Annual Meeting May 11
K k APRIL 2016 K g VOL. 28 #4 H WOWHALL.ORGk MYSTIC ROOTS BAND Far East, from So Cal to Mystic Roots Band (MRB) is a Singapore. The band has complet- Chico, CA born, 5-piece pop reg- ed several successful tours in Asia, gae fusion band. With two feet rocking crowds in Japan, South solidly in reggae, the band seam- Korea, Guam and Europe. Stops in lessly juggles elements of dance- Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece hall, hip-hop, EDM, pop, and a were sponsored through the “Armed taste of rock. The band is always Forces Entertainment” program. sharpening their evolving musical MRB’s single, “Summer Festival” arrangements with vocal harmo- topped iTunes “Hot Tracks” in nies that are made richer by the Reggae at #1, was ranked #12 in groups’ female/male dynamic. “What’s Hot” in ALL genres, and The music and lyrics are catchy was the 2nd best selling Reggae and upbeat, yet with a powerful, single of the week during its debut. positive message. A five song EP that includes this HOW TO Attending a Mystic Roots live song and more with similar easy concert guarantees not just music going and positive vibes -- spear- STAY POSITIVE: for your ears, but also a high- headed by the production of E.N. energy show and powerful experi- Young of Roots Musician Records ence you’ll never forget. MRB and Tribal Seeds – was released in promotes positivity and spreads a 2015. The EP is the follow up to KATCHAFIRE AND conscious message while still hav- Mystic Roots album Camp Fire, ing a good time and keeping the which includes two albums; the first party going! of which showcases Mystic Roots MYSTIC ROOTS BAND The band is always on the in a Reggae Roots style on Volume move, accepting choice offers to 1 Camp along with a second disc: On Wednesday, May 4, the all started when lead guitarist from the likes of Don Letts play renowned music festivals and Volume 2 Fire which features EDM Community Center for the Per- Grenville Bell, father of lead singer (acclaimed documentary maker notable shows, playing support to and Club remixes.
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