MODERN ART MODERNE KUNST Traditionel Auktion 900

AUKTION 10. marts 2021 kl. 16

EFTERSYN Torsdag 4. marts kl. 11 - 17 Fredag 5. marts kl. 11 - 17 Lørdag 6. marts kl. 11 - 16 Søndag 7. marts kl. 11 - 16 eller efter aftale

NB: Afholdelsen af eftersynet og auktionen afhænger naturligvis af situa- tionen omkring COVID-19. Vi justerer løbende ud fra myndighedernes udmeldinger, så hold øje med vores hjemmeside for opdateret information. Læs mere på side 2.

Bredgade 33 · 1260 København K · Tlf. +45 8818 1111 [email protected] ·

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 1 18.02.2021 15.00 Vigtig information om auktionen og eftersynet

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Jesper Bruun Rasmussen

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 2 18.02.2021 15.00 Important Information Regarding the Auction and Preview

The world has changed as a result of COVID-19, and over the past year the pandemic has also had an impact on Bruun Rasmussen. Please be aware that the manner in which the year’s first preview and Live Auction will be held will of course depend on the situation. We adjust our plans according to the authorities’ guidelines, so keep an eye on our website for updated information. As the time of the auction and preview approaches, you can use the website to see the exact times and read about your opportunities to phy- sically participate in the preview and the auction.

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We hope to see you soon!

Jesper Bruun Rasmussen

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 3 18.02.2021 15.00 Lot 377

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 4 18.02.2021 15.00 AUKTIONSKALENDER


Mandag 8. marts kl. 16 Malerier 1 - 91 Møbler, tæpper og kunsthåndværk 92 - 126 Bøger og manuskripter 127 - 164

Tirsdag 9. marts kl. 16 Smykker og tasker 165 - 336 kl. 19 Armbåndsure 337 - 371


Onsdag 10. marts kl. 16 Malerier og skulpturer 372 - 531 Grafik 532 - 568

Torsdag 11. marts kl. 16 Sølv og keramik 569 - 603 Møbler, belysning og tæpper 604 - 739

SIDSTE FRIST FOR AFHENTNING: ONSDAG DEN 24. MARTS Genstande købt på denne auktion skal være betalt senest otte dage efter fakturadatoen og afhentet i Bredgade 33 senest onsdag den 24. marts. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 150 kr. pr. genstand inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 150 kr. pr. genstand pr. påbegyndt uge inkl. moms.

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 5 18.02.2021 19.44 MODERN ART Live Auction 900

Lot 394

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 6 18.02.2021 15.00 MODERN ART Live Auction 900

AUCTION 10 March 2021 4 pm

PREVIEW Thursday 4 March 11 am - 5 pm Friday 5 March 11 am - 5 pm Saturday 6 March 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 7 March 11 am - 4 pm or by appointment

Please note: The manner in which the preview and auction will be held will of course depend on the situation surrounding COVID-19. We will adjust our plans according to the Danish authorities’ guidelines, so keep an eye on our web- site for updated information. Read more on page 3.

Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 K · Tel +45 8818 1111 [email protected] ·

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 7 18.02.2021 15.00 Lot 396

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 8 18.02.2021 19.45 DAYS OF SALE


Monday 8 March 4 pm Paintings 1 - 91 Furniture, carpets and decorative arts 92 - 126 Books and manuscripts 127 - 164

Tuesday 9 March 4 pm Jewellery and handbags 165 - 336 7 pm Wristwatches 337 - 371


Wednesday 10 March 4 pm Paintings and sculptures 372 - 531 Prints 532 - 568

Thursday 11 March 4 pm Silver and ceramics 569 - 603 Furniture, lamps and carpets 604 - 739

DEADLINE FOR CLAIMING ITEMS: WEDNESDAY 24 MARCH Items bought at this auction must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice and claimed at Bredgade 33 by Wednesday 24 March at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 150 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 150 per item per week VAT included.

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 9 18.02.2021 19.45 Når kunsten tager stilling

Der er store kunstoplevelser i sigte på årets første auktion i Bredgade, hvor et eksplosionsfarligt blåt neonskilt af Superflex springer i øjnene. Kunstgruppen blev stiftet i 1993 af trioen Bjørnstjerne Reuter Christiansen, Jakob Fenger og Rasmus Nielsen, der i kunstens navn tager modige livtag med det omkringliggende samfund og taler direkte ind i samfundsdebatten. De løfter kunsten ud af æstetikkens sfære og anvender begreber som humanisme og næstekærlighed som deres væsentlige drivkraft. Med provokationen som virkemiddel står Superflex’ værker som politiske pro- tester – uanset om det gælder klimaforandringer, krigsforhold eller datasikkerhed. Gennem tiden har deres kunst skabt voldsomme modreaktioner, hvilket det udbudte værk er et resultat af. Med slynget skrift kopierer neonskiltet de aggressive ord i et brev, som kunstgruppen modtog i 2008: ”If you don’t like Danmark – Goodbye – Fuck off – Go home”. I brevet responderer den anonyme afsender på et tidligere fremstød fra Superflex i 2002, hvor de hængte plakater op overalt i de københavnske gader med udsagnet ”Foreigners, please don’t leave us alone with the Danes!”– en bidsk kommentar til den ofte overophedede og polariserede flygtninge- og integrationsdebat i Danmark. Det er første gang, at vi sætter et af Superflex’ kontroversielle værker af den kaliber under hammeren ( 461).

”En bonsaidyrker med passion for samfundsproblematikken” lød det i en anmeldelse i Weekend- avisen om Louisianas fascinerende udstilling om den japanskfødte pariserkunstner Tetsumi Kudo sidste år. Med på udstillingen var et af auktionens udbudte værker, nemlig ”Cultivation of Nature & People Who Are Looking at it“ fra 1970. At tale ind i store samfundsudfordringer var også om- drejningspunktet for Kudo, der står som en visionær og nærmest profetisk forudseende kunstner, der i 1960’erne og 70’erne foregreb nutidens klimadebat. Derfor er han aktuel som aldrig før i sin fokusering på, hvordan vi mennesker har påvirket naturen og klimaet i en uhensigtsmæssig retning. Med en opvækst i efterkrigstidens Japan og de katastrofale følger af atombomberne i Hiroshima og Nagasaki in mente kan hans optagethed af klimaet og menneskets destruktive kræfter ikke undre nogen. Kudo fører os ind i en form for horrorshow af affald, forurening og menneskeligt forfald, samtidig med at han viser os en udvej med sine absurde skulpturer, der på trods også fremstår som livgivende vækstsystemer med blomster og andre spirende stykker natur. Kedelig er Kudos kunst aldrig, og i det udbudte værk har han fyldt en blå plasticspand op med et modelleret materiale og tilføjet menneskehår og farvede nåle i et på én gang sært og humoristisk dommedagsscenarie ( 441).

Naturen fandt også vej til Per Kirkebys malerier, omend i en lidt mere afdæmpet form. Hans virke var alsidigt, og gennem sin lange karriere lod han sine værker tage afsæt i både geologiske studier og massekulturens tegneserieunivers. Det folder sig tydeligt ud i auktionens fire malerier fra pe- rioden 1964-89. CoBrA gæster vanen tro også Bredgade, og det samme gør den klassiske danske modernist Vilhelm Lundstrøm med en farverig opstilling. Vi sætter tilmed spot på kvindelige kunstnere med en parisertegning af Franciska Clausen, en skulptur af Sonja Ferlov Mancoba og et portræt af Gerda Wegener – for ikke at tale om samtidskunstværker af navne som Cathrine Raben Davidsen og Anette Harboe Flensburg (fx kat. nr. 429, 377 og 394).

God fornøjelse!

Niels Raben

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 10 18.02.2021 15.00 Lot 461

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 11 18.02.2021 15.00 When Art Takes a Stand

There are great art experiences to behold at this year’s first Live Auction in Copenhagen, where a highly charged, in communicative terms, blue neon sign by the Superflex art group quickly catches the eye. The art group was founded in 1993 by the trio of Bjørnstjerne Reuter Christiansen, Jakob Fenger and Rasmus Nielsen, who in the name of art partake in bold discussions concerning societal issues and speak directly to the public debate. They move art out of the realm of aesthetics and use concepts such as humanism and empathy as their essential driving forces. With provocation as their primary tool, Superflex’s artwork functions as political protests – whether it concerns climate change, war or data security. At times, their art has caused a fierce backlash, which the work up for auction is also a reflection of. In cursive writing, the neon sign copies the aggressive words from a letter the art group received in 2008: ”If you do not like Danmark – Goodbye – Fuck off – Go home”. In the letter, the anonymous sender responds to a previous campaign from Superflex in 2002, where they hung up posters all over Copenhagen with the statement ”Foreigners please do not leave us alone with the Danes”, which was a biting comment on the often overheated and polarized refugee and immigrant debate in Denmark. This is the first time that we can present one of Superflex’s controversial works of this calibre at auction (cat. no. 461).

”A bonsai grower with a passion for social issues.” This description comes from a review in the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen about Louisiana’s fascinating exhibition with works by the Japanese-born Parisian artist Tetsumi Kudo last year. Included in the exhibition was one of the auction’s offered works: ”Cultivation of Nature & People Who Are Looking at It” from 1970. Addressing major societal challenges was also a focal point for Kudo, who stands as a visionary and almost prophetically fore- sighted artist, who during the 1960s and 70s pre-empted today’s climate debate. Therefore, he is more relevant today than ever before in his focus on how humans have affected nature and the climate in devastating ways. Growing up in post-war Japan and in the shadow of the catastrophic consequences of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, his preoccupation with the climate and the de- structive forces of man can come as no surprise. Kudo leads us into a kind of horror show of waste, pollution and human decay, while at the same time showing us a way out with his absurd sculptures that also appear as life-sustaining systems of growth with flowers and other budding elements of nature. Kudo’s art is never boring, and in the offered work he has filled a blue plastic bucket with a modelled material and added human hair and coloured needles in an at once strange and humorous doomsday scenario (cat. no. 441).

Nature also found its way to the paintings of Per Kirkeby, albeit in a slightly more subdued form. His artistic work was versatile, and throughout his long career, he let his artwork be based on both geolo- gical studies and the comic book universe of popular culture. This can clearly be seen in the auction’s four paintings from the period 1964-89. The art of CoBrA is also a returning guest at our Live Auction, and so is the classic Danish modernist Vilhelm Lundstrøm with a colourful still life. We also place a spotlight on female artists with a Parisian drawing by Franciska Clausen, a sculpture by Sonja Ferlov Mancoba and a portrait by Gerda Wegener – not to mention contemporary works of art by names such as Cathrine Raben Davidsen and Anette Harboe Flensburg (e.g. cat. nos. 429, 377 and 394).


Niels Raben

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 12 18.02.2021 15.00 Lot 441

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 13 18.02.2021 15.01 SPECIALISTS IN MODERN ART

Head of department Niels Raben +45 8818 1181 [email protected]

Paintings, sculptures and prints Niels Boe-Hauggaard +45 8818 1182 [email protected]

Paintings, sculptures and prints Kathrine Eriksen +45 8818 1184 [email protected]

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900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 14 18.02.2021 15.01 Lot 430

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 15 18.02.2021 15.01 900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 16 18.02.2021 15.01 PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES

Wednesday 10 March 4 pm Lot 372 - 531

Lot 470

900_modernekunst_s001-017_start.indd 17 18.02.2021 15.01 372

372 ARR OLUF HØST b. Svaneke 1884, d. Gudhjem 1966 Sunset, Bornholm. Signed OH 47 and incised OH twice on the right side. Oil on canvas. 89 x 62 cm. Provenance: The brother of the artists' wife, royal chamber singer Poul Wiedemann. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

373 ARR OLUF HØST b. Svaneke 1884, d. Gudhjem 1966 Winter scenery with figures. Signed OH, Dragør 1915. Oil on canvas. 38 x 38 cm. Provenance: The brother of the artists' wife, royal chamber singer Poul Wiedemann. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 373


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 18 18.02.2021 13.53 374

374 ARR JENS SØNDERGAARD b. Øster Assels 1895, d. Skovshoved 1957 "Blæsende sommerdag" (Windy summer day). Signed Jens Søndergaard 32; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 124 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner's family. Not previously offered for sale. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 19 18.02.2021 13.53 375 EINAR WEGENER/LILI ELBE b. Vejle 1882, d. Dresden 1931 Two still lives. Both signed E. Wegener, Ole Olsen, one stamped and dated 1901, both with examina- tion labels. Drawing charcoal on paper. Visible sizes 37.5 x 43.5 cm. and 40.5 x 33.5 cm. (2) Prior to his time at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, the artist received instruction from drawing teacher Ole Olsen at Vejle Technical School. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 375


376 ARR AXEL BENTZEN b. København 1893, d. s.p. 1952 Billiard players, 1918. Signed AB; inscribed Axel Bentzen and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 47 x 34 cm. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,050 376


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 20 18.02.2021 13.53 377

377 VILHELM LUNDSTRØM b. Copenhagen 1893, d. s.p. 1950 Still life with oranges in a turquoise bowl, 1940s. Signed on the reverse V.L. Oil on canvas. 65 x 48 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. Acquired by the father of the present owner in the 1950s. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 21 18.02.2021 13.54 378

378 ARR NIELS LERGAARD b. Vorup 1893, d. Copenhagen 1982 Landscape with a view of the sea, Bornholm. Signed N. Lergaard. Oil on canvas. 90 x 110 cm. Exhibited: Århus Kunstforening af 1847, 1978, cat. no. 10. DKK 30,000 / € 4,050



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 22 18.02.2021 13.54 380

379 ARR HANS SCHERFIG b. Copenhagen 1905, d. Fredensborg 1979 380 ARR Elephant in a yellow forest. Signed Scherfig. Tem- SAMUEL JOENSEN-MIKINES pera on masonite. 26 x 31 cm. b. Mykines 1906, d. Copenhagen 1979 Provenance: Acquired by the mother of the present View over village, the Faroe Islands. Signed S.J. owner from Hans Scherfig in 1939. Mikines 61. Oil on canvas. 94 x 110 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350 DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 23 18.02.2021 13.54 381

381 ARR ORLA MUFF b. Copenhagen 1903, d. s.p. 1984 Naked woman in moonlight. Signed Muff 37. Oil on canvas. 130 x 120 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 24 18.02.2021 13.54 382

382 * ARR JOHANNES C. BJERG b. Ødis 1886, d. Copenhagen 1955 "Pan på firkantet plint" (Pan on a square plinth), 1919. Signed Johannes C. Bjerg, stamped Expl. 1 and Nic. O. Schmidt Broncestøber. Patinated bronze. H. 51 cm. Literature: Kresten Bjerg's registry of Johannes C. Bjerg's sculptures,, registered under 'statuetter', year 1919. Exhibited (version): "Grønningen", Udstilling i Aarhusforeningen Moderne Kunst, Aarhus, 1919, cat. no. 54. DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 25 18.02.2021 13.54 383



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 26 18.02.2021 13.54 385

383 ARR SAMUEL JOENSEN-MIKINES b. Mykines 1906, d. Copenhagen 1979 Landscape with hazy mountains, the Faroe Islands. Signed S-J-Mikines-32. Oil on canvas. 47 x 62 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350

384 ARR JÓN STEFÁNSSON 385 ARR b. Saudarkrokur 1881, d. Reykjavik 1962 ÁSGRÍMUR JÓNSSON Coastal view, Iceland. Signed Jón Stefansson. Oil on b. Árnessysla 1876, d. Reykjavik 1958 masonite. 48 x 67 cm. "Strúttur and Eiríksjökull", Iceland. Signed Asgrimur Exhibited: Grønningen, Copenhagen, 1956. J. Oil on canvas. 76 x 92 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350 DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 27 18.02.2021 13.55 386

386 ARR BENNY COHN b. Copenhagen 1896, d. Florida 1980 "Le Rapt de Capri", 1922. Signed Benny Cohn and on a label on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 125 x 181 cm. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050


387 ARR CLAUDE VENARD b. Paris 1913, d. Sanary-sur-Mer 1999 Still life with birds. Signed C. Venard. Oil on canvas. 93 x 89 cm. Presumably part of the exhibition: "Ecole de Paris. Trois peintres: Buffet, Clavé, Venard. Un sculpteur: Couturier", Galleri Tokanten, Copenhagen. An exhibition arranged in collaboration with Galerie Paul Hervieu, Nice, probably in the 1950s. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 28 18.02.2021 13.55 388

388 FERNANDO FADER b. , France 1882, d. Ischilín Department, Córdoba, 1935 Two horses at the water, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Signed Fernando Fader [presumably] 16; partial title and dating on the remains of a label on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 65 x 75 cm. Provenance: Danish Consul General in , Argentina, K. M. Widding (1879-1947). Hence by descent in his family in Denmark.

K. M. Widding was stationed in Buenos Aires in the years 1914-1918, after which he asked to return to Denmark as his mother was dying. He received a letter from his colleagues (dat- ed Buenos Aires in March 1919, a copy of the letter is included), stating that they presented him with a painting on departure for "dear remembrance of the Country and the Friends". DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 29 18.02.2021 13.55 Women and art history

By Sanne Kofod Olsen, cand.phil. and mag. art. in art history Dean of the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at Gothenburg University

“It has been said that: ‘Le style, ce n’est pas la Franciska Clausen’s story is somewhat different. femme’ [The style, it is not the woman]. And there She was not exactly recognised by the Danish is a core of truth in this witticism, in so far as it art scene of her day. Franciska Clausen returned seems indisputable upon glancing at the history of to Denmark after having lived in , Berlin the development of the visual arts that the woman and Paris from 1921 to 1931. In , she was

FEMALE ARTISTS has not shown herself to be in possession of abilities taught by and worked for art history icons such which, in the deepest sense, can be called style-­ as Hans Hoffmann, Laslzo Moholy-Nagy and creating. The groundbreaking work, the true basis Alexander Archipenko, and by Ferdinand Léger in for the emergence of a new style, is always and Paris. When she returned to Denmark in 1931, she without exception the work of male artists. But, on was all but shunned by the Copenhagen art scene. the other hand, it is no less true that the woman, In 1932, she painted “De kolde skuldres land” as an artist within the fixed limits of changing style (Land of the cold shoulders), which depicted how periods, has produced works which do not lack she perceived her reception in Denmark. She lived distinctiveness and which in a universally valid way a somewhat isolated existence in Aabenraa until express something personal and original.” the 1960s, when her art was finally “rediscovered”. Neither forgotten nor written out of history, her This is how art historian Haavard Rostrup began place in Danish art history is nevertheless peri­ his short monograph on Ebba Carstensen in 1937. pheral, perhaps due to her seclusion from the Danish Carstensen was an artist who was well-respected art scene. during her lifetime and who often exhibited along- side her male peers, among them Jais Nielsen and The question of why so many female artists have Olaf Rude. A graduate of the Royal Danish Academy slipped out of art history despite winning great of Fine Arts, she was a member of Decembristerne, critical acclaim in their day remains. And many have one of the leading artist groups of the time. She tried to answer it. was, for a period, a member of the Academy Council and she received the highest possible recognitions In 1971, art historian Linda Nochlin posed the awarded to Danish artists, namely the Eckersberg question: “Why have there been no great female Medal and the Thorvaldsen Medal. She held nume­ artists?”. rous group exhibitions and solo exhibitions during her lifetime, and newspaper clippings show that In answer to her own question, she replied that she received many favourable mentions in the press for centuries there has been a historical and cul- throughout her career. She was probably every bit tural understanding that women do not have the as experimental and cubistically inspired as many of creative and intellectual strength to create some- her male colleagues and almost as well respected, thing important. Women have, in addition, been with the one small reservation articulated by Rostrup: subject to completely different terms to men as She was a woman. creative artists, with limited opportunity to be- come truly great. Therefore, there are in principle After her death in 1967, Ebba Carstensen soon no “great female artists” on a par with Michelan- fell into oblivion. Her name only appears in refer- gelo, Delacroix and Picasso. Other art historians ence books on Danish art to a limited extent. Ebba have pointed out that many female artists were Carstensen shares the fate of many of her female actually recognised in their day but have since peers. Anna Klindt Sørensen, Franciska Clausen, Else been forgotten or even written out of art history. Thoresen, Rita Kernn-Larsen, Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, Perhaps due to the cultural understanding that to name but a few, who were well-respected for women did not have “the same creative and in- a period, but who slipped into oblivion for many tellectual strength as men”, as Haavard Rostrup years, both before and after their deaths. put it.


