Wanted-A Slogaf ~ ( Sl'c P:IJ.:L"•J)
Vol. XXI OCTOBER,1928 No. 4 :\. S. B \ Ri...1, , · ( Dirwtur) l .\1111, .\ ! " · 1101 1, (ha · 111,;;TR, Sau Pnlro . l "ali 10111::1 Wanted-A Slogaf ~ ( Sl'c p:IJ.:l"•J) / 20 Centa Per Copy PUILUH!O IT ff . P. ODELL COMPANY ! 2.00 Per Yea r COPYf.lCHT 19:zl- ALL RICUTS IU!Sf.11.\'EO INTE UD Al IECOND Cl.AU MATTH JUNE 9, 1909, AT nt .l POST OFF1C! AT BOITOS. •u suc 11u11rr n. c suu AC1 nF . , ,u c 11 }, 1 87 0 Th, CRESCF.NDO TH E 1:-.GF.XUF.s, for mcrl)' with Zie gfe ld Folli es, Mu sic Renn .· (Co urt rsy <1{ r1 •9fl Co,} SOUTI-IERXM ELODYB o \ 'S (Co urlrs,, of Gihso11 Co.) L A:-.DF.:-.'IIERGERS RA:""J n BAxn, 1\·rl.:asic, Pa. J OH N AASON , Nonvc gian Giant JERR Y RI CHARDS L EON W ARREN fe:itur ed with Harold Lloyd National Broadcastin g-Co. Popular banjoist at Yale U niversity (Co urltS}' Sou th tr11 Calif. A1usir C o.) (Co urt uy of U 'urli tr.rr Co.) PL!A S! MllN T ION Tl, , CRESCENDO WHEW WRITIN G TO AOVEIITISl!lS October , 1928 Th, CRESCENDO ( 1 J The tunes you have been waiting for "FEIST" Popular Hits No. 8 for FRETTED INSTRUMENTS .,) MANDOLIN HAWAilAN GUITAR TENOR-BANJO SOLO Solo and arcomflani,ru nt So1;,,a::,~!~f°'o with r19ular 9uilar acc. in ont bool PRICE $1.00 PRICE $1.00 PRICE $ 1.00 [> Playable as Solos, Duets or any combination of the abov e part s <I CONTENTS My Ohio Home Ramona Chiquita A II parts art in the You 're a Real Sweetheart Th u e books art for same ity, so they can Baby Your Mother sale only i n U .
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