame excuses for defeats even ($46.21 million) raised the eyebrows of against unheralded domestic rivals. The most United fans wondering why yet painful defeat at his former club Everton, another enforcer was added to a midfield when a home fan dressed in a Grim All articles appearing on these pages screaming out for a playmaker. Predictably, Reaper costume and sporting a plastic are the personal opinion of the writ- the towering Belgian turned out to be a scythe taunted Moyes close to the dugout, ers. Kuwait Times takes no responsibil- complete misfit and his tepid performanc- it was an ominous sign of what lay in store ity for views expressed therein. Kuwait es went hand in hand with Moyes’s lack of for the beleaguered manager who was tactical vision which had reportedly alien- simply out of his depth at United. The Old Times invites readers to voice their ated senior players in the dressing room. Trafford faithful will now hope Giggs can opinions. Please send submissions via Moyes seemed completely at sea when restore a glimpse of United’s pride in the email to: [email protected] or rotating his squad, a concept Ferguson last four games of the season and that via snail mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, applied so masterfully during his trophy- Moyes’ permanent successor, whether it is laden spell in charge which landed 13 In this file picture taken on Jan 11, 2014 Manchester United’s Scottish manager David the seemingly evergreen Welshman or Kuwait. The editor reserves the right Premier League titles - some of them with Moyes is greeted by mascot Fred The Red as he takes his seat before an English Premier someone else, can quickly stop the rot and to edit any submission as necessary. players arguably less talented than their League football match between Manchester United and Swansea City at Old Trafford in get the rebuilding process on the right rivals. Unquestioned loyalty to Dutch strik- Manchester. — AFP track. — Reuters NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

Watchdog to regulate Saudi YouTube... Continued from Page 1 the preferred means to critique authority. “Until we see the details, it’s a bit alarming, a threat for us,” Such a broad definition reflects Saudi rulers’ unease since said Kaswara Al-Khatib, chairman and chief executive of the 2011 Arab uprisings. The authorities have taken a far UTURN Entertainment. “You don’t want to be controlled harsher line against many forms of dissent, jailing liberal because the whole idea is that we want to express ourselves.” reformers and religious critics on charges ranging from sedi- Khatib said he had previously discussed the matter with Najm, tion to jeopardising state security. who told him UTURN’s current output would not be prohibit- YouTube program makers in Saudi had been able to oper- ed, but that the sector could no longer be unregulated. “The ate without a licence because they were not actual broadcast- whole idea is to regulate it in a way to make sure where the ers, with the likes of UTURN Entertainment and C3 combined areas are to be played with and the areas that should not be attracting more than 500 million views for their various touched,” said Khatib. “He seems to be supportive and under- YouTube shows as of mid-Sept 2013. These production houses stands it’s not conventional media and that online is a totally have been careful to avoid controversy, with subtle satire often different ballgame.” YouTube declined to comment. — Reuters

Barrak claims billions in public funds...

A woman carrying a bag on her head walks with her daughter on a street in the old part of the central east- Continued from Page 1 these restrictions have not been verified beyond doubt and ern Moroccan city of Tinghir on Monday. — AFP they prevent many bedoons from going about their daily In another development, MP Mansour Al-Dhafiri called life including obtaining a driving licence or a travel docu- on Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah ment. Dhafiri proposed that the interior ministry should PLO delegation in Gaza for talks to review the so-called security restrictions against thou- refer such restrictions to the judiciary to establish their sands of stateless people or bedoons. He said that some of authenticity. Continued from Page 1 agency WAFA. “We are one country, one people and no power on earth could dismantle this holy bond ... We The reconciliation mission coincided with a meet- must end the ugly chapter of division and implement ing between Abbas’s Fatah-led group and Israeli peace everything we have signed,” Ahmed said on arrival in Man United fire Moyes negotiators in Jerusalem to try to extend talks beyond Gaza. Arab-brokered unity pacts reached between the Continued from Page 1 Leagues, four FA Cups, three League Cups and one FIFA an April 29 deadline. Hamas and Fatah have failed two sides have yet to be implemented after years of Club World Cup. He has no previous managerial experi- since 2011 to implement an Egyptian-brokered unity mutual blame. However, Jurgen Klopp of Borussia Dortmund, anoth- ence, but has combined his role as a player with a posi- deal because of disputes over power-sharing and the But if Palestinian unity talks end with a deal, paving er rumoured contender, ruled himself out of the running. tion on United’s coaching staff since the start of the cur- handling of conflict with Israel. Azzam Al-Ahmed, a the way for elections and a national strategy towards Klopp told The Guardian newspaper: rent campaign. senior Fatah official, denied that the attempt to nego- Israel, not only might Abbas gain negotiating power, but “Man United is a great club and I feel very familiar with However, his former United team-mate Irish football tiate a deal with Hamas was designed merely to Hamas, hemmed in by an Israeli-Egyptian blockade, their wonderful fans. But my commitment to Borussia great Roy Keane was scathing about the decision to sack strengthen Abbas’ hand in talks with Israel. might become less isolated. “We must conclude national Dortmund and the people is not breakable.” Moyes and took aim at the players. “He (Moyes) should “We want to end the division whether there is reconciliation and end the division so we can have one Moyes signed a six-year contract in place of Ferguson, have been given more time,” the 42-year-old Irish nation- negotiation (with Israel) or there isn’t. We want to government, one political national agenda and one sys- British football’s most successful manager, who reigned al assistant coach told ITV. “Some players at the club build Gaza and the West Bank and end the (Israeli) tem ... There is no room for failure at this dialogue,” at United for 26 and a half years. The sacking came a year should be ashamed of themselves. Seventh in the occupation,” Al-Ahmed told official Palestinian news Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya said. — Reuters to the day after United had secured their 20th English league is disappointing but you still need help from title as a send-off to Ferguson, who hand-picked Moyes around you. I don’t think some of the players gave him to succeed him. Moyes has endured a torrid season, with that support.” Shake-up in pharma world United slumping to seventh place in the league table and Investors reacted favourably to news of Moyes’s being eliminated from both domestic cup competitions departure, with shares in the club up 2.71 percent on the Continued from Page 1 footprint,” while the Notenstein private bank said the and the Champions League. His last game in charge was New York Stock Exchange, trading at their highest level Swiss group had managed to find a solution for virtually Sunday’s 2-0 loss at his former club Everton, which con- since Ferguson’s retirement in May 2013. Meanwhile, Novartis would also sell its animal health division to all of its weaker units in one fell swoop. Analysis firm ETX firmed that United will not compete in the Champions Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti expressed shock at Eli Lilly for $5.4 billion - turning the US group into the Capital said GSK shareholders also had reason to cele- League next season for the first time since 1995. Moyes’s dismissal. “I was a little surprised because world’s second biggest market of such products in terms brate as the British firm’s oncology business had been The 11th defeat of the league campaign left United Manchester United don’t have that custom of sacking of revenue. struggling to remain competitive. 13 points below the Champions League qualifying managers,” the Italian said. “In another club it would be “We believe the divestment of our smaller vaccines GSK chief executive Andrew Witty said the moves places and 23 points behind leaders Liverpool. In addi- completely normal, but after so many years with Sir Alex, and animal health divisions will enable us to realise accelerate the British firm’s “strategy to generate sustain- tion, Moyes’s two major signings, Marouane Fellaini and it is a little surprising.” immediate value from these businesses for our share- able, broadly sourced sales growth and improve long- Juan Mata, have struggled to make an impact. As a However, Bayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola, once holders, and those divisions will benefit from being part term earnings”. The group said it would use proceeds result, United’s American owners, the Glazer family, touted as a potential successor to Ferguson, said that it of large, global businesses that are also leaders in their from the deals to return £4.0 billion ($6.7 billion) to its reportedly felt uneasy about the prospect of handing merely reflected the cut-throat world of modern man- segments,” Novartis chief executive Joseph Jimenez said. shareholders. Expected to be completed by the middle him the funds needed to rebuild the squad during the agement. “It is nothing new,” said the Spaniard, whose But more importantly for the Swiss group, the deals of next year, the deals require approval from the British forthcoming close season. side eliminated United in the Champions League quar- enable it to secure ownership of a range of top-line can- firm’s shareholders. Lilly meanwhile said its purchase of Giggs, United’s record appearance-maker, was ter-finals. “For the past five, 10, 15 years at the big clubs, cer drugs, as it bids to catch up with world leader Roche Novartis’ animal health division - which posted revenues informed of his appointment after arriving at United’s if you lose, you are out on the street.” Chelsea manager in oncology treatment. Two recently approved drugs for of about $1.1 billion for 2013 - is expected to conclude Carrington training ground near Manchester. His first Jose Mourinho preferred to keep his thoughts to himself. treating skin cancer - Tafinlar and Mekinist - are among during the first quarter of 2015. Investors welcomed the game in charge will be a league fixture at home to “I prefer not to comment on it,” he told ITV ahead of his the medication that Novartis would own following the deals, which come amid signs Europe’s mergers and Norwich City on Saturday. Giggs made his United debut side’s Champions League semi-final with Atletico takeover. Analysts at Vontobel Bank called the changes a acquisition market is finally rebounding after years of in March 1991 and has made 962 appearances for the Madrid. “I feel sorry for him like I feel sorry for all man- “long-awaited simplification of (Novartis’s) corporate doldrums. — AFP club, winning 13 Premier League titles, two Champions agers that lose their job.” — AFP WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 SPORTS

Silva in fitness race Lanka cricket coach quits Popovich Coach of the Year LONDON: Manchester City face the unhappy prospect of being without David COLOMBO: Sri Lanka head coach Paul Farbrace has resigned and is NEW YORK: Gregg Popovich of the San Antonio Spurs was voted NBA Coach of Silva for the Premier League title race run-in after the influential Spain mid- set to take up the position of assistant coach of England, Sri Lanka the Year, becoming the third three-time winner of the award, the National fielder was injured in their 3-1 win over West Bromwich Albion on Monday. Cricket said yesterday. Farbrace made it known to Sri Lanka Cricket Basketball Association announced yesterday. The victory got the club back to winning ways after defeat to title rivals that he no longer wanted to continue with his present position after Popovich’s Spurs posted the NBA’s best record at 62-20 to secure homecourt Liverpool and a draw with Sunderland but it was tarnished by the sight of Silva being offered the chance to become assistant to England’s newly- advantage through the postseason as he claimed the coaching honor for the appointed coach Peter Moores. He had served only four months of being carried off the pitch on the stretcher with an injury to his right ankle. second time in three seasons and joined Don Nelson and Pat Riley as a three- his two-year contract with Sri Lanka Cricket during which time he Coach Manuel Pellegrini said the injury, which will be assessed by medical time recipient. After steering the Spurs to a 15th successive season with 50 or led them to the World Twenty20 title in Bangladesh. staff on Tuesday, was a recurrence of an long-standing problem that caused more wins, Popovich totaled 380 points, including 59 first-place votes, from a “We had talks with Paul and tried to convince him to stay panel of 124 sportswriters from the United States and Canada. Phoenix Suns the playmaker to miss last Wednesday’s match against Sunderland. because of the valuable contribution he has made to Sri Lanka crick- “We will see tomorrow what happens with the doctor,” the Chilean told the first-year coach Jeff Hornacek was second in the voting with 339 points, includ- et during his short tenure,” Sri Lanka Cricket secretary Nishantha ing 37 first-place votes, followed by Tom Thibodeau of the Chicago club’s website. “He couldn’t recover in three days from his problem and that’s Ranatunga said. “Paul wanted time till today to reach a final decision why he didn’t play against Sunderland. It’s the same ankle.” City are Bulls, who tallied 159 points. The Spurs, a model of consistency and he has tended his resignation.” Farbrace’s name was linked to under Popovich, were the only team to record 30-plus wins both six points behind leaders Liverpool and one behind Chelsea in the Moores when the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) began at home (32-9) and on the road (30-11) in a spirited bounce back Premier League with a game in hand on both their rivals, who interviewing a list of candidates to succeed Andy Flower. after losing an epic seven-game series against the Miami Heat in meet at Anfield on Sunday. He had returned to England for the Easter weekend after Sri last season’s NBA Finals. San Antonio led the NBA in points per Their next match is at a rejuvenated Crystal Palace on Sunday Lanka’s success in the World T20 and although not among the candi- game differential at 7.8, having averaged 105.4 points per and they complete their season with a trip to Everton and home fix- dates was subsequently interviewed by ECB. game while giving up 97.6, and recorded a 19-game winning tures against Aston Villa and West Ham United. “The (executive committee) will have to sit down and discuss streak that tied for fifth-longest ever in the NBA. Popovich Silva, who has already missed two months of the season with how best we can find a suitable replacement for Farbrace for the presided over a balanced roster, with French point guard thigh and calf injuries, has played an instrumental role in their tour to England which starts on the first week of May,” said Tony Parker leading the team with a 16.7 scoring average challenge for a second title in three seasons.—Reuters Ranatunga.—Reuters and 29.4 minutes played per game.—Reuters Penguins edge Blue Jackets

COLUMBUS: Brandon Sutter, Lee Stempniak and Jussi Jokinen scored in a span of 2:13 of the third period to give the Pittsburgh Penguins a 4-3 victory over the Columbus Blue Jackets in the NHL playoffs on Monday. Pittsburgh took a 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven playoff series thanks to the goals on three consecutive shots. Brooks Orpik added a goal in the final seconds of the second period as the Penguins stormed back from deficits of 2-0 and 3-1. Marc Andre-Fleury had 27 saves. Boone Jenner and Jack Johnson staked the Blue Jackets to an early lead in the opening 3:18, with Cam Atkinson getting credit for a goal early in the final peri- od that stretched the lead to 3-1. Game 4 is today in Columbus.

WILD 1, AVALANCHE 0 Mikael Granlund’s diving goal 5:08 into overtime allowed the Wild to pull within 2-1 in the best-of-seven series against Colorado. Semyon Varlamov stopped 45 of 46 shots, a franchise playoff record for shots on goal by the Wild. Granlund cut toward the net for a wrist shot, and as he was falling forward took a stab at the puck to finally put one past Varlamov. Darcy Kuemper made 22 saves, but the Wild goalie in his first career playoff start was just as good as his coun- terpart. Game 4 is at Xcel Energy Center tomorrow.

BLACKHAWKS 2, BLUES 0 Corey Crawford made 34 saves in his third career postseason shutout as the Blackhawks got back into their playoff series with the Blues. : Thunder guard Russell Westbrook (0) passes around Memphis Grizzlies center Marc Gasol (33) in the fourth quarter of Game 2 of an opening- Jonathan Toews scored in the first period and Marcus round NBA basketball playoff series. —AP Kruger added an empty-netter as Chicago bounced back after a pair of overtime losses in St. Louis. Toews’ 21st postseason goal was only the second score by a Blackhawks forward in the series. Ryan Miller shook off another slow start and made 23 saves for St. Louis. Grizzlies, Clippers win Game 4 is today.

STARS 3, DUCKS 0 OKLAHOMA: Zach Randolph scored 25 slowed the tempo and limited Oklahoma Courtney Lee made two free throws for ble-digit lead through the final three quar- points to help Memphis defeat Oklahoma City’s fast-break opportunities. Memphis to make it a four-point game. ters. They finished with franchise records Kari Lehtonen had 37 saves for his first career post- City 111-105 in overtime on Monday and Oklahoma City’s stars put up big num- Durant missed a 3-pointer and Randolph for points and largest victory margin in a season victory as the Stars won their first home playoff tie their NBA first-round playoff series at bers, but they worked for everything they made two free throws with nine seconds playoff game. Game 3 is tomorrow at game in six years. one game apiece. got. Kevin Durant had 36 points and 11 left to put the game out of reach and give Oakland. Dallas captain Jamie Benn skated out of the penalty Also, the Los Angeles Clippers leveled rebounds, but he made just 12 of 28 shots Memphis coach Dave Joerger his first play- All the foul trouble that plagued Griffin box to score late in the first period, and 19-year-old their series with the Golden State Warriors and had just eight points at halftime and off win as a head coach. and Paul in the Clippers’ four-point loss in rookie Valeri Nichushkin added a goal for the Stars in at 1-1 after leading all the way for a con- 16 through the first three quarters. Russell After getting knocked down in their Game 1 belonged to the Warriors this time. Game 3 of the best-of-seven series. The top-seeded vincing 138-98 home win. Westbrook scored 29 points, but he made playoff opener, Blake Griffin and the Stephen Curry scored 20 of his 24 Ducks won each of the first two games at home, both Mike Conley added 19 points and 12 just 11 of 28 shots. Serge Ibaka added 15 Clippers answered with a dominant per- points in the third quarter, when the one-goal results. Game 4 is today. assists for the Grizzlies, who executed their points and 11 rebounds for the Thunder, formance in shutting down the Warriors as Warriors never got closer than 25 points, Lehtonen, who held up through five Anaheim power game plan perfectly and put themselves in who shot just under 40 percent from the soon as the game began. while he played with four fouls. Klay plays, had a kick save near the end of one of those in position to take control of the series in field. Griffin scored a career playoff-high 35 Thompson finished with seven points - 15 the final minute of the first period. That came right Game 3 on Thursday in Memphis. Randolph’s layup with 26 seconds left in points without a foul, and Chris Paul added under his average - and four fouls. Andre 12 points and 10 assists for the Clippers, Iguodala, who fouled out of Game 1, and before Benn came out of the penalty box and skated Oklahoma City pushed the pace overtime put the Grizzlies up by two. Ibaka through most of its 100-86 victory in Game traveled, giving the ball back to the who started the game on a 14-4 run and Jermaine O’Neal had four points and three toward the other end for the winning goal.—AP 1, but on Monday, the Grizzlies successfully Grizzlies. kept on going, maintaining a sizeable dou- fouls each.—AP

KUWAIT: A delegation from the National Guard yesterday visited the US troops stationed at Camp Araifjjan where both sides had an open sports day activity that included soccer and basketball matches. The visit aims at exchanging sports expertise and boost bilateral cooperation.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 SPORTS Orioles down Red Sox

BOSTON: Clay Buchholz allowed six runs in the third inning as the held on to beat the Red Sox 7-6 Monday in the annual Patriots’ Day morning game at Fenway Park, a year after the Boston Marathon bombings. Trailing by two runs, Boston loaded the bases in the ninth. Mike Napoli hit an RBI groundout before Tommy Hunter, Baltimore’s fifth reliever, retired Mike Carp on a game-ending grounder for his fifth save. The game began at 11:09 a.m., about an hour before Meb Keflezighi crossed the marathon finish line just over a mile away as the first American man to win since Greg Meyer in 1983. Chen Wei-yin (3-1) allowed three runs and five hits in five innings. Buchholz (0-2) gave up seven hits in 2 1-3 innings.

INDIANS 4, ROYALS 3 PITTSBURGH: catcher Devin Mesoraco can’t handle the throw as Jason Kipnis and Michael Brantley hit two-run ’ Russell Martin (55) scores from second with the walk-off game win- homers, powering the Indians over the Royals ning run on a single by teammate Pirates’ Neil Walker during the ninth inning. —AP when a fearless squirrel ran around Progressive Field and provided some extra entertainment. Kipnis connected in the sixth inning off Pirates see off Reds Jeremy Guthrie (2-1), overcoming a 3-2 deficit. Brantley provided Cleveland a 2-0 lead in the PITTSBURGH: Ike Davis became the first Tyler Lyons (0-1) lost in his first major fourth. Zach McAllister (3-0) gave up six hits and player to hit grand slams for different league game of the season. Promoted from overcame three errors - one on his errant throw. teams in the same April, and Neil Walker Triple-A Memphis earlier in the day to take Alex Gordon and Omar Infante each had two of had a winning run single with two outs in the rotation spot of injured Joe Kelly, he the Royals’ six hits. the ninth inning as the Pittsburgh Pirates allowed two runs and six hits in six innings. The game was momentarily delayed in the second inning when a squirrel ran onto the field. twice overcame deficits to beat the Reds 6- The pesky intruder hung around for another 5 Monday. MILWAUKEE 4, SAN DIEGO 3 inning before it was shooed into the Indians’ Pittsburgh trailed 2-0 before Davis’ Aramis Ramirez homered and Ryan center-field bullpen. BOSTON: Baltimore Orioles’ Chris Davis follows through on a RBI single against the Boston Red fourth-inning homer off Mike Leake. Davis Braun drove in two runs. Wily Peralta (3-0) Sox during the third inning of their 7-6 win in a baseball game at Fenway Park. —AP hit a game-winning, ninth-inning slam off gave up three runs and six hits in 6 1-3 WHITE SOX 3, TIGERS 1 skid with a win over the Mariners. the middle with one out in the eighth inning the Reds’ J.J. Hoover on April 5 for the New innings as the Brewers improved their Jose Abreu and Dayan Viciedo hit RBI doubles It is the seventh straight loss for Seattle, as the Rangers rallied from an early three-run York Mets, who traded him to the Pirates on major league-best record to 15-5. Peralta in the seventh inning as the White Sox rallied for which is the longest active streak in the majors. deficit to beat the Athletics. Friday. stuck out six. Will Smith pitched out of a a victory over the Tigers. The Astros took advantage of an error by Sean Doolittle (0-1) allowed a leadoff dou- According to STATS, no player previously base-loaded jam in the seventh inning. Chicago scored three runs in the seventh off Mariners third baseman Kyle Seager in the sixth ble to Kevin Kouzmanoff and Mitch Moreland hit slams for different teams in the same Tyler Thornberg worked a scoreless Anibal Sanchez (0-2) after managing only one hit inning to score four unearned runs off Felix sacrificed him to third before Murphy’s hit. April. Davis became just the third to hit eighth and Francisco Rodriquez finished for in the first six innings. John Danks (2-0) allowed Hernandez (3-1) and break a 2-all tie. Hernandez Murphy and Kouzmanoff are both former A’s slams for different teams against the same his eighth save this season and 312th of his six hits and three walks in 6 1-3 innings, but the took the major league lead with 43 strikeouts players. opponent in the same year, following Ray career, good for 19th on the career list. Tigers could score only one run off him. Ronald after recording four, but was unable to avoid his Neal Cotts (1-1) pitched one inning for the Boone in 1953 and Mike Piazza in 1998. The Andrew Cashner (2-2) gave up four runs Belisario got five outs in relief for the White Sox, first loss of the season after shaky defense put win, then gave way to Alexi Ogando before Pirates were behind 5-4 before Andrew and seven hits in six innings. and Matt Lindstrom pitched the ninth for his the right-hander in a tough situation in the sixth. Joakim Soria finished for his fourth save. McCutchen’s leadoff homer in the eighth second save. Keuchel (2-1) deftly navigated the Mariners for Brandon Moss homered and Coco Crisp hit against Manny Parra. ROCKIES 8, GIANTS 2 six innings, allowing six hits and a walk, but just a two-run single as the A’s went ahead 3-0 in Walker got the winning hit off Hoover Charlie Blackmon hit two of Colorado’s ASTROS 7, MARINERS 2 two runs. the second, but they couldn’t hold the lead. (1-2) after consecutive one-out walks to five homers and Jorge De La Rosa threw Matt Dominguez homered and drove in three Oakland swept a weekend series against Russell Martin and Andrew McCutchen fol- five efficient innings, lifting the Rockies to a runs, and Dallas Keuchel struck out a season- RANGERS 4, ATHLETICS 3 Houston and lost for only the second time in high eight as the Astros broke a seven-game lowed by Pedro Alvarez’s popout. victory over the Giants. Donnie Murphy lined a go-ahead single up nine games and third time in 14.—AP Jared Hughes (1-0) pitched a scoreless, Nolan Arenado, Wilin Rosario and Corey two-hit ninth for the win after being Dickerson also homered for the Rockies, recalled from Triple-A Indianapolis earlier in who’ve won four of the last five. It was the day. Blackmon’s first multihomer game of his career. ANGELS 4, NATIONALS 2 De La Rosa (1-3) rediscovered his Raul Ibanez delivered a tiebreaking rhythm, allowing five hits and one run for three-run double as a pinch hitter in the his first victory of the season. The hard- eighth inning on a night that Mike Trout throwing lefty tied a career high with 16 and Bryce Harper went a combined 2 for 8 wins last season. with zero runs or RBIs in their first matchup Ryan Vogelsong (0-1) never got on track as opponents. Los Angeles trailed 1-0 and was pulled after 1 1-3 innings, his going into the eighth. But Albert Pujols - shortest start with the Giants. He surren- who went 0 for 5, staying on 498 homers - dered five runs and six hits, including three reached on the first of shortstop Ian homers. Blackmon lined solo homers in the Desmond’s two errors in the inning, raising second and eighth innings. He’s now hit- his season total to nine. Later, Erick Aybar’s ting .411 this season. third hit of the night scored Pujols to even it. After Tyler Clippard (1-2) walked the PHILLIES 7, DODGERS 0 bases loaded, Ibanez doubled to left-cen- Cliff Lee scattered four hits over eight ter.Fernando Salas (1-0) won with a hitless innings, struck out 10 and retired 21 of his seventh. last 22 batters to lead the Phillies to a victo- Joe Smith worked the eighth and ry over the Dodgers. Ernesto Frieri pitched the ninth to earn his Carlos Ruiz hit a two-run homer and a second save, despite allowing Desmond’s two-run double and Ryan Howard also leadoff homer. Frieri struck out Denard went deep for the Phillies in the opener of Span with a man on second to end it. a four-game series. Lee (3-2) had at least one strikeout in BRAVES 4, MARLINS 2 every inning he pitched and did not walk a Evan Gattis hit a two-run homer in the batter, giving way to Jeff Manship after 113 10th inning, leading the past pitches. Nissan Patrol powers top finishers at the 4-2 Monday night. Dan Lee has 38 strikeouts and two walks Uggla led off with a single up the middle through his first five starts, after leading the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge in 2014 off Arquimedes Caminero (0-1), and Gattis majors in strikeout to-walk ratio and fewest followed with a shot into the left-field seats walks per nine innings during each of the for his fifth homer of the season - and first previous two seasons. DUBAI: Nissan Patrol has once again proved to be best desert rally competitors from around the earned over many years.” the Hero of All Terrains in Life by powering top world. Against this toughest of competition, the Nissan has been the long-term supporter of the career walkoff homer. competitors to success in the Abu Dhabi Desert latest generation Nissan Patrol was able to claim a rally with its flagship Patrol SUV being the official Andrelton Simmons homered for the CUBS 5, DIAMONDBACKS 1 Challenge powered by Nissan 2014. class win on its first outing - a spectacular achieve- race car for the eleventh year. For 2014, the part- Braves, and Jason Heyward put Atlanta 2-1 Travis Wood hit a three-run homer and Making a dramatic debut in the demanding ment. We congratulate all winners, especially our nership was strengthened with the rebranding to with a seventh-inning single off Mike Dunn. drove in four runs to back his nine-strikeout desert rally, the latest generation Nissan Patrol won newest talent to join us this year, Emil Kneisser who Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge POWERED by Nissan. Anthony Varvaro (1-0) worked a scoreless performance on the mound, leading the on its class at its first outing with Emil Kneisser, has demonstrated outstanding skill, strength and The fourth and toughest stage of the Abu Dhabi inning for the win. Cubs to a victory over thea Diamondbacks. sponsored by Nissan, behind the wheel and claim- endurance.” Desert Challenge is named after Nissan Patrol. Wood (1-2) gave up a run and six hits ing victory in the ‘T2’ category. Yahya Bel Helei, also Yahya Bel Helei, said: “This year’s race was as Nissan Patrol, the brand’s flagship SUV with a NY METS 2, ST. LOUIS 0 over seven innings. His four RBIs and nine sponsored by Nissan and competing in the ‘T1’ cat- competitive as ever and I’m proud to have rich heritage and passionate following in the Jenrry Mejia pitched four-hit ball into strikeouts matched career highs. Bronson egory was the highest finisher of any GCC competi- achieved a third in class finish against some of the Middle East, has been a favorite choice of Abu the seventh inning and David Wright deliv- Arroyo (1-2) allowed five runs and eight hits tor - in fourth place overall. best racers from across the world. My Nissan Patrol Dhabi Desert Challenge competitors for many ered another key hit. Wright lined an early in 5 1-3 innings for Arizona. The Nissan Patrol also accounted for the top five fin- Pickup performed faultlessly and I look forward to years, but this year the latest generation made its RBI single that extended his hitting streak Diamondbacks have lost nine of 10 games ishers in the ‘T2’ category and recorded better next year’s event.” debut. to 12 games and Kyle Farnsworth earned and have the worst record in the majors (5- times than some ‘T1’ participants. Emil Kneisser, said: “To come first in class in a Competing in the ‘T2’ category, for production his first save as the New York’s newest clos- 17). Welington Castillo hit a two-out bloop Commenting on the results Samir Cherfan, debut race for a car is an achievement - I’m delight- vehicles allowing only slight modifications to sus- er. On an evening when the Mets debuted single to right field to score Starlin Castro Managing Director of Nissan Middle East, said: “The ed with the result. The latest generation Nissan pension, brakes, cooling and safety features, it new camouflage tops to salute the military, from second for a 1-0 lead in the second Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge POWERED by Nissan is Patrol has proved it’s got everything it takes to car- looks set to continue the winning heritage of its they looked sharp. The Cardinals lost for inning. an internationally-recognized event attracting the ry on the winning heritage its predecessors have predecessors. the third time in four games. Ryan Kalish followed Castillo’s RBI single Mejia (3-0) bounced back well from a with a single of his own to extend the torn blister on his right middle finger that inning. Bronson Arroyo fell behind in the Al Amir wins Red limited him to five innings in his last start. count 1-0 before Wood hit a hanging slider The 24-year-old righty began the game by for a three-run shot into the left field Bull Helmet Art getting Matt Carpenter to look at three bleachers. It was Wood’s seventh career straight strikes, and rarely was in trouble. home run.—AP Competition MLB results/standings KUWAIT: ‘Helmet Art”, a competition to design a helmet for the Infiniti Red Bull Formula One Showrun in Kuwait, Baltimore 7, Boston 6; Cleveland 4, Kansas City 3; LA Angels 4, Washington 2; Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 5; took place during the month of March. The competition 3, Detroit 1; Atlanta 4, Miami 2 (10 innings); NY Mets 2, St. Louis 0; Chicago Cubs 5, gave Kuwaiti youth a chance to show their talents in the Arizona 1; Milwaukee 4, San Diego 3; Colorado 8, San Francisco 2; Texas 4, Oakland 3; Houston 7, Seattle fields of design and culture. Abdulaziz Al Amir managed 2; Philadelphia 7, LA Dodgers 0. to win after choosing his design as the best among 250 American League National League other designs. Eastern Division Eastern Division W L PCT GB Atlanta 13 6 .684 - The winning design was sent to Germany where it NY Yankees 11 8 .579 - Washington 11 9 .550 2.5 was applied on a F1 approved helmet. During the Toronto 10 9 .526 1 NY Mets 10 9 .526 3 Infiniti Red Bull Formula 1 Showrun, Spanish driver Baltimore 9 9 .500 1.5 Philadelphia 9 10 .474 4 “Carlos Sainz. Jnr. wore the helmet, as a winning prize Tampa Bay 9 10 .474 2 Miami 9 11 .450 4.5 Boston 9 11 .450 2.5 Central Division for the Abdulaziz. After the event, the Spanish driver Central Division Milwaukee 15 5 .750 - “Sainz” met the winner and signed the helmet and then Detroit 9 7 .563 - St. Louis 11 9 .550 4 Chicago White Sox 10 10 .500 1 hand it over to Abdulaziz. Kansas City 9 9 .500 1 Pittsburgh 9 11 .450 6 “I was so glad when I knew that my design won. It’s Minnesota 9 9 .500 1 Cincinnati 8 11 .421 6.5 an honor to be the first Arab person to design a Formula Chicago Cubs 6 12 .333 8 Cleveland 9 10 .474 1.5 1 helmet. I was even happier when Carlos Sainz Jnr. Western Division Western Division Oakland 13 6 .684 - LA Dodgers 12 8 .600 - wore the helmet during a big event that thousands of Texas 12 8 .600 1.5 San Francisco 11 9 .550 1 persons attended.” Said Abdulaziz. LA Angels 9 10 .474 4 Colorado 11 10 .524 1.5 He added: “The Arabic font is back to the front. I Seattle 7 12 .368 6 San Diego 9 11 .450 3 Houston 6 14 .300 7.5 Arizona 5 17 .227 8 hope that I have contributed to the cultural renaissance of Arabic font.” Carlos Sainz Jnr. and Abdulaziz. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 SPORTS Tackles fly in on planned India Super League

