The Mission of St. Charles Borromeo parish is to make and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ in union with the Roman . Sunday Masses 5:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM

Daily Mass 8:00 AM Monday through Saturday

Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 8:30 to 9:00 AM 3:30 to 4:30 PM Wednesdays 7:30 to 7:50 AM 5:00 to 5:30 PM At Parish Office by appointment. Eucharistic Adoration Open from 12:00 Noon on Sunday to 3:00 PM on Saturday. (See p. 6) PASTOR: Fr. Troy Przybilla..….612-787-1164 [email protected] DEACON: Deacon Stephen Najarian………… ………………..……..612-787-1184 [email protected] SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Danny Kieffer…….....612-781-2643 [email protected]

Parish Office……….612-781-6529 Parish Fax………….612-787-1170 School Office……….612-781-2643 School Fax………….612-787-1110

Tom Pomeroy……….612-787-1151 Business Administrator……[email protected]

Jacob Nelson………...612-787-1181

Director of Faith Formation…[email protected]

Andrew Wagenbach...612-787-1163 Youth & Young Adult...... [email protected]

Gayle Prola………….612-787-1150 Parish Secretary…………..……[email protected]

Samantha Bertrand….612-787-1180 Communications ……...…[email protected] Mary Perrin…...……..612-787-1155 Census/Financial [email protected]

MaryAnne Frank……612-787-1182 Parish Nurse…………...………[email protected] Peter Vanderwaal……612-787-1188 Music Director…...………[email protected]

March 8, 2020 Parish Website: Second Sunday of Lent School Website:


From the Pastor’s Desk

How to Protect Our Identity when we learn about our faith, we hear Him speaking to us through His Body, the Church. Jesus told His disciples, who were the first Pope and bishops, “Whoever listens to ast week I spoke about how the Enemy of our souls you, listens to me.” Therefore, when we learn about our wants to steal our identity as children of God. This faith and follow what we learn, we are listening to L Jesus. The more we listen to Jesus the more we will be week I want to reflect on how to prevent this identity from being stolen. prevented from the lies of our culture and protect our identity. Sunday’s Gospel account of the Transfiguration gives us some valuable lessons on how to do this. Finally, the third way that we can protect our identity is to follow Jesus wherever He leads us. In the Gospel, Jesus In the Gospel we hear that Jesus took Peter, James and John invited many to follow Him. Some did and some didn’t. up the mountain where He prayed and was transfigured We honor as saints the ones who did. Jesus is calling all of before them as He spoke to Moses and Elijah. As they us to follow Him to an ever deepening relationship and looked on, Peter was overcome with excitement and asked commitment to our life as Christians. When we leave to build three tents. Then a cloud descended on them and everything to follow Him, we don’t lose our identity. In the voice of the Father was heard saying, “This is my fact, we don’t lose anything; rather, we gain everything! beloved Son, listen to Him.” After this, Jesus was seen During this Lent in this year of the Way, let us recommit alone and said, “Rise, and do not be afraid.” They rose and ourselves to these three things and we will grow more followed Jesus down the mountain. aware of our identity as children of God and, like Jesus, radiate it to others. If we want to protect our identity we need to do three things: 1. Spend time alone with God in prayer. 2. Listen to Jesus and His Church. God Bless, 3. Follow Jesus wherever He leads us.

We don’t have to climb a high mountain to be alone with God but we do need to find a place of solitude. For some, this is a room in their home or a walk in nature. I would like Fr. Przybilla to suggest that one of the best places is in the church or the adoration chapel. But wherever it is, it must be a place where we can encounter God with minimal distractions.

As a side note, we should try to avoid bringing our cell phones with us to pray (unless you use it for prayer). If God wants someone to contact us, He will send them. After all, He sent Moses and Elijah to Jesus!

Prayer is a conversation with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We don’t want to put them on hold to have a conversation with someone else. The more we invest in this conversation, the more our identity grows stronger and the less likely for the Enemy to steal it.

