CandidaturaCastell a Centro de UNESCO de Categoría II • Reservas de la Biosfera Mediterráneas Castellet

UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

Dr. Martí Boada Coordinator of the UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

Sarlat, 6th April 2017 Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas for de la Biosferathe MediterraneanMediterráneas Biosphere Reserves Castellet Presentation

The International UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean 1 Biosphere Reserves is based on an agreement between the National Parks Autonomous Body (OAPN) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment and the Abertis Foundation committed to engage in support of UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives.

Location Castle of Castellet (Castellet i la Gornal, ) Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas for de la Biosferathe MediterraneanMediterráneas Biosphere Reserves Castellet Presentation As category II centre, at the country and regional levels, CRBMed 1 renders technical assistance in areas of UNESCO’s competence through capacity-building and training, research, networking, knowledge-sharing and exchange of information in relation with Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. Category II Centres form a unique network -globally and sectorally- which has the potential to complement and expand the implementation of UNESCO’s programmes and to enhance the impact and visibility of UNESCO’s action.

Declaration November 14th 2013

Inauguration April 4th-5th 2014 Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas for de la Biosferathe MediterraneanMediterráneas Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strategic guidelines 2 Under the designation of Category II Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves a new challenge has been assumed defined by the next strategic guidelines:

Strengthening relations between Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves 1 and planning 2 AcademicTo createand researchthe Mediterraneandimension Biosphere Reserves Network: links and collaboration 3 Communication, training and environmental education To promote research in relation with environmental 4 Documentationaspects Centre in the Mediterranean area To support and to contribute in the organization of Stablishing cooperation North and South 5 communication, dissemination, environmental To createeducation a space and for training the compilation, programs query, 6 Strengheningattention and links information between exchangeacademy, in society relation andwith companies To encouragethe Biospherethe cooperation Reserveslinks, Networkactivities and initiatives between Biosphere Reserves that favour 7 Local and regional institutional relations in the Mediterranean scopetranscontinentalTo promote projectsrelationships related with key issues in the Mediterranean area, especially those related to Tobioeconomy, establish institutional water management, collaboration biodiversity to exchange and experiencessustainable and to create tourism nets related with Mediterranean scope at international, regional and local levels Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strengthening relations between Mediterranean 1 Biosphere Reserves and planning

Creation of the Mediterranean Network of Biosphere Reserves


From the creation of te MaB Programme in 1971, different meetings were carried out in order to establish a network of Mediterranean BR, as well as publications and exhibitions. - 1977 - 1r Seminario Internacional sobre Reservas de la Biosfera Mediterráneas (Antalya, Turquía) - 1977 - Séminaire sur les réserves de la biosphère en région méditerranéenne: développement d’une base conceptuelle et d’un plan d’action pour l’établissement d’un réseau régional. (Cévennes). - 1988 – 2º Seminario Internacional sobre Reservas de la Biosfera Mediterráneas ()

CMBR Goals

• To establish strong relationships between BR at both coastlines of the Mediterranean, North-South, East-West

• To strengthen research and collaboration about main environmental issues in each region.

• To exchange knowledge and experience between BR in order to develop joint proposals. Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strengthening relations between Mediterranean 1 Biosphere Reserves and planning

Creation of the Mediterranean Network of Biosphere Reserves


The main criteria in order to define the Mediterranean Network has been, among others: • Mediterranean climate • Mediterranean vegetation • Riverine countries (Convenio de Barcelona) • Ecoregions in the Mediterranean (Mediterranean hotspot, IUCN)

67 Biosphere Reserves

15 countries:

Algeria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, , France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Montenegro, Portugal, Jordan and Tunisia Mediterranean Network of Biosphere Reserves CandidaturaCastell a Centro de UNESCO de Categoría II • Reservas de la Biosfera Mediterráneas Castellet

Joint: 31 Contacted: 27 No contact: 9 Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strengthening relations between Mediterranean 1 Biosphere Reserves and planning

Meeting for the presentation of the Network of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

19-20 June 2015 Participation of 70 experts, institutional representatives, BR managers, among other relevant participants. Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strengthening relations between Mediterranean 1 Biosphere Reserves and planning

Organization of events to favour cohesion between BR as well as other UNESCO BR Networks (RERB, IberoMaB)

Meeting between Managers and Seminar for the evaluation of Madrid Scientists from the Spanish MaB Action Plan, 2014 Programme, 2013 Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas for de la Biosferathe MediterraneanMediterráneas Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strategic guidelines 2 Under the designation of Category II Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves a new challenge has been assumed defined by the next strategic guidelines:

Strengthening relations between Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves 1 and planning

2 Academic and research dimension

3 Communication, training and environmental education

4 Documentation Centre

5 Stablishing cooperation North and South 6 Strenghening links between academy, society and companies 7 Local and regional institutional relations in the Mediterranean scope Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

2 Academic and research dimension

Creation of the UAB Campus of the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.

