At a Meeting of the Ramsey Upwood and Great Raveley Internal Drainage Board held at The Lion, Ramsey St Marys on Thursday the 7th January 2016


A C Roberts Esq (Chairman) J R Clarke Esq R Blackhurst Esq (Vice Chairman) J I Edwards Esq S W Bedford Esq R H Lambert Esq T F Bedford Esq P R Lummis Esq P L E Bucknell Esq C P Wilkinson Esq

Mr Robert Hill (representing the Clerk to the Board), Mr David Thomas (representing the Consulting Engineers) and Mr Leo Butler (District Officer) were in attendance.

Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from G S Halden Esq, C W Pickard Esq and P H Wagstaffe Esq.

B.918 Declarations of Interest

Mr Hill reminded Members of the importance of declaring an interest in any matter included in today’s agenda that involved or was likely to affect any individual on the Board.

Mr Bucknell declared an interest regarding planning applications as a member of the Council's Planning Committee.

B.919 Confirmation of Minutes

The Chairman advised of an amendment to minute B.893, Mr Lancaster, viz:-

The Chairman felt that the Board would not be doing this stretch this year and commented on the shed near the channel and reported that he had been to see Mr Lancaster about clearing the debris.


That, subject to the amendment, the Minutes of the Meetings of the Board held on the 21st May 2015 are recorded correctly and that they be confirmed and signed.

B.920 Clerk to the Board

Mr Hill informed Members that Mr Iain Smith intended to stand down from the office of Clerk of the Board at the end of 2016, that the Middle Level Commissioners would be taking appropriate steps to appoint his replacement and would keep the Board informed.


B.921 Land Drainage Act 1991 Board Membership – District Council

Mr Hill reported that Huntingdonshire District Council had appointed Mr P R Lummis to be a Member of the Board under the provisions of the Land Drainage Act 1991.

Mr Hill also reported that Mr C J Allen had not been re-appointed. ______

The Chairman welcomed Mr Lummis.

B.922 Green Dyke Pumping Station

Further to minute B.886, and in Mr Pickard's absence, this item to be carried forward to the next meeting.

The Chairman reported that the station had been broken into in July 2015; the intruders lifting the gates and breaking the door down to gain entry, and although there was nothing of value to take, damage had occurred inside the station. He reported that he had authorised the fitting of a steel door together with some adjustments to the fencing in an effort to improve security.


That the actions of the Chairman be approved.

B.923 Water Framework Directive

Further to minute B.891, Mr Hill reported that the Anglian River Basin Liaison Panel of which the Clerk was a member have considered the draft updated River Basin Management Plan revision and the regional programme of projects funded by Defra for WFD. He reported that the Clerk had also been advised that the statutory Plan to be sent to Ministers would be a “high level” generalised document and not contain the list of local “measures” which appeared in the many schedules to the 2009 Plan. Whilst this made the 2009 Plan rather cumbersome, it did at least set out the measures expected in relation to a water body, whereas the present framework leaves the relevant measures to be discussed locally. Part of the ongoing work is to settle what “mitigation measures” are appropriate to the artificial and heavily modified water bodies of the Fens to ensure that they satisfy the requirement to reach Good Ecological Potential. The Middle Level Commissioners' Environmental Officer, Cliff Carson, is a member of a Group, looking at reasonable mitigation measures for such bodies, which are likely in fact to correspond with what was already in our Biodiversity Action Plans and therefore require, as previously advised, little additional work.

Mr Hill advised that the Clerk had commented on the revised plan but had to date received no feedback on either this or on the earlier flood risk management plans despite promises from the Environment Agency that this would occur.

Mr Hill reported that the Clerk had, however, continued discussions with the Environment Agency's local Water Framework Directive teams.

In response to Mr Bucknell, Mr Thomas confirmed that he was unaware of any plans for changes to the maintenance of Bury Brook. F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\rugr\mins\7.1.16

In response to Mr Edwards concerning the Middle Level Commissioners' using Nature reserve for water storage, Mr Thomas confirmed that Natural had raised issues concerning this use; that the Commissioners had an arrangement to use the Reserve until 2050, and would only look to change this if other areas became available.

B.924 Water Transfer Licences

Mr Hill reported that Defra have advised that they propose to bring into force the changes to the water abstraction licensing system, which were outlined and enacted in the Water Act 2003. Successive proposed implementation dates have, however, come and gone. Most significant amongst these changes is the requirement that abstractions simply transferring water from one watercourse to another by IDBs become subject to licensing.