We also need to listen to Jesus. These were the Father’s words and command to the Apostles. Therefore, it is very important. But what does it mean? It means that we ought to read the Bible regularly and learn about our faith. When we read the Bible, we hear Jesus speaking to us through His living Word, and


Dear St. Charles Parishioners, They've learned a lot of new things and it has certainly piqued the interest of many students who have not had As we begin the season of Lent, we had experiences in this area. On Friday, we invited parents to our first all-school Stations of the Cross watch some of the work the kids have been doing. We've last Tuesday. We love having a full church enjoyed a lot of positive feedback about this residency and with parishioners and students as we walk are grateful our students were able to have these the Way of the Cross each week. experiences.

On March 27, we have the Lenten Day of renewal at Spring break and spring, the season, are on their way! St. Charles. On this Friday, our 8th graders will be performing Live Stations of the Cross at 1:50 pm for all that can attend. God bless you,

For the past two weeks, we have been blessed to have an artist in residence working with our students. Angela Manella-Hoffman, from More Than Dance Studio, has been teaching improv, dance, and doing a variety of theatre Danny Kieffer exercises with our students. The kids have had a great time. St. Charles Principal

Sacraments & Liturgy

Readings for the Week of March 8, 2020 Observances for the Week of March 8, 2020 Sunday Sunday Gn 12:1-4a/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [22]/2 Tm 1:8b-10/Mt 17:1-9 2nd Sunday of Lent Monday Monday Dn 9:4b-10/Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 [cf. Ps 103:10a]/Lk 6:36-38 St. Frances of , Religious Tuesday Next Sunday Is 1:10, 16-20/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/Mt 23:1-12 3rd Sunday of Lent Wednesday Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14, 15-16 [17b]/Mt 20:17-28 Thursday Stations of the Cross: Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [Ps 40:5a]/Lk 16:19-31 Tuesdays, 1:50 pm Friday (no Tuesday Stations March 17 or 24) Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21 [5a]/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Fridays, 7 pm Saturday Additional Lenten Confessions: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 [8a]/Lk 15:1-3, 11 Tuesdays and Thursdays 5 pm -32 Next Sunday Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5- Mass Intentions for the week of March 8, 2020 15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 Sunday 8—8 am Leona Rakotz and Delphine Dick Monday 9—8 am John Hoffman Sacrament of Tuesday 10—8 am Tom and Joe Ryan 10:00 AM Mass or Following Mass. Wednesday 11—8 am Evelyn Fischer For more info: or contact the Thursday 12—8 am Albert Iacarella Family, Living & parish office at 612-781-6529. Deceased Friday 13—8 am Clyde Chester Arnold Sacrament of Holy Matrimony Saturday 14—8 am Carrie Anne Johnson Contact one of our clergy at least six months prior to date of 5 pm Gehrig Family marriage to begin marriage preparation. Sunday 15—8 am David Bickman, Emily Rowseth, For more info: and Bickman & Schwartz Families Daylight Savings Time has begun! Make sure your clocks have sprung forward! 3 CHURCH OF ST. CHARLES BORROMEO ST. ANTHONY, MN

News & Upcoming Events at Our Parish The next Guess Who’s The Saint Charles Borromeo Women’s Council Coming to Dinner is Cordially invites all women Saturday, March 28th, 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Sign up to to be a guest or host by Monday, March 16. Fill A Lenten Morning of Reflection out the form at guesswho or call Amy O’Brien at 651-633-9352. You don’t want to miss the fun! (Note: It is not Guest Speaker: Liz Kelly necessary to host to participate. Sign-up is required “She Carried Jesus in Her Palm: for each dinner you wish to participate in.) Meet Blessed Benedetta Bianchi Porro” Mats for the Homeless needs your help! People

