VOL. 26

61 VOLUME 26 2007 &84 /0/5)& 3*"-50 No. 26 2007

EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Patricia Fortini Brown Dept. of Art & Archeology Princeton University

Paul Grendler Emeritus Professor of History University of Toronto

Edward Muir Department of History Northwestern University

Robert C. Davis Department of History The Ohio State University

EDITOR Eric Dursteler Department of History Brigham Young University

Published with the support of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation under the auspices of the Department of History at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 USA. Tel. (801) 422-5260; Fax (801) 422-0275 For information, contact: [email protected] or


ARCHIVIO DI STATO, FRARI CENTRO TEDESCO DI STUDI ISTITUTO DI STUDI STORICI S. Polo 3002, tel. 041-5222281; VENEZIANI: S. Sebastiano fax 041-5229220 San Polo 2765/A, tel. 5206355 Monday -- Friday 8:30-19:00 Monday – Wednesday 8:30-12:30; Saturday 8:30-13:00 indice.html & Friday 14:30-17:30 Monday – Thursday 8:20-18:00 Thursday 8:30-12:30 ISTITUTO DI SCIENZE, Friday – Saturday 8:20-14:00 LETTERE ED ARTE COMUNE DI VENEZIA Campo S. Stefano, tel. 041-5210177 ATENEO VENETO Castello 2737, tel. 5289261 Monday – Friday 9:00-12:30 Campo S. Fantin, tel. 041-5224459 (call for information) 15:00-18:00 Monday – Friday 9:00-12:00; 16:00-19:00 CONSORZIO PER LO SVILUPPO ISTITUZIONI DI RICOVERO E Saturday 9:00-12:00 ECONOMICO E SOCIALE DELLA DI EDUCAZIONE PROVINCIA DI VENEZIA Castello 6691, tel. 041-2601974 BIBLIOTECA MARCIANA Corte Pisano, S. Marco 2818, Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-13:00 S. Marco 7, tel. 041-5208788; tel. 041-700217 fax 041-5238803 Monday – Friday 9:00-14:00 MUSEO CORRER, BIBLIOTECA Monday – Friday 8:10-19:00 S. Marco 52, tel. 041-5225625; CURIA PATRIARCALE Saturday 8:10-13:30 fax 041-5200935 Castello 4312, tel. 041-5222034 Monday, Wednesday, BIBLIOTECA QUERINI STAMPALIA Monday – Friday 9:00-13:00 Friday 8:30-13:30 Castello 4778, tel. 041-5225235 Tuesday, Thursday 8:30-17:00 DEPUTAZIONE DI STORIA PATRIA Tuesday – Friday 16:00-24:00 Saturday 14:30-24:00 Biblioteca, S. Croce 1583, SOPRAINTENDENZA PER I BENI ARCHIVISTICI DEL VENETO Sundays & Holidays 15:00-19:00 tel. 041-5241009 Monday & Wednesday 15:00-18:00 s. Polo 3002, tel. 041-5222491 BIBLIOTECA “RENATO MAESTRO” Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-12:30 UNIVERSITÀ POPOLARE Ghetto Vecchio 1189, tel. 041-715012 FONDAZIONE GIORGIO CINI: Monday, Wednesday. Piazza S. Marco 52, tel. 041-5287544 Friday 9:00-13:00 S. Giorgio Maggiore, tel. 5289900; Segretaria: Tuesday, Thursday 13:00-18:00 fax 5238540 Monday & Thursday 11:00-12:00 Monday – Friday 9:00-12:00; Tuesday & Friday 17:00-18:40 BIBLIOTECA SAN FRANCESCO 15:30-18:30 Library: DELLA VIGNA Tuesday & Friday 17:00-18:40 Castello 2786, tel. & ISTITUTO ELLENICO fax 042-523-5341; S. Giorgio dei Greci tel. 041-5226581 NGBO>KLBM:=BO>G>SB:% BIBLIOTECA: e-mail: [email protected] Monday – Friday 9:00-15:00 Monday – Friday 9-12:30; Saturday 9:00-13:00 Ca’ Bernardo, tel. 041-5232463 13:30-17:30 Monday – Friday 9:00-20:00 ISTITUTO GRAMSCI, EMEROTECA Saturday 9:00-14:00 CENTRO DELLE ARTI Cannaregio 1575, tel. 041-717940 CONTEMPORANEE Monday, Tuesday, tel. 5242062 Thursday 14:00-20:00 Monday – Friday 9:00-13:00 Wednesday, Friday 8:00-14:00


GRANTS FOR RESEARCH ON VENETIAN CULTURE AND HISTORY: The Trustees of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation announce its annual call for applications for predoctoral and postdoctoral grants for historical research on and the former Venetian empire and for the study of contempo- rary Venetian society and culture. Disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences are eligibile areas of study, including (but not limited to) archaeology, architecture, art, bibliography, economics, history, history of science, law, literature, music, political science, religion, and theater. The deadline for applications is December 15. Guidelines and application forms are available from the Foundation’s website:

DELMAS FOUNDATION: The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation has announced that Michael Mallett is stepping down as Secretary of the British and Commonwealth Division of the Foundation. He has been replaced by Julian Gardner of Warwick Uni- versity. Applicants and those seeking additional information should contact Prof. Gardner at 108, Kenilworth Road, Coventry CV4 7AH, UK, or at julian. [email protected].

DELMAS COMMONWEALTH GRANTS FOR VENETIAN RESEARCH: The Trustees of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation of New York announce that up to £20,000 will be made available in 2006/2007 to scholars from Great Britain and the Commonwealth for research in Venice. The principal areas of research envisaged concern both the past (art, architecture, history, law, language, literature, music) and the present (conservation, culture, environment, politics) of Venice and the territories formerly subject to it. Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary to the Delmas Foundation’s Advisory Committee, Professor Julian Gardner, 108, Kenilworth Road, Coventry CV4 7AH, UK (telephone 02476 418 261 e-mail julian.gardner@war- Applications should reach Professor Julian Gardner by 15 May.

SENATO. DELIBERAZIONI MISTE: The Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti is publishing the registers of the Venetian Senate for the period up to the war of Chioggia (1381), in a total of twenty volumes. This will make available documentary material of ex- traordinary importance for historic research. The Consiglio dei Rogati o dei Pregadi (Consilium Rogatorum), later the Senate, was possibly set up in 1229-1230 as an organ of support to the Great Council. Its function soon moved from that of preliminary inquiry and advice on matters of trade and navigation to decision-making, eventually in HYHU\DVSHFWRIHFRQRPLFÀQDQFLDODQGDGPLQLVWUDWLYHPDWWHUVDQGRILQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDOSROLF\2YHUWKH\HDUVWKH Consiglio dei Rogati became the most important of the Venetian councils, at the heart of the institutional order. The deliberations (or parti), valid as law, were recorded from the end of the thirteenth century, and have been conserved from register XV onward. The series ispublished under the patronage of the Senato della Repubblica Italiana and GLUHFWHGE\0DULD)UDQFHVFD7LHSROR'LHWHU*LUJHQVRKQDQG*KHUDUGR2UWDOOL More information: or [email protected].

VENICE LAGOON FOUNDATION: The Forum for the Lagoon, of Venice, and the University of Minnesota have together set up the Venice Lagoon Foundation, a charitable organization intended to promote studies on the condition and preservation of the Venetian /DJRRQ·VHFRV\VWHP,WVÀUVWSURMHFWVZLOOGHDOZLWKWKHUHFODPDWLRQRIWKHLVODQGRI6*LRUJLRLQ$OJDWKH)RUXP·V future home, and the opening of an “eco-museum” within the Arsenal of Venice. Website:


MEDITERRANEAN HISTORICAL REVIEW – put all the Marciana’s catalogues, very old and less old, on- CALL FOR PAPERS: OLQHIRU\RXUFRQYHQLHQFH2XUVXSSRUWKDVKHOSHGWRSODFH Mediterranean Historical Review is a bi-annual, refereed the on-line services of the Marciana in the lead of Italian journal, published by Routledge. The journal is interested in state libraries. For membership information and a chance to receiving papers treating the history of the Mediterranean receive the informative AFML newsletter, please address an EDVLQHPSKDVL]LQJFRQWDFWVUHODWLRQVDQGLQÁXHQFHVZLWKLQ e-mail to [email protected]. a Mediterranean context, as well as questions of a compara- CENTRO ITALIANO DI STORIA SANITARIA E tive and comparable nature. For information regarding the OSPEDALIERA DEL VENETO: submission of manuscripts, please visit our website: http:// ZZZWDXDFLOKXPDQLWLHVFPFPKUPKUKWPO2UFRQWDFWXV Professor Nelli-Elena Vanzan Marchini announces the at: [email protected]. opening of the website of the Centro Italiano di storia sani- taria e ospedaliera del Veneto. The site provides a useful FRIENDS OF THE MARCIANA: range of information on the medical history of the Veneto, The American Friends of the Marciana Library, now in its as well as an up-to-date listing of news and events of inter- eighth year, invites those who use and appreciate the Library est to scholars of hygiene and medicine. to contribute to its projects, the chief of which currently is to Website:

,WZRXOGEHGLIÀFXOWWRRYHUUDWH the value of the lessons which might be derived from a faith- ful study of the history of this strange and mighty city: a his- tory which, in spite of the labour of countless chroniclers, remains in vague and disputable outline, - barred with brightness and shade, like the far away edge of her own ocean, where the surf and the sandbank are mingled with the sky.

John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice


CALL FOR PAPERS: VWRULRJUDÀFRFRPHLOPLWRSROLWLFRGL9HQH]LD$QFKHLQ “Donne a Venezia tra ‘500 e ‘700. Forme di libertà e spazi ambito giuridico, Venezia conserva elementi di originalità, di potere” Venezia, 8-10 maggio 2008 nell’epoca moderna, che sono stati sottolineati e indagati La ricerca sulla storia delle donne, sui rapporti tra donne negli studi di Gaetano Cozzi e dei suoi allievi. Si tratta e uomini e sulla costruzione delle identità di “genere” nel insomma di chiedersi se, in epoca moderna, l’originalità del passato è, com’è noto, uno dei campi di ricerca più frequen- sistema politico e giuridico veneziano, la particolarità delle tati negli ultimi anni. All’interno dei vari percorsi che hanno relazioni tra la Repubblica Veneta e la Chiesa e l’evoluzione analizzato la realtà sociale e familiare, le rappresentazioni dell’economia abbiano determinato speciali modalità di e i modelli di genere, le norme e le consuetudini, gli spazi rapporti tra i generi e, eventualmente, creato situazioni di pubblici e privati, le forme di controllo e le reti di relazione, particolare libertà e autonomia femminile. una più recente direzione di ricerca ha cercato di indagare le 7HQHQGRIHUPRTXHVWRÀORFRQGXWWRUHVLLQGLYLGXDQR modalità concrete di declinazione di tali rapporti in relazione DOFXQLDPELWLVSHFLÀFLGLDQDOLVLFKHUDSSUHVHQWHUDQQRDO- ai differenti contesti politici e istituzionali, chiedendosi quale trettante sessioni del convegno: quello della famiglia (norme ricaduta avessero le diverse organizzazioni politiche nelle legislative e consuetudinarie- testamenti e successioni- relazioni di genere e nella realtà di vita delle donne e vicev- UHOD]LRQLHFRQÁLWWLIDPLOLDUL GHOO·HFRQRPLD SUHVHQ]D HUVDFRPHVWUXWWXUHUXROLHSRWHULIDPLOLDULLQÁXLVVHURVXOOD UXROLHSRWHULGHOOHGRQQHQHLPHVWLHULHQHOOHFRUSRUD]LRQL  VWDELOLWjWHQXWDHGHIÀFLHQ]DSROLWLFDFLWWDGLQDRVWDWXDOH della politica (potere mediato e di mediazione, ma anche di Nel caso di Venezia, sono state particolarmente importanti GLVVHQVRHRSSRVL]LRQHSROLWLFD GHOODYLWDVRFLDOH VSD]L le ricerche di Stanley Chojnacki sul patriziato veneziano, al OXRJKLHUHWLGLVRFLDELOLWjIHPPLQLOH 8QDVSHFLÀFDVHV- punto che la condizione delle patrizie veneziane è diventata sione verrà riservata alla critica alla condizione femminile una sorta di modello di potere e libertà femminile che spicca espressa dalle donne e alla costruzione di una tradizione di nel contesto italiano del Rinascimento. Chojnacki attribuisce voci femminili. infatti alle donne patrizie un ruolo attivo nella costruzione Si sollecitano le studiose e gli studiosi che intendessero GHOOHFDUULHUHSROLWLFKHGHLORURÀJOLHPDULWLHLGHQWLÀFDQHOOD partecipare al convegno ad inviare una proposta di inter- dote e nelle leggi che ne garantivano il funzionamento una vento e un abstract entro il 15 settembre 2007 al seguente delle ragioni della coesione del ceto patrizio e dunque della indirizzo di posta elettronica donneavenezia@storiadivene- stabilità del sistema politico veneziano. Le relazioni potranno essere in italiano, inglese o La situazione è però in parte diversa nel periodo mod- francese. erno, quando non si tratta più della costruzione di un &RPLWDWRVFLHQWLÀFR$QQD%HOODYLWLV*LXVHSSH'HO GRPLQLRSROLWLFRHGHOODGHÀQL]LRQHGHOFHWRGLJRYHUQRFKH Torre, Nadia Filippini, Mario Infelise, Tiziana Plebani, lo esercita, ma piuttosto del suo declino e di una grave crisi Claudio Povolo. di identità, problemi che sono stati affrontati da vari autori e, per quanto riguarda gli aspetti familiari, più in particolare nei recenti studi di Volker Hunecke. Il sistema politico vene- ziano conserva però la sua originalità, diventando anzi del tutto eccezionale, per non dire unico, nel contesto internazi- onale del periodo moderno. Ed è proprio durante l’epoca moderna che si fanno sentire voci di donne che esprimono dissenso e critica della condizione femminile nella Repub- blica, e basti pensare alle opere di Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella o Arcangela Tarabotti. Un dissenso che, non solo ha trovato lo spazio per esprimersi, tanto che si è potuto parlare di un primo “femminismo” che sarebbe nato proprio a Venezia, ma che, a ben guardare, ha una precisa con- notazione sociale, venendo non dal gruppo patrizio, ma da quel ceto “cittadino” che, pur condividendo con il patriziato cultura e spazi economici, era escluso dal potere politico. Integrare le questioni familiari e la legislazione che se ne occupa nell’analisi del funzionamento di un regime politico ci sembra un approccio interessante e innovativo, in linea con talune ricerche recenti su altri Stati italiani ed europei, oltre che un modo nuovo di indagare un vecchissimo tema


THE LIKENESS OF VENICE: A LINGUISTIC HISTORY OF VENICE Yale University Press announces the publication of Dennis 7KH&DVD(GLWULFH/HR2OVFKNLDQQRXQFHVWKHSXEOLFDWLRQRI Romano’s The Likeness of Venice: A Life of Doge Francesco A Linguistic History of Venice by Ronnie Ferguson (Flor- Foscari, 1373-1457. Immortalized in the nineteenth cen- HQFH,6%1 7KHÀUVWFRPSUHKHQ- tury, Foscari reigned as from 1423 to 1457. sive study of the history, status, structures, past and present, +LVOLIHZDVPDUNHGE\SROLWLFDOFRQÁLFWYHQJHIXOHQHPLHV of Venetian, the book uses detailed linguistic and histori- family heartbreak, and, at the forced relinquishment of the cal data to contextualize the emergence of Venetian in the ducal throne. Yet no complete biography of him has been medeieval period, its evolution as a written medium and its ZULWWHQ7KLVERRNÀOOVWKDWORQJVWDQGLQJJDSLOOXPLQDWLQJ enduring prestige as a spoken ‘dialect’ in an increasingly not only the life of the man but also the history and culture monolingual Italy. RIÀIWHHQWKFHQWXU\9HQLFH HISTORIA PER FORMA DI DIARIA: VENISE ET LA MER: The Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti has published Editions Fayard has recently published Jean-Claude Christiane Neerfeld’s book, “Historia per forma di diaria” Hocquet’s Venise et la mer XIIe-XVIIIe siècle. La cronachistica veneziana contemporanea a cavallo tra il Quattro e il Cinquecento. MUSIQUE À VENISE: Dr. Jane Baldauf-Berdes has been honored posthumously FARE LA CITTÀ: with the publication of a memorial tribute to her work in Bruno Mondadori has just published Fare la città. Salva- WKHÀHOGRIPXVLFRORJ\7KHYROXPHFRQWDLQVDUWLFOHVE\ guardia e manutenzione urbana a Venezia in età moderna, former colleagues on the work of Baldauf-Berdes. Musique ed. S. Zaggia, with intro by D. Calabi (Milan, 2006). à Venise de Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen à Jane Baldauf-Berdes. ed. M-T. Bouquet-Boyer (Grenoble, 2006). BE=BLEF:G>@@BH3 Il Mulino has recently released Il ‘discorso del maneggio’: Pratiche gestionali e contabili all’Arsenale di Venezia, 1580-1643 by Luca Zan, Franco Rossi and Stefano Zambon.


/,67,1*2)$3$570(176 APARTMENT IN VENICE: APARTMENT IN VENICE: A list of housing in Venice recom- 6PDOORQHEHGURRPQGÁRRUDSDUW- QGDQGUGÁRRUDSDUWPHQWLQD mended by scholars is available from ment available in the very Venetian beautifully restored historic building. Linda Carroll in e-mail format. lin- neighborhood of Via Garibaldi, a High ceilings, fully equipped. Sleeps 2 [email protected] ten-minute walk to Piazza San Marco (+ 2 guests in the livingroom). Sec- 5220,19(1,&( and a twenty-minute vaporetto ride RQGÁRRU.LWFKHQZLWKDOO\RXQHHG American opera singers living in Ven- to the State Archives on the express IRUFRRNLQJOLYLQJURRPZLWKVRID ice offer second bedroom and home (82) vaporetto. It has windows which easy chair, table, stereo system, phone share for visiting scholars. The home overlook a small internal garden and wireless connection to Internet, share includes room rental, use of and a small balcony off the kitchen EDWKURRPZLWKVKRZHU7KLUGÁRRUD kitchen, wireless internet, washing ma- which overlooks a small court. It has huge air conditioned bedroom with a chine, shared bathroom and television. a trundle bed which can be set up as a double bed, desk, sofa, TV and DVD We also offer meals for those interest- double. In addition, it offers a number SOD\HUEDWKURRPZLWKWXEDQGZDVKLQJ ed in a boarding option. We live in the of amenities not always available in PDFKLQHSOXVDVPDOOWHUUDFHZLWKD Cannaregio district and our building Venetian rentals, including phone, great view. The location is at S. Stae: is located directly across the Grand washing machine, dishwasher, porta- convenient to the archives, in a central Canal from the Rialto Fish Market. ble air conditioner, tv and even a dual though very Venetian neighborhood. The apartment is very comfortable and Italian- & American-system VCR. Minimum rental period of two months spacious. It overlooks the Strada Nova We prefer to rent it for the duration preferred. Monthly rent 1300 Euros and it very luminous. We are less than of the American academic semester + utilities. For more info and pictures 500 feet away from the vaporetto stop, or year (from Sept. to mid-December contact [email protected] &D·G·2URDQGYHU\FHQWUDOO\ORFDWHG and then mid-January to mid-May), APARTMENT IN VENICE: within walking distance to everything. but will consider other rental peri- Fully furnished two-bedroom apart- A/C available in the summer. Rates: ods, including academic breaks, if no ment just off the Strada Nuova near the Weekly rate of 250 Euros (6 nights/7 long-term academic year renters are church of La Maddalena, a ten minute days) or nightly rate of 50 Euros. Con- available. Contact Michelle Laughran, walk to Rialto and a short vaporetto tact email: [email protected] [email protected] ULGHWRWKHDUFKLYHV7KHÀUVW JURXQG  Phone: +39.340.008.3717 APARTMENT IN VENICE: ÁRRUKDVDEHGURRPZLWKDTXHHQVL]H APARTMENT IN VENICE: 6SDFLRXVÁDWLQ9HQLFHDYDLODEOH bed, a smaller bedroom with a single Those of you seeking housing in from mid June to the end of August. bed, and a spacious bathroom with a 9HQLFHWRVKDUHZLOOÀQGWKHKRPHRI Located in Sant’Elena, the very green EDWKWXEDQGVKRZHU7KHVHFRQGÁRRU Elsa Dalla Venezia warm and welcom- tip of the island, 15 minutes from has a fully-equipped, eat-in kitchen ing to scholars. Elsa offers a bedroom, the sea, 15 minutes from Venice’s and a sunny living room overlooking a shared bath, use of kitchen and garden, wonderful libraries. I prefer to rent to small court. The apartment is 700 sq ft washing machine, TV, and phone. For an academic willing to relocate here total and includes a refrigerator/freezer, further information contact Joanne Fer- for the summer, and will charge below TV, telephone, and washing machine. raro at [email protected] or phone market rent. Contact Enrico Palandri: Available for rent year-round, except Elsa directly at 041 5267002. [email protected] during the Christmas Holidays and two weeks in the Spring or the Summer. Minimum rental period of two weeks preferred. Contact: Alessandro.Doria@


All Venice is a piece of superb, APARTMENT IN VENICE: Two apartments for rent. 1. Smaller mezzanine apt., ideal for one person barbaric patchwork in which the East or couple plus guest, air-conditioning, washing machine, dishwasher. Fully and the West have an equal share. equipped. 2. Large apt., very spacious, beautiful balcony on canal, two bedrooms, dining room, sitting room, kitchen, one bathroom, plus one bathroom with WC The lion of St Mark’s, his head and and basin, washing machine, entrance hall. Both very central, near Santa Maria shoulders in one piece, his hind- Formosa. Contact: [email protected] quarters in another, is a symbol of APARTMENT IN VENICE: 6XQQ\VHFRQGÁRRUYHU\TXLHWIXOO\IXUQLVKHG HOHJDQWDQWLTXHIXUQLWXUH DSDUW- the construction of Venice, just as ment near Teatro La Fenice and San Marco. Large living/dining room overlook- the bronze horses, which have seen LQJFDQDOEDWKURRPIXOO\HTXLSSHGNLWFKHQVOHHSLQJDUHDRQVHFRQGOHYHOZLWK room with double bed and smaller room with single bed. the downfall of Nero, the splendours Flexible and convenient rent fees. Pictures available. Available May 21-June- of Constantinople, and, at Paris, the 15and from July 27, 2006. Contact: [email protected] First Empire, are a symbol of its his- APARTMENT IN VENICE: tory. Venice is as near to the East as Beautiful, one bedroom apartment with all amenities available September 2007- 0D\UHQWDOIRURQHSHUVRQRUDFRXSOH/DUJHEHGURRPVWXG\ZLWKDGRXEOH it is to Italy; you are reminded of the EHGDQGSKRQHOLQHIRU,QWHUQHWDFFHVVHTXLSSHGNLWFKHQZLWKZDVKLQJPDFKLQH East at every step; yet, after all, its VDORQZLWK799&5VWHUHRV\VWHPFRPIRUWDEOHEDWKURRP$UHDRI*UHHN&RPPX- nity, convenient location: 7 minutes from San Marco, 3 minutes from S. Zaccaria interest is precisely that it is not East- waterbus stop, 10 minutes from the boat-shuttle to the airport. Contact: Matteo ern, that it is really of the West, and Casini or Deborah Walberg: [email protected], [email protected] Castello 3338, 30123 Venezia, Italy, + 39-041-523-9373 that it has given a new touch of the APARTMENTS IN VENICE: fantastic to the fantasy to the fantasy Two apartments for rent. 1) Smallish mezzanine apartment with air-conditioning, which we call Oriental, an arrange- dishwasher, washing machine. 2) Larger apartment with two bedrooms, dining room, sitting room, one bath and a small bathroom with WC, with beautiful bal- ment of lines and colours which, in cony on canal. Very central, near S.Maria Formosa. Contact: [email protected] its own country, has a certain air of being at home, but which, out of its country, frankly admits itself bar- baric, a bastard.