Mr Hill advised that it did, however, appear that "Transfer Licences" would not have a designated quantity of water attached to them.

Mr Hill reported that the Environment Agency have however also now consulted on a proposed charging regime for transfer licences. This following correspondence with Rory Stewart MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, appears to be a "one off" charge imposed to "recover the Agency’s costs of considering the grant of the Transfer Licence", rather than an annual charge. Mr Hill advised that the Clerk has continued to object to it on the basis that, since water is transferred to serve licences granted to end user abstractors by the Agency, the costs of administering such licences should already be met. Mr Hill reported that the Clerk had also taken the opportunity to raise this matter during the Ministerial Visit to Denver, as did representatives of the Downham and Ely IDB Groups. It is also pleasing to report that ADA, after inaction on the matter, appear at last to be taking this up with Defra

Mr Hill reported that it had been promised that a consultation on the introduction of Transfer Licences would be published in December but, although a consultation document duly appeared, it had been withdrawn within hours.

B.925 Mrs E V Johns

Further to minute B.892, Mr Hill reported that no further payments had been received from Mrs Johns since the last meeting and that the property was for sale. He advised that if the Board wished to enforce the sale it would be necessary to obtain a Court Order.

The Chairman considered that, as additional costs would be incurred in going to court, and the property was for sale, the Board should monitor the position.


That the Board monitor the position and review at the next meeting.

B.926 Mr Sterling

Further to minute B.917 the District Officer reported that, at a site meeting attended with the Chairman, Mr Sterling had agreed to put the culvert back. He added, however, that the top soil had not been levelled and there was a "small grip" which would allow an excavator over but not a tractor. F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\rugr\mins\7.1.16

The Chairman reported that he had discussed this with other landowners in the area who had confirmed that the watercourse only served Mr Sterling's land.


That the District Officer discuss with Mr Sterling the levelling of the culvert to allow tractor access and, if necessary, to inform the Clerk to send a letter requiring the works to be carried out.

B.927 Consulting Engineers’ Report

The Board considered the Report of the Consulting Engineers, viz:-


Ramsey, Upwood & Great Raveley I.D.B.

Consulting Engineers Report – December 2015

Pumping Stations Other than the matters reported at previous meetings, linked to the age and condition of the pumping facilities at Green Dyke and the condition of the original pump at New Fen, there is nothing to report and only routine maintenance has been carried out.

Pumping Hours Green Dyke Pumping Station

Total Hours Run – Dec 14 – Dec 15 = 93 (5356)

Total Hours Run – Dec13-Dec14 = 182 (5263)

New Fen Pumping Station

Total Hours Run – Dec 14 – Dec 15 = 339 Total Hours Run no 1 – Dec 14 – Dec 15 = 327 (965) Total Hours Run no 2 – Dec 14 – Dec 15 = 12 (3098)

Total Hours Run - Dec13-Dec14 = 671

Upwood Common Pumping Station

Total Hours Run – Dec14 - Dec15 = 105 (3771)

Total Hours Run – Dec13-Dec14 = 130 (3666)

Green Dyke Pumping Station At its last meeting the Board was advised that the cost of a replacement station of a similar capacity would be in the order of £800k-£900k, excluding any track improvements which may be required to facilitate the works. The Board was also reminded that the weedscreen was in a very poor condition and that a temporary repair was carried out to the pump discharge pipeline during 2012 following settlement damage which is considered to be a short term fix only.

The recommendation is therefore to replace the station with one incorporating either single or double electric pumps.

An Engineer will attend the meeting to discuss the options and answer questions on; estimated costs and likelihood of grant.


Changes to Planning Procedures Further to the introduction of the previously discussed pre-/post-application discussion process other procedures have been introduced, currently on a trial basis. These include, where relevant, a fixed fee basis for some services which has arisen from discussions and agreement with applicants, agents and engineering consultants. These include the following:

(a) In respect of relatively simple enquiries the Commissioners are currently offering a free Development Control and Consent “Surgery” on the third Tuesday of the month. Appointments are limited to 15 minutes during which applicants are able to discuss their proposals and at which it can be determined whether pre-/post-application discussion is required for Discharge/Byelaw Consent issues.

