THE THt . SCVIIiERN SOUTHERN &JEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dally Md SnadaT. curlier «eli*cm IS ee«l_ .. VoL X1TVTL—No. 164. ATJjANTA, GA., THDBSDAT MOBOTNO, ITOVEMBEB 26, 1914.—TWELVE PAGES. Steade cople* oatae ««reet» and lit aewwtaaa*. B eeata. GREAT INTEREST "Lord—Make US Thankful FUND FOR COTTON LOANS SmashingBlow FOR THE SCHOOLS AFTER DEHMBER 1 Couhcilman Smith Is Now Robert F. Maddox, Frank Investigating Needs of the Hawkins and W. S. With- System in Order to Relieve am Will Be Members of Dealt Germans V. Congested Conditions. Georgia Loan Committee. BOARD ASKS, $450,000 HARVIE JORDAN PLANS FOR THE ttlGH SCHOOLS $100,000,000 COMPANY By Russians Alderman Jesse Armistead Concern Will Be Known as Advocates Expenditure of Cotton Products Co., and Great Victory Won by the $1,000,000 for -the Four Will Aisp Work to Care OF ZAPATA Czar's Armies in Northern High Schools. for the Surplus Cotton. Poland — Entire German Success of The Constitution's catn- EMIR ENTRY Army Corps Destroyed by n in the interest of Atlantis pub- By John CwrrJgrjin, Jr ltc school system IB asserting itself Russians — About 50,000 tbrousfc the Interest which. city offi- "Washington November 25—(Special) cials and members of council aura now All the machinery of the cotton loan German Prisoners and manifesting: in the proposal of th« •committee -will ibe perfected by Decem- tooard of education to. Issue J1.COD.OOO ber I, and after that date, ?100 000 000 Wounded Held by the for now high schools and a more ade- of northern money will toe available to quate arst*m of grammar acboolo loan on cotton at 6 per cent a pound Members of coujtcll -who will hold Russians. over for another term are today invea- W P G" Harding, chairman of the Advices Received in Wash- tljpatlne Atlanta's school system, par- committee and the treasury department ticularly the two high schools, T«ch official who has been most actixe in ington Are to the Effect hl«h And the Bngllsh -Commercial nigh, perfecting the loan plan, said today that GERMANS IN THE WEST school all Indications pointed to the early That Order Is Being Main- Councilman <7has.W Smith chairman PLAN ANOTHER CHARGE of the tax committee, und a memJbor perfection of tlae details \et incomplete tained in Capital. o2 the t>ond Investigating committee Local committees will "be named In AT THE CHANNEL PORTS lias aotU ely bejyun a (research of the each cotton-(producing state to aid the statistics of the school department to central committee in passing on loans plan for relief for next September and The Georgia bankers chosen to serve on BLANCO BROKE PROMISES at the ne^ct meeting of council a reso- this committee are lution will be offered iirgingr Major Anglo-French Forces Are Jamca G Woodward and members of Robert P Maddo^c, vice president TO DIPLOMATIC CORPS council to submit to the people the American National W S "Witham \ Ready for This Assault, question of floating an Is^ue of $1,500 - president of the Witham chain of 000 or more of 10 year serial toonda for banks and Prank Hawking president Which Is Expected^to Be new schools to relieve Cha constant -con- I of the Third National bank, all of \t He Evacuated Capital Hur- gestion Incident to the annnal increases lanta Jacob PlunUy \ugusta, E "W Council will also plan for bonds for riedly and There Was Heavy—Preparations Also etreeta. sewers and hospitals to ft>« «ub- Stetson president Citizen s National mlttcd alonff with the school bonds Macon, W T McCai^ley president* of Made to Defend the East Interest In fconds, the Savannah Banking and Trust com- Some Lqoting Before the More interest is sho-wn today in the pany Savannah,, and D C 'Vshley piesi- Coast of England—British school -system than at any other time dent of the Tirat National bank. VaJ- Army of Zapata Entered. 3n past > eaia Hembers of council dosta " and French Warships De- •who hat e heretofore been apathetic Order at Vera Cruz. are ready now to meet the issues (by stroy Rudimentary Ger- immediate action and not wait until Applications for loans from the "Wade 6**ptember when Hundreds of boys and cotton fund TV ill be forwarded through Washington, November 2o —The plrls will be demanding entrance into this committee to New Yoik The lo- foi ces of General Zapata occupied Mex- man Naval Base at Zee- all the schools cal bank handling the loan puts up 25 ico City last night and are maintain- -Council members are In a receptive per cent of the required amount and ing order, according: to official tele- brugge. mood and are willing: to aneet with the the 'balance is supplied from tae grams from Mexico Olty dated today committees of the board of education ($100,000.000 fund and received; here tonight. to »o over the situation with a view Bitter criticism has been, heaped upon _, Tw o "messages were received, o^ie of letrninfir fQ~ themselves Just how this scheme Dispatches in the Wasfc.