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 30 18.02.2021 13.55 Nochlin’s questions led to a wave of research pro- on female artists have been held. In recent years, we jects on female artists. Many interesting artists who have seen retrospective exhibitions featuring Gerda have existed in parentheses in art history archives and Wegener at Arken (2016), Rita Kernn-Larsen at Gl. books, but who have never found their way into the Holtegaard (2018), Sonja Ferlov Mancoba and Anna annals of art history, were “discovered”. For example, Ancher (2019 and 2020) at The National Gallery two of the most acclaimed books on the history of of Denmark, in addition to the “Women of Sur­ world art by E.H. Gombrich and H.W. Janson barely realism” exhibition featuring Franciska Clausen, Rita mentioned a single woman until the books were re- Kernn-Larsen and Elsa Thoresen at Gl. Strand (2018). vised in the 1990s. This resulted in significant artists such as Artemesia Gentileschi (16th century), Judith Art history is not set in stone. It is no secret that Leyster (17th century), Elisabeth Viegee-Lebrun (18th interest in an artist’s works can suddenly grow be- century) and Berthe Morisot and Mary Gasatt/Cassatt cause their works resonate in a contemporary con- (19th century) coming to light. Today, they are seen text, as has been the case in recent years with Gerda as well-known artists in art history. Wegener, for example. This can give the artist a new relevance and change our view of art history. Danish art history has also undergone a similar revi- sion. Over the past many years, exhibitions focusing


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 31 18.02.2021 13.55 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 32 FEMALE ARTISTS roles of woman and artist couldcoexist. Thoresen the existing moral codeandtraditions –andthatthe they discovered aninvitationtofree themselves from with itsdesire toliberate theindividualandsociety, movement inthe1920s. Inthe surrealist movement, to betaughtby leadingfigures oftheavant-garde a young age tothepivotal European artmetropolises rest marked by artistic upheaval. Allthree travelled at crossed each otheragainandinatimeofun- Thoresen are remarkable female artists whosepaths Franciska Clausen, RitaKernn-Larsen andElsa catalogue number389. lands, asseeninthepaintingupforauctionhere, the harsh yet poeticlandscapeoftheWestmanIs- received particularrecognition forherdepictions of tif andaninexhaustible source ofinspiration. She and theIcelandicnature is Sveinsdóttir’s mainmo- maintained a strong connectionto her homeland, male peers, she remained unmarried.Allherlife,she reconcile inherdayand,likesomanyoffe- gender roles andartist identitywere difficultto Danish Association of WomenArtists. Conventional Danish artscene,and anearlymemberofKKS,the Denmark, where she wasanactive figure onthe art. Sveinsdóttir spent mostofherworkinglifein women tobuildaprofessional career forherself in Júlíana Sveinsdóttir wasoneofthefirst Icelandic so withtheutmostrespect fortheirdifferences. allow ourselves topaint withabroad brush anddo Sveinsdóttir toCathrine Raben-Davidsen,butwe Our auction,therefore, ranges widelyfrom Júlíana gender under-representation atcultural institutions. artists are female, and the challenge probably lies in access toeducation,more andmore recognised for admission totheacademies. Today, there is equal the late19thcenturywhenwomenfoughtfiercely rules ofthegameforever. Alothashappenedsince managed tobeatdownthedoors andchangethe over time,asanumberofstrong-willed figures have their fight against structural oppression has changed nition, participationincen male artists together. Their quest forofficial recog It goeswithoutsaying thatonecannotlumpallfe- focusing onfemaleartists. to makeourmodestcontributionthedebateby seums alike, and in2021, wehave therefore chosen increasing attentionofprivate collectors andmu- Ras forgotten talentsandrewrite arthistory. AtBruun- tions andmuseums helpingtoputthe spotlight on than itis today, withthemedia,research institu- Interest infemaleartists hasseldombeengreater mussen, weare naturally also noticing the sored exhibitions, and ­ ­

Else AlfeltandSonjaFerlov Mancobaare twopromi to arouse enthusiasm intheirfuture home. and thefinestilllife(cataloguenumber390)promise larly herbeautifulportraits (cataloguenumber391) before amongDanish and foreign collectors. Particu- spotlight, andshe is currently indemandlikenever at Arkenthefollowingyear, she wasthrust intothe Danish Girl”from 2015 andamajorsoloexhibition 1940 untilthepresent day. Thanks tothefilm“The little hasbeenmentionedofhersincedeathin a successfulcareer inParis duringherlifetime,but tive andelegant,meanderingline.Wegenerenjoyed her stylistic nicheasanillustrator withadecora- of FineArts’SchoolArtforWomenbutfound She studiedpaintingattheRoyal Danish Academy the boundaries of gender, which is so relevant today. of someonewhobroke withthenorms andpushed as theextremely untraditional andunforgettable fate Most peoplenowknowthestoryofGerda Wegener for auction(cataloguenumbers 392,393and394). have three fineworks thattypifytheartists’ workup work atexhibitions bothathomeandabroad. We past fewyears, thepublichasbeenabletoenjoy their many years. This hasnowbeenrectified, and over the abroad, andthenfellcompletelyofftheradar for Kernn-Larsen primarilymadeacareer forthemselves inward- style. Her international outlook clashed with the Clausen was characterised by her unique geometric in the30-40s, while,asaformerstudentofLéger, and Kernn-Larsen, in particular, found their style here Alfelt never received anyformaltraining butmade auction by cataloguenumber395.Unlike Ferlov, a contemporary context.Ferlov is represented atthe standing betweenpeoplegive herarare relevance in global outlookandinsistence onamutualunder- riage to South African artist Ernest Mancoba. Her non-Western art,whichwasreinforced by hermar - modernist tradition withhergreat passionfor Denmark. Herartistic styleis ameetingofEuropean international artworldandherpeers backhomein with AlbertoGiacometti,formingalinkbetweenthe she hadmoved toParis, where she becamefriends other things, theart group “Linien”,butby 1936, played anactive role inthefoundingof,among from thedomestic scene. Intheearly1930s, Ferlov Fr Ferlov, ontheotherhand,settledinnorth- lished a strong connection to the Danish art scene. marriage to Carl-Henning Pedersen, Alfelt estab- ated withtheCoBrAmovement, butby virtueofher nent figur ance, where she and herfamilylived isolated ­looking Copenhagenscene,andboths es inDanish arthistory. Bothwere affili- eastern ­ he and he and ­ 18.02.2021 13.55



her début at Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling in 1936 389 ARR and, from then on, was an integral part of the artist JÚLÍANA SVEINSDÓTTIR groups of her day. She held a particular fascination b. Vestmannaeyjar 1889, d. Copenhagen 1966 for nature, not least the alluring power of moun- Coastal scenery, Vestmannaø, Iceland. Signed Juliana tains. Her compositions are often kept to blue and Sveinsdottir 48; signed on the reverse. Oil on can- green tones, but her paintings from the 40s are un- vas. 68 x 89 cm. usually colourful, as is this “Bolchebillede” up for Exhibited: Islandic Exhibition, Copenhagen and Århus, auction under catalogue number 396. 1954. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 If we jump to the present day, a selection of Cathrine Raben Davidsen’s works are part of the auction as well. Particularly striking is the large work entitled “The Burial”, catalogue number 475. With Raben-Davidsen, the masters of art history are intertwined with contemporary influences and the artist’s own internal universe, and her intimate, evocative works are understandably highly coveted. In addition to the female artists mentioned here, we will also be presenting works by Jacqueline de Jong, Gun Gordillo, Anette Harboe Flensborg and Line Busch, catalogue numbers 446, 435, 456 and 493.


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 33 18.02.2021 13.55 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 34 FEMALE ARTISTS Visible size51 x64cm. Gerda Wegener Porta. Watercolour onpaper. Still lifewithflowers onsilver tray. Signed b. Hammelev1886,d. 1940 GERD 390

A DKK 15,000-20,000/€


2,000-2,700 390 18.02.2021 13.55 FEMALE ARTISTS


391 GERDA WEGENER b. Hammelev 1886, d. Frederiksberg 1940 Portrait of a young blond woman. Signed Gerda Wegener 1933. Watercolour on paper. Visible size 82 x 66 cm. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 35 18.02.2021 13.56 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 36 FEMALE ARTISTS 392 ELSA RIT canvas. 87x85cm. Surreal landscape.SignedE.Thoresen 43-1.Oilon b. Minnesota1906,d.USA1994 393 37 x29cm. Untitled. Signedrk-l.Collageonpaper. Sheetsize b. Hillerød1904,d.1998 392



KERNN-LARSEN THORESEN DKK 12,000-15,000/€ DKK 10,000-15,000 /€

1,600-2,000 1,350-2,000 18.02.2021 13.56 FEMALE ARTISTS


394 ARR FRANCISKA CLAUSEN b. Aabenraa 1899, d. s.p. 1986 "Bistro", Paris 1920s. Unsigned; marked F. Clausen 1927 on the reverse. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Visible size 30 x 24 cm. Exhibited: Separate exhibition, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1964, cat. no. 17. Exhibited: Separate exhibition, La Maison du Danemark, Paris, 1978. Exhibited: Separate exhibition, Fyns Kunstmuseum, and Skive Museum, 1978. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 37 18.02.2021 13.56 FEMALE ARTISTS


395 ARR SONJA FERLOV MANCOBA b. Copenhagen 1911, d. Paris 1984 "Skulptur" (Sculpture), (Untitled, also known as "Mask with Horn Eyes"), 1983-84. Signed SFM, 4/6. With foundry mark Fonderia M Italy. Patinated bronze. H. 19 cm. A version is in the collection at KUNSTEN, Aalborg, Denmark.

Literature: “Sonja Ferlov Mancoba - Skulpturer / Sculptures”, Fyns Kunstmuseum, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, 2003, cat. 111. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 38 18.02.2021 13.56 396

396 ARR ELSE ALFELT b. Copenhagen 1910, d. s.p. 1974 "Bolchebillede No. 1" (Bonbon painting No. 1). Signed Else Alfelt 40; signed, titled and dated on the stretcher. Oil on canvas. 68 x 95 cm. Literature: Cobra Biblioteket, Copenhagen, 1950, no. 2, ill. Exhibited: Teltudstillingen, Bellevue, Copenhagen, 1941, cat. no. 1. Exhibited: Retrospective exhibition, Høstudstillingen, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, 1948, cat. no. 6. Exhibited: Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 1952. Exhibited: Fyns Stiftmuseum, Odense, 1955. Exhibited: Aalborg Kunstmuseum, 1955. Exhibited: Else Alfelt retrospective exhibition, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, 1960, cat. no. 9. Exhibited: "Farvens poesi", Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1987, cat. no. 15. Exhibited: "COBRA 50 år", ARKEN, Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, Denmark, 1998.

Provenance: Elna Fonnesbech-Sandberg, Copenhagen. Provenance: Galerie Leif Jensen, . Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 39 18.02.2021 13.56 397

397 ARR CHRISTIAN DOTREMONT b. Tervuren 1922, d. Buizingen 1979 "Encrade encrure encrombre encrouage encrouragement". Signed Dotremont 1971. Indian ink on paper. Visible size 55 x 73 cm. Exhibited: "Dotremont peintre de l’écriture", Paris, Centre culturel de la Communauté de Belgique Wallonie-Bruxelles, 1982, cat. no. 41. DKK 225,000-250,000 / € 30,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 40 18.02.2021 13.56 398

398 ARR b. Vejrum 1914, d. Århus 1973 Untitled. Unsigned. Stamped on the reverse "Asger Jorn. Private Estate, N. Jorn". Mixed media on thick paper. 77 x 57 cm. This is one of the very last works executed by Jorn (shortly before he passed away) when he was hospitalized in Århus, 1973. Provenance: Asger Jorn, Estate. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 41 18.02.2021 13.56 399

399 ARR EGILL JACOBSEN b. Copenhagen 1910, d. s.p. 1998 "Portræt af Reinhoud" (Portrait of Reinhoud), 1974. Signed on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 92 x 65 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: "Egill Jacobsen 2. Malerier 1965-80", Copenhagen, 1985, no. 1974/28. Exhibited: "De Frie Kunstnere", Den Frie Udstillings­bygning, Copenhagen, 1974. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 42 18.02.2021 13.57 400

400 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 "Two blue birds and orange figure", New York 1971. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 127 x 106 cm. Exhibited: Lefebre Gallery, New York. Exhibited: Galerie Birch, Copenhagen. DKK 250,000 / € 33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 43 18.02.2021 13.57 401

401 ARR CHRISTIAN DOTREMONT b. Tervuren 1922, d. Buizingen 1979 "Enjambe tmèse sans ambages". Signed Dotremont 1975. Indian ink on paper. Sheet size 46 x 60 cm. Exhibited: "Logogrammes by Dotremont", Galleri Mark, Zürich/Vedbæk (Switzerland/Denmark), February, 1977, cat. no. 20, ill. in the catalogue. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 150,000-175,000 / € 20,000-23,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 44 18.02.2021 13.57 402

402 ARR EJLER BILLE b. Odder 1910, d. Ørby 2004 "Komposition i grønt rødt og okker" (Composition in green red and ocre), 1975. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 70 x 58 cm. Exhibited: Martsudstillingen, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, 1977, cat. no. 10. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 45 18.02.2021 13.57 403

403 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 "Det glade møde" (Happy Meeting), Molesmes June 1998. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 102 x 82 cm. Provenance: Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg, Denmark. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 46 18.02.2021 13.57 404

404 ARR EGILL JACOBSEN b. Copenhagen 1910, d. s.p. 1998 Playful figures, 1976, VI. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 55 x 100 cm. DKK 125,000-150,000 / € 17,000-20,000

405 ARR ANTON ROOSKENS b. Griendtsveen 1906, d. Amsterdam 1976 Two figures. Signed Rooskens, 1973. Polychrome decorated ceramic relief. 43 x 53 x 9 cm. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,400 405


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 47 18.02.2021 13.57 407 ARR ASGER JORN b. Vejrum 1914, d. Århus 1973 406 ARR Untitled, 1972. Unsigned. On the stretcher two stamps: EGILL JACOBSEN "Asger Jorn Private Estate" and "Asger Jorn Colombes, N. b. Copenhagen 1910, d. s.p. 1998 Jorn". Oil on canvas. 92 x 73 cm. "Botanisk set" (Botanically speaking), 1977. Literature: Guy Atkins: Asger Jorn. The Final Years 1965-1973, Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil London, 1980, no. 1992, ill. p. 230 (ill. upside-down). on canvas. 42 x 65 cm. Provenance: Asger Jorn Estate. Provenance: "Cobra", Kunsthallen Kunst­ auktioner, auction 488, Copenhagen, 1998, This painting is one of the very last paintings by Asger Jorn cat. no. 193, ill. in the catalogue p. 148. executed in his studio in Colombes, Paris, in November 1972. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 DKK 300,000-350,000 / € 40,500-47,000



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 48 18.02.2021 13.58 407

The latter years of Asger Jorn’s life are often described as a period of new-found artistic creativity - on a par with the years of the mid-1950s. In 1970, a large new studio was ready in his house in Colombes near Paris, and Jorn approached painting with new initiative and a fresh mind.

The bird-like being at the bottom of the painting refers back in many ways to the artist’s works as well as to the CoBrA group’s early cultivation of this motif. The bird is a recurring motif in Jorn’s art, but with very different styling and symbolism: from light-and-airy love-bird beings in ‘the Didaskas’ of the 1940s, to the brutal ‘Le droit de l’aigle’ (The Right of the Eagle) from 1950, for example, to his ominous modification, ‘Le canard inquiétant’ (The Worrying Duck) from 1959. The bird is also a significant motif in Nordic folk art, which Jorn took an intense interest in documenting in book form in his twilight years.


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 49 18.02.2021 13.58 408

408 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 "Træ med frugt" (Tree with Fruits), 1994. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 90 x 57 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. DKK 125,000-150,000 / € 17,000-20,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 50 18.02.2021 13.58 409

409 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 "Grøn skål og gul fugl", (Green bowl and Yellow Bird) 1994. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 90 x 57 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. DKK 125,000-150,000 / € 17,000-20,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 51 18.02.2021 13.58 410 ARR CHRISTIAN DOTREMONT 411 ARR b. Tervuren 1922, d. Buizingen 1979 ASGER JORN "Longer songer de long en marge de log en large b. Vejrum 1914, d. Århus 1973 pour bondir tout à coup que je t'aime". Signed "Umgekehrter Ablauf" (Reverse Outcome), 1958. Dotremont 1977. Indian ink on Japan paper. Sheet Signed Jorn. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm. size 61 x 91 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Asger Jorn. The crucial years: Exhibited: "Logogrammes by Dotremont", Galleri Mark, 1954-1964", London, 1977, no. 1143. Zürich,/Vedbæk, February, 1977, cat. no. 11, ill. in the Provenance: Galerie Van de Loo, München. catalogue. Provenance: Galerie Birch, Copenhagen. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 225,000-250,000 / € 30,000-33,500 DKK 400,000-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 52 18.02.2021 13.58 411


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 53 18.02.2021 13.58 412

412 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 "Fantasi landskab" (Fantasy landscape), Ræveskiftet 1956. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on masonite. 45 x 61 cm. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000

413 ARR MOGENS BALLE b. Copenhagen 1921, d. Asminderup 1988 Untitled, c. 1955. Signed MB. Oil on canvas. 85 x 39 cm. Provenance: "Cobra", Kunsthallen Kunstauktioner, auction 496, Copenhagen, 1998, cat. no. 51, ill. in the catalogue p. 44. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 413


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 54 18.02.2021 13.59 414

414 ARR EGILL JACOBSEN b. Copenhagen 1910, d. s.p. 1998 Mask, 1974. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 65 x 42 cm. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 55 18.02.2021 13.59 415

415 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 "Det hvide hus" (The White House), Ræveskiftet, 1956. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on masonite. 48 x 61 cm. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 56 18.02.2021 13.59 416

416 ARR ASGER JORN b. Vejrum 1914, d. Århus 1973 Untitled, 1972. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 97 x 130 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Asger Jorn. The Final Years 1965-1973", London, 1980, no. 1988, ill. p. 229. Provenance: Asger Jorn Estate.

This painting is one of the very last painting by Asger Jorn executed in his studio in Colombes, Paris, in November 1972.

The latter years of Asger Jorn's life are often described as a period of new-found artistic creativity - on a par with the years of the mid-1950s. In 1970, a large new studio was ready in his house in Colombes near Paris, and Jorn approached painting with new initiative and a fresh mind. DKK 300,000-350,000 / € 40,500-47,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 57 18.02.2021 13.59 417 ARR PIERRE WEMAËRE b. Comines 1913, d. Versailles 2010 "Espièglerie". Signed P. Wemaëre 96; signed, titled and dated on the re- verse. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 417



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 58 18.02.2021 13.59 419

419 ARR CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1913, d. s.p. 2007 Untitled, 1947. Inscribed and dated on the reverse chp 47. The signature on the reverse is copied after the original signature inscribed with black crayon. Attested on the reverse Arne Broch, Esbjerg, 11 July 1969. Oil on canvas laid down on masonite. 69 x 79 cm. Exhibited: Esbjerg Kunstforening, Esbjerg, Denmark, 418 ARR 1981, cat. no. 68. MOGENS BALLE Exhibited: "COBRA", Musées du Mans et de Pont Aven, b. Copenhagen 1921, d. Asminderup 1988 France, 2017-18, ill. in the catalogue p. 48. The exhibi- Untitled. Signed MB. Oil on canvas. 50 x 61 cm. tion catalogue is enclosed. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,050 DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 59 18.02.2021 14.00 420

420 ARR CHRISTIAN DOTREMONT b. Tervuren 1922, d. Buizingen 1979 Composition. Unsigned. Indian ink on paper. Sheet size 64 x 95 cm. Provenance: Previously in the collection of the artist's brother, Guy Dotremont. A photo certificate from Samuel Vanhoegaerden, Knokke, dated 5 September, 2011 is enclosed. DKK 200,000-225,000 / € 27,000-30,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 60 18.02.2021 14.00 421

421 ARR KAREL APPEL b. Amsterdam 1921, d. Zürich 2006 "Colombes", 1985. Signed Appel. Oil on thick handmade paper. Sheet size 118 x 158 cm. Literature: André Verdet: "Sur les traces d'une métamorphose", depicted. Literature: "Karel Appel: 40 Ans de peinture, sculptures & dessin", Editions Galilée, 1987, ill. p. 80. DKK 250,000-300,000 / € 33,500-40,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 61 18.02.2021 14.00 422 ARR HENRY HEERUP b. Copenhagen 1907, d. s.p. 1993 "Nisse med bøjet arm" (Elf bending his arm), c. 1950. Unsigned. Carved sandstone. H. 43 cm. Exhibited: "Cobra 50 år", Esbjerg Kunstmuseum ,1998, cat. no. 14. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. The title of the sculpture was confirmed in a letter from Henry Heerup to a former owner, 1985. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350


423 ARR CORNEILLE b. Liège 1922, d. Auvers-sur-Oise 2010 Untitled. Signed Corneille 98, X/X. Stamped F. Delille, Paris. Atelier/Studio J.M. Foubert. Ceramic relief in colours. 54 × 43 cm. Literature: "Corneille et la ceramique", Treigny (1998-2000), Francis Delille Editeur, Paris, 2002. Variant ill. fig. 42 p. 79. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 423


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 62 18.02.2021 14.00 424

424 ARR 425 ARR HENRY HEERUP HENRY HEERUP b. Copenhagen 1907, d. s.p. 1993 b. Copenhagen 1907, d. s.p. 1993 Ornaments, 1940s. Unsigned. Oil on plywood. Diam. The Family. Signed Heerup 69. Coloured crayon on 40 cm. Unframed. paper. Sheet size 15 x 20 cm. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 63 18.02.2021 14.00 426

426 ARR PIERO SIMONDO b. 1928, d. Turin 2020 Untitled. Signed Simondo 56. Oil on canvas. 99 x 59 cm. In Alba, , Italy, with Asger Jorn and Pinot Gallizio, Piero Simondo founded the Laboratory of immaginiste experiences as part of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus (IMIB).

He edited Eristica the magazine published by IMIB and September 1956 he organised the First World- wide Conference of the Free Artists, with Jorn, Gallizio and Elena Verrone. He married Verrone two years later. At the Cultural Union of Turin he helped put on a demonstration in December 1956.

In the summer of 1957 he took a holiday in his house in Cosio d' Arroscia. Here, with Michèle Bernstein, , Pinot Gallizio, Asger Jorn, Walter Olmo, and Elena Verrone the Situationist International was founded on 28 July. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 64 18.02.2021 14.00 427

427 ARR PINOT GALLIZIO b. Alba 1902, d. s.p. 1964 Untitled, 1961. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 57 x 140 cm. To be included in l'Archivio Gallizio, Turin. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 65 18.02.2021 14.00 428

428 ARR RAYMOND HAINS b. Saint-Brieuc 1926, d. Paris 2005 Untitled, 1961. Signed Raymond Hains 1961 on the reverse. Decollage on perforated zink panel. 49 x 62 cm. Provenance: Artdealer Svend Hansen, Copenhagen. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 66 18.02.2021 14.01 429

429 ARR PER KIRKEBY b. Copenhagen 1938, d. s.p. 2018 Untitled, 1979. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on masonite (two parts). 122 x 122 cm. Literature: Ane Hejlskov Larsen: "Per Kirkeby. Malerier 1978-1989", Århus, 2015, no. M 388. Provenance: Artdealer Svend Hansen, Copenhagen. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 400,000-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 67 18.02.2021 14.01 430 ARR WILHELM FREDDIE b. Copenhagen 1909, d. s.p. 1995 "Kødet som æder sig selv" (The flesh that eats itself). Signed Freddie 35. Oil on canvas. 31.5 x 27 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen for og Omegns Foraarsudstilling, Koldinghus, Kolding, 1935, no catalogue. Exhibited: "Maleren Freddies Udstilling"; Sixtus Thomsen, Kunstsalen, Vesterbro, Aalborg, 1935, cat. no. 25. Exhibited :"Dansk kunst gennem 25 år", "Dansk Kunststævne", Fyens Forum, Odense, 1936, cat. no. 121. Exhibited: "træk gaflen ud af øjet paa sommerfuglen. Sex-surreal", Ole Haslunds Hus, Copenhagen, 1937, cat. no. 9. Exhibited: "Surrealisme", Raadhuspladsens Udstillingssal, Copenhagen, 1940 , cat. no. 34. Exhibited: "FREDDIE SURREALISME", Ovenlyssalen, Aarhus, 1941, cat. no. 19. Exhibited: "FREDDIE SURREALISME", Vestergade 69, Odense, 1941, cat. no. 19. Exhibited: "Steen Coldings samling", Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1972, cat. no. 18.

Provenance: Steen Colding (1900-1970), Copenhagen (re: the exhibition catalogue from 1936). Later on Steen Cold- ing was the author to several articles and books on Wilhelm Freddie. Provenance: Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner, auction 102, Copenhagen, 1982, cat. no. 444. Provenance: Jeweler Peter Vang (1943-2010), Copenhagen. Acquired at the above mention auction and since by decent in the family.

The references to exhibitions and provenance have kindly been provided by Mr Birger Raben-Skov, Copenhagen.