Arthur Symons, Cities of Italy


as well as of other German princes, explains the predominance of men in Cecilie Hollberg. Deutsche in including Poles and Hungarians. KHUVDPSOHZLWKWKHGLIÀFXOW\RILGHQ- Venedig im späten Mittelalter. tifying German testatrixes. For these 2QHLPSRUWDQWLVVXHIRU+ROOEHUJLV Eine Untersuchung von Testa- women, notaries usually mentioned to assure her readers that her sample is the husbands’ names and seldom the menten aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. representative of all German testa- fathers’, reducing the possibility of Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2005 tors in Venice. As she explains, she understanding where the testatrixes (Studien zur historischen Migra- collected at random the 181 wills of came from. tionsforschung 14). Germans among the tens of thousands Cecilie Hollberg’s book, which is kept in the Venetian State archives, for The most fascinating part of the based on her PhD thesis presented at which no nominal register exists. For book describes bequeathed objects. the University of Göttingen 2000/2001, any ethnic or professional group in late These objects fall into three categories has been published in a collection medieval Venice, it is both impossible with high occurrence (beds and their of historical works on migration. It WRÀQGDOOSUHVHUYHGZLOOVDQGH[WUHPH- accessories, household objects, work- surveys the Germans living in Venice, O\GLIÀFXOWWRÀQGHQRXJKWRPDNHSRV- LQJXWHQVLOV DQGÀYHFDWHJRULHVZLWK using their wills as its main source. sible a statistical analysis. Therefore low occurrence (books, jewels, food, After the introductory section and an the mere fact of having collected these clothes, and cloth). These pages are initial chapter presenting the testators, wills is one merit of her research. extremely precise and entertaining at the book is divided into three further the same time. By presenting together For some readers, it may be a sur- chapters dedicated to pious bequests, the items of the same sort mentioned prise that most German testators were worldly bequests, and the people sur- in different wills, the author guides us not the well known merchants from rounding the testators. The testators’ through a sort of museum of material Nuremberg or Augsburg who stayed at list is in the appendix. Each chapter culture. Hollberg presents the beds, the the fondaco, but rather artisans work- highlights differences and similarities clothes and the cloth in great detail, ing in a variety of professions, and that between the testamentary choices of including color, size and value, adding they did not live around the fondaco, the Germans in Venice and those of some remarks on the social position but were spread over the city. As is other Venetian testators. and the sex of testators and legatees. already known, numerous Germans in At the beginning of her book, late medieval Italy worked as bakers In the section on bequests to Hollberg explains that, in order to and shoemakers. Hollberg’s research confraternities, Hollberg remarks that select the wills, she looked for testa- FRQÀUPVWKHSUHGRPLQDQFHRIWKHVH one third of those who bequeathed to tors for whom notaries used terms like occupations among the Germans in a scuola chose a German one. This “teutonicus, alemanus” or mentioned a Venice. Moreover, she shows that there deserves attention, because in Venice place of origin in the German-speaking ZHUHÀQHGLYLVLRQVDPRQJWKHEDNHUV the bequests to the scuole were mostly area. At this point, she cannot avoid and that there was a further group of dispersed, and because it is evidence the question about who was considered German artisans in Venice, the binders of the internal connections among the D´*HUPDQµLQÀIWHHQWKFHQWXU\9HQ- working in the fondaco. Germans in Venice. In the chapter on ice, and she refers to the rules of the personal relationships, we learn that Venetian fondaco dei tedeschi. These Hollberg has found that there were most German testators had people JDYHDZLGHGHÀQLWLRQFKLHÁ\GHSHQG- more men than women among German living in Venice as executors, legatees LQJRQODQJXDJHLQWKHIRQGDFRERWK testators in Venice, in contrast to the and heirs, rather than people from northern and southern Germans were general distribution per sex of the wills their native cities or regions. Hol- admitted, the subjects of the emperor in the Venetian state archives. She lberg interprets this as an indication


of their integration in Venice, but I do among these immigrants. Moreover, a closed group, but lived throughout QRWWKLQNWKDWVKHSURYLGHVVXIÀFLHQW the wills of German artisans show that the whole city and were familiar both evidence. As Hollberg herself adds, they were connected to other artisans with members of their own nation and remembering in testament relatives both in their own sector and in others. with the other inhabitants. from the city or region of origin was These relationships resulted in part Excusatio non-petita: I have long possible only for the richest and most IURPPDUULDJHV:RUNLQJLQTXDOLÀHG hesitated to write a review of Holl- mobile people, typically long distance occupations, German immigrants were berg’s book as I am mentioned in the merchants. Nonetheless, the wills of on average better off than others, for acknowledgments. But it seems to me the Germans present some interest- instance, those coming from Dalmatia that this book adds new knowledge ing clues to their position in the city: and Greece. to Venetian scholarship, and that it is 6LJQLÀFDQWO\PDQ\*HUPDQWHVWDWRUV In conclusion, Hollberg is able to worth presenting it to the venezianisti. chose other Germans living in Venice VKRZWKDWLQÀIWHHQWKFHQWXU\9HQLFH as their testamentary executors. This Germans did not form a “colony”, i.e. Linda Guzzetti is further evidence of the internal ties Technische Universität Berlin

I never saw such tides up and down to would not have been enough for their been put an end to. No woman - no all manner of times. The sea cannot be healthy drainage – they would have gaily dressed cavalier – could have VDLGWRHEEDQGÁRZ,WVKDNHVXSDQG become slow sewers – and the people been sure of being able to step into the down. However, the place where Ven- would have been compelled to roof gondola without a complete Brighton ice was built, was the only place in the them in. . . . Had the tide been a foot pier of planks and other machinery: world where it could have been built. more than it is no access could have and the result would have been an Had the tide been the least less than it been had to the gondolas at low water extension of the city on higher founda- is – had it been 2 feet instead of three, except down slimy steps. The entire tions – and common street passage the run of water through the streets system of boat carriage must thus have – as at any other seaport. John Ruskin


Picturing Heaven: The trecento pictorial program of the Sala del Maggior Consiglio in Venice Caroline A. Wamsler,

The fragmentary remains of Guariento’s VXEVFULEHGWRDVSHFLÀFWHPSRUDORUGHUHYRN- Venice is like Coronation of the Virgin offer an exceptional ing eschatological time, historical past, and glimpse into the otherwise lost fourteenth-cen- civic continuity. Consideration of the paintings eating an entire box tury pictorial program that once covered the as a comprehensive unit within their physical of chocolate liqueurs walls of the Sala del Maggior Consiglio, the and pictorial context reveals a complex tem- primary assembly hall of the Venetian Repub- poral resonance, which completes the physical at one go. lic. This dissertation offers a comprehensive continuity that Guariento’s fresco initiates investigation of the trecento paintings as a uni- between the Coronation’s heavenly setting and Truman Capote ÀHGSURJUDP,WXQFRYHUVDSLFWRULDOO\DQGFRQ- the Sala. The visually and theoretically sophis- ceptually complex structure that established an ticated program casts Venice as an extension explicit relation between the heavenly setting RIKHDYHQRQHDUWKDQGPDUNVDVLJQLÀFDQW of the Coronation and Venice itself, between shift within Venetian civic iconography and the depicted sacred events and the governing within Venetian pictorial tradition. The study of the Republic, and between the salvation further poses that stylistic considerations were story and Venetian history. central to determining the program’s content. In addition to the Coronation, the program 7KHKLVWRULFDOFLUFXPVWDQFHVVSHFLÀFDOO\WKH included a narrative cycle illustrating the WHQVLRQVVXUURXQGLQJWKHÀJXUHRIWKH'RJH Events of 1177, a series of ducal portraits, and following the Falier conspiracy, offer a context a star-covered ceiling. An examination of the for the shift in content and form. Through Coronation theme in text and image brings systematic pictorial and contextual analysis WROLJKWWKHVWURQJLQÁXHQFHVRI%HUQDUGRI this investigation makes evident that the paint- Clairvaux upon Guariento’s rendition of the LQJVUHÁHFWQRWRQO\WKHLQWHOOHFWXDOFOLPDWHRI heavenly scene and reveals an image with WKHODWHIRXUWHHQWKFHQWXU\DQGVSHFLÀFDOO\WKH multiple iconographic layers. Along the other LQÁXHQFHVRI)UDQFHVFR3HWUDUFKEXWWKDWWKH\ three walls the ducal portraits and the narra- DUHWKHSURGXFWRIDYHU\VSHFLÀFPRPHQWLQ tive scenes recorded Venetian history in two Venetian history. distinct manners. Each part of the program


Masculinity and Collective Identity in a Sixteenth-Century Venetian Salon Courtney Quaintance, The University of Chicago STREETS FULL OF The overarching goal of my dissertation is his cohort, culled from manuscript collections WATER. PLEASE to explore the dialectical relationship between in Venice, London, Rome, and Paris. I offer transcriptions and translations of a selection of ADVISE. discourse communities and the act of writing in sixteenth-century Venice. I am particularly heretofore unstudied texts, trace their circula- interested in how male poets used literary tion in manuscript and in print, and argue that Robert Benchley representations of women to construct both Venetian dialect exchanges like these were an individual and collective identity. To this end, essential part of the literary experimentation I focus on the literary salon of the Venetian taking place in the city. In Chapter Three, I patrician poet Domenico Venier (1517-1582). investigate what happened when women writ- Held at his private palace in the Venetian parish ers attempted to participate in the fellowship of of Santa Maria Formosa, Venier’s salon be- discourse dominated by Venier and his coterie. came the most important center for intellectual To this end, I consider the experiences of two exchange in the city at mid-century. How did women with connections to the Venier group— the vibrant, heterogeneous group dynamic of the Paduan-born musical virtuosa and poet WKH9HQLHUVDORQLQÁHFWWKHWH[WVSURGXFHGE\LWV Gaspara Stampa, and the Venetian cittadina writers? And, conversely, how did Venier and courtesan-poet Veronica Franco. his circle make use of literary texts to circum- ,QWKHÀQDOWZRFKDSWHUV,VKLIWWKHIRFXVWR scribe the boundaries of the salon? Interested the theme of the sexually available woman to mainly in vernacular poetry, Venier and his show how writers living in Venice made use of circle produced an astonishing variety of texts WKLVWRSRVWRQHJRWLDWHDQGUHÁHFWXSRQDPXO- on women, from elegant love sonnets exalting titude of anxieties. In Chapter Four, I sketch chaste madonnas to pornographic invectives a history of the courtesan theme in Venetian in Venetian dialect debasing some of the city’s literature from early texts “alla bulesca” to the most illustrious courtesans as nothing more scurrilous invectives penned by Domenico than common whores. I explore the ways in Venier’s brother Lorenzo in the early 1530s which Venier’s group deployed the topos of to argue that satiric texts targeting sexually woman—whether as chaste Madonna or cor- available women—often, but not always, rupt whore—to negotiate their own identities courtesans—with their endless repetition of mi- as privileged, powerful citizens of Venice and sogynist tropes, were one way that male writers members of an elite group of writers. forged and reinforced a sense of community. 7KHÀUVWWKUHHFKDSWHUVIRFXVRQWKHJURXS Chapter Five examines anxieties regarding the of vernacular poets that gravitated around Do- circulation, accumulation, and exchange of menico Venier from about 1546 until his death capital as a backdrop for the host of courtesan LQ,Q&KDSWHU2QH,WUDFHDPLFURKLVWRU\ catalogs, price-lists, and poems in both Tuscan of Venier’s circle, its members, and its literary and Venetian that emphasize the courtesan’s activities using letters, poems, and two literary status as a commodity. portraits of the salon, Girolamo Parabosco’s In conclusion, I argue that the poems, I diporti (c.1550) and Valerio Marcellino’s Il letters, and dialogues penned by Venier and diamerone (1561). I argue that in these texts, his circle functioned as “carriers of relation- as well as in the printed sonnet exchanges they ships” (the phrase is borrowed from Natalie published in the poetry anthologies that began Zemon Davis). Whether high or low, adulatory WRÁRXULVKDWPLGFHQWXU\9HQLHUDQGKLVFRWHULH or obscene, these texts reinforced the ties of publicized their connections to one another. friendship, patronage, and literary partnership Chapter Two examines the hundreds of poems between the men who wrote them even as they in Venetian dialect exchanged by Venier and circumscribed the boundaries of the salon.


Construire des solidarités : le réseautage intellectuel des femmes de lettres en France et en Italie (1770-1835) Eve-Marie Lampron, Université de Montréal

Le rôle des femmes de lettres françaises et it- Notre thèse de doctorat cherchera à démon- aliennes dans les réseaux intellectuels, au cours trer que le réseautage des femmes de lettres de la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle et de la – entre les Italiennes, entre les Françaises, de première moitié du XIXe siècle, fait l’objet même qu’entre les Italiennes et les Françaises – d’une attention historiographique particulière- se caractérise par son étendue géographique, sa ment soutenue depuis les années 1990. En densité, et la diversité de ses champs d’action. HIIHWOHVIHPPHVGHOHWWUHVRQWEpQpÀFLpG·XQH Les formes de ce réseautage pourraient même visibilité culturelle importante dans les deux constituer l’une des bases sur lesquelles le pays et ont pu participer à la mise en place de mouvement féministe occidental a été amené à réseaux de sociabilité littéraires et politiques se développer au cours du XIXe siècle. dans le cadre de plusieurs institutions, que $ÀQGHPHQHUjELHQOHSURMHWQRXVDYRQV l’on pense à la République des lettres, aux sélectionné une quinzaine de femmes de lettres salons, aux académies et universités (où les ayant œuvré dans différentes régions de l’Italie, femmes sont admises en Italie), ou au monde HWSOXVVSpFLÀTXHPHQWDXVHLQGHFHQWUHV du journalisme et de l’édition, dans lequel elles urbains dynamiques en ce qui a trait à l’activité s’insèrent de plus en plus à partir de la seconde culturelle (Venise, Vérone, Florence, Rome, moitié du XVIIIe siècle Naples, Milan, Bologne, Turin). La thèse Les femmes de l’élite (bourgeoisie et aris- s’intéressera considérablement aux femmes de tocratie), qui savent lire, écrire et qui disposent lettres de la Vénétie, particulièrement actives du temps, des outils et des contacts nécessaires, et reconnues dans la République des lettres en disposent ainsi de davantage d’opportunités tant qu’auteures, salonnières et journalistes. d’investir la sphère culturelle. Leur participa- Citons notamment Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi tion au sein des différentes institutions sus- (1760-1836), Giustina Renier Michiel (1755- nommées, bien documentée pour ce qui est de 1832), Elisabetta Caminer Turra (1751-1796) la France, leur permet également de rencontrer et Silvia Curtoni Verza (1751-1835). Une d’autres femmes de lettres, avec lesquelles quinzaine de femmes de lettres françaises, elles peuvent établir des contacts distincts de provenant majoritairement de la région parisi- ceux qu’elles entretiennent avec les hommes, enne, seront également ciblées. et fondés sur la reconnaissance de leur ap- À partir du cas concret des femmes sélec- SDUWHQDQFHFRPPXQHjODFDWpJRULHIHPPH tionnées, nous étudierons leurs contacts avec or, ce dernier aspect semble avoir été négligé d’autres femmes de lettres, de même que les par l’historiographie. Ce véritable réseau- discours et les formes observables à l’intérieur tage féminin, s’il outrepasse très rarement de ces réseaux. La correspondance constituera les frontières de classes socio-économiques, une source importante pour analyser le réseau- transcende toutefois les frontières géo-poli- tage féminin « direct », c’est-à-dire les liens WLTXHV/DÀQGX;9,,,HVLqFOHHWOHGpEXWGX que les femmes de lettres développent entre XIXe siècle représentent en ce sens des terrains elles en se rencontrant physiquement (Ex : d’études privilégiés, puisque l’amélioration des dans les salons) ou virtuellement (Ex : en se réseaux de transport et de communications, la consacrant des œuvres les unes aux autres, par consolidation du tourisme intellectuel et des le biais de dédicaces, de préfaces, de portraits, voyages favorisent la mobilité de l’élite, et con- de biographies ou de nécrologies). Le projet séquemment le fait que des femmes soient en s’intéressera également aux dispositions « contact avec d’autres femmes de régions et de indirectes » du réseautage, par exemple lorsque nations différentes. des femmes journalistes cherchent à promou-


Venice which was voir et à encourager l’activité littéraire féminine se construit au cours du XIXe siècle, culmi- par le biais de recensions d’ouvrages écrits par nant dans sa seconde moitié. Ce mouvement once a tyrant, is now d’autres femmes de lettres qu’elles n’ont jamais féministe s’est développé et maintenu notam- the next worse thing, rencontré. Les traductions d’œuvres mar- ment par l’exercice du réseautage féminin, qui quantes de la littérature féminine de l’époque permet des collaborations, favorise les commu- a slave. For in fact s’inscrivent également en ce sens. nications, le développement de stratégies et it ceased to be free, Un autre objectif de la recherche l’accroissement du nombre de femmes sensi- est d’insérer le réseautage entre les femmes bilisées à la cause. En analysant les relations or worth our regret de lettres au sein de l’histoire du féminisme. entre les femmes de lettres en France et en as a nation, from Parallèlement à l’accroissement des contacts ,WDOLHjODÀQGX;9,,,HVLqFOHHWDXGpEXWGX culturels et politiques entre plusieurs femmes XIXe siècle, nous souhaitons étudier la période the moment that the GHO·pOLWHRQDVVLVWHjODÀQGX;9,,,HVLqFOH de consolidation d’un réseautage intellectuel oligarchy usurped the et au début du XIXe siècle, selon plusieurs HWSROLWLTXHVSpFLÀTXHPHQWIpPLQLQHWWHQWHU théoriciennes, à l’émergence d’une pensée d’appréhender son importance future pour le rights of the people. féministe plus soutenue. Un véritable mouve- développement du mouvement féministe euro- Yet I do not imagine ment féministe occidental et trans-national péen au XIXe siècle. that it ever was quite so degraded as it has From print shop to piazza: cheap print in the streets of early Cinquecento been since the French, Venice Rosa Salzberg, Queen Mary College, The University of London and especially the My thesis considers how the great expansion existing oral culture and thus a wider exposure Austrian yoke. . . . I in cheaper, mostly vernacular, printing that took of printed texts to audiences beyond the fully SODFHLQ9HQLFHLQWKHÀUVWKDOIRIWKHVL[WHHQWK literate minority. had no conception of century was experienced by the city as a whole. 7KHWKHVLVÀUVWDGGUHVVHVWKHTXHVWLRQRI the excess to which ,WDLPVWRUHÁHFWRQWKLVOHVVH[DOWHGVLGHRIWKH how and where Venetians would have encoun- development of the city’s immensely important WHUHGWKHFKHDSSULQWEHJLQQLQJWRÁRRGWKHLU avarice, cowardice, printing industry, to understand more about city in the early cinquecento. Given that ambu- superstition, igno- how cheap printed products were produced, lant and street selling is acknowledged to have sold and valued as material objects in the played an important role in the dissemination rance, passionless marketplace of the early modern city. Although of popular printed material, I am attempting lust, & all the inex- a small proportion of this material survives to map out the locations where these activities compared to the vast quantities that were origi- took place, alongside the sites of established pressible brutalities nally produced, its place in the history of early bookshops. Also considered are the places in which degrade human printing and in the interplay of technology, the city where public performances took place, communication and culture needs to be fully at which it is known that printed pamphlets nature could be car- acknowledged and examined. (and other cheap items) were sometimes sold. ried, until I had lived As a contribution to this, I am considering I then continue on to focus more closely closely and contextually the producers and dis- on producers and distributors of cheap printed a few days among the tributors of popular material (printers, publish- matter, with particular attention to the pub- Venetians. ers, booksellers, and street vendors) in Venice lication of texts linked to occasions of oral in this period, asking where they drew their performance. The chief producers of popular Lord Byron material from and how they packaged and sold material in Venice in this period printed large it. A primary focus and singular contribution amounts of material drawn from existing of the thesis is to look at ambulant performers oral culture such as songs and dialogues, and such as buffoons, ballad singers and charlatans actively collaborated with entertainers to print involved in the production and distribution of the newest material being performed. For their cheap print. This follows up suggestions from part, many itinerant performers recognized the historians such as Peter Burke that the close possibility of print to add another facet to their LQYROYHPHQWRIVXFKÀJXUHVZLWKWKHLQGXVWU\ existing role as providers of novelty, news and LQWKLVNH\PRPHQWUHÁHFWHGVWURQJOLQNVZLWK entertainment to a wide public, and to adver-


tise their names and works to both popular and or published present a rich and complex mixture 7KRXJKWKHÁRRGRU elite audiences. I examine several who were of ‘high’ and ‘low’ themes and genres, and bor- ebb of the salt water extremely entrepreneurial in publishing their rowings and reworkings of existing bestsellers. own and others’ works, not only in Venice but 6XFKÀJXUHVZHUHDOVRLPSRUWDQWSXEOLVKHUVRI bee small, yet with around Italy. While some of the pamphlets contemporary literary poetry, by authors such as that motion it carrieth they produced were probably distributed in Ludovico Ariosto and Pietro Aretino. However, bookshops, others were sold from banchi, or with the growth of a more systematic system of DZD\WKHÀOWKRIWKH benches, in the streets, in the context of public press censorship and the increasing organization City, besides that, by performance. The works that performers wrote of the printing and bookselling industry, WKHPXOWLWXGHRIÀHUV and the situation open Imagining Alexandria in Renaissance Venice Monica Shenouda, University of Virginia to all the windes, the ayre is made very rom the 1490s to the 1530s, the most im- The cycles’ paintings demonstrate the F wholesome, whereof portant painters in Venice produced several tension between establishing links to Venice paintings depicting Alexandria in two Life of and the desire to describe a foreign landscape, the Venetians bragge Saint Mark cycles for the Silk Workers’ Guild recognizable by its viewers as Alexandria. Few that it agrees with and the Scuola Grande di San Marco. These SK\VLFDOUHPDLQVVXUYLYHIURPÀIWHHQWKDQG images act as institutional tools to carve out a sixteenth-century Alexandria, yet the cycles’ all strangers .and sense of belonging to Alexandria and to create images provide vital information about its preserveth them in a common Venetian, even if virtual, experience appearance in the Venetian imagination. The of the Egyptian city. Among the many Eastern painters of this imagined city – Gentile Bellini, their former health. mercantile contacts of Venice, Alexandria held Giovanni Mansueti, Cima da Conegliano . . . I never in any a prime place because of its associations with among others – had never been to Egypt and antiquity, its importance as a trading node and thus drew upon their own experiences with place observed more PRVWVLJQLÀFDQWO\LWVFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHSDWURQ other Eastern locales, those of other travelers old men, or so many saint. Venice reinforced the link to the East and merchants, and a shared iconography of in general, and Alexandria in particular, by Egypt. The master example of this phenome- senators venerable incorporating diverse Byzantine, Coptic and non is Bellini’s St. Mark Preaching in Alexan- for their grey haires Islamic motifs in its art and architecture. These driaWKHÀUVWSDLQWLQJRIWKH6FXROD*UDQGH·V visual correlations legitimized the myths that cycle begun in 1504. Bellini’s painting com- and aged gravity. Venice constructed about its past, its claims to presses time and space into a highly descriptive St. Mark and pointed to the East as the source Alexandrian setting, combining the evangelist Fynes Moryson, An of its wealth. My dissertation examines urban with a wide set of references to Egyptian and representation as a strategy to reassert picto- Venetian culture, past and contemporary. Like Itinerary, 1617 ULDOFODLPRQ(J\SWGXULQJWKHODWHÀIWHHQWK in the other cycle paintings, the urban sce- and early sixteenth centuries. In this period of nography evokes the characteristic material economic and political crisis, the vigorous im- richness and stylistic blending of both new and age production counterbalanced the fragile and old architecture in Venice. These visual allu- changing place of Venice within the Eastern sions emphasize the continuity of relationship Mediterranean. between Venice and Egypt – that “amor za 500 annj” and “perfetta compagnia” insisted upon in contemporary documents despite the many rough waters throughout their trade alliance.


“As sailors and By depicting the sister city in the East, the My study isolates the Venice and Alexandria Guild and Scuola members aligned themselves example to further demonstrate the role of nar- merchants, with an elite culture, the patron saint and the rative painting in establishing a Venetian visual town-builders and Republic’s most pressing concerns. Knowl- history (Brown 1988 and 1996). I build upon edge of the East was a hallmark of noblemen the work of Caterina Schmidt Arcangeli (1998 politicians, the who customarily would have spent a few years and 2007) and Isabella Botti (1992) in seeing Venetians were the abroad as young apprentices to cultivate skill Venice’s fashioning itself into a “new Alex- and contacts in foreign business. Through these andria” as a response to the delicate political forerunners and the paintings, the civic institutions plugged them- context. Ennio Concina and Manfredo Tafuri’s youth of today’s selves into the greater narrative of the state and reading of Venetian Renaissance architecture in mimicked the parental Republic’s increased ef- terms of shifting identities contributes greatly civilization.” forts to manage the commercial and diplomatic to my understanding of the cultural environ- situation abroad. ment. Le Corbusier The rebuilding of the new Fondaco dei Te- 0\PHWKRGLGHQWLÀHVSDWWHUQVLQ9HQHWLDQ deschi echoes the inverse relationship between representations of Alexandria and then exam- image production and actual circumstances in ines the broader historical context to interpret the early cinquecento. Even though business them. I examine mosaic and intarsia cycles, ZLWK*HUPDQPHUFKDQWVZDVÁDLOLQJDWWKHWLPH paintings, maps and objects to assess what due to the Portuguese discovery of a sea route kinds of images of Egypt a Venetian audience WR,QGLDOD6HUHQLVVLPDLQYHVWHGDVLJQLÀFDQW would have seen. My analysis considers this amount of money to replace the fondaco after a iconography of Egypt as a source for Venetian ÀUH%RWKWKHEXLOGLQJDQGDUWLVWLFFDPSDLJQV identity. I compare the visual representations to attempt to compensate for a crumbling reality. descriptions in travelers’ journals and diplomat- My analysis of Venice’s relationship to ic reports to comprehend the perception of the Egypt using representations of Alexandria urban fabric and culture of Egypt. In addition sharpens the focus on an interdisclipinary topic to visual resources, I have gathered primary and that has recently drawn great attention. The ex- secondary source materials to investigate the hibitions Bellini and the East (2005) and Venice political and cultural vicissitudes of these criti- and the Islamic World (2007) have highlighted cal years. By reading the images in light of the the particularity of Venice as a node in artistic historical context, I demonstrate how the rep- exchange between East and West. In various resentations of Alexandria index the Venetian disciplines, scholars have studied the impor- DWWLWXGHWRZDUGV(J\SWDQGDIÀUPDQLPSRUWDQW tance of commercial relations with Alexandria myth and economic system in peril. LQ9HQHWLDQPHUFKDQWFXOWXUH $VKWRU /DQHDQGYRQ+H\G  Architectural historian Deborah Howard (2000 and 2002) has shown how contact with the East LQÁXHQFHGDQGSHUPHDWHG9HQHWLDQDUFKLWHFWXUDO expression.

