Democrats Select LBJ: We 11 Withdraw Republican Woman
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Weather ",-,,.' 'j ZMflJ day art tmotmr afcwt m. Bed Bank Area 25,225 low froigitf tall* Ms. Warm, •r on Sunday. 8e« weather, Copyright-Tfce Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTrS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 87. NO. 237 S?SSS FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Sandman Blasted by County's GOP Leaders Director Joseph C. Iiwin, peak- "It will boomerang." Union House, in Red Bank, told "People called me up yester- ing to a party meeting last night That VMM the reaction last night The Register: day and said they believed Char- in Neptune Township, he Mid: of county Republican leaden and "I am always concerned when ley (Sandman) had gone too far "I.accuse Mr. Sandman of be- Sandman Wants Todd, Woolley Out candidate* to (he Mast fired an inter-party fight reaches the in his remarks. I think he over- Wednesday night by Sen. Charles ing completely out of order and NEWARK (AP) — State Sen. Charles W. Sandman, Jr. but I know a man who can do the job better." He declined name calling stage. It never stepped his bounds." W. Sandman,, Jr., primary can- of insulting every member of the serves any purpose or has any campaigning for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, to disclose Hie name of his choice. George Jewell, Oceanport, didate (or governor. county committee and the whole oalled yesterday tor the ouster of GOP State Chairman Web- The Cape May County lawmaker fired his blast while top- value. It could have severe re- Sandman, spealcing in the Cob- Republican organisation." percussions." executive committee member of ster B. Todd and party leaders in Essex and Monmouth ranking state GOP leaders attended a $10O*-plate dinner for the Young Republicans, asserted: bleStonw, Middletown, at a din- Irwin then said: "I can't un- James M. "Chippy" Coleman, Counties. Dumont, the choice of the Republican Screening Committee. "How could Sandman have the ner sponsored by his supporters, derstand how. If he should win Among the guests was Todd. Asbury Park, a former council- was vitriolie in his remarks about the primary — and he won't — Sandman told a news conference that if he wins next man and candidate for the As- nerve to ask Russ Woolley to Tuesday's primary election "the first order of. the day" will Sandman also fired a salvo in the direction of Bergen help him in the fall, if he won county chairman J. Russell he could expect the support of County Republican leader Waiter H. Jones, the featured speak- sembly, also informed The Reg- Woolley. He also criticized nation- Hie county organization in the be an attempt to remove Todd, Essex County Chairman ister: "He calls the party tired. the primary? I think the senator Andrew Axtell and Moamouth County. Chairman j. Russell er at the Dumont affair. just asked for trouble." al committeewoman Katherine K. general election." Referring to Jones, Sandman said: "There are too many I know that Freeholder Ben Dan- Woolley. skin, Joseph Azzolina (candidate Woolley said yesterday: "The Neuberger, Middletown, and other Irwin declared the attack made Republicans who want to lose in November so tiiey can run for for the Assembly) and myself more Sandman talks the more party leaden. by Sandman "will boomerang," Axtell and Woolley have endorsed. Sandman's chief op- governor in four years. There is one of them in Bergen. and said that it "was what our are not tired old men. In fact, he puts his big foot in his mouth. Sandman, at the time, said Wol- ponent in the race, State Sen. Wayne Dumont, Jr., of War- "There's no one who dislikes Dumont more than Jones party members needed to get we're still young enough not to He's talking himself right out of iey must go; that the Republican ren County. Todd, however, has remained publicly silent in does," Sandman continued. "He's told me so 800 times." them to come out fighting hard- get tired because somebody says politics." party was tired, and needled the campaign. / At the Dumont dinner, Jones said he's giving full sup- er (hen ever. If Dumont ever we are." Some GOP leaders feel that Mrs. Neuberger about her voting Of Todd, Sandman said: "I don't went to criticize, him, poort to Dumont and predicted, "so will Bergen." record at the GOP national con- wanted a sparkplug in this pri- Stout's View Thomas F. Shebell, former mayor vention last year, i mary, Sandman Ignited it In Sen. Richard R. Stout; West of Asbury Park, and now the Irwin Hits Utk j Monmouth County or any other The freeholder director, letting a Democrat. You would expect into a primary contest. It hurts Bradley Beach, visiting a meet- Allenhurst, who heartily endorsed Senator's manager is the one who The first to