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Two for the price of one: a bifunctional -encoded DNA -RNA maturase

Marlene Belfort

Molecular Genetics Program, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, and School of Public Health, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York 12201, USA

Homing are that are typically There is strong circumstantial evidence in favor of the encoded by intervening sequences of various kinds—in- “endonuclease- invasion” hypothesis, and in favor trons that splice at the RNA level, or inteins that splice of such events having occurred multiple times in the at the protein level (for review, see Belfort et al. 2002). course of evolution of mobile self-splicing elements. A The endonucleases function primarily to mobilize these persuasive point is that endonucleases of different fami- elements, which are often self-splicing, by facilitating lies are encoded by highly similar . More compel- their integration to new sites in DNA. Because these ling yet is that inteins, which are molecular entities dis- sites are most often allelic intronless or inteinless sites, tinct from introns, house endonucleases of the same this form of mobility is termed homing, and the target family as those associated with some group I introns (Fig. sequences are termed homing sites. 1; for review, see Belfort and Roberts 1997). Homing endonucleases sometimes do double duty, also functioning as maturases, which promote RNA The LAGLIDADG endonuclease-maturase family splicing (for review, see Lambowitz and Perlman 1990; Despite this assumed sequence of events, maturase func- Lambowitz and Belfort 1993). Maturases are usually in- tion of these intron-encoded proteins was discovered be- tron specific, and act as cofactors that bind their intron- fore their endonuclease activity (Lazowska et al. 1980). containing precursor RNA to facilitate splicing. Never- Almost a quarter-century ago, maturase activity was as- theless, catalysis required for splicing remains a property cribed to several Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochon- of the RNA. drial intron-encoded proteins, on the basis of splicing defects caused by mutation of the intron-encoded pro- teins (for review, see Lambowitz and Perlman 1990; The endonuclease-gene invasion hypothesis Lambowitz and Belfort 1993). Most of these maturases How might a single protein have evolved to process two are now classified as members of the LAGLIDADG fam- substrates, DNA and RNA? It is widely held that ily of proteins, so named for strings of conserved amino encoding self-splicing introns, particularly group I in- acid residues. Yeast mitochondrial LAGLIDADG pro- trons, and self-splicing inteins were colonized by endo- teins were shown subsequently to promote intron mo- nuclease , which are considered the primordial in- bility by virtue of their endonuclease activity (for review, vasive genetic elements (Fig. 1; for review, see Lambo- see Dujon 1989; Perlman and Butow 1989), and for some witz and Perlman 1990; Lambowitz and Belfort 1993). yeast mitochondrial introns, maturase and endonuclease Maturase activity is postulated to have been acquired functions were shown to reside in the same molecule secondarily, as an adaptation by which to minimize the (Delahodde et al. 1989; Wenzlau et al. 1989). The speci- adverse consequences of endonuclease gene invasion on ficity of the maturases suggests that each evolved to ex- the splicing function of the intron (Fig. 2). This sequence ploit and/or accommodate specific features of its host of events would result in a mutualistic relationship, in intron. After acquiring a dedicated splicing factor, an in- which the endonuclease gene is afforded a phenotypi- tron was free to lose its self-splicing activity, and most cally neutral hiding place in a self-splicing element, maturase-dependent introns are no longer self-splicing which in turn acquires the ability to spread to new sites under physiological conditions. However, in some cases, via its newly found endonuclease partner that cleaves endonuclease activity can be reactivated by one or a few DNA. changes (for review, see Lambowitz et al. 1999).