Yes, I think we have We have stood in we seemed drifting, waking sort of dream part of it has seemed seen all of Venice. We the dim religious back, back, back, all the time. I do not in some unaccount- have seen, in these old light of these hoary into the solemn past, know how else to able way walking churches, a profusion sanctuaries, in the and looking upon the describe the feeling. among the phantoms of costly and elaborate midst of long ranks of scenes and mingling A part of our being of the tenth. sepulcher ornamenta- dusty monuments and with the peoples of a has remained still Mark Twain, tion such as we never HIÀJLHVRIWKHJUHDW remote antiquity. We in the nineteenth The Innocents Abroad dreampt of before. dead of Venice, until have been in a half- century, while another



Le fonti notarili sono di fondamen- lanea notai diversi. In queste pagine incongruenze, la Statistica rimane pur tale importanza per la ricerca storica. leggiamo i nomi dei notai, la con- sempre la chiave di accesso al notarile Attraverso i contratti, le donazioni, le dizione chiericale, il luogo di attività, e deve essere per questo potenziata. quietanze, le procure, i testamenti e O·XIÀFLRSUHVVRLOTXDOHHVVLSUHVWDYDQR Il senso di questo breve contributo è altri tipi di documenti prodotti dai ta- servizio, il numero di protocolli e di presentare e pubblicizzare qui un pic- belliones possiamo scendere nel quo- pergamene rimasteci e altre indica- colo strumento che faciliti, per quanto tidiano remoto, vedere agire concre- ]LRQLVXSHUÁXHSHULOULFHUFDWRUHFRPH possibile, l’individuazione del notaio tamente le presone di cui seguiamo le il numero di “sala”, dello “scaffale” e che, con qualche probabilità in più, ha tracce, studiare e contare oggetti che del “palchetto”. rogato atti che andiamo cercando. Si ci interessano o stimarne il prezzo. Come notato anche nella Guida tratta di un database rivolto soprattutto Il notarile, nonostante alcune limi- dell’Archivio di Stato (Archivio di ai medievisti e liberamente scarica- tazioni per Venezia, è una vera miniera Stato di Venezia, a c. di M. F. Tiepolo bile in formato Word ed Excell dal d’informazioni per lo storico di ogni (ed altri), in Guida generale degli sito Esso è specializzazione che abbia la costanza Archivi di Stato italiani, 4, Roma l’elaborazione informatica di una parte di cercare e soprattutto la fortuna di 1994, pp. 1064-1065), lo strumento della Statistica stessa e non intende trovare dati utili per il proprio lavoro. soffre senz’altro di difetti e lacue, e in alcun modo rivederla (lavoro di Queste considerazioni generali fu lo stesso Cecchetti a considerarla competenza degli archivisti), né vuole riguardanti l’analisi seguente la sche- incompleta e provvisoria. Le notizie sostituirsi al volume a stampa disponi- datura sono ovvie, bisogna tuttavia UHODWLYHDOODTXDOLÀFDGHLVLQJROLQRWDL bile in Sala di Studio ai Frari sul quale DPPHWWHUHFKHODGLIÀFROWjPDJJLRUH non sempre sono esaurienti o corrette. compare, accanto al nome di ogni per chi intende avventurarsi nel mare ,OQRWDLR'RPHQLFRGH)LORVRÀ  notaio, l’indicazione della busta attuale magnum del notarile, ancor di più se 1420, b. 81), ad esempio, prestava omessa invece nel nostro database. per la prima volta, è proprio il dover servizio come scrivano alla Messet- La versione elettronica però offre tutti raccogliere la maggior quantità di dati teria mentre nell’inventario ciò non i vantaggi dell’informatizzazione: VLJQLÀFDWLYLLQXQDUFRGLWHPSRSHU risulta. Tra le carte di Donato dalla selezionare velocemente, ordinare e la ricerca, come sanno i lettori non Mano, prete a S. Simeone Profeta e S. ricercare in modo complesso. italiani di News on the Rialto, molto Tomà (1405-1420, b. 121), sono pre- Con questo strumento di reference spesso limitato. In altre parole, vi è il senti diversi documenti della Curia del alcune operazioni di primo orienta- rischio di ‘investire’ nei notai sbagliati Forestier, dato segnalato nella Statis- mento potranno essere quindi velociz- senza individuare alcun documento tica per altri notai ma non per questo zate. Si potrà soprattutto delimitare la saliente con conseguente spreco di LQVSHFLÀFR1HOODEXVWDGL7RPPDVR scelta dei notai da prendere in esame. tempo e di energie. de’ Tomei, cancelliere inferiore e E’ possibile ad esempio individuare Sapere dove cercare è altrettanto TXDOLÀFDWRGD&HFFKHWWLFRDGLXWRUH tutti coloro che prestavano servizio in ovvio. Lo è meno se la scelta della dei Giudici di Petizion (1424-1475, b. una certa curia di palazzo, se la ricerca busta fortunata ricade sulle duecento 212), possiamo trovare molti atti dei ha a che fare con le competenze di quarantatré presenti in Cancelleria Giudici dell’Esaminador ma non di TXHOO·XIÀFLRRSSXUHIDUHXQDVWLPDGHL Inferiore. I repertori, non sempre per quella curia di palazzo. Il notaio Ma- protocolli, o delle pergamene da esami- la verità chiari, ordinati, e facilmente rino, prete di San Tomà, che Cecchetti nare in un dato arco cronologico per consultabili, si rivelano pertanto QRQTXDOLÀFDHUDVHJUHWDULRSUHVVROD stendere un piano di lavoro. E’ altresì fondamentali. Quello principale per Curia del Proprio dagli anni Cinquanta possibile selezionare tutti i notai che, gli atti notarili è la “guida” dei notai agli anni Novanta del Trecento. per quanto capiamo dalla Statistica, veneziani, vale a dire la Statistica de- La Statistica risulta quindi non di rogavano in un dato luogo o in una gli atti custoditi nella sezione notarile LPPHGLDWDFRQVXOWDELOLWjHDIÀGDELO- data parrocchia di Venezia, come per dell’Archivio di Stato in Venezia, LWjO·RUGLQHDGRWWDWRQHOO·HOHQFD]LRQH esempio Nicolò Saiabianca, pievano di “inventario” a stampa compilato sotto dei notai è “per lo più” alfabetico in S. Margherita, i cui autori e/o testi- la direzione di Bartolomeo Cecchetti quanto si è cercato di tener conto della moni dei documenti appartengono ed edito a Venezia nel 1886. datazione del primo atto di ciascun effettivamente a quel FRQÀQLR,QÀQH Una parte del volume è dedicata notaio e, contemporaneamente, della si possono raggruppare tutti i notarii all’elencazione dei notai della Cancel- vecchia numerazione delle buste, oggi atque iudices domini imperatoris, se ci leria inferiore. Notai e della Miscel- per altro cambiata. Nonostante queste interessano persone legate alla legge


longobarda, salica, o romana, op- notaio ordinario o numerario / notaio In totale vi sarebbero a disposizione pure solo i notai veneta auctoritate Su G·XIÀFLRQRWDLRORFDOHIRUHVWLHUH q 1.175 registri notarili che si concen- questo aspetto cfr. A. Bartoli Langeli, ULFDYDELOHGDLVHJXHQWLFDPSL352- trano per lo più tra il 1350 e il 1450. Documentazione e notariato, in Storia VENIENZA (se vuoto, è da intendersi Sommariamente, per il XIII secolo si di Venezia, vol. 1, Roma 1992, p. 852). residente a Venezia o veneziano, ma si FRQVHUYDQRLOGHLSURWRFROOLSHU La maggior parte delle informazioni FRQWUROOLDQFKHLOFDPSR´FRJQRPHµ  la prima metà del XIV sec. il 23,5% della bancadati – costituita da 2.963 67$72&+,(5,&$/( QHOFDVRLQFXL HSHUODVHFRQGDPHWjLOSHUOD records ordinati per cognome, nome e LOQRWDLRqXQHFFOHVLDVWLFR 48$/,- prima metà del XV sec. il 27,5% e anno – è stata tratta dalle pp. 293-417, ),&$127$,2 VHDSRVWROLFRGHO per la seconda metà il 14,5%. I notai mentre i dati relativi alla serie “Notai VDFURSDOD]]RRLPSHULDOHTXDQGRLO G·XIÀFLRDSSDUWHQHQWLDJOL´XIÀFLDOLGL di Venezia” sono stati integrati con campo è vuoto dovrebbe intendersi ministero” (v. A. Zannini, L’Impiego la guida del Da Mosto. L’arco cro- come notaio veneta auctoritate per pubblico, in Storia di Venezia, vol. 4, nologico scelto è quello del periodo ORSLGHOFOHURVHFRODUH 8)),&,2 p. 416), corrisponderebbero a circa il medievale, o, se si vuole cercare un (con l’elenco degli RIÀFLD veneziani 10% del totale, ma questo dato, per altro criterio, il database raggruppa in cui esso prestava servizio, o con le lacune sopra citate, è notevolmente tutti i notai anteriori alla riforma dei O·LQGLFD]LRQHGLDOWUHVSHFLÀFKH sottostimato. primi decenni del Cinquecento, prima mansioni, ma si veda anche il campo In conclusione, il database che ho cioè dell’istituzione del loro Collegio, 127('(/&(&&+(77, 4XDQWR compilato non è perfetto non solo il cui numero non era ancora limitato ai luoghi in cui il notaio agiva sono SHUFKpULÁHWWHOHODFXQHGHOODStatis- a sessantasei nel 1514, e quando essi XWLOLLFDPSL/82*2 FRQOHLQGLFD- tica, ma anche perché, cercando di potevano appartenere per consuetu- zioni delle località ricavate dagli altri sistemare i dati in un diverso modo, ci dine, nonostante le leggi indirizzate FDPSL HLQVSHFLÀFRSHU9HQH]LDLO possono essere imprecisioni ed errori. ad una “serrata cittadinesca”, al clero FDPSR3$552&&+,$TXDVLVHPSUH Ringrazio in anticipo chi segnalerà a secolare. quando il notaio è un ecclesiastico. me o ad Eric Dursteler eventuali cor- 2JQLQRWDLRqLQGLYLGXDWRGD Per l’individuazione del materiale rezioni o integrazioni. L’unico modo di WUHFDPSL120(&2*120(2 e dell’anno vi sono i campi PER- sfruttare a pieno il notarile, per la gran- 3$7521,0,&2H´4821'$0µ LO GAMENE, REGISTRI e ANNI. dezza del fondo, rimane come sempre nome del padre in vita o defunto, per Secondo i dati della Statistica, vi la collaborazione tra gli studiosi. semplicità, senza distinzione). Il tipo sarebbero 370 notai di cui si sono con- Andrea Mozzato di notaio (per es. notaio laico / prete, servati i protocolli (appena il 13%).

Venice and the Islamic World

Venice and the Islamic World2FWR- exhibition vividly illustrates that the fully chosen to provide the uninitiated ber, 2006 – 18 February, 2007, Institut relationship between the Republic of visitor with a strong contextual base GX0RQGH$UDEH3DULV)UDQFH Venice and its Islamic neighbors was while managing to maintain the interest March 2007 – 8 July, 2007, Metropoli- a complex one, sometimes interde- of scholars and professionals. Hav- tan Museum of Art, New York, New pendent, at other times adversarial, ing established the broad context, the


of Western creation and Eastern locale. and the xenophobic tendencies that put Situated across from the pierced wall Having these two categories of objects DQHQGWRWKHFURVVFXOWXUDOLQÁXHQFHV of the Institut du Monde Arabe’s in close proximity allows the viewer associated with the period under con- arabesque-inspired solar panels, shift- to contemplate the challenges faced by sideration in the prior rooms. ing light patterns made for a dramatic Western artists charged with creating Perhaps the most interesting out- interaction with the doors’ semipre- goods for a foreign audience as well come of having viewed the shows in cious inlaid stones, an effect height- as to consider the reception of these both Paris and New York relates to ened by the elaborate gilding. The goods in the Middle East. the way in which the physical ven- ensuing optical phenomenon recalled Likewise, as is ably demonstrated XHVWKHPVHOYHVLQÁXHQFHGERWKWKH nothing less than a life size kaleido- throughout the exhibition, the exporta- overall mood of the exhibition and the scope. No such evocative experience tion of artistry was far from one sided. subsequent reception of certain objects. ZDVSRVVLEOHZLWKLQWKHFRQÀQHVRIWKH 5DWKHUQXPHURXVREMHFWVFRQÀUP For example, the Louvre Reception of Metropolitan’s windowless exhibition WKHLQÁXHQFHRIWKH,VODPLF0LGGOH the Ambassadors of Damascus (cat. space and, as a result, the doors as well East within the parameters of Venice #29) understandably received pride of as a similar cabinet alla damaschina proper. Perhaps nowhere is this more place in both sites, as the set pro- (cat. #145) lacked the excitement that HYLGHQWWKDQLQWKHPDJQLÀFHQWGLVSOD\ vides an ideal tone for the exhibition caused both objects to be true show- of Mamluk metalware, including a to come. This anonymous painting stoppers in Paris. small copper pail decorated with an KDVUHFHQWO\XQGHUJRQHDVLJQLÀFDQW The dramatic impact of the different elaborately incised exterior pattern restoration that has revealed much, locations leaves one to wonder, what FDW 2EMHFWVVXFKDVWKHVHFUH- including a previously unknown date will be the standout object when Venice ated in Egypt and Syria, often appear of 1511. However, the combination of and the Islamic World opens at Pala- in inventories of Venetian domestic DUWLÀFLDODQGQDWXUDOOLJKWDWWKH,QVWLWXW zzo Ducale on 28 July 2007? Those LQWHULRUVÀQGLQJVSHFLDOIDYRUDVIRQWV du Monde Arabe rendered the newly fortunate enough to see the show in WRKROG+RO\:DWHUDVFRQÀUPHGE\ FOHDQHGSDLQWLQJWRREULJKWDQGDUWLÀ- 9HQLFHZLOOKDYHWKHDGGHGEHQHÀWRI the appearance of such an item in the cial to be fully appreciated. However, an urban itinerary, highlighting some left background of Vettor Carpaccio’s in the more traditional environment of the architectural and artistic remains Dream of St. Ursula (Venice, Acca- provided by the Metropolitan museum, -- such as the statuary at the Campo dei demia Gallery). what seemed to be unsettling in Paris Mori – whose status as part of Venice’s The exhibition concludes with the appeared clear, precise and perfectly in physical fabric make their transport display of military equipment, both keeping with the meticulous pictorial impossible. For more information on 9HQHWLDQDQG2WWRPDQLQPDQXIDFWXUH mode typical of Venetian painting of the itinerary and other activities associ- This veritable armory serves as a vivid the early cinquecento. ated with the Venetian exhibition, see reminder of the increasingly violent 2QWKHRWKHUKDQGWKHVWXQQLQJODWH and aggressive character of the seven- sixteenth century doors (cat. #144) Blake de Maria teenth century Mediterranean world, showed far more effectively in Paris. Santa Clara University


Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi onlus

Palazzo Giustinian Lolin - San Vidal GD]LRQHLQWKHÀUVWÁRRUWKHUHLVDQLFH by contacting the staff in advance. 2893 - 30124 Venezia conference room used for seminari, in The visit to the Fondazione, how- Tel.: +39.041.786777 the Piano Nobile a number of monu- ever, does not have to be quick. It is Fax: +39.041.786751 PHQWDOKDOOVDQGLQWKHWKLUGÁRRUWKH a relatively well-kept secret (well, [email protected] Library. it has been so far anyway) that the In addition to owning a good Fondazione hosts academics in its musicological reference section and a Foresteria for a reasonable price. It is Despite its very central position, the collection of scores and musical docu- a great solution if one wants to wake )RQGD]LRQH8JRH2OJD/HYLLVOHVV ments (mostly nineteenth century, but up and be at the Accademia in a matter known than its “bigger sister” of the with very interesting earlier pieces), of minutes. The rooms are simple but Isola di San Giorgio, due perhaps to the Library is notable for a number comfortable, with private bathroom, its specialized focus on music. Even of special collections, mostly result- TV, and telephone. The price includes non-musicologists, however, should ing from donations. Among them, the a continental breakfast. The telephone get acquainted with this small but very series sinfonie settecentesche (Fondo to call for information and reservations ÀQH9HQHWLDQLQVWLWXWLRQIRUDQXPEHU %LDQFKLQL OLEUHWWLG·RSHUD )RQGL is +39 041 2770542, the email fores- of reasons. 6XOODPH9ROWROLQD PXVLFDGDFDPHUD [email protected], and the web site To encourage at least a quick visit, )RQGR0DJULQL OLEUHWWLGLVDODGL one can mention that the Palazzo vari Teatri nazionali ed esteri (Fondo ria.html. Giustinian Lolin, where the Fondazi- *XLGHWWL UDFFROWHRWWRFHQWHVFKH )RQ- The activities of the Fondazione one Levi is housed, is a jewel of Canal GR=HQRQL SXEEOLFD]LRQLULJXDUGDQWL UHÁHFWWKHZLOORIWKHGRQRU8JR/HYL Grande. The beautiful building we ODVWRULDGHOODPXVLFDHELRJUDÀHGL who established the institution in 1962 see today is the result of a renovation PXVLFLVWL )RQGR3LDPRQWH SXEEOLFD- LQPHPRU\RIKLVZLIH2OJD%UXQ- architect Baldassarre Longhena (1598- zioni musicologiche (Fondi Safred e ner and of the love of music that they  FDUULHGRXWLQWKHÀUVWKDOIRIWKH 9LYDQWH )RQGR/DEURFDPRVWO\IURP VKDUHG7ZRIRFDOSRLQWVGHÀQHWKH seventeenth century, when Giovanni the twentieth century. In addition, the areas of interest of the Fondazione: one Lolin bequeathed the palazzo to his Library owns more than 2000 Jazz LPs – more historical – concerns research nephew Giovanni Giustinian. Upon (Fondo Borsetto). Last but not least, on music in Venice and the Veneto. crossing the gate at S. Vidal 2893, one WKH)RQGD]LRQHKDVDULFKPLFURÀOP The other focus is ethnomusicological, enters into a beautiful little court con- collection of scores from a number of linked to the study of Mediterranean necting the two wings of the Palazzo Venetian archives and preserves the PXVLFDOWUDGLWLRQV2UJDQL]HGHYHQWV and an elegant archway leading to the Fondo storico della Cappella di San include conferences, publications, ex- main entrance – the one from the Canal Marco. The Library is open to the hibition and concerts. Even the uniniti- Grande. Under the archway, on the public Monday to Friday, 9-1, but it is ated should look at the program. Many side, is also the entrance to the Fon- possible to work there in the afternoon of the meetings are very interesting in an interdisciplinary perspective – past events, for example, dealt with music in travellers’ accounts, the beginning of musical print, the ancient legacy in the Renaissance musical culture. The meetings of the Study Group on “An- thropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures” of the International Council IRU7UDGLWLRQDO0XVLF 81(6&2  should represent a further opportu- nity for scholarly exchange. The best way of keeping informed about future events is to watch the web site. Giovanni Zanovello Padova


Paul F. Grendler. Critics of the Italian World, 1530-1560: Anton Francesco Doni, Nicolò Franco & Ortensio Lando. Madison: University of Wiscon- sin Press, 1969. Although we each come to Ve- netian studies by individual routes, mine may be more wandering and retrograde than most. A professor of English Renaissance literature in mid-career when I became ensnared by Pietro Aretino, I needed help. The then still common dismissals of an inequitable social order, and per- Appendices provide bibliographies of him as a blackmailer and pornogra- vasive moral decay. These conditions their printed works with locations of pher were self-evidently unfair and motivated a desire for religious reform: copies. Throughout, the book consci- inadequate responses, but the question eliminating clerical abuses, return- HQWLRXVO\SODFHVWKHWKUHHSROLJUDÀLQ remained: how does one make sense ing to a Christ-centered, scripturally a broader Italian context and it is very RIDVWDJJHULQJO\SUROLÀFZULWHUVRPH EDVHGEHOLHIDQGZLWKWKHLQWHQVLÀHG well researched. RIZKRVHZRUNÀWLQWRFRQYHQWLRQDO awareness of human imperfection, The study of what we have learned literary categories but much was sub- MXVWLÀFDWLRQE\IDLWK´7KH(UDVPLDQ to call “print culture” has become a or non-literary by modern standards? way attracted Lando and Franco, and growth industry since this pioneer- Grendler’s book introduced me to the all three advocated a simple, non-theo- ing book. There are valuable articles ZRUOGRIWKHSROLJUDÀ+HKDVDEULHI logical Christianity of Scripture and by Amedeo Quandam and Giovanni account of Aretino, the founder of the faith, lacking concern for ceremonies” Aquilecchia, and some studies of profession, but focuses his study on  ,WKLQNWKDW,ÀUVWHQFRXQWHUHG individual writers—for example, Elena a trio of writers a generation younger the concepts of Evangelism and Nico- Bonara, Ricerche su Francesco Sanso- who were like Pietro in having modest demism in this chapter. A concomitant vino imprenditore libario e letterato origins and peripatetic lives before RIWKHSROLJUDÀ·VGLVLOOXVLRQPHQWZLWK (Venezia, 1994) and Ronnie Terpening, arriving in Venice, unlike him in their society and the Church was their at- Lodovico Dolce: Renaissance Man of failures to obtain secure patronage. titude toward learning. Whereas the Letters (Toronto, 1997). The statisti- Primarily, Grendler sees these three humanists had reacted against scholas- cal analyses and graphs in Claudia DVGLVWLQFWIURPWKHRWKHUSROLJUDÀ ticism, they reacted against humanism, di Filippo Bareggi’s Il mestiere di in producing a higher proportion of ÀQGLQJLWVLGHDOLVPQDLYHLWVFLYLF scrivere: lavoro intellettuale e mercato “original” work, imaginative vernacu- application disconnected from real- librario a Venezia nel Cinquecento lar prose, again putting them closer to ity, and its authorities more corrupting 5RPD FRQÀUPWKHUHPDUNDEOH Aretino who did no editions, trans- than ennobling. It goes without saying dominance of Venetian printing and lations, or compilations. Grendler that they still used classical learn- vernacular writers very directly. As acknowledges the slipperiness of ing for their own purposes. Turning Dolce’s career demonstrates, editorial “originality,” given the prevalence away from a world they didn’t like, work was a major activity for many of of plagiarism, classical borrowings, WKHSROLJUDÀH[SUHVVHGWKHLUDVSLUD- WKHSROLJUDÀDQG%ULDQ5LFKDUGVRQ·V DGDSWDWLRQVDQGULIDFLPHQWL´FUHDWLYH tions in utopian constructs. Lando excellent Print Culture in Renaissance imitation” might be a better descriptor translated Thomas More’s Utopia into Italy: The Editor and the Vernacular for cinquecento practice. the vernacular (1548), with a dedica- Text, 1470-1600 (Cambridge, 1994), tory letter by Doni, whose own notion After biographical accounts of the GHYRWHVIRXUFKDSWHUVWR9HQLFH2QH of a new world appeared in the sixth three writers, Grendler skillfully sum- area that has lagged somewhat behind, UHDOPRIKLV,0RQGL  $ÀQDO marizes and paraphrases key portions with two exceptions, is the study of chapter examines the reception of these of their works to situate them as socio- individual printers. Martin Lowry’s three critics, considering the number of political commentators on “la misera books on Aldus Manutius and Nicholas editions, effects of censorship, con- Italia,” the post-Sack Italy of foreign Jenson are highly informative on early temporary and posthumous reactions. domination, petty tyranny, unjust laws, printing. Music printing has received


impressive coverage with Mary 1580 (Torino, 1987) and John Martin’s of citation (and by the frequency with Lewis’s three volume study of Anto- stimulating Venice’s Hidden Enemies: which I pull it off the shelf), The Ro- QLR*DUGDQR-DQH%HUQVWHLQ·VERRN Italian Heretics in a Renaissance City man Inquisition deserves that epithet. RQWKH6FRWWR3UHVVDQG,DLQ)HQORQ·V (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1993) To some degree the Venetian character stimulating 1994 Panizzi Lectures. The represent a large and impressive body of Critics is limited by the fact that, in announcement of a conference devoted of scholarship on subversive religious contrast to Aretino’s three decades, all to Francesco Marcolini in Forlì this beliefs. An authoritative survey by three were resident in Venice for less fall may indicate that other vernacular Ugo Rozzo and Seidel Menchi, “The than one decade. But it was an innova- printers will get needed attention. book and the Reformation in Italy,” tive and in some ways prescient study For the period of concern, the in The Reformation and the Book, ed. LQDÀHOGWKDWZDVRQO\MXVWEHJLQQLQJ Siamese twin of printing always is Jean-François Gilmont and trans. Karin to emerge. For me, it provided guid- censorship, the subject of Grendler’s Maag (Aldershot, 1998), highlights the ance and ideas when I needed them. In second book, The Roman Inquisi- role of Venetian printers. To revert to rereading the book now, I am struck tion and the Venetian Press, 1540- WKHSROLJUDÀ&KULVWRSKHU&DLUQVHVWDE- by the extent to which the seeds of 1605 (Princeton, 1977) — for my lished that Aretino was an Erasmian Grendler’s subsequent career are sown purposes, an indispensable resource. during the thirties and I have suggested here. He begins with printers and cen- His admirable chapter, “Printing and that he may have become a Nicodemite sorship (3-7) and returns to censorship Censorship,” in The Cambridge His- in the forties. All three of Grendler’s near the end (180-85). The concern tory of Renaissance Philosophy, ed. writers, of course, have received with Erasmianism led to the collabora- Charles Schmitt and Quentin Skinner IXUWKHUDWWHQWLRQ)UDQFRÀJXUHVLQ tion with Marcella Grendler on the es- (Cambridge, 1988) also should not &DLUQV·VERRNRQ$UHWLQRDQG'RQL·V say and bibliography, “The Survival of be overlooked. As the succession of attacks on Aretino have been edited by Erasmus in Italy,” Erasmus in Italy, no. Indexes demonstrates, censorship was 3DROR3URFDFFLROL2XUXQGHUVWDQGLQJ 8 (1976). His later books, Schooling in predominantly driven by religious mo- RI/DQGRKDVEHQHÀWHGIURP6HLGHO Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learn- WLYHVDQG9HQLFH·VQRWRULRXVWROHUDQFH 0HQFKL·VORQJDUWLFOH´&KLIX2UWHQVLR ing, 1300-1600 (Baltimore, 1989) and laxity or pragmatism (take your pick) Lando?” (1994) and from editions by The Universities of the Italian Renais- about divergent beliefs made it a happy Procaccioli and by Antonio Corsaro. sance (Baltimore, 2002), seem a natu- KXQWLQJJURXQGIRUERWKWKH+RO\2I- Critics of the Italian World is ral outgrowth of Chapter 5 on attitudes ÀFHDQGPRGHUQUHVHDUFKHUV,ZLOOOHW not Paul Grendler’s most important toward learning in the cinquecento. two studies, Silvana Seidel Menchi’s 9HQHWLDQERRNMXGJLQJE\IUHTXHQF\ Raymond B. Waddington magisterial Erasmo in Italia, 1520- University of California, Davis

