

Annual Report


Netball Mainland Zone Inc. would like to thank our wonderful family of sponsors, partners and funders for their valuable support. We look forward to working with you again in 2015.

Netball Mainland Funders:

Netball Mainland Partners:

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Tactix Naming Rights Sponsor: EasiYo

Tactix Partners:

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Table of Contents:


Netball in New Zealand 5

Netball Mainland Board and Staff 6

Zone Development Groups 7

Netball Mainland Centres 8

Board Chair Report 9

CEO Report 10 - 14

Community Report 15 - 17

High Performance Report 18 - 29

NNZ CoachForce Report 30

Audit and Risk Committee Report 31 - 32

Netball Mainland Financial Report 33

Audit Report Appendix 1

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The Netball Mainland (NM) Zone was established in October 2012 as part of the review of the structure of netball in New Zealand replacing the previous two regional entities; “Canterbury Netball” and “Tasman Netball,” and “Team Canterbury Netball Limited”. The Zone has 18 affiliated Netball Centres; spread across the Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast and Canterbury (as far south as the Waitaki river) areas, and has responsibility for the support and delivery of netball from community level through to high performance – leading the development of players, coaches, umpires, administrators, technical officials and volunteers across these levels. Netball is one of the highest participation sports in the country and holds a significant place in New Zealand Society. Through its Centres, NM provides participation opportunities to in excess of 20,000 players. The sport contributes significantly to communities both urban and rural, providing opportunities for members to participate in healthy activity, have fun, develop leadership skills and learn values of fair play and achievement. All of these attributes contribute to the development of netballers, officials and administrators as individuals and to their communities across the Zone.

Netball Northern Total Membership 53,988 (36% of total) 17 centres

Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty Total Membership 23,755 (16% of total) 26 centres Netball Central Total Membership 36,557 (25% of total) 16 centres

Netball Mainland Total Membership 20,382 (14% of total) 18 centres

Netball South Total Membership 13,430 (9% of total) 10 centres

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Anne Marett (Chair) Appointed

Jan Barber Elected

Ric Horsfall Appointed

Tim Kerr Appointed

Doug Milne Elected

Bernadette Pinnell Appointed by NNZ

Vicki Reid Elected


Brigit Hearn CEO

Leigh Gibbs HP Manager/ Tactix Coach

Julie Seymour Tactix Assistant Coach

Leanne Harris Tactix Manager / Office Manager

Clare McAlpine Events & Business Relationship Manager

Sue Harris Community Netball Manager (left Aug 2014)

Amy Eckersley Youth Development Officer Community Netball Manager (appointed Dec 2014)

Lucy Newton Emerging Talent Coordinator (left July 2014)

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Robyn Daly Trudy Eaden Christchurch Wendy Hopwood Mid Canterbury Sue James Christchurch Andy Vincent Nelson Diana Walsh Selwyn Support for this group is also provided by the following NNZ Umpire Development Group Members: Anne Marie Leech Mid Canterbury Maree Smith Nelson Sheena Tyrrell Mid Canterbury


Claire Lewis Selwyn Margaret Marsh Christchurch Maree Morel Christchurch Kay Norris Christchurch Sally Paki Paki Nelson Suzanne Whyte Christchurch


Stacey Hopwood (Co- Chair) Mid Canterbury Nicole Lloyd (Co- Chair) Christchurch Emily Mathews Christchurch Jess Power North Canterbury Natasha van Koeverden Christchurch Aleisha Whitehead Christchurch

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Golden Bay






Mid Canterbury



North Canterbury


South Canterbury

Temuka Waimate

Apollo Project Centre P.O. Box 29692 295b Ilam Road Fendalton CHRISTCHURCH 8053 CHRISTCHURCH 8540 Phone: (03) 351 0571

Website: http:/ Facebook: http:/

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The 2014 year has been challenging both ‘on court’ and ‘off court’.

The 2014 year started well with no changes to the governance board, a great management team, funds in the bank and sponsorship similar to 2013 signed up early in the year. The budget was always going to be difficult to achieve and our performance ‘on court’ a challenge but we started the year with determination and some confidence.


CEO Brigit Hearn and her team in the office have worked well managing limited resources. They are committed to the delivery of NNZ’s Whole of Netball plan in 2015 and we will endeavor to resource the delivery of this work. Although we have had some staff changes we are fortunate to have retained much of the IP. It is clear that Netball Mainland has some unique circumstances that are affecting our ability to attract commercial revenue. We believe contributing factors are; a ‘broken city’, historical performance, poor ‘on court’ performance, current economic climate, level of funding for women’s sport locally and nationally, and, lack of specialized resource to focus on this revenue stream.


We anticipate that 2015 will be another challenging year for Netball Mainland. We are however delighted to have Sue Hawkins appointed as Coach of the Tactix team and excited about the team’s potential in the ANZ championships.

I am confident that Brigit and her team have the ability to deliver on strategy in 2015 and we have a commitment from NNZ to support us in resourcing the Zone.

The current focus for Netball Mainland is clearly around attracting sponsorship and we are working with NNZ to enhance the funding and delivery of our sport nationally.

The Board and Management have certainly been challenged in 2014 and are very focused on the sustainability of the Zone going forward.

I would like to thank the Board and Management for their support in 2014 and in particular Brigit as CEO. Well done Brigit.


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“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” (Henry Ford)

We continue to embrace the new Zone structure here at Netball Mainland (NM) in just the second year of operation and while we are still in the early stages of implementation in a lot of areas, we are starting to see positive signs and momentum.

Significant progress has been made in a relatively short time span through working collaboratively with Centres and volunteers to offer participation opportunities across the largest, most geographically ‘challenging’ Zone in the country.