Separate binding sites for DNA and RNA? E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (518) 474-3181. Article and publication are at A key question that arose in relation to the structural gad.1162503. and functional basis of specificity of one protein for both

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Intron-encoded DNA endonuclease-RNA maturase

binding sites for RNA and DNA appear to be function- ally distinct (Chatterjee et al. 2003; Geese et al. 2003). These laboratories joined forces with pioneers in the homing-endonuclease structure-function field, led by Barry Stoddard, to report the definitive experiments in this issue of Genes and Development (Bolduc et al. 2003). The crystal structure of the 250-amino acid I–AniI monomer in complex with a 31-bp DNA substrate, which spans the homing site, was determined to 2.6 Å resolution. The pseudosymmetric structure has a core ␣-␤ fold typical of a handful of previously determined LAGLIDADG endonucleases (Fig. 3A; for review, see Chevalier and Stoddard 2001). Thus, two pseudosym- metric domains are held in close proximity by the re- peated LAGLIDADG motifs, which form parts of inter- facial ␣-helices. This signature sequence also contains the acidic endonuclease residues Asp 16 and Glu 148. These residues, which are represented by D in LAGLIDADG (underscored), each bind a Mg2+ ion, and protrude into the DNA-binding cleft. The DNA-binding surface is formed by two four-stranded antiparallel ␤-sheets, one contributed by each . Specific resi- Figure 1. Hypothetical DNA invasion by an endonuclease dues in these ␤-sheets engage in base-specific interac- gene. The schematic depicts invasion of self-splicing intron or tions, which dictate the DNA-binding specificity. The intein DNA by an endonuclease gene, to generate mobile inter- target DNA is curved at ∼45°, with the scissile phos- vening sequences. phates positioned about 5 Å apart, near the conserved acidic residues. Cleavage at these phosphates generates a DNA and RNA was—one binding site, or two? Although double-strand break with the 4-nucleotide 3Ј overhangs endonuclease and maturase functions have been sepa- characteristic of the LAGLIDADG endonucleases. rated by mutation (Henke et al. 1995; Szczepanek et al. What, then, of the maturase function of I-AniI? By 2000), that question can only be answered through ap- alignment and modeling of homologous maturases, a plication of biochemical and structural tools applied to battery of conserved basic residues, mostly remote from purified endonuclease-maturases. The yeast proteins the DNA-binding cleft, were identified as forming a pos- have been a challenge in this respect, because of the mi- sible RNA-binding surface (Fig. 3A,B). Strikingly, an ar- tochondrial genetic code and the proteins’ toxicity, and ginine-to-glutamate substitution at residue 239 impli- because many of these proteins are expressed as fusions cated one of these residues in maturase function. with the upstream exon (for review, see Lambowitz and Whereas this mutant maintained DNA-binding and Belfort 1993). However, the breakthrough came with ex- cleavage activities, both its RNA-binding and maturase pression in Escherichia coli of the LAGLIDADG endo- functions were reduced ∼10-fold (Bolduc et al. 2003). nuclease-maturase I-AniI, encoded by an Aspergillus This experiment fits well with a reciprocal mutational nidulans group I intron (Ho et al. 1997). The stage was study, in which the two acidic active-site residues of the set by the demonstration that this protein has readily endonuclease were changed to alanines. Although endo- assayable maturase and endonuclease activities in vitro. nuclease function was obliterated, maturase function re- Earlier this year, two groups, headed by Mark Caprara mained intact (Chatterjee et al. 2003). Clearly, the busi- and by Richard Waring, showed independently, by ness centers for DNA and RNA reside in two distinct nucleic acid competition experiments, that the I-AniI- regions of I-AniI.

Figure 2. Evolution of a maturase-dependent mo- bile intron from a self-splicing intron. (Step 1) In- tron invasion by an endonuclease gene is followed by synthesis of the endonuclease, in this case I- AniI. (Step 2) The resulting impairment of intron self-splicing drives acquisition of maturase func- tion by the endonuclease, likely in several stages (dashed arrow). (Step 3) Maturase binds elements of a misfolded intron, which is chaperoned into an active conformation that is in turn stabilized by the maturase, to generate a maturase-dependent mobile intron. (Black lines) Ribozyme RNA; (red lines) endonuclease-maturase-encoding RNA.