(b) A soakaway certification and checking service which has been introduced for the processing of the acceptability of soakaways/infiltration devices in compliance with the Land Drainage Act and the Commissioners’/Boards’ byelaws where it can properly be shown to attenuate flows/volumes.

(c) Completing the “Acceptability of Surface Water and Sewage Effluent Discharge” form. This is a simple form where responses are made to four questions related to surface water/treated effluent disposal.

Initial internal discussions concerning the introduction of fixed fees for some types and sizes of development covered by the pre-application procedure have commenced.

Responses to Planning Applications One of the complaints aimed at the Commissioners relates to the failure to provide responses to planning applications in a timely manner. The main reason for this is because some LPAs, not only Huntingdonshire and Fenland District Councils, add planning applications to validation lists in week four or later. Unfortunately, the Commissioners do not have the resources to check all the lists on a weekly basis (a potential total of 64 lists per week). Therefore, to maximise the number of planning applications captured the week 4 list is normally used.

Members will be aware that neither the Commissioners nor the Board are statutory consultees and, therefore, do not actually have to provide a response to the planning authority, and receive no external funding to do so. The main reason for supplying responses is to protect the Board’s district and ensure that any byelaw consents are sought.

More timely responses would be of benefit to all parties and discussions have been held with the leading Planning Authorities but none are prepared to contribute to funding to improve resources.


As a result, the Commissioners’ Planning Engineer has been instructed to concentrate on responding to pre-/post-application related issues and resultant planning applications as a priority with responses to other planning applications being dealt with when time permits, with greater reliance being placed upon our “Standing Advice”. This particular document may require further strengthening if this arrangement is to continue over the long term.

Despite the Planning Authorities’ position the Commissioners are requested to respond to planning applications that may potentially be contentious and informal requests have been received from Huntingdonshire’s Planning Officers to undertake a weekly “surgery” session similar to that held for Fenland District Council between late 2009 and late 2013. However, as the Board is not a statutory consultee it is considered that whilst the comments provided by the Commissioners on the Board’s behalf would be of benefit to the Planning Authorities in making informed decisions, this request is not followed up.

A standard letter is currently being sent to applicants to remind them of their responsibilities and duties under the Land Drainage Act and associated Byelaws.

Planning Applications In addition to matters concerning previous applications, the following 17 new development related matters have been received and, where appropriate, dealt with since the last meeting: MLC Council Type of Ref. Ref. Applicant Development Location 287 H/15/00075/FUL Mr J Smith Caravan Site Middle Drove, Ramsey Heights 288 Pre-app Client of Amazi Solar park Biggin Lane, Ramsey Mr C Bourne & 289 H/15/00340/FUL Mr J Collins Residence Harpers Drove, Ramsey Heights 290 H/15/00840/HHFUL Mr C O’Connor Residence Star Lane, Ramsey 291 H/15/00273/FUL Mr P Smith Caravan Site Middle Drove, Ramsey Heights Ugg Mere Court Road, Ramsey 292 H/15/00961/OUT Mr C W Pickard Residence Heights Bury Green Farm 293 H/15/01322/FUL Solar Ltd Solar Biggin Lane, Ramsey* Client of Unda Flood Risk Harpers Drove, Catchwater Bank, 294 Enquiry Consulting Ltd Information Ramsey Heights Anaerobic 295 H/15/01588/FUL A W O Recycling Ltd Digestion Plant Bury Lane, Ramsey Heights 296 15/80236/COND Ramsey Solar Ltd Solar Biggin Lane, Ramsey Bury Green Farm 297 15/00790/FUL Solar Ltd Solar/Agricultural New Fen Road, Ramsey Heights 298 H/15/01944/HHFUL Mr M Sturgess Residence High Street, Upwood 299 H/15/80247/COND Mr A Shepherd Caravan Site Middle Drove, Ramsey Heights Andy Brand, The Mixed use 300 Pre-app Abbey Group development St Marys Road, Ramsey change of use 301 H/02116/PMBPA Mrs C Hedges residential Harpers Drove, Ramsey Heights F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\rugr\mins\7.1.16

Bury Green Farm north of Bury Green Farm and south 302 H/15/80252/COND Solar Ltd Solar Farm of New Fen Road, Ramsey Heights 303 H/15/02184/OUT Mr J Shotbolt Residential Ugg Mere Court, Ramsey Heights Planning applications ending 'COND' relate to the discharge of relevant planning conditions

Developments that are known to propose direct discharge to the Commissioners’ system are indicated with an asterisk. The remainder propose, where applicable and where known, surface water disposal to soakaways/infiltration systems or sustainable drainage systems.