22 NEWS ON THE RIALTO DIRECTORY OF 6&+2/$56 Kate Bullard Adams 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: Ms. • “Isabella d’Este and Antico,” in Jews in the Merchant of Venice and Isabella d’Este: La primadonna del Il Pecorone &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Rinascimento, Quaderno di Civiltà [email protected] Mantovano, Il Bulino edizione Lilian Armstrong Tel: 843-722-4806 d’Arte (2004): 128-153 Fax: 843-577-8419 Mildred Lane Kemper Professor of Art • “Antico” and “Hercules and Antaeus Wellesley College 70 Bull Street Antico,” in Encyclopedia of Sculp- Charleston, SC 29401 ture, ed. A. Böstrom. (New York, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] CURRENT RESEARCH: 2004) Department of Art 5DQGRPLQVSLUDWLRQIRUÀFWLRQZULWLQJ )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Wellesley College 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • Two articles on Southeast Asian 106 Central Street • “Finish Line,” Turnrow (2006) bronzecasting in collaboration with Wellesley, MA, 02481-8203 • “Potbound,” Jabberwock Review June Porter Allison appearing this (2004) year. CURRENT RESEARCH: The career of the Paduan miniaturist • “Herpetology,” Portland Review ,19(1,&(9(1(72 Benedetto Bordon (ca. 1450-1530) (2003) Possibly September including his manuscript and printed book illuminations, woodcut designs, Richard J. Agee Karl Appuhn DQGSXEOLVKLQJDFWLYLWLHV:RRGFXWVLQ Professor & Acting Chair Assistant Professor Venetian Incunabula, especially in the Colorado College New York University collection of the Biblioteca del Semi- QDULR3DGRYD7ULXPSKDOLPDJHU\LQ &217$&7,1)250$7,21 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 manuscript and printed book illustra- [email protected] [email protected] tion in the late Quattrocento Music Department Department of History 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Colorado College New York University • “A North Italian Drawing of Her- &RORUDGR6SULQJV&2 53 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 cules and Antaeus in a German CURRENT RESEARCH: Incunable: Marco Zoppo (?) and The transmission of Plainchant in the CURRENT RESEARCH: Drawings in Renaissance Books,” Early Modern Period Venetian Forest Management, 1350- in Tributes to Jonathan J. G. Al- 9LQFHQ]R&RURQHOOLDQG9HQHWLDQ )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 exander: The Making and Mean- Science • “The Printed Transmission of the ing of Illuminated Medieval and Roman Gradual in Italy During 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Renaissance Manuscripts, Art and the Early Modern Period,” Music • “Friend or Flood? The Dilemmas of Architecture, eds. Susan L’Engle Library Association Notes (2007) Flood Control in Late Renaissance and Gerald B. Guest (London, Venice,” in The Nature of Cities: 2006), 5-20 Ann Hersey Allison New Approaches to Urban Environ- • “Un poco noto manoscritto del De mental History, ed. Andrew Isen- viris illustribus di Francesco Petrar- Ph.D berg (Rochester, NY, 2006), 79-102 ca miniato da Nicolò di Giacomo da Independent Scholar Bologna”, and catalogue nos. IV.22 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Maria Lorena Araya – IV.23, in Petrarca e il suo tempo, [email protected] Ms. eds. Elisa Bagnoni and Silvio Parini Tel: 410-889-5026 Universidad de Playa Ancha (Milan, 2006), 81-86, 433-439 3409 Greenway • “Venetian and Florentine Renais- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Baltimore, MD, 21218 sance Woodcuts for Bibles, [email protected] Liturgical Books, and Devotional CURRENT RESEARCH: Tel: +5685954903 9HQHWLDQ6FXOSWXUHEURQ]HVDQG Books,” in A Heavenly Craft: The Camilo Henriquez Nro. 84 bronze casting Woodcut in Early Printed Books, Playa Ancha Valparaiso exhib. cat., ed. Daniel De Simone Chile (Washington, DC, 2004), 25-45 23 VOLUME 26 2007 DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

)257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “Woodcuts in Classical Texts Printed • Vulcan’s Forge in Venus’ City: The ZLOOLDPBEDUFKDP#ÀWQ\FHGX in Venice, 1490-1520, and the Role Bronze Industry in Renaissance Tel: home: 732-545-3227 or of Benedetto Bordon as a Designer,” Venice (London, 2008) 212-217-8295 Library of Congress Special Collec- • “Alessandro Vittoria’s Socles: Shap- 218 Harrison Avenue tions, Bulletin (2006) ing and Naming” in Display and Highland Park, New Jersey 08904 • “Venetian Incunables in Cambridge Displacement: Sculpture and the CURRENT RESEARCH: Collections: Modes of Hand-Illumi- Pedestal from Renaissance to Post- Man of sorrows in Venetian art nation,” in The Cambridge Illumi- Modern, ed. A. Gerstein (London, nations: Conference Volume, ed. S. 2006) )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • (with C. Puglisi), “The Pala Feriale Panayotova (London, 2006), 147-52 • “The Production, Display and and the Cristo passo in Early Vene- Reception of Bronze Heads and tian Art, c.1260-1375,” in Studi in Busts in Renaissance Venice and Victoria Avery onore di Don Bruno Bertoli e Don : Surrogate Antiques” in Kopf Dr Antonio Niero (2005) Department of History of Art, und Buste in Mittelalter und Fruher Neuzeit. Italienische Forschungen des Kinsthistorischen Institutes in Andrew Berns &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Florenz: I Mandorli 6, eds. J. Kohl PhD Candidate [email protected] and R. Muller (Monaco di Baviera, University of Pennsylvania Tel: 00 44 2476 523 007 2006) Fax: 00 44 2476 523 006 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] The Department of History of Art Alexandra Bamji Tel: 617-755-5750 University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL 2403 Catharine Street UK &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Philadelphia, PA [email protected] 19146 CURRENT RESEARCH: The production of bronze objects Gonville and Caius College (artillery, bells, functional domestic Cambridge Stathis Birtachas and liturgical artefacts and works of CB2 1TA Lecturer DUW LQ9HQLFHFD9HQHWLDQ UK University of Thessalonika, Greece Renaissance Sculpture (commission- CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 ing, production, collection, display and Religion and disease in Venice, 1620- [email protected] UHFHSWLRQ 7KHOLIHDQGZRUNRI$OHV- 1700. Death in early modern Venice Tel: 0030 6974085153 VDQGUR9LWWRULD  %ULWLVK and Nuremberg Fax: 0030 210 2387438 perceptions of Venice 32%R[ 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Keith Banks Athens 14110 – Greece • “‘Giovene di spirito ed d’ingegno’: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 CURRENT RESEARCH: New Light on the Life and Work of [email protected] «I processi dell’Inquisizione romana the Venetian Renaissance Bronze Tel: 530-219-2002 contro greci sudditi veneziani (secoli Caster Marcantonio di Niccolò di XVI-XVIII)». Conti (1576-1638),” in Der Un- 1815 Poplar Lane bestechliche Blick: Festschrift zu Davis, CA 95616 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • «Riforma e Controriforma nelle Ehren von Wolfgang Wolters, M. CURRENT RESEARCH: Isole Ionie», in Atti del 7o Conveg- Gaier, B. Nicolai and T. Weddigen ,WDOLDQ2WWRPDQ&XOWXUDO7UDQVPLVVLRQ (Trier, 2005), 437-63 no Panionio (Lefkada, 26-30 mag- gio 2002), ( Atene, 2004), 513-525 ‡´·8QOHVVWKH\ZHUHUHDOO\ÀUVWFODVV William Barcham (in greco) I did not care to have them’: Lt. Professor ‡©7HQGHQ]HÀORSURWHVWDQWLD9HQH- Col. Boscawen and his Collection Fashion Institute of Technology, zia al tempo di Gabriele Severo», of Sculpture,” Sculpture Journal 12 SUNY (2004): 86-98 in Gavriil Seviros, arcivescovo di )LODGHOÀDD9HQH]LDHODVXDHSRFD, ed. D. Apostolopulos (Venezia, 2004), 45-58 24 NEWS ON THE RIALTO DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

• Vivlia, Politiki, Thriskia stin Ana- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: WROLWRQRHRQD7RWLSRJUDÀR • “Le tinte delle carni: Zur Begrif- Book, Identity and Ideology: Religion tu Nikodimu Metaxa, protu ekdoti ÁLFKNHLWIU+DXWXQG)OHLVFKLQ and Politics in Renaissance Brescia ellinikon vivlion stin orthodoxi Ana- italienischen Kunsttraktaten des 15. Edition of texts, (trans. J. D. Culling- toli (Atene, 2006) (Traduzione in - 17. Jahrhunderts,” in Weder Haut ton), Humanists and Simon of Trent, greco del saggio storico di Letterio noch Fleisch – Das Inkarnat in der 1475-1510 Augliera, Libri, Politica, Religione Kunstgeschichte, eds. D. Bohde and 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 nel Levante del Seicento: La tipo- M. Fend (Berlin, 2007), 41-63 • ed. and intro. (trans. J. D. Culling- JUDÀDGL1LFRGHPR0HWD[DVSULPR )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 ton), Vainglorious Death: A Funer- editore di testi greci nell’Oriente ary Fracas in Renaissance Brescia ortodosso (Venezia, 1996) • “Light, colour and the body in Ti- tian’s S. Salvador Annunciation and (2006) Naples Danae,” in Titian: Material- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Christopher Black ity, istoria, portraits, ed. J. Woods • “Witchcraft, Heresy, and Superstition Professor Marsden (Amsterdam, 2007) in the Bresciano, 1454-1535,” in Glasgow University Superstition in Historical and Com- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Sophie Bostock parative Perspective, eds. A. Knight [email protected] Mrs and S. Smith 12 Crown Terrace University of East Anglia Glasgow G12 9ES &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Murray Brown Scotland UK [email protected] Professor Emeritus CURRENT RESEARCH: Tel: 01603 259659 SUNY at Buffalo Inquisitions in early modern Italy. &217$&7,1)250$7,21 1 Penshurst Mews 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 [email protected] Eaton • Church, Religion and Society in Tel: 1 716 8381941 Norwich, Norfolk early modern Italy (Basingstoke and UK 80 Fairlawn Dr. NY, 2004) Amherst, NY 14226 CURRENT RESEARCH: • (eds. with Pamela Gravestock), CURRENT RESEARCH: Early Modern Confraternities in Domenico Tiepolo’s Divertimento per li Regazzi Venetian Politics and Culture, Early Europe and the Americas (Alder- 17th Century shot & Burlington VT, 2006), with 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 “Introduction: the Confraternity • Interview with Adelheid Gealt and 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Context,” and “Confraternities un- George Knox at the Frick Collec- • “The Myth of Antonio Foscarini’ der Suspicion in the Early modern tion, New York, The Art Book 14 Exoneration,” Renaissance and Period: A Venetian Case Study” (May 2007) Reformation 25/3 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • The Inquisitions in Early Modern ‡´$3RUWUDLWRIWKH$UWLVWDVDQ2OG • In Preparation: “A Venetian Apol- Italy (New Haven, c.2008) Man” in Old Age in the Middle Ages ogy” and the Renaissance, De Gruyter Daniela Bohde (Autumn, 2007) Patricia Fortini Brown Dr. Professor Institute of Art History, Frankfurt Stephen Bowd Princeton University University Dr &217$&7,1)250$7,21 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 University of Edinburgh [email protected] [email protected] &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Tel: 609-683-4076 Fax: 609-683-9640 Homburger Str. 16 [email protected] D - 60486 Frankfurt Tel: 0131 650 3758 54 Humbert St Princeton, NJ 08542 CURRENT RESEARCH: School of History and Classics, )UHVFRHGDOWDUSLHFHV7HUPVOLNHcar- William Robertson Building, nagione, incarnazione, pelle, carne in 50, George Square Renaissance art theory Edinburgh EH8 9JY 25 VOLUME 26 2007 DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

CURRENT RESEARCH: Ersie Burke Andrea Caracausi Research for a book on the artistic and Dr. Università di Venezia cultural geography of the Venetian Anatolia College empire &217$&7,1)250$7,21 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 [email protected] • Private Life in Renaissance Venice: Via Tommaso Temanza Art, Architecture and the Family Viziis Vyzantos 18 - 40 35134 Padova (New Haven & London, 2004) Ekklisies Italy Thessaloniki 54636 ‡´1RW2QHEXW0DQ\6HSDUDWH&LWLHV Greece Housing Diversity in Renaissance Stefano Carboni Venice,” in Home and Homeless- CURRENT RESEARCH: Curator and Administrator, Department ness in the Medieval and Renais- Updating database on Greek residents of Islamic Art sance Worlds, ed. N. Howe (Notre RI9HQLFH*UHHNSDWULFLDQ The Metropolitan Museum of Art Dame, 2004), 13-56 marriages &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “The Venetian Casa: A Panoramic )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 [email protected] View,” “Education and Children in • “Francesco di Demetri Litino, the Tel: 212-650-2326 the House,” and “The Restello,” in Inquisition and the Fondaco dei Fax: 212-570-3898 At Home in Renaissance Italy, eds. Turchi,” Thesaurismata (2006) 49 West 96th Street #3G M. Ajmar and F. Dennis (London, New York, NY 10025 2006), 50-65, 136-43, 188-89 Davide Busato CURRENT RESEARCH: )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Arcomai snc A major international exhibition that • “Legendary origins of Venice and &217$&7,1)250$7,21 explores the relationship between the chronicle tradition,” in Venice GDYLGHEXVDWR#LQÀQLWRLW Venice and the Islamic world, due to Before San Marco: Recent Studies Tel: 0412759449 RSHQLQ2FWREHU on the Origins of the City, ed. A. Fax: 0412759449 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Ammerman (Baltimore) Calle del Montesanto, 3 • Venice and the Islamic World, 828- • “Venice,” in The Classical Tradition, Sant’Elena Venezia 1797H[KFDW 3DULV(QJOLVK eds. A. Grafton, G. Most and S. Set- 30134 version 2007) tis (Cambridge, in press) CURRENT RESEARCH: ,19(1,&(9(1(72 Venezia nelle trasformazioni urbanis- Born in Venice, my family lives in Esther E. Brummer tiche dal medioevo al XX secolo Venice. I’ll be in Venice several times PhD candidate 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 WKLV\HDUERWKWRZRUNRQWKHÀQDO University of Cambridge • Metamorfosi di un litorale, origine e stages of my exhibition and visit my &217$&7,1)250$7,21 sviluppo dell’isola di Sant’Erasmo family and friends [email protected] nella laguna di Venezia (Venezia, Tel: +44 (0)7821 603336 2006) Christopher Carlsmith St Edmund’s College • “Archeologia urbana a Venezia: la Associate Professor (History) Cambridge CB3 0BN storia e i personaggi,” Rivista tele- Univ. of Massachusetts-Lowell UK matica Archeomedia 14 (1 settem- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 CURRENT RESEARCH: bre 2006) [email protected] The arts, matrimony and aristocratic • “L’evoluzione delle paludi nella Tel: 978-934-4277 LGHQWLW\LQHDUO\PRGHUQ9HQLFH$Q- laguna nord dal IX al XV secolo,” Fax: 978-934-3023 cient and new nobility in seventeenth Rivista telematica Archeomedia 17 UML History Department and eighteenth century Venice (16 ottobre 2006) 850 Broadway Street )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Lowell, MA 01854-3099 • Metodologia della ricerca archivisti- CURRENT RESEARCH: ca: un esempio Palazzo Patriarcale +LVWRU\RI(GXFDWLRQ (Marcianum Press) History of Childhood


5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Department of French and Italian • “La Pala Ritrovata: Una rivisitazione • “The Child in the Classroom: Tulane University della pala d’altare di Bartolomeo Teaching a Course on the 1HZ2UOHDQV/RXLVLDQD Montagna già nella chiesa di San History of Childhood in Premodern CURRENT RESEARCH: Marco a Lonigo,” Arte Documento Europe,” in Childhood in the Middle Theater in early-sixteenth-century Ven- 20 (2004): 112-117 Ages and the Renaissance: The ice, especially that of Angelo Beolco )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Results of a Paradigm Shift in the ,O5X]DQWH %HROFR·VUHODWLRQVZLWK • “‘The Allegory of Vigilance’ by History of Mentality, ed. A. Clas- the Venetian patriciate Domenico Tintoretto,” exh. cat., The sen (New York and Berlin, 2005), Birmingham Museum of Art Samuel 415-27 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “A Newly-Discovered Charles V H. Kress Collection of Italian Paint- ‡´&RRSHUDWLRQDQG&RQÁLFWLQWKH with Dog,” Ateneo Veneto, ser. 3, ings (in press) Schools of Bergamo, 1550-1650,” 4.2 (2005): 43-77 in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Europe: Histories and • “‘I have a good set of tools’: The Kent Cartwright Anthropologies, ed. A. Goldgar Shared Interests of Peasants and Professor (Leiden and Boston, 2004), 84-102 Patricians in Beolco’s Lettera gio- University of Maryland cosa,” in Theatre, Opera, and Per- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 formance in Italy from the Fifteenth • “Mocking Pope and Preacher: Popu- [email protected] Century to the Present: Essays in Tel: 301-405-3809 lar Propaganda in the Protestant Honour of Richard Andrews, eds. Reformation,” Teaching History: A B. Richardson, S. Gilson and C. 1635 13th Street NW Journal of Methods (2006) Keen, Occasional Papers Number 6 Washington, DC 20009 (Egham, 2004), 83-98 CURRENT RESEARCH: English Renaissance Jill Carrington )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Associate Professor of Art History • Venice, Cità Excelentissima: Selec- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Stephen F. Austin State University tions from the Renaissance Diaries • Theatre and Humanism: English &217$&7,1)250$7,21 of Marin Sanudo, eds. P. Labalme Drama in the Sixteenth Century [email protected] and L. Sanguineti White, trans. L. (Cambridge, 1999) Tel: (936) 468-4351 Carroll (Baltimore, 2006) Fax: (936) 468-4041 Pamela Cartwright Department of Art Liz Carroll-Consavari Principal 32%R[6)$6WDWLRQ Ph.D Michael Winstanley Architects Plan- Nacogdoches TX 75962-3001 ners CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 ,QÁXHQFHRIWKHFKXUFKRI60GHL [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 703-519-8081 Miracoli on Palmer Memorial Episco- Santa Croce 2238 Fax: 703-519--8082 SDO&KXUFK+RXVWRQ  7KH6DFUD 30135 Venezia conversazione relief panel from the 1635 13th Street NW 135 Glen Aulin Lane Roccabonella Tomb in S. Francesco Washington, DC 20009 *UDQGH3DGXD7RPEVDQGFKDSHO Burlingame, CA 94010 of Captain General Erasmo da Narni CURRENT RESEARCH: Matteo Casini (Gattamelata) and his son Gianntonio Civic and Artistic Identity in Early Six- Suffolk University in the Basilica of St. Anthony, Padua WHHQWK&HQWXU\9LFHQ]D&ROOHFWLRQVLQ Seicento Venice &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] Linda L. Carroll 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Tel: +39 041 5239373 (Italy) / +1 401 Professor, Italian • “Ex-Votos, Apostolic Missions and Ber- 245 3683 (US) Tulane University QDUGLQRGD)HOWUH+LV,QÁXHQFHDQG Castello 3338 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Art in The Case of Bartolomeo Mon- 30122 Venezia [email protected] tagna,” Philolog, Stanford University Tel: 504.865.5115 (April 2007) ( 31 Baker St. Fax: 504.865.5367 Warren, RI 02885 27 VOLUME 26 2007 DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

CURRENT RESEARCH: • “Image and miracle in understand- Privileges, Political Power, and Political and Social Culture, Renais- ing the Madonna del Soccorso from Legal Culture in Mamlûk Egypt,” in sance and Baroque Venice Sicily to central Italy in the late 15th Power and Culture. Hegemony, In- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 century,” (Perugia) teraction and Dissent, eds. A. Cim- ‡´9HQH]LDO·,WDOLDHO·2ULHQWHµLQIl GLQDDQG-2VPRQG 3LVD Rinascimento italiano e l’Europa, I: Ian Chessell )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 6WRULDHVWRULRJUDÀD, ed. M. Fantoni Dr • &RQÁLFWVDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI2UL- (Treviso, 2006), 355-86 University of South Australia ent and Occident. A Venetian consul )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 in Alexandria • Historical Research and Computing: [email protected] An Introduction for Students Tel: +61884316054 Simona Cohen (Padua, 2006) 32%R[ Phd • “Seeking the Social and Political Kensington Park SA 5068 Tel-Aviv University Culture in Baroque Venice,” in Australia &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Braudel Revisited: The Mediter- CURRENT RESEARCH: [email protected] ranean World, 1600-1800 (Toronto, History of the Ionian Islands, particu- Tel: 972-9-7429458 2006) larly 1750-1830 Fax: 972-9-7421454 Hamiyasdim 5 Caroline Castiglione )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “Britain’s Ionian Consul: Spiridion Ramot Hashavim Assistant Professor of Italian Studies Foresti and Intelligence Collection, Israel and History (1793-1805),” Journal of Mediter- CURRENT RESEARCH: Brown University ranean Studies (2007) Animals as Disguised Symbols in &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Renaissance art Tel: 401-863-1561 Georg Christ 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Box 1942 Dr. phil. • “Andrea del Sarto’s Monsters: The Providence, RI Universität Basel Madonna of the Harpies and Hu- 02912 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 man-animal Hybrids in the Renais- [email protected] sance,” Apollo (July 2004): 38-45 Ruth Chavasse Tel: +41 (0) 61 272 10 56 • “The enigma of Carpaccio’s Venetian Kings College London (retired) Ladies,” Renaissance Studies 19 0KOHQEHUJ (April, 2005) &217$&7,1)250$7,21 CH-4052 Basel [email protected] • “Animals, Birds and the enigma of 81762+4 Tel: 0044(0)2392631362 Carpaccio’s Knight,” in Human 32%R[ Beings and other Animals from a His- 7KH2OG2UFKDUG Jerusalem Forestside torical Perspective (in Hebrew, 2007) CURRENT RESEARCH: Rowlands Castle 9HQLWLDQVLQ$OH[DQGULD (J\SW &URVV )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 +DPSVKLUH32(( FXOWXUDOWUDGH 0XVOLPVYV&KULVWLDQV  • Animals as Disguised Symbols in CURRENT RESEARCH: 3HUFHSWLRQRI,VODPDQGWKH2ULHQWLQ Renaissance Art (Leiden, 2007) Venetian humanism: M.A.Sabellico (DUO\0RGHUQ7LPHV1HZVDQG1HZV (1436?-1506) and edition of his Letters Management in the Later Middle Ages Tracy Cooper (Venice, 1502) 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Associate Professor )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “A Newsletter in 1419? Antonio Temple University • “The humanist household: educa- Morosini’s Chronicle in the Light &217$&7,1)250$7,21 tional and emotional expectations of Commercial Correspondence [email protected] from teenagers in late 15th century between Venice and Alexandria,” 7HO K  Italy,” in The Emotional Household Mediterranean Historical Review 20 Fax: 215 204 6951 in Europe, 1400-1800 (University of (2005): 35 - 66 W. Australia) 81 Lamb Hope Rd • “Masked Cooperation with the Hopewell, NJ 08525 ,QÀGHO"7KH9HQHWLDQ&RPPHUFLDO 28 NEWS ON THE RIALTO DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