NEW DELHI: Its backers include some of snooze has become a coma. Cricket forecast that it would pave the way for Those who have been mentioned are those unlucky ones who are not con- the biggest names in Indian sport, busi- dominates the back pages but matches “the nation’s sporting renaissance”. long past their prime, such as former tracted to any club. The September- ness and Bollywood who hope it will in the existing I-League domestic cham- “Football, with its largely untapped France and Arsenal striker Thierry Henry, November window just does not make help the country shed its image as the pionship attract significant crowds in potential in the country, has the oppor- Argentina’s retired marksman Hernan sense. This whole thing is a gimmick.” sleeping giant of world football. some parts of the country, and the tunity to grow to an unrivaled commer- Crespo and ex-Manchester United for- Kapadia was not surprised that many I- But the Indian Super League, which English Premiership is a major driver cial success quite unlike any other sport,” ward Dwight Yorke. League clubs remained hesitant to promises to lure a galaxy of former stars behind the growth of satellite TV here. Ambani, wife of India’s richest man Former Indian football captain IM release their players on grounds that the out of retirement, is already facing scep- So it was no surprise when Rupert Mukesh Ambani, said in a statement. Vijayan said youngsters could learn from ISL will threaten their existence. ticism and even downright hostility from Murdoch’s Star TV was revealed as one of A more measured assessment came legends of the game. “I am happy for our “No country hosts two (competing) within the game some five months the backers of the new ISL along with from former national cricket captain young players, who will gain financially leagues, because you can’t give equal ahead of kick-off. “It’s going to kill the other big names such as sports manage- Sourav Ganguly, co-owner of the Kolkata and learn from top stars,” he said. importance to both,” Kapadia said. “The sleeping giant without allowing it a ment giant IMG. franchise. He said the league could be a Each of the eight teams will be clubs could slowly be eased out.” chance to wake up and get out of bed,” And in an echo of the format for crick- force for good even if it does not sup- allowed to draft 10 foreign players, with Churchill Brothers’ Alemao said the ISL said Valanka Alemao, the chief executive et’s glitzy Indian Premier League (IPL), it plant cricket as India’s number one a proviso that at least 50 of them in the would be “detrimental” to Indian foot- of Churchill Brothers, ex-champions of was announced last week that eight city- game. “Don’t compare it with the IPL or 80-man pool should have played for ball. “Some retired foreign players will India’s current domestic league. “This is based franchises with famous frontmen cricket,” Ganguly told AFP. “It’s the start their national teams. probably laugh their way to the bank, such a weak-structured tournament that would take part in the two month-long of something good. Hopefully, some- But with ISL dates clashing with the but without a strong youth develop- it’s bound to fail.” competition from September. where down the line, things will start of major leagues around the world mental base, Indian football will crum- Despite being the second most pop- Co-owners include cricketing icon improve.” and the organisers facing stiff opposi- ble,” she told reporters last week. ulous nation, India has long struggled in Sachin Tendulkar, Bollywood A-listers As with its cricketing forerunner, tion from local clubs, finalising both the “Interest from the corporates is very world football and is currently ranked Salman Khan and Ranbir Kapoor as well organisers of the ISL hope a mixture of foreign and Indian talent will not be welcome in our sport. But why are they 145th out of 207 in the governing body as Atletico Madrid, leaders of Spain’s La local talent and international stars will easy. “Let’s face it, India is a non-entity in not tying up with existing clubs, instead FIFA’s rankings. Liga. bring in the crowds. But while the likes world football and will find it tough to of floating a ridiculous super league?” The sleeping giant tag was first of Tendulkar, Ganguly and South Africa’s attract top players,” the country’s best- Similar plans last year by football offi- coined by FIFA president Sepp Blatter on ‘UNTAPPED POTENTIAL’ record-breaking all-rounder Jacques known football writer Novy Kapadia told cials in the state of West Bengal for a a visit to India in 2007 but with even Nita Ambani, chairwoman of the joint Kallis graced the IPL from the beginning, AFP. franchise-based league featuring fading war-torn Syria and Afghanistan now venture IMG-Reliance marketing group no big names have yet been confirmed “At the most, you will get second- stars like Crespo and Italy’s Fabio ranked higher, some wags have said the which conceived the idea of the league, for the ISL. string players, mainly from Africa, or Cannavaro failed to take off.—AFP

Qatar reviewing WCup Moyes lacked the gravitas stadium commitment to be Man United manager DOHA: Qatar organizers are yet to which called for $3 billion spend- decide whether to build all 12 sta- ing to renovate three stadiums MANCHESTER: When Manchester United over- diums outlined in their successful and build nine new ones. looked Jose Mourinho and chose David Moyes to be the successor to Alex Ferguson, the club bid to host the 2022 World Cup. Reducing that plan now could gambled on a manager without a winning men- The organizing committee issued a affect a promise to help poorer tality or experience of European soccer — and statement in response to reports countries by sending them materi- with no trophies on his resume. on Monday that only eight World als when stadiums are scaled back Instead, United went for someone with a Cup stadiums would be construct- in size after the tournament. track record of loyalty and building a dynasty, as ed, saying it was customary for “After the event, modular sec- 11 relatively successful years at Everton would hosts to review bid plans before tions from the stadiums are attest. It quickly became apparent, however, that proposing “final host cities and planned to be used to construct 22 Moyes lacked the gravitas for one of the biggest stadia projects” for approval by stadiums around the world in jobs in club soccer, that he was too satisfied with FIFA. developing countries,” a FIFA panel a mediocre level of performance, that he was in “This is the same process that all evaluating the Qatari bid wrote in awe of the team rather than ready to rebuild it. FIFA World Cup host nations 2010 of the “important” legacy In short, he was a man out of his depth. Take, for example, the away match at undergo. For Qatar, the process of pledge. Liverpool, which came three games into the selecting the final proposed lineup Still, the December 2010 deci- Premier League season. Liverpool won 1-0. ìI of host venues is ongoing,” the sion by FIFA’s ruling board to thought we played very wellî was Moyesí assess- Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee choose Qatar has been marred by ment of what most experts found to be a poor for Delivery & Legacy said in a allegations that the voting process display by the reigning champions. With more statement emailed to The was flawed. performances like that, he added, United would Associated Press. “The requirement There have also been concerns surely finish ìin or around the top four.î It was to is a minimum of eight and a maxi- over conditions for migrant con- be a recurring theme. mum of 12” stadiums. struction workers, and the swelter- United took Moyes out of Everton, but not Manchester United’s Scottish manager David Moyes seen in this file photo. In May last year, FIFA secretary ing summer heat in the tiny Gulf the Everton out of Moyes. United great Ryan general Jerome Valcke said Qatar nation that could lead to a change Giggs will serve as interim player-manager for proved too much for Moyes. Convincing Wayne ers had lost faith in his methods. Danny Welbeck could use eight stadiums, despite from the traditional June-July peri- the remainder of the season pending the hiring Rooney to commit his future to United was reportedly wants to quit Old Trafford; Robin van the 12-venue plan required when od for the tournament. of a full-time replacement. Before Unitedís home regarded as the most pressing item on his to-do Persie has openly complained about teammates match against Liverpool, Moyes declared the vis- list. That was accomplished. He also successfully running into his space; Patrice Evra has been bidding, and told The AP that FIFA president Sepp Blatter has itors to be favorites. ìI was surprised,î Liverpool established talented winger Adnan Januzaj as a poor this season but hardly got off on the right ongoing talks with local organizers already suggested moving the manager Brendan Rodgers remarked on Moyesí first-team squad member. foot with Moyes after the new manager courted would be “pragmatic and we will tournament to later in the year to lowered expectations. ìI would never say that at On a playing level, he achieved little else. fellow left backs Leighton Baines and Fabio find the right number.” FIFA avoid the searing desert heat. Liverpool - even if I was bottom of the league.î ìCome on David Moyes, play like Fergieís boysî Coentrao last summer. His only offseason pur- requires at least eight stadiums for In recent months, Qatar has What was to prove his last post-match news was the chant United fans regaled their new chase, Marouane Fellaini, has been a major dis- the 64-match tournament, and sought to allay widespread con- conference also came on Merseyside, this time manager with at the start of the season, but that appointment, and Moyesí other big-name future hosts Brazil and Russia opt- cerns about conditions for migrant at Everton on Sunday. United had just been never materialized. With long balls, ponderous recruit, Juan Mata, gave the team yet another ed for 12. Brazil’s preparations workers on World Cup building beaten - actually, dismantled - 2-0 by an ener- attacking play and a defensive mindset, Moyesí No. 10 with Shinji Kagawa and Rooney already have been in disarray, with three projects by detailing how their getic, tactically aware Everton side. ìI couldnít United was incomparable to the teams of the there. Often marginalized onto the wing, Mata stadiums still not completely ready rights must be protected by con- fault how we played,î said Moyes, wearing his Ferguson era that wowed fans across the world hasnít had the desired effect yet. just seven weeks before the tour- tractors. now-customary haunted look. His overall analy- with their adventure and dynamism. Moyes was- Chastening early season defeats were per- nament kicks off. Rights group Amnesty sis staggered those present and had United fans nít averse to fielding attacking players - the team haps to be expected in the new era. But they fuming on social media. Qatar defeated bids from the International called the charter a just didnít play attacking football. have just kept on coming - United has lost 10 of United fans probably saw it coming, though. United looked most comfortable under its 22 matches in 2014, among them embarrass- United States, Japan, South Korea “positive, if partial” step. But the Moyes admitted on the day he was presented as Moyes in the first leg of the Champions League ing losses to Olympiakos, Liverpool, Manchester and Australia to host the 2022 International Trade Union the new manager that ìthe blood drained from quarterfinal against Bayern Munich, when it City and Everton that has sent fansí frustrations World Cup, promising air-condi- Confederation complained that my faceî when he was approached by Ferguson defended deep, relied on spirit and work rate beyond tipping point. And it wasnít just the tioned stadiums amid billions of 2022 World Cup leaders have not and told he would be the man to take the club and looked dangerous on the counterattack. It defeats, it was the manner of them. dollars in infrastructure projects. demanded changes in Qatar’s forward. was very much a Moyes-type performance from There has been no sign of improvement, In 2010, Qatar submitted a labor laws despite mounting criti- The job and the task of rebuilding an aging his Everton days. either, and thatís what ultimately turned the tide detailed bid document to FIFA cism from rights groups.—AP team that Ferguson squeezed the best out of By the end of his reign, it looked like the play- against Moyes in the board room.—AP Ronaldo set to return for Real’s Bayern test

MADRID: World Player of the Year Cristiano IMPECCABLE RECORD Bundesliga. And captain Philipp Lahm Ronaldo looks set to make his comeback Saturday’s 2-0 win over bottom club admitted the European champions need to from injury for Real Madrid when Bayern Eintracht Braunschweig was their first in be at the very top of their game when they Matches on TV Munich visit the Santiago Bernabeu for four league games, a run which included visit the Spanish capital, where they tri- their Champions League semi-final, first leg two consecutive defeats after a 53-match umphed on penalties in the semi-finals two (Local Timings) today. unbeaten streak. years ago. “We’ll show we’re always up for it Ronaldo has been sidelined for the past Bayern boss Pep Guardiola enjoyed an in the important games, but it’s still 50-50,” UEFA Champions League three weeks due to a hamstring injury and impeccable record of five wins and a draw he said. in six visits to the Santiago Bernabeu in “I am sure that everyone will put in a top will be desperate to make up for lost time Real Madrid v Bayern Munich 21:45 by building on his record-equalling 14 four years in charge of Barcelona. performance today because if they don’t beIN SPORTS 1 goals in the competition this season. Real However, the Spaniard has accepted we have no chance.” Other than the are set to be at full strength as left-back responsibility for his side slacking off in absence of former Barcelona midfielder beIN SPORTS 2 recent weeks and will be hoping meeting Thiago Alcantara, Bayern should also be at Marcelo has also overcome a hamstring beIN SPORTS 1 HD the nine-time European champions brings full strength with goalkeeper Manuel problem. Gareth Bale missed training on beIN SPORTS 2 HD out the best in them, having previously Neuer and David Alaba returning to the Monday due to flu-like symptoms, but the described playing in Europe as “like a good side after missing Saturday’s win at beIN SPORTS 11 HD Welshman is expected to take his place meal in a nice restaurant” compared to the Braunschweig due to injury and illness beIN SPORTS 13 HD alongside Ronaldo and Karim Benzema in “everyday pizza or hamburgers” of the respectively.—AFP attack. Los Blancos will need Ronaldo and Bale firing on all cylinders if they are to over- come their historic hoodoo against Bayern in the last four of Europe’s premier club competition. In five previous semi-finals, the Germans have come out on top four times, with a 3-2 aggregate victory in 2000 on their way to winning the competition for an eighth time Real’s only success. However, Madrid’s previously awful record against German opposition has been salvaged this season as they saw off Schalke 04 and Borussia Dortmund on their way into the last four. And Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge believes an away goal is the key to his side reaching the final for a third consecutive season. “We need to score at least one goal. That’s what we learned from Dortmund’s meetings with Real Madrid,” he said. “We’re known as the ‘la bestia negra’ (bete noire) down there. We need to show them la bes- tia negra is back.” MADRID: Bayern Munich’s Spanish head coach Pep By their own lofty standards, Bayern Guardiola (right) speaks with Bayern Munich’s Dutch have struggled to maintain their focus after midfielder Arjen Robben (left) during a training session sealing the Bundesliga title in record time a MADRID: Real Madrid’s Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo (center) practices with team-mates during a training session on at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. —AFP month ago. the eve of the UEFA Champions League semifinal football match against Bayern Munich. —AFP Grizzlies, Ronaldo set to Clippers win return for Real’s 16 Bayern19 test


Tackles fly in on planned India Super League Page 19

SPAIN: Atletico’s Diego (right) goes for the ball with Chelsea’s Frank Lampard during the Champions League semifinal first leg soccer match. — AP Atletico fail to pierce Chelsea defence

MADRID: Atletico Madrid and Chelsea were locked at 0-0 Thibaut Courtois were genuinely tested in a drab affair. attacking midfielder Raul Garcia and Diego and Koke pro- hosts managed only one shot on target before the break, a after their Champions League semi-final first leg yesterday Home captain Gabi, who was booked and will be sus- viding the creative impetus just behind. Mourinho, by con- weak Diego effort, and the visitors none. after the Spanish side failed to break down their ultra-cau- pended for the return leg, said he and his team mates were trast, had containment in mind, with former Atletico cap- Midfielder Mario Suarez flashed a long-range drive nar- tious visitors at the Calderon. Atletico, through to the last not happy with the result. tain Fernando Torres alone up front and defender David rowly wide in the 34th minute and Diego Costa had a volley four of Europe’s elite club competition for the first time in “Atletico wanted to win the match at any cost but they Luiz in a holding role in a five-man midfield. well blocked by Cesar Azpilicueta but otherwise there was 40 years, dominated the defence-minded 2012 winners but defended very well,” Gabi told TVE. “We knew they wouldn’t The Portuguese coach had obviously instructed his play- little goalmouth action. were unable to carve out an advantage ahead of next want to concede a goal and I think Atletico played a much ers to sit back and try to catch Atletico on the break and The second half was a similarly cagey affair and there week’s return leg at Stamford Bridge. more attacking game. they were happy to let the home side have the ball in a first was more bad news for Chelsea in the 73rd minute when Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho, returning to the Spanish “It leaves a bad taste in the mouth but the tie is still very half short on entertainment. captain John Terry limped off after turning his ankle at a capital after three years at Atletico’s city rivals Real, had open and we will go to Chelsea and try to win.” There was Chelsea were forced to make an early change when corner. clearly set out to frustrate the home team and the result another cracking atmosphere before kickoff at the 55,000- Cech was knocked to the ground by a tumbling Raul Garcia Captain Gabi forced a decent save from Schwarzer in the means his side will be slight favourites to advance to next capacity stadium next to the Manzanares river where the at a corner and he was helped off clutching his right arm. 76th minute as Atletico pressed for a goal but Chelsea held month’s final in Lisbon. fans have been flocking to enjoy what is easily the Madrid Australian Schwarzer, 41, making only his second out reasonably comfortably. “Everyone was right up for it, The Londoners lost goalkeeper Petr Cech when he fell club’s best season in almost 20 years. Champions League appearance, became the oldest player which you’d expect, and we have got world-class players,” heavily and hurt his right elbow in the 15th minute but nei- Atletico coach Diego Simeone deployed an attacking to feature in the knockout phase. said Schwarzer. “We knew if we could match their determi- ther his replacement Mark Schwarzer nor Atletico keeper formation with Diego Costa leading the line supported by With almost the entire Chelsea team behind the ball, the nation our quality would come through.” — Reuters

Guangzhou win Preview SYDNEY: Guangzhou Evergrande ensured its Asian Champions All-Spanish semi-final show League title defense progressed to the knockout stages, while Shinji Ono helped Western Sydney Wanderers reach the second BARCELONA: Despite having lost key play- the most enjoyable and the most difficult. round on debut. Brazilian midfielder Elkeson scored both ers this season Sevilla and Valencia go head- We will continue on the same lines and Guangzhou’s goals in the 2-1 win over Yokohama F-Marinos yester- to-head in their Europa League semi-final clearly in Europe is where everyone wants to day, helping the big-spending Chinese Super League champions tomorrow, underlining the enduring quality be,” Emery told a news conference ahead of top Group G. of La Liga compared to the continent’s the Valencia tie. K-League club Jeonbuk Motors held on for a 0-0 draw at home wealthier leagues. “A great club like this deserves to be in against Melbourne Victory, advancing in second place on goal dif- There was an exodus of talent from this competition and from here on we will ference. Victory, which had an upset win over Marcello Lippi’s Spain ahead of this campaign with many try and show our strengths and bring peo- Guangzhou squad in Melbourne last week, needed a win over the players going to the Premier League as ple together. 2006 champion Jeonbuk to advance. clubs other than powerhouses Real Madrid “It is fine if people are excited by the Western Sydney thrashed an under strength Guizhou Renhe and Barcelona, fought to control spiralling game but we are not getting carried away as lineup 5-0 to finish atop Group H, edging Kawasaki Frontale on debts. Despite fears of a deterioration in it will be a contest of 180 minutes where a goal difference. Kawasaki beat Ulsan Hyundai 3-1 to knock the quality, however, they still possess four lot of aspects come into play.” 2012 champions out of the competition. teams in the semi-finals of Europe’s top Valencia’s season has been more incon- Needing only a draw to advance, the Wanderers opened the two competitions. sistent and disappointing performances, scoring in the 6th minute via Shannon Cole, who controlled a cross While all attention is first on Madrid in which led to the departure of Miroslav with his chest at the edge of the area before spinning and driving a the Champions League with Atletico and Djukic, have at times been overshadowed shot inside the left post. Real hosting Chelsea and Bayern Munich by their crippling debts. The Wanderers didn’t score again until Labinot Haliti swooped respectively, it will then switch to Sevilla New coach Juan Antonio Pizzi has failed on a sloppy defensive error in the 75th to make it 2-0, triggering a where the Andalusian side take on Valencia. to provide inspiration so far and now a run late flurry against an under strength Guizhou team that was It has been a difficult season of change for of one win in five games has left them already out of playoff contention and had only three available sub- Sevilla but after a slow start where there was down in eighth place in the Spanish table. stitutes - and no backup goalkeeper. mounting pressure on coach Unai Emery, The Europa League gives Valencia the pos- Aaron Mooy scored with his first touch, a penalty kick in the the side has responded since Christmas and sibility to rescue a disappointing season 81st minute, before Ono charged onto a ball that had been now they boast nine wins from 10 games in domestically. punched away by the Guizhou keeper and drove a long-range half La Liga and are still pushing for a “We play every game to win it for the volley into the back of the net. Champions League place. badge, because Valencia is a great club and The Wanderers joined the A-League in 2012-13 and qualified for Manchester City-bound Alvaro Negredo you have to fight each game as though it is the continental championship by finishing atop the domestic and Jesus Navas were among those who left the last. We are now at the doors of a final, we and it took time for Emery to knit together a have the support of the people from Valencia standings at the end of their first regular season. The Wanderers new side with so many fresh faces. and we want them to enjoy it,” midfielder are still in contention for a spot in the Australian league’s 2013-14 The team is built around the skills of mid- Sofiane Feghouli told a news conference. “It final, and into the knockout stage of the Asian tournament as well. fielder Ivan Rakitic while on-loan signings would be fantastic for us to reach the final “It’s a fantastic feeling - to do it in that manner as well, five from England, Stephane Mbia and Daniel and we will try and have a good game in goals,” coach Tony Popovic said. “To finish on top of the group is Carrico, from QPR and Reading respectively, Sevilla first. Then the atmosphere in the something special.” GUANGDONG: Zhang Linpeng (left) of China’s Guangzhou have given them solidity. Mestalla will be amazing but first we have a By midway through yesterday’s scheduled matches, 10 teams Evergrande tussles for the ball against Shingo Hyodo of Japan’s “I don’t like to make judgments at the tough game in Sevilla where the difference had qualified for the second stage. The remaining six spots were to Yokohama Marinos during their AFC Champions League Group G moment because the best is still to come: will be in the small details.” — Reuters be decided in matches late yesterday and today. — AP first round football match. — AFP Emaar Properties posts 55% rise in Q1 profit Page 22

Asian shares mixed Business after Easter break WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Page 24 Bader Al-Kharafi on Al-Mazaya inaugurates 2nd stage of ‘Queue Point’ in Dubai Land Coutts Middle East Advisory Board Page 26 Page 25 Wataniya Telecom posts KD 182.7m revenue for Q1 Successful start of the year with growth in customers and revenue

KUWAIT: Wataniya Telecom (National lion (USD 18.0 million) for the same peri- 2014 was KD 1.2 million (USD 4.4 million) Mobile Telecommunications Company - od in 2013. The Net Attributable Profit to compared to a total Net Loss of KD 1.8 NMTC) yesterday announced its financial Wataniya Telecom for Q1 2014 was KD million (USD 6.3 million) for the same results for the first quarter 2014: 5.8 million (USD 20.5 million), compared period in 2013. The Net Attributable Loss Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin to KD 3.8 million (USD 13.5 million) for for the first quarter of 2014 was KD 0.6 Saud Al-Thani, Chairman of Wataniya the same period in 2013. million (USD 2.1 million) compared to a Telecom commented: Net Attributable Loss of KD 0.9 million “The first quarter generated not only a Ooredoo - Algeria (USD 3.1 million) for the same period in broadly positive start to the year for Ooredoo’s customer base in Algeria at 2013. Wataniya Telecom but also provided fur- the end of Q1 2014 was 9.93 million cus- ther evidence of the success of our tomers, an increase of 7.4% compared to Ooredoo - Maldives strategic initiatives across its businesses. the same period last year. Revenues for Ooredoo’s total customer base at end Ooredoo Algeria continues to capture Q1 2014 were KD 85.5 million (USD 303.6 of Q1 2014 was 0.26 million, an increase market share, driving revenue and profit million), an increase of 18.9% compared of 37.4% from the same period of 2013. growth. Despite the continued challeng- with revenues of KD 71.9 million (USD Revenues for Q1 2014 were KD 3.9 mil- ing market conditions of Tunisia, 255.4 million) for the same period in lion (USD 13.7 million) compared to KD Ooredoo Tunisiana has delivered solid 2013. EBITDA for Q1 2014 was KD 33.1 3.3 million (USD 11.8 million) for the quarterly performance. Wataniya Kuwait million (USD 117.4 million), an increase same period 2013. EBITDA for the first (USD 0.6 million) compared to the Net is delivering against its recovery strategy, of 14.7% on KD 28.8 million (USD 102.4 quarter of 2014 was KD 1.3 million (USD Attributable Loss of KD 0.2 million (USD capturing back market share as the busi- million) for the same period in 2013. The 4.6 million) compared to an EBITDA of 0.7 million) for the same period in 2013. ness targets a return to revenue growth total Net Profit for the first quarter of KD 1.1 million (USD 3.9 million) for the The KD to USD conversion rate used is having invested in developing the coun- Wataniya Telecom Chairman Sheikh 2014 was KD 12.1 million (USD 42.8 mil- same period in 2013. The Net attributa- 0.28158 as of 31 March 2014. try’s leading broadband network. Our Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al- lion) compared to a total Net Profit of KD ble Profit for 2014 was KD 0.2 million markets continue to be highly competi- Thani 10.5 million (USD 37.1 million) for the tive but we are making good progress in same period in 2013. The Net executing our long-term growth strate- (USD 10.1 million), compared to Net Attributable Profit to Wataniya Telecom Financial Highlights gy.” Profit for the same period in 2013 of KD for Q1 2014 was KD 8.6 million (USD 30.4 9.5 million (USD 33.7 million). million) compared to a Net Attributable Operational Highlights: period in 2013 of KD 22.6 million (USD 80.2 Review of operations Profit of KD 7.4 million (USD 26.4 million) • Total customer base increased to 20.4 million).The net attributable profit to The Group’s operational performance Tunisiana - Tunisia for the same period in 2013. million at the close of Q1 2014, versus 19.5 Wataniya Telecom in Q1 2014 was KD 19.8 can be summarized as follows: The Tunisiana customer base at the million at the same period in 2013, million (USD 70.4 million) compared with amounting to growth of 5.0%. net attributable profit of KD 19.5 million end Q1 2014 stood at 7.39 million cus- Wataniya - Palestine Wataniya - Kuwait The total customer base for Wataniya • Revenues for Q1 2014 amounted to KD (USD 69.2 million) for the same period of tomers, an increase of 2.0% compared to 182.7 million (USD 648.8 million), com- 2013. Wataniya Kuwait’s customer base was 2013. Revenues for Q1 2014 were KD Mobile Palestine at the end of Q1 2014 2.22 million customers at the end of Q1 was 0.65 million, an increase of 4.7% pared with KD 181.3 million (USD 643.9 mil- • The consolidated Earnings per Share 45.4 million (USD 161.3 million), com- lion) for the same period in 2013, equal to was 40 fils (USD 14 cents), compared to 39 2014, an increase of 12.1% on the same pared to revenues for the same period in from the same period of 2013. Revenues period in 2013. Revenues for Q1 2014 for Q1 2014 were KD 6.0 million (USD growth of 0.8%. fils (USD 14 cents) per share earned for the 2013 of KD 47.6 million (USD 169.1 mil- • EBITDA for Q12014 was KD 66.8 million same period last year. were KD 41.8 million (USD 148.4 million), lion). EBITDA was KD 22.4 million (USD 21.3 million), an increase of 4.2% com- a decrease of 20.2% compared to 2013 of pared to the revenues of KD 5.8 million (USD 237.2 million), compared to EBITDA of • Post period: Mr Vikram Sinha has been 79.5 million) compared to KD 24.0 mil- KD 70.8 million (USD 251.3 million) for the appointed as CEO of Ooredoo Maldives. He KD 52.3 million (USD 185.8 million). EBIT- (USD 20.5 million) in Q1 2013. EBITDA for lion (USD 85.3 million) for the same peri- same period in 2013. has joined on Sunday April 20. He replaces Q1 2014 was KD 0.8 million (USD 2.9 mil- DA was KD 9.6 million (USD 34.2 million) od last year representing a decrease of • The consolidated Net Profit for Q1 Haroon Hameed, who is taking up another versus EBITDA for Q1 2013 of KD 16.6 6.8%. The total Net Profit stood at KD 7.7 lion) compared to an EBITDA of KD 0.3 2014 was at KD 24.3 million (USD 86.5 mil- leading role within the Ooredoo Group in million (USD 59.0 million), a decrease by million (USD 27.3 million) an increase of million (USD 1.2 million) for the same lion), compared to Net Profit for the same Ooredoo Myanmar. 42.0%. Net Profit was at KD 2.9 million 51.8% when compared with KD 5.1 mil- period in 2013. The total Net Loss for Q1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 BUSINESS Dubai to sell 15-yr benchmark sukuk