Erection of a food-store, petrol filling station, residential development, community facilities and associated highways and infrastructure works – Tesco Stores Ltd & Abbey Properties Cambridge Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 114, 133 & 168); Application to replace Planning Permission 0501658OUT for erection of foodstore, petrol filling station, residential development, community facilities and associated highways and infrastructure works at land at the corner of Stocking Fen Road and Ramsey St Marys Road, Ramsey - Lord De Ramsey’s 1963 Settlement (MLC Ref No 244) and Reserved matters application for the residential phase consisting of 108 flats and houses, means of access (to eastern side of high lode), appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. Application made pursuant to outline permission 0501658OUT varied by permission 0900365S73 land at The Corner Of Stocking Fen Road and St Marys Road, Ramsey - Abbey Properties (Cambs) Ltd & Lord de Ramsey (MLC Ref No 248)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicants’ agents concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests. However since the last Board meeting a footbridge over High Lode has been installed and water vole mitigation works undertaken in advance of the piling and permanent moorings planned.

Mixed use development comprising employment (including trade counter sales) (use classes, B1, B2 and B8) car sales, car breaking, combined heat and power uses and a children's day nursery (D1), means of access and road layout at land opposite Viscount Garage, St Marys Road, Ramsey – Client of ESP Ltd (MLC Ref No 210) & Abbey Properties (Cambs) Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 225 & 278)

Further to the last meeting, correspondence has been received from the applicant’s Flood Risk Consultant. It is understood that a new planning application is currently being prepared for submission to Huntingdonshire District Council.

Proposed erection of 5 no 125m high Wind Turbines at Greenhall Farm, to the north east of St Marys Road, Ramsey (Ramsey Gateway) (MLC Ref No 229) & Proposed


Wind Farm at The Bill, St Marys Road, Ramsey – Abbey Properties Ltd (MLC Ref No 234) & Fivestone Ltd (MLC Ref No 249)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicants or the applicants’ agents concerning this development which is now complete and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Retention of pond for breeding fish, retention of soil bunding and proposed siting of workshop buildings on land west of Kelvedon Cottage, Harpers Drove, Ramsey Heights – Mr J Phillips (MLC Ref Nos 238, 241, 259 & 261)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agents concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Erection of an open sided agricultural building at Colwyn, Upwood Road, Ramsey Heights - P Harper & Sons (MLC Ref No 264)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agents concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Residential re-development the former Ramsey North Railway Station to the south west of St Marys Road, Ramsey – (Ramsey SPA Site RA2 Ramsey Gateway) - Client of Maple Solicitors (MLC Ref No 276) & Seagate Homes (MLC Ref No 284)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agents concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Development Contributions Contributions received in respect of discharge consent will be reported under the Agenda Item – ‘Contributions from Developers.’

Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) Local Development Scheme (LDS) No further correspondence has been received from HDC concerning the LDS and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s/Commissioners’ interests.


Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Further to the last meeting report, the draft Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD was the subject of a public consultation from Friday 4 September to Friday 16 October 2015.

A response to the County, in respect of the SPD, was submitted on behalf of the Commissioners and associated Boards and, in addition to advising on some basic errors, identified the following:

 Like the NPPF and PPS/G25, and the associated guidance documents, the SPD is generic and does not appreciate the special circumstances of water level/flood risk management within The Fens. Therefore, it is considered that further guidance is required to assist all parties involved within the planning process of the specific issues that are different to other parts of the Country, and must be considered when making planning decisions.

 The current document is “wordy” and is likely to become ineffective. A set of guidance notes for the target audience would assist and provide a more effective “journey” for users of the document.

 The document fails to readily identify the difference between the Environment Agency and the IDBs, our differing concerns and requirements and even differences between individual IDBs. The overriding impression given is one where the role, function and governance of the IDBs appear not to be clearly understood.

 Whilst the Commissioners and associated Boards appreciate that the use of SuDS does have a place within water level/flood risk management, particularly the discharge into managed watercourses, it is considered that, despite the significant emphasis placed on such facilities, the use of attenuation devices in The Fens is not always the correct or most appropriate solution. Therefore, care needs to be taken to ensure that resources and funds are not wasted by seeking to impose attenuation solutions when a direct discharge is acceptable to the local drainage authorities.

