


Mapped and Compiled by Thor H. Kiilsgaard, Loudon R. Stanford, and Reed S. Lewis 2006

Qgt Qfg Qgt Kbgd Tg Qgt Qff Td PzYs Qac2 Qfg Qgt 3 2 Khgd Ta 2 Trd Td Qal Qgt Kbgd 3 Qgt2 Qff Qgt Td Qff 2 Qls Qtg2 Tqmd Khgd Ta Tr Tqmd Ta 2 Trd Tr Trd Qtgu Kbgd Kmg Qgt Qac2 Qgt Trd Td 2 Qtg Qff Qgt Qgt Khgd 2 Qtg2 Qtg PzYq Tr Trd Td Trd Kgdmg Qal 2 2 3 Qal Ta 2 Kbgd Kgdmg Ta Tdu Tqmdi Qac2 Qgt Qgt1 Td Qgt Qal Kbgd 40 45 Qalc Qtg Qalc 60 20 1 Ta Tr Tqmd Trd 2 Qalc ROCKY Qfg 2 Qal Qac2 Ta Ta Ta Qtg Kbgd 30 Tr Trd Trd Qac Qgt1 Khgd 1 Ta Ta Tr Trd Qtg 2 Kmg Qgt2 Qgt Ta 15 Qgt1 Ta Trd Tr Kbgd 3 1 PEAK Qtg Ta 45 Qgt Trd Tr Tr t Qgt1 2 1 Khgd PzYq Qac Qgt2 Qgt2 Ta 10 Ta Tr Tr Td Tr 3 Qal Qff STOCK Qal Qgt Qgt Ta Qgt 2? PzYqc Ta Tr Tr Qtg 50 40 3 2 Ta Tr Tqmd TdTrd Tr Qgt2 2 Qgt1 Qac Td PzYqc PzYqc 55 Ta Trd Qalc Qfg PzYs PzYs Qgt Qtg3 2 Kbgd Kgdmg Tr Kbgd Trd Ta Trd Td PzYs Qalc 3 Td Klg 40 Qgt Tr Trd Ta 1 Trd Tr Qtg3 Qtg Qac2 Qac Ta Ta PzYq 55 50 Ta Tdu Trd t Qff 30 2 Qalc 2 Ta Ta Qfg Qgt1 Ta Td Qgt2 Qgt 2? t Ta Ta Trd Trd Qal Qtg Qac Qtg Qalc Qgt2 Ta Tr Tr Trd Tr 2 2 Ta 65 75 Qtg 3 Qalc Qac Ta Ta Qtg2 Trd Qgt Td Tr Qac2 Qalc Qfg 25 PzYs Qgt 2 2 Trd Qgt2 2 Tdu Trd 2 Qgt Qgt2 PzYq Qgt2 Qgt2 Qff Qac3 Trd Kbgd Qgt Qtg2 Khgd Qtg1 Tqmd 1 Qgt1 Qtgu Tqmdi Ta 40 PzYq 3 Qac2 Tr Qgt Tr Tdi Qfg Qtg2 Tqmd 2 PzYqc Khgd Klg Trd Deadwood 80 Qalc Trd Trd Qal 40 Qalc Qal Qgt Qff Kbgd Tg Ta Qalc Kbgd Qff PzYs Kbgd Trd Qff MineKhgd 2 Qgt1 PzYq Ta Qff MONUMENTAL Qalc Kgdmg Tr Tr Qtg Qgt ? Qac Qac2 Trd Ta Tg Tr 3 Qac2 2 3 75 Qgt Qac2 Tqmd Td Tg PEAK 2 Qtg2 PzYqc Tr Trd Qgt2 85 Qalc 85 Qgt Tr Tg Tr Tg Kbgd PzYq Qff Qtg Trd Ta Trd Qgt2 Tr 1 Ta Kbgd Qtg2 STOCK Qfg 2 PzYq MARSH CREEK Tdl Td Qac Qalc Qtg Ta Ta Ta Tr 3 80 Qff 3 Tqmd 25 Kbgd Trd Ta Ta Td Ta Qgt Qgt2 Tr Trd Khgd PzYq Qtg2 Tr Qtg Trd STOCK 2 Qff Qal Qtg2 Trd Ta Ta 2 Tqmd Kbgd Qac Qgt ? Trd Ta Qal Ta Ta Ta Td Tr Tg Qfg 2 Qal 2 80 Qac Trd Ta Qtg Tr Tr TaTr Qgt2 Qfg Tr Qtgu Qff Klg Qtg2 2 Tr Qfg 2 Tr Ta Qgt2 Qgt2 Qtgu Qalc Trd Qalc 50 Qac2 Trd Trd Tdl Tg Tr Qac Qfg Tr Tr Qtg2 2 Qfg Kgdmg Qfg Trd Trd Tr Tr Ta Qtg1 Qal PzYq Qgt2 Qtg2 Qal Kbgd Qac PzYq PzYq Qac2 Trd Trd Trd Tg PzYq Qal 2 Kbgd Trd Trd PzYq Tr Ta Tg Qalc Trd Qtg2 Qac Qfg Kbgd 2 Qtg Qgt2 Ta Tr Qgt 2? Khgd Qalc Trd Qfg Ta Tqmd 1 Ta Kbgd Qtg3 Qtg2 Ta Qgt3 Trd Td Ta Ta Tg Tr Tr Qal Qac Qtg Ta Qtg2 Qgt Qac2 2 2 Tr Trd Qtg 2 Qac2 Qal 2 Ta 20 Kbgd Qfg Qac2 Trd Qfg Qtg2 Qgt2 Ta Kbgd Qtg2 Qgt2 Ta Qtgu Qfg Qac2 Qalc Qal Tr Qtg Tr Qfg Qff Qalc Kmg Qtg1 3 Td Qgt 2? Qgt1 Ta Qac Qgt2 Kbgd Kmg 2 Ta Tr Td Td Qtg1 Tqmd Kbgd Qalc Qtg Qal Ta Ta Tdl Tr Kbgd Qfg Ta Kbgd Qac2 PzYq 1 Kbgd Kbgd Qtg Ta Ta Ta PzYq Qgt 3? Kbgd Kmg Trd Qac Qac2 1 Ta 20 Trd Qal Qalc Qff 2 Qtg Qgt 3? Klg 18Td Ta Qtg Trd Qff Qac Qfg 2 Qac2 Qal Ta Ta Td 2 Kbgd Trd 2 Qgt Qtg3 Ta 20 Qal Qtg 3 Trd Ta 50 36 45 Ta Trd Qtg 2 Trd Trd Tdu? 2 Kbgd Kgdmg Qal Qtg2 Qtg Trd Td Qgt 55 45 Qal Qfg Qtg2 Trd 65 Trd Qfg Qtg2 2 Ta 2 65 Qalc Trd Ta Qtg2 PzYqc Ta PzYq Qal Qal Qtg Qfg Ta Tr Td Ta Qtg1 Qgt Trv 2 Ta Ta Qgt 27 35 Qtg3 2 30 40 Trd Qtg2 Qtg Td Kbgd 2 40 Qalc Qal Qtg2 Trd Qac 2 Ta Qtg Qtg2 2 Qac Ta Qtg3 Qtg Trd Ta Kgdmg 40 3 2 Qtg2 2 Klg 25 Kbgd Qff Qac2 Ta Kbgd Qgt Qff Qac Qtg2 Trd Qal Ta Tr 65 50 Qalc 2 Trd 2 Trd Qtg2 Kgdmg Qgt Qgt 20 Qtg Qal Qfg Qgt Trd Ta 2 Qtg ? 2 Qtg 2 Qac2 Qtg2 Qgt Ta 1 3 52 2 Qtg Qgt2 3 Trd Ta Qfg Tr Qal Qtg ? 2 Tr Kbgd Trd PzYqc Qtg2 3 Qal Qac2 Ta Qtg Tr Kbgd Qff Qgt2 Trd Qac Qac Klg Ta Ta Ta 2 Qtg 2 Qtg Trd 2 Qac2 Ta 2 Kbgd Qalc Ta 2 Trd Qalc Qalc Qal Tr Qac Qtg2 Ta Ta Qgt2 Qtg3 Qff 2 Tr Trd Qgt Qgt3 Qac Ta Kmg Qac2 Trd 2 Td Qalc Qgt Qgt2 Tr 2 Qal Qgt2 Trd Qgt PzYqc Qtg2 2 Qgt 2? Qac Qac ? 