Newsletter for Venetian Studies 2007

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Newsletter for Venetian Studies 2007 NEWSLETTER FOR VENETIAN STUDIES 2007 VOL. 26 61 VOLUME 26 2007 &84 /0/5)& 3*"-50 No. 26 2007 EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Patricia Fortini Brown Dept. of Art & Archeology Princeton University Paul Grendler Emeritus Professor of History University of Toronto Edward Muir Department of History Northwestern University Robert C. Davis Department of History The Ohio State University EDITOR Eric Dursteler Department of History Brigham Young University Published with the support of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation under the auspices of the Department of History at Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 USA. Tel. (801) 422-5260; Fax (801) 422-0275 For information, contact: [email protected] or 1 LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES ARCHIVIO DI STATO, FRARI CENTRO TEDESCO DI STUDI ISTITUTO DI STUDI STORICI S. Polo 3002, tel. 041-5222281; VENEZIANI: S. Sebastiano fax 041-5229220 San Polo 2765/A, tel. 5206355 Monday -- Friday 8:30-19:00 Monday – Wednesday 8:30-12:30; Saturday 8:30-13:00 indice.html & Friday 14:30-17:30 Monday – Thursday 8:20-18:00 Thursday 8:30-12:30 ISTITUTO VENETO DI SCIENZE, Friday – Saturday 8:20-14:00 LETTERE ED ARTE COMUNE DI VENEZIA Campo S. Stefano, tel. 041-5210177 ATENEO VENETO Castello 2737, tel. 5289261 Monday – Friday 9:00-12:30 Campo S. Fantin, tel. 041-5224459 (call for information) 15:00-18:00 Monday – Friday 9:00-12:00; 16:00-19:00 CONSORZIO PER LO SVILUPPO ISTITUZIONI DI RICOVERO E Saturday 9:00-12:00 ECONOMICO E SOCIALE DELLA DI EDUCAZIONE PROVINCIA DI VENEZIA Castello 6691, tel. 041-2601974 BIBLIOTECA MARCIANA Corte Pisano, S. Marco 2818, Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-13:00 S. Marco 7, tel. 041-5208788; tel. 041-700217 fax 041-5238803 Monday – Friday 9:00-14:00 MUSEO CORRER, BIBLIOTECA Monday – Friday 8:10-19:00 S. Marco 52, tel. 041-5225625; CURIA PATRIARCALE Saturday 8:10-13:30 fax 041-5200935 Castello 4312, tel. 041-5222034 Monday, Wednesday, BIBLIOTECA QUERINI STAMPALIA Monday – Friday 9:00-13:00 Friday 8:30-13:30 Castello 4778, tel. 041-5225235 Tuesday, Thursday 8:30-17:00 DEPUTAZIONE DI STORIA PATRIA Tuesday – Friday 16:00-24:00 Saturday 14:30-24:00 Biblioteca, S. Croce 1583, SOPRAINTENDENZA PER I BENI ARCHIVISTICI DEL VENETO Sundays & Holidays 15:00-19:00 tel. 041-5241009 Monday & Wednesday 15:00-18:00 s. Polo 3002, tel. 041-5222491 BIBLIOTECA “RENATO MAESTRO” Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-12:30 UNIVERSITÀ POPOLARE Ghetto Vecchio 1189, tel. 041-715012 FONDAZIONE GIORGIO CINI: Monday, Wednesday. Piazza S. Marco 52, tel. 041-5287544 Friday 9:00-13:00 S. Giorgio Maggiore, tel. 5289900; Segretaria: Tuesday, Thursday 13:00-18:00 fax 5238540 Monday & Thursday 11:00-12:00 Monday – Friday 9:00-12:00; Tuesday & Friday 17:00-18:40 BIBLIOTECA SAN FRANCESCO 15:30-18:30 Library: DELLA VIGNA Tuesday & Friday 17:00-18:40 Castello 2786, tel. & ISTITUTO ELLENICO fax 042-523-5341; S. Giorgio dei Greci tel. 041-5226581 NGBO>KLBM:=BO>G>SB:% BIBLIOTECA: e-mail: [email protected] Monday – Friday 9:00-15:00 Monday – Friday 9-12:30; Saturday 9:00-13:00 Ca’ Bernardo, tel. 041-5232463 13:30-17:30 Monday – Friday 9:00-20:00 ISTITUTO GRAMSCI, EMEROTECA Saturday 9:00-14:00 CENTRO DELLE ARTI Cannaregio 1575, tel. 041-717940 CONTEMPORANEE Monday, Tuesday, tel. 5242062 Thursday 14:00-20:00 Monday – Friday 9:00-13:00 Wednesday, Friday 8:00-14:00 2 NEWS ON THE RIALTO AN NOUNCEMENTS GRANTS FOR RESEARCH ON VENETIAN CULTURE AND HISTORY: The Trustees of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation announce its annual call for applications for predoctoral and postdoctoral grants for historical research on Venice and the former Venetian empire and for the study of contempo- rary Venetian society and culture. Disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences are eligibile areas of study, including (but not limited to) archaeology, architecture, art, bibliography, economics, history, history of science, law, literature, music, political science, religion, and theater. The deadline for applications is December 15. Guidelines and application forms are available from the Foundation’s website: DELMAS FOUNDATION: The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation has announced that Michael Mallett is stepping down as Secretary of the British and Commonwealth Division of the Foundation. He has been replaced by Julian Gardner of Warwick Uni- versity. Applicants and those seeking additional information should contact Prof. Gardner at 108, Kenilworth Road, Coventry CV4 7AH, UK, or at julian. [email protected]. DELMAS COMMONWEALTH GRANTS FOR VENETIAN RESEARCH: The Trustees of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation of New York announce that up to £20,000 will be made available in 2006/2007 to scholars from Great Britain and the Commonwealth for research in Venice. The principal areas of research envisaged concern both the past (art, architecture, history, law, language, literature, music) and the present (conservation, culture, environment, politics) of Venice and the territories formerly subject to it. Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary to the Delmas Foundation’s Advisory Committee, Professor Julian Gardner, 108, Kenilworth Road, Coventry CV4 7AH, UK (telephone 02476 418 261 e-mail julian.gardner@war- Applications should reach Professor Julian Gardner by 15 May. SENATO. DELIBERAZIONI MISTE: The Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti is publishing the registers of the Venetian Senate for the period up to the war of Chioggia (1381), in a total of twenty volumes. This will make available documentary material of ex- traordinary importance for historic research. The Consiglio dei Rogati o dei Pregadi (Consilium Rogatorum), later the Senate, was possibly set up in 1229-1230 as an organ of support to the Great Council. Its function soon moved from that of preliminary inquiry and advice on matters of trade and navigation to decision-making, eventually in HYHU\DVSHFWRIHFRQRPLFÀQDQFLDODQGDGPLQLVWUDWLYHPDWWHUVDQGRILQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDOSROLF\2YHUWKH\HDUVWKH Consiglio dei Rogati became the most important of the Venetian councils, at the heart of the institutional order. The deliberations (or parti), valid as law, were recorded from the end of the thirteenth century, and have been conserved from register XV onward. The series ispublished under the patronage of the Senato della Repubblica Italiana and GLUHFWHGE\0DULD)UDQFHVFD7LHSROR'LHWHU*LUJHQVRKQDQG*KHUDUGR2UWDOOL More information: or [email protected]. VENICE LAGOON FOUNDATION: The Forum for the Lagoon, of Venice, and the University of Minnesota have together set up the Venice Lagoon Foundation, a charitable organization intended to promote studies on the condition and preservation of the Venetian /DJRRQ·VHFRV\VWHP,WVÀUVWSURMHFWVZLOOGHDOZLWKWKHUHFODPDWLRQRIWKHLVODQGRI6*LRUJLRLQ$OJDWKH)RUXP·V future home, and the opening of an “eco-museum” within the Arsenal of Venice. Website: 3 VOLUME 26 2007 ANNOUNCEMENTS MEDITERRANEAN HISTORICAL REVIEW – put all the Marciana’s catalogues, very old and less old, on- CALL FOR PAPERS: OLQHIRU\RXUFRQYHQLHQFH2XUVXSSRUWKDVKHOSHGWRSODFH Mediterranean Historical Review is a bi-annual, refereed the on-line services of the Marciana in the lead of Italian journal, published by Routledge. The journal is interested in state libraries. For membership information and a chance to receiving papers treating the history of the Mediterranean receive the informative AFML newsletter, please address an EDVLQHPSKDVL]LQJFRQWDFWVUHODWLRQVDQGLQÁXHQFHVZLWKLQ e-mail to [email protected]. a Mediterranean context, as well as questions of a compara- CENTRO ITALIANO DI STORIA SANITARIA E tive and comparable nature. For information regarding the OSPEDALIERA DEL VENETO: submission of manuscripts, please visit our website: http:// ZZZWDXDFLOKXPDQLWLHVFPFPKUPKUKWPO2UFRQWDFWXV Professor Nelli-Elena Vanzan Marchini announces the at: [email protected]. opening of the website of the Centro Italiano di storia sani- taria e ospedaliera del Veneto. The site provides a useful FRIENDS OF THE MARCIANA: range of information on the medical history of the Veneto, The American Friends of the Marciana Library, now in its as well as an up-to-date listing of news and events of inter- eighth year, invites those who use and appreciate the Library est to scholars of hygiene and medicine. to contribute to its projects, the chief of which currently is to Website: ,WZRXOGEHGLIÀFXOWWRRYHUUDWH the value of the lessons which might be derived from a faith- ful study of the history of this strange and mighty city: a his- tory which, in spite of the labour of countless chroniclers, remains in vague and disputable outline, - barred with brightness and shade, like the far away edge of her own ocean, where the surf and the sandbank are mingled with the sky. John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice 4 NEWS ON THE RIALTO AN NOUNCEMENTS CALL FOR PAPERS: VWRULRJUDÀFRFRPHLOPLWRSROLWLFRGL9HQH]LD$QFKHLQ “Donne a Venezia tra ‘500 e ‘700. Forme di libertà e spazi ambito giuridico, Venezia conserva elementi di originalità, di potere” Venezia, 8-10 maggio 2008 nell’epoca moderna, che sono stati sottolineati e indagati La ricerca sulla storia delle donne, sui rapporti tra donne negli studi di Gaetano Cozzi e dei suoi allievi. Si tratta e uomini e sulla costruzione delle identità di “genere” nel insomma di chiedersi se, in epoca moderna, l’originalità del passato è, com’è noto, uno dei campi di ricerca più frequen- sistema politico e giuridico veneziano, la particolarità delle tati negli ultimi anni. All’interno dei vari percorsi che hanno relazioni tra la Repubblica Veneta e la Chiesa e l’evoluzione analizzato la realtà sociale e familiare, le rappresentazioni dell’economia abbiano determinato speciali modalità di e i modelli di genere, le norme e le consuetudini, gli spazi rapporti tra i generi e, eventualmente, creato situazioni di pubblici e privati, le forme di controllo e le reti di relazione, particolare libertà e autonomia femminile.
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