DUBAI: The government of Dubai plans to National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Standard sell a benchmark-sized, US dollar-denomi- Chartered. nated sukuk with a lifespan of 15 years yes- Dubai last issued sovereign bonds in terday, a document from lead managers January 2013, raising $1.25 billion with a said. Initial price thoughts on the Islamic two-tranche sale consisting of a 10-year bond have been set between 5 and 5.125 sukuk and 30-year conventional note. percent, the document said. Benchmark Investor demand for that issue was size is traditionally understood to mean at massive, with the order book some 12 least $500 million. times oversubscribed; Dubai’s economic The sukuk will use the ijara structure, a boom means demand for this week’s issue common sale and lease-back format in is likely to be very heavy as well, even Islamic finance. The 15-year lifespan is though the emirate is still working unusual in the sukuk market; globally, most through a pile of restructured debt left Islamic bond issues tend to have maturities over from its 2009 property crash. no longer than five or seven years. However, Reflecting investors’ confidence, the price Middle Eastern issuers have sold sukuk of of Dubai’s five-year credit default swaps, up to 30 years duration in the past. used to insure against a government The banks arranging the transaction are default, dropped last week to their lowest Dubai Islamic Bank, Emirates NBD, HSBC, level since mid-2008. — Reuters Saudi’s home finance company in final stages RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s national home such as ijara (Islamic leasing), diminishing finance company, Bidaya, may open its musharaka and hybrid structures doors by the end of this year, part of efforts designed to meet local regulations, Al- COLOMBO: Sri Lankan farmers prepare a paddy field for sowing in Piliyandala on the outskirts of Colombo yesterday. Sri Lanka’s economy has to raise low levels of home ownership in Aboodi added. recorded eight percent-plus growth for two straight years after security forces crushed separatist Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009, but growth the country, its founding sponsor said. In diminishing musharaka, the lender has slipped since. — AFP In development since 2010, the compa- and home buyer share the costs of pur- ny is a venture between the finance min- chasing a home; the home owner then istry’s Public Investment Fund and the pays rent to the lender while purchasing Jeddah-based Islamic Corporation for the the lender’s share of the house in instal- Emaar Properties posts Development of the Private Sector (ICD), a ments. Capitas Group International, an unit of the Islamic Development Bank. international management firm with Bidaya is in its last phase of develop- experience in setting up sharia-compli- ment prior to launch and will submit an ant mortgage and real estate finance 55% rise in Q1 profit application for a license as soon as regu- platforms, has been helping to prepare lations under the kingdom’s mortgage Bidaya for launch. laws are finalised, ICD chief executive Home ownership in Saudi Arabia is Khaled Al-Aboodi told Reuters. just 30 percent, compared to a global Malls unit revenue up y-o-y ahead of IPO spin-off “Practically, we are planning to have the average of 70 percent, while mortgage company operational by the end of penetration is estimated at just 2 percent 2014.” A shortage of affordable housing is of gross domestic product, Al Rajhi DUBAI: Dubai’s Emaar Properties reported a 55 16 percent, or 483 million dirhams, from its hos- 1.4 percent higher on Dubai’s main bourse an economic and social issue, and a Capital said in a research note in January. percent rise in first-quarter net profit yesterday, pitality and leisure unit. Emaar diversified out of before the company announced its results, tak- source of price inflation, in the fast-grow- Mortgage loans exceed 50 percent of as the region’s economic recovery brought con- property when Dubai’s housing market prices ing their 2014 gains to 41 percent. They have ing country of about 30 million people, GDP in many developed countries. sumers back to its malls and shopping units, and slumped by more than half from a 2008 peak nearly tripled in value since the start of 2013. most of whom are under the age of 30; a Home financing options offered by house buyers returned to the market. The when the emirate’s building boom turned bust. The company plans to spin off and sell 25 lack of low- and medium-cost housing Saudi banks in the past have been limit- builder of the world’s tallest tower, the Burj Over the last 18 months, Emaar has led a sec- percent of Emaar Malls Group through a public has been compounded by limited financ- ed; for example, buyers have had home Khalifa, reported a profit of 863 million dirhams tor recovery, largely owing to speculative buyers offering likely to take place in London and Dubai ing options for home ownership. payments automatically deducted from ($234.96 million) in the three months to March returning to the home sales market. The devel- later this year. Investors expect Emaar’s recovery “Bidaya will increase access to finance their salaries by lending banks. 31, compared to 556 million dirhams in the pri- oper has claimed huge successes at pre-sales of to continue. for middle-income home buyers across In 2012 the kingdom introduced a or-year period. its recently launched projects, as investors According to a report by consultants Jones the Kingdom. Bidaya is an important package of mortgage laws to stimulate Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast profit queued overnight to buy apartments and villas Lang LaSalle, another 40,000 new homes will project for the ICD and Saudi Arabia giv- home financing, and since last of 873 million dirhams. Revenue was 2.26 billion on a first-come-first-serve basis. enter Dubai’s property market over the next en its impact on the Saudi market and December, the central bank has issued dirhams, up from 2.11 billion dirhams a year ear- Emaar said it made property sales of 5.92 bil- two years as developers revive projects stalled the sustainability of the sector,” Al- six real estate financing licenses to insti- lier, of which 38 percent, or 863 million dirhams, lion dirhams in the first quarter, nearly double after the collapse of the emirate’s real estate Aboodi said. tutions including Riyad Bank, Arab came from Emaar’s malls and shopping unit and that of 2013’s first quarter. Emaar’s shares ended market. — Reuters He did not specify the number of cus- National Bank and Amlak International. tomers or volume of business which But commercial banks are still feeling Bidaya expected, but said the “target their way towards using the laws in prac- size” of its paid-up capital would be 900 tice, so authorities aim to supplement Islamic finance body IIFM million riyals ($240 million). The firm will their efforts with financing from other use sharia-compliant financing contracts organizations such as Bidaya. — Reuters eyes first sukuk standard Tesco launches new MANAMA: The Bahrain-based International lished after the IIFM’s board meeting in May, Islamic investors. A general lack of uniformly Islamic Financial Market (IIFM) will develop its and it would also study other common sukuk accepted standards in Islamic finance has first standard contract template for sukuk structures such as mudaraba, wakala and slowed global growth of the industry. round of price cuts (Islamic bonds), and aims to double the num- musharaka, as well as convertible and The new sukuk standard will seek to ber of its standards as early as next year, its exchangeable sukuk. Sukuk issuance globally address a variety of issues including primary LONDON: Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco has 420 gram can of Tesco branded baked beans is chief executive told Reuters. reached $117 billion last year from a total of market issuance and the use of special pur- launched another round of price cuts on basic cut by 13 pence to 32 pence, an 800 gram loaf A standard for leasing-based sukuk will be 811 issues, of which 175 where based on the pose vehicles, Alvi said. food products and reduced online shopping of Tesco branded wholemeal bread is reduced developed first by the IIFM, a non-profit ijara structure, according to data from Zawya, In the past two years, the IIFM has charges as it attempts to stem a loss of market by 15 pence to 75 pence and a pack of six Tesco industry body which creates specifications a Thomson Reuters company. The ijara sukuk launched standard contract templates for share to discounters Aldi and Lidl. Last week salad tomatoes is cut by 31 pence to 69 pence. for Islamic finance contracts, to help harmo- standard could be ready by the end of this Islamic interbank transactions and profit rate Chief Executive Philip Clarke vowed to win back The firm also said one-hour home delivery nize industry practices, said chief executive year at the earliest, although this would swaps. It is currently working on standards shoppers with millions of pounds of price cuts slots would now be available for 1 pound Ijlal Ahmed Alvi. depend on the working group’s schedule, for cross-currency swaps, foreign exchange after Tesco posted a second straight year of ($1.68) compared with the previous charge of “Our aim is to come up with more stan- Alvi added. forwards and collateralized murabaha, while falling profits. at least 3 pounds, while click & collect grocery In common with Britain’s three other lead- - where customers order online and pick-up dards - that is the focus we are trying to push The working group would include repre- also consulting on credit support arrange- ing grocers -Wal-Mart’s Asda, Sainsbury’s and from over 260 UK locations - would now be for. We have five standards now and we hope sentatives from a wide range of Islamic bank- ments in Islamic finance contracts, said Alvi. Morrisons Tesco has been hit on two fronts, by free compared with at least 2 pounds before. to double that for next year.” The move ing institutions including the Jeddah-based The IIFM started operations in 2002, the discount chains and by Waitrose and Marks A spokeswoman for Tesco declined to say if comes after a consultation meeting in Dubai Islamic Development Bank (IDB), as well as founded by the IDB and the central banks & Spencer at the premium end of the market. the latest round of price cuts forms part of this week which identified a need for guide- the International Monetary Fund, he added. and monetary authorities of Bahrain, Brunei, Monthly industry data, published April 8, the 200 million pounds ($336 million) the firm lines covering the ijara sukuk structure, a While ijara sukuk are popular among cor- Indonesia, Malaysia and Sudan. Additional showed Tesco’s UK market share had shrunk to said in February it would invest in lower sharia-compliant sale and lease-back con- porate issuers, the absence of standard docu- members include the State Bank of Pakistan 28.6 percent, its lowest level in nearly a decade. prices or part of the unquantified “big and tract, as a priority. mentation has spawned different versions and the Dubai International Financial Tesco said yesterday it had cut prices on bold plan” Clarke talked about last Alvi said a working group would be estab- which can limit their acceptability among Centre. — Reuters over 30 popular food products. For example a Wednesday. —Reuters


Malaysian Ringgit 86.990 South African Rand 0.020747 0.029247 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Chinese Yuan Renminbi 45.905 Thai Bhat 9.690 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001850 0.002430 Turkish Lira 133.930 Taiwan 0.009226 0.009406 ASIAN COUNTRIES COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Thai Baht 0.008372 0.008922 Japanese Yen 2.737 Australian Dollar 264.56 261.56 Canadian Dollar 260.21 261.21 Indian Rupees 4.708 Arab Pakistani Rupees 2.880 Swiss Franc 323.32 321.32 Bahrain Exchange Company Euro 392.17 393.17 Bahraini Dinar 0.743544 0.751544 Srilankan Rupees 2.161 Egyptian Pound 0.036855 0.039955 Nepali Rupees 2.945 US Dollar 282.00 285.00 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT Sterling Pound 473.37 476.37 Iranian Riyal 0.000078 0.000079 Singapore Dollar 226.380 Europe Japanese Yen 2.77 2.79 Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241 Hongkong Dollar 36.453 Belgian Franc 0.007349 0.008349 Bangladesh Taka 3.636 Bangladesh Taka 3.633 3.903 Jordanian Dinar 0.394580 0.402080 Indian Rupee 4.621 4.921 British Pound 0.461441 0.470441 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Philippine Peso 6.290 Czech Korune 0.006087 0.018087 Thai Baht 8.712 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.158 2.593 Lebanese Pound 0.000137 0.000237 Danish Krone 0.047764 0.052764 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Nepali Rupee 2.940 3.475 Moroccan Dirhams 0.024394 0.048394 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Pakistani Rupee 2.881 2.790 Euro 0.381493 0.389493 Nigerian Naira 0.001195 0.001830 UAE Dirhams 76.85 77.31 Norwegian Krone 0.043063 0.048263 Omani Riyal 0.728383 0.734063 GCC COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 750.57 752.64 Romanian Leu 0.08094 0.181094 Qatar Riyal 0.076954 0.078167 Saudi Riyal 75.430 Egyptian Pound 39.83 40.43 Slovakia 0.008094 0.018094 Saudi Riyal 0.074763 0.075463 Qatari Riyal 77.721 Jordanian Dinar 401.36 407.01 Swedish Krona 0.039045 0.044045 Syrian Pound 0.001753 0.001973 Omani Riyal 734.800 Omani Riyal 733.38 740.68 Swiss Franc 0.310235 0.320435 Tunisian Dinar 0.174650 0.182650 Bahraini Dinar 751.300 Qatari Riyal 77.87 78.42 Turkish Lira 0.132776 0.139776 Turkish Lira 0.132776 0.139776 Saudi Riyal 75.33 75.73 UAE Dirham 77.033 UAE Dirhams 0.076001 0.077150 Australasia Yemeni Riyal 0.001284 0.001364 ARAB COUNTRIES Australian Dollar 0.253658 0.265158 Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.700 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd New Zealand Dollar 0.236450 0.245950 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 39.920 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.320 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate America Tunisian Dinar 179.350 Al Mulla Exchange US Dollar 282.500 Canadian Dollar 0.251923 0.260423 Jordanian Dinar 399.450 Canadian Dollar 260.195 US Dollars 0.278650 0.283000 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.898 Sterling Pound 469.120 US Dollars Mint 0.279150 0.283000 CurrencyTransfer Rate (Per 1000) Syrian Lira 2.016 Euro 388.830 Morocco Dirham 35.521 US Dollar 282.200 Swiss Frank 317.180 Asia Euro 389.450 Bahrain Dinar 751.900 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Bangladesh Taka 0.003251 0.003851 UAE Dirhams 76.890 Pound Sterling 469.150 US Dollar Transfer 282.750 Chinese Yuan 0.044362 0.047862 Qatari Riyals 78.475 Canadian Dollar 258.100 Euro 390.760 Hong Kong Dollar 0.034360 0.037110 Saudi Riyals 75.605 Indian Rupee 4.700 Sterling Pound 471.770 Indian Rupee 0.004467 0.004868 Jordanian Dinar 398.125 Canadian dollar 259.880 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000020 0.000026 Egyptian Pound 39.910 Egyptian Pound 40.444 Turkish lira 134.040 Japanese Yen 0.002657 0.002837 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.158 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.158 Swiss Franc 320.400 Bangladesh Taka 3.629 Indian Rupees 4.702 Kenyan Shilling 0.003256 0.003256 Australian Dollar 265.500 Pakistani Rupees 2.876 Korean Won 0.000257 0.000272 Philippines Peso 6.288 US Dollar Buying 281.550 Bangladesh Taka 3.631 Malaysian Ringgit 0.082651 0.088651 Pakistan Rupee 2.875 Philippines Pesso 6.271 Nepalese Rupee 0.002944 0.003114 GOLD Bahraini Dinar 751.400 Cyprus pound 693.875 Pakistan Rupee 0.002619 0.002899 20 Gram 240.000 UAE Dirham 76.850 Japanese Yen 3.730 Philippine Peso 0.006400 0.006680 10 Gram 121.000 Saudi Riyal 75.350 Syrian Pound 2.955 Sierra Leone 0.000069 0.000075 5 Gram 62.500 Nepalese Rupees 3.910 Singapore Dollar 0.220725 0.226725 *Rates are subject to change BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014


KUWAIT : Kuwait Automotive Imports Co WLL (Al Shaya ing pleasure. With styling directed by the “KODO - Soul ACTIV TECHNOLOGY that has evolved even further. tures to protect you and your passengers, including the & Al Sagar), exclusive distributor of Mazda cars in Kuwait of Motion” design theme, this unprecedented sports Conventional engineering says an engine can be either SKYACTIV-BODY that meets the highest collision-safety since 1969, proudly launched the new generation MAZ- compact seizes the emotions from the first glance. The extremely powerful or outstandingly fuel efficient, but standards of the world`s major assessment programmes. DA3 in KFH showroom in Shuwaikh on 20 April. The latest in SKYACTIV TECHOLOGY enhances Mazda`s hall- not both. In contrast, Mazda`s “Breakthrough” approach unveiling ceremony took place in the presence of KAICO mark Jinba Ittai feeling of unity with the vehicle. Plus the began by tearing up the rule book of conventional ideas i-ACTIVSENSE and KFH management who expressed delight at hosting advanced safety technologies actively work to maximize in order to realize both of these conflicting goals at a i-ACTIVSENSE is Mazda`s integrated suite of cutting- the event in their showroom. The launching of the New your driving abilities and increase the joy of being higher level. edge active safety technologies, designed to inform, sup- Mazda3 in KFH showroom further reinforced the long behind the wheel. port and protect. The Rear Vehicle Monitoring (RVM) sys- business collaboration between KAICO and Kuwait The interior design and functionality are masterful SKYACTIV-G 2.0 L tem, High Beam Control System (HBC) and Adaptive High-efficiency SKYACTIV-G direct-injection petrol Front-lighting System (AFS) keep you informed of what`s engines are your passport to a world of driving that is going on around you, even in the blind spots to the side both exciting and eco-friendly, SKYACTIV-G engines do and rear. The Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) more than just set new standards for fuel efficiency and supports you with a warning when you are about to drift emissions control, they also actively enhance the Zoom- out of your lane. And the Smart Brake Support (SBS) Zoom performance. To accomplish this, Mazda engi- works proactively to help prevent or soften impacts. neers achieved a technical breakthrough to deliver an Better yet, unlike some other makers` systems which rely extraordinary compression ratio of 13.0:1 while sup- on a single sensing system such as a camera, i- pressing the knock usually caused by such high com- ACTIVSENSE uses a smart combination of the latest sens- pression. Taken together, the technical breakthroughs ing devices including milliwave radar, near-infrared lasers in SKYACTIV-G engines realize an astonishing increase in and cameras to cover the widest range of situations and fuel efficiency - up to 15% - as well as more satisfying weather conditions. everyday driving thanks to the ample torque available at low- to mid-engine speeds. The leading edge of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) design SKYACTIV-BODY Route guidance from the navigation system. Hazard The SKYACTIV-BODY is engineered to achieve two warnings. Audio entertainment from a wide range of conflicting aims: lighter weight with better safety per- sources. So much information constantly coming at you formance and increased rigidity. It`s achieved through could break your concentration and make your driving innovative engineering, and optimized structures and less safe. That`s why Mazda endineered the cockpit with materials. In total, SKYACTIV-BODY is 30% more rigid, a new HMI design to prevent confusion in decision-mak- lighter, and able to meet the world`s most demanding ing, minimize driver eye movements and reduce physical crash safety tests, at the same time as giving better han- stress. dling thanks to its enhanced rigidity. The newly developed Active Driving Display mounted above the meter hood shows the most essential driving SKYACTIV-CHASSIS information with no need to look away from the road. The SKYACTIV-CHASSIS delivers even more of Information for MZD CONNECT`s audio, communication Mazda`s famous feeling of oneness between car and and navigation functions is displayed on a 7-inch LCD driver. Total re-engineering of the basics of suspension mounted on top of the dashboard. and steering systems achieved both lighter weight and superior rigidity. MZD CONNECT, the new in-vehicle connectivity sys- tem Finance House. statements of Mazda`s pursuit of both driving pleasure CELEBRATING PROACTIVE SAFETY Internet connectivity has become an essential part of At the launch event Mr Ashish Tandon (General and comfort: the cabin elegantly satisfies conflicting All Mazdas are about the driving experience. And an daily life, so Mazda developed MZD CONNECT to provide Manager) mentioned, “Mazda engineers took Mazda3 to demands for a pleasantly snug driver`s cockpit along important part of the experience is feeling secure in versatile connectivity with the highest standards of safe- even higher levels through their passion for engineering with an airy, relaxing space for the front and rear passen- knowing what`s going on around you at all times. ty. MZD CONNECT offers a huge range of infotainment innovation. The New Mazda3 is dedicated to people who gers. Mazda3 is equipped with a host of features engineered options from the Internet when connected to a smart- love to drive and who love to make the most of life.” Mr to keep you informed, and to help you anticipate and phone. The system`s Audio feature allows selection of Mohamed Osman (Mazda Brand Manager) urged all car SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY - avoid hazards on the road. Mazda call this integrated various music sources including AM/FM radio, CDs and enthusiasts and potential customers to visit Mazda show- THE EVOLUTION OF REVOLUTION suite of of advanced active safety technologies i- mobile audio players, and AHA Internet Radio. The room and test drive the new vehicle and experience first- “At Mazda, if it`s not fun to drive, we just don`t build ACTIVSENSE. i-ACTIVSENSE uses the latest sensing Communication feature reads SMS messages aloud, as hand Mazda’s exciting new technologies. it.” It`s this dedication to outright driving pleasure that devices to assist your perception and decision-making so well as other Internet social networking services (Twitter gave birth to SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY, the revolution in you can concentrate on driving. But no matter how safe- and Facebook, for example) available via Aha. And the CELEBRATING SPORTS DRIVING every single one of the automobile`s fundamental tech- ly or skillfully you drive, accidents can always happen. So Navigation feature shows your current position on a map Mazda. The name alone evokes exhilaration and driv- nologies. Now New Mazda3 features a full suite of SKY- Mazda3 also includes a wide range of passive safety fea- along with a route to the specified destination. BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 Asian shares mixed after Easter break

HONG KONG: Asian markets were mixed yesterday, the Shanghai closed up 0.34 percent, or 7.00 points, at and AT&T. The Dow gained 0.25 percent, the S&P 500 rose yen late in New York. The Japanese unit Tambang rose 1.76 percent to 1,155 rupi- first day’s trading for some markets after the Easter break, 2,072.83, Sydney gained 0.46 percent, or 25.1 points, to 0.38 percent and the Nasdaq added 0.64 percent. Wall dipped Monday after the government said ah, while Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa even though Wall Street provided another strong lead. 5,479.3, and Seoul added 0.25 percent, or 5.00 points, to Street’s advances follow a torrid week earlier this month its trade deficit in March quadrupled year- slipped 0.98 percent to 22,775 rupiah. The dollar eased slightly against the yen after rallying on 2,004.22. Business remained thin as traders returned from when tech players such as Twitter and Facebook were sold on-year to $14 billion owing to the rising * Kuala Lumpur inched up 0.19 percent, Monday in response to Japan’s announcement of another the long weekend. Markets in Sydney and Wellington will off on fears they were overvalued. cost of importing fossil fuels and con- or 3.490 points, to 1,866.42. Public Bank massive trade deficit. Tokyo gave up early gains as the yen also be closed Friday for Anzac Day. US shares jumped for Those companies have now clawed back much of their sumers rushing to buy before the April 1 gained 0.9 percent to 20.38 ringgit, while reversed course against the dollar, with the Nikkei ending a fifth straight session Monday thanks to solid earnings losses. In Japan the earnings season gets under way next sales tax hike. YTL Corporation rose 1.5 percent to 0.65. 0.85 percent lower, giving up 123.61 points to finish at reports from firms including Halliburton and Hasbro. week with the release of reports from big names includ- The euro bought 141.47 yen and * Manila closed 0.26 percent higher, 14,388.77. Hong Kong ended down 0.13 percent, or 29.56 Attention is now on earnings reports expected this week ing Honda, Panasonic and Japan Airlines. On currency $1.3800 against 141.58 yen and $1.3794. adding 17.44 points to 6,784.95. SM points, at 22,730.68. from top firms including McDonald’s, United Technologies markets the dollar was at 102.50 yen compared to 102.62 Oil prices were lower. New York’s main Investments rose 1.15 percent to 746.50 contract, West Texas Intermediate for May pesos, BDO Unibank added 0.28 percent to delivery, was down $1.06 at $103.31 a bar- 89.00 pesos and Megaworld advanced rel in afternoon trade. Brent North Sea 2.24 percent to 4.57 pesos. crude for June declined 24 cents to Singapore rose 0.67 percent, or 21.70 $109.71. Gold fetched $1,291.73 an ounce points, to 3,277.53. at 1045 GMT, compared with $1,287.37 on United Overseas Bank climbed 1.91 Monday. percent to Sg$22.45 while Singapore Airlines was up 0.58 percent at Sg$10.34. In other markets: Taipei rose 0.26 percent, or 23.52 points, to * Bangkok added 0.14 percent, or 1.98 8,974.71. Smartphone maker HTC added points, to 1,415.05. Oil company PTT 1.58 percent to Tw$160.5 while PC firm dropped 0.97 percent to 307.00 baht, Acer was 0.26 percent higher at Tw$19.4. while Siam Cement rose 1.88 percent to * Wellington ended flat, edging up 1.59 434.00 baht. points to 5,104.94. Air New Zealand added * Jakarta ended up 0.12 percent, or 0.48 percent to NZ$2.08 and Fletcher Building 5.92 points, at 4,898.21. State miner Aneka was off 0.21 percent at NZ$9.60. — AFP

MUMBAI: The television screen on the facade of the Indian Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) building features Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, in Mumbai yesterday. The Bombay Stock Exchange’s benchmark index or the Sensex touched a lifetime high of 22,853.03 points yesterday as investors hope ongoing general elections will provide a sta- ble, pro-active and reform oriented federal government by mid-May. —AFP Brent oil dips below $110 but Ukraine tensions support LONDON: Brent oil futures slipped Oil market participants await the below $110 a barrel yesterday but latest inventory data from the held near a six-week high as a pact United States to gauge the demand to calm tensions in Ukraine faltered, outlook for the world’s biggest con- while rising US crude stockpiles sumer. US commercial crude inven- weighed on prices. tories were forecast to have risen A four-way peace deal signed last week, while gasoline stockpiles last week in Geneva to reduce ten- fell, a Reuters poll showed. sions in eastern Ukraine has had Taken ahead of weekly inventory limited impact so far. Pro-Russian reports from industry group the separatists refuse to put down arms American Petroleum Institute yester- and pull out of occupied govern- day and the US government’s Energy ment buildings as Kiev and Moscow Information Administration on accuse each other of breaking the Wednesday, the survey estimated pact. US Vice President Joe Biden crude stocks rose 2.7 million barrels on yesterday offered to back Ukraine’s average for the week ended April 18. economy and said “time is short” for Oil investors are also watching Russia to make progress on its com- the progress of talks between Iran mitments under the deal. and world powers to end Tehran’s Investors fear that an escalation disputed nuclear program. in the crisis could lead to further President Hassan Rouhani’s govern- Western sanctions on Russia and ment confirmed speculation on disrupt oil supplies from the key Monday it had reshuffled the lead- producer. Brent crude fell 48 cents ership of Iran’s atomic agency to to $109.47 a barrel by 1143 GMT, sideline nuclear experts opposed to not far from a six-week high of talks with the West on its atomic $110.36 touched last week. US program. China’s March crude oil crude slipped 36 cents to $104.01 a imports from Iran rose more than a barrel. “A lot of the Ukraine tension third from a year earlier, keeping is priced in and will keep underpin- imports in the first three months of ning oil prices. We have been in a 2014 close to the levels seen before pretty broad (price) range and we Western sanctions were applied are near the top of the range so more than two years ago.“The sup- unless things change significantly, ply situation on the oil market we will drift lower,” said London- remains very good, despite the based CMC Markets analyst Michael missing shipments from Libya. This Hewson. is partly due to higher production in Investors across the board see the Gulf states and the US, as well as the unfolding crisis in Ukraine as a the fact that sanctions against Iran threat to risk appetite and said have been eased since November,” financial markets remain vulnerable analysts at Commerzbank said in a to more shocks. note. -— Reuters Gold steadies off 2-1/2 week low as dollar falls LONDON: Gold edged back above high. A softer dollar tends to benefit $1,290 an ounce yesterday after falling gold, which is priced in the currency. for three straight days, as a retreat in the On the investment side of the market, dollar took some pressure off the metal, the SPDR Gold Trust , the world’s largest though continued outflows from physi- gold-backed exchange-traded fund, cal gold funds curbed potential for gains. reported another drop in holdings on Prices fell to their lowest since early April Monday, of 3 tons to 792.14 tons. at $1,281.40 an ounce on Monday, after Last week alone, outflows from the peaking above $1,330 a week before on fund totalled 9.3 tons, erasing all the concerns over the stand-off between the gains made in the year. Traders said per- West and Russia over Ukraine. sistent outflows from the top ETF could Spot gold was at $1,291.70 an ounce affect market sentiment and make any at 1132 GMT, little changed from gains difficult to hold. $1,289.54 late on Monday. U.S. gold futures for June delivery were up $3.30 Asian demand soft an ounce at $1,290.60. Demand was soft overnight in Asia, “Gold continues to suffer from small- precious metals house MKS said in a scale profit-taking on the back of the note yesterday, a day after gold’s dis- early April price rebound,” VTB Capital count to spot prices on the Shanghai analyst Andrey Kryuchenkov said. “It Gold Exchange widened to $6 an ounce. should consolidate above early April “Shanghai were sellers once again with lows, with decent support around 1278- the Shanghai Gold Exchange (arbitrage) 80.” Investors are awaiting the next remaining in discount and drawing out round of economic data at the start of sellers,” it said. “Any unfavorable develop- May before taking up positions once ments between Russia and Ukraine still again, he added. “The physical side will have the potential to propel gold and sil- remain quiet for now, with all attention ver higher as safe-havens are sought, but on the dollar,” he said. The dollar drifted with headlines on this front diminishing down 0.1 percent against a basket of and tensions seeming to ease, the met- currencies in early trade, surrendering als look to remain heavy in the short gains that earlier took it to a three-week term.” —Reuters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 BUSINESS Coutts expands Middle East Advisory Board Bader Al-Kharafi appointed to board

