Trachycephalus Nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838: Distribution Extension Istributio D

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Trachycephalus Nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838: Distribution Extension Istributio D ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2010 Check List and Authors Chec List Open Access | Freely available at Journal of species lists and distribution N Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Trachycephalus nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838: Distribution extension ISTRIBUTIO D RAPHIC Iuri Ribeiro Dias, Tatiana Raquel Alves Vilaça, Juliana Rodrigues do Santos Silva, Rosana Silva G * EO Barbosa and Mirco Solé G N O Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia. Rodovia Ilhéus-Itabuna, km 16. CEP 45662-900. Ilhéus, BA, Brazil. OTES N * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The geographic distribution of Trachycephalus nigromaculatus inside the state of Bahia, Brazil, is extended to the RPPN Serra Bonita in the municipality of Camacan and another area in the municipality of Boa Nova, a transition zone between the Atlantic Rainforest and Caatinga biomes. The genus Trachycephalus Tschudi, 1838 contains 12 the cacao trees), inside the RPPN (Private Reserve of species: T. atlas Bokermann, 1966, T. coriaceus (Peters, Natural Heritage) Serra Bonita, municipality of Camacan, 1867), T. dibernardoi Kwet and Solé, 2008, T. hadroceps Bahia (15°24’48” S, 39°34’16.8” W, 455 m a.s.l.) (Figure 1). (Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1992), T. imitatrix (Miranda- This specimen was found resting during the day inside a Ribeiro, 1926), T. jordani (Stejneger and Test, 1891), T. rotten cacao fruit, two meters above the ground. The cacao lepidus (Pombal, Haddad and Cruz, 2003), T. mambaiensis capsule had a hole on one side and the cupped inside had Cintra, Silva, Silva-Jr., Garcia and Zaher, 2009, T. mesophaeus accumulated some water These two records extend the (Hensel, 1867), T. nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838, T. known distribution 160 km northward from Potiraguá resinifictrix (Goeldi, 1907), and T. venulosus (Laurenti, (Figure 2). Both specimens were deposited in the Museu 1768). Its distribution ranges from the mexican lowlands de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz to South America east of the Andes, with its southernmost (MZUESC 7464 and MZUESC 7549). The permit to collect extension in north-eastern Argentina (Frost 2010) Most the frogs was issued by ICMBio (number 13708-1). The species within the genus are explosive breeders (Zweifel Ulisses 1964; Schiesari and Moreira 1996; Kwet and Di-Bernardo Caramaschi (Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro). 1999), with T. resinifictrix being an exception, as this correctTrachycephalus taxonomic nigromaculatusidentification was is known verified to inhabitby dry species shows a prolonged reproduction period (Schiesari lowland areas (Rocha et al. 2004), mostly restingas near et al. 2003). the shoreline, but has also been recorded in the Atlantic Trachycephalus nigromaculatus is a large treefrog Rainforest and the Cerrado. The specimen encountered that occurs in restinga (sandy coastal plain vegetation) in the RPPN Serra Bonita was found on a slope at 455 m areas, occupying the central core of bromeliad plants, but elevation. This RPPN is characterized by abrupt changes also in forests, where it inhabits tree holes (Izecksohn and Carvalho-e-Silva 2001). Males can be found calling inside ponds, at pond margins or on branches of trees (Abrunhosa et al. 2001). Its tadpole was described by Wogel et al. (2000). This species is distributed in the coastal areas of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo states and inland Minas Gerais and Goiás states (Frost 2010; Izecksohn and Carvalho-e-Silva 2001). It was recently reported in the the state of Bahia (Freitas and Lima 2009). municipality of Potiraguá, representing the first record for municipality of Boa Nova, Bahia (14°19’33.3” S, 40°12’50.5” W, 870On m19 a.s.l.),February an adult 2009, Trachycephalus during fieldwork nigromaculatus in the was found inside a bromeliad in a saxicolous habitat. On 3 May 2009, another specimen was collected in a “cabruca” (a cacao plantation in which some old grown Figure 1. Adult Trachycephalus nigromaculatus from RPPN Serra Bonita, native trees of the Atlantic forest are preserved to shade municipality of Camacan, Bahia, Brazil. Check List | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | 2010 412 Dias et al. |Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Trachycephalus nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838 in elevation along an altitudinal gradient from 200-950 m. The city of Boa Nova is located on the southern Bahia We presume that it is more widely distributed through highlands. The specimen collected there was found at 870 Bahiaduring state rapid than amphibian previously surveys thought. or short-term fieldworks. m elevation, indicating that T. nigromaculatus can also be found in higher areas. Acknowledgments: We thank FAPESB for granting a Master’s Scholarship to IRD, TRAV and JRSS and CNPq for a Master’s Scholarship to RSB. Sebastian Wolf kindly read the manuscript and made helpful suggestions. We further thank Sérgio Siqueira and an anonymous reviewer for useful comments on the manuscript. For help with the map we thank Cézar Falcão and Fábio Falcão. Financial support was provided by an Amphibian Specialist Group Seed Grant and logistic support by Instituto Uiraçu and UESC. Literature Cited Abrunhosa, P.A., H. Wogel and J.P. Pombal Jr. 2001. Vocalização de quatro espécies de anuros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Sudeste do Brasil (Amphibia, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae). Boletim do Museu Nacional (N.S.) Zoologia 472: 1-12. Bokermann, W.C.A. 1966. Una nueva especie de Trachycephalus da Bahia, Brasil (Amphibia, Hylidae). Neotropica 12(39): 210-124. Freitas, M.A. and T.O. Lima. 2009. Trachycephalus nigromaculatus (Black- spotted Casque-headed Treefrog). Herpetological Review 40(3): 363 Frost, D.R. 2010. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.4 (08 April, 2010). Electronic Database accessible at http:// American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Captured on 10 April 2010. Figure 2. Geographic distribution of Trachycephalus nigromaculatus Izecksohn, E. and S.P. Carvalho-e-Silva. 