have been so generous with collecting bags for us. Thank you! We could use help flattening bags, Saturday, March 14, 2020 cutting strips and making plarn – EASY tasks that can 7:30 am— in the Church be done at home. Our greatest need is for people who can crochet or are willing to learn how to crochet. 8 am– Mass There is also a way to braid/weave the mats. If Wednesdays do not fit into your schedule and you 9 am - Breakfast in Doran Hall would like to help with this ministry please call Gail 9:30 am—Speaker (651-631-2467) or Donna (612-789-0074) to let us know your interest and what days/times might be 11 am—Depart with Full Hearts better for you. The container for plastic bags is now located in the coat room off the atrium. Mats for the Liz Kelly is a noted speaker, retreat leader, and award-winning Homeless will be meeting this coming Wednesday, from 1-3 pm in St. John’s Education Center. author. Visit to learn more about Liz. Pre-Registration is required. Registration will take place in the Atrium on March 7/8. You may also contact the parish office at MEN! The 612-781-6529. next Catholic Free-will offering will be taken at the door. Watchmen Looking for Heroes! social is Thursday, St. Charles Borromeo will host Memorial Blood Bank on Monday, March 16, from 2:00PM – 7:00PM in Doran March 19 (Feast of St. Hall. There is a constant need for blood: in Minnesota, hospitals use 700-800 units each day for victims of Joseph!) at 6:30 pm in trauma or burns, surgical patients and cancer patients. One unit of blood can save three lives! Be a Doran Hall. All men life saver and call MaryAnne at 612-787-1182 or are invited. register online at SHARING OUR BLESSINGS EASTER FOOD DRIVE As we continue on our Lenten journey we prepare for the annual Share Our Blessings Easter Food Drive which begin Friday, March 13th. Watch for the displays in the church atrium, church entrance and the school lobby. Once again we will be partnering with Salvation Army to assist over 200 families with food to prepare the Easter dinner.


At St. Charles This Week Sunday, March 8 Fridays, Feb. 28—April 3 Monday, March 9

5:30 pm Soup Supper (Doran Hall) Holy Family Monthly Meeting, Doran Hall, 6:30 pm Tuesday, March 10 6:30 pm short reflection on Stations of the Cross Prayer Shawl Meeting, St. John Ed. Center, 1 - 3 pm 7 pm Stations of the Cross (in the Church) Stations of the Cross, Church, 1:50 pm Jr. High Bible Series, Youth Room, 2:40 - 4 pm VIP Club Confessions, Church, 5 pm WC Executive Board Meeting, Doran Hall, 7 pm Upcoming: April 1: Lenten Retreat June 3: Spring Luncheon Wednesday, March 11 Confessions, 7:30-7:50 am, 5-5:30 pm Women’s Council Confirmation Class, 6:30– 8 pm Mats for the Homeless, St. John Ed. Center, 1 - 3 pm Minneapolis Deanery Meeting! Monday, March 23 at St. Jr. High Open Youth Room, 2:40 - 4 pm Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. All women of the parish are invited! To register, contact Jean 651-633-1560 or Amicus Training, Doran Hall, 7 pm [email protected] by March 13. Cost is $15. See Choir Practice, Choir Loft, 7– 9 pm for more information. HS Youth Group, Youth Room, 8 - 9 pm Ladies, when is the last time you had some peaceful recreation? Here’s what you need to do: join us for Craft & Thursday, March 12 Game Night on March 21. Bring a craft, or don’t; bring a Men’s Forum: Sunday Readings, (all men welcome) Doran Hall, 6:30 am friend, or don’t; the important thing is to bring yourself. We’ll see you on Saturday, March 21 in the St. John's Confessions, Church, 5 pm Education Center between 6:15 p.m. (right after 5:00 Mass), RCIA, St. John Education Center, 7 pm and 9:00 p.m. This is a come-when-you-can, stay-as-long-as- you-can event, so there’s no such thing as coming late or Friday, March 13 leaving early. Contact Catherine if you have any questions: School Mass, Church, 8 am 612-782-8795 or [email protected]. Fatima Rosary, Church, 8:45 am Jr. High St. JPII Society, Youth Room, 2:40 - 4 pm St. Charles Outreach Lenten Soup Supper, 5:30 pm Prison Ministry Training Session by Amicus: Stations of the Cross, Church, 7 pm March 11 at 7 pm, here at St. Charles. Contact: Deacon Saturday, March 14 Najarian at 612-787-1184 or [email protected]. WC Lenten Morning of Reflection, Doran Hall, 9– 11:30 am Knights of Columbus Serra President’s Meeting, Holy Family Conf. Rm., 10 am Sunday, March 15 The Knights of Columbus is an organization of RCIA First Scrutiny, Church, 10 am Catholic men united in charity and dedicated to service. Membership is open to all Catholic men Carmelite Group, Church, 2:30 pm 18 and older. The St. Charles Borromeo Council is Carmelite Group, Doran Hall, 5 pm engaged in a variety of activities, from supporting parish events to raising money for causes like disaster relief, Online Calendar: persecuted Christians, the Pro-Life movement, and Catholic Email updates: education. Further, monthly “Fraternity Nights” give members an opportunity for fellowship and formation with their brother Knights. To learn more about the Knights of Columbus at St. Charles, please visit If you are a Catholic man, 18 or older, and interested in becoming a knight, please contact Craig Vana at 612-296- 7141, or [email protected]. 5 CHURCH OF ST. CHARLES BORROMEO ST. ANTHONY, MN