DUBAI/LONDON: Coutts yesterday invaluable to us.” PJSC. Rami El Nimer is the CEO of the First firm has regional offices in Dubai, Abu announced the appointments of Saleh Ali He continued: “This is a very exciting National Bank Group of Companies. In Dhabi and Doha and, in 2011, announced Al-Turki, Sohail Al-Mazrui, Rami El Nimer time for Coutts in the Middle East, we addition, El Nimer is Chairman General its intention to grow the business in core and Bader Al-Kharafi to its Middle East have a strong commitment to the region Manager of Capital Finance Company SAL, international markets, including the Advisory Board. and we are looking forward to receiving Chairman General Manager of Middle East Middle East. Coutts’ Middle East Advisory Board was advice on our regional growth strategy Capital Group and General Manager of Coutts is the wealth division of Royal created in October 2013 to help broaden from these distinguished individuals.” Beirut Building Society. Bank of Scotland Group. Coutts serves and shape the firm’s ambitious plans, aid- Saleh Ali Al-Turki is the Chairman and Bader Al-Kharafi is the Chairman, Vice clients from over 40 offices across the ing hiring and driving performance by President of Nesma Holding Company President and Board member of a number world offering tailored wealth manage- strengthening client relationships. The and chairs several companies outside the of businesses including but not limited to ment, banking, trust and tax services. Board continues to meet twice a year to Nesma Group. He has also served as Zain Mobile Telecommunications, Gulf Coutts is headquartered at 440 Strand, provide counsel to Management in the Chairman of Jeddah Chamber of Bank, Gulf Cables & Electrical industries London with offices in other key interna- region. Commerce & Industry, Saudi Chamber of and the British-Kuwait Friendship Society. tional financial centres in Zurich, Geneva, Michael Dismorr, Chairman for Coutts Commerce & Industry and Albir Society in Al-Kharafi is also an Executive Director of Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai. The Middle East Advisory Board said: “We are Jeddah for over a decade. Sohail Al-Mazrui the Al-Kharafi conglomerate. division includes Adam & Company pro- thrilled and honored to welcome Saleh, is the Partner and Chairman of Abu Dhabi Coutts has been present in the Middle viding private banking services from its Sohail, Rami and Bader to our Advisory Business Hub; Senaat LLC, Emirates East for many years and opened its first base in Edinburgh and RBS International Board, and we are confident that their col- Conversion Industry Abu Dhabi and representative office in the United Arab based in the Channel Islands which pro- lective experience and leadership will be Chairman of Dubai Investments Company Emirates (UAE) in Dubai 14 years ago. The vides offshore banking. Bader Al- Kharafi Oman expects 5% growth in 2014 with steady oil prices Foreign reserves around $16bn, up 10% y-o-y AMMAN: Oman’s economy should grow 4 to and an end to corruption. Without the fiscal “The rial is strong because it’s pegged to the 5 percent this year, underpinned by stable reserves of its Gulf neigbours, Oman has seen dollar and we don’t expect the dollar to dip oil prices and the billions of dollars spent on pressure growing on state finances. down,” he said. major projects in the past two years, the The International Monetary Fund warned Foreign reserves managed by the central head of the Gulf country’s central bank said Oman would need to reform spending and bank stand at $16 billion, up almost 10 percent yesterday. find new revenue sources in coming few years year-on-year, Zadjali said. Oman’s central bank Oman is spending billions on infrastructure to avoid a series of ballooning budget deficits. will continue withdrawing liquidity from com- KUWAIT: The graph illustrates the historical exchange rates between the Kuwaiti to diversify its economy, said Hamood The current trend of oil prices above $100 a mercial banks, which are flush with cash. Dinar and the British Pound between 1/22/2014 and 4/21/2014. Sangour Al-Zadjali, and it hopes to attract barrel should help to cover a shortfall in this Deposits rose 11 percent increase to 15.3 bil- more private investment. Projects include a year’s $35 billion budget, which assumed lion rials to curb inflationary pressure and $1.8 billion terminal at Muscat International prices would average $85, Zadjali said. “With ensure monetary stability, Zadjali said. No devaluation of Airport due to be completed this year. “We are the existing oil prices, I think the deficit will be Inflation was expected to average 2 percent building airports. We are building seaports, a wiped out,” he said. A projected rise in oil out- in 2014, cushioned by expectations that global lot of roads are being built,” Zadjali told put to around 1 million bpd from the current food prices would remain at their current lev- KD against GBP Reuters in an interview in Amman. “Oman is 950,000 by year-end should also improve state els, Zadjali said. It fell to 0.6 percent year-on- like a huge workshop now ... this is generating finances, Zadjali. year in February from 1.2 percent in January. By Velina Nacheva According to another employee at an increased economic activity.” Oman will continue to peg its currency, the “Our inflation is imported, and we see our exchange shop in Kuwait, the exchange rate of Analysts say government spending on wel- rial, to the dollar, Zadjali said. The policy has import bill this year staying as it unless there KUWAIT: Rumours about a drastic devaluation the dinar remained stable against the sterling fare and salary increases has also grown since anchored monetary policy and is helping to will be a catastrophic rise in food prices,” of the Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) against the sterling pound in the last year, at an average of 0.463. 2011, to placate protesters demanding jobs underpin the economy’s favorable outlook. Zadjali said. —Reuters pound (GBP) last week were refuted yesterday Yesterday the sterling pound against the dinar by employees of exchange companies across was 0.472, and the dinar against the pound was Kuwait. According to an employee from one of 2.12. the leading exchange companies in Kuwait, the The dinar’s value against the pound declined rate of the Kuwaiti dinar against the sterling by 2 to 3 percent year to year, which according pound has been stable in the past year. “The to an employee at an exchange company, is not Kuwaiti dinar has not weakened. What we have a “drastic fluctuation”. According to him, the experienced recently are normal trends,” the year-on-year changes in exchange rates in employee said, elaborating that the euro has Kuwait are not significant. The impact of this become stronger. Over the last two or three change is not as significant considering it took weeks, people in Kuwait were cautious when place over a period of a year, he said. purchasing pounds due to rumours that the The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) abandoned dinar has been depreciating in value against the the dinar’s peg to the US dollar and switched pound. “Nothing exceptional has happened in over to its old exchange rate regime of tying it to the last few weeks,” a clerk at the exchange com- a basket of currencies in 2006. According the pany said, pointing out that the sterling pound CBK, the policy shift was driven by an effort to has been stronger against the US dollar. suppress the growing inflationary pressures aris- The drop in the dollar has been cited as one ing from the Kuwaiti dinar’s weakness vis-‡-vis of the main factors for the Kuwaiti dinar’s fluctu- other currencies. Since then, the fluctuation of ation, he stressed. “The pound is stronger due to the Kuwaiti dinar against the pound, for the better performing UK economy,” he added. instance, has been low, an exchange employee In the meantime, the US dollar is getting weaker. observed.

MASHAR-I-SHARIF: Afghan vendors sells vegetable and fruits at a market in Mazar-i-Sharif on Monday. Afghanistan’s unemployment rates stands at 35% in a country of 31 million, with much of the population suffering from shortages of housing, clean water, electricity, medical KUWAIT: The graph shows historical exchange rates between the British Pound and care, and jobs. — AFP the Kuwaiti Dinar between 10/24/2013 and 4/21/2014. Egypt CB to keep interest Portugal faces key tests in Japan has not narrowed rates on hold: Survey trade differences turning page on bailout CAIRO: Egypt’s central bank will keep interest rates on hold tomor- row as it balances the need to fight inflation while supporting the with US: Officials LISBON: Auditors from the EU and IMF debt load and retain the confidence of currency and stimulating an economy battered by more than three begin their final health check on bailed-out financial markets. The government is not years of upheaval, a Reuters poll showed. Annual urban consumer TOKYO: Japanese officials said yes- Acting Deputy Trade Representative Portugal yesterday, a day before the coun- yet saying how it intends to navigate out of inflation remains high despite slowing for three consecutive terday there was still a significant Wendy Cutler in Tokyo about trade try faces an acid test with a return to regu- the rescue program as planned on May 17. months before holding steady at 9.8 percent in March, but it may way to go before reaching a broad terms for the TPP. Breaking a US- lar borrowing on the debt market. It could opt for a precautionary line of cred- still be too early for the central bank to cut rates to spur on eco- agreement on trade with the United Japan deadlock over access to Portugal, set next month to follow it or take the route risked by Ireland four nomic activity. Six economists polled by Reuters said they expect States, a day before President Barack Japan’s farm and auto markets is Ireland and become the second rescued months ago-an outright return to the debt the central bank to keep rates on hold on April 24. Obama visits for a summit. A US- seen as key to finalizing the TPP. euro-zone country to emerge from near market without any backup. Moustafa Bassiouny, an economist at Signet Institute, said the Japan agreement is critical to the US- The United States wants Japan to central bank’s Monetary Policy Committee was likely to wait until bankruptcy and austerity-driven suffering, led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a open its rice, beef and pork, dairy, next month before cutting rates. “I expect the MPC to keep rates on is expected to pass both tests with confi- People pay the price 12-nation grouping that would and sugar markets - politically pow- dence. But ordinary people complain they The answer is expected before May 5, hold until the following meeting because of the continuing infla- tionary pressures and the sluggish economic performance so far stretch from Asia to Latin America. A erful sectors that Abe has vowed to will go on bearing the brunt of the radical when euro-zone finance ministers are set TPP deal is central to Obama’s policy defend. Japan wants a timetable on measures imposed by the European Union to approve Portugal’s exit from the rescue this year,” he said. At its last meeting, on Feb. 27, it kept its deposit and lending rates at 8.25 and 9.25 percent, respectively. William of expanding the US presence in US promises to drop tariffs of 2.5 per- and International Monetary Fund in return program. Trades unions say the move will Jackson, emerging markets economist at Capital Economics, said Asia. cent on imports of passenger cars for rescue loans of 78 billion euros ($108 not change the story for their members. one problem was that inflation could rise more this year. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo and 25 percent on light trucks. billion). “With or without a precautionary program, “The recent rise in global food prices could cause Egyptian food Abe has also touted the TPP as a Gaps remain over the size of cuts Those measures, including a new round the austerity policy will stay in place. It’s inflation to pick up later this year,” he said. Egypt’s economy and the main element of his economic strate- in tariffs on beef and pork as well, being applied now, hacked back public always the same people who will go on pound have suffered since autocratic leader Hosni Mubarak was gy to increase growth and shake off Japanese media have reported. spending, cut pensions and enforced struc- paying the price,” said Armenio Carlos, sec- ousted in a popular uprising in 2011, deterring the tourists and for- years of stagnation. As the talks Japanese Economics Minister Akira tural reforms to make the economy more retary general of the main union federa- eign investors who were a major source of hard currency for the dragged on over recent days, officials Amari also acknowledged that the competitive and boost exports. tion, CGTP. country. The tumble in the Egyptian pound has also pressured the from both sides played down the many hours of negotiations had not Vice Prime Minister Paulo Portas, com- A key test will be on Wednesday when central bank to keep interest rates high to lure funds out of foreign chance of reaching an agreement narrowed the gap with the United menting on Monday on the visit by the Portugal, having already tested the willing- currencies. The bank has been burning up its foreign currency hold- before Obama’s visit. But the longer States. The two countries will likely auditors from the EU, IMF and European ness of investors to buy its debt, will make ings to support the local currency. Economic growth in the Arab the standoff goes on, the more announce a strong bond at a summit Central Bank, said: “It’s the final check-up. It its first regular issue of 10-year bonds since world’s most populous nation, meanwhile, has been sluggish doubt could grow about prospects between Abe and Obama this week, is the examination which must enable us to it sought the bailout on April 2011. despite it receiving more than $12 billion in aid from Saudi Arabia, win back our political and financial autono- The national debt agency is aiming to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia after the army ousted for the trade pact. Amari said. Obama is scheduled to my.” The Portuguese are waiting to see the raise 500-750 million euros in a direct auc- Islamist President Mohamed Morsi last July. “We still have a lot of issues left to be in Tokyo until Friday. A final deal, back of those they call “the men in black”, tion to investors. “Portugal should come The government launched two stimulus packages worth around discuss,” Japan’s Deputy Chief however, could be much further off. 30 billion Egyptian pounds ($4.3 billion) each after receiving that but in the knowledge that the three years through with flying colours. This new issue Negotiator Hiroshi Oe told reporters. TPP negotiators are due to recon- aid, but economic growth has yet to pick up. Gross domestic prod- of severe belt-tightening will not be is a step further on the road to emerging “In these circumstances, I cannot say vene in Vietnam in mid-May and uct growth slowed to 1 percent in the first quarter of 2014, and the relaxed. The IMF warned on Monday that from the rescue plan without an extra line that we have narrowed our differ- trade ministers will meet at an Asia- finance minister has cut his growth forecasts for the year to 2 to 2.5 ences.” Pacific Economic Cooperation gath- Portugal must broaden its commitment to of credit,” said Natixis bank analyst Jesus percent from a previous estimate of 3 to 3.5 percent.—Reuters budget discipline to ensure it can carry its Castillo. — AFP Oe spoke after talks with US ering in China that month. — Reuters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 BUSINESS

CFC achieves net profit Al-Mazaya inaugurates 2nd stage of KD 12.9m for 2013 of ‘Queue Point’ in Dubai Land Dividends reached KD 168.9 million Second stage consists of 52 plots spanning over 13mn sq ft KUWAIT: Following the conclusion of its DUBAI: Al-Mazaya Holding Company - listed on annual General Assembly, which was held the Kuwait Stock Exchange and Dubai Financial yesterday, and further to the 34th annual Market - yesterday launched the second stage report of the company work and results for of the Queue Point project in Liwan, during a the financial year ending December 31st press conference held at Ritz Carlton Hotel in 2013, Commercial Facilities Company (CFC) Dubai International Financial Centre, in the announced its approval on the board of presence of the Chairman of the Board of director’s report and an approval of the bal- Directors, Group CEO, a number of specialists ance sheet and company’s profits and loss- within the real estate and construction sector es for the same period. and media representatives. CFC has achieved a profit of KD 12.9 mil- During the conference, Rashid Al-Nafisi, lion, during the financial year ended in Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al- December 31st 2013, and its General Mazaya Holding Company, delivered an open- Assembly approved the distribution of KD ing speech through which he welcomed the 10.3 million on its dividends to sharehold- guests and announced the inauguration of the ers at 20 percent (20 Fils per share for the second stage of the Queue Point project in year 2013). Dubai Land. He also offered his deep thanks to The CFC market share for consumer all employees in Al-Mazaya Company for their loans reached 16 percent, while the com- hard work over the past years, resulting in the pany’s share in the local finance companies completion of Queue Point, a new achievement market exceeded 65 percent, which reflects in the company’s track record. He also the success of the business model adopted expressed his thanks to all contractors who by the company with its several branches Abdullah Saud Al-Humaidhi worked on the project, as well as the share- located in important areas, as well as its “The Board of Directors would like to holders and customers for their great confi- representative offices in all auto show- take this opportunity to extend its sincere dence in Al-Mazaya. rooms in Kuwait. “Al-Mazaya Company is one of the first thanks to the company’s clients, all the gov- DUBAI: Al-Mazaya Holding Company Chairman of the Board of Directors Rashid Al-Nafisi Commenting on the General Assembly, Kuwaiti companies to have entered into the ernmental establishments and the financial addresses a press conference. Abdullah Saud Al-Humaidhi, Vice Chairman and commercial institutions that helped vital Dubai Market, and has been able to fulfil and Managing Director CFC said: “The facilitate CFC’s operations. Our thanks to many giant projects and achievements, in line ments. The residential units include one, two, or particular, at very competitive prices starting Company continued its successful perform- the CFC management and all its employees with the Sky Gardens at Dubai International three bedroom units with comprehensive serv- from AED 500 thousand per apartment, in addi- ance of past years in 2013. Despite a con- for their dedication and competence that Financial Centre, the Al-Mazaya Towers Projects ices,” he added. tion to the provision of payment facilities tinued challenging financial environment enabled us to achieve another year of in Jumeirah Lakes, and more than 800 residen- “Al-Mazaya also equipped the sales office in through authorized UAE funding agencies like and interest rates on the KD remaining at a development and success” concluded Al- tial villas in Dubai Land, with total investments Queue Point, the company’s main headquarters Dubai Islamic Bank. historical low, the company was able to Humaidhi. amounting to AED 6 billion,” added Al-Nafisi. in the Jumeirah Lakes Towers ‘Mazaya Business At the close of the conference, Shlash Al- accomplish a net profit of KD 12.9 million. Established in 1977, CFC is the first Al-Nafisi revealed that the project now Avenue’, in addition to the equipment of fur- Hajraf, Acting CEO of Al-Mazaya Real Estate This represents an 18.9 percent decline financing company in the GCC and has stands at more than 75 percent complete, with nished residential units to enable buyers to Company in Dubai responded to reporters’ compared to last year’s performance which maintained its leading position in the rate of sales up to 63 percent, which mirrors the select the most appropriate unit. In addition Al- questions and provided clarifications and is a result of a decrease in released provi- financing sector in Kuwait for more than success of Al Mazaya in the development and Mazaya has contracted with Options Furniture explanations with regards to the project. He sions for doubtful debts amounting to KD three decades. CFC has strengthened its management of this leading project. in Dubai to equip these units in the way that also expressed his thanks to Dubai Real Estate 2.6 million as opposed to KD 4.8 million market position due to its high level of cus- Eng. Ibrahim Al Saq’abi, the Group CEO, gave makes them more elegant, suits the project’s Group, the main developer of the project, and due to collection from the Distressed Fund. tomer service, quick transaction processing a presentation about the project and its ongo- status, and enhances the selection of these resi- the Department of Land and Property in Dubai, This is in addition to the low average inter- and convenience. Today, the company has ing stages until present, pointing out that the dential units, according to the available engi- for their cooperation with Al-Mazaya Real est rate of the loan portfolio which five branches in strategic locations, as well project includes 52 “land” plots, 25 of which are neering designs and spaces within the project. Estate Company to successfully complete decreased revenue to 17 million represent- as representative offices located in all owned by Al-Mazaya. The company manages Options Furniture offered 20 percent discount Queue Point. ing a decrease of 11.9 percent on previous major car dealerships across Kuwait. the remaining plots for the benefit of other coupons for each buyer in Queue Point, and on Ownership within Queue Point Project is an year”. “CFC has attracted a large segment of Customers can pay monthly install- investors. He also added that Al-Mazaya coop- the sidelines of the conference, Al-Mazaya also opportunity to get a dream home in Dubai customers, from companies and individu- ments; inquire about their account balance erated with other government agencies in inaugurated the Queue Point Website which within a strategic location amidst the most vital als, through its continuous commitment of and next installment due date through the Dubai like the Property and Land Department would provide all needed data and information sites in Dubai, and at the junction of Sheikh launching best solutions and financing ini- “CFC” renewed website or ‘Rera’, to deliver the project in accordance with on the project. Mohammad bin Zayed Street (previously tiatives in the local market in 2013 with the the CFC Smartphone application that can the requirements and laws of the department, Al-Saq’abi stressed that the marketing cam- known as Emirates Road) and Al-Ain Street, not aim of providing its customers the flexibili- be downloaded from the “App Store” or after Al-Mazaya undertook a full survey and paign is consistent with the economic variables far from Dubai International Airport, Al- ty of investing their needs. Three loans “Google Play Store”.” Customers can submit study of the spaces of apartments in prepara- seen by the UAE in general and Dubai in partic- Maktoum International Airport, Expo 2020 City, were arranged amounting to KD 30 million applications at CFC’s main office in Sharq, tion for transferring their ownership to the buy- ular, especially in terms of the Emirate’s Expo Dubai International Academic City, and other during 2013 as well as another KD 30 mil- or at any of the company’s branches locat- ers. 2020 win and the current challenges of supply vital facilities and areas. It is also a modern area lion in credit for the coming year 2014. The ed in Hawalli, Al-Riggae, Fahaheel and Al- “We are pleased to announce the launch of and demand being witnessed by the real estate that is currently under development according Board of Directors is confident in the com- Jahra, in addition to 21 company represen- the second marketing campaign for the Queue market. Timing is deemed as an important fac- to high quality standards and specifications in pany’s ability to secure further funding in tatives spread between the main new and Point project in Liwan, which is to be made into tor for the project’s success, in light of the great terms of services and infrastructure. the coming year at the best possible rates used car dealerships and by visiting the an integrated residential environment, stress- demand by residents and investors for residen- Al-Mazaya is utilizing all marketing tools to reflecting the company’s sound financials company page on Instagram, Facebook ing the quality of the construction and the dis- tial units in the mid-income bracket, which is of support its campaign with the aim to market and reputation” Al- Humaidhi continued and Twitter as well. tinct location, in addition to the services and special importance as the majority of the real the project via all social media websites infrastructure to be provided by the main estate development companies are currently (#QueuePoint), and provide a weekly electronic developer in the near future,” said Al-Saqabi. focused on providing the market with luxury bulletin about the project and its latest updates “Queue Point is a distinct project which residential units. and developments, in addition to a media and Enjoy Chevrolet’s best enjoys a strategic location. The architectural Al-Mazaya seeks to provide a real estate advertising campaign through all Gulf and local design study was carefully conducted so the product that meets the needs of the resident newspapers as well as electronic and audio trade-in offer: 6 days Left! project can meet the needs of all target seg- and investor in the UAE in general and Dubai in media.

KUWAIT: Yusuf A Alghanim & Sons Automotive, Captiva also comes with an impressive range of the exclusive distributor of Chevrolet in the interior features including cruise control, CD/MP3 region, would like to remind its customers of playback with AUX and USB port, Bluetooth(r) their last chance to take advantage of the com- and standard safety features such as dual pany’s strongest promotion , which will last until airbags, ABS braking system and rear sensors the end of April. The offer gives the opportunity that provide all-around protection for the car. for customers to own the car of their dreams The 2014 Chevrolet Tahoe is build for a single while benefiting from the best trade-in value in goal: to fulfill the needs of anyone who drives it. the market, plus up toKD 1000 on top when pur- And it does so with legendary capabilities, safety chasing a brand new Chevrolet vehicle. features, and dependability. The Tahoe is pow- The Chevrolet Malibu has redefined the mid- ered by an advanced Vortec 5300 V8 engine with size sedan in Kuwait with its expressive styling, Active Fuel Management technology. Tahoe’s interior refinements, Stability Control System, as 320 hp (net), controlled by a six-speed automatic well as its five-star safety features, making the transmission, triumph over any terrain. There are Malibu a one-of-a-kind car in its segment. The few places you’d rather be than inside a Tahoe. exterior design of the Malibu carries some DNA Indeed, the luxurious interior is quiet, refined and from Camaro, a feature that brings about a beautifully appointed with leather seats, chrome sporty look to the family sedan. The Malibu also panel surrounds and adjustable pedals for tai- offers the smoothest ride in its segment thanks lored driving. Striking an ideal balance between to the noise-reducing rearview mirrors, acoustic space, comfort and safety, the cabin seats up to laminated front glass and strategically placed nine with head-curtain side airbags for all rows. noise-absorption pads that provide a quiet and And because Chevrolet is always committed to more controlled feel. The new Malibu also comes safety and comfort, the 2014 Tahoe is set with with a wide range of exciting features such as unprecedented standards of safety and a long MyLink infotainment technology, rearview list of features and components to help cushion Camera, LED tail Lamps, front HID lamps, Keyless and protect both driver and passengers. Access with Push-Button Start and a host of safe- Standard on all trim levels, head-curtain side ty features that, overall, makes Malibu the best airbags help reduce the risk of injuries to all out- value car in its segment in terms of cost mainte- board occupants in certain side impacts. nance. Chevrolet Captiva comes in two available engines: the 2.4, 4-cylinder engine that gener- Chevrolet Care ates 169 hp, and the 3.0, V6 engine that gener- All customers who purchase a Chevrolet will Jaguar named ‘2014 best car styling ates an impressive 264 hp, making it one of the receive the benefits of the Chevrolet Care, which most powerful Crossovers in the market. Both entails new levels of post-sale support. engines are mated to 6-speed automatic trans- The Chevrolet Careis an exceptional customer luxury brand’ by Kelley Blue Book mission, which makes the driving experience service that is based on four mail pillars: competi- smooth, controlled and efficient. Captiva’s spa- tive and transparent service costs, scheduled KUWAIT: Jaguar is proud to challenge the status quo in the lux- company’s heart: a two-seat, sports Convertible, and $65,000 for the cious and comfortable interiors have been service appointment booking with same day announce that the F-TYPE ury car market. This is an important car focused on performance, agility Coupe. specifically designed to accommodate the driver delivery, quality service by certified technicians Convertible is an Automobile moment for the Jaguar brand as and driver involvement. The F-TYPE British luxury automotive brand and up to seven passengers, providing everyone and 3yr/100,000km warranty with 24x7 roadside Magazine 2014 ‘All-Star’ for its part the all-new F-TYPE Coupe and R Convertible and Coupe are pow- Jaguar has been awarded the 2014 the best driving experience there is. In addition, assistance. in redefining and modernizing the models go on sale in May joining ered by the new Jaguar super- Kelley Blue Book Brand Image brand. This marks the third year a the F-TYPE convertible.” charged 3.0-liter V6 engine in Award for “Best Car Styling Luxury Jaguar vehicle has received the For 2014, about 270 automo- 340hp and 380hp outputs and a Brand”. honor. biles for sale in the United States 495hp 5.0-liter supercharged V8. The Brand Image Awards, pre- “The F-TYPE Convertible, were eligible for the award. The The F-TYPE Coupe debuted at the sented by Kelley Blue Book, recog- Jaguar’s modern take on its iconic, nize automakers’ outstanding 1960s E-Type, captivated us with its achievements in creating and svelte body, its available super- maintaining brand attributes that charged V8 engine, and its exhaust capture the attention and enthusi- note that sounds like machine-gun asm of the new-vehicle buying fire,” said Jean Jennings, President public. Award categories are calcu- and Editor-In-Chief, Automobile lated among luxury, non-luxury Magazine. “Did we mention its and truck shoppers. The 2014 looks? With its extravagant styling, Brand Image Awards are based on the F-TYPE attracts the attention of consumer automotive perception people everywhere it goes and has data from Kelley Blue Book Market done more than any other Jaguar Intelligence’s Brand Watch study. car [or “vehicle”] to make the brand “Jaguar is a fast rising challenger relevant and desirable again.” in the luxury car market with a his- “This award further validates tory of designing beautiful cars,” excitement surrounding the said Jeff Curry, Brand Vice brand’s first two-seat sports car President, Jaguar North America. since the iconic E-Type,” said Jeff “We continue to move forward with Curry, Brand Vice President, Jaguar a visual appeal that has people fall North America. “We are thrilled to prestigious All-Stars awards recog- 2013 Los Angeles Auto Show this in love at first sight.” have such a top-tier recognition of nize 10 vehicles chosen by the edi- past November, will go on sale this Kelley Blue Book’s Brand Watch the F-TYPE by Automobile torial staff of Automobile Magazine. spring and is available in three is an online brand and model per- Magazine. We are proud to have The Jaguar F-TYPE Convertible models: F-TYPE Coupe, F-TYPE S ception tracking study, tapping this recognition of our strategy to was launched to critical acclaim in Coupe and F-TYPE R Coupe. MSRP into insights from 12,000+ in-mar- build more new Jaguar models that 2012 and represents a return to the starts at $69,000* for the ket new-vehicle shoppers annually. technology WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