2001. Anfíbios do Município do Rio in the state of Bahia. The green area represents the Atlantic Rainforest de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ. 147 p. biome, the yellow area the Caatinga biome and the red area the Cerrado Kwet, A. and M. Di-Bernardo. 1999. Pró-Mata – Anfíbios, Amphibien, biome. Triangle: Potiraguá (Freitas and Lima 2009), square: new record Amphibians. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS. 107 p. for the RPPN Serra Bonita, Camacan, circle: new northern distribution Rocha, C.F., S.P. Carvalho-e-Silva and M.V. Sluys. 2004 Trachycephalus limit for the species at Boa Nova. nigromaculatus. In IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.1. Accessible at Capture on 01 In the inland regions of Bahia state another species of November 2009. Schiesari, L.C. and G. Moreira. 1996. The tadpole of Phrynohyas coriaceae the genus Trachycephalus can be found. According to its (Hylidae) with comments on the species reproduction. Journal of original description T. atlas is similar to T. nigromaculatus, Herpetology 30(3): 404-407. however T. atlas does not have red spots during life and Schiesari, L., M. Gordo and W. Hödl. 2003. Treeholes as calling, breeding, and developmental sites for the Amazonian Canopy Frog, Phrynohyas differences in skull morphology exist between both species resinifictrix (Hylidae). Copeia 2: 263-272. (Bokermann 1966). Wogel, H., P.A. Abrunhosa and J.P. Pombal Jr. 2000. Girinos de cinco espécies Our new records, aside from expanding the known de anuros do sudeste do Brasil (Amphibia: Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Microhylidae). Boletim do Museu Nacional 427: 1-16. distribution of T. nigromaculatus, reveal also the high Zweifel, R.G. 1964. Life History of Phrynohyas venulosa (Salientia: plasticity of this species by being present in areas with a Hylidae) in Panamá. Copeia 1: 201-208. much higher elevation as previously reported. Moreover, it is reaching the borders of a completely different biome, the Caatinga, as Boa Nova is characterized as a transition : January 2010 area between this biome and the Atlantic Rainforest. As : June 2010 Received : June 2010 T. nigromaculatus is an explosive breeder that lives in Revised : September 2010 the canopy during most of its life, it is hardly ever found Accepted : Alejandro R. Giraudo Published online Editorial responsibility Check List | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | 2010 413.
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    ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2011 Check List and Authors Chec List Open Access | Freely available at Journal of species lists and distribution N Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Trachycephalus atlas ISTRIBUTIO distribution map D IgorBokermann, Joventino Roberto 1966: 1*, Samuel DistributionCardozo Ribeiro 2, Lucas extension Bezerra 3, Pedro and Bastos geographic de Macedo RAPHIC 4 G Carneiro EO 1 Sertões Consultoria Ambiental e Assessoria, Rua Bill Cartaxo, 135, Sapiranga. CEP 60833-185. Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. G N 2 Universidade Federal do Pernambuco, Departamento de Zoologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal. Avenida Prof. Moraes Rego, O 1235. CEP 50670-420. Recife, PE, Brasil. 3 Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Biologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais. Avenida Humberto Monte, 2977, CEP 60455-760. Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. OTES N 4 Universidade Federal do Ceará, Instituto de Ciências do Mar (LABOMAR), Laboratório de Macroalgas. Avenida Abolição, 3207, Meireles. CEP 60165-081. Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The casqued-headed tree frog Trachycephalus atlas geographic distribution of this species. An updated geographic distributionBokermann, map 1966 of T. isatlas recorded is provided. for the first time in the municipality of Jati, southern region of Ceará state, northeastern Brazil, extending in 72 km east the previous known The genus Trachycephalus Tschudi, 1838 is Caramaschi and Silvano (2004) provided a distribution represented by twelve species: Trachycephalus atlas map for T. atlas, where the species range extends from Bokermann, 1966; Trachycephalus coriaceus (Peters, the municipality of Itapetinga, southeast region of the 1867); Trachycephalus dibernardoi Kwet and Solé, 2008; state of Bahia, north to Exú, state of Pernambuco.
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    CHKCKLIS I AND TAXONO^irC RIBI JOGRAPHY OF THE AMPHIBL\NS FROM PERU Victor R Morales Asociaci6n de Ecologia y Conservacion/Perii 'MH 2 U 1996 ^JpRARIES SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE NO. 107 1995 SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE The SHIS series publishes and distributes translations, bibliographies, indices, and similar items judged useful to individuals interested in the biology of amphibians and reptiles, but unlikely to be published in the normal technical journals. Single copies are distributed free to interested individuals. Libraries, herpetological associations, and research laboratories are invited to exchange their publications with the Division of Amphibians and Reptiles^ We wish to encourage individuals to share their bibliographies, translations, etc. with other herpetologists through the SHIS series. If you have such items please contact George Zug for instructions on preparation and submission. Contributors receive 50 free copies. Please address all requests for copies and inquiries to George Zug, Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560 USA. Please include a self-addressed mailing label with requests. INTRODUCTION Until 1985, when Darrel Frost published the Catalogue of the Amphibians Species of de World, no comprehensive list of amphibians of Peru existed. Now, Rodriguez et al . (1993) have plublished a preliminary list of Amphibians from Peru with species distribution in ecological regions. Herein, I list all the species of amphibians reported from Peru and annotations on some species listed for Rodriguez et al . (op. cit.). The present list contains the following (family/genus/species): in Gymnophiona: 5/6/16, in Caudata: 1/1/3, and in Anura: 9/44/298, the total is 15/51/316.
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