Star Trek STAG NL 28 (STAG Newsletter 28).Pdf
/ April 1978 NEWSLETTER No. 28 President/Secretary, Janet Quarton, 15 Letter Daill, Cairnbaan, Lochgi Iphe ad , hrgyll, Sootland. Vioe PreSident/Editor, Sheila Clark, 6 Craigmill Cottages, Strathmartine, by Dundee, Sootland. Sales Seoretary' Beth Hallam, Flat 3, 36 Clapham Rd, Bedford, England. Membership Seoretary' Sylvia Billings, 49 Southampton Rd, Far Cotton, Northampton, England. Honorary Members> Gene Roddenberry, Mejel Barrett, William Shatner, James Doohan, George Takei, Susan Sackett, Anne MoCaffrey, 1,nne Page. ***************** DUES U.K. £1.50 per year. Europe £2 printed rate, £3.50 idrmail letter rate. U.S.A. ~6.00 l.irmail, ~4.00 surfaoe,' ],ustralia & J~pan, £3 airmail, £2 surface. ***************** Hi, there, I'm sorry this newsletter is a few days late out but I hope you agree that it was worth waiting so that we could give you the latest news from Paramount. It is great to hear, that the go-ahead has finally been given for the movie and that Leonard Nimoy will be back as Spock. SThR TREK just wouldn't have been the same without him. We don't know how things between Leonard and Paramount, etc, were eventually worked out, we are just happy to hear that they have been. 'jle sent out copies of the telegram we received from Gene on Maroh 28th to those of you who sent us S;.Es for info, as we weren't sure how long the newsletter would be delayed. ,Ie guessed you would hear ru:wurs and want confirmation as soon as possible. If any of you want important news as we receive it just send me an SAE and 1'11 file it for later use.
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