University of Central Florida STARS Text Materials of Central Florida Central Florida Memory 1-1-1914 Oshihiyi John B. Stetson University Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Yearbook is brought to you for free and open access by the Central Florida Memory at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Text Materials of Central Florida by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation John B. Stetson University, "Oshihiyi" (1914). Text Materials of Central Florida. 402. Stetson QjlniUG/isitjj stetson Universi' 3 4369 00462879 9 00 KOT REMOVE FROflA LIBRARY ;/ ... •Ti''- ''Here's to the land of flowers and song, Where sorrow is brief and joys are long, Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great. Here's to Florida, our dear home State." l^olume Seven of ^be ©sbibipi 1914 IPubliebeb b\) XLhc Junior Class of ITbe 3obn B, Stetson T^Hnivereit^ DeXanb, fflori^a Zo ®ur flnocF^tuG Birt) Trillets of humor, shrewdest whistle-wit, Contralto cadences of grave desire Such as from off the passionate Indian pyre. Drift down thro' sandal-odored flames that split About the slim young widow who doth sit And sing above—midnights of tone entire— Tissues of moonlight shot with songs of fire; Bright drops of tune, from oceans infinite Of melody, sipped off the thin-edged wave And trickling down the beak—discourses brave Of serious matter that no man may guess, Methinks I hear thy silver whistlings bright Mix with the mighty discourse of the wise.