P.L. 3415

Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 224 tas-6 ta’ Mejju 2019 mill-Ispeaker, l-Onor. Anġlu Farrugia.

______Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra

CPA Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar for the Parliament of

1 - 2 May 2019 Hamilton, Bermuda

Hon Anglu Farrugia, Speaker

Parliamentary Delegation Report to the House of Representatives.

Date: 1"- 2nd May 2019

Venue: House of Parliament, Hamilton

Maltese delegation: Honourable Anglu Farrugia, President of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta

Programme: At the invitation of the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Mr Akbar Khan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta in his capability as Chairperson of the Small Branches of the CPA, Honourable Anglu Farrugia was invited to deliver a speech at the Opening Ceremony at the CPA Parliamentary Strengthening Seminarfor the .

\ I Report drawn by the Hon. Anglu Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives, following his participation as Chair of the CPA Small Branches at the CPA Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar for Bermuda, held between the 151 & 2"d May 2019

By letter dated g th April 2019, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), Mr Akbar Khan, extended an invitation to me to serve as a member of the CPA Resource Team during a CPA Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar for the Bermuda Parliament, held in Hamilton, Bermuda, on 1- 2 May 2019. This invitation was extended to me in view of my Chairmanship of the Small Branches of the said CPA.

This Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar consisted of a two-day Seminar on pa rliamentary practice and procedure, where experts could share good practice from other Commonwea lth Pa rliaments and relate these experiences, in discussions, to the local scene.

The aim of the Seminar was to building capacity of newly elected Members of Parliament to enable them to function more efficiently and effectively in the performance of their democratic duties.

The Seminar was opened by the Honourable Denis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda, who was followed by Mr Akbar Khan, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. I then delivered my opening remarks and was followed by the Honourable Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP, Attorney General, Bermuda.

In my Opening Remarks, I congratulated Bermuda for its Parliament which is 395 years old, the oldest in the Commonwealth outside the British Isles, and for having one of the world's highest GDP per 1 capita for most of the 20 h century. I pointed out the importance of Small Branches in the CPA and mentioned the fact that the CPA has held a yearly conference sin ce 1981, aimed specifically at Small Branches. In 2014, the CPA Executive Committee proposed the establishment of the Small Branches Chairperson position, which was subsequently agreed by the General Assembly, a position to which I was elected in December 2016. I referred to the CPA Small Branches Steering Committee, w hich consists of a representative of each region of the CPA in which Small Branches exist. I highlighted the Small Branches Strategic Plan which was developed at the Small Branches Strategy Meeting held in Valletta, Malta, in October 2017. I referred to last year's meeting convened in Nairobi in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme which looked at how Small Branches can manage the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

I proudly stated that Malta has in the space of three years altered the energy system from heavy fuel oil to gas dependency only. I also informed that last October one of Malta's MEPs presented a report to the European Parliament on how to mitigate the challenges of climate change, which was subsequently endorsed by all Environmental Ministers of the European Union, who agreed to meet the challenges by 2025, 2030 and 2040. I emphasised that this shows that Small Branches can, and do, have a voice on the international stage and have an obligation to use it. Indeed, I stated that "we cannot wait until others do what we expect from them - we have to lead by example. How do we do this? By making our institutions as effective and resilient as possible. Who can do this? You, the Parliamentarians, with the vital support of the parliamentary staff, who know this institution thoroughly; but also with the help of your peers, who are here today. "

Apart from making opening remarks during the Opening Ceremony, I was the Resource Person for Session Two which dealt with Separation of Powers: The relationship between the and the Executive; and the Legislature and the Judiciary.

I was also the Resource Person for Session Four on Ethics and Accountability of Members of the legislature.

During Session Two, which was chaired by the Honourable Dennis lister, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Bermuda, I elaborated on how Parliament works, the branches of Government, the legislature and the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive, real or perceived interferences, and challenges to the supremacy of Parliament.

Session Four, which dealt with Ethics and Accountability of Members of the legislature, was chaired by the Honourable Joan Dillas-Wright, President of the of Bermuda. During this Session, I dealt with the codes of conduct, ethics and accountability as applied to Parliamentarians, and how one has to build a culture of respect. During this Session Four, I referred to the recently enacted Law in Malta regarding the Parliamentary Committee on Public Standards and the respective law as well as the election of the first Commissioner of Public Standards in Malta. I explained the procedure with regard to complains and also concerning the role of the Committee on Public Standards. I mentioned the composition of this parliamentary committee, which include equal Members from both the Government and Opposition sides, and that it is chaired by the Speaker.

Apart from these two Sessions, I also intervened in Session One, which was entitled "The Development of the Commonwealth and the Role of the CPA". In view of my position as Chairperson of the Small Branches of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, I highlighted the important areas that were addressed during my 3-year tenure, which will come to a close in the next General Assembly of the CPA this coming September in Kampala, Uganda. This Session One was chaired by the Honourable Dennis Lister, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Bermuda, and had, as Resource Persons, Mr Akbar Khan, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, and Honourable Shirley Osborne, Speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly.

I would like to add that I also had to answer a good number of questions, which were addressed to me from the floor.

This Seminar was given a good coverage in the local press, while the Department of Communications of the Government of Bermuda issued a press release, which included the list of international attendees in which my name also featured, both in my capacity as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta, and as Chairperson of the Small Branches of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.



