1£Omefor Friendless Muf De;Tit11te Clu"Ldren, A
27' BILLS- committee, 224; read a'thinl 'ti1i.1e ant[:passecl, 231; en'rolled and signed by the· Speaker of the Senate; 1iotice of, i6 r ; pre sentixl for the, signature of the .. Speaker, 264. Gum Brandt' )Jitc/1 Company, An' ad°to revive/re-ei1:ict and amend the 'act• entitled; An act to incorporate the, of Sussex . comity, Delawar~; passed 'at Dover, Irebruary rs~ i866-re ported, 535 ;' read,. 544; read a second' time; 562; read a third time m1cr passed; 503; concurred in by tl:ie Senate,notiGe of, ·591; em;ollecl and presented for the signature of .the Speaker, 649 ; returned from the Senate, signed by the Speaker of, 668 . .1£omefor Friendless muf De;tit11te Clu"ldren, A(urther supplement to an .act entitled1\1\act to incorporate the Trustees of, in the city of Wilmington-received from the Senate, 446; read, 462; read a sec,ond t.ime and 'referred, ·4 72; ,reported bac), from the committee, 501,; read a .third time and passed, 51,0; enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the Sennte; notice of, 544; pre sented for the signature of the Speaker,· 604. ' ' ' •· •• ' < ',' • '. ' : ' Immaculate Conception, An act· to incorporate tire; Beneficial So ciety, of Wilmington, Delm.vare.....-'notice of intention to intro duce given, 245 ;.· introclncecl and read, 2 5 7; read a second time· and referred, 269; reported hack from the committee, 306 ; amended, read a ,third time and passed,. 367 ; concurred in by .the Senate, n.Otice of, 363; enrolled and. presei1ted for .the sig nature of the Speaker, 4r9; retnrnecl from the Sen.ate, signed by the Speaker of, 462.
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