2 Tr Qtg ? Trv Kbgd 2 3 55 Qgt Td? 3 Qtg2 Tr Ta Trd Ta Trd Qgt 65 1 Ta Ta Trd Klg Qalc Qal Qtg Qgt3 2 Tr Ta Qgt ? Qtg2 Qtg 3 3 Tr Qac 3 Trd Trd Qgt2 Kbgd Ta Td Qgt Qgt2 2 Kgdmg Qtg 45 1 Qal Qgt3 Kmg Trd 2 PzYqc Qtg ? Qgt2 Trd Ta Qac2 Ta Ta Qgt2 3 Ta Qal Ta Qtg Kbgd PzYqc Tg Qtg Qgt ? Kbgd Qfg Qtg Qtg2 Qtg2 3 2 Qgt ? Qtg 3 Qac2 Qac2 3 Ta Kgdmg 3 2 Qff Ta PzYs Qgt2 Qfg Ta Qgt Qac2 Qfg Qac Qalc Tr Ta Qgt 3? Qgt ? Qtg2 3 2 Trd Ta Trd 3 Qal Qgt2 Ta Qal Kbgd Trd Kbgd Qfg Tr Qff Trd Ta Qfg Qtg ? Kbgd Tr Qal Qgt2 Trd 3 Ta Qgt3 70 Qgt Qal Qgt 3? Trd Qgt Ta 2 Qtg Qac2 T Trd Trd Qfg 3 Qff 50 3 Qal Trd Qac Trd L Qtg2 Qac2 40 2 Trd U Trd Qac2 Qgt Trv Qtg Qtg ? Qal Kbgd Qal A Kbgd Qgt Qfg Qtg 3 2 3 Qgt 3? Kbgd F Qalc Qfg Qff 2 2 Td Qfg Qgt Trd Trd Trd 3 Qls Qtg Qtg3 Qff Qgt 3? Qfg Kgdmg? Qgt ? 2 Ta Qfg Tr Tr Qtg2 Ta Trd Qtg3 3 Trd Qac Qtg2 Qalc Tr Qal Kbgd 2 Qgt Qtg2 Qtg2 Trd Qtg Ta Kmg Qac Qac Qfg 2 Qalc Qgt Qgt2 Qfg 2 Qal Qgt 3? Ta Qac2 2 2 Tdu Ta 40 Qgt Ta 2 Qal Trd 2 Qgt2 Qfg Ta Qalc Tr Trd Qal Ta Trd Qtg Kgdmg Kmg Qac2 Qtg3 PzYrp Kgdmg Qac2 3 Kmg Qal Qalc Trd Trd Tdu Qfg 70 Tr Ta Tdu Qtg3 PzYrp 40 Tr Qgt Qtg ? Trd Qgt Qal 70 2 PzYrp Trd 3 Qfg Qgt3 3 35 PzYrp Qfg Qfg Ta Qgt PzYrp Qfg Qac Qtg Tdu Kmg Qtg3 Qgt Tr BANNER Tdl 2 2 Qac2 1 Trd 2 Ta Qac2 Kbgd Tr E Qtg2 Trd Qtg2 Ta Tg Tg Tr PzYrp Ta Qal T Kmg Trd Qtg T Kmg Qtg 25 Ta CREEK 70 2 Trd Tr Qac2 E Qtg2 Qalc Tdu 2 Trd Trd Qtg Qtg Qgt Kbgd Qtg2 Qal Tr Y Ta 2 2 Qgt3 2 Trd Trd Kbgd A Qfg Qgt2 Kmg 30 Ta Qalc PzYrp Trd Trd Qgt2 Qgt Qal PzYrp Qalc Qalc Ta Qac Tr Trd P Qfg Qgt 4? 3 Trd Qtg Qalc STOCK Qgt Tr 2 Qfg Tdu Qac2 2 Qtg3 Qalc 2 60 Kbgd Qtg3 Trd Qgt1 Tdu Qalc PzYs Tr Qtg Trd Qtg 2? Tr Kbgd 1 Kmg PzYrp Qtg1 Tr Trd Qac Qgt3 Qgt Qalc Tdu 65 Kbgd LT Qgt 4? Qalc 2 3 Ta Tdl Ta 70 Trd Qal U Qal Trd Qal Trd Tr Td A Qgt 4? Qtg Kbgd Qtg 40 Ta F Qgt2 Qtg Qal 3 Qfg Qtg Qgt2 2 Td Qtg Tdu Qgt ? Trd 2 Qgt2 2 Tr Tg Qac2 2 FORK 2 Qgt 4? Qac Qgt Qgt Tr Qgt Qgt2 Qgt 2 Qal Qff Qalc 2 Klg Qgt Kbgd 2 Tdl 30 2 Qal Trd Trd Trd 3 Qal 2 Tr PzYs Qgt 3? Qac Kbgd Kbgd Tdl Tr Qtg 2 Qalc Kmg Qgt2 Qtg2 Qtg Tr 3 Ta Qalc 2 Tg Ta Ta Kbgd K Trd Qtg2 Ta E Ta Qalc Qtg2 Ta Qgt ? E Trd Qtg3 Ta Qfg Qalc 3 Ta Qtg Ta Qgt2 Tr Ta R Qgt 2 Ta Qgt Kbgd Qal C Kmg 3 Tr 3 Qtg2 Qtg2 Qtg2 Ta Ta Tdl Qfg Kbgd Ta Ta Qac2 MIDDLE Qgt2 Qalc Tr Qgt2 Qtg3 Qtg3 Tr Ta Tdu Qgt2 Td Ta Qtg Qgt2 Ta Qac Trd 2 Tr Tqmd 2 Qgt Qgt Qalc Qgt Trd Qgt2 2 3 2 Qgt 3? R Qal Qgt Tdl Trd Kbgd Qtg Qac2 Qalc E Trd Trd Tr Qal 3 Qff Qgt 1 Qgt Qtg Trd Qalc Qalc Qgt Qgt Tg 2 Qal Qtg2 Qal Kbgd 1 Trd 3 Qtg 2 Tr 2 Qgt 4? Qtg3 Kbgd Tr ILV 2 Tr Qff Qtg2 S Qac Tr Tdl Qtg2 Ta Qtg Kmg Qgt 4? Trd Qac2 Qal 2 Kbgd 3 Trd Kmg Qtg3 Klg Qfg Qalc Qal Qtg2 Kmg Trd Tr Tr Kbgd Qtg Trd Qgt2 Qff Qgt 2 Qac2 Qgt Tr Ta Tdl 3 Qtg2 Trd 3 Tr Kbgd Tg Qgt 3? Qtg Qac3 Qac Trd Trd Tr Qalc Kbgd 2 Qfg Kbgd Qtg2 2 Qgt Trd Qal Tqmd 2 Tr Qgt Qgt 3? Qgt Qal Qac2 Qgt3 3 Td 2 Qgt 2?Qgt ? Qalc Tdl Ta Qgt ? 2 Trd t Trd Tr Qgt ? Qal Qtg 4 ? 2 Kbgd Qalc Qalc Trd 3 Ta Trd Trd Td Qtg 3? Qtg Qtg3 D Qac Trd Qtg 2 Tdl Qff 3 3 Qac Tr Tr Trd Trd E Kbgd 2 Trd Qal Qgt ? Ta Ta Tr Qgt ? Qgt ? Tr 65 2 A Qal 3 3 Trd Kbgd Qtg Qgt2 Qtg3 Qalc Trd Trd Tr 1 D Trd Qal Qalc Trd Qac2 t Tr PzYs Qac2 Qtg2

W Ta Trd Tr Qtg Qal Trd Tdl Qls Tr Tr Tdu S Qgt 3? 2 Qtg Qtg Tr Trd Tr Ta Tr AW 22 O Qal 3 3 Tqmd Qtg Kbgd Tg Qtg3 Kmg Ta Tr Qgt ? 2 Klg Qff Tr Qalc Kht Qalc O Trd Qls 3 Tr Qtg Kbgd Qff Qac Ta Tr Tr Tdl TO 2 Qalc D 2 Qgt ? Qal Kmg Qal Tr Trd Trd 4 Tr PzYqc Kgdmg OT Qgt Ta Qtg2 Kmg 2 Qac Trd Trd Ta Trd Tdl Tr Tr H Kbgd 20 ? Qal Trd 2 Ta Tr Qtg2 Tr Td Kbgd Qgt Qgt3 Kbgd Qac Qgt Tr Kgdmg 2 Qgt2 2 Qac3 Kmg 3 Qac2 Ta Tr Tr Qff Tg Ta Qtg ? Qgt ? Trd PzYq Trd Tr Tr Trd Tdu Qfg Qgt 4 2 Trd Trd Tr 2 Tr Qgt3 PzYs 65 Trd Tr Tr PzYqc Qff Qal Qgt 2? Qff Qtg Kbgd Ta Kbgd Qgt2 3 Trd Qtg3 Trd Qalc Trd Tr Qgt1 Tr Qgt Qtg2 Qgt Trd Ta Tr Klg Trd Tqmd Ta Qal Qtg 2 3 Qac2 Qac Qalc Ta 2 Qtg Qgt Td 2 Ta Trd 2 ? 1 Qgt 2? Trd Kbgd Qff Kbgd Qgt Tr Tr Tr Qgt2 2 Trd Tr Tr Qfg Tg Qalc Qtg ? Trd Qalc Tr Qff Qalc Tr Tr Td 3 Qalc Qff Ta Tqmd Tr Tr FAULT Qal F Kbgd Qalc Trd Trd Qfg Tr Trd Klg Qtg4 Kmg A Kbgd Tr Qgt Qff U Qff Ta Ta Tr Qgt Qfg Trd Ta Trd Ta 2 Tr 2 L Tqmd Trd Trd Qalc Qgt Qac2 Qgt2 Tr Qgt

