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INDEX OF TERMS 2013, 2 Axolotl, 11 65537, 2 Backdoor, 11 A5/0, 2 Backtracking resistance, 11 A5/1, 2 Backward secrecy, 11 A5/2, 3 Base64, 12 A5/3, 3 BassOmatic, 12 A5/4, 3 BB84, 12 Adaptive attack, 3 bcrypt, 12 AEAD (authenticated encryption Biclique cryptanalysis, 13 with associated data) , 3 BIKE (Bit Flipping Key AES (Advanced Encryption Encapsulation), 13 Standard), 4 BIP (Bitcoin improvement AES-CCM, 4 proposal), 13 AES-GCM, 5 Bit Gold, 14 AES-GCM-SIV, 5 Bitcoin, 14 AES-NI, 5 Black, 14 AES-SIV, 6 BLAKE, 14 AIM (Advanced INFOSEC Machine), 6 BLAKE2, 14 AKA, 6 BLAKE3, 14 AKS (Agrawal–Kayal–Saxena), 7 Bleichenbacher attack, 15 Algebraic cryptanalysis, 7 Blind signature, 15 Alice, 7 Block cipher, 16 All-or-nothing transform (AONT), 7 Blockchain, 16 Anonymous signature, 8 Blockcipher, 17 Applied Cryptography, 8 Blowfish, 17 Applied cryptography, 8 BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) ARC4, 8 signature, 17 Argon2, 8 Bob, 18 ARX (Add-Rotate-XOR), 9 Boolean function, 18 ASIACRYPT, 9 Boomerang attack, 18 Asymmetric cryptography, 9 BQP (bounded-error quantum Attack, 9 polynomial time), 19 Attribute-based encryption (ABE), 10 Braid group cryptography, 19 Authenticated cipher, 11 Brainpool curves, 19 Break-in recovery, 20 Cryptologia, 29 Broadcast encryption, 20 Cryptology, 29 Brute-force attack, 20 Cryptonomicon, 29 Bulletproof, 20 Cryptorchidism, 30 Byzantine fault tolerance, 21 Cryptovirology, 30 CAESAR, 21 CRYPTREC, 30 Caesar’s cipher, 22 CSIDH (Commutative Supersingular CAVP (Cryptographic Algorithm Isogeny Diffie–Hellman), 30 Validation Program), 22
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