CURRENT RESEARCH: • “The Growth of Cities,” in The • “Problématique des arts à Venise à la Visual culture of Renaissance and early Renaissance World, ed. J. Martin ÀQGX0R\HQ$JHµLQTra eco- PRGHUQ9HQLFH3DWURQDJHDQGFROOHFW- (Routledge, 2007) nomica e politica : le corporazioni LQJSUDFWLFHV5LWXDODQGXUEDQLVP • Marriage, Manners and Mobility nell’Europa medievale (Pistoia, 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 in early Modern Venice (Ashagte, 2005) • “Singers and Setting: choir and 2007) • “Le marché immobilier vénitien : furnishing in an age of reform. The • “Lusty widows and chaste widows entre logiques économiques et example of San Giorgio Maggiore,” in seventeenth-century Venice,” nécessités anthropologiques,” in in Architettura e musica nella Vene- in Famiglie e poteri in Italia tra Semaine d’études d’Estella (2006) zia del rinascimento, ed. D. How- Medioevo et Età moderna, eds. ard and L. Moretti (Milan, 2006), A. Bellavitis and I. Chabot (Ecole David D’Andrea 95-106 Francaise de Rome, 2006) Associate Professor • Palladio’s Venice: Architecture and 2NODKRPD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ Society in a Renaissance Republic Elizabeth Crouzet-Pavan &217$&7,1)250$7,21 (New Haven and London, 2005) Professeur d’histoire du Moyen Age [email protected] Université de Paris-Sorbonne Tel: (405) 744-8184 Alexander Cowan &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Fax: (405) 744-5400 Dr. Elisabeth-Crouzet.Pavan@paris4. Department of History Northumbria University 2NODKRPD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ &217$&7,1)250$7,21 38 bis Avenue René Coty 501 Life Sciences West [email protected] Paris 75014 6WLOOZDWHU2. Tel: +44 191 227 3732 France CURRENT RESEARCH: Fax: +44 191 227 4630 CURRENT RESEARCH: History of Venetian Charity 18 Fern Avenue Histoire de Venise dans les derniers 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Jesmond Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 VLqFOHVGX0R\HQ$JH+LVWRLUHGH • “Power of Perception: Venice, the 2QT l’ltalie (Xllle-XVes) Early Reformation, and the Diarii of UK 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Marino Sanuto (1518-33),” Archiv CURRENT RESEARCH: • Venise triomphante. les horizons für Reformationsgeschichte/Archive Gossip and street culture in early mod- d’un mythe, réédition, Bibliothèque for Reformation History 96 (2005): ern Venice de l’Evolution de l’Humanité, 6-32 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 (Paris, 2004) • Civic Christianity in Renaissance • “‘Not practising the vile and me- • Enfers et Paradis. L’Italie de Dante Italy: The Hospital of Treviso, 1400- chanical arts’: Touch as a measure et de Giotto, réédition, Bibliothèque 1530 (Rochester, 2007) of social status in early modern de l’Evolution de l’Humanité (Paris, Venice,” in The City and the Senses, 2004) Julianne Davidow eds. A. Cowan and J Steward (Ash- • “Le verre venitien : les savoirs au Writer/Photographer gate, 2006) travail,” in La trasmissione dei &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “Nodes and Networks,” in Cities saperi nel Medioevo (Pistoia, 2005), [email protected] and cultural change in Early Mod- 289-320 Tel: 212-595-2299 ern Europe, eds. D. Calabi and S. • Renaissances italiennes ; 1380-1500 Fax: 212-595-8312 Christensen (Cambridge, 2007) (Paris, 2007) 670 West End Avenue, 17B )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 New York, NY 10025 • “Les étrangers et la ville, le cas • “La civiltà comunale italiana nella CURRENT RESEARCH: d’un grand marchand néerlandais VWRULRJUDÀDIUDQFHVHµActes du Cen- à Venise au dix-septième siècle,” WKFHQWXU\FRQYHQWOLIH6DQWD0DULD tro di studi sulla civiltà communale GHOOH9HUJLQLWKFHQWXU\FRXUWHVDQV in Commerce, voyage et expéri- (Pistoia, 2005) ence religieuse à l’époque moderne &XVWRPVDQGKDELWVODWHWKFHQWXU\ • “La ville et le château: problèmes de (XVe-XVIIIe siècles), eds. A. Bella- Daily life in Venice after 1550 l’atypie vénitienne,” Castrum 8 vitis, A. Burkhardt and G. Bertrand (Rennes, 2007)


)257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 A book of photographs and quotes • “Visual Biography in Renaissance [email protected] by Italian Renaissance writers. I am Venice” Tel: 801-422-5260 writing a novel that takes place in 16th 2129 JFSB century Venice. Cara De Silva Provo, UT 84602 Writer/Scholar Robert Davis CURRENT RESEARCH: Independent (DUO\PRGHUQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQFXOWXUH Professor of History &217$&7,1)250$7,211.3in 5HQHJDGH:RPHQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQ 7KH2KLR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ [email protected] IRRGZD\V'UDJRPDQV &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Tel: 212-989-1327 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 [email protected] 311 West 24th Street, 16D • Venetians in Constantinople: Na- Tel: (614) 784-1909 New York, NY 10011 tion, Identity and Coexistence in Department of History the Early Modern Mediterranean 106 Dulles Hall Julia DeLancey (Baltimore, 2006) 2KLR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ Associate Professor of Art (art history) • “Muslim Renegade Women: Con- &ROXPEXV2+ Truman State University version and Agency in the Early CURRENT RESEARCH: Modern Mediterranean,” Journal of &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Bandits in Lazio and Umbria, 1550- Mediterranean Studies 16 (2006) [email protected] 0HGLWHUUDQHDQVODYHU\ ‡´1HLJKERUV9HQHWLDQVDQG2WWR- Tel: (660)785.4430 mans in Early Modern Galata,” in 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Fax: (660)785.7463 • “The Geography of Slaving in the Multicultural Europe and Cultural Division of Fine Arts Early Modern Mediterranean, 1500- Exchange, ed. J. Helfers (Turnhout, 23 1800,” Journal of Medieval and 2005), 33-47 Truman State University Early Modern Studies 37 (2007): .LUNVYLOOH0286$ )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 57-74 • “Food and Identity in the Early CURRENT RESEARCH: Modern Mediterranean,” Food, Cul- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Comparative art historical work on ture and Society 11 (Winter 2007) • “The Renaissance Goes Up in pigments and the pigment trade in Smoke,” in The Renaissance World, )ORUHQFHDQG9HQLFHPDLQO\ÀIWHHQWK • (Turkish translation of Venetians in ed. J. Martin (Routledge, 2007), sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Constantinople) Constantinople’da 398-411 9HQHGLNOLOHU,ONdDʋGDü$NGHQL] 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Milliyet, Kimlik ve Bir Arada • “Dragonsblood & Ultramarine: 9DUROXü (Istanbul, 2008) Blake de Maria The Dealer in Artists’ Pigments in Assistant Professor Florence, 1450-1600,” in The Art Santa Clara University Market in Italy, 15th – 17th cen- Robert Echols Independent Scholar &217$&7,1)250$7,21 turies, eds. M. Fantoni, L. Mat- [email protected] thew, S. Matthews-Grieco (Ferrara, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Tel: (408) 554-5482 2003),141-50 [email protected] Tel: 207-833-7869 1027 Sherman Street )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Santa Clara, CA 95050-4323 • “Shipping Colour: valute, pigments, Fax: 207-833-7869 9 Barker Point Road CURRENT RESEARCH: trade, and Francesco di Marco Cittadino patronage, immigrant visual Datini ,” in Trade in Painters’ Bailey Island, ME 04003 FXOWXUHLQ9HQLFH$UWLVWLFLQWHUFKDQJH Materials: Markets and Commerce CURRENT RESEARCH: between Venice & the Levant in Europe to 1700, eds. J. Kirby Reconsideration of Jacopo Tintoretto Atkinson, S. Nash (London) catalogue 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “The patron for Pordenone’s fres- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 coes on Palazzao Talenti, Venice,” Eric Dursteler • “Tintoretto the Painter,” and The Burlington Magazine CXLVI Associate Professor other entries in Tintoretto, exh. cat., (August, 2004) Brigham Young University Museo del Prado, Madrid, January- May 2007


)257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Sabine Engel • “Per la storia di ‘brufolo’,” Lingua • (with F. Ilchman), “Toward a New Ph.D. Candidate Nostra LXV (Sept.-Nov. 2004): Tintoretto Catalogue,” Congresso 93-101 Jacopo Tintoretto, Museo del Prado, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Madrid, February 2007 [email protected] • “Alle origini del veneziano: una Tel: ++ 49.30.6877003 koine’ lagunare?,” Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie 121 3 Patricia Emison Kirchstr. 19 II 10557 Berlin (2005): 476-509 Associate professor Germany • “Appunti sul veneziano di Ruzante,” University of New Hampshire in Atti del Convegno Internazionale CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 di Studi sul Ruzante, ed. I. Paccag- Dissertation: “Christ and the Adulter- [email protected] nella (Padua, 2005), 207-25 ess,” a Venetian cinquecento painting- Tel: 603-862-1409 subject. • “Ruzante and Venetian Renaissance Fax: 603-862-2191 Theatre,” in A History of Italian 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 30 College Road Theatre, eds. P. Brand, J. Farrell and • “Hendrick Goltzius, sein Lehrer und Dept. of Art and Art History P. Puppa (Cambridge, 2006), 61-71 die ‘Remissio Peccatorum’ aus der Durham, NH 03824 Serie der ‘Allegorien des christli- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: chen Glaubens’ (1578),” in Curiosa • A Linguistic History of Venice (Flor- ,WDOLDQ5HQDLVVDQFHFLQHPD Poliphili. Festgabe für Horst Bre- ence, 2007) 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 dekamp zum 60. Geburtstag, eds. • The Simple Art: Printed Works on N. Hegener, C. Lichte, B. Marten Robert Finlay 3DSHULQDQ$JHRI0DJQLÀFHQFH, (Leipzig, 2007), 214 - 221 Professor & Acting Chair exh. cat., University Art Gallery, University of Arkansas Durham, N.H., 2006 (available from Ronnie Ferguson &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected]) Professor of Italian and Head of the Department of History • “The Arts of Replication,” in Flor- School of Modern Languages University of Arkansas ence: Re-Visioning the Renaissance University of St Andrews Fayetteville, AR 72701 City, eds. J. Paoletti and R. Crum &217$&7,1)250$7,21 (Cambridge, 2006), 431-53, 606-13 CURRENT RESEARCH: [email protected] Venetian politics of the early sixteenth ‡´'UHU·V5LGHUµRenaissance Studies Tel: (01334) 463668 FHQWXU\9HQHWLDQ+DEVEXUJ2WWRPDQ 19 (2005): 511-22 Fax: (01334) 463677 relations of the sixteenth century • “Rembrandt’s Allegory of the Phoe- Department of Italian nix,” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 School of Modern Languages 68 (2005): 554-56 • “Fabius Maximus in Venice: Doge University of St Andrews Andrea Gritti, the War of Cambrai, • Growing with the Grain, Dynamic St Andrews and the Rise of Habsburg Hege- Families Shaping History from An- Fife KY16 9PH mony, 1509-1530,” Renaissance cient Times to the Present, A Book Scotland, UK Quarterly 53 (2000): 988-1031 for Readers across Generations (Lady Illyria Press, 2005) CURRENT RESEARCH: )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 /LQJXLVWLFKLVWRU\RI9HQLFH7KH • “Weaving the Rainbow: Visions of • “Raphael’s Multiples,” in Cam- RULJLQVRI9HQHWLDQ9HQHWLDQ9HQHWR bridge Companion to Raphael, ed. Color in World History,” Journal of HW\PRORJ\6L[WHHQWKFHQWXU\9HQHWLDQ World History (2007) M. Hall (2005) WKHDWUH5X]DQWH • “Creating the’Divine’ Artist from 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Dante to Michelangelo (Brill, 2004) • “Staging scripted comedy in Renais- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 sance Venice (1500-1560): A review • Thought about the History of West- of the evidence,” in Theatre, Opera ern Art (Penn State, fall 2007) and Performance in Italy from the Fifteenth Century to the Present, eds. B. Richardson, S. Gilson and C. Keen (Leeds, 2004), 39-54


Claire Fontijn CURRENT RESEARCH: – Grabmäler und Begräbniszeremo- Associate Professor and Chair Mythological narratives in Renais- niell in der italienischen Hoch- und Wellesley College VDQFHDUW7LWLDQDQG$QWLTXLW\ Spätrenaissance, eds. J. Poeschke, %.XVFKDQG7:HLJHO 0QVWHU 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 2005), 229-258 [email protected] • The Revival of the Olympian Gods in • “Mecenatismo e collezionismo della Tel: 781/283-2072 Renaissance Art (Cambridge: 2003) nuova nobiltà venziana nel Seicento: Fax: 781/283-3687 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 l’esempio di Girolamo Cavazza,” 106 Central St. • “The Vainly Imploring Goddess in Il Collezionismo a Venezia e nel Wellesley College in Titian’s Venus and Adonis” in Veneto ai tempi della Serenissima, Jewett Arts Center Titian: Materiality, Istoria, eds. B. Aikema, R. Lauber and M. Wellesley, MA 02481 Portraits, ed. J. Woods-Marsden Seidel (Venezia, 2006), 141-162 (Turnhout, 2006) CURRENT RESEARCH: • “Il mausoleo nel presbiterio. Pa- Historical and musical analyses of tronati laici e liturgie private nelle repertory by Francesco Corbetta Martin Gaier chiese veneziane,” in Lo spazio (1615-1681), Antonia Bembo (c. 1640- $VVLVWHQW.XQVWJHVFKLFKWH)UKH HLOFXOWR5HOD]LRQLWUDO·HGLÀFLR c.1720), and Barbara Strozzi (1619- Neuzeit ecclesiale e il suo uso liturgico dal 1677) Kunsthistorisches Seminar der XV al XVII secolo, ed. J. Stabenow 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Universitaet Basel (Venezia, 2006), 153-80 • Desperate Measures: The Life and &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “Antonio Begarelli und Jacopo Music of Antonia Padoani Bembo [email protected] 6DQVRYLQR*UDEPlOHUIU.DUGLQlOH (c. 1640 - c. 1720) 2[IRUG Tel: 0041 (0)61 206 63 80 und Protonotare in Rom und Mode- • “Le relazioni armoniose,” Amadeus: Fax: 0041 (0)61 206 62 97 na,” in Grab, Kult und Memoria, eds. A. Karsten and P. Zitzlsperger Il mensile della grande musica 16 Kunsthistorisches Seminar 0QFKHQ  (June 2004): 27-29 St. Alban-Graben 8 • Liner notes, “La Vendetta,” Bizzarrie CH-4010 Basel )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Armoniche. CD recording of music Switzerland • “Die Kirchenfassade als Denkmal. by Bembo, La Guerre, and Strozzi. CURRENT RESEARCH: Ein venezianisches Phänomen,” in 9LHQQD25) Relations between Germany and Italy Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissen- • Liner notes, “The Seven Psalms of LQWKHÀHOGRIDUWKLVWRU\ schaften zu Göttingen 2004 (Göt- David, vol. 1,” La Donna Musicale. DQGDUWSROLWLFV9HQHWLDQWRPEPRQX- tingen, 2006) CD recording of Bembo’s Les sept PHQWVRIWKH5HQDLVVDQFH9HQHWLDQ • “«ius imaginis nihil esse aliud, quam Pseaumes de David (ca. 1710). Bos- SRUWUDLWEXVWVRIWKH5HQDLVVDQFH ius nobilitatis». Bildpolitik und ton, La Donna Musicale, 2004. Quattrocento villas in the Veneto Machtanspruch im Patriziat Vene- digs,” in Integrität und Fragment. )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Kopf- und Büstenbildnisse vom • Fiori musicali--Liber amicorum Al- • (with B. Nicolai and T. Weddigen), Spätmittelalter bis Bernini, eds. J. exander Silbiger (Warren, MI, 2008) eds., Der unbestechliche Blick. .RKODQG50OOHU 6FKULIWHQUHLKH Festschrift zu Ehren von Wolfgang des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Wolters / Lo sguardo incorruttibile. Luba Freedman Florenz, 2006) Associate Professor Studi di storia dell’arte in onore di The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Wolfgang Wolters (Trier, 2005) • (with S. Breitling), “Villa Spessa in Julian Gardner &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Carmignano. Villenkultur im Veneto Professor History of Art and Secretary [email protected] vor Palladio,” in Der unbestechliche of British Commonwealth Division Fax: 972-2-5815-399 Blick (2005), 193-205 Delmas Foundation Department of the History of Art ‡´)DOFRQHWWRV3URMHNWIUHLQHQ Warwick University The Hebrew University of Jerusalem monumentalen Grabaltar der Fami- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Mount Scopus lie Giustinian in S. Francesco della [email protected] 91905 Jerusalem Vigna,” in Praemium Virtutis II Israel 108, Kenilworth Road Coventry, CV4 7AH UK 32 NEWS ON THE RIALTO DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

CURRENT RESEARCH: Israel Patron” Journal of Mediterranean Pala d’oro, Venetian tombs, Giotto CURRENT RESEARCH: Studies (2006): 149-162 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Venice and its maritime empire up • “The Contribution of Venice’s • “‘Magister Bertucius Avrifex’ et les WR0HGLHYDODQGHDUO\PRGHUQ colonies to its naval warfare in portes en bronze de Saint’Marc, un Mediterranean trade, navigation routes, the Eastern Mediterranean in the programme pour l’année jubilaire,” ships, ports and port towns and naval Fifteenth century,” Rivista Mediter- Revue de l’Art 134 (2001-04): 9-26 ZDUIDUH+LVWRU\RI0HGLWHUUDQHDQDQG ranea. Ricerche storiche 4 (2007): • “Prophet Dedications in Medieval Black Sea marine environment and 113-173 and Renaissance Venice,” Fest- ecology since medieval period up to • “Corfu and its port in the Venetian schrift Wolfgang Wolters (Trier, WKHWZHQWLHVFHQWXU\3URMHFW/HDGHURI policy in the Eastern Mediter- 2005), 31-39 the History of marine environment in ranean in the Late Medieval and the Venetian Lagoon and the Venetian Early Modern Period (14th and 15th Philip Gavitt Lagoon since the Midlle Ages centuries),” Journal of International Maritime History 19/1 (2007) Associate Professor of History 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Saint Louis University • “Characteristics of Mediterranean )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Ships in the Late Medieval Period • “Acre,” “Ascalon,” and “Tyre,” in &217$&7,1)250$7,21 (13th-15thCenturies CE),” in exhib. Email: [email protected] Dictionaires des orders militaries au cat. Splendor of the Medieval Medi- Moyen Âge (2008) Phone: (314) 977-2904 terranean. Art, Culture Politics, • work in progress: Struggles for Fax: (314) 977-1603 Navigation and Commerce in the Survival – The Venetian Maritime Department of History Mediterranean Maritime Cities Empire up to 1500 Saint Louis University (13th–15th centuries), eds. X. Barral 6W/RXLV0286$ I Altet and J. Alemany (Barcelona, • “Acre and Tyre: Two ‘Competing’ 2004), 543-561 Ports in the Mediterranean Seafaring CURRENT RESEARCH: and Trade System in the 10th -13th • “Maritime History in Israel,” Catholic Humanism, Heresy and the centuries,” for Al-Masaq, Islam and Research in Maritime History 28 Venetian Church: Iacopo Nacchianti, the Medieval Mediterranean Bishop of Chioggia,1544-1569. (2005): 171-188 • Trade and Naval Warfare in the • “Does Naval Activity – Military and 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Mediterranean 11th -16th centuries FRPPHUFLDO²QHHG$UWLÀFLDO3RUWV" ‡´&RUSRUDWH%HQHÀFHQFHDQG+LVWRUL- (Tel Aviv, 2008) (in Hebrew) The Case of Venetian Harbours cal Narratives of Communal Well- • Review article of History of Marine being,” in Renaissance Florence: and Ports in the Ionian and Aegean till 1500,” Graeco Arabica Fest- Animal Popualtion (HMAP) and the A Social History, eds. R. Crum and Mediterranean (December 2008) J. Paoletti (Cambridge, 2006), 138- schrift for Professor Christides 9-10 • “Venice’s policy towards the Defense 160. (2005): 163-181 ‡´9HQLFH2YHUYLHZRIPDMRU of its Maritime Empire against the • “From Putte to Puttne: Female 2WWRPDQVLQWKHÀIWHHQWKFHQWXU\µ Foundlings and Charitable Insti- elements of the role of Venice in tutions in Florence” in Minority LQWHUQDWLRQDOWUDGHDQGÀQDQFHIURP Groups in Premodern Italy, ed. Ste- 1450 to the present” in History Dieter Girgensohn of World Trade since 1450, ed. J. phen Milner (Minneapolis, 2005), &217$&7,1)250$7,21 McCusker (Farmington Hills, MI, 111-129 [email protected] 2005) Tel: 49/551/55200 Ruthy Gertwagen • (ed. with C. Vassalo), “Making Fax: 49/551/4888613 waves in the Mediterranean/sulle Senior lecturer, and professor of Mod- onde Mediterraneo,” Journal of %UGHU*ULPP$OOHH ern Hellenic Studies Mediterranean Studies (2006) 37075 Göttingen +DLID8QLYHUVLW\DQG2UDQLP$FD- Germany • “Harbours and Port Facilities along demic College the Sea Lanes to the Holy Land,” in CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 How They made War in the Cru- Ecclesiastical and social history in the [email protected] sader Period, ed. J. Pryor (Ashgate, ODWHU0LGGOH$JHVFRQFHUQLQJ9HQ- Tel: 04-8712767 2006), ch. 6 ice: promissioni dogali, testaments 30 Ranas St. • “The Emergence of the Cult of of doges and dogaresse, the Foscari Qiriat Motzkin, PB 117 26317 Saint Mary, the Virgin, as a Marine IDPLO\3DGXDLQWKHWKWKFHQW 33 VOLUME 26 2007 DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

university, canon law teaching, espe- glia nobile nella Venezia del basso • “Humanism: Ancient Learning, cially Francesco Zabarella Medioevo Criticism, Schools and Universi- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 ties,” in Interpretations of Renais- • “Lando, Francesco”, in Dizionario Jonathan Glixon sance Humanism, ed. A. Mazzocco (Leiden, 2006), 73-95 ELRJUDÀFRGHJOL,WDOLDQL (Rome, Professor of Musicology 2004), 63: 442-447 University of Kentucky • “Gasparo Contarini and the Univer- sity of Padua,” in Heresy, Culture, ‡´/REGHVWFKWLJHQ6WDDWVPDQQHV &217$&7,1)250$7,21 der Panegyrikus von Ludovico da and Religion in Early Modern Italy: [email protected] Contexts and Contestations, eds. R. 3LUDQR2)0DXIGHQ9HQH]LDQHU Tel: 859 263-7937 Adeligen Francesco Corner und Delph, M. Fontaine, and J. Martin dessen Testamente,” in Margarita 3405 Sanibel Drive (Kirksville, 2006), 135-50 Lexington, KY amicorum. Studi di cultura europea )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 per Agostino Sottili, eds. F. Forner, CURRENT RESEARCH: • Articles on Humanism, Ballplaying C. Monti, P. Schmidt, vol. I-II, Bib- Musical activities at Venetian nunner- in Italian Universities, and Italian liotheca erudita. Studi e documenti ies, monasteries and parish churches Biblical Humanism, 1515-1535 GLVWRULDHÀORORJLD 26 (Milano, 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 2005), 1:429-461 • (with B. Glixon) Inventing the Busi- Linda Guzzetti • “In primis omnium rectum dimitto ness of Opera: The Impresario and Dr. decimum. Kirchenzehnt und Legate His World in Mid-Seventeenth-Cen- Technische Universität Berlin pro anima in Venedig während des tury Venice 2[IRUG &217$&7,1)250$7,21 hohen und späteren Mittelalters,” • Honoring God and the City: Music [email protected] Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für at the Venetian Confraternities, Rechtsgeschichte 122, Kan. Abt. 91 1260-1807 2[IRUG Prinzenalle 58E (2005): 237-298 • “Maravigliose mutationi: la produzi- 13359 Berlin • “Venedig im späteren Mittelalter: one di scene e macchine a Venezia Germany 5HJLHUXQJEHU6WDGW)HVWODQGVWHU- nell’epoca di Cavalli,” in La circo- CURRENT RESEARCH: ritorien und Kolonien,” in Fragen lazione dell’opera veneziana del Women and law courts in late Middle der politischen Integration im mit- ‘600 a Napoli e nell’Italia meridi- Ages Wills as a source for medi- telalterlichen Europa, ed. W. Malec- onale (Naples, 2006) HYDOKLVWRU\'RZULHVLQ9HQLFHDQG zek, Vorträge und Forschungen 63 • “‘Standing al in a rowe’: Polycho- Treviso (2005): 473-507 ral Music at Confraternities and )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “Die Zisterzienser von Brondolo Convents,”in Architettura e musica • “Testamentsforschung in Europa seit wehren sich gegen Besteuerung. nella Venezia del Rinascimento, eds. den 70er Jahren des 20. Jahrhun- Über die procurationes päpstlicher D. Howard and L. Moretti (Milan, derts,” in Testamente und irdischer Legaten im 13. Jahrhundert,” in 2006), 277-295 Besitz, eds. M. Herzog and C. Hol- Vielfalt und Aktualität des Mittelal- berg (Irseer Dialoge) ters. Festschrift für Wolfgang Petke • “Caratteristiche dei testamenti degli zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. S. Arend et Paul F. Grendler immigrati a Venezia e a Creta nel al (Bielefeld, 2006), 95-127 Professor of History Emeritus University of Toronto secolo XIV,” in ‘Oltre la morte’. )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Testamenti di Greci e Veneziani re- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “Sui rapporti fra autorità civile e datti a Venezia o in Grecia durante [email protected] Chiesa negli Stati italiani del Quat- la venetocrazia nei sec. XIV-XIXª Tel: 919-929-9505 trocento,” in /·,WDOLDDOODÀQHGHO (Istituto ellenico di Venezia) Fax: 919-929-5773 Medioevo: i caratteri originali nel quadro europeo (Studi e ricerche 110 Fern Lane Robert Hahn della Fondazione Centro studi sulla Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Independent Writer civiltà del tardo Medioevo) CURRENT RESEARCH: • Le promissioni dei dogi di Venezia The University of Mantua, the Gonza- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 nel basso Medioevo ga, and the Jesuits, 1584-1630 (book) [email protected] Tel: 617 739 5508 • I Foscari. L’ascesa di una fami- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Fax: 617 739 5508


