Pritchett (His Selected Stories Were Pub- (Rudin

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Pritchett (His Selected Stories Were Pub- (Rudin CURRENT BOOKS THE GENTLE BARBARIAN: The Life hysteria, chauvinism, and ethnic preju- and Work of Turgenev. By V. S. Pritchett. dice. The late Professor Morgan, a Har- Vintage (Random reprint), 1978. 243 pp. vard Law School authority on evidence, $3.95 carefully examined the full legal record of Ivan Turgenev, whom Henry James the trial. He did not attempt to judge called "the novelist's novelist," was a guilt or innocence, but he concludes that 19th-century political dissident who the conduct of the trial made the accused chose to live much of his life in the West. "victims of a tragic miscarriage of jus- Hence, many of his papers are preserved tice." The non-legal repercussions are in France, England, and Germany, rather discussed by social historian Joughin, than in his native Russia. Britain's pro- who describes what happened in the lific critic and writer of fiction V. s. United States and abroad. Anti-American Pritchett (his Selected Stories were pub- demonstrations, possibly the first, oc- lished in 1978) uses these materials to de- curred throughout Western Europe after pict Turgenev's years abroad and particu- Sacco and Vanzetti were electrocuted on larly the bachelor author's passion for August 23, 1927. Joughin also analyzes Spanish-born soprano Pauline Garcia- the enormous literature the case engen- Viardot, which seized him in 1843 and dered: articles, poems, novels, and lasted until his death in 1883. New infor- plays-among the latter, Maxwell Ander- mation plus Pritchett's keen critical eye son's Winterset (1935). make this one of the best studies in any language of Turgenev's major novels CURING CHRONIC INFLATION. (Rudin, Home of the Gentry, On the Eve, Edited by Arthur M. Okun and George L. Fathers and Sons) and short stories (First Perry. Brookings, 1978. 310 pp. $4.95 Love is his most famous). More's the pity (cloth, $1 1.95) that Pritchett passes so lightly over the now largely forgotten Turgenev plays, Brookings's Okun and Perry have organ- which were unsurpassed on the Russian ized the papers of their institution's 25th stage until Chekhov came along. "Panel on Economic Activity" into a book on inflation that is not incomprehensible to the layman. Laurence S. Seidman of THE LEGACY OF SACCO AND VAN- the University of Pennsylvania analyzes ZETTI. By Louis Joughin and Edmund the probable effects of tax-based incomes M. Morgan. Princeton, 1978.608 pp. $5.95 policies (TIP), whose ultimate objective is (cloth, $25) to lower and control the rate of increase When this book was first published in of prices; among various possible TIPS he 1948, the New York Times called it a "de- favors the imposition of a penalty tax on finitive history" of the celebrated 1920s' employers who grant excessive wage in- murder case. The description still applies creases. Florida State University's Abba to this cool study of the impact of the trial P. Lerner takes a different tack: slowing and execution of Nicola Sacco and Bar- inflation through the use of federal tolomeo Vanzetti, obscure Italian-born "wage-increase permits." Such permits anarchists, for a $16,000 payroll robbery would be fully tradable in a competitive in Braintree, Mass., on April 15, 1920, in market "like a share of IBM in the stock which two men died. The case was in the exchange," allowing an employer who courts for six years during an era of U.S. wished to increase his adjusted wage bill history marked by a climate of anti-Red by more than 3 percent annually to do so The Wilson Quarterly'ISpring 1979 161 CURRENT BOOKS through acquiring permits from others that, regarding the horse, "civilized and who were reducing their wage bills. The barbaric races had more in common than problems that both businesses and the as regarding Man." Malraux points out IRS would face in implementing any kind that the art museum did not exist until of TIP are reviewed by U.S. Treasury De- roughly 200 years ago. A large share of partment officials Larry L. Dildine and our heritage derives "from peoples whose Emil M. Sunley. The administrative diffi- idea of art was quite other than ours, and culties are large but not, they believe, in- even from peoples to whom the very idea surmountable. However, they decline to of art meant nothing." evaluate the tradeoff between red tape and gains in moderating wage and price A NEST OF HOOKS. By Lon Otto, Univ. increases. Brookings' Robert W. Crandall of Iowa, 1978. 141 pp. $4.95 (cloth, $8.95) reviews other ways in which the federal government could reduce inflation-by This volume, the ninth recipient of the putting Social Security on a sounder Iowa School of Letters Award for Short basis, substituting direct for indirect Fiction, contains 28 stories ranging in taxes, changing both farm and foreign length from a single brief paragraph trade policies. Princeton University's Al- ("The Rules") to 39 pages ("The Siege"). bert Rees notes the widespread skepti- One is not surprised to learn that the col- cism concerning all of the proposed new lection's author, 30-year-old Lon Otto, anti-inflation policies. Neither he nor any wrote only poetry for a number of years; other contributor offers much solace to his closely focused stories show an arti- citizens whose reaction to the economics san's love for the rhythm and movement of their daily lives is "Stop the spiral-we of language, for the telling small detail. want to get off." Cataloging "a strangeness in the world that could only be borne in fiction," Otto shows men and women at the mercy of THE VOICES OF SILENCE. By Andre the contraptions with which they sur- Malraux. PrincetonIBollingen, 1978. round themselves. Bicycles, houses, 661 pp. $9.95 (cloth, $40) cameras, submarines all take on a life of Andre Malraux (1901-76), a hero of the their own. Many of the stories in this good French Resistance in World War 11, be- book concern fishing. In one of the best, came France's Minister of Culture during the narrator imagines himself gone fish- the De Gaulle years. He was also a master ing with his long-deceased grandfather. of modern criticism, whose three-volume The title: "I'm Sorry You're Dead." work, The Psychology of Art, appeared in English in 1949-50; later refashioned as PROUD SHOES: The Story of an Ameri- Voices, it was first published in the can Family. By Pauli Murray. Harper, United States in 1953. Malraux invented 1978. 300 pp. $4.95 (cloth, $12.95) a new set of classifications for grouping his judgments and insights. Instead of In 1956, when this book was first pub- writing about, say, Renaissance painting lished, its subject was still hush-hush in or Greek sculpture, he discusses the many circles, and it flopped commer- "museum without walls," "the metamor- cially. Now, interracial marriage is ac- phoses of Apollo," "the creative process," cepted as a topic to be discussed, as the and the "aftermath of the absolute." author does, with dignity, not shame. These categories give him freedom to Murray, a former law professor who in range widely; thus, describing the use of 1977 became the first black female or- the horse as a motif on coins, he can write dained an Episcopal priest, tells the story The Wilson QuarterlyISpring 1979 162 .
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