Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol. LXIII (1) REFERENCES Predoi G., Belu C., Georgescu B., Dumitrescu I., Roșu P., ISSN 2065-1295; ISSN 2343-9394 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2067-3663 (Online); ISSN-L 2065-1295 Bițoiu C., 2011. Morpho-topographic study of the head Barach J., Hafner M.,2002. Biology and Natural lymphocentrers in small ruminants, Romanian DETAILED MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LIVER AND Biotechnological letters,vol 16,No 2. History of the Nutria,with special Reference to HEPATIC LIGAMENTS IN THE GUINEA PIG (CAVIA PORCELLUS) Nutria in Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Predoi G., Belu C., 2001. Anatomia animalelor domestice. Fisheries,by Genesis Laboratories, Inc.P.O. Box Anatomie Clinica, ed.BIC ALL București. 1 1 1 1195, Wellington, Colorado 80549. Suntsova N.A., Panfilov A.B., 2009. Comparative analysis Florin Gheorghe STAN , Cristian MARTONOȘ* , Cristian DEZDROBITU , of mesenteric lymphonodes of male and female of Hrițcu V., Coțofan V., 2000. Anatomia animalelor de Aurel DAMIAN1, Alexandru GUDEA1 blană Nutria,Dihorul, Ed. Ion Ionescu de la Brad, nutria, RUDH Jurnal of Agronomy and Animal Industries, No 1. Iași. 1 Pérez W., Lima M., Bielli A., 2008. Gross anatomy of col,1992.Myocastor Coypus. Mamallian University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj Napoca, the intestine and its mesentery in the nutria [ Species 398:1-8. 3-5 Mănăștur Str. Romania Myocastor Copyus], Folia Morphoe,67(4) 286-291. ***Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (Fifth Edition) Zurich and Ithaca, New York. *Corresponding author: Cristian Martonos, email:
[email protected] Abstract The paper aimed to present the gross anatomy of liver and its ligaments in guinea pigs.