134 Fuller Street Identity in Trecento Venice” Essays VDOHHLOSHVFH3URÀORVWRULFRµLQ Brookline MA 02446 in Medieval Studies 22 (2005) Ricchezza del mare. Ricchezza dal CURRENT RESEARCH: mare, secc. XIII-XVIII, 2 vols., ed Jacopo Tintoretto and Pietro Aretino. Paul Hills D. Cavaciocchi (Florence 2006), 235-65. 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Professor • “Venise et le monde turc,” in • “A Witness to Tintoretto,” Southwest Courtauld Institute of Art Venise et l’Orient, Catalogue de Review 89 (2004) &217$&7,1)250$7,21 l’Exposition, ed. de S. Carboni • “Caught in the Act: Looking at [email protected] (Paris,, 2006), 36-51 Tintoretto’s Susanna,” The Massa- Tel: 0044 020 7848 • Venise et l’IslamXQÀOPGH5RE- chusetts Review 65 (2004-5) Courtauld Institute of Art, ert Pansard-Besson, présenté par • “Motion, Energy, and Revelation: Somerset House, Strand, Brahim Alaoui, Arkab Productions, Tintoretto’s Last Suppers,” TriQuar- /RQGRQ:&5251 Paris, The Metropolitan Museum of terly 126: 2006-7 UK $UW1HZ


[email protected] Pontecasale,” in Andrea Palladio e Southern Illinois University, Tel: 505-646-1515 la villa veneta da Petrarca a Carlo Carbondale Fax: 505-646-8148 Scarpa, exhib. cat., eds. G. Beltra- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 History Department, MSC 3H mini and H. Burns (Centro Inter- [email protected] New Mexico State University nazionale di Studi di Architettura Tel: (618) 453-7867 Las Cruces, NM 88003 “Andrea Palladio,” (Venice, 2005), Fax: (618) 453-5440 281-2, cat. no. 51 CURRENT RESEARCH: Department of History • “Cittadini in Villa: Alvise Gar- )RXO/DQJXDJHDQG2EVFHQLW\LQ6L[- Mailcode 4519 zoni and Alvise Cornaro,” in Der WHHQWK&HQWXU\9HQLFH9HQLFHDQGWKH Southern Illinois University unbestechliche Blick/ Lo Sguardo New World Carbondale, IL 62901 incorruttibile: Festschrift su Ehren 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 von Wolfgang Wolters, eds. M. CURRENT RESEARCH: • “Cecilia Ferrazzi and the Pursuit Gaier, B. Nicolai and T. Weddigen Caterina Corner, Gender and Venetian of Sanctity in the Early Modern (Trier, 2005), 293-302 Empire World,” in Teaching Other Voices: ‡´7KH6WDWXVRIWKH2ULHQWDO7UDYHOOHU 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Women and Religion in Early in Renaissance Venice,” in Reorient- • The Dogaressa of Venice, 1200- Modern Europe, eds. M. King and ing the Renaissance, ed. G. McLean 1500: Wife and Icon (Palgrave, A. Rabil Jr. (Chicago and London, (London, 2005), 29-49 2006) 2006), 176-82 • “Venice: the bazaar of Europe,” in • “Gender and Rulership: The Italian • “Editors and Armchair Travelers: Gentile Bellini and the East, exh. Case,” History Compass 4 (2006) The Venetian Discovery of the New cat., ed. C. Campbell (London, ( World,” The Sixteenth-Century 2005), 12-31 • “Dogaresse,” and “Caterina Corner,” Journal 36 (2006): 1039-62 • (with A. Varick Lauder), “Venice: in Women and Gender in Medieval ‡´7KH*RVVLSLQJ7RQJXH2UDO Society and culture 1500-1530,” in Europe: An Encyclopedia (Rout- Networks, Public Life, and Political Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the ledge, 2006) Culture in Early Modern Venice,” Renaissance of Venetian Painting, Renaissance Studies 19 (2005): 1-24 eds. D. Brown and S. Pagden, exh. Frederick Ilchman • “The New Venice: Historians and cat., National Gallery Washington Historiography in the 21st Cen- Assistant Curator of Paintings and Kunsthistorisches Museum Museum of Fine Arts, Boston tury Lagoon,” History Compass 2 Vienna (New Haven, 2006), 1-10 (2004), 1-27 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “Venise, ville orientale,” and “Ve- ÀOFKPDQ#PIDRUJ nise et les Mamlûks,” in Venise et Tel: 617-369-3346 Deborah Howard L’Orient 828-1797, ed. S. Carboni, Fax: 617-424-8460 Professor of Architectural History exh. cat., Institut du Monde Arabe University of Cambridge and Metropolitan Museum, New Art of Europe Museum of Fine Arts, Boston &217$&7,1)250$7,21 York (Paris, 2006), 58-89 465 Huntington Avenue [email protected] • (with A. Varick Lauder) “New Light Boston, MA 02115 Tel: +44 1223 332975/339360 on Battista Franco in Venice,” 2-part Fax: +44 1223 740399 article accepted by Burlington Mag- CURRENT RESEARCH: azine: part I “The Barbaro Chapel in 7LQWRUHWWRDQGWKH0DGRQQDGHOO·2UWR Faculty of Architecture & San Francesco della Vigna and the 7LQWRUHWWRGUDZLQJVHDUO\,WDOLDQSDLQW- History of Art Scuola del Nome di Gesù,” Burl- LQJVLQ%RVWRQFROOHFWLRQVUHVHDUFKIRU 1 Scroope Terrace ington Magazine CXLVIII (2006): the 2009 exhibition at the Museum of Cambridge CB2 1PX 747-753 Fine Arts, Boston: “Titian, Tintoretto, UK • “La place merchande du monde,” Veronese” exhibition CURRENT RESEARCH: Qantara 2FWREUH  5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 16th-century Venetian architecture • “Two Altarpieces of John the Baptist Cultural exchange in the eastern Medi- by Jacopo Tintoretto,” Studies in terranean Holly Hurlburt Assistant Professor of History and Venetian Art and Conservation 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Women’s Studies (2004): 24-29 • “Villa Garzoni, ora Carraretto, a


• “Tintoretto as a Painter of Religious and L. Mahoney (Baltimore, 2004), Evangelista in Evora Narrative,” “The Major Picto- 97-137 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 rial Cycles. 1555–1575,” and four • “Seide und seidene Textilien im ara- • “Immagini di Potere: Il Leone An- catalogue entries, plus two jointly bischen und normannischen Sizil- dante nel Battistero di San Marco a with R. Echols, in Tintoretto, ed. M. ien: der wirtschaftliche Kontext,” in Venezia,” Atti Dell’Istituto Veneto di Falomir, exh. cat. (Madrid, 2007), 1RELOHV2IÀFLQDH'LHN|QLJOLFKHQ Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 162 (2003- 63–94, 245–46, 270-74, 287–93, Hofwerkstätten zu Palermo zur Zeit 2004) 294–97, 304-09, 320–23, 333–37 der Normannen und Staufer im 12. • (with E. Saywell) “Michelangelo und 13. Jahrhundert, ed. W. Seipel )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 and Tintoretto: Disegno and Draw- (Milano, 2004), 61-73 • “The Merchants of Venice: A View of the Serenissima from the Northern ing,” and eleven catalogue entries • “The Silk Trade of Late Byzantine Perspective,” (Spring 2006) on drawings, in Tintoretto, ed. M. Constantinople,” in 550th Anniver- Falomir, exh. cat. (Madrid, 2007), sary of the Istanbul University. In- 385-393, 394-95, 397-98, 398-99, ternational Byzantine and Ottoman Evelyn Karet 402-03, 406-07, 408-09, 409-10, Symposium (XVth century), ed. S. Associate Professor and Research 410-11, 411-12, 413, 414-15. Atasoy (Istanbul, 2004), 129-144 Fellow )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “Dall’oriente all’Italia. Commerci Clark University • Essay in the festschrift for Sandro di stoffe preziose nel Duecento e &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Sponza nel primo Trecento,” in Cangrande [email protected] • Essay on “Towards a New Tintoretto della Scala. La morte e il corredo di Tel: 508-798-3011 Catalogue,” in the Museo del un principe nel medioevo europeo, 15 Denison Road Prado’s Tintoretto conference pro- exhib. cat., P. Marini, E. Napione, Worcester, MA 01609 ceedings G. M. Varanini (Venezia, 2004), 141-153 CURRENT RESEARCH: (DUO\1RUWKHUQ,WDOLDQGUDZLQJV$Q- David Jacoby tonio II Badile album of early Renais- Katherine Jansen Professor VDQFHGUDZLQJV0LQLDWXUHFXWWLQJV Hebrew University Professor IURPWKHFLUFOHRI6WHIDQRGD9HURQD Catholic University of America 3DWURQDJHVLWXDWLRQLQ9HURQD0LFKHOL- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 QRGD%HVR]]R0RVFDUGR&ROOHFWLRQ [email protected] &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Tel: 972-2-5860380 (home) [email protected] 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Fax: 972-2-5865526 (home) Tel: 202-319-5484 • (with P. Windows), “The Antonio Fax: 202-319-5569 Department of History II Badile Album of Drawings,a Hebrew University Dept. of History reconstruction of an early sixteenth Jerusalem 91905 Catholic University century collection,” Arte Lombarda Washington, DC 20064 145/3 (2005): 23-56 CURRENT RESEARCH: Economy and society in Byzantium, CURRENT RESEARCH: )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 the former territories of Byzantium Peacemaking in Late Medieval Italy • Biographical entries including after the Fourth Crusade, the Crusader ´)HOLFH)HOLFLDQRµ states of the Levant and Egypt. Inter- Marina Del Negro Karem ´/RGRYLFR0RVFDUGRµ cultural exchanges between the West Independent Scholar “Francesco Conte Miniscalchi and the eastern Mediterranean in the (UL]]LRµ´0DULR&RQWH &217$&7,1)250$7,21 11th-15th centuries. Medieval silk pro- 0LQLVFOFKL(UL]]LRµLQ [email protected] Die Italianischen Zeichnungen der duction and trade in the Mediterranean Tel: 502-499-0213 region (a book in progress). Albertina, Generalverzeichnis Bd. 5 3011 Weather Way (Vienna, 2009) 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Louisville, Kentucky 40220 • “Society, Culture and the Arts in Crusader Acre,” in France and the CURRENT RESEARCH: Shawn Marie Keener Holy Land: Frankish Culture at the Vita e Miracoli di San Lorenzo Gi- Ph.D. candidate End of the Crusades, eds. D. Weiss ustiniani negli Azulejos di Sao Joao University of Chicago


&217$&7,1)250$7,21 Essays on the Italian Renaissance Print Culture: Questions of Intellec- [email protected] (Hampshire UK, 2005) tual Property” in Proceedings from Tel: 773-268-4382 • The Renaissance in Europe (Mc- Perceiving Bodies: Anatomies in 1325 E. Madison Park #3 Graw-Hill, 2004) Early Modern Europe, 1-2 (2005) Chicago, IL 60615 • Isotta Nogarola, Complete Writings- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: Letterbook, Dialogue on Adam and • “Civility, Comportment and the Italian song in the 15th and 16th Eve, Orations, ed. and trans. (with Anatomy Theater: Girolamo Fabrici FHQWXULHV/HRQDUGR*LXVWLQLDQDQG D. Robin), for series The Other and His Medical Students,” Renais- WKHJLXVWLQLDQD5HODWLRQVKLSRIQRWD- Voice in Early Modern Europe (Chi- sance Quarterly (summer 2007) WLRQFRPSRVLWLRQDQGSHUIRUPDQFH cago, 2004). Co-winner of the 2005 1DPLQJSUDFWLFHVDQGJHQUH9HQHWLDQ Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize Michael Knapton GLDOHFW)DPHDQGYLUW for scholarly translation, Modern Language Association Associate Professor 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Dipartimento di scienze storiche e • “Virtue, Illusion, Venezianità: Vocal )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 documentarie, Università di Udine Bravura and the Early Cortigiana • “Concepts of Childhood: What We &217$&7,1)250$7,21 2QHVWDµLQMusical Voices of Early Know and Where We Might Go,” [email protected] Modern Women: Many-Headed (review essay), Renaissance Quar- Tel: 0444-523146 (h) Melodies, ed. T. LaMay (Aldershot, terly (summer 2007) 2005), 119-33 Via Valsugana 10 36051 Creazzo (VI) Julius Kirshner Italy Margaret King Professor Emeritus Professor University of Chicago CURRENT RESEARCH: a) (with J. Law, G. Mazzi, G.M. Brooklyn College & Grad Center, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Varanini) edition of Marin Sanudo’s CUNY [email protected] Itinerario per la terraferma (1483). &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Tel: 312-867-1128 b) (with P. January) conference paper [email protected] 227-237 E. Delaware Place on the impact of Venetian military Tel: 718-224-5066 Chicago, IL 60611 organization on terraferma society at Fax: 718-428-5516 the time of the war of Gradisca. 324 Beverly Road Cynthia Klestinec c) discussion of the results so far Douglaston NY 11363 Assistant Professor obtained in the Fondazione Benetton’s CURRENT RESEARCH: Georgia Institute of Technology research project on “Le campagne trevigiane”. Mothers and Sons, a history of the &217$&7,1)250$7,21 maternal role in the intellectual, spiri- d) the history of the mountain commu- [email protected] nity of Durlo (northwest Vicentino) in tual, and psychological formation of Tel: 404-894-1240 successful or powerful sons the early modern centuries. Literature, Communication and Culture 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 686 Cherry Street, Skiles 336 • (with N. Carlotto, G. M. Varanini), Il • “Kristeller ad feminam,” in The Atlanta, Georgia 30322 Scholarship of Paul Oskar Kristell- ‘Regestum possessionum communis er, eds. J. Monfasani, et al. (New CURRENT RESEARCH: Vincentie’ del 1262, “Fonti per la York, 2006), 127-140 History of Anatomy, Anatomy The- storia della terraferma veneta” 23 aters, Natural Philosophy, Renaissance (Rome, 2006) • (with A. Rabil, Jr.), eds., Women and GUDPD5HODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKH Religion in Early Modern Europe: - A. Stefanutti, Saggi di storia friula- university (Padua) and the city-state na, eds. and intro. L. Casella and M. Teaching the Other Voice (Chicago, (Venice) 2007) Knapton, (Udine, 2006) 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “Petrarch, the Self-Conscious Self, )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “A History of Anatomy Theaters in and the First Women Humanists,” • Essay on Venetian mainland gover- Sixteenth-Century Padua,” Journal Journal of Medieval and Early nors’ reports (16th-17th centuries) of the History of Medicine and Al- Modern Studies 35 (2005): 537-558 lied Sciences 59 (2004): 375-412 • Humanism, Venice, and Women: • “Juan Valverde de Hamusco and


in acts of the conference on Leandro &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • “Gino Luzzatto,” in Dizionario Bio- Alberti, ed M. Donattini (due Bolo- [email protected] JUDÀFRGHJOL,WDOLDQL 66 (Rome) gna, 2007) Tel: 0412349154 • “Periferie e spazi periferici nella Fax: 0412349176 città europea del medioevo e Catherine Kovesi Università di Venezia dell’età moderna ( secoli XIV Dr Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche – XIX) : le trasformazioni indotte University of Melbourne San Giobbe dall’economia,” Società e Storia 30121 Venezia (2006) &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] CURRENT RESEARCH: )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Tel: +61 03 8344 8160 Storia economica urbana dell’Europa ‡´/HRIÀFLQHGHLOXRJKLSLLO·HVHPSLR Fax: +61 03 8344 7894 SUHLQGXVWULDOH6WRULDGHOO·LPSUHVDH di Venezia,” in Istituzioni forma- GHJOLLPSUHQGLWRULLQHWjSUHLQGXVWULDOH tive e agenti di sviluppo nell’Italia School of Historical Studies, Storia economica della Repubblica di settentrionale (secc. XIX-XX), ed. University of Melbourne Venezia G. Fontana (Milano, 2006) Parkville, Victoria, 3010 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Australia • (with G.M. Varanini), “Egemonia sul John Law territorio e reti di relazioni nella sto- CURRENT RESEARCH: Dr ria di Verona medievale e moderna Luxury discourses and consumption in Department of History, University of (secoli XII-XVIII),” in Una rete di Renaissance Italy Wales, Swansea città. Verona e l’area metropolitana 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Adige-Garda, eds. M. Carbognin, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • Sumptuary Law in Italy 1200-1500 E. Turri and G.M. Varanini (Verona, [email protected] 2[IRUG 2004), 33-68 Tel: 01792 298181 • “Sumptuary Law,” in Women and • “La crisi della proprietà nobili- Department of History, Gender in Medieval Europe: An are veneziana e veneta nel XVIII University of Wales, Encyclopedia, ed. M.C. Schaus secolo,” in Il mercato della terra Swansea SA2 8PP (London), 784-5 secc. XIII-XVIII, ed. S. Cavaciocchi UK )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 (Firenze, 2004), 431-444 CURRENT RESEARCH: • (with L. Polizzotto), Memorie di • “Il contesto economico e territo- 0DULQR6DQXGR·V¶,WLQHUDULXP·9HQH- Casa Valori (Florence, 2007) riale nei secoli XV-XVIII,” in WLDQKLVWRULRJUDSK\VLJQRULDOUHJLPHV Andrea Palladio e la villa veneta 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Eve-Marie Lampron da Petrarca a Carlo Scarpa, eds. ‡ ZLWK5*ULIÀWKV Rawdon Brown G. Beltramini, H. Burns (Venice, and the Anglo-Venetian Relationship PhD Candidate 2005), 148-153 Stroud, 2005) Université de Montréale • “Ville e comunità manifatturiere: il &217$&7,1)250$7,21 territorio vicentino fra agricoltura e Andrea Lermer [email protected] industria,” in Ville venete: la Pro- Dr. Tel: 514-272-4784 vincia di , ed. D. Battilotti 8055 Lajeunesse, appartement 306 (Venice, 2005), XXX-LX &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Montréal (Québec) Canada ‡´$WWKH&HQWHURIWKH2OG:RUOG [email protected] H2R 2J7 Reinterpreting Venetian Economic Tel: 49.(0)173/4881064 Fax: 49.(0)94.06 958152 CURRENT RESEARCH: History,” in At the Center of the Old Ph. D. thesis (in process): “Construire World: Trade and Manufacturing in Regensburger Str. 17 des solidarités: le réseautage intellec- Venice and the Venetian Mainland 93098 Moosham tuel et politique des femmes de lettres (1400-1800), ed. P. Lanaro (Toronto, Germany en France et en Italie (1770-1848)” 2006) CURRENT RESEARCH: • “Gino Luzzatto storico dell’economia 7KH´3UDWRGHOOD9DOOHµLQ3DGRYD7KH Paola Lanaro veneziana,” in Gino Luzzatto, shaping of an urban space in the late Full Professor of Economic History storico dell’economia, tra impegno Settecento FLYLOHHULJRUHVFLHQWLÀFR, ed. P. Università di Venezia 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Lanaro, Ateneo Veneto (2005)


• “Die Restaurierung des venezianisch- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 fra XVI e XVII secolo,” Quaderni en Dogenpalastes 1875-1890,” Studi • Nuns’ Chronicles and Convent della Casa Romena di Venezia 4 Veneziani n.s. 45 (2003): 335-387 Culture in Renaissance and Coun- (2006): 151-166 ter-Reformation Italy (Cambridge, 2003) [includes much material on )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Estelle Lingo • (with G. Masi), L’Europa Centro- the convent of S. M. delle Vergini in Professor Orientale e la Penisola italiana: Venice] University of Washington, Seattle TXDWWURVHFROLGLUDSSRUWLHLQÁXVVL • (with T. Earle) eds. Black Africans &217$&7,1)250$7,21 intercorsi tra Stati e civiltà (1300- in Renaissance Europe (Cambridge, 1700) %UąLOD9HQLFH [email protected] 2005) Tel: 206-652-1459 • “Alcuni ordini sultanali con riferi- Fax: 206-616-3515 mento alla politica mercantile della Cristian Luca Repubblica Veneta nell’area del Mar 1017 Minor Avenue, #701 Lecturer Nero negli ultimi decenni del XVII Seattle, WA 98104 Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos” din secolo” CURRENT RESEARCH: Galati Grand Tour &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Alison Luchs 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 [email protected] Curator of Early European Sculpture • “The Greek Manner and a Christian Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos” National Gallery of Art Canon: François Duquesnoy’s Saint )DFXOWDWHDGH,VWRULHVL)LORVRÀH Susanna,” Art Bulletin 84 (March &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Catedra de Istorie 2002): 65-93 [email protected] Str. Garii nr. 63-65 Tel: 202-842-6096 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 800003 Galati Fax: 202-842-6933 • François Duquesnoy and the Greek Romania Sculpture Department Ideal, manuscript under review CURRENT RESEARCH: National Gallery of Art • “Contending with Hercules: Fran- Political, commercial and cultural rela- 2000-B South Club Drive çois Duquesnoy’s Cupid Carving tions between Venice, the Rumanian Landover, MD 20785 his Bow and Sculptural Theory and principalities and the eastern European Practice in Rome in the 1620s,” in area during the XVIth and the XVIIth CURRENT RESEARCH: Venetian Renaissance Sculpture and The Muse in the Marble: Plastic FHQWXULHV7KHUHODWLRQVRIWKH9HQH- 'HFRUDWLYH$UWV,WDOLDQ5HQDLVVDQFH Arts and Aesthetic Theories in the tian bailo in Constantinople with the Sculpture Seventeenth Century, eds. A. Colan- 5XPDQLDQV5XOHUV7KHOHYDQWLQHWUDGH tuono and E. Di Stefano (University during the seicento 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 of Delaware Press) • “The Siren of Ca’ da Mula” in Der 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 unbestechliche Blick (Festschrift ‡´'HVSUHUROXORUDüXOXL*DODWLLQ Wolfgang Wolters), (2005) Kate Lowe comertul exterior al Moldovei (sfar- Professor situl secolului XVI–secolul XVII),” • “The London Woman in Anguish Queen Mary, University of London in Perspective asupra istoriei locale attributed to Cristofor Solari: Erotic in viziunea tinerilor cercetatori. Pathos in a Renaissance Bust,” Arti- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 bus et historiae 47 (2003): 155-176 [email protected] 3DJLQLGHLVWRULHJDODWHDQą(I), eds. 66WDQFLXDQG&&URLWRUX *DODŏL • - “Lo Scalpello e la pagina: I Lom- Department of History, 2005), 43-51 bardo e l’illustrazione del libro a Queen Mary, University of London • “Il patrizio veneto Polo Minio, Venezia,” in I Lombardo: architet- Mile End Road viaggiatore in Moldavia nei primi tura e scultura a Venezia tra ‘400 London E1 4NS decenni del Seicento”, in Da Est ad e ‘500, eds. A. Guerra, M. Morresi UK Ovest, da Ovest ad Est. Viaggiatori DQG56FKRÀHOG 9HQLFH  CURRENT RESEARCH: per le strade del mondo, ed. G. 136-159 %ODFN$IULFDQVLQÀIWHHQWKDQGVL[- Platania (Viterbo, 2006), 81-96 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 WHHQWKFHQWXU\9HQLFH.QRZOHGJHRI • “Associazionismo e individualismo • The Mermaids of Venice: Hybrid Sea VXE6DKDUDQ$IULFDLQÀIWHHQWKDQG nel commercio internazionale ri- Creatures in Venetian Renaissance sixteenth-century Venice guardante l’area del Basso Danubio