29/09/16: Opening session SAES Master ICTA-UAB: Global Change and Natural Protected Areas Specialization

4/11/16: Agreement between UAB and Abertis Foundation for the creation of the University Campus. Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

2 Academic and research dimension

Creation of the UAB Campus of the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.

Research projects Research with Masters and PhD Students. Geopark H2020: Morocco – France – Spain ICTA Masters. Global Change

Secoco Project: Cévennes - Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas for de la Biosferathe MediterraneanMediterráneas Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strategic guidelines 2 Under the designation of Category II Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves a new challenge has been assumed defined by the next strategic guidelines:

Strengthening relations between Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves 1 and planning

2 Academic and research dimension

3 Communication, training and environmental education 4 Documentation Centre

5 Stablishing cooperation North and South 6 Strenghening links between academy, society and companies 7 Local and regional institutional relations in the Mediterranean scope Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

3 Communication, training and environmental education

Mediterranean BR dissemination materials

• Creation of dissemination materials about main characteristics and values of natural and cultural heritage, landscape and biodiversity of Mediterranean BR included in the network.

Contents - Basic data and cartography - Other values of the BR - Situation - Cultural traditions - Socioeconomy - Gastronomic culture - Natural heritage - Main facilitations in the BR - Landscape and cultural landscape Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

3 Communication, training and environmental education

Mediterranean BR dissemination materials Upcoming materials 2017:

- Collemeluccio‐Montedimezzo (Italy)

-Delta del Po (Italy)

-Transcontinental del Mediterranio (Spain)

- Grazalema (Spain)

Languages: Spanish, Italian, French, English, Arabic and Portuguese

Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

3 Communication, training and environmental education


Audiovisual production to disseminate the values of BR Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

3 Communication, training and environmental education

Specialized training

Communication, dissemination and environmental education

Activities 2016 – Mediterranean Workshops of the Spanish Network of BR Network

Renewal energies in BR Marine Natural Protected Areas Forest products in winegrowing The importance of water in the Mediterranean Region - Jordan Butterflies as global change indicators Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas for de la Biosferathe MediterraneanMediterráneas Biosphere Reserves Castellet Strategic guidelines 2 Under the designation of Category II Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves a new challenge has been assumed defined by the next strategic guidelines:

Strengthening relations between Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves 1 and planning

2 Academic and research dimension

3 Communication, training and environmental education

4 Documentation Centre

5 Stablishing cooperation North and South 6 Strenghening links between academy, society and companies 7 Local and regional institutional relations in the Mediterranean scope Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet

4 Documentation centre

Creation of a documentary collection (physical and virtual availability) Centro de Documentación

Geología 3

Sistemas Acuáticos 4

Cambio Global 5

Gestión Ambiental 9

Bioeconomía 14

Educación y Comunicación 18

Proyectos y Cooperación 22

Historia Ambiental y Socioecología 32

Biodiversidad 46

Espacio Natural Protegido 143 Castell de Candidatura a Centro UNESCOUNESCO de Categoría Centre II • Reservas defor la Biosferathe MediterráneasMediterranean Biosphere Reserves Castellet Stablishing cooperation North and South 5 UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

66 Strengthening links between academy, society and companies

Institutional collaboration towards an Exchange of expertise and the creation of networks linked with the Mediterranean Region at local, national and international level

Academia, managers and local and international experts on Biosphere Reserves UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

7 Local and regional institutional relations in the Mediterranean scope

Promoting the development of projects related with Mediterranean key issues

Proyecto Secoco – Ecosystems services Proyecto Geopark H2020 and collective action in Biosphere Sesiones doctoriales: España, Marruecos Reserves y Francia CandidaturaCastell a Centro de UNESCO de Categoría II • Reservas de la Biosfera Mediterráneas Castellet

UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

Dr. Martí Boada Coordinator of the UNESCO Centre for the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

Sarlat, 6th April 2017