Like all 38 works at the legendary "træk gaflen ud af øjet paa sommerfuglen" (pull the fork out of the butterfly's eye) exhibition in 1937, the present painting was seized by the police, but it was not among the six works that were subse- quently used to prosecute Freddie and sentence the artist to 10 days in prison. Three of these six works were confis- cated and placed at the Danish Police Museum, where they remained until 1963 after a renewed trial against Freddie. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000


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900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 69 18.02.2021 14.01 431

431 ARR PER KIRKEBY b. Copenhagen 1938, d. s.p. 2018 "Eremitagen" (The Eremitage), Fall 1964. Signed and titled on the reverse; stamped 'Den eksperimenterende kunstskole' (The Experimental Art School). Mixed media and collage on masonite. 27.5 x 40 cm. Literature: Ane Hejlskov Larsen: "Per Kirkeby Malerier 1957-1977", Copenhagen, 2002, no. M 91. Exhibited: "Foreningen for Ung Dansk Kunst - Per Kirkeby" (The Association Young Danish Art), Tilbygningen til Den Frie Udstillings Bygning, Copenhagen, 2-12 January, 1965. Provenance: Mr. Eyvind Christiansen. Provenance: The artist Jens Peter Groth-Jensen (1918-2018), Søborg, Denmark. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 70 18.02.2021 14.01 432 ARR LYNN CHADWICK b. London 1914, d. Lypiatt Park 2003 "Three Standing Figures", 1976. Stamped C 75, E/4, 5/8. Bronze. H. 24 cm. (3) Literature: Dennis Farr and Eva Chadwick: “Lynn Chadwick Sculptor”, Complete Illustrated Catalogue 1947–1988", Oxford, 1990, no. 709. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 250,000-300,000 / € 33,500-40,500



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 71 18.02.2021 14.01 433

433 ARR 434 ARR PABLO PICASSO PABLO PICASSO b. Malaga 1881, d. Mougins 1973 b. Malaga 1881, d. Mougins 1973 "Visage gris", 1953. Stamped Edition Picasso. "Femme du barbu", 1953. Stamped Edition Picasso. Madoura plein feu. Dish. Edition 500 ex. Polychrome Madoura plein feu. Pitcher. Edition 500 ex. Polychrome, partially glazed and painted faience. 32 x 39 cm. partially glazed and painted faience. H. 37.5 cm. Literature: Ramié 206. Literature: Ramié 193. Provenance: The architect Jørn Utzon, Denmark. Provenance: The architect Jørn Utzon, Denmark. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 DKK 175,000-200,000 / € 23,500-27,000


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900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 73 18.02.2021 14.01 435

435 ARR GUN GORDILLO b. Lund 1945 "Galva Carré". 1989. Signed and dated on the reverse. Relief of lead, painted wood and neon tube. H. 70 cm. W. 70 cm. D. 8 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700

436 ARR LUCIO FONTANA b. Rosario, Argentina 1899, d. Varese 1968 "Piramide" (Pyramid), c. 1967. Signed L. Fontana, 11/50. Lacquered metal. Edition Sergio Tosi, Milan. H. 11.5 cm. Literature: Ruhé & Rigo, M-6, version ill. p. 156. DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,050-4,700 436


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 74 18.02.2021 20.00 437 ARR GÜNTHER FÖRG b. Füssen 1952, d. Freiburg 2013 Untitled, 2001. Signed, dated and num- bered 2/9 on the reverse. Acrylic on lead on wood. Executed in an edition of 9 unique hand-painted specimens. 40 x 30 cm. Provenance: Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen. Produced during Günther Förg's stay at the gallery's studio house in Vejby, summer 2001. Provenance: Private collection, Copenhagen. Acquired from the above.

This work is registered in the archive of Günther Förg as no. WVF.01.B.0676. We thank Mr Michael Neff from the Estate of Günther Förg for the information he has kindly provided on this work. DKK 200,000 / € 27,000 437

438 ARR GÜNTHER FÖRG b. Füssen 1952, d. Freiburg 2013 Untitled. Signed Förg 01. Watercolour on paper. Sheet size 39.5 x 29.5 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 438


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 75 18.02.2021 20.01 439

439 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 Untitled. Signed Estève 68; inscribed on the framing reverse No. 1149. Watercolour on paper. Sheet size 37 x 50 cm. Provenance: Artist Henrik Buster Bruun (b. 1929), Denmark. Hence by descent in the family. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 76 18.02.2021 14.02 440 ARR LYNN CHADWICK b. London 1914, d. Lypiatt Park 2003 "Maquette VI Walking Couple", 1976. Stamped C 76, 734, 6/8. Bronze. H. 30 cm. Literature: Dennis Farr and Eva Chadwick: "Lynn Chadwick Sculptor", Complete Illustrated Catalogue 1947-1988", Ox- ford, 1990, no. 734. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 300,000 / € 40,500



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 77 18.02.2021 14.02 78 MORE PHOTOS AND DETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK

900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 78 18.02.2021 14.02 BRUUN RASMUSSEN LIVE AUCTION 900 79

900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 79 18.02.2021 14.02 441 ARR TETSUMI KUDO b. Japan 1935, d. Tokyo 1990 "Cultivation of Nature & People Who Are Looking at it". Signed Kudo 1970. Blue plastic bucket, gel, needles, hair. 26.5 x 30 cm. Exhibited: "Tetsumi Kudo Cultivation", Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, 5 June 2020-10 January 2021, ill. in the catalogue p. 86. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark.

The Japanese artist Tetsumi Kudo was a visionary outsider. In recent years, he had al- most been completely forgotten, but now his art is once again attracting international attention, including an exhibition at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art last year, where the present work "Cultivation by Nature & People Who Are Looking at it" was on display. Kudo's confrontation with a world in ecological decay and a self-destructive human race that seems morbidly preoccupied with technology speaks directly to the major issues of our time. His installations and texts are almost prophetic in their foresight, such as his manifesto for a new ecology "Pollution – Cultivation – New Ecology" written in 1971. This eerie accuracy makes him highly relevant to a contemporary audience; his radio- active micro-environments, glowing plastic nature, macabre hybrids and absurd organic installations appear so titillating for the whole sensory apparatus. Born out of the omni- presence of war and atomic bombs, but also up to date as if the artwork was conceived in our own virus and climate crisis era.

Kudo's fluorescent, biochemical and satirical doomsday scenarios are inhabited by melting flowers, severed heads, broken hearts, penis snails and fungi, or as here a blue bucket full of hair and needles. It is radical, different, strange and quite unforgettable! DKK 400,000-500,000 / € 53,500-67,000


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900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 81 18.02.2021 14.02 442

442 ARR JEAN DEYROLLE b. Nogent-sur-Marne 1911, d. Toulon 1967 “Points tissés”, opus 250, Paris janvier 1951. Signed J. Deyrolle; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 116 x 82 cm. Literature: Georges Richar-Rivier: "Deyrolle. Catalogue raisonné oeuvre peint 1944-1967", Paris, 1992, no. 51.04. Literature: Exhibition catalogue, Galerie Denise René, Paris, 1951, ill. Literature: "Témoignages pour l'art abstrait", Galerie La Hune, Paris 1952, ill. p. 92. Exhibited: "Junge französische Maler", Hannover and Freiburg, 1951, cat. no. 11. Exhibited: "Klar Form", Copenhagen, Stockholm, Liège, 1951-1952, cat. no. 48. Exhibited: One-man exhibition, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1956, cat. no. 25. Exhibited: One-man exhibition, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1968, cat. no. 21. Exhibited: "Dansk-Franske Kunstforbindelser i det 20. århundrede" (Danish-French Art Connections in the 20. Century), , Lyngby-Taarbæk, 1996. Provenance: Collection Wilhelm Hansen, Copenhagen. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. Provenance: Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers, auction 614, Copenhagen, 1995, cat. no. 334. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,400-6,700


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 82 18.02.2021 14.02 443

443 ARR GÖSTA ADRIAN-NILSSON b. Lund 1884, d. Stockholm 1965 Untitled, 1919. Signed GAN. Oil on panel. 46 x 37 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 200,000-300,000 / € 27,000-40,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 83 18.02.2021 14.02 444

444 ARR JAN VOSS b. Hamburg 1936 Untitled. Signed Voss 85. Oil on canvas. 162 x 130 cm. Provenance: Galerie A M, rue du Bac, Paris. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 84 18.02.2021 14.02 445

445 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 Untitled. Signed Estève 85; inscribed on the framing re- verse No. 1149. Watercolour on paper. Sheet size 52 x 43 cm. Provenance: Artist Henrik Buster Bruun (b. 1929), Denmark. Hence by descent in the family. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 85 18.02.2021 14.03 446

446 ARR 447 ARR JACQUELINE DE JONG PETER LOUIS-JENSEN b. Hengelo 1939 b. Frederiksberg 1941, d. Copenhagen 1999 "Vulcano danese". Signed de Jong 87; signed, titled "Sitting Bull", Haderslev 1980. Signed, titled and and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 80 x 120 cm. dated on the reverse. Syntetic paint on masonite DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 with collage. 122 x 122 cm. Exhibited: "Å Udstillingen", Sønderjyllandshallen, Århus Rådhushal and Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, 1980, cat. no. 51. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700

448 ARR KNUD NIELSEN b. Fredensborg 1916, d. Vindelev 2008 Untitled, 1984. Signed and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 97 x 130 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


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900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 87 18.02.2021 14.03 449

449 ARR PETER LOUIS-JENSEN b. Frederiksberg 1941, d. Copenhagen 1999 Untitled, March 1992. Signed and dated on the reverse. Syntetic paint and collage on masonite. 44 x 81 cm. Literature: “Eks-skolen. Eksperiment Kunst Skole 1961-69”, Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, 2010, ill. in the catalogue p. 36. DKK 30,000 / € 4,050

450 ARR PER KIRKEBY b. Copenhagen 1938, d. s.p. 2018 Untitled. Signed Per – September 89. With dedication. Mixed media on paper. Sheet size 59 x 42 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350 450


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 88 18.02.2021 14.03 451

451 ARR PER KIRKEBY b. Copenhagen 1938, d. s.p. 2018 "Ørnen" (The Eagle), 1974. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil and collage on masonite. 76 x 160 cm. Literature: Ane Hejlskov Larsen: "Per Kirkeby. Malerier 1957-1977", Copenhagen, 2002, no. M 283. Ill. on two photos from the exhibition in Århus, 1975, p. 402. Exhibited: "Per Kirkeby, Bjørn Nørgaard & Lene Adler Petersen", Århus Kunstforening af 1847, Århus Kunstbygning, 1975. DKK 250,000-300,000 / € 33,500-40,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 89 18.02.2021 14.03 452 ARR ANDRÉ MARFAING b. Toulouse 1925, d. Paris 1987 Untitled. Signed Marfaing 60. Gouache on paper. Sheet size 109 x 74 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700

453 ARR BRUNO CASSINARI b. Piacenza 1912, d. Milano 1992 "Nature Morte", 1952. Signed Cassinari. Oil on canvas. 59 x 69 cm. Exhibited: "Fremmed Kunst i Dansk Eje" (Foreign Art in Danish Private Collections), Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, 1964, cat. no. 51. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350




900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 90 18.02.2021 14.04 454

454 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 Untitled. Signed Estève 82; inscribed on the framing reverse No. 1129. Watercolour on paper. Sheet size 57 x 50 cm. Provenance: Artist Henrik Buster Bruun (b. 1929), Denmark. Hence by descent in the family. DKK 250,000-300,000 / € 33,500-40,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 91 18.02.2021 14.04 CONTEMPORARY ART

455 JEFF KOONS b. York, Pennsylvania 1955 "Dom Perignon Balloon Venus", 2013. Stamped with the artist's signature on the suede interior. Edition 650 + 40 artist's proofs. Lacquered polyurethane resin in two parts and a bottle of Dom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 2003. 61.9 x 32.4 x 35.2 cm. Complete with all accessories unused and in original custom flightcase. Literature: A specimen ill. and described at the artist's webiste: http://érignon-balloon-venus. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. Acquired directly from Moët Hennessy, Denmark, in 2013. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 92 18.02.2021 14.04 455


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 93 18.02.2021 14.04 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 94 CONTEMPORARY ART ANETTE 94 on canvas. 50x75cm.Unframed. Interior, 2015. Signedanddatedonthereverse. Oil b. Kolding 1961 456


HARBOE FLENSBURG DKK 60,000-75,000/€

8,050-10,000 456 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK 18.02.2021 14.04 457

457 ARR BALDER OLRIK b. Virum 1966 “Gas Station” from the series "System 2", 2015. Unsigned, AP. Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper. Visible size 89 x 131 cm. Literature: "Balder Olrik - Blind Spots", Hartmann Books, Stuttgart, Germany, 2018, version ill. p. 10-11. Provenance: Hans Alf Gallery, Copenhagen. Acquired here by the present owner in 2018.

A version of the motif is in the collection of Esbjerg Kunstmuseum (Esbjerg Art Museum). DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 95 18.02.2021 14.04 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 96 CONTEMPORARY ART 96 verse. Oiloncanvas. 100 x80 cm.Unframed. "Vila", 2008.Signed,titledanddatedonthere - b. Copenhagen1972 CA 458 THRINE

DKK 50,000-60,000/€


6,700-8,050 CA the reverse. Oiloncanvas. 40xcm. Unframed. "The BlueMirror", 2008.Signed, titledanddatedon b. Copenhagen1972 459 THRINE


DKK 25,000-30,000/€


3,350-4,050 18.02.2021 14.05 460

460 ARR ERIK A. FRANDSEN b. Randers 1957 "Liljer" (Lillies), 2010. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 246 x 225 cm. Unframed. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 97 18.02.2021 14.05 461 ARR SUPERFLEX Artist's group based in Copenhagen, active since 1993. Members are Bjørnstjerne Reuter Christiansen (b. 1969), Jakob Fenger (b. 1968) and Rasmus Nielsen (b. 1969) "Letter to Superflex, 14. January 2008", 2008-2013. Edition 1/3. Blue neon. A certificate signed by the artists is enclosed. 151 x 114 cm. Exhibited: "If You Don’t Like Art, Goodbye, Fuck Off, Go Home…", Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Vestfossen, Norway, 2017. Exhibited: "Cool, Calm and Collected" ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark, 2017 - 2018, ill. in the exhibi- tion catalogue p. 159. Exhibited: Hämeenlinna Art Museum Tavastehus, Finland, 2018. Exhibited: "Art in Residence", Hanken Svenska Handelshögskolan, Helsinki, Finland 2019. Provenance: Nils Stærk, Copenhagen (Inv. #SF 08 001.1). Provenance: NoCo - Nordic Contemporary Art Collection, Sweden.

The artist group – or collective – Superflex was formed in 1993 by Bjørnstjerne Reuter Christiansen, Jakob Fenger and Rasmus Nielsen. By actively using their art projects to aid people in the Third World, concepts such as humanism and benevolence appear to have been significant driving forces. The themes in their work are often of a social, economic and political nature. For example, the group has dealt with topics such as copyright, anxiety due to globalization, war and climate change in projects such as Guaraná Power and Free Beer, but their public displays and decorations of urban spaces – including Superkilen on Nørrebro, Copenhagen, CONTEMPORARY ART – also reflect a specific set of ideas from the outset.

Many of the group's strategies originate from the world of business – such as branding and marketing – but are used from an artistic point of view, whereby they balance on the border between art and society. In this way, the legacy of the various avant-garde movements of the 20th century is reclaimed, though without the more dogmatic approach and self-perception. The identity of the artist is blurred, as the artwork is first and foremost a useful method or Tool to influence the social structures and point out injustices in the world. At the same time, art often arises in the meeting between artwork and spectator – or rather the occupant – a relational aesthetic based on interaction and inter­personal relationships.

It goes without saying that the products - the result of the group's interventions - are rarely targeted to- wards a commercial market. In many cases, the intangible artistic act itself constitutes the work of art. Therefore, we have been looking forward to presenting this work at the spring auction of contemporary art.

“If you don’t like Danmark. Goodbye. fuck off. Go home….”, it says in curved italics and literally bent in neon. The wording of the message comes from an anonymous and threatening letter that Superflex received in 2008. It was sent in protest against the artwork/poster "Foreigners, please don't let us alone with the Danes", which was put on display in several places around Copenhagen. The group itself explains the idea behind the work: "The ignorance and the intense hatred – perhaps derived from fear and racism – which the misspelling and the words in the threatening letter expresses, versus the paradox that we are not foreigners but Danish citizens and therefore cannot be thrown out of the country, contains in our view an interesting tension and irony.” (“Cool, Calm and Collected", exhibition catalogue from AroS, 2017-18, p. 158)

The neon sign, in all its striking simplicity, is a medium that directly and bluntly conveys a message – although in this case, it contains many layers of subtext. In addition to relating to the current immigration debate and commenting on Superflex’ own previous works, the artwork also relates historically to the pop art of the 60s and the birth of consumer culture. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 98 18.02.2021 14.05 461


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 99 18.02.2021 14.05 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 100 CONTEMPORARY ART LARS 100 h rsn we.DKK40,000/€ the presentowner. Provenance: Acquired directlyfromtheartistby verse. Oiloncanvas. 110 x80cm.Unframed. Untitled, 2016. Signed and dated on the re - b. Århus 1979 463 DKK12,000-15,000/€ hagen. Provenance: BendixenContemporaryArt,Copen- media onboard. 41 x51 cm.Unframed. paint andshit today"".SignedDevin12.Mixed ""A BlackLynda Bengalis" in"bitchi'mpouring b. WestCovina, California1986 DEVIN TRO 462




462 1,600-2,000


MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK 463 18.02.2021 20.07 464 ARR LARS NØRGÅRD b. Aalborg 1956 "Sailing in a Nutshell", 2014. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 60 x 60 cm. Unframed. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 464

465 ARR ESKE KATH b. Haderslev 1975 "Vertical Transport", 2005. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on denim. 160 x 120 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenha- gen. Acquired here by the present owner. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 465


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 101 18.02.2021 20.07 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 102 CONTEMPORARY ART JO framed. on aluminum.65.5x98cm.Un- Koester 96-97,1/5+1AP. C-print Signed onthereverse Joachim series "DayforNight,Christiania". "Path /RampartsNo.3"from the b. København1964 467 102 DKK 10,000-12,000 /€ ACHIM




1,350-1,600 468 466 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK JO JO 98 cm.Unframed. (02-1330) 1/5 +1.C-printonaluminum.65.5x on thereverse JoachimKoester 1996, "Day forNight,Christiania". Signed Gunpowder House" from theseries "The Childrens Field (No. 2) / The b. København1964 466 Unframed. (02-1331) C-print onaluminum.65.5x98cm. Joachim Koester 96-97,1/5+1AP. Christiania". Signedonthereverse 2)" from the series"DayforNight, "The Prairie /TheDrillGround (No. b. København1964 468 DKK 10,000-12,000 /€ DKK 10,000-12,000 /€ 467 ACHIM ACHIM

* *



1,350-1,600 1,350-1,600 18.02.2021 14.06 469

469 ARR BALDER OLRIK b. Virum 1966 "Long-Term Parking", 2015 from the series "Nodak Moments". Pigment print on Hahnemühle paper. 121 x 93 cm. Literature: "Balder Olrik - Blind Spots", Hartmann Books, Stuttgart, Germany, 2018, version ill. p. 89. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 103 18.02.2021 14.06 471 ARR KASPER EISTRUP b. Skovshoved 1973 "The Escape", 2020. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil and pencil on canvas. 160 x 120 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen. DKK 125,000-150,000 / € 17,000-20,000 CONTEMPORARY ART


470 ARR KASPER EISTRUP b. Skovshoved 1973 "Suzel, Sunshine Sonata". Unsigned. Mixed media on board. 32.5 x 51 cm. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 104 18.02.2021 14.06 471


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 105 18.02.2021 14.06 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 106 CONTEMPORARY ART 106 473 472 JOHN ABSALON ill. inthecatalogue. Kunstforeningen Gl.Strand,Copenhagen,2004-2005, Exhibited: "John Kørner. The problem of performing", ceramic. H. 50cm.W. 23cm.D.20 "Museum", 2004. Unsigned. Polychrome decorated b. Aarhus 1967 473 Sheet size110 x165cm. Untitled, 2018. Edition1/2.Inkjetphotograph. b. Copenhagen1983 472



DKK 25,000-30,000/€ DKK 15,000-20,000/€ KIRKEBY

3,350-4,050 2,000-2,700 18.02.2021 14.06 474

474 ARR JOHN KØRNER b. Aarhus 1967 "Man and woman with their houses", 2005. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 240 x 183 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 107 18.02.2021 14.07 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 108 CONTEMPORARY ART JEAN 108 Provenance: GalleriDeVuyst,Lokeren,Belgium. on thereverse. Oiloncanvas. 130x195cm.Unframed. "Entre chien etloup",1985.Signed,titledanddated b. France 1928 475


RUSTIN DKK 200,000-250,000/€

27,000-33,500 475 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK 18.02.2021 14.07 476

476 ARR MICHAEL KVIUM b. Horsens 1955 "Rødt mimebillede" (Red Mime Image), 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on two parts canvas. 120 x 180 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Galleri Franz Pedersen, Horsens. DKK 300,000 / € 40,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 109 18.02.2021 14.07 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 110 CONTEMPORARY ART 110 Exhibited: "HouseoftheAx",Kunstforeningen Gl.Strand,Copenhagen,2012. "The Burial",2012. Unsigned. Charcoal onpaper. Sheetsize 240xcm. b. Copenhagen1972 CA 477 THRINE

RABEN DAVIDSEN DKK 225,000-250,000/€ 477

30,000-33,500 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK 18.02.2021 14.07 478

478 ARR MICHAEL KVIUM b. Horsens 1955 Standing figure. Signed kvium 99. Charcoal on paper. Sheet size 140 x 112 cm. One of the big figure drawings which Kvium introduced at the solo exhibition at Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 1997. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 111 18.02.2021 14.07 479 CONTEMPORARY ART


479 ARR 480 ARR EBBE STUB WITTRUP EBBE STUB WITTRUP b. Aarhus 1973 b. Aarhus 1973 "Perception Figures #6". Photograph. Ed. 3/5. Visible "Perception Figures #2". Photograph. Ed. 2/5. Visible size 88 x 110.5 cm. size 88 x 110.5 cm. Provenance: Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen. Provenance: Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350 DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 112 18.02.2021 14.07 481

481 ARR 482 ARR JESPER JUST JESPER JUST b. Copenhagen 1974 b. Copenhagen 1974 "A ruin in Progress (Intercourses) #III, 2014. Silver "A ruin in Progress (Intercourses) #II, 2014. Silver gelatin print. Edition 5 (+ 2 AP). This is 3/5. 76 x gelatin print. Edition 5 (+ 2 AP). This is 3/5. 76 x 144 cm. (Framed 121 x 189 cm.) 144 cm. (Framed 121 x 189 cm.) Provenance: Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen. Provenance: Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen. Provenance: NoCo - Nordic Contemporary Art Collec- Provenance: NoCo - Nordic Contemporary Art Collec- tion, Sweden. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 tion, Sweden. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 113 18.02.2021 14.07 CONTEMPORARY ART


483 ARR MICHAEL KVIUM b. Horsens 1955 "Pos. drawing / Neg. drawing". Both signed Kvium 97. Crayon on paper. Each 230 x 150 cm. (2) Literature: Pay Back Mukha, ill. pp. 38-39. Literature: Circus Humanus, il. pp. 60-61. DKK 200,000-250,000 / € 27,000-33,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 114 18.02.2021 14.07 483


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 115 18.02.2021 14.08 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 116 CONTEMPORARY ART LARS 116 110 x110 cm.Unframed. Untitled, 2013. Signedanddatedonthereverse. b. Aalborg 1956 484


NØRGÅRD DKK 30,000-40,000/€

4,050-5,350 484

KASP reverse. Oiloncanvas. 300x200cm.Unframed. Untitled, 1997/1998.Signedanddatedonthe b. Copenhagen1968 485



