HALE's Who Never Came, Has a New Lan Family, a Missionary Family in Rev
ATcrage Daily Net Press Run The Weather ) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1960 Forecast of C. S. Weather B nren PAGE SIXTEEN For’ tlMi Week Ended ^anrbpstrr Suptiing iipralb Feb. IS, leeo eioady, ehance of aa occasional shower late tonight Sad Thnraday. Past; matrons o f . Temple Chap 13,077 Low tonight In SOs. High Thuraday ter, OES,- will meet at the home of Banker to JSpeak Junior Isabellas . Member of the Audit near 40. About Town Mrs. Winston Turklngton, 67 Ham Bureau of Circulation.. lin St., tomorrow at 8 p.m. Host On Market Trends Set Record Hop Manchester— A City of Village Charm Clumges*and new ideas in edu esses will be Mrs. Herman Ditt- cation will be discussed at a series J n l c i l V S Blocked meyer, and Mrs. James Lewis. James G. Wilson; vice pfesldent A committee meeting of the (Classified Advertising on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS of four meetings, to be moderated of the Connecticut Bank and Trust Junior Daughters of Isabella to VOL. LXXIX, NO. 117 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 by Laveme Strong, Connecticut Co. In'thd municipal loans depart plan for a record hop to be held State Department of Education, ■ The mUitary whist party spon *By Factory Method sored by the Friendly Orcle, s c h o ment, and financial advisor to Feb. 24 at the 'VPW Home will beginning Thursday at 956 Main Manches’Ier'- on bonds and short be held tonight at 6:45 at the OLD STYLE WIDE BRIM HATS St.. Hartford.
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