Art WKFHQWXU\(DUO\0RGHUQ9HQHWLDQ YDLYRGD6WHIIDQR/DFNÀ,,HOD Women Writers guerra del 1372-1373 tra Venezia, Thomas Madden )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Padova e Ungheria nella cronaca di Giovanni Giacopo Caroldo,” in Professor of History • Fairy-Tale Science: Monstrous Gen- L’Italia e l’Europa Centro-Orientale Saint Louis University eration in the Tales of Straparola and Basile (Toronto, 2007) attraverso i secoli, eds. C. Luca, G. &217$&7,1)250$7,21 0DVLDQG$3LFFDUGL %UąLOD9HQH- [email protected] zia, 2004), 61-79 Serban Marin Tel: 314-977-2910 • “The Venetian ‘Empire’. The Impe- Fax: 314-977-1603 Ph.D. candidate in Medieval History rial Elections in Constantinople on Department of History Bucharest, Romania 1204 in the Representation of the Saint Louis University &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Venetian Chronicles,” Annuario 3800 Lindell Blvd. [email protected] Istituto Romeno di cultura e ricerca 6W/RXLV02 Tel: +40-21-4115545 umanistica 5 (2003): 185-245 CURRENT RESEARCH: Str. Ariesul Mare 3 •“I valacchi nella cronachistica Piety and Religiosity in Medieval bloc I 10, apart. 5, sector 6 YHQH]LDQDWUDUHDOWjHÀQ]LRQHµLQ Venice Bucharest, Romania Dall’Adriatico al Mar Nero: vene- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: ziani e romeni, tracciati di storie • “Food and the Fourth Crusade: A Venetian medieval history (esp before comuni, ed. G. Popescu (Rome, New Approach to the ‘Diversion  9HQHWLDQFKURQLFOHV WK 2003), 112-127 Question,’” in Logistics of Warfare WKFHQWXULHV &UXVDGHV HVS)RXUWK • “The Venetian Community – be- in the Age of the Crusades, ed. John &UXVDGH %\]DQWLQH+LVWRU\ WR  tween civitas and imperium. A Proj- +3U\RU %URRNÀHOG Venetian-Byzantine relationship ect of the Capital’s Transfer from Venice to Constantinople, According ‡´%RQLIDFHRI0RQWIHUUDWµ´'DQGROR 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 to the Chronicle of Daniele Bar- (QULFRµ´)RXUWK&UXVDGHµ´0LFK- • “Who Was the Bride and Who Was baro,” European Review of History LHO'RPHQLFRµ´9HQHWLDQ&UXVDGH the Bridegroom? A Venetian-Byz- 10 (2003): 1:81-102 RIµ´9HQLFHDQGWKH&UX- antine Matrimonial Alliance in the VDGHVµ´9HQLFH7UHDW\RIµ´=DUDµ 11th Century - Between History and )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 in Encyclopedia of the Crusades Legend,” Annuario. Istituto Romeno • (editor), The Caroldo Codex, 7 vols. (ABC-Clio, 2005) di cultura e ricerca umanistica 8 (2008) )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 (2006): 53-74 • Introduction to the Venetian Chroni- • The Fourth Crusade: Event, After- • “Giustiniano Partecipazio and the cles (Bucharest, 2007) math, and Perceptions %URRNÀHOG Representation of the First Venetian • Venetian Studies, I-II (Bucharest, Ashgate Publishers) Embassy to Constantinople in the 2007) Chronicles of the Serenissima,” His- Suzanne Magnanini torical Yearbook 2 (2005): 75-92 Christian Mathieu • “A Precedent to the Fourth Crusade. Assistant Professor Dr. The anti-Byzantine Campaign of University of Colorado, Boulder Universität des Saarlandes Doge Domenico Michiel in 1122- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 1126 according to the Venetian &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] Chronicles,” Annuario. Istituto [email protected] Tel: 303-492-8210 Romeno di cultura e ricerca umanis- Tel: +49/(0)681/3022219 Department of French and Italian tica 6-7 (2004-2005): 239-266 Fax: +49/(0)681/3024673 UCB 238 • “Dominus quartae partis et dimidiae Universität des Saarlandes %RXOGHU&2 totius Imperii Romaniae. The Fourth Philosophische Fakultät CURRENT RESEARCH: Crusade and the Dogal Title in the Postfach 151150 An English translation of Giovanfran- Venetian Chronicles’ Representa- 6DDUEUFNHQ cesco Straparola’s novellas and fairy tion,” Quaderni della Casa Romena Germany tales, Le piacevoli notti (Venice, 1550, 3 (2004): 119-150 CURRENT RESEARCH:  7KH8VHRI)RON*HQUHV SURY- • “Un transilvano a Venezia: il Environmental history of early modern erbs, fairy tales, dialect) during the


Venice Sarah McHam Ms 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Professor of Art History Royal Holloway University of London • “Zwischen Innovationsförderung und Rutgers University &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Technikfolgenabschätzung – Das &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] venezianische Patentverfahren der [email protected] Gowar Hall, Royal Holloway Univer- )UKHQ1HX]HLWDOV¶7KHDWHUGHU Tel: 732-932-7041 sity of London, Sicherheit’?, “in Innovationen und Fax: 732-932-1261 Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX ihre BedeutungIUWirtschaft und UK Gesellschaft vom Mittelalter bis zur 81 Pheasant Hill Road Gegenwart, ed. R. Walter (Stuttgart, Princeton, NJ 08540 CURRENT RESEARCH: 2007), 95-108 CURRENT RESEARCH: Magical Healing and the Greeks in Seventeenth Century Venice • “Zur Dekonstruktion eines „Öko- 6FXOSWXUHRI7XOOLR/RPEDUGR mythos” – Venedigs Gewässer- Manuscripts and incunables of Pliny’s SROLWLNLQGHU)UKHQ1HX]HLW Natural History from the Veneto John Melville-Jones und die Produktion eines Struk- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Professor turproblems des venezianischen • “Padua, Bassano, and Treviso,” Ven- University of Western Australia Herrschafts- und Wirtschaftsraums,” ice and the Veneto, ed. P. Humfrey &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und (Cambridge, 2007), 207-51 [email protected] Wirtschaftsgeschichte 94 (2007): • “La Bottega dei Lombardo alla Cap- Tel: 61.(0)8.6488.2164 27-46 pella di Sant’Antonio e la teoria di Fax: 61.(0)8.6488.1182 • Inselstadt Venedig – Umweltge- Pomponio Gaurico,” in I Lombardo. Classics and Ancient History (M205) schichte eines Mythos in der Frühen Architettura e scultura a Venezia University of WA Neuzeit (Köln/Weimar/Wien, 2007) tra ‘400 e ‘500, eds. A. Guerra, M. Crawley 6009 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 0RUUHVLDQG56FKRÀHOG 9HQLFH Western Australia 2006), 224-39 • “‘L’amplissima marina città di Vine- CURRENT RESEARCH: gia’ – Stadtveduten als Ikonotexte, • “Erudition on Display: The ‘Sci- The Chronicle and Diary of Antonio oder: Zur medialen Konstruktion HQWLÀF·,OOXVWUDWLRQVLQ3LFRGHOOD 0RURVLQL9HQLFHDQG7KHVVDORQLNL GHU,QVHOVWDGW9HQHGLJLQGHU)UKHQ Mirandola’s Manuscript of Pliny the 9HQHWLDQVDW&RQVWDQWL- Neuzeit,” in Mediale Konstruk- Elder’s Natural History,” Visualizing nople 1453 tionen in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. Medieval Medicine, 1200-1550, eds. W. Behringer, Mediengeschichte 1 J. Givens, K, Reeds, and A. Tou- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • (with M. Ghezzo and A. Rizzi), The 2VWÀOGHUQ waide, (Aldershot, 2006), 224-39 Morosini Codex Vol. III (Padua, • “Structuring Communal History 2005) Angelo Mazzocco through Repeated Metaphors of Rule. The Interior Decoration of the • Venice and Thessalonica 1423-1430: Professor Emeritus the Greek Documents (June 2005) Mount Holyoke College Palazzo della Signoria,” in Re-Vi- sioning the Renaissance City: Art, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Patronage, and the Dynamics of Laura Morreale [email protected] Space, eds. R. Crum and J. Paoletti Dr. Tel: 413-534-7332 (Cambridge, in press) &217$&7,1)250$7,21 7 Cedar Ridge • “Renaissance Monuments to Favou- [email protected] South Hadley, MA 01075 rite Sons,” Renaissance Studies 19 Tel: 202-237-6315 (2005): 458-86 CURRENT RESEARCH: 3210 Patterson St., NW Biondo Flavio and renaissance thought )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Washington, DC 20015 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “Relief Sculpture in Early Fifteenth- CURRENT RESEARCH: • Interpretations of Renaissance Hu- Century Italy: Directions in Recent Translation of Martin da Canal’s Les manism (Brill, 2006) Scholarship,” Depth of Field, eds. Estoires de Venise • “Kristeller and the Italian Vernacu- D. Cooper and M. Leino (Bern, lar” in Kristeller Reconsidered, ed. 2006) Ann Moyer J. Monfasani (Italica Press, 2006) Professor Alexandra Melita University of Pennsylvania 42 NEWS ON THE RIALTO DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

&217$&7,1)250$7,21 • The Culture Wars of Late Renais- The University of Nottingham [email protected] sance: Skeptics, Libertines, and Nottingham NG7 2RD 215-898-4957 Opera (Cambridge, 2007) UK 215-573-2089 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: Department of History • “The Eye of the Procession: Ritual Cultural relations between Venice and University of Pennsylvania Ways of Seeing in the Renaissance,” in the terraferma in the 15th and 16th 208 College Hall Ceremonial Culture in the Pre-Modern centuries with particular focus on Bres- Philadelphia, PA 19104-6379 World, ed. N. Howe (Notre Dame) cia and Verona. I am in the process of ÀQLVKLQJRIIDPRQRJUDSKIRU$VKJDWH Andrea Mozzato Christiane Neerfeld on Brescia, Venice and Verona, with dottore di ricerca in storia medievale plans to look again at Romanino and Dr. Moretto after that. &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an [email protected] der Vereinigung zur Erforschung der )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “Verona and Vicenza,” in Venice and Elssholzstr. 19 Neueren Geschichte e.V., Bonn the Veneto, ed. P. Humfrey (Cam- 10781 Berlin &217$&7,1)250$7,21 bridge, 2007) Germany [email protected] Tel: +49 - (0)228 - 686280 CURRENT RESEARCH: Christopher Nissen Industria laniera. Venezia. secc. XIV- Hellstrasse 100 Associate Professor ;9PHGLFLHVSH]LDOL9HQH]LDVHF D-53332 Bornheim Northern Illinois University XV Germany &217$&7,1)250$7,21 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: [email protected] • “The production of Woolens in the 'LDULYHQH]LDQL3LHWUR'ROÀQ/D Tel: 815-753-6444 15th and 16th Centuries Venice,” cronaca di Francesco Argenta in At the Center of the Old World: Fax: 815-753-5989 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Trade and Manufacturing in Venice Department of Foreign Languages & • ‘Historia per forma di Diario.’ La and the Venetian Mainland (1400- Literatures cronachistica veneziana contempo- 1800), ed. P. Lanaro (Toronto, 2006) Northern Illinois University ranea a cavallo tra il Quattro e il De Kalb, IL 60115-2854 • “Problems and Possibilities of con- Cinquecento (Venezia, 2006) structing a research database. The • (with A. Wolkenhauer), “Pietro Dol- CURRENT RESEARCH: Venetian case,” Storia di Venezia, ÀQGL*LRUJLR(LQYHQH]LDQLVFKHU Giulia Bigolina, Paduan author of the rivista online (2006) Humanist und seine Bibliothek,”Mi WKFHQWXU\(DUO\PRGHUQSURVHÀF- ttellateinisches Jahrbuch 39 (2004): tion (novella, romance) Edward Muir 407-440 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Clarence L. Ver Steeg Professor • ed. and trans., Giulia Bigolina. Ura- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Northwestern University nia: The Story of a Young Woman’s • ‘Historia per forma di Diario.’ La Love, & The Novella of Giulia Cam- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 cronachistica veneziana contempo- posanpiero and Thesibaldo Vitaliani [email protected] ranea a cavallo tra il Quattro e il (Tempe, 2004) Tel: 847-491-3653 Cinquecento (Venezia, 2006) Fax: 847-467-1393 • “Paragone as Fiction: The Judgment of Paris in Giulia Bigolina’s Ura- Department of History Gabriele Neher nia,” Italian Quarterly 42/165-66 1881 Sheridan Road Dr (2005): 5-17 Evanston, IL 60202 University of Nottingham CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Monique O’Connell Book project: The Culture of Skepti- [email protected] cism in 17th Century Venice Assistant Professor of History Tel: (+44) 115 951 3184 Wake Forest University 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Fax: (+44) 115 846 7778 • (with B. Levack, M. Maas, and M. &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Department of Art History, Lakeside [email protected] Veldman), The West: Encounters Arts Centre and Transformations, 2d ed. (New York, 2007) 43 VOLUME 26 2007 DIRECTORY OF SCHOLARS

Tel: 336-758-4711 Giovanni Sercambi’s Lucca,” in Gerassimos Pagratis Dept. of History, Box 7806 Chronicling History in Medieval Lecturer Wake Forest University and Renaissance Italy (Penn State University of Athens, Department Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7806 Press, 2007) of Italian and Spanish Language and • “Rural Italy in the Middle Ages,” in CURRENT RESEARCH: Literature Short Oxford History of Italy: Italy The Venetian maritime state, Venetian &217$&7,1)250$7,21 1100-1350 2[IRUG SROLWLFDOFXOWXUHDQGRIÀFHKROGLQJ [email protected] gender and empire Tel: 003.06972755311 Patricia Osmond 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Fax: 003.02107277494 • “The Venetian Patriciate in the Dr. (Adj. Assoc. Prof.) Bouboulinas 13, Mediterranean: Legal Identity and Iowa State University (Rome Program) Ano Ilioupoli Lineage in Fifteenth Century Vene- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 16345, Athens tian Crete,” Renaissance Quarterly [email protected] Greece 57 (2004): 466-93 Tel: (39) 06 68808552 or (39) 06 Tel: CURRENT RESEARCH: • “The Castellan in Local Administra- (39) 06 6880 8552 Commercio e Navigazione nel mare tion in Fifteenth century Venetian Fax: (39) 06 9970 1351 Ionio durante le Guerre Napoleoniche Crete,” Thesaurismata 33 (2004): Via Beato Angelico 23, int. 1 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 161-77 00186 Rome • “Sources for the Maritime History )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 CURRENT RESEARCH: of Greece (Fifteenth to Seventeenth • (with A. Mozzato and B. Kohl), Rul- History of the classical tradition, Centuries),” Research in Maritime ers of Venice, 1332-1524, (electronic including the editing and publishing History, no. 28, New Directions in edition of the Segretario alle Voci program of Antonio Moretto, Brescian Mediterranean Maritime History, election registers with additions) humanist active in Venice c.1470-1513 eds. G. Harlaftis and C. Vassalo (in collaboration with Ennio Sandal) (2004): 125-146 Duane Osheim 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “Trade and Shipping in Corfu (1496- Professor • “Il testamento di Antonio Moreto, 1538),” International Journal of University of Virginia editore e mercante di libri a Venezia Maritime History 16 (December (22 maggio 1501),” Atti dell’Istituto 2004): 1-52 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti • “Venezia del Mare,” in I Greci e [email protected] 163 (2004-2005): 1-27 il Mare, eds. G. Harlaftis and S. Tel: 434-977-6952 Asdrachas (Athens, 2004), 273-285 Fax: 434-924-7891 • “Edmund Bolton’s Vindication of Tiberius Caesar: A ‘lost’ manuscript (in greco) Department of History comes to light,” International Jour- ‡´'L]LRQDULR3URVRSRJUDÀFRGL&RU- University of Virginia nal of the Classical Tradition 11 fù: il 16o secolo,” Eoa ke Esperia 5 32%R[ (2005): 329-43 (2006): 123-131 (in greco). Charlottesville, VA 22904-41800 • “The Valla Commentary on Sallust’s • “‘Le fortune di mare’. accidenti del- CURRENT RESEARCH: Bellum Catilinae: Questions of la navigazione mercantile nei mari Responses to epidemic disease in Re- Authenticity and Reception,” in Ionio e Adriatico (1611-1795),” in naissance Italy On Renaissance Commentaries, Ricchezza del mare. Ricchezza dal 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 ed. M. Pade, Noctes neolatinae 4 mare, Secc. XIII-XVIII, ed. S. Cava- • (ed. with S. Dale and A. Lewin), (Hildesheim, 2005: 29-48 ciocchi (Florence, 2006), 841-861. Chronicling History in Medieval • “The Conspiracy of 1522 against - “Merchants and Shipowners in Ve- and Renaissance Italy (Penn State, Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici: Machia- QHWLDQ&RUIXLQWKHÀUVWKDOIRIWKH 2007) velli and ‘gli esempli delli antiqui’,” Sixteenth Century,” in Following • (ed with P. Findlen and M. Fon- in 7KH3RQWLÀFDWHRI&OHPHQW9,, the Nereids. Sea routes and mari- taine), Beyond Florence: The Con- History, Politics, Culture, eds. K. time business, 16th-20th centuries, tours of Medieval and Early Modern Gouwens and S. Reiss (Aldershot, eds. M. Chatziioannou and G. Har- Italy (Stanford, 2003) 2005), 55-72 • “Chronicles and Civic Life in


laftis (Athens 2006), 31-43 Giovanni Bellini ritoriale (secoli XV-XVIII),” in Il • “The Ionian Islands under British 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 diritto patria. Tra diritto comune e Protection (1815-1864),” in The • “Giovanni Bellini and Sculpture,” FRGLÀFD]LRQH VHFROL;9,;,; , eds. Anglosaxons in the Mediterranean, in Companion Volume to Giovanni I. Birocchi e A. Mattone (Roma, eds. C. Vassallo and M. D’ Angelo Bellini, ed. P. Humfrey (Cambridge. 2006), 297-353 (Malta, 2007), 131-50 2004) ‡´,OSURFHVVRD2WWDYLR7UHQWR • “La tomba di Dante a Ravenna: FDUWLQDGLWRUQDVROHGHLFRQÁLWWLVR- Christopher Pastore /HHSLJUDÀHODODUDVWRULDµLQI ciali,” in Il tempo della Serenissima. Settecento, età del cambiamento, Dr. Lombardo. Architettura e scultura eds. M. Cattini e M.A. Romani University of Pennsylvania a Venezia tra ‘400 de ‘500, eds. A. *XHUUD00RUUHVLDQG56FKRÀHOG (Bergamo, 2006), 249-295 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 (Venice, 2006), 121-135 ‡´8QUDSSRUWRGLIÀFLOHHFRQWURYHUVR [email protected] • (with B. Shapiro Comte), “A Draw- Paolo Sarpi e il diritto veneto,” in Tel: 215-654-9311 Ripensando Paolo Sarpi, ed. C. Pin Fax: 215-573-2210 ing for the Tomb of Dante Attrib- uted to Tullio Lombardo,” Burling- (Venezia, 2006), 395-416 1305 Fort Washington Avenue ton Magazine 148 (Autumn 2006): • “La vittima nello scenario del Fort Washington, PA 19034-1709 121-135 processo penale. Dai crimini senza CURRENT RESEARCH: vittime all’irruzione della vittima (DUO\PRGHUQYLOODFXOWXUH0LFKHODQ- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 nel dibattito sociale e politico. JHOR·V%DWWOHRI&DVFLQD6DQPLFKHOL • “Age Imagery in the Venetian Re- Introduzione,” Acta Histriae 12 DQGWKHUXVWLF/HDUQLQJIURP$PHULFD naissance Tomb: Antonio Rizzo, the (2004): I-XIV Lombardo Shop, and their Impact in Renaissance Italy • Il romanziere e l’archivista, new ed. on Michelangelo,” in Atti, Convegno and intro. (Verona, 2004) 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Tullio Lombardo, Fondazione Cini, • “Sacred Villeggiatura: Cardinal April 2006 • “I centri minori della Terraferma ve- Agostino Valier, Domenico Brusa- neta,” in 3URÀORLVWLWX]LRQDOHGLXQ • “The Turn Westward: Stylistic Lines sorzi, and the Ideology of an Epis- centro urbano della Serenissima, ed. in Fourteenth-Century Venetian copal Villa,” Oculus: Journal for the C. Povolo (Vicenza, 2004), 19-39 Sculpture,” in Essays in Honor of History of Art 6 (2003) Marilyn Aronberg Lavin • “Retoriche giudiziarie, dimensioni )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 del penale e prassi processuale nella Repubblica di Venezia: da Lorenzo • “Bipolar Behavior: Ferdinando I Claudio Povolo de’Medici and the East,” The Turk Priori ai pratici settecenteschi,” in Professore ordinario & Islam in the Western Eye, ed. J. L’amministrazione della giustizia Università di Venezia Harper (2006) penale nella Repubblica di Venezia, secoli XVI-XVIII, 2 vols., eds. C. • Cultivating Antiquity: Villa Culture, &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Povolo e G. Chiodi (Verona, 2004), Learned Farming and the Renais- [email protected] 1: 19-170 sance Country House (Manuscript Dipartimento di studi storici XQGHUJRLQJÀQDOUHYLVLRQWREH Malcanton Marcorà )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 submitted for review) Dorsoduro 3484/D • (ed. with G. Chiodi), I-30123 (VE) L’amministrazione della giustizia Debra Pincus CURRENT RESEARCH: penale nel regno Lombardo-Veneto Independent Scholar / Art Historian (WQRJUDÀDHDQWURSRORJLDJLXGL]LDULD • Processo e difesa penale n età (secoli XVI-XIX) moderna. venezia e il suo stato ter- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 ritoriale [email protected] 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • La selva incantata. Delitti, prove, 619 Massachusetts Ave., indizi nel veneto dell’Ottocento. Catherine Puglisi NE Washington, D.C. 20002 6DJJLRGLHWQRJUDÀDJLXGL]LDULD Professor of Art History CURRENT RESEARCH: (Verona, 2006) Rutgers University %DSWLVWHU\RI6DQ0DUFR7RPERI • “Un sistema giuridico repubbli- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 'DQWHLQ5DYHQQD6LJQDWXUHVRI cano: Venezia e il suo stato ter- [email protected]


Tel: 732-545-3227 eds. M. Feldman and B. Gordon Simone Luzzatto,” in Bringing the Fax: 732-932-1261 1HZ


Relations between Italy and France in • “Giacomo Casanova”, Encyclopedia CURRENT RESEARCH: the Cinquecento of Sex and Gender (2007) Markets and Marketplaces in Medieval 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Italy, c. 1100 to c. 1350 ‡´/RUHWR/HR;DQGWKHIRUWLÀFDWLRQV Elizabeth Rodini 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 on the Adriatic coast against the Associate Director, Program in Muse- • The Likeness of Venice: A Life of ,QÀGHOµLQItaly and the European ums and Society, and Senior Lecturer, Doge Francesco Foscari, 1373- Powers, ed. C. Shaw (Leiden, 2006) History of Art 1457 (New Haven and London, The Johns Hopkins University 2007) David Rheubottom &217$&7,1)250$7,21 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Senior Lecturer in [email protected] • “City-State and Empire: Histori- Social Anthropology (retired) 7HO Z FDO2YHUYLHZµLQ9enice and its University of Manchester Fax: 410-516-7502 Empire, ed. P. Humfrey, in series Art &217$&7,1)250$7,21 6217 Sareva Drive Centers of the Renaissance (Cam- [email protected] Baltimore, Maryland 21209 bridge) Tel: 617 625-1353 CURRENT RESEARCH: 29 Walker St., #1 ,DPFXUUHQWO\ÀQLVKLQJDQDUWLFOHRQ David Rosand Somerville MA 02144 Carpaccio’s St. Ursula cycle (“Mar- Meyer Schapiro Prof. of Art History Columbia University CURRENT RESEARCH: riage and Politics in Carpaccio’s St. Social and cultural history of Ragusa Ursula Cycle”) and working on a &217$&7,1)250$7,21 (Dubrovnik) in 15th-16th centuries book-length study of Gentile Bellini’s [email protected] London portrait of the Sultan (“Fac- Tel: 212 854-4502 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 ing East: Gentile Bellini’s Portrait of Fax: 212 854-7329 • Age, Marriage and Politics in Sultan Mehmet II”). I am also working Columbia University Fifteenth-Century Ragusa 2[IRUG on issues of mobility and migration (mail code 5517) 2000) as related to the visual culture of later New York, NY 10027 15th and 16th-century Venice and its Massimo Riva connections with the Levant. My cur- CURRENT RESEARCH: Professor of Italian Studies rent teaching is engaged with both the 7KH$UWRI3DROR9HURQHVH7LWLDQDQG Brown University history of prints and the cultural sign- ODWHVW\OH3URMHFW'LUHFWRURI6DYH ÀFDQFHRIPXVHXPVDQG,KRSHWRWLH 9HQLFH,QF&XUUHQWPDMRUSURMHFW &217$&7,1)250$7,21 these into my work in Venice as well. church of San Sebastiano [email protected] Tel: +1-401-8631561 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Fax: +1-401-8633304 • The City Real and Ideal, exh. bro- • “Passion and Pathos: Affective Struc- chure, The Baltimore Museum of tures and the Content of Form,” in 190 Hope Street Art (Fall, 2006) Studies in Honor of James S. Beck, Box 1942 eds. L. Catterson and M. Zucker Providence, RI 02912 (Florence, 2006), 229-36 Dennis Romano CURRENT RESEARCH: )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 2ULHQWDOLVPDQG9HQHWLDQ&XOWXUH Professor of History and Fine Arts ‡´7KH2OG0DQ·V%UXVKµLQTitian: Casanova Syracuse University Materiality, Istoria, Portraiture, ed. &217$&7,1)250$7,21 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 J. Woods-Marsden (Turnhout) • ed., Italian Tales. An Anthology of [email protected] Tel: 315-443-5456 Contemporary Italian Fiction (Yale, Ellen Rosand 2004) Fax: 315-443-5876 Department of History George A. Saden Professor of Music )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 145 Eggers Hall Yale University Syracuse University &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Syracuse, New York 13244 [email protected] Tel: 203 432-7199 Fax: 203 432-2983