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Proteins that facilitate ribozyme function by binding to the RNA have been classified into two broad catego- ries. First, the RNA chaperones bind RNA nonspecifi- cally and guide RNA folding by destabilizing misfolded RNA structures that constitute kinetic traps (Herschlag 1995). RNA chaperones are not required to remain bound to RNA to facilitate splicing. Second, non-intron-en- coded splicing accessory factors stabilize catalytically active structures by tertiary-structure capture and RNA scaffolding (for review, see Lambowitz et al. 1999; dis- cussed below). These proteins, which tend not to be spe- cific to a particular intron, must stay bound to the RNA in an RNP complex to promote splicing. As a result of the above observations from the Caprara and Waring laboratories, it would appear that I-AniI has features of both an RNA chaperone, facilitating the correct folding of the intron, and a splicing accessory, remaining com- plexed to the intron to stabilize the active conformation (Fig. 2; Ho and Waring 1999; Solem et al. 2002). Thus, a naive surface, distinct from the DNA-binding cleft of I-AniI, seems to have evolved to bind intron RNA, thereby limiting the conformational options of the in- tron and locking it into its appropriate configuration to self-splice.

Evolution of function There is a growing list of bifunctional moonlighting pro- teins that act on DNA and RNA (Cassiday and Maher 2002; Jeffrey 2003). Some, such as thymidylate synthase and T4 DNA polymerase, perform specific chemistry on DNA while acting as translational repressors by block- ing access to other molecules when they bind RNA. Like these DNA processing enzymes, I-AniI performs chemi- cal catalysis on DNA and has evolved recognition speci- ficity for RNA, with its maturase function apparently Figure 3. Pseudosymmetric structure of I-AniI on DNA hom- deriving from its novel binding potential, rather than ing site. (A) Ribbon diagram. (B) Space-filling model. View in B from de novo chemistry. Therefore, it will be of interest is similar to that in A.InbothA and B,the␣-helices containing to determine how different intron-specific maturases LAGLIDADG motifs are colored green. The catalytic endo- have tailored their binding properties and adapted to the nuclease residues Asp 16 and Glu 148 are shown in magenta, functional needs of individual introns. and Arg 239, a key amino acid in maturase function, is shown in 2+ What selection might be acting on these intron-en- red. Two bound Mg ions are depicted as black spheres. Posi- coded proteins? On one hand, intron dissemination de- tively-charged surface residues conserved in closely related pro- mands maintenance of endonuclease activity. On the teins are highlighted in yellow. other hand, there is selective pressure on the maturase to promote efficient splicing. In some cases, such pressure must be extreme, as for a maturase-dependent yeast mi- The action of I-AniI maturase tochondrial intron that has recruited an additional cel- Although we already have detailed mechanistic insights lular protein to collaborate with the intron-encoded into LAGLIDADG endonuclease function (for review, LAGLIDADG protein to form a multicomponent RNP see Chevalier and Stoddard 2001), our understanding of (Bassi et al. 2002). This nuclear-encoded protein, Mrs1, is maturase activity is in its infancy. However, we do know a member of the RNase H-fold superfamily, and bears that the RNA–I-AniI ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex resemblance to DNA junction-resolving enzymes. There forms with a 1:1 stoichiometry (Solem et al. 2002; Geese are yet other examples of cellular functions, like tRNA et al. 2003), and that I-AniI seems to recognize broad synthetases, that serve as splicing factors (for review, see features of RNA structure. Also, it appears that I-AniI Lambowitz et al. 1999). The best-understood of these is binds loosely to an intron with limited tertiary structure, CYT18, tyrosyl tRNA synthetase, which doubles as a and then facilitates formation of the active fold, to yield splicing accessory for several mitochondrial introns in a stable RNP complex (Fig. 2; Ho and Waring 1999; Neurospora crassa, to stabilize the catalytically active Solem et al. 2002). RNA structure. CYT18 also has a collaborator, CYT19,

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Two for the price of one: a bifunctional intron-encoded DNA endonuclease-RNA maturase

Marlene Belfort

Genes Dev. 2003, 17: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.1162503

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