At Netball Mainland we are committed to working with our Centres, providing effective communication and support for ‘grass roots’ netball and opportunities for our own home grown talent to emerge and excel.

FRANCHISE The EasiYo Tactix team are the ‘shop window’ for the ‘Mainland’, playing in one of the toughest netball competitions in the world, the ANZ Netball Championship. A cumulative television audience of over 900,000 watched the EasiYo Tactix games over the season. We were delighted with home game crowd attendance in 2014, which included two sell out (1,200) home games in Nelson and a record home crowd of 5,200 for the round nine game against the .

Across the Zone from classrooms to casual yarns over the supermarket trolley, you can guarantee the efforts and the on-court performance of the Tactix is a pretty popular topic of conversation. This occurred once again as I flew home from Auckland recently, when the passenger on the plane next to me asked me, “what do you do?” Upon mentioning my role, the immediate response was, “Gee your team showed some fight and ‘ticker’ this season.” It turned out he was an Auckland Cardiologist so he knows good heart when he sees it!

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Reflecting on how our community would evaluate the 2014 performance of our EasiYo Tactix, I think they would say too that the team showed great heart, fight and determination and while this was not always reflected on the score board there were many positives:

• Netball Mainland/Tactix now have a great home and facilities at the Apollo Projects/HPSNZ Centre, having spent a number of seasons training and practicing at a number of venues all over the region. • Working and training side-by-side with staff and players of other sporting codes in the High Performance environment. • A win over a star studded team in Round 4 was a definite highlight! • The Tactix Squad were wonderful ambassadors on and off the court delivering almost 400 hours of community engagement this season, ranging from dinner with Ronald McDonald House residents, EasiYo Yoghurt tastings at Schools and supermarkets, SKOPE Classic, Santa parade, ANZ roadshows, coaching at netball centres, Camp Quality through to “Shave for a Cure.” • A first time playing in the ANZ Championship for Nicola Mackle and Malawi Queens Goal Shoot -who has shown she is a world class player.

• First time playing for the Tactix franchise for Jessica Moulds and Hayley Saunders in ANZC. The goal for 2015 is to play consistently well, win games and ‘shoot’ for a place in the New Zealand conference play offs. Our focus going forward is to retain the nucleus of the 2014 team so we can continue to grow as a franchise, strive for and achieve success, to inspire our community and reward their passion for this team. For now, I would like to pay tribute to those who have contributed hugely on and off the court in 2014. To our squad, management team and support services personnel - thank you for your efforts this season. There is certainly no doubting your professionalism and commitment to the “Mainland”. Special thanks and acknowledgement goes to Head Coach Leigh Gibbs, who at the end of this season announced her retirement from franchise coaching. We are indebted to her for her passion and enthusiasm for netball. We have benefited hugely from her knowledge and experience, which fortunately is not ‘lost’ to the Mainland Zone, as Leigh takes up a role as Performance Manager, working with our emerging talent, performance players, umpires and coaches.

Brigit Hearn (CEO), Anne Marret (Board Chair), Leigh Gibbs (Coach), (Assistant Coach). Presentation to Leigh upon her retirement from ANZC coaching

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In September 2014, former Silver Ferns, Canterbury Flames captain and Tactix Assistant Coach, Julie Seymour received the New Zealand Order of Merit in Wellington for services to netball. She was presented with the honour by Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae during an investiture ceremony at Government House. We are very proud of Julie and her contribution to netball.

Standing in our corner is an incredible support network of family, friends, sponsors and netball community, all an integral part of the Tactix. We thank all our family of sponsors and commercial partners for your on-going support, in particular naming rights sponsor EasiYo (Westland Milk Products) and long-time sponsor SKOPE.

‘Mainlanders’ are passionate about their netball and we look forward to seeing you all at the games in 2015. The 2015 season will again start earlier, with the first game on 02 March, to accommodate the World Netball Championships in Sydney in August 2015.


The NZ Under 23 Championships, in its second year, included an invitation team from Australia which was made up of players from Netball Academies throughout the country. This provided the NZ teams with valuable development against the Australian style. Additionally, the event was used as a NNZ trial for the two point goals and 30 seconds injury / illness stoppages. The Christchurch Netball Centre team winning the Lion Foundation Netball Champs in Auckland was a highlight for us, beating a strong North Harbour side in the process. We have some exciting young players coming up through our Zone development and performance pathways.

Christchurch Netball Centre’s winning LFNC team

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This year saw the first full cycle of the NM Emerging Talent programme, to support, up skill and develop approximately 50 of our most talented ‘up and coming’ young players and umpires. NM Zone school teams won all three grades at the South Island Secondary Schools tournament. I must also mention here the outstanding performance of St Margaret’s College finishing second at the New Zealand Secondary School Championships. Making the final for the very first time, which was an impressive achievement and testament also to the strong coaching talent we have in the Zone. In 2014, we saw the inaugural NM Super Club competition get underway, with the best club teams from Centres across the Zone competing for the title of “Super Club Champions.” Our vision is that this competition will grow in numbers of teams competing and ultimately lead one day to an inter- Zone Super Club competition.

The inclusion of NM Zone players, umpires and coaches in squads is heartening, with the performance arm of the Zone operating well and starting to show tangible results.


This year saw our second annual Centre Forum, a wonderful opportunity to share ideas, support each other and work together. The majority of our Netball Centre’s rolled out the new junior Netball programme in 2014 with great success (25% increase in years 1-6 players). It has been encouraging to see our youngest Netballers and their families embrace the new modified version of the game, creating what we hope will be a lifelong love of Netball. It all bodes well for the future!