Department of Music origini del pensiero giuridico mod- • ed., Bartolomeo Cipolla: un gi- Yale University erno, ed. M. Cavina (Udine, 2004), urista veronese del Quattrocento tra New Haven, CT 06520-8323 281-313 cattedra, foro e luoghi del potere CURRENT RESEARCH: • “Sulle tracce dell’Aristotele “po- (Padova, 2006) %DURTXHRSHUD9LYDOGL+DQGHO


and Transformation in the Seven- in early cinquecento Venice • catalogue entry for Donatello e col- teenth-Century Mediterranean,” laboratore, Madonna col Bambino, Mediterranean Historical Review 21 Jennifer Scappettone Padova, San Gaetano, in La scultura (2006): 39-75 Assistant Professor al tempo di Andrea di Mantegna, ed. University of Chicago V. Sgarbi (Milan, 2006), 64-5 Guido Ruggiero &217$&7,1)250$7,21 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Professor and Chair Department of [email protected] • “La pala d’altare del Corpus Domini History Tel: 773-702-7999 di Caterino Moronzone presso il Fax: (773) 702-2495 0XVHR&RUUHUVWRULDVLJQLÀFDWRH stile,” Bolletino del Museo Correr &217$&7,1)250$7,21 University of Chicago [email protected] Department of English • “More Documents Concerning the Tel: 305-284-3660 Walker Museum 413 Life and Works of the Woodcarver Paolo Campsa,” in Studies in Honor CURRENT RESEARCH: 1115 E. 58th St. of Terisio Pignatti, ed. A. Gentile $KLVWRU\RIWKH,WDOLDQ5HQDLVVDQFH Chicago IL 60637 et al. 3OHDVXUH6RGRP\LQ7UHFHQWR9HQLFH CURRENT RESEARCH: Venice and the Digressive Invention of • “Precisazioni su Giambattista e 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Lorenzo Bregno,” Arte veneta • Machiavelli in Love: Sex, Self and the Modern: Retrospection’s Futurity, Society in the Italian Renaissance a study of Venice as a crucible for (Baltimore, 2006) SRVW5RPDQWLFDHVWKHWLFH[SHULPHQW Anne Jacobson Schutte • “Who’s Afraid of Giuliana Napolita- Translations of the poetry of Amelia Professor of HistoryEmerita na: Pleasure, Fear and Imagining the Rosselli University of Virginia Arts of the Renaissance Courtesan,” 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 in The Courtesan’s Arts: Cross-Cul- • “Utopia Interrupted: Archipelago as [email protected] tural Perspectives, eds. M. Feldman Structure in A Draft of XXX Can- Tel: 041-715779 DQG%*RUGRQ 2[IRUG tos,” PMLA 22:1 (2007): 105-123 Cannaregio 3314/E • “Mean Streets, Familiar Streets or the • Venice and the Digressive Inven- 30121 Venezia Fat Woodcarver and the Masculine tion of the Modern: Retrospection’s CURRENT RESEARCH: Spaces of Florence,” in Renaissance Futurity,” dissertation, University of Monks, friars, and nuns who petitioned Florence: A Social History, eds. R. California, Berkeley the Congregation of the Council for Crum and J. Paoletti (Cambridge, ‡´6LWH6XUIHLW2IÀFHIRU6RIW$UFKL- release from their vows, mainly on the 2006) tecture Makes the City Confess,” ground that they had been compelled • (ed.) A Companion to the Worlds of Chicago Review (Spring 2006) by force and fear to take them (1668- the Renaissance, paperback edition 1798) (Blackwell, 2006) Anne Markham Schulz 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Visiting Scholar • “La Congregazione del Concilio e lo Rosa Salzberg Brown University scioglimento dei voti religiosi. I rap- PhD Candidate &217$&7,1)250$7,21 porti tra fratelli e sorelle,” Rivista Queen Mary College, University of [email protected] storica italiana 118 (2006): 51-79 London Fax: 401-863-7790 • “Legal Remedies for Forced Mona- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Brown University chization in Early Modern Italy,” [email protected] Department of History of Art and in Religion and Culture in Early 7/655 Victoria St. Architecture Modern Italy: Contestations and Abbotsford VIC 3067 Box 1855 Contexts, eds. R. Delph, M. Fon- Australia Providence, RI 02912 taine, and J. Martin (Kirksville, 2006), 231-46 CURRENT RESEARCH: CURRENT RESEARCH: The dissemination of popular literature Venetian Renaissance Sculpture 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216


)257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 [email protected] • “Recent Research on the Roman • “Unholy Feast: Carnality and the CURRENT RESEARCH: Inquisition: The Emergence of a Venetian Inquisition,” Ateneo Veneto Venetian Cinquecento Art and Archi- New Paradigm,” in Festschrift for WHFWXUHVSHFLÀFDOO\WKHFKXUFKRI6DQWD Thomas A. Brady, Jr. (Leiden, 2007) Eleanor Selfridge-Field Maria dei Crociferi. • “Ferrazzi, Cecilia,” “Finzione di Consulting Professor, Music santità,” and “Rossi, Caterina,” in Stanford University Alison Smith Dizionario storico dell’Inquisizione Professor and Chair (Rome-Bari) &217$&7,1)250$7,21 HVÀHOG#VWDQIRUGHGX Wagner College 7HO     Lidia Dina Sciama &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Fax: (650) 725-9290 [email protected] Dr 867 Durshire Way Tel: 718 390 3485 4XHHQ(OL]DEHWK+RXVH2[IRUG Sunnyvale, CA 94087 42 Duncan Rd &217$&7,1)250$7,21 CURRENT RESEARCH: Staten Island, NY 10301 [email protected] Venetian calendars and time-keeping Tel: 01865 559441 CURRENT RESEARCH: systems, with a view towards estab- Fax: 01865 559441 Book on gender, material culture and OLVKLQJDÀUPFKURQRORJ\RIWKHDWULFDO aristocratic identity in early modern 7, Park Town works, c. 1660-1760 9HURQD$UWLFOHRQWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRI 2[IRUG2;61 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 coach travel into Northern Italian cities UK • “The Invention of the Fortepiano as 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 San Marco 2516 Intellectual History,” Early Music • “Beni mobili e identità femminile 30124 Venice (Feb. 2005) nella residenzialità patrizia,” and CURRENT RESEARCH: )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 “Il Palazzo Verità a S. Fermo,” in History of Anthropology of/in the • Song and Season: Science, Culture, Edilizia privata nella Verona rinas- Mediterranean and Theatrical Time in Early Mod- cimentale, ed. P. Lanaro and G.M. 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 ern Venice (Stanford, 2007) Varanini. (Milan, 2001) • A Venetian Island. Environment, His- • A New Chronology of Venetian tory and Change in Burano 2[IRUG Opera and Related Genres (1660- Alan Stahl 2003) in paperback 1760) (Stanford, 2007) Curator of Numismatics )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Princeton University ‡´&DQ\RXFDOOWKLVÀHOGZRUN"6HS- Monica Shenouda &217$&7,1)250$7,21 tember in Venice” PhD Candidate [email protected] University of Virginia Tel: (914) 945-0674 Name: Sally Scully &217$&7,1)250$7,21 11 Fairview Place Professor Emerita [email protected] 2VVLQLQJ1< San Francisco State University Tel: (1) 434 227 1427 CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 506B 2nd Street NE 7KH1RWHERRNRI0LFKDHORI5KRGHV [email protected] Charlottesville, VA 22902 A Venetian mariner’s miscellany of the XVth century Tel: 425 552 2784 CURRENT RESEARCH: 1247 Waller Street Images of Alexandria, Egypt in Re- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 San Francisco, California 94117 naissance Venice • “Coins and Mints” in Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia (New York, 2004), loc. Giogalto, 66 1, 235-8 52014 Poppi (AR), Italy Allison Sherman Doctoral Student • “Technological Innovation and Con- CURRENT RESEARCH: trol at the Medieval Venetian Mint,” (DUO\SULQWHGFRRNERRNV6HLFHQWR University of St Andrews in Villard’s Legacy: Studies in me- Venice &217$&7,1)250$7,21 dieval technology, science and art


in memory of Jean Gimpel, ed. M. Miller Hall #4 - Soc. Sci. Dept. First Phase of the Straatvaart,” Zenner (Aldershot, 2004), 189-96 Fitchburg State College International Journal of Maritime 160 Pearl Street History 16 (December 2004): 39-60 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Fitchburg, MA 01420 ‡´&RLQVIRU7UDGHDQGIRU:DJHV7KH • “At home in early modern Venice: Development of Coinage Systems CURRENT RESEARCH: the homes and lifestyle of Nether- in Medieval Venice,” in Wages and Venezia and emigration from the landish merchants in the Serenis- Currency: Global and Historical 9HQHWR,WDOLDQLPPLJUDWLRQ sima,” in Incontri: rivista europea Comparisons, eds. J. Lucassen and WRWKH86,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQH[SHULHQFH di studi italiani (2006/2):163-74 [in A. Pol (2007) in the 20th century Dutch] • “Zecca di Venezia,” in Guida per lo )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 studio delle zecche italiane medi- •“The Druze,” in Encyclopedia of the • “Changing tack: the versatile al- evali e moderni, ed. L. Travaini Modern World, ed. P. Stearns et al. legiances of Daniel Nijs, a Nether- (2007) 2[IRUG landish merchant and information • “The Venetian Mint after the Black ‡´2ULHQWDOLVW3HUFHSWLRQVRI1D]LUD broker in early modern Venice,” Death,” in Medieval Italy: A Docu- Junblat and Veiling: An Examina- Dutch Crossing. A Journal of Low mentary History, eds. K. Jansen et tion of Leadership Among Elite Countries Studies (2006) al (2007) Women in the Druze Community,” • “Michael of Rhodes, Mariner in Journal of Druze Studies (2007) Pascal Vuillemin Service to Medieval Venice,” in The Allocataire-Moniteur Book of Michael of Rhodes, eds. Angeliki Tzavara Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne P. Long, D. McGee and A. Stahl, 3 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 vols. (Cambridge, 2007) &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] [email protected] • “Coin and Punishment in Medieval Tel: 33.381532994 Venice,” in Law and the Illicit in via E. Fermi, 12 48a rue du Chasnot Medieval Society, eds. R. Mazo Kar- 35017 Piombino Dese (PD) 25000 Besancon ras, J. Kaye, A. Matter (2007) Italy France • “The circulation of medieval Venetian coinage in the Balkans,” Maartje van Gelder Cannaregio, 6354/A in Coinage in the Balkans, 9th to Drs. 30100 Venezia 14th Centuries, eds. J. Baker and E. University of Amsterdam CURRENT RESEARCH: 2EHUOlQGHU7kUQRYHDQX  &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Paroisses et Communautés paroissiales • “European Minting and the Bal- [email protected] j9HQLVHjODÀQGX0R\HQ$JH3LpWp ance of Payments with the Islamic Tel: +31-20-525 4489 et dévotions dans la Venise médiévale World in the Later Middle Ages,” in Fax: +31-20-525 4429 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Relazioni economiche tra Europa e Leiduinstraat 39-1 • “‘Pro reformatione dicte ecclesie.’ mondo islamico, secc. XIII-XVIII, 1058 SH Amsterdam Visites pastorales vènitiennes à la ed. S. Cavaciocchi, Istituto Fran- The Netherlands ÀQGX0R\HQkJHµMèlanges de cesco Datini, Settimane di Studi 37 l’Ecole Française de Rome, Moyen CURRENT RESEARCH: (2007) Âge-Temps modernes The Netherlandish merchant communi- W\LQHDUO\PRGHUQ9HQLFH'LSORPDWLF Teresa Fava Thomas and cultural exchange between Venice, Raymond B. Waddington Associate Professor (QJODQGDQGWKH'XWFK5HSXEOLF Professor Emeritus Fitchburg State College Cultural brokerage University of California &217$&7,1)250$7,21 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] • “Supplying the Serenissima: The [email protected] Tel: 978-665-4587 Role of Flemish Merchants in the Tel: 530-662-0703 Fax: 978-665-4530 Venetian Grain Trade during the English Department


University of California ,QTXLVLWRUVRI6WDWH+LVWRULFDOQRYHOV Columbia University 2QH6KLHOGV$YHQXH DQGÀOPV,DPFXUUHQWO\ZRUNLQJ &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Davis, CA 95616-8581 on parallel (if rather unconventional) [email protected] CURRENT RESEARCH: biographies of the diplomat Antonio Foscarini and the spy who accused him 456 Riverside Dr #1C “Hardest Attempting”: Essays Toward New York, NY 10027 Paradise Lost FRPSOHWHGERRN06  of treason, Gerolamo Vano. CURRENT RESEARCH: “Aretino, Titian, and La humanità di )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 &ULVWRµ´%UHDNLQJ1HZV5HSUHVHQW- • “Antonio Foscarini in the City of WKWKFHQWXU\2WWRPDQDQG9HQH- LQJWKH,VODPLF2WKHURQ5HQDLVVDQFH Crossed Destinies,” in Experi- tian history, environmental history Medals” ments in Rethinking History, eds. Nick Wilding 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 R. Rosenstone and A. Munslow • “Pietro Aretino, Religious Writer,” (London, 2003) Dr Renaissance Studies 20 (2006): • Pistols! Treason! Murder!: The Rise Miami University 277-92 and Fall of a Master Spy (Mel- &217$&7,1)250$7,21 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 bourne, 2007) [email protected] • “Una maschera per Aretino,” in Are- Tel: 646-753-1248 tino e Arezzo (Rome, 2007) Caroline A. Wamsler Department of History • “Paradise Lost: Memories are Made Columbia University University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 of This,” Ars Reminiscendi: Mind &217$&7,1)250$7,21 and Memory in Renaissance Culture [email protected] CURRENT RESEARCH: (Toronto, 2008) Tel: 212-579-0369 Gianfrancesco Sagredo, Galileo, natu- Fax: 212-579-1946 ral philosophy, pseudonymity. John Malcolm Wagstaff 186 West 80th Street, Ph2A 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Professor Emeritus New York, NY 10024 • “Galileo’s Idol,” Galilaeana: Journal of Galilean Studies (2006) University of Southampton CURRENT RESEARCH: &217$&7,1)250$7,21 The trecento pictorial program of the • “Graphic Technologies,” in Robert [email protected] Sala del Maggior Consiglio Hooke: Tercentennial Studies, ed. M. Hunter and M. Cooper (Ashgate, 2DNPRXQW$YHQXH 2006) +LJKÀHOG6RXWKDPSWRQ6'5 Elissa Weaver UK Professor of Italian • “Publishing the Polygraphy: Manu- University of Chicago script, Instrument, and Print in the CURRENT RESEARCH: Work of Athanasius Kircher,” in 7KH0RUHDLQWKHWK&HQWXU\7KH &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Athanasius Kircher - The Last Man Territorio di Vostizza, 1700 [email protected] Who Knew Everything, ed. P. Find- Tel: 773-667-4081 len (New York and London, 2004) Jonathan Walker Fax: 773-834-1095 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Sesqui Postdoctoral Fellow 1419 E. 56th St., #2 • Dialogue of the Two Chief World University of Sydney Chicago, Illinois 60637 Systems by , a new &217$&7,1)250$7,21 CURRENT RESEARCH: translation and introduction (Pen- [email protected] Italian Women Writers (for Venice, guin Classics, 2007) Website: www.jonathanwalkervenice. especially Arcangela Tarabotti) • Thomas Salisbury’s 1664 “Life of com 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Galileo” c/o Dept. of History • ed., Arcangela Tarabotti, a Literary • The Virtual Virtuoso: Gianfrancesco University of Sydney Nun in Baroque Venice, (Ravenna, Sagredo Sydney, NSW 2006 2006) Australia Megan Williams CURRENT RESEARCH: Sam White Columbia University Spies and diplomats as storytell- PhD candidate HUV7KHLQVWLWXWLRQDOKLVWRU\DQGWKH &217$&7,1)250$7,21 archives of the Council of Ten and


[email protected] LQJV(DUO\FROOHFWLRQVRIGUDZLQJVLQ D-14052 Berlin 548 Riverside Dr. QRUWK,WDO\&DWDORJXHUDLVRQQpRIWKH CURRENT RESEARCH: Apt. 3C drawings of Bernardino Parenzano Venetian Renaissance art and architec- New York, NY 10027 )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 ture CURRENT RESEARCH: • (with E. Karet), “The Antonio II )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Early modern diplomatic praxis and Badile Album of Drawings: a • Architettura e ornamento. La dec- diplomatic networks, with focus on reconstruction of an early sixteenth orazione nell’architettura veneziana anti-Habsburg diplomacy 1526-1559 century collection,” Arte Lombarda del Rinascimento (Verona 2007), 145/3 (2006): 23-56 updated translation of Architektur Carolyn C. Wilson und Ornament 0QFKHQ Dr. Carolin Wirtz • “Il ciclo della IV crociata nella Sal Independent Scholar Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin del Maggior Consiglio di Palazzo Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Ducale a Venezia,” Saggi e Memorie &217$&7,1)250$7,21 'VVHOGRUI 28 (2006): 111-27 [email protected] Tel: 713-666-2414 &217$&7,1)250$7,21 • - “Il restauro dell’edilizia veneziana,” Fax: 713-666-8629 [email protected] in 8QIXWXURSHU9HQH]LD"5LÁHVVLRQL Tel: 0211-81-13202 a 40 anni dall’alluvione del 1966 2222 Goldsmith St. (Venezia 2006), 59 - 64 Houston, TX 77030-1119 Kölnstraße 368 D-53117 Bonn • “Ein Photo der Sudfassade von S. CURRENT RESEARCH: Marco in Venedig vor deren Re- Pre-Tridentine cult and iconography of CURRENT RESEARCH: novierung durch Giovanni Battista Abraham Spillieurs (1613-1656). Die 6W-RVHSK&RURQDWLRQRIWKH9LUJLQLQ Meduna (1865 - 1875),” Architec- Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Venedig Renaissance Art tura 2 (2005): 199-202 und Köln im 17. Jahrhundert 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “Un rilievo lombardesco nella • “A Leonardo concetto in the context 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 sagrestia di S. Lio a Venezia,” in of the so-called ‘Adoration of the • “Köln und Venedig. Wirtschaftliche Florilegium artium. Scritti in me- Shepherds,’” Source: Notes in the und kulturelle Beziehungen im 15. moria di Renato Polacco (Padova, History of Art 24 (Spring, 2005): und 16. Jahrhundert (Beihefte zum 2006), 255-56 28-35 $UFKLYIU.XOWXUJHVFKLFKWH µ )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 • “The Cult of St. Joseph in Early Diss. phil. (Köln/Weimar/Wien, • “Un gruppo di disegni preparati da Cinquecento Venice and the Testi- 2006) Tommaso Temanza per una sua pub- mony of Marino Sanudo’s Diaries,” • “‘Mercator in fontico nostro’. Mer- blicazione su Guglielmo Bergamas- Studi Veneziani 47 (2004): 287-312 canti tedeschi fra la Germania e il Fondaco dei Tedeschi a Venezia,” in co,” in Miscellanea in memoria di Terisio Pignatti (Venezia, 2008) Peter Windows Presenze tedesche a Venezia, ed S. Winter, 1-48. • “La decorazione dei pavimenti, Dr. GHOOHYROWHHGHLVRIÀWWLWUDLO4XDW- University of Central England, Bir- )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 tro- ed il Cinquecento a Venezia,” mingham, UK • “Der Buchdrucker Johannes in Atti del Convegno in onore del Manthen von Gerresheim in &217$&7,1)250$7,21 cinquecentocinquantesimo anniver- Venedig (1474-1484),” Düsseldorfer [email protected] sario della nascita di Tullio Lom- Jahrbuch (2007) Tel: +44 (0)121 331 7804 bardo (Venezia, 2007) School of Theoretical and Historical • “Fragmente vom Grabmal der Do- Studies Wolfgang Wolters gen Marco und Agostino Barbarigo Birmingham Institute of Art and Prof. Dr. in der Villa Valmarana ai Nani bei Design &217$&7,1)250$7,21 Vicenza,” in Miscellanea in memo- UCE Birmingham [email protected] riam di Terisio Pignatti (Venezia Birmingham B4 7DX Tel: 004930 3053352 2007) UK Fax: 004930 3053352 • “Appunti sulla decorazione orna- mentale di S.Zaccaria I a Venezia,” CURRENT RESEARCH: Brixplatz 4 The Badile-Moscardo Album of Draw-


in Miscellanea in memoriam di HMRV(-26,;WH[WKWP P. Dalla Vecchia (Venice, 2005), Sandro Sponza (Venezia, 2007) • (trans.), “The Peace Agreement of 431-440 1478,” in Reading the Middle Ages, • No. 24 (“Misse henrici Jzac”), no. Joanna Woods-Marsden ed. B. Rosenwein. (Peterborough, 26 (“Missarum diversorum aucto- Professor 2QW  rum”), no. 29 (“Misse Antonii de UCLA • “Le Palais Ca’ Dario,” in Palazzo, Fevin”), in Venezia 1501: Petrucci Palazzi, ed. B. Martin-Tardivat e la stampa musicale, exhib,. cat., &217$&7,1)250$7,21 (Paris, 2005) eds. I Fenlon and P. Dalla Vecchia, [email protected] • “After the Serenissima and the 79, 81-82, 84-85 (Mariano del Friuli Tel: 310-206-6975 *2  Fax: 310-106-1903 Grand Turco Made Love: the Boundary Commissions of 1480 & ‡´/HVKXPDQLVWHVÁRUHQWLQVHWODSRO\- Art History 1482,” in 550th Anniversary of the phonie liturgique,” in Poétiques de 100 Dodd Istanbul University International la Renaissance: Le modèle italien, UVLA Byzantine and Ottoman Symposium, le monde franco-bourguignon et Los Angeles, CA 90095-1417 ed. S. Atasoy (Istanbul, 2004) leur héritage en France au XVIe CURRENT RESEARCH: siècle, eds. P. Galand-Hallyn and F. Titian )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Hallyn, Travaux d’Humanisme et •“Rubies, Parrots, and No Wine: Let- 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 Renaissance, no. CCCXLVIII (Ge- ters from Giovanni Dario at the nève, 2001), 625-638, 667-673 • “The Mistress as ‘Virtuous’: Titian’s Court of Beyazid II,” (translations Portrait of Laura Dianti,” in Titian: of selected letters and commentary) )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Materiality, Likeness, Istoria, ed. J. Journal of the Turkish Studies As- • “I Canonici veneziani di San Marco, Woods-Marsden (Turnhout, 2006) sociation (2007) la musica e la liturgia: nuove indi- ‡´2QH$UWLVW7ZR6LWWHUV2QH5ROH • (with P. MacKay), “When the cazioni archivistiche,” submitted to Raphael’s Papal Portraits,” in The Serenissima and the Gran Turco Musica e Storia Cambridge Companion to Raphael, Made Love: The Peace Treaty of • “The Lover’s Revenge: Renewed ed. M. Hall (Cambridge, 2005), 1478,” Studi Veneziani (2007) Light on Heinrich Isaac’s La mi la 279-315, 747-75 • The Greek Correspondence of sol” )257+&20,1*38%/,&$7,216 Bartolomeo Minio, vol. 1: Dispacci ‡´¶0DVWHU$ULJR

Princeton University &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] Tel: 609-933-0628 Yaprak Mah. 1. Sok. 4 Zekeriyakoy Istanbul Turkey CURRENT RESEARCH: Cultural and artistic exchange between 9HQLFHDQGWKH2WWRPDQ(PSLUH

Rosella Mamoli Zorzi Professor of American Literature University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari &217$&7,1)250$7,21 [email protected] Tel: 39-041-2349401 Fax: 39-041-2349481 Castello 6119 30122 Venice CURRENT RESEARCH: Poems on Venice by American 20th and 21st century poets 5(&(1738%/,&$7,216 • “A Knock-down Insolence of Talent”: Sargent, James and Venice, in Sargent’s Venice (New Haven, 2006) )257+&20,1* • Anthology of American Poems on Venice (2007)

A city for beavers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

55 VOLUME 26 2007 Department of History Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 USA. 60 Tel. (801) 422-5260; Fax (801) 422-0275 NEWS ON THE RIALTO