Design Manual Glossary
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Glossary of Terms Acronyms Glossary of Terms Acronyms AADT Annual average daily traffic CSS Context sensitive solutions ACT Alternatives Comparison Table CTR Commute Trip Reduction ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 CVISN Commercial Vehicle Inf. System and Networks ADT Annual daily traffic DA Design Approval ALJ Administrative law judge DB Design Build AOS Apparent opening size DBB Design Bid Build APS Accessible pedestrian signal DDHV Directional design hour volume ARR Access Revision Report DDI Diverging Diamond Interchange AWDVTE Average weekday vehicle trip ends DDP Design Documentation Package ATDM Active Transportation Demand Management DHV Design hourly volume B/C Benefit / cost DLT Displaced Left Turn BLM Bureau of Land Management DNS Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA) BOD Basis of Design DS Determination of Significance (SEPA) BRT Bus rapid transit E&EP Environmental & Engineering Programs Division BST Bituminous surface treatment EA Environmental Assessment (NEPA) CAR Crash Analysis Report EIS Environmental Impact Statement CDA Conceptual Design Approval ERS Environmental Review Summary CE Categorical Exemption (SEPA) FGTS Freight and Goods Transportation System CE Categorical Exclusion (NEPA) FHWA Federal Highway Administration CFA Contributing Factors Analysis FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact (NEPA) CFR Code of Federal Regulations FTA Federal Transit Administration CGT Continuous Green “T” intersection GIS Geographic Information System CIPP Capital Improvement and Preservation Program GMA Growth Management Act CPMS Capital Program Management System HCM Highway Capacity Manual CRT Controlled releasing terminal post HCP Highway Construction Program WSDOT Design Manual M 22-01.20 Page G-1 September 2021 Glossary HMA Hot mix asphalt QOL Quality of Service HOT High-occupancy toll R/W Right of way HOV High-occupancy vehicle RCUT Restricted Crossing U Turn HQ WSDOT’s Headquarters in Olympia RCW Revised Code of Washington HSM Highway Safety Manual RFP Request for Proposal HSP Highway System Plan ROD Record of Decision HSS Highways of Statewide Significance RTIP Regional Transportation Improvement Program ICD Inscribed circle diameter Regional Transportation Planning Organization ICE Intersection Control Evaluation SAFETEA-LU Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act (A legacy for users) ITS Intelligent transportation systems SEPA[Washington] State Environmental Policy Act L/A Limited access SHS Sustainable Highway Safety LOS Level of service SHSP Strategic Highway Safety Plan MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st century SIMMS Signal Maintenance Management System MASH Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware SOV Single-occupant vehicle MEF Maximum extent feasible SRA Safety rest area MOU Memorandum of Understanding SPUI Single Point Urban Interchange MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization STIP Statewide Transportation Improvement Program NEPA National Environmental Policy Act STP Surface Transportation Program NHS National Highway System SWZS Smart Work Zone System PAR Pedestrian access route TDM Transportation Demand Management PCP Pedestrian circulation path TIA Traffic Impact Analysis PEL Planning and Environmental Linkage TIP Transportation Improvement Program PDA Project Development Approval TMA Transportation Management Area PF Project File TMP Transportation management plan PoDI Project of Division Interest (FHWA) TTC Temporary Traffic Control PS Project Summary TO Transportation Operations PSF Pounds per square foot TSMO Transportation Systems Management and Operations PS&E Plans, Specifications, and Estimates TWLTL Two-way left-turn lane WSDOT Design Manual M 22-01.20 Page G-2 September 2021 Glossary UPO [Central Puget Sound] Urban Planning Office WAC Washington Administrative Code USC United States Code WIM Weigh in motion VE Value engineering WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation VECP Value Engineering Change Proposal WSPMS Washington State Pavement Management System VIC Visitor Information Center WTP Washington Transportation Plan VPH Vehicles per hour Glossary of Terms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A access A means of entering or leaving a public road, street, or highway with respect to abutting property or another public road, street, or highway. access break Any point from inside or outside the state limited access right of way limited access hachures that crosses over, under, or physically through the plane of the limited access, is an access break or “break in access,” including, but not limited to, locked gates and temporary construction access breaks. access connection An access point, other than a public road/street, that permits access to or from a managed access highway on the state highway system. access connection permit A written authorization issued by the permitting authority for a specifically designed access connection to a managed access highway at a specific location; for a specific type and intensity of property use; and for a specific volume of traffic for the access connection based on the final stage of the development of the applicant’s property. The actual form used for this authorization is determined by the permitting authority. access control The limiting and regulating of public and private access to Washington State’s highways, as required by state law. A design control (see Chapter 1103) – there are two categories of controlling access to state highways limited access and managed access. Access Control Tracking System Limited Access and Managed Access Master Plan A database list, related to highway route numbers and mileposts, that identifies either the level of limited access or the class of managed access: access density The number of access points (driveways) per mile. access design analysis A design analysis (see Chapter 300) that authorizes deferring or staging acquisition of limited access control, falling short of a 300-foot requirement, or allowing an existing access point to stay within 130 feet of an intersection on a limited access highway. Approval by the Director & State Design Engineer, Development Division, or designee, is required (see Chapter 530). access hearing plan A limited access plan prepared for presentation at an access hearing. access management The programmatic control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, interchanges, and street connections to a roadway. WSDOT Design Manual M 22-01.20 Page G-3 September 2021 Glossary access point Any point that allows private or public entrance to or exit from the traveled way of a state highway, including “locked gate” access and maintenance access points. access point revision A new access point or a revision of an existing interchange/ intersection configuration. Locked gates and temporary construction breaks are also access point revisions. access point spacing On a managed access highway, the distance between two adjacent access points on one side of the highway, measured along the edge of the traveled way from one access point to the next (see also corner clearance). access revision report (ARR) A technical report which documents specific analyses in order to approve or reject a proposed revision to freeway access. See Chapter 550. access report plan A limited access plan prepared for presentation to local governmental officials at preliminary meetings before preparation of the access hearing plan. access rights Property rights that allow an abutting property owner to enter and leave the public roadway system. accessible Usable by persons with disabilities (ADA compliant). (ADA term) accessible pedestrian signal (APS) A device that communicates information about the “WALK” phase in audible and vibrotactile (vibrating surface that communicates information through touch, located on the accessible pedestrian signal button) formats. (ADA term) accessible route See pedestrian access route. (ADA term) ADA An abbreviation for the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that identifies and prohibits discrimination based on disability. Title II of the ADA requires public entities to design new pedestrian facilities or alter existing pedestrian facilities to be accessible to and usable by people with disabilities. (ADA term) adaptive lighting system A lighting system with a control system connected, allowing for dimming, on/off operation by time of night, and independent scheduling of individual lights for select hours of operation during nighttime hours. affidavit of publication A notarized written declaration stating that a notice of hearing (or notice of opportunity for a hearing) was published in the legally prescribed manner. affidavit of service by mailing A notarized written declaration stating that the limited access hearing packet was mailed at least 15 days prior to the hearing and entered into the record at the hearing. alteration A change to a facility in the public right of way that affects or could affect access, circulation, or use. Alterations include, but are not limited to: renovation; rehabilitation; reconstruction; historic restoration; resurfacing of circulation paths or vehicular ways; or changes or rearrangement of structural parts or elements of a facility. Alterations do not include: Spot pavement repair; liquid-asphalt sealing, chip seal (bituminous surface treatment), or crack sealing; or lane restriping that does not alter the usability of the shoulder. (ADA term) alternative(s) Possible solutions