Coach development has been a key focus and we have seen 90 new Community Coach Award holders and over 500 junior coaches/co-ordinators/star helpers join our coaching ranks. As well as the introduction of an “Apprentice Coach” programme, providing mentoring by NM performance coaches. Planning has started for a new initiative in 2015, a NM Zone Coaching Conference to support our coaching community and improve capability.

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The shortage of suitable indoor court space for netball continues to be challenging across the Zone, particularly as we look to grow participation numbers. I optimistically noted in last year’s Annual Report that one of the major projects on the horizon in the Zone and of significant importance to netball is the Metropolitan Sports facility planned for the old Canterbury Breweries site (corner St Asaph/Tuam Streets) in Christchurch. This project was timed to commence in mid-2014 with completion in early 2017 and hopefully provide for 12 indoor courts to meet the needs of the sport not only now but in future generations. At the time of writing, the development has not started and the number of courts remains unconfirmed to stakeholders. This is a hugely disappointing delay for our sport and the second largest city in New Zealand, Christchurch. It is great to see however that an indoor complex in Ashburton is nearing completion and facilities planning and development is progressing in many areas; Selwyn, Waimakiriri, and Blenheim.

Ashburton Sports Complex under construction

To all the Centres, volunteers, officials and players out there, thank you for all your tireless dedication to our sport, you are vitally important and your efforts greatly appreciated. A big ‘thank you’ to our Advisory Groups (Umpires, Technical Officials and Youth), Centres, staff and volunteers across the Zone for all your time, expertise and commitment to supporting and growing the game of netball. We are indebted to our wonderful group of sponsors, partners and funders; in particular New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT), The Canterbury Community Trust (TCCT), Lion Foundation, Mainland Foundation and Sport New Zealand for their on-going support, allowing us to continue to provide existing programmes and develop new initiatives to grow netball. Finally, I would like to thank the fabulous staff here at NM for their passion and commitment to advancing netball in the Zone and to the NM Board for the support, guidance and professional stewardship they provide.


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The main focus across the ‘community’ space at Netball Mainland (NM) was to link with our Centres in 2014; relationship building was at the forefront.

A number of Centres worked with Sue Harris (Community Netball Manager) and sought support and guidance across a variety of aspects during 2014. Amy Eckersley and Jen Hooper spread the ‘good word’ about Netball New Zealand’s (NNZ) new Junior Netball programme, and delivered many hours of training within Centres, as well as on-going support by way of visits, emails and phone calls. The Zone Umpire Development (ZUDG) and Zone Technical Officials Development Groups (ZTODG) have worked hard in the background in 2014 with the support of NM’s Community Netball Manager to support umpires and technical officials. The ZUDG implemented the Centre Support Programme (CSP) which is designed to develop and grow umpire programmes across the Zone. Whilst the ZTODG ran numerous workshops throughout the Zone providing opportunities for keen netballers to up skill in the field of Bench Officials and Statisticians. NM’s Youth Advisory Group (YAG) was formed; a result of the exceptional applications from our Zone from young people who were keen to join NNZ’s YAG. It is very exciting to know that both the Chair and Vice-Chair of NNZ’s YAG come from the Mainland Zone; Nicole Lloyd and Stacey Hopwood (respectively). NM personnel visited every Centre within the Zone in 2014 and were welcomed warmly and invited back, indicating NM’s involvement has been appreciated and seen to add value to the wonderful work done by Centres. We assisted with providing Centre specific support in the form of Employment Contract advice, involvement on selection panels for paid positions within Centres, fielded numerous phone calls and emails and linked-in with centres via Skype throughout the year. ‘Centre Stage’ was a very successful initiative this year, which provided the opportunity for Centre’s to ‘advertise’ themselves on NM’s website. There were a huge number of ‘hits’ on Facebook every time a Centre Stage notice or photos taken after visits to Centres were posted. The roll-out of NNZ’s new Junior Netball Programme has been a major success in 2014. Amy Eckersley and Jen Hooper have delivered training in and around this programme, engaging everyone involved and have helped make the transition from former programmes to this new one largely seamless and very positive. Geraldine Netball Centre A large number of Coach Development opportunities have been available Junior Netball Programme across the Zone, thanks to the massive amount of work and energy Jen Hooper has brought in her NNZ CoachForce role. More than 100 coaches have completed their Community Coach award which is a great reflection of the considerable work Jen Hooper has done in NM Zone in 2014. NM appreciates the hard work and enthusiasm, and the work behind the scenes within our Centres to promote these opportunities to their coaches.

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The Community staff have ‘waved the NM flag’ at a number of events and at every opportunity this year. The cross-code Community Sport Managers group was a Sue Harris initiative to tackle the many challenges that other codes face in the ‘community space’. After a quick coffee meeting with Pat Barwick from Sport Canterbury and a few email address-sharing’s later, this group was formed. Sports involved include , hockey, bowls, football, badminton, gymsports, touch, softball and athletics. The group now meet on a quarterly basis and share ideas, best practice and chew the fat about ‘hot topics’ and challenges faced within community sport. Sport Canterbury continue to provide support and cross-pollination opportunities for us in and around Coach Development. We are extremely appreciative of the support of Sport Canterbury in the community space. In 2014 Elsinore Crozier joined us on her intern placement from the University of Canterbury. Elsinore ran coaching clinics in local primary schools, and also assisted with some videoing and coding of Junior Netball programmes for NNZ research. All staff attended workshops this year to train and gain further development in strategic planning, building capability and took the opportunities to involve themselves in leadership training as often as possible.

