DL Summer 2017
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Organizing • Net Neutrality • Solidarity • 1917 the magazine of the Democratic Socialists of America Vol. XLV, No. 1, Summer 2017 www.dsausa.org A NewNew RevolutionRevolution From the National Director In Dark Times, Growing Pains And Opportunities By Maria Svart SA is now almost qua- ics, planning campaigns, and winning victories. It druple the size it was last is also about transforming ourselves into agents of Dsummer. It’s a far cry from change through the democratic process of collective the organization I joined sixteen struggle. It is impossible to restructure our soci- years ago as a student in Chica- ety without unlearning the helplessness that capi- go. Many longtime members had talism teaches us. Our goal is to create space for lost steam, and new folks weren’t all people to do this together. Giants from Eugene joining, yet the politics and strat- Debs to Peggy Terry speak of how, in the words of egy of DSA resonated with me. I Ella Baker, we need “organizing to be self-suffi cient rose in the ranks as an elected YDS and then DSA rather than to be dependent upon the charismatic leader, eventually joining staff as the National Di- leader.” rector in 2011. Central to this work is our commitment to par- During those years, a team of national leaders ticipatory democracy. We operate through a feder- and staff collectively transformed DSA. We held ated chapter structure and elected leadership at all summer relationship-building retreats between levels. Such a structure is an investment in trans- YDS and DSA leaders. We developed more organiz- forming people and thus in our long-term strength. ing trainings. We made the right strategic choices, It’s a truism among organizers that the good ones such as supporting Bernie Sanders during the Dem- organize themselves out of a job. In other words, our ocratic primary and using a highly democratic, bot- work as an organization is to strengthen our com- tom-up participatory process to develop a national munity and build leaders and, to paraphrase Linda strategy document, “Resistance Rising.” Sarsour, “open more doors to the movement.” That work paid off. At our November 2015 con- On the other hand, our recent rapid growth puts vention I could feel and see the respect forged a target on our back, and learning how to do democ- through joint work and the commitment to dealing racy is tough. Capitalism doesn’t train people from with organizational weaknesses through practical wildly different backgrounds to work through con- and concrete new initiatives. Without the founda- fl ict respectfully and together come up with mutu- tion that we built then, we could not now success- ally acceptable solutions. Those who study history fully absorb and be changed by the new members know how often movements have foundered on the and energy we’ve experienced since the presidential shoals of our learned habits of competition and divi- election. sion. Make no mistake: what we build in DSA is an It is in this context that I invite you to approach experiment in collective transformation. It is a fore- participation in this beautiful experiment called shadowing of the vision we have for a democratic DSA by adopting these practices as we build social- socialist society. ist power together! Organizing is not just about assessing dynam- 1. Ask well-posed, open-ended questions that dem- onstrate curiosity about the other person’s experi- Contents ence and invite them to be introspective. Coalition Politics .................................................................. 3 2. Take a moment to absorb and refl ect on what oth- Pentagon Cries Poverty, Trump Marches to War ............ 5 ers say to you, rather than immediately formulating How to Canvass Door to Door ...........................................7 your response. Does what they are saying change Solidarity Has Many Names ................................................ 8 you? Kitchen Table Socialism: Net Neutrality ............................. 9 Organizing for Resistance ................................................ 10 3. Think of concrete organizing work as the place Assessing Leon Trotsky ....................................................... 12 Bolsheviks and Beyond ..................................................... 13 where we can better understand each other—in- Hannah Allison Interview ................................................... 