Porters Increases Margin in Motor City Bowling Loop
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25, • SATURDAY, MARCH PAGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE . A RELIABLE INDEPENDENT WEEKLY 1944 Porters Increases Margin In Motor City Bowling Loop BIVINS Va. TURKEY WIN S. C. PREP TITLE - PIN BOY SHORTAGE SOLVED THOMPSON GO. APRIL 1 CAMDEN. S. C— Avery boys of TITLE HOLDERS HOLLYWOOD Tom Gallery. Coulter girls of BOWL-O-DROME selected Charleston and vet*ran fight promoter has Montgomery To Take Cheraw won the basketball champ- April Fool's day as the date for the Jimmy Bivins vs. Turkey ionships of the South Carolina con- LOSE THREE IN Thompson duration heavyweight ference for secondary schools. REOPENS UNDER championship contest. The fight Immaculate of Charleston was will be an outdoor attraction in loser in both final sames. to Avery Springs by to 45 to Coulter by 47 to Rest In 48 and Hot the Gilmore Stadium bowl. RACE TO FLAG A NEW MANAGER Burdened with the wet fit of five ai.d Angott had lost his title to Zurita, Cleaner* to <*ii consecutive months of continuous Juan the . hard-punching Portrrs added By CATO AIEONHO training fighting, Mexican, a week later. lead in the Motor Ct% Moulin? and Bob Mont- In Girl pin setters made their debut asking for the postponement league Monday night at I'aiadutr g. -ner:, Philadelphia fighter who of the fight. Montgomery’s manager at Sunme Wilson's Bowl-O-Drome the (New Pre-Easter Bowl by winning two game* from lifter lightweight crown pointed out that hi* fighter had Saturday evening. Shir- Phillips to Miss York version) from the bobbing been ft 'uing continuously for the DANCE Tom Post 2751 2674 Jast ley Washington and Miss Ethel past four months. v h;le Johnson-Harr.s losing head of Beau Jack, two week* ago. He started last Trambles, two 18-year-olds who November when he lost the light- the three games to B & C club 244. had is going to take a much-needed H ROYAL CAVALIERS H worked us pin setters at the Palmer weight title to Beau Jack Thi* t«. 2689 Park, since January, are doing a rest. Bob is going to Hot Springs. was followed by bout* with Joie Featuring George P >rter >nd Ben Web.-ter good job. The champion, accompanied by Peralta, Ike Williams. A (Dummy) p.ced assault on the The two girls are jumping two Davis, and Beau Jack, the Porter alleys his secretary, Herman Lea Pheart, 595 and handling the pins like Needs A Rest pins Porter collecting on u h.gh veterans. may. and Harold (Jamaica Kid) Smith, Who knows this be "I game i>f 2011 Webster h.id 594 on the first step to solving the present arrived in Detroit last week, and Just need a rest." said Mont- KING PORTER * game gomery *Tve been fighting too high us 203 pin boy shortage. After talking with were bedded down in the Gotham HIS TRUMPET AND HIS BAND ( hump* f all Behind the girls about their job they often and the edge ha* worn off. new Hotel for a week before going Johnson-Hams, the defending remarked, "We like to set pins. We on The rert in Hot Springs will do me Chimpions, fell bel'w their stride got tired at first but it is easy now, to Hot Springs where he and Lea good.** rs pievious wetlvs Bob Tayloi and we average ten dollars a day." Pheart will spend three weeks. In explaining his knockout by Sunday ; April 2, 1944 paced B A- C aggregation w.th parties just D vi*. Montgomery said he had U>e Several who had fin- Physical no an a high game < f 221 bowling girls' alleys To Take excuse to offer for the 662 ished on the "I rr. ..st be back in New York knockout With Fdd.e Edwards lapping the, said that they would rather have in the first round, the quickest in BALLROOM six physi- at MIRROR p: fur 627 on games of 220 186 girls pins within weeks to take a the history of Square r:s the set for them than cal Montgomery said Madison Gar- and 221, Forest club uas only aoh some of the boys. examination." den. 2940 Woodward Avenue "At that time I'll know when I'll to »;n one game from Harlem Crowd Attends Opening "I just made a mistake, and had DANCING 9 PM 2 AM Cleaners, dropping tlx series 2325 ! Sunnie Wilson's fight again." to pay the penalty." Bob UNTIL Bowl-O-Drome Montgomery said. "I 2356. re-opened its to public was scheduled to started a blow, but to doors the fight Sammy Angott. Nat- before I could Acme Florist wi»n two f. >rn Inst Tuesday noon with a large former land. Davi* had connected with Boxing champion. his Friar* Ale. 2726 