Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-08-12
I . I , ON THE INSIDE THE WEATHER TODAY _f Cards Gain Half Game .......... Page 2 Generally fair and continued hot today. High' alia Can We Bombard Planets? ........ Page 3 in Iowa City around 95. Low tonight 74. 'ad- e owan Council OKJs City Assessor Pl an ...... Page 6 Ifer Established 18GB-Vol. 79, No. 272- AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, August 12. 1947- Five Cents :ore tot Daughter of Rape Cas'a Involving Earthlings Greet the Globster Question Six Men 1,372 Signers. Chin~s~ Girl Set In Torso Slaying .1 Ask (i1y for J fnvoy, Kurusu Asid :~ by U.S. Navy Of Detroa Bride , ,' WASllING'I'ON (JP)~ The navy I DETROIT (JP)- Six men were questioned yest rday in the slay Bond Issue yesterd y sci aside the conviction , . To Wed Yank ing of Mrs. Ivy J ean Treaki, 20, of marine Col. William G. Pierson TOKYO (JP)-Pln Kurusu, 21, whose dismembered body was Engineer Says Cost of Sumter, S.C., in a rape case I daughter of Japan's special envoy found Sunday in two packages Still Going Up; New !re which touohed off anti-American that had been hld~en in an alley. who dickered in Washington whHe I id. bombs fell on Pearl Harbor, will demonstrahons in North China I A third packa~, contalning her Issue WouldnJt Cover ;on head and lower part of her legs, be married to former army Lt. I last winter. By ART B EUSINKV!LD Ie frank White "tomorrow or Thurs was picked up yesterday by police !re The ccnvichon of Ptc.
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