15 cluding both our differences and our mutual inter- Cover art by Frank Reynoso continued on page 6 page 2 • Democratic Left • Summer 2017 Coalition Politics and the Fight for Socialism By Joseph M. Schwartz SA has thrown itself into resistance to Re- playing constant defense can exhaust and demobi- publican rule of all three branches of the lize people. We have to build organization and not Dfederal government and twenty-fi ve state just show up for rallies. DSA will have to “walk on governments. Highly visible DSA contingents have two legs,” sustaining mass opposition to the Trump marched in every signifi cant mobilization since the administration and its red-state equivalents while presidential election and shown up at local town building social movements for economic, gender, meetings to push back against efforts to repeal the and racial justice that can spur electoral challenges Affordable Care Act (ACA). DSA chapters also are to pro-corporate Democratic incumbents. challenging the Democratic pro-corporate establish- Defeating the Republicans in 2018 will be a ma- ment at the national, state, and jor priority for everyone. Using local level. Since the election, in executive fi at, Donald Trump has fact, thousands have fl ocked to already green-lighted the Dakota DSA to make it—at 21,000 mem- Access Pipeline; appointed a re- bers—the largest socialist orga- actionary Supreme Court justice nization in this country since the who will tilt the Court to the far 1960s. right on labor, gender and repro- DSA is a rare bird in United ductive justice, immigrant, and States politics: a democratic, na- voting rights; terrorized the im- tional, federated organization migrant community by ramp- (with local and state groups) ing up arbitrary anti-immigrant that is almost completely mem- enforcement; unleashed the rac- ber-funded. Chapters have con- ist and reactionary tendencies siderable local autonomy, and within local law enforcement; and democratically elected local Frank Reynoso severely weakened federal regu- representatives set feasible na- lations that slow climate change tional priorities at our conven- and protect workers’ rights. As tions. DSA is also a multi-tendency organization Trump threatens massive military action in Syria, that believes in democracy as both a means and North Korea, and who knows where, the left and an end. We do not compel members to adhere to DSA have to build a mass anti-war movement. one ideological line. Our members’ commitment to Fighting Racism and Building a Multi-Racial Left socialism derives from a multitude of traditions ranging from religious socialists to left social demo- Absent the emergence of hundreds of racially di- crats, to various strands of democratic Marxism. We verse “Bernie and Bernice”-style candidacies, the have spirited but comradely internal political dis- Democrats will not win enough votes in 2018 from cussions. Our most effective chapters build “unity a suffi cient portion of the white working class to be through diversity” by focusing upon a few key activ- competitive in red states and the rural and small- ist projects that enable us to work with organiza- town deindustrialized areas of the Midwest. Many tions representing working-class people of all races DSA chapters already work with local groups that and nationalities. We function as an independent, came out of Bernie Sanders’s campaign (Our Revo- visible socialist presence in mass social movements lution, Indivisible, and Swing Left, to name some). and focus our energy on “non-reformist” or “trans- For these groups to transform the political order, formational” reforms—changes in public policy that they must form broader multi-racial coalitions than constrain corporate power and that illustrate how did the Sanders campaign. A divided working class economic democracy better serves people’s needs, is a defeated working class. such as Medicare for All and free public higher edu- In-depth interviews show that although many cation. white working-class swing voters oppose unbridled But as those who lived through the resistance corporate power, they remain cynical about gov- to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush will attest, ernment programs and taxation. Some buy the Democratic Left • Summer 2017 • page 3 Republican myth that government programs dis- ing-class families otherwise not eligible for ACA proportionately benefi t undeserving people of color subsidies). (though whites are the largest benefi ciaries of gross- Activists are drawn to DSA’s message that build- ly underfunded anti-poverty programs). And taxes ing a majoritarian left requires constructing a pow- on working people are too high, given the regres- erful independent socialist organization. Any pro- sive burden of sales taxes, user fees, and property gressive reform that curtails the power of corporate taxes. Thus, left candidates, including open social- America immediately gets red-baited. When open ists, need to explain how progressive taxation can democratic socialist candidates become a greater fund high-quality universal social programs such as part of the political landscape, the power of red- Medicare for All and baiting will be weak- child care as well as ened. public investment in The space pro- job-creating alterna- Activists are drawn to vided by the Sanders tive energy and infra- campaign for explicit structure. But the left “DSA’s message that build- democratic socialist also has to take on candidates to run the racist narrative of ing a majoritarian left for offi ce has already the Republican Party, raised DSA’s visibil- which generates fears requires constructing a ity, with khalid kam- of undocumented im- au and Dylan Parker migrants taking jobs powerful independent so- winning city council from the native born races in South Ful- even in areas so eco- cialist organization.