CPA Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar for

the Parliament of Bermuda

1-2 May 2019

Opening Remarks

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Small Branches Chairperson

and Speaker of the Parliament of Malta

Hon. Or Angelo Farrugia MP

• His Excellency the of Sermuda, Mr John Rankin CMG;

• The Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP, Premier of Bermuda;

• The Hon. Dennis P. Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly and Joint President of CPA Bermuda Branch;

• Hon. Mrs. Joan E. Dill as-Wright, MSE, JP, President of the Senate and Joint President of the CPA Bermuda Branch;

• The Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs Senator the Hon. Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP

• The Hon. Craig Cannonier, JP, MP, Leader of ·the Opposition;

• Honourable Ministers and Members of Parliament;

• Mr Akbar Khan, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Distinguished Members of the CPA Resource Team:

• Hon. Shirley Osborne, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat;

• Mr Paul Belisle, former Clerk of the Canadian Senate and Clerk of the Parlfaments In the Canadian federal Parliament;

• Mrs Jacqul Sampson-Melguel, Clerk of the House, the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago;

• Ladles and Gentlemen;

• As the Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches, I am particularly excited to be here In Bermuda, whose Parliament is 395 years old, the oldest in the Commonwealth outside the British Isles.

• But not only that- Bermuda can also pride itself to have had one of the world's highest GDP per capita for most of the 20111 century.

• This is particularly interesting for the Small Branches Network, which is currently looking into hosting a workshop on economic development to share ideas for sustainable growth amongst the 43 Small Branches Member States ofthe CPA.

• Once the event comes to fruition, we would certainly look towards Bermuda to guide us in this respect and contribute its experience.

• For those of you who are not aware, the CPA is particularly devoted to its 43 Branches which have populations under 500,000 people, its Small Branches.

• The CPA believes that the Parliaments of Small Branches have different needs to larger Parliaments and therefore focusses separately on strengthening their institutions, develop them and encourage cooperation across borders.

• To that end, the CPA has held a yearly conference since 1981, aimed specifically at Small Branches. The Conference is held in conjunction with the main CPA Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference .

• A bit about the background of my position: In 2014, the CPA Executive Committee ushered into a new and exciting phase of the development of the CPA Smail Branches Network, proposing the establishment of the Small Branches Chairperson position which was subsequently agreed by the General Assembly. The Small Branches Chairperson serves as an Officer of the Association and sits on the CPA Executive Committee In order to represent our Small Branches. I am the first and current Small Branches Chairperson and was elected in December 2016. • Part of my role as the Small Branches Chairperson Is to ensure that successful experiences and actions by our parliaments In Small Branches are shared and tested in other environments, so we can all learn from each other and pave our way to success by testing different ways of doing things, together.

• Supporting me in this task will be the CPA Small Branches Steering Committee, which has just been formed. It consists of one representative representing each region of the CPA In which Small Branches exist.

• The primary purpose of the Steering Committee Is to assist myself, the Small Branches Chairperson, In the delivery of the Small Branches Strategy within the CPA regions, and act as champions of the Strategic Plan both within the Association and their Region.

• Last year In October, the Small Branches Network met for the first time sinCill the existence of the Small Branches Strategic Plan, which outlines the direction the network Intends to take until 2020 In terms of strategic communication and programme planning. The Plan Is set out to help CPA Small Branches to Identify their achievements, assess the challenges they encounter, build alliances and undertake actions.

• Developed at the Small Branches Strategy Meeting in Valletta, Malta in October 2017, this new strategy Is a landmark development in the history of the CPA Small Branches Network. The strategy is tailored to meet the developmental needs of small jurisdictions within the CPA; focusing on key thematic areas and activities for strengthening parliamentary capacity In small and creating new spaces for knowledge exchange, inter~parllamentary dialogue and cooperation.

• For example: Last year, a meeting was convened In cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme, looking at how Small Branches can manage the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement, develop suitable national legislation that will lead to the prevention of climate change and Its effects. Participants also discussed how the network as a whole can assume a leadership role on the international stage in this field.

• The Seminar concluded that while It is clear that we have to tackle this fundamental challenge of our time to survive, we are not doing nearly enough to ensure the sustainable future of our planet.

• Whilst the Seminar acknowledged that Small States are mostly the victims of the Impacts of climate change, they also agreed that they had the opportunity to act In certain areas and be a role model In the Implementation of new technologies and in championing Innovative institutional, regulatory and policy measures. • In my home country, Malta, I am proud to say that we have done so: In three years, we have altered the energy system from heavy fuel oil to gas dependency only.

• In addition, Malta has had considerable influence on the International stage: In October 2018, Malta presented a report on how to mitigate the challenges of climate change, which was endorsed by all environmental ministers of the European Union. Consequently, the ministers agreed to meet the challenges by 2025, 2030 and 2040.

• This shows that Small Branches can-and do- have a voice on the international stage and should, if I may say so, have an obligation to use it. We cannot wait until others do what we expect from them- we have to lead by example.

• How do we do this? By maldng our institutions as effective and resilient as possible.

• Who can do this? You, the Parliamentarians, with the vital support of the parliamentary staff, who know this institution thoroughly; but also with the help of your peers, who are here today.

• I commend Hon. Shirley Osborne, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat; Mr Paul Belisle, former Clerk of the Canadian Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments In the Canadian federal Parliament; and Mrs Jacqui Sampson-Meiguel, Clerk of the House, the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago for being here and making time out of their busy schedules. And so did you, Honourable Members.

• I look forward to working with you over the next few days and listening to your concerns, challenges but also those experiences which work well in your jurisdiction and which I can share in Malta.

• This is what the Small Branches Network is all about: Sharing what works and what doesn't and then taking the necessary action.

• As Small Branches Chairperson, I am honoured that the Parliament of Bermuda is part of this network.

