I . Ordered that the House· be. informed thereof, ~nd:the .bill re­ turned to that body. . On motion.of 'Mr.R~e, the S~mite 'bill'entitled,' ; · "A supplemerit.fo the act entitled,: An act to :re-incorporate, the to;wn of Dover,·passed February 27th, 1879," ··· : , · · Was read a second time, by its title,'and, on his further mo:· tion, was referred to the Committee o'n Cities and Towns. Mr. Coo'per, from ·the Committe~: on, Revised St~tutes,. re'­ ported back, with favorable recommendation,' the Senate bill· en-. titled, · · · ·

1'.;; t ".An.,-~ct t9 .·a1ne~

1 ~ • , l 1 ' ; I • , • l • ' "' -Theq1iestion; H_Sha:lLthis bill pass the Senate?":'was decidect.' .in. the affirrnative, a,nd the bill · Pf!,ssedthe Senate.

Ordm·e(!,,~o the. House for .concurrence. · .. On motion, the Senate adjourned til_l3 o' cloc~ p. m. ··

'':: . ·.,

S1~l\r1pDt\Y:~ 3 :o'cl9ck, p. m. Sennt~ .met ·pursuant to ac\journin~nt .. ·

' lYir.Mustard' 'gave notice that, on to-mor1~ow'01~ S01lle:fu~ure day, he would ask leave to introduce 'the following bills; to ,vit : / 518 "An act in· relation to compulsory pilotage,"

·'( A.n act in relation ,to th~ draw-bridge at Seaford/' , ' • ' , ~ . , ~. I l\'Ir~Mustard, presented the petition·ofE. ~,rank·Hearn and 20 others for a stock law. for School'. District No~ ·38, Sussex ) . county,

Which;· on his· motion, Was read, and on his· farther motion, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture, with1eav.e to 1·e- port by bill or otherwise.: · ,: Mr~ Cavender gave notice that-on to-morrow or some future day he would ask leave t8 introdu~e a b~ll entitled, · · · ·

. ." An act, to. amend Chapter 13, VolumeJ4, Laws.of Dela­ wa1~e,".

Mr. Cooper gave notice that, on to~morrow or soni'e futi1re· day, he would. ask. leave to introduce the following. bills, viz. : . "A.n act in relation to assessments in Wilmington hundred," " An act i~ relatio1{to the reco:rding of ,dee4s and other con- veyances," · · "An act in reference· to.sheriffs' ~nd other ·sales," . "An a?t in reference to life insura~ce· companies/' "An act in relation to evidence." Mr. Cooper presented the petition.of Annie B. Eberle for a divorce from her husband, Edward H .. Eberle, -Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion; was:referred to the Committee on Divorce. Mr. Houston gave notice that on to-morrow, or some future day,._he would ask leave to i11~roducea bill. entitl~d, · · "An act to protect shippers of. fhlits,. vegetables.,(jggs, oysters, and other,-prt)drwe..'' . : . ' . ' . . 519 .,, · . : ; ,Mr.. J\fost~~·d, ,in pu:rsuancf)·qf pr~vious .11:ot~ce,asked,, ~~d on . motion of Mr. Roe obtained 1eave to introduce a bill entitled, ;.. ,

H An: act :to .incorporate the, A.tlantic:and ..Maryland Railroad Company, '' l .· _.... ·:.• .· ·. .. • ·. , • ·' ; Which, on his motion, wais read .... , Mr. Betts presented the petition ofL. ,A.G .. Webb.er. and 16 others, for the. Tepeal of the one-tenth ..of. one per cent., tax on manufacturers' f:tlldmerchants' purchases, which, on his motion, was·read, and ·on his fmther rriotion, referred to Com.mittee-onRe- vised Statutes. · · · :iMr>Bett~ gave,notice _that on /to-morrow:or,some future day he would ask leave to .introduce the following :bi~ls,.viz. ·:. · · ·.·. " An act to amend the act entitled,' An ac~ tcdncorporate the Perpetual. Savi.ngs and: Loan. Associatio~1 of Wilmi~gton, D~la- . ,vare,' ~ ·: · ·· · · · ·" · ·· · · · ; 1• ' 1: ·. · · •

..·,:.A)~o, . . "An act to· incorporate the Wilmington: Trust·and Safe ·l)e~

P?~it1~pµipa~y /' ·: ',,·: -..:.i1.sbt. ; ! ., ''An. '~ct_to;·incorporate' .tho·.Underground Telegraph Main-, te,1~·ftnceCorngany,"' : . , · .'.-' - . .- .. ;· - ·. ,· · ·. ' ·· .:

~ ' f ,•' • > ,

. "An act _toii~corporat~ !he. B1~oo~sU nd~rgroui:id Cable qom* puny." _ .· ·- : ,·· · · , .. , ·'·: ··,: ··,:: ;. · ·· · : Oi{i1fotiou·bf 'IVI/·Houstbn, the.-S~nat~ bilfentitle'd~ , . · • ~.,,"' . ' . .' , ' i t t : ', • ' \; ., -· '. : " '. ( ' ! } ' ' :. ·• t I i ~ :_ • : .... \ ,. • ', ' .-.~ ,- " , · ·''An a·ctauth6~~izing Theodore P. ;Sirmo:q.+to'·~acat~.·an old . , road a.ncl'open ai~1ew·one fo'_Gttmboro hundred; ·Sussex coup.ty,";_ ·Wa~·reac{d··~p~ond:. ~ir~e, ·byit.s,title~ .a~.a,:on:.hj~ fhrth~r-~;~~, -tion,:was referred to the Committee on R_oads;and.:Highways~_ .Mr., Betts, in pursuance oLprevious notic~, as.ke_d,;and, :on 520 moti9ii of Mr; Mustard, obtained leave· to introduce. a:bill·knti- tled, · ,, · · · · · ' ' · .,,

· "A further supple.ment :to an act to incorpol'ate the Wilming­ ton City Railway Company, passed at Dover, February 4, 1864,": Which, on his motion, was·:read.

J\fr; Musta1·d gave notice; that; on to0morrow or some .future day,· he wo~ld ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, '· .·.:'An act to amencl Chapter 543, Volume 16, ofthe Laws of ." . ·

I ' ', Mr. Roe, from the Committee on Agricultnre, reported; with amendments, the House.bill entitled,;, · · · · · "An·act for :the :protection of game," '··which,.'on 1:iismotiori, was·taken up' fti• cohsicler~tiot find,. ,on his further motion, the amendments were read, as follows : · Amend the bill by striking out Section 3 an

Ahd, on :his further ·motion, the bill' as' amended -was·read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate-' The question, " Shall this bill paBs the Senate f" ·was decided in t]?.eaffirmative, a:µd the bill Passed the Senate. · ..Ordered that, the }louse·be·· inforiiied .thereof, a~d:the bill re- turned to that body for concuri·ence in the amendinerits~ ' ' Mr. Mustard presented·~ ·petition .of ·E. J. Carlile'aiid;others, praying for .t~e. appoin,t1:11ent,of.H .. 0 .. Carpenter a.s a commis­ $;ioner to make a ·ne,v· school ,district at m~:nea:r 'Statoirville, '. ' '. ·.. Whic1~', on: his rilotion, ,vas· ~~eaq.. . , ·Mi;~M.µst~rcl offereq..a joint resolution for. the benefit of the Breakwatet,arid: Frari~fotcl).iai1rpa~.9omp~ny. :'. . . , ·.·.·· ..

< Which., on his motion ,was read, and, on his forther motion, ,vrisrefifrred ..to 'the Committee· ori ·Finance. · .· . · ·. . ... ;Mr.R~e, from,.,tl,ie. Committee on .Agriculture, reported back, / with·favorable recommendation, the Senate· bill entitiec1,. ·. : . ".A.n act to i~corppr~t~ _th.eJ?elaware Fruit E~change," .. :

' . : : W:hi~h, op..hi~ mo~~on, WflS tfi:ken up for consideration,: and, on his further in'otion, 'was read a third' time, by paragrapps, in . order to pass the Senate. ·, , ·'On:the question~:" Shalhhis ·bill · })ass the Sen~te ?" th~ yeas, ..and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows :· ·. · . Yeas~Messr~ .. Betts, Ca{render, Chandle1~,' Cobper;.Houston, Must~r~,-~()e, and.Mr, Spealrnr~8. ... :·, :' . . . : . ·. .

1 ·1Vays~N611e.''• ' : ::, . So , the _q1wstion was decided iµ . th,e afli:i;ina~ive, and the . bill; 'having 'f(foeivecl the reqhirecl constitutional majority,:. . · · ·~ · · Passed the Smiate~ Order~d'to'the House for· concurrence~,. 011 rnoti01/of Mr. Mustard, the House hi11e11titled/ 522

"A.n act in ·relntion to: the planting of oysters in Indian River · hundred and Rehobt)th Bay, . · · '·Was read.

, Mr. Houston ·gaye notice that, on to-rnor1.·ow·or some future day, he wouid as~ leave to introduce a bill entitled;. "· An act for the.preven~ion of slander." .... On motion or~r. Coop~r,:,thi Ho.u~~:bil~.entitika., " A.11 act to propose an amendment to Section 17 of Artfole· 2 of the Constitution'ofthisState,"· · · · .· · · · ·' ·· ·

'Was: re~d a· secondtime, PYits title, and, OD.:his' ftihher' lllO~' tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Houstbn, from tlie· Committee on D.ivo1:ce,'repo1;t~d. a: bill_ entitled, · · ·· · · · · . ' · · · : · · ·. ·

.''An act to divorce s:tephen T. Rec:ordd'1~6ni his wif( Sarah E. Records," · · · · · · · · · · · ' ' ·· · · · · · · ·. ··

Which, dn ni?tion of-Mi·. Betts, was·read ... ·. 1

. .· Mr..Houston, from th~ Oomrriit~ee011 I;>i~oi·cc{\eporte~ :a

· , ~- · · I i " An. act to divorce .Set~10~ Gibbon~ from his wif~, Lydia.Gib- bons," · : · · . . , · · · · · · · · Which, on,his· motio~·'·; ~vas .read ... .Mr. Cooper, fhm1 the ·COnimittee on the : Judicia1·y,: 'i-e~ ported back, with favorable recommendation, the House ~ill en- titled, · · '. "Xn-·act.-allowing :an''a

Further, on his motion, the bill was taken up for consider­ ation, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by para- graphs, ,in order to pass the Senate. · . The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was ·decided in the· affirmative; and the bill Passed the Senate. · Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill 1·e­ ttirned to that body. On .mo~ion,the Senat~ adjourned ..

'/· 524

,''.)t' FRI:pAY, March 23d, 1883-1~ o'clock a.rri: Senate met pursuant to adjourn~ent~ Prttyer ~y th~ Cl~aplain., Roll called. Members .present, ·Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandl~r, Cooper, Houston, Mustard, and M1\ Speaker .. J 0~1rnal.read and approved .. Mr. Cooper, from: the Committee on Revised Statutes, r~port-, ed back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, . "An act regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors," · ,Which, on·hismotion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third. time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The q11estion, " Shall this bill puss the Senate?" was decided. · in the affirmative, and the bill Passed·the Senate.

Ordered to· the House for concurrence. 1 ]\fr. Betts gave noticethat, on to-morrow or sori1e·.future day, ·, he W<:)Uldask leave to in~rocluce the following bills, viz. : · .· I '' An act for the protection. of the conlmunity against prof es .. , sional thieves, burglars, and pickpockets," Also,

f , "An act'to incorporate the Eureka 1VIanufact~uiilgCompany," .Also, ". A supplement to n.n act to inc?rporate the Pioneer Cooch Company,''

: ... ' .,525

Also, "An act to inqorporate the v\Tilming~on. ~m4Brandywine Passenger Railway' Company," Also, .. · "An ·act to i·estrain mino1·s · fron~ taking part m games·,of pool, billiards, bagatelle, and' shuffle. board:". . . . .< '' ' j> ·(· • ' • '

~ I On motion of-Mr~ l\fostarcl, the House bill entitled, :. "Ari' act in relation to the planting of oysters: iii· Indiair. 1

1 River· hundred arid Rehoboth Bay,'' • t • • • ,

• JV as read ,a, second time, by its .title. 1 Mr. Mustai:d 1no~eclthat tlie :bill be r~forredto the Cciin.mittee on· Revised Statutes. ·. . Mr. C~vencle:r.~ovecl, to amend tl,1e.motio1i' by.referi:in;g .tl~e bill to a special cominittee, consisting' of the Senators· frofr1Sussex county ..

• I . On .the ·questiq~1, "Shall th~ . amendment. be adopted?'' the yeas· an:d nays were ordered, which, being tu.ken, were as fol­ lows: Yeas -Messrs. Betts, Cavender~ and Coo1~er,~3. · Nays-Messrs. Chandler, Houston, Mustard, and lVIr.Speaker -4, • • ,• '; • I so'the questio{1 was decided iiithe 1iegative,· and the·~~~nend- , ~nont was: -:Lost. The quei-.itionrecurring on the origirwJ motion, the inoti'on .l?r~v.ailed, And the · bill ·was referred to the Committ~e, on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Mustard~ the Senate bill entitl~d, . ,. An act to incorpo~ate the Atla~1tic anci'l\1a1:ylancl'Railroad Company," . .. · '526 ,vas··· read second time, by its title,

. And, on his further .motiqn, was refarred :to Committee on Corporations. · · 1\'Ir:Betts, ffom the Committee on Finance, to whom was re­ ferred that :part of th~ Governor's Message rel_ating_ to .railway arrears, reported the Senate joirit resoluticm for the benefit :of .the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company, with a favo1~able recommendation, in behalf of a majority of the_committee.

· On his motion, the resolution was taken up for consideration, · on motion of Mr. Cavender, the resolution was ,read. · . -., :

· Mr. Cavender moved to_postpone the further consideration of the joint resol~tion until Tuesdaynext at 11.0.'clock. On the question·, "Shall the further consideration ofthe joint r~sol~~ion be postponed until Tuesday nex~ ~t lt o'clock?" the y~as and nays were ordered,_ which ~ehig tak~u· were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, and,.Mr. Speaker-3. - Nays~Messrs. Chandler, Cooper; Houston, and_Mustard.;__4. ' , ' ; So the question was decided in the negati~e, and the motimi t_opostpone; w~s · · ·· Lost. Mr. l\fos_tard moved that the .ioint resolution be.adopte_d. · ~ • f J • ~ f Onthe question, '' Shall the joint resolution be adopted ?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which being tak~n, were as follows: ' , , ' • , , ' ', I \ Yea-s-Messrs. Charidler, Cooper, Houston, Mustard; and Mr. Speaker~5. · Nays-Messrs. Betts a11q.Cavender-2. So the question was decided in the affirmative'; and the joint'. · . resolution, was .Adopted. · Qrdm;edt9 the House for concurrence. Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, ..informed 527.

'.the Senate' that the· House 'had p~ssea·:,:ai1d asked 'the concur" rence of the Senate in, the following .~ill, ·viz. ·:

' . ' . "An act pr~posi:ng ainendnients to the ·constitution for the· purpose of increasing , the number pf. S~natprs and Representa- · . tiv~s in, the General Asse\mbly," · He also informed the Senate that the House had conctirred in, th.e follow1ng Senate bills, viz. : :1 ,. , • ' ' ' ''· . "An act/to divorce ,John G Creadick and' Lo.uisa Creadick, his ,wife, from the bonds of matrimony," ~ • ; ' i ' ~ l • • "A.n act to· amend: Chapte~· 63 '.of the Revised. Statutes," ·:;And returhed the s~me.to·the Senate. . . . ;·,Arid further,.he informed. 'the'Senate that' th~ IIouse insists . upon its amendments to: the 'bill entitled, ·

' ' ' / "Ari act'to incorpom_~e the Do~er G~ass w:orks 'Cornpa.ny.,, On motion of Mr. Cha11dler, the Senate hilt entitled, , ' t ' I ! < ' , ' \ I ~ ' ,: f • ' ; ' ~ ,' I • ' '.'Anact to incorporate' the Dia1ilond lVIillfng Con1pn:ny,". . ,vas read la second. time, by its tit+e, and, on his further mo- ·tioh, ,vas referred to the Cominittee. mi Corporations. · , ' .. Mr. Cooper, fi·om the Conimittee on -Revised Statutes, report- , . ·ed back, with an amendment, the House bill entitled, · · "An act to amend Section 2 of Chapter· 354, Volume· 16, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act in relatiou··to the collec­ .t1~n of ta~es for school purposes," Which, on-hfa :motion, was takeh i11>fbr ·consideration; arid, on his further motion, the amendment was Adopted. Fm~ther; on his 1notiori,the 'bill;.as amended, wasre~d a third time, by ·paragraphs, in. order .to,pass the Senate~·. ,..rh~·q_~estfon, "Shallthis:bHipass tlie. Senate ?'~·.wasdecid~cl in the·. affirmative, and the-bill Passed the Senate. ·.52S

. , .Orde.r~d· that the: House b~. informe.d: thereof,·· and ;the .bill 1~ettirned tothat l;>()dy., , , , ;

On, m-?tion. of Mr .. Petts, th 1e. Se~m~e bil~ · entitl~

On the question, "'Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays vrnre ord~red, which, being taken·, were as follows:

Yeas~Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, and:· Mr. Speaker-6.

