Scripted Improvisation in the Antipodes
ISSUES IN REVIEW 129 ‘Now mark that fellow; he speaks Extempore’: Scripted Improvisation in The Antipodes Concluding his near-paraphrase of Hamlet’s famous advice to the players, Letoy in Richard Brome’s The Antipodes chastises Byplay, an actor with a penchant for improvisation, with the following lines: But you, sir, are incorrigible, and Take license to yourself to add unto Your parts your own free fancy, and sometimes To alter or diminish what the writer With care and skill compos’d; and when you are To speak to your coactors in the scene, You hold interlocutions with the audients— (2.1.93–9)1 Unlike the silent company Hamlet addresses, whose leader assents to Hamlet’s presumptuous lessons with only ‘I warrant your honour’ and a slightly more defensive ‘I hope we have reformed that indifferently with us, sir’ (3.2.13, 30),2 Byplay argues back saying, ‘That is a way, my lord, has been allowed / On elder stages to move mirth and laughter.’ ‘Yes’, Letoy replies, ‘in the days of Tarlton and Kemp, / Before the stage was purged from barbarism, / And brought to the perfection it now shines with’ (2.1.100–4) . Scholars often acknowledge, like Letoy, that improvisation played a signifi- cant role in early English theatre. Actors playing Vice characters in Tudor the- atre improvised before and after the plays in which they performed.3 Renais- sance texts contain stage directions instructing actors to improvise—Greene’s Tu Quoque (1611), for example, includes a direction for characters to ‘talk and rail what they list’ and The Trial of Chivalry (1601) contains the remark- able direction, ‘speaks anything, and Exit’.4 Elizabethan clowns, and in par- ticular Richard Tarlton and William Kemp, were famous for their ability to improvise.
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