Kmg T Qff Qfg 3 2 Trd Trd Qfg Tg Ta Kht Qff Qal Qgt2 Qtg Qalc Ta Klg Ta Ta Kgdmg Qalc 2 Trd Trd Qfg Tg Qtg Ta Trd Qff Tqmd Tr 4 Qff Kbgd Trd Tr Tqmd Ta Qal Qgu? Kbgd Tr Qalc Trd Ta Kmg Kbgd Qfg Kgdmg Qgt Qfg Ta Tr Ta 2 Ta Trd PzYrp Tr Qgt Kbgd Ta Kbgd Qgt2 1 Qff Qff Qls Ta Ta Kmg Qgt Trd Tqmd Tr Tg Trd 2 Ta Ta Qgt Kbgd Qff Qgt 2? Trd Trd 4 Qgt2 Trd Kbgd 60 Qff Qtg Tg Ta Qff Qgt3 1 Kbgd Qalc Tdu Tr Qff Kbgd Trd Tr Trd Kbgd Tr Kbgd Kbgd Tr Qgt2 Qff Tud Qfg Td Ta Kmg Qtg Qgt Qgt2 Tg Qgt3 Tdl Trd Trd 1 Trd Klg Klg Kgdmg Ta Td 1 Kbgd Qtg Ta Qalc Qal Klg 1 WARM Qgt1 32 Qgt2 Trd Qfg Qgt2 Qff Qtg1 Ta Kbgd Tdl Qtg1 Klg SPRINGS 20 Qal Trd Klg Trd Qff Tr Trd Qfg Qff Qgt2 Ta Qtg Qtg Qtg Qtg2 CREEK Qal Qgt2 Kmg 1 1 Trd 1 Klg Tg Ta Tsp Klg Ta Qgt1 Qtg2 Qgu? Qal Klg Qfg Tqmd Trd Qgt STOCK Qfg Klg Tdl Qff Qtg Qff 2 Td Qgt1 Qgt2 2 Tdl Ta Td Ta Qgt Tr Trd Trd Ta Qalc Qgt1 Qgt 2 Kmg Trd Kbgd Trd Ta Kbgd Qgt Qalc Qgt2 1 80 Td Td 2 Kbgd? Kbgd Qfg Ta Trd Ta Qff Kgdmg Qgt2 28 Qff Ta Tr Trd Ta Tdl Qal Klg Qalc Qfg Qgt2 Ta Qal Klg Qgt Qfg Qtg Qgt 2 2 Qff Tr Tr Tdl 1 Qtg Qgt Trd Klg Klg Kbgd Qgt 2? 20 2 Qgt1 1 Ta Qff Trd Trd Qalc Trd Trd Kbgd Ta Tdl Qtg1 Qal Kbgd Trd Tdl Kbgd? Qgu? Trd Ta Tg Qfg Qfg 60 Klg Tr Qtg1 Ta Klg PzYrp Qgt2 Ta Klg Trd Qalc Trd Qtg Qtg1 Trd Ta Ta Ta Tg Kmg Qgt1 Qal 1 Klg Qfg Td Trd Ta Td Qgt Qtg3 Kbgd 55 Qtg Klg Klg Ta 1 Kbgd? Trd Qal 2 Qtg Qgt3 Tdl Klg Kbgd 60 Qalc Klg PzYqc Kbgd 3 Tdl Ta Trd Qff Qtg2 Qfg Kbgd Qfg Ta PzYrp Qal Trd Qfg Qtg Qalc Klg Trd Qfg Qfg PzYqc Qgu? 1 Qac2 Qal Qgt2 Td Trd Trd Trd Qtg Qtg2 Klg Qgt2 Qls Td Qtg3 3 Trd Kgdmg Qgt2 Qgt Trd Trd Trd Qal Qfg Tdu 1 Trd Qtg Kbgd Ta Trd Tr Kmg 1 Qtg3 Qtg Qff Kmg Qtg Qtg1 Trd 2 Grandjean Tdl 45 3 Tr Trd Qtg4 Trd Qfg Qtg2 Qgt2 Trd Qtg1 Ta Klg Qal Qfg Td Tr Qal Tg Qgt1 Qgt1 55 50 Trd Klg Klg Qal Qtg2 Qgt Qgt Trd Trd Ta Qtg 2 Qls 1 Tr Trd Qal Trd Qgt4 2 Qtg 44 30 Qal 2 Qgt2 Tdl Tsp Qfg Tr Kbgd Klg Qtg2 Qff Trd Qtg Klg Trd Qfg Qal Trd Qgt PzYs Trd 1 Tr Trd Qff 1 Qgt1 Qal Qgt Qtg Qfg Td 1 Kbgd 2 Qal Qal Tr Trd Qtg Klg Trd Qgt2 Qal 4 Qtg3 Qff Qtg Tr Qtg2 Qac Qgt 1 Trd Trd Qtg 2 Kbgd Qtg Qtg 1 Tr 1 Trd Klg 2 Qal PzYs 1 Qtg Qtg Trd Tdl Klg Tdl Kbgd 3 1 Qal Ta Qfg Tr Qfg Kmg Tr Ta Klg Qtg2 Tdl Trd Qgt2 Trd Tr Tdl Qfg Qff Qgt1 Trd Tr Qtg2 Klg Qgt2 Kbgd Trd Trd 55 Kbgd Ta Qtg Kbgd Qgt Tr Tr 55 80 Tr 2 1 Qal Tr Tr 80 Qfg Qgt1 Qtg1 Trd Tr Klg Qtg Klg Qff Trd Trd Klg Qtg2 3 Trd Klg Trd Klg Qac2 Ta Tr Qal Klg Qtg4 Kbgd Qtg2 Qtg Tr Qfg Qgt Qgt Qtg1 Kbgd Trd 45 Trd 2 Qgt 2? Klg 1 1 80 Td Qgt1 65 Trd Trd Qfg Tr Tr Qfg Tdl Qtg Qtg4 Tqmd 30 Tr Tr Ta Klg 4 Tr Tr Tdl Qtg Qtg1 Ta Qal Trd Trd 2 Trd Qff Ta Tr Qtg Tr Klg Tr Td Tdl Trd Tdl Kbgd Tr LT 2 Qtg2 Trd Trd Qfg Ta Qfg Tsp ? Ta Trd Tr Trd Ta U 80 Tr Tdu Qgt2 Crouch Qal 45 Qtg2 Tr Ta Qgt2 Qtg A Qal 1 Ta Klg Ta Qfg Tr Tr Tr Qgt2 Qalc 24 10 Ta F Tdl Tdu Qtg3 Tr Tr Tr 60 Tr Qtg3 Kbgd Ta Ta Ta Tr Kbgd 60 Qfg Qff Trd Qgt Qalc Qgt2 Tr Tr Tdl Klg Klg Qtg Tr Tqmd Tr Ta Kbgd Qff 1 Qalc 60 Qtg4 Ta Qtg3 3 Qff Trd Klg Trv Qtg2 Qal Tld Qtg Qal Kbgd Ta Qtg1 Tdl Ta 3 70 Trd Qfg Tr Kbgd Ta Qtg Tr Qgt1 Qgt 2? Qgt1 Ta 45 4 Klg Qal Tr Tr Qtg Qtg2 Qgt1 Qls Tr Tr 2 Tr Qtg Ta Qfg Tqmd Tr Tr Qgt2 Qtg1 Tr Tr 1 Qal Tr Kbgd Qgt1 GARDEN Qtg Qtgu Ta Kbgd Qgt Qfg 1 Kbgd Tdl Tdu Tr Kbgd Klg Ta 2 BIRCH Thbg Ta Tr Klg Qgt Qff Qgt Qal Qal Ta Qtg2 1 Qgt Qgt2 1 FLAT Tr Tr 55 Qff Tr Tr Qgu? 2 Qgt1 Qfg Tr Tr Tr 70 Kbgd Qff Qfg Tdl Kmg Tr Klg Tdu Qtg Trd Qgt Garden STOCK Tr Tr Ta Qal Qtg4 Qfg 2 Tr Qgt 1 Qtg2 Ta Tr 80 Ta Ta Qgu? 3 Tg Qtg1 Qal Qfg Tr Ta Tr VALLEY Valley Tr Qtg2 Qtg3 Ta Trd Kbgd Tr Tr Qtg2 Tr Tr Ta Ta Tdl Kbgd Kbgd Tr Qtg3 Tqmd Tr Tr Trd Qfg Qgt1 45 Qtg Qfg Lowman Trd Tr Klg Ta Tdu Qal Tr Tr 2 86 Ta Tr Qtg Qgt2 Tr Ta Tdl Qal Qtg 3 Kbgd Tr Kbgd Qtg Qtg Tr Tr Tr 1 Qtg Ta Tr Ta 3 2 Tr Kbgd 80 3 Qgt Trd Tr Kbgd Qfg Qal Qtg Tr Qtg 60 1 Qff Trv 2 Qtg4 2 Qtg3 Kbgd Trd Tr DEADWOOD Tqmd FAULT Qal Qtg Qtg Qtg Tr Kbgd Qtg 3? Qgt1 2 1 Ta Tr 4 Qtg4 Qtg2 Tr Qtg Qfg Qtg3 Qtg JACKSON Tqmd Kbgd Tr Qtg Tr 3 Qtg 1 Qtg2 Tr Qfg Qfg 3 Qtg Tr Ta 3 Qtg Tdl Qtg3 Qfg S A W T O O T H Trd Ta Tr Tr 1 Qtg 2 Tqmd Td 75 Qtg1 Tr 4 Tdl PEAK Tdu Klg Tr Ta Tr Qtg2 Ta Qtg4 Tqmd Kbgd Qfg TaTr Ta Qtg Ta Tdu Kirkham Qal Tg Td Qtg Tr 4 Tr 56 Qtg2 Qgt Qgt Qff Qfg Kbgd 2 Tr 60 Tdl QtgHot Springs STOCK Qtg 3? Klg 1 1 Tdu 65 Qtg2 2 Ta Tqmd Trd Tr Qtg1 Qtg3 Tr Ta Tr Tr Tr Qtg 60 Trd Trd Qtg3 Tr Qtg3 80 Tdl Qtg1 2 Qtg2 Trd 80 T Tr Ta Qtg Qtg3 Tr Tr Ta Ta Kbgd Klg Tr Tqmd

