1943, January 29, Friday
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I Volume XXVIII Pittl!burg, Kansas, January 29, 1943 No. 15 And What's More 8y Helen Bendetto Nine Members PHS Service Flag March of Dimes Coulter and • PAUL BOYD LEWIS BRECKS Game To Be Feb.9 Tevis Lead in. Make Quill-Scroll RAYMOND BROOKS Scholastic Ability HARVEY BRUMSKILL Soldi~rs Will Play JUNIOR BRYAN P&W Contest Important Factor JqHN, BUESS City Teachers In order to clear up one point, it GEORGE BUFFINGTON Stand Ahead, by Nine membel's of the Boost.er should bo stated that the VictOlY PAUL BURKE "March of Dimes" or the cele Numerous Votes; Corps is an organization entirely staff were selected to join' Quill and brlltion of the Presidents Birthday, Scroll, an international honorary BUFORD BUTLER voluntary and democratic in char EDGAR BOBB Election Next Week society for high school journalists. CECIL BULTER will be held on Feb. 9, with the actor. By taking the physical fit BOB BOOTH Kenny Coulter and Virginia Te They are Helen Robins, Rosalie WESLEY BUTLF.R annual 'basketball game between ness program, you do not automat ED BOOTH JdjURRAY, CABLE vis are leading in the race for P ically become a member of the corp, Williamson, Vit'ginia Tevis, Wandn the faculty of PHS and some other &W annual king and queen acc but it supplies you with one ot the Shelburn, Budlly Baer, Maryella team. ording to latest count Wednesday baslc,requirements for memborship Begando, Helen Bendetto, John Paul In formgl' ~'ears the game was morning. in the general and five specialized Hudson, and Elizabeth Oldham. 'Keys Of Kingdom' And 'Berlin ,played' between lll'nothel' ,8chool's The votes for King are Kenny " divisions. The purpose of the In order to be eligible, a student faculty, but this year tbe game will Coulter, 1220, Clail' Gillin, 110, and Victory Corps is briefly to aid must rank in the upper third of his Dia1Y' Lead Popular Book Lists be played between the glidel' school ~.'-'------------ Bruce Paxton, 260. directly in the war effort. dass, he must have done superior "The Keys of Kint,>'dom;" by A. students of McFarland flying Votes for Queen are Virginia If you can meet the requ!l',ements work in writing, editing, 01' buisness J. Cronin, leads the fiction list for Kansas Club Has Truth or school and the faculty 'of Pittsburg Tevis,' 1206, Mary Nell Clark, 900, join at once- This opportunity to management, and he must be rec the sixth consecutive montb, ,prom City Schools. As usual the preli Mary Craig, 260, June Scott, 386, be of service to your country mer ommended by the supervisor or by ising' to tie the records attained by Consequences Program minary game will be between the Mary Lou Kincsh, 106. its your consideration-Mr. Marion the committee governing, the paper. those two popular favorites "For Roosevelt and Lalteside Junior Each annual sold counts 15 or Tohe Kansas Club met Tuesday Nation wa,s all set to argue with The candidates were also graded Whom The Bells Tolls" and "Gone High School teams. 20 votes according to the price of Miss Anna Fintel on the superior on the amount·of material published With The Wind." 'ffio'rnlng at activity lperiod in Mrs. The proceeds will be split iifty the annual. ity of sea division over the land in each issues of the 'Paper, nature This book is in the library with poi'a Pertersons' room. fifty between the China Relief fund Instead of the usual panels, there division (That's what being in the of woi'k performed by news, \:iusi the other following books: "Sara Louise Allen had charge of the and the Infantile Parayalis funds. will be action pictures of the clubs ness, or art _de~rtment, positions Marines did for him.) -but this tqgn Trunk," third on tbe favorite progrnm which was on the order The expression, "March of Dimes" and different organization of the aruging was subdued when he found on staff and length of tim~ on each reading list, wlitten by Edna Fer means that the admission for nil school. - of a "Truth 01' Consequences" that ,he and Miss Fintel would pOf'tion, and advisor's comments Iber, "Windswept," fourth on the will be one dime. ' Most of the literary work ':I!lS on ~andidates qualifications as list program share the direction of the two list, by Mary EII~n Chase and "How Two former students, Ray Lance been finished. The year book is go. ed obove divisions jointly -He can probably Green Wits My Valley," seventh, Each menbel' of the club ,v:rote and Bill Waltz, will refere the ing to have a ,padded back. Samples of the students best agree with Mr. J.M. Collie who has by