Nays~N?ne. So the question was decided· in the affirmative, and, the bill, having received the r9quired constitutional majority, · Passed the Sena,te. Ordered that the House be informed thereof: and the· bill ·re- turned to that body. · Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled,

"An, act to incorporate the Mispillion Conclave, N~. 33, ..I. 0. IL," · . Which, on. his motion, was taken. up for consideration, and, on his further motion, wns -read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. .. · . On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were orde1;ed,which being taken, were as follows: ·· Yeas~Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler,, Cooper, Mustard, and Mr. Speaker---:-6. . Nay.s-None. So the question was decided in the aflirmati ve, and the bill, having .received the·required constitutional majority, . . . · . '. , . . · Passed the ·Senate~ 531 Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and' the bill res turned to that body. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to am.end an act entitled, A supplement to the act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Milford, passed March 29, 1871," Which, on his motion, was taken up fo1; consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in · order to pass the Senate. · On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?''. the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows:

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, . and Mr. Speaker-6. Nays-None, So the question· was decided in the affirmative, and the _bill, having received the required constitutional majority,- Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof: and the ,bill re­ turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the-House bill entitled, "An act proposing amendments to the Constitution; for the purpose of increasing the number of Senators and Representatives ' in the General Assembly," vVas read, and farther, on his motion, Rule 14 was suspend­ ed, as to this bill, and, on his motion, the bill was read a second time by its title, and, on his motion, was referred to the Commit- . tee on Increased Representation. Mr. Betts moved that, when the Senate adjourn this morn­ ing, it be to meet again at 4.15 p. m., on Mo.nday next,_ W"hich motion Prevailed. 532 Mr·. Mustard moved that the request of the H9use for the return of the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to encourage immigration, and to foster the agricul­ tural interests of the State,"

Be acceded to, Which motion Prevailed. Mr. ·chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, ''A further supplement to an act to incorporate the New Cas­ tle County Mutual Insu~ance Company, passed at·Dover, Febru­ ary 6, 1849, and renewed by an act passed January 25th, 1869," 'Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · ·. . On the question, " Shal~ this ~ill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, wlnch, bemg taken, were as follows : Y~as-Messrs. Betts, Cavendei·, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, and Mr.. Speaker-6 . Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and _the l?ill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof: .and the hill re­ tumed to that body. Mr. Co~per, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, i·eport­ ed, with amend~ents, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Section 7, Chapter 10, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," '\Vhich, on his motio1i, was taken up foi· consideration, and ori his motion, the amendments were read, as follows : 533 Amend Section 1 by inserting· between the word " the" in in the 5th line thereof, and the word " names" in the 6th line of said Section,. the word " last." Amen~ Section 1 further by adding thereto the following : " Provided, that this act shall not go into· effect until the next general assessment which shall be made in accordance therewith," \ And, on his motion, the amendments were adopted. Further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate.· The question," Shall this .bill pass Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. ' ' Ordered that the House be informed thereof, find the bill re- turned to thatbody. · .Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported, with amendments, the House bill entitled, · "An act to amend Section 21, Chapter 9, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration; and, on his further motion, the amendments wei;e read, as follows : Amend Section 1, by inserting between the word, " the" and the word '' names," in the last line thereof: the word " last." ' Further a.mend .said Section 1, by adding thereto the follow- ing to wit: · "Provided, That this act shall not go into effect until after the next general assessment shall be duly returned to the Levy Court of ·the proper county," · And, on his motion, the amendments were Adopted, And, on his motion, the hill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, " Shall this .bill pass the Senate?" w:as decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. 534

Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Mustard, in pursuance of previous notice, asked,' and on motion of Mr. Chandler, obtained leave to introduce a. bill enti- tled, · · . " An act in relation to the binding of children by corporations of other States,"

Which, pn his motion, was read. Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurre.d in the following Senate joint resolution and bill, entitled, "Joint resolution for the benefit of the Breakwater and Frankford Railroad Company." · "An act to create a new school district from Districts Nos. 62, 63, 64, and 86, in Georgetown.hundred, Sussex county,', Also, that the House had concurred in the Senate amend­ ment to House joint resolution in relation to printing. Also, that the House had adopted, and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, a joint resolution entitled, "Joint resolution- to pay Hon. John vV.Houston, a balance due him for one hundred copies of the first volume .of .his Delaware Reports of Criminal Oases." Also, that the House insisted upon its amendments to the Senate bill in relation to immigration, and asked another confer­ .ence, and th~t Messrs. Lewis, Perry, and Barlow had been ap­ pointed a committee on the part of the House. Mr. Betts gave notice that, on to-morrow or some future day, he would ask leave to introduce the following bills.: " An act for. the protection of liverymen, and others," Also, " An act to incorporate the Wapella Mairnfacturing Com­ pany." 535 Mr .. Cooper, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Mustard, obtained leave to introduce a bill enti- tled, · "An act. to amend the act entitled, An act concerning embez­ zlement and defalcation .of corporate officers, and others, passed at Dover, March 28, 1879," Which, on his motion, was read. . Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported, without recommendation, the House bill entitled, " An act . to further amend Chapter 48 of the Revised Statutes," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration:; and, on motion of Mr. Houston, the further consideration of the bill was Indefinitely postponed. Mr. Houstoi;i, from the Committee on Roads and Highways, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act authorizing Theodore P. Sirmon to vacat.e an old road, and open a new one, in Gumboro hundred, Sussex county," "Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in ordyr to pass the Senate. On motion of Mr. Mustard, the .bill was re-committed to the Committee on Roads a,nd Highways. . Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, report- ' eel back adversely the House bill entitled, "An act to amend the act entitled, An act for the suppression of intemperance, passed at Dover, April 8, 1881," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was Laid on the table. · Mr. Cavender gave. notice that on to-morrow or some future day he would ask leave to introduce the following bills : 536 "An act to incorporate the Diamond State Conserving and Pickling· Company," Also, " An act to authorize the comrn1ss10nersof the town of Smyrna to issue bonds for the purpose of raising funds to pro- cure a water supply for said town." · · · Mr. Betts presented petitions for a· constitutional amendment, to be submitted to the people of the State, on the su~fect of rep­ resentation in the General Assembly, and on his motion, the pe­ tition of John H. Danby and 211 others was read, and on his further motion, the petitions were referred to the special committee on increased representation.·_ · Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Divorce, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce Edwin H. Peckard from his wife, Sarah E. Peckard," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate ? " was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. ··· · Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Divorce, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled,· "An act to divorce Mary E. Johnson, and her husband, James Johnson, from the bonds of matrimony," . Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in ' order to pass· the Senate. . . · The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill ·, Passed the Senate. 537 Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. Mr. Betts presented petitions in favor of a constitutional amendment, to be submitted to the people of the State, on the - subject of increased representation in the General Assembly, and on his motion, one of the petitions, signed by Chas. C. Bye and 28 others, was read, and on his further motion the petitions were referred to the committee on increased representation. Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Divorce, reported back, with favorab1e recommendation, the House bill entitled, · "An act. divorcing Elijah M. Clymer from his wife, Louisa Clymer," . . I Which, on'.his motion., was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragr.aphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The question, "Shall this bill pass the' Senate?" ,vas decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be in:formed thereof: and the bill re- · turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the House joint resolution to pay Hon. John W. Houston a balance due him for one hundred copies of the first volume of his Delaware Reports of Criminal cases, I ,Vas read, and, on his furt~er motion, was Concur1·edin. Mr. Ch~ndler gave notice t'liat, on to-rnorrow or some subse­ quent day, he would ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, ''An act to incorporate the Am~ricail Machinery and Build-. ing 9ompany.". · On motion, the Senate adjoumed. 538

· MoNDAY, March 26, 1883 _;_4.15 o'clock p. m.

Senate met pursuant to adjournment:. · Prayer by the chaplain. Roll called. · Members present, Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Ch~rn;lle1\Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker. Journal rea? and approved. " Mr. Roe, in pursuance of previo.us notice, asked,· and, on motion of Mr. Cavender, optained leave to introduce a bill en­ ~itled, "An act for·the culture an~ protection of fish/.' ·1:Vhich,on his motion, was tead. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled,. " A.n act to authorize the vacation of a part of a certain· pub..; lie road, near the village of Farmington, in Mispillion hundred, in Kent county, and tq substitute a new road, to be laid out in lieu of the part of said public road so vacated," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Commit~ee on Roads and. Highways. On motion ofMr. Roe, the House bill entitled, ·"An act to 1prohibit live stock from running at large in School District No. 106, and parts of School Districts Nos. 84 and 54, · Sussex county/' · .. ~ Was referred· to the Commmittee on Agriculture. Mr. Betts presented petitions signed' by 326 persons, praying for a constitutional amendment ~o be submitted to the people of 539 the State, providing for increased representation in the General Assembly, under the district system, . · ,

And, on his motion, one of. the petitions, . signed by John Johns, and 64 others, was read, and on his fhrther motion, the petitions were referred to the Committee on Increased Repre- sentation. . Mr. Betts; in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and' on mo­ tiom of Mr .. Chai1dler, obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, " An act to incorporate the W ap~lla

TuESD.A.Y, March 27, 1883·-10 o'clock a. m.

Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer t>y the Chaplain. Roll called.. Members -present, Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker.

• I Journal read and approved. On 1riotio:nof Mr. Betts, the ~enate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Wapella Manufacturing Com­ pany," ·w·as read a second time, by its. title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. I . On motion of Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitled, . "An act'to incorporate· the Shi1)ley Street Sewer Company, of 1 Wilmington," • • . \Vas r~ad a second time, by its title, an~l on his· further motion wasreferred to the Committee on Corporations. · · Qn motion of Mr. Betts, the Senate _bill entitled, . . I . , "A.-nact for the protection of the community against prof es- . sional thieves, burglars, ~nd })ickpockets," . . vVas read a second time, by its. title, and, on his further .mo- tion, was referre,d to the Committee on Revised Statutes. ·

Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported baclf, with favorable recomme1:1dation,the Senate bill entitled, "An act ~o incorporate the Diamond Milling Col?J.pany," 542

·which, on his motion, was ta.ken up for consideration, and, on his further .motion, · was a third time, by paragraphs, in or.:. der to pass the Senate. · On the question, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were order~d, which, being taken, were as follows: , ! Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and M:r. Speaker-7. · Na.ys-N one. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, ' having received the required cons~itutional majority, . · Passed .the.Senate. Ordered to ·the Hohse for concurrence.

Mr. Mustard presented the petition of Hiram R. Burton and 55 · others, praying for an. act authorizing the town commissioners of Lewes to re-survey a ·certain stre'et in. said town.

\¥'hich, on his motion, was ·read.

He also presented a remonstra:uce ·of James ·C. ·Beebe and 38 others against a ne,v survey of a certain street in .the town of Lewes, Which, .on his motion, ·wasread. Further, on his ..motion, the· 1)etitio111md·remonstrance just· read were referred .to the Committee Cities and Towns. . . on .. Mr. Chandler, frOll! the Committee on c01~porations, repbi-ted back, with favorable recommendation, t11eSenate bill· entitled,

. "A· further supplement to an act entitled,· An~act to incor.. . porate the Wilmington City Railway Company, passed at Dover, ·February 4, 1864," . ··which, on his motion, was ~akeU:·up for consideration, and on his further motion, was read a ·third time, by partigraph'.'s,in ·order to pass_the.Senate. 543

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender; Chandler; Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-7. Nays-None. ·· So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the.Senate. Ordered to fhe House for concurrence . .On motion of Mr. Roe, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act for the culture and protection of fish,"

"\Vasread second time, by its title, and, on his further inotion, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture.

Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Roads and Highways, reported hack, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled,

"An act to authorize John vV. and David Houston to change the course of a public road running through their lands in Broad­ kiln hundred, Sussex county,"

vVhich, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and,, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate.

The ;question, "Shall thi8 bill pass t:he Spnate ?" was .decided · in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate.

Order-eelthat the House be informed thereof: and the bill re­ tumed to that body.

Mr. Cavender, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, report­ ed as duly and correctly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bills and joint re­ solutions, viz.: 5"14.

"An act in relation to contested elections, other than for mem­ bers of the General Asiembly, and Governor," '.'An act to incorporate the N cw Castle Lodge, No. 3, of the American Protestant Association of the State of Delaware," ''An act to prevent live stock from running at large in School District No. 40, Little Creek hundred, Sussex county,"

"An act to•forther amend Chapter ·152, Volume 15, Laws of Dela.ware, entitled, An act to incorporate the city of New Cas- · · ..tle," "An act to lay out a new public road, a11

"An act to authorize the Levy Court of Kent county to re­ appoint, for an additional term or terms; a constable for South Murderkill hundred, and also for North Murderkill hundred," '

"An actto supplement and amend Chapter 114, Volume 14, of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Lewes, and for other purposes, as amended by Chapter 53,5, / and republished in Chapter 536, of the same volume," ·, "An act to.•incorporate St/John's School, Faulkland,," "An act to incorporate Delaware Lodge, No. 349, of the Ger~ man Order ofHarugari, of Wilmington," · . "An act to amend Chapter 384, Volume 15, of the La'ws of Delaware, as amended by Chapter 389, Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware," · "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School District No. 39, in Sussex county," "An act entitled, An act to amend an act to incorporate the , Laurel Grange Co-operative Store Company," "An act to authorize the Town Council of the to;n of Dover to borrow two thousand dollars ($2,000.00); for the benefit of .the Dover "Water Works," 545 "An act to divorce John· C. Creadick and Louisa,.Crea.dick, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony," ·... ;, An act todivorce.J.uHa Mohlen, and her husband,· Charles F. Mohlen, from the bonds of matrirnony," · . "An act to render null and void the b.onds of matrimony be- tween Annie Gibbs and Thomas Gibbs," · ..· . · · . . ''Joint resolution in. ,r~lation to C. S. Pennewill," "Joint resolution to reimburse the Adjutant Gener~tof this State" ' · · · · · . ' . . . ' . . . . . "Joint resolution in relation to the presentation of the picture . of Lord Delaware," Mr. Roe, from the Committee on Agriculture, to whom was . referred a petition for .a stock .law for, .Lewes and Rehoboth hun- dred, reporte

' . '. ; ,. / "An act for the encouragement of immigration, and to. foster the agricultural interests of the State/' Which motion Prevailed. · Aad the Speaker appointed as such committee, on the part of the Senate, Messrs. Roe, Betts, and Houston. Mr. Betts, from th

. . Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed, and asked the concurrence . of the Senate in, the following bills, viz. : " An act to incorporate arid enlarge School District No. 90, in the town of Bridgeville, Sussex county, and for other purposes;" '' An act to authorize the creation and establishment of a new . School. District jn Kent county." He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate amendment~ to the House bill entitled, '' An act to amend Chapter 60 of the Revised Code of the Sta.te ofDelaware." · Mr. Roe presented a petition ofJoseph'Foster and 29 others, .for an act creating the office of Raih·oad Commissionei·, . 'Which, on his motion, wa'.sread, and, on'his farther nwtion, w~s referred to the Committee on Corporations. · . On motion of Mr; Cavender, the House bill entitled, " An act to authorize the creation and establishment of a new · School District in Kent County," VVasread. On motion of Mr. Mustard; the House hill entitled, "An act to incorporate and enlarge School District No. 90, in the town of Bridgeville, Sussex county, and for other pur, poses," · · Was read. ()n m9tion, the Senate adjourned nntilthree o'clock p;m. ,547

SAME DAY-3 o'clock p. m . .Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Cavender, .in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Betts, obtained leave to introduce a bill enti- tled, · "An act to incorporate the Diamond State Conserving and Pickling Company, of Smyrna, Delaware," Which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Mustard, in pu,rsuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Betts, obtained leave to in.troduce a bill entitled,

. "An act to incorporate Atlantic Lodge, No. 15, of the Inde­ pendent Order df Odd Fellows, at Lewes, Delaware," , ' Which·, on his motion, was read. Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House,· being admitted; informed the Senate that the,House had passed, .and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, the following bills, to wit : " An act prohibiting live stock from running atlarge in School Tuistrict No. 78, in New Castle county,"' • · · "An act for the relief of School District No. 116, in Kent county," · He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in · , the Senate amendments to the following bills, to wit : . "An act to amend Section 2, Chapter 9, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," . ' ·. . '' An act to.· amend Section 7, Chapter 10, Revised Statutes of · the State of Delaware," 548 And, further, he informed the Senate that the .House had non~ concurred in the Senate amendments to the House bill entitled,

" An act to amend Section 2 of Chapter 304 of Volume 16 of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act in r<'llationto the col­ lection of taxe~ for school purposes." He also informed the Senate·. that the House had concurred in the. Senate amendments to the House bill entitled, ."An act for the protection of game," And that. having voted to concur in the same prior. to the receipt of the request of the Senate to return the bill to that body, the House was not able to accede to the request of the · Senate. · . · · Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate bill en­ titled, · "A supplement to the act entitled, An act providing revenue for this State, passed at Dover, April 8th, 1869, as amended by C~apter 21, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware," · "A supplement to the act. entitled, An act to re-incorporate the.town of Dover, passed February 27, 1879." · . Mr. Betts presented petitions of 120 citizens of New Castle, county, praying for a. constitutional amendment providing for district representation, .. ,Oon his ,motion, one· of the· petitions. was read, and· the pe­ titions were referred to the committee on increased representation.

· Mr. Roe,from the Committee on Agriculture, reported, with- ou~ recommendation, the Hq~1Sebill entitled, · . . ''Anact prohibiting live stock from rnnning at large in a part of School District No. 42, Sussex oounty," ·· · · · , ··Which; on his motion, was· taken up for consideration, and, · on his further motion, was ' Laid on the .table. 549 'Mr. Betts :presented the petition of John T: Jakes and At other citizens of Kent county; praying for a constitutional amend~ ment providing for district representation, Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his. further motion;, . was referred to the committee on increased representation. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, · "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School··· District No. 78, New Castle county," Was read. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled, "An act, for the 'relief of School District No. 116, in Kent . county," · Was read.· On motion of Mr. H~uston,. the Senate bill entitied, "An act to divorce Seth 0. Gibbons from his wife, Lydia Gibbons," Was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Sen­ ate. , The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" w~ decided in the affirmative, and the bill · · Passed theSenate. Ordered.to the House for concurrence ..

, Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Roads and Highways, reported back with an amendment the Senate bill'entitled; '

"An act authorizing Theodore P. Sirmon to vacate an old road and open a new one in Gurnboro Hundred, Sussex county,"

On his motion, the bill was taken up for consideration, and, on his motion, the amendment was ·read, and further, on his motion, was adopted, 550 ·And, o~ his motion, the bill as amended was· read a third· time - · by paragraphs: in. order to pass the Senate. rrhe question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?". was decided ·in the affi~inative, and. the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concur;·ence. · I , Mr. Mustard,. from 1 Committee on Education, reported, with- out. recommendation, the. House bill entitled, · · "An act to dissolve School District No. 106, in K~nt county," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his furth~r motion,. was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Sena~e. . _ On the question, " Sh_allthis bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays· were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Mr. Mustard-1. · . Nays-Messrs. Betts, Cavende1~,Chandler, and Mr. Speaker -4. So ·the question was decided in the negative, and the bill was Lost. Ordered that- the House be informed thereof~ and the bill re- turned to. that body. · · Mr. Mustard presented a bill of the " Delawarean,'' for $25·.75, Which, on. his motion, was referred to, the Committee on Claims. · On motion, the: Senate adjourned. 551

..WEDNESDAY, March 28th, 1883-10 o'clock a. m. Senat~ met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain.