BONNÉN DKK 40,000-50,000/€

5,350-6,700 18.02.2021 14.08



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 117 18.02.2021 14.08 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 118 CONTEMPORARY ART 118 486 LARS Acquired herebythepresentowner. Provenance: GalerieMikaelAndersen,Copenhagen. com, under'paintings2005-2007'. Literature: Ill. ontheartist's website, www.larstygesen. in twoparts. Total 250xcm.Unframed. Untitled, 2007.Unsigned. Collageandoiloncanvas b. Århus 1979 486


TYGESEN DKK 50,000-60,000/€

6,700-8,050 18.02.2021 14.08 487

487 ARR LARS NØRGÅRD b. Aalborg 1956 "Dear W"/"Kære W", 2017. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 200 x 160 cm. Unframed. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 119 18.02.2021 14.08 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 120 CONTEMPORARY ART CLA 120 reverse. Oiloncanvas. 150x120cm.Unframed. "Alien Nation #7"2003. Signed, titled and dated on the b. Sønderborg 1957 488


CARSTENSEN DKK 15,000-20,000/€ 488

2,000-2,700 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK 18.02.2021 14.08 489

489 ARR IAN MCKEEVER b. Withernsea, England 1946 "Assembly painting", 2007-2008. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 191 x 271 cm. Unframed. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 121 18.02.2021 14.08 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 122 CONTEMPORARY ART FREDERIK 122 Unframed. ed on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 100 x 80 cm. "Stilleben" (Stilllife),2019. Signed,titledanddat- b. 1988 490


DKK 30,000-35,000/€


4,050-4,700 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK 18.02.2021 14.09 491

491 ARR BJARNE MELGAARD b. Sydney 1967 Untitled, 2004. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 200 x 300 cm. Unframed. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 100,000-125,000 / € 13,500-17,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 123 18.02.2021 14.09 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 124 CONTEMPORARY ART AURÉLIEN PORTE NICOLAS BEAUMELLE; WE ARETHEP 124 Provenance: Privatecollection,Denmark. Provenance: NewGalerie,Paris. Mixed media onpaper. 50x673cm. and datedonthereverse of the drawing. "She looks likeaMountain",2012. Signed 493


DKK 4,000-6,000/€ AINTERS, 492

535-805 THOMAS Provenance: Privatecollection,Denmark. Provenance: GalerieKrinzinger, Vienna(ZIP/M15). Provenance: GalerieGuidoW. Baudach,Berlin. 80 x60cm.Unframed. reverse. Silkscreen, acrylicandoiloncanvas. "Drift", 2011. Signed,titledanddatedonthe b. Heppenheim,Germany1966 492 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK


DKK 20,000-25,000/€

493 ZIPP

2,700-3,350 18.02.2021 14.09 494


494 ARR 495 ARR CATHRINE RABEN DAVIDSEN LINE BUSCH b. Copenhagen 1972 b. 1979 Figure composition. Signed CRD 98. Mixed media Untitled, 2021. Signed and dated on the reverse. on paper. Sheet size 29.5 x 21 cm. Acrylic on canvas. 60 x 45 cm. Unframed. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 125 18.02.2021 14.09 900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 126 CONTEMPORARY ART BENNY Mixed mediaonpaper. Sheetsize38x28cm. Untitled. Signed Benny Dröscher, 2004. b. Aalborg 1971 496 126


DKK 12,000-15,000/€


1,600-2,000 MORE PHOTOS ANDDETAILS AT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK EGOR Provenance: Privatecollection,Denmark. Provenance: ReginaGallery, Moscow (KOS-00146). paper. 35xcm. Untitled. Signedmonogram. Inkandsalt on b. Moscow1980 497


DKK 12,000-15,000/€ KOSHELEV 496

1,600-2,000 18.02.2021 14.09 498

498 ARR ZUSH EVRU b. Barcelone 1946 "Nuvridos Sorud", 2004. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Mixed media on paper. Sheet size 57 x 76 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350

499 ARR HELMUT MIDDENDORF b. Dinklage, Germany 1953 Untitled. Signed Middendorf Zeichnen 88. Oil on paper laid down on canvas. 100 x 70 cm. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 499


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 127 18.02.2021 14.10 500 ARR WILHELM FREDDIE b. Copenhagen 1909, d. s.p. 1995 "Fødselsdagskagen" (The Birthday Cake). Signed Freddie 87; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 73 x 60 cm. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000 500

501 ARR WILHELM FREDDIE b. Copenhagen 1909, d. s.p. 1995 "Kvindeportræt"( Woman's Portrait). Signed Freddie 87; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 81 x 65 cm. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie. Værker 1957-1995", Arken Museum for Mod- erne Kunst, 1996-1997 and Nordjyl- lands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, 1997, cat. no. 75, ill. in colours in the catalogue. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000 501


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 128 18.02.2021 14.10 502

502 ARR WILHELM FREDDIE b. Copenhagen 1909, d. s.p. 1995 "Agitatoren" (The Agitator). Signed Freddie 87; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 74 x 92 cm. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000

503 ARR BJØRN NØRGAARD b. Copenhagen 1947 "Eros og Psyke" (Eros & Psyche), 1997. Signed BN, 4/6. Foundry stamp Leif Jensen. Bronze. H. 82 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 503


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 129 18.02.2021 14.10 504 ARR INGÁLVUR AV REYNI b. Tórshavn 1920, d. s.p. 2005 Untitled. Signed I. av Reyni 99. Oil on canvas. 92 x 73 cm. Exhibited: Nordens Hus, Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 504

505 MOGENS ANDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1916, d. s.p. 2003 Untitled, 9 April 1986. Signed MA; signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm. Unframed. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 505


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 130 18.02.2021 14.10 506

506 ARR TRÓNDUR PATURSSON b. Kirkjubø, Faroe Islands 1944 Untitled, 2002. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 194 x 146 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 131 18.02.2021 14.10 507

507 ARR ALBERT BERTELSEN b. Vejle 1921, d. s.p. 2019 "Kvinde" (Woman), 1976. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 130 x 80 cm. Provenance: Galleri Helliggejst, Copenhagen, 1976.

"Of gold and fire is the feast in my thoughts – why is there anxiety in your heart? Flowers are blooming within your breasts You smell of apples and eternity" Jens August Schade DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 132 18.02.2021 14.11 508

508 ARR HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARGRETHE II OF DENMARK b. Copenhagen 1940 "Fra de yderste fjelde. Brønden II" (From the outer mountains. Well II). Signed M 2000. Acrylic on canvas. 80 x 90 cm. Literature: "Landskabets sjæl. Dronning Margrethe II & Prins Eugen", exhibition catalogue, ill. p. 28. Exhibited: "Landskabets sjæl", Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense, 2003-2004. Exhibited: "Landskabets själ", Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm, Sweden, 17 April-23 May, 2004. Provenance: Art historian Erik Fischer (1920–2011), former head of the department of Prints and Drawings at the National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 133 18.02.2021 14.11 509

509 ARR SOHAN QADRI b. Punjab 1932, d. Toronto, Canada 2011 Untitled. Signed Qadri; signed on the reverse Qadri cop. no. 846. Oil and mixed media on canvas. 50 x 65 cm. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

510 ARR WILHELM FREDDIE b. Copenhagen 1909, d. s.p. 1995 "Femme Nue". Signed Freddie 64. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 116 x 89 cm. Literature: "Wilhelm Freddie - Pilene fra den elektriske bue", Svend Hansens forlag, Copenhagen, 1969, ill. in colours p. 87. Exhibited: "PHASES", Musée D'Ixelles, Bruxelles, 1964, cat. no. 71. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie. Peintures et objets" Galerie de L'Université, Paris, 1965, no catalogue/no. no. Exhibited: Jysk Kunstgalerie, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, 1965, cat. no. 66. Exhibited: Esbjerg Kunstforening, Kunstpavillionen, 1965, cat. no. 38. Exhibited: Kolding Kunstforening, Kolding Kunstmuseum, 1965. Exhibited: Påskeudstilling, Skive Museum, 1966, cat. no. 33. Exhibited: "Nordische Kunst Heute", Nordische Kunstverband, Kunst­ verein Hannover, 1966, cat. no. 5.


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 134 18.02.2021 14.11 510

Exhibited: "WILHELM FREDDIE", Retrospective exhibition, Göteborg Kunst­ museum, 1967, cat. no. 94. Exhibited: "WILHELM FREDDIE", Retrospective exhibition, Lund Kunsthal, 1967, cat. no. 35. Exhibited: "NORRÆN LIST", Nordisk kunstudstilling, Reykjavik, 1972, cat. no. D 6. Exhibited: "wilhelm freddie", Retrospektiv udstilling, Heine Onstad Kunst­ center, Aarhus Kunstmuseum and Amos Andersons Konstmuseum, Helsinki, 1974-75, cat. no. 62. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie: Værker 1957-1995", Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, and Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, 1996, cat. no. 16, ill. in colours full page 69. Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist. Not previously offered for sale.

The references to exhibitions and provenance have kindly been provided by Mr Birger Raben-Skov, Copenhagen. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 135 18.02.2021 14.11 511

511 ARR SØREN GEORG JENSEN b. Copenhagen 1917, d. s.p. 1982 "Ubatuba". Polished black granite. H. 170 cm. W. 140 cm. D. 120 cm. 512 Please note that the work is exhibited outdoors at our MOGENS ANDERSEN online department, "Havnen", at Sundkrogsgade 30, b. Copenhagen 1916, d. s.p. 2003 Nordhavn, Copenhagen, on Weekdays 10 am - 5 pm and Untitled. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 260 x 195 cm. Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm. DKK 150,000 / € 20,000 Unframed. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 136 18.02.2021 14.11 512


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 137 18.02.2021 14.11 513


513 ARR FERNANDEZ ARMAN 514 * ARR b. Nice 1928, d. New York 2005 FERNANDEZ ARMAN "Violon coupé IV", 2004. Signed Arman, 57/100. b. Nice 1928, d. New York 2005 Bocquel p.d. Bronze. Mounted on a black painted "Violon de Venise", 2004. Signed Arman, XV/XXX. metal base. H. 61 cm. Polished bronze. H. 73 cm. Literature: Denyse Durand-Ruel & Marc Moreau 76. Literature: Denyse Durand-Ruel & Marc Moreau 81. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 DKK 40,000 / € 5,350


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 138 18.02.2021 14.11 515

515 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. Copenhagen 1910, d. Kirke Hyllinge 1993 "Øvelsesstykker" (Exercise pieces), 10. December 1992. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Richard Mortensen. Erindringens år 1958-1993. Ting og tegn. II: Billeddel", Copenhagen, 2001, fig. 631, ill. p. 435. Exhibited: Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen, 1993, cat. no. 70. DKK 70,000 / € 9,400


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 139 18.02.2021 14.11 516

516 ARR PREBEN HORNUNG b. Valby 1919, d. Frederiksberg 1989 "Organisk vækst", 1963. Signed mono­ gram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 97 x 130 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700

517 MOGENS ANDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1916, d. s.p. 2003 Untitled, 12 June 1969. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 161 x 130 cm. Unframed. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 517


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 140 18.02.2021 14.12 518

518 MOGENS ANDERSEN b. Copenhagen 1916, d. s.p. 2003 Untitled, August 1971. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 146 x 195 cm. Unframed. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

519 ARR JENS-FLEMMING SØRENSEN b. Copenhagen 1933, d. Pietrasanta 2017 Fugl Fønix (Bird Phoenix). Signed Jens Flemming. Marble. Unique. H. 34 cm. Mounted on black mar- ble base. H. incl. base 43 cm. Provenance: Galerie Jerome, Copenhagen. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 519


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 141 18.02.2021 14.12 520 ARR SØREN GEORG JENSEN b. Copenhagen 1917, d. s.p. 1982 "Aurora septentrionalis", (1972/1973). Roman Travertin on a base of black marble. H. 66 cm. W. 69 m. D. 78 cm. Literature: Erik Christian Sørensen (red): Søren Georg Jensen, Copenhagen, 1997, small model in burned clay ill. p. 70 and the large version, placed in front of The Danish Academy in Rom, ill. pp. 71-73.

Please note that the work is exhibited outdoors at our online department, "Havnen", at Sundkrogsgade 30, Nordhavn, Copenhagen, on Weekdays 10 am - 5 pm and Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 142 18.02.2021 14.12 521

521 ARR ANTONI CLAVÉ b. Barcelone 1913, d. St. Tropez 2005 "Le roi et l'oiseau", (The King and the Bird), 1958. Signed Clavé. Mixed media on the base of litho- 522 graphic print. Sheet size 32 x 50 cm. MOGENS ANDERSEN Provenance: Cornette de Saint Cyr, Maison de Ventes, b. Copenhagen 1916, d. s.p. 2003 Paris, France, October 28, 2015. In relation to the sale Untitled. Signed Mogens Andersen -57. Oil on can- the authenticity was kindly confirmed by Les Archives vas. 90 x 116 cm. Unframed. Antoni Clavé. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000 DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 143 18.02.2021 14.13 523


524 * ARR 523 * ARR FERNANDEZ ARMAN FERNANDEZ ARMAN b. Nice 1928, d. New York 2005 b. Nice 1928, d. New York 2005 "Variation", 2002. Signed Arman, 80/99. Polished "Alto Prisme", 2004. Signed Arman, 21/99. Polished bronze, mounted on a black patinated metal base. bronze. H. 68 cm. H. 90 cm. Literature: Denyse Durand-Ruel & Marc Moreau 73. Literature: Denyse Durand-Ruel & Marc Moreau 7. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 DKK 50,000 / € 6,700


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 144 18.02.2021 14.13 525

525 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. Copenhagen 1910, d. Kirke Hyllinge 1993 "Øvelsesstykker" (Exercise Pieces), 20-VII-1992. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Richard Mortensen. Erindringens år 1958- 1993. Ting og tegn II: Billeddel", Copenhagen, 2001, fig. 598. Exhibited: "Det sene i livet", Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum and Herning Kunstmuseum, 1994, no. no., ill. in the catalogue. DKK 70,000 / € 9,400


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 145 18.02.2021 14.13 526

526 ARR DJAVAD MIRDJAVADOV b. Baku, Azerbaijan 1923, d. 1992 Untitled. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 195 x 140 cm. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

527 ARR DJAVAD MIRDJAVADOV b. Baku, Azerbaijan 1923, d. 1992 Untitled, 1989. Signed monogram; signed on the reverse with dedication to Richard Wagner. Oil on canvas. 140 x 120 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 527


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 146 18.02.2021 14.13 528

528 ARR DJAVAD MIRDJAVADOV b. Baku, Azerbaijan 1923, d. 1992 Untitled, 1987. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 200 x 136 cm. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

529 ARR THÉO TOBIASSE b. Israel 1927, d. Frankrig 2012 "Le Cantique des Cantiques aux fruits". Signed Théo Tobiasse. Mixed media on paper. Visible size 65 x 48.5 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,050 529


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 147 18.02.2021 14.14 530 ARR OLE AHLBERG b. Copenhagen 1949 Icon. Signed Ahlberg 00. Oil and gold paint on canvas. 41 x 35 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,050 530

531 ARR NIELS ERIK SKOVBALLE b. Herlufsholm 1945 "Modern Painters". Signed monogram 2017. Oil on board. 50 x 45 cm. Exhibited: "I Kunstens Bjørnetjeneste", Johannes Larsen Museet, Kerteminde, February-May 2020. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 531


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 148 18.02.2021 14.14 PRINTS

Wednesday 10 March Lot 532 - 568


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 149 18.02.2021 14.14 532

532 ARR PIERRE SOULAGES b. Rodez 1919 “Lithographie No. 36”, 1974. Signed Soulages, 51/95. Pub- lished by Galerie de France, Paris. Printed by Mourlot, Paris. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 74 × 56 cm. Literature: Pierre Encrevé & Marie-Cécile Miessner: “Soulages - L'Oeuvre Imprimé”, BNF / Musée Soulages, Rodez, 2003, cat. 85. DKK 60,000-75,000 / € 8,050-10,000

533 ARR PIERRE SOULAGES b. Rodez 1919 "Lithographie No. 9", 1959. Signed Soulages, 34/75. Litho- graph. Sheet size 34 x 26 cm. Literature: Pierre Encrevé & Marie-Cécile Miessner: “Soulages - L'Oeuvre Imprimé”, BNF / Musée Soulages, Rodez, 2003, cat. 53. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 533


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 150 18.02.2021 14.14 534

534 ARR PIERRE SOULAGES b. Rodez 1919 “Lithographie no. 39”, 1977. Signed Soulages, 56/115. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 56 x 76 cm. Litterature: Pierre Encrevé & Marie-Cécile­ Miessner: “Soulages - L'Oeuvre Imprimé”, BNF / Musée Soulages, Rodez, 2003, cat. 87. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

535 ARR PABLO PICASSO b. Malaga 1881, d. Mougins 1973 "L'Homme au Bâton", 1963. Signed Picasso, 48/50 and in the print. Linocut in colours. Sheet size 64 x 53 cm. Unframed. Literature: Bloch 1106. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 535


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 151 18.02.2021 14.14 536

536 ARR ALBERTO GIACOMETTI b. Stampa 1901, d. s.p. 1966 "Man standing and Sun" (Homme debout et soleil), 1963. Signed Alberto Giacometti, 16/150. Published by Université de Saint- Gall. Lithograph on BFK Rives velin. Visible size 61 x 47 cm. Literature: Lust 38. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050

537 FELIX VALLOTTON b. Lausanne 1865, d. Paris 1925 "Mogens Ballin et sa femme". Signed in the print FV. Woodcut on Japan paper. Visible size 21 x 26 cm. Provenance: Vallotton-Goerg 202. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 537


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 152 18.02.2021 14.14 538

538 PIERRE BONNARD b. Fontenay-aux-Roses 1867, d. Le Cannet 1947 "La petite blanchisseuse", 1896. Signed Bonnard, No 58. Lithograph in colours.Sheet size 41,6 x 32,7 cm. Literature: Bouvet 40. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. Acquired in the 1920s. Hence by descent in the family. DKK 275,000-300,000 / € 37,000-40,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 153 18.02.2021 14.15 539 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 "Lajoupée", 1973. Signed Estève, 110/125. Éditeur Neue Galerie, Zürich. Printed by Mourlot, Paris. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 68 x 53 cm. Literature: Prudhomme-Estève & Moestrup 67. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000


540 * ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 "Maraboulda", 1972. Signed Estève, 61/75. Lithograph in colours. 69 x 54 cm. Literature: Prudhomme & Moestrup 60. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600


541 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 "Face à Face", 1968. Signed Estève, 23/70. Litho- graph in colours. Visible size 59 x 42 cm. Literature: Prudhomme-Estève & Moestrup 45. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 541


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 154 18.02.2021 14.15 542 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 "Brandevin", 1961. Signed Estève, Epreuve d'artiste. H.C. Éditeur Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf. Printed by Mourlot, Paris. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 60 x 48 cm. Literature: Prudhomme-Estève & Moestrup 31. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000


543 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 “Grisande”, 1966. Signed Estève, E.A. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 70 × 54.5 cm. Literature: Prudhomme-Estève & Moestrup 39. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000


544 ARR MAURICE ESTÈVE b. Culan, Cher 1904, d. s.p. 2001 "Bouinotte", 1980. Signed Estève, 91/120. Litho- graph in colours. Visible size 58 x 44 cm. Literature: Prudhomme-Estève & Moestrup 88. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 544


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 155 18.02.2021 14.15 545 EDWARD RUSCHA b. Omaha, Nebraska, USA 1937 "Insect Slant" (Ants), from "Reality and Para­ doxes Portfolio". Signed Edward Ruscha, 45/100. Published by Multiples, Inc. New York. Lithograph and screenprint on BFK Rives Paper. Sheet size 56 x 76 cm. Literature: Engberg 69. Provenance: Galerie Jerome, Copenhagen. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 545

546 JAMES ROSENQUIST b. Grand Forks, Dakota North, USA 1933, d. New York City 2017 "A Pale Angels Halo", from "Reality and Para­doxes Portfolio". Signed Rosenquist 1973, 45/100. Published by Multiples, Inc. New York. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 76 x 56 cm. Literature: Glenn 67. Provenance: Galerie Jerome, Copenhagen. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350


547 ARR ÖYVIND FAHLSTRÖM b. Sao Paulo 1928, d. Stockholm 1976 "Section of World Map- A Puzzle", 1973. From "Reality and Paradoxes Portfolio". Signed and numbered on the reverse. Published by Multiples, Inc. New York. Silkscreen/hard white vinyl/ metal. 51 x 81 cm. Provenance: Galerie Jerome, Copenhagen. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 547


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 156 18.02.2021 14.16 548

548 JASPER JOHNS b. Augusta, Georgia, USA 1930 "Untitled (Scull), from "Reality and Paradoxes Port- folio". Signed Jasper Johns 73, 45/100. Published by Multiples, Inc. New York. Screenprint in colours on J.B. Green paper. Sheet size 58 x 78.5 cm. Literature: ULAE (Universal Limited Art Editions) 127. Provenance: Galerie Jerome, Copenhagen. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700

549 CLAES OLDENBURG b. Stockholm 1929 "Proposal for a Broome Street Expressway in Form of a Cigarette and Smoke", 1973. From "Reality and Paradoxes Portfolio". Signed C. Oldenburg, 45/100. Published by Multiples, Inc. New York. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 76 x 56 cm. Literature: A. & P. 111. Provenance: Galerie Jerome, Copenhagen. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 549


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 157 18.02.2021 14.16 550 ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG b. Port Arthur, Texas 1925, d. Captiva Island 2008 "Gray garden, from Rockery Mounds". Signed Rauschenberg 79, 36/55. Ed. Gemi- ni G.E.L. Los Angeles. Lithograph in colours on Twinrocker handmade paper. Sheet size 104 x 78.5 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350


551 ANDY WARHOL b. Philadelphia 1930, d. New York 1987 “Double self portrait”. Signed Andy Warhol. Exhi- bition poster Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, 1978. Offset in colours. Sheet size 99 × 62 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 551


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 158 18.02.2021 14.16 552

552 ANDY WARHOL b. Philadelphia 1930, d. New York 1987 "Herself" from "Ingrid Bergman", 1983. Signed Andy Warhol 120/250. Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York. Published by Galerie Börjeson, Malmö. Screenprint in colours. Sheet size 96.5 x 96.5 cm. Literature: Feldman/Schellmannn no. II.313. Provenance: Galleri Torso, Odense. Provenance: Private collection, Denmark. DKK 200,000-225,000 / € 27,000-30,000


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 159 18.02.2021 14.16 553

553 SAM FRANCIS b. San Mateo, Californien 1923, d. Santa Monica 1994 "For Thirteen", 1989. Signed Sam Francis, 50/115. Printed by Ronald McPherson, Tu- junga, Californian. Published by La Palorma, Tujunga, California. Silkscreen in colours. Sheet size 71 x 95.5 cm. Literature: Lembark S 20 (SFS-335). DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,050

554 JULIAN SCHNABEL b. New York 1951 "Mys Sosunova to Mys Peschanyy" (Soviet­ union Tatar Strait). Signed Julian Schnabel 2010, HC 2/10. Silkscreen in colours. Visible size 98 x 72 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 554