Thank you. Annex to this report:

• Letter of invitation by the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary 1 Association, Mr Akbar Khan, dated 8 " April 2019 • Programme • Press Release issued by the Government of Bermuda, Department of Communications COMMONWEALTH PARLIAMENTARY P'A ASSOCIATION jcBermuda Branch


Tuesday 30 Apri12019 ARRIVAL OF THE CPA RESOURCE TEAM Resource Team Briefing: ALL RESOURCE TEAM MEMBERS Briefing location: Grotto Bay Hotel, 11 Blue Hole Hill, Bailey's Bay, , CR04, Bermuda

Time: TBC

DAY ONE - Wednesday 1 May 2019 Location of the Seminar: Rosewood Tucker's Point, 60 Tucker's Point Dr., Hamilton Parish, HS 02 Bermuda


Opening Remarks

The Han. Dennis Uster, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda

Mr Akbar Khan, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Han. Angelo Farrugia, Speaker of the Malta House of Representatives

The Hon. Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP, Attorney General, Bermuda

09:30 - 09:55 Refreshment Break and Group Photo

09:55 - 11 :00 SESSION ONE: The Development of the Commonwealth and the Role of the CPA

The uniq ue quality of the Commonwealth; Commonwealth Heads of Government and their Declarations of Principles. The CPA and its history; the CPA as a professional development body; The Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and other meetings; Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians; regional developments.

Resource Persons:

Mr Akbar Khan, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Han. Shirley Osborne, Speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly.

Page 11 The Han. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions. answers and discussion 11 :00 - 12:00 SESSION TWO: Separation of Powers: The relationship between the Legislature and the Executive; and the Legislature and the Judiciary.

How Parliaments work; the branches of government; the Legislature and the Judiciary; the Legislature and the Executive; real or perceived interferences; challenges to the supremacy of Parliament.

Resource Persons:

Han. Angelo Farrugia, Speaker of of Representatives


The Han. Dennis Lister, JP,

12:00 -13:15

establishment of Executive. The level of resources and services Clinm,>nt.nrv staff.

Parliament of Trinidad and

13:15-14:15 Lunch 14:15-15:30 SESSION FOUR: Ethics and Accountability of Members of the Legislature

Codes of conduct; ethics and accountability as applied to Parliamentarians; Building a Culture of Respect.

Resource Person:

Han. Angelo Farrugia, Speaker of the Malta House of Representatives

Page 12 Chair:

The Hon. Joan Dillas-Wright, JP, President of the Senate, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

15:30 - 15:45 Refreshment Break 15:45 - 17:00 SESSION FIVE: The Role of Members of Parliament, Senators and Backbenchers

The roles and responsibilities of an MP; how important are Backbenchers and the in exercising scrutiny of proposals and Legislation.

Resource Persons:

The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, of Assembly, Bermuda Mr Paul Belisle, former Clerk, Mr Thomas Famous, MPmrc


The Hon. Joan

09:00-09:45 09:45 - 10:00

. <.• ,., ' ' ·and Parliamentary Staff; interaction between Members; Government Business; Private Members' . ·.·. statements; conventions and practices; the wording of 1 1 I and behaviour in the Chamber; challenges to

. . ''

Mrs '':' ' ' :: ~~mpson-Meiguel, Clerk of the House, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago Hon. Shirley Osborne, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Montserrat


The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions. answers and discussion

Page 13 11:30 -13:00 SESSION SEVEN: Parliamentary Committees

Scrutiny of the Executive; procedures to receive public input and advice from special advisers; selection of Chairpersons and Members; Committee structure in bicameral Parliaments; Financial Oversight of the Executive; challenges and solutions for smaller Parliaments.

Resource Person:

Mr Paul Belisle, former Clerk, Mrs Jacqui Sampson-Meiguel, Clerk of the House, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago


The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, of Assembly, Bermuda

13:00-14:00 LUNCH 14:00 - 15:30 SESSION EIGHT:

omr·P.«'mintivP.c building a Parliament of its peope; educating and the Legislative Process; impact

the Legislative Assembly, Montserrat Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

15:30 - 16:45 Social Media: Is II a menace or lor Parliament

The positive use of social media by Parliament and the Legislature Office to educate and inform the general public about Parliament Members, issues coming before Parliament, proceedings in the House and in Committees, rules of debate, standards of conduct for Members, etc. The use of social media by Members and the standards of conduct for individual Members when using social media in the course of their parliamentary duties, both from within Chambers/Committee during official proceedings and when outside of Chambers, and when not engaged in formal parliamentary business. What are the key issues, challenges and the solutions going forward.

Page 14 Resource Person:

The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda Hon. Shirley Osborne, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Montserrat Mr Thomas Famous, Member of Parliament, Bermuda


The Hon. Joan Oil/as-Wright, JP, President of the Senate, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions. answers and discussion



17:15 Closing Remarks by the


Page 15 Ref: E.18.34 Bermuda PES 2019 8 April2019

Hon. Dr Angelo Farrugia Speaker House of Representatives Parliament of Malta Freedom Square Valletta Malta

E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Hon. Small Branches Chairperson ,

CPA Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar for the Bermuda Parliament Hamilton, Bermuda

18 2 May 2019

At the request of the Bermuda Parliament, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is organising a Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar from 1-2 May 2019 (arriving on Tuesday 30 April and departing on Friday 3 May 2019). The Bermuda Parliament held its elections in July 2017 and takes the view that a comprehensive orientation for its Members of Parliament will be a very useful exercise at this point in the life of the Parliament.

The Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar is a two-day seminar on parliamentary practice and procedure, where experts can share good practice from other Commonwealth Parliaments and relate these experiences in discussions. to the local scene. The seminar is aimed at building capacity of newly elected Members of Parliament to enable them to function more efficiently and effectively in the performance of their democratic duties.