Roll called. Members present, Messrs. Betts, .Cavender, Chandler, Coopei, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Spettker.

Jomnai' read and ~pproved.

Mr. Cooper; in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Mustard, obtained leave to introduce a bill en­ titled, "An· act Telu,tingto. Clerks of the Peace," vYhich, on his motion; was read . . •, , Mr. Mustard, from the. Committee on Education,, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled,

· "A supplement to an Mt entitled, An act to incorporate Delaware City Public Schools, and for other purposes, passed at Dover, March 4, 1875," ·

·Which, on his m,otion, was taken up· for considei'ation, and, on his.further n1otion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order tp. pass the Senate. ·

. ' . ' On the question, " Shall this hill pass the Senate ?" the yeas and .nays were ordered, which, being taken; were as follows :

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-7. . · · · Nays-'-None. 552 So the question was decided in. the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, · . . . · · · . Passed the Senate. Ordered ·that. the House be informed ·thereof, and the bill returned to, that body. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled; . "An act'for the relief of School District No. 116, in Kent county," . • Was read a second time, by its title, and .on his further mo­ tion, was refEir~edto the. Comrnitte.eon Education: . · · Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the S_enatebill entitled, "-Anact to incorporate the Shipley Street Sewer·Company, of Wilmington," · . Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate.

I ·On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : ·

I Yeas.-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-7. '. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the .bill having received the required constitutional majority,. . . · · · · · Passed theBenate: Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on the. Judiciary, rep~rtec back, with amendments'. the Senate bill entitled, . , "An act to establish ihe State Library,:' Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideaation. . I 553 On his. motion, the amendments were read, and, cm his further ~notion, were Adppted. Further on his motion, the bill, ·as amended, was read a· third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act authorizing the Levy Court of New Castle county to fund the floating debt of said county," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third .time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · · The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House he infol'med thereof~ and the bill re­ turned to that body. Mr. Cavender, from the Coinm.itteeon Enrolled Bills, reported as duly and correctly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bill~, viz.: "A supplement to the act entitled, An act providing revenue for this State, passed ,at Dover, April 8th, 1869, as amended by Chapter 21, Volume 14~ Laws of Delaware," · " A supplement to the act entitled, An act to re-incorporate the town of Dover, passed February 27, 1879." On motion of Mr. Cavender, the Senate bill entitled, · ·. ", An · act to incorporate the Diamond State Conserving and Pickling Company, of Smyrna," . · Was read a second time .. by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. 554

On motion of lVfr.Cavender·, the House bill entitled, ''"An act to authorize the creation and establishment of a new school district ~n Kent cot'lnty," vVas read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo~ tion, was referred to the Commit~ee on Education.

, Mr.-Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled,

· " An act to incorporate the Wapella Manufacturing Com- pany,. " , ' ... 'With an amendment.

On. his motio~1,the bill was ta~en up for consideration 1 · Aud, on his further niotion, the :.imendment was read, and, on his motion, was Adopted. Further on his motioi1, the bill as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate r the yeas .. and nays Were ordered, which, being taken, were as fo1lows ·:

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Hous·ton, · ·Mustard, Roe,.and Mr. Speaker-8.· Navs-None . • 1 ' •• So the- question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the ~·cq_uiredcoustitutiorn1l mt~jority, Pa.3sedthe Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Yvaples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the-Senate- that the· House had concurred in the following Senate · hills, to wit : · "An; act' to amend Section 6, Chapte~· 54, Vol~me · 15, Laws of Delaware,''· 555

·" An act to divorce. Louisa Cummins and her husband, Wil- · liam A. Cummins, from the bonds of matrimony," · "An act for the protection and culture of fish," . "An act to incorporate the Delaware Fruit ~xcha:nge." He also. informed the. Sen ate that the House had ·passed, and asked the concurrence of the Senate in,. the bill entitled, "A supplement to an act entitled, An act to incorporate the' · town of Middletown, passed at Dover, February 12, 1861." . . ,. . Mr. Houston, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of :rtfr. Chandler, obtained leave to introduce a bill enti- tled, · " Au act to. protect shippers of fruit, vegetables, ·eggs, oysters, and other produce,". Which, OJ?-his motion, was react . . On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled,

. I "A supplement to an act entitled, .A..n act to incorporate the town of Middletown, passed at. Dover, February 12th, 1861," · ·was read, ·. And, further, on his motion, Rule 14was.suspended as to this bill, and on his mo~ionthe bill was read a second time, by its title, and on his motion, was referred to the Committee on· Cities ·and Towns. · On motion of Mi·, Betts, the House bill entitled,

' ' ' 1 '. · "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School District No. 78, New Castle county," · . · · .. · Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee. on Agriculture . .Onmotion o~.Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitle{ "An act to enable the. qualified _voters:of this Statff to deter- 556

mine, by· ballot, whether spirituous, fermented, or intoxicating liquors or alcoholic bitters shall be sold, in said State," · . . . Was read a second time, by its title. · On motion of. Mr. M ust.ard, the Senate bill entitled,·

"An act t6 prevent)ive stock from running at large-in Lewes and Rehoboth hundred, Susse?( co11nty," ·

Was read a second ti}lle by its title; On motio~ of Mr. Musta1\l; the Senate bill entitled, ''An.act to incorporate Atlantic Lodge, No. 15,of th~'In- dependent Order of Odd F~llows, at Lewes, Delaware," · -Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further . motion, was referred to the Committee on Corpora~ions. · Mr. Mustard, from the Committee on Education, reported ad- versely the House biM-entitled, · ,•,An act for the benefit of free schools in Kent county," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his motion, the further consideration of the bill was : Indefinitely postponed.

I Mr. Cooper, .from the Committee on Revised Statutes, report~ ed back, with fav~rable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, ·

·. " An act to amend the act entitled, An act concerning embez-

. 1 zlement and defalcation by cqrporate officers ~nd others, passed a~ Doyer, Marcil 28, 1879," · · . . Which, on his motion,. was take1{ up- fo~· consid~ration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by p~ragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · · . The question,. "Shall this p~llpass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · i • -Passedthe Benate. Orde1·ed·to the House for. concurrence. · 557 · Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with favorable. recommendation, the House· bill entitled, "An act in relation to the planting of. oysters in Indian River and Rehoboth Bay," Which; on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question,· " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was de- cided in the affirmative, and the bill ' Passed the Senate~ Ordered that .the House be informed thereof, and the bill re- . turned to that body. · . . On motion, the Senate adjourned till three o'clock p. m.

SAME DAY - 3 o'clock p. m. Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, re­ ported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill en- titled, · · " An act to repeal Chapter 57 of Volume 14 of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act to provide for the indigent insane of t~e State of Delaware," and the several amendments· ther~to . . Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third· time,· by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. ;558

( The .question~ ." Shall this bill pass the Senate.?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill. . Passed the BerJ,aie.

. r Ordered that. the Ho~se ,be informed thereof, and the bill 1:e­ turned to that body. · Mr.· R~e;.from the Committee.on.Agriculture, reported ·back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An. act for the culture and protection o~fish/' ,vith an a,mendment, )Vhioh, on his motion, :was taken .up for consid·eration, and, on his further motion, the amendment was read, and;·on his motion, was· . . . . · .Adopted. Further on his motion, the bill, as amended, was read a third · time, by paragraphs, in order· to pass the Senate. 'fhe question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was· decided in the affirmative, and the bill. PasBedthe Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence:

Mr. Roe, in pursuance of previous notice,. asked, and, on mo- tion of Mr. Mustard, obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act in relation to free schools," Which,· on. his motion, was. reacl. · Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, re­ . ported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill en-

titled;· I "An act for the protection of the co~munity against profes- sional thieves, burglars, and pickpockets," , · Which, on his motion, was taken up for cqnsideration, .~nd,:on his :further motion, was read a third time,. by. parag·raphs, in ·qrder to 'pass the Senate. , . · The q~estion, "ShalUhis bill pass ·the .Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the b.ill · Passed UieSenate~. 559 · Otdcrcd to the House for concurrence. I • Mr. Betts presented petitions of 43 'citizens of New Castle county, praying for a constitutional amendment pr~vidi~g for . district representation, · And. on his motion, one of the petitions was read, an.d the petitions referred to the committee on increased representation.

. Mr. Betts aiso presented petitions of 38 citizens of Kent county, _andpetitions of 39 citizens of Kent and Sussex counties, praying for . a constitutional amendment providing for district representation, · · · 'Which, on his motion, were referred to the committee on in­ • creased representation. Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Divorce, to whom was referred the petition of Annie B. Eberle for a divorce from her husband, reported a bill entitled, " An act to divorce Annie B. Eberle from her husband, Ed­ ward F. Eberle," Which, on his motion, was react . . . Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised. Statutes, report~ ed back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill enti­ tled, · ''An act to propose an amendment to Section 17 of Article . 2 of the Constitution of this State,": · Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read• a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the .yeas . and nays were ,wdeied, which, being taken, were as follows: . Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Houston, , Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-'-8. Nays_._None. 560 So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill. having received the required constitutional majority, . · · . . · · · Passed the Senate.· Orderedthat the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. Mr ..· Cooper, · from the · Committee on. Revised •Statutes, .re­ . ported back; with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill en­ titled, (( An act in relation to the binding of children by. corporation~ of other States," · · · Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate.?" was decided in the ·affirmative; and the bill · Passed tlie Senate: Ordered to the House for Qoncurrence. Mr. Houston,' from the Committee on Roads and Highways, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, · " An act to .change the course of a public road in. , Sussex county," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in·the affirmative, and .the.bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, ·and the bill returned to that body. · · Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, presented to the Senate for the signature of the Speaker thereof, the follow-· ing duly and correctly enrolled House bills and joint resolutions, the same having re~eived the signature of the Speaker of the House: · · "Au act allowing an additional constable in Christiana hun- dred, in New Castle county," · CCAnact to prohibit. live stock from running at large in SchooLDistricts Nos. 173, 120, arid 119, Sussex comity," "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School · District No. 140, in Sussex county," "An act authorizh1g the Prothonotary of New Castle county to make a certain judgment index," ','.An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in School District No. 29, in Sussex county," "An additional supplement fo the act entitled, An act for the suppression of intemperance," " An act to divorce V\Talter G. Hurlock from his wife, Jemima . . Hurlock," "An act to change the course of a public road in Milford hundred, in Kent county," ' "An act to amend an act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of lVIilford,passed at Dover, February 25th, 1867," "An act for the reli~f of'Sadie Fowler," " An act authorizing the Levy Court of Sussex county to ap- . propriate annually money for the keeping in repair a certain road in ," . , ~" An act to authorize the clerk of the Orphans' Court in and for Kent County, to transcribe the General Index of the said Orphans' Court," · "An act prohibiting live stock from · running at large in School :Qistrict No. 32, in Sussex county," . " An act to divorce '\Villiam Parvis and his wife, Mary Ann, from the bonds of matrimony," ' "An act to amend Chapter 154, Volume 16, Laws of Dela.- ware," 36 56~ " An act to incorporate Fidelity Lodge, No. 25, of. the Inde­ pendent Order of Odd Fellows, of the State of Delaware, at Frankford," "A further additional supplement to the act entitled, An act in relation to oysters,"

"An act to provide for the vaccination of children m the free schools, and for other purposes,''. ' -"An act to incorporate the owners and possessors of the marsh or low grounds commonly called and known by the name of Cow Marsh Ditch Company, situated in North Murder kill and South Murderkill hundreds, in Kent county, under the title of the Cow Marsh Ditch Company,"

" ,Joint resolution compensating Edward Ridgely for his ser- 1 vices as Chancellor 1.ullitem." ·."Joint resolution in relation to printing." He also returned to the Senato the following duly and coi·­ rectly enrolled Senate bills and joint resolution, signed by the Speakers of the two Houses : · "An act to authorize Andrew ,J. Horsey to construct and build a tum hling dam at his mills in Little Cre.ek hundred, in Sussex cotmty," "An act to incorporate the Seidel imd Hastings Company," "Joint resolution appointing a joint committee on the presen­ tation of the picture of Lord Delaware." Mr. Roe, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported back with favorable recommendation the House hill entitled, "An act prohibiting live stock from numing at large in School District No. 78, in N e,v Castle county." · On motion of Mr. Betts, Rule 14 wns. suspended as to this. bill, And, on motion of Mr. Roe, the bill was taken up for consid- 56.3

.eration, and, on .,his further motion, was read a third time, by .· paragraphs, in order to pass the Seriate. The. question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Pas.sedtlw Senate. Orde·redthat the House be informed thereof: and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Cavender, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported · as duly and correctly enrolled;' signed by the Speaker of the •. House, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Sen­ .ate, the House bill entitled, " A further additional supplement to the act entitled, An act in relation to oysters." On motion. of Mr. Horsey, the Senate bill entitled, " Anact to. incorporate the town of Laurel," Was taken up for consideration. Mr. Mustard offered an amendment,which, on his motion was· read, Mr. Mustard moved that the amendment be adopted, pend­ ing the consideration of'.which, On motion of Mr. Betts, the further consideration of the bill was.postponed until to-morrow at 11 a. m. '

Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, returned I the following duly and. correctly enrolled Senate bill, the same having received the signature of both Speakers : , · "An act to incorporate the Joim Moir & Son Company." He itlso informed the Senate that the 1Iouse had adopted a · joint resolution entitled, · · , · " Joint resolution authorizing the purchase of the Jump prop· erty," And asked the concurrence of the Seuate in the same. 564

Mr. Horsey, in pursuance. of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Betts, obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled,

"An act to change arid straighten a, public road in Si.lssex: county," vVhich, on his motion, was read. On motion· of Mr. Betts, the House "Joint resolution authorizing the purchase of tho ,Tnmp property," · · '\Vas read, and, nt his request, was laid over under the rule. l\fr. Cooper, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, ttnd on motion. of Mr. Chandler, obtained le:we to introduce it bill enti­ tled, . ('An act in re1ation to' corporatiorn,," 'Which, on his motion, was read, . And, on motion of Mr.' Houston, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill,

And, on his motion, the bill was read n. second time," by its title, and,· on his further motion, was roforred to the Committee · on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Betts, the vote by which the House bill en­ . titled, . "An act for the benefit of free schools in Kent county," . ,vas indefinitely postponed, was :i;econsiclered, · And, on motion of Mr. Rpe, the bill was recommitted to the Committee on Education. On motion the Senate adjO\ll'lled. 565

.TnuRSDAY,:March 29,' 1883-10 o~clock a. m~

Senate met pm;suant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Cha1~lain.

· Roll called. l\fornbers present, lviessrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey·, Houston., Mustard, Roe, . and Mr. :Speaker. . 1 ·

Journal read and approved.

, On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Senate bill ehtitled, "An aet relating to cledu, of the peace,"

\\Tas read a second time, by its title, and, on his forther mo­ 'ti

. . _On i;notiou ·of lY.Ir.Cooper, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to divorce Annie lLEhcrle from her husband; Ed­ . ward F. Eberle," Was read a second time, b)r its title.

nfr. Cavender, from the Committee on Eni·olled Bills, report­ ed the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills a.nd joint resolutions, signed ~)Ytl1c 8penker of the House, and ready . for tlJe signature of the Speaker of the Renate:

. "A_n act auth9rizipgthG ~Lqvy,Qourt of Sussex County to ap­ propriate, annually, money foi· the jceeping in repair a road in Cedar Creek hundred," · ,

"An act to prohibit live stock from running .at large in S.chool nistricts Nos. 173~ 1.20, and 119, in Sussex county," 566 " An act to amend an act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Milford, passed at _Dover, Febru3;ry 25, 1867," "An, act for the relief of.Sadie Fowler," " An act to authorize the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, in and for Kent county, to transcribe the general index to the records ,of ·said Orphans' 9ourt," · ' "An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in School District No. 140, in Sussex county," · "_An act authorizing the Prothonotary of New Castle county to make a certain judgment index," . a • , "An act to prol~ibit live stock from running at large in School District No. 29, Sussex county," · , · '

' ' " An additional supplement to the act entitled, An act for the sµppression of intemperance," " An act to divorce Walter G. Hurlock from his wife,Jemima Uurlock," . "An act to change the course of a public road in Milford hundred, Kent county," ~ · "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School . District No. 32, in Sussex county," "An act to divorce William Parvis and his wife, Mary Ann, from the bonds of matrimony,'.' " An act allowing an additional constable in Christiana hun- dred, New Castle county," · ' "An act to amend Chapter 154, Volume 16, of the Laws of ·Delaware," "An act to incorporate Fidelity Lodge, No. 25, of the Inde­ pendent _Order of Odd Fellows, of the State of Delaware, at Frankford," "An act to provide for the vaccination-of children in the free schools, and for other purposes," 567

"An act to incorporate the owners and possessors of the niarsh or low grounds; commonly called and known by the name of Cow Marsh Ditch, situated in· North· Murder kill. and South Murderkill hundreds, under the title of the Cow Marsh Ditch Company," "' "A joint resolution in relation to printing," " ,Joint resolution <'.ompensating Edward Itidgely for his ser­ vices as Chancellor acl litem. _ Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported, ,vith an amendment, the House bWentitled, · "An act to amend Chapter 311, Section l; Volume ~6, of the Laws of Delaware," 'iVhich, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, And, on his 'rurther motion, the 11,mendment was read, as follows: I Amend the bill by st;riking out the word~ "fifteenth," in the last line thereof, and ins~rting in lieu the word "thirtieth," And, on l11sfurthe1· motion, the amendment was Adopted. Further, on his motion, the bill, as amended, wasread a third · time, by paragraphs, in qrder to pass the Senate. The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was de.- cided in the affirmative, :}nd the bill Pass_edtfie Senate. Ordered that; the House be informed thereof, and the· bill re­ turned to that body, for concurrence in the amendment. . . .on motion oLMr. Horsey, the Senate bill entitled~ ".An act to change and straighten a public road in Sttssex county," · . 1Vas l'ead a se.cond time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, the bill, with accompanying petition and affidavit, was re,. ferred to tho Committee on Roads and Highways. 568 lVIr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill, with an amendment entitled, "An act in. relation to corporations,'' Which, on his motion, was taken up for conside1·ation,and,~ his motion, the amendment was read, as follows: Amend the bill by striking out the title thereof, and inserting · in lieu thereof the following : "A.n act to incorporate the C. H. Treat Manufacturing Com- pony," . . · · And, on his motion, was Adopted. Further on his motion; the bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ? " the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being ta.ken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey:, Mustard, and Mr, Speaker-7.· · Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, h'aving received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate.·