L Ta 3 Qtg2 Tr Tr Tr Qtg Tr Tdl Qtg3 Qac Trd Qgt2 Qgt Qtg3 Tr 3 2 Tdi Trd Trd Qgt Tr 1 Qgt1 U Qfg Tr 1 Tdl Tr Tr Tqmdi Tr Tdu Tr Tdu Trd Trd Qgt A Kbgd Tr 3 Qtg Tr Tr Tdu 80 Qtg TaTr Tr Ta B Kbgd Qgt1 F Thbg Tr 60 Klg 1 70 Tdl 1 Tdl EA Tr Trd Tqmd Qff Tg Qtg Qfg Tr Tdl Ta Ta R Kbgd Trd 2 Qtg2 Qfg Tr LONG Tr Qgt1 B A T H O L I T H 40 Tr Ta Trd Trd Tqmd Kbgd Qfg GULCH Tr Ta Qgt2 Qtg Thbg Thbg Tdl Ta Ta Ta TqmdTa Qgt1 Qfg 1 Qfg 65 Tr 60 Kbgd Ta Trd Qff Qtg STOCK Tr Tr Ta Ta Tdi Tg Qgt2 Qtg 2 Qtg2 Thbg Tdi Tr Tr Ta 75 Qal Qgt Qfg 2 Qtg Tr Tr Ta Tdl Tr Ta Qalc Tqmd Qgt2 Td Qgt1 1 1 Tr Tr Tr Ta Tdu Tr Tdl R Qgt Trd Klg Qgt Tr IV Qgt1 2 Ta 1 Qtg Tr Tr Tr Ta Tr Tdu E Qff Qgt1 Kmg Kbgd 1 Kbgd Tr Tr Tr Kbgd R Tr Ta Qff Qtg2 Tr D Ta Kbgd Qff Tr Tdu Tdl E Qgt Tqmd Tr Ta Tr Tr Kbgd 2 Ta Qtg Tr Tr E Tr Qgt1 2 Tr Tdl R SPOUT Klg Trd Ta Ta Tr Tr Ta Qfg Klg Trd Qgt Qgt1 Qgt RIDGE Qtg Tr Tr Tdl Qgt2 Tr Qgt 2 1 3 BOISE BASIN Thbg Tr Tr Tr CREEK Trd Ta Tqmd Trd Ta 1 Qff Tr Tr Qac Ta Qff Trd Tdl Tr Tr Ta Tr Tr Tr Tdl 2 Tr Tr Ta Kbgd Qfg Klg Qalc Qgt2 Qal Tr Tr STOCK Ta Tdl Ta Ta STOCK Tqmd Ta Tqmd Qgt1 Tr Tr 60 Tr Tr Trd Thbg Kbgd Tr Ta 60 Tr Qgt2 40 Klg Tdi Ta Ta P Tqmd Ta Qgt Ta Td Qfg Tr Tr Ta Ta Ta 50 Tr Qtg Qff Kbgd 2 Qtg Tr A 3 Ta Tqmd Trd Qgt1 Qalc Qgt 2 R Ta Qff 1 Tcb Thbg Trd Tr Kbgd Tdu Td Tqmd Qff Qalc Tr Tr Ta Tr 50 K Qff Ta Ta Tr Tr Tr Tr Tdl 80 70 Ta Ta Trd Td Td Qgt1 Tr Tr Trd Ta Kbgd Trd Qgt2 Ta Qgt Tg Trd 70 Td Trd Ta Kbgd 1 Qgt1 Kmg Tr Tr 70 Tr Tdu Qff Kbgd Tr Trd Ta Tr Ta Ta Klg Ta Ta Klg Kbgd Ta Trd ? BOISE Qal Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Ta Qgt1 Qls t Tr 30 Qff Ta Tr Tg Ta 30 Tr Tr Ta FAULT Tdu Ta Ta Qalc Tr ? Tr Trd Qac2 Tr Tdl Tr Tr Tr Ta Qff Thbg Tr Tr Ta Qgt Tr Tr Qgt Qff Qgt1 Qgt1 Thbg Tr Tr Thbg 2 Qalc Qgt1 Ta 2 Td Tr Tr Ta FA Tr Ta Tg Tqmd Qgt Ta Qgt1 Tg Tr Tr Tr Trd Kbgd 60 Tr 1 Qgt Thgg Tr Kbgd Trd Klg Qff Tr Qgt1 Qgt1 1 Qgt1 Kbgd Tr Thbg Tr Tr U Tr Trd Qgt Qff Trd Tr Tr Tdi Kbgd Tr Tr LT 1 Qff Kbgd Tdl Qgt1 Tr Qff ? Kmg Tr Trd Ta Tr Ta Tdi Tr Thbg Tr 40 Kbgd BEAR RIVER Tr Ta Ta Tr Qgt Kbgd ? Tsp Tr Kbgd Ta Qal Tr Qgt 1 Tr Tr Tr Thbg Tdi Tr Qff Tqmd Tr 1 Tg Kbgd Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr STOCK Klg Tr Tr Qal Td Tr Tdu Kbgd Kbgd Qtg Qgt2 Klg Tdl Qtg1 Kbgd Thbg Td Tdi Thbg Tr 70 Tg Tg 3 Qfg Trd Tr Ta Qgt2

Base map from digitally scanned USGS 1:100,000 composite film base, 1982. MN SCALE 1:100,000 Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey. Projection and 10,000-meter grid, zone 11, Universal Transverse Mercator. 25,000 foot grid ticks based Funded in part by the USGS Mineral Resource Program and on coordinate system, west zone. G 1 0 12345 1 0 12 3 KILOMETERS MILES National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program. 1927 North American Datum. 0o 14 19.5o Contour interval 50 meters Field work conducted 1979-1984 and 2000-2005. Note on printing: The map is reproduced at a high resolution of 600 dots per inch. The inks are resistant Reviewed by Authur A. Bookstrom and William M. Phillips. to run and fading. IDAHO Edited by Roger C. Stewart. PDF map (Acrobat Reader) may be viewed at www.idahogeology.org. UTM Grid and 1971 Magnetic North Quadrangle Location Digital cartography and GIS data capture by Jane S. Freed, Loudon R. Stanford, Vance T. MacKubbin, Declination at Center of Map Alan K. Schlerf, and Jesse S. Bird. Map version 5-26-2006.

