With Cne Type Ct Reccrds and Archivesgo:Ernm,Nt, Business, College and University, Church - -Are Listed Under the Appropriate Chapter
DCCUMENT RESUME ED 049 770 LI 002 732 AUTHOR Evans, Frank B., ComF. TITLE The Administration of Modern Archives:A Select Bitlicgraphic Guide. INSTITUTION National Archives and Records Service (GSA), Washington, D.C. Office or the National Archives. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 220p. ELKS PRICE I:DRS Price MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87 DESCRIPTORS *Administration, *Archives, Bibliographies, *Information Stcrage, Librarians, Libraries, Library Guides, Library Technical processes, hecordkeeping, Recurds (Forms) IDENTIFIERS *Library Administraticn ABSTRACT An effort has been made to include all writings that have contributed tc, cr illustrate the deveicFment ot, archival principles and techniques in the U.S. The major part or the guide is organized according tc archival tuncticns, rather than according to types of archival ageilcies. However, writings dealing exclusively with cne type ct reccrds and archivesgo:ernm,nt, business, college and university, church - -are listed under the appropriate chapter. The guide includes the mcst r(,levant writings published through June (Author/D!F) CP J.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSONOR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOTNECES- SA Rio, REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDU- CD CATION POSITION OR POLICY L The Administration of Modern Archives: A Select Bibliographic Guide Compiled by Frank B. Evans Office of the National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1970 I9T Library of Congress Catalog Card No, 70-609042 2 FOREWORD The General Services Administration, through the National Archives and Records Service,isresponsible for administering the permanent noncurrent records of the Federal Government.
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