. . Onlm·ed to the House for concurrence. Mr. Cooper;fron.1the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with an amendment, the Senate bill entitled, · "An act supplementary to Chapter ·s5of the Revised Code of this Sh,te, relating to the sale of intestate real estate," ·which, on his motion, was ta.ken up for consideration, and, . on his further motion, the amendment was read, and, on his mo- tion, was adopted. ' Further, on his motion, the bill as amended, was read a third "time, by paragraphs, in·order to pass the Senate. · ' . 569

The question, " Shall this bill pass the f:'lenate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. , Mr. Betts presented the biil of R. R. Kenney for r~oney paid out for the ·state, which, on his motion, was reforred to the Com, mittee on .Accounts . • · Mr. Cavender, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Betts, obtained leave to intrndnce a hill enti­ tled, . "A.n act to amend Chapter 13, Volume 14, of the Laws of Dela ware," ,,Thich, on his motion, was reacl. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendatton, the Senate bill entitled., · "An act to incol'porate .A,tlantic Lodge, No. 15, of the IJ?de~ pendent Order of Odd Fellows, at Lewes, Delaware," Which, on his motion, wns taken np for consideration, and, . on his farther motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, iri. order to pass -the Senate. On the questi011, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" tho yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yea.~-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, and Mr. Spcakor-G. Nays-'- N(\ne.

f~o the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the, required constitutional majority, Pas8ed .tlw Senate. Ordered to tho Honse fol' concurrence. M1

Ordered to the House :for concurrence. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on ·corporations, reported back, with fiworable recomme_ndntion, the Senate bill entitled, "A,n net to incorporate the Diamond State Conserving and Pickling Company, at Smyrna," Which, on his motion, ,vas taken up for consideratim;, and, on his further. motion, wt1s read a ·third time, by pa;ragraphs, in order to pass. the Senate. On the question, "Shttll this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : .. Yea.~-Messrs. Betts,. Cavender, Chandler, f~~oper, Horsey, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-9. Nn:1Js-None. So the question was decided m the affirmative, and the bill, lmviug,received the required constitutional majority, . Pa8.scdthe Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. · , rI'he · hour of 11 o'clock having anived, the Speaker an­ n~unced as the special order of the day, the consideration of the Senate' bi] t ·entitled, " An aet to inco~·porate the towu of Laurel." The Senate thereupon resumed the consideration' of the iunendments to the bil].

On 1~1otionof Mr. Houston, the bill ,vas recommitted to the Coinmittee on Cities· and Towns. · 1 . Mr. Waples, CJerk of the House, being admitt.ed, informed the Senate that the House had passed, and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, the following bil1s, to wit : . "A fhrther supplement to the act eniitled, An net .to incorpos'.. rate the Gravelly Run Marsh :Ditch Cor~puny, passed at Do_ver, .February 5, 1866, and amen.ded and re-enacted by the act enti- 571 tled, An act to amend and re-enact the act entitled, An act to in­ corporate the Gravelly Run Marsh Ditch Company, passed at Dover, February 5,1 1866, passed at Dover, Ja,rnary 24, 1867," "An act t~Jincorporate tlie Kirk, Branch Ditch Cor~pany ," ".An act to incorp?r'ate the Milford Lil>;ra.ry Association," "An act for the renewal of the charter of the Delaware Loan , .Association, in the· city of Wilmington," "An act in reference ~o live stock running 1it large in the sev­ eral school districts. of Sussex coun,ty," , '· ' "An act to amend Section 12 of Chapter l 15 of the Revised Code of the ;Laws of Delaware," _ ; · · "An act creating an additional constable for Sussex county, to r~ide within three miles of Harbeson," · . " Au act .to amend Chapter 29 of the Revised Code, entitled, Of the State Treasurer and Trustee of the School Fund," "An. act to amend Chapter 30 of tho llevised 9ode, entitled, Of the Auditor of Accounts.'~· He also informed the Senate that the House had conc~rred in the following Senate ,bills, "viz.: "An act regulating· th~ sale of intoxicating liquors,"

' ' "Au act to lay out ~t new public.road in Duck Creek hun~red, Kent county, and State of Delaware," · " 4,.n act to amend Chapter 148 of the Sixteenth -Volume, Delaware Laws." I Also, that tho House had concurred in the Senate bill enti- tled, · "

I "An a.ct to amend Chapter 117 of Volume 13, Laws of Del- aware," With an amendment, and asked the concurrence of the Sen- ,, ate in the amendment. 672

And fhrther; that the H~use had non-concurred in the follow­ ing bills, viz.: · · '' ..A.n ac~ to a:rnencl Chapter 405 of Volume 15, Laws of Dela­ ware," ·

"An act to consolidate School Distl'icts Nos. 124 and ·16, in Lewes and Rehoboth l:nmdred, ~ussex county," And returned' the same to the Senate. l\fr. Betts, frpm the Committee.on Cities and Towns, Peportccl back, with favorable rec~.nm1H-mdu,tion,the House bill entitled, " A supplernent to ·au act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of ~VIidd!etown, passechtt Dover, February 12th, 1861,"

\Vhich, 011 his motion, was taken up for consideration. On motion of Mr. ·Cavender, a remonstrance to the hill was reacl. ·

On. motion of l\fr. Betts, the bill was rmid a third .time, hy ' · pai·agraphs, in order. to ·pass the Senate. ' On the questioh,. "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nnys were orcler~d, which, being. ta.ken, w~re as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Caven.der, Chandler, Coqper, Horsey, _ Musta'rd, Roe, a.nd Mr. Speaker-8. Navs-N one~' So th~ question was clecid~cl in the aJiirmative, anclthe hill, having rnceivcd the required eonst.itutioual nu\jority,_ · · , · Passed the Senate. that the House he informed thereof, and the bi] l re: 0 Order·ed turned ~to that body. ·on-motion, the Senate adjourned. 573

SAi\iB DAY-3 o'clock p. m .. Senate met pursuant to ac1journment. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, "An act for the renewal of the. charter of the Delaware Loan Association, in the City of Wilmington," VVas reacl. , Aud, on motion of Mr. Betts, Rule 14 was suspended as to the bill, and, on his ~notion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Com­ mittee onCorporations; Mr. Waples, clerk of the House, being admitted, presented for the signature of the Spenker the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and joint resolutions, the same having re­ ceived the signature of the Speaker of the House, to wit: ··" An act concerning private corporations," " An a:ct to incorporate . the Mispillion Conch ve, No, 33, I. 0. II.," " An act to incorporate the Clnyton Fruit and Bnsket Com­ pany," " A further supplement to an act to incorporate the New Castle County :iYfotua1Insurance Company,· passed at Dover, Feb­ . ruary 6, 1849, and renewed hy an act passed January 25, 1869," " An act to amend an act entitled, A supplement to the. act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Milford, passed March 29, 1871. . . "An act to divorce Mary B. Johnson and her husband, James ·Johnson, from the bonds of matrimony," "An act divorcing El~jah M. Clymer from his wife, Louisa Clymer," 574 "An act to divorce Edwin H. Peckard from his wife, Sarah E. Peckard," "Joint resolution to pay.Hon. John W. ·Houston a balanc~ ·clue him for4'onehundred · copies of his first volume of his Dela-· ware Reports in Cri!_ninalCases." · . · He also returned the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate bills and joint resolutions, the same having received the signatures of the Speakers of both houses : "An act to amend an act entitled, An act for the relief· of the ~eirs of ,TamesPrice, ..deceased," . "An act to prohibit live stock from running at larg~ in School , - District No. 63, in Sussex county," . . " An act to consolidate School Districts Nos; 23 and 161, in Sussex county, under the title of the Millsboro Public School,'' " A. further additional supplement to the act entitled, An act t9 incorporate the Delaware Railroad Company," '' A further supplement to the. act entitled, An act to incorpo­ rate the Delaware Fire Insurance· Company, passed at Dover, , January 21st, 1826," " An ·act to incorporate the Diamond State Joint Stock Com­ pany, of Wilmington, Dela~ware," " An act to farther ·ameud. Chapter 152, Volume 15, L::iwsof Dela~vare, entitled, An act to incorporate the city of New Castle," "An act to prevent live stock· from running at , large in · ,School District No. 40, Little Creek hundred, Sussex _county,'_'

"An act entitled, An a.ctto amend an act to incorporate the Laurel Grange Co-operative Store Company," · " An act to incorporate the .New Castle Lodge, No. 3, of the American Protestant Association, of the State of Delaware," .

"Ai1 act.to divorce Julia Mohlen and her husband, Charles F. :Mohlen, from the bonds of matrimony," \ 575

"An act to render null and void the bonds of matrimony be­ tween Annie Gibbs and Thomas Gibbs,"

·~An act to divorce John 0. Oreadick and Louisa, Oreadick, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony,"

"An act to authorize the Town Council of the town of Dover to borrow two thous1111ddollars ($2,000), for the benefit of the Dover ·water Work~," "An act to incCirporate St. John's School, Faulkland,"

" An act in relation to contested elections, other than for mem­ bers of General Assembly and Governor,"

"An act to incorporate Delaware Lodge, No. 349, of the German Order of Harugari, of Wilmington, Dela ware,"

. "An act prohibiting live stock from rmining ttt large in School District No. 39, in Sussex ~ounty,"

"An act to lay out a new pubiicroad and vacate an old road in South Murderkill hundred,. Kent county," "An act to amend Chapter 384, Volume lfi, of the Laws of· Delaware, as amended by Chapter 389, of Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware," "An act to authorize the Levy Court of Kent county to re­ appoint, for :in additional term or terms, a constable for South ~furderkill lwnclred, and nlso for North Murderkill hun­ dred,"_· "A supplement to the act entitled, An act providing revenue · for the State, passed at Dover, April 8th, 1869, as amended by Chapter 21, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware," _ "An act to supplement and amend Chapter 11,1,Volume 14, of the Laws of Delaware,. entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Lewes, and for other purposes, as amended by Chapter 535, and republished in Chapter 536 of the same volume," "Joint resolution in relation to 0. S. Pennewill," 576

"Joint resolution to reimburse the Ac~jutn1it-G~neral of this State," "Joint resolution'in rebtion to the presentation of the picture of Lorq. Delaware." . · ·

On motion of lVIr.··Coope~·,the House hill entitled, "An act to amend Section: 12 of Chapter irn of 'the.Revised Code of th~ State of J.?elaware," wrus read. Mr. Houston, from the Coriunittee on Roads arid JHighways, reported back, with favorable recommendation,. the House bill entitled, · "4-n act to authorize the 1aying out ·of a· public road in Enst Dovei· hundred, Kent county, and State· of Delaware,"

· Which, on his motion, wa~ taken up for consideration; and 1 on his further motion, wns·read a third time,. by paragraphs, in order to pass the ·~enate.

0 · The question, "Sh~ll this bill pnss the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · · ·Passed the Senate.

· Ordered that the House be informed thereof; and the ·bill ·re­ turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Horsey, the House bill entitled, ".A.n act to·amend'Uhapter 391, of Volume 16 of the Laws of Dela ware,'' -was;taken up for consideration, And, on motion of Mr. Cavender, the bill was.read, and, on mo: tioll' of Mr~ Betts, the further consideration of the bill was . Incl~fi1iitelypostponed.

Mr. Betts presented· the petition of 7 4 citizens. of N ~':VCastle· county, praying for a constitutional amei1dment,' providing for district repres(jn tation. · 577 On his motion, one of the petitions was read, and the peti­ tions referred to the committee on increased representation.

On motion of Mr. Houston, the ~enate bill entitled,

"An act to protect shippers of fruit, vegetables, eggs, oysters, and other produce,".

"'vVasread a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo-· · tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Houston,·the Senate bill entitled, ' . "An act to divorce Stephen T. Records from his wife, .Sarah E. Records," . Was taken up for considemtion, and, on. his further motion, was read a third· time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senat~'.. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, anclthe bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House joint resolution authorizing ' the purchase of the Jump property, S'Vas taken up for consideration, and, on motion of Mr. Betts, , was · · Concurred in. Ordered that the House be informed thereof. Mr. Mustard presented remonstrances against creating an ad­ . ditional district fro11).Distrits Nos. 7H and 78, in Sussex county. and 123 in Kent con'nty, Which, on his motion, were referred to Cotnmittee on· Educa­ tion. Mr. Mustard, from the Committee on Education, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, . " An act to authorize the creation and establishment ofa new school district in Kent county," 37 578

, Which, on his 'motion, wa~ taken up for consideration, and, on his further· motion, was read ti third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided ip.the affirmative: and the bill Passed.the Senate. 01·dered that the House be informed thereof~ and the bill · returned to that body. On motion of Mr. Houston, the House bill entitled, ''An act creating an additional constable for Sussex county, toreside within three miles of Harbeson:t "\Vas read. Mr; Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, re·­ ported adversely the House bill entitled, ·'An act providing for the erection and use of gates at certain . railroad crossings in Brandywine hundred," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his furthe1· motion, wns Indefinitely po.sf;ponecl. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill:entitlecl, "An act to nmend Chapter 30 of the Revised Code, entitled, Of the Auditor of Accounts," · vVas reacl. On motionof lYir.Betts, the Honse bill ent;itled, "An act to amend Chapter 29 of the Revised Code, e~titled, Of the State Treasurer and Trustee of the School Fund," . Was read. Mr. Mustard, from the Coinmittee on Educat.ion, reported adversely the House bill entitled, .. "An act for the relief of School District No. 116, in.Kent county," .579 Which,' on his motion, was· taken up for consideration, and, on motion of Mr. Betts, was · Indefinitely po:,tponed. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Milford Library Association," Was read . . On motion of Mr. Roe the House bill' entitled, . "An act to incorporate the Kirk's Branch Ditch Company," Was read. On motion of Mr.-,Roe, the House-bill entitled,· " A further supplement to the act entitled, . An act to incor­ })Oratethe Gravelly Run ~arsh Company, passed at Dover Feb­ , ruary 5, 1866, and amended and re-enacted by the act entitled, An act to amend and re-enact the act entitled, An act to incor­ , ·porate the Gravelly Run·Marsh Company, passed at Dover Feb- ru~ry 5, 1866, .passed at Dover, January 24, 1877 ," · · · "\\Tas read . . lVIr.Houston, from. the Committee on Divorce, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate biH entitled., i , I')- / • "An act to divorce Jackson E. Ha.stings and Justina •Hast­ in~s from the bonds of matrimony," Which, on his inotion, ·was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read n. third time, by paragraph's, in order to pass the Senate. · . " . The question, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in.the affirmative, and .the bill Pm]sedthe Senate. Order~d to the House for concurre;nce. • I Mr. Betts, from the Committee on Cities and rrowns, report:. eil, with two amendments, the Senate bill entitled, · "An act to incorpora.te the town of Laurel,"' 580 vVhich, on his motion, was takei1 up for consideration.

On his motion, the amendments were read, and, on his mo- tion:; the first amendment was Adopted.

Mr. Betts moved that the second mnenclment he adopted.

On the question, "Shall the amendment be adopted?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows:

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Houston, Milstard, and Mr. Speaker-7. Nays_:_ Mr. Horsey-1. So the question wa~decided in the affirmative, and the amend- ment was · Adopted. On motion of Mr. Horsey, the further consideration of .the bill was postponed until Tuesday next,.at 4 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitled, " An act to enable the qualified voters of the State to deter­ mine by ballot whether spirituous, fermented, or intoxicating liquors or alcoholic bitters. shall he sold in said State," " ·. W ~s tak~n up for consideration, and, on his. f~rther motion, .was read a third time; by paragraphs, in· order to pass ,the Senate. Ori the question, " Si1all this bill pass the Senate.?" the y~as and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Mustard, Roe and Mr. Speak­ er--,-5; , Nays-Messrs. Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, and Houston-4. So' the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · Passed the Senate . Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Mustard, theSenate bill entitled, 581

" An act to amend Chapter 117, Volume 13, Laws of Deln-" ware," As amended by the House, wa~ tn,ken up for ~onsideration. On his motic>n, the first amendment was read, as follows :

HOUSE Oli' REPRESENTATIVES, . l\farch 28th, 1883 .. St1·ike out the. word ~,such" in line 12. Insert after the word " µ,rrest," in line 12, the ":Ords "of any person vending goods, ' wares, and· merchandise, by samples or otherwise, withotit license." . .A:.nd, Cln his further motion, was Concurred in. Ou his motion, the second amendment was·rend, ns follows: Also, amend by .adding the following:

~' SEC'UON 2. Any sheriff or police officer or constable ,vho, having made an ·.arrest under said section, shall accept or-receive any money as a condition of releasing t4e person arrested, with­ out prosecution, ·shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- · viction shall be fined not exceeding $100, or imprisoned not ex­ ceeding twenty days, or both, .in the discretion of the. Court." E. ,v. WAPLES, Olm·k ~f the I-Iouse of Representati1ve.i:J. .Extract from, Joitrnal. Ou his further motion, the amendments were Ooncitr1"edin. Ordered-that the House bel~J;lf~>rmedthereof. On ,motion, the ·senate adjourned. 582

FRIDAY, March 30, 1883-10 o'clock a. m. Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present, Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston, Mustard, Roe, arid Mr. Speaker.·

Journal read and approved. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act for the renewal of the chtirte1·of the Delaware Loan Association, in th~ city of "Wilmington," .Which, on his_motion, was taken up for consideration, and, _ _ 011 his further motioil, wa·s read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · · On the question, " Shall this bill· pass the Senate?'' the yeas and nays were ordered, which, b_eingtaken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. · Betts, Chandler, · Cooper, Horsey, Mustard, , and -Mr. Speaker_:_6. Nays---"None. So the ,question ,~as decided inthe. affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majodty, · · Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House lie informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. Mr. Roe, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, 583

'.' An act to pl'ohibit live stock from running at large in Dis­ t!·ict No. ·43, Sussex county," Which, on his motio:Q, was taken up for consideration, und, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate_?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill . Passed the Senate. · ·Ordered that the House be informed thereof: and the bill · returned to that body. ' . Mr. Roe, from the Committee on . Agriculture, reported adversely the House bill entitled, · "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large m School District No: 132, in Sussex county,"

V{hich, on his motion, was taken up for consideration. On his further motion, the further consideration of thebill was Indefinitely postponed. · On motion of Mr. Roe, the Senate bill entitled, " An act to prevent live stock from running at large in Lewes and Rehoboth hundred, in Sussex county," Was taken up for consideration, and, on motion of Mr. Mus­ tard, was read a, third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · 'l'he question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · Passed the Senate. I Ordered to the House for concur1:ence. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the House bill entitled, · " An act to aniend Section 12, Chapter 115, of the Revised

Code of the Laws of Delaware," \., · 'Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. 584 Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on :Revised Statutes, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled,

," An act relating to clerks of the pE!'