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 160 18.02.2021 14.16 555

555 ARR JOAN MIRÓ b. Barcelona 1893, d. Palma de Mallorca 1983 "Le permissionnaire" (The Licencee), 1974. Signed Miro with dedication "Pour Robert". Published by Maeght, Paris. Printed by Morsang, Paris. Etch- ing and aquatint in colours. Sheet size 140 x 93 cm. Literature: Dupin 655. DKK 150,000-175,000 / € 20,000-23,500


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 161 18.02.2021 14.17 556

556 ARR PABLO PICASSO b. Malaga 1881, d. Mougins 1973 Literature: Pierre Daix and Georges Boudaille: "Picasso: "Dwarf Dancer" (La danseuse naine), 1966. From The Blue and Rose Periods, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Barcelona-Suite. Signed Picasso, 30/60. After the Paintings, 1900-1906", 1960, the original painting painting from 1901. On Arches wove paper, printed listed as cat. no. IV.2 on p. 141. by Foto-Repro S.A., Barcelona, published by Museo Picasso, Palacio Aguilar, Barcelona. Offset litho- This work was produced in conjunction with a special graph in colours. Visible size 72 x 50 cm. Picasso exhibition at the Museo Picasso in Barcelona Literature: Christopher Czwiklitzer: "290 Affiches de on the occasion of the artist's 85th Birthday. The image Pablo Picasso", Paris, 1968, cat. no. 234. is based on a 1901 painting in the museum's collection Literature: Carsten-Peter Warncke: "Pablo Picasso 1881- and is from Picasso's brief period of Post-Impressionism. 1973", Vol I, 1994, the original painting listed on p. 65. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 162 18.02.2021 14.17 557


557 ARR 558 ARR GEORGES BRAQUE TSUGUHARU LÉONARD b. Argenteuil 1882, d. Paris 1963 FOUJITA "Les etoiles", 1959. Signed G. Braque, 217/300. b. Tokyo 1886, d. Zürich 1968 Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 46 x 64 cm. Un- "Le Rêve", 1947. Signed Foujita, E.A. Lithograph. framed. Sheet size 56 x 75 cm. Unframed. Literature: Dora Vallier: Maeght, n. 1029. Literature: Buisson, I, 47/19. p. 454. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 163 18.02.2021 14.17 559 ARR ROLF NESCH b. Ober-Esslingen 1893, d. Oslo 1975 "Å Fly" (To Fly). Signed Rolf Nesch 5. mars 1970. Metal print in colours. Tiré par l'artiste. Unique. Sheet size 65 x 49 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350

560 ARR ZAO WOU-KI b. Beijing 1921, d. Nyon, Switzerland 2013 Untitled. Signed Zao Wou-Ki, 59/150. Litho- graph in colours. Sheet size 52 x 76 cm. Literature: Ågerup/Heede & Moestrup 289. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 559



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 164 18.02.2021 14.17 561 ARR ROLF NESCH b. Ober-Esslingen 1893, d. Oslo 1975 "Knælende indianer". (Kneeling Indian). Signed Rolf Nesch, 10/18 with dedication "Til Erik Olesen". Lithograph in colours. Visible size 55 x 44 cm. (sheet size 69.5 x 45 cm.) DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 561

562 ARR ROLF NESCH b. Ober-Esslingen 1893, d. Oslo 1975 Untitled. Signed Rolf Nesch with dedication "Til Erik Olesen". Lithograph in colours. Visible size 55 x 43 cm. (sheet size 70 x 47 cm.) DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 562


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 165 18.02.2021 14.17 563

563 ARR POUR JORN "Pour Jorn", 1976. Portfolio with 14 lithographs in colours. All signed by the artists, II/XX; Alechinsky, Appel, Baj, Constant, Corneille, Dotremont, Lam, Matta, Michaux, Saura, Ting, van Velde, Wemaëre and Wyckaert. Published by Asger Jorn Foundation. Printed by Clot, Bramsen et Georges, Paris. Sheet size 75 x 54 cm. In the original slipcase. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,050


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 166 18.02.2021 14.19 564

564 ARR JEAN HANS ARP b. Strasbourg 1887, d. Locarno 1966 "Arp". Paris 1959. Portfolio with 12 silkscreens in colours. Colophone signed Arp. Each sheet unsigned but numbered 67/135. Executed after collages from the period 1917-1959. Éditions Denise René, Paris. Printed by l'atelier d-Arcay. Sheet size 67 x 50 cm. In the original slipcase. (12) DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 167 18.02.2021 14.20 566

566 * ARR PIERRE ALECHINSKY 565 b. Bruxelles 1927 "En voir de disparation", 1978. Signed Alechinsky, 565 48/60. Aquatint and etching in colours. Visible size GUY ERNEST DEBORD, 57 x 76 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 ASGER JORN b. Paris 1931, d. Bellevue-la-Montagne 1994, b. Vejrum 1914, d. Århus 1973 “Fin de Copenhague”, 1957. Booklet signed by Jorn 567 ARR and Debord, 17/200. Édition Le Bauhaus Imagin- PEJAC iste, Copenhagen. Printed by Permild & Rosengreen, b. Santander 1977 Copenhagen. Original binding. 28.5 × 20.5 cm. "Yin-Yang" 2019. Signed Pejac, 85/90. Hand pulled The book was printed within 24 hours as an artistic ex- photopolymer on paper. Sheet sizes 71.5 x 97 cm each. periment. The most sought-after of Jorn's books. Unframed. Certificate of authenticity included. (2) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,050-5,350 DKK 30,000 / € 4,050



900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 168 18.02.2021 14.21 568

568 WU TIEN-CHANG b. Changhua, Taiwan 1956 "Two treat each other" (Together forever), 2001. C-print mounted on board and in frame deco- rated with sequins by the artist. Visible size 127 x 182 cm. Provenance: Beijing Council International Auction Co. Ltd.

The Taiwanese artist Wu Tien-chang’s artworks are famous for their socio-political commentary to the tumultuous history of the artist's homeland Taiwan. He creates digitally manipulated photographs with an ironic and mysterious tone in a vibrant baroque aesthetic that reminisce Taiwan’s post war period when the country began a process of westernization. This aesthetic is further enhanced in the framing of his photographs decorated with Taiwanese style sequins and velvet cloths as is the case in this photograph “Two Treat Each Other”. Tien-chang represented Taiwan at the 2015 Venice Biennale and is widely represented in notable museum collections in Asia including The National Art Museum of China, Bejing; Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei and Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700


900_modernekunst_s018-169.indd 169 18.02.2021 14.21 Bertha Wegmann Estimate: DKK 200,000-300,000


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 170 18.02.2021 14.22 FEMALE ARTISTS We are looking for fine, modern and decorative art by female artists for our Online and Live Auctions.

Agnes Slott-Møller · Alfrida Baadsgaard · Ane-Katrine von Bulow · Anna Ancher Anna Sophie Petersen · Anna Syberg · Anna Thommesen · Anette Harboe Flensburg · Anne Kjærsgaard · Anne Marie Carl Nielsen · Anthonore Christensen Alev Siesbye · Alhed Larsen · Astrid Holm · Astrid Kruse Jensen · Astrid Noack Beate Andersen · Bertha Dorph · Bertha Wegmann · Bodil Bødtker-Næss Bodil Manz · Cathrine Raben Davidsen · Christine Swane · Ebba Carstensen Edith Sonne · Effie Hegemann-Lindencrone· Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann Elisabeth Karlinsky · Elsa Thoresen · Else Alfelt · Else Fischer-Hansen · Emilie Mundt Emmy Thornam · Eva Stæhr-Nielsen · Fie Norsker · Franciska Clausen Gerda Wegener · Gerd Hiorth Petersen · Gertrud Vasegaard · Gudrun Hasle Hanne Hellesen · Hanne Varming · Helen Dohlmann · Helen Schou · Helga Ancher Helvig Kinch · Hermania Neergaard · Ida Kvetny · Jane Reumert · Johanne Krebs · Juliana Sveinsdottir · Julie Nord · Kathrine Ærtebjerg · Karin Blom Kirsa Andreasen · Lisa Malinovski · Lise Blomberg · Louise Hindsgavl · Maja Lisa Engelhardt · Malene Müllertz · Maria Rubinke · Marie Luplau · Mie Olise Kjaergaard · Marie Krøyer · Marie Søndergaard Lolk · Mie Mørkeberg · Myre Vasegaard · Nicoline Tuxen · Nina Steen-Knudsen · Olivia Holm Møller · Rita Kernn-Larsen · Rose Eken · Sandra Davolio · Sonja Ferlov Mancoba · Sophie Holten Tove Anderberg · Trine Søndergaard · Vibeke Alfelt · Vibeke Munch Petersen

For more information about the auctions, please contact: Fine art: Camilla Bruun Stoltze · +45 8818 1126 · [email protected] Modern design: Amalie Hansen · +45 8818 1194 · [email protected] Modern art: Kathrine Eriksen · +45 8818 1184 · [email protected]


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 171 18.02.2021 14.22 INDEX

A F L Adrian-Nilsson, Gösta 443 Fader, Fernando 388 Lergaard, Niels 378 Ahlberg, Ole 530 Fahlström, Öyvind 547 Louis-Jensen, Peter 447, 449 Alechinsky, Pierre 566 Ferlov Mancoba, Sonja 395 Lundstrøm, Vilhelm 377 Alfelt, Else 396 Fontana, Lucio 436 M Andersen, Mogens 505, 512, 517 Foujita, Tsuguharu Léonard 558 518, 522 Francis, Sam 553 Marfaing, André 452 Appel, Karel 421 Frandsen, Erik A. 460 McKeever, Ian 489 Arman, Fernandez 513, 514, 523 Freddie, Wilhelm 430, 500, 501 Melgaard, Bjarne 491 524 502, 510 Middendorf, Helmut 499 Arp, Jean Hans 564 Förg, Günther 437, 438 Mirdjavadov, Djavad 526, 527, 528 Miró, Joan 555 B G Mortensen, Richard 515, 525 Balle, Mogens 413, 418 Gallizio, Pinot 427 Muff, Orla 381 Bentzen, Axel 376 Giacometti, Alberto 536 N Bertelsen, Albert 507 Gordillo, Gun 435 Bille, Ejler 402 Nesch, Rolf 559, 561, 562 H Bjerg, Johannes C. 382 Nielsen, Knud 448 Bonnard, Pierre 538 Hains, Raymond 428 Næblerød, Frederik 490 Bonnén, Kaspar 485 Harboe Flensburg, Anette 456 Nørgaard, Bjørn 503 Braque, Georges 557 Heerup, Henry 422, 424, 425 Nørgård, Lars 464, 484, 487 Busch, Line 495 Hornung, Preben 516 Høst, Oluf 372, 373 O C Oldenburg, Claes 549 J Carstensen, Claus 488 Olrik, Balder 457, 469 Cassinari, Bruno 453 Jacobsen, Egill 399, 404, 406 P Chadwick, Lynn 432, 440 414 Clausen, Franciska 394 Jensen, Søren Georg 511, 520 Patursson, Tróndur 506 Clavé, Antoni 521 Joensen-Mikines, Samuel 380, 383 Pedersen, Carl-Henning 400 Cohn, Benny 386 Johns, Jasper 548 403, 408, 409 Corneille 423 Jorn, Asger 398, 407, 411 412, 415, 419 416, 565 Pejac 567 D Just, Jesper 481, 482 Picasso, Pablo 433, 434, 535 de Jong, Jacqueline 446 Jónsson, Ásgrímur 385 556 Debord, Guy Ernest 565 K Pour Jorn 563 Deyrolle, Jean 442 Dotremont, Christian 397 Kath, Eske 465 Q 401, 410, 420 Kernn-Larsen, Rita 392 Qadri, Sohan 509 Dröscher, Benny 496 Kirkeby, Absalon 472 Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Kirkeby, Per 429, 431, 450, 451 Her Majesty 508 E Koester, Joachim 466, 467, 468 Eistrup, Kasper 470, 471 Koons, Jeff 455 R Estève, Maurice 439, 445, 454 Koshelev, Egor 497 Raben Davidsen, Cathrine 458 539, 540, 541 Kudo, Tetsumi 441 459, 477, 494 542, 543, 544 Kvium, Michael 476, 478, 483 Rauschenberg, Robert 550 Evru, Zush 498 Kørner, John 473, 474, 609 Reyni, Ingálvur av 504


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 172 18.02.2021 14.22 INDEX

Rooskens, Anton 405 Rosenquist, James 546 Ruscha, Edward 545 Rustin, Jean 475 S Scherfig, Hans 379 Schnabel, Julian 554 Simondo, Piero 426 Skovballe, Niels Erik 531 Soulages, Pierre 532, 533, 534 Stefánsson, Jón 384 Strother, Devin Troy 462 Superflex 461 Sveinsdóttir, Júlíana 389 Søndergaard, Jens 374 Sørensen, Jens-Flemming 509 519, 523 T Thoresen, Elsa 393 Tien-chang, Wu 568 Tobiasse, Théo 529 Tygesen, Lars 463, 486 V Vallotton, Felix 537 Venard, Claude 387 Voss, Jan 444 W Warhol, Andy 551, 552 We Are The Painters 493 Wegener, Gerda 390, 391 Wegener/Lili Elbe, Einar 375 Wemaëre, Pierre 417 Wittrup, Ebbe Stub 479, 480 Wou-Ki, Zao 560 Z Zipp, Thomas 492


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 173 18.02.2021 14.22 WRISTWATCHES Live Auction 9 March 7 pm


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 174 18.02.2021 14.22 WRISTWATCHES

Omega. Model Speedmaster “Ultraman”. Estimate: DKK 150,000-200,000.


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 175 18.02.2021 14.22 KØBSVILKÅR FOR TRADITIONELLE AUKTIONER LIVE BIDDING: B: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, Det er muligt at følge auktionen live og byde med via Maestro, Diners Club og JCB) på bruun­ bruun­ under købers personlige side. FORAUKTION: C: Via bankoverførsel til BRK’s konto i Danske Bank: Disse købsvilkår udgør Bruun Rasmussen Kunst­ Visse traditionelle auktioner indledes med en net­auktion. 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: UNDER AUKTIONEN DK4130004310970638. auktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) købsvilkår for traditionelle De højeste bud på net­auktionen danner udgangspunktet på den efterfølgende traditionelle auktion. auktioner og er gældende fra 1. februar 2017. 4 BRK’S ROLLE 10 MOMSFRITAGELSE, -BETALING BRK kan til enhver tid ændre købsvilkårene. 4.1 Salget af en genstand formidles af BRK på vegne af EFTER AUKTIONEN OG -DEPONERING Ved bud accepterer budgiver/køber at være bundet af sælger. BRK afhænder altid udbudte genstande til den højst mulige pris under budgivningen. 10.1 Visse købere kan vælge hvilken momstype, der skal være de til enhver tid gældende købsvilkår, som fremgår 7 BELØB, DER TILLÆGGES HAMMERSLAGET 4.2 Udbudte genstande kan have en med sælger aftalt mindste­ gældende for handlen. Valget skal meddeles BRK senest to på bruun­ Købsvilkårene gælder både pris, hvorunder den ikke kan sælges. Denne pris er fortrolig. 7.1 I tillæg til hammerslaget, jf. punkt 5.3, skal køber for den hverdage efter købet og kan ikke omgøres. i forhold til erhvervsdrivende og forbrugere. 4.3 De traditionelle auktioner overværes af en af Justits­ enkelte genstand betale købersalær og, hvis betingelserne A: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i Danmark kan vælge, ministeriet beskikket auktionsleder, der sikrer, at er opfyldt, de øvrige beløb, der er nærmere beskrevet at handlen skal ske efter reglerne om fuldmoms, jf. auktionerne går retmæssigt for sig. nedenfor. Det samlede beløb, som køber skal betale til BRK, punkt 7.1.3. benævnes "købesummen". B: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land kan 7.1.1 Købersalær: Hammerslaget tillægges et salær til BRK. På de fritages for dansk moms, når det kan dokumenteres, 5 BUDGIVNING traditionelle auktioner udgør salæret 24 % af hammerslaget at genstanden er transporteret til den udenlandske 5.1 Auktionerne afvikles i danske kroner. De tilnærmelsesvise + moms af salæret, i alt 30 %. For frimærker og mønter udgør salæret 20 % af hammerslaget + moms af salæret, i alt 25 %. adresse, som køber har oplyst over for BRK, og som er FØR AUKTIONEN beløb i euro/US dollar vil blive oplyst på skærme i anført på fakturaen. I sådanne tilfælde skal der afregnes auktionssalen og i øvrigt på opfordring. 7.1.2 "LIVE bidding": BRK's egen "LIVE bidding"­software via moms efter de gældende regler i det land, hvor køber er 5.2 Auktionarius bestemmer overbuds størrelse og i hvilket bruun­ er gratis at benytte for budgivere. momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de Benyttes en "LIVE bidding"­software fra tredje part, 1 VURDERING AF GENSTANDE tempo, auktionen afvikles. Overbud stiger normalt med lokale myndigheder. Køber kan undlade at gøre brug af tillægges købersalæret en afgift på 3 % plus moms, der 5 % ­ 10 % i forhold til det foregående bud. Normalt muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet betale dansk 1.1 Alle udbudte genstande er vurderet af BRK. Vurderingen sælges der 50­100 katalognumre i timen. videregives til tredje part i sin helhed. er et skøn over det forventede hammerslag, jf. punkt 5.3. brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 5.3 Hammerslag betegner både det forhold, at auktionarius 7.1.3 Fuldmoms: Visse genstande handles efter de gældende Vurderingen er baseret på tidligere salg af samme type C: Købere med bopæl uden for EU kan fritages for dansk slår med hammeren og derved markerer budgivningens regler om fuldmoms. Her beregnes der moms på 25 % genstande og erfaringer hos BRK. Hammerslag kan derfor moms, når det kan dokumenteres, at genstanden er afslutning, og den pris (budsum), den udbudte genstand af både hammerslag og salær. Disse genstande er i beskri­ falde højere eller lavere ud end vurderingen. sælges til. Se punkt 7 vedrørende beløb, der tillægges velsen i kataloget og på bruun­ mærket med transporteret ud af EU. BRK udsteder så vidt muligt hammerslaget. symbolet ”*” eller med teksten: ”Dette emne handles i og mod gebyr de fornødne eksportpapirer, som skal 2 BESKRIVELSE AF GENSTANDE fuldmoms”. fremvises ved toldmyndighederne. Køber kan undlade at 5.4 Køber er den budgiver, der opnår hammerslag. Ved gøre brug af muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet hammerslaget indgås på baggrund af disse købsvilkår en 7.1.4 Kunstnerafgift: Ifølge dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal betale dansk brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 2.1 Udbudte genstande præsenteres med fotos og beskrivelse bindende købs­/salgsaftale. der opkræves kunstnerafgift (følgeretsvederlag) for værker i kataloger og på bruun­ Beskrivelsen fore­ af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som enten 10.2 Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land og tages efter bedste overbevisning af BRK og ud fra en nøje 5.5 Bydes på andres vegne, hæfter budgiver som selvskyldner­ er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end 70 år. kautionist for handlen. købere med bopæl uden for EU skal deponere den danske undersøgelse efter den på salgstidspunktet herskende Kunstnerafgiften opkræves på vegne af VISDA. Disse værker moms af fakturabeløbet hos BRK, indtil eksporten er opfattelse blandt eksperter. 5.6 Genstande købes som beset, og køber har uanset budtype er i kataloget mærket med ”ARR” (Artist’s Resale Right) gennemført på dokumenteret lovpligtig vis. Foretages ingen fortrydelsesret, heller ikke efter forbrugeraftaleloven. 2.2 De udbudte genstande er af en alder og art, der og på bruun­ med teksten ”Dette emne er eksporten af en af BRK godkendt speditør, skal momsen belagt med kunstnerafgift”. Kunstnerafgiften tillægges hele bevirker, at de ofte er behæftede med slitage, mangler, 5.7 Budgiver skal efter anvisninger fra BRK identificere sig og ikke deponeres. Se listen over godkendte speditører på hammerslaget + salær (ekskl. moms), når beløbet overstiger beskadigelser og reparationer. Som udgangspunkt dokumentere sin betalingsdygtighed, f.eks. ved registrering bruun­ sælges alt som brugte genstande, og derfor indeholder af gyldigt betalings­/kreditkort, bankgaranti eller indbeta­ 300 euro, som angivet nedenfor: beskrivelsen i kataloget og på bruun­ ikke ling af depositum. Hammerslag + salær (ekskl. moms) Betalingssats en redegørelse for ovenstående punkter eller genstandens 5.8 BRK kan nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis en tilstrækkelig 300,01 ­ 50.000 euro 5% 11 OVERSKRIDELSE AF BETALINGSFRIST stand. sikkerhed for betaling mangler, eller hvis budgiver tidligere 50.000,01 ­ 200.000 euro 3% 11.1 Overskrides en betalingsfrist, herunder fristen i punkt 8, har misligholdt betalingsforpligtigelser ved køb hos BRK. 200.000,01 ­ 350.000 euro 1% 2.3 I visse tilfælde vælger BRK at beskrive en genstands opkræves morarenter, som beregnes efter Nationalbankens 350.000,01 ­ 500.000 euro 0.5% oprindelse. Det sker, hvis en tidligere ejer er offentlig 5.9 Auktionslederen træffer i samråd med auktionarius officielle udlånsrente + 8 % om året af det skyldige beløb. kendt, og/eller hvis historien om et tidligere ejerskab afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde omkring budgivningen. over 500.000 euro 0.25% belyser genstanden og dens art. Omvendt sker det også, Kunstnerafgiften kan ikke overstige 12.500 euro (ekskl. 11.2 Betales købesummen inkl. renter ikke senest ti dage efter, at sådanne informationer udelades fra beskrivelsen, moms) for den enkelte genstand. Afgiften skal betales i at der er fremsat påkrav herom, er BRK berettiget til at søge f.eks. for at imødekomme sælgers ønske om diskretion. 6 BUDTYPER danske kroner, og omregningskursen (EUR/DKK) fastsættes købesummen betalt ved modregning i depositum/ved træk 2.4 Vurderingen og beskrivelsen kan blive revideret forud 6.1 Der er følgende muligheder for at afgive bud: af VISDA. på bankgaranti eller at hæve købet. for auktionen. Ændringer offentliggøres på PERSONLIGT FREMMØDE: 7.1.5 Betalings­/kreditkortgebyr: BRK forbeholder sig ret til at 11.3 Hæves købet, er BRK berettiget til at sælge genstanden på bruun­ opkræve de af indløsningsselskaberne pålagte betalings­/ en ny auktion og kræve omkostningerne og en eventuel Registrering og udlevering af bydeskilt foregår ved kreditkortgebyrer. Satserne fremgår ved budgivning via difference mellem hammerslag (samt salær), der er opnået indgangen til auktionssalen. Når budgiver ønsker at byde, bruun­ og ved betaling. på de to auktioner, betalt af den misligholdende køber. 3 EFTERSYN signaleres dette til auktionarius ved at række bydeskiltet i vejret og tydeligt fremvise dets nummer. 11.4 Alle forfaldne krav (inkl. omkostninger), som ikke betales 3.1 Udbudte genstande udstilles op til auktionen i et KOMMISSIONSBUD: 8 BETALINGSFRIST rettidigt, kan BRK i tillæg til inkasso søge inddrevet på føl­ showroom hos BRK. Potentielle budgivere opfordres til at gende måder: se genstanden efter i detaljer og har selv ansvaret for at Det ønskede maksimale bud kan afgives via bruun­ 8.1 Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved hammerslaget, og køber forvisse sig om dens stand på disse eftersyn, hvor der også frem til auktionens start eller pr. e­mail, fax har herefter otte dage til at betale købesummen til BRK. A: For købers regning sælge genstande indleveret til er mulighed for at rådføre sig hos vurderingssagkyndige. eller telefon, så buddet er modtaget senest 24 timer forud auktion af eller på vegne af køber. Salget kan gennem­ for auktionens start. En kommissionær byder på budgivers føres uden hensyntagen til en aftalt mindstepris. 3.2 Hvis en potentiel køber ikke har mulighed for at besigtige vegne inden for rammerne af det ønskede maksimalbud og 9 BETALINGSMÅDER Genstande indleveret til auktion kan ikke kræves genstanden ved selvsyn, kan der i de fleste tilfælde ud ­ vil altid afgive lavest muligt overbud. udleveret, så længe forfalden gæld henstår ubetalt. færdiges en konditionsrapport. Beskrivelsen heri er fore­ 9.1 Betaling kan ske på følgende måder: taget efter BRK’s bedste overbevisning, men er ikke baseret TELEFONBUD: A: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, B: Inddrage købers tilgodehavende hos BRK, herunder på videnskabelige undersøgelser. En konditionsrapport I forhold til visse genstande er der mulighed for at blive Maestro, Diners Club, JCB og China UnionPay) eller tilgodehavende fra salg af genstande indleveret af eller tjener blot som identifikation og er ment som en hjælp ringet op af en medarbejder fra BRK, der vil byde på bud­ kontant (op til 49.999 kr.) i auktionssalen eller efter­ på vegne af køber, uanset om et sådant tilgodehavende til budgivere, der ikke selv har mulighed for at besigtige givers vegne under auktionen. Servicen kan bestilles via følgende i en afdeling hos BRK. Bemærk, at vi ikke stammer fra auktionssalg, som ligger forud for eller genstanden på eftersynet. bruun­ indtil tre timer før auktionens start. modtager 500­eurosedler. efter tidspunktet for købers misligholdelse.


