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Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Soviet Union Domestic Affairs URII ANDROPOV, WHO had succeeded Leonid Brezhnev as head of both the Communist party and the state, fell gravely ill during the first half of 1983 and died on February 9, 1984. Andropov, who was 69 years old at the time of his death, had been in power for some 15 months. He was replaced by Konstantin Chernenko, a 72-year-old Kremlin veteran. During his period in power, party chief Andropov had initiated important changes in the ruling structure of the Soviet Union by advancing the careers of somewhat younger men. Thus, Vitaly Vorotnikov was appointed to the Politburo; Igor Ligachev became one of the secretaries of the Communist party; and Mikhail Gorbachev, the youngest member of the Politburo, was given new responsibilities. It was reported that more than a quarter of all regional party heads were replaced. Party chief Andropov had sought to counter the apathy that was evident through- out the Soviet bureaucracy and to restore discipline to the workplace. He was not afraid to apply strong measures in the fight against corruption. Thus, Iurii Shmelia- kov and V. Petrov, chairman and director, respectively, of a technical export agency in Moscow, were sentenced to death for gross corruption. A death sentence was also imposed on the director of a Moscow food store supplying the Soviet elite. About 100 individuals in high posts in Latvia were dismissed from the Communist party because of alleged illegal actions. There were reports of plans to introduce some experimentation into the manage- ment of the industrial structure, even permitting a degree of decentralization. At present, Soviet industry was unable to keep up with demand. This was equally true in the agricultural sector. In 1983 there was another disappointing harvest, and the Kremlin was forced to conclude a new five-year agreement with Washington, whereby the United States would supply the Soviet Union with at least nine million tons of grain annually. Party chief Andropov had attempted to improve the Soviet railroad system. He also initiated reforms in education, particularly with regard to vocational training for children unsuited for university work. 242 SOVIET UNION / 243 Dissidence In 1983 the authorities reinforced the policy of rigid control, seeking to eliminate all forms of independent expression. In September Soviet prison camp administra- tors were given the power to extend by three to five years the completed terms of inmates who engaged in "bad behavior." Roy Medvedev, the dissident Marxist historian, was warned by officials to halt his anti-party writings. Georgii Vladimov, well-known author of Faithful Ruslan, was forced to leave the Soviet Union for Cologne, Wes,t Germany. Valerii Senderov, founder of the Free International Orga- nization of Labor, was sentenced to 12 years in a labor camp. Oleg Radzinski was sentenced to a year in prison for trying to promote better relations between the Soviet Union and the United States. A number of Soviet Pentecostals, who had spent several years in the American embassy in Moscow, returned to their homes in Siberia; some of them eventually went abroad. In Lvov, two Catholic priests of the eastern rite, Vasilii Katziv and Roman Esip, received five-year prison sentences for "illegal religious activities." The Soviet press continued its campaign against the Hare Krishna movement. Sergei Khodorovich, a representative of the Solzhenitsyn Fund that aided politi- cal prisoners, was rearrested in April and sentenced to three years in prison. This occurred after Valerii Repin, another representative of the Solzhenitsyn Fund, and his wife Elena appeared on Leningrad television in a staged KGB broadcast and "confessed" their ties to the American CIA. Nobel prize-winning scientist Andreii Sakharov remained in exile in Gorky, isolated from friends and family. There were reports that he and his wife Elena Bonner were sick and were being denied specialized medical care. In the summer, Sakharov was denounced by four of his colleagues in the Academy of Science as a person "who does not belong to our country." At the same time, the Soviet authori- ties refused to allow Sakharov to go abroad. The human rights group that he had founded was no longer functioning. Amnesty International reported that at least 300 individuals, arrested for political activities since 1969, had been forcibly treated with drugs in Soviet mental hospitals. In response to sharp criticism of the Kremlin's use of psychiatry as a weapon of punishment, the Soviet Union withdrew from the World Psychiatric Association. Pravda repeatedly complained about an "exaggerated use" of Western materials in Soviet plays and movies. The well-known Taganka Theater in Moscow, directed by Iurii Lubimov, was forced to halt performances of Pushkin's "Boris Godunov" that were being presented in an experimental manner. Lubimov, abroad at the time, refused to return to the Soviet Union. Alfred Shnitke, a composer in the modern mode, had great difficulty in arranging performances of his work. Abstract art was regarded as anti-Soviet and could only be shown in private homes or, on occasion, in the basements of official institutions. While strong measures by the KGB sharply curtailed open dissent, some protests did occur. In Narva, a small city in Estonia, transportation workers went on strike. 