An enthusiastic group of coaches and umpires embraced the chance to participate in Netball New Zealand’s Outreach programme in Motueka in March 2014. Participants were able to share and hear suggestions about opportunities and challenges faced by local Netball Centres, with NNZ and NM staff able to offer resources and information where possible. The session’s ranged from practical to theory with one particular session on ‘warm-up ideas’ proving popular. Coaches and umpires came away with a desire to utilise fun games in their practice sessions. Practical application of the rules and ensuring coaches know how to coach to the rules was a feature of several sessions as the whole weekend focussed on coaches and umpires working together. The participants learnt ways of taking care of themselves when sitting or standing on the side line and several enjoyed the more practical aspects, integrating the suggestions throughout the session and choosing to stay back afterwards and try out some more. NM staff were also fortunate to partake in the programme and continue to build relationships with Motueka and Nelson Netball Centres. Success for Community Netball is: Seeing a smile on the faces of the 1000’s of volunteers who work tirelessly within our Centres, and feeling like we’ve contributed in some small way to helping Centres do what they do so well.

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Amy Eckersley took over the helm of Community Netball Manager in late 2014 and will continue building on the great work Sue established within our Centres and the Zone.

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Julianna Naoupu from the Tactix assisted with delivering NM’s FUNdamental skills programmes to local schools during Term 2 and 3 of 2014. The programme and Julianna were very well received and NM will continue to utilise key Tactix players for assistance in school delivery in 2015. Holiday Programmes were held at Christchurch and Rangiora venues in January, Amberley in May and Lincoln in July. Players were put through their paces by Tactix players, NM staff, NM Train-On players and local coaches in each area. Great numbers at each venue ensured the clinics can continue to be delivered throughout the Zone in 2015. NM developed a ‘Centre Player Development Programme (CPDP)’ with the purpose of increasing the skill and ability level of players aged 8-15 years within Centres. Eight Centres have expressed interest in delivering the programme in their respective areas commencing Term 4, 2014 or Term 1, 2015. The CPDP is designed to be the ‘stepping stone’ to Netball Mainland’s Emerging Talent Programme.

Lincoln Events Centre – NM Skillz Queen Clinic

We look forward to working with you all in 2015.


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EASIYO TACTIX Four new players were contracted and eight returned for the 2014 ANZC season, making for a reasonably stable line up compared to previous years. The Tactix were the youngest team with ANZC experience of the 10 teams. For the 3rd year Tactix were permitted two imports, with England’s captain returning for her second year and the exciting Malawi goal shooter Mwai Kumwenda joining the Tactix and ANZC for the first time. Kumwenda had shown her potential when playing for the Victorian ‘Fury’ team in the ANL by being named as ‘The Most Valuable Player’ in the 2013 Australian competition.

Preparations got underway at the beginning of November 2013 and included a valuable pre-season February tournament in Melbourne, involving all other ANZC teams and a game in Timaru against our southern neighbours ‘The Steel’. With the scheduled for August, the 2014 ANZC started at the end of February a month earlier than in previous years. This year a new initiative benefitted 6 development level coaches. Each week one coach was invited to ‘shadow’ the Tactix on game day and the follow up debrief sessions. The Tactix Apprentice Coach programme took place at home games. Despite playing attractive and competitive netball throughout the ANZC competition and pushing the top teams, the Tactix were only able to register one win against the Pulse and finished in 10th position. A season ending archilles tendon injury to Jess Moulds in the middle of the competition left the team without its most experienced defender. A number of other injuries to squad players required Hannah Broederlow (three rounds) from Auckland and Kate Shearer (two rounds) to come in as temporary replacement players. A big thank you to these players for stepping into the ‘breach’.

After her stellar first ANZC season, the Tactix were very proud that Mwai Kumwenda was deservedly awarded the Best New Talent in the 2014 ANZC competition.

Being ‘housed’ at the Apollo Project Centre for the first full season of training continued the great relationship with HPSNZ from who Tactix contract support services (Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition, Mental Skills and Athlete Life). The Tactix players and staff enjoy and benefit from the interaction with other high performance personnel – staff and athletes by all being under one roof.

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The Team: (Captain), Jade Clark (import, Vice Captain), Sophia Fenwick, Keshia Grant, Mwai Kumwenda (import), Nicola Mackle, Jess Moulds, Julianna Naoupu, Hayley Saunders, Louise Thayer, Zoe Walker, Jane Watson Temparary replacement players: Hannah Broederlow, Kate Shearer Management: Leigh Gibbs (Coach), Julie Seymour (Assistant Coach), Leanne Harris (Manager), Marion Meates (Physiotherapist), John Wilson (S & C), Jonny Rea (Nutrition), John Quinn (Mental Skills), Athlete Life (Anna Simcic) On- Court results: EasiYo Tactix against Waikato BOP Magic 46 – 70 (Lost) Swifts 57 – 68 (Lost) Fever 43 – 79 (Lost) Pulse 55 – 53 (Won) Vixens 43 – 67 (Lost) Mystics 62 – 65 (Lost) Steel 61 – 77 (Lost) Mystics 60 – 61 (Lost) Firebirds 52 – 69 (Lost) Pulse 50 – 58 (Lost) Magic 56 – 74 (Lost) Steel 60 – 64 (Lost) Thunderbirds 49 – 66 (Lost)

Easiyo Tactix Franchise Award Winners 2014 Malawi import Mwai Kumwenda was rewarded for her outstanding debut season by being awarded both the ‘EasiYo Tactix 2014 Player of the Year’ and ‘Player’s Choice Award’. Kumwenda’s high shooting volume and accuracy put her 2nd in the ANZC and made her a very difficult opponent. Jade Clarke’s high work ethic and uncompromising approach made her popular with the fans and accordingly she was awarded the ‘Member’s Player of the Year’. Train On player Chloe Williamson, was recognised for her potential by being named the ‘Developing Player of the Year’.