koebsvilkaar900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd pr. 12.20.indd 2-3 176 18.02.2021 14.22 10.02.2021 18.18 KØBSVILKÅR FOR TRADITIONELLE AUKTIONER LIVE BIDDING: B: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, Det er muligt at følge auktionen live og byde med via Maestro, Diners Club og JCB) på bruun­ bruun­ under købers personlige side. FORAUKTION: C: Via bankoverførsel til BRK’s konto i Danske Bank: Disse købsvilkår udgør Bruun Rasmussen Kunst­ Visse traditionelle auktioner indledes med en net­auktion. 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: UNDER AUKTIONEN DK4130004310970638. auktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) købsvilkår for traditionelle De højeste bud på net­auktionen danner udgangspunktet på den efterfølgende traditionelle auktion. auktioner og er gældende fra 1. februar 2017. 4 BRK’S ROLLE 10 MOMSFRITAGELSE, -BETALING BRK kan til enhver tid ændre købsvilkårene. 4.1 Salget af en genstand formidles af BRK på vegne af EFTER AUKTIONEN OG -DEPONERING Ved bud accepterer budgiver/køber at være bundet af sælger. BRK afhænder altid udbudte genstande til den højst mulige pris under budgivningen. 10.1 Visse købere kan vælge hvilken momstype, der skal være de til enhver tid gældende købsvilkår, som fremgår 7 BELØB, DER TILLÆGGES HAMMERSLAGET 4.2 Udbudte genstande kan have en med sælger aftalt mindste­ gældende for handlen. Valget skal meddeles BRK senest to på bruun­ Købsvilkårene gælder både pris, hvorunder den ikke kan sælges. Denne pris er fortrolig. 7.1 I tillæg til hammerslaget, jf. punkt 5.3, skal køber for den hverdage efter købet og kan ikke omgøres. i forhold til erhvervsdrivende og forbrugere. 4.3 De traditionelle auktioner overværes af en af Justits­ enkelte genstand betale købersalær og, hvis betingelserne A: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i Danmark kan vælge, ministeriet beskikket auktionsleder, der sikrer, at er opfyldt, de øvrige beløb, der er nærmere beskrevet at handlen skal ske efter reglerne om fuldmoms, jf. auktionerne går retmæssigt for sig. nedenfor. Det samlede beløb, som køber skal betale til BRK, punkt 7.1.3. benævnes "købesummen". B: Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land kan 7.1.1 Købersalær: Hammerslaget tillægges et salær til BRK. På de fritages for dansk moms, når det kan dokumenteres, 5 BUDGIVNING traditionelle auktioner udgør salæret 24 % af hammerslaget at genstanden er transporteret til den udenlandske 5.1 Auktionerne afvikles i danske kroner. De tilnærmelsesvise + moms af salæret, i alt 30 %. For frimærker og mønter udgør salæret 20 % af hammerslaget + moms af salæret, i alt 25 %. adresse, som køber har oplyst over for BRK, og som er FØR AUKTIONEN beløb i euro/US dollar vil blive oplyst på skærme i anført på fakturaen. I sådanne tilfælde skal der afregnes auktionssalen og i øvrigt på opfordring. 7.1.2 "LIVE bidding": BRK's egen "LIVE bidding"­software via moms efter de gældende regler i det land, hvor køber er 5.2 Auktionarius bestemmer overbuds størrelse og i hvilket bruun­ er gratis at benytte for budgivere. momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de Benyttes en "LIVE bidding"­software fra tredje part, 1 VURDERING AF GENSTANDE tempo, auktionen afvikles. Overbud stiger normalt med lokale myndigheder. Køber kan undlade at gøre brug af tillægges købersalæret en afgift på 3 % plus moms, der 5 % ­ 10 % i forhold til det foregående bud. Normalt muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet betale dansk 1.1 Alle udbudte genstande er vurderet af BRK. Vurderingen sælges der 50­100 katalognumre i timen. videregives til tredje part i sin helhed. er et skøn over det forventede hammerslag, jf. punkt 5.3. brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 5.3 Hammerslag betegner både det forhold, at auktionarius 7.1.3 Fuldmoms: Visse genstande handles efter de gældende Vurderingen er baseret på tidligere salg af samme type C: Købere med bopæl uden for EU kan fritages for dansk slår med hammeren og derved markerer budgivningens regler om fuldmoms. Her beregnes der moms på 25 % genstande og erfaringer hos BRK. Hammerslag kan derfor moms, når det kan dokumenteres, at genstanden er afslutning, og den pris (budsum), den udbudte genstand af både hammerslag og salær. Disse genstande er i beskri­ falde højere eller lavere ud end vurderingen. sælges til. Se punkt 7 vedrørende beløb, der tillægges velsen i kataloget og på bruun­ mærket med transporteret ud af EU. BRK udsteder så vidt muligt hammerslaget. symbolet ”*” eller med teksten: ”Dette emne handles i og mod gebyr de fornødne eksportpapirer, som skal 2 BESKRIVELSE AF GENSTANDE fuldmoms”. fremvises ved toldmyndighederne. Køber kan undlade at 5.4 Køber er den budgiver, der opnår hammerslag. Ved gøre brug af muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet hammerslaget indgås på baggrund af disse købsvilkår en 7.1.4 Kunstnerafgift: Ifølge dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal betale dansk brugtmoms/fuldmoms. 2.1 Udbudte genstande præsenteres med fotos og beskrivelse bindende købs­/salgsaftale. der opkræves kunstnerafgift (følgeretsvederlag) for værker i kataloger og på bruun­ Beskrivelsen fore­ af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som enten 10.2 Momsregistrerede virksomheder i et andet EU­land og tages efter bedste overbevisning af BRK og ud fra en nøje 5.5 Bydes på andres vegne, hæfter budgiver som selvskyldner­ er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end 70 år. kautionist for handlen. købere med bopæl uden for EU skal deponere den danske undersøgelse efter den på salgstidspunktet herskende Kunstnerafgiften opkræves på vegne af VISDA. Disse værker moms af fakturabeløbet hos BRK, indtil eksporten er opfattelse blandt eksperter. 5.6 Genstande købes som beset, og køber har uanset budtype er i kataloget mærket med ”ARR” (Artist’s Resale Right) gennemført på dokumenteret lovpligtig vis. Foretages ingen fortrydelsesret, heller ikke efter forbrugeraftaleloven. 2.2 De udbudte genstande er af en alder og art, der og på bruun­ med teksten ”Dette emne er eksporten af en af BRK godkendt speditør, skal momsen belagt med kunstnerafgift”. Kunstnerafgiften tillægges hele bevirker, at de ofte er behæftede med slitage, mangler, 5.7 Budgiver skal efter anvisninger fra BRK identificere sig og ikke deponeres. Se listen over godkendte speditører på hammerslaget + salær (ekskl. moms), når beløbet overstiger beskadigelser og reparationer. Som udgangspunkt dokumentere sin betalingsdygtighed, f.eks. ved registrering bruun­ sælges alt som brugte genstande, og derfor indeholder af gyldigt betalings­/kreditkort, bankgaranti eller indbeta­ 300 euro, som angivet nedenfor: beskrivelsen i kataloget og på bruun­ ikke ling af depositum. Hammerslag + salær (ekskl. moms) Betalingssats en redegørelse for ovenstående punkter eller genstandens 5.8 BRK kan nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis en tilstrækkelig 300,01 ­ 50.000 euro 5% 11 OVERSKRIDELSE AF BETALINGSFRIST stand. sikkerhed for betaling mangler, eller hvis budgiver tidligere 50.000,01 ­ 200.000 euro 3% 11.1 Overskrides en betalingsfrist, herunder fristen i punkt 8, har misligholdt betalingsforpligtigelser ved køb hos BRK. 200.000,01 ­ 350.000 euro 1% 2.3 I visse tilfælde vælger BRK at beskrive en genstands opkræves morarenter, som beregnes efter Nationalbankens 350.000,01 ­ 500.000 euro 0.5% oprindelse. Det sker, hvis en tidligere ejer er offentlig 5.9 Auktionslederen træffer i samråd med auktionarius officielle udlånsrente + 8 % om året af det skyldige beløb. kendt, og/eller hvis historien om et tidligere ejerskab afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde omkring budgivningen. over 500.000 euro 0.25% belyser genstanden og dens art. Omvendt sker det også, Kunstnerafgiften kan ikke overstige 12.500 euro (ekskl. 11.2 Betales købesummen inkl. renter ikke senest ti dage efter, at sådanne informationer udelades fra beskrivelsen, moms) for den enkelte genstand. Afgiften skal betales i at der er fremsat påkrav herom, er BRK berettiget til at søge f.eks. for at imødekomme sælgers ønske om diskretion. 6 BUDTYPER danske kroner, og omregningskursen (EUR/DKK) fastsættes købesummen betalt ved modregning i depositum/ved træk 2.4 Vurderingen og beskrivelsen kan blive revideret forud 6.1 Der er følgende muligheder for at afgive bud: af VISDA. på bankgaranti eller at hæve købet. for auktionen. Ændringer offentliggøres på PERSONLIGT FREMMØDE: 7.1.5 Betalings­/kreditkortgebyr: BRK forbeholder sig ret til at 11.3 Hæves købet, er BRK berettiget til at sælge genstanden på bruun­ opkræve de af indløsningsselskaberne pålagte betalings­/ en ny auktion og kræve omkostningerne og en eventuel Registrering og udlevering af bydeskilt foregår ved kreditkortgebyrer. Satserne fremgår ved budgivning via difference mellem hammerslag (samt salær), der er opnået indgangen til auktionssalen. Når budgiver ønsker at byde, bruun­ og ved betaling. på de to auktioner, betalt af den misligholdende køber. 3 EFTERSYN signaleres dette til auktionarius ved at række bydeskiltet i vejret og tydeligt fremvise dets nummer. 11.4 Alle forfaldne krav (inkl. omkostninger), som ikke betales 3.1 Udbudte genstande udstilles op til auktionen i et KOMMISSIONSBUD: 8 BETALINGSFRIST rettidigt, kan BRK i tillæg til inkasso søge inddrevet på føl­ showroom hos BRK. Potentielle budgivere opfordres til at gende måder: se genstanden efter i detaljer og har selv ansvaret for at Det ønskede maksimale bud kan afgives via bruun­ 8.1 Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved hammerslaget, og køber forvisse sig om dens stand på disse eftersyn, hvor der også frem til auktionens start eller pr. e­mail, fax har herefter otte dage til at betale købesummen til BRK. A: For købers regning sælge genstande indleveret til er mulighed for at rådføre sig hos vurderingssagkyndige. eller telefon, så buddet er modtaget senest 24 timer forud auktion af eller på vegne af køber. Salget kan gennem­ for auktionens start. En kommissionær byder på budgivers føres uden hensyntagen til en aftalt mindstepris. 3.2 Hvis en potentiel køber ikke har mulighed for at besigtige vegne inden for rammerne af det ønskede maksimalbud og 9 BETALINGSMÅDER Genstande indleveret til auktion kan ikke kræves genstanden ved selvsyn, kan der i de fleste tilfælde ud ­ vil altid afgive lavest muligt overbud. udleveret, så længe forfalden gæld henstår ubetalt. færdiges en konditionsrapport. Beskrivelsen heri er fore­ 9.1 Betaling kan ske på følgende måder: taget efter BRK’s bedste overbevisning, men er ikke baseret TELEFONBUD: A: Med betalings­/kreditkort (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, B: Inddrage købers tilgodehavende hos BRK, herunder på videnskabelige undersøgelser. En konditionsrapport I forhold til visse genstande er der mulighed for at blive Maestro, Diners Club, JCB og China UnionPay) eller tilgodehavende fra salg af genstande indleveret af eller tjener blot som identifikation og er ment som en hjælp ringet op af en medarbejder fra BRK, der vil byde på bud­ kontant (op til 49.999 kr.) i auktionssalen eller efter­ på vegne af køber, uanset om et sådant tilgodehavende til budgivere, der ikke selv har mulighed for at besigtige givers vegne under auktionen. Servicen kan bestilles via følgende i en afdeling hos BRK. Bemærk, at vi ikke stammer fra auktionssalg, som ligger forud for eller genstanden på eftersynet. bruun­ indtil tre timer før auktionens start. modtager 500­eurosedler. efter tidspunktet for købers misligholdelse.


koebsvilkaar pr. 12.20.indd 2-3 900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 177 10.02.202118.02.2021 18.1814.22 12 AFHENTNING OG UDLEVERING hentes en CITES­reeksporttilladelse fra Naturstyrelsen, CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE – LIVE AUCTIONS når genstanden er omfattet af Washingtonkonven­ 12.1 Ejendomsretten til en købt genstand overgår til køber, tionen, CITES, liste 1 og 2. Denne eksporttilladelse kan når hele købesummen inkl. eventuelle renter og gebyrer normalt indhentes problemfrit, når liste 1­genstande er betalt, og først herefter kan udlevering af genstanden enten er solgt med et CITES­salgscertifikat eller er finde sted. færdigforarbejdet før 1947. Liste 2­genstande opnår These conditions of purchase represent Bruun Rasmus­ 4.2 Items up for auction can have a reserve price that has been 12.2 Ved udlevering af en købt genstand forbeholder BRK sig ligeledes normalt problemfrit en reeksporttilladelse. sen Kunstauktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) conditions of pur­ agreed upon with the seller. The price is confidential and retten til at kræve tilfredsstillende dokumentation for, the item cannot be sold below this price. D: I forbindelse med eksport til lande uden for EU kan at den person, som ønsker genstanden udleveret, enten chase for live auctions and are effective from 1 January særlige regler gøre sig gældende ifm. den efterfølgende 4.3 The live auctions are presided over by one of the Danish selv er køberen eller er bemyndiget af køberen til at få 2017. BRK may modify the conditions of purchase at import, og køber opfordres til at indhente oplysninger Ministry of Justice’s appointed auctioneers, en suring that genstanden udleveret. fra egne myndigheder. any time. the auctions proceed correctly and lawfully. 12.3 Udlevering af visse våben kræver forevisning af gyldig By bidding, the bidder/buyer accepts the current våbentilladelse. Sådant krav er angivet med teksten ”Køb af dette emne kræver forevisning af gyldig våbentilladelse” 15 MANGLER VED KØBTE GENSTANDE conditions of purchase as they appear on bruun­ 5 BIDDING i kataloget og på bruun­ 15.1 Købelovens mangelsregler kan finde anvendelse. Nedenfor The conditions of purchase are applicable 5.1 The currency used while the auctions take place is Danish 12.4 Købte genstande henligger fra hammerslaget for købers er angivet et ikke udtømmende uddrag af købers mangels­ to both business owners and consumers. kroner. The approximate amount in euro/US dollars is regning og risiko. Afhentning skal ske senest otte hverdage beføjelser. shown on screens in the saleroom and also on request. efter sidste auktionsdag. 15.2 Køber er berettiget til at annullere et køb, hvis beskrivelsen 5.2 The auctioneer determines the size of the bid increment 12.5 Foretages afhentningen ikke rettidigt, transporteres de har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har ført til et BEFORE THE AUCTION and the pace of the auction. Bid increments usually rise by købte genstande til et lager for købers regning og risiko. højere hammerslag, end en korrekt beskrivelse ville have 5% ­ 10% compared to the previous bid. Approximately resulteret i. I sådanne tilfælde vil den samlede købesum Transporten koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand, og 1 VALUATION OF ITEMS 50­100 auction lots are sold per hour. opbevaringen koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand pr. blive refunderet. Køber kan ikke kræve betaling af renter af købesummen eller kræve dækning af anden udgift eller tab. 5.3 The hammer price refers both to the gavel used by the påbegyndt uge. Henligger en genstand uafhentet i så lang 1.1 All the offered items are valued by BRK. The valuation auctioneer that signifies the end of a bidding round on an tid, at lagerlejen overstiger genstandens værdi, er BRK 15.3 Et køb kan ikke annulleres, og køber kan ikke kræve is an estimate based on the expected hammer price, see item and to the price (bidding amount) that the item up berettiget til for købers regning og risiko og uden hensyn købesummen refunderet eller rejse noget andet krav mod paragraph 5.3. The estimate is based on the previous sale for auction is sold for. See paragraph 7 regarding amounts til mindstepris at bortauktionere genstanden eller sælge BRK, hvis beskrivelsen af genstanden er i overensstemmelse of similar items as well as BRK’s past experience. The added to the hammer price. med punkt 2, eller hvis en påvisning af falskneri havde hammer price can therefore be higher or lower than the den underhånden. Køber hæfter fortsat for udgifter til 5.4 The buyer is the bidder that submits the highest bid, there­ krævet brug af videnskabelige metoder, der enten ikke var estimated price. transport og lagerleje, der ikke dækkes ved sådant salg. by obtaining the hammer price. At the moment the tilgængelige på salgstidspunktet, havde været uforholds­ 12.6 I henhold til gældende hvidvasklovgivning skal køber i hammer price is determined, a binding purchase/sale agree­ mæssigt omkostningskrævende at anvende eller havde ført visse tilfælde udlevere identitetsoplysninger og fremvise 2 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS ment is entered into based on these conditions of purchase. billed­id til BRK, før køber kan få den købte genstand i til beskadigelse af den pågældende genstand. 2.1 Items up for auction are presented with photographs and 5.5 If bids are made on behalf of others, the bidder serves as 15.4 Krav om annullering af et køb skal meddeles BRK, når sin besiddelse descriptions in catalogues and on bruun­ surety for the transaction. køber er blevet bekendt med det forhold, der berettiger The description is worded according to the best of BRK’s køber til at annullere købet, dog senest to år fra den 5.6 Items are purchased in their present state and condition, 13 FORSENDELSE knowledge and based on detailed research in accordance and regardless of the type of bidding the buyer has no seneste afhentningsdato efter punkt 12.4. Den købte with the prevailing views among experts at the time of sale. 13.1 Er køber forhindret i selv at afhente en genstand, tilbyder genstand skal returneres til BRK i samme stand som på right to cancel his purchase, neither under the Danish BRK for købers regning og risiko at emballere og arrangere hammerslagstidspunktet. Overholdes disse betingelser 2.2 The items up for auction are of an age and nature that Consumer Contracts Act. often mean that they are in a worn, repaired or damaged forsendelse enten med post eller speditør. Se punkt 12.2 ikke, mister køber retten til at annullere købet og kan ikke 5.7 Bidders are required, in accordance with BRK’s instructions, condition. As a starting point everything is sold as used angående legitimation. kræve købesummen refunderet. Køber er selv ansvarlig for to identify themselves and document their ability to pay, items. For this reason, the descriptions in the catalogue at betale de omkostninger, der er forbundet med returne­ or at bruun­ do not include a statement for instance by registration of a valid debit/credit card, 14 EKSPORTTILLADELSE ring af genstanden. regarding the above or the condition of the item. bank guarantee or a deposit. 14.1 For at sikre at dansk kulturarv af afgørende betydning 2.3 In some cases, BRK may choose to describe an item’s 5.8 BRK may refuse to accept a bid if a sufficient guarantee of forbliver i Danmark, kan Kulturværdiudvalget for visse 16 INDSIGELSES- OG ANSVARSBEGRÆNSNING provenance. Such a description is made if a former owner the bidder’s ability to pay is not provided, or if the bidder genstandes vedkommende nedlægge eksportforbud. Hvis 16.1 BRK tager forbehold for fejl, tekniske vanskeligheder samt is publicly known and/or if the story of previous ownership has previously defaulted on payment obligations on pur­ køber ønsker at eksportere en genstand ud af Danmark, udefrakommende misbrug eller forstyrrende påvirkning sheds further light on the item and its background. In chases from BRK. hvor der er nedlagt et eksportforbud, annulleres købet, og under auktionen. Budgivere kan ikke rejse noget krav mod other cases, such information is left out of the description, 5.9 The overseeing auctioneer will, in consultation with the Kulturværdiudvalget er forpligtet til at overtage genstand­ BRK som følge heraf. for instance to meet the seller’s wish for privacy. auctioneer at the podium, decide what to do in matters of en til den pris, der blev opnået på auktionen. Køber kan 16.2 Køber er i alle tilfælde selv ansvarlig for korrekt betaling 2.4 It is possible that the estimate and description are revised dispute concerning a bidding round. ikke rejse krav mod BRK som følge af, at et eksportforbud prior to the auction. Changes are published on BRK’s website. bliver nedlagt. af moms og andre afgifter, gebyrer mv. i overensstemmelse med danske og udenlandske regler. 14.2 Visse genstande er omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, 6 TYPES OF BIDDING 16.3 Medmindre andet fremgår af disse købsvilkår, kan BRK 3 PREVIEW også kendt som CITES, der har til formål at stoppe ulovlig 6.1 Bidding options: aldrig blive ansvarlig for budgivers/købers driftstab, handel med genstande fremstillet af udryddelsestruede 3.1 Items up for auction are presented prior to the auction in avance tab, andre indirekte tab eller følgeskader. IN PERSON: vilde dyr og planter. Såfremt en genstand er omfattet af one of BRK’s showrooms. Potential bidders are encouraged Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 1, vil det fremgå af to inspect the items closely and are responsible for Registration and obtaining the bidding paddle take place beskrivelsen på bruun­ og være markeret 17 PERSONDATAPOLITIK determining the condition of the items at these previews, at the entrance to the saleroom. When the bidder wishes to bid, it is signalled to the auctioneer on the podium by med symbolet ”” i kataloget. Følgende regler gør sig 17.1 Det er vigtigt for BRK at sikre fortrolighed og sikkerhed where they also have the opportunity to consult with the raising the bidding paddle in the air and clearly displaying gældende: omkring budgivers/købers personlige oplysninger. Person­ valuation experts. its number. A: Genstande omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, datapolitikken fremgår af bruun­ 3.2 If a potential buyer does not have the opportunity to inspect CITES, liste 1, må kun handles, når der foreligger en the item personally, a condition report can be drafted in COMMISSION BIDS: dispensation i form af et såkaldt CITES­salgscertifikat. 18 KLAGE, TVISTLØSNING OG LOVVALG most cases. The description in this report has been made The intended maximum bid can be submitted via bruun­ BRK indhenter det fornødne certifikat fra Natur­ according to BRK's honest conviction but is not based until the start of the auction or by e­mail, styrelsen, der tillader handel og eksport til lande inden 18.1 Har budgiver/køber en klage, kan der altid rettes henvend­ on scientific studies. A condition report only serves as an fax or phone, so that the bid is received no later than 24 for EU. Dog kan genstande, som er færdigforarbejdet else til BRK. identification and is meant as an aid to bidders who do not hours prior to the start of the auction. A commission agent før 1947, frit handles inden for EU uden et certifikat. 18.2 Lykkes det ikke at finde en løsning, kan forbrugere sende en have the opportunity to inspect the item at the preview. bids on behalf of the bidder within the limits of the stated B: Det er alene genstande omfattet af Washington­ klage til Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, e­mail: maximum bid. The commission agent will always bid the konventionen, CITES, liste 1, som er særkilt markeret Forbrugere med bopæl i et andet EU­land DURING THE AUCTION lowest possible amount to achieve the hammer price. på bruun­ og i kataloget. Genstande end Danmark kan klage til EU­Kommissionens online klage­ TELEPHONE BID: omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 2, portal via hjemmesiden: 4 THE ROLE OF BRK With certain items it is possible to have a BRK employee der frit kan sælges og transporteres inden for EU, er 18.3 Tvister skal indbringes i Danmark ved Københavns Byret, call the bidder over the phone. The employee will then bid ikke særskilt markeret. jf. dog punkt 18.2. I forbrugerforhold gælder de ufravige­ 4.1 The sale of an item is facilitated by BRK on behalf of the on behalf of the bidder during the auction. The service can C: Ved eksport til lande uden for EU skal der uanset lige værnetingsregler. seller, and BRK always sells items up for auction at the be booked via bruun­ up until three hours årstallet for genstandens færdigforarbejdning altid ind Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, auktionsholder highest price offered during the bidding round. before the auction is set to begin. Rev. 12.20


