Freedom of Information

Enquiry Number - 1-668605724

Request and Response:

Wood Green

Q1: What is the published admission number for the relevant year group? A1: 256 Q2: What has been the cut-off point for admissions for the last five years?

A2: Admission Furthest Year(September) distance (miles) September 2014 0.814 September 2013 0.803 September 2012 0.94 September 2011 0.731 September 2010 0.836 Q3: How many pupils were admitted to the school in each of the last five years?

A3: Admission Pupils admitted Year(September) September 2013 256 September 2012 248 September 2011 250 September 2010 245 September 2009 250 Q4: How many appeals were submitted and how many were successful in the relevant year group in the last five years?

A4: Admission Year No Appeals Appeals Won September 2013 33 4 September 2012 34 1 September 2011 43 4 September 2010 38 1 September 2009 49 3

[IL0: UNCLASSIFIED] Q5: How many pupils are on roll at the moment in each of the year groups in the school?

A5: Year Group Number on roll Year 7 255 Year 8 246 Year 9 249 Year 10 248 Year 11 245 Year 12 138 Year 13 112 Information from January Census 2014 Q6: What is the net capacity for the school including detailed breakdown of classroom sizes and additional social space? A6: Contact Wood Green Academy

Address: Wood Green Academy, A Specialist College of Sport, Maths and Computing, Wood Green Road, , WS10 9QU

Phone: 0121 556 4131 email: [email protected] Q7: What is the number of teaching staff available within the school including teaching assistants and support staff? A7: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q8: What was the numbers of pupils at school as per the census in January for the last five years?

A8: Number of pupils on roll Census (NCY7-Post 16) January 2014 1493 January 2013 1492 January 2012 1476 January 2011 1472 January 2010 1460 Q9: What is the maximum and minimum net capacity for the school? A9: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6).

[IL0: UNCLASSIFIED] Q10: When was the last review of the school’s net capacity? A10: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q11: What is the Indicated Admission Number based on the net capacity calculations? A11: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q12: Have there been any changes to the school since the net capacity was last reviewed? A12: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q13: How many teachers are employed at the school including teaching assistants and support staff? A13: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q14: What is the pupil/teacher ratio at the school? A14: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q15. Information as to the number of pupils that have been allocated a place for September 2014 in year 7 and in which over subscription category those pupils have been allocated a place. A15: 2 (SEN – special educational needs) 1 (LAC – looked after children) 39 (Priority admission area, sibling) 71 (Priority admission area, non-sibling) 48 (Non-priority admission area, sibling) 70 (Non-priority admission area) 25 offered on sporting aptitude Q16: Confirmation as to whether or not there are any proposals for further building work at the school or expansion plans in the next 12-24 months. A16: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q17: Class organisation: for example, whether children are put in ‘sets’ or taught in form groups. If ‘sets’ then more able pupils may be taught in larger classes and vice versa? A17: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6). Q18: What was distance cut-off point for the September 2014 admissions? A18: 0.814 miles. Q19: Details of number allocations outside the catchment area? A19: 118 qualified out of the priority admission area (sibling and non-sibling).

[IL0: UNCLASSIFIED] Q20: Detailed map of catchment area? A20: Contact Wood Green Academy (see A6).

If you wish to receive further information in regards to this request or wish to submit a Freedom of Information Request please forward your request to or Information Management Unit, Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, , B69 3DE.