China steps up purge of online porn amid wider censorship push

BEIJING: China has shut down more than 100 web- material deemed obscene is the latest government ethos,” an unidentified official with the State chilled political disclosure especially on Weibo, sites carrying pornography and closed thousands of attempt to tighten its grip on the internet and will Internet Information Office was cited by Xinhua as China’s version of Twitter. accounts on social media sites in an re-newed effort be used in broader censorship of websites. saying. Sina Corp, a major Chinese web portal, temporar- to clean up the internet, state media reported. In the latest drive, authorities have closed 110 The campaign, set to last until November, comes ily shut down its entire online reading section short- The campaign, named “Cleaning the Web 2014”, websites and more than 3,300 accounts on China- after a crackdown on Wechat, Tencent Holdings ly after the campaign was launched, because “works was launched in response to the spread of online based social networking services, and deleted more Ltd’s social messaging app, which has had dozens of containing inappropriate content have appeared,” pornography despite repeated bans, according to a than 200,000 items containing pornography since widely read accounts run by outspoken columnists the company said in a statement on one of its Weibo circular issued by the National Office Against January, the official Xinhua news agency reported shut down. microblogs. Last week, a Beijing court sentenced a Pornographic and Illegal Publications. on Sunday. “Disseminating pornographic informa- It also follows a move last year to purge online man to three years in prison for spreading rumours Pornography is illegal in China, but some over- tion online severely harms the physical and mental rumour-mongering, widely seen as a tool to punish on Weibo that the court said defamed celebrities seas critics are concerned that the crackdown on health of minors, and seriously corrupts social critics of the ruling Communist Party, which has and the government. — Reuters

Cuban-American leaders helped ‘Cuban Twitter’

MIAMI: Leaders with the largest nonprofit for its humanitarian mission - should be run- organization for young Cuban-Americans qui- ning such a cloak-and-dagger operation etly provided strategic support for the federal instead of spy agencies like the CIA. Roots of government’s secret “Cuban Twitter” program, Hope was launched at a conference at Harvard connecting contractors with potential University in 2003 by a group of Cuban- investors and even serving as paid consultants, American college students seeking to connect The Associated Press has learned. Interviews with and empower youth on the island. The and documents obtained by the AP show lead- organization quickly established a network of ers of the organization, Roots of Hope, were more than 4,000 students and young profes- approached by the “Cuban Twitter” program’s sionals at top colleges around the nation. organizers in early 2011 about taking over the In 2009, the group focused on promoting text-messaging service, known as ZunZuneo, access to technology in Cuba with an initiative and discussed how to shift it into private to collect and send cellphones and later USB hands. flash drives. Cuba has one of the lowest Few if any investors were willing to private- Internet penetration rates in the world, though ly finance ZunZuneo, and Roots of Hope mem- cellphone use has become increasingly com- bers dropped the idea. But at least two people mon. In each of its projects, Roots of Hope on its board of directors went on to work as publicly steered away from other Miami-based consultants, even as they served in an organi- exile groups known for their association with zation that explicitly refused to accept any US USAID funding - part of a larger strategy to government funds and distanced itself from drive change on the island through non-overt- groups that did. The disclosure could have ly political means. wide repercussions for what has become one of the most visible and influential Cuban- ZunZuneo project American organizations. Roots of Hope has Nevertheless, in 2011 Creative Associates NEW YORK: This 1964 file photo from the World’s Fair in the Queens borough of New York shows a views of moon colony in the ‘Futurama 2’ ride put been a key player in events like Latin pop star officer Xavier Utset approached Roots of Hope together by General Motors. The millions of visitors who attended the New York World’s Fair that opened in 1964 were introduced to a range of techno- Juanes’ 2009 peace concert that drew more co-founder and then-executive director Felice logical innovations and predictions. Some of those turned out to be right on the money and others, perhaps thankfully, were way off the mark. — AP than a million people in Havana and in the Gorordo, whom he knew through their mutual promotion of technology on the island. Its interest in Cuba, about spinning off the leaders recently accompanied Cuban blogger ZunZuneo project. In an interview with the AP, and Castro critic Yoani Sanchez to Washington, Gorordo confirmed he’d been asked to help where she met with Vice President Joe Biden. identify donors but did not know there was an Netflix shares leap Chris Sabatini, senior director of policy at agenda behind the program. “Personally I the Americas Society and Council of the thought it had merit. It wasn’t political. It had Americas, said he wasn’t surprised that Roots the goal of promoting shared information,” of Hope’s leaders had been approached by US Gorordo said. “But it was not viable because it Agency for International Development con- was a government project, and we do not as membership climbs tractors about the ZunZuneo project, given accept US government funding.” the large sums of money USAID has available Documents and interviews show Gorordo and the limited number of creative, tech-savvy discussed and helped arrange meetings LOS ANGELES: Video streaming service Netflix Inc ers, said it plans to impose “a one or two dollar Cards.” Netflix is investing in original series, such as groups that work on Cuba issues. “I think it between the contractors and potential private said it intends to raise the monthly subscription price increase, depending on the country, later this quarter “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” to does risk tainting the group, a group that I investors. By early spring 2011 the talks fizzled for new customers by $1 or $2 a month to help the for new members only.” It did not name the coun- attract and keep subscribers. If faces competition think has done amazing work and changed as it was clear there would be no support. company buy more movies and TV shows and tries. Existing customers would keep their current from online video players like Inc and the discussion and mobilized a new genera- Meanwhile, two other active Roots of Hope improve service for its 48 million global subscribers. price “for a generous time period,” it said. Hulu, as well as on-demand content from cable oper- tion toward a much more pragmatic agenda,” members, Chris Gueits and Raul Moas, began Investors welcomed the announcement by Netflix has “room to raise prices,” FBN Securities ators. Sabatini said. working for Mobile Accord, another project Netflix, which had suffered from a consumer exodus analyst Shebly Seyrafi said, because “they’re still see- Netflix also said it opposed Comcast Corp’s pro- contractor. Moas, a licensed CPA, was a Roots and stock plunge after it announced an unpopular ing a lot of demand” for the service. The company posed purchase of Time Warner Cable Inc. In March, Roots of Hope of Hope volunteer who joined the board of price increase in July 2011. The company’s shares said in its earnings report it added 2.25 million cus- Netflix reluctantly agreed to pay “interconnection” It also comes at a sensitive time; the non- directors in August 2011. Gueits was also on jumped 6.7 percent in after-hours trading to $371.97, tomers to its U.S. streaming business during the fees to Comcast for faster delivery of its TV shows profit is looking to help Sanchez develop a the organization’s board of directors that year. after the company released plans for a price hike and quarter that ended in March, in line with the compa- and movies. new independent media project in Cuba. Links For a period of about three months, Moas posted a rise in first-quarter profit that beat Wall ny’s earlier guidance, for a total of 35.7 million. In “Comcast is already dominant enough to be able to the USAID program could make that was significantly involved in the now-defunct Street expectations. international markets, its customer base reached to capture unprecedented fees from transit providers prospect more difficult, as the Cuban govern- ZunZuneo program, including reviewing some Chief Executive Reed Hastings said Netflix had 12.7 million, a gain of 1.8 million during the quarter. and services such as Netflix,” the company said in its ment views the Twitter-like endeavor as yet of the project’s test text messages to those on improved its selection of TV shows and movies and Net income for the quarter reached $53 million, an letter. “The combined company would possess even another US effort to undermine its communist the island and approaching potential added original series like critically acclaimed Kevin increase from $3 million a year earlier. Earnings-per- more anti-competitive leverage to charge arbitrary system. Sanchez herself has also been investors, according to the documents. Moas Spacey thriller “House of Cards.” share came in at 86 cents, topping the average fore- interconnection tolls for access to their customers.” adamant in not accepting any government and Roots of Hope declined to comment. With added revenue from higher prices, “we will cast of 83 cents, according to analysts surveyed by Netflix said those fees had improved Netflix service funding. Matt Herrick, a USAID spokesman, Gueits did not respond to multiple requests for be able to license much more content and deliver it Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. for Comcast customers, but singled out AT&T’s fiber- declined to provide the names of any individu- comment but did list his work for Mobile in very high quality video,” Hastings said on a web- During the quarter, it released the second season based U-Verse as providing “lower performance” than als employed by its contractor, but said Roots Accord on two professional networking sites. cast. The company, in a quarterly letter to sharehold- of critically acclaimed Kevin Spacey drama “House of many other providers. — Reuters of Hope did not enter into any grants or con- Telephone and email messages to Creative tracts related to ZunZuneo or any other proj- Associates and Mobile Accord were not ect. However, documents obtained by the AP returned. show extensive involvement at times by the One internal project memo describes a trip organization’s board members. Asked whether Moas and Gueits made to Denver to train with Apps link people agency contractors had attempted to spin the a Mobile Accord staffer on the ZunZuneo plat- project off to Roots of Hope leaders, Herrick form. “Raul has been a fantastic addition to the said only, “The project sought to attract private team,” another memo on the trip states, with new places investment to support the effort after USAID adding that while one Mobile Accord employ- funding ended, but private investment was ee was out, “Raul took the reins and imple- in real world never identified.” The ZunZuneo project ended mented the plan that the three of them put in September 2012. together.” An entry from July of that year CALIFORNIA: Tired of the same restaurants and clubs? Not An AP investigation published April 3 describes discussions with Moas about sure if friends would want to venture to a new cafe or bar? revealed that the US government went to ZunZuneo test messages. New apps show where people want to go, rather than where great lengths to hide its role in ZunZuneo. The Several emails copied to Moas and repre- they have been. Superb, an iPhone app that launched last program, operated by contractor Creative sentatives from Creative Associates, USAID and week, lets users create lists of popular places they would like Associates International, used foreign bank Mobile Accord mention problems with the to visit and shows them a list of other people who would transactions and computer networks. program’s website and messaging systems. also like to go there. “It’s all about hanging out in the real Documents show ZunZuneo organizers aimed Another also mentioned Moas’ salary for the world and getting offline, and the best way to do that is to to effect democratic change in Cuba and draft- month of July. US Rep Joe Garcia, a South know where people want to go,” said Eddy Lu, co-founder ed overtly political messages critical of the Florida Democrat who has supported Roots’ and chief executive of Venice, California-based Superb. Castro government, although the Obama work, said he does not believe the connection The app displays full-screen images of venues such as GLOUCESTER: In this Oct. 19, 2009 file photo, the AT&T logo is on display at a administration has maintained the service had will damage the group in the long term. “You restaurants, museums and hiking trails. A swipe to the right RadioShack store in Gloucester, Mass. AT&T on Monday said that it plans a major a more neutral purpose. are asking for purity for people who are just adds the venue to the user’s to-do list, while a swipe to the expansion of super-fast Internet services to cover as many as 100 municipalities in Since the AP’s investigation, a Senate panel trying to help Cuban civil society in a place left side indicates they are not interested. Tapping the mid- 25 metropolitan areas. — AP has asked USAID to turn over all records about where freedom of speech and other freedoms dle button indicates they have already been there. ZunZuneo as part of a broader review of the do not exist,” he said. “Using a Twitter feed or a It also reveals friends who would like to visit a venue. agency’s civil-society efforts worldwide. In con- messaging system that allows Cubans to com- “With Facebook and Foursquare it’s all about ‘This is where I Espionage hacking grows, gressional hearings earlier this month, law- municate with each other is a good thing, no was’ or ‘This is where I am’ but we’re all about future intent - makers debated whether USAID - best known matter who pays for it.”— AP not the present or the past,” Lu said, referring to the social with more from E Europe media sites. Other apps such as Yelp and Foursquare work in a similar SAN FRANCISCO: Hacking for espionage McAfee, Kaspersky Labs and other private way by creating lists of places users would like to visit. Music purposes is sharply increasing, with groups companies and public agencies contribut- apps, including Bandsintown, show users concerts their or national governments from Eastern ing data ascribed 11 percent of espionage friends are attending, and Eventbrite, Plancast and Meetup Europe playing a growing role, according to attacks to organized criminals and 87 per- indicate which friends are attending other events. Sosh, an one of the most comprehensive annual cent to governments. In some cases, the iPhone app available in San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, studies of computer intrusions. Spying intru- criminal gangs were probably looking to sell Washington and New York, is another way to discover things sions traced back to any country in 2013 what they found to governments or com- to do in cities. “Every single person no matter their age, gen- were blamed on residents of China and oth- petitors of the victims. “We do see a slight der or location all have a question they ask themselves er East Asian nations 49 percent of the time, merging between the classic organized which is ‘What should we do?’” said Rishi Mandal, co-founder but Eastern European countries, especially criminal and the espionage crook,” Sartin and CEO of San Francisco-based company Sosh. “We help Russian-speaking nations, were the suspect- said, adding that he expected that trend to them answer that question.” ed launching site for 21 percent of breaches, continue. If the rise of detected Eastern The app curates a list of events in cities such as a guest Verizon Communications Inc’s said in its European spying comes as a surprise to chef appearing at a restaurant, a new show, or a special annual Data Breach Investigations Report. those mainly familiar with accusations experience at a bar. “There’s a bar doing a Girl Scout cookie Those were by far the most active areas against China, a bigger surprise might be pairing menu, for example. They ask you which cookie is detected in the sampling, which drew more the study’s findings about attacks on retail- your favorite, and pair it with a cocktail. So it’s not an event or than half of its data from victims in the ers. a place, it’s a more elusive thing to do,” said Mandal. United States. About 25 percent of spying Though recent breaches at Target Corp After friends agree on an activity a new, free iPhone app incidents could not be attributed to attack- and other retailers through their point-of- called Klutch can help them manage the scheduling. “We’re ers from any country, according to the sale equipment have dominated the head- losing interaction with people because they are connecting authors of the report. Though the overall lines and prompted congressional hearings through technology rather than real meetups - and one of number of spying incidents studied tripled in the past few months, fewer such intru- the biggest barriers is figuring out the details of when and to 511 from total in the 2013 Verizon report, sions have been reported to the Verizon where to meet,” said Hunter Gray, the founder and CEO of most of that increase is due to the addition team than in past years, even as the number Klutch, based in Santa Monica, California. of new data sources. Even looking at just the of report contributors has multiplied. “The With Klutch, users can scan calendars to pinpoint when MIAMI: In this Feb. 1, 2014 file photo, Raul Moas, center rear, executive director of the non- same contributors as before, however, espi- media frenzy makes quite a splash, but from and where everyone is meeting and the app automatically profit organization Roots of Hope, addresses a group during a “Hackathon for Cuba” event onage cases grew, said Verizon investigator a frequency standpoint, this largely remains adds events to the attendees’ calendar once the plans are run by Roots of Hope in Miami. A group of technology experts gathered to come up with Bryan Sartin. Not all electronic spying was a small-and-medium business issue,” the finalized, including a map to the destination. — Reuters ways to use their hacking ability to improve Internet access and information in Cuba. Cuba blamed on governments. study says. The report will be released to the routinely blocks Internet pages that it finds objectionable. — AP Investigators from Verizon, Intel Corp’s public today. — Reuters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE Potential for human superbugs in cow manure: Study

WASHINGTON: Cow manure is common- from a handful of dairy cows at a farm in were surprised by the number of antibiot- Handelsman, senior study author and in the barn, moving to the soil and food ly used to fertilize vegetable crops, and a Connecticut. In those samples, they ic resistance (AR) genes they found, based microbiologist at Yale. on the table and then ending up in the US study out yesterday found it contains a found 80 unique antibiotic resistance on just five stool samples from four cows. “But also, these are evolutionarily dis- clinic-to find out whether these genes high number of genes that can fuel resist- genes. About three quarters were unfa- However, they also noted that the levels tant from the genes we already have in have the potential to move in that direc- ance to antibiotics. miliar. Genetic sequencing showed they were lower than what is seen in chickens, the genetic databases, which largely rep- tion,” Handelsman said. The study appears These genes come from the cows’ gut were only distantly related to those which are often fed four times as many resent AR genes we see in the clinic.” in mBio, an open access online journal bacteria, and while none have yet been already known to science. When applied antibiotics as cows-typically to promote Further study is needed to probe published by the American Society for found in superbugs that are infecting to a lab strain of E. coli, the genes made growth. whether cow manure may harbor a major Microbiology. Funding for the research humans, researchers said the potential is the bacteria resistant to certain well- “The diversity of genes we found is reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes came from the Swiss National Science real. The research was done by scientists known antibiotics, including penicillin remarkable in itself considering the small that could move into humans. “This is just Foundation and the US National Institutes at Yale University, who sampled manure and tetracycline. Researchers said they set of five manure samples,” said Jo the first in a sequence of studies-starting of Health. — AFP Spread of MERS in Saudi Arabia accelerates with 17 new cases Authorities unsure of reason for surge

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has discovered another 17 cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), as the total number of confirmed infec- tions of the SARS-like disease has jumped by a third in the kingdom in the past week. King Abdullah replaced the health minister, Abdullah al-Rabeeah, on Monday amid grow- ing public disquiet at the spread of the disease, which was discovered two years ago and kills around a third of sufferers. Rabeeah said on Sunday he did not know why there had been a surge but said it might be part of a seasonal pattern since there had also been a rise in infections last April and May. HOUSTON: Swan Lockett stands in her Houston apartment Monday, April 21, 2014. However, the jump is of particular concern as Lockett said she was unable to get an affordable health care plan on the federal mar- Saudi Arabia is expected to have a large influx ketplace. The federal health care overhaul is providing coverage for millions of of pilgrims from across the world in July during Americans, but it has only chipped away at one of its core goals to sharply reduce the the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, followed number of people without insurance. — AP in early October by the arrival of millions of people to perform the annual Haj in Makkah Affordable Care Act only and Medina. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia’s second- largest city where many of the new cases have chips away at a core goal been discovered, is the main entry point for pil- grims visiting nearby Makkah, site of the holiest places in Islam but where there have been no SACRAMENTO: The federal health care over- translate to about 3.5 million people gaining confirmed cases so far. Last year’s Haj passed haul is providing coverage for millions of coverage, according to the study. without any new infections being identified. MINA: In this Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013, file photo, Egyptian Muslim pilgrims, some wearing Americans, but it has only chipped away at Health advocates across the nation are The 17 new cases, announced late on Monday masks as a precaution against the Middle East respiratory syndrome, pray after they cast one of its core goals: to sharply reduce the keenly aware that their work isn’t finished. on the Health Ministry website, bring the total stones at a pillar, symbolizing the stoning of Satan, in a ritual called “Jamarat,” the last rite of number of people without insurance. California “has made huge progress with the number of Saudi infections to 261, of whom 81 the annual hajj, in Mina near the Muslim holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. — AP President Barack Obama announced last new benefits of the Affordable Care Act,” said have died. Combined with the other 49 cases week that 8 million people have signed up for executive director of Health Access California announced in recent days, they represent a pers yesterday touring one of the main hospi- place, such as travel restrictions or closures of coverage through new insurance exchanges, Anthony Wright. “But there’s more to do.” The jump of 34 percent in the number of laboratory but many barriers remain. Questions of evolution of the health care law has led to a tals in Jeddah, a display that seemed aimed at some medical facilities where clusters of cases confirmed infections within a week. countering accusations from some Saudis on have occurred, to contain the spread. affordability, eligibility, immigrant access and coverage gap for 4.8 million low-income, Seven of the 17 new cases were in Jeddah. the response from employers and state legis- childless adults, according to a December sur- social media that the authorities had not taken MERS has no vaccine or anti-viral treatment, Six were in Riyadh, including one who died, the situation seriously enough. but international and Saudi health authorities latures - obstacles that existed before the vey by Kaiser Family Foundation. while three were in Medina and one was in the Affordable Care Act took effect - mean con- The federal government has offered to pay say the disease, which originated in camels, northern city of Tabuk. Saudi authorities last Preventive measures does not transmit easily between people and siderable work remains to make a larger dent states nearly all of the costs for expanding week issued several statements aimed at reas- in the uninsured population. Medicaid for those who make up to 138 per- Rabeeah said on Sunday Saudi Arabia was may simply die out. suring the public that there was no immediate still opening its borders for foreign visitors, Jeddah, like most Saudi cities, has areas with- Some remain ineligible for Medicaid or cent of the federal poverty level, or about cause for concern at the latest outbreak and government subsidies that lower monthly $16,000 for an individual, to account for this including pilgrims, and that the authorities were in its boundaries where camels are free to graze. that it had not met international definitions of taking “all the scientific precaution measures to Fakieh has become a prominent figure in Saudi premiums because their incomes are too gap. But since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled an epidemic. However, Labour Minister Adel high. Others are eligible for the subsidies but that expansion was voluntary, 24 states have ensure the safety and well being of our nation”. politics in recent years after pushing sweeping Fakieh, who has been appointed as acting He said there was not yet any medical reason reforms in employment policy aimed at getting say they can’t afford their share of plans sold opted against it. health minister, was shown in several newspa- through government exchanges. Millions of High premiums, co-pays and deductibles to change the preventative measures already in more young Saudis into jobs. — Reuters immigrants living in the country illegally are also remain big hurdles. Hair salon owner Lola without care, prohibited from gaining cover- Smith of Palo Alto, Pa., about 100 miles north- age under the federal law. west of Philadelphia, said she would have Some employers, meanwhile, have purchased health insurance on the govern- Powdered alcohols gain reduced staff hours to avoid a provision of the ment exchange if it had been more afford- law that requires health coverage for employ- able. ees who work 30 hours a week. “I’m a nurse, Instead, she bought a cut-rate plan for widespread attention but my employer doesn’t offer health insur- $148 a month that helps pay for hospitaliza- ance,” said Gwen Eliezer, 32, who lives an hour tions and doctor visits. But Smith, who NEW YORK: Don’t expect powdered alcohol to 5 p.m. EDT that it agreed to surrender the The concept of a powdered alcohol isn’t north of Ashville in rural northwestern North becomes eligible for Medicare when she hit store shelves anytime soon. A product approvals “a few hours ago.” new. John Coupland, a professor of food sci- Carolina. turns 65 next year, was told her plan doesn’t called “Palcohol” gained widespread attention The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade ence at Penn State University, noted that there During open enrollment, Eliezer’s 6-year- qualify as health insurance under the online in recent days after it was reported that Bureau is a part of the Treasury Department. have been multiple patents filed on powdered old son was able to qualify for Medicaid, but Affordable Care Act. the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Earlier in the day, Palcohol said in an email that alcohols over the years. One by General Foods she continues to go without coverage. Eliezer “It doesn’t cover very much. It’s just basic, approved the powdered alcohol, including its founder Mark Phillips was traveling and Corp. in the 1970s says the product is made by works an average of 29 hours a week and isn’t and they told me I would probably have to vodka and rum varieties. But a representative unavailable for an interview. It said it wasn’t absorbing the ethanol onto some sort of car- considered a full-time employee. She said she pay the fine,” she said. Immigrants also face for the federal bureau, Tom Hogue, said in an releasing any information on distribution or bohydrate powder. can’t afford the $200 monthly premium and challenges. The Migration Policy Institute esti- email to The Associated Press late Monday that pricing, and the company’s website doesn’t On its website, Palcohol says it plans to $6,500 deductible in the plan she found on mated that more than 7.5 million people in the approvals were issued in error. provide details on how it makes powdered offer six varieties of powdered alcohol, includ- the federal health insurance exchange - even the uncovered group are immigrants who are Hogue did not immediately respond to alcohol. ing vodka, rum and four cocktails - with a premium subsidy. Instead, she pays in the country illegally and ineligible for cov- requests for further details, including how the Robert Lehrman, who runs a beverage law Cosmopolitan, Mojito, Powderita and Lemon cash to see her doctor for gastrointestinal erage under the federal overhaul. For them, error occurred. In an email message, Palcohol’s website that initially reported on the product, Drop. The site says that a package weighs pain but can’t afford to get the problem diag- emergency rooms and safety net clinics parent company Lipsmark said “there seemed noted that Palcohol had to have gone through about an ounce and can fit into any pocket. It nosed. remain among the few options for coverage. to be a discrepancy on our fill level, how much an extensive process before reaching the label warns people that the powder should not be California had the nation’s highest population powder is in the bag.” It said it will resubmit approval stage. snorted. Insurance coverage of uninsured residents with 5.4 million people the labels for approval. “An oversight of this nature does not ring According to the site, Phillips came up with “If I went through an emergency room, I who lacked care before the federal overhaul According to the website for the Alcohol true to me,” Lehrman said in a phone interview. the idea because he is an “active guy” and can claim acute pain,” she said. “But then I’d took effect. Following the recent open enroll- and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, multiple He suggested that the bureau may have heard wanted a way to enjoy an adult beverage after end up with a lot of debt to a hospital.” Before ment, that number of will drop as low as 3.7 varieties of Palcohol received “label approval” back from lawmakers wanting more informa- long hours hiking, biking or camping without the launch of the Affordable Care Act, about million, according to the University of on April 8. Palcohol said in an email at around tion on the powdered alcohols. having to carry around heavy bottles. — AP 48 million people, or 15 percent of the popu- California at Berkeley’s Center for Labor lation, went without health insurance, accord- Research and Education. Of those, almost a ing to the US Census Bureau. The number of million are living in the state without legal people recently enrolled includes those who permission. Taiwan sets up sanctuary for switched from previous insurance coverage, “When I see there are American citizens and it’s not yet clear how many previously who don’t have access to health care because uninsured people have received coverage. they can’t pay for it, I figure that I’ll have even endangered humpback dolphin A Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index less of a chance to have access to health serv- released this month said the share of adults ices,” said Jose Diaz, a 67-year-old day laborer without insurance shrank from 17.1 percent in Pomona, Calif., who came to the US illegally TAIPEI: Taiwan is setting up its first marine wildlife at the end of last year to 15.6 percent for the from Mexico City nearly a decade ago. “It’s sanctuary, in a bid to protect its dwindling popula- first three months of 2014. The decline would very sad.” — AP tion of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, officials said Monday. Local conservation groups say the dolphin numbers have halved to around 60 in the past decade, due to pollution, industrial development, and destruction of habitat. “Indo-Pacific dolphin population is a key index to measure the health of the maritime environ- ment,” said Tsai Chia-yang, the head of the Chuanghua Environmental Protection Union. The Council of Agriculture confirmed it will establish a vast 76,300 hectare (188,461 acres) sanctuary off the west coast of the country. “We’re happy to announce the setting up of the sanctuary before this year’s Earth Day,” Kuan Li-hao, an official of the forestry bureau, referring to the annual United Nations event launched in 1970 and celebrated on April 22. Normal fishing in the area will be unaffected, as the government said a total ban would not be pos- sible as sanctuary’s success depended on the coop- TAIWAN STRAIT: This handout photo taken by the Taiwan Forestry Bureau on August 26, 2009 eration of local fishermen. But the government has and released on April 21, 2014 shows two Ido-Pacific humpback dolphins swimming in the tightened guidelines for those operating in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan is setting up its first marine wildlife sanctuary, in a bid to protect its region. From now on, any development projects in dwindling population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, officials said on April 21. — AFP the area will require government approval, council NEW DELHI: An Indian employee makes cloth sanitary napkins from cotton and semi- officials said. Under the new measures, there will ing has seriously ruined the coastal ecological envi- In 2011, President Ma Ying-jeou decided to put cotton donated clothes at non-profit organisation ‘Goonj’ (Echo) in New Delhi yester- be tough punishments for illegal fishing of the ronment, threatening the endangered dolphins,” an end to a controversial plan to build a $20 billion day. Many Indian women make do with little more than scraps of old cloth when endangered species. Poachers of the humpback whose main diet consists of mullet and other fish, refinery and more than 20 related petrochemical menstruating, often risking their health. In 2010, the research agency AC Nielson dolphin could face up to two years in jail and fines Kuan said. plants in western Taiwan, in reaction to a series of conducted a nationwide survey that found that 70 percent of women in India cannot of Tw$500,000 ($16,530). Dredge fishing is also The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin can also be protests for the endangered dolphin species. He afford sanitary napkins, and only 12 percent of the 355 million menstruating women banned. Anyone caught seriously damaging the found along the coast of Africa and in the waters said there was a need to balance economic devel- in the country use them. — AFP habitat could face five years in prison. “Illegal fish- stretching from India to Australia. opment with environmental protection. — AFP WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 GUST announces Dr Ilene as new Director of Foundation Program Unit

he Gulf University for Science and Aouad stated that he is looking forward to work- riculum. GUST believes that her experience will University of the Middle East, successfully direct- Technology (GUST) President, Prof. Donald ing with Dr Ilene and commented on her interna- be a great asset to her new position as GUST FPU ing a task-based English curriculum and manag- TBates and Vice President for Academic tional reputation and high level of professional- Director and lead the unit to great achievements. ing a staff of 20 teachers. She attained her B.A. in Affairs, Prof Ghassan Aouad welcomed Dr Ilene ism. Dr Al Zaid has had great experiences with Dr Al Zaid is especially dedicated to preparing History at SUNY-Buffalo, M.A. in Business Winokur Al Zaid as the new Director of the GUST GUST as an English instructor in the FPU, a pre- students for their undergraduate study and Administration at the University of Miami, USA, Foundation Program Unit (FPU) starting July senter at the 2011 and 2012 GELL Conferences careers. Most recently, Dr Al Zaid was the ESL Teaching Certification at the College of New 2014. President Bates expressed his delight with organized and hosted by university faculty, a peer Managing Director of Specialized Solutions for Jersey, USA and her EdD. in Educational Dr. Ilene’s appointment and said: “Dr Ilene will be mentor to other GUST instructors and a leader on Workplace Training and Development with previ- Leadership from Lehigh University, a great addition to the University.” Vice President the introduction of the new English 098 class cur- ous university experience at the American Pennsylvania/USA. Ilene Winour

JMB hosts media to Arabic Nights

umeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa hosted Kuwait’s rant. Guests were treated to an authentic cuisine and culi- every Thursday from 10 April until 8 May from 7 pm until leading media personalities and professionals to the nary traditions of the Middle East, including local Kuwaiti 11:30 pm. Jlaunch of the Arabic Nights at the Garden Cafe restau- dishes. Arabic Nights at the Garden Cafe are organized

Kuwait’s songs festival

he supreme organizing committee of the Kuwaiti taste of Kuwaitis. passed the admission stage, the organizing committee Songs Festival recently held a press conference to Al-Ali also announced the conditions for applying to the would take snapshots and photos for applicants to be used Tannounce the details of this first of a kind festival in competition as follows: for promotion and marketing purposes. She also noted the gulf region that is due to be held for the first time in Applicants should be good looking charismatic individ- that, if needed, selected contestants would be trained on Kuwait. uals They should be good at singing in Arabic with clear singing skills and tonalities to be prepared for the program. Speaking at the press conference, the festival chairlady, phonetic skills An applicant must either have minimum Further, Al-Ali stressed that the festival was not meant the president of Lolwa Printing and Publication House and singing experience, even through studying, or be uniquely to make profits and that it, rather, aims at discovering and the head of the Nuwair Positivity Initiative, Sheikha Intisar talented. supporting nice voiced singers, good lyric writers and out- Salem Al-Ali said that the festival would kick off on Applicants have to, preferably, be at least 21 years old so standing composers especially since Kuwait was rich in Thursday, May 1 with the aim of reviving the good old that they can be legally liable on application. such talents that only need some spotlights. times of beautiful soul-nourishing art that was built on Applicants must preferably have varied singing skills Notably, the organizing committee headed by artist, sweet tunes and good purposeful lyrics. She added that and control over voice tonality An applicant will sign a writ- Tareq Mohammed includes Meshari Al-Sharekh, poet, Ali the festival also aims at protecting old traditional songs ten affidavit expressing his/her wish to take part in the fes- Al-ma’touq, Mohammed Al-Bu’aijan, composer Ammar Al- from being forgotten as well as support new ones and tival and the organizing committee will be legally liable for Benni, Fadi Abdullah and Mubarak Al-Sa’doun. present them in a proper way that fits the outstanding such participation In addition, Al-Ali said that once they Veena recital, fusion on Friday eena maestro Sijitha Rajesh practices the Indian string instrument with her disciples in preparation Vfor their musical program Friday at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan School, Abbassiya. Sijitha has been teaching Veena, the south Indian string instrument for the past 3 years. Veena is a classic Indian musical instrument.