National honours: Anna Thompson: Silver Ferns Squad Nicola Mackle: NNZ Accelerant Squad Jade Clarke: England Team (Captain) Mwai Kumwenda: Malawi Team

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‘TRAIN ON’ SQUAD Ten players were invited and accepted a Train On position for the 2013 – 2014 programme which started in November 2013 and included training sessions and games alongside the Tactix. Support Services were provided by HSPNZ personnel John Quinn (Mental Skills) and Jonny Rea (Nutrition). Former Silver Fern and Tactix player Maree Bowden, provided Athlete Welfare support and Gareth Dudder Strength and Conditioning.

A game in Timaru in February against South’s Development Squad was the curtain raiser to the pre- season fixture between Tactix and Steel. After their successful result, the squad got into a minivan and headed inland to Glentunnel for ‘The Journey’. The players had few details of the ‘journey’ with the aim of it to challenge their individual resolve, leadership and teamwork. This was a great team building experience and challenged some of the players. The Squad: Olivia Coughlan, Charlotte Elley, Jess Drummond, Lucy Gunn, Sarah Hayman, Alice Eddington, Kate Shearer, Natasha Van Koeverden, Kayla Williams, Chloe Williamson Management: Nic Kelly (Coach), Rachel Parkin (Assistant Coach), Mandy Anderson (Manager)

U23 TEAM The bulk of the team was made up of the Train On Squad with 2 Tactix players joining the team after the ANZC. The overlapping of the U23 and Tactix programmes is a challenge for coaching staff to ensure players and combinations are developing without being overloaded.

Netball Mainland placed 5th of the NZ teams in the U23 championships played in the Edgar Centre in Dunedin. This year NNZ permiited only one team from each Zone to enter with an additional team (SISSAS) made up from netball academy players from throughout Australia.

NM U23 team

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The Team: Olivia Coughlan, Jess Drummond, Kate Day, Alice Eddington, Lucy Gunn, Terauoriwa Harding, Elizabeth Hayman, Sarah Hayman, Nicola Mackle, Hannah Poff, Zoe Walker, Chloe Williamson Management: Nic Kelly (Coach), Rachel Parkin (Assistant Coach), Mandy Anderson (Manager), Rowan Parsons (Physiotherapist)

National U23 Results Against Northern 52 – 52 (Draw) WBOP 44 – 77 (Lost) SISSAS 45 – 57 (Lost) Central 61 – 64 (Lost) South 46 – 73 (Lost) Play off 5th & 6th SISSAS 58 – 83 (Lost) Thank you to the management team for your time and commitment to the Train On and U23 programme.

EMERGING TALENT NM Selectors invited 45 players seen as having potential for higher honours from throughout the Zone into the Emerging Talent programme. The players were identified after their performances at school, club and representative fixtures during the year. Thirty seven players accepted and were ready for the first of four workshops, scheduled throughout the ‘off season’ from November to March. The workshops are located predominantly in Christchurch, with two workshops held at the HPSNZ Apollo Centre; a fitting venue for aspiring high performance athletes. St Margarets College’s wonderful facilities provided a superb location for the camp and Taylor Mistake was the venue for workshop two.

This year a coaches group was also established with invitations extended to coaches who were in the Performance Coach programme or completed their Community Coach Award. Coaches attended all the workshops gaining valuable knowledge from observations and hands on experience

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EMERGING TALENT SQUADS Level 1: 25 NAMES SCHOOL / CLUB CENTRE Chelsea Corbett, Kate Lloyd, Sophie Worsfold Ashburton HS Mid Canterbury Sonnie Katene, Katie Braddick Roncalli College Sth Canterbury Maddie Lysaght Craighead Poppie Restieaux Garin College Holly Chandler Nayland College Nelson Ellie Bell Nelson Girls Bella James, Danya Price, Sinead Henderson Rangiora HS Raina Joseph Kaiapoi HS Nth Canterbury Eryn Sinclair Hurunui Area Penny Mouat Cashmere High Madison Lloyd, Lily Marshall, Georgia White St Margarets Madeline Gill, Charlotte Robb Villa Maria Christchurch Maisie Everson Christchurch GH Kendal Everest, Alyssa Millard, Fuatai Lai Kong Avonside Kelsie Fitzpatrick Marlborough Girls Marlborough Level 2: 12 Hannah Davenhill Waimea College Abbey Franklin Nelson Girls Nelson Makaila Powick Garin College Laura Dorgan Roncalli College Sth Canterbury Kiana Gallon Westland High Hokitika Lucy Thompson St Margarets Lily Fletcher ChCh Girls High Christchurch Shaani Temata-Frost, Gabby Thomas, Hayley Lee Lincoln University Sarah Boomer Cashmere High Claudia Lewis Rangiora HS Nth Canterbury Coaches: 7 Sarah Rankin Nelson Sharlene Low Amy Eckersley Nth Canterbury Amanda O’Brien Sth Canterbury Peter McInnes, Nicole Lloyd Christchurch Katrina Williams

NM Selectors: Leigh Gibbs(Convenor), Fiona Bush, Melissa Brady, Adrianne Hayes, Nic Kelly, Marilyn Milne, Rachel Parkin, Julie Seymour, Raewyn Thomason, Barry Tucker

Thank you to the NM Selectors for the many hours of watching netball games looking out for our future talent.

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LINCOLN UNIVERSITY SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME Lincoln University Sport Scholarships continue to provide academic fee support as well as a very good athlete development programme. NM values the relationship and works with the University to align each of our high performance programmes. Scholarship recipients: Laura Axcell, Kate Day, Lucy Gunn, Kelsee Hamilton, Zoe Klaver, Haylee Lee, Anna McIlraith, Gabby Thomas, Shaani Temata- Frost


The P2P programme established this year is a nationwide talent development programme assisting emerging athletes (usually in their late teens) and coaches better prepare for the demands of a life in high performance sport. Sport Canterbury P2P Coordinator Andrew Ellis works in partnership with Sport New Zealand, High Performance Sport New Zealand, Sport Canterbury and National Sporting Organisation’s from around the country. The netball intake of athletes was in October with selections to be reviewed annually.

