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A '' Vol. 10. SPELMAN SEMINARY, ATLANTA, GA., APRIL, 1894. No. 6. MORNING. man of Boston and Hon. Robert H. Irene Bosworth of Wakefield, Mass., Over the mist-veiled mountain stealing Cole of who was relieved at her own Cometh the first faint gleam of day, Southbridge, Mass. request. Dimly the distant landscape revealing, After prayer by Deacon Mial Mrs. M. C. Reynolds, corresponding Banishing darkness from earth away. Davis, business was proceeded with secretary of the Board of the Woman’s Lightly the angel of morning parteth in the following: order : American The dull grey curtains, that veil the sky ; Baptist Home Mission So¬ While, one by one, his arrows he darteth, Minutes of the Till vanquished the fugitive shadows fly. previous meeting ciety of Boston, was elected to fill the read and adopted, and unfinished vacancy. From his gorgeously-canopied couch up-spring¬ ing, business disposed of. The officers and the executive “Asa strong man rejoiceth to run his race,” The committee were re-elected. King Sol, his crimson robe backward flinging, principals’ report was sub¬ Mounts the steep pathway with rapid pace. mitted and read by Miss L. II. In view of the Chair’s statement O’er streamlet and meadow, village and city, Upton. Interesting in matter, ele¬ concerning higher education at At¬ The gleaming shafts from his quiver fall: Heirs of Dives, and sons of pity, gant ofexpression, and comprehensive lanta, the matter of securing the Calling to worship, each and all. of range, it called forth the most fa¬ necessary changes in the charter to Hark ! What melodious notes are swelling, vorable discussion, and was unani¬ harmonize the character of the Sem¬ Waking glad echoes in valley and glen, From myriads of sweet-voiced warblers telling mously adopted.
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