koebsvilkaar900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd pr. 12.20.indd 4-5 178 18.02.2021 14.22 10.02.2021 18.18 12 AFHENTNING OG UDLEVERING hentes en CITES­reeksporttilladelse fra Naturstyrelsen, CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE – LIVE AUCTIONS når genstanden er omfattet af Washingtonkonven­ 12.1 Ejendomsretten til en købt genstand overgår til køber, tionen, CITES, liste 1 og 2. Denne eksporttilladelse kan når hele købesummen inkl. eventuelle renter og gebyrer normalt indhentes problemfrit, når liste 1­genstande er betalt, og først herefter kan udlevering af genstanden enten er solgt med et CITES­salgscertifikat eller er finde sted. færdigforarbejdet før 1947. Liste 2­genstande opnår These conditions of purchase represent Bruun Rasmus­ 4.2 Items up for auction can have a reserve price that has been 12.2 Ved udlevering af en købt genstand forbeholder BRK sig ligeledes normalt problemfrit en reeksporttilladelse. sen Kunstauktioner A/S’ (“BRK”) conditions of pur­ agreed upon with the seller. The price is confidential and retten til at kræve tilfredsstillende dokumentation for, the item cannot be sold below this price. D: I forbindelse med eksport til lande uden for EU kan at den person, som ønsker genstanden udleveret, enten chase for live auctions and are effective from 1 January særlige regler gøre sig gældende ifm. den efterfølgende 4.3 The live auctions are presided over by one of the Danish selv er køberen eller er bemyndiget af køberen til at få 2017. BRK may modify the conditions of purchase at import, og køber opfordres til at indhente oplysninger Ministry of Justice’s appointed auctioneers, en suring that genstanden udleveret. fra egne myndigheder. any time. the auctions proceed correctly and lawfully. 12.3 Udlevering af visse våben kræver forevisning af gyldig By bidding, the bidder/buyer accepts the current våbentilladelse. Sådant krav er angivet med teksten ”Køb af dette emne kræver forevisning af gyldig våbentilladelse” 15 MANGLER VED KØBTE GENSTANDE conditions of purchase as they appear on bruun­ 5 BIDDING i kataloget og på bruun­ 15.1 Købelovens mangelsregler kan finde anvendelse. Nedenfor The conditions of purchase are applicable 5.1 The currency used while the auctions take place is Danish 12.4 Købte genstande henligger fra hammerslaget for købers er angivet et ikke udtømmende uddrag af købers mangels­ to both business owners and consumers. kroner. The approximate amount in euro/US dollars is regning og risiko. Afhentning skal ske senest otte hverdage beføjelser. shown on screens in the saleroom and also on request. efter sidste auktionsdag. 15.2 Køber er berettiget til at annullere et køb, hvis beskrivelsen 5.2 The auctioneer determines the size of the bid increment 12.5 Foretages afhentningen ikke rettidigt, transporteres de har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har ført til et BEFORE THE AUCTION and the pace of the auction. Bid increments usually rise by købte genstande til et lager for købers regning og risiko. højere hammerslag, end en korrekt beskrivelse ville have 5% ­ 10% compared to the previous bid. Approximately resulteret i. I sådanne tilfælde vil den samlede købesum Transporten koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand, og 1 VALUATION OF ITEMS 50­100 auction lots are sold per hour. opbevaringen koster 150 kr. inkl. moms pr. genstand pr. blive refunderet. Køber kan ikke kræve betaling af renter af købesummen eller kræve dækning af anden udgift eller tab. 5.3 The hammer price refers both to the gavel used by the påbegyndt uge. Henligger en genstand uafhentet i så lang 1.1 All the offered items are valued by BRK. The valuation auctioneer that signifies the end of a bidding round on an tid, at lagerlejen overstiger genstandens værdi, er BRK 15.3 Et køb kan ikke annulleres, og køber kan ikke kræve is an estimate based on the expected hammer price, see item and to the price (bidding amount) that the item up berettiget til for købers regning og risiko og uden hensyn købesummen refunderet eller rejse noget andet krav mod paragraph 5.3. The estimate is based on the previous sale for auction is sold for. See paragraph 7 regarding amounts til mindstepris at bortauktionere genstanden eller sælge BRK, hvis beskrivelsen af genstanden er i overensstemmelse of similar items as well as BRK’s past experience. The added to the hammer price. med punkt 2, eller hvis en påvisning af falskneri havde hammer price can therefore be higher or lower than the den underhånden. Køber hæfter fortsat for udgifter til 5.4 The buyer is the bidder that submits the highest bid, there­ krævet brug af videnskabelige metoder, der enten ikke var estimated price. transport og lagerleje, der ikke dækkes ved sådant salg. by obtaining the hammer price. At the moment the tilgængelige på salgstidspunktet, havde været uforholds­ 12.6 I henhold til gældende hvidvasklovgivning skal køber i hammer price is determined, a binding purchase/sale agree­ mæssigt omkostningskrævende at anvende eller havde ført visse tilfælde udlevere identitetsoplysninger og fremvise 2 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS ment is entered into based on these conditions of purchase. billed­id til BRK, før køber kan få den købte genstand i til beskadigelse af den pågældende genstand. 2.1 Items up for auction are presented with photographs and 5.5 If bids are made on behalf of others, the bidder serves as 15.4 Krav om annullering af et køb skal meddeles BRK, når sin besiddelse descriptions in catalogues and on bruun­ surety for the transaction. køber er blevet bekendt med det forhold, der berettiger The description is worded according to the best of BRK’s køber til at annullere købet, dog senest to år fra den 5.6 Items are purchased in their present state and condition, 13 FORSENDELSE knowledge and based on detailed research in accordance and regardless of the type of bidding the buyer has no seneste afhentningsdato efter punkt 12.4. Den købte with the prevailing views among experts at the time of sale. 13.1 Er køber forhindret i selv at afhente en genstand, tilbyder genstand skal returneres til BRK i samme stand som på right to cancel his purchase, neither under the Danish BRK for købers regning og risiko at emballere og arrangere hammerslagstidspunktet. Overholdes disse betingelser 2.2 The items up for auction are of an age and nature that Consumer Contracts Act. often mean that they are in a worn, repaired or damaged forsendelse enten med post eller speditør. Se punkt 12.2 ikke, mister køber retten til at annullere købet og kan ikke 5.7 Bidders are required, in accordance with BRK’s instructions, condition. As a starting point everything is sold as used angående legitimation. kræve købesummen refunderet. Køber er selv ansvarlig for to identify themselves and document their ability to pay, items. For this reason, the descriptions in the catalogue at betale de omkostninger, der er forbundet med returne­ or at bruun­ do not include a statement for instance by registration of a valid debit/credit card, 14 EKSPORTTILLADELSE ring af genstanden. regarding the above or the condition of the item. bank guarantee or a deposit. 14.1 For at sikre at dansk kulturarv af afgørende betydning 2.3 In some cases, BRK may choose to describe an item’s 5.8 BRK may refuse to accept a bid if a sufficient guarantee of forbliver i Danmark, kan Kulturværdiudvalget for visse 16 INDSIGELSES- OG ANSVARSBEGRÆNSNING provenance. Such a description is made if a former owner the bidder’s ability to pay is not provided, or if the bidder genstandes vedkommende nedlægge eksportforbud. Hvis 16.1 BRK tager forbehold for fejl, tekniske vanskeligheder samt is publicly known and/or if the story of previous ownership has previously defaulted on payment obligations on pur­ køber ønsker at eksportere en genstand ud af Danmark, udefrakommende misbrug eller forstyrrende påvirkning sheds further light on the item and its background. In chases from BRK. hvor der er nedlagt et eksportforbud, annulleres købet, og under auktionen. Budgivere kan ikke rejse noget krav mod other cases, such information is left out of the description, 5.9 The overseeing auctioneer will, in consultation with the Kulturværdiudvalget er forpligtet til at overtage genstand­ BRK som følge heraf. for instance to meet the seller’s wish for privacy. auctioneer at the podium, decide what to do in matters of en til den pris, der blev opnået på auktionen. Køber kan 16.2 Køber er i alle tilfælde selv ansvarlig for korrekt betaling 2.4 It is possible that the estimate and description are revised dispute concerning a bidding round. ikke rejse krav mod BRK som følge af, at et eksportforbud prior to the auction. Changes are published on BRK’s website. bliver nedlagt. af moms og andre afgifter, gebyrer mv. i overensstemmelse med danske og udenlandske regler. 14.2 Visse genstande er omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, 6 TYPES OF BIDDING 16.3 Medmindre andet fremgår af disse købsvilkår, kan BRK 3 PREVIEW også kendt som CITES, der har til formål at stoppe ulovlig 6.1 Bidding options: aldrig blive ansvarlig for budgivers/købers driftstab, handel med genstande fremstillet af udryddelsestruede 3.1 Items up for auction are presented prior to the auction in avance tab, andre indirekte tab eller følgeskader. IN PERSON: vilde dyr og planter. Såfremt en genstand er omfattet af one of BRK’s showrooms. Potential bidders are encouraged Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 1, vil det fremgå af to inspect the items closely and are responsible for Registration and obtaining the bidding paddle take place beskrivelsen på bruun­ og være markeret 17 PERSONDATAPOLITIK determining the condition of the items at these previews, at the entrance to the saleroom. When the bidder wishes to bid, it is signalled to the auctioneer on the podium by med symbolet ”” i kataloget. Følgende regler gør sig 17.1 Det er vigtigt for BRK at sikre fortrolighed og sikkerhed where they also have the opportunity to consult with the raising the bidding paddle in the air and clearly displaying gældende: omkring budgivers/købers personlige oplysninger. Person­ valuation experts. its number. A: Genstande omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, datapolitikken fremgår af bruun­ 3.2 If a potential buyer does not have the opportunity to inspect CITES, liste 1, må kun handles, når der foreligger en the item personally, a condition report can be drafted in COMMISSION BIDS: dispensation i form af et såkaldt CITES­salgscertifikat. 18 KLAGE, TVISTLØSNING OG LOVVALG most cases. The description in this report has been made The intended maximum bid can be submitted via bruun­ BRK indhenter det fornødne certifikat fra Natur­ according to BRK's honest conviction but is not based until the start of the auction or by e­mail, styrelsen, der tillader handel og eksport til lande inden 18.1 Har budgiver/køber en klage, kan der altid rettes henvend­ on scientific studies. A condition report only serves as an fax or phone, so that the bid is received no later than 24 for EU. Dog kan genstande, som er færdigforarbejdet else til BRK. identification and is meant as an aid to bidders who do not hours prior to the start of the auction. A commission agent før 1947, frit handles inden for EU uden et certifikat. 18.2 Lykkes det ikke at finde en løsning, kan forbrugere sende en have the opportunity to inspect the item at the preview. bids on behalf of the bidder within the limits of the stated B: Det er alene genstande omfattet af Washington­ klage til Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, e­mail: maximum bid. The commission agent will always bid the konventionen, CITES, liste 1, som er særkilt markeret Forbrugere med bopæl i et andet EU­land DURING THE AUCTION lowest possible amount to achieve the hammer price. på bruun­ og i kataloget. Genstande end Danmark kan klage til EU­Kommissionens online klage­ TELEPHONE BID: omfattet af Washingtonkonventionen, CITES, liste 2, portal via hjemmesiden: 4 THE ROLE OF BRK With certain items it is possible to have a BRK employee der frit kan sælges og transporteres inden for EU, er 18.3 Tvister skal indbringes i Danmark ved Københavns Byret, call the bidder over the phone. The employee will then bid ikke særskilt markeret. jf. dog punkt 18.2. I forbrugerforhold gælder de ufravige­ 4.1 The sale of an item is facilitated by BRK on behalf of the on behalf of the bidder during the auction. The service can C: Ved eksport til lande uden for EU skal der uanset lige værnetingsregler. seller, and BRK always sells items up for auction at the be booked via bruun­ up until three hours årstallet for genstandens færdigforarbejdning altid ind Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, auktionsholder highest price offered during the bidding round. before the auction is set to begin. Rev. 12.20


koebsvilkaar pr. 12.20.indd 4-5 900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 179 10.02.202118.02.2021 18.1814.22 LIVE BIDDING: Club, China UnionPay and JCB) or cash (up to DKK 12 PICK-UP & COLLECTION obtained without problems, if the item is either sold 49.999) in the saleroom or subsequently at one of with a CITES certificate or was made prior to 1947. It is possible to follow the auction live and bid on the 12.1 The title to a purchased item passes to the buyer when the BRK’s locations. Please note that we do not accept EUR Appendix 2 items usually also receive a re­export permit auction lots via bruun­ full purchase price, including any interest and fees, has been 500 banknotes. without problems. PRE­AUCTION: paid, and only then can the collection of an item take place. B: With debit/credit card (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, D: In connection with export to other countries outside 12.2 In connection with the collection of a purchased item, BRK Some live auctions are preceded by an online auction. Diners Club and JCB) via BRK’s website on the buyer’s the EU, special rules may apply concerning the sub­ reserves the right to demand satisfactory documentation The highest bids from the online auction then represent the personal page. sequent import, and the buyer is encouraged to consult starting bids at the following live auction. that the person who wants to pick up the item is either the the relevant local authorities about this issue. C: By bank transfer into BRK’s account with Danske Bank: buyer himself/herself or authorized by the buyer to receive 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: the item on his/her behalf. 15 DEFECTS IN THE PURCHASED ITEMS AFTER THE AUCTION DK4130004310970638. 12.3 The collection of certain weapons requires presentation of 15.1 The lack of conformity rules of the Danish Sale of Goods 10 VAT EXEMPTION, PAYMENT & DEPOSIT a valid weapons certificate. Items with such requirements Act may apply. Below is a non­exhaustive excerpt of the 7 AMOUNTS ADDED TO THE HAMMER PRICE are listed with the text: “The purchase of this item requires buyer’s remedies in regard to lack of conformity. 10.1 Some buyers can choose which type of VAT should apply the presentation of a valid weapons certificate” in the 15.2 The buyer is entitled to cancel a purchase if the description 7.1 In addition to the hammer price, see paragraph 5.3, the to the transaction. The choice has to be communicated to catalogue and on bruun­ contained significant errors that have led to a higher hammer buyer pays a buyer's premium for the individual items as BRK no later than two working days after the purchase and 12.4 Purchased items are stored after the auction at the buyer’s price than a correct description would have resulted in. In well as the other amounts described below if the conditions cannot be changed subsequently. for these are applicable. The total amount that the buyer expense and risk. Pick­up must take place no later than such cases, the total purchase price will be refunded. The A: Businesses in Denmark registered for VAT can decide pays to BRK is called the "purchase price". eight working days after the last auction day. buyer cannot demand payment of interest on the purchase that the transaction is to be conducted in accordance 12.5 If the item(s) is/are not picked up on time, the purchased price or demand payment of any other expenses or losses. 7.1.1 Buyer’s Premium: The hammer price always includes an with the rules for full VAT, see paragraph 7.1.3. additional fee to BRK. At the live auctions, the fee is 24% items will be transported to a warehouse at the buyer’s risk 15.3 A purchase cannot be cancelled and the buyer cannot B: Businesses registered for VAT in another EU Member of the hammer price + VAT of the fee, 30% in total. For and expense. The transport costs are DKK 150 including demand a refund of the purchase price or raise any other State can be exempted from paying Danish VAT if it stamps and coins, the fee is 20% of the hammer price + VAT per item and the storage costs are DKK 150 including claims against BRK if the description of the item is in can be proved that the item has been transported to the VAT of the fee, a total of 25%. VAT per item for each week or part of a week. If an item compliance with paragraph 15.2. The same applies if foreign address that the buyer has registered with BRK is left unclaimed for an amount of time that results in the evidence of forgery has required the use of scientific 7.1.2 "LIVE Bidding": BRK's own "LIVE Bidding" software is and which is written on the invoice. In such cases, the storage costs exceeding the value of the item, BRK will be methods that were either not available at the time of sale, free to use for bidders on bruun­ If a "LIVE VAT should be settled according to the rules applicable entitled to, at the buyer’s expense and risk and without were excessively costly to use or led to the damage of the Bidding" software from a third party is used, an additional in the country where the buyer is registered for VAT. regard to the reserve price, sell the item at an auction or item in question. 3% (including VAT) is added to the buyer's premium. The It is advisable to consult with the local authorities. The privately. The buyer is still liable for the costs of transpor­ 15.4 Claims for a cancellation of a purchase must be notified to added fee is transferred to the third party in its entirety. buyer can decide not to be exempt from regular VAT tation and storage not covered by such sale. BRK when the buyer has discovered the fact that entitles and instead pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/ 7.1.3 Full VAT: Certain items are sold at auction in accordance 12.6 In accordance with current anti­money laundering laws, the buyer to cancel the purchase. This notice, however, has full VAT. with the current rules regarding full VAT. In such a the buyer must in certain cases submit personal informa­ to be given no later than two years after the final pick­up situation, a VAT of 25% is imposed on both the hammer C: Buyers residing outside the EU can be exempted from tion and present a photo ID to BRK before the buyer can date according to paragraph 12.4. The item purchased price and the buyer’s premium. These items are marked in Danish VAT if it can be proved that the item has been have the purchased item placed in his possession. must be returned to BRK in the same condition as it was the catalogue and on bruun­ with the symbol transported out of the EU. To the extent possible on the day it was sold at auction. If these conditions are "*", or with the text: “This item is subject to full VAT”. and for a fee, BRK can issue the necessary export 13 SHIPPING not met, the buyer loses the right to cancel the purchase documents for the customs authorities. The buyer may 7.1.4 Artist's Resale Right: In accordance with Danish copyright 13.1 If the buyer is unable to pick up the purchased item, and cannot claim a refund of the purchase price. The buyer law, a royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right has to decide not to be exempt from regular VAT and instead is responsible for paying the costs associated with the pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/full VAT. BRK offers to pack and arrange delivery either by mail or be charged for works by newer Danish artists, and some by freight forwarder at the buyer’s risk and expense. return of the item. foreign artists, who are either alive or have not been dead 10.2 Companies registered for VAT in another EU Member State See paragraph 12.2 regarding identification. for more than 70 years. The royalty fee covering the Artist's and buyers residing outside the EU must deposit the Danish 16 OBJECTIONS & LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Resale Right is charged on behalf of VISDA (Visual Rights VAT on the amount invoiced with BRK until the export 14 EXPORT LICENSE 16.1 BRK is aware that errors, technical difficulties and external Denmark). These works are marked "ARR" in the printed process has been completed in a documented, lawful abuse or disruptive influences may occur during the auction. catalogue, and on bruun­ the description fashion. If the export is undertaken by one of BRK’s 14.1 To ensure that Danish cultural heritage of vital importance remains in Denmark, the Danish Cultural Assets Commission Bidders cannot raise any claims against BRK as a result of of the works includes the text: "This lot is subject to the authorized forwarding agents, the VAT does not have to such events. Artist's Resale Right". The royalty fee covering the Artist's be deposited. See the list of authorized forwarding agents can place an export ban on certain items. If the buyer wishes 16.2 The buyer is always responsible for the correct payment of Resale Right is added to the hammer price + the buyer’s on bruun­ to export an item that is subject to an export ban in Den­ VAT and other costs, fees etc. in accordance with Danish premium (excluding VAT) if the amount exceeds EUR 300, mark, the purchase will be cancelled and the Danish Cultural and foreign regulations. as indicated below: 11 OVERDUE PAYMENTS Assets Commission is obliged to acquire ownership of the item for the price obtained at auction. The buyer cannot 16.3 Unless otherwise stated in these conditions of purchase, BRK Hammer price + buyer’s premium (ex. VAT) Payment Rate 11.1 If payment is made after a deadline, including the deadline raise any claims against BRK as a result of an export ban. may never be held liable for bidders’/buyers’ operating loss, specified in paragraph 8, interest on overdue payments will 300,01 ­ 50,000 euro 5% 14.2 Certain items are included in the Washington Convention, loss of profits, other indirect losses or consequential loss. be charged and estimated in accordance with the Danish also known as CITES. The purpose of CITES is to stop the 50,000,01 ­ 200,000 euro 3% Central Bank’s official lending rate + 8% per year on the trade of items made with endangered species and flora. If 17 PRIVACY POLICY 200,000,01 ­ 350,000 euro 1% amount due. the item is included in the Washington Convention, CITES, 17.1 It is important to BRK to ensure confidentiality and 350,000,01 ­ 500,000 euro 0.5% 11.2 If the purchase price, including interest, has still not been Appendix 1, this will appear in the description of the item security regarding the bidder’s/buyer’s personal information. over 500,000 euro 0.25% paid ten days after the demand for payment has been on bruun­ and be marked with the symbol The privacy policy can be found on bruun­ made, BRK is entitled to seek the purchase price paid by The royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right cannot ”” in the catalogue. The following rules are applicable: making a set­off against the deposit/by drawing on the 18 COMPLAINTS, DISPUTE RESOLUTION exceed EUR 12,500 (excluding VAT) for each item. The bank guarantee or to cancel the purchase. A: Items that are included in the Washington Convention, fee must be paid in Danish kroner, and the conversion rate CITES, Appendix 1, can only be traded when a AND APPLICABLE LAW (EUR/DKK) is set by VISDA. 11.3 If the purchase is cancelled, BRK is entitled to sell the item dispensation in the form of a CITES certificate has been at a new auction and demand the costs and any difference 18.1 BRK can always be contacted if the bidder/buyer has a 7.1.5 Debit/Credit Card Fee: Amounts Added to the Hammer obtained. BRK obtains the required certificate from the complaint. between the new and the earlier hammer price (including Danish Nature Agency that allows trade and export Price: BRK reserves the right to charge the debit/credit card the buyer’s premium) covered by the defaulting buyer. 18.2 If the dispute cannot be resolved, the consumer can submit fees imposed by the payment services companies. The rates to countries within the EU. Items that were produced 11.4 In addition to debt collection, BRK may seek recovery of all before 1947 can, however, be freely traded within the a complaint to the Complaint Resolution Centre, Nævnenes will appear when bidding on bruun­ and at Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, Denmark, email: naevne­ payment. due claims (including costs) not paid in a timely manner in EU without a certificate. the following ways: Consumers residing in another EU country than B: It is only items included in the Washington Convention, Denmark can submit their complaint to the European Com­ A: Making the buyer cover the costs of selling items CITES, Appendix 1 that are marked individually on 8 PAYMENT DEADLINE mission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform via the website: consigned to auction by or on behalf of the buyer. bruun­ and in our catalogue. Items inclu­ The sale can be conducted without regard to an agreed ded in the Washington Convention, CITES, Appendix 2, 8.1 The purchase price falls due after the hammer price has 18.3 In Denmark, disputes must be brought before the City Court been determined, and then the buyer has eight days to pay reserve price. Items consigned for auction cannot be which can be freely sold and transported within the EU, collected as long as overdue debts are unpaid. are not individually marked. of Copenhagen, but see paragraphs 18.2. The mandatory BRK the purchase price. rules on jurisdiction apply to consumer interests. B: Seizing the buyer’s remaining balance with BRK, C: Export to countries outside the EU must, regardless 9 PAYMENT METHODS including the balance from the sale of items consigned of the year of the item’s production, always procure a Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auctioneer by or on behalf of the buyer, regardless of whether such CITES re­export permit from the Danish Nature Agency The above is an English translation of the Danish version of the 9.1 The payment can be made in the following ways: receivables derive from auction sales prior to or after if the item is included in the Washington Convention, Conditions of Purchase. In case of a dispute, only the Danish version A: With debit/credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners the date of the buyer’s default on the payment. Appendix 1 and 2. This export permit can usually be of the present Conditions of Purchase of Bruun Rasmussen is valid. Rev. 12.20