Prtt~tM acftfr~tlfa all eotM§pondt!nctt tu8t, HoUSH 6f PariiMMnt, bflodM SW1A OAA, tJnlt&d KftlgdMif

Toll +44 (0}~0 77991460 Taking Into consideration your extensive knowledge and experience in parliamentary matters, I would be delighted if you would agree to serve as a member of the CPA Resource Team. Jt Is anticipated that this team will consist of up to four persons, which will include two senior parliamentarians and two senior clerks, who will lead discussions on topics on parliamentary practice and procedure as chosen by the

Branch . As per usual protocol, the Secretary~ Genera l will lead the delegation.

Resource persons would typically speak for 10 minutes on the topics in question which will be followed by an open discussion , designed 'tO allow as wide a participation as possible.

The CPA Headquarters Secretariat will provide a contribution to travel costs equivalent to the cheapest economy class return airfare by the most direct route; the CPA is guided by the three quotes it receives from your Branch. The CPA Bermuda Branch will provide where necessary and will meet the cost of meals and accommodation for the duration of your visit.

Please do not hesitate to contact my staff member, Ms Benite Dibateza at [email protected] should you require any further information regarding the forthcoming seminar.

We would be grateful for your earliest response.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Akbar Khan Secretary-General Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 28 April 2019

Contact: Aderonke Bademosi Wilson 441-297 7868 [email protected]


Parliamentary Strengthening Seminar to be Hosted in Bermuda

Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, today announced the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has been invited to Bermuda to provide a seminar for Bermuda's Members of Parliament and Senators. The seminar takes place on 1 and 2 May and will focus on broadening the understanding of the principles of parliamentary democracy. The CPA members traveling from the UK include the CPA Secretary-General, Mr. Akbar l

The Speaker noted, "This seminar and training programme will provide opportunities for Members of Parliament and Senators to learn more and deepen their understanding of parliamentary processes. When I took on the role of Speaker, one of my objectives was to ensure on-going training was established for Bermuda's parliamentarians. This training is one of several that have taken place over the last two years.

"Last year the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) participated in UK workshops, followed by a visit by a UK Parliament Clerk who provided additional training for the committee. Two Members of Parliament recently completed an eight-month parliamentary training course designed to increase their knowledge and parliamentary performance.

"This week's seminar will include sessions such as: Separation of Powers: The relationship between the Legislature and the Executive, and the Legislature and the Judiciary; Parliament, Democracy and Civil Society; and Practice and Procedure in the House.

DAY ONE - Wednesday 1 May 2019 Location of the Seminar: Rosewood Tucker's Point, 60 Tucker's Point Dr., Hamilton Parish, HS 02 Bermuda

09:QQ.. Q9:30 OPENING CERMONV Opening Remarks:

The Hon, Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker ofthe House of Assembly, Bermuda Mr Akbar Khan, Secretary~General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association The Hon, Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP, Attorney General, Bermuda

09:30 - 09:55 Refreshment Break and Group Photo

1 09:55 - 11:00

SESSION ONE: The Development of the Commonwealth and t he Role of t he CPA

The unique quality of the Commonwealth; Commonwealth Heads of Government and their Declarations of Principles. The CPA and its history; the CPA as a professional development body; The Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and other meetings; Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians; regional developments. Resource Person: Mr. Akbar Khan, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Hon. Dr. Anglu Farrugia, LL.D. M.Jur. MP, Speaker of the Malta House of Representatives Hon. Shirley Osborne, MLA, Speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly Chair: The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

11:00- 12:00

SESSION TWO: Separation of Powers: The relationship between the Legislature and the Executive; and the Legislature and the Judiciary. How Parliaments work; the branches of government; the Legislature and the Judiciary; the Legislature and the Executive; real or perceived interferences; challenges to the supremacy of Parliament.

2 /?t, -?~- ' ,.\\ tw~ ()6 .'\L v ) ~ jet!/ ~J Resource Pers s : l701V~- <-\.. Han. Dr. Anglu Farrugia, LL.D. M.Jur. MP, Speaker of the Malta

House of Representatives A , JLt A ~ ~ ~- - - ,j Chair: '1.> . _ The Hon. Dennis L , P, MP, Speaker of the House~ Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

12:00 - 13:15 SESSION THREE: Administration and Financing of Pa rliament Administrative and financial autonomy of legislatures; establishment of corporate bodies to enhance independence from the £xecutive. The importance ofparliamentary independence; the level of resources and services required by Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff.

Resource Persons: Mr. Paul Belisle, former Clerk, Se nate of Canada Mrs. Jacqui Sampson ~ Melguel, Cle rk ofthe House, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago Chair: The Hon. Joan Dlllas~ Wright, MB E, JP, President of the Senate, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

13:15 - 14:15 Lunch

3 SESSION FOUR: Ethics and Accountab i~ty of Members of t he Legislature _ 11~ .. ~ ~ci/tJl-- Codes of conduct; -;;hf& - ~nd acc~untability as applie'd to Parfiamentarians; Building a Culture of Respect. Resource Persons: Hen. Dr. Anglu Farrugia, LL.D. M.Jur. MP, Speaker ofthe M~~a House of Representatives 9mf'~~~-~ }!- Chair: ~ ~ The Hen. Joan Dillas-Wright, MBE, JP, P esident of the Senate, Berm uda _ ~~~ _ .. {\ ( dd' . Fl cor opens to pa rtJCJpants for. ~ quest~1ons, l.a nswers an JscussJon ~j~ I )~ 0J ~J__, 15:30-15:45 b6oit_{a (r-