The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate? " was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate.

Ordered to the House for concurrence.

Mr. Cavender, fromthe Committee on Enrolled Bills/report­ ed as duly and correctly enroll~\l, signed by the Speaker of the ' House, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the following House bills and joint resolution, viz. : "An act concerning private corporations," ' ' "An act to amend an act· entitled, A supplement to the act entitled, An act to incorpontte the town of Milford, passed March 29, 1871," . .

I ''A further supplement to a~ act to incoi·porate the New Oas~ tle County Mutual Insurance Company, passed at Dover, Feb­ ruary 6, 1849,.and renewed by an act passed January 25, 1869," "An act to incorporate the Clayton Fruit and Basket Com- pany," · "An act to incorporate the Mispillion Conclave, No. 33, I. 0. H," . "An act to divorce Mary E. Johnson, and her husband, James Johnson, from the. bonds of matrimony," "An act divorcing Elijah M. Clymer from his wife, Louisa Clymer," ,,/ "An act to divorce Edwin H. Peckard from his wife, Sarah E. Peckard," · · · · 585 ' "Ajoint r~solution to pay I:-Ion. tTohn w. Houston a balance due him for one hundred copies of his first Volume of his Dela­ ware Reports in Criminal Cases." · On motio~1of Mr. Cave.nder, the Senat.e bill entitled, " An act to amend Chapter 13, V olunie ~4, Laws of Dela- ware," ,:c

,vasread a second time, by its title, and, on his further 111'07 tion, was referred to the· Committee on Re~ised Statutes. 1VIr.Cooper, fro·m the Committee on Revised Statutes, repqrted . favorably the House " ,Johit resohition directing the State Treasurer to pay Cl~arles r 13. Lore a sum not exceeding thirteen hundred dollars, to defra.y ' the expenses of certain trials in .the United States District Court, for the District ofr Delaware," , Which~ on his rnotion, was taken up for consideration, and, on· his further motion; was Concm·nd ln . . Mr. Roe, from the Com1i1ittee on ·Agriculture, reported r1d- versely the Hou~c bill entitled, . . · , ' . "tA.n ·act to prohibit live .stock from running at la.i·ge 'in 'School District No. 106, and parts of School Districts Nos.· 84 and 54, Sussex county," . . \Vhich, on .his. motion,, was taken up for consideration, and, .- on his further mo.tiori, was . · La1:don the table .. Mr. Cooper, f~·o_mthe Committee on Increased Representation,. reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, · · · · : · 1

,~An act prc;posing amendments to the ·constituti.on, for the purpose of increasing the number of Senators and Representatives in the General Assembly," · ' · . · Which, on. his motion, ,vas faken up for· consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in ~rder to pass the Senate. 586

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?'' the yeas and nays were ordered which, being taken, were a.s follows :

Yeas-Messrs. Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-7.

Nays-Mr. Betts-1 . So the question was• decided in the u.ifirmative, and--the bill; having receJved the required constitutional m~jority, . · . Pa.s8edthe Senate. Ordered that. the· Ho~lSebe informed thereof: and the bill re-· turned. to that body. · ·

Mr. Betts moved that when the Senate adjourn this morn- i:ng, it be to meet on ..Monday next at 4.15 p. m. · ,Vhich motion J>,re·vailell. , On motion of lVIr. Mustard, a petition of E .. ,J. Cadile and others, praying ·for the appointment of I-I. C. Carpenter as Com­ missioner to make a, new School District at or near Statonville, was 1:efe1·red to the· Committee on Edu ca.tion. \ " On 'motion of Mr. Mustard, ~he vote bywhich the House hill entitled, , " An act' for the relief of School District 'No. 116, in Kent .county,'' Was indefinitely postponed, was re-considered, and, on his further motion, the bill was re-committed to the Committee on Education," 1 '\ On ~otion of Mr. Mustard, the House bill entitled, " An act to incorporate and enlarge School District No. HO, in the town of Bridgeville, Sussex: county, and for other pnrposc~s," VVas read a second time, by its title, and on his fu 1·ther mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Education. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the'~enate bill-~ntitled, 587

. . "An act' to divorce Annie B. Eberle from her husband, :Edward F. Eberle," Was taken up for consideration, and, on his farther motion, ,yas read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass -the Senate. The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Pa.sBedthe Senate. Orde1·edto the House for concurrence. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported wi_thoutrecommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act autJ10rizing the Governor to appoint an additional Notary Public in New Castle county," · · Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, And, on his motion, the farther considemtion of the bill was Indefinitely po.stponed. · On motion of Mr, Cooper, the House biH entitled, "An act in reference to live stock .running at large m the several school districts of Sussex county," Vvas read. Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate bill _enti­ tJed, "An act to establish the State Library( ·with an amendment, and asked the concurrence of the Senate .therein. He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate amendment to the House bill entitled, . "An act to amend Chapter 311, Section 1, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware." On motion of Mr. Roe, the Senate bill entitled, , 588

" Au act in relation to free, schools," (,v as 1·ead a second time, by its title, and, 011·his farther mo- tfon, was referred to the Committee on Ed1;1eation. On 111otionof Mr. Horsey, the Senate bill en'titled,. "An act to establish a State Library," · .As ame11ded by_Uie House '~vastaken ui) for consideration. ,Qn his motion the amendment was read, as follows:

HousE OP REPRESEN'rATIV,Es, March 30th, 1883. Amend Section .10 by adding thereto the words following, viz.:. ",To be expended by the librarian, under, the direction of the ·Court of Errors and Appeals for judicial reports, and not for text books, preference being given to supplying the missing volumes of sets of reports in the library. Said su·m shall be drawn by the librarian's drµ,ft on the State Treasurer, endorsed with the ap- proval of.the said judges or a majority of them," . . . E. W. vYAPLES. Olerk of the House of Representatives. Evfractf'rom, Jou'rnal. And, on his further motion, the amendment was · · Adopted.. Ordered that· the House· be informed thereof. On. motion; the Senate udjourned. 589

MONDAY, April 2; 1883-4.15 o'clock p. m. ~ ..Senate 1net pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present, Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled, '' An act· to incorporate the 1\filford Library Association," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his fti.rther mo- tion,· was referred to the Committee' on Corporations, . . On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled, I • ".An act in reference to live stock running at large in the several school districts o( Sussex county," vVas read a second' time, by its title, and, on his further mo~· tion, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled, "Ail act to incorporate the Kirk's Branch Ditch Company," . Was read a seconcltime, by its title, and, on his further mo- tion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. r , On motion of Mr. Roe, the Hc)Use bill entitled, . " A further supplement to the act entitled, An act to incorpo­ rate _the Gravelly Run Marsh. Company, passed at Dover, Feb­ . ruary '5, 1866, and amended and re-enacted by the act enti­ led, Au act to ameucl and re-enact the act entitled, An act to 'in- . \ 590

corporate the Gravelly Run Marsh Company, passed at Dover, February 5, 1866, passed at Dover, January 24, 1867," Was read a second time, by its tftle, and on his further motion was referred to the Committee on Corporations. ~' Mr. Betts, in pursuance. of previous notice, asked, and, on motion of Mr. Cavender, obtained leave to introduce a bill en~ titled, · "An act to amend the act entitled, An act to incorporate the. Perpetual Savings and Loan Association, Wihi1ington, Dela- , ware," ·

Which, on his motion, was read. Which, on his motion, was read'. lVIr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate bill, en- titled, · · "An act authorizing the Levy Court of New Castle county to make a loan· for the benefit of the Trustees of the Poor of New Castle. county," And returned the same to the Senate. He also informed the Senate that the House had. passed, and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, the hill entitled, "An: aet to incorporate the St. Georges Fruit Packing -Com­ pany." Mr. Betts, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on motion .of Mr. Cavender, obtained leave to introduce a bill enti- ~~ ..

"An aet to incorporate the Brooks Underground Conduit Company," ·which, on his motion, was read. " Mr. Betts, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, n.nd,.on 591 motion· of Mr. Cavendei·, obtained leave to introduce a bill en­ titled. "An act to incorporate the Electrica1 Construction and Maintenance Company,"

·which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Cavender, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, report­ ed as duly and cor:rectly enrolled, and ready for the signature of · the Speaker of the Senate, the following Senate bill and joint resolution, viz. : . " An act to establish a State Library,"

"A joint resolution for the benefit of the Breakwater and _ Frankford Railroad Company."

On motion of Mr .. Roe, the House bill entitle_d, . ' . " An act to amend Chapter 29 of the Revised Code entitled, Of the State Treasurer and Trustee of the school fund,"

Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his furthei' mo­ tion, was referred to· the Committee on· Revised Statutes.

On motio11of Mr. Roe, the House bill e{1titled, " Ari act to amend Chapter 30 of the Revised Code entitled, Of the Auditor of Accounts," · \Vas read a second time, by its title, and, on his fu:rther motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Waples, Clerk of the Hpuse, being admitted, presented to the Senate, for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the following duly and correctly enrolled House hill, the same hav­ ing receiv(ld the signature of the Speaker of the House, entitled; "An act for the rene-\val of the charter of the Delaware Loan Association, in the city of vVilmington." On motion of Mr. Chandler, the House bill ()ntitled, 592 "An act to incorporate the St. Georges Fruit Packing Com­ pany," ,vas read. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported without recommendati'on, the House bill entitled, · ' ' "An act for the relief ·of Benjamin F. C. Rotl~well and others,, " ' , ,vhich, on his motion, was taken· np .·for consideration, and, on his further motion, was Laid on the table.

. ~[r. Cavender, from the Coinmittec on Enrolled Bills, report­ , ed the duly ancl•correctly enrolled House bill, signed by the Speaker of the House, and ready. for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, entitled; , . .· _ ''An act for the renewal of the charter of the .Delaware Loan Association, inthe City of ,vilmington." . He also reported as duly and ·correctly emolled, and ready for the signature ,of the Speaker of the Senate, the following Sen- a,te bills and joint resolutions : · "An net to divorce Louisa Cummins and her husband, 1Vil~ liam A. Cummins, from the bonds of matrimony," "An act· in regard to -pleading in civil .and criminal cases,"

"An act to incorporate the Port Penn Grange I-Iall Com~1 pany, P. ofH., No. 9, of Delaware," . . . . "An act to ci;eate a new School district from Districts Nos, , 62, 63, 64, and 86, in , Sussex county," l(An to amend Chapter 63 of the Revised Statutes," "An act to amend Chapter 387, Volume 15, of the Laws of Delaware," · · , ' . " An act to incorporate the Delaware Pruit Exclunige," "J'oint resolution in reference to Journals of the respective Houses," 593

"Joint resolution in relation to Committee on Divorce," " An act to amend Section 6, Chapter 54, Volume 15, of the Laws of Delaware." Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, returned · to the Senate the duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill entitled, ".An act to establish a State Library," The same having been signed by the Speakers of the two houses. On motion, the Senate adjourned.

38 594

TuESDA Y, April 3, 1883 -10 o'clock a. m.

Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the chaplain. Roll called, · Members present, Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Horsey, Mustard, Roe, and 1\fr. Speaker .. Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitled, " An act to amend the act entitled, An act to incorporate the Perpetual Savings and Lonn Association of Wilmington, Dela­ ware," VVasread a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, wns referred to the Committee on Corporations. · On motion of Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitled, " An act to incorporate the Electrical Construction Corn- ' - pany,." o Was read a second time, by its title, and, on.his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Brooks Undel'ground Conduit Company,'' Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his farther mo­ tion, was referred to the Co1m1;ittecon Corporations.'

Mr. Mustard, from the Committee 011 Education, reported without recommendation, -the Senntc hill entitfod, · "Aii act in relation to free schools," 595 Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was Indefinitely po~tponed. Mr. Roe, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and · on motion of Mr. Chandler, obtained leave to introduce a bill enti­ . tled;, . "4n act to incorporate an association for the p~rchase, im­ provement, and sale of real estate," Which, on his motion, was read .. lVIr.Cavender, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, an1, on motion of Mr. Betts, obtained leave to introduce a bill enti­ tled, '' An act to· incorporate the Dover Manufacturing Com­ pany," ·which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Mustard, from'the Committee on Education, to whom was re-committed the House hill entitled, "An act for the relief of School District No. 116, in Kent , county," Reported the same with favorable recommendation. On his motion, the bill was takei1 up for consideration, and, on motion of Mr. Cavender, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Sl:iall this bill pass the Senate?" was .decided m the affirmative, and the bill Passed the 8ena,te.

Ordered ,that the House be informed thereof~.and the bill .retumed to that body. . Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations,· reported without recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "1'\.11act to amend Chapter 615, Volume ll, of the Laws of Delaware," 596

vVhich; on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was Laid on the table. Mr.Waples, Clerk of the Hous~, beiug admitted, informed the Semite that the House had passed, and nsked the concurrence of the Senate in, the following bills, viz. : "An act entitled, An act to divorce Wm. D. Reed and Mary C. Reed from the bonds of matrimony," · · "A'n act to divorce Thomas E. Sharp, and his wife, Martha P., from the bonds of n)atrimony," "An act to amend an act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Newport, passed April 7, 1873,:' "An act to amend Chapter 47 of .the Revised Code, entitle_d, Of physicians," "An act regulating the practice of' medicine and surgery in this State," · ''An act providing for the election of three assessors for vVH­ mington hundred," He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the following Senate bills, to wit : · "An act in relation to the binding of children by ·corpora- tions of other States," . "An act to change the name of Howard E. Montgomery to the naine of Howard E. Cannon, and to make him, by adoption, a son and heir-at-law of George E. Cannon," "An act to change the rntme of Harry C. Adams to the name of Harry A. Johnson, and to make him, by adoption, a son and heir-at~law of Philip G. Johnson," He also informed the Senate tlrnt the Honse had concurred in the Senate bill entitled, · "An a'ct to change the name ofvViUie C. Bredan to the name of Willie C. Covill, and to make him, by adoption, a son. and hl:lir-at-law of ]?rancis M. Covill," ' 597 With an amendment, and asked the concurrence .of .the Sen- 11tetherein. Mr. Roe, from the Committee on Agriculture, to whom was. referred the petition· for stock la'w in School District No .. 38, in Sussex county, reported a bill entitled, "An act to prevent live stock from running at large m School district No. 38, Sussex county," I Which, on his motion, was read .. On motion of Mr. Cavender, the House bill entitled, "An act regulating the practice of medicil)e and surgery m this State," ,vas read. On motion of Mr.• Cavender, the House bill entitled, "An act t.o amend Chapter 47 of'the Revised Code, entitled, Of Physicians," · S'vas read. On motion of Mr. Chandler the House bill entitled, " ..An· act to amend an act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Newport, passed April 7, 1873," Was read. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, "An act providing for the election of three assessors for \Vil­ mington hundred," Was read.··. On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled, " An aet io divorce Thomas E. Sharp, and his wife, Martha P .. -from the bonds of matrimony," \ · · \Yns read. .598 On motion:of Mr. Mustard, the House bill:entitled, . ~ \ .· . "Au act creating an additional constable· for Sussex county, to reside; wit.hin three miles of Harbeson," ,Vas read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised. Statutes. · On motion of Mr. Cavender, the House bill entitled, ., "An act to incorporate the St. Georges Fruit Packing Com­ pany," ·was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ ;tion, wns referred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion the Senate adjourned.

SAME DAY-3 o'clockP. M. Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Cavender, fron-ithe Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as duly and correctly enrolled ,and ready for the signature of the Speaker ofthe Senate, the Senate bill entitled, . . " An act authorizing the Levy Court of New Castle county to mnke a loan for the benefit of the Trustees of the Pooi of New Castle county." ·· . On motion of Mr. Roe, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce William D. Rt!ed, 1and Mary C. Reed, his wife; from the bonds of mntrimony,'' 599

Was read. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Senate hill entitled, .. . . . , "A.n act to change the name of Willie C. Bredan to the nairie .ofvVillie C. Covill, and to make him by adoption a. son and heir­ at-law of Francis M.. CoYill," As amended by the House, was taken up for considera.tio1( On his motion the ame1i.dment was read, as follows :

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV}JS, .. April. -2, 1883. Amend the bill by changing the name '' Breda:n.'-' in th'e title and in Section l t? the name "Breeding." E. ''V\T.WAPLES,.· 0/erk of the House of Rep1·esentative.'J. ,,Exti;·act from Journal. _And, on his farther motion, the amend'mentwas .. Ooncu1··redin. ~ > ·orde1'edthat the House· be hlfo:i·medthereoJ: Mr. Cooper,:from the _Committee on Revised Statutes, reported hack; with favorable recommendation, ~he ~en.ate biHentitled,. "A1i act to amend an act entitled, An .act to enable the Gov­ Indian River hundred, passed at. Dover, Mai·ch 13, 1871," Which, on his motion, m~s taken up· for consideration, and, on liis forthe~ motion, wµ.s read· a third time, by par~grapws, in . ordm· to pass the Senate. · . The question, " Shall tl~is bill pass the Sen.ate ?" was deci.ded i~1the affirmative, and the bill Passed Hie Senate.