Coarse-grained deposits in glaciated upland valleys (Holocene and late Older terrace gravel, undivided (Pleistocene)—Weathered to unweathered, Dikes and Plugs Hornblende-biotite granodiorite (Cretaceous)—Gray to dark gray, medium- to Kiilsgaard, T.H., and W.E. Hall, 1995, Radioactive black-sand placer deposits, Qff Qtgu Khgd Pleistocene)—Mostly alluvial and debris-flow fan deposits composed of moderately sorted to well-sorted terrace gravel. Weathered deposits clayey coarse-grained, equigranular to porphyritic granodiorite. Weak to strong in Geology and Mineral Resources Assessment of the Challis 1o x 2o INTRODUCTION angular, well-sorted to poorly sorted coarse sand, sandy pebble gravel, and silt, silty sand, and decomposed coarse sandy pebble to cobble gravel. Tdu Dikes, undivided (Tertiary)—Dikes of uncertain composition. Most are probably foliation. Contains plagioclase, quartz, and potassium feldspar; biotite Quadrangle, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1525, rhyolitic to andesitic but were not subdivided during mapping. p. 183-190. Much of the map was compiled from field work by Thor Kiilsgaard and his sandy cobble to sandy boulder gravel. Sandy to cobbly boulder gravel where Unweathered deposits composed of silty sand to coarse sandy pebble gravel generally 8-15 percent; hornblende generally 1-5 percent. Commonly Lewis, R.S., 1984, Geology of the Cape Horn Lakes quadrangle, south-central field assistants from 1979-1984 and originally published at 1:250,000 scale broad valleys are bordered by steep terrain. Unit also includes some recent (Othberg, 1987). Clasts subangular to subrounded. Terrace height above associated with xenoliths and roof pendants on high ridges suggesting it Tdl Diabase and lamprophyre dikes (Tertiary)—Diabase and subordinate lamprophyre Idaho: University of Washington M.S. thesis, scale 1:24,000. on the Challis 1o x 2o quadrangle (Fisher and others, 1992). The geology on alluvium, bouldery till, and outwash gravels. Thickness 0.5-35 m (1-120 modern drainages at or above level-3. Typically deeply weathered, eroded, represents a marginal facies. dikes. Diabase forms laterally continuous dikes that trend north-northwest. Lewis, R.S., and T.H. Kiilsgaard, 1991, Eocene plutonic rocks in south-central 7.5- and 15-minute field sheets by Kiilsgaard was digitally captured at original feet). and tilted. Represents old alluvial or glaciofluvial valley fills. Includes fluvial Some or all of the diabase may be related to the Miocene Columbia River Hornblende-biotite tonalite (Cretaceous)—Gray to dark gray, medium- to coarse- Idaho: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, no. B8, p. 13,295-13,312. scale for this map and a GIS database. Additional published and unpublished and lacustrine deposits (QTd) of Schmidt and Mackin (1970). Near Crouch Kht Fine-grained deposits in glaciated valleys and periglacial uplands (Holocene Basalt Group. Primary constituents of the diabase are plagioclase and grained tonalite and granodiorite. Massive to highly foliated. Andesine is Lewis, R.S., T.H. Kiilsgaard, E.H. Bennett, and W.E. Hall, 1987, Lithologic and mapping provided further information (see Index to Sources of Geologic Qalc may overlie Tsp. and late Pleistocene)—Mostly lake deposits and low-energy stream. Composed pyroxene. Lamprophyre dikes have restricted strike length and contain augite, predominant mineral; generally 5-15 percent biotite and 2-8 percent chemical characteristics of the central and southeastern part of the southern Mapping). of sand, silt, and clay. Some bouldery till and outwash gravels. Thickness hornblende, biotite, and plagioclase. hornblende. Sphene common. Biotite K-Ar ages from two localities north lobe of the Idaho batholith, in T.L. Vallier and H.C. Brooks, eds., Geology Glacial Deposits Descriptions of Tertiary igneous rocks are taken largely from Lewis and 0.5-10 m (1-30 feet). of the quadrangle are 71.9 ± 2.5 and 81.6 ± 2.9 Ma (Fisher and others, of the Blue Mountains Region of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington: The Idaho Tr Rhyolite and rhyolite porphyry dikes and plugs (Eocene)—Light colored and 1992). Batholith and Its Border Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper Kiilsgaard (1991), Fisher and others (1992), and Bennett and Knowles (1985). Qgt Qtg Terrace deposits, level-1 above modern stream (Holocene or late Pleistocene?)— 1 Deposits in cirques and upland valleys (Holocene)—Poorly sorted, highly angular generally porphyritic rhyolite and minor quartz latite. Phenocrysts are 1436, p. 171-196. Descriptions of rocks of the Idaho batholith are largely from Kiilsgaard and 1 Sandy cobble gravel and coarse sand deposited on stream-cut bedrock boulder gravel, sandy boulder gravel, and boulder till from rock glaciers, embayed quartz, potassium feldspar, and subordinate plagioclase. Includes Megacrystic granodiorite (Cretaceous)—Coarsely porphyritic granodiorite and Lindgren, Waldemar, 1898, The mining districts of the Idaho basin and the Boise Lewis (1985), Lewis and others (1987), and Fisher and others (1992). Plutonic Kgdmg benches. In the South Fork drainage, terrace surface has been protalus ramparts, and glaciers. Primarily on north and east aspects in cirques rhyolite stock with pre-Tertiary roof pendants on ridge southeast of Cape tonalite. Megacrysts of potassium feldspar as long as 10 cm (4 inches). Ridge, Idaho: 18th Annual Report of the U.S. Geological Survey, pt. 3, rock ages are from a compilation in Fisher and others (1992). For additional locally scoured. Level-1 terraces are 0.6-1.5 m (2-5 feet) above modern and valleys above 2,440 m (8,000 feet) in the west part of the map and Horn Creek. Stock is red weathering, yellowish gray aphanitic rhyolite Exposures on ridge tops in northeast corner of area are dark gray, medium p. 617-719. information on faults in the quadrangle see Kiilsgaard and Lewis (1985). flood plain except along the South Fork Payette River where the terrace 2,770 m (9,100 feet) in the east. Deposits observed locally are ice cored containing sparse phenocrysts of quartz as long as 1 mm. to coarse grained, and typically foliated. Most contain hornblende in addition Luthy, S.T., 1981, Petrology of Cretaceous and Tertiary intrusive rocks Red in high sheltered areas. Three nested moraine sets exist in the cirques of the Surficial units in the northwest and central parts of the area were largely surface is higher at 10-14 m (35-45 feet). Terraces may correlate to a late to biotite. Those northeast of Deadwood Reservoir and in the east-central Mountain-Bull Trout Point area, Boise, Custer, and, Valley counties, Idaho: North Fork Baron Creek. The outer moraines have trees with diameters as Trd Rhyodacite dikes (Eocene)—Pinkish gray and gray dikes that typically contain derived from work by Schmidt and Mackin (1970). Using air-photo glacial advance: Virginia Lake deposits of Stanford (1982a,1982b) and Alpine part of the map are light gray and contain less biotite and only rare hornblende. University of Montana M.S. thesis, scale 1:24,000. much as 2.5 feet, and boulders are lichen covered on the distal slopes. Inner potassium feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, and biotite phenocrysts. Hornblende interpretation, Schmidt and Mackin’s surficial geology was recompiled on Creek moraine of Borgert (1999). Terrace deposits become unmappable A U-Pb zircon age of 88 ± 6 Ma and a hornblende K-Ar age of 84.7 ± 2.9 Othberg, K.L., 1987, Landforms and surface deposits of Long Valley, Valley o o slopes and younger moraines are free of trees and lack extensive lichens present locally. Micrographic textures common in groundmass. 