Refreshment Break


SESSION FIVE: The Role of Members of Parliament, Senators and Backbenchers · The roles and responsibilities of an MP; how important are Bockbenchers and the Upper House in exercising scrutiny of Government proposals and Legislation. Resource Person: The Hen. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda Mr. Paul Belisle, former Clerk, Senate of Canada

4 Mr. T. Christopher Famous, Member of Parliament, Bermuda Chair: The Hon. Joan Dlllas-Wright, MBE, JP, President of the Senate, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

r 5 DAY TWO-Thursday 2 May 2019 Location of the Seminar: Rosewood Tuckers Point 60 Tucker's Point Dr.l Hamilton Parish ~ HS 02 Bermuda

09 :OQ-.09 :45 RECAP OF DAY ONE

09:45 - 10:00 Refreshment Break

10~00-11:30 SESSION SIX: Practice and Procedure In the House Thfl rolg of t:hg Spgaktilfi Whips; and Parliamentary Staft Interaction between Parliamentary Staff and MembffSi Government Business; Private Mr:mbers' Business; question p(jrfod; statemf!rltSi convrmtlons and practices; the wording of motiOns/ managing discipline and fxthavlour In the Chamber; challenges to Speakers rulings. Resource Person: Mrs Jae~ul Sampson ~Melguell Clerk of th~ Howl!'~~ Parllam~nt of Trinidad and Tobago Hon, Shlrl~y O~bornfll MLA, Spelilk~r ofthe L~gls l atlve Assembly, Mont~errat Chair: ih~ Hen, Dennis Lister, JP1 MP1 Speaker of th~ Hous~ of Assembly, Bermuda

Floor operis to participa nts for questions, answers and discussion

6 11:30 - 13:00

SESSION SEVEN: Parliamentary Committees Scrutiny of the Executive; procedures to receive public input and advice from special advisers; selection of Chairpersons and Members; Committee structure In bicameral Parliaments; Financial Oversight of the Executive; challenges and solutions for smaller Parliaments. Resource Person: Mr. Paul Belisle, former Clerk, Senate of Canada

Mrs. Jacqui Sampson-Meiguel, Clerk of t he House, Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago

Chair: The Han. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

13:00 - 14:00


14:00- 15:30

SESSION EIGHT: Parliament, Democracy and Civil Society The responsibilities of being an elected representative; building a Parliament which is responsive and sensitive to the needs of its people; educating and engaging young people about Parliament and the Legislative Process; impact of enacting Legislation.

Resource Person: 7 Hon. Shirley Osborne, MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Montserrat

Mr. Akbar Khan, Secretary~General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Chair: The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion

15:30 - 15:45 Refreshment Break

15:45 - 17:00 SESSION NINE: Parliament and Social Medla: Is lt a menace or benefit for Democracy and Parliament The positive use of social media by Parliament and the Legislature Office to educate and inform the general public about Parliament Members, Issues coming before Parliament, proceedings in the House and in Committees, rules of debate, standards of conduct for Members, etc. The use of social media by Members and the standards of conduct for individual Members when using social media In the course of their parliamentary duties, both from within Chambers/Committee during official proceedings and when outside of Chambers, and when not engaged In formal parliamentary business. What are the key Issues, challenges and the solutions going forward.

Resource Person:

8 The Han. Dennis Lister, JP, MP, Spea ker of the House of Assembly, Bermuda Han. Shirley Osborne, M LA, Speaker of t he Legislative Assembly, Montserrat Mr. T. Ch ristopher Famous, Member of Parliament, Bermuda

Chair: The Han. Joan Dillas-Wright, MBE, JP, President of the Senate, Bermuda

Floor opens to participants for questions, answers and discussion



17:15 Closing Remarks by the President of the Senate

The Hon. Joan Dillas-Wright, MBE, JP, President ofthe Senate, Bermuda


9 The Hon. Dennis Lister, JP, MP Speaker of the House of Assembly

The Hon. Dennis P. Lister, JP, MP, was born and raised in Bermuda. Currently he is the longest serving Member of Parliament. He was first elected to Parliament In a general election on 9th February 1989 as one of the two Members elected for the constituency Sandys North under the then system of dual seat constituencies. He was re­ elected for that constituency in 1993, 1998. The general election of 2003 was the first under the single seat system, Mr. Lister won that election as the representative for constituency Sandys North Central and was re-elected in 2007, 2012 and 2017.

In 1991 Mr. lister was one of the delegates representing Bermuda at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA} CAA Regional Conference held in Trinidad and Tobago. In 1992 he was one of two Progressive Labour Party representatives singled out by the British Commonwealth in London to visit Britain for an intensive study of the internal workings of the of Government. In 2002 he represented the Government at the British Labour Party's annual conference in Blackpool, . In 2012 he was a delegate at the annual CPA plenary conference held in Sri lanka. In 2018 Speaker Lister attended the 24th CAA Regional Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC} in the Seychelles and also the 43rd CPA CAA Regional Conference in Cayman Islands.

10 From 1989 to 1998 Mr. Lister sat as a Member of the Opposition. He first served as the Shadow Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation and later as the Shadow Minister for Transportation. From 1998 to 2012 he sat as a Member of the first Progressive Labour Party Government and served as Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation; Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Works and Engineering. From 2012 to 2017 he again sat as a Member of the Opposition and served as the House Leader. In 2017 when the Progressive Labour Party regained Government, Mr. Lister was unanimously elected Speaker. The 2017 election was historic for Mr. Lister as his son was also elected. This is the first time that a father and son have simultaneously served as Members of Parliament.

As a Minister, Mr. Lister has represented Bermuda at various overseas conferences. However he highlights the 2002 World Sustainable Development Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa as life changing. The discussions reflected upon the impact that every country, collectively and individually have on the sustainabillty of the World and challenged us all to take responsibility for our harmful environmental practices.