-^ from the Brazilian minister and the l,ondon, November 25 -r—While the much money will be needed to malce 3 Thanksgiving Dawns ington pagers from New York quoted jjCher fxom ^.merfcan Consul Sllliman Russian army headquarters remain Btart in the direction of jwovldlns for CHEROKE INDIAN GIRL Tohn A.,Johnson, of T'hUadeJphlav as Both wfcye fHed in ate^lco City this the tremendous enrollment at all tb.e warning: northern bankers irpt to •con- mornin silent and the Germans claim to have schools full of Pftfin/$4 -J-cibute to the " " " aatd tiie Zo»ata forces, checlved ^tteiuptS-J3n, tfce. p?itL flf jtna The bo-ird has-' prepared a. tentsijvft i^^"ttt the oi^fel^rts budget which provides for new build-' ssu-* -"w -^ ^^^^"ly^j nation to deposit _, yp»t«rda> wfften sixty Russians to iake^tbe offensive,, tiie Ings to -cost $1,127 000 The board fig- For Business Wottd funds in, fetters:! r£serv& banke In At* were reported kiHefl, enterec military party in Fetrograd na& shown ures that 54&0.000 Is needed for hiffh lanta and Dallas has caused a split in Just as the force* of General Blanco •chools. Including a new building? for Former Tammany Boss Is 73 the "board and four members of the evacuated There was sorhe looting its full confidence In the unofficial re- the English Commercial and one for. and Girl 23—Wedding board, would resign ». in the brief interval between the evac- ports of a Russian Tictory m northern the Toe* higrh Tho budget also in.- Clearing House Banks of Sisters Are Still Alive in The last statement has been offi- uation by Blanco and the arrival of the Poland by celebrating- the event. eludes $"451 500 foi new white gram- License Issued. cially denied by Mr Harding, an.d Mr Zapata troops bnit the -city became mar schools and £233 500 for negro Atlanta Show Gains of Texas, According to In- Warburg1, two of the members men- quiet immediately afterwards Villa's VICTORY GREATER ejrummir schools tioned ana the whole crusade is said forces, according to Mr SilUraan -were 1 \Idermfln Armlstccid * Finn Js.ew 1 ork November -5 —Iveta^v $830,000 in Deposits-First formation Given by T^hree to have been inspired by some parties expected to reach the capital late to- THAN REPORTED. s Kalungtu-chy whose grandfather who got on the wrong side of the cot- \Iderman Jes<ae Yrmlstead chairman Chief Sequoj was a -Cherokee w arrlor day It is even said In the Russian capital of the school committee, has a plan is the bride-to-be of Richard "W Cro Gain Since War. Ranchmen. ton market Tliis loan fund Is counted The Brazilian minister reported He -which differs from the plan of the ker, once the Big Chief of Tammany upon to ease money conditions In the had received full assurances from the that the victory was greater than has sthool boai^ It provides for $1500000 hall Her father, a Scotchman, mar- south, "by enabling southern banks to Zapata troops that they -would main- been reported previously and there is foi ail the new schools Alderman ried Princess Sequoyah, tb.e Indian Thanksgiving in the business com- (Mrs John Nelms, mother of the secure a large "volume of funds to loan, tain order He said General Blanco criers daughter on cotton as collateral withdrew at 3 a on yesterday, con- talk m Petrograd of an entire German •\rmisteT,(t plans for the city to feu lid This developed tonight when a mar munity will be bright One,of the best mlflslng- daughters Beatrice and Eloiae, for the future He advocates spend- rlagre license v. ae issued to Richard indications that the pendulum is swing- yesterday startled officials In San An- $100,000.000 CONCERN trary to promises to tne diplomatic army corps having been broken Up ing $1 *>00 000 for the two high schools WeJsted Croker 73 years old no occu- ing back towards normal activity is tonio Texas, by w Irlng an offer of TO TAKE SURPLUS COTTON. corps and without taking any measures Reports received there say that trains <ind the Cng-Hsh Commercial and Tech pation and Miss B-eulah Benton Ed- the Increase of bank deposits During $10 000 for the ransom of the vanished New Orleans November S5 —Plans to protect the city Tdie Brazilian min- lush monson 23 years old, a singer the present month the clearing house for the formation of a $100 000,000 cor ister added that the Zaipiata forces In have been ordered which will accqm* His plan for the- grammar buildings Arrangements for the wedding haAe girls -who are reported oy three agreement with the diplomatic corps not been completed, Croker told City banks of Atlanta have gained ?830 000 strange men to still be alive In lower poration to be known as the Cottpn modate 50,000 wounded and prisoners embraces a number of small school in deposits the comparison being base£ Products companj were completed at had organized a patrol service from building's to coat not more than from Clerk Scoller who made out the II Texas cense.
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