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inteT, C K p,SEwill b c By ic art. adtast at bYec ónalyC ap7Ql5gY viewed, 1` WeekY, p°et SudaY bt, M1B "DEMI -TASSE REVUE" 7:30 P. M. MONDAYS - NBC STATIONS PETER B. KYNE -one of the world's best known writers; author of such popular works as "Cappy Ricks," "The Go - Getter," "Kindred of the Dust," etc. Mr. Kyne entertains with fascinating and intensely human "After Dinner Stories." TES FIO -RITO -and his nationally famous M J B orchestra share the spotlight on this outstanding program. A celebrated composer, Mr. Fio -Rito is the author of "Three on a Match," "No, No, Nora," "Laugh, Clown, Laugh," and other popular song hits. America's only "Safety -Sealed" Coffee BROADCAST LOS ANGELES NEW YORK R. J. Birch Co. 846 S. Broadway Edwin F. Ripley E 118 East K L 28th Street Los Angeles WE The Leading Radio Guide of the Pacific Coast New York City A. J. Vol. XII, No. 17 URBAIN, Editor and Publisher 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. April 22, 1933 Public Participation Programs THE magnitude and significance of the press as is friendly. Speaking for the great forces and movements are seldom representative radio apparent audience of the West, to the generation that gives BROADCAST WEEKLY pledges a generous and them origin or direction. This does not, sympathetic response to such a policy. however, absolve a people from its righteous Public participation responsibility for programs offer an- the proper current progress other means of bringing the audience into of such forces or their practical application closer harmony and to the solution more friendly relation- of existing problems. ship with stations and artists-song fests, In common with other arts and industries spelling bees, radio star identification radio is con- now going through a perilous period. tests, and other similar entertainment in Its future is in the shaping during this era which the audience can actually play a part. of transition. Revolutionary tendencies and Perhaps you can ideas are think of others. Send your rampant. The scourge of blase suggestions to BROADCAST WEEKLY, and we modernism seeking new fields in which to will see that they spread are passed on to the proper its moral blight, is taking the air route persons. Stich programs would likewise to the sacred precincts of the family fireside. serve as an antidote Albeit for discouragement and broadcasting stations, sponsors and despair, in combating which the most im- artists deserve an occasional homily, the re- portant requisite sponsibility is to concentrate the mind is not theirs alone. If radio is to on something other than the trouble and triumph over the many obstacles besetting worries of the moment. No its progress, and man can or need realize full fruition as a long remain dejected or despondent if he transcendent force for human uplift, then will but square the public, his shoulders, throw back the real custodian in the case, his head, open his mouth and sing, regardless must share this responsibility and provide of how unmusical the result the guidance and may be. And in inspiration necessary. the privacy of his own home he may do it To this end the time is ripe, the need unobserved and unabashed. The next time urgent for a closer relationship and broader the radio announcer invites you to join in, understanding between radio and its audi- try it. Or do it without an invitation. When ence. In the conduct of public business and the lilting air of the execution an old time song comes of public trust the day of secret throbbing over the air, don't merely sit and diplomacy is past. People want to know the listen, sing-and notice how much fresher, whys and wherefores. Broadcasters will do happier, stronger you well feel, how much to recognize this fact, take the public brighter, friendlier the whole world seems. into their confidence in connection with what Though the achievements you is going have been on behind the scenes, and frankly pursuing elude you tantalizingly as so many ask audience assistance in solving problems shimmering mirages, common to despair not. Courage both. This could he effectively and faith are omniscient, their reward in- accomplished by a series of ingenuous broad- evitable no matter casts designed how long delayed. Work for the purpose, and by ex- harder, practice the Christian virtues, sing tensive publicity through such portion of more. And the rest will follow. Published weekly by the Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company, 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco. Calif. Telephone Douglas 5273 Yearly subscription: $3.00 in the United States. Entered as second class matter, March 25, 1923, at the Post Office, San Francisco, California, under Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1933, by Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company. 