Mr. Lister was educated in Bermuda and America, and has a Degree In Business Administration. In 1983 he returned home and began his life as an entrepreneur. He and his family opened a grocery store in the Sandys community which he operated for over a decade. In the mid 1990's his entrepreneurial spirit led him in a new direction and he purchased an Insurance Agency from his uncle In 1996. The Agency has afforded Mr. Lister to expand into various business opportunities over the years Including real estate. However as a result of his l

Mr. Lister and his wife Miranda have been married for thirty-eight years. They are active Seventh Day Adventists and serve as Family Life Directors for their local church. Mr. Lister believes that as we strengthen our families we strengthen our communities. In their personal time Mr. & Mrs. Lister like to travel and believe being J. active Is Important for one's health. They enjoy swimming and walldng. I I I lr

I·t· D . I' [I II 'I 12 Senator Han. Joan Dillas-Wright, MBE, JP President of the Senate

Mrs. Dillas - Wright has a passion for Healthcare and politics of Bermuda. She now serves as Vice President of the Senate and is an appointed independent senator. She possess both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Mrs. Dillas - Wright attained her bachelors degree from Queen's University; later she attained her Masters in Science at Indiana University. Mrs. Dillas - Wright has worked in the Healthcare field, in the UK and Bermuda. She had a 30 year tenure with the Bermuda Hospitals Board, serving as Director of Nursing and Administration of the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute, (recognised as a 'Legend'); also a BHB Consultant; and CEO, until retiring in 2006. She has additionally served on many local Boards, Committees and Task Forces. Mrs. Dillas - Wright was giving the distinguished honour of being awarded the Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) for her contribution to Healthcare in Bermuda. Mrs. Dillas - Wright also has served as a Panelist on the Family Court. Currently she is a member of the Executive and Management Committees of the LCCA.

13 Mr. Akbar Khan Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association {CPA)

The 7th Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Is Mr Akbar Khan.

The CPA Is one of the oldest established organisations in the Commonwealth. Founded in 1911, it is a membership association which brings together Members, irrespective of gender, race, religion or culture, who are united by community of interest, respect for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms, and by the pursuit of the positive ideals of parliamentary democracy. The Association is made up of over 180 Branches across the nine regions of the Commonwealth. It offers a vast opportunity for Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to collaborate on issues of mutual interest and to share good practice. Mr Akbar Khan was appointed by the 61st General Assembly of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) in October 2015 and he took up his post in January 2016. Mr Khan was recommended to the 61st General Assembly by the Association's International Executive Committee, which is made up of representatives of the nine regions of the CPA - Africa; Asia; Australia; British Islands and Mediterranean; Canada; Caribbean, and Atlantic; India; Pacifici South ~ East Asia. Biography: The Secretary-General, was born in Guyana, South America before moving to the . Mr Khan is an honours graduate in both International Law from the University of Cambridge (Jesus College) and in English law from the University of Reading {UK). Following graduation, Mr Khan qualified 14 at the English Bar as a Barrister-at-Law (1990) and subsequently as an Attorney-at-Law at the New York Bar in 2000 (USA). He is also a qualified Workplace Investigator for Misconduct. Mr Khan has practised at the English Bar and has worked in the fields of international law and human rights for the United Nations Organisation in Geneva and the Palestinian (Gaza). He joined Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2003 as a legal adviser and has held several diplomatic positions. These include Head of the International Law Section at the British Embassy, The Hague representing British legal interests before the International Courts and United Nations Tribunals. This was followed by a period of special leave in which he served as the Director of Legal Affairs and Principal Legal Counsel to the Commonwealth Secretary-General at the Commonwealth Secretariat. In 2012, as Head of the Commonwealth Delegation he led the high-level fact finding mission to the Republic of the Maldives to establish the circumstances behind the transfer of executive power.

Between 2013/15 he headed the UK Delegation to the International Meetings of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS), and Chaired the CGPCS Working Group on Capacity Building off the Horn of Africa. In recognition of his contribution to promoting the international rule of law and good governance he was appointed a Member of the prestigious World Economic forum Global Council on the Rule of Law (2012 -2013). He was also featured as one of the 'Leaders' on the Rule of Law by The Hague Institute on the lnternationalisation of Law (HiiL). Mr Khan is currently an Independent Member of the Audit Committee for the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames; a Legally Qualified Chair (LQC) of the Police Misconduct Panels; and is a Board Level Diversity Champion for ParliREACH, a UK Parliamentary staff association that promotes race, ethnlcity and cultural heritage.

15 Hon. Shirley M. Osborne~ MLA Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Montserrat Legislative Assembly

Hon. Shirley M. Osborne is a writer, social entrepreneur, women' s leadership advocate and public service official who believes passionately in the power of women to affect lives, improve communities and change the world. Social justice and equal opportunity are the underpinnings of all of her work, much of which is focused on women's social, political, and economic advancement and her politics on the normalization of women's leadership in public sector decision-making and development policy. Founding member and former Chair of the Peoples' Democratic Movement, Hon. Osborne is currently the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat and the Chair of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians of the Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic Region.

