Hamlet As a Superfluous Hero
International Journal of Literature and Arts 2015; 3(5): 120-128 Published online November 6, 2015 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ijla) doi: 10.11648/j.ijla.20150305.18 ISSN: 2331-0553 (Print); ISSN: 2331-057X (Online) Hamlet as a Superfluous Hero Javed Akhter, Shumaila Abdullah, Khair Muhammad Department of English Literature and Linguistics, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan Email Address: sangatjavedakhtar@gmail.com (J. Akhter), Shumaila_abdullah914@yahoo.com (A. Shumaila), Khairefroze@gmail.com (K. Muhammad) To cite this article: Javed Akhter, Shumaila Abdullah, Khair Muhammad. Hamlet as a Superfluous Hero. International Journal of Literature and Arts . Vol. 3, No. 5, 2015, pp. 120-128. doi: 10.11648/j.ijla.20150305.18 Abstract: The aim of this research paper is to prove William Shakespeare’s most popular literary type Hamlet as a superfluous hero, because he resembles strikingly and astonishingly in his character with the superfluous heroes of the nineteenth-century Russian, American and the other European novels. In fact, the term superfluous hero signifies an ineffectual aristocrat, dreamy, useless and incapable intellectual at odd with the given social formation of his age. No doubt, though, Hamlet is prior to the coinage of the term of the superfluous hero, but he shares many common characteristics with the superfluous heroes of world literature. Thus, the study revolves around the question whether Hamlet is the superfluous hero? Therefore, the comparison of Hamlet’s character with those of the other superfluous heroes of world literature will be highlighted in this research paper in terms of Marxist hermeneutics, which is scientific theory and method of analysing the social and literary types in the socio-economic context of class milieu.
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