244 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1985 In factories in Voronezh, worker-activists spread an appeal for a half-hour silent protest. In Moscow the authorities discovered a flyer calling on workers to abstain from special "voluntary" jobs they were expected to carry out during free time. Oleg Bitov, an editor of Literaturnaia Gazeta, refused to return to the Soviet Union after completing an official trip abroad. Nationalities While the Soviet constitution formally recognized the equality of the various peoples comprising the Soviet Union, the Kremlin authorities were busy imposing a policy of russification on many small nationality groups. Russian cultural imperi- alism was greatly resented in many areas, especially Armenia, Georgia, the Baltic states, and among Moslem peoples. National sentiment was voiced by writers in Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, and the Ukraine. Underground appeals for the libera- tion of Estonia were put forward in the name of the Estonian government-in-exile. In Tbilisi underground leaflets were distributed, calling on Georgians to demon- strate against the annexation of their land by Russia; three Georgians, Zakharii Lashkarashvili, Tariel Gvimashvili, and Guram Gogopaidze, were sent to prison for protest actions. A Crimean Tatar leader, Mustafa Dzhemilev, was imprisoned for the sixth time for his part in the struggle to establish a Tatar republic. Foreign Affairs There was no thaw in Soviet-American relations in 1983. Likewise, Sino-Soviet ties did not improve. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan continued, but the superior Russian forces, despite the use of brutal tactics, were unable to put an end to local resistance. The Kremlin continued to dominate the countries of Eastern Europe, but it was clear that the Soviet bloc was becoming more variegated. The destruction of a South Korean airliner by a Soviet fighter plane—resulting in the death of 269 passengers—created a storm of protest in the West. The Madrid meeting, convened to review the Helsinki accords, became hopelessly deadlocked. Relations with Israel The Soviet Union unleashed a propaganda barrage against the multinational force that was attempting to separate the warring factions in Lebanon. Izvestiia claimed that United States troops had been sent to Lebanon to help the Israelis control it, Lebanon being the latest victim of "the Camp David conspiracy." The Kremlin insisted on a complete withdrawal of both Israeli and multinational troops. At the time, Moscow wanted the Syrian army and the Palestinian fighters to remain in place, since they had come to "protect Lebanon's sovereignty." SOVIET UNION / 245 Moscow was greatly troubled by the split between Syria and PLO chief Yasir Arafat, and sought to bring the two sides together. Foreign Minister Andreii Gromyko, in a meeting with visiting Syrian foreign minister Abdel Halim Khad- dam, stressed the importance of the unity of all Palestinian factions for a successful struggle against Israel. To aid in the struggle, the Kremlin sent Syria massive supplies of weapons, including advanced missiles. Notwithstanding vitriolic anti-Israel propaganda, the Soviet authorities did not object to so-called "private contacts" between Israelis and authorized Soviet organi- zations. Thus, an Israeli delegation visited Moscow at the invitation of the Soviet Peace Committee; delegation members included Shulamit Aloni and Mattityahu Peled. In the spring a Soviet delegation, headed by Iurii Barabach, editor of Sovet- skaia Kultura, went to Israel. The visiting Soviets stated that Moscow would reestablish diplomatic ties with Israel if the latter changed its policies, including withdrawing from the West Bank and Gaza. JEWISH COMMUNITY Demography The 1979 Soviet census put the Jewish population of the Soviet Union at about 1,810,000. Of late some sources had cited a figure of 1,700,000. As a way of dealing with the relative decrease of the Slavic population and the growth of the Moslem element, Soviet authorities were encouraging Jews to "pass" into the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian nationality groups. A more accurate estimate of the actual Jewish population, therefore, would be about 2,620,000. (See the discussion in AJYB, Vol. 82, 1982, p. 233.) Emigration The emigration of Soviet Jews came to a near halt in 1983, with only 1,314 leaving the country. The authorities placed ever-increasing obstacles in the way of those wishing to depart. Thus, not only parents and former spouses, but also brothers and sisters had to give written consent to individuals seeking to leave the Soviet Union; additionally, persons giving such consent had to state that they themselves would never express a desire to leave the USSR.
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