Speaker Osborne has served as Vice-Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and has been very active in supporting the CPA's programme of creating alliances and partnerships and increasing the visibility and reach of the organization. She has represented the CPA at the Women in Parliament Summit in the Jordanian Parliament, the Inaugural Women's Leadership Summit hosted by the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Secretariat, meetings with UK Overseas Representatives, High Commissioners and other sen ior and very young Commonwealth Parliamentarians. In 2016, she was invited to deliver the goodwill message to the Africa Region Annual Conference in Mauritius. 16 In her previous work as a journalist she has reported on the United Nations General Assembly Special Sessions on Women and the Conventions on the Status of Women, and as activist, has reported to her government on the same. Her work has included consulting for organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League, MTV's Fight For Your Rights, UNIFEM and now, UN Women. Han. Osborne is a founding member of the Arizona Girls Roundtable and The Girls' Education Project, two not-for-profit organizations in the United States. She has been a women's studies facilitator and lecturer at SIAS University in China, and has collaborated with the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus, Fresh Start Women's Foundation, the Purple Ribbon Council, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and with women's organizations in several countries. With The Girls' Education Project in Arizona, in 2008, Han. Osborne published The State of Arizona's Girls: take note, make change. She is the author of, Tolerance is No Virtue: Ignorance, Appreciation, and the Human Story, which critics have compared to the seminal Harrah Arendt book, " The Origins of Totalitarianism". She is one of twenty women selected by Dr. Nancy D. O'Reilly of California, USA, for her book, Leading Women: 20 Influential Women Share Their Secrets to Leadership, Business, and Life, published in 2015.

Ms. Osborne holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Simmons College, Boston, MA. a college with a deeply­ cherished history of visionary thinking, social responsibility, and an international and global purview. In her other moments, Speaker Osborne is an avid sailor, hiker, equestrian and traveler who dances often, loves cricket, New York City and being chef to her friends. She lives for family gettogethers on her beloved Montserrat, enjoys the deser-ts of Arizona, and is committed to protecting the oceans of the world.

17 Hen. Dr. Anglu Farrugia, LL.D. M.Jur. MP Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta

Dr Angelo Farrugia LL.D. M .Jur. (magna cum laude), has been unanimously re­ elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta, during the first sitting of the Thirteenth Legislature held on 24 June 2017. He had previously assumed that office after being elected during the first sitting of the Twelfth Legislature on 6 April 2013.

Dr Farrugia first entered Parliament in 1996, and was re-elected in 1998, 2003 and 2008. Between 1998 and 2008, Dr Farrugia was the Shadow Minister for Justice. In June 2008, he was elected as the Labour Party's Deputy Leader responsible for Parliamentary Affairs, and served for five years as the Opposition's Shadow Minister on Employment and Workers' Rights.

Dr Farrugia was Chairman of the Standing Committee of the House for the Consideration of Bills between 1996 and 1998, and an ad hoc member between 1998 and 2013 on the same committee. Between 1996 and 2008, he was also a member of the Privileges Committee of the House of Representatives.

Dr Farrugia headed the Maltese Parliament's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co­ operation in Europe {OSCE) between 1996 and 1998, and served as a member of the delegation since then till 2008. He has travelled abroad on a number of EU and OSCE missions as an international observer during the holding of various elections, including the ones 18 in Georgia (1999}, the Presidential Election in Palestine (2004), the US Presidential Election in 2004, the Montenegrin Independence Referendum (2006} and the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Zambia (2006).

Dr Farrugia also served as a member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's Standing Committee on Human Rights.

Prior to entering politics, Dr Farrugia moved up the ranks within the Malta Police Force from 1977 to 1996, leaving the Force in the rank of Police Superintendent. During this period, he graduated as a lawyer from the University of Malta.

On 13 February 2014, Dr Farrugia was decorated with the Grand Cross of the Order of Honour (Greece) by the President of the Hellenic Republic, His Excellency Karolas Papoulias.

On 15 April 2015, Dr Farrugia was decorated with the Grand Cross "pro Melito Melitensi" (Sovereign Military Hospitallier Order of St John of Jerusalem, Of Rhodes and of Malta) by the Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order, HMEH Fra' Matthew Festing.

On 19 February 2016, Dr Farrugia received the PAM 2015 Excellence in the Mediterranean Award.

He currently holds the British Isles and Mediterranean Region seat of the Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth for the period 2018 - 2020. He is also the first~ elected Cha irperson of the Small Branches of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

The following publications have been issued by the Speaker's Office:

• The Voice of Parliamentary Diplomacy (Nov 2015)

• 11-Futur tas~Setturi Kulturali u Kreattivi (Nov 2015)

19 • The State's duty to inform - Essential to the right to good governance • Joint publication between the Office of the Speai

20 Mr. T. Christopher Famous, JP, MP Backbencher Mr. T. Christopher Famous is a long-serving employee of BELCO, where he is responsible for the twenty-four hour a day operations of its generation and auxiliary units. He is also a business owner who fully understands the need to balance workers' rights, business plans and the contribution workers and businesses make to a growing and healthy economy. Chris is the Party Organiser for the Progressive Labour Party and a member of the Party's Public Relations Committee. His main responsibilities are ensuring the voters are connected through regular canvassing. He was born into a politically-active family that helped form the Progressive Labour Party. The majority of his family roots remain in Devonshire, where they served as the backbone of the support for the legendary L. Frederick Wade and Dame Lois Browne-Evans when they served the constituency of Devonshire North. Instilled with the values of equality for all, worker's rights and forward thinking policies, Chris was groomed to be involved in grass roots party activities community action and spirit. He served in the Royal Bermuda Regiment for five years and achieved the rank of Acting Sergeant responsible for a platoon of 20 soldiers. His tenure in the Regiment took him on hurricane relief missions to Jamaica and the British Virgin Islands where he enjoyed, first hand, the satisfaction of helping others recover and re-build. Chris is a member of the Berkeley Educational Society Management committee which oversees all aspects of . He is directly responsible for promoting the history of the Berkeley Institute and raising this awareness across all media. He is also an award winning columnist, having written hundreds of columns for the Bermuda 21 Sun, Bernews, Caribbean News Now, Today In Bermuda and The Royal Gazette. One of his passions is to increase the number of Bermudians In the technical fields such as Automotive Sciences, the construction Industry, HVAC and Telecommunications. Chris is a graduate of the Berkeley Institute and the and has successfully completed many Technical courses in his chosen field. He is a long time resident of Devonshire and a former soccer player for the Devonshire-based, Wolves Sports Club. Chris is married to Maxine and is the father of 6 children and grandfather of 2.