t> 2U95 J Wilson crowd attending. ional association pun~h. From then on it was dark- TICKETS: Advance 90c -At Door sl.lO with March 31 in Madison Square Gar- was top man foi the Flor.sts The Bowl-O-Drome, formerly ness or me, although 1 did regain Tax Included 596 on a high game of 244 Tiny known as the Forest Club alleys, den, but the bout was postponed my feet.” for Flairs Bob had defeated Beau Jack Baldwin was chief man has 26 streanr:*ned alleys and is the after Imith, who was stopped by Jose TEX. LARKIN, Pres. WM. CHEEKS. Vice Pres. v ,tn 566 on 234 largest Race-owned bowling Basora in Philadelphia Palling estab- last week, NAT HOLMAN, Recording Secretary Watson Healtv blanked lishment in the world. Mr. Wilson, was out in front on points when F,ousts 2492 to 2443. Motor Cite owner of the Drome, remarked: the Mi “I Puerto Rican landed ie knock- Elks won tnroe from petrat | will do everything possible to make out blow. Sportsman $ RUSS J. SOWARS' roon*. 238.1 to 2505 my place the finest in the world. "1 still believe ! can whip him." won two fiom Sen Mion i «tr. The alleys club are in the best of con- said the former Detroit amateur 2cbb Vo 2481 Ad.m.a Service .von dition and will be kept that way" champion. two from Nacireira Club. 241/i ti Eddie Edwards, former secretary 2412 of the Motor City SPORT Bowling league, CHATTER is manager of the Drome. He is Tip, Tap And Toe assisted by Clarence Steen, a form- “Over the years, the game has Wolverines Split er heavyweight fighter here. come to be policed too much, from THIRD ROUND IN the men in blue—the umpires—on SPIZZY CANFIELD'S Mob- Girl up to Commissioner Landis. Two Contests In pin setters made their debut at Sonnie Wilson's Bowl-O-Drome bing umpires, etc., helped cause Saturday of last evening. It was the first time bowling fans had an Richardson And thi«* over-policing of the game. The to watch Play-Off WILL opportunity the girls do their stuff. They handled the commissioner’s office has become a Junior PLAY-OFF pins like veterans. In the above photo Miss Shirley Washington, Slaughter Win police department of the game be- BOX SERENADE” age 18. was caught by photographer just as she looked up at cause of the Infractions of the play- The Wolverines defeated the Gar- A Colorful Sun Kissed, Carefree Revue newsmen. She jumps two alleys with the greatest of ease, and er*. managers and, yes. the general field Aces. 49 to 31 last Monday SUNDAY said her average day's earnings is ten dollars. Mixed Doubles managers, fellows like mvself. night at Sherrard School. The de- PLUS BEGIN necessary that the game be feat "It's eliminates the Aces from the policed, but. despite this, we still play-off to Ecee Richardson, and Dr. Fred determine the champion • ANN BAKER • ALBENA JONES The thud round of the plny-of* Slaughter won the Swing Your can have and need hard, rugged in the Junior Division of the Michi- • • MARTIN In the Triple A Division of the Partner Mixed Doubles tournament baseball, argumentative baseball. I gan Chronicle Basketball league. JESSE JAMES MARCARET Michigan Chronicle Basketball held at Paradise bowl last Sat. eve- do not mean abuse of the umpires, Murray Jackson, David Collier )< ague anil be held Sunday Motor City Giants Have ning. The couple hit 1078, and but a more competitive solrit, the and Walter Phelps paced the at- Brewst</r Recreation Center. 617 walked off with the SIOO purse. sort of baseball which will excite tack for the winners, the trio ac- Brews'* r stieet. the first game Fred Allen, one of the oldest the emotions of the spectators. It counting for 33 of the Wolverines' Harold Wallace’s Music slated to start at 4 p m. sponsors in organized bowling here can be all of that and still not be 49 point*. winner of the play-off w ill in the city, The CYW edged T.ie sponsored the tourna- rowdy." five out a victory * by the DETROITs OLDEST Bl AC AND TAN v i/i the trophy awarded ment, and put up the $250 that was The above is snitched from a talk over the Wolverines. 26 to 24. on Western Union Insurance Season given for Manager Warren For away Mutual Slate Thursday Ro’.usl prizes. by night the four Mr. made General at Custer school, in Company Wilson I.ovett. president Allen once sponsored a male and C. Giles of the Reds, at a fast and exciting game. pres- delivered Adam of the company, will make the female five. His female five won the second annual dinner of Ball Davis made the winning goal.