Opportunities to Pray & Serve Weekly Content Suggestions from Will You Pray for a Priest Each Day? Visit Sunday 8—Rev. Thomas McKenzie MARCH SAINTS Monday 9—Rev. Steven McMichael, OFM Conv Tuesday 10—Rev. Benny Varghese, CFIC 3/1 First Sunday of Lent Wednesday 11—Rev. Philip Merdinger, BH Study: Forgiven: Session 1 - Where are You? Thursday 12—Rev. Aaron Meszaros, CsSR Friday 13—Rev. Frederick Meyer Read: Meditations for Lent Saturday 14—Rev. John Meyer Sunday 15—Rev. Nathaniel Meyers 3/7 Saints Perpetua and Felicity Watch: The Passion of Saint Perpetua Perpetual Adoration—Adorers Needed! Kids: The Story of Saint Perpetua Please check the table below and 2 2 adorers needed contact Tom or Bonnie Brever at 3/8 Second Sunday of Lent Only 1 scheduled [email protected] or 1 Watch: Ready Reasons: Was Jesus’ Sacrifice adorer, 1 needed 612-789-6318 if you are able to spend Enough? Two or more adorers an hour with Jesus in the Blessed

already scheduled Sacrament. Thank you to all of our Listen: My Beloved Son No adoration at this faithful adorers. If you are not able to time commit to a regular weekly hour, all are 3/13 Anniversary of the Election of Pope welcome to stop by for whatever amount of time you are Francis available—from 5 minutes to 50! Watch: Francis: Pope of the Renewal Listen: The Pope by Dr. Scott Hahn

3/15 Third Sunday of Lent Watch: Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Listen: The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin

3/17 Saint Patrick Watch: In the Footsteps of Saint Patrick Listen: The Trials of Saint Patrick

3/19 Saint Joseph Watch: Joseph of Nazareth Listen: St Joseph: Patron of the Universal Church Listen: Parenting for Purity by Jason Evert

3/22 Fourth Sunday of Lent Read: The Year and Our Children Listen: The Year and Our Children

3/25 The Annunciation Study: Symbolon, Knowing the Faith: Session 4: The Story of Salvation Study: The Bible and the Virgin Mary: Lesson 2 - The Handmaid of the Lord Listen: The History of Salvation

The ideal is to reach a point in practice, where, like Our Lord 3/29 Fifth Sunday of Lent on the Cross, we witness to God even amidst abandonment Study: Lectio: Salvation - Not Just a Legal and the agony of a crucifixion. Transaction ~Ven. Archbp. Fulton Sheen Kids: Brother Francis - Let’s Learn about Lent

6 PARISH RETREAT March 20 - 21 Friday 5:30 - 9 pm Talk, Soup Supper, Small Group, Stations, Benediction Saturday 8 am—6 pm Mass, Breakfast, Talks, Small Groups, Lunch, Confession, Prayer Ministry, Vigil Mass

Please RSVP (to help with planning) either by signing up in the Atrium, contacting the office, 612-781-6529 or online at Free Will Offering accepted Healing the Whole Parish Retreat Director: Fr. Joseph Bambenek 7