D1:deJ'edI t~) Hie. House for concurrence.. · 600 Mr. Chandler,· from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, wit~ favorable recommendation, the House bill. entitled, , , "An ·act to incorporate the Kirk's· Brarich Ditch· Company," Which, on his motion,· was taken up for consideration, and, 'on his further motion, was read a .third time, by ·paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · On the question, ." Shall this bill. pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, ·wereas follows :

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Horsey, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-7. , Nay.~~None. So the question was decided .in the affirµ1ative, and the bill;· having received the required constitutional major1ty, . · . . Passed the Senate. I Ordered that the House be informed, thereof; an~l the bill re­ turned to that body. Mr. "\Vaples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the following House bills and joint resolutions . . had been found. duly and correctly enrolled, and had received the signature of the Speaker of the, House : ".A su pp1ement to an act entitled, An act· to incorp9rate the town of Middleton, passed at Dove~, February 12, 1861," " An act to authorize the , creation and · establishment of a new school district in Kent county," "An act to propose an amendment to Section 17, of Article, 2, of the Constitution of this State," "An act supplementary to Chapter. 57, of Voh1me 14, of the , Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act providing for the indigent insane of' the State of Dela ware, and the several amendments an­ nexed thereto," , "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School District No. 7~·, in Nev\;.Castle county," · 601

''An act prohibiting live stock from running at l,arge in School District No. 43, in Sussex county," "An act to amend Chapter 311, Section l, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware," "An act proposing amendments to the Constitution for the purpose of increasing the number of Senators and Representa­ tives in the General Assembly," "An act to ·amend Section 21, Chapter 9, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," "An act to authorize Jno. W. and David H.Houston to change the course of a public -road running through their lands in. Broad- kiln hundred, Sussex county," . . . · "An act to amend Chapter 60 of the Revised ·Code of the . State of Delaware," "An act to change the course of a public road in Broad Creek hundred, in Sussex county," · "An act to amend Section1; Chapter 10, Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware," . . . " An act to lay out a new publie road in Mispillion hun- dred, in Kent eounty," ' . . "An act to incorporate the Torpedo Company of the State of _Delaware," · "An act in relation to requisitions for fugitives from justice," "An act to authorize the laying out of a public road in East Dover hundred, Kent county, and State of Delaware," ",Joint resolution authorizing the purchase of the Jump prop- ,erty," · · "J.oint resolution directing the State Treasurer to pay to Hon. Charles B. Loren sum not exceeding thirteen hundred dollars, to defray the expenses cifcertain trials in the United States Dis- ' trictOonrt for the District of Delaware." He also· returned the following duly and correctly enrolled Sonnte bills and joint resolutions, viz. : 602

·,'"A. supplement to the act entitled,· An act to re-incorporate the town of Dover, passed February 27, 1879," "An act to mcorporate .the town of Frankford," "Joint resolution for the benefit of the Break.water and Frank­ ford_ Railroad Company." · .Mr. Roe, from the Connuittee on :A.griculture, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House hill entitled, '. "An act prohibiting .live stock from running at large in School · District No. 55, in Sussex county/' . · \Vhich, on his motion, was take1i up tor· consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . _ rrhe question, "Shall t·his bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. . Orde·red that the House· be h1formed thereof, and the bill re- turned to th~t bo(Jy, Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported, with an amendment, the House bill entitled, "An act' to incorporate the Milford Library Association,":

·vVhieh, on hif? rnotion, ·was taken up for consideration, and, 1 , on his rnotion, the amendment was read, as follows : . .Amend the act by addiilg the following 'in Section 4, "rrhis act shall be deemed· and taken to be a public act," And, on his_.forth er motion, was . Adopted. 1 . And, on his motion, the bill, as a.mended, was read a third ti me, by paragrriphs, in order to pass the Senate. · On the question, '"Shall this bill pass the Senate t' ,the yeas :_rndnays were ordered, which, being taken, ,vere as. follows: · · Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Chandler, Cooper, 1-:Iorsey, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-7. 603 ,Nays-None.

So the question was decided in the affirmative; and the bili, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed lhe Senate.

OrderedthaMhe House be informed thereof: and the bill re-. turned to .that body, for concurrence fo the amenchrient.

Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, re­ ported hack, ,;vith favorable recommendation, the House bill en- titled, ·

"An act to amend Section 12, of Chapter 11~, of the Revised Code of the Laws of Delawa~e,"

Which, on his motion, ,vas taken up Jor consideration~ and, on his motion, ,vas read for the information of the Senate, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · · . · _

'J'he question, " Shall' this bill pass the Senate?" was decided , in the affirmative, and the bill Pa.sr:Jedthe Senate.

; ' Ordered that the House be informed thereof~ and the bill re- turp.ed to that body. · · · . The hour of 4-o'clock: having arrived, the Speak.er announced, as the special order of the day, the further consideration of the Senate bill entitled, · " An act to incorpprate the town of Laurel." Mr. Horsey offored an amendment to biH, as amended, • I \Vhich, on his motion, was read, and, and his further motion, was · Adopted. A°nd, on his motion, the bill, as amended, · was read a thi;d . time; by par·agrapl:~s, in ord~r to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Sena.te ·t" the yen'.s and nays were ordered, which bei~1gtaken, were as follows : 604

Yeas__:_Messrs.Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, ~[pstard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-8.

Nays-None. Ro the question was decided' in the a:fiirmative, and the bill having received ,the required constitutional majority,· .. PaiJsedthe Senate. ! ' Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. ·waples, Clerk of the· House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House· had concurred in the Senate bill en­ titled,

"An act to authorize the Mayor and Council of Wilmington to borrow one hundred and eighty thousand dollars, and to pro­ vi~efor the payment thereof,"

"\Vith amendment~,and f~Sked the concurrence of the Senate in the amendments. Mr. Chandler; from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled,

"A further supplement to the act entitled, An ac.t to incorpo­ rate the Gravelly Run Marsh Company, passed at Dover, Feb­ ruary 5, 1866, and amended and re-enacted by the act entitled, An act to amend and re-enact the act entitled, An act to incor­ porate the Grayelly Run Marsh Company, passed at Dover, Feb­ ruary 5, 1866, passed at Dover, January 24, 1867 ," · "Which, on his motion, was ta.ken up' for· consideration; and, ori.his furthei' motion, was l'ead a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill puss the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Chandler, Horsey, Houston, Mustard,· and Mr. Speaker-6 . . Nays-None. 605

So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having repeived the required constitutional majority, . , · Passed the Senate. Ordered that th'e House be informed .thereof: and the bill re- turned.to that body. · On motjon of Mr. Betts, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to. authorize the Mayor and Council of Wilmington to borrow one hundred and eighty thousand dollars, and to .pro- vide for the payment thereof," ' · . As amended by the House, was ~aken up for consideration, On bis motion the amendments were.. read as follows : · HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, April 3, '18~3 . .Amend the.bill by striking out all of the preamble after the words '~the sum of," in line 8 thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the words,," sixty thousand dollars, to pay for certain water rights in Brandywin~ creek, which the City Council of said city has contracted to ·purchase for the price named," · .I' I' Amend Section 1 of' the bill· by striking out the words "one hundred and eighty" in line 8 of said section, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the wqrd·" sJxty." Further amend saict section by stri}dng out· the words '' pur.:. - poses and objects specified in section 4," in lines 9 and 10 of said section, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words" purpose and · · object specified in secti~n 3." Amend Section 2 by strik.ing all of' said ~ection ~fter 'the word "for," in Jine 11 of said section, to and including the figures 1916~ in line 20 thereof, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words "nine­ ,teen thousand nine hundred dollars to fall due and become paya- ble October 1st, A. D., 1914." .· · · Amend Section 3 of the bill, by striking out all of said sec­ tion after the word " f9r" at the end of line 2 of said section, and inserting, in lieu thereof; the words," the ·purchase of water rights 606 in the south long race, fo said city, contracted for, at that price, by the City Council of said City."

Further . amend the bill by striking out all of Section 4 thereof:

Amend the title by striking out the words " one hundred and eighty," and inserting, in lieu thereof~ the word '' sixty." E. ,v. WAPLES, · Olet·lcof House of 1iep1·esenta._tives. 1l)xtract from Jou1·nal.

Further on motion ofMr. Betts, the-bill, ns amended by the lfouse, w3:s read. Mr. Betts moved. that the amendments he concurred in.

On the question, "Shall the amendments be concurred in?" the yeas and nays __were ordered, which, being taken, were us follows:' . .

Yeas-Messrs.· J3etts, Chandler, Ooop~r, Houston .. Mustard; and Mr. Speaker·-· 6.J Nays:._None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the . aments,.luwing received the required ..constitutiona1 majority, ·were Conm,1.,rr,·eclin. Ordered tlmt the House be infor.rped thereof: " Mr. Cooper,from the Committee onRevised Statutes, reported back, with ±hvorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to protect shippers of ·fruits, vegetribles, eggs, oysters, and other produce," · , . vVhich, on his motion, was taken. up for· consideration, and, on his 'further motion, was read· a third tiine, .by para.graphs,. in order-to pass the ~enate. · 607

The qu'.estion, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the aflirmat~ve, and the bill / ;Passed the Senate. 01~deredto the House for concurrence. ' .Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, report­ ed favorably, the House bill entitled, "An act creating an additional constable :for Sussex county, to reside within three miles of Harbeson," Which, on his motion, was taken .up for consideration, ·and, 'on motion of Mr. Houston, the bill was , Lcdd on the table. Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Roads and Highways, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate hill entitled, · / "..t.\n act to change and straighten a. public road in Sussex ,county," · .

Which. on his motion, wns tnJ~en up for consideration. . ~------. · l\ir. Mustard offored an amendment, which, on his motion, was read, and, on his motion, was Adopted. On motion of Mr. Horsey, the bill~ as amended, w~ts read a third· time, by, paragraphs, in. order to pass the Senate. ·

The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was· decided in the affirm_ativc, and the hill · Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. · Mr. Cavender' presented the claim of Stevenson & Slaugh­ ter against the State of Delaware, which, on his motion, Wf\S re­ , ferred, withotit reading, to the Committee on Claims. On motion, the· Senate adjourned: 608

WEDNESDAY, April 4, 1883-10 o'clock a. m. ·senate met pursuant to a4journment. ' Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present, Messrs. Betts, Cavender·, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker . .Journal read and approved. Mr. Cavender, from the Co.mmittee on Enrolled Bills, 1·eported. , the following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and joint resolutions, ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Sen­ ate, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the House: "An act to authorize the. laying out of a public road in Ea~t Dover hundred, Kent county, and State of Delaware," "An act to amend Section 7, Chapter' lO, Revised Statutes, bf the State of Delaware," "An act to amend Chapter 60 of the Revised Code of the State of Delaware," " An act to lay out a new public road in Mispilliou ht,ndred, Kent county," ·"An act to· change the course of a public road in J3roncl Creek hundred, Sussex county,"

"An act to authorize John t W. and David H. Houston to change the course of a public road running through their lands in Broad Creek hundred, Snssex county," · ' " An act supplementary to Chapter 57 of Volume 14 of the Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act to provide for the indigent insane of the State of Delaware, and .the· several am~ndments thereto," 609 "An act to authorize the creation and establishment of a new S.chool district in Kent county,"

"An act to propose an amendment to Section 17 of Ai:ticle 2, of the Constitution of this State,"

"A supplement to an act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Middletown, passed at Dover, February 12, 1861,"

" An act prohibiting live stock from running at large in School District No. 78. inNew Castle county," " An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in School District No. 43 in Sussex county," "An act proposing amendments to the constit~1tion, for the purpose of increasing the number of Senators and Representa- tives in the General Assembly;" · "An act to amend Section 21, Cl;apter 9, Revised Stattltes of the State of Delaware," · "An act to incorporate the Torpedo Company of the State of · Dela ware," 1 "An act in relation to requisitions for fugitives from justice," I "An act to amend Chapter 311, Section 1, Volume 16, Laws of Delaware," . "A joint resolution directing the State. Treasurer to pay Charles R Lore a, sum n:ot exceeding thirteen hmidred dollars, to defray the expenses of certain trials in the United States Dis­ trict Court, for the District of Delaware," "Joint resolution authorizing the purchase of the Jump property." · · On motion of Mr. Cavender, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Dover Manufacturing Company," ' was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo- tion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. 39 610 Mr. Cooper, on behalf of the committee on i1icreased repre­ sentation, to whom were referred llUil).erouspeti,tions praying for a constitutional amendment providing for district representation, and also petitions praying for a division of New Castle county, presented a report, Which, on his motion, was read, as· follows : The committee on increased representation for New Castle county, to whom were referred numerous petitions praying for such constitutional amendment as will provide for representation in the General Assembly of the State according to population, under the district system, and also numerous petitions praying . for a division of New Castle county, beg leave to rep_ort,that, in view of the action already taken by the General Assembly, in passing a bill providing for such amendments to the constitution as will give to New Castle county an unequal increase of repre­ sentation in the House, they deem it inexpedient and impractica­ ble to do anything further, at this time, in reference to the mat- · ters referred to them. ALEX. B. COOPER, Chairman. S. D. ROE, ' EDWARD W. HOUSTON, EDWARD BETTS. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the report was received and adopt­ ed, and the committee discharged. On motion of Mr. Houston, the House bill entitled, · "An act to divorce William D. Reed and Mary C. Reed, his wife, from the b.onds of matrimony," · . Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Divorce. On motion of Mr. Houston, the House bill entitled,

. , "An act to divorce I Thomas E. Sharp, and his wife, Martha , P., from the bonds of matrimony," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­

tion, was referred to 1the Committee on Divorce. 611

On motion.of Mr. Roe, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate an association for the .purchase~ im- provement, and sale of real estate," · .

· ' vVas read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo 0 tion, was referi·ed to the Committee on Corporations. . ··· pn~otion of Mr. Roe, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to. prevent. Jive stock from running at large in School District No. 38," '\Vas· read a second time, by its title. On motion of Mr. Chandler, the House bill entitled,

· "1\_n act to amend an act entitled, An act to iii corporate ;the town of Newport, passed April 'i, 1873," . · . '\Vas read a secondtime, by its title, and, on his furtlwr mo-· tion, _wasreferrec1.to the Committee on Corpomtions. On motion of Mr. i~ustard, the Hc;1~sebill entitled, "An 'act to amend Chapter 4,7 of the. Revised Code, entitled, Of physicians," . · ·was read a second time, by its title, ancl, on his further mo~ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. . . . ' · Mr. Chandler, ·from the.Committee on ·corporations, ·reported favorably tl1e Senate bill entitled, . . · ·· . ·· ·. "A.n act toincorporatethe Bi·ooks CCrn.duit Company,". ·vVhich, on his motion, was.talrnn up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was .read ii third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · . . And the section~, enacting clause,· mid title of the bill, were . · · · · Adopted. ' On motion of Mr. Chandler, the vote on the :final passage of t.lic bill was postponed till 3 o'clock. 612 Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "Ari act to incorporate the St; Ge01·gesFruit Packing Com-. pany," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were a;sfollows : . Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Mustard, Roe; and Mr. Speaker..,.:--7. Nd.ys-N one. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required con_stitutional majority, · Passed the Senate. Orde1·edthat the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. On 'motion of Mr. Mustard, the House bill entitled, " An act regulating the practice of medicine and surgery in this State," · ; Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. . Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, report- ed back, with an amendment, the Senate hill entitled, " An act to , amend Chapter 13, Volume 14, Laws of Dela­ _,ware," Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and on his further motion, the amendment, was read, and; on his motion was · Adopted. Further, on his motion, the bill, as amended; was read a time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. 613 The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided· in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. "\V"aples, Clerk of the House, being admit,ted, informed the Senate that the House had passed, .·and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, the following bills, viz : · "An act to incorporate the Gum B.ranch Ditch Company," '' An aci to authorize the "\V"ilmington and Northern Rail­ road Company to widen and improve its lines of railroad within this State," · ' "An act to direct the Levy· Courts of the several counties to publish detailed statements of all expenditures of county funds and circulate the same in pamphlet form." . . . · . / Mr. Roe, from the committee of conference ·on the Senate bill entitled, · "An act for the encouragement of immigration, and to foster the agricultural interests ofthe State,"

:presented a report, wl;id1, 011 his motion, was read, as follows : The conference committee appointed to consider the bill enti­ tled, An act for the encouragement of immigration, and to foster the agricultural interests of the State, respectfully report that they have considered the same, and recommend that the Senate i·ecede from its disagreement, ,and concur in. the House amend­ ments to said bill, and the committee report the bill back, re­ engrossed with the House aniendments incorporated, and they re­ commend that the bill, as so reported, be agreed to by both Houses. ' S. D. ROE, E W. HOUSTON, Senate Committee. B. L.LEWIS, HENRY M. BARLUW, THOMAS I. PERRY, · rlouse · Cormnittee. 614 On motion of Mr. Roe, the report was received. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favqrable recommendation, the Sen,ate bill entitle~, "An act to amend the act entitled, An act to incorporate the Perpetual Savings and Loan' Association, of Wilmington, .Dela- ware," · · . ' · . · Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · · On the question, " Shall tliis bill pass the Senate ?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows:

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Horsey, Mustard, J Roe, and Mr. Speak~r-7. Nays_._;_None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, . . Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, " An act to direct the Levy Courts of the several counties to publish detailed statements of all expenditures of county funds, and circulate the same in pamphlet form," · ,wasread .. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, . " An act to authorize the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company to widen and improve its lines. of railroad within this State," . was reacl. . Mr. Betts, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on mo­ tion .of Mr. Chandler, obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, 615 . " An act to incorporate the Wilm/ngton' and Brandywine Passenger Railway Company," Which, on his motion, was read. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with favorable recommenootion, the House bill entitled, ' "An act to amend Chapter 29 of the Revised Code, entitled' Of the State Treasurer and Trustee of the School Fund," Which, on his motion, was' tal~en up for consideration, and, . on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the· Senate. . . The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Orde1·edthat the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ tiirned to that body. . · Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill,1entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 30 of the. Revised Code, entitled, Of the Auditor of Accounts," "Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion; was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · . · · . The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. · 01·dered that the Honse. be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. On motion, the. Senate adjourned. 616

SAME DAY-3 o'clock p. in.