Sheikha Intisar Salem Al-Ali (centre) during the press conference.

The Arab Open University participated in the fourth annual forum titled ‘How to determine my future’, an event that provides educational opportuni- ties for high school gradu- ates, which was organized recently at the Courtyard Marriot Hotel under the patronage of Ahmad Al- Mulaifi, the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education. WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

McDonald’s Kuwait holds grand opening of largest restaurant in Sabah Al-Salem

cDonald’s celebrated the opening of its largest prizes, such as PlayStation 4 consoles, LED Screen TVs largest to date in Kuwait in terms of surface area, and and better things for McDonald’s Kuwait,” concluded store in Kuwait to date, in the Sabah Al-Salem. and many others. has been equipped with all the elements necessary for Coutry. Since opening in Kuwait in 1994, McDonald MThis restaurant comes as number 70 during the And in a statement about the opening, Sherif Coutry, comfort and prompt servicing. The restaurant is also today has restaurants geographically located to serve 20 year journey of McDonald’s in Kuwait. The opening Marketing Director at McDonald’s Kuwait, said: “This distinct due to its contemporary design, with the mod- customers in many areas across the country. ceremony began with the cutting of the ribbon in the opening is a landmark moment in McDonald’s Kuwait’s ern interior adding a special touch. Another element McDonald’s is committed to the well-being of society presence of McDonald’s management and staff, includ- history, as it marks our 70th restaurant in the country. that makes this restaurant unique is a digital games with an active social responsibility agenda, while main- ing McDonald’s goodwill ambassador Ronald We are proud to be an ever-growing brand and local entertainment platform for kids, offering innovative and taining high-quality products served in a safe and McDonald, the beloved character and icon of the brand entity, and are always looking for ways to bring us clos- modern fun that is not available in any of the other friendly atmosphere. worldwide. A large audience of families and children er to our beloved local community. By expanding our McDonald’s PlayPlaces. were also present to help celebrate the momentous reach across Kuwait, our main aim is to be more accessi- “Our journey definitely does not end with this new occasion. The night was filled with festivities and activi- ble to our loyal customers” restaurant, and we look forward to continuously grow- ties, and also included the distribution of many valuable The new Sabah Al-Salem restaurant is by far the ing our presence in Kuwait. The future only holds bigger

The Regency Hotel launches ‘Thai Food Feast’ at Silk Road

he Regency Hotel features a luxurious guests have the opportunity Amari Hotel in Hua Hin Thailand. The chef was desserts. The Thai feast adventure will include “crispy fried banana” and much more to con- and magical panoramic view of the to taste different dishes from all over the world invited by The Regency Hotel to celebrate the items like “Tod Mun Goong” a fried shrimp clude this culinary journey. Tswimming pool and Arabian Gulf in its cooked by professional chefs. authentic cuisine of Thailand in a 10 day cele- cake, “Satay ruam” grilled meat with peanut The Thai Food Feast with world famous main restaurant at Silk Road, which is also con- The hotel launched the “Thai Food Feast” bration, for her rich experience in the Thai culi- sauce and more appetizers. Guests can also Chef “Khun Rugnapa” will run every night for sidered to be one of the finest restaurants in on April 20th in the presence of ambassador nary arts. enjoy main dishes that include “Plaphadkhing” 10 days starting from April 20th until May 1st, Kuwait that serves a wide and rich variety of of Thailand Surasak Chuasukouthip and Chef Rugnapa will be preparing a flavorful which is deep fried fish with mushrooms and 2014 at 7:00pm at The Regency’s Silk Road foods suitable for all tastes and ages. embassy delegates including members of the and aromatic buffet with a number of rich ginger or “Panaeng Lamb” a sautÈed lamb ten- Restaurant. Based on The Regency’s efforts to continu- media. Invitees enjoyed dishes prepared by dishes, starting off with salads and appetizers, derloin in curry sauce with kaffir lime leaves. ously introduce exciting new developments to Chef Khun Rugnapa, winner of numerous continuing with different main dishes and As for desserts, Chef Rugnapa will be present- its restaurants’ extensive culinary offerings, international culinary awards and Sous Chef of ending the night with a delicious array of ing guests with “coconut sago pudding , TV PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

19:30 Absolutely Fabulous 11:35 Dual Survival 16:00 Three Investigators And The 20:30 Inside The PGA Tour 20:00 Silk 12:25 Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell Secret Of Terror...-PG 21:00 Live Snooker 20:50 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 13:15 Yukon Men 17:45 White House Down-PG15 21:40 My Hero 14:05 Border Security 20:00 Hope Springs-PG15 00:45 After The Attack 22:10 The Inspector Lynley 14:30 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 22:00 The Man With The Iron Fists- 01:35 Untamed & Uncut Mysteries Edition 18 01:00 Bellator MMA 2014 02:25 Echo And The Elephants Of 22:55 The Weakest Link 14:55 The Liquidator 03:00 Champions Tour Highlights Amboseli 23:40 Eastenders 15:20 Finding Bigfoot 04:00 PGA Tour Highlights 02:50 Echo And The Elephants Of 16:10 Fast N’ Loud 05:00 NRL Premiership Amboseli 17:00 Ultimate Survival 07:00 Golfing World 03:15 Animal Clinic 17:50 Wheeler Dealers 01:00 Super Rugby 08:00 PGA Tour Highlights 04:05 Animal Maternity Ward 18:40 You Have Been Warned 03:00 Super Rugby 09:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 04:55 Animal Cops Phoenix 19:30 Get Out Alive With Bear 05:00 NRL Full Time 10:00 NRL Premiership 00:00 BBC World 05:45 From Pound Pups To Dog Grylls 05:30 Futbol Mundial 12:00 PGA Tour Highlights 01:00 BBC World Stars 20:20 How Stuff Works 06:00 Champions Tour Highlights 13:00 Super Rugby 02:00 BBC World 06:10 From Pound Pups To Dog 20:45 How Stuff’s Made 07:00 Super Rugby 15:00 Super Rugby 03:00 BBC World Stars 21:10 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 09:00 Super Rugby 17:00 Golfing World 04:00 BBC World 06:35 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors Edition 11:00 Golfing World 18:00 NHL 05:00 BBC World 07:00 Escape To Chimp Eden 21:35 The Liquidator 12:00 Live Snooker 20:00 Bellator MMA 2014 06:00 BBC World 07:25 Predator’s Prey 22:00 Treehouse Masters 16:00 NRL Full Time 22:00 PGA European Tour Weekly 07:00 BBC World 07:50 Predator’s Prey 22:50 You Have Been Warned 16:30 Live Snooker 22:30 Inside The PGA Tour 08:00 BBC World 08:15 Wild France 23:40 Head Games 20:00 PGA European Tour Weekly 23:00 Super Rugby 09:10 Crocodile Hunter 09:00 BBC World 10:05 Echo And The Elephants Of 10:00 BBC World Amboseli 11:00 BBC World 10:35 Echo And The Elephants Of 12:00 BBC World Amboseli 13:00 BBC World 00:20 The Gadget Show 11:00 Animal Precinct 14:00 BBC World 00:45 How Do They Do It? Tribeca Docs ‘Virunga’ and 11:55 Escape To Chimp Eden 15:00 BBC World 01:10 Da Vinci’s Machines 12:20 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 16:00 BBC World 02:00 Rocket City Rednecks 12:50 Wild Africa Rescue 17:00 BBC World 02:25 Rocket City Rednecks ‘Tomorrow We Disappear’ 13:15 Wild Africa Rescue 18:00 BBC World 02:45 Mythbusters 13:45 Wild Things With Dominic 19:00 BBC World 03:35 Bang Goes The Theory Monaghan 20:00 BBC World 04:00 Bang Goes The Theory inspire and infuriate 14:40 Echo And The Elephants Of 21:00 BBC World 04:30 Moon Machines Amboseli 22:00 BBC World 05:20 Smash Lab he first weekend of the Tribeca Film Festival 15:05 Echo And The Elephants Of 23:00 BBC World 06:10 How The Earth Works made a pretty good case for the wisdom of a Amboseli 07:00 Kings Of Construction strategy used by some frequent festivalgoers: 15:30 My Cat From Hell T 07:55 Mega Builders When in doubt, see a documentary. That’s not to 16:30 Wild France 08:45 Bang Goes The Theory denigrate the quality of the narrative features that 17:25 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 09:10 Bang Goes The Theory screened during the first four days of the festival - 17:50 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 00:30 Britain’s Darkest Taboos 09:40 How The Earth Works it’s just a way of pointing out that the rich lineup of 18:20 Weird Creatures With Nick 01:30 My Ghost Story 10:30 Mighty Ships Baker docs nicely illustrated the vital and varied state of 02:30 I Killed My BFF 11:20 Moon Machines 19:15 Natural World contemporary non-fiction filmmaking. Highlights 03:30 Deadly Wives 12:10 Smash Lab 20:10 My Wild Affair: The Rhino ranged from the music films “Time Is Illmatic” and 04:30 Private Crimes 13:00 How Do They Do It? Who Joined... “Keep on Keepin’ On” to the fascinating character 05:00 Beyond Scared Straight 13:30 Bang Goes The Theory 21:05 Echo And The Elephants Of studies in “Garnet’s Gold” and “An Honest Liar” to 06:00 The First 48 13:55 Bang Goes The Theory Amboseli the pointed political statements of “Silenced” and 07:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 14:20 Mythbusters 21:35 Echo And The Elephants Of “1971” to the joyous fun of “Beyond the Brick.” 07:30 Curious & Unusual Deaths 15:10 Smash Lab Amboseli But of the 12 docs I saw between Friday and 08:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 16:00 Mighty Ships 22:00 Natural World 08:30 Curious & Unusual Deaths 16:50 How The Earth Works Sunday, two particularly stood out in the way they 22:55 My Wild Affair: The Rhino 09:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 17:40 Rocket City Rednecks combined the personal and political, uncovered Who Joined... 09:30 Curious & Unusual Deaths 18:05 Rocket City Rednecks vivid worlds and packed a huge emotional punch. 23:50 Animal Cops Phoenix 10:00 I Killed My BFF 18:30 Da Vinci’s Machines Both “Virunga” and “Tomorrow We Disappear” are 11:00 Beyond Scared Straight 19:20 The Gadget Show THE GUARD ON OSN MOVIES COMEDY HD beautiful, shattering works, at times hard to watch 12:00 Killers 19:45 How Stuff Works but in the end impossible to shake. 13:00 Casanova Killers 20:10 Mythbusters 20:20 Disappeared 12:00 Inside Nature’s Giants 08:00 Drop Zone-PG “Virunga,” which premiered on Thursday night 14:00 I Killed My BFF 21:00 Super Comet: After The 21:10 On The Case With Paula Zahn 12:55 Croc Labyrinth 10:00 Sins Expiation-PG15 and screened again on Sunday (with two additional 00:20 Doctors 15:00 Fred Dinenage: Murder Impact 22:00 Deadly Sins 13:50 Caught in the Act 11:45 Jurassic Park-PG15 showings later this week), takes its name from the 00:50 Last Of The Summer Wine Casebook 21:50 Moon Machines 22:50 Evil, I 14:45 Python Hunters 14:00 Drop Zone-PG national park in eastern Congo that is home to 01:20 Me & Mrs Jones 16:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 22:40 Bang Goes The Theory 23:15 Evil, I 15:40 Ultimate Predator 16:00 The Last Stand-PG15 some of the last mountain gorillas in the world. For 01:50 Mistresses 16:30 Private Crimes 23:05 Bang Goes The Theory 23:40 True Crime Scene 16:35 Speed Kills 18:00 Jurassic Park-PG15 decades, the region has been ravaged by outside 17:00 Homicide Hunter 02:40 Absolutely Fabulous 23:30 Moon Machines 17:30 World’s Deadliest Animals 20:15 Dredd-18 companies eager for its natural resources, and more 18:00 The First 48 18:25 Animal Autopsy 03:10 Silk 22:00 The Raid: Redemption-18 recently Congo has been the site of bloody conflicts 04:00 Last Of The Summer Wine 19:00 The Devil You Know 19:20 Croc Labyrinth 20:00 Beyond Scared Straight 20:10 Caught in the Act between government troops and armed rebels. 04:30 Me & Mrs Jones Virunga itself is now imperiled because it may con- 05:00 Tweenies 21:00 Private Crimes 21:00 Python Hunters 21:30 Killers 21:50 Ultimate Predator tain oil reserves, with the British company Soco 05:20 The Green Balloon Club 00:00 00:00 Revenge Of The Nerds II: 22:30 My Ghost Story 00:30 Scorned: Crimes Of Passion 22:40 Speed Kills International involved in explorations that could 05:45 Poetry Pie 00:30 Nerds In Paradise-PG15 23:30 The Haunting Of 01:20 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 23:30 World’s Deadliest Animals have a profound impact on the ecology. 05:50 Gigglebiz 00:55 The Spin Crowd 02:00 Slap Shot-18 01:45 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 06:05 Charlie And Lola 01:25 Style Star 04:15 Ghostbusters-PG 02:10 Deadly Women Appalling violence 06:15 Tweenies 01:50 Style Star 06:15 Spy Hard-PG15 03:00 Couples Who Kill Director Orlando von Einsiedel’s film focuses on 06:35 The Green Balloon Club 02:20 THS 08:00 Scrooged-PG15 03:45 Nightmare Next Door 07:00 Poetry Pie 03:15 Extreme Close-Up 10:00 Frankenweenie-PG the rangers in Virunga, who try to protect the goril- 04:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 07:05 Gigglebiz 03:40 Extreme Close-Up 12:00 Ghostbusters-PG las and other wildlife from poachers, but also from 05:20 Disappeared 07:20 Charlie And Lola 00:30 Dual Survival 04:10 THS 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 14:00 The Big Year-PG Soco’s intrusion and from rebel attacks. (While 06:10 On The Case With Paula Zahn 07:30 Last Of The Summer Wine 01:20 Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell 05:05 THS Stewart 16:00 Frankenweenie-PG damning scenes in the film show people who say 07:00 Murder Shift 08:00 Absolutely Fabulous 02:10 Yukon Men 06:00 THS 01:00 The Colbert Report 18:00 Back To The Future-PG15 they’re representing Soco offering bribes to gain 07:50 Extreme Forensics 08:30 Me & Mrs Jones 03:00 You Have Been Warned 07:50 Style Star 01:30 The Big C 20:00 BASEketball-PG15 access to the park, the company has a lengthy dis- 08:40 I Was Murdered 09:00 Eastenders 03:50 Border Security 08:20 02:00 Web Therapy 22:00 The Guard-PG15 claimer at the end of the film in which it claims that 09:05 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 09:30 Doctors 04:15 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 09:15 Scouted 03:00 The Simpsons it is environmentally responsible and that no one 09:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 10:00 The Weakest Link Edition 10:15 03:30 Raising Hope 10:20 On The Case With Paula Zahn who worked for Soco engaged in illegal activity.) 10:45 Upstairs Downstairs 04:40 The Liquidator 10:40 Chasing The Saturdays 04:00 All Of Us 11:10 Disappeared The first part of the film contains astonishing 11:40 Absolutely Fabulous 05:05 How Stuff Works 11:10 The Drama Queen 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 12:00 Murder Shift scenes of the bonds between one ranger and four 12:10 Last Of The Summer Wine 05:30 How Stuff’s Made 12:05 Fashion Police Jimmy Fallon 12:50 I Was Murdered young gorillas orphaned by poachers - but as the 12:40 Me & Mrs Jones 06:00 Get Out Alive With Bear 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 05:30 My Boys 01:00 Too Late To Say Goodbye- 13:15 Stalked: Someone’s Watching movie goes on, the threats from poachers pale in 13:10 Eastenders Grylls 13:35 E!ES 06:30 My Name Is Earl PG15 13:40 Extreme Forensics comparison to the escalating conflict and the 13:40 Doctors 07:00 You Have Been Warned 14:30 Style Star 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 03:00 Buried-PG15 14:30 Disappeared potential ecological devastation. The heroes of the 14:10 The Weakest Link 07:50 Manhunt 15:00 Keeping Up With The 08:00 All Of Us 05:00 Beneath Hill 60-PG15 15:20 Dr G: Medical Examiner film, from park director Emmanuel de Merode to 14:55 Upstairs Downstairs 08:40 Fast N’ Loud Kardashians 08:30 My Boys 07:00 The Entitled-PG15 16:10 On The Case With Paula Zahn French journalist Melanie Gouby to gorilla keeper 15:45 Absolutely Fabulous 09:30 Border Security 16:00 Keeping Up With The 09:00 The Simpsons 09:00 Too Late To Say Goodbye- 17:00 Murder Shift 16:15 Lark Rise To Candleford 09:55 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop Kardashians 10:00 Trophy Wife PG15 Andre Bauma (really, he’s a constant companion 17:50 Extreme Forensics 17:05 Eastenders Edition 17:00 10:30 My Name Is Earl 10:45 Buried-PG15 and surrogate parent to the orphaned apes), put 18:40 I Was Murdered 17:35 Doctors 10:20 The Liquidator 17:30 Hello Ross 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 12:45 Another Harvest Moon-PG15 their lives on the line to protect the park and 19:05 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 18:05 The Weakest Link 10:45 How Stuff Works 18:00 E! News Jimmy Fallon 14:30 Class-PG15 expose what’s going on. And von Einseidel’s cam- 19:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner 18:50 One Foot In The Grave 11:10 How Stuff’s Made 19:00 Fashion Police 12:30 All Of Us 16:15 Vanishing On 7th Street- eras are on hand to capture both the spectacular 20:00 Giuliana & Bill 13:00 My Boys PG15 vistas and the appalling violence. 21:00 The Drama Queen 13:30 My Name Is Earl 18:15 Les Miserables-PG15 The result is gorgeous and wrenching, the indeli- 22:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On 14:00 Raising Hope 21:00 The Place Beyond The Pines- ble chronicle of a impossible but essential fight. In 22:30 E! News 15:00 Trophy Wife 18 the Q&A that followed Sunday’s Tribeca screening, 23:30 Chelsea Lately 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 23:30 Neds-PG15 von Einseidel brought the news that de Merode Stewart was ambushed and shot last week, apparently by 16:00 The Colbert Report unidentified rebels. (In the film, the rebels admit 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers they want a cut of the oil revenues, while de 18:00 The Simpsons Merode had fought against allowing Soco in at all.) 18:30 Back In The Game But de Merode is apparently on the road to 19:00 The Mindy Project 00:00 Is It Real? 00:45 Flesh And Bone-PG15 recovery. And at Tribeca, Bauma - who was greeted 19:30 Modern Family 01:00 Brain Games 03:00 Notes On A Scandal-18 with a standing ovation when he and Gouby were 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 01:30 Brain Games 05:00 The Caller-PG15 Jimmy Fallon introduced - said that with the Congo’s civil war 02:00 Return of the Rhino 07:00 The Wild Hunt-PG15 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon apparently over, a lot of the population around 03:00 Air Crash Investigation 09:00 Ed Wood-PG15 Stewart Virunga is “hopeful that we can move forward.” 04:00 Mega Breakdown 11:15 Beasts Of The Southern Wild- 21:30 The Colbert Report 05:00 Engineering Connections PG15 22:30 Brickleberry Beautiful, sad and stunning 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 13:00 Resistance-PG15 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers “Tomorrow We Disappear” is less violent - there 07:00 Card Shark 15:00 Like Crazy-PG15 16:45 Beasts Of The Southern Wild- are no scenes of gunfire, at least - but it also chroni- 08:00 Is It Real? cles the devastation that can be wrought as the 09:00 Brain Games PG15 modern world marches on. Directors Jimmy 09:30 Brain Games 18:30 The Flowers Of War-PG15 10:00 Return of the Rhino 02:00 True Detective 21:00 The Star Chamber-PG15 Goldblum and Adam Weber take viewers inside the 11:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 Nip/Tuck 23:00 Life Happens-PG15 Kathputli colony in the Indian city of Delhi, a large 12:00 Mega Breakdown 12:00 Emmerdale slum populated by thousands of puppeteers, street 13:00 Engineering Connections 12:30 Coronation Street magicians, acrobats and artists of all kinds. 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 16:00 Emmerdale The performers’ families have lived in Kathputli 16:30 Coronation Street for generations, on government land - but after the 15:00 Secrets Of The Tang Treasure 01:15 Between Us-PG15 20:00 Scandal government sells the land to a developer who is Ship 03:00 Madea’s Witness Protection- 21:00 House Of Cards 16:00 Is It Real? PG15 planning to erect Delhi’s first skyscraper, the per- 22:00 American Horror Story: 17:00 Science of Stupid 05:00 Shadow Dancer-PG15 formers are offered free housing in what turns out Coven 17:30 Science of Stupid 07:00 The Expendables 2-PG15 to be cheap, barracks-style dwellings. 23:00 Nip/Tuck 18:00 Extreme Ice 09:00 The Good Doctor-PG15 Beautiful, sad and stunning, the film lovingly but 19:00 Megastructures 10:45 Lincoln-PG15 unflinchingly documents the destructive collision 20:00 Storm Worlds 13:15 Wreck-It Ralph-PG between tradition and modernization, between 21:00 Naked Science 2.5 15:00 Parental Guidance-PG ramshackle artistry and regimented bureaucracy. At 22:00 Megastructures 17:00 The Good Doctor-PG15 times it has the vibrant spirit of a real-life “Beasts of 23:00 Rebuilding Titanic 01:00 C.S.I. New York 18:45 Jack Reacher-PG15 the Southern Wild”; at other times it is imbued with 02:00 Good Morning America 21:00 Stolen-PG15 a profound sense of loss summed up by the words 06:00 Good Morning America 22:45 On The Road-R of gifted puppeteer Puran Bhat: “I wish I could stop 14:00 C.S.I. New York the world for a moment.” 15:00 Live Good Morning America Bhat was brought to New York by Tribeca organ- 19:00 24 izers, where he and the filmmakers received a 00:20 Wild Wild West 20:00 Covert Affairs standing ovation on Saturday from an audience 01:10 Monster Fish 21:00 The Glades that also included author Salman Rushdie. 02:00 World’s Deadliest Killer Three 22:00 Strike Back 00:00 The Runway-PG15 02:50 Caught in the Act (Rushdie’s book “Midnight’s Children” has a scene 23:00 Hannibal 02:00 Star Trek Into Darkness-PG15 03:45 Python Hunters about an earlier attempt to destroy the Kathputli 04:15 Love Birds-PG15 04:40 Africa’s Blood River colony.) Both “Tomorrow We Disappear” and 06:00 Jesse Stone: Benefit Of The 05:35 World’s Deadliest Killer Three “Virunga” are vital in the way the best documen- Doubt-PG15 06:30 Caught in the Act taries - and the best of Tribeca - can be. They’re 08:00 Three Investigators And The 07:25 Python Hunters inspiring, they’re infuriating (in a good way), and Secret Of Terror...-PG 08:20 Mother Warthog they’re why it pays to look for the docs on a film- 00:00 Commando-18 10:00 Standing Ovation-PG15 09:15 Ultimate Animal Countdown festival schedule. — Reuters 02:00 Money Kills-PG15 12:00 Star Trek Into Darkness-PG15 10:10 World’s Deadliest Animals 04:00 Chinese Zodiac-PG15 14:15 3 Times A Charm-PG15 THE LAST STAND ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 11:05 Animal Autopsy 06:00 Kung Fu Hustle-PG15 Classifieds



