“As they strive for holiness, the Oblates shall look upon Our Who are the Apostolic Oblates? Secular Institute of the Lady of Trust as the Mother Apostolic Oblates are women who who sustains, and see her as the desire to respond to Jesus’ thirst for exemplar to imitate.” souls. Consecrated to the redemp- Apostolic Oblates Constitution #21 tive love of Christ, Apostolic Ob- Consecrated to Redemptive Love lates spend their lives striving to the maximum, so that all people may know the infinite love of the Father. Bethanies in the United States Our Smiling Mother 11002 North 204th Street · Elkhorn, NE 68022 Do Oblates Wear Habits? (402) 289-1938 ·
[email protected] To remain faithful to their call to secularity, Apostolic Oblates do not Queen of Angels wear an external sign in the world. 2125 West Walnut Avenue · Fullerton, CA 92833 When an Oblate takes her vows, (714) 449-0051 ·
[email protected] she receives a gown, worn only for special liturgical celebrations, as a Our Lady of Miracles sign of her consecration. 4530 195th Street · Flushing, NY 11358 (718) 649-0324 ·
[email protected] The Apostolic Oblates are an international, pontifical institute with centers in Italy, India, Latvia, Canada, and the United States. “The Oblates shall strive to make of their lives a continuous Please contact us for more information about Poverty the Institute of the Apostolic Oblates: response of maximum love to Chastity the infinite love with which Je-
[email protected] sus the Redeemer, perfect image Apostolic Oblates Obedience of the Father, has loved us.” www.prosanctity.org Promise of Apostolate Constitution #10 “I am and want to remain in a state of What is a Secular Institute? complete availability to Your redemptive A secular institute is a form of conse- love.