7.5-minute maps before digitization. Surfical geology for the rest of the map upstream of Kirkham Hot Springs (lat 44.0717 , long -115.5483 ) in the Ma have been obtained east of Stanley from the southeast extension of the County, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Map 5, scale 1:62,000. South Fork Payette River valley. Thickness 0.5-6 m (1-20 feet). (Stanford, 1982a and 1982b). Thickness 1-30 m (3-100 feet). dark gray megacrystic granodiorite (Fisher and others, 1992). Othberg, K.L., and L.R. Stanford, 1992, Geologic map of the Boise Valley and was compiled from existing mapping (Stanford, 1982a) and photogeology Td Dacite dikes (Eocene)—Greenish gray dikes, typically porphyritic, containing adjoining area, western Plain, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey using 1:15,840- and 1:40,000-scale photography and then field checked. phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and quartz. Quartz is visible Terrace deposits, level-2 above modern stream (late Pleistocene)—Moderately Qgt2 Glacial deposits of the last local major glacial advance (late Pleistocene)— Map 18, scale 1:100,000. Qtg2 in hand specimens. to well-sorted sandy cobble gravel, coarse sand, and sandy pebble gravel Unsorted to moderately sorted sandy boulder till, sandy gravel, and coarse PROTEROZOIC TO PALEOZOIC Reid, R.R., 1963, Reconnaissance geology of the : Idaho Bureau sand. Clasts subangular to rounded. Includes deposits of the last local major deposited on stream-cut bedrock benches. Pebbly boulder gravel outwash Ta Andesite and porphyritic andesite dikes (Eocene)—Greenish gray dikes that METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS of Mines and Geology Pamphlet 129, 37 p., scale 1:63,527. DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS advance and younger up-valley glacial deposits. Landforms include terminal, where unit traces to terminal moraines (Qgt2). Level-2 terraces are 1.5-3 m contain plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and minor quartz. Some contain Rychner, Larry, Unpublished geologic mapping of parts of the Cape Horn Lakes, medial, and lateral moraines, kame terraces, and collapsed or slumped Roof pendants, undivided (Proterozoic to Paleozoic)—Quartzite, calc-silicate (5-10 feet) above modern flood plain except along the South Fork Payette pyroxene. Locally porphyritic but more commonly equigranular or PzYrp Banner Summit and, Bull Trout Point quadrangles, Idaho: scale 1:24,000. SURFICIAL DEPOSITS moraines. Moraine surfaces are hummocky with many closed depressions, quartzite, carbonate rocks, and schist. River where the terrace surface is higher at 7.5-18m (25-60 feet). Clasts microporphyritic. Schmidt, D.L., and J. Hoover Mackin, 1970, Quaternary geology of Long and subangular to well rounded. Air photos show braided-stream pattern on and crests are steep-sided with many exposed boulders. Granitic clasts are Bear Valleys, west-central Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1319-D, Carbonate-rich quartzite (Proterozoic to Paleozoic)—Roof pendants of carbonate- Made Deposits some terrace surfaces. Gravel mostly outwash of Qgt . Also includes some unweathered. Lateral moraine crests in the Stanley Lake area rise to 213 m PzYqc scale 62,500. 2 rich quartzite, calc-silicate gneiss, and skarn. Layers 1-20 cm (0.4-8 inches) possible Qtg -age terraces deposits upstream from Kirkham Hot Springs (lat (700 feet) above valley floor. Near glacier terminus and on outwash plain Plutonic Rocks Stanford, L.R., 1982a, Surficial geology of the upper South Fork Payette River t Gold and radioactive placer tailings and mine waste (Holocene)—Gold was 1 thick and tightly folded. Calcite composes as much as 80 percent of carbonate- 44.0717o, long -115.5483o) in the South Fork Payette River valley. Many soils are less than 1 m (3 feet) thick with a cambic B horizon (Stanford, area, south central Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report 82-7, extracted from placer deposits along Grimes Creek, from adjoining Charlotte Tg rich beds. Locally graphitic. Rocks contain varied amounts of quartz, terraces are partly or wholly covered by a wedge of alluvial and debris-flow 1982b). Grandjean area soils have calcium carbonate-cemented zone at 60 Granite (Eocene)—Pink and less commonly light gray, medium- to coarse- scale 1:48,000. Gulch near Grimes Pass, and from Muddy Creek, a to Grimes Creek plagioclase, diopside, scapolite, wollastonite, tremolite, garnet, clinozoisite, fan deposits in valleys with steep canyon walls. Includes Pinedale outwash, cm (2 feet). Radiocarbon ages taken in equivalent deposits in the Alturas grained monzogranite and subordinate syenogranite. Highly perthitic alkali Stanford, L.R., 1982b, Glacial geology of the upper South Fork Payette River, located southwest of Grimes Pass (Anderson, 1947). The radioactive minerals, forsterite, and chondrodite (Lewis, 1984). undivided (Qpo) of Schmidt and Mackin (1970) in Long, Round, and Bear Lake drainage, southeast of area, indicate ice had begun to retreat from feldspar; plagioclase is oligoclase, commonly with thin albite rims. Biotite, south central Idaho: University of Idaho M.S. thesis, 83 p. monazite and euxenite, were mined in the 1950s from the Big Meadow magnetite, and rare hornblende constitute less than 7 percent of the rock. valleys. Thickness 0.5-10 m (1-30 feet). maximum about 16,860 cal. yr B.P. (Thackray and others, 2004). Thickness Schist (Proterozoic to Paleozoic)—Biotite schist and subordinate carbonate, Stanford, L.R., Unpublished surficial geologic mapping and photo reconnaissance placer deposit in upper Bear Valley (Schmidt and Mackin, 1970; Kiilsgaard Contains miarolitic cavities, locally lined with smoky quartz crystals, and PzYs mapping of the Deadwood River 30 x 60 minute quadrangle: scale 1:24,000. 0.5-30 m (1-100 feet). Includes Virginia Lake deposits of Stanford (1982) calc-silicate rocks, and granofels. Largest mass is in the Thompson Peak area and Hall, 1995). There are mine dumps and mill tailings at the Deadwood Alluvium and colluvium that grades to Qgt and Qtg (late Pleistocene)— is more radioactive than granodiorite of the Idaho batholith. Hornblende K- Thackray, G.D., K.A. Lundeen, and J.A. Borgert, 2004, Latest Pleistocene alpine Qac 2 2 and Alpine Creek moraine of Borgert (1999). at the east edge of the map where Reid (1963) describes biotite-quartz- mine, which was active during World War II. 2 Poorly to moderately sorted coarse sandy pebble gravel and coarse sand. Ar age of 44.3 ± 1.3 Ma obtained from stock east of Banner Creek (Fisher glacier advances in the Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho, USA: Reflections of plagioclase schist, quartz-diopside marble, diopside quartzite, and diopside- Alluvial, colluvial, and periglacial deposits in small side streams mostly in Qgt3 Glacial deposits of intermediate age (Pleistocene)—Sandy cobble and boulder and others, 1992). midlatitude moisture transport at the close of the last glaciation: Geology, quartz-bytownite granofels. Alluvial and Mass Movement Deposits the granitic uplands. Sediment primarily eroded from grus. Locally includes till and coarse sand. Clasts subangular to rounded. Surface boulders weathered v. 32, no. 3, p. 225-228. Tqmd Quartz monzodiorite suite (Eocene)—Varied unit dominated by quartz angular to subangular cobble to boulder gravel in talus or patterned ground. and partly buried. Landforms include lateral and terminal moraines. Commonly Quartzite (Proterozoic to Paleozoic)—Roof pendants of light gray, medium- to U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1986, Mineral resources of monzodiorite, granodiorite, and monzogranite. Minor monzodiorite, diorite, Qal Main stream and side stream alluvium (Holocene)—Channel and low terrace Includes alluvium and colluvium (Qpa) of Schmidt and Mackin (1970). deeply eroded and covered by younger glacial deposits. Moraine surfaces PzYq coarse-grained quartzite and minor schist and carbonate-rich quartzite. the eastern part of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Custer and Blaine and quartz diorite. Most is porphyritic and medium grained. Typically deposits are primarily pebble to cobble gravel; however, in the Deadwood, Thickness 0.5-4.5 m (1-15 feet). smooth with no closed depressions. Includes Bull Lake