• i Vi^f''-'- T' FRTOAlf^ NO iiahrl;^9for Evening .,■*.11^ r-. ' Averaife Daily Net Press Run • ■■'■I., .•■'.i,. •«The Rev. Richard W. Dupee Sunset Rebekah and King For the Week Ended of South Methodist Church will ford Springs, where they ooni- David Lodges, lOOF, WlH spon­ ^Tolland Ckwmty Novembof 80, 196S conchict a service Sunday from pleted plana for the year. MARLOV^S ^T E Ij^ri School PTa wlU meet sor a military whist and set­ Tlie.Weatherl 8:16 to 8:30 a.m. on WINF Announce Engagements at 8 p.m. at the school back party Friday, Dec. 8 at Among thoae attending were and ottiBr in e .. V a i^ le doudiaeMl^ radio. Hie service Is sponsored Area Principals John Sentk), Bolton;. George frMHWpin. Dr. Joseph Shaw, 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. Main S trs^ staras >, 14,555 colder tonight, Id# In 80a; ____ ^ Manchester ’ psychiatrist, will by the Manchester Ministers Proceeds will benefit the Con­ Patros, Columbia; Bernard El­ Association. Attend Meeting. win be ly Bunhy breaqr tomoRoNi'L "tiscuss "Symptons and Treat' necticut Eye Bank and Visual lis .and Donsdd Parker, Tollapd; tnent of the Child With an Research Foundation, Inc. The -- Principals of elementary and Joseph ' Beilis, Andrew OPEN TONIGHT tlH 9 Manehmettsrr^ C ily o f Vittage Charm Ugh near iut -i Y' iTie Rev. Douglas Theuner, games will be conducted by Mr. Manoggia, Arthur Mattson, Jo­ khnohonal Problem.” sdiools in various ToUand VOL. LXXXV, NO. 49 ;CrWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) rector of St. George's Church. and Mrs. J. Edward McKeever. seph Novak and WHHam West, BIANCHESTE|R, c o n n ., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, " .t " County towns have scheduled a all of Vernon.. (O hsained Advertising on Page 9) ‘ The executive board of the Bolton, _ will conduct a service Tlckete may be obtained from PRICE SEVEN CENTS Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in the lodge members or at the door. series of. meetings during the Xiadles of Uie Assuipptlon will V < 4 mert Monday at 8rl6 p.m. in chapel at Manchester Memorial current academic year on sub­ Treasures Recovered the Assumption School library. Hospital. ' Second Lt. Francis N. Dubois, jects of mutual interest. 'The meeting: is open to mem- whose wife, Linda, lives at 614 The first such session will be LEE’S FLORIST I«r8 of the group. The Hartford Kiwi Club will Main St., recently completed a In January, when the group will have a buffet Sunday from 5 to nine-week armor officer orien­ meet at the Grange Hall in and GIFT SHOP tation course at the Army Vernon to view the work and Army Pvt. David W. Morsey, 7 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Rt. 44A, Bolton—648-8089 Viet Peace March Mrs. George Dorfman, 53 Dover Armor Center, Ft. Knox, Ky. talk with the staff of Vernon's 2 Manuscripts Whose wife, Terry, lives at 88 The lieutenant is a 1956 gradu­ newly organized enrichment • VES, WE DELIVER • Lockwood St., recently com­ Rd., New Britain. The event is open to former stewardesses of ate of Litchfield (Maine) center for elementary-school- pleted a field communication Academy. age children. Flowers for all occasions; crewman course at Ft. Knox, American Airlines living in this Weddings, Funerals, Cut The •principals’ held an or­ Ky. He entered the Army in area. Members are reminded Flowers, and Corsages . Peter K. Breit, instructor in ganizational meeting Vecently June and completed basic train­ to bring mittens for a mitten political science at the Univer- at the Boroilgh School in Staf- Not Damaged ing at Ft. Dlx, N.J. A 1962 tree for Mansfield Trainine Set in Capital •sity of Hartford, will be the graduate of Manchester High School. guest speaker at the annual fall School, he atended the Univer­ > VA'riCAN CITY (A P )—^Two priceless ancient manu­ sity of Hartford and had been banquet of Gamma Sigma Nu, Airman Russell Ramage, son hdnorary liberal arts fraternity, Liorlng photo Fallot photo scripts, stolen by cat burglars from the Vatican’s 500- employed by the Goodyear of Mrs. Agnes Ramage of 146 The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss Mar­ year-old library, have been recovered apparently un­ Service Stpre. He is a son of on Friday. Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. Park St., has been selected for at Cavey’a Restaurant. He will Jeonine Laura Bernard of Tor- tha Jane Adamson of Manches­ damaged, police reported today. Suh Santa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morsey of training at Chamite AFB, 111., ter to Prank Joseph Musolino of OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M, The manuscripts, partly in the — — ___________________— Six Dead #1 Spruce S t discuss "The Face of the CJor- rington to Raymond E. Allard Leaders Ask as an Air Force aircraft Windsor has been announced by handwriting of the great Italian PANAMA CITY, Fla., poral Lessons Learned from of Manchester has been an­ and saw two men, one In a car maintenance specialist. A 1965 Nazi Germany." For reserva­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl poets Petrarch and Torquato (AP) — Santa Glaus forsook The Zipser d u b will sponsor graduate of Rham High School, nounced by her parents, Mr. and one at the edge of the field, tions, contact Richard B. Hodg- V. Adamson of 29 Vernon St. Tasso, were found in a tin can On State his reindeer and sleigh for a M ore N ew s a setback party tomorrow at Hebron, the airman recently and Mrs. Lorenzo Bernard, Tor- "acting In a'' rather suspicious parachute — and broke an .son. 14i3 S. Highland St., West Her fiance is a son of Mr. and ONLY 28 thrown Into an untllled field 8 pjn. at the clubhouse on completed basic training at manner.” ankle. Hartford, by tomorrow. rington. Mrs. Frank Musolino of Wind­ near a villa on the Via Cassia Brainard PI. Lackland AFB, Tex. sor. eight miles north of Rome. The gardener said they On Policies Her fiance is a son of Mr. seemed to be thro'wing some­ Highways About J.,000 persons watch­ Miss Adamson, a 1962 gradu­ DAYS LEFT The owner of the vUla, Elvira Mi.ss Eleanor Szemreylo. and Mrs. Raymond A. Allard, thing into the long grass. He ed as the bewhiskered ate of Manchester High School, Emanuelides, told reporters her WASHINGTON (AP)~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles said the car appeared to be a By TOE ASSOCIATED PRESS Christmas patriarch sky-div­ 89 Hilltop Dr. is employed by the Hartford In­ HOUSE TO DO gardner found the manuscripts Throngs of “Marchers for Szemreylo of 26 S. Alton St., small white Plat. The man at ed from 3,000 feet to a shop­ Miss Bernard attended Tor- surance Group. Her fiance, a Friday afternoon. The theft had 1 Connecticut counted six per­ Peace in Viet Nam” came arrived home from San Fran­ the edge of the field was de­ ping center Friday. Then rington High School and is a graduate of Windsor High YOUR taken place the night before. sons dead In highway accidents to Washington today, and cisco, Oalif., on Saturday to scribed by the gardener as tall children’s shouts of glee graduate of the Machine Ac­ School, is employed by the Nut­ Under bushes nearby, along a ^ # i- today, with two days left in the spend a month visiting her par­ and thin. He could not describe gave way to murmurs of dis­ their leaders call^ on counting Training School, Hart­ meg Glass Co. of East Hartford. long Thanksgiving holiday week­ ents. she is a nurse on the staff CHRISTMAS elderoad leading off the Cassia the man in the car. 1 I % I may as Santa failed to get President Johnson to “t^ ford. She is employed by the The wedding is planned for beside the villa, police later end. up. of San Francisco General Hos­ Mrs. Emanuelides said that all” about what they called New England Floor Covering Jan. 15 at St. Gertrude's A three-car accident in Glas,- pital. Miss Szemreylo was for­ HME SHOPPING found another tin containing a after the men drove away, the Beneath the chute’s billow­ North Vietnamese feelers Co., Hartford. Mr. Allard is a Church, Windsor. third stolen object — a copy of tonbury Friday night took the merly a nurse on the staff of MAIN STT’ ^ ^ ^ — I'TA?''' F "T E R gardener went over to look ing folds, Santa's trappings for peace. graduate of Manchester High the crown with which Saint Ste­ lives of a baby and a Hartford were removed and a fill-in Manchester Memorial Hospital. around. man, and injured four other per­ Socialist leader Norman School and Ward Technical In­ phen, first king of Hungary, was Santa donned them. Thomas, and others billed aa stitute of the University of crowned in 1,000 A.D. "He came hurrying back Into sons'. 691 MAIN STREET A; Raymond Rogers, principal The show went on. Santa speakers, said the Jqbnson ad- MANCHESTER Hartford, He is employed by the LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! Police still were searching for carrying two cans,” The victims were Identified as of Manchester High School, will no. 1—Air Force Staff Sgt. mlnistraiOon had rejected such thele fourth stolenstolon object,ohtoot ao. box Mrs. Emanuelides said. “The Peter Z. Jutras, 46, of 217 Jeffer­ attend the 80th annual meeting Southern New England Tele­ Charles R. Barnes, 26—went feelers, without infomiing liie phone Co., Hartford. containing the speech which family was at the table or son St., Hartford, and Susan of the New England Association SATURDAY to a hospital.
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