Senate met pursuant to ~djournment.

Mr. Waples~ Clerk of the. House, being admitted, informed the Senate that th\3 House had passed, and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, the bills entitled, · "An act to inco'rporate the Nanticoke Building and Loan As- sociation," · "An act to authorize the Board of Education of the Dover Public Schools to issue b

He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the following Senate bills, to wit:

"An act authorizing Theodore P, Sirma.n to vacate an old road and open a new one, in Gumboro hundred, Si.1ssexcounty," "An act to incorporate the Wapella Manufacturing Com- pany," · · And returned the same to the Senate. The Speaker announced as the special order of the clay, the question on the final passage of the Senate bill entitled, ' "An act to incorporate the Brooks Underground Conduit Company," On the question," ShalHhis bill pass the Senate?" the yeai:; and nays were ordere9-, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs: Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper,. Horsey, Mustard, and Mr. Speaker-7. Nays~None. 617 So the question was decided in the affirinative, and the bi!l, having received the reqbired constitutional majority, . Passed the Senate.

' ' Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. 1Betts, the House bill entitled,

·J , "An act to authorize the 'Board· of Education of the Dover · · Public Schools to is.sue bonds," Was read. Mr. Mustard; from the Committee on Education, to whom was re-committed the Honse bill entitled, "An act for the,benefit of free schools in Kent county,"

Reported back the same, ~vith a substitute.

On his motion, the bill was taken up for consideration, and, on his motion; the substitute was read. ·

Mr. Mustard moved that the forther consideration of the bill be Indefinitely postponed. .. ' On the question, " Shall this bill be indefinitely postponed ?" the yeas1and nays were ordere1, which being taken, were as fol- · lows: · , YeaS:---'-Messrs.Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Mustard, and Mr. Speaker-7. · · · . _ . . , Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill was , Indefinitely postponed. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bil~ entitled, " An act to incorporate the Nanticoke Building and Loan Association," Vvas read. 618 . . · On motion of Mr. Betts, the House 'bill entit1ed, ·. "An act to incorporate the Gum Branch :bitch Company, in Cedar Creek: and Nanticoke hundreds, in Sussex county," · Was·read. Mr. Cooper, on behalf of the 1113:jorityof the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported, without recommendation, the Senate hill entitled, "An act to repeal Ch~pter 328, Volume 16; Laws of the State of Delaware, entitled, An act to provide a uniform ballot for election purposes," · · > ·which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration. :Further, on his motion, the biU was Laid' on the table. . . . Mr. Cooper,from. the Committee on Rev1sed Statutes, reported hack, with.t'nnenchnents, the Senate bill entitled,

"An act to amend an act entitled, An act to provide a, uni­ . form ballot f9r election 11urposes." · On · his motiou, the amendments were. 1·eatl, and, on his motion, were Adopted . . Further on his motion, the bill, as amended; was read a thircl time, byparagraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · Thequestion, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was .decided in the affirmative, and the bill .·. Passed the Senate. Orde1:ed.to the House for concurrence. Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Roads and High,vays, to· whom were referred petitions for an. act authorizing the straightening and widening of Commerce street, in Spruance City~·reported a bill entitled, . . '' An act to lay out a pliblic i·ond in· Duck Creek hundred, Kent county," ~ · ·which, on his motion, was read. 619 Mr. Houston, from the .Committee on Roads and Highways, reported, with •an· amendment, the House bill entitled,

·'An act to authorize the. vacation of a part of a certain public road near the village· of Farmington, in IVIispillion· ·hun­ dred, in Kent county, and to substitute a new road to be laid otit in lieu of the part of said public road so vacated,"

. Which, on his motion, was ta,l~en up for consideration, and, on his motion, the amendment was read, as follows: Amend the bill by striking out the name of '' Zebulon Hopkins." in the second line of Section 1, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the name of " James M. Cain," And, on his motion, the' amendment was adopted. i ·' And, on his further motion, the· bill,· as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · . The question," Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof:. and the bill re­ turned to that body for concurrence in the amendment. . Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, re­ ported back, ,vith favorable recommendation, the House bill en­ titled, "An act to repeal Chapter 478, Volume 16, of the Laws of Dela ware,'' · · Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · · On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Se~ate ?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-.Messrs. B~tts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper,. Horsey, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-9. Nays-None. 620

I So the question. was decided Ill the affirmati-ye, and the bill,' having received the required constitutional majority, Passed.the Senate. Ordered that the House be inforn°ied thereof, and the bill · returned to that body. On motion ofl\fr. Mustard, the Senate bill entitled, . " An act for the encouragement of immigration, and to foster the .agricultura1 interests of the State," . Was taken u1:ifor consideration. Mr. Roe moved that the Senaterecede/from their non-concur- 1rence in the House amendments; . . . On the question, "Shall the Senate recede from their non­ concurrence in the House amendments, the yeas and nays were. ordered, which being taken, were as follows : · , . Yeas-'-"Messrs. Horsey, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-5. ·

1 Nays-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Clmndler, and Cooper-4. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the Senate receded· from its· non-concurrence in. the amendments. · . On motion of Mr. Roe,· the pill,as amended by the House, . was read. . · · Mr. Cavender offered amendn1ents, which,on his motion were. read, us follows : Amend .Section 1 by inserting in line 7 of said section, be­ tween the wo1;ds"Delaware" and ''who," the following, to wit: "one of whom shall be superintendent, and shall receive a salary of $1,000.00 per annum." Amend Section 2, by inserting between the words ''compensa­ ' tion" and "for," iri line 2 of said section, the following, to wit: "except as provided in Section l." Mr. Cavender moved that the amendments be adopted. 621 On the question, "Shall the amendments be adopted?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, and Cooper-3. Nays-Messrs.' Chandler, ·Horsey, Houston,. Mustard, Roe, · and Mr. Speaker-6. Sothe question was decided in the negative, and the amend- . ments were · Lost. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the bill was re-committed to the Committee on Vacant Lands. · Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled,, "An act to incorporate the Electrical Construction and Main- . tenance Company," · · .. Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs; in order to pass the Senate. On the question, ".Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-:-Messrs .. Betts, Cavender, Chandler; Cooper, Houston, Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-8. Nays-None. So the question was decided ih the affirmative, and the bill, having received therequired constitutional majority, • Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On rnoti~n, the Sen;te adjourned. 622

THURSDAY, April 5th. J883-l0 o~clocka. 111.'

Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Mem hers present, · Messrs. Betts, Ca vend er, · Chandler, Cooper, Houston,· Mustard, Roe, and Ivfr. Speaker. Journal read and approv~d. , On motion of Mr .. Betts, the Senate bill entit.lecl, I "An act to incorporate the Wilmington and Brandywine· Passenger. Railway Company/'· · · was read 'a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Mustard presented· a bill of I. It D. Knowles, for adver­ tising an~ prii;iting for 1881 and 1882, . ,vhich, .on his' motion' wns referred, without reading, to the Committee on Claims.

1 On motion of ~r. Betts, the House bill entitled, "An act to authorize the Wilm,ington and Northern Raifroad Company to widen and' improve its lines of· railroad within this State," . · ., . . Was read a second tim~, .by its title, and, on his furthei· mo­ tio~, was referred to. the Committee on Corporations. On motio:q of Mr: Cavender, the Semite bill entitled,

I . '' An act to lay out a public road· in Duck Creek ·hundred, Kent county," Was read second time, by its title. 623 On motion of Mr. Betts, the House biU entitled, , " An act to authorize the Board of Edt~cation of the· Dove1; Public Schools to issue bc~mds," vVas read a second time,. by its title, and on his further mo- . tion; was referred to tl~e Committee on Education. . · ' , IVIr.Ca vende1~,from the Committee on ~nrolled Bills, r~ported as duly and correctly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate,. the following Senate bills, viz. : "A.n act .to change the name of Willie C. Breeding to the nanie of Willie C. Covill, and to make him by adoption the son and heir at-law of Francis M. Covill," · '' An act to authorize the Mayor and Council of vVilmington ~ to bono,~1 sixty thousand dollars, and to provide for the payment . thereof." · · · · Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, -with favorable.recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, ' ' ,' ,' ' , ' "A.n act to incorporate the Dover Manufacturing Company,'._ · ·which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, o:ri. his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. : . · ·

1 On· the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows:. .· . l Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Ch~ndler, Cooper, Roe., ancl Mr. ·Speaker~6. Na,ys-None~ 'So the question was, decided ii1 the affirmative; and the hill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passeclthe Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. , Mi·.. Coopei·, offered a joint reso,ution, providing for the, ven..: ' tilation of the halls of both Houses-of the Gen~ral Assembly, and. 624 the constiuction of private accommodations for the members thereof~ Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion, was .Adopted. Mr. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed, and asked the concurrence oft.he Senate in, the following bills, to wit :

"An act to. enable Joseph Vaughan to survey and l~cate cer­ tain vacant land in· Broad and Little Creek· hundreds, Sussex · county, and complete his title thereto," "An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in School . District No. 126, Sussex county," . "An ·act·prohibiting live stock from running atlarge in united School Districts Nos. 80 and 152, Sussex county," "An actto amend Chapter 90, Vol 14, Laws of Delaware, entitled, An act concerning c.orporations," · "An act to amend Chapter 442, Volume 16, Laws of Dela- ware," · "An act to amend Section 1, Chapter 107, Volume 16, of the Laws of Delaware," · · · · " An act to divor~e Julia A. Morgan and her husband, Geo. W. Morgan, from the bonds of,matrimony," "An act to straighten a public road in vVest Dover hundred, Kent county, from Hawkins M. E .. Church to vVright's Cross Roads," · "An act relative to collection of road taxes in New Castle county," "An act concerning the payment of taxes in Red Lion hun­ dred." . . He:also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the following, Senate bills, to wit:, 625 "An act to incorporate the Diamond State Conserving and Pickling Company, of Smyrna, D<=:laware," . · ·

· "An act to incorporate Atlantic Lodge, No. 15, of the Inµe- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, at Lewes, Delaware," . . · "An act to prevent live stock from running at large in Lewes and Rehoboth hundred, Sussex county," . , I . . "An: act to amend Chapter 15 of the Revised Code,:as amend­ ed by Chapter 326, of Volume 16, Laws of Delaware," "An act to incorporate the C. IL Treat Manufact~ring Com- pany," . , : . · . l "An act to incorporate the Diamond Milling Company," ' "An act to divorce Seth 0. Gibbons from his wife, Lydia Gibbons." · . . Also, that the House had concurred in the Senate bill en:ti- tled, · ('An act to provide for the regulation of weights and meas- · ures," · · ·

I With an amendment, and asked the concurrence of the Sen­ ate therein. On ~otion of Mt\ Cooper, the Senate bill entitled, "An act. to provide for the regulation of weights and measures in NewCastle county," · As amended by the House, ·was taken up for consideration, and, on his motion, the House amendment was rea~, as follows:

HOUSE OF REPRESEN'.r.A.'l'IYES, April 2, 1883.: . Amend the bill by adding, at the end thereof, the :rollowing:

SECTION 5. That all beams, scales, weights, arid measures, tested, adjusted, and stamped, under the provisions of this act, 40 626

which shall be used in the public market houses in any city .or ·' incorpoI"a,ted town in said county, shall be liable to be tested and ac1justed by the regulator of ·weights and measures of such city ortown, but nofee shall be charged therefor: provided, however, that if, upon such testing and adjustment, such beams, scales, weights, or 1neasures shall be found to be false, the person or per· sons in whose possession the same shall. be found, shall, in addi­ tion to the fees prescribed by Section 3 of this act, pay to the · regulator of weights and measures of such city or. town, the fees allowed to such regulator for like services, under the ordinances and regulations of said city or tow1i. E. vV.WA.PLEB, · Clericof 1-Ioir,seof Representatives, Extract f1·om JoiL1·1utl. And, on his motion, the amendment was Ooncw·1·edin. Ordered that the House be informed thereof'. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the House bill entitled, "A.n act to amend Section 1, Ohapt!3r 107, Volume 16, of.the Laws of Delaware," ·

Was read, and, on his motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill, and, on his further motion., the bill was read a second time, by its title, and, on his motion, wns referred to the Commit- tee on Revised Statutes.· · · On motion of Mr. Cooper; the Honse hill entitled, " A.n act to amend Chapter 90, Volume VJ:, Laws of Dela­ ware; entitled, A.n act concerning corporations," . Was read. A.nd, on his motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this. hill, and, on his further motion, tlrn hill was read a. second time, by its title, and, on his motion, was referred to the Committre ni1 J;tevised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Honse hill r.ntitled, 627 ".An act relative to collection of road taxes in New Castle county," Was read, .And, on his motion Rule 14 was suspended.as to this bill, and, on his forther motion, the bill was read a second time, by its .title, and, on his, motion, was referred to the Committee on Re- vised Statutes. · On motion of Mr. Cooper, the House bill entitlecl,_ ".An act concerning the payment of road taxes in Red Lion hundred," vVas Tead. · On his motion, Rule 14 was suspended, and, on' his motion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further motion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the House bill entitled, ".An act to amend Chapter 442 of Volume 16, Laws of Dela- ,v_are," ' · Was read. On his motion, Rule 14 was suspended, and, on his motion, the bill Was read a SJ~condtime, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes; On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, '~.Anact to enable' Joseph _Vaughan to smvey and .locate ce1·­ . tain vacant land in BToad and .Little Creek hundreds, Sussex county, ~nd complete title his title thereto," Was read. On motion of Mr. Betts, _theHouse bill entitled,· '' .An act to straighten a public road in ,Vest Dover hun- 628 dred, Kent county, from Hawkins M. E. Church to "\Vright's Cross Roads," Was read. On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, ' "An act to divorce Julia A, Morgan and her husband, George \V. Morgan, from the bonds of matrimony," . vVas read. 0~ motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled,

':An, act to prohibit live stock from running at large in United School. Districts Nos. 80 and 152, Sussex county," Was read . .On motion.of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled, , "An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in School District No. 126, Sussex county," \Vas reacl. On motion of Mr. Betts, the Committee on Printing was authorized to have ~00 copies of the proposed substitute for the bill, known as the Port Wardens bill, printed. Mr. Cooper, in pursmtnce of previous notice, asked, and on motion of Mr. Betts, obtained leave to introduce n. bill enti~ tled, "An act·relating to crimes and punishvients," Which, on his motion, was read, and on his motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill, and, on his further motion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, and, on his motion, was re- , ferred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. O,n motion,the Senate adjourned till three o'clo~k p. m. 629

SAME DAY - 3 o'clock p. m.

Senate met pursuant to adjournme~t. Mr. Mustard, from Committee on Education, reported, back, with favorable rec9mmendation, the House bill entitled, . ·"An act to incorporate and enlarge School District No. 90, in the town of Bridgeville, Sussex county, arid for oth(?r purposes," ' ·which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · On the· question; " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the. yeas· . ·and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : . . .. Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Mustard, Roe, ancl Mr: Speaker-6. · · Nays-None. So the question was decided· in the affirmative, apd the bill, having received the 1~equiredconstitutional majority, · · Passed the Senate. . . . ' ' Ordered that the House be informed thereof~ and the bill 1·e-· turne~ to that body. . Mr. ·waples, 'Clerk of the House,, being admitted, returned to the Senate. the following duly and correctly enrolled bill, the same having received the signature of the Speakers of the two houses, entitled, "An act to authorize the Mayor and Council of Wilmington to borrow sixty thousand dollars, and to provide for the payment thereof." · · On m,otion of Mr. Roe, the Senate bill entitled, 630 .. "An act to 1prevent live stock from running at large in School District No. 38," Was ta'ken up for con~ideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by pa~·agraphs, in order to pass the Sen­ ate. The qt1estion, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · Pas,qedthe Senate. Ordered to· the House for concurrence~ . Mr. Roe, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported, with­ out recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to prevent live stock from running at large in School District No; 42~~,in Sussex county( Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was · Lai,d on the table. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the House bill entitled,. · " An. act providing for the election of three assessors foi ,Vil~ mington hundred," . . . Was read a second time, by its title, and on his further nio­ tion, ,vas. referred.to the Committee on Revised Statutes, . \ On m?tion of Mr. Cooper, the House bill entitled, ..'i An act to direct the Levy Courts of the several counties to · publish detailed statements of all expenditures of county funds, and circulate the same in pamphlet form," · · ; · Was read a second tiIµe, bv its title, and on his further mo­ tion, was referred to the Commfttee on Revised Statutes. . . Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, .·with favorable recommend~ti

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" the yeas and nays ,were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : ·

Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Houston; Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-8. Nays-None. So the question wainlecided in the affirrnati ve, .and the hill, having received the required constitutional majority, · Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence~ On motion· of Mr. Cavender, the House bill entitled,

"An act to incoi·porate the Gum B1.'anch Ditch Compaiiy,''. vVas read a second. time, by its title, and, on his further 1no- tion, was referred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Cavender, the House hill entitled, . " An a.ct to incorporate the Nanticoke Building and Loan Association," · ·was rea:cla second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion, ,~as referred to. the Committee on Corporations. ... }\fr. '\Vaples, Clerk of the I-louse, being admitt.ed, informed. the l:'.}enatethat the House had pm:sed, and asked the concurrence _ofthe .Senate in, the following bills: · r

• : ! "An act to prevent live stock from running at large fo School District No. 31, in Sussex county," · · · , Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, 'and, on ' . his further motion, was Laid on the table. On'.motion of M~.. Chandler, the House bill entitled,

"An act in relation to the election tof .road commissioners in New Castle county," ·

\ Was read. On ~ot1.on of M!·Mu~tard, the House pill entitled, ."An act for the relief of. certain.heirs .of Lydia Ann Grave, deceased," · ,vasread. On motion,-the Senate adjourned. 633

FRIDAY, April 6, 1883_:_10 o'clock a. m. Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll caUed: Members present, Messrs. Betts, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston, Mustard,. Roe, and Mr. Speaker. · Journal read and approved.