 The water resource issues raised predominantly refer solely to potable water supply but other water resource issues which exist within the study area, for example, agricultural use, navigation, amenity, biodiversity, were not fully considered, particularly if drought conditions, like those recently experienced, become more regular, and if the impact of climate change becomes a reality.


The response advised that IDBs may therefore not be able to accept the principles and policies which accommodate a County wide “broad brush’’ approach, which are not consistent with the more detailed requirements of their local areas, and went on to advise that:

(a) In the flood risk areas managed by IDBs, development proposals are too often granted subject to planning conditions to allow LPAs to reach their targets, without sufficient regard to IDB comments on flood risk.

(b) LPAs receive fees for dealing with planning applications, IDBs do not; unless the developer chooses to follow an IDB pre-application procedure. Too often our advice is ignored and we are expected to provide a subsidised service for planning authorities to enable them to meet their targets, which the Boards are not prepared to do.

(c) We wish to encourage LPAs to, in turn, encourage developers to adopt the pre- application procedure. In the absence of the developer doing so, we can give no guarantee that, under the present arrangements, we will be able to respond to the Council’s request for advice on flood risk.

(d) When dealing with issues related to our byelaws and consent procedures the Commissioners and associated/administered Boards will promote and require continued adoption of and compliance with the relevant principles contained within PPS25 and the associated Practice Guide together with the provision of a FRA that meets their own requirements ie detailed assessments on the impacts on the respective water level/flood risk management systems and the provision of adequate evidence to prove that a viable scheme for appropriate water level/flood risk management exists, and that it could be constructed and maintained for the lifetime of the development.

The County Council has stated that the responses received during the consultation will be analysed and reviewed, and where necessary, changes will be made to the SPD before being adopted by each of the Cambridgeshire local planning authorities.

General Advice Assistance has been given, on the Board’s behalf, in respect of the following:

a) An application for byelaw consent received from Miss Christine Hedges to install a 600mm diameter piped access culvert across a private watercourse from Harper’s Drove into an adjacent field was recommended for approval. F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\rugr\mins\7.1.16

b) An application for byelaw consent received from Matthew and Sarah Tack to infill a watercourse on the road frontage of 288 Uggmere Court Road, Ramsey Heights was recommended for approval. c) Discussions were undertaken with National Grid to pipe and infill a section of Board’s drain immediately downstream of Common Corner Bridge, Ramsey Heights, at Point 3 on the Board’s drainage system. This road bridge is on a bend and a number of vehicles have crashed through the barriers ending up in the watercourse. A high pressure gas main spans the watercourse immediately downstream of the bridge and National Grid is concerned that an accident could rupture the main. A design and drawings are being prepared for consideration.

Consulting Engineer

18 December 2015

RUGtR(328)\Reports\December 15



With regards to Green Dyke pumping station Mr Thomas reported that the station, having been in operation for over 60 years, was now at the end of its useful working life. He added that there had been issues with settlement and it would only be possible to extend its' use by a short period only.

Mr Bedford queried the possible location of a new station.

The Chairman considered the present location was the lowest point of the catchment but it was likely that the sump would require lowering.

Mr Thomas outlined the possibilities for the new station in that it would have a syphon breaker and the Board could consider replacing the single pumping unit with two, for additional security.

He outlined the current arrangements for grant-in-aid applications and that, given the pumping station's location, would have to run through the economics of the proposal to assess the possible success of an application.

The Chairman queried the likely timescale for the completion of a new station. Mr Thomas considered it would likely be three years, building on the old site of the station.

Mr Clarke queried the installation of two pumps, as the single unit with a tractor drive gearbox had been successful in the past.

The Vice Chairman queried if a twin electric pump option was taken would the Board lose the option of a p.t.o. drive gearbox. Mr Thomas confirmed that this option could still be retained.

Mr Edwards enquired if there was any possibility of 'local monies' being available to help fund the scheme.

Mr Bucknell considered the Board could approach Huntingdonshire District Council to see if funding could be available concerning the Ramsey area and agreed to forward details to Mr Thomas. Mr Bucknell and Mr Lummis queried if a planning application would be required. Mr Bucknell considered that if the old pumping station was demolished it was likely to be required.