3 WEEKLY April 23-29 4 BROADCAST QRTHU2 TRACY SPENT 8 YEA25 IN STOCK. AND LITTLE. THEATRE PRODI)C- TfONS . WAS THE ONLY MEMBER OF ONE TROUPE WHO POSSESSED AN ALARM CLOCK . .50 HE AROUSED THE OTHER MEMBERS BY CROWING LOUDL'(. APPEARED AS A SWOR-DI BEARER IN"L'AFRICAINE" STARRING GIGLI AND PON- SELLE..TRIPPED OVER. THE SWORD AND LET OUT A YELP. RECEIVED A SUMMONS AFTERWARDS HEARD FROM GIGLI . AND THE GREAT TENOR CON- GRATULATE HIM FOR HIS VOICE.. THE STREET SINGER ORN IN PHILADELPHIA . PARENTS MUSICIANS . .CONVERSED WITH EVERY FOREIGN -BORN ACTOR HE MET . AND STUDIED STRANGE TONGUES IN HIS SPARE A MUSIC LIBRARY TIME . HAS COLLECTED OF OVER 35,000 COMPOSITIONS.. INCLUD- ING GOO FoREIGN NUMBERS , MOSTLY MEMORIZED. SELDOM HAS TO REFER TO A SCORE IN BUILDING HIS VARIED PROGRAMS . Radio Tubes. Courtesy of E.T. Cunningham. Inc. -Manufacturers of Cunningham Radio's new on A Super -Heterodyne 5"x11%"x71/2" Weighs only 8 lbs. Operates on either AC or DC current Automatic Volume Control Five Tubes 5" Dynamic Speaker ÀleirvirAiiiire--- MODEL 701 SUMMER RADIO PORTABLE THINK of the many additional times and places for you can enjoy radio with this compact new HOME ZENITH scarcely bigger than a football. Think of the fun you can have with it this summer. Tuck it HOTEL away in a corner of your bag, then take it out and OFFICE surprise your friends. Follow your favorite programs CAMP and have music wherever you go. Don't judge this by VACATION other small sets. This is a brand new development- ZENITH perfected, ZENITH made, and now being offered for the first time. You will be amazed at its beautiful, clear, sweet, faithful tone and big -set per- formance. Hear it yourself. The ZENITH dealer in your community will gladly demonstrate. Or, if you are not handy to a ZENITH dealer, write- WITH H. R. CURTISS CO., Distributors 895 O'Farrell Street San Francisco ETHER GLEANINGS By J. CLARENCE MYERS THE western radio audience in general thought that there was a shipwreck in the (at least, so it seemed) went on a ram- harbor because of the tremendous amount page when Pepsodent, without warning, of calls coming through. yanked The Goldbergs, serial drama, off the Hundreds of women called in and between NBC wire -up west of the Rockies. And such sobs and tears informed the operator that a war whoop that listening legion let out! "The Goldbergs were the best on the air Echoes of it are still being heard. Mention and they didn't see why they had to be of the dire act continues as a mighty sore taken away from them." spot, too. Many large corporations were getting up Never before in the recollection of this petitions protesting the absence of the Gold- chronicler of radio happenings was such a bergs. combined demonstration and tribute to a The first night they were not on the air broadcast program given than that received the NBC operator handled fifteen telephone by the network in behalf of the popular script calls simultaneously for one and a half hours. act. That is, she opened the keys to all the in- The first night The Goldbergs were coming trunk lines at once and said: "The omitted from the program, telephone calls Goldbergs program has been cancelled." by the thousands boomed in, loading all the * exchanges in the city to capacity and com- Robert Olsen, whose 18 -karat voice made pletely swamping the NBC switchboard him the toast of the dial spinning legion a operator. More than 3,500 calls were tabu- few years back, is hitting the ether high lated that one night by the NBC, and many spots again after an absence which was alto- more escaped tabulation. gether too long. Up until that time Captain At this writing Henry Maas of the NBC Dobbsie's program folded he had been mak- commercial department informed us that more ing occasional appearances on the Happy - than 8,000 telephone calls had been received time. Now he may be heard on KTAB pro- by KPO alone, not including 6,406 received grams. by other network stations - KECA, KEX, * * KJR, KGA and KDYL. Stations on the Walter Damrosch, grand old man of "moo - KGO network likewise received telephonic sic," and an NBC symphony orchestra, are queries as to the whereabouts of the Gold- back on the air-Tuesday nights from 7 to bergs in spite of the fact that they never 8 o'clock, giving a series of five concerts. were heard from that outlet. They fill the spot left open by Lucky Strike. Add to these telephone messages several KGO is the local outlet. thousand irate letters, telegrams and even * * * personal calls and you have a grand total that Neptune Beach, Alameda amusement park, closely resembles the figures in Germany's has taken on the sponsorship of Ernie war debt, or sumpin'.