Richard Llewellyn. a consequences on a piece of paper game. V ••• .".... charge of community 'service and work will be sent to the executive wbich in turn was given to a stu "Windswept" and "Wild Is The Mr. Doran Woods, chairman of production The table tennis secretary of the society, MI'. Ed· dent who acted out what the 'paper River" is not in the library. the committee, stated, "I think that Hutchinson Teaches Math demonstration last Friday set fol' ward Nell, to be approved,. said. th George Story's opponent as John Initiation fees of two dollars a "Berlin Diary," by William L. tills will be the biggest and best Clas~~s as 'Substitute Shirer, shows no signs of giving up William Benefield had to sing yeal' since we have started these ny Badway.-The name is Badway mem1ber are due at the time candid "My Gal Sal", Maxine Tims walk Former principal 'Of PHS, Mr. J. ates are accepted for membership first 'place among non-fiction favor games," way'--but the name is still Bad ed lIround the room without shoes \ L. Hutchinson is now substituting This fee entitles the candidate mem ites. way'-nothing determined to his on, while 'Freda Wri'ght l'ecited a \:.ioach Frank "Arkie" HofImm. in Roosevelt Junior High School. bership in the society, a gold pin, The other favorite non-fiction a~t character you understand, but the poem. Different students gave and Couch Fritz Snodgrass are until the board of education is able and subscription to the Quill and books which are in the scbool lib name is still Badway. nusery rhymes, Romina Ute1"melon ing as Mr, Woods assistants. to secure a permanent teacher. Scroll magazine for one year. rary are as follows: "Inside Latin The song, "I'm Dreaming of' u plVpOSed to the S'ponsor, Mrs. Next week more will be ,given Two teachers were -elected to The local chaptel' was started America," by John Gcnther; "Rev White Christmas," was a little out- Dora peterson. Mary Belle Burger about the probable line·up of the succced Mr, Ison, but neitb~r could in IlHS in 1926 and is known as eille In Washi,ngton," by MlUrgaret mded or at least out of seasonfor led devotions. facUlty and soldiers. be released from his contract. the William Allian White Chapter. Leech; "Out Of The Nill'ht," by Jan the dance Friday. ---After the V ••• - music conducting devices were ad V •.• - ,nltin and "Young Man Of Carnuas," justed Friday, the dance ran smoo Staff Member Takes by T. R. Ybarra. thly.--If this were a gossip Final Plunge-Marriage The fiction and non-fictio~ books 'Haw 1 Met Her General MacArthur Celebrates Mr. and Mrs: ·C. P. Standlee an colunm I could print some mighty listed above are the current library "One day in ({pumc speaking' class nounce the marriage of their juicy items about a certuin Churl~s favolites from the public libraries at Pittsburg's teachers college, a 62nd Birthday In Australia Samples. daughter, Dorothy, to Willard Bla of twenty-six cities. Miss Ruth Jean Scott gave a speech Last Tuesday ~ne of the greatest ',method of attack. He' decided he From all indications, Robert St. sor, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. V ••• - Blasor, Thrusd'lly night at the home and I though't she was the most a. American generals thllt ever lived would try to hold the city of Maru ~ see~. John's book," From the Land of of, Rev. A. B. Miller. D'on't carve your inilinls on the Ural;tivo girl 'had eyer Of celebi'llted his 63nd birthday some. ila. However his army was unable Silent 'People," ;l1s pulite - popu1al' Dorothy Is advertisement man. desks and walls. This is no hall course, she's my wife now,"-ass!lrtcd where in the line of duty in the_ to hold back the oncoming JflJIlan with PHS students•.•. Pat Clem: agel' of _The Booster. , of fame. Mr. Doran Woods, library teacher, Southwest Pacific theater oC war. ·ese,His next plan waS' to holdi open en's, head came,off the othel' day .• wh,en asked,how he met his wife. General MacArthur was born a corridor so that his troops could but it was only in a ,picture . I\Ir. )Voods came from his home Jan. 26, 1881, in Little Rock Ark. retrea,t into Battaan. His troops Elizabeth Oldha.m blushes when ask town In West Virginia to Pittsburg He graduated from, West Point ,in did more than hold open this ed to repeat a certain phrase of a Our Home Cor his junior year in college. 1903, breaking a scholarsbip record gap, they made it so MacArthur certain sang..... The persOlllalities Rebecca McCann's "Cheerful Cherub" SIlYS: that was set 26 years 'previous. hur could take enough cows 'Utid of the week are Bruce Paxton and The first time !\II'.