lire, fade/with1 place you don't try to crucify off steam, said that "it -would be the going to get rough. But no- everyone." ing of the Monmouth County Sen. Wayne Dumont, who is is advising Sandman in his ti- and add rebuttal was Freeholder your own party memben." different if he was in a fight with body should bring personalities Assemblyman Irving E. Keith, Young Republicans in the Old Sandman's rival, said last night: rades against Woolley. e Silver Mayor Candidate Democrats Select LBJ: We 11 Withdraw Republican Woman LITTLE SILVER — A Republican wom- department equipment and the all-Republican 1,700 Dom ingo Troops an will head the local Democratic ticket in Borough Council's attitude towards develop- November. ment of the borough library and local rec- WACO, Tex. (AP) — Presl- Mrs. Eleanor D. Ingram, Point Rd., a reational facilities. dent Johnson announced today registered Republican, last night announced Mrs. Ingram, who is president of the he is issuing orders to withdraw that the will be the Democratic candidate for Little Silver Friends of the Library, said her 1,700 American military men mayor. candidacy was spurred by "what hasn't been from the Dominican Republic. But he warned at the same Await Word on Fort Unit Mrs.. Ingram, a former Board of Educa- done in applying for federal aid for library tion member, will seek to unseat GOP Mayor construction and for the Green Acres pro- time that in the hemisphere "we can expect more efforts at FORT MONMOUTH — Is the Department of the Army Repeated Register requests for answers are met with Charles W. Stephens. grams." planning to chip away another part of the U.S. Army Elec- silence. Until the Democrats' surprise announce- triumph by terror and conquest "The amount ol money Uie borough through chaos." And he called tronics Laboratories here? Reportedly, a reply has been prepared and is awaiting ment last night, Mayor Stephens was unop- spends on roads is out of line with the the go-ahead from top officials. posed In his bid for a third term. for "new international machin- ' Specifically, is h planning to pull the laboratories' Meteorol- amount of money we spend for other things, ogy Division away from the U.S. Ariiiy Electronics Command . Maj. Gen. Frank W. Moorman, ECOM's commanding gen- Mrs. Ingrain's candidacy has the en- ery geared to meet fast-moving and with the amount of money spent on events." (ECOM) here and move it — perhajwout to Colorado, home of eral, had hoped to establish the Meteorology Division as an dorsement of the executive committee of the roads in neighboring towns," she said. independent laboratory — the Atmospheric Sciences Labora- In an address prepared for the National Science Foundation's National Center for Atmo- - local Democratic Club. tory. "I would like to see a two-party system commencement exercises at spheric Research? " ~ ' ~ She will be write-in candidate in Tues- • The major reorganization of the command's Electronics day's primary. in Little Silver," Mrs. Ingram declared. Baylor University — once Has the move been scheduled for this summer? She said that the Democratic Council headed by his great grandfather Laboratories, now under way, will split it into seven inde- Just one vote, followed by the filing of The Ann? Is jrelusdant^to say —• at 4hfetime. • ' _ •' . pendent labs. • document accepting the nomination, will contenders, Mr. Litwin and Mr. Florian "are George Washington Baines — If is two days since The Register first .put those questions:' The Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory is one of them. fut h»r on the November ballot with the excellent candidates." Johnson said, "When forces of ; to ECDM and Its parent organization, the Army Materiel The Meteorology Division employs approximately 60 per- Democrats' candidates for Borough Council, '• Does; Mrs. Ingram, a life-long Republi- freedom move slowly — wheth- Command in Washington. ..- sons. Cordon N. Litwjn and Jtnymond J. Florian. can, plan to change her party affiliation? er on political) economic or mil- Mrs. Ingram laid her decision to run was -"I've been- a Republican all along," she itary fronts — the forces of btrtd on her support of the local Democratic •aid, "and I haven't made any commitment slavery and subversion move to sBttt." rapidly arid decisively." Thin Council She crf&fted tHcal expenditures for road (See DEMOCRATS, Page 2) "Th president said that one of learned during the i-weeks in the Domin- Vote Favors ican Republic is that "it is clear that we need new international Wilson Trial Shifted machinery geared to meet fast- Site Change moving events." LONG BRANCH - A scant "When hours can decide the- quorum of City Council members fate of generations, the moment voted 4-1 last night to recom- of decision must become the mend Rockwell Aye.