age morainal deposits Quartzite contains plagioclase and locally biotite, potassium feldspar, counties, Idaho: Plate 1: Geologic and aeromagnetic map of the eastern contains 10-30 percent euhedral biotite and hornblende and a few percent Bear Valley, and Bull Trout Lake drainages, Qal is commonly composed of (Qbt) of Schmidt and Mackin (1970) and Camp Creek glacial deposits of phlogopite, and sillimanite (Lewis, 1984). Sparse interlayers of schist contain part of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Custer and Blaine counties, Terrace gravel level-3 above modern stream (Pleistocene)—Mostly coarse sandy Stanford (1982a and 1982b). Soils in the Grandjean area show a moderately magnetite. Plagioclase strongly zoned and dominantly andesine. Hornblende Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1545, scale 1:62,500. coarse sand and medium pebble gravel derived from decomposed Idaho Qtg3 biotite, plagioclase, and sillimanite. Locally they contain corundum, potassium cobble gravel and coarse sand deposited on stream-cut bedrock benches. K-Ar ages of 47.7 ± 1.1 Ma and 48.2 ± 3.0 Ma have been obtained from batholith (grus). Side stream deposits range from cobble gravel in the steep- developed argillic B horizon 51-150 cm( 20-60 inches) deep. Granitic feldspar, or andalusite partly replaced by sillimanite (Lewis, 1984). Thin Pebbly boulder gravel outwash where unit traces to terminal moraines (Qgt ). the Jackson Peak stock (Fisher and others, 1992). sided valleys to coarse sand and colluvial grus in the nonglaciated uplands. 3 cobbles found in soils have oxidation rinds of less than 1 cm (0.5 inch); a carbonate-rich intervals are similar to PzYqc unit. Includes some gravel and sand deposited in alluvial and debris-flow fans. Terraces partly or wholly covered by a wedge of alluvial and debris-flow few are disintegrated. Thbg Hornblende-biotite granite (Eocene)—Medium-grained hornblende biotite Thickness 0.5-5 m (1-15 feet). fan deposits. Terraces in the Bear Valley are 7.6-11 m (25-35 feet) above granite and minor granodiorite, quartz monzonite, and quartz monzodiorite. modern flood plain. Terraces adjacent to the South Fork Payette River are Qgt Glacial deposits of early age (Pleistocene)—Thin dissected and discontinuous 4 Subunit of Tqmd characterized by striking porphyritic texture and more INDEX TO SOURCES OF Qls Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene)—Poorly sorted and poorly 50 m (160 feet ) above the modern stream. Terrace surfaces in the Valley sandy cobble and boulder till. Moraine remnants on bedrock 135 m (440 stratified pebbles, cobbles, and boulders mixed with sand, silt, and clay. Creek drainage are 17-20 m (55-65 feet) above creek level near Meadow feet) above flood plain in the South Fork Payette valley. Near Stanley Lake, potassium feldspar than average Tqmd. Includes Boise Basin stock, mapped REFERENCES GEOLOGIC MAPPING Includes rock-fall deposits in the Warm Springs Creek drainage. Unit does Creek, but downstream near the Iron Creek are only 6-7.6 m deposits are at least 30 m (100 feet) above modern drainage, and moraines as quartz monzonite porphyry by Anderson (1947), which contains white Anderson, A.L., 1947, Geology and ore deposits of Boise Basin, Idaho: U.S. 115o are massive and similar in form to younger moraines of Sawtooth Valley. plagioclase phenocrysts and fewer hornblende and biotite crystals in a o not include the hundreds of small earth and debris-flow scarps and deposits (20-25 feet) above creek level. Qtg3 in the Valley Creek area rests on saprolitic Geological Survey Bulletin 944-C, scale 1:24,000. 44 30’ Few boulders exposed at surface. Subsurface granitic boulders are mostly pinkish granular groundmass rich in potassium feldspar and quartz. 7 from the winter of 1996-1997 weather-related landslide cluster (see Qfg). bedrock indicating long surface exposure before burial and incision. Includes Axelrod, D.I., 1964, The Miocene Trapper Creek flora of southern Idaho: University 12 Thickness highly varied, but probably ranges from 0.5 to 60 m (1-200 feet). Bull Lake outwash, undivided (Qbo) of Schmidt and Mackin (1970). Thickness oxidized and disintegrated. Paleosols near Warm Springs Creek have strongly of California Publications in Geological Sciences, v. 51, p. 1-102. Tqmdi Quartz monzodiorite (Eocene)—Medium grained hornblende-biotite quartz 1-25 m (3-85 feet). developed argillic horizon and prismatic structures that are buried by young Bennett, E.H., and C.R. Knowles, 1983, Tertiary plutons and related rocks in Qfg Alluvial fan deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene)—Angular to subangular, poorly monzodiorite and minor monzodiorite. Subunit of Tqmd that consists largely soils developed in slope wash (Stanford, 1982a and 1982b). central Idaho, in D.H. McIntyre, ed., Symposium on the Geology and Mineral 11 sorted to unsorted sandy pebble and cobble gravel. Sand and granule gravel of quartz monzodiorite. Includes Long Gulch stock, Monumental Butte stock, Qac Alluvium and colluvium that grades to Qgt3 and Qtg3 (Pleistocene)—Poorly Deposits of the Challis 1o x 2o Quadrangle, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey 3 Glacial deposits previous to last local major glacial advance, undivided and Rocky Peak stock. 13 9 where the source is grus. Sandy to cobbly boulder gravel where broad valleys to moderately sorted coarse sandy pebble gravel to coarse sand. Alluvial, Qgu Bulletin 1658, p. 81-95. are bordered by steep terrain (e.g., Garden Valley and the upper South Fork colluvial, and periglacial deposits in small side streams mostly in the granitic (Pleistocene)—Poorly sorted sand and boulder till. Includes older glacial 8 Tdi Diorite (Eocene)—Relatively small bodies of dark gray, fine- to medium-grained Borgert, J.A., 1999, Late Pleistocene glaciation in the Sawtooth Mountains, Payette River valley near Grandjean). Clast size in these deposits, however, deposits and deposits of probable glacial origin south of Stanley Lake. uplands. Sediment primarily eroded from grus. Includes alluvium and diorite, monzodiorite, and quartz diorite. Typically equigranular with “salt central Idaho: Idaho State University M.S. thesis, 100 p. 5 9 also depends on the degree of weathering in the bedrock. For example, 4 colluvium (Qba) of Schmidt and Mackin (1970). and pepper” texture. Abundant biotite and hornblende; subordinate pyroxene. Fisher, F.S., D.H. McIntyre, and K.M. Johnson, 1992, Geologic map of the Challis 2 2 older weathered surfaces in Idaho batholith rocks provide thicker grus 1o x 2o quadrangle, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations 6, 14 Terrace gravel level-4 and level-5 above modern streams (Pleistocene?)— Pliocene and Miocene Deposits Plagioclase strongly zoned. See Anderson (1947) for a more detailed 15 compared to that from glacially scoured rocks. Wet winters in conjunction Qtg4 Series I-818, scale 1:250,000. Moderately sorted to well-sorted sandy cobble gravel, coarse sand, and description. with sudden thaws and rain contribute large amount of debris (e.g., the High gravel (Pliocene)—Poorly sorted to unsorted sand, gravel, cobbles, and Forester, C.S., S.H. Wood, and B.P. Nash, 2002, An 11.8 ± 0.2 Ma silicic volcanic boulder gravel deposited on stream-cut bedrock benches. Highly weathered Thgg winter of 1996-1997). These flows had their source in the older grus soils boulders of the Idaho batholith and intrusive dikes. Limited to older alluvial ash in the Miocene Payette Formation, Boise Basin, Idaho: Geological Society and dissected. Bedrock bench is saprolitic in the Valley Creek area. Soils mostly on south-facing treeless slopes between 1,200 and 1,500 m (4,000 fills in the Muddy Creek area southeast of Grimes Pass. May grade to ROCKS OF THE IDAHO BATHOLITH of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 4, p. 48. 