Armstrong, James, 314 Armstrong, Jane
INDEX (Family names of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics) Abbott, Benjamin, a follower of Rev- America, Ship bringing German emi- erend George Whitefield, visits War- grants to America, 83, 87 wick iron plantation, 126; quoted, American Antiquarian Society, liter- 126 ary work of John Bach McMaster Abrams, Ray H., The Jeffersonian, at, 9, 15, 23 Copperhead Newspaper, by, 260 American Brasidas, General George Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 364, Gordon Meade, 152 365 American Colkitto, The, by Isaac R. Accident in Lombard Street, Philadel- Pennypacker, 138; General Philip phia, engraved by C. W. Peale, 285 H. Sheridan named American Col- Acrelius, Israel, author, 123, 131, 132 ; kitto, 152 Minister at Christiana, Delaware, American Historical Association, John. 132 ; visits Pennsylvania iron plan- Bach McMaster, President of, 1904- tations, 132 5, 23 Acton, Lord, 19 American Philosophical Society, 24, 55, 198; date of founding, 54; Adams, John, 21 collection of Charles Willson Peale Adams, Samuel, 13S removed to, 174 Addison, Joseph, 194 American Republican, published at Age, The, newspaper, 281 West Chester, 260 Agnew, Doctor D. Hayes, 42, 43, 53 Amusement Gardens in Philadelphia, Agricultural Societies in Pennsylvania, 289-298 124 Anderson, Arnold, 286 Albany, New York, Abraham Lincoln Andrews, Benjamin, William Bar- at, 266; contributions from, for tram visits, 200 Johnstown Flood Relief, 346 Annapolis, Maryland, 162, 163, 348; Alexander the Great, Military leader- St. Ann's Parish of,
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