· On motion of Mr. Horsey, the House bill entitled, ' . " An· act to enable J os(lph Vaughan to survey and locate certain vacant land in Broad and Little Creek hundreds, in Sussex county, and complete his title thereto," · SVas read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tton,' ..was referred to the Committee on Vacant. Lands. Mr. Mustard, from the Committee on Education, to · whom was referred a petition for the consolidation of School Districts Nos. 37, 146, and 147, Sussex county, reported a bill entitled,

"An act to consolidate School Districts Nos. 37, 146, and 147, in Sussex county, under the title of the Gumbofo Public Schools," Which, on his motion, was· read. Mr. Betts, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and on mo­ ' tion of Mr. Mustard, obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Bellah ·Iron Cornpany," Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill, and on his further motion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, and, on his motion, w~s re- ferred to the Committee on Corporations. · · / .


\ Mr. Betts presented pei~itions signed by George ·w.B~sh & . Sons, and 17 others, praying for /the passage of a bill entitled, "A.n act for the protection of the harbor of Wilmington·, and improvement of the mwig~tion of the waters thereof:" On .his motion,' one of the petitions was read, and, 'on his mo­ tion, the petitions were· refened to the Committee on Cities and Towns. Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Roads a11d Highways, reported, with amendments, the. House- bill entitled, . ·

"An act to change the course of a public road in Mispillioh hu~clred, in Kent comity, and lor other purposes,"

vVhich, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, 'on·his inotion, the amendments were read, as follows: · Amend Section 1 of the bill in the first· and second lines thereof by striking out the names of John M. Eisenbrey, Clement A. Harrington, and James P. Hopkins, and inseit in lieu thereof the following names : Alex. Johnson, H. C. Walcott, and James . A. Smith. .Also, further amend said section in the nineteenth line thereof: by inserting after the word " Burrsville," and· before the word "and" the followir;ig words, viz. : "And also to view the premises and determine if there is need. of a change. in the public road leading from the:town of Farmington, fo lVIispillion. hun­ dred, Kent county, to 1 the town of Burrsville aforesaid, commenc­ ing at the point-where the public road leading from the said town of Farmington to the town of Burrsville intersects the said road leading from the town of Harrington to the town of Burrsville, and following the course of the o]d road bed until it intersects · the old road bed first in the section named." . On his. motion, the amencJments were Adopted, , . And, on his further motion, the bill, as amended, was reacl a third' time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. _ The question, "~hall this bill pass the Senate?" was ~ecidcrl }n the aflirmati ve, arid the bill , .Pas~edthe Senate. Orc/,ereclthat the House be informed thereof~ and the bill re­ turned~ to that body, for concui-rence in the amendments. 635 On motion of l\fr. Cooper, the House bill entitled,· "An act in 1·elation to the election of road commissioners in New Castle county," Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further. mo:: tion, wasreferred to the Committee on Elections. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes,, report­ ed 1Jack, with an amendment, the Senate bill entitled, "An act relating to crimes and punishments,"

,vhich, on his motion, was taken up foi; consideration, and, on his motion, the amendnient was read, as follows : ' ·

' Amend by substituting for the title of the bill th~ following: "An act to amend Section 20, Chapter 133, of the Revised Statutes, entitled, General provisions relating to crimes and pun- ishments," · · .And, on his motion; was adopted. " On h.is further motion; the bill, as :tmenclecl,.was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate .. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was de- cided in the affirmative, and the bill PaS1;e(ithe Senate. Ordered to the Honse for concurrence. Mr. Cooper, from the Co~mittee on Revised Statutes, report­ ed back, with favorable recommendation, the House bill enti­ tled; "An act to amend Chapter 442, Volmne 16, of the Laws of Delaware," · · Which, on. his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, ion .his fgrther motion, was reada third time, oyparagraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · · . ··· . . . The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affil'mative, and the bill Passed the Senate. . 636

01·de1"edthat· the· House be informed thereof,. and 'the bill re .. · turned to that body. ·· . . . . Mr. Horsey presented the bill of .A. Smithers, for stamps for the Libr'ary, · . · · : Which, on his motion, was read, and, on his further motion, was referred to. the Committee on Claims. ' . . ' ' Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Divorcp, reported. back, with f~vorable recommendation; the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce ··William D. ,Reed ·ahd Mary C. Reed, 'his wife, fi~omthe bonds of matrimony, ·

'.Which, OD; · his motion, w~s taken up for. consideration,· and, ·on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order .to pass the Senate. On the qt~e~tion,'.' Shall this bill pass the Semite?" the yeas and nays wer~ ordered, which, being taken, were as follows·: Yeas-1\fossrs .. Cooper, Hor~ey, Houston, and Mr. Speaker ---:4; Nays-Messrs. Betts, Chandler, and l\fostar~-3. . ' So the question was decided in .the affirmative, arid: the ·bill, · ' Passed tlie Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof; and the. bill re- turned to that body~ · · Mr. Vvaples, Clei--k of .the House, bJing· admitted, inforinetl the Senate that' the House had concurred in the Senate amend"." . ments to the following ~ouse bills: · "An act to incorporate the Milford Lib1:a.ry Association," "An act to authorize the vacation of a ·part,. of a. certai;n pub­ lic road near the village of Farmington, in Mispillion hundred,· in Kent ~;aunty, and to substitute 3: new road to be laid out iu · lieu of the old rqad so vacated. , · · , · .· 637' He also informed the Senate that the House had passed, and asked the concurrence of the Senate in, the bill entitled, ''An act proposing amendments to Article 6 of the Constitu­ tion of this State." And farther, he informed the Senate that the House had con­ curred in the following Senate bills, viz. : "A farther supplement to an act entitled, An act to incorpor­ ate the ·wnmington City Railway. Company, passed at Dover, February 4, 1804," · · "An act to incorporate the Shipley Street Sewer Company, of \Vilmington, Delaware," · He also presented for the signature of the Speaker of the Sen­ ate, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the House, the following duly and correctly enrolled House bill, entitled, ''.An act to authorize the vacation of a part of a certain pub­ lie road, in the village of Farmington, in Mispillion hundred, in Kent county, and to substitute a ne,v road to be laid.out in Jieu of the old road so vacated." On motion of Mr. Betts, the House bill·entitled, "An act proposing amendments to .Article 6 of the Constitu- tion of this State," · \Vas read, and, on his motion, Rule 14 was' suspended as to this bill. On his motion, the bill was read a second time, by its title, . and, on his farther motion, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. . Mr. Betts moved that ,Yhen the Senate adjourned this morn- ing, it be to meet at 4.15 p. m., on Monday ne~t, ,Nhich motion Prevailed. : 1Yir.Cooper, in pursuance ·of previous notice, asked, and, on mot.ion of l\fr. Betts, obtained leave to infrocluce a bill enti­ tled, 638

"An act relating to elections in this State/

'\\lhich, on his motion, was read, and, on his motion, Rule 14 was suspended as to this bill, and, on his further motion, the bill · was read a second time, by its title, and on his motion, was re­ ferred to the Committee on Education. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported, with favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, · "An act to incorporate the \V"ilmington and Brandywine Passenger Railway Company," · Which; on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · . · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yemi and. nays were/ordered, which, beingtnJcen, were as follows: Yeas----Messrs. Betts, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Mustard, and Mr. Speaker----6. · Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received therequired constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. . Mr. Cooper, from the. Committee on Revised Statutes, re­ ported back, with favorable recommendn,tion, the House bill en­ titled, "1\.n act providing for the election of three assessors for Wil­ mington hundred,"

\Vhich, 1011 his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his f\1rther motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were ns fo1lows: 639 · Yeus·-Messi~s. Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston, Mustar~1, and Mr. Speaker-6. · Nuys~Mr. Betts-1. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Pas:sedthe Senate. Order/:dthat the House be informed thereof, and the bill, re- turned to that body. · ..· · Mr~.Chandler, from the Committee on Corpor'ations,' repoi'tecl hack, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to authorize the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company to widen and .improve its line of railroad within this State.'' · . · · \ ,vhich, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, on his ·.further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . , · · · On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the. yeas anq.nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston,' and, Mr. Speaker-K NayB--:None. So the ·question was decided in the affirmative, and the hill, having received the required constitutional majority, ' P.18sedthe Senate. ·Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bili re- turned to that. body. · · Mr. Comegys, a member of the House, being admitted, re­ turned to the Senate the following duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill, entitled, · . .. .· · · " An act to incorporate the- Del~ ware Fruit Exchange." He also informed the· Senate that the H(nise had eoncu rrel11 in the fo]]:owing Senate hill, entitled, 640 "Ali act to afoend- Chai).ter 1~ of Voh~me 14, LMvs o( Del­ , aware," . ,vith an· amendment, and ·askeclthe concurrence of the Senate in the amendment, .

. And, further~· that the House had concurred in the fbllowing

1 Senate bill~, to wit ..:. · " An act to divotce Annie B. Eberle from lwr.·husband, Ed­ , ·ward F ~ :Eberle," · "An act to divorce Stephen T. Records fi·on1· his ,vife, Sarnh

E. Records." . . . I

,, ' ,, .• ., : · On motion of lVIr. Betts/the lfo11se bill entitlec1, . "!An ·act for. the relief ·of· certain heirs deceased," · Was read a second time, by its title, and, on his further mo-, . tfon, was referred.to the Committee.on Revised Statutes/

. On motion ·of Mr. Betts, tl~e,House· hill entitled,

. ' . . "A:tj actto.straight~n n,1:>nblicfoadih·,v-est·Dover. lmrn)red,. Ken~ county~ from Hawkins' IVLE. Church to ·wright's Cross, . Roads," · · . ·_ vYas read a seco11dtime, by its title, .mid, on his furthe1i mo'!.. tion, was referred ~o the Committee on· Ro,ads, and Highways. · On motion of :Mr. Betts, the ,House bill entitled,

, " An act to , divoi·ce Julia A. Morgan· aiid her husb~nd, _: George.vV. Morga1i, f~om the bonds of matrimony," 'vVas1·ead a second,time, by'it~ title, ·~ncl,on his furtl10r mo­ . tion, wa~ refe~~reclto the Committee on Divorce;

l :onmotion of Mr. Betts, the House bill entitled,. "An act prohibiting live stock fi:om running nt large in United School Districts Nos. 80 and 152, in Sussex county;'' \ . 641

vVas reacl :i secund time, by its title, and, on his further mo­ tion,lwas referred. to the Committee on Agriculture.

'' . . Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, report­ ed as duly and correctly enrolled, signed by the Speaker of tho House, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the following House bill, entitled,

"An i),Ctto authorize the vacation of a part of a certain public road near the village of Farmington, in Mispillion hundred, in . Kent county, and to substitute a new road to be laid out in lieu of the part of said public road so vacated." On motion of Mr. Houston, the House bill entitled, "An act creating an additional constable ~i>rSussex county, to reside within three miles of Harbeson," Was taken up for consideration, lind, on his further motion, was recommitted to the. Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Mustard, Rule 14 was suspended as to Senate bill. entitled, ·"An act to consolidate School Districts Nos. 37, 146, and 147, in Sussex county, under the title of Gmriboro Public Schools,', And, on his motion, the bill was read a second time, by its .. title. On his motion, Rule 14 was suspended to allo,v the bill to be read a third time, by paragraphs . . On his motion, the bill was taken up for consideration, and, on on his further motion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in / order to pass the Senate. · ' On the question, " Shall this bill f}assthe Senate ?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows: · - Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston, Mustard and Mr. Speaker-7. Nays-None.: 41 G42 So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill.· having received the required constitutional majority,. Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the Clerk was directed to inform the House that the Senate requested the return of the House bill entitled, '' An act to repeal Chapter 478 of Volume 16 of the Laws of Delaware." Mr. vVaples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, returned to the Senate a duly and correctly enrolled Senate bill, signed by the Speakers of_the two Houses, entitled, · "An act to create a new school district from Districts Nos. 62, 63, 64, and 86; in Georgetown hundred, Sussex co1mty." On motion, the Senate adjourned. 643

MoND.t\Y,April 9, rns3-4.t5o'?lockp.m.·

Senate·met .pursuant to adjournment. \ Pfay~r by the Chaplain~ ·

Roll· called, members present; Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler~ ,Coo1)er, Horsey, Houston, Mustard, Roe, ·and Mr. Speaker. ' ,Journal read and approved. Mr. Cavender, froni the Committee on Enrolled Bills, :reported as duly and correctly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker ,of the Senate, the followh~g Senate bill, entitled,

' I • • • -~' ".A.n act to incorporate the Shipley Street Se,ver Compa.ny of Wilmington." · On motion of Mr. Houston, the Senate Mll entitled,

"An act to lay.out a public road in Duck Creek hundred, Kent county,"

Was taken up for consideration, ~11d, on motion of· Mr. Citvender, ,vasread a third time, hy puiagraphs, in.order to })nss the· Senate. l The question, '' Shall this:bm pass the Senate?" was decided in the _affirmative, and the ·bill Passed the Senate .. Ordered.to the House for concurrence. lVIr.. Waples, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed , the Senate that the House had passed, and asked the. concnrrence of the Senate in, the following })ills, to ·wit : " (~f claims against the State,'' 644 " An act to divorce William Noble from his wife, Hester A. Noble,; ' '"An act to amend Chapter 57, Revised Code, relating to. division fonces." , . . . He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the following bill, entitled, "An act to divorce Jackson E. Hastingw and J ustiua Hast­ ings from the bonds of matrimony," And returned the same to the Senate . . Mr. Houston, from the Committee on Divorce, to whom was referred the petition of Charlotte A. Burton for .a divorce f1;omher husband, reported a bill en~itled, "An act to divorce Charlotte A. Burton from her husband, John Lot_Bui.·ton,". Which, on his 1notion, was read.

Mr. Betts presented the petition of Charles vVarner & Co., and others, praying for the passage of a bill entitled, " An act for the protection of the harbor of Wilmington, and the i~provement of the navigation of the waters thereof," Which, on his motion, was read, and referred to the Com­ mittee .on Cities and Towns. Mr. Betts, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, aiid, on mo- tion of Mr. Chandler, obtained leave to int1:oduce a bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Em·eka M:urnfacturi1~gCompany," Which, on his niotion, was reacl. Mr. Betts, in purs1rnnce of previous notice, asked, and on . motion of Mr. Chandler, obtained leave to iutrnduce a bill enti­ tled, "An act to incorporate the '\Vilmington Trust, Safo DcpCJsit and Insurance Company," 645

Which, on his motion, was reacl. Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported -hack,'with favorable recommendation, House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Nanticoke Building and Loan Association," ' . , . · Which, on his motion, was taken up for consideration, and, .on his further motion, was read a third time, by. paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Betts, Cavender, Chandler, Cooper, Horsey, Houston; Mustard, Roe, and Mr. Speaker-9. Nays-None. 80 the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill; having received the required constitutional majority, · Passed the Senate. Ordered tlmt the House be informed thereof: and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Houston, from the Conm1itt~e on Divorce, reported hack, with favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, . . "An act to divorce Thomas E. Sharp aud his wifo, Martha P., from the bonds of matrimony," ,Vhich, on his motion, was taken up for considemtion, and on his further 1notion, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pnss the Senate. The <1uestion,"Shall this bill pass the Senate?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered . that the House be informed thereof; and the bill returned to that body. , Mr. Chandler, from the Committee on Corporations, reported, with an amendme11t, the House bill entitled, 646 '' An act to amend an act entitled, An act to incorporate the town of Newport, passed April 7, 1883," Which, on his motion, was taken up, for consideration.

On his motion, the amendment was read, as follows :

Amend ·the bill by striking out all after the word "section," in line 61, and the word "and," in line 62 of Section 1 (being the House amendment to the original bill, and marked " A.") Arid, on hi~ motion, was Adopted.

And, 011 his further motion, ·the bill,. as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to· pass the Senate.

On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?"*the yeas and nays were ordered, which, being· taken, were as follows: :Yeas-Mes8rs. Betts, Chandler,. Cooper, Horsey, Houston, Mustard, and Mr~ Speaker-7. · Nays-None. Sq the que·stion wns decided in tho affirmativ·e, and the hill, having received the required constitutional majority, 1 · · Pas8ed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill ·returned to that body. '

Mr. Cooper, from the Committee 011 Revised Statutes, report­ ed, with amendments, the House bill entitled, "An act creating an additional constable for Sussex, county, · to resid.e within three miles of Harbeson," "' Which·, on his motion, was taken U})for consideration, and, on his motion, the amendments were read, as follows : ,

A.mend Section 1 of the bill, by striking out the words "with­ in three miles of Harbeson station," in the 4th and 5th lines thereof, and insert, in lieu thereof, the words following, "in Broad- kiln hundred.", , · · . . · · Also, a1riend the title by striking out the words "within three miles of Harbeson station," and insert, in lieu thereof, the words "in Broadkiln hundred."

And, on bi's motion, the amendments were Adopted,

A.nd, on his further .motion, the bill, as .amended, was' read a third time, by paragraphs, in or.der to pass the Senate.

The question, "Shall this qill pass the Senate?" was decided · in the affirmative, and the bill Pa8sed the 8enate.

Ordered that the House be informed thereof~ and the bill re­ ttirned .to· that body, for concurrence in the amendment.

M1~~Cooper, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported, with an amendment, the House bill entitled, ·

"An act tq amend .Chapter 90, Volume 14, Laws of Dela- ware, entitled, An ~ct concerning corporation$," Which, on:his motion, was taken up for consideration, ,And, on his motion, the amendment was read as follows : Amend Section 1 of the bill by striking out the words " 'Loan Association,' and insert in lieu thereof, the following, State, and before the word ' except.' " · I Further, on his motion, the bill was read, with the ·amend- -ment, and, on his motion, the amend~ent was Adopte~. And, on· his further motion, the bill was read a third time, by para.graphs, in order t9 pass the Senate.

The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" was decided in the affirmative, and the bill · Passed the Senate.

. : Orde1·eclthat the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body, for concurrence in the amendment. Mr. Horsey, from the Committee on Electioi'ls, reported, with amendments, the House bill entitled, , .