The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester Lancashire
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THE LIMES, BLACKBURN ROAD, RIBCHESTER LANCASHIRE Archaeological Watching Brief Oxford Archaeology North January 2005 Mrs P Howarth Issue No: 2004-5/334 OA North Job No: L9478 NGR: SD 65861 35410 Planning Application No: 3/04/1023/p Document Title: THE LIMES, BLACKBURN ROAD, RIBCHESTER, LANCASHIRE Document Type: Archaeological Watching Brief Client Name: Mrs P Howarth Issue Number: 2004-5/334 OA Job Number: L9478 National Grid Reference: SD 65861 35410 Planning Application No: 3/04/1023/p Prepared by: Kathryn Blythe Position: Project Supervisor Date: January 2005 Checked by: Emily Mercer Signed……………………. Position: Project Manager Date: January 2005 Approved by: Alan Lupton Signed……………………. Position: Operations Manager Date: January 2005 Oxford Archaeology North © Oxford Archaeological Unit Ltd 2005 Storey Institute Janus House Meeting House Lane Osney Mead Lancaster Oxford LA1 1TF OX2 0EA t: (0044) 01524 848666 t: (0044) 01865 263800 f: (0044) 01524 848606 f: (0044) 01865 793496 w: e: [email protected] Oxford Archaeological Unit Limited is a Registered Charity No: 285627 Disclaimer: This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Oxford Archaeology being obtained. Oxford Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person/party using or relying on the document for such other purposes agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm their agreement to indemnify Oxford Archaeology for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Oxford Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person/party by whom it was commissioned. The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester, Lancashire; Archaeological Watching Brief 1 CONTENTS SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................................3 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................4 1.1 Circumstances of the Project...............................................................................4 2. METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................................5 2.1 Project Design .....................................................................................................5 2.2 Watching Brief....................................................................................................5 2.3 Archive................................................................................................................5 3. BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................6 3.1 Location, Geology and Topography ...................................................................6 3.2 History and Archaeology ....................................................................................6 4. WATCHING BRIEF ......................................................................................................9 4.1 Results.................................................................................................................9 4.2 Conclusions.........................................................................................................9 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY .........................................................................................................10 ILLUSTRATIONS ............................................................................................................12 List of Figures...............................................................................................................12 List of Plates .................................................................................................................12 APPENDIX 1: PROJECT DESIGN....................................................................................13 For the use of Mrs P Howarth © OA North: January 2005 The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester, Lancashire; Archaeological Watching Brief 2 SUMMARY Following a proposal by Mrs Pauline Howarth to build an extension and garage at the domestic dwelling of The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester (SD 65861 35410), an archaeological watching brief of the groundworks was requested by the Lancashire County Archaeology Service (LCAS). The town of Ribchester is an area of very high archaeological potential. It is the site of the Roman Fort of Bremetennacum and associated extra-mural settlement, dating from the first century AD. The fort lies on the south-west edge of town and is protected as a Scheduled Monument (SM 14255). The site is positioned to the north-east of the Roman bath house and may lie on the edge of the vicus or civilian settlement area. Blackburn Road, on which The Limes is situated is thought to overlie a Roman road leading east from Ribchester Fort. Oxford Archaeology North (OA North) undertook the watching brief in January 2005. The foundation trenches were excavated to a maximum depth of 1.35m, revealing topsoil between 0.2-0.5m in depth overlying natural sandy subsoil. The watching brief did not reveal any finds or features of archaeological significance. For the use of Mrs P Howarth © OA North: January 2005 The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester, Lancashire; Archaeological Watching Brief 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Oxford Archaeology North would like to express its thanks to Mrs Pauline Howarth for commissioning the work and to Ivor Moores for his assistance during the groundworks. The watching brief was carried out by Kathryn Blythe, who also wrote the report and produced the drawings. The project was managed by Emily Mercer, who also edited the report along with Alan Lupton. For the use of Mrs P Howarth © OA North: January 2005 The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester, Lancashire; Archaeological Watching Brief 4 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE PROJECT 1.1.1 Mrs Pauline Howarth submitted a planning application (ref 3/04/1023/p) to Lancashire County Council for a garage and extension to the domestic dwelling known as The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester (Fig 1) (NGR SD 65861 35410). 1.1.2 The Limes is situated on Blackburn Road that is thought to overlie a Roman road leading east from Bremetennacum, Ribchester Fort. It is also positioned to the north-east of the Roman bath house and may lie on the edge of the vicus or civilian settlement area. Due to the archaeological potential of the site LCAS recommended that a watching brief should be undertaken during groundworks on the site. In accordance with the brief, a project design (Appendix 1) was produced by Oxford Archaeology North (OA North) outlining the proposals for the required work which was undertaken during January 2005. 1.1.3 This report sets out the results of the watching brief in the form of a short document. This outlines the historical background for the site and the results of the watching brief. For the use of Mrs P Howarth © OA North: January 2005 The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester, Lancashire; Archaeological Watching Brief 5 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 PROJECT DESIGN 2.1.1 A project design (Appendix 1) was submitted by OA North, in response to a request by the client, for an archaeological watching brief. The project design was adhered to in full, and the work was consistent with the relevant standards and procedures of the Institute of Field Archaeologists, and generally accepted best practice. 2.2 WATCHING BRIEF 2.2.1 A programme of field observation was undertaken during the groundworks to record the location, extent and character of any surviving archaeological features and deposits revealed during the ground disturbance. 2.2.2 The foundation trenches for the extension and garage were undertaken using a mechanical excavator with a toothless ditching bucket under constant archaeological supervision. A monochrome and colour slide photographic record was maintained throughout. 2.3 ARCHIVE 2.3.1 A full archive of the project has been produced to a professional standard in accordance with current English Heritage guidelines (English Heritage 1991). The archive comprises all the information gathered during the course of the project and will be deposited at Lancashire County Record Office (Preston) on completion of the project. In addition, a copy of the report will be archived with the Lancashire County SMR in Preston. For the use of Mrs P Howarth © OA North: January 2005 The Limes, Blackburn Road, Ribchester, Lancashire; Archaeological Watching Brief 6 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 LOCATION, GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY 3.1.1 Site Location: The Limes (NGR SD 658610 35410) is located approximately 600m from Ribchester, on Blackburn Road which heads east out of the town, and 250m to the west of the River Ribble (Fig 1). The town of Ribchester is in central Lancashire, roughly mid-way between the central Pennine uplands and the Irish Sea. 3.1.2 Geology: the solid geology around Ribchester is dominated by Sabden shales of the Millstone Grit Group masked by thick (up to 50m to rockhead) boulder clay deposits (Aitkenhead et al 1992). Ribchester town and the fort are thought to stand on deposits of a second terrace of the