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Sharjah 16:15 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:20 KAC 513 Tehran 16:20 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:30 JZR 787 Riyadh 16:15 OMA 644 Muscat 04:20 KNE 463 Madinah 16:30 MSC 403 Asyut 02:30 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:45 QTR 1077 Doha 04:25 FDB 052 Dubai 16:35 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:35 KAC 562 Amman 16:50 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 KNE 481 Taif 16:40 FDB 067 Dubai 03:05 UAE 857 Dubai 16:55 JZR 560 Sohag 05:35 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 THY 765 Istanbul 06:00 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 OMA 643 Muscat 03:20 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:30 QTR 1073 Doha 17:20 QTR 1076 Doha 03:25 JZR 481 Istanbul 17:30 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 THY 770 Istanbul 04:35 JZR 538 Cairo 17:40 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:30 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:45 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 FDB 069 Dubai 05:50 UAE 858 Dubai 18:15 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:00 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 542 Cairo 18:15 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 JZR 529 Asyut 06:35 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 RBG 553 Alexandria 18:20 KAC 545 Alexandria 07:20 BAW 157 London 06:35 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 QTR 1080 Doha 18:25 BAW 156 London 08:25 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 JZR 554 Alexandria 18:30 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:30 FDB 054 Dubai 08:25 KAC 204 Lahore 07:35 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 18:40 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 JZR 134 Bahrain 18:50 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:50 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:30 RBG 554 Alexandria 19:00 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 QTR 1081 Doha 19:25 ABY 129 Sharjah 19:00 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:35 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 JZR 480 Istanbul 09:40 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 KAC 352 Kochi 08:05 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 ABY 120 Sharjah 19:40 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 KAC 344 Chennai 08:20 KAC 117 New York 10:00 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 MSR 619 Alexandria 20:30 MSR 606 Luxor 19:30 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:15 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 FDB 056 Dubai 10:15 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:30 ABY 125 Sharjah 08:50 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 KAC 102 New York/London 19:35 IRM 1187 Tehran 10:20 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:55 IRA 664 Shiraz 10:25 FDB 062 Dubai 20:50 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:10 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 KAC 361 Colombo 20:50 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 IRA 665 Shiraz 09:25 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:50 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:30 DLH 636 Frankfurt 20:15 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 FDB 055 Dubai 09:35 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 DLH 636 Dammam 21:00 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 ETD 919 Abu Dhabi 20:25 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:40 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 AXB 489 Kochi/Mangalore 20:35 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 KAC 514 Tehran 20:50 IAW 158 Al Najaf/Baghdad 12:00 AXB 490 Mangalore/Kochi 21:35 IAW 157 Baghdad/Al Najaf 11:00 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 KAC 175 Frankfurt/Geneva 12:10 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:50 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 JZR 561 Sohag 12:00 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:30 KAC 103 London 12:30 SYR 341 Damascus 12:05 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 JZR 786 Riyadh 12:50 ETD 920 Sharjah 22:25 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 JZR 135 Bahrain 21:45 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 SYR 342 Damascus 13:05 MRJ 4815 Mashhad 12:55 KNE 480 Taif 22:00 KAC 381 Delhi 22:30 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 FDB 059 Dubai 22:00 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:15 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:25 FDB 060 Dubai 22:40 MRJ 4814 Mashhad 13:55 CLX 792 Luxembourg 13:15 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:40 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 KAC 672 Dubai 13:40 BBC 043 Dhaka 23:10 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 QTR 1078 Doha 13:45 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:20 KNE 461 Riyadh 22:50 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 FDB 057 Dubai 13:55 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 23:40 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:35 CLX 792 Hanoi 14:30 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:15 THY 772 Istanbul 23:45 KAC 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION p34_p34 stars 22/04/14 9:39 pm Page 1

stars34 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You are in a mood of self-enjoyment this morning and may express yourself An appointment or a meeting signifies the need to be professionally well with much confidence. You may see value in or feel love for an older person dressed. You will have respect from all you meet. Considering you set the pace for others or someone in authority. You appreciate and discover the beauty in your own life and in to follow, you will do well to keep current with trends and styles. Allocating certain respon- those around you. At the same time, everything could take on added value and impor- sibilities to trusted individuals will gain excellent results. You are in a planning mood this tance. Be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much just now. You may find afternoon and are very clearheaded and able to view all the alternate paths. You can see yourself enjoying a long conversation, writing a letter or making a special phone call this the road ahead and will make the right choices. One of the most common human experi- afternoon. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of oth- ences is disappointment. You help a member of your family recover and learn from a dis- ers. The preparations for a get-together with your friends will show off your abilities to cre- appointment that might be felt today. Most people see disappointment as a downer; you ate a positive and beautiful atmosphere. teach that it can be a tool for correction, learning and growth.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Many of your friends from the past still keep in contact with you and you A feeling of inadequacy or frustration may occur today. It is important to keep in contact with them. It is fun to see the kids in each family grow and prosper. Having look at the possibility that failures at work may not be your fault. You are, however, to be so many friends in so many different places makes it fun to travel and visit and even enter- commended for your dedication and perseverance and can find answers or solve a prob- tain the idea of trading homes occasionally. A new relationship coming to you may be lem without the stress most would feel. You crave organization and you want to get things based first on a sort of friendship. You know there are more friends to enjoy and someday accomplished. Good eye-hand coordination and a sustained effort make almost any task a special person will be available to share life experiences with you. All people have some- run well. Be aware of an impossible standard and take it easier on everyone-including you. thing special to bring to the experience of living and they create wonderful challenges as A little humor could go a long way today. It is your responsibility to expand your vision well as simple pleasures. A new friend may take an interest in making movies or you may without losing the innocence of your convictions. Do not lose your ability to play. Borrow a decide to try your hand at some form of art. Happy birthday! relative or friend’s child if you have none and play.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You could be very popular today, especially with superiors or in relation to Clear some space so that you can work more easily. Hard work and trying to your work. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibility it make contact with higher-ups seem to take priority. Problem is-this activity entails more than usual. Your dealings with money will be successful as well. If your atti- of trying to contact certain people may be a bit difficult. You have time to think through tude is positive, this is what you will project and if your attitude is negative you will project what you want to say-expressing yourself is done very well. You want to get things accom- ACROSS sphere near Telescopium and Norma. this as well. You do not have a hidden agenda and others know what to expect from you. plished and this may end up a very productive day. After work your creative side kicks in as 1. Blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria 5. A battle in 1645 that settled the outcome Make sure your feelings compliment your goodness. You may need the emotional balance you help share your talents in the art of sewing, cooking or gardening. You may be sur- and fungi. of the first English Civil War as the of a friendly person today. A kind of romantic longing characterizes your approach to life. prised at the result of your effort with this teaching. You could become a teacher or others 4. Of or relating to anestrus. This could mean a longing for a soul mate or a yearning to save the world; it could mean could teach you. Health habits and work goals also come to your attention and you may Parliamentarians won a major victory over decide to set a few goals. A sense of harmony makes this a happy time. 12. The sense organ for hearing and equilibri- the Royalists. carrying a torch as well; patience. um. 6. Half the width of an em. 15. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike 7. Lean end of the neck. part of an organism. 8. At a specific prior time. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 16. Farming for the raising of livestock (par- 9. Support resembling the rib of an animal. Cancer (June 21-July 22) ticularly cattle). 10. Made tough by habitual exposure. Watch what you say to a new person today-you will be protecting your best Some previous plans that are finally developing into a most positive end 17. The 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. 11. System of measurement based on cen- interests in your future job security. Speculating or participating in sports result will boost the mood for you and those around you today; whatever the case this is a may be scheduled this afternoon. Perhaps you and your co-workers have an ongoing 18. A Black youth subculture and religious timeters and grams and seconds. day that is approached with high energy and an attitude that gets much accomplished. movement that arose in the ghettos of 12. An ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure tournament. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends and enjoying Success is easy to find. Others will notice your efficiency. Your inner resources and emo- them as well. Excessive emotional energy could produce flare-ups, harsh words and argu- Kingston, Jamaica, in the 1950s. equal to about a bushel. tions are accented. This afternoon new projects come to your attention. There are interest- 20. A puzzle where you decode a message ments. Be aware of this possibility and when you feel yourself becoming highly emotional, 13. According to the Old Testament he was a ing subjects for your evaluation and a relationship from the past may come to your atten- take a break in order to refocus. Find ways to relax this evening by doing something really consisting of pictures representing syllables pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel tion later this afternoon. Find time to relax and commune with nature in order to balance funny, renting a comedy video, tickling a loved one, etc. Laughter is the best way to pro- and words. (9th century BC). your energies before the evening begins. Avoid actively pursuing new social objectives. mote a healing and get rid of excessive negative energy. 21. An ugly evil-looking old woman. 14. Port city that is the capital and largest city There is a small package for you to open this evening. 22. Not only so, but. of Latvia. 23. A feeling of strong eagerness (usually in 19. 100 thebe equal 1 pula. favor of a person or cause). 24. A trivalent metallic element of the rare Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 26. Bug of temperate regions that infests earth group. especially beds and feeds on human blood. 25. A plant fiber used for making rope. Work progresses fairly well today; obtaining and exchanging information Job-related subjects take precedence this morning. New projects turn out 30. Covered with scabs. 27. A logarithmic unit of sound intensity. take on more importance. To complete important work, you may need certain informa- to be more successful than you had previously thought. There seems to be very little that 36. A silvery ductile metallic element found tion from others-you can successfully accomplish this with your smooth professional man- you cannot do today-the day is yours. You have the energy and wisdom to tackle any 28. The quantity of an active agent (sub- problem that comes to your attention. A lot of personal and sensitive psychological mate- primarily in bauxite. stance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at ner. If there is someone you are trying to influence, this would be the day when you would 39. A republic on the island of Malta in the be most successful. Setting time aside this evening for family conversations makes for a rial from a mate may be just as important for you as for your mate. You may look back on any one time. this time as very transforming. There could be a temporary estrangement from a loved Mediterranean. 29. Sweetened beverage of diluted lemon closer knit family and the feeling of a good support system for all. Helping a young person with a hobby may aid in his or her creativeness and provide opportunities for one-on-one one today but if you leave this alone it will be turned around for the positive. Being more 40. Botfly larva. juice. closely involved with another person may well become your highest priority. Marriage, 42. An Eskimo hut. conversations. You work on a project this evening while this young person enjoys his or 31. A waste pipe that carries away sewage or her hobby-perhaps you sew, repair furniture, etc. contracts and partnerships are seen as keys to success and happiness. 44. Absent without permission. surface water. 45. Broadcasting visual images of stationary 32. A gonadotropic hormone that is secreted or moving objects. by the anterior pituitary. Virgo (August 23-September 22) 46. Any of numerous local fertility and nature 33. A soft gray malleable metallic element Pisces (February 19-March 20) deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peo- that resembles tin but discolors on exposure ples. Stay in touch with your own sense of direction today. Many things come to A clear-minded thinking about your own plans and methods is available to air. your attention this morning and staying focused may become very diffi- 48. A workplace for the conduct of scientific 34. Be present at (meetings, church services, today. This is also a very good time to communicate your goals. You will also research. cult. Work particularly hard now to stay focused and complete projects. This is an exciting find this a good time for decision making with lots of talking to others about goals. Your university), etc.. day and you could become distracted from what you really want to accomplish. An talkative mood could get you in trouble with an older person, however, so be discreet. An 50. Ending in a sharp point. 35. (usually plural) A destructive action. 53. A hard gray lustrous metallic element instinctive urge to get serious about taking care of you is emphasized now. Diet, exercise important relationship, perhaps with an older person, may come into focus later. There 37. Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot and work become important routines now. You want to feel good about yourself and the could be some tension or sense of opposition requiring compromise or negotiation on that is highly corrosion-resistant. palm used in India for writing paper. way you do things. A healthy change in your diet and a new exercise program are positive 54. A small cake leavened with yeast. your part. There will be opportunities for understanding and even growth. Tonight, you 38. An awkward and inexperienced youth. plans. Perhaps you can bring a friend or family member along when you exercise. You will may be able to bring a group together with words or ideas that transport others, such as 56. A thermionic tube having two electrodes. 41. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. find this time speeds right along when shared with a friend. poetry or music. Social involvement with friends is also fun. 59. The fleshy part of the human body that 43. Fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of e.g. a you sit on. puffball or stinkhorn. 62. (Hindu) A manner of sitting (as in the 47. Filled with a great quantity. practice of Yoga). Word Search 49. Of or relating to a member of the Yesterday Solution 65. Open-heart surgery in which the rib cage Buddhist people inhabiting the Mekong river is opened and a section of a blood vessel is in Laos and Thailand. grafted from the aorta to the coronary artery to bypass the blocked section of the coro- 51. A bar of sand. nary artery and improve the blood supply to 52. (computer science) A kind of computer the heart. architecture that has a relatively small set of 69. The smallest multiple that is exactly divisi- computer instructions that it can perform. ble by every member of a set of numbers. 55. The blood group whose red cells carry 70. A central cohesive source of support and both the A and B antigens. stability. 57. A Bantu language spoken by the Kamba 74. The cry made by sheep. people in Kenya. 75. A compartment in front of a motor vehi- 58. A coffee cake flavored with orange rind cle where driver sits. and raisins and almonds. 76. A small volcanic island in Indonesia 60. An obsolete name for nitrogen. between Java and Sumatra. 61. A projection at the end of a piece of 77. A cgs unit of work or energy. wood that is shaped to fit into a mortise and 78. A loose sleeveless outer garment made form a mortise joint. from aba cloth. 63. Someone who works (or provides work- 79. Clearly apparent or obvious to the mind ers) during a strike. or senses. 64. A town and port in northwestern Israel in 80. A nucleic acid consisting of large mole- the eastern Mediterranean. cules shaped like a double helix. 66. In bed. 67. An outlying farm building for storing DOWN grain or animal feed and housing farm ani- 1. Marked by keen caution and watchful pru- mals. dence. 68. Mentally or physically infirm with age. 2. (Scottish) Bluish-black or gray-blue. 71. Alsatian artist and poet who was 3. Melon having yellowish rind and whitish cofounder of Dadaism in Zurich. flesh. 72. A tight-fitting headdress. 4. A constellation in the southern hemi- 73. Take in solid food. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 PRIVATE CLINICS Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Estonia 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 lifestyle WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

GOSSIP Lindsay Lohan is doing ‘fantastic’ despite miscarriage

he troubled actress revealed on the finale of her reality show to online publication KODE, which claimed she had drank and taken ecsta- ‘Lindsay’ that she had lost a baby, but her parents insist she is putting sy at the Coachella festival earlier this month and boasted of dating a mar- Tthe tragedy behind her and is doing well. Her mother Dina said in a ried man. Her spokesperson said: “Lindsay never spoke to any journalist at text message: “Lindsay is fine.” Her father Michael added to the New York KODE. The interview was completed via email. We have no comprehension Daily News newspaper’s Confidenti@l column: “It’s a private family matter, on why a journalist would fabricate this content and distribute it in such an but she’s doing fantastic. She’s doing very well.” The ‘Mean Girls’ star made irresponsible way.”The publication is standing by their article, and its the revelation when explaining why she had taken a break from filming writer, who is known only as The Kurator. the OWN show, which chronicled her attempts to relaunch her career fol- lowing her sixth stint in rehab. She said: “No one knows this, and we can finish after this, I had a miscarriage for the two weeks that I took off.” After a long pause, the flame-haired beauty added: “It’s a very long story,” and failed to offer any other details, including who the father of her unborn child was. Meanwhile, the 27-year-old star has denied giving an interview

Nicolas Cage applied to be on a dating show

he ‘Joe’ actor - who has sons Weston, newspaper, he said: “I’m a regular at- home 23, with ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton dad to him-not some movie star. I play with Tand Kal-El, eight, with third wife Alice him, go out with him, do all those parent- Kim - was obsessed with ‘The Dating Game’ child things like any other father. “I don’t James Van Der as a teenager, and managed to get accept- play my old movies. Don’t look to make ed for the show, despite being only 15 him see them. Don’t talk about those old years old, but his father refused to let him days. I intend to maintain a normal, natural Beek’s take part. He said: “My first audition I was home life. I try to look at the future, not the ‘wake-up call’ underage. Only 15. Even that young I tried past. “The same with my Oscar. I’m living to be accepted on ‘The Dating Game.’ “I today. I’m a parent. I keep the totems away. ames Van Der Beek received a career Creek’ I needed to take some time out, I used to love seeing that, and always some- My awards are safe. But they’re not in my “wake-up call” when he was asked to was burned out. “I was passing on a lot of how managed to, although my father said I home. The totems are in the past.” Jappear on ‘Dancing with the Stars’. things and wanted to play a certain type couldn’t watch it. Anyhow, he wouldn’t let The former ‘Dawson’s Creek’ actor felt he of role and when you pass enough, peo- me do the show.” The 50-year-old star - who needed to “reinvent” himself when he ple stop offering after a while.”And I got won the Best Actor Oscar in 1996 for his was approached to compete on the to a point where I realized, ‘You know role in ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ - celebrity dance contest, an offer his what? I’m going to start saying yes to also insisted he has a very “normal” home agents didn’t even want to tell him things. If I haven’t done it before and it life with Alice and Kal-El and is very focused about. Recalling the approach, he told seems like it going to be fun, why not?’ on the future, rather than reliving his for- ‘Access Hollywood’: “That’s a wake-up “And these days, the ‘Friends With Better mer glories. Speaking to the New York Post call! It’s time to do some reinvention. Lives’ actor couldn’t be happier with his “[My people told me], ‘We got an offer work. He said: “I’ve been lucky enough to and we legally have to tell you that it hang around for a number of years. One came in [for] ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ We of the things I’ve got to do is reinvent don’t think you should take it’...” When and I’ve been having a great time...”I’ve ‘Dawson’s Creek’ ended in 2003 after six somehow managed to stay out of jail, Jay Z won’t be attending years, James, 37, decided to take some rehab and bankruptcy court and now I time out but quickly realized he was no get to laugh all day.” Kanye, Kim’s wedding longer as in demand as he once was and took a different approach to his career, he rap mogul has reportedly told his close accepting offers he thought would be friend that he, wife Beyonce Knowles, and their fun. He added: “Right after ‘Dawson’s Ttwo-year-old daughter Blue Ivy will miss the nuptials - which are expected to take place in Paris next month - because they are uneasy about the fact the celebrations will be filmed for the brunette beau- ty’s reality show ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’. However, to make things up to the ‘Bound 2’ star - who has 10-month-old daughter North with Kim - Jay will throw him a lavish bachelor party at his hon- eymoon as a wedding gift. A source told The Sun newspaper: “Jay Z would be there if it wasn’t going to be such a public event. “Instead he’s making it up to his mate by throwing him the most extravagant bachelor party known to man. “It will cost a small for- tune - and to top it all off, he’s chucked a It was previ- ously claimed that Kim and Kanye were so keen for Jay and Beyonce to be at their wedding, they had agreed to exempt the couple from their strict arrangements. A source previously said: “There is no way Kanye would ever even dare to ask Jay or Beyonce to sign a non-disclosure agreement, or take away their cell phones. He knows that neither one of them would betray his trust.” Kate Upton has been cheated on

he blonde bombshell has had her heart broken many times in the past, but believes the best way to deal Khloe Kardashian Twith the pain is to cut all ties with her ex-boyfriends. She told the Daily Mirror newspaper: “I definitely have been cheated on. Everybody’s been through betrayal some way flaunts new love with necklace or another in their life. You’re heartbroken and you have to heal that. “I personally think the best revenge is just walk- hloe Kardashian has paid homage to her new romance with a ing away and not wasting another second of your time necklace dedicated to French Montana. The 29-year-old reali- with someone who’s clearly emotionally handicapped. I ty TV star - who filed for divorce from estranged husband think if someone hurts you in that way, it’s not your job to K change him, and it’s not your job to be there while he’s Lamar Odom last year - has been spotted wearing a necklace which bears the word ‘Karim’, French’s real name, in Arabic. The Moroccan- finding himself, and finding who he is. “So I think walking born rapper, full name Karim Kharbouch, and Khloe have been away and being who you need to be for the rest of your life inseparable since they were first seen together at a party thrown by is the most important thing.” The 22-year-old model has P Diddy to celebrate his son’s birthday last month. The loved-up cou- been romantically linked to hunky sports stars Justin ple have since been on a double date with Khloe’s sister Kourtney Verlander, Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez in the past, but Kardashian, 35, and her boyfriend Scott Disick. Khloe and French, 29, insists looks aren’t her priority when it comes to men. She recently enjoyed a trip to New York, where they were spotted dining added: “I love awkward, but cute. The type of guy I like, I at Lobster House in an “intimate” scene, reports E! News. It’s thought always kid, I love a penguin.” Kate made a name for herself the ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star is smitten with her new with sexy Sports Illustrated shoots, but is now turning her man following the deterioration of her marriage to basketball ace hand to acting with a role alongside Cameron Diaz and Lamar amid drug abuse and cheating claims. However, some of Leslie Mann in comedy ‘The Other Woman’ and admits it Khloe’s friends and family have questioned whether her new rela- isn’t easy making a career change. She said: “It’s exhausting tionship is just a “rebound”. to try to be taken seriously. But I’m willing to commit to that - I’m willing to fight.” Is Robert Pattinson dating Katy Perry’s best friend?

he ‘Cosmopolis’ actor is said to have struck up a close with Robert by explaining she has a “big sister” relationship relationship with the ‘Roar’ singer’s “super stylist” and with the 27-year-old actor. She said: “He’s my bud, I’m like Tconfidant Cleo Wade, and they all spent the majority his big sister. We just hang out. The other day, I said, ‘One of of Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival together over the things I’m most proud of is not sleeping with you, the weekend. A source told The Sun newspaper: “Cleo is Robert’. And that’s true.” As well as Robert, the ‘Part of Me’ one of Katy’s best friends, so Rob has been spending time hitmaker was recently romantically linked with Diplo as with their gang. It’s early days but they seem to have good they appeared to be “more than friends” at a Coachella par- chemistry. They spent a lot of time together over the week- ty earlier this month. end.” The reports will put an end to rumors that Katy,29, had been dating the ‘Twilight’ hunk following her split from John Mayer. Katy - who was previously married to Russell Brand - has previously dismissed speculation of a romance lifestyle WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014


Mel C doesn’t want to get addicted to Botox

he 40-year-old singer is not averse to having the injections to get rid of about it, a lot of the images in the public eye are quite unrealistic and it’s wrinkles but is trying to limit the amount she has them and has ruled out unhealthy for people to think that’s au natural when it’s not.” Mel - who has Tgoing under the knife. When asked how often she has Botox, said: “It five-year-old daughter Scarlet with former partner Thomas Starr - turned 40 in depends, every couple of months, I only have a little bit, I don’t want to get January but insists getting older doesn’t upset her. She said: “I just feel a lot addicted. Surgery is going too far, you see so many people who can’t see prop- more relaxed about things, you just realize that all the things you used to wor- erly anymore. Not too much, just a little bit here and there.” The former Spice ry about in your 20s aren’t that important anymore. When you’re young you Girls singer has never hidden the fact she has had the procedures because she worry about what people think of you and how you’re perceived.” wanted to be honest with her fans and claims she doesn’t see anything wrong with it. She said: “Why not [have Botox], it’s not permanent, I thought I’d give it a go, I’m not ashamed to say it. “I think it’s probably quite good to be honest Richard Gere is seeing Padma Lakshmi

he 64-year-old actor, who split from his wife Carey Lowell, 52, in September after 11 years of marriage, recently began romancing Tthe ‘Top Chef’ host. A source told the New York Post’s Page Six: “They have been quietly spending some time together. It is all very new and recent, and happened while he has been filming in New York.” Another insider told “It started very recently and qui- etly. It’s very new. I wouldn’t even go as far as calling them a couple. They are dating. It’s the first time Padma has dated anyone since Teddy [Forstmann], and it’s something she’s been approaching very, very deli- cately. They’re just getting to know each other. They’re just having fun.” Richard, who has a son Homer, 14, with Carey, is currently filming ‘Time Out of Mind’ in the city, a drama about a man who enters a shelter ila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher flew to New when he runs out of housing options and tries to reconnect with his Orleans, Louisiana to spend Easter with his fam- estranged daughter. Former model Padma, 43, was previously married ily. The couple, who are expecting their first M to author Salman Rushdie for three years until 200,7 and dated billion- child in October, were spotted hanging out with the aire Teddy Forstmann until he died of brain cancer in 2011 at the age of ‘Two and a Half Men’ star’s older sister, Tausha, and her 71. The presenter has a three-year-old daughter, Krishna Thea Lakshmi- husband, who will also welcome another child later this Dell, with Adam Dell, the venture capitalist brother of computer maker year. Eyewitness Ashley Allen told E! News: “They were Michael Dell. Richard and Carey never officially confirmed they were walking down Gause Boulevard in Slidell, Louisiana, separating but were said to have been living apart for some time before going for a walk with Ashton’s family. They seemed very their split. The ‘Pretty Woman’ actor was also previously married to happy!” The couple also went on a Bayou swamp tour to Cindy Crawford for four years until 1995. see crocodiles before visiting the Abita Brewing Company, 30 miles north of the city. A spokesperson for the company said: “They were really awesome, sweet and down to earth people.” The group were then spot- ted dining in a local Slidell Waffle House. A source said: “They were with their niece and two other family mem- bers - the door girl talked to them in passing and they told her they were visiting family and that’s why they were there. Ashton ordered light over easy eggs and Julia Roberts Mila ordered light over easy eggs without oil because still trying to she’s trying to eat healthy for baby.” The couple, who got engaged last month, have been spending a lot of the come to terms with death time with the 36-year-old actor’s family recently. They acted “super lovely dovey together” at Los Angeles he ‘August: Osage County’ star has broken her silence for the first time since International Airport late last month, as they headed to her sibling, Nancy Motes, died from an apparent drug overdose in February, his hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa to see his parents. Tand revealed she is seeking comfort in meditation. The 46-year-old actress A source told that Ashton’s twin told WSJ. Magazine, in a tearful interview conducted just weeks after the former brother, Michael Kutcher, is also expecting his first child production assistant was found dead: “It’s just heartbreak. It’s only been 20 days. with his wife in December. There aren’t words to explain what any of us have been through in these last 20 days. It’s hour by hour some days, but you just keep looking ahead.” She added: “You don’t want anything bad to happen to anyone, but there are so many tragic, painful, inexplicable things in the world. But [as with] any situation of challenge and despair, we must find a way, as a family. It’s so hard to formulate a sentence about it outside the weepy huddle of my family.” The brunette beauty also admit- ted that she is doing everything she can to cope with the loss. She said: “Meditation or chanting or any of those things can be so joyous and also very qui- eting. We share and just say, ‘This is a way I comfort myself.’ “It has previously been claimed that Nancy - who had a “complex” relationship with her famous sibling - had left a “ranting” note prior to her death allegedly claiming the actress’ fame had driven her to suicide. Meanwhile, Julia also claimed that she doesn’t consider her- Christina Aguilera self to be a celebrity. She said: “I don’t consider myself a celebrity, [at least not] how it is fostered in our culture today. I don’t know if I’m old and slow, but there seems is having a ‘blissful’ pregnancy to be a frenzy to it.” — Bangshowbiz

he ‘Your Body’ hitmaker, who recently announced she is expecting her second child later this year, appears to be feeling very energetic Tas she is also working on her upcoming album. The 33-year-old star wrote on Twitter: “So blissful in taking this time for creating all things blos- soming new on the horizon...album, baby & beautiful music to come.” The blonde beauty is set to give birth to a baby girl and the tot will be her first child with fiancee Matthew Rutler. The ‘The Voice’ USA mentor already has

celebrate Easter together celebrate a six-year-old son with her ex-husband, Jordan Bratman and will take next Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher Ashton Kutcher Mila Kunis, season off from the NBC series to focus on her family. Christina announced she was expecting in February, a week after Matthew proposed. A source previously said: “It wasn’t expected, but it also wasn’t unwelcome. They are all very excited though! Christina loves being a mom.” The couple met on the set of movie ‘Burlesque’ in 2010 while the Grammy Award-winning singer was going through her divorce. Production assistant Matthew popped the question in the backyard of their new home in Los Angeles, which is still under construction, on Valentine’s Day. Christina was said to be completely “shocked” by Matthew’s romantic sunset proposal, for which he wore a suit and filled a gazebo with candles and red roses, before tak- ing her to celebrate with friends and family.