Mr Bucknell reported that the Huntingdonshire District Council Local Plan was to be sent to the Inspector in March.


i) That the Report and the actions referred to therein be approved.

ii) Green Dyke pumping station

a) That the Consulting Engineers be requested to produce proposals and costings and to investigate the possible success of a grant-in-aid application for the replacement of the pumping station.

b) That Mr Bucknell forward to the Consulting Engineers details of possible council funding availability.


c) That the Consulting Engineers be requested to investigate the requirements for a planning application for the scheme being required.

B.928 District Officer’s Report

The District Officer reported that drainworks had been completed according to the maintenance programme and that, together with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, he had visited a number of people concerning fencing and received a very good response.

Mr Lummis queried if fencing issues had been resolved and the Chairman confirmed that on stretches in this year's maintenance programme, the visits had all been successful.

The District Officer reported that he had undertaken a site visit to the Upwood Common slacker with Mr Edwards and they considered the door plate to be satisfactory but that the leak was from around the base of the frame. He added that, unless the structure was dammed off, it was not possible to assess properly.

The District Officer considered that it may be possible to carry out a repair but unless it was assessed and repaired properly, it could become a major issue in the future.

The District Officer reported on issues concerning blanket weed in the Upwood Common catchment.

Mr Clarke considered that if the situation was bad, a machine should be utilised to remove it.

Mr Clarke expressed, on behalf of the Board, thanks to the District Officer for the works carried out and congratulated him on settling in to his new role.


i) That the Report and the actions referred to therein be approved and that the Officer be thanked for his services.

ii) Upwood Common slacker

a) That the Consulting Engineers arrange for the structure to be to "dammed off" and inspected.

b) That, following the inspection, the Chairman be authorised to approve any works that may be required.

iii) That the District Officer be authorised to assess the situation concerning blanket weed in the Upwood Common catchment and, together with the Chairman, be authorised to take any action required.

B.929 Environmental Officer’s Press Release

Mr Hill referred to the Environmental Officer’s Press Release which had previously been circulated to members.

Mr Lummis considered that Cliff Carson was doing a very good job on behalf of the Board. F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\rugr\mins\7.1.16

B.930 Applications for byelaw consent

Mr Hill reported that the following applications for consent to undertake works in and around watercourses had been approved and granted since the last general meeting of the Board, viz:-

Name of Applicant Description of Works Date consent granted

Miss C Hedges The construction of 1 no culvert not 29th July 2015 exceeding 12 metres in width in the Watercourse at Mere Yard, Harpers Drove, Catchwater Bank, Ramsey Heights to allow access from Harpers Drove into an adjacent field.

Mr M & Ms S Tack The filling in of the length of the 25th August 2015 Watercourse on the road frontage of 288 Uggmere Court Road, Ramsey Heights


That the action taken be approved.

B.931 Determinations of annual values for rating purposes

The Board considered the recommendations for the determination of annual values for rating purposes, viz:-


Ramsey Upwood & Great Raveley IDB Determination of Annual Values for Rating purposes January 2016

2015-2016 Transfer value to Special Levy - £1337.878 Area Agricultural Special Levies per hectare (Hectares) Land Hunts DC TOTAL

Opening Values (£) 1220.454 165,308 156,172 321,480 Opening % 51.42% 48.58% 100.00% Location Reason for change. 0 Mr N Upton Harpers Drove Ramsey Heights Not in rating ledger 0.800 112 112 0 Mr J Shotbolt Bill Fen Marina Mill Drove Ramsey Change for housing development 0.405 -57 542 485 0 0 0 0

Total determinations 1221.659 55 542 597 Closing Values (£) 165,363 156,714 322,077 Closing % 51.34% 48.66% 100.00%



i) That the determinations recommended be adopted by the Board.

ii) That the Clerk be empowered to serve notices and to take such other action as may be necessary to comply with statutory requirements.

iii) That the Chairman and the Clerk be empowered to authorise appropriate action on behalf of the Board in connection with any appeal(s) against the determination(s).

B.932 Rate arrears

Consideration was given to writing off rate arrears amounting to £59.99.


That the arrears be written off.

B.933 Contribution from Developers

With reference to minute B.181, Mr Hill reported that the following contribution towards the cost of dealing with the increased flow or volume of surface water run-off and treated effluent volume had been received, viz:

Contributor Amount

Shire Build Homes Ltd £2,507.95 (gross) £2,257.15 (net)

B.934 Association of Drainage Authorities

Mr Hill reported:-

a) Annual Conference

On the Annual Conference of the Association held in London on Wednesday the 11th November 2015.

