APS STAMPSHOW August 24-27, 2000 Rhode Island Convention Center Providence, Rhode Island Includes literature exhibition Data from: Ken Martin, P.O. Box 8000, State College, PA 16803 Phone: 814-237-3803; Fax: 814-237-6128 e-mail:
[email protected] World Series of Philately Champion of Champions Mexico: First Issue, 1856-1861 James Mazepa Garfield-Perry March Party Prix d'Honneur The United States 1922 Definitive Series: A Study of Rates and Usages Murray A. Abramson NAPEX Denmark-Essays and Proofs: The First Seventy-Five Years William R. Benfield SANDICAL First Day Covers of the 2-Cent Black Warren G. Harding Memorial Stamps of 1923 Alan Berkun TEXPEX German P.O.W. Mail; Camps in Japan 1914-1920 Jesse Boehret NOJEX The Dominion of Canada, The Large Queens, 1868-1897 Ron R. Brigham Peach State Stamp Show United States Official Stamps, 1873-1884 Alan Campbell APS STAMPSHOW Vietnamese Military Mail Joseph J. Cartafalsa Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition The Unit Basic Silver Yuan Issues of China 1949 Cheong-Too Choi SESCAL Tasmanian Postal History 1 John Cress PIPEX Steamboats and the U.S. Mail John Eggen St. Louis Stamp Expo Imperial Censorship in Bermuda, A Study Peter A. Flynn INDYPEX British Central Africa 1891-1907 Colin & Pamela Fraser New York Postage Stamp Mega Event German North Atlantic Catapult Airmail 1929-1935 James W. Graue CHICAGOPEX Patent Medicine Companies of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era Donald E. Green WESTPEX Prisoners Mail From the American Civil War 1861-65 Galen D. Harrison VAPEX The U.S. Pictorial Issue of 1869 Irv Heimburger COLOPEX The Panama Canal Story Raymond W.