NM P2P: Jess Shaw (Christchurch Netball Centre), Jess Prosser (Christchurch Netball Centre), Kate Lloyd (Mid Canterbury), Hannah Davenhill (Nelson Netball Centre)


The Christchurch side containing eight ANZC players held off a spirited challenge from North Harbour to claim the 2014 Lion Foundation Netball Championships. Christchurch Coach Tania Hoffman was thrilled by the performance of her team, who held their nerve against a resurgent young Harbour line-up, to win the final, 61-51. The Team: (captain) Olivia Coughlan, Jess Drummond, Lucy Gunn, Ellen Halpenny, Gemma Hazeldean, Julianna Naoupu, Hannah Poff, Hayley Saunders, Louise Thayer, Chloe Williamson, Jane Watson Management: Tania Hoffman (Coach), Lee McKenzie (Assistant Coach), Clare Kissock (Manager), Greg Knight (Physiotherapist) Tournament Selections: Julianna Naoupu, Anna Thompson, Jane Watson Bench Officials; Lorraine Mauger (ChCh), Gail Benseman (Mid Canterbury), Sally Paki Paki and Lisa McIntosh (both Nelson).


NM coaches Julie Seymour, Marianne Delaney-Hoshek and Nic Kelly were selected for this new NNZ initiative. NNZ will provide support to the Coaches within the High Performance Coaching

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framework that covers both theory and practical application of coaching in the High Performance environment. They will each have their own personal development plans, mentoring and assistance with leadership development and formulation of winning strategies.


Following expressions of interest from a number of Centres the following people were appointed to the working party: Marilyn Milne, Lyn Miles, Mel Calvert, Tash van Koeverden, Lee McKenzie and Jan Whitehead. The working party was established and met in November to assess current Centre representative fixtures (Under 13 – Senior) and make recommendations to ensure NM and its Centres have quality, aligned and valued rep competitions. The working party agreed our focus is from U15 upwards with a key focus of getting a NM Under 15 tournament started in 2015.

SOUTH ISLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL TOURNAMENT NM was well represented by 45 teams at the 52nd South Island Secondary Tournament held in Invercargill from 1 - 4 August. Results A grade – 18 teams entered 1st St Margaret’s College, 2nd Waimea College, 5th STAC, 6th Cashmere HS, 7th Marlborough Girls, 8th Ashburton College, 11th Rangi Ruru, 12th Nelson Girls’, 13th Christchurch Girls’, 16th Craighead Dio, 18th Rangiora High, 19th Marian College, 20th Villa Maria College, 22nd Lincoln High, 23rd Roncalli College, 29th Burnside High, 31st Nayland College, 32nd Opihi College

St Margaret’s A Team John Kirk Anderson / Fairfax NZ

B grade – 19 teams entered 1st Garin College, 5th Avonside Girls, 7th Westland High, 8th Buller High, 9th Geraldine High, 10th Timaru Girls, 11th Darfield High, 12th Mt Hutt College, 13th Ellesmere College, 15th Motueka High, 16th Hillmorton High, 17th Papanui High, 18th Middleton Grange, 19th Hurunui Combined, 21st Collingwood Area, 24th Mountainview High, 25th Kaiapoi High, 27th Mackenzie College, 28th Riccarton High, 32nd Kaikoura High C grade – 8 teams entered 1st Aranui High, 3rd John Paul II, 5th Greymouth High, 7th Waimate High, 8th Golden Bay High, 9th Oxford Area, 10th Waiau Area, 12th Reefton Area

NM players gaining tournament selections A Grade Waimea College: Breanna Whiting, Hannah Davenhill, Shaun Aindow

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Cashmere HS: Sarah Boomer St Andrews College: Charlotte Elley, Natalie Allen Marion College: Jess Shaw Ashburton College: Chelsea Corbett Marlborough College: Portia Barcello Nelson Girls: Ellie Bell St Margaret’s College: Lucy Thomson, Fiona Wright, Georgia Greig, Lily Marshall, Jess Prosser B grade Buller High: Ashley Stuart Avonside Girls High: Pippa Wipperfuerth, Laura Everest Kaiapoi High: Raina Joseph Geraldine High: Rosie Tulisi, Timaru Girls: Bonnie Opie Westland High: Kiana Gallon, Kate Gilbertson, Natalie McDonnell Garin College: Poppy Restieaux, Makaila Powick C grade Waimate High: Bridget Rollinson John Paul College: Eilish Ramsden

NM Umpires gaining selection A Grade final: Jayne Dewe (Nth Canterbury) - reserve B Grade final Annie Ewers-Kennedy (Nelson), Stacey Ingpen (Marlborough) – reserve C Grade Final: Jamie Smith (ChCh), Petro Swart (Nth Canterbury), Aleisha Whitehead - reserve

NZ SECONDARY SCHOOL NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS NM was represented by St Margaret’s College, Waimea College and St Andrews College who qualified by finishing in the top five teams at SISS to attend the prestigious event held 7 – 10 October in Palmerston North. The three teams joined 13 other teams from throughout New Zealand. The NM teams performed creditably with St Margaret’s making the final.

St Andrews College A team

Final placings St Margarets – 2nd St Andrews College – 10th Waimea College – 12th

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Tournament Selections Jess Prosser – St Margaret’s College Lily Marshall – St Margaret’s College


Netball Mainland’s Julie Seymour (Assistant coach) and players Jess Shaw (Marion College) and Charlotte Elley (St Andrews College) took part in the annual International School Girls Challenge in Adelaide in May. Beating the Australian Secondary School team in the final 39 – 30, meant the young New Zealanders kept up the team’s sequence of winning three years in a row. Portia Barcello (Marlborough Girls Collge) also attended the tournament with the Aotearoa Maori team who were placed 3rd.

