(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 16, No. 9, September 2018 Thinging Ethics for Software Engineers Sabah S. Al-Fedaghi Computer Engineering Department Kuwait University City, Kuwait
[email protected] Abstract—Ethical systems are usually described as principles for The field of computer ethics is changing rapidly as distinguishing right from wrong and forming beliefs about concerns over the impact of information and communication proper conduct. Ethical topics are complex, with excessively technology on society mount. New problems of ethics emerge verbose accounts of mental models and intensely ingrained one after another, and old problems show themselves in new philosophical assumptions. From practical experience, in forms. Ethics is often tied to legal procedures and policies that, teaching ethics for software engineering students, an explanation if breached, can put an organization in the midst of trouble [6]. of ethics alone often cannot provide insights of behavior and In this context, we adopt the classical engineering method thought for students. Additionally, it seems that there has been of explaining a phenomenon through modeling. For example, no exploration into the development of a conceptual presentation in developing system requirements, a model-based approach is of ethics that appeals to computer engineers. This is particularly used to depict a system graphically at various levels of clear in the area of software engineering, which focuses on software and associated tools such as algorithms, diagramming, granularity and complexity. The resultant unified, conceptual documentation, modeling and design as applied to various types model facilitates communication among different stakeholders of data and conceptual artifacts.