INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLGICAL SECTION of the DEVONSHIRE ASSOCIATION Issue 4 January 2019 IASDA Talk & AGM Saturday 9 February 2019 The Dolphin Hotel, 1A Station Rd, Bovey Tracey, TQ13 9AL 10.00am Refreshments on arrival 10.30am Rick Stewart: “Miner’s Health and Welfare in the Tamar Valley” 11.30am Break 11.45 Bob Ashford, “A Twist in the Sodium Nitrate Story” 12.00 Adrian Wills, “Update on the Rolle Canal” 12.15 Iain Miles, “AIA Conference 2018” 12.30pm AGM 1 Apologies 2 Minutes of the AGM of 8 February 2018 3 Chairman’s Report 4 Secretary’s Report 5 Treasurer’s Report / approval of Accounts 6 Election of Officers and Committee The current Committee consists of:- Mick Atkinson, Lynette Costello, Iain Miles, Mary Miles, Pat Milton, Bill Nichols, Richard Pocock, Mike Stannard, Adrian Wills and Graham Wills. All are due stand down and have indicated their willingness to continue on the Committee, with the exception of Graham Wills. New Committee members are welcome and nominations are invited. Please send them to the hon. secretary (Mike Stannard) no later than 14 days before the meeting (Saturday 26 January) Numbers of those wishing to lunch at the Dolphin Hotel afterwards will be taken at the beginning of the meeting. Forthcoming IASDA meetings and field trip (to the end of May 2019) 9th February (Saturday) IASDA AGM after talk by Rick Stewart “Miner's Health and Welfare in the Tamar Valley.” Dolphin Hotel, Bovey Tracey, TQ13 9AL, (OS SX 815 785). coffee at 10.00 am, talk at 10.30 am. Lunch at the hotel available afterwards.
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