Emma Stone says Andrew Garfield is ‘incredibly important’

he ‘Amazing Spider-Man 2’ actress has been dating no matter what.” Andrew also emailed the publication for her British co-star, 30, for almost three years and feels her interview and echoed her sentiments. He said: “I thank Tvery lucky to have him in her life. The 25-year-old star my lucky stars that we’ve been able to be on this ride told the May issue of Vogue magazine: “I think I’ve learned a together. We all need companions in the mystery to get you lot by being around him. And, you know, he is an incredibly out of your head and into your heart.” Meanwhile, Emma important person to me.” Emma believes they would have claims that she tries not to Google herself.” She said: “I don’t had a great time working together even if they didn’t end usually like what I find. But some of it is really funny.” up dating after they met on the set of the first movie in 2010. She said: “It’s been fun working with him just because of who he is as an actor and person. I think it would be fun lifestyle WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 MUSIC & MOVIES Mexico bids farewell to Garcia Marquez exico bid farewell Monday to its lenato trio offered a performance to the beloved adopted son, Colombian crowd outside the palace. Then, people Mnovelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, took turns reading pages from “One in a national tribute filled with the late Hundred Years of Solitude.” “He loved this Nobel laureate’s favorite flowers and country. He was very grateful and felt as music. A coffee-colored urn containing his Mexican as any other person,” Jaime ashes was placed on a podium, surround- Abello, director of the Ibero-American ed by yellow roses, in Mexico City’s domed New Journalism Foundation founded by Fine Arts Palace as a string quartet played Garcia Marquez, told MVS Radio. classical music. Dozens of guests applaud- His biographer, British writer Gerald ed when his widow, Mercedes Barcha, Martin, said he understood the secular arrived dressed in black with their sons, nature of the ceremony because Garcia Rodrigo and Gonzalo, at the cultural cen- Marquez was not a religious man. “But he ter, where Mexico pays tribute to its late was a man who respected other people’s artistic icons. Hundreds of fans filed past beliefs, like his mother,” Martin told the urn to pay their last respects to the Colombia’s Caracol radio. author of “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” “He joked that he didn’t believe in God taking pictures and short videos with their but feared him a lot,” said the author of smartphones. “Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Life.” His native Some of the guests even danced as a Colombia will hold its own ceremony at three-piece vallenato band played folk Bogota’s cathedral on Tuesday for the man songs from his native Colombia with an Santos hailed as “the greatest Colombian accordion, drum and guacharaca, a per- of all time.” On Wednesday, to mark World cussion instrument. Known affectionately A school teacher carries a made yellow butterfly during a symbolic funeral parade in Book Day, Colombians will have readings as “Gabo,” Garcia Marquez died last honor of the late Nobel literature laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez. of Garcia Marquez’s novel “No One Writes Thursday in the Mexico City house where “‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ will sur- his death has not been disclosed but he to the Colonel” in more than 1,000 he lived for decades with his wife and two vive 100 more years in our hearts,” she said, died a week after a bout of pneumonia. libraries, parks and universities. The family sons. He was 87. Visiting Colombian clutching three yellow roses. Garcia has not said where the author’s final rest- President Juan Manuel Santos was to Marquez first moved to Mexico in 1961 He ‘loved’ Mexico ing place will be but Colombia hopes his deliver remarks later with Mexican leader and it was there that the veteran journalist The palace was decorated with the late ashes will be divided between his home- Enrique Pena Nieto. wrote his seminal novel, a family and his- writer’s favorite flower, the yellow rose land and Mexico. His wife Barcha “says that “I want to thank him for the pleasure he torical saga that was published in 1967. He that he so often wore on his lapel for good it is a very difficult decision that will be tak- gave me in reading books,” said Joseline Guests play with yellow paper butterflies as they leav- was a leading exponent of “magical real- luck. Many mourners wore the rose as vio- en in due time,” said Rafael Tovar, president Lopez, a 21-year-old Venezuelan medical ing homage to Colombian Nobel Literature laureate ism,” a style of story-telling that blends fan- lins played Beethoven. A large portrait of of Mexico’s National Culture and Arts student who queued outside the palace. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. —AP photos tasy and realistic elements. The cause of Garcia Marquez hung on a wall. The val- Council. — AFP

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos, left, and Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto, stand A man holds a copy next to the urn of One Hundred containing the Year of Solitude ashes of the late during a symbolic Marquez. funeral parade. With awards, Bollywood O’Connell on ‘Starred Up’ and his troubled past: ‘I really had to dig deep to get a second chance’ shows growing imprint in US hough he’s been acting profession- which enabled me free train fare,” he commission place in Northern Ireland ally for nearly a decade - you might explained. “I wouldn’t have been able to called Crumlin Road Gaol, which ollywood this week throws its pre- known for its extravagant song-and- to fill seats however they can, Pandya Tknow him from the British edition afford that if it wasn’t for my dad’s job.” O’Connell visited a week before anyone mier awards event for the first dance routines, its expansion into the said. “It’s incredible growth. Theaters that of “Skins” and the drama “This is All these experiences helped him else. “It certainly helped with the atmos- Btime in the United States, which United States has been more understat- five years ago would never think about England” - Jack O’Connell is only now channel the right emotions for “Starred phere, the slamming doors, the walls are has quietly become the leading overseas ed. Indian films are increasingly shown in playing one of these movies are now making his first visit to New York City. Up,” in which O’Connell plays a young very cold and very hard,” O’Connell said. market for India’s prolific film industry. mainstream US cinemas which set aside anxious to get the latest Shah Rukh Khan And while he’s here for work - his intense inmate named Eric who has just been “It was a hardened atmosphere. A lot of The International Indian Film Academy specific screens and times. or Aamir Khan movie,” Pandya said, refer- prison drama, “Starred Up,” is playing at transferred to a prison in which his the times when you’re doing stunts and today kicks off four days of festivities in The United States has topped Britain ring to two stars whose films are consid- the Tribeca Film Festival - he’s doing absentee father (played by Ben stuff, they cheat things and it’s padded. I Tampa culminating in an awards cere- in recent years as the largest overseas ered relatively high-brow in Bollywood. some sightseeing, too. Mendelhson) resides. He is angry and much prefer to stay with the hard, brutal mony Saturday that will bring out market for Bollywood, fueled by demand “I got a chance to walk yesterday, bitter about his circumstances, and nature of it.” Bollywood’s glitterati and Hollywood from the three million-strong Indian Seeking a wider audience along the waterfront, across the water rather volatile, but begins to break He’s sure to say over and over, legend John Travolta. While Bollywood is American community and the growing Pandya, who also manages the web- ease of distributing movies through the site, said that India from New Jersey. Took some photos. I through emotionally with the help of a though, that they wanted to make every digital format. “Dhoom 3,” the latest was the only foreign country with a self- got as far as Little Italy,” he told TheWrap prison therapist (when not brawling character three dimensional, not just the installment of a thriller series which is sustaining film industry in the United on Monday, before adding two other with older inmates). The movie was writ- inmates; giving guards, who can seem nominated for best picture at the Tampa States, as European, Latin American or sightseeing ambitions: “Where John ten by Jonathan Asser, a man who spent corrupt, at least a fair representation was awards, broke US records for Indian cine- other international movies rely on Lennon died,” which is the Dakota apart- many years working with vulnerable important to everyone on the team. ma after it was released last year. Hollywood or art-house distributors to ment building on the Upper West Side, inmates. O’Connell first opened eyes with his Set largely in Chicago, “Dhoom 3” select and distribute them. “India is the “and that shop that was in ‘Home Alone,’ The film is bleak in its outlook on the role in Skins,” and was seen earlier this grossed more than $8 million in the only one that, 12 months a year, has that toy shop,” meaning FAO Schwartz. justice system, much more so than year in the “300” sequel. “Starred Up” United States and Canada, roughly on films that come in and play in theaters The latter was sort of a funny itinerary human nature; Asser and director David should also provide him some positive par with “Before Midnight,” the second here in the US,” Pandya said. In addition item to hear coming from O’Connell, MacKenzie work to convey the notion career momentum thanks to the rave sequel to the US romantic classic “Before to Bollywood films, which are in Hindi, who wears his tough and smart working Sunrise.” Indian cinema’s growth can eas- US cinemas regularly screen movies in class roots on his sleeve and in his voice. ily fly beneath the radar in the United other Indian languages such as Tamil In fact, at one point there was a chance States, which has by far the world’s and Telugu. he wasn’t even going to be able to come largest box office and is thoroughly Despite the growth, no Bollywood visit the United States, because of prob- dominated by domestic fare. India, in film has won over mainstream US audi- lems with the law. turn, has the largest output of films at ences and the annual awards-always “I had my run-ins,” O’Connell admit- more than 1,100 a year. held outside of India to show the indus- ted, alluding to childhood brushes with But Gitesh Pandya, a US-based con- try’s global reach-had shied away from the law while growing up in Derby, sultant for Bollywood studios, said that the potentially massive market. In hopes Indian cinema had innate advantages as of crossing over to a non-South Asian England. “I’m not clean as a whistle, it has a consistent audience of Indian audience, the International Indian Film hence my sort of overall relief that I final- Americans who are often well-educated Academy will kick off its Tampa weekend ly obtained an American working visa.” While he didn’t get specific about those File photo shows actor John and generally do not need expensive with a public party Wednesday in a park run-ins, O’Connell did admit that it took Travolta arriving for the screen- promotional campaigns to woo them to aimed at introducing US audiences to a lot of work to overcome them. ing of “Killing Season” at the 39th the movies. Indian films that just five India’s culture and film. Prominent Indian “In my country as is the case over American Film Festival in years ago would have opened at 80 to actress Vidya Balan, who will appear at 85 screens in the United States now start here, there is such thing as a second Deauville, Normandy, western the awards, saw hope in her experience in more than 200 theaters including in serving last year on the Cannes Film chance,” he said. “I really, really had to France. — AP smaller cities where cinemas are happy Festival jury. —AFP dig deep to get a second chance. I had to spend a lot of time doing drug tests and alcohol tests and even after doing that, I was denied once. It’s just been a case of letting my actions do the talking. Jack O’Connell I know I’m not a liability to myself, I’m that in so many cases, imprisonment reviews it has received (released last not violent either. My life isn’t a struggle and crime comes from nurture (or lack year in the UK, it was nominated for a anymore.” “When my life was a struggle, I thereof) rather than nature. “He offered slew British Independent Film Awards). was perhaps in an environment where, us the opportunity to meet a couple of Still, he’s largely a fresh face to American I’d always argue that I was just a product the lads that he worked with,” O’Connell audiences (and people in New York), but of my environment, and I’m not in that said, referring to some of Asser’s former that should change very soon, thanks to environment anymore,” O’Connell, who inmates (some of whom got small roles his leading role in Angelina Jolie’s went to a rough local Catholic academy in the film). “Seeing the way they operat- upcoming period drama, “Unbroken.” in Derby, said. “I elevated myself, and ed with him, with this level of immense now my intention is to help people like expect, real gratitude you see in them ‘Tulip Fever’ myself do the same in whatever field it approaching him, that helped validate “I’ve spoken a lot about her but still is. And to not necessarily be supported Jonathan’s point of view a lot.” don’t feel like I’ve been able to encapsu- in the way that you’d expect was very late fully the inspiration that she offered frustrating. But like I said, I think the Shooting in a real prison me,” he gushed when asked about Jolie. actions speak for themselves now. Of the inmates he met and worked “Even in directing, seeing her as she con- Overall, I’m grateful, everything’s worked with, O’Connell said, “The really frighten- tends with her public persona and the itself out.” ing people I met were actually quite woman herself, as well. Above all of that pleasant to talk to. Sometimes they’re as well, I’ve seen her engaged with Free train fare not even angry when they’re being vio- everyone on set, and that to me is The actor was saved in part by being lent. It’s almost professional.” Gloom and important. And also she’s remarkably accepted into a television workshop in sadness hang thick over the movie, talented. I watched ‘Girl, Interrupted’ Nottingham, which would generally which is filled with incredibly charged recently, since working with her, and I’d File photo shows Bollywood actors Sridevi and Prabhu Deva, left in yellow, performing during the require expensive travel. “The only way I performances, brooding and spring- like to see her again just to shake her International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards in Macau. — AP could travel to and from Nottingham loaded for sudden explosion. It helped hand for that. I think she achieved some- was my dad worked on the railway, that they shot in a real prison, an out-of- thing infinitely special.” —Reuters lifestyle WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014 MUSIC & MOVIES Crouching Tiger prequel to film in New Zealand

(From left) Actors Alice David, Tarek Boudali, Philippe Lacheau and Julien Arruti arrive to the 18th annual City of Lights, City of Angeles (COLCOA) French film festival in Los Angeles, California, yesterday. COLCOA will present 41 feature films, including three prequel to the Oscar-winning Chinese martial international premieres, arts epic “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” will 17 North American or US Abe shot in New Zealand this year, Film premieres, 16 West Coast Auckland said yesterday. The original movie, released premieres and 20 new in 2000, broke new ground in introducing Western shorts throughout the audiences to Chinese cinema and Film Auckland’s week, from April 21 deputy chairman Alex Lee said securing the follow-up through April 28. —AFP was a major coup for New Zealand. “Over the last 18 months it’s been very quiet and it’s nice we’re finally getting traction,” he told Radio New Zealand. “It’s a production that will require a vast number of resources, facilities, technicians and crew.” New Zealand is no stranger to big-budget movie shoots, Depp flops, ‘Captain America’ providing stunning backdrops for both the “Lord of the Rings” and “Hobbit” trilogies. But Lee said subsidy changes allowing major pro- ductions to claim back up to 25 percent of their budg- rules US box-office et as rebates were a decisive factor in Auckland win- ning the “Crouching Tiger” prequel. “It’s quite clear ollywood heart-throb Johnny Depp The film has earned more than $200 million year-old boy who wakes up from emer- The movie, which features the voices of that until the decision to increase the incentives for suffered the worst box-office debut in North America since its debut earlier in gency surgery with a story about going to Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway in the international films to come to New Zealand we were Hof his career while “Captain America: the month, when it had the biggest April heaven and back. It raked in $22.5 million lead roles, took in $22.2 million in its second just not competitive,” he said. “Crouching Tiger” made The Winter Soldier” maintained its grip on opening of all time. This week’s perform- for second place. weekend. With “Transcendence” in fourth, US$213.5 million globally, according to industry web- North American theaters, final figures ance meant “Captain America” held off a Third spot was taken by animated chil- paranormal comedy “A Haunted House 2” site Box Office Mojo, including US$128 million in the showed Monday. Despite being one of the strong opening from “Heaven Is For Real,” dren’s movie “Rio 2,” a follow-up to the 2011 jumped up the charts to earn fifth place, United States-unprecedented at the time for a foreign highest paid actors in Tinseltown, Depp’s starring Greg Kinnear as the father of a four- hit about a family of blue macaw parrots. with $8.8 million after a month in theaters. language movie. star power was unable to save $100 million The sequel to a 2013 film, it stars Marlon It also won four Oscars in 2001, including best for- science-fiction thriller “Transcendence” from Wayans as a man plagued by ghosts and eign film, and launched the Hollywood career of crashing with just $10.9 million on its open- demons. director Ang Lee, who went on to win two best direc- ing to take fourth spot. It was the latest in a Kevin Costner’s latest big-screen appear- tor Academy Awards for “Brokeback Mountain” and series of poor openings for movies starring ance-sports drama “Draft Day”-moved into “Life of Pi”. Film industry bible Variety reported that Depp, coming hard on the heels of “The sixth place. The film, which sees Costner Malaysia’s Michelle Yeoh will reprise her role as a war- Lone Ranger,” “Dark Shadows” and “The Rum playing an American football team’s general rior in the prequel, to be titled “The Green Destiny”. It Diary.” manager on the day of the NFL draft, picked said Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein’s The The film, which sees Depp play a scien- up $5.7 million. “Divergent,” the dystopian Weinstein Company is co-producing the film with tist who escapes death when his brain is tale of a young woman in a futuristic socie- New Zealand’s Iron Knight Productions. Yuen Woo- uploaded into a huge computer, was the ty, based on the popular young adult novel ping, who co-ordinated the eye-popping action actor’s lowest-grossing opening since by the same name, reeled in $5.6 million for scenes in the original, will reportedly direct, using a 2004’s “Secret Window,” which took $18.2 seventh place. Sinking from third to eighth script which has been approved by officials in Beijing. million. While Warner Bros. were left picking spot was horror film “Oculus,” about an The green light from Beijing is important because over the ashes of “Transcendence,” Disney antique mirror possessed with evil spirits. It it ensures access to the rapidly growing Chinese mar- toasted another solid weekend from garnered $5.2 million. Rounding out the top ket, where box office takings soared 36 percent to an “Captain America.” ten, biblical epic “Noah,” starring Russell estimated $1.8 billion over the first six months of The latest big-screen adventures of the Crowe, earned $5.0 million for ninth place 2013. The Chinese market is expected to overtake the iconic Marvel superhero, starring Chris and “Bears,” Disney’s documentary about a US market by 2020, prompting keen interest from Evans, took in $25.6 million, figures from family of grizzly bears living in Alaska, $4.8 Hollywood. — AFP box office tracker Exhibitor Relations said. million. — AFP David Foster Wallace’s Real Housewives of Atlanta’s estate opposes biopic Moore breaks silence on Porsha enya Moore has broken her silence with battery. The authorities will decide her over being attacked by castmate fate, not me. KPorsha Williams during “The Real There are many inflammatory statements Housewives of Atlanta” reunion special, which made by cast members to and about each aired on Sunday In a statement released on other particularly during the reunion tapings. Monday, Moore first addresses Williams’ arrest Many have made untrue, denigrating, dis- due to the attack “I called 911 to report the paraging, and inflammatory statements incident,” she said. “The Atlanta police con- against me in an attempt to provoke me, but I ducted an independent investigation, which have never reacted in a violent way. My intel- included viewing the raw footage of the inci- lect and my brain are my most powerful dent. As a result, Porsha Williams was charged weapons-not my fists. If people get so angry with battery. The authorities will decide her that they lose control and admittedly “black fate, not me.” out” and resort to violence, those persons Last Wednesday, Williams surrendered her- must be held responsible for their actions. self to authorities. Williams was released later This June 30, Being a cast member on a reality show does that same day on a $2,000 bond after being 2013 file photo not absolve people of their rights. charged with one misdemeanor count of sim- shows TV After being repeatedly attacked by an ple battery. In the weeks since the taping, personality abusive boyfriend at the age of 17, if some- Moore’s castmates have talked about the Kenya Moore at one puts their hands on me, I will not just let File photo shows James Ponsoldt, writer/director of attack publicly. Both NeNe Leakes and the BET Awards it go. With that said, I sought self-defense the film ‘Smashed,’ poses at the premiere of the film Phaedra Parks have appeared on Bravo’s in Los Angeles. training developed for the Israeli military. I’ve at the 2012 Toronto Film Festival, in Toronto. — AP “Watch What Happens Live” and said they also been trained in weapons. I can take believed that Moore provoked Williams into someone down in three moves. It took disci- elatives of David Foster Wallace say they’re violence. angry that they lose control and admittedly the taping of the Reunion Episode for the pline for me not to respond in kind. As violent opposed to the upcoming film “The End of the “black out” and resort to violence, those per- Real Housewives of Atlanta, I was violently responses escalate, they can quickly result in RTour,” which is based on David Lipsky’s 2010 Moore addressed those statements, as sons must be held responsible for their attacked by Porsha Williams. severe injury or even death. book “Although Of Course You End Up Becoming well: There are many inflammatory state- actions. Being a cast member on a reality The episode, which aired last night, Being the second Black woman to be Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace.” In his ments made by cast members to and about show does not absolve people of their rights. Sunday, April 20, 2014, was taped in front of crowned Miss USA, there are little girls who book, Lipsky recounts accompanying Wallace, the each other particularly during the reunion Moore goes on to say that she’s trained in an audience of over 50 people, which includ- look up to me. I would never want those girls, author best known for his 1996 novel “Infinite Jest,” on tapings. Many have made untrue, denigrat- self-defense, but used “discipline” after being ed cast, crew, guests and executives, who my nieces, or my future children to see me his book tour. Production on “The End of the Tour,” ing, disparaging, and inflammatory state- attacked. She then ended her statement with served as witnesses. I called 911 to report fighting anyone. That’s the lesson we should written by Donald Margulies, directed by James ments against me in an attempt to provoke “no matter how angry someone makes you the incident. The Atlanta police conducted all want to send, especially to young people- Ponsoldt (“The Spectacular Now”), and starring Jason me, but I have never reacted in a violent way. feel by what they say to or about you, vio- an independent investigation, which includ- that no matter how angry someone makes Segel as Wallace and Jesse Eisenberg as Lipsky, My intellect and my brain are my most pow- lence is never an option.” ed viewing the raw footage of the incident. you feel by what they say to or about you, wrapped in late March. erful weapons-not my fists. If people get so Read the full statement below: During As a result, Porsha Williams was charged violence is never an option. — Reuters Lawyers for Wallace’s family and literary trust said in a news release Monday that they “have no connection with, and neither endorse nor support” the film. They Illness spoils ‘Royals’ singer add that “the trust was given no advance notice that Hanks to star in cold war thriller, this production was underway” and the film “is loosely Lorde’s Australian tour based on transcripts from an interview David consent- Spielberg may direct ed to 18 years ago for a magazine article. ... That article iling Grammy award-winning New was never published and David would have never Zealand singer Lorde has postponed her wo-time Oscar winner American attorney enlisted by agreed that those saved transcripts could later be AAustralian tour this week after doctors Tom Hanks is attached to the CIA during the Cold War to star in an untitled Cold repurposed as the basis of a movie.” There was no advised she needed immediate rest and recu- T slip behind the Iron Curtain and War thriller that Steven negotiate the release of Gary mention of Lipsky’s book in the release, which also peration, her promoters said yesterday. Spielberg is developing to Powers, a pilot captured when states that “individuals and companies involved with Teenager Ella Yelich-O’Connor, who uses her stage name Lorde, has been touring North and direct, an individual familiar his U-2 spy plane was shot the production were made keenly aware of the sub- South America over the past few months and with the project told TheWrap. down over Russia. Hanks and stantive reasons for the trust’s and family’s objections played at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Spielberg has not committed to Spielberg previously teamed on to this project.” Festival over the Easter weekend. making the film his next proj- “Saving Private Ryan,” “Catch Me The estate prefers Wallace, who killed himself in She was due to kick off the seven-concert ect, but it is one of several in If You Can” and “The Terminal.” 2008, be “remembered for his extraordinary writing.” A Australian leg of her world tour in Melbourne on contention and Hanks’ involve- Hanks, who is coming off strong representative at Morris Yorn Barnes Levine Krintzman Thursday. “It breaks my heart to have to post- The teenager, whose breakthrough hit ment could give it a leg up on reviews for “Captain Phillips” Rubenstein & Kohner, which represents the family, did pone these shows as the band and I absolutely “Royals” was no.1 on music charts around the others, which include “Robopocalypse” and and “Saving Mr. Banks,” is currently filming not reply to a request from The Associated Press for love playing to Australian crowds, and it was not world in 2013, also won a Grammy for Song of “Montezuma.” Tom Tykwer’s “A Hologram For the King.” He’s further comment. “The End of the Tour” is being pro- a decision we made lightly,” Yelich-O’Connor the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance in Matt Charman wrote the script and Marc repped by CAA. Matt Charman is repped by duced by Anonymous Content and Kilburn Media said in a statement issued through her promot- January. Yelich-O’Connor told her 1.5 million fol- Platt is producing the film, which CAA, Michael McCoy of UK-based agency domestically, with Sony handling international distri- er, Frontier Touring. “I know I need to focus on lowers on Twitter she had a “nasty chest infec- DreamWorks executive Jonathan Eirich will Independent, manager Jeff Silver of Fourth bution. Sony, Anonymous Content and Kilburn Media getting better in order to perform at my best. tion and general ill health”. Frontier Touring said oversee on behalf of the studio. Hanks is Floor Productions and attorney Gretchen also did not respond to requests for comment. — AP We’ll be with you as soon as we can, Aussies,” they are rescheduling dates for Lorde’s attached to play James Donovan, a prominent Rush. — Reuters she said. Australian tour. — Reuters Mexico bids farewell to Garcia38 Marquez WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 2014

Cubans get Hollywood, football fix through ‘paquete’

lack market sales of USB sticks loaded with Hollywood block- Bbusters, pop music or football are booming in communist Cuba, where content-starved consumers are snapping them up to escape the drea- ry offerings of state-run media. Hungry for the Internet and barred from access to satellite television, Cubans have regularly swapped entertainment stored on USB sticks or computer hard drives. The practice has now evolved to a sophisticated new level, however, with the rise of what is known locally as the “paquete.” Each week, a new such paquete arrives, and Cubans guided by word of mouth hurry to fill USB A picture shows keys with hours of high-end entertain- the embroidery on ment at prices ranging from less than the suit of light of a dollar to five dollars, depending on Spanish matador the content, which is available a la Paco Urena on the carte. It might be a pirated Hollywood last day of the movie or a chance to watch Cristiano Feria of Arles, Ronaldo and Lionel Messi in the latest yesterday in Arles, action from Spain’s La Liga football southern championship. France. — AFP Others favor the latest episodes of racy Brazilian or South Korean soap operas, hugely popular in Cuba. For the underground distributors of paquetes, these bundles of digital escapism are nothing more than harmless fun. “There’s no politics, no Lucey tops in Iowa’s pornography, nothing for the police to get worried about,” says one distrib- utor, Jose.

‘Symptom of Yankee culture’ Authorities in Cuba have so far ‘Beautiful Bulldog’ event largely turned a blind eye to the phe- nomenon. A notable exception, how- ever, is former culture minister Abel ucey is a slobbering 18-month-old pooch Costumes and props are strongly encouraged, But no one could touch the simple pink tutu Prieto, a special adviser to President whose human family dreams of making her and a dog named Capone from Center Point, and award-winning smile of Lucey, whose reign Raul Castro, who recently decried the La therapy dog. Winning a pageant before her Iowa, got the crowd going by taking part of his will last until next year’s pageant. Lucey received “trash can of the paquete,” which he second birthday should boost the Iowa bulldog’s turn on the catwalk on a skateboard. The runner- a crown, a cape and a cake for winning the event, said was a symptom of “Yankee cul- hopes of joining owner Dr Tiffany Torstenson in up, Zuul, was named after a character in the icon- and she’ll be feted at Drake Stadium later this ture invading us shamelessly.” the health care industry. Lucey beat out 49 drool- ic ‘80s film “Ghostbusters,” and he and his dad, week. “She’s good with kids. She’s good with Addressing a meeting of intellectuals ing competitors Monday to take this year’s Dan Phelps of Marengo, Iowa, wore costumes adults. She’s just been a great dog,” said Lucey’s in mid-April, Prieto said it was time to “Beautiful Bulldog” pageant, a tongue-in-cheek inspired by the movie. owner, Toby Torstenson. — AFP “oppose, tear down and depreciate event designed to kick off the weeklong Drake the paquete ... so that people under- Relays, an internationally renowned track and stand they are being fooled.” But he field meet in Des Moines. pointedly failed to recommend an “She’s just very calm and she loves people,” outright ban on the paquete. Torstenson, of Waukee, Iowa, said. “She loves the At the same meeting, meanwhile, attention.” Torstenson, a breast surgeon at the an official commission acknowledged Mercy Katzmann Breast Center, she said she often that Cuba’s five state broadcast chan- takes Lucey to work. Lucey’s demeanor around nels were “very distant from the cul- doctors and patients helped convince her human tural, informational and entertain- family that she’d make a perfect therapy dog, and ment needs of our people.”Until that she will soon start training to become one. Lucey situation changes, the paquete’s pop- was certainly a hit with the crowd at Drake’s ularity seems assured. Maria Teresa, a Knapp Center, besting a pair of boys named Lord 48-year-old from Holguin, 750 kilo- Nelson and Zuul, to capture top honors. meters (466 miles) south of Havana, “She’s is very docile and she doesn’t get really buys four gigabytes worth of enter- excited,” Torstenson said. “Every room we go into, tainment-television series in her she’s in that room. She likes to sleep in the bed, and hog the bed. And she loves cheese.” Monday Lucey sits on the throne after being case-for around 20 cents. “It’s enough crowned the winner. for the whole week,” she said.Daniel, marked the 35th anniversary of the Beautiful a 22-year-old law student, told a simi- Bulldog event, which was started in 1979 in an lar story. effort to find a real dog to represent the school’s “In addition to films and TV series, I mascot, the Bulldogs. The pageant is meant to Miss America: look for antivirus updates,” he said. honor English Bulldogs and all the slovenly traits Graciela, a nurse from Las Tunas, 700 that have endeared the breed to so many. The Don’t suspend teen kilometers from Havana, said she event has become so popular in recent years that turned to the paquete after getting a lottery was needed to winnow the field from over prom invite fed up with domestic entertainment.”I over 100 bulldogs down to 50. Competitors from as far away as South Dakota watch some TV, but Cuban telenove- Tiffany Torstenson, of Waukee, Iowa, kisses her dog Lucey after it was crowned the winner of and Kansas made the trip to Des Moines to find las are bad and the Brazilian ones take the 35th annual Drake Relays Beautiful Bulldog Contest, Monday, April 21, 2014, in Des out which pup would be voted the prettiest. too long, it’s painful. So I buy my little Moines, Iowa. — AP photos paquete for five pesos and I’m happy,” she said. An Easter week paquete seen by AFP bore the hallmarks of increas- ingly sophisticated production tech- niques, including advertisements for professional photography studios and small restaurants. “I hope they don’t try and ban or change them,” said Marcos, a 50-year- old carpenter from Havana. “At the end of the day, all we are doing is Miss watching peacefully at home. It’s not America hurting anyone.” Paquete days num- Nina bered? - Yet change may be inevitable. Davuluri The famous dissident Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez plans to launch an iss America is asking a Pennsylvania online opposition newspaper this school district to reconsider the year. She has said that the paper will punishment of a senior who asked Deliylah stands after winning the best dressed dog award. Jasmine Josephine loses her wig as she walks across stage. M be distributed by mobile phone and her to prom during the question-and- email, as well as the preferred meth- answer portion of an assembly. The York ods of file-sharing used by Cubans- Dispatch reported Sunday that Nina USB sticks, hard drives, DVDs and CDs. Davuluri posted a statement on the Miss “I hope it will appear in the paquete America Organization’s Facebook page say- menus,” Sanchez said. But Pro-Castro ing she contacted Central York High School regime blogger Yohandry predicted to ask officials to rethink the three-day in- Sanchez’s paper may prove the death school suspension issued to 18-year-old knell of the paquete.”I told my neigh- Patrick Farves. bors and friends to buy the paquete Davuluri says her travel schedule will pre- this week because it could be the last,” vent her from attending the dance with Yohandry said. “Because everything Farves. School officials knew Farves intend- Yoani touches rots.” — AFP ed to ask her to prom and warned him not to do it. Fellow students cheered afterward, but Farves was suspended for misbehaving. He apologized for disrupting Thursday’s event. Davuluri was there to talk about the importance of science, technology, engi- neering and math studies. — AP Stella lies during judging. Linus the Love Bug walks across the stage.