GEOLOGIC NOTE AUTHORS Haakon Fossen Center for Integrated Petroleum Research, Department of Earth Sci- Fault linkage and graben ence, University of Bergen, P.O. Box 7800, Bergen 5020, Norway;
[email protected] stepovers in the Canyonlands Haakon Fossen received his Candidatus Scien- tiarum degree (M.S. degree equivalent) from (Utah) and the North the University of Bergen (1986) and his Ph.D. in structural geology from the University of Min- Sea Viking Graben, with nesota (1992). He joined Statoil in 1986 and the University of Bergen in 1996. His scientific implications for hydrocarbon interests cover the evolution and collapse of mountain ranges, the structure and evolution of the North Sea rift basins, and petroleum- migration and accumulation related deformation structures at various scales. Haakon Fossen, Richard A. Schultz, Egil Rundhovde, Richard A. Schultz Geomechanics-Rock Atle Rotevatn, and Simon J. Buckley Fracture Group, Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering/172, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557;
[email protected] ABSTRACT Richard Schultz received his B.A. degree in ge- Segmented graben systems develop stepovers that have im- ology from Rutgers University (1979), his M.S. degree in geology from Arizona State University portant implications in the exploration of oil and gas in exten- (1982), and his Ph.D. in geomechanics from sional tectonic basins. We have compared and modeled a rep- Purdue University (1987). He worked at the Lunar resentative stepover between grabens in Canyonlands, Utah, and Planetary Institute, NASA centers, and in and the North Sea Viking Graben and, despite their different precious metals exploration before joining the structural settings, found striking similarities that pertain to University of Nevada, Reno, in 1990.