22 Mrs. Jacqui Sampson-Meiguel Clerk of the House Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago

Jacqui Sampson Meiguel, Attorney at Law, has been the Clerk of the House and administrative Head of the Office of the Parliament in Trinidad and Tobago since 1995. She was the first woman to be substantively appointed to this office in Trinidad and Tobago and upon her appointment became the youngest person in the Commonwealth to hold this office in what was clearly still a male-dominated profession, at the t ime. Prior to that she had a distinguished career in parliamentary service both locally and regionally and worked as an Auditor with Ernst and Young before beginning her parliamentary career in 1986. She has served as a facilitator/trainer on a number of Commonwealth study groups, workshops and seminars, regionally and internationally. Jacqui has also served the region for a period of 6 years ending in 2012 as the Secretary of the Commonwealth body representing the Parliaments of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region. A past student of Napa rima Girls' High School, in San Fernando, the Industrial Capital of Trinidad and Tobago, Jacqui holds a B.Sc. in Public Administration and Law from the U. w.r., Cave Hill, an M.Sc.ln Government from the U.W.I., St. Augustine and an LLB. from the University of London (External). She Is also a graduate of the Hugh Wooding Law School.

23 She has authored several articles on parliamentary democracy and co-authored a publication on gender sensitizing Commonwealth Parliaments, which has been published by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

24 Mr. Pau l C. Belisle

PROFILE • Leader with proven track record in a complex, politically sensitive environment • Seasoned, fluently"bilingual (English and French) diplomat • Enabler, motivator and bridge-builder • Internationally-recognized expert on parliamentary corporate governance

WORK EXPERIENCE (highlights) Consultant on Parliamentary Matters- (201.0-present)

United Nations Democratic Program (UNDP)- 2018 o Developed and delivered in Fiji an intensive two week training programme on Corporate Management of Parliament to 30 staff from nine jurisdictions of the Pacific Region

Jamaica Cabinet Office and Inter-American Development Bank - 2016"18 o Developed a strategic review and plans for the ; o Developed a proposal for the creation of a corporate management board for the Parliament of Jamaica; and o Developed a proposal for the implementation of a Management Accountability Framework based on the Canadian model.

Jamaica, Management Institute of National Development- 2018 o Developed and trained staff to deliver a sustainable orientation programme for Senators and Members of Parliament of Jamaica

25 World Bank- 2008-09 o Conducted a training needs assessment of 150 state and national Commonwealth parliaments and participated in the development of a curriculum for an executive capacity building program

McGi/1 University (in collaboration with Commonwealth Parliamentary Association) - 2012 to present o Co-coordinated the programme (2012- 2016) and moderating two of the five e-learning courses, dealing with Corporate Management of Parliament, including modules on Strategic Planning, Management Accountability Frameworks and Benchmarking

World Bank - 2014-16 o Conducted a training needs assessment with all Francophone Parliaments and participated in the development and delivery of a curriculum for an executive capacity building program offered at Laval University

United Nations Democratic Program - 2012-13 o Developed the first strategic and annual action plans for the Bangladesh Parliament Secretariat to strengthen its capacity and to improve its corporate and operational services to Parliament; and o Organized and delivered seminars to senior staff of the Bangladesh Parliament on various topics including challenges of change management, strategic planning, risk management and supporting parliamentary committees.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association - 2012-16

o Invited as guest speaker to the Caribbean Regional Staff Development Workshops, held in Jamaica {2012), in Belize (2014) and in Grenada {2016) 26 il H r} H ,.il World Bank· 201.2·:1.5 o Organized and moderated workshops In Togo, Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Haiti on Parliamentary ,.. Budget Oversight

National Institute for Legislative Studies • 201.3-1.6 o Moderated two training worl

27 Associate Director of Committees and Private Legislation - {1984- 1994) o Managed and directed the operations of all Senate committees.

Committee Clerk- {1979-1984) o Served as Clerk on various Committees including: the Special Joint Committee on the Canadian Constitution; the Special Joint Committee on Senate Reform; the Special Joint Committee on Canada's International Relations; the Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; and, the Special Senate Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.


o Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (1995-2009} and to the Canada-France Inter-parliamentary Association (1989-1991} o Member of the Editorial Board of the Canadian Parliamentary Review (1995-2009} o Executive Secretary of the Parliamentary Association of Canada­ France. (1989-1991}


o Admission to the Quebec Bar (1988) o LL.L in Civil Law, University of Ottawa (1980) o Certificate in Public Administration, University of Ottawa (1975) o Honours BSocSc with Specialization in Political Science, University of Ottawa (1974)


o Queen Elizabeth z nd Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) presented to Canadians for significant contributions and achievements o Honorary Officer of the (2009) and of the Canadian Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (2010)

28 o Golden Jubilee Medal (2002), presented to Canadians in recognition for a significant achievement or distinguished service to their fellow citizens, their community or to Canada o L'Ordre de Ia PJeiade (1997), a prestigious international award, which recognizes contribution in support of La Francophonie among French-language parliamentarians o 1251h Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal (1992), honours Canadians who have made a significant contribution to their fellow citizens, to their community or to Canada