He referred to the address given by the Parliamentary Under Secretary and Minister responsible for Water, Rory Stewart MP and to the emphasis placed on partnership working.

b) Annual Conference of the River Great Ouse Branch

That the Annual Conference of the River Great Ouse branch of the Association would be held in Prickwillow, Ely on Tuesday the 8th March 2016.

c) Subscriptions

That it was proposed by ADA to increase subscriptions by approximately 5% in 2016, viz:- from £510 to £536. [The increase in 2015 was 4%] F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\rugr\mins\7.1.16

Mr Lummis queried a 5% increase against a 4% increase the previous year. Mr Clarke spoke in favour of ADA and the need to retain a body to represent IDBs.


That the increased subscription be paid for 2016.

B.935 Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Partnership Update

Further to minute B.909, Mr Hill reported that the main recent items discussed were the County Council’s project to install more rain gauges in Cambridgeshire; the impact of the A14 Project; Surface Water Management Plans and the new Supplementary Planning Document on flood risk, which the Middle Level Commissioners' Planning Engineer is involved with. Mr Hill advised that the Planning Engineer does not feel that this document is yet in a suitable state commenting in particular, that it is too generic, does not really apply to the special needs of the Fens or properly set out the roles and functions of IDBs.

B.936 Information regarding Asbestos

Mr Hill reported that the Board had a duty to provide details of any asbestos in their installations, especially pumping stations, to be recorded in a Register so that these were known and any contractors could be made aware.

The Board did not think there was any asbestos present at their pumping station but were unable to definitely say.


That the Register record "Unknown".

B.937 Completion of the Annual Accounts and Annual Return of the Board – 2014/2015

a) The Board considered and approved the comments of the Auditors on the Annual Return for the year ended on the 31st March 2015.

b) The Board considered and approved the Audit Report of the Internal Auditor for the year ended on the 31st March 2015.

c) Appointment of External Auditor

Mr Hill reported that, as had been previously mentioned, the recent Local Audit and Accountability Act changes the audit requirements for smaller public bodies including IDBs and such bodies as the MLC and Parish Councils.

The Act abolished the Audit Commission from 1st April 2015 and, from that date, responsibility for external auditor appointments has transferred to a new body, Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd. Most contracts with existing external auditors will however continue until they expire after completion of the 2016/2017 audits.


Mr Hill advised that a new Code of Audit Practice will be issued in respect of accounts for 2015/2016.

Mr Hill reported that from April 2017, smaller authorities will also be legally responsible for the appointment of their own external auditor and that this appointment must be made before the 31st December before the audited year, eg by 31/12/2016 for 2017/2018. Mr Hill advised that the Secretary of State can however, appoint a body with power to appoint auditors for such smaller bodies which must then opt out from an appointing body. This has now been proposed, with a body proposed to procure audit services "en bloc" for these bodies. The new body is also supported and being funded by DCLG. The new arrangements will operate for a period of 5 years initially but is likely to run on 5 year cycles. It is likely that the procedures for opting out of this sector led body arrangement and appointing an external auditor individually will not be worthwhile for smaller authorities since this will involve the authority establishing an auditor panel and following a statutory appointment process and it is also likely that audit fees will be higher than under the "en bloc" arrangement.

Mr Hill advised that all IDBs had to decide by 31st January 2016 whether they were going to opt out of the new sector body arrangements and that the position can be reviewed during the first five year cycle.


To join the Sector Led Auditor Appointment body.

B.938 Financial Position

a) The Board considered the Estimate Update for 2015/2016.


That the update be approved.

b) Mr Hill reported that the Board’s cash balance on the 30th November 2015 were:-

Clients Premium Account - £90,326.17 Clients Treasury Account - £75,000.00

B.939 Date of next Meeting


Mr Hill reminded Members that the next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday the 19th May 2016.


B.940 Environmental Issues and Drainage Works

Mr Clarke referred to the recent flooding in Cumbria and Yorkshire and to comments that environmental issues were impacting on drainage works. He referred to the environmental measures in this area and considered that land drainage works to protect life and property should not be detrimentally affected because of environmental matters.


That the Clerk be requested to compose a letter to ADA, local MPs and other bodies expressing the Board's concerns that environmental/conservation matters could have a detrimental effect on drainage works to protect life and property, for the Chairman to approve and sign.