1 3 have well-developed argillic B horizon in which granitic clasts are mostly 44o and 5,000 feet; Governor’s Landslide Task Force, 1997). Fans form a wedge o Bonneville Point gravel of Othberg and Stanford (1992). Klg Governor’s Landslide Task Force, 1997, Recommendations for Idaho communities, 116 of debris typically covering terrace deposits and thin toward valley centers. oxidized and disintegrated. The level-4 terrace surface is about 130 m (425 Leucocratic granite (Cretaceous)—Light gray to white, fine- to medium-grained infrastructure, and resources at risk from landslides and related events: Report 1. Anderson, A.L., 1947. Thickness 0.5-55 m (1-180 feet). feet ) above flood plain in the South Fork Payette River valley and 18-24 m Tsp Sediments of the Payette Formation (Miocene)—Well sorted, laminated silt and granite having distinctive anhedral texture. Forms resistant dikes and irregularly from the Governor’s Landside Task Force to Governor Philip E. Batt, July ( 60-80 feet) above the Valley Creek flood plain. Level-5 surface is represented silty sand. Cut and backfilled with river gravel near the Middle Fork Payette shaped stocks. Scree may be extensive on hillsides and give the impression 1997, . 2. Fisher, F.S., and others, 1992 (entire map area). by one outcrop on State Highway 21 about 180 m (600 feet) above Lowman. River. Originally described by Lindgren (1888); type locality unknown. of being eroded from larger masses than actually exist. Consists of roughly International Commission on Stratigraphy, 2000, International stratigraphic chart, 3. Kiilsgaard, T.H., 1983. Level-5 may be equivalent to Thgg. Maximum thickness at least 10 m (33 Miocene fossil plant flora present in similar deposits in the Thorn Creek equal amounts of quartz, plagioclase, and potassium feldspar. Biotite may 2000 edition: International Union of Geological Sciences and UNESCO. 4. Kiilsgaard, T.H., and Val L. Freeman, 1970. feet). drainage south of area (Axelrod, 1964). Volcanic ash in the Boise Basin constitute as much as 2 percent of rock; garnet and magnetite common; a International Commission on Stratigraphy, 2004, International stratigraphic chart, 5. Kiilsgaard, T.H., Unpublished mapping of 7.5-minute dated at 11.8 ± 0.2 Ma (Forester and others, 2002). West-dipping sediments trace of muscovite. Biotite K-Ar ages in and to the north of the quadrangle 2nd edition: International Union of Geological Sciences and UNESCO. quadrangles. near Crouch are downfaulted by a normal fault. Thickness is more than 183 range from 63.6 ± 1.4 to 72.6 ± 2.5 Ma (Fisher and others, 1992). Kiilsgaard, T.H., 1983, Geologic map of the Ten Mile West Roadless Area, Boise 6. Kiilsgaard, T.H., Unpublished mapping of 15-minute m (600 feet) near Crouch. and Elmore counties, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field quadrangles. Kmg Muscovite-biotite granite (Cretaceous)—Light gray, medium- to coarse-grained, Studies Map MF-1500-A, scale 1:62,500. equigranular to porphyritic granite and granodiorite. Consists chiefly of 7. Lewis, R.S., 1984. CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Kiilsgaard, T.H., Unpublished geologic mapping of 7.5-minute quadrangles, 8. Luthy, S.T., 1981. TERTIARY IGNEOUS ROCKS oligoclase, quartz, and potassium feldspar; muscovite as much as 5 percent Boise, Custer, Elmore, and Valley counties, Idaho: scale 1:24,000. 9. U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1986. and averages about 2 percent, as does biotite. Muscovite in laminated books Kiilsgaard, T.H., Unpublished geologic mapping of 15-minute quadrangles, Volcanic Rocks or plates large enough to see in hand specimen. Transitional into Kbgd 10. Reid, R.R., 1963. Tailings Stream and Mass Movement Deposits Glacial Deposits Boise, Custer, Elmore, and Valley counties, Idaho: scale 1:62,500. through a zone 2 km (6,000 feet) or more wide. Muscovite K-Ar ages in and Kiilsgaard, T.H., and Val L. Freeman, 1970, Mineral resources of the Sawtooth 11. Rychner, Larry, Unpublished mapping. Tcb Columbia River Basalt Group? (Miocene?)—Small area of basalt near Grimes t to the north of the quadrangle range from 68.8 ± 0.2 to 74.7 ± 2.7 Ma (Fisher Primitive Area, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1319-D, scale 1:63,360. 12. Schmidt, D.L., and J. Hoover Mackin, 1970, Plate 1. Qgt1 Holocene Pass. Dense, fine-grained rock with a mottled weathering pattern that is Qal and others, 1992). Kiilsgaard, T.H., and R.S. Lewis, 1985, Plutonic rocks of Cretaceous age and 13. Schmidt, D.L., and J. Hoover Mackin, 1970, Plate 2. Qff Qalc ? atypical of more thoroughly studied Columbia River basalt to the west. ? Qls 10,000 yr B.P.* faults in the Atlanta lobe of the Idaho batholith, in D.H. McIntyre, ed., Qtg 14. Stanford, L.R., Unpublished surficial geologic mapping. Qfg 1 Chemically similar, however, to some flows of the Imnaha Basalt (John Kbgd Biotite granodiorite (Cretaceous)—Light gray, medium- to coarse-grained, o o Qac ? Symposium on the Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Challis 1 x 2 15. Stanford, L.R., 1982. ? 2 16,860 ** Kauffman, oral commun., 2004). Maximun thickness 34 m (110 feet). equigranular to porphyritic granodiorite and granite. Contains plagioclase Glaciation Quadrangle, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1658, p. 29-42. Qtg2 Qgt2 cal. yr B.P. (last glacial (An22-30), quartz, and potassium feldspar; biotite generally 2-8 percent and high low maximum Rhyolitic volcanic rocks (Eocene)—Yellowish gray to pale red to purple rhyolite (elevation) in this area) Trv averages 5 percent; trace muscovite and rare hornblende. Biotite K-Ar ages ? flows and subordinate tuffs. Flows contain 5-15 percent phenocrysts of to the north of the quadrangle away from altered zones range from 72.7 ± ? Pleistocene QUATERNARY sanidine, quartz, and minor plagioclase (Lewis, 1984). Well-developed flow 2.6 to 78.9 ± 2.8 Ma (Fisher and others, 1992). Qac Qtg banding. Tuffaceous rocks poorly exposed but may constitute 30 percent of 3 3 Qgt Qgu Glaciation 3 unit. Block and lapilli tuff contains blocks as much as 0.5 m across in 5-15 mm pumice and lithic matrix. Tuff contains about 10 percent broken sanidine and quartz grains. Undated, but probably correlative with dated Eocene Qtgu Qgt Glaciation(s) Challis Volcanics east of the area. Qtg4 4 Qgu Pliocene and Miocene ? ? ? N 1.75 Ma Deposits SYMBOLS Pliocene Thgg Volcanic Rocks Dikes and Plugs Plutonic Rocks B 5.3 Ma NEOGENE Contact: line showing boundary between one map unit and LV D C another; dashed where approximately located or inferred. Tsp Tcb Miocene TERTIARY 23.5 Ma 60 W 33.7 Ma DR Tg Tdl Trd Tr Trv Tdu Tg Fault: line showing surface trace of displacement between Eocene S Td Ta PALEOGENE rocks; dashed where approximately located, dotted where Tqmdi Tqmd Tdi Thbg concealed; bar and ball on downthrown side; arrow 53 Ma indicates dip of fault plane. I 65 Ma Klg Strike and dip of flow foliation in volcanic rocks. Klg SP CRETACEOUS Kbgd Kmg MESOZOIC Khgd Kgdmg Strike and dip or attitude of bedding in rocks. Kht WP 135 Ma Strike and dip of foliation. GV 250 Ma CR Proterozoic or Paleozoic SP G Metasedimentary Rocks BC PALEOZOIC Igneous breccia. PzYqc PzYs PzYq PzYrp or 75 PROTEROZOIC Quartz vein: arrow indicates dip of vein. LV=Long Valley (State Highway 55). GV=Garden Valley (State Highway 17). G=Grimes Creek. BC=Beaver Creek Summit (State Highway 21). DR=Deadwood Reservoir. D=Deadwood River. 2,500 Ma W=Whitehawk Mountain. CR=Crooked River. B=Bear Valley. C=Cape Horn. SP=South Fork Payette River. S=Stanley Lake. I=Iron Creek. WP=Warbonnet Peak, Sawtooth Range. *Ages from IUGS/ICS Stratigraphic Chart, 2000 and 2004 **Thackray and others, 2004 Figure 1. Oblique view looking north over the map area showing the approximate last glacial maximum for this area. This first approximation of glacial extent was compiled using depositional evidence, topographic expression in cirques and valleys, equilibrium line altitudes (~paleo snow line), and glacial threshold altitudes. Red lines are major highways.

Published and sold by the Idaho Geological Survey University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844-3014