NZ AGE GROUP CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 saw an increase of two teams from the Zone attending NZAGC. The NZ U19 Championships were held at Dunedin and NZ U17 Championships were held at the North Harbour. U19 teams: Selwyn, Christchurch, Tasman

Final placings: 6th - Christchurch 13th - Tasman 14th – Selwyn Tournament selections: Portia Barcello - Tasman Charlotte Elley – Christchurch

U17 teams: South Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, Selwyn, Christchurch, Combined Canterbury Country Centres, Marlborough, Nelson

Final placings:

5th - Christchurch 21st - Canterbury Country 28th – Nelson 30th – South Canterbury 33rd - Mid Canterbury 36th – Marlborough 38th – Selwyn Tournament selections: Laura Dorgan – South Canterbury Jess Shaw – Christchurch Sophie Worsfold - Mid Canterbury

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NATIONAL APPOINTMENTS Julie Seymour: NZSS Assistant Coach, Fast5 Ferns Assistant Coach, Emerging Talent Selector Marianne Delaney: Emerging Talent Selector Leigh Gibbs: Emerging Talent Selector Adrianne Hayes: National Selector

UMPIRING NM was well represented by umpires at all the national championships. This is an area NM will be looking to grow and strengthen in the future. Umpires attending LFNC: Kate Smith (Nelson) and Michael Wyllie (Christchurch) Umpires attending U23 & U19 NZAGC: Jayne Dewe (North Canterbury), Seonaid Palmer (Christchurch), Kate Smith (Nelson), Anna Sheen (Christchurch) Umpires attending U17 NZAGC: Jill Robinson (Hokitika), Olivia Kennedy (Mid Canterbury), Annie Ewers-Kennedy (Nelson), Jamie Manuel Christchurch), Jess Power (North Canterbury), Kimberley Twine (Christchurch) Umpires attending NZSS Finals: Jane Hickmott (Christchurch), Lyndon Endicott-Davies (Christchurch), Jamie Manuel (Christchurch), Jess Power (Christchurch), Michelle Stagg (Marlborough - appointed to the final)

Folllowing a review of the umpire squad programmes, NM changed the names of the squads to ‘Performance and Development’ squads to better reflect their level of experience and qualifications. In addition, the age requirements for the previous U19 squad was removed. The squads were involved in a range of workshops and training activities throughout the year.

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UMPIRE SQUADS PERFORMANCE SQUAD: 11 COACHES: Sue James, Trudy Eaden Georgina Bell South Zone – moving to CHCH in 2015 Eva Brown, Jane Hickmott, Livvie Kennedy, Sarah Masterton, Sarah-Jane Paki, Seonaid Palmer, Jess Power, Christchurch Anna Sheen Annie Ewers-Kennedy Nelson Jayne Dewe North Canterbury DEVELOPMENT SQUAD: 5 COACH: Jane Hickmott Catherine Coppell, Natasha Fraser, Aleisha Whitehead Christchurch Katelyn Thorn Selwyn Jose Zandbergen South Canterbury

NATIONAL HONOURS David Pala’amo ANZC Appointment Panel, INF IUA Testing Panel Michael Wyllie National A Squad Jayne Dewe Emerging Talent Squad Diana Walsh Emerging Talent Squad Kate Smith Emerging Talent Squad Michelle Stagg Emerging Talent Squad Anna Sheen Emerging Talent Squad

Sheena Tyrrell, Anne Marie Leech and Marie Smith from the NZ Umpire Development Group (NZUDG) continued to provide support, coaching and mentoring.

SUPER CLUB Eight club and composite club teams from across the ‘Mainland’ battled it out over two weekends for Zone club team supremacy in the inaugural 2014 Super Club competition. The Super Club was established to provide more development opportunities for players, coaches and team officials from across the Zone and to also build NM’s presence at Centre level. The competition started with round-robin play over the weekend of 15 and 16 March in Blenheim and Christchurch, with the finals weekend hosted by the Selwyn Netball Centre at the Lincoln Events Centre on 22 and 23 March. The final between Marlborough, coached by Vanessa Hika and Lincoln, coached by Debbie Moore, was a competitive and exciting match with Marlborough coming out the eventual winners 43 – 37.

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Final placing’s: 1st Marlborough 2nd Lincoln (Selwyn) 3rd Jacks (Nelson) 4th Rolleston (Selwyn) 5th Halswell (Christchurch) 6th Universtiy of Canterbury (Christchurch) 7th Hokitika 8th St Peters (Chrictchurch)

Super Club winners: Marlborough

The plan over the coming years is to grow the competition into a 12 team event culminating in the top two Netball Mainland clubs playing off against the top two South Zone clubs.


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Working under Netball New Zealand’s ‘umbrella’, CoachForce is responsible for the continued development of coaches throughout NM’s Zone and supporting Netball New Zealand’s Coach Development Framework. From a national level, CoachForce is tasked with linking into national opportunities and a local level, it is about being the leader of coach development in the Zone.