koebsvilkaar900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd pr. 12.20.indd 6-7 180 18.02.2021 14.22 10.02.2021 18.18 LIVE BIDDING: Club, China UnionPay and JCB) or cash (up to DKK 12 PICK-UP & COLLECTION obtained without problems, if the item is either sold 49.999) in the saleroom or subsequently at one of with a CITES certificate or was made prior to 1947. It is possible to follow the auction live and bid on the 12.1 The title to a purchased item passes to the buyer when the BRK’s locations. Please note that we do not accept EUR Appendix 2 items usually also receive a re­export permit auction lots via bruun­ full purchase price, including any interest and fees, has been 500 banknotes. without problems. PRE­AUCTION: paid, and only then can the collection of an item take place. B: With debit/credit card (Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, D: In connection with export to other countries outside 12.2 In connection with the collection of a purchased item, BRK Some live auctions are preceded by an online auction. Diners Club and JCB) via BRK’s website on the buyer’s the EU, special rules may apply concerning the sub­ reserves the right to demand satisfactory documentation The highest bids from the online auction then represent the personal page. sequent import, and the buyer is encouraged to consult starting bids at the following live auction. that the person who wants to pick up the item is either the the relevant local authorities about this issue. C: By bank transfer into BRK’s account with Danske Bank: buyer himself/herself or authorized by the buyer to receive 4183 4310970638 · Swift/BIC: DABADKKK · IBAN: the item on his/her behalf. 15 DEFECTS IN THE PURCHASED ITEMS AFTER THE AUCTION DK4130004310970638. 12.3 The collection of certain weapons requires presentation of 15.1 The lack of conformity rules of the Danish Sale of Goods 10 VAT EXEMPTION, PAYMENT & DEPOSIT a valid weapons certificate. Items with such requirements Act may apply. Below is a non­exhaustive excerpt of the 7 AMOUNTS ADDED TO THE HAMMER PRICE are listed with the text: “The purchase of this item requires buyer’s remedies in regard to lack of conformity. 10.1 Some buyers can choose which type of VAT should apply the presentation of a valid weapons certificate” in the 15.2 The buyer is entitled to cancel a purchase if the description 7.1 In addition to the hammer price, see paragraph 5.3, the to the transaction. The choice has to be communicated to catalogue and on bruun­ contained significant errors that have led to a higher hammer buyer pays a buyer's premium for the individual items as BRK no later than two working days after the purchase and 12.4 Purchased items are stored after the auction at the buyer’s price than a correct description would have resulted in. In well as the other amounts described below if the conditions cannot be changed subsequently. for these are applicable. The total amount that the buyer expense and risk. Pick­up must take place no later than such cases, the total purchase price will be refunded. The A: Businesses in Denmark registered for VAT can decide pays to BRK is called the "purchase price". eight working days after the last auction day. buyer cannot demand payment of interest on the purchase that the transaction is to be conducted in accordance 12.5 If the item(s) is/are not picked up on time, the purchased price or demand payment of any other expenses or losses. 7.1.1 Buyer’s Premium: The hammer price always includes an with the rules for full VAT, see paragraph 7.1.3. additional fee to BRK. At the live auctions, the fee is 24% items will be transported to a warehouse at the buyer’s risk 15.3 A purchase cannot be cancelled and the buyer cannot B: Businesses registered for VAT in another EU Member of the hammer price + VAT of the fee, 30% in total. For and expense. The transport costs are DKK 150 including demand a refund of the purchase price or raise any other State can be exempted from paying Danish VAT if it stamps and coins, the fee is 20% of the hammer price + VAT per item and the storage costs are DKK 150 including claims against BRK if the description of the item is in can be proved that the item has been transported to the VAT of the fee, a total of 25%. VAT per item for each week or part of a week. If an item compliance with paragraph 15.2. The same applies if foreign address that the buyer has registered with BRK is left unclaimed for an amount of time that results in the evidence of forgery has required the use of scientific 7.1.2 "LIVE Bidding": BRK's own "LIVE Bidding" software is and which is written on the invoice. In such cases, the storage costs exceeding the value of the item, BRK will be methods that were either not available at the time of sale, free to use for bidders on bruun­ If a "LIVE VAT should be settled according to the rules applicable entitled to, at the buyer’s expense and risk and without were excessively costly to use or led to the damage of the Bidding" software from a third party is used, an additional in the country where the buyer is registered for VAT. regard to the reserve price, sell the item at an auction or item in question. 3% (including VAT) is added to the buyer's premium. The It is advisable to consult with the local authorities. The privately. The buyer is still liable for the costs of transpor­ 15.4 Claims for a cancellation of a purchase must be notified to added fee is transferred to the third party in its entirety. buyer can decide not to be exempt from regular VAT tation and storage not covered by such sale. BRK when the buyer has discovered the fact that entitles and instead pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/ 7.1.3 Full VAT: Certain items are sold at auction in accordance 12.6 In accordance with current anti­money laundering laws, the buyer to cancel the purchase. This notice, however, has full VAT. with the current rules regarding full VAT. In such a the buyer must in certain cases submit personal informa­ to be given no later than two years after the final pick­up situation, a VAT of 25% is imposed on both the hammer C: Buyers residing outside the EU can be exempted from tion and present a photo ID to BRK before the buyer can date according to paragraph 12.4. The item purchased price and the buyer’s premium. These items are marked in Danish VAT if it can be proved that the item has been have the purchased item placed in his possession. must be returned to BRK in the same condition as it was the catalogue and on bruun­ with the symbol transported out of the EU. To the extent possible on the day it was sold at auction. If these conditions are "*", or with the text: “This item is subject to full VAT”. and for a fee, BRK can issue the necessary export 13 SHIPPING not met, the buyer loses the right to cancel the purchase documents for the customs authorities. The buyer may 7.1.4 Artist's Resale Right: In accordance with Danish copyright 13.1 If the buyer is unable to pick up the purchased item, and cannot claim a refund of the purchase price. The buyer law, a royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right has to decide not to be exempt from regular VAT and instead is responsible for paying the costs associated with the pay Danish VAT on second­hand goods/full VAT. BRK offers to pack and arrange delivery either by mail or be charged for works by newer Danish artists, and some by freight forwarder at the buyer’s risk and expense. return of the item. foreign artists, who are either alive or have not been dead 10.2 Companies registered for VAT in another EU Member State See paragraph 12.2 regarding identification. for more than 70 years. The royalty fee covering the Artist's and buyers residing outside the EU must deposit the Danish 16 OBJECTIONS & LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Resale Right is charged on behalf of VISDA (Visual Rights VAT on the amount invoiced with BRK until the export 14 EXPORT LICENSE 16.1 BRK is aware that errors, technical difficulties and external Denmark). These works are marked "ARR" in the printed process has been completed in a documented, lawful abuse or disruptive influences may occur during the auction. catalogue, and on bruun­ the description fashion. If the export is undertaken by one of BRK’s 14.1 To ensure that Danish cultural heritage of vital importance remains in Denmark, the Danish Cultural Assets Commission Bidders cannot raise any claims against BRK as a result of of the works includes the text: "This lot is subject to the authorized forwarding agents, the VAT does not have to such events. Artist's Resale Right". The royalty fee covering the Artist's be deposited. See the list of authorized forwarding agents can place an export ban on certain items. If the buyer wishes 16.2 The buyer is always responsible for the correct payment of Resale Right is added to the hammer price + the buyer’s on bruun­ to export an item that is subject to an export ban in Den­ VAT and other costs, fees etc. in accordance with Danish premium (excluding VAT) if the amount exceeds EUR 300, mark, the purchase will be cancelled and the Danish Cultural and foreign regulations. as indicated below: 11 OVERDUE PAYMENTS Assets Commission is obliged to acquire ownership of the item for the price obtained at auction. The buyer cannot 16.3 Unless otherwise stated in these conditions of purchase, BRK Hammer price + buyer’s premium (ex. VAT) Payment Rate 11.1 If payment is made after a deadline, including the deadline raise any claims against BRK as a result of an export ban. may never be held liable for bidders’/buyers’ operating loss, specified in paragraph 8, interest on overdue payments will 300,01 ­ 50,000 euro 5% 14.2 Certain items are included in the Washington Convention, loss of profits, other indirect losses or consequential loss. be charged and estimated in accordance with the Danish also known as CITES. The purpose of CITES is to stop the 50,000,01 ­ 200,000 euro 3% Central Bank’s official lending rate + 8% per year on the trade of items made with endangered species and flora. If 17 PRIVACY POLICY 200,000,01 ­ 350,000 euro 1% amount due. the item is included in the Washington Convention, CITES, 17.1 It is important to BRK to ensure confidentiality and 350,000,01 ­ 500,000 euro 0.5% 11.2 If the purchase price, including interest, has still not been Appendix 1, this will appear in the description of the item security regarding the bidder’s/buyer’s personal information. over 500,000 euro 0.25% paid ten days after the demand for payment has been on bruun­ and be marked with the symbol The privacy policy can be found on bruun­ made, BRK is entitled to seek the purchase price paid by The royalty fee covering the Artist's Resale Right cannot ”” in the catalogue. The following rules are applicable: making a set­off against the deposit/by drawing on the 18 COMPLAINTS, DISPUTE RESOLUTION exceed EUR 12,500 (excluding VAT) for each item. The bank guarantee or to cancel the purchase. A: Items that are included in the Washington Convention, fee must be paid in Danish kroner, and the conversion rate CITES, Appendix 1, can only be traded when a AND APPLICABLE LAW (EUR/DKK) is set by VISDA. 11.3 If the purchase is cancelled, BRK is entitled to sell the item dispensation in the form of a CITES certificate has been at a new auction and demand the costs and any difference 18.1 BRK can always be contacted if the bidder/buyer has a 7.1.5 Debit/Credit Card Fee: Amounts Added to the Hammer obtained. BRK obtains the required certificate from the complaint. between the new and the earlier hammer price (including Danish Nature Agency that allows trade and export Price: BRK reserves the right to charge the debit/credit card the buyer’s premium) covered by the defaulting buyer. 18.2 If the dispute cannot be resolved, the consumer can submit fees imposed by the payment services companies. The rates to countries within the EU. Items that were produced 11.4 In addition to debt collection, BRK may seek recovery of all before 1947 can, however, be freely traded within the a complaint to the Complaint Resolution Centre, Nævnenes will appear when bidding on bruun­ and at Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, Denmark, email: naevne­ payment. due claims (including costs) not paid in a timely manner in EU without a certificate. the following ways: Consumers residing in another EU country than B: It is only items included in the Washington Convention, Denmark can submit their complaint to the European Com­ A: Making the buyer cover the costs of selling items CITES, Appendix 1 that are marked individually on 8 PAYMENT DEADLINE mission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform via the website: consigned to auction by or on behalf of the buyer. bruun­ and in our catalogue. Items inclu­ The sale can be conducted without regard to an agreed ded in the Washington Convention, CITES, Appendix 2, 8.1 The purchase price falls due after the hammer price has 18.3 In Denmark, disputes must be brought before the City Court been determined, and then the buyer has eight days to pay reserve price. Items consigned for auction cannot be which can be freely sold and transported within the EU, collected as long as overdue debts are unpaid. are not individually marked. of Copenhagen, but see paragraphs 18.2. The mandatory BRK the purchase price. rules on jurisdiction apply to consumer interests. B: Seizing the buyer’s remaining balance with BRK, C: Export to countries outside the EU must, regardless 9 PAYMENT METHODS including the balance from the sale of items consigned of the year of the item’s production, always procure a Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auctioneer by or on behalf of the buyer, regardless of whether such CITES re­export permit from the Danish Nature Agency The above is an English translation of the Danish version of the 9.1 The payment can be made in the following ways: receivables derive from auction sales prior to or after if the item is included in the Washington Convention, Conditions of Purchase. In case of a dispute, only the Danish version A: With debit/credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners the date of the buyer’s default on the payment. Appendix 1 and 2. This export permit can usually be of the present Conditions of Purchase of Bruun Rasmussen is valid. Rev. 12.20


koebsvilkaar pr. 12.20.indd 6-7 900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 181 10.02.202118.02.2021 18.1814.22 ADDRESSES BRUUN RASMUSSEN AUCTIONEERS


BREDGADE 33 FRANCE & BELGIUM DK-1260 COPENHAGEN K DITTE HERBORG KROGH . PARIS Tel +33 6 6185 4564 Tel +45 8818 1111 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] SOUTHERN FRANCE & LUXEMBOURG COPENHAGEN – SUNDKROGSGADE PETER KOCH Tel +45 4045 3403 SUNDKROGSGADE 30 E-mail: [email protected] DK-2150 NORDHAVN GERMANY Tel +45 8818 1111 NICK MESSMANN E-mail: [email protected] Tel +45 8818 1232 E-mail: [email protected] COPENHAGEN – BALTIKAVEJ BALTIKAVEJ 10 VAGN ERIK KROGSØE DK-2150 NORDHAVN Tel +45 2445 1224 E-mail: [email protected] Tel +45 8818 1111 E-mail: [email protected] SWEDEN ANNA SIEVERT AARHUS Tel +46 72-253 98 16 E-mail: [email protected] SØREN FRICHS VEJ 34D THAILAND DK-8230 ÅBYHØJ ANDERS NORMANN Tel +45 8818 1100 Tel +66 818 177 273 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

FYN UNITED KINGDOM ANNA GRUNDBERG . LONDON NICK MESSMANN Tel +44 7976 554 439 Tel +45 8818 1232 E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected] USA SANDRA SEPTIMIUS · NEW YORK ONLINE AUCTIONS - SUPPORT Tel +1 718 764 7601 E-mail: [email protected] BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK BENEDICTE HALLOWELL Tel +45 8818 1114 Tel and Fax +1 617 566 7333 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 182 18.02.2021 14.22 CONTACT DIRECTLY KONTAKT DIREKTE

HOVEDNUMMER / MAIN NUMBER MODERNE DESIGN / MODERN DESIGN Peter Kjelgaard Jensen +45 8818 1191 Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers +45 8818 1111 [email protected]

ADMINISTRATION MODERNE KUNST / MODERN ART Niels Raben +45 8818 1181 Jakob Dupont, CEO +45 8818 1081 [email protected] [email protected] Niels Boe-Hauggaard +45 8818 1182 KUNDESERVICE / CUSTOMER SERVICE [email protected]

[email protected] +45 8818 1010 MODERNE SØLV / MODERN SILVER [email protected] +45 8818 1010 Amalie Hansen +45 8818 1194 [email protected] KOMMISSIONER / COMMISSIONS Lise Winther Wobido +45 8818 1013 PORCELÆN, GLAS OG ASIATISK KUNST / Anja Bering Hansen +45 8818 1028 CERAMICS, GLASS AND ASIAN ART [email protected] Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1161 BESTILLING AF KATALOGER / CATALOGUE REQUESTS rl@ Kundeservice / Customer service +45 8818 1111 Charlotte Hviid +45 8818 1162 AUKTIONSRÅDGIVNING / AUCTION GUIDANCE [email protected] Franziska Kampmann +45 8818 1026 RUSSISK KUNST / RUSSIAN ART [email protected] Martin Hans Borg +45 8818 1128 SHIPPING [email protected] [email protected] +45 8818 1055 SMYKKER / JEWELLERY VURDERING OG INFORMATION / Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen +45 8818 1174 VALUATION AND INFORMATION [email protected]

INDBOVURDERINGER / VALUATION AT YOUR HOME TÆPPER / CARPETS David Utzon-Frank +45 8818 1221 Henrik Schleppegrell +45 8818 1145 duf@ [email protected]

Kasper Nielsen +45 8818 1121 VIN / WINE [email protected] Thomas Rosendahl Andersen +45 8818 1206 Hans Ruben +45 8818 1231 [email protected] [email protected] VÅBEN / WEAPONS Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1161 David Utzon-Frank +45 8818 1221 [email protected] duf@ Liselotte Toxværd Møller +45 8818 1234 [email protected] ÆLDRE KUNST / FINE ART Julie Arendse Voss +45 8818 1123 ARMBÅNDSURE / WRISTWATCHES [email protected] Vilhelm Islandi Bramsen +45 8818 1239 [email protected] Birte Stokholm +45 8818 1122 [email protected] BØGER / BOOKS Lærke Bøgh +45 8818 1217 ÆLDRE MØBLER / FURNITURE [email protected] Anders Fredsted +45 8818 1142 [email protected] FRIMÆRKER / STAMPS Christian Grundtvig +45 8818 1214 Henrik Schleppegrel +45 8818 1145 [email protected] [email protected]

MØNTER / COINS ÆLDRE SØLV / SILVER Michael Fornitz +45 8818 1201 Heidi Schophuus Jensen +45 8818 1163 [email protected] [email protected]


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 183 18.02.2021 14.22 COMMISSION BIDS KOMMISSIONSBUD

It is possible to leave commission bids if you can not be pre­sent Det er muligt at afgive kommissionsbud, hvis De ikke selv kan at the auction yourself. This service is free of charge. være til stede på auk­tions­­dagen. Denne service er gratis. When leaving a commission bid, you are instructing our custom- Når De afgiver en kommission, beder De vores kundeservice på er service to bid up to a specified amount on your behalf. Deres vegne byde op til et af Dem bestemt beløb i hammerslag. The situation can occur that another buyer has already bid the Der kan opstå den situation, at en anden køber allerede har budt same as you were prepared to. Are you then willing to bid fur- det beløb, som De ønsker at afgive. Er De da villig til at gå et ther? If not the lot will be sold to another buyer. bud højere eller er De indforstået med at nummeret sælges til If you do not wish to exceed your bid then write “Max”, for anden side? maxi­mum, next to the amount. You can also allow us to raise Ønsker De ikke at byde højere så skriv “Max” ud for beløbet. Er your bid by approx. 15% or approx. 25%. De i tvivl om hvor højt De vil byde, kan De hæve budet med op The hammer price may be higher or lower than the estimated­ til ca. 15% eller ca. 25%. price, so it is possible to buy below the estimate. Bruun Rasmus- Salgsprisen kan blive højere eller lavere end vurderingen, så der sen will always buy at the lowest price possible, as if you your- er også mulighed for at købe til under den angivne vurdering. self had been present at the auction. Vor kun­deservice køber altid så billigt som muligt til Dem, som All commission bids are strictly confidential. havde De selv været tilstede på auktionen. Commission bids must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior Alle kommissioner behandles strengt fortroligt. to the start of the auction. Kommisionsbud skal være Bruun Rasmussen i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start.


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Skal være Bruun Rasmussen i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start. Must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. AUKTION NR AUCTION NO: 900

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Katalog nr. Beskrivelse Bud kr. Max +15% +25% Lot. No. Description Bid DKK Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2021 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Bruun Rasmussen Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2021 Cool Gray Madsen· Tryk: Bent Lange, Henrik Wichmann & Peter Foto: & Bettina Stefensen Figueiredo og dtp: Jorge Grafik



900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 186 18.02.2021 14.22 Bruun Rasmussen LIVE – bid from wherever you are! Experience the atmosphere of the saleroom If you are unable to attend the Live Auctions in person, you can follow an auction in progress and experience the atmosphere in the saleroom via live streaming – just as if you were there.

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Please note that we are also on hand during the auctions to deal with any technical issues. Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2021 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Bruun Rasmussen Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2021 Cool Gray Madsen· Tryk: Bent Lange, Henrik Wichmann & Peter Foto: & Bettina Stefensen Figueiredo og dtp: Jorge Grafik


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 187 18.02.2021 14.22 MODERN


900_modernekunst_s170-188_slut.indd 188 18.02.2021 14.22