NM has been involved in national Coach Development opportunities in 2014. The Zone’s ‘Coaching with Confidence’ programme run by Janine Southby was held in Ohoka. This programme was well supported with 39 coaches attending. NM had one coach involved in NNZ’s Apprentice Coach Programme that runs alongside the Lion Foundation Netball Championships. This is an intensive opportunity for Coaches wanting to advance their skills and knowledge and to take representative roles at this level in the future. Coach Development in the Zone has had a huge uptake in 2014 with 1004 attending NNZ Developing Modules and 511 attending informal coaching workshops. Introduced in 2011, NNZ’s Community Coach Award has continued to attract growing numbers. 100 coaches have achieved their Community Coaching Award in Netball Mainland Zone in 2014. The Performance Coach Award was activated in 2014 Netball Mainland currently has 18 Coaches involved at this level. Christchurch Netball Centre hosted the first Advanced Module Mental Skills 2 which 12 Performance Coaches from around the South Island attended.

‘Apprentice Coach for a Day’ which was open to NM Zone Coaches who are on the Performance Coach pathway, this was a fly on the wall opportunity for coaches at all Tactix home games. It gave these Coaches the insight to coaching a high performance team. This was a very successful project and will continue to run in 2015. For the first time in 2014, a Coach Development opportunity ran alongside the Zone Player Emerging Talent programme, Coaches had to be Community Coach Holders to apply to be part of this programme eight were successfully appointed.

We look forward to growing our coach numbers and capability in 2015 including a new initiative, the annual NM Coaching Conference.


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AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEE REPORT For the year ending 30 November 2014

Committee Purpose

The purpose of the Audit and Risk Committee is to provide the board with assurance that: • All financial matters and prepared financial reports and statements comply with accounting standards, are true and fair and are not misleading (to extent it is able given the role of NNZ Shared Services contract; and • Prudent and appropriate financial management is maintained • An appropriate system of internal controls operates by Netball Mainland; and • All material risks are identified and appropriately managed

Committee Report The Committee and the Board as a whole has continued to have a very strong focus on financial and risk management, through a year that has continued to provide challenges in terms of sponsorship revenue in particular. The Board updated its Risk Register mid-year, with greater focus on the casual factors of specific risks, impact of risk realisation and the controls put in place to eliminate or minimise risks. The key areas of risk identified relate to: 1. Loss of Sponsors 2. Financial Viability 3. Loss of support from key Stakeholders, e.g. Centres 4. Inability to attract coaches/players 5. Loss of key personnel All of those risks have been actively managed throughout the year, with the risk register on the agenda at every Board meeting. Key outcomes of that have included: 1. Appointment of Sue Hawkins as the new Tactix coach 2. Appointment of Marianne Delaney-Hoshek as Assistant Coach 3. Secured Mwai Kumwenda for the 2015 season 4. Leigh Gibbs to continue as Netball Mainland’s High Performance Manager 5. Stable Board representation throughout the year 6. Year-end financial position significantly above forecast We continue to be very grateful for the additional financial and accounting oversight that Croys Limited, Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors provide. In itself, one of many controls in place to help manage the accounting risk of Netball Mainland. Through the open and transparent dialogue with Trans-Tasman Netball Ltd, it agreed to forgo much of the debt that was inherited from ‘Team Canterbury Netball Limited’, which significantly improved Netball Mainland’s Balance Sheet.

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Although revenue to support the development areas of our game has been more easily forth- coming, through gaming trust grants, sponsorship for the Tactix has continued to be of concern. With support from Netball New Zealand, Netball Mainland has been able to engage independent help to review our sponsorship portfolio and pursue new potential sponsors, with cash contributions being the area of focus.

The structure of the ANZ Championship and the financial requirements on teams to participate has continued to be an area of discussion amongst the franchises, TTNL and Netball New Zealand respectively. The Committee and the Board remain committed to the Zone having a franchise team in the Championship but are also aware of the financial challenges his entails and which must continue to be closely monitored and assessed. The Board itself has focused on its performance throughout the year too and welcomed a review by an independent party. The Board performed very well in that review, with the right mix of expertise represented on the Board and structures in place to perform its function.


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The financial viability and future sustainability of Netball Mainland (NM) have been a major concern in 2014. Cash flow required, micro management and support from Netball NZ (NNZ) was much appreciated.

Financial Performance Gross income for the 2014 year was $1,782K. Grant funding again provided great support for Community Netball and Netball Development in our Zone.

Thank you to the Lion Foundation, New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT), The Trusts Community Foundation (TTCF), Canterbury Community Trust, Southern Trust and the Mainland Foundation. The level of sponsorship revenue is consistent with 2013 but clearly not increasing and therefore not able to sustain the franchise team which is our medium to long term goal. There a number of factors are affecting our success in this area and we are addressing these including contracting the services of a dedicated person. We thank our commercial partners and in particular EasiYo and SKOPE for their loyalty and support. The support of management in minimising expenditure has been much appreciated. A comparative analysis with other zones indicates we have been extremely prudent with expenditure managing a smaller budget very well. Financial Position Having started the year with negative equity we were delighted that the TTNL Board made the decision to write off a large portion of the debt we had taken over from Team Canterbury Netball Ltd. Although the 2014 year produced a trading deficit, we were solvent at year end due to the above debt write and a grant from NNZ. Cash flow In terms of cash flow, the year commenced well with some funding carried over from 2013 and a level of sponsorship similar to 2013 signed early. However, it was always going to be a challenge as our budget showed a $200k shortfall in funding. NNZ were advised in August that we would not be able to pay our creditors by year end. They appointed an independent advisor to review the current position and our draft budget for 2015. It was confirmed that our concerns as communicated were real and the future sustainability of our Zone was indeed serious. The level of commercial revenue being our major concern. NNZ and NM are committed to working toether to ensure the future sustainability. SUMMARY NNZ have been supportive and continue to work with us to ensure that players, coaches and officials in our Zone are resourced and that our franchise team remains part of the ANZ championship competition. The focus for the NM in 2015 is clearly on attracting further commercial partners and growing our sponsorship revenue to enable NM to deliver on strategy.

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growing our sponsorship revenue to enable NM to deliver on strategy.

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